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in winter还可以说什么

2023-07-06 17:44:11


We can go skiing in winter。——在冬天我们可以去滑雪

We can go skating in winter。——在冬天我们可以去滑冰。

We can have a hot pot in winter——在冬天我们可以去吃火锅



“麻辣烫”的规范翻译是Spicy Hot Pot。例句:I am a big fan of spicy hot pot.我超级喜欢麻辣烫。补充:火锅Hot pot烧烤Barbecue / Grill拉面Lamian Noodles馄饨Huntun/Wonton白酒Liquor and Spirits单词解释:一、spicy英/u02c8spau026asi /美/u02c8spau026asi /adj.加有香料的,辛辣的;刺激的,粗俗的。二、Hot英/hu0252t /美/hɑu02d0t /简明柯林斯n.(印)奥特(人名)。adj.(hot)热的;辣的;活跃的;风靡一时的;最新的;有望成功的;易发怒的;节奏强的。v.(hot)使热,变热。三、Pot英/pu0252t /美/pɑu02d0t /n.(烹饪所用圆而深的)锅;(盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶;(某种用途的)容器;花盆;陶盆,陶罐,碗;一罐,一壶(的量);(纸牌游戏的)全部赌注,赌注总额(the pot);凑集的资金(the pot);<非正式>大麻;<非正式>啤酒肚。(斯诺克等)击(球)落袋;<非正式>抽水马桶;<非正式>发动机气缸;<非正式>(体育运动的)奖品,奖杯;<非正式>大量;<非正式>射击。v.把(植物)栽种于花盆中;将(食物)用密封罐煮(或储存);射杀,射猎(飞禽或小动物);(台球,斯诺克)击(球)入袋;制陶;把(电子元件,电路)密封于绝缘材料中;<非正式>成功获得,赢得;<英>使(小孩)坐便盆。【名】(Pot)(柬)布特,(捷)波特,(法)波(人名)。
2023-07-06 16:10:521


火锅Hot Pot
2023-07-06 16:11:112

火锅用英语怎么说 How to say hot pot in English?

作为一种中国特色美食,火锅在世界各地也有着广泛的传播和受众。在欧美等地,火锅也被称为“Chinese hot pot”,即“中国火锅”,以此强调其独特的文化背景和来自中国的美食特色。火锅的种类也十分丰富,例如四川的麻辣火锅、重庆的火锅、云南的过桥米线火锅、广东的海鲜火锅等等,每一种火锅都有着不同的口味和特点,吸引了众多的美食爱好者前来品尝。火锅,是中国传统的饮食文化之一,也是一种特殊的烹饪方式。火锅以锅为器皿,将各种肉类、蔬菜、豆制品等食材放入锅中煮熟食用,同时还有各种调料和蘸料,口感鲜美,风味独特。那么,火锅用英语怎么说呢?火锅的种类也十分丰富,例如四川的麻辣火锅、重庆的火锅、云南的过桥米线火锅、广东的海鲜火锅等等,每一种火锅都有着不同的口味和特点,吸引了众多的美食爱好者前来品尝。
2023-07-06 16:11:295

hotpot和hot pot区别

HotPot与Hot Pot的区别1. HotPot与Hot Pot的定义HotPot和Hot Pot都是指一种食品,它是一种火锅。火锅是中国常见的传统食品,通常由底料,肉类,蔬菜,海鲜等食材组成,通过在滚烫的汤底中煮熟食材后食用。HotPot在英文中的拼写多为HotPot,而中文通常称之为火锅。Hot Pot则是一种表达方式,通常出现在英文中。2. HotPot与Hot Pot的发音差异HotPot和Hot Pot的区别不仅在于定义上,还在于发音上。Hot Pot在英文中更为常见,其发音也更接近英语语音(H?tp?t)。HotPot在中文中发音为“hothe”,更贴近中文语音。3. HotPot与Hot Pot的分布区域HotPot和Hot Pot的分布区域也有所不同。Hot Pot更为常见于英语使用国家,主要分布在英国、美国、澳大利亚等地。而HotPot则主要分布在中国和东南亚地区,是中国火锅的代表。4. HotPot与Hot Pot的餐桌文化差异作为一种传统的食品,火锅文化在中国拥有着悠久的历史和独特的餐桌文化。HotPot在中国被视为聚餐的一种方式,经常被用于联络感情和加深友谊。而在英语使用国家,Hot Pot往往被看作一种特色美食,不同的Hot Pot店有着不同的特色和风味。5. HotPot与Hot Pot的食材差异HotPot和Hot Pot的食材也有所不同。在中国,火锅中的食材包括肉类、蔬菜、海鲜、豆制品等。而在英语使用国家,Hot Pot多以肉类为主,通常与酱料和蘸料一同食用。6. HotPot与Hot Pot的饮品差异HotPot和Hot Pot的饮品文化也存在一定差异。在中国,HotPot通常搭配啤酒、白酒或其他清酒。而在英语使用国家,Hot Pot则搭配红酒、啤酒等。7. HotPot与Hot Pot的环保意识差异近年来,环保已经成为全球范围内的热门话题。在中国,HotPot店逐渐开始引入环保餐具、环保餐盒等环保措施。而在英语使用国家,Hot Pot店也开始采取环保措施,如使用可降解餐具等。8. 总结HotPot与Hot Pot在定义、发音、分布区域、餐桌文化、食材、饮品和环保意识等方面存在着一定的差异。然而,无论是HotPot还是Hot Pot,都拥有着各自独特的文化和美食价值,旨在为人们带来美好的食物享受和生活体验。
2023-07-06 16:11:431

hot pot前面要加the吗

hot pot前面要加the。hot pot是火锅,古称“古董羹”,因食物投入沸水时发出的“咕咚”声而得名,是中国独创的美食之一,也是一种老少皆宜的食物。火锅一般是指以锅为器具,以热源烧锅,以水或汤烧开来涮煮各类食物的烹调方式,同时亦可指这种烹调方式所用的锅具。其特色为边煮边吃,或是锅本身具有保温效果,吃的时候食物仍热气腾腾,汤物合一。
2023-07-06 16:11:501

火锅是hot pot,那你知道麻辣烫用英语咋说吗

麻辣烫英语:Spicy Hot Pot
2023-07-06 16:12:252

hot pot 是不是可数名词

2023-07-06 16:12:355

hot pot可数吗?

