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Unitone Our Teachers团结我们的老师

黑客帝国2先知与NEO的台词 要英文的

The Oracle: Well, come on. I ain"t gonna bite ya. Come around here, and let me have a look at ya. My goodness, look at you! You turned out all right, didn"t you? How do you feel? Neo: I, uh... The Oracle: I know you"re not sleeping. We"ll get to that. Why don"t you come and have a sit this time? Neo: Maybe I"ll stand. The Oracle: Well, suit yourself. Neo: I felt like sitting. The Oracle: I know. So. Let"s get the obvious stuff out of the way. Neo: You"re not human, are you? The Oracle: Well it"s tough to get any more obvious than that. Neo: If I had to guess, I"d say you"re a program from the machine world. So is he. The Oracle: So far, so good. Neo: But if that"s true, that can mean you are a part of this system, another kind of control. The Oracle: Keep going. Neo: I suppose the most obvious question is, how can I trust you? The Oracle: Bingo! It is a pickle, no doubt about it. The bad news is there"s no way if you can really know whether I"m here to help you or not. So it"s really up to you. You javake up your own damn mind to either accept what I"m going to tell you, or reject it. Candy? Neo: D"you already know if I"m going to take it? The Oracle: Wouldn"t be much of an Oracle if I didn"t. Neo: But if you already know, how can I make a choice? The Oracle: Because you didn"t come here to make the choice, you"ve already made it. You"re here to try to understand why you made it. I thought you"d have figured that out by now. Neo: Why are you here? The Oracle: Same reason. I love candy. Neo: But why help us? The Oracle: We"re all here to do what we"re all here to do. I"m interested in one thing, Neo, the future. And believe me, I know - the only way to get there is together. Neo: Are there other programs like you? The Oracle: Oh, well, not like me. But... Look, see those birds? At some point a program was written to govern them. A program was written to watch over the trees, and the wind, the sunrise, and sunset. There are programs running all over the place. The ones doing their job, doing what they were meant to do, are invisible. You"d never even know they were here. But the other ones, well, we hear about them all the time. Neo: I"ve never heard of them. The Oracle: Of course you have. Every time you"ve heard someone say they saw a ghost, or an angel. Every story you"ve ever heard about vampires, werewolves, or aliens is the system assimilating some program that"s doing something they"re not supposed to be doing. Neo: Programs hacking programs. Why? The Oracle: They have their reasons, but usually a program chooses exile when it faces deletion. Neo: And why would a program be 删除d? The Oracle: Maybe it breaks down. Maybe a better program is created to replace it - happens all the time, and when it does, a program can either choose to hide here, or return to The Source. Neo: The machine mainframe? The Oracle: Yes. Where you must go. Where the path of The One ends. You"ve seen it, in your dreams, haven"t you? The door made of light? Neo: [nods] The Oracle: What happens when you go through the door? Neo: I see Trinity, and something happens, something bad. She starts to fall, and then I wake up. The Oracle: Do you see her die? Neo: No. The Oracle: You have the sight now, Neo. You are looking at the world without time. Neo: Then why can"t I see what happens to her? The Oracle: We can never see past the choices we don"t understand. Neo: Are you saying I have to choose whether Trinity lives or dies? The Oracle: No. You"ve already made the choice, now you have to understand it. Neo: No, I can"t do that. I won"t. The Oracle: You have to. Neo: Why? The Oracle: Because you"re The One. Neo: What if I can"t? What happens if I fail? The Oracle: Then Zion will fall. Our time is up. Listen to me, Neo. You can save Zion if you reach The Source, but to do that you will need the Keymaker. Neo: The Keymaker? The Oracle: Yes, he disappeared some time ago. We did not know what happened to him until now. He"s being held prisoner by a very dangerous program, one of the oldest of us. He is called the Merovingian, and he will not let him go willingly. Neo: What does he want? The Oracle: What do all men with power want? More power. The Oracle: Be there, at that exact time, and you will have a chance. Seraph: We must go. The Oracle: Seems like every time we meet I"ve got nothing but bad news. I"m sorry about that, I surely am. But for what it"s worth, you"ve made a believer out of me. Good luck, kiddo. 呵呵,希望没找错。

Starsailor的《Neon Sky》 歌词

歌曲名:Neon Sky歌手:Starsailor专辑:All The PlansChris Young - NeonThe sky in Cheyenne, WyomingIs just about as blue as it getsAnd if you ain"t seen a Santa Fe sunset,You ain"t seen redTexas sunflower yellowCan take your breath awayI"ve seen it allFrom the orange of the fallTo the green of the summer,But my favorite color isNeon, the light they always leave onA weekend on the rocksAnd an old school jukeboxWith a little Johnny Lee onThe buzz I love to be onYou put a double on your troublesThe light at this end of the tunnel is neonThe sun can do the job in the daytime,But the moon ain"t quite bright enoughTo light up the way to playtime for people like usJust like a beach side beaconCallin" all the ships back homeA few thousand volts to cut through the smokeThe windows are tintedThat"s why they inventedNeon, the light they always leave onThe weekend on the rocksAnd an old school jukeboxWith a little Johnny Lee onIt"s the buzz I love to be onYou put a double on your troublesThe light at this end of the tunnel is always neonYou know I"ve seen it allFrom the orange of the fallTo the green of the summer,But my favorite color isNeon, the light they always leave onPut a double on your troublesThe light at this end of the tunnel is neon







