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求2人对话《The seaside place that you want to visit 我最想参观的海边城市》,20句左右

A: How do you want to spend your summer holiday?你想怎么样过暑假?B: I want to go to the seaside with my parents. 我想和我的父母去海边A: There are lots of beautiful sesides in China, such as, Hainan, Hulu Island, Beidaihe and so on.Whis is your favorite place? 中国有许多美丽的海边,如:海南,葫芦岛,北戴河等等.你最喜欢哪?B: I"d like to go to Hainan. 我想去海南A: Why do you like to go there. 你为什么想去那里B: Because it is one of the most beautiful places in China. An it is well know as" Chinese Hawaii". 因为海南是中国最美丽的地方之一,以中国的夏威夷而著称A: How do you like to go there? 你喜欢怎么去那B: I"d like to go there by plane? Because it is fast and comfortable. 我想坐飞机去哪,因为乘飞机有快有舒适A: What do you like to do there? 你喜欢在那做什么?B: I"d like to go boating,scuba-driving, fishing,walking on the beach, taking sunbath and so on. 我想去乘船,潜水,钓鱼,在沙滩散步,晒日光浴等等A: How many days are you going to stay there?你们打算在那呆多久B: We are going to spend at least a week. 至少一周A: It sounds great. Good luck to you. Have a nice trip. 听起来不错。祝你好运。旅途愉快B: Thank you very much. 多谢

fingerprint terminal考勤机怎样恢复出厂设置?

一般在你考勤机背面有个小孔,应该标注的有reset 直接长按10秒即可重置。

公钥-指纹(public key fingerprint)

在公钥密码学中,公钥指纹(public key fingerprint)是一小段字节(bytes),用来是被一个长的公钥。 对使用公钥使用密码学的hash算法来得到公钥指纹的(公钥指纹的产生)。 因为密码指纹是比较短的,它们可以用来实现密钥的管理任务。在微软的软件中,被称为 thumbprint 。

联想WIN7 32位笔记本指纹识别出现fingerprint readeri不允许注册Guest和内置administrator账户

尊敬的联想用户您好!尊敬的用户您好!建议您先看看设备管理器里面是否识别到了指纹了,一般叫“生物识别设备”,如果设备管理器里面没有,建议先恢复BIOS默认设置,同时查看服务的相关的指纹服务是否开启了,例如FingerPrint server是否开启,如果都开启了还是没有效果,建议重装系统更多问题您可以咨询idea论坛:http://lenovobbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.phpThink论坛:http://thinkbbs.lenovo.com.cn/forum.php联想乐社区:http://bbs.lenovomobile.com/forum.php希望能够帮到您,祝您生活愉快!期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!



chapter i inquiry and purchase announcement中文是什么意思

第一章 询价和购买通告

anti-fingerprint 是什么意思

anti fingerprint 短语Anti-fingerprint 防指纹 ; 指纹 ; 反指纹Anti - Fingerprint 防指纹防油污Anti-fingerprint Coating 防指纹喷涂




What do you want to rush out for?