可数名词 sandwiches、tomatoes、Tianjing Goubuli Baozi、Peking duck、vegetables 、apple、Greek cheese pies、hot pot 不可数名词 cheese、beef noodles、fried rice、fruits、Italian noodles、fruit salad、ice cream、A glass of soy milk、bread、bone soup、rice、hot pot
2023-07-06 16:12:531

hot pot or chafing dish

2023-07-06 16:13:002


“pot”不仅可以指锅,还可以指一部日本动漫、一种数字货币和一款网络播放器,或许还可以有其他意思哦。 现下,爱吃火锅的人应该有很多。那么,大家知道火锅的英文叫“hot pot”吗?“pot”又指什么呢? 详细内容 01 有一年的研究生入学考试的英语科目中,看图写作文的图中就画了“火锅”,很多人都不知道火锅用英文怎么写,火锅的英文就是“hot pot”哦。 02 日本动漫《网球王子》陪伴了一代人的成长,但是应该很少人知道,《网球王子》其实还可以用POT指代哦。 03 Pot也可以指“potcoin”,顾名思义,它是一种数字货币,可以促进大麻产业交易合法化。 04 人们也常用“pot”指“PotPlayer”,PotPlayer是由Daum 公司独立开发的一款网络播放器。 05 好了,关于pot 常用来指什么的问题,就介绍到这儿啦。关于pot还可以指什么,欢迎大家多多补充哦。
2023-07-06 16:13:261


Hot pot, also known as "huo guo" in Chinese, is a traditional Chinese cuisine that is especially popular during the winter months. It consists of a boiling pot of soup in which diners place slices of meat and vegetables. The soup is typically flavored with a variety of spices and herbs, such as Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, and cinnamon.The communal aspect of hot pot makes it a beloved social activity. Friends and family gather around the bubbling pot and cook their own food, making it a fun and interactive experience. The hot and spicy soup is perfect for warding off the chilly winter weather and is believed to have warming properties.In recent years, hot pot has become increasingly popular around the world. Variations of hot pot can now be found in many countries, each with its unique spin on the traditional dish.Overall, hot pot is a delicious and comforting meal that is enjoyed by people of all ages. Its popularity has only continued to grow, making it a cultural icon of China and a must-try dish for anyone visiting the country.【中文翻译】火锅,也称为“火锅”,是中国传统美食,尤其在冬季非常受欢迎。它由一锅滚烫的汤组成,人们在里面放入肉片和蔬菜。汤通常用各种香料和草药调味,如川椒,八角和肉桂。火锅的社交属性是它深受喜爱的原因。朋友和家人围在冒泡的锅周围烹饪自己的食物,这使得它成为一种有趣且互动性强的体验。热辣辣的汤是驱走严寒冬天的完美选择,并被认为有温暖的性质。近年来,火锅在世界各地变得越来越受欢迎。火锅的变种现在可以在许多国家找到,每个国家都有其独特的传统菜肴。总的来说,火锅是一种美味和令人感到舒适的餐食,受到各个年龄段的人们的喜爱。它的受欢迎程度只会持续增长,使它成为中国文化的象征,并成为任何访问中国的人必尝的菜肴。
2023-07-06 16:13:332

英语翻译让你吃火锅,这五个字用英语来解释是不是let you eat hot pot?

2023-07-06 16:13:415


1, hot pot:Before tea in hot pot with boiling water, one can remove the peculiar smell in the pot; and a hot pot can volatilize tea.2, home tea:General tea kettle spout of the teapot is smaller, the tea into a tea, this time will pass the guest of the tea, the tea appreciation appearance. And then a teaspoon to tea tea dial into the pot, tea amount to one-third the pot.3, warm cup:Hot pot of hot water into the tea cup, then warm cup.4, Gao Chong:Brewing tea for Gotti kettle, water from the high bet, make tea in the pot rolling, spread out, to more fully out of the bubble tea flavor, commonly known as "high impact".5, low foam:Bubble the tea can be poured into the tea cup, a spout of the teapot and tea cup distance at this time, with low is better, so as to avoid the aroma of tea in the invalid sporadic, commonly known as "bubble". Generally the first tea soup and the second tea soup mix in the tea cup, effect is better; the third bubble tea and the tea soup mix, and so on.6, tea:The tea tea again into the cup, tea cup with full seven degree.7, King tea:Place the tea cup with the cup holder in front of the guest.8, Wen Xiang:Tea before, need to view its color, smell its fragrance, can taste the taste.9, tea:"Goods" three mouth, a cup of tea for three taste and before tea, looking for watching tea master for a second or two, slightly smile, as a token of appreciation.1、烫壶:在泡茶之前需用开水烫壶,一则可去除壶内异味;再则热壶有助挥发茶香。2、置茶:一般泡茶所用茶壶壶口皆较小,需先将茶叶装入茶荷内,此时可将茶荷递给客人,鉴赏茶叶外观,再用茶匙将茶荷内的茶叶拨入壶中,茶量以壶之三分之一为度。3、温杯:烫壶之热水倒入茶盅内,再行温杯。4、高冲:冲泡茶叶需高提水壶,水自高点下注,使茶叶在壶内翻滚,散开,以更充分泡出茶味,俗称“高冲”。5、低泡:泡好之茶汤即可倒入茶盅,此时茶壶壶嘴与茶盅之距离,以低为佳,以免茶汤内之香气无效散发,俗称“低泡”。一般第一泡茶汤与第二泡茶汤在茶盅内混合,效果更佳;第三泡茶汤与第四泡茶汤混合,以此类推。6、分茶:茶盅内之茶汤再行分入杯内,杯内之茶汤以七分满为度。7、敬茶:将茶杯连同杯托一并放置客人面前,是为敬茶。8、闻香:品茶之前,需先观其色,闻其香,方可品其味。9、品茶:“品”字三个口,一杯茶需分三口品尝,且在品茶之前,目光需注视泡茶师一至两秒,稍带微笑,以示感谢。
2023-07-06 16:13:571


