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backbone/key enterprise是什么意思?





本地行为1、文件运行后会释放以下文件%DriveLetter%autorun.inf%Documents and Settings%AdministratorLocal SettingsTempdll62.dll%DriveLetter%system.dll%System32%appwinproc.dll%System32%driversetchosts%System32%Nskhelper2.sys%System32%NsPass0.sys%System32%NsPass1.sys%System32%NsPass2.sys%System32%NsPass3.sys%System32%NsPass4.sys%HomeDrive%system.dll%HomeDrive%autorun.inf2、新增注册表[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Options“被劫持的文件名”]注册表值: Debugger类型: REG_SZ值: svchost.exe被劫持的文件名称列表如下:360safe.exe、360safebox.exe、360tray.exe、ACKWIN32.exe、ANTI-TROJAN.exe、anti.exe、antivir.exe、atrack.exe、AUTODOWN.exe、AVCONSOL.exe、AVE32.exe、AVGCTRL.exe、avk.exe、AVKSERV.exe、avp.exe、AVPUPD.exe、AVSCHED32.exe、avsynmgr.exe、AVWIN95.exe、avxonsol.exe、BLACKD.exe、BLACKICE.exe、CCenter.exe、CFIADMIN.exe、CFIAUDIT.exe、CFIND.exe、cfinet.exe、cfinet32.exe、CLAW95.exe、CLAW95CT.exe、CLEANER.exe、CLEANER3.exe、DAVPFW.exe、dbg.exe、debu.exe、DV95.exe、DV95_O.exe、DVP95.exe、ECENGINE.exe、EFINET32.exe、ESAFE.exe、ESPWATCH.exe、explorewclass.exe、F-AGNT95.exe、F-PROT.exe、f-prot95.exe、f-stopw.exe、FINDVIRU.exe、fir.exe、fp-win.exe、FRW.exe、IAMAPP.exe、IAMSERV.exe、IBMASN.exe、IBMAVSP.exe、ice.exe、IceSword.exe、ICLOAD95.exe、ICLOADNT.exe、ICMOON.exe、ICSSUPPNT.exe、iom.exe、iomon98.exe、JED.exe、Kabackreport.exe、Kasmain.exe、kav32.exe、kavstart.exe、kissvc.exe、KPFW32.exe、kpfwsvc.exe、KPPMain.exe、KRF.exe、KVMonXP.exe、KVPreScan.exe、kwatch.exe、lamapp.exe、lockdown2000.exe、LOOKOUT.exe、luall.exe、LUCOMSERVER.exe、mcafee.exe、microsoft.exe、mon.exe、moniker.exe、MOOLIVE.exe、MPFTRAY.exe、ms.exe、N32ACAN.exe、navapsvc.exe、navapw32.exe、NAVLU32.exe、NAVNT.exe、navrunr.exe、NAVSCHED.exe、NAVW.exe、NAVW32.exe、navwnt.exe、nisserv.exe、nisum.exe、NMAIN.exe、NORMIST.exe、norton.exe、NUPGRADE.exe、NVC95.exe、office.exe、OUTPOST.exe、PADMIN.exe、PAVCL.exe、pcc.exe、PCCClient.exe、pccguide.exe、pcciomon.exe、pccmain.exe、pccwin98.exe、PCFWALLICON.exe、PERSFW.exe、PpPpWallRun.exe、program.exe、prot.exe、pview95.exe、ras.exe、Rav.exe、RAV7.exe、rav7win.exe、RavMon.exe、RavMonD.exe、RavStub.exe、RavTask.exe、regedit.exe、rescue32.exe、Rfw.exe、rn.exe、safeboxTray.exe、safeweb.exe、scam32.exe、scan.exe、SCAN32.exe、SCANPM.exe、scon.exe、SCRSCAN.exe、secu.exe、SERV95.exe、sirc32.exe、SMC.exe、smtpsvc.exe、SPHINX.exe、spy.exe、sreng.exe、SWEEP95.exe、symproxysvc.exe、TBSCAN.exe、TCA.exe、TDS2-98.exe、TDS2-NT.exe、Tmntsrv.exe、TMOAgent.exe、tmproxy.exe、tmupdito.exe、TSC.exe、UlibCfg.exe、vavrunr.exe、VET95.exe、VETTRAY.exe、vir.exe、VPC32.exe、VSECOMR.exe、vshwin32.exe、VSSCAN40、vsstat.exe、WEBSCAN.exe、WEBSCANX.exe、webtrap.exe、WFINDV32.exe、windows优化大师.exe、wink.exe、XDelbox.exe、zonealarm.exe创建服务名为:NsDlRK25、NsPsDk00、NsPsDk01、NsPsDk02、NsPsDk03、NsPsDk04等6个服务。服务的路径分别为%System32%目录下的对应驱动文件。3、查找的指定的进程名如下:OllyDbg.exe、OllyICE.exe、PEditor.exe、LordPE.exe、C32Asm.exe、ImportREC.exe4、被禁用的服务列表如下:Schedule、AppMgmt、srservice、W32Time、stisvc对应的服务名称为:Application Management,Task Scheduler,System Restore Service,Windows Image Acquisition (WIA),Windows Time5、修改host文件,屏蔽部分安全类网站添加的列表如下: www.360.cn127.0.0.1 www.360safe.cn127.0.0.1 www.360safe.com127.0.0.1 www.chinakv.com127.0.0.1 www.rising.com.cn127.0.0.1 rising.com.cn127.0.0.1 dl.jiangmin.com127.0.0.1 jiangmin.com127.0.0.1 www.jiangmin.com127.0.0.1 www.duba.net127.0.0.1 www.eset.com.cn127.0.0.1 www.nod32.com127.0.0.1 shadu.duba.net127.0.0.1 union.kingsoft.com127.0.0.1 www.kaspersky.com.cn127.0.0.1 kaspersky.com.cn127.0.0.1 virustotal.com127.0.0.1 www.kaspersky.com127.0.0.1 www.cnnod32.cn127.0.0.1 www.lanniao.org127.0.0.1 www.nod32club.com127.0.0.1 www.dswlab.com127.0.0.1 bbs.sucop.com127.0.0.1 www.virustotal.com127.0.0.1 tool.ikaka.com127.0.0.1 360.qihoo.com6、在各个驱动器根目录下衍生病毒文件和autorun.inf文件Autorun.inf文件的数据格式如下:[autorun]shellopencommand=rundll32 system.dll,exploreshellexplorecommand=rundll32 system.dll,explore7、窗口指定字符串列表金山毒霸,360安全卫士,江民,木马,专杀,下载者,NOD32,卡巴斯基、McAfee、超级巡警、奇虎、杀毒……8、感染系统文件被感染的系统文件有:%System32%appmgmts.dll%System32%schedsvc.dll%System32%srsvc.dll%System32%w32time.dll%System32%wiaservc.dll感染方式为:从文件的头部开始写入病毒文件“system.dll”的代码。直到写完为止。网络行为连接网络下载病毒列表,并依照病毒列表下载病毒文件并执行http://www-1****.com/count.txt文件内容如下:http://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a4.exehttp://u3. www-s****.com/ly/a1.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a3.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a10.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a40.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a25.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a13.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a36.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a41.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a9.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a49.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a23.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a32.exehttp://u3.www-s****.com/ly/a42.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b12.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b17.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b13.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b35.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b15.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b7.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b21.exehttp://u1.www-s****.com/hm/b44.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b3.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b10.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b5.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b8.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b2.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b4.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b11.exehttp://u2.www-s****.com/hm/b1.exehttp://u4.www-s****.com/bm/c1.exehttp://u4.www-s****.com/bm/c2.exehttp://u4.www-s****.com/bm/c3.exehttp://u4.www-s****.com/vip/aaa.exehttp://u4.www-s****.com/vip/cj.exe注:%System32%是一个可变路径。病毒通过查询操作系统来决定当前System文件夹的位置。Windows2000/NT中默认的安装路径是C:WinntSystem32,windows95/98/me中默认的安装路径是C:WindowsSystem,windowsXP中默认的安装路径是C:WindowsSystem32。%Temp% = C:Documents and SettingsAAAAALocal SettingsTemp 当前用户TEMP缓存变量%Windir% WINDODWS所在目录%DriveLetter% 逻辑驱动器根目录%ProgramFiles% 系统程序默认安装目录%HomeDrive% = C: 当前启动的系统的所在分区%Documents and Settings% 当前用户文档根目录

Backdoor:Win32/FlyAgent.F 这是属于哪一类的毒啊?如何完全清除?

技术信息(分析) Backdoor:这是一个木马Win32/FlyAgent.F具有后门功能。它可能会执行的远程攻击者的命令的某些行动。 安装 后门:Win32/FlyAgent.F可能下降本身使用的文件夹在Windows系统文件夹中创建一个随机文件名。例如: <系统文件夹> 38955c cb05e3.exe 注 - <系统文件夹>指的是一个变量的位置,这是由病毒决定查询操作系统。为用于Windows 2000和NT系统文件夹是C: Winnt System32中的默认安装位置,并为XP和Vista是C:的Windows System32。 它也可能创建一个启动文件夹中的链接指向它的下降副本。例如: <startup文件夹> cb05e3.lnk 注 - <startup文件夹>是指一个变量的位置,这是由病毒决定查询操作系统。为Windows 9x的,我,NT,2000,XP和2003的启动文件夹的默认安装位置是"为%USERPROFILE%开始菜单程序启动"。对于Windows Vista的默认位置是"为%USERPROFILE% AppData 漫游微软 Windows Start菜单程序启动"。 有效载荷 执行后门功能 后门:Win32/FlyAgent.F是执行对远程攻击者的命令为基础的行动能力,例如: 窃取用户凭据 连接到不同的网站 下载和执行文件 杀死进程 下降其他恶意软件,如VirTool:Win32/Afrootix.gen!乙 Technical Information (Analysis) Backdoor:Win32/FlyAgent.F is a trojan that has backdoor capabilities. It may perform certain actions based on the commands of a remote attacker. Installation Backdoor:Win32/FlyAgent.F may drop itself using a random file name in a folder it creates in the Windows system folder. For example: <system folder>38955ccb05e3.exe Note - <system folder> refers to a variable location that is determined by the malware by querying the Operating System. The default installation location for the System folder for Windows 2000 and NT is C:WinntSystem32; and for XP and Vista is C:WindowsSystem32. It may also create a link in the Startup folder that points to its dropped copy. For example: <startup folder>cb05e3.lnk Note - <startup folder> refers to a variable location that is determined by the malware by querying the Operating System. The default installation location for the Startup folder for Windows 9x, Me, NT, 2000, XP and 2003 is "%USERPROFILE%Start MenuProgramsStartup". For Windows Vista, the default location is "%USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup". Payload Performs backdoor functionality Backdoor:Win32/FlyAgent.F is capable of performing actions based on the commands of a remote attacker, for example: Steal user credentialsConnect to various Web sitesDownload and execute filesKill processesDrop other malware, such as VirTool:Win32/Afrootix.gen!B Analysis by Andrei Florin Saygo


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 反病毒 问题描述: 此病毒会把文件夹选项(就是能设置“不显示隐藏文件夹”的那个)关闭,注册表会被锁定,在开始〉启动中还会生成一个名为“Empty”(好像是这么拼的)的MS-DOS文件。在电脑中的好象可以用系统恢复曲调,但在优盘中的怎么办?这病毒似乎是从我优盘中考来的。 一般杀毒软件好像没啥用,清除以后重启病毒任在,而且只能找到留在内存中的病毒。 解析: 你可以用这个软件来处理试试: 按杀毒软件提供的路径,记下来 1.下载一个软件:冰刃(ttian/website/2005/0829/391) 这是一个绿色软件,下载解压缩后即可使用。 如果杀软提供的病毒文件是一个dll的话,点击:进程 逐个右击右侧的进程--模块信息,仔细查看这个dll到底对哪些进程进行了插入(特别是那些系统进程),尝试用右侧的“强制解除”试试,能不能将这个dll文件从进程中解除出来(可能会碰上在某个进程中强制解除时机器会重启的现象)。 如果不行,请先运行regsvr32 /u 这个dll文件,将它从系统中反注册。 2.如果杀软提供的病毒文件是一个非dll文件的话,直接在冰刃左侧的栏里通过“文件”直接定位到这个文件所在的文件夹下,找到这个文件(木马文件一般在system32下) 3.通过按钮“创建时间”对这个文件夹下的文件进行排序,仔细查看与这个文件在创建时间是同一天的所有文件(但是不是都是与它一样是病毒文件,需要你判断)。右击它们一一删除。 4.在这个软件的界面里直接搜索注册表里这个文件的键值,删除搜索到的。 5.重启电脑,这个东西应该清除干净了。

如何开启centos7 iscsi服务

ISCSI服务端,安装target目标软件yum install scsi-target-utils -y修改配置文件/etc/tgt/targets.conf 在末行添加一下内容<target iqn.2014-09.com.example:target1> #target目标名自定义 backing-store /dev/sdb #scsi指定是用的磁盘或者分区 initiator-address #发起程序可访问的网段 write-cache off #关闭写入缓存 incoming test 123.com #创建对应的帐号test密码123.com</target>重新启动服务service tgtd restart chkconfig tgtd on tgt-admin –show #查看当前的scsi配置ISCSI客户端,安装initiator发起软件yum -y install iscsi-initiator-utilsservice iscsid force-startchkconfig iscsid on发现远端的iqn并且连接luniscsiadm --mode discovery --type sendtargets --portal -m node -T iqn.2014-09.com.example:target1 -p -lfdisk -l 即可查看到