touchchip fingerprint coprocessor如何使用

指纹识别器允许您使用验证指纹(而不是使用 Windows 密码)登录到 Microsoft Windows中。 使用指纹登录到 Windows 之前需要执行以下三个步骤: 1. 找到指纹识别器。 2. 在凭证管理器中注册指纹。 3. 设置凭证管理器以登录到 Windows。 找到指纹识别器 指纹识别器是一个小金属传感器,它位于笔记本计算机的以下位置之一: · 触摸板底部附近 · 键盘右侧 · 显示屏右上侧 根据笔记本计算机型号,指纹识别器可能会横向或纵向放置。两种方向都要求将手指与金属传感器垂直进行扫描。 在凭证管理器中注册指纹 为了得到最大的安全保护,在凭证管理器中注册指纹之前应当用密码保护您的 Windows 帐户。有关详细信息,请选择 Start(开始)> Help and Support(帮助和支持)。 1. 选择 Start(开始)> All Programs(所有程序)> HP ProtectTools Security Manager(HP ProtectTools 安全管理器),然后单击左窗格中的 Credential Manager(凭证管理器)。 在某些笔记本机型上,可能需要安装 ProtectTools 软件。选择 Start(开始)> All Programs(所有程序)> Software Setup(软件安装),然后按照屏幕上的说明操作。当提示选择组件时,选中以下程序旁边的复选框: · HP ProtectTools Security Manager(HP ProtectTools 安全管理器) · Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools(HP ProtectTools 凭证管理器) 2. 单击“My Identity”(我的标识)页右上角的 Log On(登录)。此时,将打开 Credential Manager Logon Wizard(凭证管理器登录向导)。 3. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,当出现提示时,使用 Windows 密码进行登录。 4. 单击“My Identity”(我的标识)页上的 Register Fingerprints(注册指纹),然后按照屏幕上的说明注册至少两个指纹。注册指纹时,请注意以下事项: · 分几次在指纹识别器上缓慢扫描您的手指,每次扫描之间都有短暂间隔。 · 继续在指纹传感器扫描这个手指,直到屏幕上的手指变成绿色,并且进度指示器显示 100%。 5. 注册至少两个指纹之后,单击 Finish(完成)。 设置凭证管理器以登录到 Windows 1. 在凭证管理器中,选择左浏览窗格中的 Advanced Settings(高级设置)。 2. 在“Advanced Settings”(高级设置)页的 General(常规)标签中,选择 Use Credential Manager to logon to Windows(使用凭证管理器登录到 Windows)。出现一个确认窗口。 3. 在确认窗口中,单击 OK(确定)。 4. 在“Advanced Settings”(高级设置)页中,单击 OK(确定)。 5. 出现提示后单击 Yes(是)以重新启动您的笔记本计算机。


want to you,意思应该是想表达“想要你”、“想拥有你”之类的。但语法上不对,可表达为 want you或者want to + 动词(或词组) + you。

Hardware fingerprint是什么意思





是系统自带的,我的iqoo neo 855就自带了一个,

英语key fingerprint怎么翻译?




fingerprint digitallock进设置


display fingerprint可以关闭吗

display fingerprint可以关闭。display fingerprint也就是显示指纹,只要在指纹识别设置里面选择关闭display fingerprint功能就可以关闭了。要注意进入指纹识别设置之前,需要先输入一次四位数密码,这个密码就是设置的解锁密码,输入正确后可以进入display fingerprint识别设置。display fingerprint显示指纹的原理:1、读取指纹图像、提取特征、保存数据和比对。在一开始,通过指纹读取设备读取到人体指纹的图像,取到指纹图像之后,要对原始图像进行初步的处理,使之更清晰。2、指纹辨识软件建立指纹的数字表示——特征数据,一种单方向的转换,可以从指纹转换成特征数据但不能从特征数据转换成为指纹,而两枚不同的指纹不会产生相同的特征数据。3、指纹识别算法最终都归结为在指纹图像上找到并比对指纹的特征。指纹的特征我们定义了指纹的两类特征来进行指纹的验证:总体特征和局部特征。4、总体特征是指那些用人眼直接就可以观察到的特征,包括:基本纹路图案环型loop、弓型arch、螺旋型whorl。其他的指纹图案都基于这三种基本图案。仅仅依靠图案类型来分辨指纹是远远不够的,这只是一个粗略的分类,但通过分类使得在大数据库中搜寻指纹更为方便。




答案:alternative. 根据句子的意思可知,本句需要一个名词,和冠词an一起作主语的补语;根据汉语提示可知答案为alternative.

T400 指纹软件升级后 fingerprint senor驱动无法安装 导致指纹系统不可用

试试卸载当前指纹软件,然后重启按F1进入BIOS中依次选择security——fingerprint——Erase internal fingerprint data,按回车后选择YES来清除BIOS下的指纹数据,再按F10保存退出。重新进入系统,安装指纹软件,看看是否可以。如果还是不行,可能需要先在BIOS中清除指纹数据后再重新安装系统了。因为现在的指纹信息是存在软件和BIOS中的。所以安全级别比较高。

找一首英文歌歌词高潮有when you go downtown

right round

Fingerprint 指纹 英文单词缩写是什么?


