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Different Kind Of Love 歌词

2023-07-17 22:17:12
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!
歌曲名:Different Kind Of Love
歌手:Brendan James
专辑:Brendan James (Bonus Track Version)-Decca

Brendan James - Different Kind Of Love
Driving in a trance through your lost and lonely town
Something in the air that could blow your whole house down
Something like a tragedy
Something that you think you need
Turning on a dime you pull into your local store
Aisles going by and you forget what you"re looking for
Maybe it"s a pot of gold
Maybe you"re too lost to know
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
One that you have never seen
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
One that you could only dream
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away
And let you feel free
Nothing like a storm in your heart to wake you up
Someone by your side and you know their not enough
Maybe you should try and stay
Maybe you should walk away
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
One that you have never seen
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
One that you could only dream
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away
And let you feel free
Maybe you wake up to a brighter sun
Voices in your head screaming now the change has come
With a different kind of love
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
One that you have never seen
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
Maybe what you need is a different kind of love
Maybe all you are is a part of a star on a long journey
Maybe what you need is a better kind of love
Maybe it will take all the sorrow away and let you feel free




歌名:Free storm 试听地址:
2023-07-17 16:43:231

一首歌是一个年轻男的唱的,高潮部分是英文,有句歌词bye bye bye bye bye the

2023-07-17 16:43:322


2023-07-17 16:43:436

谁有free storm舞曲的地址?要在QQ空间能用的 希望可以帮到你 如果能够解决你的问题,记得在我们回答的答案上选择“采纳”哈。举手之劳,深表感谢!谢谢! 如果无法解决,那么还请继续补充你的问题。祝愉快
2023-07-17 16:43:581

free storm (好像是裴涩琪的复古dance)的下载地址?

2023-07-17 16:44:051


如果你喜欢节奏强点的DJ的话,不防听听这几首吧,DJ玩腻 当爱情输给了眼泪DJ 男人的眼泪DJ 好的话哥们顶下谢谢。
2023-07-17 16:44:142


2023-07-17 16:45:053


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! ddr.1***.com AU所有歌
2023-07-17 16:45:134


2023-07-17 16:45:323


01.Audition You02.Audition You`re Already Gone03.4`s 新年到来04.4`s 倾听05.高耀太 大笑脸06.高耀太 秘密07.高耀太 我爱摇滚08.高耀太 圆圈09.高耀太 圣诞歌10.高耀太 特别天使11.高耀太 爱会改变吗12.高耀太 甜蜜13.高耀太 黄牌14.高耀太 See15.金贤政 坚强吧!16.金贤政 和她分手17.南拳妈妈 What can i do18.陶喆蔡,蔡依琳 今天你要嫁给我19.李玟 要定你20.李素恩 我爱厨房21.李智慧 爱我爱我22.李贞贤 阿里阿里23.舞曲帝国 Free Storm24.蜜雪薇琪 独立25.朴惠京 结婚26.裴涩琪 OneByOne27.裴涩琪 Sexyboy28.白智英 Ez Do Dance29.申成勋 我爱你爱我30.神话 Angel31.安又琪 有你陪着我32.王心凌 彩虹的微笑33.周杰伦 本草纲目34.周杰伦 听妈妈的话35. 东方神起 气球36.乌龟 飞机37.蔡依琳 唯舞独尊38.蔡依琳 Mr.Q(Remix)39.蔡贞安 无情40.吴克群 我有罪41.花儿乐队 我的果汁分你一半42.后弦 9公主43.后弦 西厢44.后弦 单车恋人45.张佑赫 暴风中46.罗志祥 精舞门47.郑有京 Storm48.郑仁浩 你的香气49.陈慧琳 Shake Shake50.韩雪 爱的水晶鞋51.Ace Of Aase Beautiful life52.Aqua Cartoon Heroes53.CBMASS 转一圈54.Christina Aguilera Ain No Other 美丽的世界 找朋友 Lucifer的狡辩58.DJ DOC 冬天故事59.E-Rotic Do It All Night60.Green Day 美国偶像61.Kaffe Matthews 圣诞摇滚夜62.MC Sniper BK Love63.MC梦 毒64.MC梦 冰淇淋65.Nelly Furtado (Feat.Timbaland) 乱66.Paris Hilton 星盲67.Puff Daddy I`ll Be Missing You68.Rain 躲避太阳69.Rumble Fish I Go70.Se7en 七夕71.Seeya 女人的香味72.SHE 听天使在唱歌73.SIC 糖果74.Smile.DK Doo be Di boy75.Solid 天生一对76.super junior twins77.super junior U78.Turbo 黑猫79.Twins 女朋友80.Typhoon 所以81.Wawa 看看!!(ace mix)82.Wawa 试着说劲舞团2.0版歌曲目录53首01. 蔡依林 马德里不思议02. 蔡依林 舞娘03. 蔡依林 Mr.Q04. 花儿乐队 我们能不能不分手05. Twins 见习爱神06. Twins 八十块环游世界07. 五月天 恋爱ing08. 林俊杰 不死之身09. 莫文蔚 如果没有你10. 任贤齐 想飞11. 任贤齐 永不退缩12. 潘玮柏 我想更懂你13. 潘玮柏 反转地球14. 潘玮柏 来电15. Tank 三国恋16. Gorillaz Feel Good Inc.17. Black Eyed Peas Don"t phunk with my heart18. Shakira Hips don"t lie19. Sweetbox 别碰我20. Westlife Uptown Girl21. 布兰妮(Britney Spears) Toxic22. La Bouche Be My Lover23. 高耀太 玩吧24. 高耀太 英雄25. 高耀太 together26. 高耀太 飞翔27. 高耀太 第一次28. JuJuClub 十六、二十29. 赵PD、Brown Eyed Girls Hold the line30. 李孝利 Hey Girl31. 李孝利 Get Ya`32. 朴珍英 哈尼33. Joosuc 顶点的毒酒34. 蔡燕 只有你35. 柳成俊 热情36. 柳成俊 剪刀37. DJ Doc 与DOC一起跳舞38. Epik High Fly39. Epik High Paris40. HAN NA Luxury41. IVY A-Ha42. 米娜 Kiss Kiss43. Now Big Beat44. PSY We Are The One45. Real McCoy Another Night46. SE7EN 我知道47. S.N.A Mr.S.N.A48. Baby Vox Why49. Audition christmas party50. Audition magic wordd51. Audition queen of dancing52. Audition driving at nigth53. Audition 1.2 Fiesta>>劲舞团1.75版歌曲目录32首01. Time less(背景) SG Wanna Be02. 无尽的故事(背景) 伊藤由奈03. 罪与罚(背景) SG Wanna Be04. 如果我爱你 金钟国05. 奔跑 N.R.G06. 愿望 胡彦斌07. 樱花色飞舞的时候 中岛美嘉08. 金鱼花火 大冢爱09. Shiny 明勋10. Color Your Soul -Clazziquai Project11. 约定 Buzz12. 三个字 MtoM13. 唇唇欲动 蔡依林14. Say good bye -Alice15. Autumn goodbye 布兰妮16. No.1 宝儿17. So sick Ne yo18. 花样 松隆子19. 迷人的天空 中岛美嘉20. Life is cool -Sweetbox21. I need u Vs I need u -Groove coverage22. 请选择我吧 Noracho23. 感觉 DIVA24. 笑吧 DIVA25. 不要忘了我 Rumble Fish26. 我的人 SG Wanna Be27. Sweet Dream -Red sox28. Sk8er Boi -Avril Lavigne29. 完美的爱 Turbo30. 再见昨天 Turbo31. Oh my lady -Alice32. 向着梦想 金钟国>>劲舞团1.7版歌曲目录01. 伤心探戈(背景) Rain02. 我会感激你(背景) Rain03. 朋友那一句 Rain04. 你现在 Rain05. 好几次 ITYM06. Oh Sunny 金衡中07. 曹操 林俊杰08. 古灵精怪 艾伦 静如09. Oopsy 沈银珍10. 永久指针 海贼王11. 喜欢你没道理 张韶涵12. 茶山情歌 杨钰莹13. 独自旅行 Buzz14. 水中石 Cool15. 姐姐 Iglife16. 爱你 Jewelry17. Super Star Jewelry18. 我不是在笑 Leessang19. No Worries -Simon Webber20. Twis Tking -Turbo21.冠军 Psy22. ShaLaLa (房间背景音乐)>>劲舞团1.65版歌曲目录23. 刻印(背景) Muse24. 朋友(背景) 赵PD、仁顺儿25. Let me dance(背景) Lexy26. 小小的六月 Groove Coverage27. 逃跑 Groove Coverage28. 倾我所有 DONNA LEWIS29. Anyclub 李孝利30. 不落的太阳 张佑赫31. 灰姑娘的眼泪 王心凌32. 爆米花的味道 王心凌、蔡依林33. 风雪日记 SE7EN34. 一个人的精彩 萧亚轩35. 今晚,我感觉离你很近 仓木麻衣36. 本垒打 MC MONG37. I Love U Oh Thank U -MC MONG38. 奔跑 Dezabu39. 1,2,3,4 高耀太40. 诱惑 Muse41. 你好 Jewliy42. 指尖 蜘蛛43. 霍元甲 周杰伦44. 后弦 情画 -周杰伦、刘畊宏45. 听听 陈奕迅46. 打起精神来 王心凌47. 睫毛弯弯 王心凌48. 大舌头 吴克群49. 一比一 范玮琪50. 坚持 Us51. 1234 FreeStyle>>劲舞团1.6版歌曲目录(韩语)52. 坏 X XR53. Trick XR54. 走开 XR55. 别哭 XR56. Deep Deep XR57. Night Song XR58. Love Again(背景) XR59. 是爱 Mosae60. JAMP HAHA61. 靠近 蔡燕62. 两个人 蔡燕63. 火花 高耀太64. 起立 仓木麻衣65. 面具游戏 Buk66. 赤脚青春 Buk67. 回头看我 Dews68. 超级爱人 W-inds69. 你 李贞贤70. 给我 李贞贤71. 疯了 李贞贤72. 一见钟情 李贞贤73. 我爱你(背景) 李素恩74. 告白 Dynamic Duo75. Love Song(背景) 七公主76. Stay In Me 许智英77. 浪漫猫 Cherry Filter78. 走过来 Cherry Filter79. 鸭子飞呀飞 Cherry Filter80. 今天晚上的事情 IVY81. Magic Carpet Ride Zaulim82. 成人礼 朴智胤>>劲舞团1.6版歌曲目录(华语)83. 想和你跳舞 温力铭84. 上帝是个女孩 Groove Coverage85. 爱你Remix 王心凌86. da da da 王心凌87. 心中的日月 王力宏
2023-07-17 16:45:391