1.安装iSCSI 客户端 #sudo apt-get install open-iscsi 2.修改iscsid.conf配置文件(这样就能开机启动!) #vim /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf 设置node.starup为automatic: node.startup = automatic 3.修改initiatiorname(可设置简单点,方便在存储上做主机和卷的映射) #vim /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi InitiatorName=xxxxx 4.查找iSCSItargets主机的targetname # iscsiadm --mode discovery --type sendtargets --portal 注:假设target主机ip为192.168.186.30 5.登录iscsi #iscsiadm --mode node --targetname iqn.target-2.aa56d02bb5 --portal --login 6.配置开机自动挂载 可编辑/etc/rc.local,在 exit 0 前面添加登录iscsi命令和挂载命令,即可时间开机自动挂载。可参考另一篇文章: https://www.jianshu.com/p/3dd50f499ddb






iSCSI使用TCP/IP协议对存储使用的SCSI指令进行封装,使得可通过TCP/IP网络访问持久化存储。本文在CentOS7上对iSCSI的配置和使用进行介绍。 本文中的实验仅涉及一个主机节点和一个存储节点。 虚拟机启动完毕后可使用以下用户登陆: 使用root用户登陆iscsi-disks,使用losetup来创建实验用的存储设备。 Step 1 创建大文件用于支持虚拟存储设备 为了避免Selinux权限问题,建议不要将文件创建在/root目录下。 Step 2 创建loop设备 Step 3 安装iSCSI target软件包并启动服务 Step 4 在targetcli命令行中创建存储设备 注:同一台主机可以创建多个target,每个target包含自己的lun和主机,实现主机组和lun的绑定 如下图中定义了iscsi-disks和linuxha两个target,其中iscsi-disks中的lun0(block/ib_vol1)只允许iscsi-host访问,linuxha中的lun0(block/ha_vol1)只运行ha-host1访问, Step 5 放通防火墙 如果启用了防火墙,则需要放通以下端口: Step 1 安装iSCSI initiator软件包 Step 2 修改配置文件/etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi 在其中定义主机Initiator的名字: 此处定义的Initiator名字要和在存储节点中定义ACL时使用的主机名字一致。 Step 3 通过IP发现存储节点 Step 4 从主机发起iscsi登陆 如果之前发现了多个target,此处可用--targetname指定登陆的target。 登陆后可使用fdisk发现新存储设备: Step 5 使用新存储设备 新的存储设备可以当成普通硬盘使用,如创建文件系统并挂载到主机目录中: 安装iscsi-initiator-utils后,系统新增了两个iscsi相关的服务,分别是iscsi.service和iscsid.service。 真正用于iscsi登陆的服务是iscsi.service,他启动时会同时启动iscsid.service,并且登陆完成后iscsi.service的进程将自动退出,由iscsid.service继续监控iscsi设备的状态。

agilent e4438c 波形文件怎么写

移动通信是移动体之间的通信,或移动体与固定体之间的通信。移动体可以是人,也可以是汽车、火车、轮船、收音机等在移动状态中的物体。移动通信系统由两部分组成: (1) 空间系统; (2) 地面系统:①卫星移动无线电台和天线;②关口站、基站。 移动通信系统从20世纪80年代诞生以来,到2020年将大体经过5代的发展历程,而且到2010年,将从第3代过渡到第4代(4G)。到4G,除蜂窝电话系统外,宽带无线接入系统、毫米波LAN、智能传输系统(ITS)和同温层平台(HAPS)系统将投入使用。未来几代移动通信系统最明显的趋势是要求高数据速率、高机动性和无缝隙漫游。实现这些要求在技术上将面临更大的挑战。此外,系统性能(如蜂窝规模和传输速率)在很大程度上将取决于频率的高低。考虑到这些技术问题,有的系统将侧重提供高数据速率,有的系统将侧重增强机动性或扩大覆盖范围。 从用户角度看,可以使用的接入技术包括:蜂窝移动无线系统,如3G;无绳系统,如DECT;近距离通信系统,如蓝牙和DECT数据系统;无线局域网(WLAN)系统;固定无线接入或无线本地环系统;卫星系统;广播系统,如DAB和DVB-T;ADSL和Cable Modem。 移动通信的种类繁多。按使用要求和工作场合不同可以分为: (1)集群移动通信,也称大区制移动通信。它的特点是只有一个基站,天线高度为几十米至百余米,覆盖半径为30公里,发射机功率可高达200瓦。用户数约为几十至几百,可以是车载台,也可是以手持台。它们可以与基站通信,也可通过基站与其它移动台及市话用户通信,基站与市站有线网连接。 (2)蜂窝移动通信,也称小区制移动通信。它的特点是把整个大范围的服务区划分成许多小区,每个小区设置一个基站,负责本小区各个移动台的联络与控制,各个基站通过移动交换中心相互联系,并与市话局连接。利用超短波电波传播距离有限的特点,离开一定距离的小区可以重复使用频率,使频率资源可以充分利用。每个小区的用户在1000以上,全部覆盖区最终的容量可达100万用户。 (3)卫星移动通信。利用卫星转发信号也可实现移动通信,对于车载移动通信可采用赤道固定卫星,而对手持终端,采用中低轨道的多颗星座卫星较为有利。 (4)无绳电话。对于室内外慢速移动的手持终端的通信,则采用小功率、通信距离近的、轻便的无绳电话机。它们可以经过通信点与市话用户进行单向或双方向的通信。 使用模拟识别信号的移动通信,称为模拟移动通信。为了解决容量增加,提高通信质量和增加服务功能,目前大都使用数字识别信号,即数字移动通信。在制式上则有时分多址(TDMA)和码分多址(CDMA)两种。前者在全世界有欧洲的GSM系统(全球移动通信系统)、北美的双模制式标准IS一54和日本的JDC标准。对于码分多址,则有美国Qualcomnn公司研制的IS-95标准的系统。总的趋势是数字移动通信将取代模拟移动通信。而移动通信将向个人通信发展。进入21世纪则成为全球信息高速公路的重要组成部分。移动通信将有更为辉煌的未来。 3G移动通信网络中室内信号覆盖解决方案设计 室内覆盖作为3G网络建设的重要组成部分,虽然已经有为数不少的3G室内覆盖试点工程在不同城市完成了施工和测试,但是室内覆盖环境普遍较为复杂,不同试点工程的测试目标和工作重点也不尽相同,为了给后期的3G网络建设提供一个有实际参考价值的规划原则,结合我们在2G网络室内分布系统建设方面的丰富经验和3G系统自身的特点,我们制定了一套3G(以WCDMA为主)室内覆盖分布系统建设的规划原则。为了验证这套指导原则的合理性,我们按照指导原则组织了一次现场的工程改造,并对改造后的分布系统做了模拟覆盖效果测试,测试重点是考察工程改造原则是否适用。 3G工程考虑因素 WODMA系统需要提供给用户丰富的业务类型(如可视电话、多媒体、高速率下载等),高速率意味着高容量的无线网络,也意味着更高的服务质量和服务水平,这又直接和网络建设的投入相关联。由于不同的用户群需要的服务不一样,因此在网络规划初期就有必要按业务需求合理分配资源,以节省投资,并能加快网络建设速度。所以在WODMA网络建设方案实施前,需要对覆盖目标做详细的规划标准和所需要的服务等级,结合实际工程经验,一个合理的3G室内覆盖工程需要重点考虑以下几个因素: 1.目标覆盖区覆盖等级 按照不同区域对业务需求不同,根据需要提供的服务等级和规划目标可将目标覆盖区分为: 重要区域(384kbit/s高速数据密集区域):要求CS12.2K、0S64K、PS384K等业务的连续覆盖; 次重要区域(144kbit/s低速数据密集区域):要求CS12.2K、0864K、PSl28K等业务的连续覆盖;一般区域(64kbit/s语音电话、可视电话密集区,数据业务低发区):要求C312.2K、0S64K等业务的连续覆盖,可以考虑补充PS64K业务; 非重点考虑的区域(有普通语音电话需求,数据业务低发区):保证CS12.2K业务。 用信号强度和信号质量区分不同目标覆盖区覆盖等级是一种较为简单有效的策略,这也是目前普遍采用的设计指标标准: 重要区域:边缘导频功率≥-85dBm,Ec/Io≥-8dB; 次重要区域:边缘导频功率≥-90dBm,Ec/Io≥-10dB; 一般区域:边缘导频功率≥-95dBm,Ec/10≥-12d8; 非重点区:边缘导频功率≥-1 00dBm,Ec/1o≥-15dB。 2.信源的选择 由于实际WODMA网络中可能同时提供CSl 2.2kbit/s、OS64kbit/3、PS64kbit/3、PSl 28kbit/s、PSl 44kbit/s及PS384kbit/s业务,每种业务占用不同的网络资源,对信号质量的要求也不一样,要构建一个合理的满足话务需求的无线网络,就需要对业务需求做仔细考察。 从外场测试结果看,WODMA系统的容量较OSM系统大很多,考虑在建网初期网络用户较少,网络的广泛覆盖是网络建设的关键,在此前提下可以多使用直放站代替基站作为信源,这样不仅能加快网络建设速度,还可以有效转移大型宏基站的多余资源,能够降低初期建设投资;待日后话务量渐涨的情况下再将其更换为基站。 对于业务需求大、有条件建设专用机房的目标覆盖区,可优先考虑采用室内宏基站;对于建设条件有限(如没有专门的机房)的场合,则优先考虑使用微蜂窝。 信号源的选取,我们需要综合考虑话务量、覆盖面积、建筑结构、信号源方式等因素的影响,最终采用既可达到所需的覆盖要求又可合理控制成本的分布系统。 3.频率规划 WODMA系统中每个载频内的所有用户共享频率、时间和功率资源,用特征码(扰码和信道码)对信号作统计处理来区分信道,也即所说的码分多址技术。 虽然WODMA系统无需进行复杂的频率规划,信道间的隔离完全由特征码的统计特性的正交性来实现。但特征码的正交性并不理想,造成系统的信道隔离不如FDMA和TDMA好,而且使用的信道越多,其他信道信号对本信道的干扰就越强。如果功率配置、覆盖范围设置不合理,经常会出现导频污染现象。 导频污染是WCDMA系统独有的特性,是影响网络性能的一项重要因素。导频污染增加了网络的干扰,同时使得切换算法无法有效地工作,必须严格加以控制。 在室内覆盖工程中,因为有建筑物的屏蔽、阻挡作用,室外宏基站对室内信号的干扰一般较小,所以在大部分场合都可以尽量采用室内、室外同频信号的策略,以节省有限的频率资源但是在有较大业务需求而无线环境本来就复杂的区域(如密集城区的高层型建筑物内),室内、室外采用异频策略就能很好的解决增加容量和控制干扰的目的。 4.合理的切换区 WODMA系统由于软切换的引入,对抗了阴影衰落,引入了软切换增益,扩大了小区的覆盖范围,同时减少对于其它小区的干扰,并通过分集改善性能;但是软切换也带来了硬件的额外开销,基站一般需要多预留30%的信道单元。 在室内分布系统建设中,室内系统会引入了新的信源,这样肯定要在目标覆盖区边缘形成新的切换区。因为无线信号传播特性和实际环境有很大影响,工程开通后实际的切换区可能会较大,这样就需要通过大量的测试及优化工作,如果采用室内、室外同频策略,需要将软切换区控制在我们需要的合理范围内;如果采用室内、室外异频策略,则更需要仔细设计切换区,既要保证有足够的切换区间供系统完成硬切换,还不能让切换区过大以避免频繁的硬切换。 5.天线的布放及功率分配 表1是WCDMA室内覆盖系统中同一天线覆盖范围内不同业务有效覆盖半径的测试结果。 因为3G室内覆盖区域基本都需要保证CS64K业务的连续覆盖,结合上表测试数据,设计的分布系统中室内全向天线的有效覆盖半径建议控制在8—12m范围内。 另外,WCDMA系统是白干扰系统,理论分析UE发射功率的动态变化量会造成小区内的干扰,其原因是在室内WODMA覆盖系统中,如果手机接收的信号强度足够强,由于功率控制会使手机的发射功率达到最低,如果这个时候用户的发射功率达到最低而用户还是离天线越来越近,那么就会对其它手机造成干扰,使其它手机不得不抬高发射功率。 从图1的仿真结果可以看出,当最小耦合损耗MOL(Minlmum Couplinc Loss,可以认为是手机在位于离天线最近时候的路径损耗)为45dB,它引起了约9dB的噪声抬高,这意味着基站端所需要的功率的升高9dB,或者保证服务的最小比特率的降低;当MOL高于65dB时,由uE最小发射功率所引起的噪声电子的抬高将忽略不计。 经测试,普通全向吸顶天线空间耦合损耗大约为25—30dB,为了保证MOL≥65dB,则从基站到天线入口 的链路损耗需要35dB以上,即天线入口导频功率应不大于33-35=-2dBm。考虑到楼内天线安装高度普遍在2.2m以上,而用户实际持手机高度不会超过2m,所以建议实际天线入口导频功率不超过3dBm,以控制天线的最大覆盖半径不至于太小。 6.干扰 在3G室内分布系统建设中,因为要尽量共用室内分布系统,各系统的有源设备在发射有用信号的同时,在它的工作频带外还会产生杂散、谐波、互调等无用信号,这些信号落到其他系统的工作频带内,就会对其他系统形成干扰。 通过理论分析,对于整个系统的各种干扰信号的抑制,只能通过多频合路器的通道隔离度来实现。在无源器件的使用上,需要严格选取。 7.其他 在GSM移动通信系统中,上下行增益平衡是比较重要的问题。若下行增益远大于上行增益,会导致手机接收到场强很高,却打不通电话;若上行增益远大于下行增益,导致覆盖范围缩小。 WCDMA系统中,上行链路和下行链路的平衡并非网络设计目标。基站功率在下行由小区所有用户及信令共享, 因而不会成为覆盖受限链路。相反,手机发射功率是在规范中加以定义的。由于手机发射功率有限,上行链路则成为WCDMA系统覆盖的受限链路。也就是说,小区的最大半径取决于功率上限最小的一类手机。所以WODMA系统的链路预算通常是指上行链路预算,即从最大允许的上行损耗中除掉路径损耗以外的其他损耗和增益,从而得到最大允许的路径损耗,再将最大允许的路径损耗值带入传播模型中,得到预期的小区覆盖半径和覆盖面积。由于WCDMA的覆盖区域不像GSM那样由信号电平的绝对值来决定,它的覆盖与系统的负载或干扰水平相关,加入负载和邻近小区干扰后,小区半径会作相应的收缩。在实际工程中,这些问题都还需要经过大量的测试及优化工作才能有效控制。 试点工程测试内容 为验证以上思路的合理性,对审计署大楼的室内分布系统进行了改造和模拟测试,本次测试场景是比较典型的办公环境,单层面积约600m2。 测试的主要目的是验证整个室内分布系统按前述方案改造后是否能够满足设计指标要求。 信源:Agilent E4438C,输出64信道WODMA信号,导频信号占总功率的1 0%,Ec/Io=-10dB; 路测仪:TSMU(ROHDE&SCHWA2Z)&Notebook(已安装ROMES)。 测试结果 每个天线入口导频功率约5dBm,3副天线都接入分布系统中的测试图和测试结果 总 结 从测试结果看,改造后的工程基本能够达到3G信号覆盖标准的要求。但在3G工程改造中还应注意以下两点:首先由于原GSM室内分布系统普遍采用大功率、少天线的设计思路(这种设计方式在20网络中基本都可以达到设计要求,并且能大幅度降低工程成本,因此被广泛采用),但该类设计易造成室内信号功率分配不均;其次2G室内分布系统基本没有采用分区覆盖的方式,如果3G系统室内采用2小区以上配置,将很难设置切换区; 因此在原有室内分布系统基础上增加天线数量、更改天线位置等简单改造既不能明显改善原2G系统的覆盖质量,而且改造工程的施工难度较大,耗费更多;建议这类工程采用全部改造方式(即拆除原系统新建)。