Open Your Heart (Instrumental) (Remix) (2002 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Open Your Heart (Instrumental) (Remix) (2002 Digital Remaster)歌手:The League Unlimited Orchestra专辑:Love And Dancingopen your heartmadonnaTRUE BLUEI see you on the street and you walk on byYou make me wanna hang my head down and cryIf you gave me half a chance you"d seeMy desire burning inside of mechoose to look the other wayI"ve had to work much harder than thisFor something I want don"t try to resist meOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyI think that you"re afraid to look in my eyesYou look a little sad boy, I wonder whyI follow you around but you can"t seeYou"re too wrapped up in yourself to noticeSo you choose to look the other wayWell, I"ve got something to sayDon"t try to run I can keep up with youNothing can stop me from trying, you"ve got toOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyOpen your heart with the keyOne is such a lonely numberAh, ah, ah, ahOpen your heart, I"ll make you love meIt"s not that hard, if you just turn the keyDon"t try to run I can keep up with youNothing can stop me from trying, you"ve got toOpen your heart to me, babyI hold the lock and you hold the keyOpen your heart to me, darlin"I"ll give you love if you, you turn the keyOpen your heart with the keyOpen your heart, I"ll make you love meIt"s not that hard, if you just turn the keyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2656116




fingerprint指纹双语对照词典结果:fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Consider buying a handset with fingerprint recognition security. 可以考虑买一款有指纹识别技术的手机.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

fingerprint 是什么意思?





fingerprint[英][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant][美][u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant]n.指纹,指印; vt.采指纹; 第三人称单数:fingerprints过去分词:fingerprinted复数:fingerprints现在进行时:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.They said they found no fingerprint or dna evidence the letters came from ms. jang. 警方称,他们没有在这些信件上发现张紫妍的指纹或dna痕迹。


fingerprint 英[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant] 美[u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant] n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹; [例句]He took her to jail, where she was fingerprinted and booked.他把她带到监狱,在那里对她提取了指纹并进行了登记。[其他] 第三人称单数:fingerprints 复数:fingerprints 现在分词:fingerprinting过去式:fingerprinted 过去分词:fingerprinted




fingerprint 英 [u02c8fu026au014bgu0259pru026ant] 美 [u02c8fu026au014bgu0259rpru026ant] n. 指纹,指印; vt. 采指纹; 全部释义>>[例句]Let"s fingerprint the canoe, see if we come up with anything.让我们提取一下独木舟上的指纹,看看能不能有什么发现。更多例句>>复数:fingerprints 过去式:fingerprinted 现在分词:fingerprinting 过去分词:fingerprinted 第三人称单数:fingerprints

请教 error: conflicting types for ‘print’ 为什么我声明了print编译器还是报错呀



senior美 [u02c8sinju0259r]英 [u02c8siu02d0niu0259(r)]adj.大;级别(或地位)高的;成人的;高级水平的n.上级;上司;较…年长的人;级别(或地位)较高者复数:seniors 搭配反义词adj.+n.senior management,senior manager,senior fellow,senior banker,senior analyst权威英汉双解英汉英英senior显示所有例句adj.级别高of high rank1. ~ (to sb)级别(或地位)高的high in rank or status; higher in rank or status than others体育运动in sport2. [obn]成人的;高级水平的for adults or people at a more advanced level年长之人for older people3. [obn]年纪大的;老年的;年老的for senior citizens(= older people, especially those who have retired from work)

Displacement activity are activities that animals engage in when they have conflicting drives.

换个结构看看能不能理解:Animals engage in displacement activities when they have conflicting drives.这里的engage in 是参与...的意思。满意请采纳


cyberKK: []DJ: []a.【电脑】电脑的, 与电脑相关的InternetKK: []DJ: []n.1. 【电脑】国际互联网络

internet与Internet的区别?什么是cyber(赛博) ?




Auzentech爱必特X-Fi Prelude 7.1声卡驱动 怎么安装


encounter conflict名词均有冲突的意思,求区别

encounter的意思较接近“遭遇”,着重点也是,而不是冲突。conflict的意思则偏向于互相抵触的矛盾,因此而引起的冲突。encounter 英[u026anu02c8kau028antu0259(r)] 美[u025bnu02c8kau028antu025a] vt. 遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗; n. 相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突; vi. 碰见,尤指不期而遇; [例句]All of the sudden they encounter service outages.他们突然遭遇了服务停用。[其他] 第三人称单数:encounters 复数:encounters 现在分词:encountering过去式:encountered 过去分词:encountered形近词: rencounter accounter discounter conflict 英[u02c8ku0252nflu026akt] 美[u02c8kɑ:nflu026akt] n. 冲突; 矛盾; 战斗; 相互干扰; vi. 冲突; 抵触; 争斗; 战斗; [例句]No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties.理智的人都不愿意看到冲突或伤亡。[其他] 第三人称单数:conflicts 复数:conflicts 现在分词:conflicting过去式:conflicted 过去分词:conflicted 形近词: inflict afflict