咲き夸る华の様に-neo visualizm-日文中文罗马歌词

  咲き夸る华の様に  踏みにじられたって  むしりとられたって  咲き夸ってりゃいい  信じ続ければいい  雨降んなくっても  日が当たんなくっても  X、ルナシーに黒梦、先辈方が残した道しるべ  绝やさない様に 壊せ Irony  俺らが守らなきゃなんない未来(dream)  これでも本気でやってんだ  全部失う覚悟で呗ってんだ  Don"t hinder. Get out of here  见た目で决めんな (ってか鼻からナメんな)  ま、でもファンデ、チークにマスカラ  「化妆とったら (谁か) わかりませんから」  まず见た目から でスキルも空って、  それじゃマズイでしょ尚更  ファンが夸れるBig Artistに  胸张って言える様な Historyにする为に  Hey ya buddy u got ready?  攻めてくぜ Main stream  飞ばすぜ Victory road  格好もジャンルも関系ねぇ  んなもん脱いじゃえよ NANTENE  ブチ壊せよ常识の防波堤  そろそろ火をつけましょ导火线  Hurry hurry but, Don"t worry  失败してもいいさ こんな风に  やったモン胜ちだぜ Just do it  何度でも so 雑草の様に  踏みにじられたって  むしりとられたって  咲き夸ってりゃいい  信じ続ければいい  雨降んなくっても  日が当たんなくっても  凉しい颜して 知らん颜してさ  道に迷ったって谁かに闻けばいい  梦失ったってまた目を闭じればいい  そしていつかまた咲いてやるのさ  大きく手を広げて  鹿鸣馆、AREAにサイバー& ON AIR WEST  気づきゃ青春も迎春もいずこへ  进め西へ东へ 梦も希望も机材者(van)  に载せて走った Highway  あれから何が変わっただろう  逆に何が変わらず残っただろう  あの顷に戻れねーならもう一度作るしかねーだろ?  On the long and winding road  振り返ってる暇もねーだろ Bro.  俺らまだ人生の On the way  そやって壁作るだけじゃ损じゃね?  あれこれ考えてもしょうがねぇから  出たとこ胜负で行こう Buddy  アレアレ?どうしたの急に  踊りだしたぜ keep on moving  その花咲かせ 今夜中に  新世纪终わっちゃうぜ bloomin"  踏みにじられたって  むしりとられたって  咲き夸ってりゃいい  信じ続ければいい  雨降んなくっても  日が当たんなくっても  凉しい颜して 知らん颜してさ  道に迷ったって谁かに闻けばいい  梦失ったってまた目を闭じればいい  そしていつかまた咲いてやるのさ  大きく手を広げて  阳の光の差す方へ  huminijiraretatte  mushiritoraretatte  sakio gotte rya i i  shinjitsuzukerebai i  a mehun nakutte mo  higaa tan nakutte mo  X runashi nikurobou saki hou ganokoshitamichishirube  yasanai samani kowase Irony  o reragamamoranakya nan nai mirai (dream)  koredemohon kideyatte n da  zen buu shinau kakugode ten da  Don"t hinder. Get out of here  tamedekimen na tekahanakaranamen na  ma demofwa n de chi kunimasukara  kesho u totta ra ka wakarimasen kara  mazu tamekara desukirumosoratte  soreja mazui desho nao sara  fwa n gao goreruBig Artistni  mune tei e ruyou na Historynisuru ni  Hey ya buddy u got ready?  semetekuze Main stream  basuze Victory road  kakko u moja n rumosekikei neye  n namon nui ja e yo NANTENE  buchikowaseyotsune nobou hatei  sorosorohiwotsukemasho hi  Hurry hurry but, Don"t worry  shitsu shitemoi i sa kon na ni  yatta mon chidaze Just do it  nan dodemo so zasso u nosamani  huminijiraretatte  mushiritoraretatte  sakio gotte rya i i  shinjitsuzukerebai i  a mehun nakutte mo  higaa tan nakutte mo  suzushishii shite shiran shitesa  michinimayotta te kani kebai i  bou u shinatta tematamewo jirebai i  soshitei tsukamatasai teyarunosa  o o kikutewohirogete  shika AREAnisai ba & ON AIR WEST  kizukya sei shu n mogei shu n moi zukohe  menishihe he bou mokibou motsukue zai sha (van)  ni setehashitta Highway  a rekarananigakawatta darou  gya kuninanigakawarazunokotta darou  a no nimodorene naramou i chidotsukurushikane daro  On the long and winding road  hurikaette ruhimamone daro Bro.  o reramadajin sei no On the way  soyatte kabetsukurudakeja ja ne  a rekorekan gae temosho u ganeyekara  detatoko hi kou Buddy  a rea re dou shitanokyu u ni  o doridashitaze keep on moving  sonohanasakase kon yachu u ni  shinsei wacchikyau ze bloomin"  huminijiraretatte  mushiritoraretatte  sakio gotte rya i i  shinjitsuzukerebai i  a mehun nakutte mo  higaa tan nakutte mo  suzushishii shite shiran shitesa  michinimayotta te kani kebai i  bou u shinatta tematamewo jirebai i  soshitei tsukamatasai teyarunosa  o o kikutewohirogete  you nohikarinosasukatahe