Anthony Jeselnik的《Seduction》 歌词

歌曲名:Seduction歌手:Anthony Jeselnik专辑:ShakespeareSexy Sexy SexyWomen(sexy sexy sexy)voluptuousI love your confidenceWhen you got it You got itSeduce me babySeduce meJust to get my attentionSend a note and a drinkWhen we made our connectionShe just knodded and winkedOn this note it says:"Bout" time we get togetherLets dance nowHook up laterWe can do whatever"She had ConfidenceBut it"s all part of the gameCos" to her who im withDon"t really mean a thingShe knew what I likeAnd now I"m thirsty for moreSeductionSince you are sexy eroticHow you workin" your bodyYou gon" get me Do It Do It to yaSeductionYou thought out your bestTo get me outa control, babyThe more I creep around with youMake me wanna get Down (down) Down (down) Down with yaYou got my attentionWhat you gon" do with it?Baby turn aroundStick it outI wanna see itShe made the first move smoothIntoxicatin"She crazyIm fightin" not to lose controlNow I"m feeling a little tensionDon"t know whose watchin"GETTIN" BIGIn too deepAnd I can"t stop it(Your making me)Your making itHARD for me to stayHARD to walk awayHARD don"t wanna play no moreHARD I can"t take it babySeductionSince you are sexy eroticHow you workin" your bodyYou gon" get me Do It Do It to yaSeductionYou thought out your bestTo get me outa control, babyThe more I creep around with youMake me wanna get Down (down) Down (down) Down with yaSeductionSince you are sexy eroticHow you workin" your bodyYou gon" get me Do It Do It to yaSeductionYou thought out your bestTo get me outa control, babyThe more I creep around with youMake me wanna get Down (down) Down (down) Down with yaBaby whatever you wantGirl you got itLong as your satisfiedCos" it"s so hard to resistOh your bodyGot me un-tiedGot vivid thoughts in my mindThe positions that I"m gunna tryBut is it worth all the hurtShould I risk it?Just for one nightOnce I give itShe"s gunna winEither way I loseI"m tryin" to chillBut she"s got me on the spotShe"s so cockyAnd the way she watchin" meGot me feelin" hott, uhShorty know that I gotta girlAnd I really can"t break the rulesPlus poparatzi snappin shotsAnd it"s hard for me to shake these foolsSo do IOne: put it on herWork my way to the frontDo ITwo: Do my partAnd sure don"t try to pull no stuntsOr maybeThree: Chase the catCos" she"s sending me on the huntNawFuck thatI aint no punkIm gunna give shorty what she want!SeductionSeductionSince you are sexy eroticHow you workin" your bodyYou gon" get me Do It Do It to yaSeductionYou thought out your bestTo get me outa control, babyThe more I creep around with youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7409791

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英语阅读理解What is the hottest topic at your school recently??

.The hottest topic in Hangzhou Yongjin Middle School is money. 2.The team then put up a board saying "For Country Kids". 3.The writer think the activity is good for student. 4.It can make students know it "s hard to earn money,10,最近在您的学校最热门的话题是什么?在杭州涌金中学,它的钱。在学校举行的活动称为“赚钱”的最后一个周末。(被分成)30支球队被分为初级1和2初中学生约200。他们出去的时候,使销售things.What他们选择出售的钱?一些卖过报纸,有的选择瓶装水,一些出售的环保购物袋和竹篮。,胡庆余的团队决定在儿童活动中心门前卖了一些有益的书籍。他们认为父母想为子女购买的书籍。但不幸的是,他们遇到了城市管理人员(...,3,什么意思?,2,What is the hottest topic at your school? In Hangzhou Yongjin Middle what they were selling”指的就是前文所讲的“ ice cream ”】感兴趣。,2,英语阅读理解what is the hottest topic at your school recently? what is the hottest topic at your school recently?in hangzhou yongjin middle school,it"s money. the school held an activity called "making money" last weekend.about 200 junior 1 and junior 2 students were divided into(被分成) 30 teams.they went out to make money by selling things.what did they choose to sell?some sold newspapers; some chose bottled water; some sold environmentally friendly shopping bags and bamboo baskets. hu qing"s team decided to sell some useful books in front of the children activity center.they thought parents would like to buy the books for their children.but unfortunately,they met urban management officers (***).the officers asked them to leave."we played hide-and-seek with the officers for the whole morning" said hu."finally we had to give up." wang bing and her team sold ice cream in a square.they didn"t meet any officers.but few people were interested in what they were selling.the team then put up a board saying "for country kids".( it) worked.more people came to their stall.a foreigner even gave them 100 yuan."he didn"t want any change.he said he wanted to help the children," said wang."we were touched." later that day they gave the 100 yuan and more to the "project hope" office. meng zhaoxiang and his team were luckier.they sold all their cakes in four hours,spending 39.5 yuan and getting back 80 yuan.they made 40.5 yuan."it was not easy to make the money," said meng."some people just looked.others just tasted but didn"t buy.now i know how hard it is for our parents to make the money we need to lead happy lives."问题:1,what is the main diea of the text?(no more than ten words)2,what does the underlined "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?3,what is the writer"s attitude towards the activity?4what is the purpose of holding the activity?(no more than 12 words)

冠词问题 ______ hottest summer in _______ month of july a和the

两个都是the ...hottest是形容词最高级形式,前面一定要用the还有比较级也要用the后面是特指的 7月,也要用the.



exchange student是什么意思


desk(近义词) aunt(同义词) glass(复数形式)

table uncle glasses

酒吧有一首歌 歌词有 i see you what you me want you do i am so exciting 是什么歌?


我的世界adventure backpack怎么用

根据你的口味,你可以给背包染上如下颜色: red_backpack_zps0a1d10b9 big_red_backpack all_backpacks 你甚至可以合成一个末影背包,拥有末影箱的全部功能,并且可以随身携带: ender_backpack 最后,如??果你觉得你的小背包27格不够了,你可以将它们升级为大背包(54个储物格)






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步骤与windows下一致。下载解压出后。终端里 cd到安装目录。 执行houdini.install按照提示回车。安装完成后开始破解/etc/init.d/sesinetd stop 停止服务sudo cp /破解文件夹目录/sesinetd /usr/lib/sesi/ 用破解文件替换原文件cd /usr/lib/sesi/ ./sesinetd 运行服务cd /opt/hfs12.0.593source houdini_setup_bash 载入环境变量houdini 执行houdini此时弹出Houdini License Administrator在server中查看host及idcd 到算号器目录 执行hkey根据提示输入host 以及 id将算出来的注册码全部填入Houdini License Administrator中 执行 gedit .bashrc最后追加cd /opt/hfs12.0.593source houdini_setup_bash这样以后打开终端就自动载入环境变量了,直接敲houdini就可以启动了

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The Ants Go Marching 歌曲背景知识


20th Century-Fox Film Co片头曲叫什么名字

Alfred Newman - <20th Century Fox>http://golgeek.fr/zic/20th century fox fanfare (alfred newman, 1954).mp3每家电影公司都会有其专用片头音乐.所以音乐名通常都是公司名.http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Alfred+Newman+-+%3C20th+Century+Fox%3E&lm=-1


paint 英[peint] 美[pent] 过去式:painted 过去分词:painted 现在分词:painting 复数:paints n. 1.油漆, 涂料 2.颜料 3.涂层, 漆层 4.化妆品 5.绘画作品 6.(演员演出时用的)油彩 7.色彩;装饰;修饰 vt. & vi. 1.画; 绘画 vt. 1.在…上涂涂料[油漆] 2.涂, 搽 3.描绘, 描述 4. 往(指甲、嘴唇等上)施化妆品;染(指甲);涂(唇膏) 名词 n.1.油漆, 涂料 Don"t touch the door; the paint is wet.别碰这门, 油漆未干。If workmen breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.如果工人吸入这种细微的喷漆, 他们的肺部就会受到损伤。2.颜料 I left my paints at home.我把颜料忘在家里了。3.涂层, 漆层 The sulphuric acid ate into the parts of the metal where the coat of paint had peeled.硫酸腐蚀了这块金属上涂层剥落的地方。4.化妆品 That girl wears far too much paint.那个女孩妆化得太浓了。5.绘画作品6.(演员演出时用的)油彩7.色彩;装饰;修饰及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.画; 绘画 The little girl paints nicely in watercolours.小姑娘的水彩画画得很好。He painted this picture.他画了这幅画。He is painting her a picture.他正在为她作画。She painted a beautiful portrait for us.她为我们画了一幅漂亮的肖像。The artist painted her strolling her garden.美术家画了一张她在花园里漫步的画。及物动词 vt.1.在…上涂涂料[油漆] When will you paint the wall?你们什么时候粉刷墙?I painted the door a bright colour.我把门漆成鲜艳的颜色。They have painted the table red.他们把桌子漆成红色。2.涂, 搽 Taking out her lipstick, she began to paint her lips.她拿出口红, 开始往嘴唇上抹。She painted herself thick and ugly.她脸上粉搽得又厚又难看。3.描绘, 描述 The writer paints a vivid picture of his early life.那位作家生动地描绘了他早年的生活。A lot of propaganda has painted him as bad.大量宣传把他说得很坏。They painted him to be indecisive, negative, and selfish.他被描绘成一个优柔寡断、消极又自私的人。I know you dislike him, but you paint him too black.我知道你讨厌他, 不过你把他说得太坏了。His imagination paints himself hovering in the sky.他想像自己在天空飞翔。4. 往(指甲、嘴唇等上)施化妆品;染(指甲);涂(唇膏)




代码中的bacon++这一行存在问题。在Python中,++不是一个合法的运算符,因此这一行代码应该改为bacon += 1,表示对bacon进行加1操作。修正后,这段代码的输出结果应该为22。即,先将bacon的值增加20,再将bacon的值增加1,最后输出bacon的值并将1与bacon的值相加。

though the gleam blind and dazzle yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity


Glee Cast 的《God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen》音译歌词

(不好意思,我没有呃,)God rest ye merry gentlemen被誉为最古老的圣诞颂歌之一。 据传,该颂歌最早可追溯到15世纪,是在圣诞季节由城镇的巡夜人为贵族们演唱的,以用来获取额外的收入。 不知道原作者究竟是谁,但此歌一直在英格兰地区口耳相传。 此歌最早发表于1833年出版的一本名为《Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern》的节日宗教颂歌的合集。这一古老的颂歌直到今日仍然在英格兰各城镇传唱。   美国流行乐天后mariah carey曾在94年的圣诞专辑中翻唱这首歌曲,Glee(欢乐合唱团)也翻唱过此歌曲,并且很不错,大家可以去听听   张韶涵的《寓言》(副歌部分)借鉴了这首古老的乐曲。God rest ye merry, gentlemen, 上帝赐予你快乐,先生们,   Let nothing you dismay, 让万事充满希望,无事令你惊慌   Remember Christ our Savior 请记得基督,我们的救世主   Was born on Christmas day, 诞生于圣诞节   To save us all from Satan"s pow"r 为从撒旦的力量下挽救我们所有人   When we were gone astray; 在我们误入歧途之时;   O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦   Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦   O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦   From God our heavenly Father 从上帝,我们的天父那儿   A blessed angel came. 一位被祝福的天使来了.   And unto certain shepherds 降临至牧羊人们之中   Brought tidings of the same, 带来了同样(令人欣喜的)喜讯,   How that in Bethlehem was born 告诉他们,在伯利恒诞生   The Son of God by name: 神的儿子的名字:   O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦   Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦   O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   "Fear not," then said the angel "别怕",天使说   "Let nothing you affright" 我们将无所畏惧   This day is born a saviour 今天将有一位救世主诞生  Of a pure virgin bright 他笼罩在纯净圣洁的光芒之下   To free all those who trust in him 他将解救信奉于他的世人   From Satan"s pow"r and might" 从撒旦的力量之下   O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   Comfort and joy;舒适与喜悦  O tidings of comfort and joy!噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   The shepherds at those tidings 牧羊人听到这些喜讯   Rejoiced much in mind, 内心高兴不已   And left their flocks a-feeding, 丢下他们正在喂养的羊群   In tempest, storm, and wind, 在暴风雨,风暴和风中   And went to Bethlehem straightway 向伯利恒径直而去   This blessed babe to find: 去寻找那个被赐福的婴儿   O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦   Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦   O tidings of comfort and joy. 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   But when to Bethlehem they came, 但当他们来到伯利恒   Whereat this infant lay 这个婴儿出生的地方时   They found him in a manger, 他们在一个饲槽里   Where oxen feed on hay; 一个用干草喂养牛的地方发现他,   His mother Mary kneeling, 他的母亲玛丽跪在地上,   Unto the Lord did pray: 向上帝祈祷着   O tidings of comfort and joy,噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦   O tidings of comfort and joy.噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦.   Now to the Lord sing praises, 此刻向主高唱颂歌,   All you within this place, "所有在这个地方的人,"   And with true love and brotherhood "因真诚的爱与手足之情"   Each other now embrace; "彼此拥抱吧!"   This holy tide of Christmas 这个神圣的圣诞之时   All others doth deface: 远离灾难与毁灭   O tidings of comfort and joy, 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦   Comfort and joy, 舒适与喜悦   O tidings of comfort and joy 噢,天赐福音,带来舒适与喜悦PS:我喜欢看Glee Cast,你也是么?