  1.夜莺   如名字一般!   2.水印   行云流水,自然,流畅!   3.初雪   这首曲子,找了很久,无意中突然听到! 很美,动听   4.天之痕   很唯美的声音,像丝带一样在空中飞舞,轻盈,却有淡淡的痕迹!   5.牡丹亭(伴奏)   这个就不用说了,相信大家都听过.   6.水蓝的渴望   像秋水一样漫过肌肤,凉凉地,柔柔地.很依赖这样的感觉!   7.BRESSANONE   很喜欢的音乐!!   8.竹林深处   最初最葫芦丝是<月光下的凤尾竹>,最经典的一首. 竹林深处,一点点地深入,像流水一样! 喜欢这样的感觉,像坐在一叶扁舟上,或慢或快地深入!   9.蓝色生死恋片头钢琴曲   美丽星空下,飘雪的圣诞节,还有那一架美丽,典雅的钢琴蓝色星空下的幻想,在音乐的世界里幻想   10.浓情午夜   很有意思的音乐,很有气氛.空气中弥漫浓浓的咖啡香,寂寞的你,何不扭动自己的身子,跳着曼纱舞姿呢? 呵呵   11.Acoustic Art   悠扬动听的声音,真想抓住,有这样的.一种感觉. 你抓不住它,它不属于,但它会陪伴在你的身边!   12.Down by the Salley Gardens   这是星愿的插曲,一首很熟悉的歌曲   每每听到这样的旋律时,就感觉像在滚雪球一样,快乐并痛苦着!!   13.啦拉爱歌   电视剧黄手帕的开头曲。 比较轻快的旋律,尽管透着淡淡的伤感,但这伤感被快乐地气氛给总冲淡了!!   14.Ginkgo Tree   银杏树,我喜欢的东西.有次在广播里听到这样的音乐,也不知是什么吸引了. 呵呵或许就是银杏树这三个字吧!!   15.陪我度过漫漫长夜从白天到夜晚,再从夜晚到白天,这样的一个过程,这首曲子,就是这样的一个过程! 有人说,一听到这首曲子,心就会温暖!我想是的,不仅温暖,还有感动!!   16.Forever Friends   在寒冷的冬夜,有这样的背景音乐,会让你觉得温暖,你的手不会冰冷的! 外面的阳光真大,晒太阳的感觉很好,阳光的味道在夜晚继续回味着!   17.tears   出自我喜欢的歌者---齐豫。她的歌声真的是天簌,悠远,宁静,唯美。 淡淡的伤感,空旷,有思考的留地,但又紧紧地被这种声音牵着,痴迷也好,迷恋也罢,都是可以原谅的!因为这声音!   18.草帽歌!   初听这首,也是无意中,经过一家音像店时,和老板聊了一会儿,知道这是人证里的插曲. 有些伤感的旋律   19.Quand Je Pense A Toi   一首比较好听的法语 稚嫩的声音,晃忽中让你回到了童年,曾经的美好时光!   20.红河谷雪儿达娃   太阳,雪山,还有那涓涓的流水! 弯弯曲曲,缠缠锦绵,如发与风一样!!   欢快的纯音乐   翼年代记——guess how much i love you(钢琴小提琴合奏);   a tiny sunshine(多种乐器合奏,很轻快);   blue clouds(很感动的感觉)   最终幻想——风之纹章(钢琴)   潘多拉之心——cradle(钢琴小提琴合奏)   卡农(推荐小提琴钢琴二重奏)   雨滴(钢琴)   DEAR MY HOME TOWN(强烈推荐)   不能说的秘密——脚踏车(钢琴)   子狐物语——信有明天(钢琴)   尾浦由纪 窗边から(钢琴)   听说——秋天的碧山岩   橘色温度   看见窗口的风景(钢琴)   free storm   菊次郎的夏天   My Soul》 - July   《不论多少次》- 宫崎骏   《风潮》- KOKIA吉田亚纪子   《与你共乘》- 宫崎骏   激昂励志 的纯音乐   1. 班得瑞 - breakout 突破   2. 笛子 敢问路在何方   3. 笛子 骏马奔驰保边疆   4. 真的好想你   5. 十大姐   6. 班得瑞 - adiemus 阿迪玛斯   7. 班得瑞 - la provence 普罗旺斯   8. 笛子 把根留住 寂寞音符收藏 马头琴与笛子   9. 笛子独奏 九九艳阳天   10. bandari - dragen heart - 班得瑞乐团 龙心   激昂励志 的纯音乐   1. 印象   2. 友谊天长地久   3. 笛子独奏 少年壮志不言愁军营歌曲   4. 笛子 二胡 醉渔唱晚独奏 folk 中国古琴十大金曲   5. 贝多芬 - 小步舞曲 - 大提琴   6. 纯音乐、大提琴 - 浪漫曲   7. 梓花儿   8. 邓丽君 - 榕树下 - 笛子独奏   9. 梦里水乡 笛子   10. 马友友大提琴独奏 沉思曲   11. 超好听笛子优美旋律   12. 泉水响叮咚   13. 长相依 笛子独奏   14. 春江花月夜 笛子独奏 中国名曲   15. 一万个理由   16. 大提琴 - dark of the moon   17. 大提琴 - 蒲公英的约定   18. 大提琴 - 鸿雁   19. 父亲的草原母亲的河 大提琴与竹笛 于萍   20. 大提琴 - 相思无用   激昂励志 的纯音乐   1. 班得瑞 - 钢琴曲 - 仙境   2. 班得瑞 - give me your hand 执子之手   3. 弯弯的月亮   4. 城里的月光 笛子   5. 大提琴 - 雨中的故事 - free   6. 傣乡情歌   7. 希望   8. 经典 非主流 dj 笛子舞曲开场   9. 笛子音乐 非常好听的音乐   10. 巴赫 大提琴长笛小提琴协奏曲适切的慢板   11. 班得瑞 - beyond the sundial 跨越日光   12. 班得瑞 - childhood memory 童年   13. 班得瑞 - careless eyes - 漫不经心的眼神   14. 夫妻双双把家还   15. 美丽的金孔雀   16. 布拉姆斯 大提琴奏鸣曲   17. 杰奎琳的眼泪 天才女大提琴家杜普蕾   18. 班得瑞 - 大自然情诗 款款柔情   19. 班得瑞 - 春野 - cd 大地之歌   20. 偏偏喜欢你
2023-07-17 16:45:471


