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cad内部错误:!xcommand.cpp@3591epermanentlyerased 怎么解决

本人总结了四个方法,分别如下: 1.找备份文件:当前目录找一下.bak文件(就是备份文件),把扩展名bak改为dwg即可;也可用autocad的自动保存文件,一般放在c:documents and settings你的用户名local settings emp下,(如果不是查看一下cad菜单:文件——工具——选项——“文件”选项卡,找到“自动文件保存位置“下的目录文件夹)自动保存文件扩展名.sv$,文件名一般是你文件的名字加一串数字,找到时间最新的,改成dwg就能用了。   2.修复图形:cad菜单:文件——绘图实用程序——修复,然后点击要打开的图形,最后等待图形修复完成以后,点击enter键就可以打开图形了;若用命令:recover,然后在出现的打开文件对话框里面点击要打开的图形,然后等图形修复完成以后,点击回车键就可以打开图形了。   3.插入图块: 新建一个图形文件,把旧图用图块形式插入,另存文件即可。   4.用cad转换版本程序(终极解决办法):用cad转换版本程序,如dwgExpress等,将图形转换一下,即可解决内部错误问题,此方法还可以解决cad教育版打印戳记的问题。

4你的解锁码为: 301 Moved Permanently


Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


savanna elephant 什么意思

savanna elephant稀树草原的大象例句:1.The savanna elephant weighs between six and seven tons, roughly double the weightof the forest elephant. 草原象的体重在6吨至7吨间,大约是森林象的2倍。

我第一次玩使命召唤4的多人游戏。一进去就是 you are permanently banned


浩方玩使命召唤5出现you are permanently banned from this server


在竞舞上玩使命召唤4时,在登录某些服务器时会出现“you are permanently banned from this server”



movedpermanentiymoved permanently,永久移动

You arepermanently banned from this server


http/1.1 301 moved permanently

Subversion 出现 301 Moved Permanently 的解决方法 会出现这个讯息的原因,通常就是 Subversion 的 Repository 目录放在 apache 设定的文件根目录里面。先打开 apache 的 httpd.conf 看看 DocumentRoot 设在哪里:DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"再看看 SVNPath 或 SVNParentPath 设的目录是不是一样?<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /var/www/html/svn</Location>如果一样,就必需把 svn 目录搬到其它地方,如 /usr/local/svn然后再把 httpd.conf 改为:<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /usr/local/svn</Location>再重新启动 apache ,结果就会正常了。

新QQ在手机设置密码时上的301Moved Permanently是什么意思


求歌词里有i just want to you know(大概是这样的吧)

符合你要求的: 看下歌词是不是。 歌曲:i want you to know 歌手:jones donell 专辑:my heart i want you to know 歌手:jones donell 专辑:my heart (Verse 1) I want you to know You"re the best thing that came into my life You make me feel so right You"ve opened my eyes A new world for me to see what we could be I don"t wanna be lonely Baby, you know, yeah... I would give anything just to be with you Sacrificd my life to make your dreams come true You gave my heart a brand new start we"ll never part I wanna be where you are Jones Donell(Chorus) I want you to know That I could give you love I want you to know That I am promising you the world I want you to know That I love you so No one can take your love away from me (Verse 2) I want you to see I can be all the man you"ll ever need I think of you only Your future with me I don"t wanna be lonely Baby, you know, yeah... I would give anything just to be with you Sacrifice my life to make your dreams come true You gave my heart a brand new start we"ll never part I wanna be where you are (Chorus) (Bridge) I can promise you, baby To save this real love you"re giving me I could never ever do you wrong Oh, no, oh, no, no... Oh, yeah, yeah... (Chorus/Vamp Out)

网站顶部出现 301 Moved Permanently 问题,请问如何解决?

  你好!  301 Moved Permanently-----网址跳转,重定向  要小心进到钓鱼或诈骗网站!

Intel AT Module Activation不小心启用了Permanently Disabl

尊敬的联想用户您好!根据您的情况,请问您是在BIOS中设置的吗??您可进入BIOS找到下面相关的设置进行恢复。Intel AT Module Activation:因特尔ATM模块激活。提供三个选项:禁用(Disable),启用(Enable),永久禁用(Permanently Disable)。下面是当前ATM模块的状态:当前设置(Current setting),禁用(Disable);当前状态(Current state),不激活(Not Activated)。但是这个功能一开始是没有开启的,只有安装了软件和购买了服务后开启,开启后停止需要联系软件的供应商了,如果你无需使用就保持关闭。请问您是先前使用过这个服务么??更多问题您可以咨询idea论坛:http://lenovobbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureplyThink论坛:http://thinkbbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php?intcmp=FM_LBBS_baidureply期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!

使命召唤5在浩方联机 出错 You are permanently banned from this server 求大神这是甚么!!


电脑出现HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently ,该怎么办?

