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secure boot control是什么意思?

secure boot control的意思是安全引导控制。secure boot在计算机中是uefi设置中的一个子规则,简单的来说就是一个 参数设置选项,它的作用体现在主板上只能加载经过认证过的操作系统或者硬件驱动程序,从而防止恶意软件侵入。更多的人认为,这是微软为了防止安装Windows操作系统的电脑改装linux。微软设计Secure Boot的原本用意是出于对系统安全的保护,但却成了PC厂商保护市场垄断、阻碍竞争的一种手段。扩展资料secure root的利与弊uefi中规定主板出厂的时候可以内置一些可靠的公钥, 其本意是让通过认证的操作系统和软件程序可以执行操作。而事实上,微软所内置的secure roo则主要体现在垄断性,微软要求,所有预装Windows 8的OEM厂商必须内置Windows公钥,前提是必须打开Secure Boot。但为了避免受到反垄断起诉,微软明确规定,所有PC主板必须带有关闭Secure Boot的选项,这是我们在主板上看到这个选项的根本原因。而secure root则直接与Linux或其它操作系统进行对峙的状态,所以很多用户安装不了Linux系统都与这个secure root有着直接关系。微软为了避免被反垄断起诉,从而将这些关键性的东西给予外包公司进行操作。

Personal Statement跟CV有什么相同点和不同点?



胡兵 程俊 张巍 胡东雷杰穆江王辉 徐冲 李学庆 刘风成高磊 张伟飚赵钧 郭宏庆法宝 姆拉特 陈泽宇








《Manhunt》(Janet Evanovich)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1JOxrusSsspfofmSz8Ha3rw 提取码:uec3书名:Manhunt作者:Janet Evanovich出版社:HarperTorch出版年份:2005-12-01页数:248内容简介:A woman with a talent for numbers, Alexandra Scott wanted to escape the rat race and go someplace where the men outnumber the women. Trading in her Wall Street job and fancy condo for a rundown cabin in the woods. She"s now Alaskan Wilderness Woman. It isn"t long before she finds exactly what she"s looking for: one sexy pilot named Michael Casey. But this confirmed bachelor has no intentions of getting caught in any woman"s crosshairs -- especially a hunter as appealing as Alex. It"ll take skill, determination, and a little romantic persuasion for this big-game hunter to bag her prey. </p>

求ストレッタ~the animation~contents



第一届 1993年举办地:澳大利亚 Location:Australia冠 军:托马斯·沙瑟(德国)Winner:Thomas Sasse(Germany)第二届 1994年举办地:新加坡 Location:Singapore冠 军:尼考斯·帕帕达基斯(希腊)Winner:Nikos Papadakis(Greece)第三届 1995/1996年举办地:新加坡 Location:Singapore冠 军:阿尔伯·哥顿亚斯(南非)Winner:Albe Geldenhuys(S.Africa)第四届 1997年举办地:新加坡 Location:Singapore冠 军:杰森·伊科格(新西兰)Winner:Jason Erceg(New Zealand)第五届 1998年举办地:澳大利亚 Location:Australia冠 军:彼得·艾里克森(瑞典)Winner:Peter Eriksen(Sweden)第六届 1999年举办地:菲律宾 Location:Philippines冠 军:艾尼斯多·卡兹迪拉(委内瑞拉)Winner:Ernesto Calzadilla(Venezuela)(在本届大赛上,中国的胡东荣获最佳表演奖和本年度“世界最佳男模”称号)第七届 2000年举办地:新加坡 Location:Singapore冠 军:布赖特·威尔森(澳大利亚)Winner:Brett Wilson(Austraila)(在本届大赛上,中国的刘凤成荣获最佳形体奖和本年度“世界最佳男模”称号)第八届 2001年举办地:中国 Location:P.R.China冠 军: 印度拉耶唯先生第二名 来自中国的张伟飚先生第三名 来自委内瑞拉的罗伊斯先生第四名 来自克罗地亚的爱德能先生第五名 来自开曼的可耐司先生第九届2002年中国上海大剧院冠军:Fabrice Bertrand(法国)第十届2005年韩国斧山大会堂冠军:Turgut Tolgahan Sayisman(土尔其)第十一届2006年中国晋江体育馆冠军:美国马约尔(JAIME AUGSTO MAYOL)亚军:比利时选手豪奎尔( Fabien Hauquier)季军:中国选手赵征第四名:土耳其选手克塞尔(Gokhan Keser)第五名:西班牙选手曼德斯(Jose Mendez)第十二届 2007年1月14日到21日 举办地:韩国江原乐园冠军:郑宇光第十三届 2008年冠军:Abdelmoumen El Maghraouy(来自西撒哈拉)亚军:雷杰(年龄最小选手) 第十四届 2009年10月24日 举办地:深圳保利剧院冠军:谢鹏举(澳门冠军)、吴宇(香港冠军)、来宾(深圳冠军)


侠盗猎魔 Manhunt[作弊器]的部分使用方法!先开修改器然后进入游戏在游戏中按1开启控制菜单;按2关闭开启控制菜单后选择以下命令 Toggle god mode=无敌模式 Kill hunters=杀死所有敌人 Idle hunters=敌人不还手(和隐身差不多,但比隐身稳定推荐大家用这个) Complet level=直接过关 Open honus levels=开启所有隐藏关(在游戏菜单中选择"SELECT SCENE"进行选关) Open normal levels=开启所有普通关(同上) Give all stars=所有任务都以最高等级完成(5星级) Unlock bonus features=打开所有人物标签(在游戏菜单中选择"BONUS FEATURES"进行查看) Kill player=自杀 Camera modes=调节视角 MAP(0=old,1=new)开启和关闭地图0开启,1是关闭 HC:Toggle ON/OFF=开启和关闭真实视觉 Disable hunters=敌人不动 Ignore player=玩家隐身(一般不要用,否则过不了关) Ambient lighe=调节亮度(用左右方向键调节)这是我知道的一些作弊器的用法拿出来给大家分享;这个作弊器还有很多功能;大家自己发掘.欢迎各位补充【OK】SHIFT+A - 无限弹药 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Run Trainer 2. Run Game 3. Press Desired Keys or buttons 4. Have FunEnable Disable Option 1 开启 Debugmenu 2 关闭 Debugmenu

