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in the mountains是什么意思

  inthemountains意思是“处在大山之中”。  例句:  1、Themonksledanausterelifeinthemountains.  修道士在深山里过着苦修生活。  2、Afteryouhavedonethis,bytheway,youmayobservetoBobinanoffhandwayhowincredibleitisthatBlackBerrysworkinthemountainsofWyoming.  顺便提一句,当你做完这些,你可以随机地对老板说,黑莓在怀俄明的群山中还能工作,真是太棒了。  3、Upinthemountainstheairisthin.  山上空气稀薄。






mountain 英["mau028antu0259n] 美[u02c8mau028antu0259n]n. 山,山岳;山脉;一大堆;大量名词复数:mountains[例句]That increase helped green mountain keep its second-place spot from last year "s list.这也帮助绿山咖啡保住了去年开始的榜眼位置。


mountains英 /"mau028antu026ans/ 美 /"mau028antu0259ns/

Representing 10% of purchase amount是什么意思?

表示为10% 的采购额度 或者采购额度的10%

The Old Man and the Mountain

下面是网上找到的一篇英文故事,就是愚公移山的故事The Old Man and the Mountain Once upon a time, there was a large mountain called Tai-Ying which sat between Old Man Yu and the nearest village. Every day, Old Man Yu had to walk many extra miles in order to circle around Tai-Ying, and finally he decided to simply move the mountain out of his way. Old Man Yu called together his children and grandchildren. "I am going to move Tai-Ying." The family cheered. The youngest stood and asked where the moutain could be moved. Old Man Yu thought for a second. "I will dump it in the sea." Again the family cheered, and promised to help make his dream a reality. Now, as everyone knows, it is no small matter to move a mountain, and this mountain was no exception. After a year, only a tiny portion of Tai-Ying had been carted to the sea. A shopkeeper in the village laughed at Old Man Yu. "Your dream is foolish. You are old, and Tai-Ying is monstrous." Old Man Yu shook his head and smiled. "You are right, but your vision is short. I have children who have children who will bear more children. As time goes on, I get stronger and the mountain grows weaker. Tai-Ying will be moved." And so it was.

getting ice cream on mount gelato是什么意思

getting ice cream on mount gelato在安装gelato冰淇淋双语对照:例句:Okay so who wants ice cream? 好的,谁想要冰激凌?

The Wild Mountain Thyme 歌词

歌名:《The Wild Mountain Thyme》歌手:Joan Baez发行时间:2006-01-01所属专辑:《Farewell, Angelina》歌词:O the summer time has comin"And the trees are sweetly bloomin"And the wild mountain thymeGrows around the bloomin" heatherWill ye golassiego?And we"ll all go togetherTo pull wild mountain thymeAll around the bloomin" heatherWill ye golassiego?I will build my love a bowerBy yon cool crystal fountainYes I know it I will lateAll the flowers o" the mountainWill ye golassiego?And we"ll all go togetherTo pull wild mountain thymeAll around the bloomin" heatherWill ye golassiego?If my true love will not have meI will surely find anotherTo pull wild mountain thyme,All around the purple heatherWill ye golassiego?And we"ll all go togetherTo pull wild mountain thymeAll around the bloomin" heatherWill ye golassiego?And we"ll all go togetherTo pull wild mountain thymeAll around the bloomin" heather(the bloomin" heather)Will ye golassiego?Will ye golassiego?Will ye golassiego?

total invoice amount是什么意思

total invoice amount发票总额双语例句1However, usual coverage for goods of this type is the total invoice amountplus only ten percent.然而,这类货物的通常承保额只是发票面额再加10%。2The term of payment will be three months net, or15% discount for cash ontotal invoice amount.支付条件为3个月内付清货款。如付现款,可按发票总金额打15%折扣。

the amount of是什么意思? 是大量,还是。。。的数量?谢谢各位了~


中文翻译成英文:汇款错误,请把Total amount:USD 18250.30汇到以下帐户(款明天我会安排给您退回去)

Something uncorrect focused on remittance,Pls pay total amount: $18250.30 to this account(i would return you the payment tomorrow)

total amount in words是什么意思

total amount in words 词汇总量双语对照例句:1.His account in words and pictures. 他用文字和图片说明了这一切。2.I put chinese words in english sentences! 我把汉字夹在英语中!

total amount in words是什么意思


送分表里的Total Amount Enclosed 是什么意思

Total Amount Enclosed所附的总金额.enclosedadj.被附上的; (用墙等)围住的; 封闭的; 与外界隔绝的; v.(用墙、篱笆等)把…围起来( enclose的过去式和过去分词 ); 把…装入信封; 附入; (尤指墙、篱笆等 )围住很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


amount应该是填数量或者金额吧total 是总计


amount 是数量total 是 总数

amount and total

Amount (n) = 数量 银码 通常有关数字 金钱. Total (adj) = 总计 Total (n) = 总数 例: What is the total they added up together? Total (v) = 合计 总共 例: The bad debts total up is $4 500.00. 也有两字一齐用的. 例: The tatal amount added up is $5 000.00. Very simple samples hope these helped. 参考: SELF total = mon use n. 总数;合计[C] Their expenses reached a total of 1 000 pounds. 他们的花费总计一千英镑。 amount = related to MONEY or CURRENCY n.[C][(+of)] 1. 总数;总额 What is the amount we owe them? 我们总共欠他们多少钱? you can bine these o words the amount in total is HK$100.00 银码合计是港币一百元