Subversion 出现 301 Moved Permanently 的解决方法 会出现这个讯息的原因,通常就是 Subversion 的 Repository 目录放在 apache 设定的文件根目录里面。先打开 apache 的 httpd.conf 看看 DocumentRoot 设在哪里:DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"再看看 SVNPath 或 SVNParentPath 设的目录是不是一样?<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /var/www/html/svn</Location>如果一样,就必需把 svn 目录搬到其它地方,如 /usr/local/svn然后再把 httpd.conf 改为:<Location /svn>DAV svnSVNParentPath /usr/local/svn</Location>再重新启动 apache ,结果就会正常了。





permanently disabled.是什么意思

permanently disabled永久性残疾双语对照例句:1.Fearing he would be left permanently disabled, he said, he attempted suicide threetimes. 他说,因担心自己可能落下终身残疾,他曾三次试图自杀。2.If their software ever hangs, such systems are permanently disabled. 如果它们的软件宕机了,这些系统就永远完蛋了。

修改QQ密码时 出现301 Moved Permanently是什么意思


英语the work remain there permanently怎么翻译?


the shipment is __ of 1540lbs ,用short如何填写

the shipment is short of 1540lbsbe short of是固定词组吧算是shipment英 ["u0283u026apm(u0259)nt] 美 ["u0283u026apmu0259nt] n. 装货;装载的货物网络释义专业释义英英释义 装运2、交货与装运的关系 装运(Shipment)是指将货物交由船方运往约定目的地的行为, 也就是一般所说的装船。基于948个网页-相关网页 装船 装载的货物 交运short of 缺乏;不足;除…以外网络释义专业释义 缺乏2010考博英语词组复习(七) ... settle down 坐下来;安居下来;安家;安定下来;冷静下来;降临 short of 不足;缺乏 show off 卖弄;夸示;显眼;炫耀;展示;(在…衬托下)显得好看 ...基于241个网页-相关网页 缺少 不足 若无短语Short moments of time 这会是光阴的一刹那 ; 那些短暂的瞬间 ; 那些短暂的瞬间啊Short period of time 短时期 ; 短的时间 ; 短一段时间 ; 短时间内make short shrift of 敷衍了事 ; 很快解决 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典short of短缺,不足少于;次于除…之外离开;距离(…有多远)以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》柯林斯英汉双解大词典 shipment /u02c8u0283u026apmu0259nt/ CET6 TEM4 ( shipments )1. N-COUNT A shipment is an amount of a particular kind of cargo that is sent to another country on a ship, train, aeroplane, or other vehicle. 运送的货物 (量)例:After that, food shipments to the port could begin in a matter of weeks.之后,到该港口的食物运送可能在几周之内开始。2. N-UNCOUNT The shipment of a cargo or goods somewhere is the sending of it there by ship, train, aeroplane, or some other vehicle. 运送例:Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉先要装箱,然后送到码头运往海外。


permanent adjective1 lasting for a long time or forever:She is looking for a permanent place to stay.Are you looking for a temporary or a permanent job?The disease can cause permanent damage to the brain.A semi-permanent hair dye will wash out after about three months.He entered the United States in 1988 as a permanent resident because of his marriage to a U.S. citizen.2 describes something that exists or happens all the time:Mont Blanc has a permanent snow cap.Our office is in a permanent state of chaos.permanent noun [C]US FOR permpermanently adverbalways and forever:Smoking is likely to damage your health permanently.Michael and his family have settled permanently in the States.I seem to be permanently broke.permanence noun [U] (FORMAL permanency)staying the same or continuing for a long time:A loving family environment gives children that sense of stability and permanence which they need.NOTE: The opposite is impermanence.perpetual adjective1 continuing forever in the same way:They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered and arrested.He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.a perpetual student2 frequently repeated:perpetual vandalismperpetually adverbShe"s perpetually asking me for money.perpetuate verb [T] FORMAL to cause something to continue:Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy.The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.perpetuation noun [U] FORMALThe lack of military action from other countries has contributed to the perpetuation of the civil war.perpetuity noun FORMALin perpetuity for everI think it"s better to use an English only dictionary to compare the meaning of English words...The best is http://www.dictionary.com although it might be a bit difficult.This one is good too, a little easier to understand:http://dictionary.cambridge.org


permanently[英]["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a][美][u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a]adv.永久地,长期不变地; 例句:1.And leaves them permanently damaged. 并且让他们永久的被损坏.2.Can you give me one reason we shouldn"t permanently revoke your parking? 能给我们一个不永久撤消你们停车资格的理由吗?


permanently 英["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a] 美[u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a] adv. 永久地,长期不变地; [例句]On paper, I am the healthiest man alive, yet I feel permanently unwell.理论上,我是活着的最健康的人,但是我总感觉不舒服。


permanently[英]["pu025c:mu0259nu0259ntlu026a][美][u02c8pu0259mu0259nu0259ntlu026a]adv.永久地,长期不变地; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.People who I believe can fix my charges permanently. 我相信他能永久地撤消对我的指控。2.Banks say they"ve permanently abandoned housing risky assets in off-balance-sheet vehicles. 银行说,他们已经永远放弃了在表外工具中放入风险资产的做法

在英语中:l want to be with you


英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

i want to be with you 这里be 是起什么作用为什么要加BE

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

英语 I want to be with you 这里为什么是to be 具体的语法能解释下吗

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.