  英语中anyone和anyoneof用法上的区别:  1)anyone  pron.  任何人; 谁; 任何一个;  He didn"t tell anyone?  他没告诉任何人?  Does anyone know what that is?  有谁知道是什么吗?  Did you ever tell anyone?  你告诉过别人么?  2)anyoneof  其中的任一个  Nobody is accusing anyone of anything.  没人正指责任何人任何事情。  Is she better than anyone of you?  她比你们任何人都重要吗?

any oneofus 是什么意思

any one of us我们中的任何一个人例句:1、In what way has it raised the standard of living of any one of us?它在哪一方面提高了我们中间任何一个人的生活水平呢?2、Did any one of us really realize that this road would never lead us to true literature and, hence, our dreams?我们中是否真的有人意识到这条路不会带我们实现真正的文学之梦?3、Any one of us can take the train ( or even fly) directly to Orlando, at any time, decoupling the dependency to the rest of the family.任何时候,我们中的任何人都可以坐火车(甚至坐飞机)直接到奥兰多,摆脱对家庭其他人的依赖性。


我们。有的时候,这是一个温暖的词,不只是我,还有我们。 但是,当“我们”吞噬了“我”的时候呢? 大三的时候看了《我们之中》,震撼。原来一段历史是可以这样被提前讲述的。