【 #英语口语# 导语】在异国他乡,没有什么是比吃点火锅解解乡愁要幸福的了,也没有什么事情是一顿火锅解决不了的。以下是由 整理的怎么用英语口语给老外朋友介绍火锅,大家千万别错过。 【篇一】怎么用英语口语给老外朋友介绍火锅   1.Chinese hot pot is similar to European fondue.   中国的火锅类似于欧洲的干酪火锅。   2.It refers to putting ingredients into a simmering pot and eating.   它是指把食物放进沸腾的锅里,边煮边吃。   3.Different kinds of hot pots can be found in Beijing.   北京有各种各样的火锅。 【篇二】唰牛肉的英语口语   Beef Shabushabu   beef是什么意思:   n. 牛肉;菜牛;体力   v. 长膘,加强,充实;抱怨,发牢骚   beef with barbecue sauce ; sha cha beef   沙茶牛肉   Kobe Beef is considered the most exclusive beef in the world.   神户牛肉被认为是世界上级的牛肉。   Corn the beef for twelve hours.   把牛肉腌十二小时。   He is lacking in beef.   他体力不够。   This is a good lean cut of beef.   这是一块上等的牛肉。 【篇三】关于火锅的常用英语口语   A: Hot pot is a must in Sichuan Cuisine.   火锅是吃川菜必点的。   B: Oh, great! I want a half-and-half.   喔,棒极了!来一个鸳鸯火锅吧!   A:LDavid, do you want tofu?   你要吃豆腐吗?   B:Yes!let me put it in the hot pot.   要!我放一些到火锅里。   A:Careful! It"s very hot!   小心!很烫喔!   A: Perfect! I also like hot pot.   好极了!我也喜欢吃火锅。   B: Now let"s start to order the ingredients and the soup base.   我们开始点菜和锅底吧。   A: Can you handle spicy food?   你能不能吃辣的?   B: Yes. Spicy hot pot is my favorite.   当然。我喜欢吃热辣的火锅。   A: It"s so chilly today.Do you have some suggestions?   今天天有点冷,你有什么推荐的吗?   B: Hot pot is a must, I suppose. It"s best to have hot pot in winter。   我认为火锅是一个必吃的,冬天吃火锅是最合适的。   A: Does it belong to Sichuan Cuisine?   火锅属于四川菜吗?   B: Actually, it has variations all around China. The differences lie in ingredients, soup bases and sauces. Generally, it   refers to putting ingredients into a simmering pot and eating.   事实上,全中国的火锅各有不同,区别在于原料,汤底和酱汁。通常,它指把原料加入沸腾的锅中,边煮边吃。   A: What are the ingredients?   原料是什么?   B: Usually, we have beef dumplings, vegetables, mushrooms,tripes and sliced mutton.   通常我们有牛肉饺,蔬菜,菌类,毛肚和羊肉卷。   A: But I can"t handle spicy food.   但是我吃不了辣。   B: Then we can have a half-and-half. One side is spicy base, the other is non-spicy base.I can take the spicy part while you can enjoy the non-spicy part.   那我们点一个鸳鸯锅。有两种锅底,一边是麻辣锅底,一边是清汤锅底。我吃辣的部分,你吃不辣的部分。   A: OK.Good idea.   好主意。 【篇四】火锅的英语口语   (一)   A: 今晚吃什么?   B: 今天好冷,吃火锅怎么样?   A: 好主意!那就麻辣火锅吧!   B: 行。我要金针菇、菠菜、牛肉、鱼。   A: 好,就我们俩,够吃了。   英文:   A: What"s for dinner tonight?   B: It"s very cold today. How about hot pot?   A: Good idea! Let"s have spicy hot pot!   B: OK. I"d like enoki, spinach, beef and fish.   A: Fine, it"s enough for just the two of us.   (二)   A: 好啦,开动咯!   B: 水沸了!   A: 先下点鱼和牛肉。   B: 可以了,把它们捞出来,下点菜。   A: 好吃,火锅和冬天是绝配!   英文:   A: Dinner is ready!   B: The water is boiling!   A: Let"s put some beef and fish into the pot.   B: All right. Take them out and put some vegetables in it.   A: It"s delicious. Hot pot is made for winter! 【篇四】吃鸳鸯火锅的英语口语表达   It"s Chinese New Year! That means it"s time to eat hot pot!   农历年到了!代表现在是吃火锅的时节!   Let"s eat the kind that has both spicy and mild broth in one pot.   咱们来吃那种锅子里的汤一边辣,一边不辣的。   You mean half-and-half?   你是说鸳鸯锅?   Yep. That way I can satisfy my craving for spicy food and you can eat hot pot without burning into flames.对。如此一来我可以解吃辣的馋,你也不会吃到喷火。   Good idea.   好主意。   Let"s go!   咱们走!
2023-07-06 16:14:041

火锅的英文怎么是a chafing dish ?chafing的意思好象与火锅没有什么联系啊

steamboat!! steamboat!
2023-07-06 16:14:145

hot potat是什么意思

hot potato烫手山芋双语对照词典结果:hot potato[英][hu0254t pu0259u02c8teitu0259u][美][hɑt pu0259u02c8teto]n.棘手的人[问题]; 烫手的山芋; 复数:hot potatoes例句:1.A joint sec-cftc decision against the etf would change the entire etf industry – obviously ahot potato. SEC联同CFTC对ETF做出的裁定,将改变整个ETF行业——当然,这也是个烫手山芋。2.The project has become a political hot potato, and its costs are rising rapidly. 这项工程成了烫手的政治山芋,它的成本正在飞速增长.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-07-06 16:14:303