today is anther day是什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: today is anther day是什么意思? 解析: 《飘》中的名言,不过原文是tomorrow is another day.明天又是新的一天。表达一切苦难都会过去,明天的太阳还是会照样升起的。很让人充满希望的一句话。

cycle 和continue的区别

cycle 指物理的机械的循环:例如水:水==》水蒸气--》降水是一个cycle的过程;机器的运转(如自行车,摩托车);continue vi.1. 继续,延续,延伸:例句: After a short break the play continued.经过短暂的休息以后,戏继续上演。2. 持续:例句: The strike continued for several days.罢工持续了几天之久。3. 逗留,停留:例句: They continued in Shanghai when she went to Hangzhou.她去杭州时他们留在上海。4. 维持原状,保持:例句: He continued silent.他保持沉默。vt.1. 使继续;坚持:例句: He continued the work day after day.他一天一天地继续做这件工作。2. 使延伸,延长;扩展:例句: He continued his fence from the garden to the gate.


没有lignter这个单词,只有lighterlighter 英[ˈlaɪtə(r)] 美[ˈlaɪtɚ] n. 打火机; 点火器; 点火者; 驳船; adj. 较轻的( light的比较级); 较淡的; vt. 用驳船运; [例句]A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend to be noisy制造商们遇到的一个问题是,重量较轻的汽车往往噪音大。[其他] 原型: light 复数:lighters

六年级英语:根据上下文,完成对话。(每空一词) _is the _today? Today is the twentieth of November。

What is the date today

韩国King Kong Entertainment经济公司旗下都有哪些艺人?


If you do not leave me . I will by your side untill the life end 的各种层次的翻译

中文:四级水平:你如果不离开我,我就和你同归于尽,六级水平:你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。八级水平:问世间情为何物?直教人生死相许。十级水平:天地合,乃敢与君绝 。 佛祖水平:你在或不在,爱就在那里,不增不减。

baby want to do baby want to 一首英文歌。女生唱的。节奏蛮快的!


Just A Moment 歌词

歌曲名:Just A Moment歌手:Nas Featuring Quan专辑:Street"S Disciplefrom:stantarks(feat. Quan)(Verse 1: Quan)Can we please have a moment of silence?That"s for my niggaz doin" years in confinementAnd for my soldiers who passed over, no longer livingThat couldn"t run whenever the reaper came to get "emCan we please pour out some liquor?Symobolizin", let"s take in time to consider thatThough our thugs ain"t here, the love is hereAnd we gon" rep "til slugs kill us hereThis for my dawgs stuck in the struggle tryin" to gainSmokin" trauma, sniffin" Ra while sellin" cocaineTrapped in the game, not knowin" how to stop and get byTo live it alive, so instead they live it to dieCan we please have a moment of peace?For every G that fell for his flag in the streetsBloodin" and thuggin", folkin" and lokin"Crypin" and creepin", Latin and kingin"Or just for poor righteous teachin"(Chorus: Quan sings)As days goes and nights fallFor the rest of our life we"ll miss y"allAnd even though life must go on, we"ll still mournWhile wishin" y"all were home(Chorus)(Verse 2: Nas)Yeah, and can we have another moment of silence?For brothers who died from black-on-black violenceFrom here to the Dark Continent were rebels sell diamondsTo clients allover the world, got little Black girls dyin"And can we please pour some more liquors?For Will, Bokeem, Bar, Pappy -- my niggazHere"s another Warrior Song from Nasty and QuanIt"s to him I pass the baton to carry this onStreet"s Disciple, salute to those who"s gone with bulletsAnd I promise through rhymin" Quan gon" rep his life to the fullestAnd can we please have a moment of truth?For soldiers and troops away with helmets and bootsAnd families back home who pray they make it home safeHopin" that they don"t get hit with a stray or missilesThis is just a moment to let you all know that we miss youMommy I"m still here, wishin" I was there with youLet"s take "em home(Chorus)(Verse 3: Quan)And can we please have a moment to mourn?For Pac, Biggie and Pun "cause through us they live onJam Master Jay, Freaky Ty and AlliyahBig L and Left Eye, when we die we wish to see yaCan we please have a moment for children?Who got raped or murdered, or trapped in the systemWho never knew their father, never learned to dreamBut was guided by drug dealers, killers and crack fiendsFor single mothers that"s forced to play mom and dadBustin" her ass to give her kids shit she never hadFor my niggaz in the pen hopin" rhymes"ll get "em signedSo when released, they can say bye to a life of crimeFor very mother that held a son in the street bleedin"Cryin" a song of sorow to dark and deep for speakin"Just a moment outside the day to day struggleTo let the ones we really care about know that we love "em(Chorus)http://music.baidu.com/song/8721328