Upside Down 裴涩其的 在情书中出现过
2023-07-17 16:45:574

快乐大本营20100605沈凌,大左,谢楠,马丽,刘刚,开场跳FREE STORM这首歌时中间还有一首歌叫什么名字

lady gaga的歌
2023-07-17 16:46:044


劲舞团歌曲劲舞团《劲舞团(华语集)》1. Love Love Love-蔡依林2. 布拉格广场-蔡依林3. crazon de melao-张学友4. 壁虎漫步-潘玮柏5. 两位一体-黎明6. 越夜越有激-黎明7. 狂野之城-郭富城8. 快乐崇拜-潘玮柏9. 我的地盘-周杰伦10. 忍者-周杰伦11. 心蓝-刘德华劲舞团《劲舞团(外语集)》1. 换掉-李贞贤2. Let"s get loud-Jennifer Lopez-Christina3. Year-Usher4. Because of you-W-inds5. Tomorrow-艾薇儿6. Nobody"s fool-艾薇儿7. Yellow-Coldplay8. Butterfly-Smile9. All Rise-Blue10. Pretty Boy-M2M11. The day you went away-M2M12. We will rock you-Queen13. Thriller-Audition14. My Love-Westlife15. I need you-Westlife16. Let"s get it started-Black eyed peas17. Shut up-Black eyed peas-Black eyed peas18. Baby one more time-布兰妮19. As long as you love me-后街男孩20. I want it that way-后街男孩21. Everbody-后街男孩22. Automatic-宇多田光23. Distance-宇多田光24. In da club-50cent25. Dragostea din tei-O-Zone26. Breaking the habit-link park27. Numb-link park28. Seasons-滨崎步29. End roll-滨崎步30. California love-2pac31. Black black heart-Usher32. 7年的爱33. I"ll Be There34. canon groove35. 你让我受伤_金贤政36. 花花公子(3Boys)37. 幸福的天堂_张娜拉38. Tonight_Turbo劲舞团《劲舞团中文新歌》1. 洗唰唰(花儿乐队)2. 爱你remix(王心凌)3. da da da(王心凌)4. 心中的日月(王力宏)5. 又一年又三年(品冠)6. 香草吧噗(南拳妈妈)7. 黑眼圈(罗志祥)8. 淘汰郎(罗志祥)9. 小丑鱼(罗志祥)10. 第一天(孙燕姿)11. 爱情抗体(许彗欣)12. 我要飞(飞儿乐队)13. 恋爱频率(许彗欣)14. 化蝶飞(花儿乐队)15. 想和你跳舞(温力铭)16. 发如雪(周杰伦)17. 夜曲(周杰伦)18. 灰姑娘的眼泪(王心凌)19. 爆米花的味道(王心凌、蔡依林)20. 一个人的精彩(萧亚轩)劲舞团《劲舞团韩服新歌(1.6版)》1. 坏 X_XR2. Deep Deep_XR3. Night Song_XR4. 走开_XR5. 别哭_XR6. Love Again_XR7. Trick_XR8. 是爱_MOSAE9. 上帝是个女孩_Groove Coverage10. 两个人_蔡燕11. 靠近_蔡燕12. 面具游戏_BUK13. 赤脚青春_BUK14. Stay In Me_许智英15. 你_李贞贤16. 给我_李贞贤17. 一见钟情_李贞贤18. 疯了_李贞贤19. 浪漫猫_cherryfilter20. 走过来_cherryfilter21. 鸭子飞呀飞_cherryfilter22. love song_七公主23. 今天晚上的事情_IVY24. JAMP_HAHA25. 回头看我_Dews26. Magic carpet ride_ZAULIM27. 逃跑_Groove Coverage28. 百日祈祷_Sharp29. 起立_仓木麻衣30. 我不是在笑_leessang劲舞团《劲舞团韩服新歌(1.65版)》1. 小小的六月_Groove Coverage2. 朋友_赵PD、仁顺儿3. 逃跑_Groove Coverage4. 你好_Jewliy5. 刻印_Muse6. 不落的太阳_张佑赫7. 奔跑_Dezabu8. 倾我所有_DONNA LEWIS劲舞团《劲舞团韩服新歌1.70版》1. ShaLaLa2. 伤心探戈_Rain3. 我会感激你_Rain4. 朋友那一句_Rain5. 你现在_Rain6. 古灵精怪7. 喜欢你没道理_张韶涵8. 水中石_Cool9. 爱你_Jewelry10. Twis Tking_Turbo11. 冠军_Psy12. Oh Sunny_金衡中13. 海贼王_永久指针14. Iglife_姐姐15. Super Star_Jewelry16. 我不是在笑_leessang17. 独自旅行_Buzz18. Oopsy_沈银珍19. No Worries_ Simon Webber20. 7 days21. 好几次劲舞团《劲舞最新歌曲》1. 敢不敢_罗志祥2. run to you_DJ DOC3. Hey Juliet_LMNT4. 独一无二_李贞贤5. One Summer Night_JEWELRY6. 10 minutes_李孝利7. cyber lover_Turbo8. Tonight_Turbo9. I"ll Be There_Sweetbox10. Festival_严正花11. 坚持_US12. I Will Be There劲舞团《Audtion歌曲》1. U Know_Audition2. Digital Soul_Audition3. Night_Audition4. Euro2005_Audition5. Spain Moonlight_Audition6. 命运_Audition7. Disco World_Audition8. Chinese Lady_Audition9. Funky Town_Audition10. Beautiful_Audition11. Beat City_Audition12. Elec Bossa_Audition13. Go Go_Audition14. Gloomy March劲舞团《劲舞团韩服新歌》1. 超级爱人_Winds2. 讨人喜欢_金钟国3. 命运_RAIN4. It?s rain_RAIN5. 眼泪_sharp6. 幸福的天堂_张娜拉7. Steal Away_朴志胤8. one night_DJ-DOC9. 7DAYS_辉星10. 百日祈祷_sharp11. Up & Dawn_DIVA12. 时尚绅士_Y.G famly13. 你让我受伤_金贤政14. 2年零2月_FOD15. 天啊_申胜勋16. 请选择我吧_Noracho17. 完美的爱_Turbo18. 不要忘了我_Rumble Fish19. 感觉_DIVA20. 约定_Buzz21. 我爱你(老鼠爱大米原版)_李素恩22. love song_七公主23. 今天晚上的事情_IVY24. Stay In Me_许智英25. 火花_高耀太26. 是爱_MOSAE27. 疯了_李贞贤28. 一见钟情_李贞贤29. 给我_李贞贤30. 你_李贞贤31. 两个人_蔡燕32. 靠近_蔡燕33. 面具游戏_BUK34. 赤脚青春_BUK35. JAMP_HAHA36. 告白_Dynamic Duo37. 回头看我_Dews38. 浪漫猫_cherryfilter39. 走过来_herryfilter40. 鸭子飞呀飞_cherryfilter41. Magic carpet ride_ZAULIM42. Trick_XR43. Love Again_XR44. 别哭_XR45. 走开_XR46. 你好_Jewliy劲舞团《劲舞团1.75版歌曲》1. 无尽的故事_伊藤由奈2. 迷人的天空_中岛美嘉3. 花样_松隆子4. So sick_Ne yo5. 金鱼花火_大冢爱6. 樱花色飞舞的时候_中岛美嘉7. 向着梦想_金钟国8. Oh my lady_Alice9. 再见昨天_DIVA10. Sk8er Boi_Avril Lavigne11. 笑吧_DIVA12. 我的人_SG Wanna Be13. Say good bye_Alice14. 三个字_M2M15. 如果我爱你_金钟国16. Shiny_明勋17. Color Your Soul_Clazziquai Project18. Autumn goodbye_布兰妮19. HeyOh20. sg wanna be(罪与罚)21. onetime22. 派对动物23. 金鱼火花(大冢爱)劲舞团《劲舞团2.0韩服版歌曲》1. 哈尼_朴珍英2. 第一次_高耀太3. Another Night_Real McCoy4. Mr.S.N.A_S.N.A5. Be My Lover_La Bouche6. 十六、二十_JuJuClub7. Get Ya_李孝利8. Hold the line_赵PD9. 与DOC一起跳舞_DJ Doc10. 顶点的毒酒_Joosuc11. 别碰我_Sweetbox12. Why_Baby Vox13. 热情_柳成俊14. 我知道_SE7EN15. 英雄_高耀太16. 玩吧_高耀太17. 飞翔_高耀太18. 只有你_蔡燕19. Hey Girl_李孝利20. 剪刀_柳成俊劲舞团《劲舞团2.0版歌曲》1. 恋爱ing_五月天2. 来电_潘玮柏3. 我想更懂你_潘玮柏4. 永不退缩_任贤齐5. 想飞_任贤齐6. 如果没有你_莫文蔚7. 八十块环游世界_ Twins8. 见习爱神_Twins9. Mr.Q_蔡依林10. 马德里不思议_蔡依林11. 舞娘_蔡依林12. 三国恋_tank13. 不死之身_林俊杰14. 反转地球_潘玮柏15. 我们能不能不分手_花儿乐队16. Uptown Girl_Westlife17. Feel Good Inc_Gorillaz18. Hips donnot live_shakira19. Toxic_布兰妮20. don"t phunk with my heart_黑眼豆豆21. 美丽的开始劲舞团《劲舞团服版歌曲》1. ??_UP2. Joy_??3. I Go_???4. ? ??? ? ??? ???_??5. ??? ???_???6. ??? ?_??7. ????_???8. ????_???9. I Could Be the One_StacIe OrrIco10. 需要幻想_蔡永仁11. 哀愁_逸乐12. 新人类之爱_015B13. 短发_015B14. Trick 2_U NEE15. 走(去)_U NEE16. 小巷_杨东根17. 海的王子_朴明洙18. ??? ??, ??? ? ? ???_??? ???19. Xcstasy_Baby Vox20. Snow Prince_SS50121. 180_mc梦22. V.I.P_海23. Reaction_河利秀24. Honey_朴镇英25. 恋爱频率(韩文原版)_COOL26. 今晚我感觉离你很近劲舞团《劲舞团2.1版《化妆舞会》歌曲大全》1. Beautiful life(Ace Of Base)2. Ain"t No Other Man(Christina Aguilera)3. Do it all night(E-Rotic)4. Ez Do Dance(白智英)5. Free storm(舞曲帝国)6. 独立(蜜雪薇琪)7. 要定你(李纹)8. Mr.Q(Remix)(蔡依林)9. 我有罪(吴克群)10. Angel(神话)11. 今天你要嫁给我(陶喆蔡依林)12. What can i do(南拳妈妈)13. 你的香气(郑仁浩)14. Shake Shake(陈慧琳)15. 爱的水晶鞋(韩雪)16. 黑猫(Turbo)17. 有你陪着我(安又琪)18. 彩虹的微笑(王心凌)19. 我的果汁分你一半(花儿)20. 本草纲目(周杰伦)21. 听妈妈的话(周杰伦)22. 九公主(后弦)23. 西厢(后弦)24. 单车恋人(后弦)25. 七夕(SE7EN)26. 女人的香味(SeeYa)27. 听天使在唱歌(SHE)28. 气球(东方神起)29. 躲避太阳(Rain)30. 冰淇淋(MC梦)31. 圣诞摇滚夜劲舞团《劲舞团精选(韩版)》1. Hey Mickey!2. Opeing your mind3. ??? - Come On4. ??? - ??5. ??? - ???6. ??? - ??????7. ??? - ????8. ??? - ?????????9. ??? - ???10. ??? - ?????11. BabyV.O.X - Missing You12. Baby V.O.X - Killer13. ?? - ???!14. ??? - ??????15. ??? - Poison16. ??? - ??? ??17. ??? - ??? ??? ??18. ??? - Snow man19. ??? - ??20. ??? - ????????21. ??? -????22. ?? - 12?? ?????23. ? - ??24. ? - ??,??25. ? - ????????26. ?? - ?27. ?? - ??????28. ?? - ??29. ?? - Knife30. ?? - ????31. ?? - ?? ???32. ?? - ?? ?????33. ?? - ????????34. ?? - ? ??? ?35. ?? - ??? ???36. ?? - ?????37. ?? - Techno Remix38. ?? - ??? ???39. ?? - ???????40. ??? - ?????41. ABBA - Mamamia42. DJ Doc - I Wanna(Drop It, Like It"S Hot!)43. ??? - ????44. ??? - ???45. ??? - Steal Away46. DJ DOC - Run To You47. DJ DOC - ?????48. DJ DOC - ?????49. DJ Doc - Doc? ??50. DJ DOC - One Night51. ??? - Sweet Dream52. ??? - ??53. ??? - ??54. ??? - ??? ??55. ?? - Joy56. ?? - Up & Down57. ?? - ???58. ?? - My Style59. ?? - Hey Boy60. ABBA - Mamamia61. ? - ????62. ? - ??? ??63. Baby V.O.X - Game Over64. Baby V.O.X - ??65. ?? - ??66. ??? - ??67. ??? - ????68. ??? - ??69. ?? - ??70. ??? - Now71. ??? - ????72. ??? - ?73. ??? - ??74. ??? - Tonight75. ??? - Again76. ??? & ??? - ???77. ??? - Tess78. ??? - ??79. ??? - ??80. ? - ??? ??81. ? - All for you82. ? - White Christmas83. ? - ???84. ?? - White Love85. ?? - X86. ?? - True Love87. ?? - ??88. ?? - ?????89. ?? - ?????90. ?? - Love Is91. ?? - Honeymoon92. ?? - Cyber Lover93. ?? - Tonight94. 3Boys - ??95. 3Boys - ????96. 3boys - ????97. ??? - ?????98. ??? - ??????99. ? - ????100. ? - ??101. 只恨我一个人(想象乐团)102. 爱情过后(申海星&lyn)劲舞团《劲舞团2.2版歌曲》1. Beautiful Night_苏赞辉2. Black&Blue_Nakashima Mika3. Can Can_Audition4. Come On_乌龟5. Design_文根英6. eden7. Free_萧亚轩8. Hands Up_Audition9. Happy My Star_建辉10. I Believe_Tata Young11. Just We_M.Family12. Let is Start It-Audition13. M.Family_Just We14. Maria_金雅中15. Mov Mov_Audition16. Nothing is Gonna Change My Love For You_西城男孩17. Party Party18. question_河佑善19. Upside Down_A-Teens20. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go_威猛乐队21. Wedding Party22. Yo!DJ!23. 爱情带来的离别_孙浩英24. 爱情过后_申海星&lyn25. 表白_萧亚轩26. 不能遗忘你_凯利27. 彩铃王28. 赤脚青春_Can29. 咚咚咚痛快30. 情_YTC31. 然后_萧亚轩32. 帅男人_河利秀33. 说一声再见34. 为什么这样_乌龟35. 原地踏步_金钟国36. 哲洙,我爱你_李贞贤37. 正.反.合_东方神起38. 只恨一个人_想象乐团39. 黄牌_高耀太劲舞团《劲舞团3.0之宠爱一生》1. 爱上鲨鱼的人鱼_赵冠宇2. 2_00 AM_BIN3. A Song For You_李善日4. Beat It_迈克杰克逊5. Canon 2007_Audition6. Catch_Audition7. C大调_张韶涵8. Everyday_高由珍9. Fingers_Pink10. Girls on Top_宝儿11. Happy Ending_ Audition12. Hey Boy_徐智英13. I Pray 4U_神话14. Kiss Me_徐智英15. Listen_Audition16. Mambo No.5_Lou Bega17. Maybe I Love You_Girl Fend18. My Girl_BigBang19. Relove_徐智英20. Say My Name_Destiny s Chinld21. V.I.P_BigBang22. 哀愁 - 一乐23. 爱上你_Brown Eyed Girls24. 暗恋情书_俞思远25. 爸爸_PSY26. 白色的冬天_Mr.227. 悲伤恋歌_七公主28. 不必担心_徐智英29. 不要哭_朴相民30. 不要说再见_BabyV.O.X31. 哥哥_WAX32. 和我约定_Audition33. 黄金甲_周杰伦34. 诀别诗_胡彦斌35. 蓝鸟_Bobby kim36. 离歌_信乐团37. 美丽的日子_徐智英38. 牡丹江_南拳妈妈39. 拿走_audition40. 你最珍贵_七公主41. 女朋友_李抿宇42. 奇迹般的你_金时真43. 秋天奏鸣曲_七公主44. 全新的开始_Marry-M45. 如果爱下去_张靓颖46. 施展咒语_七公主47. 甜蜜的爱_七公主48. 挑战每一天_俞思远49. 我要对你好_Audition50. 星_徐智英51. 延长比赛_Tank52. 拥抱_东方神起53. 晕头转向_朴玄斌
2023-07-17 16:46:1513