psp manhunt2攻略

  AWAKENING  从监狱出来后,利用阴影躲过其他犯人的视线,向前走拿到针筒并碰到第一个敌人,这里可以很轻松的使用三级处决,出去后突然窜出一个敌人,没办法只好开打,干掉他后从左侧房间拿到血瓶和针筒。前方的屋内有个敌人,到旁边的阴影处敲墙把他引出来,趁它转身后处决他,进屋按下按钮大门会打开,不要着急着出去等殴打的敌人结束后在出去,按下按钮坐电梯上去。向前走躲在墙角,等来回走动的敌人转身走远再到前方阴影处躲避,等他再度反身离开处决他,从旁边的屋内拿到针筒继续向前走,到拐角处等敌人走远再过去打开门。出去后拐角处又有一名来回走动的敌人,同样先到旁边的黑暗房间躲避,  等他转身后再处决他。下楼后看见很多房间,最右边的敌人不必理会,这时突然出现敌人,马上向回跑到二楼黑暗处,他会过来查看,等他转身处决他,下楼把所有的房间门都关上,前方的大门就会打开,  其中一个屋内有小刀,出去后进门处决掉旁边小屋的敌人,再处决从楼梯上下来的敌人,上楼,到一间关押犯人的门前,进去利用二级或三级处决干掉敌人,从旁边的窗户跳到垃圾车旁边,等两个敌人分散开来分别处决掉。将敌人的尸体放在黑暗处后到蓝色目标地点本关结束。  GHOSTS  出来后先到对面拿到塑料袋,处决来回走动的敌人,先前走不远剧情提示拐角处有一个敌人,马上翻过旁边的矮墙,走到如图掩体处,这里可以尝试利用环境杀人,标志是地图上的骷髅图标,  从旁边的垃圾箱上去翻过墙,到一栋屋子前。利用铁钩撬开门,进入后发生剧情,之后要求找木箱里的物品,之后就逐间搜索,比较容易遗漏的地方如图所示。  找到后敌人出现,两个分别会在地下室和二层移动。逐一分别处决,到二层如图处  窗户外会跳进一个人,向回跑消除他的警戒状态,处决后从他跳进的船户出去,进旁边的船户可以找到些物品,这时楼下会出现敌人,从高处可直接三级处决,之后本关结束。  SEXUAL DEVIANTS  用板砖砸开玻璃,进入后利用环境处决正在小便的敌人,接下来在的舞厅中有三个敌人,这里稍有些难度,首先在如图处躲避,  会有两个敌人来回走动,等一个走了再处决另一个,之后躲避敌人目光进入屋内,在如图处等敌人过来  处决,剩下的一个敌人要在他低头的时候迅速到其身后再消灭。之后把他的尸体搬到机关处压住机关打开门进入。用三级处决干掉门口的敌人,进入另一大厅,这里分为两层,上层有两个敌人,下层有一个,在下层敌人往右走的时候从门口左侧阴影到旁边小屋翻过柜台到如图阴影处,  处决这个敌人,被其他敌人发现也没有关系,敌人只会进入警戒状态。上到二层处决这里的敌人,从旁边拿到斧子,解决另一边的敌人拿到人头,回到舞台中央无法打开的门,装备人头按O门就会打开,  等里面的敌人转身后开门把人头扔过去,趁他查看的时候上去处决他。下楼在角落等巡查的人离开处决他,有玻璃的房间会突然窜出人,可以跑到阴暗处在处决他,还有一个房间的敌人需要打开开关等他到门口时干掉他。出门到另一边有三个房间的区域,这三个房间都可以用环境处决,先处决最右面开着门的房间,打碎这里的房间玻璃到旁边房间的同样位置,  按下开关可打开这里的门,返回到门口环境处决屋内的敌人,这个房间的左侧墙壁其实是个暗门,从暗门进入最后的房间处决这个敌人,进入打开的门本关结束。  RED LIGHT  一开始向左方走,到黑暗处拿到针筒,直走拿到铁锹,这里的两个人不会攻击你。到一辆车旁边会出现两个敌人,躲在暗处处决掉拿到钳子,  装备钳子打开前方的铁丝网,快接近门口时会出现两个敌人,马上回到场地中央的阴影处,等一会其中一个敌人会离开,利用投掷物品把敌人吸引到井盖附近进行环境处决。向前走到门口正对的阴影处,等另一个敌人出来后处决。进入从楼梯到下层,这里有两个敌人,可以在楼梯口的黑暗角落把敌人引出来逐个消灭,上到楼顶跑出的人可以无视,到阳台发现下面有两个警察在打人,等一会他们会分散开,直接跳下三级处决一个,另一个利用旁边的井盖环境处决。旁边的两个人要趁他们彼此相遇之后在行动,这样就留给你大量的时间来分别处决,处决后到旁边的成人音像店,从右方侧门进入,将屋内脸朝侧门的敌人吸引到旁边的盘架后干掉,剩下的一个可以从旁边黑暗处绕到其后面轻松三级处决,进入屋内上楼,这里突然会上来敌人,逃离其警戒区域后在伺机处决他,之后返回楼上,到楼梯处突遇敌人射击,一直向上跑跳入一间物子到目标地点本关结束。  BEST FRIENDS  一上来就被直升机追击,冲到楼顶一直跟着目标走,到楼顶后敌人出现,由于这时没有武器,所以要利用环境处决,打开面前的电源,从旁边墙上翻过在阴影处等待,等敌人过来后就可以环境处决,利用环境处决所有敌人后发生剧情。会有持枪的敌人出来,利用环境处决他拿到手枪,进入仓库目标会跑,干掉这里的一个敌人后向左走,目标会上楼,过去后发现门无法打开,只能从左侧走。这里有两个看守,把一个引过来,趁他回身用手枪处决他,另一个敌人会看见并呕吐,抓紧时间过去处决他。向前走不远又会碰到大量敌人,先干掉过道里的敌人,等敌人查看后处决,敌人会一一过来查看,可逐一处决。全灭后进入后门,  进门后会出现敌人,没办法掏出枪火拼吧,干掉这两个敌人后进屋还有一个敌人要消灭。之后把敌人尸体放在传送带上,在按下按钮,通路就会打开。  SAFE HOUSE  与之前关卡不同,一开始变成了枪战火拼,这里就不用考虑处决敌人了,一路战斗到电影院,消灭所有人后出门本关结束。  THE MONEY POT  进入房间利用环境处决这个人,先前行把拐角的灯打坏,等人过来查看后用环境处决。上楼先进101房间处决在钉墙的人拿到铁锤,在进入102房间,从窗口跳出,到走廊尽头等发出声响后在打碎玻璃进入,里面可拿到钳子,返回进入103房间,用钳子拉开铁丝网爬进通风管道,出口附近会有一个敌人来回走动,等他向右走后出去处决他,这时楼梯会上来人查看,躲在角落阴暗处等他转身马上过去处决他,下楼按下开关打开门,这时敌人会突然冲出来,可以跑到黑暗处等待敌人警戒时间过去,在一一处决。