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么

节目中间,主持人会问参赛者一些问题。在上节目之前,组织者已经安排参赛者戴着测谎仪回答过精心准备的50道题了。在节目中问的问题,就是从那50道题里抽出来的。《The moment of truth》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,但是选手不知道测谎仪测谎的结果。假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。出现过拿走50万美元的情况:Melanie William,回答最后一道问题“你是否相信你父亲在成年后仍与未成年人发生性关系”,她回答“是”,拿走了50万美元。看起来只用说21句真话,就能50万美元,似乎是最好拿的钱。事实上正好相反。节目进行到现在,只有第二季第五期拿下20万。其他大多数最多拿到10万美元。

美国真心话大冒险《The Moment of Truth》主持人问的问题是什么?

放假无事,等待《Prison break》的日子比较辛苦,试着看了看《The moment of true》—真心话大冒险,该片网上有人不屑为“无聊的节目”,属“真人秀”的一种,参赛选手必须在全国(美国)人民及自己的亲友团面前如实回答二十一个问题,这二十一个问题是事先已经在测谎仪的监视下回答过了的,假如该选手能够在现场诚实的回答这二十一个问题,就能赢得50万美元,问题分几个阶段,回答正确得越多,奖金就越高。让人奇怪的是,目前没有人能够捧走50万美元的大奖,最多拿到的也就是10至20万美元。 在金钱的鼓舞下,参赛选手们兴致昂扬,近乎无耻的在所有人面前坦承着自己曾经的丑事和心底的阴暗面,亲友们的愕然和震惊,观众的哗然,都止不住他们争夺奖金的步伐,许多的秘密伤害到了自己的亲人、情人、朋友,但他们义无反顾,欲壑难填。 有意思的是,我喜欢看那些亲友们受到震骇的表情,人真是不可思议的动物,表面一套,背地里一套,无数的隐私在聚光灯下被放大,无数的秘密被公开,尽管回答只是简单的“yes”或“no”,但那些尖锐的、一针见血的、直接得近乎残酷的问题,让他的亲朋好友们倍感惊骇,伤痛,甚至绝望,很多选手下台之后,恋人们分道扬镳,亲人们心有芥蒂,从此生活面目全非。我怀疑自己是在体验一种“真实的、残酷的快感”,我也在为那些亲人们感到痛心,也在为那些恋人感到悲伤,人的自私和贪婪,无情的拆穿了一层又一层的温情面纱,但是,假若没有人去揭发这些真相,在没有其他外因的情况下,很有可能这些真实的想法只是永远在不见天日的阴暗角落偶尔闪烁着微弱之光,永远也不会有其他人知晓,永远也不会造成像现在这样深重、赤裸又堂而皇之的伤害。也许就应该那样!但是,现在…… 记忆犹深的是一名风度翩翩的男选手带来了他一心想要再续前缘的前女友为其助阵加油,而主持人不但通过提问将他放浪形骸的私生活公诸天下,还无比尖刻的问出:你是否在与前女友交往的过程中在外偷欢,对其不忠这个问题,勉强镇定自若的男子面露尴尬笑容,女友立刻当众泪湿眼眶,哽咽着说:我得出去了,这太令人难堪了!而该男子的一句“yes”更令她羞愤难当,最后“带着羞辱黯然离开”。 不过,另一方面,本人倒是觉得美国人的面皮太“薄”了,其中很多的问题,比如“你是否觉得你的父亲是不可信任的人”,“你是否觉得自己的女友是最有魅力的人”,“你是否对自己男友身上的某部分感到不满意”,“你是否曾经未经允许偷偷查阅过男友的电脑”……,等等,我觉得选手们当众表现出来的难堪和亲友们的震撼有些过于其实了,难道,这也是东西方文化的差异?或者说,只有真正把自己摆在那样耀眼的水银灯下了,任是谁也会觉得坦露了这些真相是心中有愧的。网上有人估计说,这样的节目在中国是办不下去的,只要脸皮够厚,完全的承认事实就行了,而脸皮厚的人比比皆是。我看完整整第二季全六集,没有一个人是能“厚颜无耻”到最后的,亲友们羞愧难当,一半劝阻一半恳求,“go home,go。”选手们已不敢再继续对其造成伤害,明智的人就该拿了钱离开。也有一名女选手最后失去了奖金,因为一个她自己也不知道是谎言的谎言—主持人问道:你是否后悔过与现在丈夫的复合?该选手犹豫再三,终于语气肯定的回答道“no,no!”,但是测谎仪冷冰冰的声音告知天下“The answer is false”,她的丈夫尴尬无比,她则泪流满面,分辨着说“不是这样的,我也不知道为什么会这样,我很抱歉……”在她心底,难道真的感到后悔过,而她自己竟不知道?我感到很好奇的是,不知道这个测谎仪究竟测试得准确与否? 遗憾的是,只有人人影视翻译了该剧的第二季,其他家没有翻译,我在个google上搜索了半天也不找不到其他的几季,对这部我深感兴趣的剧集,只能望而兴叹,犹自惋惜了!