Babiyong - HamoHamo 情书14代NRG形态HAMOHAMO! Nuit De Folie - Dubut De Soiree 情书15代持花裴涩琪环节男嘉宾DASH时用的曲子 ... Dubut_De_Soiree.mp3 Missy Elliott - Lose Control 情书16代SP Dance 佑赫、允浩、Micky用曲 White Christmas:持花男环节成时京唱给蔡妍的圣诞歌 [FLY TO THE SKY版] Deuce-look me 情书18代明勋 钟民 佑赫Special Dance!感谢sxjsxjsxj兄发布 Super Star-Jewelry 情书18代贞雅&佑赫Couple Game时的歌曲 酷龙-我 XMAN圣诞特辑HAHA出师表所用曲我.mp3 R.ef-灿烂的爱情 情书18代希澈灿烂的爱情.mp3 蔡妍-白雪 XMAN赠CD时歌曲白色雪.mp3 花蝴蝶 池相列出师表花蝴蝶.mp3 MC刘的主题歌小恐龙多利 Free Storm Club remix版 复古DANCE舞曲另一版本 ... 0(Club%20Remix).mp3 What"UP 情书20代钟民 还有以前SJ 东海用过的舞曲~ Hello.Mr.Monkey 情书19代MC梦 DANCE BATTLE 所用曲remix版~ 金宛善-旋律中那支舞 XMAN52期金宛善和蔡妍诱惑时一起跳舞用的曲子~ Solid-在这个夜将要结束时 XMAN53期出师表Fany和钟国演唱的歌曲原版~ 感谢慕风兄发布! 好听的歌呀~~ ... 1900003_128kbps.wma 严贞花-邀请 XMAN 圣诞专集BIN扇子诱惑舞~ mms:// 金宛善-小丑的微笑 XMAN48期蔡妍诱惑时所用歌曲~小丑的微笑.mp3 Tei-咳嗽 Tei圣诞XMAN出师表唱给蔡妍的歌 James Brown - Play That Funky Music White Boy 情书19代千钟梦成SP DANCE 出自MacyMM的情书音乐帖子 ... c%20White%20Boy.mp3 Ciara - Goodies 情书13代徐智英持花男子环节用的歌曲 merry christmas mr. lawrence - maksim 情书最后couple选择时和下期预告时常用钢琴曲 croatian rhapsody 情书中常出现的钢琴曲 LL Cool J - Move Somethin 允浩51期Xman机械.051112蔡妍和brian.我疯了。 【情书20代歌曲】 Rain-代替说再见 Ryan Dance Battle用曲 徐太志与孩子们-我知道 千·钟·赫SP DANCE 用曲 Daddy Yankee-La Gasolina 20代BIN持花男子环节舞蹈用曲 Girls aloud-Jump姜晶华持花男子环节舞蹈用曲.感谢amaraMM提供 Pussycat Dolls-Sway 彬雨持花男子环节模特步用曲 ... line/Movie/sway.mp3 蹦极背景音乐 BIN:BIN-Bin-Go mms:// ... 1540001_128kbps.wma 黄静茵Epik High-Fly 金太贤:釜山海燕 mms:// Ryan:Paran-初恋 千明勋:NRG-别册附录 金基石:Superman Theme 艺媛&Ryan:Mariah Carey-Without You ... _Mariah%20Carey.mp3 【 X-Man54期歌曲】 申彗星(Shin HyeSung)-相同的想法 李秀英-Grace ... 0360002_128kbps.wma 李胜基-Crazy For You mms:// 李胜基-删除 ftp://51yfree:51y51y2006@ 巴里岛的故事OST-My Love 当然了环节李胜基唱给蔡妍的歌 ... 0100005_128kbps.wma shape of my heart - sting R本特辑中姜浩东和李胜基当然了环节中放的歌曲 ... emFromLeon).mp3?wxc everything i do - bryan adams R本特辑中couple环节李胜基唱的英文歌曲 ... s-EverythingIDo.mp3 Britney Spears - Chaotic R本特辑中申爱在Couple环节跳诱惑舞的歌曲 李仙姬-想念着你 HAHA-JUMP ... 0780008_128kbps.wma Turbo-回想 朴明秀-大海的王子
2023-07-17 16:46:401