进入尽头的房间,从窗口看到外面有很多敌人,在窗口等敌人过来一一消灭,之后穿过花园进入房间,解决这里的敌人到尽头的房间。打碎镜子到里面的房间,爬进管道消灭敌人一直到楼顶,本关结束。  ASSASSINATION  马上离开窗口否则会收到直升机的攻击,到门外打灭灯把敌人吸引过来消灭。到走廊在狙杀大厅中的杂兵。进入大厅乘电梯向上走一层一层清理,到第三层要注意后面会有狙击手,马上进屋消灭屋内的敌人,利用屋内的掩体作掩护消灭狙击手。到对面的大楼消灭敌人从楼梯向上走,消灭这里的敌人后从后面的楼梯下去,进入正对的房间,打碎玻璃小心的顺着管道走,消灭敌人一直到如图处,  随着红色钢筋下去,随着楼梯下行,一路向下到达下水道本关结束。  MOST WANTED  刚走不远就遭遇大量敌人,马上向前跑跳进前方房间,从桌上拿到铁钩到房间内有木地板的地方使用铁钩到下层,  到外面后先躲在右侧阴影处,等右边的一个敌人走到最右侧时处决他,并把他的尸体拉到阴影处,这会引来敌人查看,可以趁机在解决一个。这里要小心避过直升机的灯光,移动到黄色箱子旁边的阴影,再干掉这里的敌人,从前方通道绕过去,到尽头用钩子打开门,翻过墙。  下到底层这里敌人较多,首先身后会有两个敌人追着你,如果有枪可以躲在阴影处干掉,追求处决的话,可以到如图的阴影处,  等两个敌人分开后分别干掉,旁边还有一处环境暗杀点,可以把敌人吸引过来后暗杀,把这里的敌人清理干净后到前方转动开关打开大门,消灭里面的敌人后从墙边的洞钻出去。用枪处决这里的敌人后会把剩下的敌人引过来,可一一处决,穿过花园到二层打碎玻璃到另一边,这时会出现直升机,马上跳过没有栏杆的墙到另一边。再跳入坑中下管道。  到管道尽头先等一会,等敌人的警戒解除再上去,利用这里的环境处决敌人,  到门口会出现大量敌人,全干掉后到门口本关结束。  RITUAL CLEANSING  一上来先到绿色地点拿到汽油筒,它的用法与其他武器不同,首先要选择一个地点,按攻击键把油撒在路上,这样就形成了一个环境处决,注意要想处决之前必须把油桶放下。处决掉在汽车旁来回走动的敌人,再处决前方走动的敌人到一间有警察的屋子前,用汽油点燃如图的报纸,  之后马上躲在旁边的暗处,把警察引出来后处决他,进屋按下开门打开外面的门。进入后利用车箱做掩体干掉这里的警察,从窗口跳入。  这里的油桶先不必拿,从卡车上翻到对面先进右面的屋子,干掉这里的警察利用箱子上到有很多文件的屋子的屋顶,跳进去拿到铁钩,返回进入左面的房间,干掉警察用铁钩打开门,拿油桶回去点燃报纸,这时大量敌人会出现,利用地形逐一处决敌人后从敌人进来的门后区域找到油桶,到蓝色目标地点烧掉文件本关结束。  ORIGINS  利用垃圾桶上到屋顶,扔板砖把敌人引出来后解决他,进入屋子到达大厅,利用柱子的阴影处决这里的敌人,其中一个敌人身上有铁钩一定要拿到,从大厅一楼的门往里走下楼梯到如图处,  用铁钩拉开盖子爬进去。  进入后到有环境处决的房间,先干掉穿蓝衣服的敌人,再把绿衣服的敌人引到环境处决点旁边干掉,拣他的锯砍下他的头,利用他的头打开密码视网膜门,进入后发生剧情,干掉门口的敌人,一直往里走到一个放映厅,到台上发生剧情,进到后面的房间上楼听到广播主角会晕倒。  醒来后等敌人转身后利用环境处决他,再处决旁边的医生,进入有红点的房间,尽快把红色目标的电视打环,否则会直接GAME OVER,  打环三个目标地点后下楼,回到放映厅会遇到医生,先把旁边的敌人干掉捡起麻醉枪,再射击医生本关结束。  BROADCAST INTERRUPTED  本关注意一开始就要收集枪械。一上来就出现很多敌人,马上跑到外面捡到砖头躲在如图处,  等敌人警戒状态解除后用砖头把敌人引到环境处决点,处决掉后敌人会上来查看,可以一一解决。之后从如图的楼梯上去,  处决掉这里的敌人,接下来就是枪战时间了,敌人数量不少,清理一个地区后用铁钩打开门,一直冲到停车场消灭所有敌人后本关结束。  ALTERED STATE  先解决院子里的敌人,可以从敌人身上得到弓弩,其与狙击枪类似。从如图处过桥到房间中拿到铁钩,  这里会受到敌人包围,利用弓弩狙杀。到目标地点用铁钩拉开井盖穿到另一边。  消灭这里的敌人后用弩把草堆射下来垫脚,进入房间清理这里的敌人后从窗户跳下。接下来只要一路杀敌即可,最后到达目标地点打开门本关结束。  DOMESTIC DISTURBANCE  先沿着黑暗向前走到有一个拿手电巡逻的警察附近,用物品把他吸引到远处,然后到垃圾筒附近拿到塑料袋,爬上房空中处决左侧的警察,拿到警棍后在返回解决那个拿手电的警察。把警车附近的一个警察吸引过来干掉,之后进入旁边有绿色目标地点的房间拿到剪刀,绕到如图处把这里的警察利用环境处决,  再到下个绿色地点拿到钳子,之后一直贴左侧黑暗处走,小心房间里的警卫到达铁丝网处,用钳子拉开网钻进去,这时会出现特警和直升机的攻击,马上朝目标地点跑,途中只要看见绿色垃圾箱均可以翻过,一直到如图处等待一会。  等特警变回普通状态并散开后再引过来一个个解决。拿到其身上的霰弹枪后就轻松多了,一直冲到游泳池附近,消灭这里的敌人后利用绿色垃圾箱翻过去本关结束。  CEMETERY  先注意不要让敌人发现,搜索一下四周找到针筒,再用三级处决干掉他拿到铁钩,打开锁进入屋内,躲在墙角处决一个敌人,等另一个敌人走远到他旁边拐角处等待,等他过来后出来处决他。不要着急出去,把外面的敌人引进来逐个消灭。到达目标地点发生剧情,干掉医生和一个敌人,到如图处用铁钩打开板子下去。  下去后躲在阴影处,等敌人走过来处决,  处决掉拿枪的敌人捡到枪后就可以打开杀戒了,全消灭敌人后大门会打开,上去之后发生剧情,要求把尸体搬入坟墓,这里的敌人是无限出的,不必和他们纠缠,首先从旁边的矮墙跳入院内,利用铁钩打开门,再出去到绿点搬动尸体,把尸体搬到蓝色目标地点后本关结束,游戏也至此告一段落,不过还有一个隐藏关等待着大家……  就是这个啦~