请问Air Inter航空公司的中文名是什么?

南非航空公司英文全称:Interair South AfricaIATA Code 二字代码:D6



谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem

i don"t know

l want to be with you.,中文谢谢。


i want to be with you什么意思


i want to be with you是什么意思



您好,sufferern.(名词)受难者受害者patient  英 ["peu026au0283nt]     美 ["peu026au0283nt]    adj.有耐心的;能忍耐的n.病人

i want to be with you 这里be 是起什么作用为什么要加BE

因为动词不定式to后面必须接动词原形,但是with是介词,to后面不能直接接介词with,于是 中间就需要添加一个既能接在动词不定式后面的动词,后面又能接介词with.最常用的就是 be动词了其实这里还可以把be换成stay但是和be也有些不同,be动词表达的是状态,而且 意义比stay更广泛,stay只表示待者这个动作.



谁能教我怎么写HAIKU诗(英文)/Diamante poem

源于日本的俳句俳句日本古典短诗,由17字音组成。原称俳谐(也写为诽谐)。俳谐一语来源于中国,大致与滑稽同义。它在日本,最初出现于《古今和歌集》(收有“俳谐歌”58首),至江户时代(1600~1867)则有从“俳谐连歌”产生的俳句、连句、俳文等。俳谐连歌同中国近体诗联句相仿。它的第1句为5、7、5句式的17音,称为发句(起句),胁句(配句)为7、7句式,第3、第4句以后为前两种句式轮流反复,最后一句以7、7句式结束,称为结句。俳句,即取其发句(起句),加上“季题”(表现写作俳句季节的词语)和“切字”(一定的断句助词或助动词),使之成为独立的17字音的短诗。日本著名俳句家,室町时代(1392~1573) 后期有宗鉴、荒木田守武,二人是俳谐连歌作者;江户时代有松永贞德,他提倡俳谐的娱乐性和教养性,号称“贞门”,可谓倾向于古典的一派。当时俳谐尚处于进入俳谐连歌的阶段。另一方面又有西山宗因,主张俳谐的滑稽性,强调创作上的自由奔放,称为“谈林”派。具有这一派特色的还有著名俳句家井原西鹤。一般被称为俳圣的松尾芭蕉,把松永贞德的古典式技巧和西山宗因的自由奔放的散文风格熔铸一炉,并加以发展,摒弃滑稽、娱乐等文字游戏成分,使俳谐成为具有艺术价值的庶民生活诗。17世纪日本俳谐曾一度中落,至18世纪下半叶,与谢芜村号召“回到芭蕉去”,再度呈现繁荣景象。江户时代胁句(配句)以下各句逐渐失去生色,但小林一茶在发句(起句)的创作上表现了突出成就。正冈子规作为明治时代(1868~1912)的俳谐复兴者,明确提出连句(即俳谐连歌)非属于文学的主张,提倡以连句的发句(起句)为“俳句”文学,依然保存了发句的格律,使它发展成为日本民族最短的诗歌。此后,俳谐连歌逐步衰落,现代虽有少数人加以提倡,依然未见复兴。后来曾有人主张废除“季题”(称为“无季俳句”),否定定型(称为“自由律俳句”),但未成为主导力量。俳句较多地采取象征和比喻手法,崇尚简洁、含蓄、雅淡,比和歌更为精练。由于诗短,容易背诵和随时随地吟咏,日本从事业余创作的人很多。现代俳句也很发达。haikui诗的规则是第一行5个音节,第2行7个音节,第3行5个音节(音节:好像a/pple有两个音节,beau/ti/ful/有三个),如此类推。Diamante poem 就是ine 1:one word(一个字)(subject/noun that is contrasting to line 7)Line 2:(两个字)two words(adjectives) that describe line 1Line 3:three words(action verbs) that relate to line 1Line 4:four words (nouns)first 2 words relate to line 1last 2 words relate to line 7Line 5:three words(action verbs) that relate to line 7Line 6:two words(adjectives) that describe line 7Line 7:one word( subject/noun that is contrasting to line 1)

guest ,customer和client 的区别?

customer意思是:消费者,用于表示消费者与销售厂家时client意思是:客户端, 专门表示客户一方的术语guest意思是:贵宾、客人 用于表示外国来访的客人或自己家来的客人等等


欲准确理解这两个词,最好还是看看英文字典的解释: ---Customer: 通常译为顾客 a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron. 从他人处购买货物或服务的人;买主;赞助人。 ---Client: 通常译为客户 1.a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer, accountant, advertising agency, architect, etc.使用如律师、会计师、广告经纪、建筑师等专业咨询或服务的个人或团体。 2.a person who is receiving the benefits, services, etc., of a social welfare agency, a government bureau, etc. 接受社会福利机构、政府机构等的福利、服务的人。 3.a customer. 顾客 由此可知凡是买东西的人,不管买的是货品或服务都可以是customer,client广义上也包括了customer。而在现实生活中,人们通常对这两词的认可是(不排除有例外的情况):customer是指购买货品的人;而client是指购买或接受服务的人,像律师、会计师、银行、医生、理财顾问、保险经纪、房地产经纪等的客户。

client 和customer 有什么区别?