《MTBD-崩溃》注视着这震颤的力量顺着脊背而下的感觉独自绽放的鲜花Fire,Fire,一起小心如同语言中的瑜伽所有的僵直一次融掉不作死不会死林子大了什么鸟都有唵 修利修利 摩诃修利 修修利 萨婆诃唤醒你灵魂的摇篮曲走到高处 审视自己月火水木金土日Karma karma karma is looking for youWhat u gonna do when they come for youKarma karma karma is gonna find youWhat u gonna do满月升起,所有人围成圈跳舞2NE1在这, everybody sqalay扼住现实脖颈的乱舞我隐秘的眼神 鉴别出赝品们我快 如同兔子 跑的飞快我让 他如爆出鼻血般杂乱的头发 被解放的呆滞眼神精神崩溃 任务成功天灵灵 地灵灵 哈库那玛塔塔随着你的潜意识注视着这个旋转的世界月火水木金土日Karma karma karma is looking for youWhat u gonna do when they come for youKarma karma karma is gonna find youWhat u gonna doHow beautiful is this lifeHow painful is this lifeHow beautiful is this lifeHow painful is this life《Baby I Miss You》 中文歌词Baby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youYou a young boyI see youI see you我从你身上看到了自己你做的事情令我微笑You‘re bad boy没有关系 play that game boyI can handle it我不想被发觉我对你的感情不要ButI don"t careI"m a let it showI"m a let it showBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youBoy 我无法忘记你你第一件对我说的事情是“hey what"s up”你没有尴尬的表情感觉就像我们以前就相识I‘ll be you star你双眼中饱含着让我发亮的光芒你不要走远 oh my god让我们去一些没人的地方 Now我不想被发觉我对你的感情不要ButI don"t careI"m a let it showI"m a let it showBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about youWhen I look into your eyesYou set me freeJust look into my eyesI"ll let you see everythingWe don"t need anything in our secret worldNobody"s invitedIt"s just you and mealways我想和你一直走下去有一天,我想看着你的眼睛告诉你 I Love You我想说 I trust youBaby I miss youI miss you虽然我不能表现出来Boy I miss you so much我想着你一整天ALL I"m doing all day isThinking about you《Come Back Home》虽然你离开了我但我还会从某处听到你的呼吸声又一次 Four five six留下了眼泪怀念抱我时你的香气说是为我好的那些话像谎言一样冰冷转身的你为什么为什么 you"re gone awayCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta doCOME BACK HOMECOME BACK HOMECome baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come回到我身边吧Come baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come虽然我讨厌一声不答的你你也会偶尔的怀念起我么? yeah我被封锁在了没有你的时间里看不到前方我好害怕我们好有好多日子没能在一起我好像只是在等待你到底在哪在哪 too far awayCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta doCome back homeCome back homeCome baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come come回到我身边吧Come baby baby come come babyCome Come baby baby come comeCome Back HomeCan you come back home不要把我丢在这冷冰的世界回到我的身边Come back homeCan you come back home所有的痛苦都抛到脑后我还是一如既往的等着你Now you gotta do what you gotta do《非你不可》 [ub108 uc544ub2d8 uc548ub3fc]不知道为什么我就是讨厌新感情即便是我还是很讨厌你那如命运般的相见现已从亲爱的变成了陌生人你离开了,香气却还在徘徊We used to be all turnt up我们渐行渐远你说过不是你,但是等着瞧爱情的逆转今天我依旧要呐喊像以前一样 lets go向前 rewind第一次XO讨厌忘不掉你的我自己想要忘记却做不到everyday非你不可不要说这是结局It ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s over即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你再次把我关进你这座监狱里吧没有你的世界好冷酷死一般的痛苦我也没关系I don"t care因为我是狐狸有九条命你这波涛一次次向我袭来,将我粉碎那我也没关系I"m Okay在爱情面前我就是desperado无论别人说什么我都无所谓因为我们一起跳舞的那首歌还没有结束向着你大喊向以前一样 let"s go向前 rewind第一次 X O我讨厌你冷冰冰地说这是最后一次想要从脑海里把你抹掉却总是又勾勒出你的模样非你不可不要说这是结局It ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s overIt ain"t over til it"s over即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你闭着眼也想着你你的脸你的表情你是我最初也是最后的爱,don"t say good bye即便是你的爱毁了我,让我受伤我也只爱你一个人我的爱始于你也终于你我就在这等着你Waiting for you非你不可 NOMy one and only oh oh oh非你不可 NO我的身边不能没有你《HAPPY》ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 你真是无药可救ub110 ub9ccub0a0 uc774uc720 uc5c6uc5b4 我们没必要继续下去ub108 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc794 uc774uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uae54ub838uc5b4 你这种男人遍地都是uc7ac uc7ac uc7ac uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 无 无 无 无可救药ub2e8uc810uc744 uc140 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 浑身上下无一是处ucc38uc73cuba70 uc0acub791ud558uae34 对你百般忍耐的爱uc2dcuac04uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544uae4cuc6cc 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youub108uc640uc758 uae30uc5b5uc740 关于你的回忆uae30ub2e4ub9b0 uae30uc5b5ubc16uc5d0 uc5c6uc5b4 除了等待还是等待ub09c ucc38uace0 ucc38uace0 ucc38uc544ub3c4 ub05duc740 uc5c6uc5c8uc5b4 我忍了又忍 永无止境uc0acub791ud55cub2e8 ud55cub9c8ub514uac00 ub4e3uace0 uc2f6uc5c8uc5b4 只为了听你说声爱我ub09c ubb34uc2ecud55c ub108uc758 