Glee 里 有首歌歌词是 i just want to see your face want you next to me...i just want you i

是这首:《クリスマスソング》 呗:Matt Cab是日剧《朝五晚九》的主题曲,是Matt Cab翻唱的,原版是日文 由black number演唱歌曲名就是日文的Christmas song 的日文拼音英文版歌词:The sound and bells are ringing everywhereA common classic familiar feelingThere"s something about the coldness in the airThis season"s got me feeling some kind away the nightChristmas Carol"s on repeatand happy couples fill the streetSee the city glistening,the sun and rushes over meI just wanna see your face, want you next to meCause it has to be alone in Christmas EveAnd if I could have just one wish come true,Girl you know, I wish for youOh no every time I take a look aroundI get a little blueCause even though I ask Santa to be nice to meThere"s nothing he can doI just want you in my arms, want you close to meand if I have you by my side make sure you"ll never leaveYeah I know you out there aren"t you missing meCause girl you know, I"m missing youNo I can"t find a better word to sayI don"t know what they"ll doSo maybe it"s just better if you let me sum it upBaby I love you


补完整的话=让步状语从句Though he was disappointed to know...... disappointed在从句中作表语,though disappointed to know......,做句子的状语. Though tired from climbing, they had to go to work in the evening.

找glee第一季里的一首歌,第一句是did i disappoint you,一开始无伴奏,后面有

goodbye my lover  歌手:james blunt 专辑:back to bedlam  Did I disappoint you or let you down?  Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?  "Cause I saw the end before we"d begun,  Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.  So I took what"s mine by eternal right.  Took your soul out into the night.  It may be over but it won"t stop there,  I am here for you if you"d only care.  You touched my heart you touched my soul.  You changed my life and all my goals.  And love is blind and that I knew when,  My heart was blinded by you.  I"ve kissed your lips and held your head.  Shared your dreams and shared your bed.  James Blunt  I know you well, I know your smell.  I"ve been addicted to you.  Goodbye my lover.  Goodbye my friend.  You have been the one.  You have been the one for me. X2  I am a dreamer but when I wake,  You can"t break my spirit - it"s my dreams you take.  And as you move on, remember me,  Remember us and all we used to be  I"ve seen you cry, I"ve seen you smile.  I"ve watched you sleeping for a while.  I"d be the father of your child.  I"d spend a lifetime with you.  We"ve had our doubts but now we"re fine,  And I love you, I swear that"s true.  I cannot live without you.  Goodbye my lover.  Goodbye my friend.  You have been the one.  You have been the one for me. X2  And I still hold your hand in mine.  In mine when I"m asleep.  And I will bear my soul in time,  When I"m kneeling at your feet.  Goodbye my lover.  Goodbye my friend.  You have been the one.  You have been the one for me.  I"m so hollow, baby, I"m so hollow.  I"m so, I"m so, I"m so hollow.您好,不知道说的是不是这首....不过glee里真的有吗....总之希望能帮到您啦,望采纳~~~~~~

international journal of supply chain management 是SCI吗

international journal of supply chain management指的是国际供应链管理杂志,不是SCI,只是普通英文期刊。美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI )于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要,创办人为尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield, September 16,1925~)。50 多年来,SCI 数据库不断发展,已经成为当代世界最为重要的大型数据库,被列在国际六大著名检索系统之首。另外,随着 ISI 还陆续出版了《社会科学引文索引》(SSCI)和《艺术与人文引文索引》(A&HCI)。它不仅是一部重要的检索工具书,而且也是科学研究成果评价的一项重要依据。它已成为目前国际上最具权威性的、用于基础研究和应用基础研究成果的重要评价体系。它是评价一个国家、一个科学研究机构、一所高等学校、一本期刊,乃至一个研究人员学术水平的重要指标之一。SCI所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字,其中主要的国家有美国、英国、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、加拿大等,也收录部分中国(包括港澳台)刊物。科学引文索引以布拉德福(S. C. Bradford)文献离散律理论、以加菲尔德(E. Garfield)引文分析理论为主要基础,通过论文的被引用频次等的统计,对学术期刊和科研成果进行多方位的评价研究,从而评判一个国家或地区、科研单位、个人的科研产出绩效,来反映其在国际上的学术水平。因此,SCI是目前国际上被公认的最具权威的科技文献检索工具。科学引文索引以其独特的引证途径和综合全面的科学数据,通过统计大量的引文,然后得出某期刊某论文在某学科内的影响因子、被引频次、即时指数等量化指标来对期刊、论文等进行排行。被引频次高,说明该论文在它所研究的领域里产生了巨大的影响,被国际同行重视,学术水平高。由于SCI收录的论文主要是自然科学的基础研究领域,所以SCI指标主要适用于评价基础研究的成果,而基础研究的主要成果的表现形式是学术论文。所以,如何评价基础研究成果也就常常简化为如何评价论文所承载的内容对科学知识进展的影响。

Inter-Services Intelligence 什么意思


international journal of aerospace engineer 是sci吗

International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 指的是国际航空工程师杂志,是SCI,影响因子是0.889。美国《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, 简称 SCI )于1957 年由美国科学信息研究所(Institute for Scientific Information, 简称 ISI)在美国费城创办,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要,创办人为尤金·加菲尔德(Eugene Garfield, September 16,1925~)。50 多年来,SCI 数据库不断发展,已经成为当代世界最为重要的大型数据库,被列在国际六大著名检索系统之首。另外,随着 ISI 还陆续出版了《社会科学引文索引》(SSCI)和《艺术与人文引文索引》(A&HCI)。它不仅是一部重要的检索工具书,而且也是科学研究成果评价的一项重要依据。它已成为目前国际上最具权威性的、用于基础研究和应用基础研究成果的重要评价体系。它是评价一个国家、一个科学研究机构、一所高等学校、一本期刊,乃至一个研究人员学术水平的重要指标之一。SCI所收录期刊的内容主要涉及数、理、化、农、林、医、生物等基础科学研究领域,选用刊物来源于40多个国家,50多种文字,其中主要的国家有美国、英国、荷兰、德国、俄罗斯、法国、日本、加拿大等,也收录部分中国(包括港澳台)刊物。



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Girl Fantasy 4详细资料大全

女F4于2005年7月成军,全名是"Fantasy4",由Fanny、Amy、Tiffany、Stacy等胸围E到G,平均F罩杯的成员组成,因爆假奶、出身酒类促销小姐又传 *** 风波,迅速爆红。 基本介绍 中文名 :女F4 外文名 :Fantasy 4 国籍 :中国 出生地 :台湾 职业 :歌手 经纪公司 :娱乐达人 代表作品 :爱神妃舞、 成员 :Fanny,Amy,Tiffany##,Stacy 出道时间 :2005年7月 类型 :组合 团体简介,人物介绍,名称介绍,团员资料,公司对待F4,综艺节目,专辑介绍, 团体简介 人物介绍 2005年7月9日有一个全新团体首度亮相,同样叫做 女F4-- Girl Fantasy 4,以傲人的双峰性感走红台湾艺能界 4 个年轻小女生,都拥有 F 罩杯的好身材。而简单的低胸T恤,双峰呼之欲出,让现场的男性民众,险些流出鼻血。 台湾女F4 女 F4 的四名成员 Fanny (团长)、Tiffany、Amy、Stacy 女 F4 成立于 2005 年7月初,隶属于台湾“娱乐达人”传播公司,女 F4 是一个由四位波霸美眉组合成的类似于日本早安少女组的表演团体,团名虽然维持不变,团员却随时都可能换人。 名称介绍 F = flowers F4原本是1989年日本漫画家神尾叶子在她的长篇漫画《花样男子》中所创造出来的四个虚构角色。但是2001年台湾可米瑞智传播公司将这部漫画翻拍成电视剧《流星花园》之后的成功,饰演剧中四位男主角的言承旭、吴建豪、朱孝天、周渝民也跟着受到热烈欢迎。因为这个结果出乎意外,起初可米瑞智传播公司坚持F4并不是一个团体、只是戏剧中的一个桥段而已。但是随着《流星花园》在东南亚渐渐引起注意,可米瑞智传播公司最后宣布正式成立男子团体、定名F4。 F4是Flower 4的缩写,因为在书中他们的形象是青春俊美与前程似锦。F4就是四个花样美少年。 女F4团体已经解散。 团员资料 姓名:刘乐妍(Fanny)【已退出】 出生年份:1983年 身高:1.68米 三围:34G,26,36 背景:出身自破碎家庭,自小由爷爷照顾大,因此偏爱比自己年龄大很多的男人,希望像父亲般照顾她。入行前曾在酒吧推销洋酒。 姓名:叶佳蓁(Amy)【已退出】 出生年份:1983年 身高:1.63米 三围是:30F,26,34 背景:个性开朗的Amy说,她5岁时父母离异,从小就很独立,她的父亲曾经是高阶的警官,姑丈是秀场的艺人,她受父亲和姑丈的影响很深。她是4人中,唯一不是卖啤酒出身的辣妹。 姓名:周均谚(Stacy)【已退出】 出生年份:1984年 身高“1.63米 三围:32F,25,36 背景:是台湾知名制作人周游的小侄女,还是一个戏曲学校的在校学生,入行前与Fanny一起推销洋酒。 姓名:谢梦恬(Tiffany)【已退出】 出生年份:1985年 身高:1.72米 三围:32D,25,36 背景:同样来自破碎家庭,是目前组合中年纪最小的一名。是一个在校大学生。入行前曾是啤酒推销员。 公司对待F4 公司对女 F4 成员的要求比较严格,身材走样或是演出跟不上进度都会遭到撤换,该公司对女F4的身材要求是胸部必须维持E到G罩杯,早些时候就传出原来最早加入团体的成员 Amy 遭到撤换。另外,公司为了维持女 F4 在荧幕上的新鲜感,一旦发现有团员明显丧失观众的热爱与支持,也会立刻被新人取代。 女F4 对于女 F4 要求固然严格,相对的照顾也很周全,比如女 F4 参加民视“综艺大集合”游戏新单元首录,经纪人便设法了取得德成保险经纪公司的赞助,为她们向国华保险公司投保了高达2亿元的意外险。 挟著 *** 闯演艺圈爆红的女 F4,在海棠台风即将来袭出外景,经纪公司担心四人安全,为她们投保两亿保险,创下明星上节目的最高保险金额,让主持人胡瓜都不禁咋舌,女 F4 的身价,实在太神奇。 综艺节目 民视周日《综艺大集合》,暑假开辟水上游戏新单元,邀请女 F4 担任固定来宾,由于女 F4 为胸膜代言人,出外景逢台风逼近,而八仙乐园又邻近海边,经纪公司担心她们胸前受伤,所以投保了两亿保险。听到女 F4 的两粒保两亿,担任节目主持人的许杰辉表示,听说这四个女生不仅胸部 伟大而且各具才艺,常从媒体上看到她们的讯息,迫不及待要看 女F4 庐山真面目,胡瓜则表示,这四个女生实在太神奇了,一次投保两亿的身势,恐怕连林志玲都比不上。女 F4 的团长 Fanny 表示,上节目她会提醒团员 Tiffany、Amy、Stacy,要做好安全准备,至于经纪人则是特别交代她们,要小心海 *** 太大,必须注意做好防护措施,避免一下水就马上走光。 专辑介绍 女 F4《爱神妃舞》 专辑名称:爱神妃舞 演唱歌手:女 F4唱片公司:华纳唱片 发行时间:2005年12月14日 专辑语种:国语专辑EPCD 音频码率:VBR 192K 【爱妃】超偶像演唱 中视八点档《刁蛮公主》片尾曲 【爱神】全新改编 妖惑新解 【力量】热力团结 酷炫无比 【实在真歹势】爆笑演出台语无敌K歌

built to endure for the months, and perhaps years, to come"这是什么意思?