歌曲What Women Want什么意思?

卡迪碧wap歌词大意是:创作者对于爱情的惶恐与无奈之情。这首歌用词大胆,而wap这首歌的MV也有很多值得琢磨的地方。卡迪碧把wap这首歌发出来以后评论两极分化,有男人的指责,也有女人的追捧,卡迪碧把女性的心声唱了出来。所以卡迪碧就被称作是浦西女王。卡迪碧wap歌词如下:Whores in this houseThere"re some whores in this houseThere"re some whores in this houseThere"re some?whores?in this house(Hold up)I said certified freak, seven days a weekWet-ass Pus*y, make that pullout game weak, woo(Ah)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, you f**kin" with some wet-ass Pus*yBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass Pus*yGive me everything you got for this wet-ass Pus*yBeat it up, nigga, catch a chargeExtra large and extra hardPut this Pus*y right in your faceSwipe your nose like a credit cardHop on top, I wanna rideI do a kegel while it"s insideSpit in my mouth, look in my eyesThis Pus*y is wet, come take a diveTie me up like I"m surprisedLet"s roleplay, I"ll wear a disguiseI want you to park that big Mack truck right in this little garageMake it cream, make me screamOut in public, make a sceneI don"t cook, I don"t cleanBut let me tell you how I got this ring(Ayy, ayy)Gobble me, swallow me, drip down the side of me(Yeah)Quick, jump out "fore you let it get inside of me(Yeah)I tell him where to put it, never tell him where I"m "bout to be(Huh)I"ll run down on him "fore I have a nigga runnin" me(Pow, pow, pow)Talk your shit, bite your lip(Yeah)Ask for a car while you ride that ****(While you ride that ****)You really ain"t never gotta **** him for a thing(Yeah)He already made his mind up "fore he came(Ayy, ah)Now get your boots and your coat for this wet-ass Pus*y(Ah, ah, ah)He bought a phone just for pictures of this wet-ass Pus*y(Click, click, click)Pay my tuition just to kiss me on this wet-ass Pus*y(Mwah, mwah, mwah)Now make it rain if you wanna see some wet-ass Pus*y(Yeah, yeah)Look, I need a hard hitter, need a deep strokerNeed a Henny drinker, need a weed smokerNot a garden snake, I need a king cobraWith a hook in it, hope it lean overHe got some money, then that"s where I"m headedPus*y A1 just like his creditHe got a beard, well, I"m tryna wet itI let him taste it, now he diabeticI don"t wanna spit, I wanna gulpI wanna gag, I wanna chokeI want you to touch that lil" dangly thing that swing in the back of my throatMy head game is fire, punani DasaniIt"s goin" in dry and it"s comin" out soggyI ride on that thing like the cops is behind me(Yeah, ah)I spit on his mic and now he tryna sign me, wooYour honor, I"m a freak Pus*y, handcuffs, leashesSwitch my wig, make him feel like he cheatin"Put him on his knees, give him somethin" to believe inNever lost a fight, but I"m lookin" for a beatin"In the food chain, I"m the one that eat yaIf he ate my ass, he"s a bottom-feederBig D stand for big demeanorI could make ya bust before I ever meet yaIf it don"t hang, then he can"t bangYou can"t hurt my feelings, but I like painIf he **** me and ask“Whose is it?”When I ride the ****, I"ma spell my name, ahYeah, yeah, yeahYeah, you f**kin" with some wet-ass Pus*yBring a bucket and a mop for this wet-ass Pus*yGive me everything you got for this wet-ass Pus*yNow from the top, make it drop, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yNow get a bucket and a mop, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yI"m talkin" wap, wap, wap, that"s some wet-ass Pus*yMacaroni in a pot, that"s some wet-ass Pus*y, huhThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this houseThere"s some whores in this house

玛丽亚凯莉唱的All I Want For ChristmasIs You 的中英文歌词

歌手:玛丽亚 凯莉(Mariah Carey) 专辑: The Ballads 公司: Legacy唱片(索尼BMG) I don"t want a lot for Christmas There"s just one thing I need I don"t care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas isYou I don"t want a lot for Christmas There"s just one thing I need I don"t care about the presents Underneath the Christmas tree I don"t need to hang my stocking There upon the fireplace Santa Claus won"t make me happy With a toy on Christmas day I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true All I want for Christmas is you You baby I won"t ask for much this Christmas I don"t even wish for snow I"m just gonna keep on waiting Underneath the mistletoe I won"t make a list and send it To the North Pole for Saint Nick I won"t even stay awake to Hear those magic reindeers click "Cause I just want you here tonight Holding on to me so tight What more can I do Baby all I want for Christmas is you Ooh baby All the lights are shining So brightly everywhere And the sound of children"s Laughter fills the air And everyone is singing I hear those sleigh bells ringing Santa won"t you bring me the one I really need Won"t you please bring my baby to meOh I don"t want a lot for Christmas This is all I"m asking for I just want to see my baby Standing right outside my door Oh I just want you for my own More than you could ever know Make my wish come true Baby all I want for Christmas isYou