uc0acub791uc5d0 你这份无心的爱情ub09c uc9c0ucce4uc5b4 uae30ubd84uc774 ub354ub7ecuc6cc 我早已疲倦 心情糟糕uc790uc874uc2ec ub2e4 ubc84ub9acuace0 uc92cub294ub370 ucc38 uc11cub7ecuc6cc 我抛下自尊全为了你 真是寂寥ub0b4uac00 uc774uac83ubc16uc5d0 uc548ub410ub098 ub09c ub450ub824uc6cc 难道我只有这点出息 简直担忧uc0acub791uc774ub780 ub450 uae00uc790uac00 uc774uc820 ub09c ubb34uc11cuc6cc 爱情这两个字 如今已令我害怕ub124uac00 ucc38 uc6b0uc2a4uc6cc 你真让人笑掉大牙ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 你真是无药可救ub110 ub9ccub0a0 uc774uc720 uc5c6uc5b4 我们没必要继续下去ub108 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc794 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uae54ub838uc5b4 你这种男人遍地都是uc7ac uc7ac uc7ac uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 无 无 无 无可救药ub2e8uc810uc744 uc140 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 浑身上下无一是处ucc38uc73cuba70 uc0acub791ud558uae34 对你百般忍耐的爱uc2dcuac04uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544uae4cuc6cc 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youub124 uc785uc5d0uc11c ub098uc624ub294 ub9d0uc740 从你口中说出的那些话uac70uc9d3ub9d0uc774 ubc18 uc18duace0 uc18duace0 半真半假 被你一骗再骗uc18duc544ub3c4 ub05duc740 uc5c6uc5c8 却从来都学不乖uc5b8uc820uac00 ub108ub3c4 总有一天你也会ub108 uac19uc740 uc5ecuc798 ub9ccub098uac8c ub420uac70uc57c 遇到你这样的女人uc544ud30c ubd10uc57c uadf8ub54c ub10c ub0b4 ub9d8 uc54cuac70uc57c 只有被人伤害过 才能明白我的话uae30ubd84uc774 ub354ub7ecuc6cc 心情糟糕ud574ud53c uc5d4ub529uc758 uc8fcuc778uacf5uc774ub780 uac74 uc5c6uc5c8uc5b4 从没有什么幸福结局的主人公ub0b4uac00 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc21cuc9c4ud588ub098 是我像傻瓜般太过纯真ub354 uc798ub410uc5b4 uc9c0uae08uc774ub77cub3c4 ub110 uc54cuc558uc73cub2c8 幸好现在看清你也不晚ub5a0ub098uaca0uc5b4 uc815ub9d0 uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 我要离开你 你真是无药可救ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 你真是无药可救ub110 ub9ccub0a0 uc774uc720 uc5c6uc5b4 我们没必要继续下去ub108 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc794 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uae54ub838uc5b4 你这种男人遍地都是uc7ac uc7ac uc7ac uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 无 无 无 无可救药ub2e8uc810uc744 uc140 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 浑身上下无一是处ucc38uc73cuba70 uc0acub791ud558uae34 对你百般忍耐的爱uc2dcuac04uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544uae4cuc6cc 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youub9d8uc774 uc2dcuc6d0ud574 uc18duc774 ud6c4ub828ud574 心里痛快了 真是快活ubf08 uc18d uae4auc740 uacf3 uae4cuc9c0 连骨头最深处ub124 uae30uc5b5 uc9c0uc6ccub0b4 关于你的记忆也要擦去ub108ubb34 uc2dcuc6d0ud574 uc18duc774 ud6c4ub828ud574 实在太痛快 简直快活ubf08 uc18d uae4auc740 uacf3 uae4cuc9c0 连骨头最深处ub124 uae30uc5b5 uc9c0uc6ccub0b4 关于你的记忆也要擦去ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 你真是无药可救ub110 ub9ccub0a0 uc774uc720 uc5c6uc5b4 我们没必要继续下去ub108 uac19uc740 ub0a8uc794 uc774 uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uae54ub838uc5b4 你这种男人遍地都是uc7ac uc7ac uc7ac uc7acuc218uc5c6uc5b4 无 无 无 无可救药ub2e8uc810uc744 uc140 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 浑身上下无一是处ucc38uc73cuba70 uc0acub791ud558uae34 对你百般忍耐的爱uc2dcuac04uc774 ub108ubb34 uc544uae4cuc6cc 根本是浪费时间Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without youI Hate you ehehehehehI"m fine living without you《Crush》 中文版歌词我是所有女人们火热的crush让你心脏跳动的crush漂亮姐姐们都喜欢我因为喜欢我的话就会变漂亮They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)我无所畏惧我也觉得我自己有点可怕我很忙我连电视都不看所以你出去别和我说话如果你觉得你可以像我这样跳舞的话就出来吧我自己就可以把你打败让你疯狂的这music你听到了吗MINZY they love me我嚣张做什么都是我做主我嚣张大家也都知道 I don"t care我嚣张我一点也不简单不要对我期望太多谁也阻挡不了我,我就是这么嚣张They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)I got 21 big brothersTo me you ain"t big brother用我性感的嘴唇口无遮拦的讲话惹到我的话受伤的是你这傻瓜Valentines day everyday丘比特都爱上我不要被我的笑脸所蒙骗我很危险我嚣张做什么都是我做主我嚣张大家也都知道 I don"t care我嚣张我一点也不简单不要对我期望太多谁也阻挡不了我,我就是这么嚣张They love me cuz im hotThey love me cuz im coldThey love me cuz im realThey love me cuz I kill (x2)Come and get it i killCome and get it i killYeah Come and get it i killCome and get it i killNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzaNolza hey hey heyNolzahey