2023-07-17 16:46:483

什么DJ好听 要电音的

Snookers - Hellgirl (Stefy De Cicco Jumpin" Mix)Hard In Tango - This is My DJ Brothers - The Moon (Radio Mix) Andy J -- The Way Of Music (Extended Vocal Mix) Mauro Pilato & Max Monti - Gam Gam (Milan Version)Fusiger - Ogun Sub (J.B. Rmx Vocal) Der_Eskimo_Tanz Klubbhoppers - Musica Brutale (Original Club Mix) Barcode Brothers - Flute (DJ Digress Remix) 15 - Ravekorr And Sander Feat Elissa - Baila With Me 2009 Gemini Station - Melody Of Life (Extended Mix) The Official Megamix Aqua Crime Of Passion - Bamble_B Be A Part Of You - Lersiva Project Poka Poka A. De MaarJerry Lo - True LoveRimini Project Feat Sarah K - Wake Up (Remix 2007) Relax Mika Heaven Is a Place on Earth Belinda CarlisleDj_sanny_j-io_Credo ByFunny - Sing A Song (All Night Long) (Radio Edit) Astrix - Beyond The Senses Invader - Sexy Beat (Original Extended Mix) Tomasz Niecik - Szubi Dubi (Radio Edit) MC Marcelo G. - Te Amo (R.A.G. DJ Remix) Fourteen 14 - Down Down (Radio Mix) Moving On Stereo (Vocal Mix) Pakito K Tronic & Meyson - Curly Summer (Orginal XTD Mix) John The Whistler - Wild Wild Web Level 4 meets DJ Deamon - Still Loving You Gabry Ponte - La Danza Delle Streghe Discoball - Di Di Di Juan Martinez - My Love Is For You Deep Spirit - Lonely Commercial Club Crew - La Luna Dota Basshunter Molella- People Basshunter - All I Ever WantedAllez Voilà (Massive Mix) Nauzika Cassandra - Rien Ne Va Plus (Rouge Cut Mix) Ellinor Super Girl Natascha Hagen - Sweet La La Love (Original Radio) Mr Hanky -- Angel (Dj Dami Remix) Reddj Feat Adj - By My Side Red Mix M. T. J. - Lovely Dance (M. T. J. Loving Mix) Disco Robot -- Disco Robot Bloom 06 -- Concept Of Blue 2009 E. V. Sound - Shine (Original Edit) Prezira -- Summer Express (Promo) Nauzika - Allez Voilà (German Extended) 俄罗斯方块重锤版舞曲 Tell Me Who You Are 超好听的意大利RNB 极品慢摇 E-Type - Ding Ding Song Ruslana - Wild Dances Dj Carpi-The Garden Gummy Bear - I Am A Gummy Bear By My Side Liquido Feat. Gabry Ponte - Ordinary LifeI_Tell_You_Te_QuieroKattrina Fly Project Lesi Ortestral - Vadoka Bayan Oriental Dream De Musica Tonante Gabry Pontetake my hand dj Colonia - Sexy Body (Version 2008) Baila Bolero Depth Charge Befour Winter in my HeartMaria Arredondo -- BurningHeaven is a place on earth-Gasp 俄罗斯商业舞曲开场 气氛女生(不错的节奏) MY first love Grenad Cascada - Because The Night Krave - Scrub Tha Ground Doobi Doobi DooTaxi To Babylon (Radio) Carillon-Magc boxLady Bouncer - 3 - 2 - 1 - Zero (Gabry Ponte Remix) Me Me Ma Me MoKeep On Moving king Cassandra - Rien Na Va Plus (Noir Mix) Natali - JA Uezzhaju Ot Tebja Factory Team X.R.X Present Phi Ac One - Sing A Song Now Now 动感印度男女对唱舞曲 un"emergenza d"amore(Laura Pausini)Klubbhoppers - Buddy Joe (Moonlight Hooppers Rmx) 欧美精选大碟吉里 Twins -Diri Diri Da森林狂想曲DJ Dottor Dag - Lo Sbaglio DJ_Aligator_Project_-_Calling_You Chiki reggae l‘impazienza 2007最新意大利舞曲dj Fiordaliso - Estate 83 La La La女声Reggea 欢快的节奏 2009 dj La Bottiglia country road take me home dj Free Storm My First Love Brothers - Dieci Cento Mille Dooh Dooh The harpster dance song Raisa Fly Project Rain Again (Radio Edit) Maroma - La Luna Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! This Is My Club Teddybeer - Dancing Generation (Original Edit) Daddy DJ Dj Xdiver - Live Forever 4 Trance (By Haikempirejunzhu)royal gun saluLa Danza Delle Streghe Kick It Mr Konrad - 4 Ever (Italian Extended Mix) Bandido -- Vamos Amigos (Eurodance Version) Gabry Ponte - Geordie (Extended)Despre Tine O-Zone A2 X-Plane feat Angel - Don"t let me go (radio cut)Mr. Hanky - Angel (Dj. Dami Remix) Dj Carpi-The Garden Millennium - You Are the One (Millennium Edit) oops jaime pas langlais gullia Veni Vidi Vici Chipz Fly Project - Raisa (Extended Club Mix) DJ Sanny J Vs Isaia feat Micky B - Io Credo Imi Plac Ochii Tai 3rei Sud Est Cu Capul In Nori 3rei Sud Est LIVE IS LIFE Doctor69 -La bottiglia Sweet la la love natascha hagen 常静-掠(完整版)O-Zone - Sarbatoarea noptilor de vara Eddy wata - Jam Paloma - My Signorina (Club Mix) Tape Des Nageoires club 亚洲大气开场DISCO DJ Dang Da Da DJ Belushi - My First Love Loituma - Ievas Polka (basshunter remix) Smile DK - DragonflyBailando (Playhouse Extended) Sexy French Affair Dj Project - Privirea Ta (Radio) DJ Valium - Doin It Again DrunkenMunky - E (extended mix) Colonia - Jos Jednom Za Kraj (Rmx 2002) Sundee - Magic Incanation (Extended Club Mix) Lollipop Batte Forte Bom Bpiration Sound D-BOMB - Nie wiem sam The Way I Are The Riddle Gigi D"Agostino S. M. S. Feat. Rehb - Amor Bijoux Bijoux Basshunter - I Can Walk On Water I Can Fly L E S feat Paolo Pinna - I"ll Be There (Extended)Heaven Is A Place On Earth Dos - Memories DanceRain Again (Radio Edit) sarvar abv by I Want The Gime More Yamboo - Discotheque (Original Extended Mix) Be A Part Of You - Lersiva ProjectDj Twins -Diri Diri DaDJ Sanny J vs Nuclear Noises Feat Micky - Day La Passion Vs Sara Perche_(Ti Mix) September - Cry For You Gabry Ponte -- La Danza Delle 四季(House Version) Floorfilla - Anthem #2 (Radio Edit) Aloha Heja He 2008经典人生大实话Mc洪磊 Fool Groovers Feat. Eddie - Gimme More (Radio Mix)come on everybody Colonia -- Takvi Kao Ti Barcode Brothers - Flute Dottor Dag -- Lo Sbaglio (Groviglio Mix) The Day You Went Away California Dreamin Rimini Project - To Be Or Not To Be 电子慢摇旋律 极品慢摇 外蒙歌 Gam GamEver (Italian Extended Mix)Roma Caput Mundi Ellinor Super Girl 俄罗斯口哨 Trouble Is A Friend Lenka Hello Is monkey Tiggy - Abracadabra (Extended Mix) 俄罗斯手风琴慢摇 Summer Dance Put Your Hands Up In The Air J. K. - You Got Me Dancing Tu Vivi Nell"Aria Janardana Feat. Miss Love - I Got YouSha La Li Li La 2008最新意大利舞曲DJ Runaway Nek Claudia & De Marco - O noua zi Dolly Song Ordinary Life Gabry PonteFaraway Gala The Way I AreLemon Tree Fools Garden lo sbaglio Swan Audition Linda Sundblad - Lose You Linda SundbladEin Kleines Lied CandeeCastle In The Sky PeerlessGeordie Gabry Ponte Candy Toy The Secret Of Nightingalemove your bodynorazo happy song come baby come Dale Arden Take Me To Your Heart Jacky Makey Lucky Twice Domino - Doctor Solid Base - Stars In The Night Turtles Bingo ATC - Around The World Ken Laszlo Glasses ManWoodoorave Factory Team X.R.X Present PhiCrazy Baby Sharizad DJ蚂蚁粉 the magic keymove your body Lucky Twice Moonlight Shadow Rollergirl Geisha Dreams Doar Cu Tine Be My Satellite balla da li Le Bateau blanc Sa La La Li My Humps Can"t Get You Out Of My Head One WayFlit The Bus Clan chilly cha cha Bom Bpiration Sound Rollergirl -- Geisha Dreams Feel my riddim-n groove Doctor 69 - La Bottiglia norazo happy song Plastic Dog 意大利顶级嗨曲 韩国版哦累累哦拉拉 Tune Up! - Pera Pera Bingo Boys - Mountain song Amour Bijou Bijou My Generation (Hulalala) Lollipop - Batte Forte (Extended Subside Remix) Righeira - Vamos A La Playa (Dance Movement Remix)This is how we do it Dieci Cento Mille Brothers sound of my dream Lets Talk About A ManBa Yonga Wamba golden sky Peerless Solo Tu Never Say Goodbye Dance Now labelle plastic dog give me more Rise and Fall Happy Children In Your Mind lavita Electronic Life Alcastar Dj C.TFloorfiller Doo Be Di Boy 拿去
2023-07-17 16:47:081