Customs vary from country to country.



they opend their Christmas present under the tree

client 和customer 有什么区别

--Customer:通常译为顾客a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.从他人处购买货物或服务的人;买主;赞助人.---Client:通常译为客户1.a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer,accountant,advertising agency,architect,etc.使用如律师、会计师、广告经纪、建筑师等专业咨询或服务的个人或团体.2.a person who is receiving the benefits,services,etc.,of a social welfare agency,a government bureau,etc.接受社会福利机构、政府机构等的福利、服务的人.3.a customer.顾客由此可知凡是买东西的人,不管买的是货品或服务都可以是customer,client广义上也包括了customer.而在现实生活中,人们通常对这两词的认可是(不排除有例外的情况):customer是指购买货品的人;而client是指购买或接受服务的人,像律师、会计师、银行、医生、理财顾问、保险经纪、房地产经纪等的客户.

今日份题目: social____vary from country to country.

我记得A 这是固定用法 但愿没记错


我们在日常生活中常会混用「customer」与「client」这两个单字,但其实在商业英文当中,这两个单字是有不同用法的! Engvid的讲师Rebecca整理了「customer」与「client」的不同用法,帮助你在商场上与他人对谈时,别使用到错误的单字罗! 1. Customer (n.) 顾客、买主 Who buys products from a shop / restaurant. 从商店或餐厅中购买商品的人,称为「customer」。 2. Client (n.) 委托人、当事人、客户 Who buys services from a professional person / anization. 向某个组织或专业人士购买服务的人,称为「client」。 Who offer services to a client: accountant / lawyer / consultant 向客户提供服务的专业人士,例如:会计师、律师与顾问。 3. 其他:并不会使用上述两个单字,而是有其特定的称谓。 (1) Teachers – students 老师与学生 (2) Doctors – patients 医生与病患 client, client 中文, customer, customer 中文, 客人 英文, 客户 英文, 顾客 英文


客户和顾客的区别client 一般是公司对公司的;customer就很宽泛了,有混用的情况。


  Customer:通常译为顾客  a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.  从他人处购买货物或服务的人;买主;赞助人.  Client:通常译为客户  a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer,accountant,advertising agency,architect,etc.  使用如律师、会计师、广告经纪、建筑师等专业咨询或服务的个人或团体.  client  n.[C]  1. 委托人,(律师等的)当事人  2. 顾客,客户  He has been a valued client of our bank for many years.  他多年来一直是我们银行的重要客户  customer  n.[C]  1. 顾客;买主  The store has a lot of regular customers.  这家商店有许多老主顾。  2. 【口】家伙,小子  Steven is a queer customer.  斯蒂文是个怪人。希望对你有帮助~

client 和customer 有什么区别

  Customer:通常译为顾客  a person who purchases goods or services from another; buyer; patron.  从他人处购买货物或服务的人;买主;赞助人.  Client:通常译为客户  a person or group that uses the professional advice or services of a lawyer,accountant,advertising agency,architect,etc.  使用如律师、会计师、广告经纪、建筑师等专业咨询或服务的个人或团体.  client  n.[C]  1. 委托人,(律师等的)当事人  2. 顾客,客户  He has been a valued client of our bank for many years.  他多年来一直是我们银行的重要客户  customer  n.[C]  1. 顾客;买主  The store has a lot of regular customers.  这家商店有许多老主顾。  2. 【口】家伙,小子  Steven is a queer customer.  斯蒂文是个怪人。

Christmas Day was coming.Father and Son went to get a Christmas tree.请问第一句的时态?

is coming才符合逻辑,但是用was也能讲得通! 第二句,很简单的一句话,有啥不懂得?

vary from和different from

differ from differ的衍生词有different 表示区别,不同,不一样 所以differ from通常表示有区别的不同,且常用于两个(抽象/具体)事物间的比较 vary from vary的衍生词有various表示各种各样的事物间的不同,可比较很多事物 两者差别不是特别大

Ant Design 和 Semi Design 有什么区别,各自的优劣势?

如下:字节的两个项目网站都不注重链接的语义化,相比之下 ali 链接的语义化要规范太多。semi design 官网你能看到的链接都适用了 div + pointer 指针样式 + js 控制跳转。这还可以说是规范,都是用了 div。arco design 一半使用了 a 一半使用了 div,可以说毫无规范了。介绍前端开发是创建WEB页面或APP等前端界面呈现给用户的过程,通过HTML,CSS及JavaScript以及衍生出来的各种技术、框架、解决方案,来实现互联网产品的用户界面交互。前端开发从网页制作演变而来,名称上有很明显的时代特征。在互联网的演化进程中,网页制作是Web1.0时代的产物,早期网站主要内容都是静态,以图片和文字为主,用户使用网站的行为也以浏览为主。



求一首歌,开头的歌词是baby want to tell me why,好像是这样??