one of a kind 英[wʌn ɔv ə kaind] 美[wʌn ʌv e kaɪnd] [词典] Kind这个字有很多解释; 在这里; 它的意思是:一个类别。任何人要是成为one of a kind那就等于是:只此一家; 那当然就很特殊; [例句]She"s a very unusual woman, one of a kind.她是个非常与众不同的女人,是独一无二的。


You are unique and one of a kind.你是独一无二的。双语对照例句:1.You"re unique and one of a kind. 你是唯一的,是独一无二的。

volks 店头oneoff 怎么接

是抽选的,难度比较大哦,看中ONE OFF孩子的话可以去日拍蹲~或者看看有没有转娃的






COB: 是指Chip On Board。这种方式是将最原始的芯片(Bare Die,裸片),通过打线(Wire Bond)的方式把芯片上的信号和线路板连接在一起。这种方式需要有专门的DA,WB等一些列机台配合。CSP:这种方式是预先把Die通过半导体封装做成类似BGA的方式。但是由于封装的尺寸很小,所以叫做Chip Scale Package (芯片尺寸封装)。TSV:是指Through Silicon Vias(硅通孔)技术。TSV对比CSP,差别在于在封装设计的时候,可以通过导通孔(Via)来减少走线面积。PLCC:Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier,这种方式是在COB基础上演变出来的。相当于把sensor预先通过COB制程打到基板上,然后再盖上支架(Bracket),贴上IR,成为PLCC。PLCC的底部四边含有焊盘,这样就可以通过SMT方式把PLCC打到FPC上。SMT后可以再组装马达和镜头做成摄像头模组。CLCC:Ceramic leaded chip carrier,和PLCC类似。区别在于基板为陶瓷基板。这是早期模组才使用的一种方式。Neopac:是韩系sensor比较常见到的一种方式,Neopac是厂商起的名字。这种封装是预先在玻璃上通过做出线路,然后再通过flip chip(覆晶,倒装)的方式把sensor对位贴合到线路上。再通过值球方式在玻璃的四周预留大锡球,以便进行SMT。


neither of为两者间的全部否定。如他们俩都来自农村。肯定句:Both of them are from the countryside.否定句:Neither of them is from the countryside.none of 为对【三者以上】的全部否定。如:所有这些学生都来自农村肯定句:All of the students are from the countryside.否定句:None of the students is/are from the countryside.