1987年:新加坡Metromedia公司的演艺总监刘镔澳先生创办了第一届Manhunt男模特比赛。在这之前,所有的模特比赛都是为女性而设立的,所以这项精心筹划的赛事一夜之间便获得了巨大的成功,为男装及男士用品厂商提供了广告和宣传的机会。与此同时,随着赞助商及参与者的不断增加。1991年:这项赛事又增设了30岁以上级别,以顺应国际社会对成熟男模的需求。1993年:在澳大利亚黄金海岸举行的Manhunt世界男模特大赛更将这项活动演变成国际性赛事,每年世界各国都会选派本国大赛的冠军参加最后的决赛。1995年:在新加坡圣陶沙举行的比赛吸引了35个国家的选手参加。新加坡以及38个国家的电视台对Manhunt男模大赛的总决赛进行了转播,全球收看人数达到 4.2亿;同时,该男模大赛也得到了大量的报纸和杂志的肯定。1997年:在新加坡继续举行,38个国家的选手参加了此项激动人心的赛事。1998年:瑞典的 Peter Erikson夺得了冠军。1999年:北京概念"98特管理有限公司将这一国际性赛事带到了中国,取得了巨大成功和影响。委内瑞拉的 Ernesto Calzadilla获得冠军。中国顶尖男模胡东夺得了99年的中国选拔赛冠军,并代表中国赴菲律宾参加了1999 Manhunt世界男模大赛总决赛,荣获最佳表演奖,成为当年度的世界十佳男模之一。2000年:澳大利亚的Brett Wilson获得冠军。;2000年中国选拔赛的桂冠得主刘凤成又代表中国赴新加坡参加2000年Manhunt世界男模大赛总决赛,荣获最佳形体奖,成为2000年度世界十佳男模之一。2001年:概念"98再接再厉,将世界男模特大赛的总决赛也带到了中国,在北京举办了夏蒙2O01世界男模大赛总决赛。2002年:在上海举办了Manhunt世界男模特大赛世界总决赛。将这一国际性赛事,一方面是为中国的模特赛事引入更为规划化的评判标准,另一方面也将为整个模特行业挖掘更多的新面孔、拓展新商机。为中国模特行业及服装产业带来新鲜的空气。

what do you do inthe morning

1. I get up in the morning. 2. I go to school after breakfast. 3. I do my homework in the evening. 4. I go to bed after I do my homework. 答案不唯一


the sun rises in the morning太阳在早晨升起

改错:His sister watch TV inthe morning?

本句用了一般现在时,his sister又是第三人称单数,相应地动词应该用三单形式watches。句子改为His sister watches TV in the morning.








I get up then wash my face in the morning. Where is your home? We have a moment after class. I don"t play the piano after dinner. When do you go home?

the wispper inthe morning 这首歌的歌名

歌词应该是:The whispers in the morning好多唱过的一首歌《The Power Of Love》歌名:The Power Of Love唱红:Celine Dion原唱:Jennifer RushThe whispers in the morningOf lovers sleeping tightAre rolling like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderA love that I could not forsakeCause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canLost is how I"m feelingLying in your armsWhen the world outside"s too much to takeThat all ends when I"m with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I"m far awayNever wonder where I amCause I am always by your sideCause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canWe"re heading for somethingSomewhere I"ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I"m ready to learnOf the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clear suddenlyThe feeling that I can"t go onIs light years awayCause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI"ll do all that I canWe"re heading for somethingSomewhere I"ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I"m ready to learnOf the power of loveThe power of loveThe power of loveSometimes I am frightenedBut I"m ready to learnOf the power of loveThe power of love


onjuly6inthemorning顺序对吗?回答是:on july6 in the morning顺序对。

ストレッタ??THE ANIMATION??Contents





句子成分划分如下: What疑问代词, 作谓语动词do的宾语。第一个do是助动词,帮助构成疑问句。you 主语, in the morning 介词短语作状语。 全句汉语意思: 你们上午做什么?

I Want to spend my lifetime to loving you 歌词的中文意思?



第一个句子错了,read a books要么去掉a要么去掉S


题目真的是这样,那就是classes 楼主,这么简单的题要学会怎么找技巧啊! 一般地,前面是个数词的,都用复数 用量词修饰,一般用原型 不过这也不是一定的 还需要掌握常见单词的可数不可数 因为像a lot of/lots of/some/any.跟什么名词都可以

l havefourcIassesfrom8 :00to12:00inthemorning什么意思?





《coffee》。“sweet dreams turns into coffee in the morning”是《coffee》歌曲中的歌词,歌手:miguel,专辑:wildheart (deluxe)。








The sun rises in the morning.太阳在早上升起


1.i have an English (class) in the morning 2.In summer it"s (hotter) in Nanjing then in Kunming 3.(Am i) a new student in this middle school? 4.The girls are talking about their (scheduled task) in the new term. 5.(What do) the students (do) every evening? 6.Does it rain often in spring?(451632)


  翻译:你早上吃些什么?  满意请采纳,谢谢



at five inthemorning用什么时态

一般现在时。at five inthemorning是"在上午"或"在早晨",多用于一般现在时。英语中不同时间和方式发生的动作或状态要用谓语动词的不同形式来表示,这种表示动作或状态发生时间和方式的动词形式称作动词时态。动词,就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。基本上每个完整的句子都有一个动词,要表示第二个动作时可使用不定词、动名词、对等连接词、从属连接词或增加子句等方法连结。而在英语中根据时间和动作的种类,动词又分为了多种时态。


By morning,到早上,用完成时句式in the morning,在早上。举例, The army covered 30 miles By morning.军队队到早上己行军30里He reads English words in the morning.他在早上读英语单词。






in the morning 指在早上,不具体只哪一天早上on the morning 通常是on the morning of + 日期的形式出现,表示具体某一天的早上比如 on friday morning


in the morning是"在上午"或"在早晨",多用于一般现在时,例如:I always wake up at 7 in the morning. 引申一个on the morning, 用on the morning 时通常要加of 加时间(具体的时间),多用于过去时或者将来时,例如on the morning of next weekon the morning of yesterday希望我的回答对你有帮助。