歌曲:《that"s why you go away 》歌手:Michael Learns To Rock发行时间:1995年08月Baby won"t you tell me why宝贝,你不愿告诉我吗there is sadness in your eyes为何你的眼中含着伤悲I don"t wanna say goodbye to you我不想就此与你告别Love is one big illusion爱是场华丽错觉I should try to forget我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别You"re the one who set it up当初一切因你开始Now you"re the one to make it stop现在一切因你终止I"m the one who"s feeling lost right now而此刻的我感到深深迷失Now you want me to forget every little thing you said现在你要我忘了,你说过的每一件事But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别You were never satisfied, no matter how I tried你总是无法满意,无论我如何努力Now you wanna say goodbye to me如今你要对我说出再见Love is one big illusion, I should try to forget爱是场华丽错觉,我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere孤独地坐在这,仿佛身处无垠荒野Don"t know which way to go不知该何去何从There ain"t so much to say now between us现在你我之间,已说不出万语千言There ain"t so much for you对于你,我的话已不多There ain"t so much for me anymore对于我,恐怕从此你也唯有沉默I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别扩展资料迈克学摇滚的第三张专辑 《Played On Pepper》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出That"s Why You Go Away和Someday等极受好评的单曲,其中That"s Why You Go Away以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。

if youy want me to stay歌词

if you want me to stay 歌手:eric benet 专辑:true to myself If you want me to stayI"ll be around todayAvailable for you to seeWell I"m about to goAnd then you"ll knowFor me to stay hereI"ve got to be meYou"ll never be downThat"s what it"s all aboutCan"t take me for granted smileCount my days I"m goneTogether me and you by phoneI promised I"ll be gone for a whileWhen you see me again I hope that you have beenThe kind of person That you really are nowGot to get them straight How could I ever be late To the only woman taking up my timeHow could I ever allowI guess I wondered how I could forget about a pocket of funWhen you know That you"ll never ever doNumber one"s gonna be number oneI"ll be goodI wish I could Get the message over to you nowWhen you see me againI hope that you have been The kind of person That you really are now

you are so important to me是什么意思



The students show a picture to me.



in winter还可以说什么

解答:We can go skiing in winter。——在冬天我们可以去滑雪。We can go skating in winter。——在冬天我们可以去滑冰。We can have a hot pot in winter——在冬天我们可以去吃火锅

computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime____.

选B。scene的最主要的意思就是事件发生的地点(the place where an incident occurs or occurred)。stage 舞台;location强调位置、地点,而不强调事件;occasion指事件发生的时间。

egistec fingerprint driver驱动能卸载吗

可以,步骤如下: 1、左键单击选中桌面上的“计算机”图标,单击鼠标右键;2、在弹出的菜单中选择“设备管理器”选项左键单击,打开“设备管理器”界面;3、在设备管理器界面中找到要删除的驱动程序,左键单击选中;4、在要删除的驱动程序上单击鼠标右键,在弹出的菜单中左键单击选择“卸载”即可;

怎么禁止 fingerprint reader弹出,每次手不小心碰到就弹出来,烦死了

首先备份指纹驱动,建议用驱动精灵。然后卸载掉在设备管理器中的驱动,这样不会影响你的数据,等你还想用的时候,只需把驱动安装回来就好了。已经叫FingerPrint 或者叫什么生物识别设备,具体你找下就好。如果能帮到你,请采纳,我的是华硕,之前就算是这么干的,应该问题不大,




百度知道 提问vivo手机应用管理选项里的fingerprintUI2是什么意思?vivo手机出现systemui是什么意思我来答 共1个回答vivovivo是一个专注于智能.... 2015-12-09建议长按电源键十秒强制重启手机试试的,还是不行,可以将手机双清试试看的,但是手机内存保存的东西都是会被删除的,这个是操作方法的:手机关机状态同时按住音量上键以及电源键3到4秒手机出现vivo手机标志后,放开按键进入recovery模式,先选择wipe data/factory reset,完成等待界面跳转后选择wipe cache partition,完成后选择reboot system now立即重启手机就可以了,此项操作会丢失手机上的所有数据。如果还不行,可以去当地的售后服务中心检测处理的,售后服务中心地址及电话可以进入vivo官网首页--服务--网点查询--进行查询。

求戴伦海斯的I just want you to love me中文歌词!!!!