求 把“传统火锅”四个字翻译成英文!!谢谢

2023-07-06 16:14:387


Chongqing , a most beautiful city, is located in southwest of China .There is a landscape around the city. It hasa charming scenery. The city has a population of more than 31 million.They are enthusiasm,and friendly. Chongqing has a lot of good things, MaLaTang, hot pot of hot pot which is the most popular. Chongqing has a lot of fun place to play,Forexamp, hot spring, a location. These places is the beautiful scenery, which you wonn"t want to go back. From 1997 until now, Chongqing has developed as in the southwest of the economic center.谢谢,非翻译工具翻译,错误应该会少些
2023-07-06 16:15:053


2023-07-06 16:15:139


单词:Seafloor hot pot重点词汇:hot pot英['hu0252tpu0252t]释义:n.火锅;焖罐(内装炖的肉、土豆、洋葱等);砂锅炖肉[复数:hotpots]短语:hotpot soup火锅锅底词语使用变化:potv.(动词)1、pot的基本意思是“把植物栽在花盆里”“装在某容器里以保存”,引申表示“向某物射击”。2、pot是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。3、pot的过去式和过去分词均为potted。
2023-07-06 16:15:361

火锅用英语怎么说 火锅的来源

1、火锅用英语说有两种说法,hot pot和chafing dish。 2、火锅是重庆的纤夫发明的,因为纤夫都很穷而江边的风很冷,他们只能去买牛油牛内脏之类便宜的东西,用牛油炒郫县豆瓣和干辣椒,花椒,盐,蒜,姜,葱等,这样即可以吃饱也可以赶走寒冷,这种办法被有钱的人知道了,他们就加入了各种好的香料,因此就发扬光大了,火锅就留传直今了。
2023-07-06 16:16:081


什么叫“肥牛” (beef in hot pot)?beef----牛肉 in----在…里,在…之中 hot----热的 pot----锅,壶,罐beef in hot pot 直译:放在火锅里食用牛肉.(这是本人经和众多专家讨论后确定的标准定义和书写格式,被全国多数经营肥牛的企业引用至今)肥牛定义:经过后成熟(排酸)处理,切成薄片在火锅内涮食的部位牛肉称之“肥牛”。注:“肥牛”不是一种牛的品种,不是肥胖的牛,不是单纯育肥后屠宰的牛。
2023-07-06 16:16:161


是Spicy Hot Pot。2017年6月20日,国家质检总局、国家标准委联合发布《公共服务领域英文译写规范》系列国家标准,麻辣烫的名词标准翻译为Spicy Hot Pot,将于2017年12月1日起正式实施。麻辣烫起源于长江之滨。最初是船工和纤夫创造了麻辣烫这种简便易行而又独特的吃法。从成都到三峡的川江流域,由于水流湍急,纤夫成了必不可少的风景。他们在拉纤之余,在江边垒起石块,支起瓦罐,捡拾一些树枝作干柴生火,舀几瓢江水,一切都就地取材,有菜放菜,没菜就拔些野菜充数,再放入海椒、花椒等调料,涮而食之,既可果腹,又可驱寒、_湿。扩展资料:口味种类成都成都口味的特点是麻辣烫配方口感偏淡、底料口感偏淡、炒料中的味道主要溶于油中,油大,汤中味道不是很香。但是,放入火锅中味道越煮越重,配合味碟更加厚味,此口味的麻辣烫配方只适合火锅类麻辣烫或小火锅。重庆重庆口味主要特点是麻辣烫配方口感偏重、味道主要溶于汤中,油味很大,汤中味道很香,浓郁,主要代表是-华飞四季旺麻辣烫。由于主要在城市中作为快餐小吃,麻辣烫配方的口味接近于普通大众。本人的经验是此口味适合于麻辣口味很重的地区。东北东北口味可以说除了麻辣外已经完全不是麻辣烫,因为它无需炒料,有两种做法,分别骨汤类,特点是有肉味还不油腻,口感顺滑。另外一种就是石记麻辣烫为代表的清汤麻辣烫,味道纯用调料和麻酱调,做法简单易于掌握,味道浓郁,更加健康。参考资料来源:百度百科-麻辣烫
2023-07-06 16:16:251


2023-07-06 16:16:446

hotpot与hot pot有什么区别。

hotpot;n. 火锅hot pot;火锅;干锅,干煸类,或是烧热的锅
2023-07-06 16:17:422

“hotpot”与“hot pot”有什么区别?

hotpot与hot pot都可以表示火锅,hot pot 除此还有其它意思。hot pot还可以表示:1.干锅,干煸类,或是烧热的锅2.[主英国英语]罐闷土豆牛肉(或羊肉)3.肉类和土豆混煮食品4.麦酒与香料混合的热饮料 [亦作 hot-pot]例句:Lancashire hotpot: This is another British dish that uses lamb, named after theLancashire region in the middle of the UK. 兰克希儿郡火锅 :这又是一道用羊羔肉做的英式菜肴,以英国中部的兰克希儿地区命名。Put the spotless potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco atoms into the hot pot. 把无斑点的土豆、番茄和烟草微粒(原子)放进热锅里。
2023-07-06 16:17:501