介词短语,副词短语。in the morning是介词短语,意思是在早晨,在上午,跟一般时态联用在句子中做时间状语。every morning是副词短语,意思是每天早上,每天上午,它也跟一般时态联用在句子中做状语,可以放在句首也可以放在句尾。






in the morning在早上。重点词汇:morning一、读音:英 ["mu0254u02d0nu026au014b]     美 ["mu0254u02d0rnu026au014b]    二、意思是:n. 早晨;上午;开端三、词汇搭配:idle a morning 消磨一个上午的时间;like the morning 喜欢早晨四、例句:Did you really feel ill this morning?今天早晨你真的感到身体不适吗?扩展资料词汇辨析:morning, forenoon这两个词都可表示“上午”。其区别是:1.morning指从日出到正午的这段时间,也指从午夜零点到正午的那段时间; forenoon较morning正式,也指从日出到正午的这段时间,但习惯上把它看作从八、九点钟到正午。例如:He works in the morning and plays in the afternoon.他上午工作,下午玩耍。2.现在习惯于把“在上午”译为in the morning,而不是in the forenoon。

hey baby,do you want to cum?这句话是什么意思



cum 英 [kʌm]   美 [kʌm]   n.精液cumcontrol就是射精控制。

Jason is one of the students ____the truth. A.who know B.who knows C.that knows D.who are knowing

答案B。 one of the students 中 one是中心词,而who代表 one,故know谓语用单数。

Prison Break is a huge hit thanks to its handsome star, Went?

小题1:C 小题2:D 小题3:C 小题4:B ,9,Prison Break is a huge hit thanks to its handsome star, Wentworth Miller. His character, Michael Scofield, is the engine that drives the show. Having mitted a crime to get into prison and break out with his innocent brother, Michael Scofield is one of the most interesting personalities on TV today. But what about the man behind the character? Miller,35, is a hard guy to figure out. He does not e from a normal background and has never lived his life in a typical way. Miller didn"t take direct path to fame and fortune. He graduated from Princeton University in 1995, not with a degree in theatre of film, but in English. He didn"t even act when he was in college. His only performance experience was in his university"s singing group. Yet , at graduation Miller still decided to make the move to Hollywood. Miller has always been different. Although he is American, he was in Britain when his father was studying there. His family background is also a special mix of cultures. “My father is black and my mother is white. That means I have always been caught in the middle. I could be either one, which can make you feel out of place,” Miller says. Following his unusual path, Miller did not start trying out for films and TV shows when he first went to Hollywood. Instead, he worked as a lowly production assistant. Not what you would expect from a Princeton graduate. However, it all paid off for Miller in the end. In 2002, Miller played a role in the dram a Dinotopia (《恐龙帝国》). He starred as a thoughtful and shy man. Producers remembered his performance when they were casting Prison Break two years later. With a golden globe nomination(提名)and another season of Prison Break on his resume, Miller seems ready to take over all of Hollywood. 小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about? A.Michael Scofield in Prison Break . B.Hollywood"s recent big hit— Prison Break . C.Miller"s unusual path to fame and fortune. D.The man who will take over all of the world. 小题2:The writer thinks “Miller is a hard guy to figure out” because . A.it"s difficult to tell him from others B.he is a shy man and hard to cooperate with C.he always has ideas hard for people to understand D.his family background and life experience are very special 小题3:Which is the closest in meaning to the underlined sentence “it all paid off for Miller in the end”? A.Miller put a lot of extra work for his final success. B.Miller gained fame and fortune at last with his first film. C.Miller finally succeeded even if he has been in low position. D.Miller managed to pay off his debts with his *** all ine in the end. 小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE about Miller? A.He is chosen to play the Michael Scofield due to his interesting personality. B.His performance in Dinotopia makes some contributions to his success. C.He has the same experience with the character Michael Scofield. D.He is angry about his being born into a mixed-cultural family.

Who knows how many countries there are on the earth

联合国目前有191个会员国。 截至2002年,世界上共有194个主权国家. 共有200多个国家和地区 世界七大洲中,除南极洲外,都有国家分布,目前共有290多个政区单位,其中独立国家169个,其余为尚未独立的地区。各大洲的国家分布是不均衡的,非洲的国家最多,达51个,其次是亚洲(39个),以下依次为欧洲(33个)、拉丁美洲(33个)、大洋洲(11个)和北美洲(2个)。200多个国家和地区中,面积在100万平方公里以上的有29个,人口超过5,000万的共有16个国家,其他还有很多独立的小国和部落跟地区! 不能具体跟多数据的原因,说不定哪天哪个种族哪个部落哪个地区就灭亡、消失、解散了呢? 巴勒斯坦和梵缔纲这样的国家就没有主权了. 参考资料:http://www.baidu.com/s?cl=3&wd=%CA%C0%BD%E7%C9%CF%D3%D0%B6%E0%C9%D9%B9%FA%BC%D2

Lamentation 歌词

歌曲名:Lamentation歌手:Miriam Aziz专辑:Transito炎の蜃気楼 - Lamentation歌:上野洋子 & 山根麻衣Kyrie eleisonChriste eleisonKyrie eleisonKyrie eleison...Oh, I"m weary with my moaningLord hears the sound of my weepingAnd I may feel alright.Although I have no reason to this lifeIs it nothing to you, all you who"s passin"s bySee if there"s any sorrow like my sorrowI see this should be the glory of all the earth.or the perfection of beauty.Hear how I groanTill the wind blows to my sailsHas he gone into exileHear how I groanTill the daylight dead and goneTurn, O Lord my God, watch over meSo, I"m living with my darknessNobody else but my spiritAnd I"m feeling okay.Though I still have no reason to this worldWas it everything to you, all you"ve wanted forSee if there"s any sorrow like my sorrowI see no angels or glory of all the earth.It"s the perfection of sorrowHear how I moanTill the power"s in the skyHe walks in his guilty waysHear how I moanTill the flood sweeps over meAnswer me, O Lord, for your love is goodGet away! How lonely sits the cityFar away to keep your purityFly away so you can be more freeTo remember all my tears stream down(REPEAT)http://music.baidu.com/song/2601484