歌都错了是这个I don"t want someone telling me what to do 不需要别人告诉我何去何从I don"t wanna find out my temper grew wings 我只是不想我滋长的骄纵And flew to you 像长了翅膀似的直飞向你Don"t want somebody telling me what"s not right 不需要别人告诉我孰是孰非But I just want you to love me 我只要你的爱Oh I just want you to love me只要你爱我I don"t wanna have to lie about what"s inside 不想隐瞒我的内心When there"s always been a tiny part of me 虽然有些时候灵魂深处的某一部分I"m trying to hide 竭力想要隐藏I don"t wanna see your expression when I let you down 亦不想看到你哪怕一丝失望的表情And I just want you to love me 我只要你的爱Oh I just want you to love me 只要求你爱我There"s a haiku poem inside of my head 脑海里酝酿着爱的俳句诗 But the words are written in invisible ink 但却从不知如何表达Now the world is changing 不断改变着的这个世界I can barely keep up 让我无所适从What was hot is over 我们的爱不再热切What was down is not 却也从未曾冷却 Now Adam and Eve are trying to split up 曾以为亚当夏娃般的爱情能够亘古And I can"t take anymore 我又如何面对和承受这将要破裂的一切"Cause I just want you to love me 我只要你的爱Oh I just want you to love me 只要你爱我Love me 爱我Oh I just want you to love me 我只要你爱我

有首英文歌一开头是i want to see you well然後中间还有一小段口哨,大约四四或者四

i wanted you

i want to eat hot pot so so much ![流泪]


美国西点军校口号,好像开头是if you want to be a big man...

Official motto: duty, honor, country. West Point training: punctual, and law-abiding strictly, integrity and strength. Students honor criteria: Not lying, deception, burglary, and must not tolerate such acts of others. Not to shirk responsibility. Selfless devotion. School Motto: Will be to serve our people, the Government and the community should be very clear understanding of the engineering, natural sciences and human sciences should be balanced development it is necessary to form a reasonable knowledge structure, but also strive in their own interest, expertise in the academic and form their own professional expertise. Strengthened to update their knowledge, establish a "life-long education" concept has become times of joy. "Ignorance" - knowledge eager never see themselves as students, asked some "stupid question." Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important. We must make full use of their spare time in life, not to allow any one of the self-development opportunities slip. Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so. Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater whole, subject to forces, subject to a team. Discipline and the military capacity of our troops than other schools even more stringent local requirements. The most important thing is, when can stick to the key principles. And fulfill their duties than the spirit of personal prestige is more important. The world badly in need of such personnel, in any case they can overcome all obstacles to complete tasks. What we have to do is to guard West Point discipline, rather than instructors time monitoring students. "Devils" hidden in the details, should never overlook any details. Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself. Even if it is for their own small point restraint, people will become strong. In order to win, you may have to do some things themselves do not want to do. Tolerate unfair Institute, the Institute due diligence. If fully believe in themselves, nothing can be durable enough. Wait for the much more difficult than doing things. Have confidence, seize their own future. Do not sink, in any environment you can choose to rise. Patience of the people into a disadvantage. Not convinced that breakthrough, the first choice is to wait. If you do not have a choice, then bravely Yingshangqu. Responsibility, honor, country! To Lincoln as an example, draw on his experience of life and the spirit of struggle. As long as you do not admit defeat will have the opportunity! To develop the capacity of all aspects, including the tragic fate of the capacity. Impulse is not the real heroes character. Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you. After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection. Speed determine success or failure. And not be afraid of a crazy idea, as long as you make efforts. First to establish self-confidence. Victory is among the most tenacious people. Should have the courage to overcome all fear. Would like to thank the life of adversity and suffering. Take the initiative to temper themselves, must cultivate fruit character. To immediately take action without delay. In the reality of fear, is far smaller than in the imagination of the terrorist so terrible. Goals must be clear, faith must be firm. Only their own do know that success is possible. Done a truly fearless person. To defeat terror, and not flinch. Losers of its failure to create successful success. We must be bold in "hard money" and not to doubt their own. Nothing is impossible - "no way" or "impossible" is often mediocre and the lazy excuse. Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality. No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking. To make good use of experience rather than by their shackles. We should dare to whimsical. As many mental and physical, less effort. To maintain the "simple-minded" and the courage to Quan so-called "impossible" things. The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force.