“麻辣烫”的规范翻译是Spicy Hot Pot。例句:I am a big fan of spicy hot pot.我超级喜欢麻辣烫。补充:火锅Hot pot烧烤Barbecue / Grill拉面Lamian Noodles馄饨Huntun/Wonton白酒Liquor and Spirits单词解释:一、spicy英/u02c8spau026asi /美/u02c8spau026asi /adj.加有香料的,辛辣的;刺激的,粗俗的。二、Hot英/hu0252t /美/hɑu02d0t /简明柯林斯n.(印)奥特(人名)。adj.(hot)热的;辣的;活跃的;风靡一时的;最新的;有望成功的;易发怒的;节奏强的。v.(hot)使热,变热。三、Pot英/pu0252t /美/pɑu02d0t /n.(烹饪所用圆而深的)锅;(盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶;(某种用途的)容器;花盆;陶盆,陶罐,碗;一罐,一壶(的量);(纸牌游戏的)全部赌注,赌注总额(the pot);凑集的资金(the pot);<非正式>大麻;<非正式>啤酒肚。(斯诺克等)击(球)落袋;<非正式>抽水马桶;<非正式>发动机气缸;<非正式>(体育运动的)奖品,奖杯;<非正式>大量;<非正式>射击。v.把(植物)栽种于花盆中;将(食物)用密封罐煮(或储存);射杀,射猎(飞禽或小动物);(台球,斯诺克)击(球)入袋;制陶;把(电子元件,电路)密封于绝缘材料中;<非正式>成功获得,赢得;<英>使(小孩)坐便盆。【名】(Pot)(柬)布特,(捷)波特,(法)波(人名)。
2023-07-06 16:17:571


今年2010年考研英语一的大作文考的仍然是一幅图画作文,图画中间是一个火锅,火锅里面写满了很多汉字,火锅里的汉字还可以挑会的写,不过这个“火锅”本身的表达难倒了一部分人。有同学直接写汉语拼音的,有同学说写成了平底锅的,那么“火锅”用英语到底应该怎么说呢?火锅这个词有几种说法,其实我们最常见的也是最容易让人记住的就是hot pot,这个词在维基百科中有收录。最新版的朗文词典中也收录了这个词,翻译成汉语有“火锅”的意思。 现在比较官方的翻译也是把中国的火锅翻译成hot pot的。不过hot pot 这个词,你跟在中国生活过的老外讲,他们一般应该知道是火锅,但如果在国外跟老外讲hot pot,他们可能会有误会,英国有一道传统菜,叫Lancashire hotpot,是用肉、蔬菜和土豆一起炖来吃的。(如右图) 那么,跟这样的外国朋友要怎么解释中国的火锅呢?事实上,在外国有个东西跟我们的火锅比较像,叫做fondue,这个词是从法语词fondre的过去式fondu来的,意思是“融化了的”。不过这个fondue可不像我们中国人只是涮肉涮菜,老外的fondue里面可以是cheese,也可以是chocolate。如果是没来过中国的外国朋友,你只要说Chinese fondue,他们一般也就能想象出来是个什么样子的东西了。权责声明:本站所有音乐均网上搜集仅做宽带测试,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则后果自负!如遇歌曲不能播放,系歌曲链接失效,请谅解!本站全部歌曲的所有权归其唱片公司或歌手所有。请购买正版支持你的偶像!
2023-07-06 16:18:131

英语作文 pot 谁能应HOT POT 为题写一篇英语作文啊..不少于100词

MY FAVOURITE SPORT Swimmming is my favourite sport.In summer,the weather often gets very hot.But the weather can make you feel cool,So when the summer comes,many people enjoy swimming.I often go swimming pool or in a lake with my friends. Swimming is a good sports.It can make people strong.I like swimming best.Do you like swimming?
2023-07-06 16:18:201

介绍重庆火锅的英语作文 80到120字之间

Chongqing Hotpot is a famous Sichuan cuisine that originated in Chongqing, a metropolis located in Southwest China. It is a spicy and flavorful dish that is enjoyed by many people all around the world. The main ingredient of Chongqing Hotpot is a variety of meats, vegetables, and seafood that are cooked in a savory broth with a special blend of spices and peppers. The broth is usually made with a combination of beef, pork, and chicken bones, along with Sichuan peppercorns, dried chili peppers, and other seasonings. Chongqing Hotpot is known for its numbing and spicy flavor, which is balanced by the freshness of the ingredients. It is a perfect dish for those who love spicy food and are looking for a unique culinary experience.
2023-07-06 16:18:392


火锅的英文名是Hot Pot。火锅,古称“古董羹”,因食物投入沸水时发出的“咕咚”声而得名,它是中国独创的美食,历史悠久,是一种老少皆宜的食物。周代的鼎器应是火锅最早的雏形,据考证,战国时期即有火锅,时人以陶罐为锅,到宋代,火锅的吃法在民间已十分常见,南宋林洪的《山家清供》食谱中,便有同友人吃火锅的介绍。元代,火锅流传到蒙古一带,用来煮牛羊肉。到清代,火锅不仅在民间流行,而且成了一道著名的“宫廷菜”,用料是山鸡等野味。扩展资料:火锅的发展特点1、三国五熟釜,鸳鸯锅始祖火锅的发展亦如同餐饮史的发展是渐进式的,完全是依据当时的器皿,社会的需求与原物料的发现引进,而加以变化的。辣椒”在未进入中国时,怎么会有辣的调味出现呢?三国时代,魏文帝所提到的“五熟釜”,就是分有几格的锅,可以同时煮各种不同的食物,和现今的“鸳鸯锅”,可说是有异曲同工之妙。到了南北朝,“铜鼎”是最普遍的器皿,也就是现今的火锅。演变至唐朝,火锅又称为“暖锅”。2、浪涌晴江雪,风翻晚照霞在整个火锅历史的演变上,描写火锅最为传神的是南宋时代,在林洪所著的“山家清供”里所说的涮兔肉片。3、燃料变化快,如一日千里 虽然火锅器皿的变化不大,但是在燃料使用的进步却是一日千里,从柴火到木炭,从电炉、酒精到瓦斯、电磁炉,以木炭的使用历史最久,也最有风味,但也是最污染空气的一种方式。
2023-07-06 16:18:461