van zant的《plain jane》 歌词

歌曲名:plain jane歌手:van zant专辑:get right with the manAh, tell "em about it Darlin".Here we go.She"s a waitress at her corner,Always dancin" nine-to-five.Well, she ain"t no supermodel,But I"m here to tell you, she"s fine, (Ha, ha.)She"s so fine, Johnny.She"s like the classic girl next door,There"s somethin" "bout her walk:There"s somethin" that goes off inside,Each time she starts to talk.Plain Jane,Oh, I love her name.She drives me insane.She"s my plain Jane.She always gets my business,I can"t wait to ring her bell.(Ah, I bet you can"t Donnie.)She puts a quarter in the jukebox:Says she don"t kiss an" tell.Is that right, brother.The way she wears that dress, (Yeah.)It"s time that I confess:The music starts an" my heart stops,An" I become a mess.Plain Jane,Oh, I love her name.She drives me insane.She"s my plain Jane.Nothin" fancy: she"s just got everything.She"s so addicting; she"s so amazing:Can"t think of anything.Do, do, do do.(Whoa, talk to me, plain Jane.)Do, do, do do, do, do.Whoa, yeah,C"mon.Plain Jane,Oh, I love her name.She drives me insane.She"s my plain Jane. (Jane, Jane.)Plain Jane,Oh, I love her name.She drives me insane.She said just call me plain Jane.(That"s right, buddy."Plain Jane,She"s my plain Jane.She"s my plain Jane.She"s my plain, (Jane)Whoo, she"s my plain Jane.(No, she"s mine.)http://music.baidu.com/song/14513981

FM static moment of truth 的歌词

Moment of Truth 歌词 Here we are, in the best years of our lives.With no way of knowing, when the whee"ll stop spinning cause we don"tknow where we"re going...and here we are, on the best day of our lives.And it"s a go, lets make it last, so cheers you all to that, "cause this moment"s never comin" backI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everAnd here I am, on the west coast of American and I"ve been tryin" to think for weeks ofall the ways to ask you, And nowI"ve brought you to the place, Where I"ve poured my heart out, a million times, for a millionreasons, To offer it to youI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and everI used to know her brother, but I neverknew I loved her, "till the day she laid hereyes on me. Now I"m jumpin" up and down, she"s the only one around, and she meansevery little thing to meI"ve got your picture in my wallet, and yourPhone number to call it, and I miss you more,Whenever I think about you,. I"ve gotyour mixed tape in my Walkman, been solong since we"ve been talkin" and in a fewmore days, we"ll both hook up, forever and ever


正确答案: I haven""t sent any e-mails to my pen pal yet. 翻译:我还没有给我的笔友发电子邮件. 有不明白的请继续追问,



I have sent 和I have send 哪个结构是对的?