none 指人时 谓语可用复数,也可以用单数.none 指物时,谓语用单数none用于指人或指物,可与of短语连用,用作单数或复数,总是用在一定范围之内,如:1、None of that money on the table is mine.桌子上的钱都不是我的.2、None of us are/ is afraid of difficulties.我们当中没有一个害怕困难.注意:1) none of短语中的none不能用no,no one,nothing ,nobody来代替,只能用none.2) none和no one都是否定的,都只用在肯定句中,如:None of them know me.他们都不认识我.None of them don"t know me.为错误,要说成:Each of them knows me.


none of后跟可数名词的复数None of my classmates have been abroad.我的同班同学没有去过国外。


两种情况。一、none of+可数名词 作主语,谓语动词单复数都可以None of these pens works/work.None of them lives/live there.二、none of+不可数名词 作主语,谓语动词单数None of the news(新闻,不可数名词) was exciting.




none 是代词,没有一个,都不的意思后面可以接of的介词短语


其中的分析和可视化是用Gephi做的,Gephi是非常流行的图分析工具。但作者觉得使用Neo4j来实现更有趣。 节点中心度 节点中心度给出网络中节点的重要性的相对度量。有许多不同的方式来度量中心度,每种方式都代表不同类型的“重要性”。 度中心性(Degree Centrality) 度中心性是最简单度量,即为某个节点在网络中的联结数。在《权力的游戏》的图中,某个角色的度中心性是指该角色接触的其他角色数。作者使用Cypher计算度中心性: MATCH (c:Character)-[:INTERACTS]- RETURN AS character, count(*) AS degree ORDER BY degree DESC character degree Tyrion 36 Jon 26 Sansa 26 Robb 25 Jaime 24 Tywin 22 Cersei 20 Arya 19 Joffrey 18 Robert 18 从上面可以发现,在《权力的游戏》网络中提利昂·兰尼斯特(Tyrion)和最多的角色有接触。鉴于他的心计,我们觉得这是有道理的。 加权度中心性(Weighted Degree Centrality) 作者存储一对角色接触的次数作为 INTERACTS 关系的 weight 属性。对该角色的 INTERACTS 关系的所有 weight 相加得到加权度中心性。作者使用Cypher计算所有角色的这个度量: MATCH (c:Character)-[r:INTERACTS]- RETURN AS character, sum(r.weight) AS weightedDegree ORDER BY weightedDegree DESC character weightedDegree Tyrion 551 Jon 442 Sansa 383 Jaime 372 Bran 344 Robb 342 Samwell 282 Arya 269 Joffrey 255 Daenerys 232 介数中心性(Betweenness Centrality) 介数中心性:在网络中,一个节点的介数中心性是指其它两个节点的所有最短路径都经过这个节点,则这些所有最短路径数即为此节点的介数中心性。介数中心性是一种重要的度量,因为它可以鉴别出网络中的“信息中间人”或者网络聚类后的联结点。 图6中红色节点是具有高的介数中心性,网络聚类的联结点。 为了计算介数中心性,作者使用Neo4j 3.x或者apoc库。安装apoc后能用Cypher调用其170+的程序: MATCH (c:Character) WITH collect(c) AS charactersCALL apoc.algo.betweenness(["INTERACTS"], characters, "BOTH") YIELD node, scoreSET node.betweenness = scoreRETURN AS name, score ORDER BY score DESC name score Jon 1279.7533534055322 Robert 1165.6025171231624 Tyrion 1101.3849724234349 Daenerys 874.8372110508583 Robb 706.5572832464792 Sansa 705.1985623519137 Stannis 571.5247305125714 Jaime 556.1852522889822 Arya 443.01358430043337 Tywin 364.7212195528086 紧度中心性(Closeness centrality) 紧度中心性是指到网络中所有其他角色的平均距离的倒数。在图中,具有高紧度中心性的节点在聚类社区之间被高度联结,但在社区之外不一定是高度联结的。 图7 :网络中具有高紧度中心性的节点被其它节点高度联结 MATCH (c:Character) WITH collect(c) AS charactersCALL apoc.algo.closeness(["INTERACTS"], characters, "BOTH") YIELD node, scoreRETURN AS name, score ORDER BY score DESC name score Tyrion 0.004830917874396135 Sansa 0.004807692307692308 Robert 0.0047169811320754715 Robb 0.004608294930875576 Arya 0.0045871559633027525 Jaime 0.004524886877828055 Stannis 0.004524886877828055 Jon 0.004524886877828055 Tywin 0.004424778761061947 Eddard 0.004347826086956522 使用python-igraph Neo4j与其它工具(比如,R和Python数据科学工具)完美结合。我们继续使用apoc运行 PageRank和社区发现(community detection)算法。这里接着使用python-igraph计算分析。Python-igraph移植自R的igraph图形分析库。 使用 pip install python-igraph 安装它。 从Neo4j构建一个igraph实例 为了在《权力的游戏》的数据的图分析中使用igraph,首先需要从Neo4j拉取数据,用Python建立igraph实例。作者使用 Neo4j 的Python驱动库py2neo。我们能直接传入Py2neo查询结果对象到igraph的 TupleList 构造器,创建igraph实例: from py2neo import Graphfrom igraph import Graph as IGraph graph = Graph query = """ MATCH (c1:Character)-[r:INTERACTS]->(c2:Character) RETURN,, r.weight AS weight """ig = IGraph.TupleList(, weights=True) 现在有了igraph对象,可以运行igraph实现的各种图算法来。 PageRank 作者使用igraph运行的第一个算法是PageRank。PageRank算法源自Google的网页排名。它是一种特征向量中心性(eigenvector centrality)算法。 在igraph实例中运行PageRank算法,然后把结果写回Neo4j,在角色节点创建一个pagerank属性存储igraph计算的值: pg = ig.pagerank pgvs = for p in zip(ig.vs, pg): print(p) pgvs.append({"name": p[0]["name"], "pg": p[1]}) pgvs write_clusters_query = """ UNWIND {nodes} AS n MATCH (c:Character) WHERE = SET c.pagerank = """, nodes=pgvs) 现在可以在Neo4j的图中查询最高PageRank值的节点: MATCH (n:Character) RETURN AS name, n.pagerank AS pagerank ORDER BY pagerank DESC LIMIT 10 name pagerank Tyrion 0.042884981999963316 Jon 0.03582869669163558 Robb 0.03017114665594764 Sansa 0.030009716660108578 Daenerys 0.02881425425830273 Jaime 0.028727587587471206 Tywin 0.02570016262642541 Robert 0.022292016521362864 Cersei 0.022287327589773507 Arya 0.022050209663844467 社区发现(Community detection) 图8 社区发现算法用来找出图中的社区聚类。作者使用igraph实现的随机游走算法( walktrap)来找到在社区中频繁有接触的角色社区,在社区之外角色不怎么接触。 在igraph中运行随机游走的社区发现算法,然后把社区发现的结果导入Neo4j,其中每个角色所属的社区用一个整数来表示: clusters = IGraph.community_walktrap(ig, weights="weight").as_clustering nodes = [{"name": node["name"]} for node in ig.vs]for node in nodes: idx = ig.vs.find(name=node["name"]).index node["community"] = clusters.membership[idx] write_clusters_query = """ UNWIND {nodes} AS n MATCH (c:Character) WHERE = SET = toInt( """, nodes=nodes) 我们能在Neo4j中查询有多少个社区以及每个社区的成员数: MATCH (c:Character) WITH AS cluster, collect( AS members RETURN cluster, members ORDER BY cluster ASC cluster members 0 [Aemon, Alliser, Craster, Eddison, Gilly, Janos, Jon, Mance, Rattleshirt, Samwell, Val, Ygritte, Grenn, Karl, Bowen, Dalla, Orell, Qhorin, Styr] 1 [Aerys, Amory, Balon, Brienne, Bronn, Cersei, Gregor, Jaime, Joffrey, Jon Arryn, Kevan, Loras, Lysa, Meryn, Myrcella, Oberyn, Podrick, Renly, Robert, Robert Arryn, Sansa, Shae, Tommen, Tyrion, Tywin, Varys, Walton, Petyr, Elia, Ilyn, Pycelle, Qyburn, Margaery, Olenna, Marillion, Ellaria, Mace, Chataya, Doran] 2 [Arya, Beric, Eddard, Gendry, Sandor, Anguy, Thoros] 3 [Brynden, Catelyn, Edmure, Hoster, Lothar, Rickard, Robb, Roose, Walder, Jeyne, Roslin, Ramsay] 4 [Bran, Hodor, Jojen, Luwin, Meera, Rickon, Nan, Theon] 5 [Belwas, Daario, Daenerys, Irri, Jorah, Missandei, Rhaegar, Viserys, Barristan, Illyrio, Drogo, Aegon, Kraznys, Rakharo, Worm] 6 [Davos, Melisandre, Shireen, Stannis, Cressen, Salladhor] 7 [Lancel] 角色“大合影” 《权力的游戏》的权力图。节点的大小正比于介数中心性,颜色表示社区(由随机游走算法获得),边的厚度正比于两节点接触的次数。现在已经计算好这些图的分析数据,让我们对其进行可视化,让数据看起来更有意义。 Neo4j自带浏览器可以对Cypher查询的结果进行很好的可视化,但如果我们想把可视化好的图嵌入到其它应用中,可以使用Javascript可视化库Vis.js。从Neo4j拉取数据,用Vis.js的neovis.js构建可视化图。Neovis.js提供简单的API配置,例如: var config = { container_id: "viz", server_url: "localhost", labels: { "Character": "name" }, label_size: { "Character": "betweenness" }, relationships: { "INTERACTS": }, relationship_thickness: { "INTERACTS": "weight" }, cluster_labels: { "Character": "community" } }; var viz = new NeoVis(config); viz.render; 其中: 节点带有标签Character,属性name; 节点的大小正比于betweenness属性; 可视化中包括INTERACTS关系; 关系的厚度正比于weight属性; 节点的颜色是根据网络中社区community属性决定; 从本地服务器localhost拉取Neo4j的数据; 在一个id为viz的DOM元素中展示可视化。