Hot pot is a traditional Chinese dish that is popular in both the north and the south of China. It is a kind of communal dining where people gather around a pot of boiling soup and cook various ingredients in it. The soup base can be spicy, mild or mixed, depending on personal preference. The ingredients include sliced meat, seafood, tofu, vegetables, mushrooms and more. After cooking, the ingredients are dipped in a sauce that enhances the flavor. Hot pot is especially enjoyable in winter, as it can keep people warm and cozy.火锅是一种传统的中国菜,受到中国南北方人民的喜爱。它是一种集体用餐的方式,人们围着一锅热气腾腾的汤,把各种食材放进去煮。汤底可以是辣的,清淡的或者混合的,根据个人喜好而定。食材包括肉片,海鲜,豆腐,蔬菜,菌类等等。煮熟后,食材要蘸一种酱料来增加风味。火锅在冬天特别惬意,因为它可以让人们暖和舒适。
2023-07-06 16:18:582


英文的中国美食介绍如下:一、麻辣烫 Spicy Hot Pot / Sichuan Hot Pot麻辣烫是起源于四川的传统特色小吃。Spicy hot pot is a traditional snack originating from Sichuan.麻辣烫的精髓在于汤料,让人闻起来流口水,吃起来意犹未尽。The spirit of spicy hot pot is the soup stock, so it smells drooling and tastes delicious.在麻辣烫中,你可以加入易熟的肉类,也可以加入蔬菜,可选的品种非常多。In a spicy hot pot, you can add cooked meat or vegetables. There are many kinds of choices.二、煎饼果子 Chinese Crepes / Jianbing煎饼果子是山东、天津等地区的经典小吃,当地人经常将其作为早点。Chinese Crepes are classic snacks in Shandong and Tianjin. Locals often eat them as breakfast.煎饼果子一般用面加鸡蛋裹上油条或脆皮等,再配以酱料、葱末等。Chinese Crepes are usually wrapped with noodles and eggs, deep-fried dough sticks, or crisp skin, and then mixed with sauce, shallot, etc.2018年3月,天津市餐饮行业协会成立了煎饼果子分会,让煎饼果子制作更正规。In March 2018, Tianjin Catering Industry Association established Chinese Crepes Branch to make it more formal.三、肉夹馍 Chinese Hamburger肉夹馍是我国陕西省传统特色美食之一,又被称为“中式汉堡”。Roujiamo is one of the traditional specialties in Shaanxi Province, also known as "Chinese hamburger".肉夹馍2016年入选陕西省第5批非物质文化遗产名录。Chinese hamburger was selected as the fifth batch of intangible cultural heritage in Shaanxi Province in 2016.
2023-07-06 16:19:051


   英语 作文 中会有很多的时态,这些都是可以给英语作文加分的。下面,是我为你整理的初二英语作文现在完成时,希望对你有帮助!   初二英语作文现在完成时篇1   Iu2019ve been to the beach for many times. Each time i went there, I have many different feelings.   One day I went there with my parents, we looked at the ocean together.   We ran on the beach, swam in the ocean. We really had fun.   When I went there with my firends, we played water polo in the ocean together.   We played happily. Our friendship became very good.   The ocean is really beautiful, I like swimming in the ocean.   When I look at the ocean in nights. I have different feelings. I feel the world is really beautiful.   I like the blue ocean. I will put my best memory on it.   初二英语作文现在完成时篇2   Today was realiy boring.I went nowhere,I just stayed at home because the weather was rainy.The rain was raining heavily in the sky.And there was much dirty water on the ground.   I watched TV,but all the shows were long and long soap operas.I didn"t like them!Then I read a book,but they were too difficult for me.So I couldn"t get it!Computer games were also difficult and boring...   In short,the day was boring.I flet so bad!   今天可真无聊.我哪儿也没去,就呆在家里,因为今天是雨天.天空中下着倾盆大雨,而且地上汇集着许多污水.我看了电视,但是所有的节目都是长长的电视连续剧,我不喜欢它们!然后我读了一本书,但是它对我来说太深奥了,我无法理解!电脑游戏也很困难而且无聊u2026u2026   总而言之,今天真无聊.我感觉太差了!   初二英语作文现在完成时篇3   Have you ever been to Wuhan?I have been there several times.   I think it"s really a beautiful city.   I fell in love with it when I first traveled there.It has many nice places.   The traffic is fine.And the people are friendly.   There are some beautiful parks such as the Zhongshan Park,the East Lake Park and the Liberation Park.   In the zoo,you can see many kinds of animals.   You can easily buy what you want,because there are supermarkets everywhere.You can see tall buildings up and down the streets.   And the streets are wide and tidy.   Trees can be seen everywhere.Buses and taxis can take you where you want to go.The drivers are polite.You will feel comfortable.   There is an airport in Wuhan.You can fly to the foreign countries and take air trips freely.   Please travel to Wuhan.I would like to be your tour guide.   初二英语作文现在完成时篇4   Do you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know it"s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features. For example, Sihuan hot pot is hot while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its fresh. Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot. Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It"s a good way to relax.   在我国,你知道冬天什么食物最受欢迎吗?我知道是火锅。火锅是我国的民间美食,不管是北方还是南方,人们都爱吃火锅,而每个地方的火锅也有自身的地域特点。比如,四川火锅是辣的而广东的火锅则以味道鲜美著称。通常来说,吃火锅时,会在桌子的中间放一个金属锅,当锅里的汤料沸腾时,就可以把菜放到火锅里了。牛肉、羊肉、鱼和蔬菜都是火锅的主要食材。火锅在冬天大受欢迎是因为它能一直保持热度,并且吃火锅的气氛很热烈,亲人朋友团座一桌,享受大餐,这是一种很放松的就餐方式。   初二英语作文现在完成时篇5   When the trend is followed by the public, then it becomes the fashion. Most girls will follow the dressing style and promotes the trend. We are the ordinary people and easy to be attracted by the fashion, so the one who creates the fashion is like the hero, changing the world. Lady Gaga is the lengend, for she refused to follow the fashion, instead, she created the fashion. At first, her exaggerating dress style were laughed by the media, but it caught the publicu2019s attention, especially favored by the young people, because they thought it was so individual. Soon Lady Gaga was hot and she had fans around the world. Her story inspires the young people to chase their dreams, never to lose their own features for following the crowd. Everybody can have the ability to creat his own fashion.   当趋势受到大众的追捧时,那么它就变成了时尚。大多数女孩会追随穿衣风格,并且促进这一时尚的发展。我们是普通人,很容易被时尚所吸引,因此,创造时尚的人就像是英雄,改变了世界。Lady Gaga是传奇,因为她拒绝追随时尚,相反,她创造了时尚。起初,她夸张的衣服风格被媒体笑了,但这引起了公众的注意,特别是深受年轻人的喜爱,因为他们认为这是这么有个性。很快Lady Gaga大热,她在世界都有粉丝。她的 故事 激励了年轻人去追逐自己的梦想,永远不要为了追随大众而失去自己的特性。每个人都有能力创造自己的时尚。   初二英语作文现在完成时篇6   Which is better, shopping online or traditional shopping? Different people have different attitudes towards it. Some people think that online shopping is very convenient, for it can save them a lot of time and energy. Itu2019s especially helpful for those who are always busy with their work. Besides, through the internet, they can get more information about the commodities they want to buy and buy a lot of things that cannot be bought in local places.   网上购物还是传统购物,那种方式更好呢?每个人对这事的看法都不一样。有些人认为网购十分方便,因为这种方式可以节省许多的时间和精力。特别是对那些工作十分繁忙的人来说,网购帮了大忙。此外,通过网络他们可以知道关于他们想购买的产品的信息,还能卖到当地没有卖的商品。   Nevertheless, Iu2019m not keen on online shopping at all, since most commodities which are bought online are of poor quality. Once we are cheated, we may find it difficult to make a complaint. Thus we should take more cautions when shopping online.   尽管如此,我还是不太热衷于网购,因为大多数我们网购而来的产品的质量劣质。一旦我们上当受骗,我们会发现我们无处投诉。因此我们网购时要非常的谨慎。   In my eyes, I prefer traditional shopping, because I can choose what I really need. Also, I can know the quality of every commodity more clearly. Even if thereu2019s something wrong with the commodities, I can still ask the sellers to compensate for my loss.   在我看来,我更喜欢普通的购物方式,因为我只需要选购我所需要的,而且我还能很清楚的知道商品的质量如何。假如我买的东西出现问题,我还能让卖家赔偿我的损失。
2023-07-06 16:19:371