英国的跑酷团队标志是一个闪电 叫什么

Storm Freerun 英国风暴自由组,他们出的视频很多,你可以在洁癖男的优酷空间里看到。我也非常喜欢这个团队!
2023-07-17 16:47:222


1.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本模块内容重点是讨论关于hobby的主题,师生互动,自由谈话引出Collecting stamps is my hobby,进而让学生自主分享自己的爱好,教师能适当引导学生用动名词ing形式开头说出自己的爱好。由于课文篇幅较长,教师采用部分解读,层次递进设计问题的方法进行教授,分组朗读,角色扮演等,课堂氛围活跃,教学目标任务完成较好。 2.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本课时是围绕着谈论爱好进行了词汇新授课,难点和重点都是词语,还要多花时间在带读单词上面。在新授环节中利用课件为学生理清动词-ing形式的变化规律,高效率地突破了本节课的难点,为学生的语言操练扫清了障碍,同时也为今后的学习奠定了一定的基础。 3.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本课重点教授There be 句型,学生在四年级There is a birthday in May 中有初步学习,所以教师通过创设情景,实物举例,让学生能快速了解该句型是有、存在的意思, 在讲解is 和are 后面接单复数名词时,能运用学生最快理解的字母数数法教授。在讲解纽约唐人街这一文化背景,学生能绕有趣地进入本课知识点的学习中,不足之处是本课知识点操练较多,课时把握不足,学生学习任务完成较不足。 4.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 从中国文化遗产的学习过渡到西方文化,这是本课的亮点,教师先通过复习长城的基本知识,带领同学们穿过太平洋去了解美国的几大城市,美国国旗的出现,美国版图的展示,让学生为之眼前一亮,本课的主人公Daming和Simon 将为我们作详尽的解说。通过本课学习,学生能从常识上北下南左西右东认识到东西南北的单词及字母表示法,学习效果在课堂作业中表现较为明显 ,教师教学目标及任务完成较顺利,但教师课堂组织管理能力有待加强。 5.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本课重点讲述我国长城的一些基本情况,学习million / thousand 等表示数额单位的单词,课前通过播放我国一些的古迹图片,引发学生热烈讨论,教师用Tell me more about the Great Wall 让学生自主参与话题讨论,通过当堂背诵重点短语及句式,学生掌握较牢固,学习目标及任务完成较好! 6.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本课是对第一单元知识点的延伸,要求学生能自由谈论自己的爱好或者询问他人的爱好。句式:Have you got ? Yes, I have / No, I havenu2019t. 在学生小组对话中得到较好的操练。因为本课时较侧重听和说,在写方面的操练较少,但是小部分学生仍不能很好理解动名词形式开头的询问,在课后练习发现大部学生对该知识点的理解还很不到位,需要教师在今后学生的做题中反复讲解。 7.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本课学习西方感恩节,在学习过程中需要向学生讲解美国一些重要节日的相关知识,例如文中出现的国旗制定日感恩节的风俗等,在进入本课学习前,教师先收集一些我国传统节日的相关资料,(和第二单元的知识整合)导入环节呈现美国国旗及国旗制定日的资料。教师通过分层递进式设计问题,让学生带着问题分部分有节奏进行学习,小组讨论,角色扮演等更有效。 8.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 本节课是六年级上册第四单read and write阅读部分,通过阅读一首诗继续学习、巩固有关计划、打算的表达方式,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。我认为在这节课要处理好以下关键点:   复习导入,以旧引新。   义务教育阶段小学英语课程的主要目的是为发展学生的综合运用能力打基础,为他们继续学习创造条件。在这节阅读课的读前活动设计中,通过chant, brainstorm,free talk, chain game等活动,对旧知识进行复习巩固,提前解决阅读中的难点,有效地激活学生大脑中的相关信息,扫除学生在阅读上将会面临的障碍,降低阅读难度,为后面的阅读活动做好准备。 9.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 靠持续不断的语言知识,而不是玩来培养学生持久的兴趣 。 小学英语教学是要重视培养兴趣,但不能单靠唱、玩,单靠唱歌游戏不能培养学生持久的兴趣。新鲜劲儿一过,孩子们就会厌倦。所以,唱歌游戏应该作为小学生学习英语语言知识、技能的一些手段,而不是培养兴趣的手段。我们可以采用多种手段帮助小学生在记忆力强的时期多记单词,多学习语言规则,并尽可能多创造模仿的机会,提高学生的语音和语调。在英语学习中,听、说、读、写、译五种能力是可以互补的。真正做到听说先行,读写跟上。光听说不读写,很难收到高效。只靠模仿不培养学习能力,也难减轻学习负担。所以小学生还是应当认真进行语言学习。 10.外研版六年级上册英语教学反思 小学高年级学生的思维是从形象思维过渡到抽象思维的重要阶段,他们的抽象思维已经有了一定的发展,但是抽象思维的发展很多时候还要依赖于具体、形象的事物的帮助。本节课主要让学生学习使用turn left, turn right, go straight等语言进行问路、指路,而左转、右转等空间思维能力正是很多学生有待发展的抽象思维能力。因此,本节课的教学重点不仅只是让学生学会使用语言,更重要的是发展学生的空间思维能力。在教学中,我先用touch your left eye,touch your right ear, raise your left hand, stamp your right foot等语言,让学生在听做中触摸左右;我又使用了show me your left hand, turn left, show me your right hand, turn right等语言,让学生借助左右手听懂左转、右转的指令并做出正确的动作,我还让学生利用抽象的地图进行找路、指路等活动。遵循了学生思维由具体到抽象的发展规律,使学生的语言学习和运用水到渠成。
2023-07-17 16:47:411

Thousand Foot Krutch move歌词

Look, listen to my voiceIf you"re making the choiceTell me all the girls and the boysEither scream or rejoiceLet"s make that noiseEither move or we will all be destroyed[Chorus]Move and show me what you can doWhen you step into the circle and shake like we doMove when you just can"t take itAnd move if you just feel like breaking itCan you hear me? Stop, look, listen to my voice,It was never my choice to feel all aloneThis is my homeBack up , you don"t know if you"ve never been here,You"ve never been to the place inside, I face my fearsIt takes everything I am[Chorus x2]If you come near me, stop, look, listen to my voiceIf you"re making the choice tell all the girls and the boysEither scream or rejoiceLet"s make that noiseEither move or we will all be destroyedBack up and let go if you"ve never been here,You"ve never been to the place inside, I face my fears,It takes everything I am[Chorus]I come crashing to the floorAnd I know there must be more like meI"ve seen this all before, I can"t carry this anymore, break freeBreath, and leave until the storm is over"Cause underneath, there"s a diamond passing overSo breath, let"s leave until the storm is over,Because I want to take you away[Chorus]
2023-07-17 16:47:481


星际争霸地图工具集 SCPM3 图片地图制作工具 SCPM2 图片地图制作工具 BMP2SCM1.0 图片地图制作工具 SCXE 综合地图编辑器 SF 综合地图编辑器 SCMD2.055汉化版 综合地图编辑器 SCMD2.060 综合地图编辑器 WinMPQ汉化版 Mpq文件编辑工具 MPQWorkshop Mpq文件编辑工具 SCMD 地形工具 scmjpeg 地图图片制作工具 rep2mapg 从录像提取地图工具 uBeR@TiOn2 加密及其他 uberation v2.0.0.2加密及其他 GUEdit 加密及其他 PROEdit 加密工具 Togi 加密工具 SC_Trigger 触发工具 Trigger Viewer 触发器察看工具 SCFreeSounds 调用星际自带声音工具 WinHex汉化版 地图编辑 storm.dll SCXE/SE需要光碟版的storm.dll,复制到星际目录下 自带运行库 vb3456 vc7 java commoncontrol SF需要vb6,commoncontrol Guedit需要java WinMPQ需要vb4 ... 地图工具站 星际地图论坛
2023-07-17 16:47:551


2023-07-17 16:48:251


2023-07-17 16:48:401

breking free ,when there was me and you, the start of sth new, gotta go my own way, an angle

貌似是我修改次数太过频繁~~百度大娘不让我现在修改了~~写是早就写好了~~要不我还是传给你吧~~我用的是word文档= =我就是上面回答问题的那个= =囧啊囧啊!!
2023-07-17 16:48:493


2023-07-17 16:48:563

一首歌词有say yeah say yeah的女歌手唱的英文歌,有谁知道是什么名字吗

2023-07-17 16:49:041


不得不爱 夜曲 Super dancer I say yeah God is a girl 成人礼 Crazy frog Tonight,i feel close to you she DUB-I-DUB 极限 一时无两 新年好 甜心战士 古灵精怪 cosmic eyes you make me wanna fire_fly Anymotion 第三次的爱 一年后 愿望 Never.Say.Goodbye Def Tech My Way so sick she bangs 分开旅行 星光游乐园 不死之身 不治之症 睫毛弯弯 i still love you this time 爆米花的味道 花样 香水百合 Its like that feelin good without your love 走过来 Question 自己呀 All The Way Do somethin 我想更懂你 恋爱ing 狂 Luxury Toxic 当你 面具 superjunior Bingo The way U are 7年的爱 爱你 火花 不可思议 我的排行榜 比多更多 三国恋 Shake shake 我们的天空 舞娘 Autumn Goodbye Back To Your Love 罪与罚 midnightgirl Baby是我 传说 ring ring ring twins 五分熟 聚会 三对三 嗨水晶糖果 傻瓜的爱情 放生 阿拉伯市场 听妈妈的话 get high 恋着多喜欢 She Is My Sin 情逢敌手 la la love like fire tonight darin 悲伤的骚沙舞 亚特兰提斯少女 纯情 because you live 别册附录 呛声 第一天 it"s my life 幸福的地图 天灰灰的 音浪 唇唇欲动 Mr.Q 雪圣诞 christmas in my heart 咚咚咚痛快 彩铃王 说一声再见 Set me free Crazy In Love BIGBANG 雨樱花 moonlight shadow On the Radio sitting down here Ice Cream animal city all about us I Love Rock & Roll 西厢 我的果汁分你一半 how are you 彩虹的微笑 Elva Is Back 自新大陆 Silent Revolution Chaconne Someday Straight to Bed Isn"t It Strange 延长比赛 真爱 神化 失忆 爱上爱的味道 sunny 正反合 Storm 本草纲目 梁山伯与茱丽叶 maNga cha cha i be there be my girlfriend i want you back 负担 独占神话 决战二世祖 只对你有感觉 ariari 誓言 没有情人节 威尼斯迷路 念奴娇 谈心 认真的雪 One More Time 谁说我不在乎你 Never Say Goodbye 偶然 Humps If it"s too late 不可获得 girlfriend Always Come Back To Your Love Hey boy 美丽的日子 听天使在唱歌 那么爱你为什么 可以做我的女朋友吗 Maria one by one i lay my love on you kiss kiss 1234 Special Angel shut up bingbingbing to.lift.the.telephone 性感宝贝 VIP 王 诱惑 旋转 梦会成真 kissy kissy where is the love 爱情转移 I Can Believe Like This Tonight 不可避免的爱情 用脚踢 free storm 请你恰恰 怎么了 风云变色 爱的勇气 Kung Fu Chacha baby baby tell me My Kingdom 坠落天使 甜心咒 遇上爱 Shinging Kiss 恋爱达人 被风吹过的夏天 看我72变 招牌动作 要定你 完美的互动 Shut Up! Queen A.k.a Lovin You Gotta Do 心动 not a single day 美女与野兽 伸懒腰 My love 奇怪的谎言 Baby Cat I`M So Hot 恋爱的法则 pido 藉口 中国话 心跳零距离 Ahiba Sweet prattle whole day 大小姐 受不了 Alright 改变自己 比舞大会 离开地球表面 Runaway Ba Yonga Wamba With Love Rhythm of love Who"s loving who runaway 看见 鹊桥汇 天国 伦敦大桥垮下来 One Night fly out 啵一个 日不落 游击街头 月牙湾 牛仔很忙 瑟琪SAY 穷开心 巨人 Ride With Me 白日梦 老人与海 Run Gun Summer Breeze Right Now Missing U 有没有像我这样的人 Everything Back But You 圣少女领域 areyouready 谎言 Bonjour Je T"aime 日之夏 look 我不是李宇春 来过倒 好 SEPTEMBER Do no wrong 淘气女孩 Breakin" Dishes whine up human Run The 爱情真好 天生反骨 玩酷 Timeout hotsummer ウレシ泣キ 冷暴力 还可以 去吧爱 甜蜜蜜 ok alright babybash Happy Day 向上飞 Lets Get Movin 触电 Break The Ice Toy Soldier Love Hunter Once Again 当我们宅一块 PASIO 新年快乐我的爱 哈利Bobo 黑糖秀 Part Time Lover 一枝独秀 Wahrheit 彗星 just communication 幸福氧气 选出您最爱的歌曲(第二季): 付き合ってるのに片思い Crazy Dog 傻瓜 最后的问候 Boya boya bay NIGHT PARAD Yeah! Yeah! 爱のマタドール 结婚吧 DoGGPoUnD 表白,5秒前 If I Can"t Have You I should be so lucky 119 结果咧 吹哔哔 等待 快一点 初雪 不爱拉倒 飞行机云 深夜飞行 月亮代表我的心里有问题 下雪的夜晚 飘飘 be the one 幸福神偷 下流社会 我恋爱了 What I"ve Done Change My Mind kissingyou rain day 丝路 DREAMS INVOKE 斗牛要不要 I believe Baby Don"t Cry Fortune Love The Cradle Song La Papa Pingouin Reason abracadabra Melody i like that Fast Food Song 妈妈咪呀 I Love You H-Eugene vs MC 梦 My Name Sing lala 便宜点吧 Black Engine 动 L.U.V 周大侠 I Love You It"s Ok weeeek New Standard 努力吧 Don"t Stop The Music 傻瓜 T Express 乱世巨星 危险的演出 Cross Delirium Gravitation Through the Fire and Flames black dragon Onoken Xuxa RageUbrrve Air crash SAS BadX Warmen Deja Vu STAY Turbo God Know 君歌 over the rave MonStAR 四季摇滚混音 Blood on Fire ダーリン I LOVE YOU 病毒 都会っ子 纯情 happy happy For no one Show time DANDAAN magic CRAZY GONNA CRAZY Zza Zza La Ma People Selfish Love night of fire RUN Super Star 不相信 穿越时空的爱恋 卡农 1-1234 Back Kiss Me Adrenaline 哥哥的心 Kiss Me 菠菜进行曲 Bad Boy Wax NoNoNo 疯了 全都嘘声
2023-07-17 16:49:311