The Story of the Badger and Koranti

“把孩子们丢到森林里去吧!不然,我们都要饿死了呀!”新妈妈说。"Take the children into the forest! Otherwise, we will starve to death!" Mother said.“不行,那太残忍了。”"No, that"s too cruel."“好,那你就去找食物来呀。”"Well, then you have to look for food."因为实在太贫穷,不得已,父亲只好答应了。Because it was too poor, no, father had promised.班吉尔和科兰蒂兄妹俩听了很伤心。聪明的班吉尔趁爸妈都睡了以后,偷偷的跑到院子,捡了许多石子放在口袋里。Badger and Koranti are brother and sister listened very sad. Bangui smart, while after theparents were asleep, secretly went to the yard, pick up a lot of stones in my pocket.第二天,夫妇俩果然带他们到森林去,班吉尔便沿途丢下了许多石子,以做为回家时认路的路标。The second day, the couple was to take them to the forest, Badger along the way and leavemany stones, to sign as home to know the way.“你们在这里等着,我们去砍柴啊。”"You wait here, we go to the wood."兄妹俩坐在草地上玩耍,不知不觉就睡着了。等醒来时,天已经黑了。The brother and sister sat on the grass to play, imperceptibly asleep. Wake up, it was already dark.科兰蒂害怕得哭了起来。班吉尔牵着哭泣的妹妹,循着石子的记号,走回家去。Koranti frightened and cried. Badger took the crying sister, follow the stones mark, walked home.两人终于回到家来,爸爸非常高兴,但妈妈却沉着脸。Two people finally came home, my father is very happy, but mother was calm face.才过了几天,班吉尔又听到妈妈对爸爸说:“这次,一定要让他们回不来。”Only a few days, Badger heard the mother said to the father: "this time, to make sure they don"t come back."晚上,班吉尔想去捡石子,但门被锁上了。At night, Badger want to pick up the stones, but the door is locked.第二天,也是同样的情形,班吉尔只好用面包代替石子,沿路撒下去。没想到,面包却被鸟给吃个光。The second day, the same is the case, Badger had to use bread instead of stones, and down along the road. Unexpectedly, the bread was the bird to eat a light.兄妹俩一直睡到半夜才醒来,班吉尔安慰着妹妹说:“没关系,面包屑会告诉我们回家的路。”The brother and sister always woke up in the middle of the night, Badger comfort her said:"never mind, bread crumbs will tell us the way home."可是,怎么找也找不到面包屑。But, can not find how to find bread crumbs.“啊!怎么办呢?”"Ah! How to do?"“肚子好饿呀!”"Hungry!"两人饿着肚子在森林里徘徊,科兰蒂禁不住又哭了起来。Two people hungry belly wandering in the forest, Corran couldn"t help crying.“妹妹,不要哭,等天亮了,哥哥再带你回家。”"Sister, don"t cry, dawn, brother to take you home."夜更深了,兄妹俩累得不知不觉的又睡着了。Deeper night, brother and sister both tired imperceptibly asleep again.不久,天亮了。Soon, the dawn.兄妹俩一醒来,就努力的寻找出路,走啊走的,突然,班吉尔的眼睛一亮,叫着说:Both brother and sister to wake up, just to find a way out, walked and walked, suddenly,Badger"s eyes a bright, cried:“看!那有栋房子!”"See! The house!"他们高兴的走近一看,“哇!这房子全部是用糖果、饼干做成的呀!”They"re happy approached a look, "wow! This house is all with candy, cookies made!"兄妹俩实在是饿坏了,忍不住飞奔过去,拆下房子忘情的吃了起来。Brother and sister both is really hungry, could not help but flew past, remove the house is indifferent to eat up.“啊!真好吃!”"Ah! This is delicious.这时,从背后传来和蔼的声音说:“是谁在啃我的房子呀?”一位贵夫人从屋里走出来。Then, from behind the gentle voice said: "who is nibbling at my house?" A lady came out from the house.“对不起,我们是在森林里迷路的孩子。”"Sorry, we are lost in the forest children."贵夫人很温和的说:“噢!可怜的孩子,进来吃吧!屋子里还有许多好吃的东西。”Your wife is very modest and said: "oh! Poor child, come and get it! There are many good things in the house."吃饱后,贵夫人就让他们俩人睡在漂亮又舒适的床上。兄妹俩好开心哦,不一会便睡着了。After eating, your wife let both of them sleep in beautiful and comfortable bed. Brother and sister both good happy Oh, soon fell asleep.“嘿嘿嘿……成功啦!”"Hey hey hey...... Success!"其实,贵夫人是一个吃人的魔女变的。“嗯!男的较胖,先吃他好了。”In fact, your wife is a man eating witch change. "Well! The man is fat, eat him."第二天,班吉尔就被关到一个大箱子里去。Second days, Badger was close to a big box.科兰蒂高兴的跑去打开箱子,将班吉尔救了出来。Corran was happy to run to open the case, Badger will be saved.“哥哥,哥哥!魔女死掉了!”"Brother, brother! The witch is dead!"“啊!真的吗?”"Ah! Really?"“嗯!真的。”科兰蒂将经过情形告诉哥哥。"Well! Really." Corran will be after the case told brother.兄妹俩高兴的拥抱着。班吉尔感动的说:“妹妹,你好勇敢哦!”Brother and sister both happy to embrace. Badger moved to say: "sister, you brave oh!"“不,”科兰蒂说:“哥哥你才聪明呢!”"No," Koranti said: "brother you"re smart!"两人高兴得到处跑。在地下室里,他们发现有个大箱子,就打开来看。Two people happy to get away. In the basement, they found a big box, open and see.“哇!好漂亮哦!”"Wow! That"s lovely!原来,箱子里装着满满的珠宝和金币。Originally, in the box full of jewels and gold.班吉尔说:“我们带一些回家当作礼物吧。”Badger said: "we take some home as a gift."两人把珠宝和金币往口袋里塞,“好了,快回家吧。趁天还没黑之前,赶快找到出路!”班吉尔紧紧的牵着妹妹的手,走出了魔女的房子。Two the jewelry and coins into his pocket, "well, hurry home. While it"s not black before, to find a way out!" Badger tightly holding her hand, out of the witch"s house.哇!好不容易,他们终于走出了森林,可是,一条又深又宽的河却横在面前,而更苦恼的是,河上既没有桥,岸边也没有船。Wow! Finally, finally they got out of the forest, however, a deep and wide river is in the front,and more trouble is, neither the bridge on the river, the shore and no ship.“真糟糕!怎么渡过河呢?”That"s too bad. How to cross the river?"“哇!看!一只大野鸭。”"Wow! See! A Ono Kamo."河的对岸,有只大野鸭正悠闲的游着。The other side of the river, there is a Ono Kamozhengyu swim.科兰蒂喊道:“对了,可以拜托野鸭先生呀!”Corran shouted: "yes, you can ask Mr. wild duck!"于是,两人一起叫着:“野鸭先生,拜托你载我们到对岸去,好吗?”Then, two people together and shouted: "Mr. wild duck, please take us to the other side,okay?"野鸭好像听懂他们的话似的,果然游了过来,并载他们渡过了河。Wild duck seemed to understand what they like words, and swam over, and carried them across the river.远远的,他们就看到了自己的家。So far, they will see his home.“哇!回到家了。”"Wow! Back home."兄妹俩快步的跑着。The brother and sister quickly ran.父亲看到他们回来,高兴的张开双手,紧紧的抱住他们。Father saw them back, happy with open arms, hug them.兄妹俩将身上的金银珠宝,拿了出来,说:“爸,您看,我们带回了礼物哦!”接着又把经过情形告诉了爸爸。The brother and sister will be on the gold and silver jewelry, take out, said: "Dad, you see, we are back to the gift!" Then the story told dad.“噢!我可怜的孩子。以后再也不叫你们离开了。”"Oh! My poor child. Never let you leave."在这期间,爸爸每天过着悲伤的日子,而妈妈也死了。During this period, dad every day have a sad, but mother also died.从此,一家三口又快乐地生活在一起。Since then, a family of three and happy life together.

求一首歌词中有“i want you back back back back”的韩文歌 是个韩国






谁能告诉我这是什么歌?I only want to be the one you want.I only want to be the one you love.

"The One You Love" by Paulina Rubio When you"re on top of the worldOr it"s got you downWhen you"re flying through the air Or you"re crashing to the groundWhen you"re searching for the lightAnd it"s nowhere to be foundJust phone me babyAnd I know we"ll be the same The air won"t tie you downI won"t ever be the broken wingsThat keep you off the groundBut when you start to seeI will be the soundJust let me babyI only wanna be the one you loveI only wanna be the one you wantCome and get me babyLet me loose inside your soulI only wanna be your every needI wanna be the girl in all your dreamsI"ll do anything to beThe one you loveBaby you can tell me everythingThe secrets of your heartIf you could look inside of me You"d see how beautiful you areI wanna show you everythingEach and every part of me is yoursJust take it babyI only wanna be the one you loveI only wanna be the one you wantCome and get me babyLet me loose inside your soulI only wanna be your every needI wanna be the girl in all your dreamsI"ll do anything to beThe one you loveLet me be the loverYou want to uncoverLet me be the one you loveHey babyI only wanna be the one you loveI only wanna be the one you wantCome and get me babyLet me loose inside your soulI only wanna be your every needI wanna be the girl in all your dreamsI"ll do anything to beThe one you (The one you)I only wanna be the one you love (I only wanna be the one you love)I only wanna be the one you want (The one you want)Come and get me baby (Yeah, yeah, yeah)Let me loose inside your soul (Yeah, yeah, yeah)I only wanna be your every need (I only wanna be the love you want)I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want)I"ll do anything to be (Yeah, yeah, baby baby)The one you love (Yeaaaah)I only wanna be the one you love (Baby)I only wanna be the one you want (Baby)Come and get me baby (Don"t ever leave me baby)Let me loose inside your soulI only wanna be your every need (I only wann be the one you love)I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want)I"ll do anything to beThe one you love (The one you truly love baby)I only wanna be the one you loveI only wanna be the one you wantCome and get me babyLet me loose inside your soulI only wanna be your every needI wanna be the girl in all your dreamsI"ll do anything to beThe one you love

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英文高手帮忙听听歌词 the great escape Seventh Wonder唱的..怎么找都找不到歌词...

(I. ...And the earth wept)I tuck you in ever so gentlyStill you cried and turned from meYou stepped on my heartI forgave just like mothers doFrom under your shoes I still carried youSoon my body will burn into ashes and dust And rain will turn all that glitters to rustOne last pill for the painSit down let me explain...Why my bruises stayMy child I know you never meant to...These scars just won"t fade awayand I"m sure you never knewI give up, I give inHelp December let a new year beginTake what"s leftAnd move onFly awayBe gone...(II. Poisoned Land[Instrumental])(III. Leaving home)The morrow winds blow and herald a timewhen man will be damned for all his crimeWe all were too bold, now we all can seehow the lifegiver"s bleeding to death before meI am packing my bags, I", waiting in lineThis tragedy forces us away from this landAs I board this creature of steel,I kiss her good bye, give her time to heal(IV. Take-off)Loud sirens wail to send agoldonder towards the lightLeaving the ground we bathe in starlight,while heading for oceans of nightSafe in Aniara"s warm and tender care we rideEight thousand hearts that fled the firesfor a life at a distant home(V. A Turn for the worse)A swerve to clear the Hondo stone(Now we proclaim it known)took us off course came too wide of Mars toturn back homeThere"s no turning back, guiding units brokeand crackedWe will never win this gameFrom pledges and bonds, our system of sunslocked down its vaulted gatewayIn thousands of years ram through the final frontierThe Lyre greets us thereOur ship at drift into the voidThrough nothingness deployedWith an empty stare become aware-our lives destroyedFears are hard to hide, praying as denial subsidesWe can never win this gameFrom pledges and bonds, our system of sunslocked down its vaulted gatewayIn thousands of years ram through the final frontierA moth to a flame(VI. A new balance)Glass-like is the stare encircling usThe systems of stars hang frozen still...a gaze through the windowSix years down the line we still feign dawn and sunsetbut space no light will spawn...eternally darkerNow setting sails,but never know the worlds she"s treadingwhere the life belongsMima lead the way;Shine your light, be the beacon of hope at night,be our guide, I need what you"re doing to me Shine your light, blind us when reality bitesWe so need the magic she doesI asked me a question, -no replyI dreamt me a life and live a lie...dream me a nightmareI traveled the stars but passed them by,for trapped on Aniara here was ...always been leavingWe sit and stare,at all the marvels that she brings usLights the life in youMima lead the way;Shin your light, be the beacon of hope at nightPerfect grace in the barren house of spaceShine your light, blind us when reality bitesMima, save us from seeing ourselves(VII.Death of the Goddesses)Inside the Mima"s eyes, we lived our livesThen like an arrow through this jestdestiny sent us a greeting from home, let us see:-We have no home anymoreWhile Mima showed the final warher circuits bled and fried as our mother diedShe"s darkened by our sin,we begin to realize itWhen I saw home so blue, be torn in twoall by the hands of her own childHumanity, -the festering cancer that dug her own graveWe have no home anymore While Mima showed the final warher circuits bled and fried, -seems she too will die-Our haven"s dyingI couldn"t stop them if I triedAs they all rushed to see her dieChaos, panic, people fightI can"t see, I will not, I won"tOur way of life is overthrownIs there really no way? Let us turn back time.(VIII. The age of confusion: Despair)In the deafening silence people mourn,we"ve cried us a riverWho knows where all laughter be?On whom we place the blame?Her demise was theirs!Stained by their disease her screen recedesOur real eyes realized they beguile us all with their minds(IX. The age of confusion: Lust)Our lusting flesh and piety,all coexist in the mistPut aside your chastityunveiling skin, magical sinControls the pile of heaving flesh,a twisted queen;"sleep with me and work the loinsThe mind will stray, yield to life"(X. The age of confusion: Reason)And as the orgies all fadeand lust no longer attractsthen the brain will subdue the flesh,put the focus on factsHuman brain was a shameful part,low names were high for loins and for breastUs Hades may harvest,fully at its behest(XI. The aftermath)I still cry and I still miss herI was just a little boyrunning through the endless garden of our homeAway -some say never, everwe"ll leave this god forsake place and ten thousand shiversremain as we partWe"re holding on, within our cradle of confusionWe paint no rainbows in the darkNo one will ever see us fade awayO for so long, I was the wielder of illusionsOur goddess gave in when she sawthat we had killed the earth and burst to flamesEvery smile on every face fell and crashed onto the floorAll alone in the world crying desperatelyAway -some say never, ever we"ll leave this god forsaken placeand ten thousand shivers remain as we partWe"re holding on, within our cradle of confusionWe paint no rainbows in the darkNo one will ever see us fade away Oh for so long, I was the wielder of illusionsbut there"s no hiding what we areWe are the plague of all,-for humanity there is no cureGod and Satan hand in handthrough this badlandtook a flight uphill and down from man,a king with with ashen crown(XII. Dining on ashes)What we reap is what we sowNaked our truth smugly glowsWe leave all games behind, because;It took twenty years to come and goThen only did we all know and see how wrinkled and jaded we had grownLooking out the windowbut there"s nothing newOnly darkness stares at youI would die to see the rain below the rainbow,just like others doWe crown the skies with our tiara;-the life and fate of AniaraWe write an endless symphonyNow thousands were weeping and hundreds cried in dismay;-Twenty years today!Repenting sinners prayEasy come and easy go,We could have had it all you knowMan"s final day is hereSearch for silver dig for goldHis desires now untoldLooking out the window, all that he can see;his own reflection"s final plea;"I would die to see the rain below the rainbow, just like others do"We crown the skies with our tiara;-the life and fate of AniaraWe write an endless symphonyNow thousands were weeping and hundreds cried in dismay; -Twenty years today!Repenting sinners will wither and fade(XIII. The curtain falls)Gladness fleeting, by whims and luck-That is the way of lifeLooking, searching our hearts to find the "why" of it allFinding no way to our homeSee, in silence we faded. Our great escape;-twenty four years insideLooking, searching our shipfor life but just dustfalls on the graves of allThe halls of our ship now are void of all but deathOur lives have passed,our hearts were broken by the endless darkOur new paradise,the one to replace the one we burned so badThe god we hoped for left profaned, all wounded and forlorn on the home we scarredNow here I stand, my dear,one heart still beats...I bid you farewell,the curtain will now descendSomewhere in time we were living -remember us then!