第一个I have sent是对的,这是完成时。


sentence[英][u02c8sentu0259ns][美][u02c8su025bntu0259ns]n.句子; 宣判; vt.宣判,判决; 第三人称单数:sentences过去分词:sentenced复数:sentences现在进行时:sentencing过去式:sentenced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Read that last sentence again. 重新读最后一个句子一遍




只有当意思为 将某人/某物 派往/送往 某地的时候sent...to...才是固定用法。并不是说sent后面必须要跟to




sent off v. 寄出(解雇, 命令退场)Have you sent off Lesley"s birthady present?你把雷斯莉的生日礼物寄走了吗?I sent you off我罚你出场sent down v. 发送Some twenty students have been sent down.大约二十名学生退学The plates were all sent down to the kitchen.盘子都送到厨房里去了。sent away v. 派遣(驱逐)The goods are not sent away in time.商品没有及时送出去。She was sent away into the country.她被送到乡下来了。

sent 东西加to 宾格是什么意思?

send sth to sb 把某物送给某人He sent a book to me yesterday.


He is senting the Email.

为什么can be 后面的寄是sent 而不是send?







send 是原形sent 是send的过去式和过去分词当事情是过去发生的,或者需要用被动表达时,则用sent~


1.send ( 动词原形,用于一般现在时) 发送,寄,派遣,打发; You"d better send the letter by air. 2.sent sent是send的过去式和过去分词,有两种用法. (1) 是该用send的地方,过去时态里就改为sent了. I sent out the letter yesterday. (2) 是 be sent 表示被寄出 This letter must be sent out by tomorrow. 这信明天前必须寄出.

音标丨sent 丨什么单词

scent [sent] 气味;嗅觉;闻到 cent [sent] 分;一分钱硬币;零钱;(单位)百 sent [sent] 送,派遣( send的过去式和过去分词); 还可能有其他单词


You could at least have sent a card . 你本来至少可以寄张明信片来吧。 The news sent a thrill of joy to my heart . 这消息使我感到一阵喜悦。 Every disposable vehicle was sent . 所有能够用得上的车子都派出去了。 I send you this gift as a mark of esteem .. 我送你这件礼物以表敬意。 Hopkins sent me the earpest intimation . 霍普金斯最先将情况通知我。 Chou en-lai sent back an acerbic letter . 周恩来回复了一封尖刻的信。 It will be your words that send him out . 要由你来下令把他送去枪毙。 We have"t sent a statement yet, have we ? 我们还没寄出个通知书去吧? She tore up all the letters he had sent her . 她把他写来的信都撕了。 It automatically sends out an overdue signal . 它会自动发出误点信号。 These records used to send her . 这些唱片过去往往使她听得如醉如痴。 Man has sent some co *** onauts to the moon . 人类已把宇航员送到月球上。 She sent to say that she was safe and well . 她送来消息说她安然无恙。 I"ll send up your breakfast in a while . 我一会儿派人把你的早饭送来。 Space rockets are being sent up all the time . 现在随时都有火箭发射。 Send the letter to my business address . 请把这封信寄交我的办公地址。 More rades will be sent to study abroad . 将派更多的同志出国深造。 Last christmas, she sent me a bicycle . 上个圣诞节,她送我一部脚踏车。 It was very thoughtful of you to send flowers . 你送花来,想得真周到。 He told phipp who had sent wreaths . 他告诉菲利浦都有谁送了花圈。 Sometimes he sent his house steward in his place . 有时他派管家替他去。 Some enty students have been sent down . 大约二十名学生退学。 Bayin sent a force in pursuit of him . 莽应里派出一支军队对他进行追击。 The machine also sends a "start" impulse . 机器还发出“起动”脉冲信号。 Please send my letter on to my new address . 请把我的信送往新址。 Some enty students have been sent down . 大约二十名学生停学。 I thought he was going to send us back . 我以为他要打发我们回去。 A current pulse is sent through the coil . 有一电流脉冲送入线圈。 More rades will be sent to study abroad . 将派遣更多的同志出国留学。 A stranger will not send in his name . 一个生客,他不愿意说出他的姓名。






这里是过去分词做定语。修饰measures, 这些measures是被 a foreign Ministry spokenswoman实施的。被动的,改成主动,整个句子都要变的。A Foreign Ministry spokeswoman sends the measures going futher than the UK sanctions that they do stop short of a major escalation.








send的过去式只有sent,没有sended,所以不需要比较。sent 英[sent] 美[su025bnt] v. 派遣; ( send的过去式和过去分词 ) 送; (某种反应) 使作出; (某状态) 使进入; 例句:The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in1588.1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。




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