就 我说耶!啊
2023-07-17 16:49:383

four wild horses歌词

...this is a story song, about the Old West...Four wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail of miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride to hell to set you freeYou were just a young girlWith your brother and your dollWestward ho so many heard the callA covered wagon a blazing in the nightWas your last scene of freedom and her fightI heard of you passing for a Cheyenne chiefs"s sonFrom some trader made his money in rot gutI went to the valley they called Bitter CreekYou"d left three weeks before tears on your cheeksIn the middle of snow storm in the middle of the nightYou were there telling me that you were alrightThen like a monster invading our dreamI awoke ten years later hearing your screamsAt last I found you in the spring of "83A Cheyenne princess you still looked to meI walked up to you and looked into your eyesMy little girl finally by her daddy"s sideFour wild horses follow meAs I ride this trail to miseryFour wild horses follow meAnd I"ll ride 丶: didgeridoo
2023-07-17 16:49:534


2023-07-17 16:50:093


歌名:Let it goThe snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上闪烁Not a footprint to be seen;一个脚印没有A kingdom of isolation;与世隔绝的国土And it looks like I"m the queen;我就像是一个皇后The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂风咆哮得像我内心一样的纷乱Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力过Don"t let them in, don"t let them see;不让他们走进来,不让他们看到Be the good girl you always have to be;做一个好女孩,一直都要这样Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know;掩饰、没有感觉、不要让他们知道Well, now they know;好了,现在他们都知道了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Can"t hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行Turn away and slam the door;转过身甩上门I don"t care what they"re going to say;我不在乎他们会怎样说Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距离令所有东西都变得渺小了And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐惧再也不能控制我了It"s time to see what I can do;是时候看看我能够做什麼了To test the limits and break through;试验我的极限和突破No right, no wrong, no rules for me;没有对错,也没有规则规范我了I"m free;我自由了Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky;我与风与天同在Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry;你不会再看到我哭泣Here I stand and here I"ll stay;我就站在这里,我留在这里Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激荡空气深入地下My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化为结晶如一阵冰风I"m never going back, the past is in the past;我不会再回去,过去已成往事Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行And I"ll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日从地上冒起Let it go, let it go;随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone;那个完美女孩已不在了Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on;让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能烦扰我了!
2023-07-17 16:50:271


ERA co-organized the Global Premiere Ceremony of “Storm Rider”In the evening of 17 July 2008, the global premiere ceremony of “Storm Rider”, China"s top animated movie, was held at Shanghai Circus World. Many celebrities attended the ceremony: the director Mr. Lin Chaoxian, the original comic writer Mr. Ma Rongcheng, the voice actors Mr. Ren Xianqi, Mr. Xie Tingfeng and Ms. Han Xue, and also the masters of ceremony Ms. Hou Peicen, Mr. Lin Hai and Ms Chen Rong. ERA Entertainment Limited provided full support in co-organizing this premiere ceremony. The site, lighting, sound effect and multimedia of ERA all offered a great variety of stage effects for the ceremony. ERA also specially arranged a strong cast to match the performances in the premiere ceremony.The lifting stages of different sizes and the flying installations in ERA became an excellent imagination area for the performers of the ceremony. Performers sometimes fell from the sky, while sometimes hid under the ground. In addition, there were multimedia background, lighting and sound effect specially made for the ceremony. The atmosphere was sometimes very fierce and exciting while sometimes was very soft and emotional. This totally reflected the fantasy feature of the animated movie – Storm Rider.Furthermore, many characteristic programs of ERA were incorporated in the premiere ceremony. First, contortionist girls" performance came together with the energetic dance of “My Hero”. The combination of softness and strength made the performance more attractive. Second, the silk skills program connected with Richie Yan"s singing of the movie theme song. The flying of the performers expressed the free but touching feelings of the movie characters. Moreover, the exciting programs like bungee jumping which were incorporated in the singing and dancing performance provided the audience with a rich visual and sound effect.Caption:A special entrance for the “Storm Rider” premiere ceremony was set up outside Shanghai Circus World.The press conference of the “Storm Rider” premiere ceremony was held in the theatre of ERA.Richie Yan came out with the “Compass Boat” of ERA.The silk skills program of ERA was incorporated in the performance of the premiere ceremony.This was the performance rearranged from the parachute program of ERA.This was the contortionist performance of ERA.They were the major guests who attended the “Storm Rider” premiere ceremony.
2023-07-17 16:50:341

《let it go》Idina Menzel版音译中文歌词

Let It go》,Idina Menzel演唱The snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a footprint to be seen埋藏身后我的足迹A kingdom of isolation在这孤独白色国度And it looks like I"m the queen我就像是那冰雪的女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风呼号,内心亦涌动不能平息Couldn"t keep it in, heaven knows I"ve tried再无法藏匿,上天知道我多么努力 Don"t let them in, don"t let them see别让别人知道,别让别人看到Be the good girl you always have to be做个好姑娘,你必须一直都是Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know要隐藏,不要动真情,不要让别人知道Well, now they know好吧,现在他们知道了Let it go, let it go随他吧,随他吧Can"t hold it back anymore反正再也无法隐瞒Let it go, let it go不管他,不害怕Turn away and slam the door转过身 关上门I don"t care what they"re going to say别人的话,何必在乎它Let the storm rage on就让狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway严寒再也无法干扰我It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small可笑的是 距离使一切变得渺小And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all曾经控制我的恐惧 再也无法困扰我It"s time to see what I can do是时候展现真正的我了To test the limits and break through突破我的极限No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有对错,没有规则再束缚我I"m free我自由了Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行I am one with the wind and sky我驾驭着狂风和天空Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行You"ll never see me cry你将永远看不到我哭Here I stand and here I"ll stay我站在这里 我将待在这里Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号My power flurries through the air into the ground我的魔力从天而降My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上And one thought crystallizes like an ice blast思想化为结晶 如一阵冰风I"m never going back, the past is in the past我不会再回头,过去已经成为往事Let it go, let it go让它过去吧,让它过去吧And I"ll rise like the break of dawn我将像旭日从地上升起Let it go, let it go随心而行,随心而行That perfect girl is gone那个完美的女孩已经不在了Here I stand in the light of day我就站在日光之下Let the storm rage on让风暴怒吼吧The cold never bothered me anyway严寒无法再侵扰我
2023-07-17 16:50:411


he snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a foot print to be seen埋藏身后我的足迹A kingdom of isolation在这孤独白色国度And it looks like I"m the queen我就是那冰雪的女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风呼号,内心亦涌动不能平息Couldn"t keep it in,heaven knows I"ve tried不管多努力,再无法藏匿Don"t let them in,don"t let them see掩藏好自己,不许人靠近Be the good girl you always have to be乖乖听话,别让大家担心Conceal,don"t feel,don"t let them know把真心封闭,不让人看清Well,now they know如今被看清Let it go,let it go不再躲,不再怕Can"t hold it back any more秘密已经大白于天下Let it go,let it go不管他,不害怕Turn away and slam the door告别过去不留一丝牵挂I don"t care what they"re going to say别人的话,何必在乎它Let the storm rage on就让狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small现在回首遥望从前 往事变得微不足道And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all曾经桎梏我的恐惧 也都远的看不到It"s time to see what I can do展现自己 拿出本领To test the limits and break through冲破极限 让自己也惊讶No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有羁绊 扔掉规矩I"m free世界由我Let it go, let it go放宽心 向前进I am one with the wind and sky乘着风 融化在天际Let it go, let it go向前冲 不后悔You"ll never see me cry我再没有眼泪Here I stand and here I"ll stay站在这里 坚定不移Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号My power flurries through the air into the ground;雪花漫天飘下,这是我的魔法My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around冰片旋转纷飞,是我的灵魂在升华And one thought crystallizes like an ice blast思绪结晶成冰凌,是冰雪的爆炸I"m never going back,the past is in the past过去已是过去,是再也回不去Let it go,let it go不沉溺,不在意And I"ll rise like the break of dawn如晨曦一般冉冉升起Let it go,let it go算了吧,忘了吧That perfect girl is gone别指望我回到过去Here I stand in the light of day站在这里,不再藏匿Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕
2023-07-17 16:50:481