you can ask a什么什么to put food into your mouth

小题1:D 小题2:D 小题3:C 小题4:A 小题5:D

开头是童声合唱的I want to fly,can you take me fly a way的音乐,是在一个篮球

Macklemore x Ryan Lewis WINGS优酷:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzA2OTk4Mzcy.html歌词:《WINGS》是一首有关篮球励志的说唱歌曲,由美国著名的嘻哈组合MACKLEMORE X RYAN LEWIS演绎。附赠歌词:I was seven years old, when I got my first pair我七岁的时候,得到我第一双NIKEAnd I stepped outside就迫不及待的穿起来跑出去And I was like, Momma, this air bubble right here, it"s gonna make me fly妈妈,我就像气泡一样轻盈,我感觉我都要飞起来了I hit that court, and when I jumped, I jumped, I swear I got so high当我从球场上跳起,我发誓我跳的真高~I touched the net, Mom I touched the net, this is the best day of my life妈妈,我甚至能碰到篮网,这天是我人生最美好的一天!Air Max"s were next,然后就是air-max(从下边开始貌似是讲述球鞋的发展同时也伏笔了自己的年代)That air bubble, that mesh空气泡沫,网格The box, the smell, the stuffin, the tread, in school盒子,味道,鞋带~学校I was so cool我感觉真好I knew that I couldn"t crease ‘em我舍不得穿这些鞋子怕他们有了折痕My friends couldn"t afford ‘em我的朋友们都买不起这些鞋子Four stripes, some Air-didas一些Air-didas四个条纹(意指假鞋,我觉得)On the court I wasn"t the best, but my kicks were like the pros在场上我不是最好的,但我的脚步好像是职业选手那样Yo, I stick out my tongue so everyone could see that logo哟,我把舌头伸出来,这样大家都能看到的标志Nike Air Flight, but bad was so dopeAnd then my friend Carlos" brother got murdered for his fours, whoaSee he just wanted a jump shot, but they wanted to start a cult thoughDidn"t wanna get caught, from Genesee Park to OthelloYou could clown for those Probings, with the velcroThose were not tightI was trying to fly without leaving the ground, cuz I wanted to be like Mike, right我想飞,而不用离开地面,因为我想和迈克一样Wanted to be him想成为他I wanted to be that guy, I wanted to touch the rim我想成为他一样,我想触摸蓝拳I wanted to be cool, and I wanted to fit in我想很酷,而我想融入I wanted what he had, America, it begins我想和他一样,实现美国梦。。。Chorus:合唱:I want to fly我想要飞Can you take me far away你能带我一起飞走吗?Give me a star to reach for给我一个目标Tell me what it takes告诉我需要我做什么And I"ll go so high我要去这麽高I"ll go so high我要去这么高My feet won"t touch the ground我的脚就不会碰到地面Stitch my wings伸展我的羽翼And pull the strings展翅高飞I bought these dreams我曾有这些梦想That all fall down如今全没实现We want what we can"t have, commodity makes us want it我们总是希望得到没有的东西So expensive, damn, I just got to flaunt it但是他们总是如此昂贵,我们只是为了炫耀才去追求Got to show ‘em, so exclusive, this that new shit去炫耀他们,多么奢侈,其实,只是一坨屎而已A hundred dollars for a pair of shoes I would never hoop in花去上百元买一双我从不穿的鞋子Look at me, look at me, I"m a cool kid然后让别人觉得我很酷I"m an individual, yea, but I"m part of a movement我虽然是一个个体,但是我想说明一个道理My movement told me be a consumer and I consumed it及时行乐,买了就要消费!买的就是要用的!(用HC的话说就是,板鞋死在大街上,球鞋死在球场上)They told me to just do it, I listened to what that swoosh said他们都说了“just do it!!”Look at what that swoosh did你看到NIKE的标语了吧See it consumed my thoughts他也赞同我的观点Are you stupid, don"t crease ‘em, just leave ‘em in that box你是不是和我一样傻,怕让他们出现折痕,就吧他们永远的珍藏在盒子里?Strangled by these laces, laces I can barely talk收到这样的限制,球鞋自己也不自由~That"s my air bubble and I"m lost, if it pops那气垫就是为了穿而存在的!We are what we wear, we wear what we are我们穿什么,就是什么(森马你颤抖了吗?哈哈)But see I look inside the mirror and think Phil Knight tricked us allWill I stand for change, or stay in my box我们要么冲出来,改变自己,要么永远封锁在自己的盒子里。These Nikes help me define me, and I"m trying to take mine, offNIKE其实已经告诉我们了,我们就要做自己,去磨砺,就好了。Chorus:I want to flyCan you take me far awayGive me a star to reach forTell me what it takesAnd I"ll go so highI"ll go so highMy feet won"t touch the groundStitch my wingsAnd pull the stringsI bought these dreamsThat all fall downThey started out, with what I wear to school从何时开始,当我穿着他们去学校That first day, like these are what make you cool仿佛从那天起,自己变得很酷。And this pair, this would be my parachute这双鞋,其实就是我心理的保护伞So much more than just a pair of shoes其实,意义大于一双鞋子Nah, this is what I am他,其实就是我。What I wore, this is the source of my youth我穿上它,就是生命之源。This dream that they sold to you梦想,是别人卖给你的。For a hundred dollars and some change仅仅是100多美元Consumption is in the veins但是,自我的感觉,才是真实的。And now I see it"s just another pair of shoes希望能帮到你

求歌名有一首英文歌有一句歌词"every time see you,i want to be nea

No One Else Comes Close杜德伟When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething just not rightBut girl you know that I"d neverever let another"s touch come between the two of usCause no one else could never take your placeNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come closeAnd when I wake up toThe touch of your head on my shoulderYou"re my dream come trueOh girl you know I"ll always treasureEvery kiss everyday love you girl in every wayNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else comes close to youNo one makes me feel the way you doYou"re so special girl to meAnd you"ll always be eternallyEvery time I hold you nearYou always say the words I love to hearGirl with just a touch you can do so muchNo one else come close



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A fingerprint reader gives only him access to the wine cellar.一个指纹解读器只让他进入这个酒窖

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可以卸载。 卸载此软件,可以找到桌面上的goodix fingerprint driver。 戴尔 Goodix Fingerprint Sensor Driver驱动 适用于 "win10-64/linux"(64或32位)系统,发布于2021/02/23。

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你好翻译是:fingerprint is not defined指纹没有定义
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