我愿意吃火锅I would like to eat hot pot我愿意吃火锅I would like to eat hot pot
2023-07-06 16:19:442


火锅 Hot PotDo you know what dish is the most popular in the cold winter in China? I know it"s hot pot. Hot pot is a Chinese tasteful folk dish. No matter in the north or in the south, people like hot pot very much and every region has its local features. For example, Sihuan hot pot is hot while Guangdong hot pot is famous for its fresh. Usually, there is a metal hot pot in the middle of table. When the soup in the pot is kept simmering, dishes are put into the pot. Beef, mutton, fish and vegetables are the main dishes. It is extremely popular in winter because it can keep the dishes warm all the time. And the atmosphere is hot, too. Friends or relatives sit down together to have a feast. It"s a good way to relax.在我国,你知道冬天什么食物最受欢迎吗?我知道是火锅。火锅是我国的民间美食,不管是北方还是南方,人们都爱吃火锅,而每个地方的火锅也有自身的地域特点。比如,四川火锅是辣的而广东的火锅则以味道鲜美著称。通常来说,吃火锅时,会在桌子的中间放一个金属锅,当锅里的汤料沸腾时,就可以把菜放到火锅里了。牛肉、羊肉、鱼和蔬菜都是火锅的主要食材。火锅在冬天大受欢迎是因为它能一直保持热度,并且吃火锅的气氛很热烈,亲人朋友团座一桌,享受大餐,这是一种很放松的就餐方式。
2023-07-06 16:19:511


Chongqing Hot Pot: Hot pot - is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste, scalding yet fresh and tender. People gather around a small pot boiled with charcoal, electric or gas filled with flavorful and nutritious soup base. You have a choice of spicy, pure and combo for the soup base. Thin sliced raw variety meat, fish, various bean curd products and all kinds of vegetables are boiled in the soup base. You then dip them in a little bowl of special sauce. Be careful since the spicy soup base is burning hot. First eaten by poor boatmen of the Yangtze River in Chongqing area and then spread westwards to the rest of Sichuan. Now is a very popular local flavor and can be found at every corner of the city. There are a great variety of hotpots, including Yueyang Hotpot, Four Tastes Hotpot, Yashan Hotpot and Fish Head Hotpot. If you are adventurous enough, you can basically cook anything with hot pot, e.g., pig"s brain and duck"s kidney. Chongqing people love their hotpot, especially when the weather is steamy. The fire dances under the pot, the heavily oiled and spiced soup boils with hazy steam, and the people are bathed in sweat. Although hotpot can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce
2023-07-06 16:19:591

hot potato是什么意思

2023-07-06 16:20:093


hot英语单词发音:英【hu0252t】美[【hɑu02d0t】。一、基本解释hot,英语单词,形容词、副词、及物动词、不及物动词、名词,作形容词时意为“热的;辣的;热情的;激动的;紧迫的”,作副词时意为“热;紧迫地”。口语中还可以表示“热辣的,性感的” 作及物动词时意为“增加;给……加温”,作不及物动词时意为“变热”,作名词时意为“人名;(塞)霍特;(法)奥特”。二、短语搭配1、hot dog(食品)热狗;红肠面包;小红肠;热狗肠。2、Hot Springs温泉城;温泉;热泉;温泉市。3、Hot pot暖锅;柬式火锅;热锅。4、Hot Shot篮球火;篮球火主题曲;个中强手;激射。5、HOT RUNNER热流道;热浇道;热浇道式;定义热流道。三、双语例句1、Do you like this hot weather?你喜欢这种炎热的天气吗?2、How do you like this hot weather?你是怎样喜欢这个热天气的?3、Yes, but not as hot as yesterday.是的,但是不像昨天那么热。
2023-07-06 16:20:271