我的altium designer winter 09里面没有Miscellaneous Devices.PcbLib这个库是怎么回事啊?现在我连一个


Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib这个库是默认有的,可我在libraries里怎么找不到?


miscellaneous shareware是什么软件 下載

登录knx官网,点击搜索产品型号,然后选中对应模块的ETS3,或ETS4 的数据库文件,记着后缀为ZIP的压缩包,然后解压缩出来,存到你的对应文件夹中文件夹为VD文件。KNX ETS4 .Net SDK 是在由KNX Association cvba开发类别 Miscellaneous Shareware 软件。最新版本是 KNX ETS4 .Net SDK 的目前未知。 它最初被添加到我们的数据库 2014/07/23 上。KNX ETS4 .Net SDK 需要任何 Windows 操作系统,它将被安装在计算机上运行。

miscellaneous expense是什么意思

miscellaneous expense杂项费用双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 杂项费用2. 杂项费用3. 杂项开支4. 其他费用例句:1.Along these same lines, avoid the "Miscellaneous Expense" cate


miscellaneous英[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s]美[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj.混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的网络混在一起; 多种的; 什双语例句 A miscellaneous collection of things sold together.在一起卖的东西的混杂的集合。

ad16怎么从miscellaneous devices.intlib元件库中找电容电阻


pcb中原理图中Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib这个库是默认有的,那我想在原理图中加一些电阻咋找不见它?

右边边缘有三个隐藏的面板,下面那个就是元件库面板,点击就弹出元件库面板。在元件库面板中,顶部是3个按钮,分别是元件库(添加或删除)、查找、放置;接下来是一个“可用元件库列表框”,点右边的√按钮,显示出所有可用元件库列表,第一个就是Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib,你找不到是因为Miscellaneous Devices.IntLib库没被选中。电阻在这个库中的名字是RES*,有4种样式。

miscellaneous expenses是什么意思

[会计] 杂项费用网络释义专业释义杂费考研英语写作议论文常见话题经典示例(4) ... 学费tuition fee 杂费miscellaneous expenses 讲义夹lecture portfolio ...杂项开支AChem论坛 - Powered by Disc... ... Postage & Courier Expenses 邮费 速递员开支 邮费&速递员开支 营业费用 损益表 Miscellaneous Expenses 杂项开支 杂项开支 营业费用 损益表 Travel Expenses 差旅费用 差旅费用 营业费用 损益表 ...杂项支出金融类英语词汇的翻译(六[9] ... minority shareholder controller 小股东控权人 miscellaneous expenses 杂项支出 miscellaneous fees 杂项费用 ...什项费用信托词汇 ... miscellaneous equipment 什项设备 miscellaneous expenses 什项费用 miscellaneous income 什项收入 ...短语miscellaneous general expenses 杂项管理费Travelling And Miscellaneous Expenses 旅杂费外汇miscellaneous expenses a 杂费帐户


可能是因为你在origin中打开过Excel的缘故,你可以在背景区域右击,选择Hide Tool bar spacer ,应该能去掉的……如果想永久取消,设置如下:Tool > Options > Miscellaneous ,将其中的Use Toolbar Spacer 复选框取消就好了



请教,Miscellaneous RNA是什么

Miscellaneous RNA:是一类庞杂的小RNA分子。 # Miscellaneous Small RNA: serves a variety of functions, including some enzyme-like catalysis; many are involved in processing RNA after it is formed; the remaining 2% of RNA * Recent


杂费[zá fèi]词典incidentals; incidental expenses; sundry fees; extras望采纳,谢谢!




miscellaneous settings杂项设置;[例句]Note that the Uploading settings in the WordPress: SettingsMiscellaneous SubPanel describes the location and structure of the uploaddirectory.注意,设置Miscellaneous子面板中的上传设置描述了上传目录的位置和结构。




miscellaneous[英][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s][美][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj.混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; 双语例句1A hoard of miscellaneous junk收藏的一堆乱七八糟的破烂



miscellaneous 怎么读

miscellaneous 英[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s] 美[u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s] adj. 混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; [网络] 混在一起; 多种的; 什; [例句]A miscellaneous collection of things sold together.在一起卖的东西的混杂的集合。


miscellaneous 英 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s]美 [u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj. 混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的;全部释义>>[例句]A hoard of miscellaneous junk 收藏的一堆乱七八糟的破烂


英 [,mu026asu0259"leu026anu026au0259s] 美 ["mu026asu0259"lenu026au0259s] adj. 混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的




miscellaneous[英][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leu026aniu0259s][美][u02ccmu026asu0259u02c8leniu0259s]adj.混杂的; 各种各样的; 五花八门的; 多方面的; 网络混在一起; 多种的; 什; 双语例句 A miscellaneous collection of things sold together.在一起卖的东西的混杂的集合。
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