Don"t Worry [Talking-Chingy] Heh What"s up? You ain"t been talking to me for a couple of days, but its all good. I just wanted to let you know that I know I do some things that"s wrong, you do some things that wrong, you know what I"m saying? We ain"t perfect, we all make mistakes, na na hold on I"m talking to you don"t just be trying to leave and stuff like that I"m talking to you, I"m trying to make things better for me and you [Chorus-Janet Jackson] Just me and you, oooo chingy, don"t matter what we go through Just me and you, we don"t need no body else, Just me and you, oooo chingy, I"ma always be down for you Just me and you, so don"t worry bout a damn thing [Verse 1-Chingy] Now that we together girl the lights so bright, it took a lil time but now the feelings so right, remember when I snuck thru your window at night, bring you flowers and candy, me and you sipping on brandy, plus I appreciate the love on sight, huggin" me holdin" me fixed dinner so polite, even when these trippin pigs weas tryin to sue me forget about friends and family you the one that knew me. The way you smile at me keep me feelin alright, this ain"t about fur, fancy cars or ice so I"m dedicating this to my female friend, sincerely yours words cant express my feelings within [Chorus Repeat] [Verse 2-Chingy] We human so we gunna fight and fuss at each other, he told me you trippin" but girl don"t worry bout my brother we have a argument it drive me to go out, you my flesh so me and another woman wont bout it, I"m thinking bout the times when you flew to my house, don"t I give you everything you want this man aint a mouse. Am I cheatin" hell naw hope you got no doubts, rose peddles in the tub baby unbutton that blouse better yet come on you hungry lets eat at Mr. Chows. know you love me when you mad, you don"t get loud, so I"m dedicating this to my female friend, sincerely yours words cant express my feelings within [Chorus Repeat] [Verse-Chingy] I like you style, your grace, your beautiful face, your essences. Your size, your shape this beautiful place of blessin, your weight, your waist, your delicious taste perfection, your height, your sight, with my life as your protection. So sweet like candy, lets raise a family in Miami where the beach so sandy toast to campaign glasses you ami, your scent like the smell fresh air of a leaf and for you I go over my budget no I ain"t cheep can stop grinding till I get er record to the top just know that your on my mind er second on the clock tick-tock, if you ever need help scream and I"ll come running for my life to trade it in for your dreams [Chorus Repeat]

recent graduates是什么意思

recent graduates最近的毕业生双语例句1The strikers said that Honda mainly hired recent graduates of highschools or vocational schools.罢工者说本田主要从高中和职业学校雇佣新毕业生。2recent graduates; a recent addition to the house; recent buds on the appletrees.新近的毕业生;新近的住宅增加;苹果树的新芽。

大学毕业生应该创业还是就业?Should Graduates be Business or Employment

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?,1.目前大学毕业生就业竞争非常激烈,2.有人认为去找工作不如自己创业,3.我的看法……,Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?,大学毕业生应否自己创业,With the petition in the job market being increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses. Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.,对于大学毕业生来说,随着就业市场上的竞争日趋白热化,某些雄心勃勃的学生已开始尝试着去自己创业。在过去几年中,已出现了诸多学生创业的成功案例,因此,此类尝试理应获得学校和整个社会的鼓励与推动。,College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China"s future business leaders. Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings. Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great entrepreneurs. Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they succeed. As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.,那些自己进行创业的大学生可被视为先驱,在他们之中,将会诞生中国未来的商界领袖。尽管面对着许多未知的挑战,他们仍无所畏惧地踏上一条充斥着艰难险阻的征程。与此形成对比的是,他们的大多数同龄人却作为白领,在高端写字楼里上班,拿着稳定的薪水。但是,创业的学生才是其命运真正的主人。由于接触到更多的不确定性与挫折,他们形成了锲而不舍、坚忍不拔、顽强不屈的精神,所有这些品质都是杰出企业家所不可或缺的。即使他们失败,他们不会垮掉,他们会不断探索,寻找新的商机,不知疲倦地努力,直至成功。作为一个具有远见卓识、个人进取性、领导力、创造力和创新精神的羣体,他们代表着一个国家的未来与希望。,Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial projects. To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the chari *** a to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a mon objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to pete against powerful rivals and ultimately to prevail. The essential difference beeen the students who bee civic servants in government anizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational panies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers. For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they mand our deep respect. ,并非所有的大学毕业生都适合去从事创业项目。要想创业,必须要有一个好的商业点子,一个可行的商业规划,非凡的个人魅力以形成一个有凝聚力的团队,使团队成员们步调一致地去奋力实现共同的目标,以及有效的管理才华; 尤其是,需要有敢于与最强劲对手展开竞争、并最终取得胜利的勇气。那些成为 *** 机构里的公务员的学生,或者那些成为本土大企业或跨国公司的雇员的学生,与那些自己进行创业的学生相比,最本质的差别在于,前者是温顺的追随者,而后者则是奋发进取的探路者。正是基于这一原因,创业的大学毕业生们更令人钦佩,也因而赢得了我们深深的敬意。

microsoft NET.Framework3.0 needs to be installed for this installation to continue


continue 与go on的区别是什么?

.continue 继续同一件事,也可以是另一件事。该词有以下用法:①continue+ n.;②continue doing/to do;③continue(to be)+adj.2.go on doing sth.指继续做同一件事。go on to do sth.指接着做另外一件事。go on with sth.指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词、代词,不能跟v.-ing 形式。应用(1)The rain ______ for three days.(2)They ______ their game after lunch.(3)He ______ writing/to write late into the night.(4)The weather ______(=remains)cold.(5)After a short rest,they ______ working.(6)After finishing the words,they ______ to go over the text.(7)Einstein ______ his research.答案:(1)continued (2)continued/went on with (3)continued (4)continues (5)went on (6)went on (7)went on with

英语作文~on self-employment of college graduates

1.Nowadays, our government encourages college graduates to employ themselves by starting their own career. If their plan is creative and original the government will grant a financial aid to them.This act aims to stimulate graduates creativity and alleviate the pressure of employment. Firstly, the rate of unemployment and underemployment of college graduate is on the rise in recent year because of the competitive job market. Secondly, some graduate employees are not satisfied with the present job and their enthusiasm for work has been frustrated to some degree. Thirdly, some brilliant and ambitious graduates lack start-up capital even though they have a good idea.In conclusion, the act does not only bring many opportunities to college graduates, but also restore their confidence in themselves and the future. Moreover, many job opportunities are created for the society as well.2.You are good! First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and the good wish to you! In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day! I am electronic information project specialized 2007 sessions of graduates, learned in the near future your firm is advertising for the talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to your firm work. In school period, I study the specialized knowledge diligently, and invested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it.While studies the textbook knowledge earnestly, I participate in school inside and outside practice positively, and has obtained some result. If monolithic integrated circuit development design, aspects and so on PCB Layout as well as homepage design. The university four years let my English proficiency have progress,And smooth passed the national English six levels of tests,Had certainly certainly has listened to, to say, to read, writes ability,Has the reading specialized literature English foundation of basic skills. I have the good computer knowledge and application ability, can grasp the basic application software skilled the use, and can use languages and so on C, assembly, VB, HTML carries on the programming. Moreover I also can using Multisim, Protel, Pspice, Auto CAD and so on the specialized software carry on the correlation work,And many times participated in the project practice which in the school organizes.I have studied some knowledge using after school which the related homepage design, the plane design as well as the video frequency pick arrange,Can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepage three swordsmen,And can use imagery processing softwares and so on the photoshop, ACDSee to carry on the related design work,Has uses Adobe premiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan the experience.I longed for study has uses, to long for own knowledge can obtain the practice examination, looked forward to the practice will be able to enrich my work experience and the ability glorious future. “The great ambition can sometimes, directly link up the cloud sail to aid the sea”, I hope alliance your firm sincerely, I can surely by full warm and the tenacious disposition diligent work, with colleague absolute sincerity cooperation, for expensive unit"s development own one"s pygmy effort. Along with letter enclosed resume and other material, if must a deeper understanding, hope for your interviewing!自己选一篇吧