我们通常说的【肥牛,肥牛肉片】是指【火锅用的牛肉片】,英文叫beef in hot pot如果你想说【肥的牛肉片】,那就是fat beef slices.肉片:sliced meatsliced turkey meat 火鸡肉片cucumber fried sliced meat 黄瓜炒肉片sliced meat soup 黄瓜滑肉片汤Fresh Mo sliced meat 鲜蘑肉片LuoYang sliced meat 洛阳肉片dried -sliced meat 肉干soy Sliced meat 素肉片I like sliced meat 我喜欢肉片Small kwa sliced meat 小瓜肉片
2023-07-06 16:20:471

i want to eat hot pot so so much ![流泪]

2023-07-06 16:20:554


2023-07-06 16:21:042

which country has hot pot in two words 是什么意思

2023-07-06 16:21:101

spicy hot pot什么意思

spicy hot pot麻辣火锅
2023-07-06 16:21:181


英文:The hot pot in Chengdu is very famous.
2023-07-06 16:21:272


杨总 General Yang吃火锅 Eat hot pot生命在于运动 Movement is life
2023-07-06 16:21:483


点心英文名称 叉烧包 = BBQ pork bun 米粉 = rice noodles 河粉 = rice noddles 煎炸食物 = fried food 云吞 = waton 肠粉 = steamed rice rolls 萝卜糕 = turnip cake 虾饺 = shrimp dumplings (直译Har gau亦可) 绿茶 = green tea 凤爪 = steamed chicken feet 蒸笼 = steamer / bamboo steamer 奶黄包 = custard bun 炒饭 = fried rice 粽 = rice dumplings 月饼 = mooncake 满月 = full moon 杨桃 = carambola / starfruit 红豆沙 red bean soup 中式早点 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings 蒸饺Steamed dumplings 馒头Steamed buns 割包Steamed sandwich 饭团Rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼Egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 饭 类 稀饭Rice porridge 白饭Plain white rice 油饭Glutinous oil rice 糯米饭Glutinous rice 卤肉饭Braised pork rice 蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 面 类 馄饨面Wonton & noodles 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 麻酱面Sesame paste noodles 鸭肉面Duck with noodles 鳝鱼面Eel noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 榨菜肉丝面Pork pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles 米粉Rice noodles 炒米粉Fried rice noodles 冬粉Green bean noodle 汤 类 鱼丸汤Fish ball soup 贡丸汤Meat ball soup 蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤Clams soup 牡蛎汤Oyster soup 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup 馄饨汤Wonton soup 猪肠汤Pork intestine soup 肉羹汤Pork thick soup 鱿鱼汤Squid soup 花枝羹Squid thick soup 甜点 爱玉Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks 长寿桃Longevity Peaches 芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers 双胞胎Horse hooves 冰类 绵绵冰Mein mein ice 麦角冰Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰Sweet potato ice 红豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice 八宝冰Eight treasures ice 豆花Tofu pudding 果汁 甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁Plum juice 杨桃汁Star fruit juice 青草茶Herb juice 点心 牡蛎煎Oyster omelet 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd 虾片Prawn cracker 虾球Shrimp balls 春卷Spring rolls 蛋卷Chicken rolls 碗糕Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding 红豆糕Red bean cake 绿豆糕Bean paste cake 糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes 萝卜糕Fried white radish patty 芋头糕Taro cake 肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶饺Pyramid dumplings 肉丸Rice-meat dumplings 豆干Dried tofu 其 他 当归鸭Angelica duck 槟榔Betel nut 火锅Hot pot 中式点心英文名 nicemood. /forum/viewthread ?tid=89990 bbs.3515. /dispbbs?board id=21&id=1443&am p;am p;star=1&page=5 参考: 自己 Shrimp Dumpling (虾饺 har gau): Potsticker (Simplified Chinese: 锅贴 Shaomai (烧卖 siu maai Char siu baau (叉烧包 Shanghai steamed buns (上海小笼包 Rice noodle rolls or cheong fun肠粉 Phoenix talons (凤爪 fung zao Steamed meatballs (牛肉球 Lotus leaf rice (糯米鸡 Congee (粥 zhōu): Chien chang go (千层糕 参考: en. *** /wiki/Dim_sum 点心英文名dim sum 参考: me 中式点心英文名 nicemood. /forum/viewthread ?tid=89990 bbs.3515. /dispbbs?board id=21&id=1443&am p;star=1&page=5 点心英文系Dim Sum 因为鬼佬学我地中国人食点心 所以系咁样译!! dim sum 因为this系中国食物 so读音好似!!
2023-07-06 16:21:541


麻辣香锅用英语怎么说啊 hot-spicy pot 麻辣香锅用英语怎么说啊有专门的英语表达吗 麻辣香锅 Spicy hot pot 麻辣香锅Spicy hot pot 麻辣香锅的英文名是什么? All things are difficult before they are easy. 麻辣香锅用英语怎么介绍来缘 麻辣香锅Kim Heung-pot 如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳, ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点选【采纳为满意回答】按钮 ~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。 ~你的采纳是我前进的动力 ~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助 跪求麻辣香锅翻译英文 麻辣香锅 Kim Heung-pot 外国时尚英文麻辣香锅 麻辣香锅spicy hot pot或spicy incense pot 今天一定要记得吃麻辣香锅.英语怎么说 今天一定要记得吃麻辣香锅. Remember to eat spicy hot pot today. 今天一定要记得吃麻辣香锅. Remember to eat spicy hot pot today. 麻辣香锅用俄语怎么说 俄罗斯怎么会吃香锅 如硬要翻译就是 острая и пряная свинина с овощами 麻辣猪肉加蔬菜
2023-07-06 16:22:031


2023-07-06 16:22:135


fried mushroom
2023-07-06 16:22:375