迟来的 CP+ 观察: 摆脱 Hoya ,新东家 Ricoh 让 Pentax 放手一搏?

摆脱醉翁之意不在酒的Hoya后,Pentax相机部门正式与渊源颇深的理光Ricoh成为合作伙伴,也让沉寂已久的镜头规划表重现江湖。细数Pentax在Hoya旗下的几年,虽靠著大玩换色游戏取得一些增长,然而周边部份却每况愈下。尤其一连串的顶级镜头都能在Tokina看到姊妹作,年久失修的闪灯系统却不见更新,即便看到机身电子性能的进步,却苦无用武之地。 跳转继续: 细数Hoya掌权期间,Pentax不仅镜头群推出缓慢,主要牌镜头设机师平川纯与机身设计师叠家久志在此期间被迫解雇,另一位同期的镜头设计师泉水隆之也被Nikon挖角,并且在Nikon设计出Nikkor17-55mmF2.8G这款APS-C镜皇以及Nikkor105mmF2.8GMarco、Nikkor24mmF3.5DED。结果死守公司的反而成为Hoya节省支出下的首波牺牲品,也无怪乎平川纯曾公开声明一辈子不碰Hoya制品... 对于Ricoh,与Pentax相机部门合并也是补足了长期以来缺乏的单眼相机技术,虽然理光以GXR这种模组化的概念试图经营一个不同于对手的路线,不过以模组为单位的作法也限制这个系统的可能性。价格不低的模组以及限制略高的机身本体,GXR系统终究只能在特定族群孤芳自赏,无法大鸣大放,虽然Ricoh的产品多少也是偏向特定族群,但就公司的经营,这并非长久之计。 GXR的模组化设计虽然概念新颖,仍非大众化导向的设计。 尤其在数位单眼低价化、M43系统侵蚀低价单眼以及高阶随身机的市场,理光应该也深知这样下去会渐渐被市场边缘化。不同于富士卷土重来,理光则是趁机吃下被Hoya视为包袱而不得志的Pentax相机部门。对Hoya而言,并购Pentax的价值就是医疗光学部门,至于相机部门只是顺便,当初没落得Kyocera并购Contax与Sony吃下KM后把品牌消灭的命运,Pentax算万幸了。 为何Ricoh仍愿意保留Pentax的品牌?主要的原因在于Ricoh虽在传统单眼也拥有一定的历史,但相对于老字号的Pentax,品牌强度相对不足,更何况Ricoh底片相机时代生产的也是兼容Pentax设计的机身与镜头。另一方面则是Ricoh并不像吃下KM的Sony一样在一般消费者心中给人深刻印象,贸然拿掉Pentax改挂Ricoh,只会失去原本Pentax的客群,也无法以Ricoh的名气吸引更多消费者。 相较于Canon、Nikon这两家数位单眼的主要公司,Pentax一直以来则是以奇招作为产品特色,例如同级机身最小尺寸,独特的镜头设计等为特点。例如PentaxK5仍是目前APS-C片幅当中体型最小的防尘滴机身,更不用说规格看似不漂亮却轻巧方便的DA、FALimited镜头群。另外跳过35mmFF机身直接推出645D机身的作法也能看出Pentax特殊的一面。 高单价推出的Q,落得不到半年内日本价格下滑1/3的命运。 而近期两款新机身PentaxQ与及PentaxK-01相较于对手都是很独特的设计,前者为目前市售最小巧的可交换镜头机身,后者则是目前EVIL相机当中尺码最大的一款。笔者先前曾认为PentaxQ只是设计师突发奇想的一款实验品,而PentaxK-01也只是个卖设计师造型的过渡产物,但看了今年日本CP+所展出的镜头,原来这两款机器都是经过规划的战略产物。 先从PentaxQ谈起,当初的话题在于号称全球最小的可交换镜头机身,以高阶消费相机等级的感光元件,以及甚至比理光GRD、PanasonicLX5还小巧的机身本体,还有丰富的滤镜,制造相当多的话题性,当时还一并推出五款镜头以及两种颜色。 笔者个人也拥有这款机器,使用至今检讨一下战略性的问题:其一是上市定价过高,甚至高于PentaxKr,另外迁就于机身尺寸电池续航力不尽理想,其次使用消费相机等级的感光元件,在部份消费者的第一印象就已经矮了m43很多截,另外转接标准单眼镜头由于感光元件过小,使用的区块不多,反而让镜头紫边更明显;价格高、买的人少、测试评鉴少,加上品牌强度不足也让PentaxQ的开始不算成功。 CP+展出Q可用的长焦变焦与针孔摄影镜头,表示这产品线未被放弃。 不过随着开始降价(可以观察日本国内价格)后,PentaxQ的竞争力也不像开始时那么糟,而CP+甚至还公布两款Q的新镜头,包括一款针孔摄影以及一款长焦变焦镜头。Pentax很清楚的定位出Q是一款以玩乐为本质的可交换镜头机身,所以镜头的设计也是以乐趣为重,两款新镜头的推出更证实PentaxQ并非天外飞来一笔,更是老早就准备好后续计画的产物。 至于K-01的诞生就更有趣了,以资源来说,Pentax没有如Nikon、Olympus的镜头研发资源,毕竟Hoya时代裁撤相机部门近400人;也不像Panasonic与Fujifilm系统包袱小。在资源有限、但又要跟上潮流的理由下,Pentax选择保留反光镜的空间,保留镜后距维持现有镜头群的支援性。 保留镜后距的结果,就是造成转接能力不如m43系统或是SonyNEX,但由于反光板室中间没有反光板,除非镜尾口径过大,否则深入到机身内的转接环也是有机会被做出来的。除了修改自原本铭镜DA40mmF2.8Limited的新款DA40mm2.8XS之外,在CP+甚至善用反光室空间,展出一款镜头向机身内延伸、仅能用在K-01的新款薄型镜头。 只有K-01可用、善用无反光镜室空间的概念镜,还有预计量产的DA560mmF5.6镜头,怎看都不像是临时起意的产物。 至于传统K接环方面,虽无重量级新机上市,然而针对低价市场的DA50mmF1.8以及生态大炮的DA560mmF5.6的亮相,还有一连串到2013年的新镜头规划,新东家Ricoh显然给了Pentax更多的空间。笔者相信这些镜头的出现不是偶然,更可能是由于前东家不断缩减预算下被冷冻的计画。 从这些迹象看来,在新东家Ricoh下的Pentax团队,很有机会能重新回到过去那个工程师思维浓厚的老字号相机厂。然而两家都是走小众路线的公司结合,能够结合彼此的特长共创新气象,或是越走越偏导致无法开拓客群,这两年的新产品走向,尤其是接下来的新机身设计还要多多观察阿。

farawayfar beyondfar fromfar into

1、B.as倒装用法 2、C.far away意为“远离”,A的话away后少了from 3、C.考察as...as的用法.中间接形容词原级


现在给大家谈谈各自的优缺点:多彩第二代垂直鼠标:(第一代我没有用过但知道它是模仿垂直鼠标的鼻祖Evoluent的,下面再给大家谈谈Evoluent垂直鼠标)优点:体验厂家宣传的60度垂直,从普通鼠标转过来较容易适应缺点:按键太小,没有前进后退键,定位不是很精准,做工一般,记得当时的定价是108吧,对于一个光电鼠标来说有点坑爹。MinicuteEzmouse(这家厂商自称是德国的品牌,其实经过查证只是一个国内公司再在德国注册了minicute的品牌而已,产品是国产的)优点:没发现什么优点,相对于其他鼠标,要性价比没性价比,要做工没做工,设计也感觉一般般缺点:做工特别不好,产品缝隙大,无线的定位也很不精准,一点不像两百多块的鼠标,在用这个鼠标的时候手指不是自然状态的弯曲,是直的,而且没有拇指托,移动起来特别的不方便,另外也没有前进键,根本不是真正的人体工程学鼠标。此图片摘自他们的官方商城的左手无线,连他们官方商城的图片的缝隙都这么大,可见他们产品几乎都这样。Wowpen垂直鼠标:(韩国产的一款鼠标,非常具有设计感)优点:设计很特别,曾经拿过设计奖,适合手特别小的人用缺点:垂直角度太小,没有尾指托会让手碰到地面,移动起来经常摩擦到,前进后退键设计在一个位置,很容易误碰多彩第三代垂直鼠标优点:采用紧握的设计,能让你以手指自然的弯曲状态握住鼠标,握感非常舒服缺点:由于国产厂商对细节不是很注重,左右按键太小,以致很多时候非常难按,前进后退键间隔太小,很多时候会误碰到,而且这款鼠标由于比较便宜,用的材质非常一般,握上去经常手会流汗EV垂直鼠标:(这是一家自称来自美国的公司,最近才在中国市场卖,我看产品是国产的,估计只是美国人设计,运营的公司应该还是国内的公司,不过产品做工的确特别棒)优点:采用了75度垂直向下的设计,能让你紧握住整个鼠标,结合了垂直鼠标和普通鼠标的优势。做工精良,键与键之间的过渡非常平顺,材质上档次,它采用了电镀加橡胶喷油,加上会变色的镭雕LOGO,看上去非常非常漂亮。尾指托与拇指托的设计更是人性化,这家厂商细节做的特别缺点:定价可能相对于其他垂直鼠标贵了一点,有线版218,无线版318,估计会让普通的消费者望而却步,其实我想说对于那些真正患有鼠标手的朋友来说这点钱应该投资,这是我目前用过最舒服的垂直鼠标Evoluent垂直鼠标:(垂直鼠标的鼻祖,公司设在美国,老板是中国人,叫做Jack Lo)优点:目前我见过的做工做好的鼠标,科技感十足,它采用90度完全垂直的设计,尾指槽和拇指托的设计非常贴心,让你的手完全脱离桌面,材质上乘,感觉像一个艺术品缺点:完全90度垂直对于想从普通鼠标转到垂直鼠标的消费者可能一时不适应,另外右边三按键的设计也会让习惯于鼠标2按键的设计的消费者难以适应,定价也过高,有线版99美元,无线版109美元会让人望而却步,在国内也没有上市。综上所述,本人目前仍在用的就只有Evoluent垂直鼠标还有刚买的EV垂直鼠标,两个鼠标各有优点,目前我是交替着用,希望本文能对跟我一样患鼠标手的患者选择垂直鼠标一个参考。

distant faraway的用法有什么区别?

是 far away……还是faraway^嗯,楼下答的很好~

ceux qui restent en France ont à shoisir entre lamer 中的à 是什么用法?


internal assessment是什么意思

internal assessment内部评估,内部评价; 例句:1.The chinese system, although far from transparent and democratic, has its own checksand balances, largely in the form of increasingly rigorous internal assessment ofinvestment plans. 虽然中国的体制还远未达到透明和民主,但它有自己的制衡机制,这主要体现在越来越严格的投资计划内部评估上。2.A recent internal assessment of security by the inter-services intelligence, pakistan"smilitary spy agency, determined that for the first time in 63 years it expects a majority ofthreats to come from islamist militants, according to a senior isi officer. 据巴基斯坦军方情报机构三军情报局(isi)的一名高级官员说,该局近日的一份内部安全评估报告63年来首次将伊斯兰武装分子列为巴基斯坦的主要威胁

accordance front 是什么意思?统一战线么?能否有个例句

The Iraqi Accordance Front is an alliance of three mainly Islamist Arab Sunni groups that boycotted elections in January.

英语小白 英语语法问题1 Militants including(为啥要用ing啊?) some from the group al-Qaida


In the Middle East, the country blessed with the greatest abundance of fresh water:



vehement 英[u02c8vi:u0259mu0259nt] 美[u02c8viu0259mu0259nt]adj. 感情强烈的,热情的,热烈的;激烈的,热烈的;激越;慷慨[例句]The above-ground islamist parties have had to become less vehement to gain power.所有正当的伊斯兰政党为了夺取政权,被迫变得的不那么强烈。


Glide源码中显示图片需要明确Imageview的宽高,所以当ImageView宽高都是wrap_content时,是无法显示图像的。 解决方式: Glide官方推荐:override(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL,Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL) 利用Glide CustomTarget 先拿到图片宽高,和已知的明确尺寸做比例换算得到另一个尺寸,使用LayoutParams重设imageview宽或高,再加载即可。


APP首页用的是Fragment,然后用开源库Banner来实现轮播图,图片加载用的是Glide,然而一张都出不来。 使用Glide的依赖为 Glide4.0以上需要自定义一个类 build之后会生成一个GlideApp.这样就可以使用了。 如果你添加的依赖为 build的时候会报错,此时你需要在gradle的defaultconfig添加下面这句 这样就可以build成功。 在使用banner的时候需要设置图片加载器: 其中ImageLoader是banner中封装好的,我们只需要继承一下即可。 在这里需要注意的是glide中的上下文如果使用的是displayImage中的context,也可能导致加载图片不出来。从网上资料查阅得,Glide获取容器生命周期的机制与其他开源框架产生了冲突,故而导致图片加载失效 解决的方法有两种: 1、上下文需要填 2、换用其他的第三方图片加载 在这里使用的是ImageLoader。 依赖为: 在Application中初始化 然后再banner中设置 还有一种是9.0的系统导致图片显示不出来,因此需要在 设置android:usesCleartextTraffic="true"即可