continued working和continued to work的区别

一、侧重点不同continued to work也就是continue to do 侧重于指中途有所停顿或间断,continued working也就是continue doing 侧重于指中途没有间断或中断的时间非常短。二、指代不同continued to work继续做工作,是做完一件事继续做另一件事continued working继续做工作,指继续做刚刚做过的那件事。扩展资料:continue的用法1、continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇,也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2、continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。3、continue还可用作系动词,接(to be+) adj或as+ n作表语,to be常可以省略。


continue to do和continue doing的区别是意思不同:1、意思不同Continue to do 继续做某事,是做完一件事继续做另一件事Continue doing 继续做某事,指继续做刚刚做过的那件事。2、例句比较:We have done our homework.Now let"s continue to play football.功课做完了.我们去踢球去吧.She wanted to continue working after she was married.她想结婚后继续工作。

continued working和continued to work的区别

continue working 与 go on working 同义,意思是 “继续做手中的工作”。continue to work 意思是 “停下手中的活儿继续做别的工作”。

remain continue stay的区别

remains ①pl. 剩余、残留物;② pl. 遗体、尸首 ①link v. 保持,仍然处于(某种状态) = still to be = continue to be = stay remain 后接形容词、名词.、分词、不定式或介词短语等 ②vi 剩下 ,还有 ≠ stay remaining adj.剩下的 the remaining time = the time left(注意remaining和left的位置变化) 比较:remain / stay ①作连系动词,意为“继续保持某一状态”(continue to be)时,常可互换。②表示“剩余”、“残存”时,通常只用remain,而不用stay。③remain暗指呆在原地或保持原来的形状或状态。只能用作不及物动词,故无被动式,不能带宾语。主语可以是人,也可以是物。④stay指在某地作短暂停留,或逗留在一定的场所。主语通常是人。remain To continue in the same state or condition: 保持不变继续保持同一种状态或情况: These matters remain in doubt. 这些事情仍然值得怀疑 To continue to be in the same place; stay or stay behind: 留下逗留在同一地方;停留或者留下: We are remaining at home. 我们留在家里 To be left after the removal, loss, passage, or destruction of others: 余留在其他事物移走,丢失,走开或毁坏之后仍留下来: Only a few trees remain. 只留下了一些树 See: stay1 To be left as still to be dealt with: 尚待剩余的仍需要处理的: A cure remains to be found. 尚待发现的疗法 To endure or persist. 持久或坚持 remain与stay两词的相同点与不同点 1)remain与stay作“留下”、“继续保持某一状态”时,它们常作系动词用,可以互换。e.g.①The shop stays(remains)open till night.这家店铺一直营业到晚上。 ②He stayed(remained)outside while we entered the room.(他留在外面,我们进了屋子。) 2)当表示“剩下”(即其余的一切都拿走、除去、破坏等)时,通常只用remain而不用stay。e.g.①After the earthquake(地震)very little remained of the city of Tang Shan ( 一场地震以后,唐山这座城市所剩无几。) ②If you take 5 from 20,15 remains.从20中去5,剩余15。 3)当表示“在某处或在某处住下”时,通常用stay,不用 remain。e.g.He wants to stay with a friend in the country.他想住在乡下朋友那里。 4)两者在含义上的区别是remain着重指在别人已离去或事情有变动后,仍“继续停留”或保持原来状态、关系、行动等。主语可以是人,也可以是物,而stay的主语通常是人,仅指“停留”、“逗留”。e.g.①My father will stay home this week.这星期我父亲将一直留在家里。 ②When the others had gone,he remained and put back the chairs. (别人离去后,他留下来,把椅子放回原处。)Also:remain n.—(usu.pl) what is left(常用复数)所剩下或遗留者e.g.The remains of the meal are (is) in the refrigerator(电冰箱)。剩下的饭在电冰箱里。continuevi.继续(下去), 持续(指空间)延续, 连绵留, 挽留, 依旧The battle continued for several hours until darkness came on.战斗持续了几个小时直到夜幕降临。The forest continues for miles.这树林延续数里。The habit continued into adult life.这习惯到了成年还保留着。remain stay都指“继续停留”或“继续保持某种状态、关系或行动。”remain 常可与stay 互换, 但它强调“继续停留于一处或保持原状态、情况性质而不改变”, 如:This place remains cool all summer.这个地方整个夏天都凉爽。stay强调“某人[物]继续留在原地而不离开”, 如:He stayed to see the end of the game.他一直呆到比赛结束。参考资料:http://www.etmeet.com/Article/bk/high/gk/200709/20207.htmlhttp://zhidao.baidu.com/question/31868042.html?fr=qrlhttp://xzc.2000y.net/mb/1/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=261465

continue和continue on的区别

continue和 continue on它们两个总是可以互换的.可以说是一样的.continue与前面不一样.它代表继续干的事情与前一件事情不同.表示停止干一件事情,继续干另一件事情.1.continue 继续同一件事,也可以是另一件事。该词有以下用法:①continue+ n.;②continue doing/to do;③continue(to be)+adj.2.go on doing sth.指继续做同一件事。go on to do sth.指接着做另外一件事。go on with sth.指继续同一件事,此时 with 后能接名词、代词,不能跟v.-ing 形式。


continue,英语单词,动词,意为“继续,延续;仍旧,连续 vt.继续说…;使…继续;使…延长”。短语搭配continue with 继续做continue to do 继续做某事continue doing 一直做(同一件事)to be continued 未完待续continue造句1、A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.交通信号的绿灯意味着你的车可以继续往前开。2、House prices will continue to spiral downwards.房价将继续加速下跌。3、Really, how can we continue to remain blissfully unaware of what is happening in the world?真的,我们怎样才能继续保持幸福不知道正在发生什么事情呢?4、Su: lost, is lost, why not continue to move around, there are many delicious grapes.苏:丢了就是丢了,何不继续向前走去,鲜美的葡萄还有很多。5、These pacification operations continue to grow.这项平定行动不断的加剧。6、If we want to continue to romanticise our natural world, we, as a civilisation, must also avoid it.如果我们想要继续感受大自然的浪漫,人类文明也必须懂得回避这种浪漫。

graduate和graduating students区别?