cry on my shoulderIf the hero never comes to you如果你的真命天子仍未来到If you need someone you"re feeling blue如果你情绪低落需要有人陪伴If you"re away from love and you"re alone如果你离爱遥远,孑然一人If you call your friends and nobody"s home如果你打电话给朋友却没有一人在家You can run away but you can"t hide你可以逃开却不可以隐藏Through a storm and through a lonely night经历了风暴忍受了孤独Then I show you there"s a destiny我要让你知道每人都有他的命运The best things in life一生中最美的事They"re free那就是自由But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量If your sky is grey oh let me know如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我There"s a place in heaven where we"ll go如果你的天空灰沉沉的,哦,要告诉我If heaven is a million years away如果天堂离我们有百万年远Oh just call me and I make your day哦,只要来个电话 让我与你相约When the nights are getting cold and blue当夜变冷变深When the days are getting hard for you当日子变得艰难I will always stay here by your side我会一直陪在你身边I promise you I"ll never hide我向你承诺,我不会躲藏But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量But if you wanna cry如果你想哭Cry on my shoulder在我肩上哭泣If you need someone who cares for you如果你需要关怀你的人If you"re feeling sad your heart gets colder如果你感到悲伤心渐渐变冷Yes I show you what real love can do我会让你知道真爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量What love can do爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量What love can do爱的力量What real love can do真爱的力量
2023-07-17 16:50:583

谁有the time for us 的英文歌词给我啊?谢谢!

A Time For Us 歌手:Andy Williams 专辑:奥斯卡金曲 "Romeo & Juliet" 电影[殉情记]主题曲A time for us some day there"ll beWhen chains are torn by courage born Of a love that"s freeA time when dreams so long denied Can flourishAs we unveil The love we now must hideA time for us at last to seeA life worthwhile for you and me And with our love through tears and thornsWe will endure as we pass surely Through every stormA time for us someday there"ll be a new worlda world of shining hopeFor you and me
2023-07-17 16:51:183

Eye Of The Storm 歌词

歌曲名:Eye Of The Storm歌手:Tempest专辑:Eye Of The StormSunshine, on a rainy day.Keeps the dark away, from meMoonlight, on a stormy night,Makes me feel alright, keeps me saneI"ve made up my mind it"s so clear to me.I"m walking away from societyPacking my van, leaving all behind.To find a place where I"m happy deep insideIn the eye of the storm, it"s quiet, it"s peacefulFree from all this chaosEye, in the eye of the stormI"m stronger, I"m emperorI live my life the way I want and choose.Sunshine, in my rear view,As I wander down the dusty roadMoonlight, as I camp at night,Beside the beach, this is not meI did all I can to save you girlBut the bullet shot through to end your worldHow could you leave me here on my ownI"m all messed up and that"s why I gotta findThe eye of the storm, it"s quiet, it"s peacefulFree from all this chaosEye, in the eye of the stormI"m stronger, I"m emperorI live my life the way I want and chooseThe way I want and chooseWithout you, there"ll be no sun,No more bright day there"s only greyWithout you, there"ll be no air,There"ll be no spring, no anythingWithout you, it"s not the same,There"s only pain, nothing to gainWithout you, there"ll be no love,There"ll be no peaceNo reason to live.In the eye of the storm, it"s quiet, it"s peacefulFree from all this chaosEye, in the eye of the stormI"m stronger, I"m emperorI live my life the way I want and choose.The way I want and choose
2023-07-17 16:51:261

The Storm Is Over 歌词

歌曲名:The Storm Is Over歌手:The O Jays专辑:Working On Your CaseR. Kelly - The Storm Is Over Now(Edit by @MaxRNBer)I was in a tunnelAnd couldn"t see the lightAnd whenever I"d look upI couldn"t see the skySometimes when I"m standin"It seems like I done walked for milesAnd my heart could be cryin"Dead in the middle of a smileBut then I climbed the hillsAnd saw the mountainsI hollered help "cause I was lostThen I felt the strong windHeard a small voice sayin"The storm is over(The storm is over now)And I can see the sunshine(Somewhere beyond the clouds)I feel Heaven, yeah(Heaven is over me)Come on and set me free, whoaNow in the midst of my battleAll hope was goneDowntown in a rushed crowdAnd felt all aloneAnd every now and thenI felt like I would lose my mindI"ve been racin" for yearsAnd still no finish line, ohBut then I climbed the hillsAnd saw the mountains (Mountains)I hollered help "cause I was lostThen I felt the strong windAnd then a small voice sayin"The storm is over(The storm is over now)And I can see the sunshine(Somewhere beyond the clouds)I can feel Heaven, yeah(Heaven is over me)Come on and set me freeSomehow my beginning stepped right in (Right in)Then faith became my friend (My friend)And now I can dependOn the voices of the windWhen it"s sayin" (Sayin")The storm is over(The storm is over now)And I can see the sunshine(Somewhere beyond the clouds)I can feel Heaven, yeah(Heaven is over me)Won"t you come and set me freeWon"t you set me freeThe storm is over(The storm is over now)And I can see the sunshine(Somewhere beyond the clouds)I can feel Heaven, yeah(Heaven is over me)Won"t you come and set me free
2023-07-17 16:51:331


2023-07-17 16:49:491


2023-07-17 16:49:493

求推荐日本的网购网站 相当于中国的淘宝那种

2023-07-17 16:49:506


Why his expression so weird?
2023-07-17 16:49:558

Judas Priest的《Sinner》 歌词

歌曲名:Sinner歌手:Judas Priest专辑:Original Album ClassicsSinnerSin After SinJudas PriestSinner rider, rides in with the stormThe devil rides beside himThe devil is his god, God help you mournDo you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunderDeafen every living thing aboutCan you, can you see it, can youSee the mountains darken yonderBlack sun rising, time is running outSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theHis steed of furyEyes of fire and mane ablazeDemonic vultures stalkingDrawn by the smell of war and painHe roams the starwaysSearching for the carcasses of warBut if it"s hungry then its very presenceDisrupts the calm into the stormCurse and damn you all you"ll fall by the hand of theSinnerGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsWon"t you help them prayGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsIs there no other wayCan"t you hear their souls calling out in their plightCan"t you see their blood is boiling setting them alightThirty years now sleeping, so soundWar raises its head, and looks slowly aroundThe Sinner is near, sensing the fearAnd the beast will start movin" aroundCan"t you see their souls calling out in their brainCan"t you hear their blood is boiling setting them alightSinnerSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theCurse and damn you all you fall by the hand of theSinner
2023-07-17 16:50:011

los angeles什么意思

洛杉矶(Los Angeles)
2023-07-17 16:50:012

Judas Priest的《Reckless》 歌词

歌曲名:Reckless歌手:Judas Priest专辑:TurboRecklessJudas PriestNo one can stop me knowI"m like a human dynamoLive wired and chargin" out with powerThis time I won"t hold backI"m rarin" to get up and goFuelled up and growin" by the hourLook outI"m blastin" through the linesAlive and kickin"Watch outI"m young and lethalI"m goin" from here until eternityI"m feelin" recklessWay outa hand, a real survivorRecklessComin" at gale force tenAround me I feel the shock waves,Building for the energyA force field no one can break throughSolid as rock no wonderI am indestructibleFirst placed in everything I doLook outI"m blastin" through the linesAlive and kickin"Watch outI"m young and lethalI"m goin" from here until eternityI"m feelin" recklessWay outa hand, a real survivorRecklessComin" at gale force tenRadioactiveI"m shootin" through the atmosphereTakin" offI"m headin" like a rocket through the stratosphere.soloLook outI"m blastin" through the linesAlive and kickin"Watch outI"m young and lethalI"m goin" from here until eternityI"m feelin" recklessWay outa hand, a real survivorRecklessComin" at gale force tenI"m feelin" recklessWay outa hand, a real survivorRecklessComin" at gale forceComin" at gale force tenI"m feelin" recklessWay outa hand, a real survivorRecklessComin" at gale forceComin" at gale force ten
2023-07-17 16:49:421


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2023-07-17 16:49:411


2023-07-17 16:49:393

Judas Priest的《Sinner》 歌词

歌曲名:Sinner歌手:Judas Priest专辑:The Essential Judas PriestSinnerSin After SinJudas PriestSinner rider, rides in with the stormThe devil rides beside himThe devil is his god, God help you mournDo you, do you hear it, do you hear the thunderDeafen every living thing aboutCan you, can you see it, can youSee the mountains darken yonderBlack sun rising, time is running outSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theHis steed of furyEyes of fire and mane ablazeDemonic vultures stalkingDrawn by the smell of war and painHe roams the starwaysSearching for the carcasses of warBut if it"s hungry then its very presenceDisrupts the calm into the stormCurse and damn you all you"ll fall by the hand of theSinnerGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsWon"t you help them prayGod of the Devils, God of the DevilsIs there no other wayCan"t you hear their souls calling out in their plightCan"t you see their blood is boiling setting them alightThirty years now sleeping, so soundWar raises its head, and looks slowly aroundThe Sinner is near, sensing the fearAnd the beast will start movin" aroundCan"t you see their souls calling out in their brainCan"t you hear their blood is boiling setting them alightSinnerSacrifice to vice or die by the hand of theCurse and damn you all you fall by the hand of theSinner
2023-07-17 16:49:351

wierd question什么意思?

奇怪的问题weird adj.1.奇特的,奇异的,奇怪的 2.怪诞的,荒诞的,荒唐的
2023-07-17 16:49:352


2023-07-17 16:49:341