Glide3.0 : 出现原因:看centerCrop()方法的源码可知,也是需要调用transform()方法的.所以前后共用CenterCrop会覆盖掉GlideRoundImage的效果 解决办法:2个效果同时放在transform里面就可以解决问题了。 Glide4.0 使用了glide4.0.0 +后,.transform方法参数改变,不能添加new CenterCrop(Context context)方法,修改GlideRoundTransform 继承CenterCrop 不在继承BitmapTransformation 如下: 然后引用: 就可以正常显示了



intellij idea 断点不生效,程序走到断点处直接过去 javaweb 是debug模式启动,之前能调试


求一篇英语作文 the history of Container Terminal 集装箱的历史 500字

  The history of the development of container transportation industryThe development of container transport through sprout period, developing period, growth period, maturity period of four stages of modern.From 1830 to 1856 for the container transport budIn 1801, the British Anderson (James Anderson), first proposed the idea of container transport. 1830 in the British Railway first appeared a container loading, also appeared in the use of large container ship the cargo in railway. In 1845 the British Rail started to appear in the cargo compartment resembles the modern container -- container. In 1853 the United States railway also use container loading. This is the world"s first container transport. In 1880, the United States a formal trial of the first inland with the container ship. The formal use of container is in the early twentieth Century. In 1900 the British railway container transportation first appeared relatively simple. In 1917 the United States railway container transport on trial. After more than ten years, morality, law, day, appeared in the container transportation. In 1933 the establishment of the International Container Association in Paris, responsible for the unified standard container. World War II (1952) after the United States established the "military quick service system" container, the realization of the use of container transport ammunition and other military supplies. But this period because of the social productivity is still relatively backward, not sufficient and stable supply of suitable containers, the container transportation superiority cannot very good play, affected the development of container transport.From 1956 to 1966 for a period of container transportIn 1955, American Mclean (Malcom Mclean) first proposed the container transport must implement the land and sea transport point of view, in order to facilitate the sea transport, he advocated the sea and land by a control and management. In April 26, 1956 the United States pan the Atlantic shipping company (Pan-Atlantic Steamship Co.) using a modified T - 2 type of tanker "Makesidun", on the deck loading 58 large container, trial operation in New York to the Houston line. 3 months of trial operation has achieved great economic effect, show the superiority of container transport. In 1957 October, the company will be 6 aircraft type C-2 cargo ship into a full container ship with a box of lattice. The first ship by the name "Gateway City", the ship is provided with a container crane, load weight of 90000 tons, loading 35 feet container box 226, weight 25 tons, sailing from New York to Houston. This marks the official start way maritime container transportation.From 1966 to the end of the 80"s, the container transportation entered the growth period of expansion1966 April transportation company (formerly the United States pan the Atlantic shipping company) through the full container ship refitted opened New York to Europe Container Shipping route. 1967 September Ma Tuosong ship company will "Hawaii colonists" container ship into Japan to the Pacific route. Japan after a year of 6 shipping companies to develop container transport between Japan and California. Followed by Japan and the European countries shipping company has launched the container transport in Japan, Europe, the United States and Australia etc.. With the development of maritime container transportation, all countries in the world the construction of container terminal. This century 70"s to 80"s, is a computer software development era. This time the "system of door to door" transportation goal oriented international multimodal transport and multimodal transport system, construction of system. This also for transportation mature container ready.Since 80 time end, international container transportation into modern mature periodAt present, the container transportation has spread all over the world, the developed countries cargo transportation container degree has reached more than 80%. During this period, ship capacity, port throughput capacity and inland connecting and supporting more perfect between three aspects of transport capacity, and container transportation related hardware and software is improving, the relevant links closely, supporting the construction of multimodal transport; container transportation has developed quickly, the container transportation between the developed countries have basically achieved the multimodal transport in developing countries, multimodal transport growth momentum is also very good. Nineteen ninties, competition of container transport market is becoming increasingly fierce, the shipping company in order to survive, to seek development, have group construction camp and "global alliance". In 1993 the world"s 20 largest "global carrier" to 1996 only 13 home.China container transport is started from the 50"s of the last century. In 1955 April, the railway departments to handle small domestic container transport. Waterborne department in 1956, 1960, 1972 3 to borrow short-term trial operation of railway container. In 1973 the development of maritime international container transport, opened in September 1973 with a small container cargo transport from Shanghai to Yokohama, Osaka, Kobe route. China International Container Transport started late, but the development speed is the fastest. Since 1973, Tianjin unloading the first international container, after the 70"s start, stable development in 80 to 90 years, China international container transport caused the eager attention all over the world shipping industry. So far, China has a modern container fleet, built a number of container berth of deep water. At present, China"s Hongkong, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Taiwan in China"s Kaohsiung port were ranked in the world container port second, three or four, six; the COSCO Group, China Shipping Group, Hongkong Oriental Overseas Group, China Taiwan Evergreen Group and Wan Hai group was ranked the world"s top 20 liner company list.  中文原文如下:集装箱运输业的发展历史转载请注明http://www.fareastcontainers.com,谢谢集装箱运输的发展经历了萌芽期、开创期、成长扩展期、现代成熟期四个阶段。1830年至1856年为集装箱运输的萌芽期1801年,英国人安德森(James Anderson)博士首先提出了集装箱运输的设想。1830年在英国铁路上首先出现了一种装煤的容器,也出现了在铁路上使用大容器来装运件杂货。1845年在英国铁路上开始出现了酷似现代集装箱的载货车厢——集装箱雏形。1853年美国铁路也采用了容器装运法。这是世界上最早出现的集装箱运输的雏形。1880年,美国正式试制了第一艘内河用的集装箱船。正式使用集装箱是在20世纪初期。1900年英国铁路上首先出现了较为简单的集装箱运输。1917年美国铁路上试行集装箱运输。随后的十余年间,德、法、日、意相继出现了集装箱运输。1933年在巴黎成立国际集装箱协会,负责制定统一的集装箱标准。二战(1952)后美国建立了“军用集装箱快速勤务系统”,实现了使用集装箱运输弹药和其他军用物品。但这个时期由于社会生产力还较落后,没有充足而稳定的适箱货源,致使集装箱运输的优越性不能很好发挥,影响了集装箱运输的开展。1956年至1966年为集装箱运输的开创期1955年,美国人麦克林(Malcom Mclean)首先提出了集装箱运输必须实现海陆联运的观点,为了便于海陆联运,他主张陆运和海运由一个公司控制和管理。1956年4月26日美国泛大西洋船公司(Pan-Atlantic Steamship Co.)使用一艘经改装的T-2型油船 “马科斯顿”号,在甲板上装载了58个大型集装箱,试运行纽约至休斯顿航线。3个月的试运行取得了巨大的经济效果,显示了集装箱运输的巨大优越性。1957年10月,该公司又将6艘C-2型件杂货船改装成了带有箱格的全集装箱船。第一艘船的船名为“Gateway City”,该船设有集装箱装卸桥,载重量90000吨,装载35尺集装箱226只,箱总重25吨,航行于纽约到休斯顿。这标志着海上集装箱运输方式正式开始。自1966年起至80年代末,集装箱运输进入了成长扩展期1966年4月海陆运输公司(原美国泛大西洋船公司)以经过改装的全集装箱船开辟了纽约至欧洲集装箱运输航线。1967年9月马托松船公司将“夏威夷殖民者”全集装箱船投入到日本至北美太平洋沿岸航线。一年后日本有6家船公司在日本至加利福尼亚之间开展集装箱运输。紧接着日本和欧洲各国的船公司先后在日本、欧洲、美国和澳大利亚等地区开展了集装箱运输。随着海上集装箱运输的发展,世界各国普遍建设集装箱专用码头。本世纪70年代到80年代,是计算机软件发展时代。这个时代把“门到门”的运输目标导向国际多式联运的系统化方向,开始构筑系统运输和联运系统。这也为集装箱运输成熟期的到来做好了准备。80年代末至今,国际集装箱运输进入现代成熟期目前,集装箱运输已遍及全球,发达国家件杂货运输的集装箱化程度已达80%以上。这个时期,船舶运力、港口吞吐能力和内陆集疏运能力三个环节之间衔接和配套日趋完善,与集装箱运输有关的硬件和软件日臻完善,各有关环节紧密衔接、配套建设;集装箱运输多式联运获得迅速发展,发达国家之间的集装箱运输已基本实现了多式联运,发展中国家多式联运的增长势头也是十分可观的。20世纪90年代,集装箱运输市场竞争日趋激烈,各船公司为了求生存、求发展,纷纷组建联营体和“环球联盟”。1993年世界20家最大“全球承运人”到1996年仅剩下13家。中国集装箱运输是从上世纪50年代开始起步的。1955年4月,铁路部门开始办理国内小型集装箱运输。水运部门在1956年、1960年、1972年3次借用铁路集装箱进行短期试运。1973年开辟海上国际集装箱运输,1973年9月开辟用杂货船捎运小型集装箱的上海至横滨、大阪、神户航线。中国国际集装箱运输起步较晚,但发展的速度是最快的。自1973年天津接卸了第一个国际集装箱,历经了70年代的起步,80年代的稳定发展,到90年代中国国际集装箱运输引起全世界航运界的热切关注。至此,中国拥有了一支现代化的集装箱船队,建成了一批集装箱专用深水泊位。目前,中国的香港、上海、深圳和中国台湾地区的高雄港分别排在世界集装箱港口的第二、三、四、六位;中远集团、中海集团、香港的东方海外集团、中国台湾的长荣海运集团和万海集团也身居世界前二十大班轮公司之列。

Far East Movement-Change Your Life-欧美-组合-英语.mpg种子下载地址有么?你懂的~~

Far East Movement-Change Your Life-欧美-组合-英语.mpg种子下载地址:记得采纳


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take my hand take me downtown Take my hand and let the sun go down这首歌是谁唱的

Glimmer of Blooms 绽放的光Glimmer of Blooms is a singer and songwriter located in Vienna, Austria. Intending to create his sounds all by himself, the 25 year old multi-instrumentalist produces his songs without making use of samples and rather focuses on uncommon ways of recording. His sound is best described as vocalized chill out tunes which tend to recall memories and feelings. In his songs guitar-play and piano-chords don"t just have the job of simply underpinning Glimmer of Blooms" voice but rather function as equally prominent in each track.绽放的光,是奥地利维也纳的一位歌手和歌曲作者。意在创作他自己的歌声,这位25岁的多种器乐演奏者创作他的歌曲,他采用不用小样的不寻常的录音方式来录制作品。他的声音最好的诠释了用弛放音乐发声法,意在召回久远的记忆和情感。他的歌曲里,吉他和钢琴和弦弹奏不仅仅是为绽放的光的声音伴奏那么简单,而是在每个轨道中同样突显。Take My Hand (Kidaste Remix 由基德维斯合成)Take my handand take me downtown,take my hand and let the sun go down,let the sun go down.Take my hand and find expression there,the silent night and let the moon break inlet the moon break in.oooh ooh oooh ooh ooh ohhh,oooh ooh oooh ooh ooh ohhh,vibrate, let me vibrate in,vibrate, let me vibrate in,vibrate, let me vibrate in,Take my hand and lead me through the night,Take my hand and show me what it"s like,when the sun goes down.Take my hand and I will come along,the washed up stars when the lights are gone,when the lights are gone.mmhhhmmmm hmmm hmmm.

I party-Far East Movement 歌词

Say… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night, And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life, I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party Lets party baby, tell the dj get the party crazy I"m fellin faded like a classic pair of Ben Davis (All Night) Music"s bangin, (All Night) hella ladies I"m navigating through them girls like a new Mercedes (Later) My games" in over drive, baby girl is so divine Last shot it"s overtime, Patron and Henney is suicide So sip it baby, do or dieeeee, its just you and i-i-i-i like a pair of di-i-i-ce, we can let it ride Say… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night, And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life, I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party The club going insane, feelin that bass, pushing that 808 Mama what"s my name, ride this train, FM make ya shake that thang, I wanna hear you scream, AMF burn ya lips like gasoline, Feelin so good like I"m in my dreams, make ya see 3 like a sippin on lean We back and ya know its US, too much now throw it up Then I"m back up on it, sippin that tonic, baby fill my cup And ya don"t stop, git it, git it I say don"t stop, git it, git it Party don"t sleep 7 days a week cuz that beat so bad that it got me trippin" Just open your mind, ay ay ay Just open your eyes, ay ay ay Your so blind, ay ay ay Just open your eyes Just for a short while Say… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night, And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life, I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party Club lights spinnin", locs on, hoes grinnin" White tee"s nicely pressed, I just might be, The right G that flow cool, IZ there"s no 2 Roll through, Fly Gang, sideways, crime pays Creepin" on yo stacks so homie don"t relax, The straps in the jack" cuz I came thru the back Where ever i go, the shotgun still rolls Cops come to the shows and yall know how it goes Its a jungle in this building from the window to the wall (wall) Turn the music up lets rock the party cuz its on (on) My game is through the roof like j-j-Jordan in the zone Fresh Prince of Hollywood, Ch-ch-ch-Chillin on my throne Say… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night, And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life, I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party Just open your mind, ay ay ay Just open your eyes, ay ay ay Your so blind, ay ay ay Just open your eyes Just for a short while Say… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night, And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life, I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party

I Party 歌词 far east movement的

Hook: KEV NISHSay… I-I-I-I-I Party all day and all n-n-n-night,And I just wanna play my whole li-li-life,I Party, I-I-I-I-I Party, I-I-I-I-I PartyVerse 1: KEV NISHLets party baby, tell the dj get the party crazyI"m fellin faded like a classic pair of Ben Davis(All Night) Music"s bangin, (All Night) hella ladiesI"m navigating through them girls like a new Mercedes(Later) My games" in over drive, baby girl is so divineLast shot it"s overtime, Patron and Henney is suicideSo sip it baby, do or dieeeee, its just you and i-i-i-ilike a pair of di-i-i-ce, we can let it ride(repeat hook)Verse 2: PROHGRESSThe club going insane, feelin that bass, pushing that 808Mama what"s my name, ride this train, FM make ya shake that thang,I wanna hear you scream, AMF burn ya lips like gasoline,Feelin so good like I"m in my dreams, make ya see 3 like a sippin on leanWe back and ya know its US, too much now throw it upThen I"m back up on it, sippin that tonic, baby fill my cupAnd ya don"t stop, git it, git it[| From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/f/far-east-movement-lyrics/i-party-lyrics.html |]I say don"t stop, git it, git itParty don"t sleep 7 days a week cuz that beat so bad that it got me trippin"Bridge - DB TONIKJust open your mind, ay ay ayJust open your eyes, ay ay ayYour so blind, ay ay ayJust open your eyesJust for a short while(repeat hook)Verse 3: IZClub lights spinnin", locs on, hoes grinnin"White tee"s nicely pressed, I just might be,The right G that flow cool, IZ there"s no 2Roll through, Fly Gang, sideways, crime paysCreepin" on yo stacks so homie don"t relax,The straps in the jack" cuz I came thru the backWhere ever i go, the shotgun still rollsCops come to the shows and yall know how it goesVerse 4: J-SPLIFIts a jungle in this building from the window to the wall (wall)Turn the music up lets rock the party cuz its on (on)My game is through the roof like j-j-Jordan in the zoneFresh Prince of Hollywood, Ch-ch-ch-Chillin on my throne(repeat hook)(repeat bridge)(repeat hook)