there be (sth./sb.) doing (sth.),doing作分词短语因此答案是 there will be more students graduating.当然写成如下的定语从句也是对的there will be more students who graduate.不过更简单的表达还是there will be more graduates.或there will be more graduating students.

recent graduates是什么意思

recent 指发生于现时之前很短一段时间里的,graduates 是大学毕业生,那么recent graduates 应该是应届大学毕业生。


continue的用法如下:1.continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇;也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2.continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。They want to continue their education.他们想继续读书。He continued the boring work day after day.他日复一日地做着乏味的工作。3.continue用作不及物动词The earthquake continued for about two minutes.地震持续了约两分钟。The fighting continued for a week.战斗持续了一星期。4.用作系动词(1)S+~+as n.He is to continue as manager.他要继续当经理。(2)S+~+(to be) adj.Beef prices had continued to be high in most areas of the country.在这个国家的大部分地区,牛肉的价格依然很高。

In Britain he had come across a painter______nobody else has heard of.


continue 形容词



不对!continue to do sth.=continue doing sthcontinue sth持续不断地续做某一件事 ontinue with sth.指中断后继续做此事


continue的基本意思是继续。短语搭配continue with继续做。continue to do继续做某事。continue doing一直做(同一件事)。to be continued未完待续。基本用法1、continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。既可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇; 也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2、continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。3、continue还可用作系动词,接(to be+) adj. 或as+ n. 作表语, to be常可以省略。


PPS 或者 迅雷

continue 可数吗

to be continued. 放在句末. education不可数 get a good education复数形式:get good education.

在线等continue to be什么意思


the end or continue和the end or to continue和the end or to be continue哪个是对的?


To be continue的中文歌词

So she mad at me yet again;Cus my phone keeps ringing.And we was right in the middle of it.I understand "cus I know she love it.As we was just about to get it on,I hear my manager"s ringtone.So I gotta get up, I know it"s the worst,But the business comes first girl.Ring ring there goes my phone.I got to get it, see what"s going onWe wasn"t finished baby I knowGirl I"m so sorry but I got to goI"ll tell you what, next time we meetNo phones allowed, just you and meBut girl for now, I got to leave,So "til the next time I see ya...To be continued (oh), to be continued (oh)To be continued(oh), to be continued (ohoh)To be continued (I know what I owe ya, owe ya)To be continued (oh), to be continued (ooooh)If I could take time and turn it backI would redo every time that, I had to leave in the middle of a sessionI know when you don"t get to finish you"ll be stressin"But girl I gotta keep my business tightGotta make sure regardless we alrightMake sure I can keep giving you the things in lifeEven if it means leaving you alone tonight girlRing ring there goes my phoneI got to get it, see what"s going onWe wasn"t finished baby I knowGirl I"m so sorry but I got to goNo phones allowed, just you and meBut girl for now, I got to leave,So "til the next time I see ya...To be continued (oh), to be continued (oh)To be continued(oh), to be continued (ohoh)To be continued (this isn"t over, over)To be continued (I know what I owe ya, owe ya)To be continued (oh), to be continued (ooooh)

To Be Continue 歌词

歌曲名:To Be Continue歌手:Ne-Yo专辑:欧美2009年4月最新单曲Ne-Yo - To Be Continued泛听欧西...So she mad at me yet again;哎 她还在生着我的气呢"Cus my phone keeps ringing.因为我的手机一直在响And we was right in the middle of it.那时我们正要进入状态I understand "cus I know she love it.我知道的 因为我能看出她兴奋了As we was just about to get it on,当我们正要开始XXOO的时候(这里就不明说啦)I hear my manager"s ringtone.我听见了我经理的铃声So I gotta get up, I know it"s the worst,所以我起来了 我知道这样超级糟糕But the business comes first girl.但是 要知道 工作第一啊 亲爱的~Ring ring there goes my phone.电话一直在响I got to get it, see what"s going on我要看看到底怎么了We wasn"t finished baby I know我们肯定没有结束的 宝贝我知道Girl I"m so sorry but I got to go我真的好抱歉 但必须要去工作了I"ll tell you what, next time we meet听我说~~下次我们再见面No phones allowed, just you and me没有电话 我保证 只有我们俩But girl for now, I got to leave,但这次 真的 我必须要走了So "til the next time I see ya...所以下次我们再见好吗To be continued (oh), to be continued (oh)继续下去To be continued(oh), to be continued (ohoh)继续下去To be continued (this isn"t over, over)To be continued (I know what I owe ya, owe ya)To be continued (oh), to be continued (ooooh)If I could take time and turn it back如果我能花点时间 回到过去I would redo every time that, 我会重做每一次到了兴头上I know when you don"t get to finish you"ll be stressin"我知道当你没有继续下去你会觉得很有压力But girl I gotta keep my business tight但宝贝 我必须要把工作做好啊Gotta make sure regardless we alright必须要确认我们会好好的Make sure I can keep giving you the things in life确认我会给你好的物质生活Even if it means leaving you alone tonight girl甚至这意味着我必须让你今晚一个人 我也会去做Ring ring there goes my phone.电话一直在响I got to get it, see what"s going on我要看看到底怎么了We wasn"t finished baby I know我们肯定没有结束的 宝贝我知道Girl I"m so sorry but I got to go我真的好抱歉 但必须要去工作了I"ll tell you what, next time we meet听我说~~下次我们再见面No phones allowed, just you and me没有电话 我保证 只有我们俩But girl for now, I got to leave,但这次 真的 我必须要走了So "til the next time I see ya...所以下次我们再见好吗To be continued (oh), to be continued (oh)继续下去To be continued(oh), to be continued (ohoh)继续下去To be continued (this isn"t over, over)To be continued (I know what I owe ya, owe ya)To be continued (oh), to be continued (ooooh)Girl the suspense, just makes it better for you宝贝 这些小小的牺牲只是为了让你更好"Cus you don"t know what I got planned for you baby你不知道我为你计划了什么Tune in next week, when this episode will conclude各地去玩 去享受生活A happy ending for me and you你和我 有快乐的结局To be continued... Until I see you again baby继续下去 我们永远继续下去"Til I see you again baby...下次见面 好吗算了To be continued (oh), to be continued (oh)To be continued(oh), to be continued (ohoh)To be continued (this isn"t over, over)To be continued (I know what I owe ya, owe ya)To be continued (oh), to be continued (ooooh)http://music.baidu.com/song/20733765
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