Far East Movement make it bump 中文歌词谁知道呀

[ti:Make It Bump][ar:Far East Movement & Koda Kumi][al:Free Wired][00:00.51]Make It Bump[00:01.36]Far East Movement & Koda Kumi远东韵律&幸田来未[00:01.68]u2764lyrics By Creaku2764[00:02.15][00:15.48]Ayyy, girl, what"s your name?美女请问芳名?[00:17.01]My name? Glad I came我叫什么?见到你我心欢喜[00:18.89]Your frame is so insane你的魔鬼身材[00:20.72]Got me numb like Novocain让我全身麻痹[00:22.60]Damn girl, you"re a freak这位美女 你惊为天人[00:24.48]I"m a beast seven days a week我是你的野兽[00:26.35]Can I ask for that math?我能问你个数学问题吗[00:28.33]I mean your number我是说你的号码[00:29.28]I mean some ass我说咱们做点什么[00:30.16]You wanna cut them, where"s your girls你想打断我 去找你的闺蜜们[00:31.79]Got a king size at the crib[00:33.75]Introduce you to my world快到我的世界来[00:35.52]It is what it is就这样[00:37.55]You can be my superstar你是我的超级巨星[00:39.25]Put your hands up in this bitch高举你的双手[00:41.16]We gonna wild all out before they kick us out我们要好好疯一场[00:42.99]It is what it is就这样[00:45.21][00:45.58]I wanna turn you up我想挑逗你[00:47.28]Make you feel that base让你感受到我心跳的重低音[00:49.23]Just be that dirty love快让我感受你火辣的爱意[00:51.00]Make you vibrate让你震动[00:52.97]Make your spine ache让你疼痛[00:54.80]It is that killer love这是杀手之爱[00:56.74]I just can"t get enough我不满足[00:59.75]shut up安静[01:00.14][01:00.57]Make it bump冲撞[01:01.73]Make it bump轰隆隆[01:02.44]Make it - make it bump我们身体碰撞[01:04.33]Make it bump[01:05.31]Make it bump[01:06.09]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![01:08.02]Make it bump[01:08.99]Make it bump[01:09.91]Make it - make it bump[01:11.73]Make it bump[01:12.71]Make it bump[01:13.65]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![01:15.11][01:15.37]Hey, boy 感じさせて嗨 帅哥 我感觉到了[01:18.00]もっと take me all over your world告诉我你的一切秘密[01:21.91]So you can keep your mouth shut然后你就可以安静了[01:23.99]Put - put - put your hands up高举你的双手[01:25.86]Put - put - put your hands up在空中挥动[01:27.77]Make it bump bump bump!高举的双臂在空中碰撞[01:29.86][01:30.21]Let"s get it crackin"我们打破僵局[01:32.28]You know what"s happenin"你知道怎么回事[01:34.10]So why you hummin" in my ear with all this chattin"?你为什么一直对我耳语?[01:37.82]"Cause I"m not here to talk我可不是来跟你高谈阔论的[01:39.77]I get down and let my fingers walk我的手指在你身上游走[01:41.59]So shut your lip and take a sip before this needle drop合上你的双唇 在一切安静下来之前[01:45.15]You wanna cut them - where"s your girl?[01:46.75]Got a king size at the crib[01:48.69]Introduce you to my world[01:50.55]It is what it is[01:52.37]You can be my superstar[01:54.28]Put your hands up in this bitch[01:56.16]We gonna wild all out before they kick us out[01:58.09]It is what it is[02:00.20][02:00.49]I wanna turn you up[02:02.25]Make you feel that base[02:04.22]Just be that dirty love[02:06.31]Make you vibrate[02:08.07]Make your spine ache[02:09.85]It is that killer love[02:11.84]I just can"t get enough[02:14.74]shut up[02:15.25][02:15.65]Make it bump[02:16.45]Make it bump[02:17.34]Make it - make it bump[02:19.26]Make it bump[02:20.27]Make it bump[02:21.15]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![02:23.00]Make it bump[02:23.95]Make it bump[02:24.91]Make it - make it bump[02:26.79]Make it bump[02:27.67]Make it bump[02:28.68]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![02:30.16][02:30.33]Hey, boy 感じさせて[02:33.02]もっと take me all over your world[02:36.90]So you can keep your mouth shut[02:39.03]Put - put - put your hands up[02:40.85]Put - put - put your hands up[02:42.82]Make it bump bump bump![02:44.84][02:47.36]Put your hands up[02:59.96][03:00.54]I wanna turn you up[03:02.35]Make you feel that base[03:04.17]Just be that dirty love[03:06.28]Make you vibrate[03:08.03]Make your spine ache[03:09.90]It is that killer love[03:11.71]I just can"t get enough[03:14.74]shut up[03:15.25][03:15.63]Make it bump[03:16.48]Make it bump[03:17.43]Make it - make it bump[03:19.29]Make it bump[03:20.28]Make it bump[03:21.19]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![03:23.08]Make it bump[03:24.04]Make it bump[03:25.04]Make it - make it bump[03:26.79]Make it bump[03:27.80]Make it bump[03:28.76]Make it - make it - SHUT UP!![03:30.21][03:30.45]Hey, boy 感じさせて[03:33.00]もっと take me all over your world[03:36.88]So you can keep your mouth shut[03:39.01]Put - put - put your hands up[03:40.88]Put - put - put your hands up[03:42.86]Make it bump bump bump![03:44.97][03:51.87]u2764Lrc By Creaku2764[04:04.50]got a king size at the crib有一个超大尺寸的。。。在(摇篮?)。。。crib名词形式只有婴儿床的意思啊重复的就不翻译啦

Far East Movement的《2gether》 歌词

歌曲名:2gether歌手:Far East Movement专辑:Free WiredFar East Movement - 2getherWe can get togetherNow I don"t usually do thisBut I ain"t myself tonightI wanna drink a lil mo, moForget it all, allAnd dance till I"m dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)E-very one must shine together tonightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonightE-very one must shine together tonightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonightI-I-I been partying my whole lifeBut something feels different tonightI been buzzin" my whole lifeBut something bout you buzzin" me right (right)YoThis is club is goin" crazyYou"ve got me goin" crazyThis dj"s goin crazyAnd now I"m elevatedWe havin" fun in hereSo hands up in the airWe havin fun in hereSo get your hands up in the airNow I don"t usually do this (this, this)But I ain"t myself tonight (night, night)I wanna drink a lil mo (mo)Forget it all (all)And dance till I"m dead, dead, dead on the floor (floor)E-very one must shine together tonightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonightE-very one must shine together tonightTonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonightI-I-I been lovin" my whole lifeBut somethin" feels different tonightI been jumpin" my whole lifeBut you got me jumpin" tonightYoThis is club is going crazyYou"ve got me goin" crazyThis dj"s goin" crazyAnd now I"m elevatedWe havin" fun in hereSo hands up in the airWe havin" fun in hereSo get your hands up in the air (air, air, air…)Tonight I don"t careWe waited all yearEveryone shineGet yo hands in the airTonight I don"t careWe waited all yearEveryone shineGet yo hands in the airTonight I don"t careGet yo-g-g-g-get yo hands in the airEveryone my shine together tonightEveryone my shine together tonightTonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight……http://music.baidu.com/song/23261409

谁能帮忙翻译一下Far East Movement ft.Snoop Dogg - If I Was You 歌词

OohFar East MovementOh, oh, oh, ohSnoop DoggI bet you wake up in the morning and you kiss yourself我打赌你早上醒来就会亲吻自己‘Cause I would, if I was you因为如果我是你 我就会I bet you show up to the club and just dance with yourself我打赌你出现在夜店只会和自己跳舞‘Cause I would, if I was you因为如果我是你 我就会If I was you girl宝贝 如果我是你Here is what I"d do girl我会这样做I"d notice me here at this table, with my crew girl我会注意到我和女孩们在这里We sipping goose girl宝贝 我们抿一口鹅肉We getting loose girl宝贝 我们开始放纵So won"t you sit up on my lap with that caboose girl难道你不要和那些女孩一样坐在我的膝盖上?Shake it out尽情摇摆吧You ain"t a doll, you"re a silver dolla你不是洋娃娃 是一枚耀眼的银币It"ll be a crime, if I didn"t holla如果我没有大叫 事情就会失控Take a second, hear me out这一秒听我说If you still don"t get it, let me spell it out如果你还不明白 就听我说清楚O-M-G, you"re so sexy我的天 你真性感You know you caught my eye with a B-O-O-T-Y你知道你用身体征服了我的眼睛O-M-G, shawty"s such a freak我的天 女人真疯狂She says she wants to go back to my C-O-N-D-O她说她想回到我的宾馆Let"s go来吧Let"s go来吧I bet you hop under the covers and play with yourself我打赌你会披着衣服和自己玩耍‘Cause I would, if I was you因为如果我是你 我就会I bet you stand up in the mirror and stare at yourself我打赌你会站在镜子前欣赏自己‘Cause I would, if I was you因为如果我是你 我就会If I was you girl宝贝 如果我是你It be me and you girl那么我们就在一起Would be no question, teach you lessons in my room girl没有问题 我就在房间里教你一些事情And if you with it girl, then you can get it girl如果你够前卫 你就会懂的 宝贝And if you thinkin" it, let"s start drinkin", let it go girl如果你考虑 那我们痛饮吧 随它去Check it out看过来You ain"t a doll, you"re a silver dolla你不是洋娃娃 是一枚耀眼的银币It"ll be a crime, if I didn"t holla如果我没有大叫 事情就会失控Take a second, hear me out这一秒听我说If you still don"t get it, let me spell it out如果你还不明白 就听我说清楚O-M-G, you"re so sexy我的天 你真性感You know you caught my eye with a B-O-O-T-Y你知道你用身体征服了我的眼睛O-M-G, shawty"s such a freak我的天 女人真疯狂She says she wants to go back to my C-O-N-D-O她说她想回到我的宾馆Let"s go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go 来吧 来吧 来吧。。

Far East Movement的《Dirty Bass》 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Bass歌手:Far East Movement专辑:Dirty BassFar East Movement(ft. Tyga) – Dirty Bassby:MetalKDirty bass,I love thatI dip low when I feel locoDon"t trip, make a dip like a loloUh, make a dip like a loloThen I roll on, roll on, uhI love that dirty bass, uh, uhI love that, I love that, uhI love that dirty bass, uh uhI love that, I love thatDirty..I love thatDirty..Yo, I make girls jiggleRight down the middleMy girl"s from AssadenaShe ain"t that ghettoShe likes to sip the pubVIP at the clubBut when it comes to bassMy girl got a banging trunk (aw yeah)Dig the way that you roll (dig the way that you roll)Put your bass down low (put your bass down low)You can come to the crib (you can come to the crib)Leave your shoes at the do" (Leave your shoes at the do")She know what you"re here for (You know what you"re here for)He know what you"re here for (You know what you"re here for)Girl, shake that dirty bassReal girls get down on the floor(Shake it)Umm go ham when the beat dropGot beef eat, eat it like a pork chopAnd the bass pump, pump like a ReebokIn so hot gonna fend them like a tea cupHe killer, bang bang got his chainBig willy, chilling on a big wheelerYour girl icky, give me licky lickyNo smalls, all biggie biggieYum, she rap to the beatBack, back it up, hit it beep beepCome to LA, life on the beachAnd she give me brain screechGlove, pop itDirty bass, girls droppingYoung Money Cash, ride itShake that ass, ass, assI"ll bang that woofer, if she"s a locaI"m cruising Hollywood, I"m fineI don"t want no hookerI need to fight for free for that"s let them freeLet"s take it back to the motelNow, I"m in too deep(Uh,yeah)The way you make me shake, I love that.Dirty..The way you make me shake, I love thatMake me shake, make me shake.Dirty..The way you make me shake, I love thatThe way you make me shake.Dirty..Make me shake, make me shake.I love that(End) Q406259622http://music.baidu.com/song/14841108

Far East Movement的《Flossy》 歌词

歌曲名:Flossy歌手:Far East Movement专辑:Dirty BassFlossyFar East Movement (feat. Kay)★Your lovin" ELECTRO -珂珂sheery lyrics-Dirty bassComing chance don"t mean a thingYou by my side is all I needI"m flossyI"m flossyDippin" through the crowds it"s how we chillAll eyes on me is how I feelI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahGot me buzzin on your loveStraight shot no chasingHard beat getting harderThan the bass tonightTonightIt"s all good tonightThen the rich and then Jay-ZStunnin like babyTake the wheel girlDrive me crazy tonightEverything"s all rightYoEverywhere we cruise all eyes on youThat"s my booEverywhere we cruise all eyes on youThat"s my booComing chance don"t mean a thingYou by my side is all I needI"m flossyI"m flossyDippin" through the crowds it"s how we chillAll eyes on me is how I feelI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahLike a fresh new tat i forever wanna rotI wanna hit the avenue to show you on the block"Cause you young, we fly, and we thirstySo we gonna live it up like it"s your birthdayAnd the ties like I can never take my eyes off youYou still have a record honey it"s not your all I doIced out coop, for your iced out bootsGo in ham with my cheese baby, cordon bleuEverywhere we cruise all eyes on youThat"s my booEverywhere we cruise all eyes on youThat"s my booComing chance don"t mean a thingYou by my side is all I needI"m flossy Yeah yeah yeahI"m flossy Yeah yeah yeahDippin" through the crowds it"s how we chillAll eyes on me is how I feelI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahYo floss your bass in the air right nowAll my bass has turned the bass up loudIf you feelin" that dum than throw your hands upDirty bass flossin" in the houseFloss your bass in the air right nowAll my bass has turned the bass out loudIf you feelin" that dum than throw your hands upDirty bass flossin" in the houseFlossin" in the houseFlossin" in the houseFlo-flo-floComing chance don"t mean a thingYou by my side is all I needI"m flossy Yeah yeah yeah yeahI"m flossy Yeah yeah yeah yeahDippin" through the crowds it"s how we chillAll eyes on me is how I feelI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy YeahI"m flossy Yeahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14841152
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