Total Amount Due是什么意思


如何将excel 英文美金金额表达成say total amount

第一步:先查汇率,假设现在是6.2,在新的单元格输入=A1(原数据存放点)/6.2 第二步:右键-设置单元格格式-货币-选择美元的符号一般是第二个,下面为RMB500为例操作步骤图“

Total Amount Due是什么意思

Total Amount Due总金额

装箱单里面的 total amount 是什么意思

装箱单没这一栏的,只有TOTAL PACKAGES,你自己改一下吧。



total amount是什么意思

总价 总额 总金额 希望可以帮到你!祝生活愉快!满意请采纳!谢谢!

total amount是什么意思


total amount是什么意思

total amount总金额双语对照词典结果:total amount[英][u02c8tu0259utu0259l u0259u02c8maunt][美][u02c8totl u0259u02c8mau028ant]总计,总数; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Internet explorer determines that a script is long-running by the total amount of statements the jscript engine has executed. internet explorer判断一个脚本是否失控,主要通过jscript引擎执行语句的总数来判断。2.But the total amount of spending in the economy is nothing more and nothing less than aggregate demand. 但是,经济中的总消费量不会比总需求多,也不会比总需求少。3.This refers to the total amount collected by the company"s groupons before remitting a portion of the proceeds to its merchant partners. 这是指该公司通过团购业务获得的总收入,其中一部分需支付给其商业合作伙伴。4.Taking out a kingpin may yield splashy headlines, but it can actually increase the total amount paid in bribes if it destroys co-ordination among his henchmen. 去掉主要人物也许产生颇获好评的主题,但如果它破坏了他的追随者之间的协调,实际上增加了贿赂的总金额。5.The total amount of global stocks, bonds, and loans increased by$ 11 trillion last year to$ 212 trillion ( see chart below). 全球股票、债券和贷款总额去年增加了11万亿美元至212万亿美元(见下图)。

total amount是什么意思


________hard you try,it is difficult to lose weight without cutting down the amount you eat.&nb..

A解析 句意为:不减少进食,无论你怎么努力,要减肥是困难的。however(=no matter how)无论怎么,引导让步状语从句。


As a mounton climber,he is used to taking risks.

山地车是mountain bike,那公路赛自行车用英语怎么说

road racing bicycle 以下是我从网上找的资料,附赠给你吧1. 自行车运动:cycling; biking2. 山地自行车运动:mountain biking [cycling]项目3. 自行车竞赛:bicycle racing; bike grind4. 赛车场自行车竞赛:track [velodrome] race5. 争先赛:sprint6. 追逐赛:pursuit [chase] race7. 个人追逐赛:individual pursuit race8. 团体追逐赛:team pursuit race9. 双人赛:paired race10. 记分赛:points race11. 计时赛:time trial; race against the watch12. 单人出发比赛:unpaced competition13. 公路自行车竞赛:road cycling14. 个人公路赛:individual road race15. 团体公路赛:team road race16. 短距离公路赛:sprint road race17. 环行赛:circuit race18. 环行公路赛:criterium19. 每圈淘汰赛(最后到达终点者出局):miss and out; devil-take-the-hindmost20. 往返赛:out and home race21. 速降赛:downhill race22. 爬坡赛:hill climb23. 摩托车领先赛:motor-paced race24. 短距离赛:short-distance race; sprint25. 长距离赛:long-distance [staying; endurance] race26. 自行车越野赛:cycle-cross; cross-country [off-road; point-to-point] cycling27. 小轮车赛:bicycle motocross(BMX)28. 山地自行车赛:mountain bike race29. 环程越野赛(3-5英里):kermesse30. 分段赛:stage racing31. 凯林赛(赛车场内由摩托车牵引一定圈数后再进行冲刺):keirin race32. 麦迪逊赛(赛车场内两人交替接力,赛程为50公里):Madison race33. 一日赛:one-day race34. 多日赛:race of several days35. 环法公路赛:Tour de France

山地车是mountain bike,那公路赛自行车用英语怎么说?

road racing bike

the whole number of 与the whole amount of 的区别


a large amount 与of a large quantity of 区别

以下三个词都是表示大量的意思,意思相同,用法不同. a large amount of谓语用单数,后接不可数名词. a large quantity of谓语用单数或复数都可,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词. quantities of谓语用复数,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词.

a large number of 和a large amount of的区别

a large number of 顾名思义是用在可数的东西上面a large amount of 可以用于可数和不可数名词上面。

great comfort to a boy in the amount of work he can get rid of doing. It

great comfort to a boy in the amount of work he can get rid of doing. It一个男孩在他能摆脱的工作中获得极大的安慰。

英语amount of compensation怎么翻译?

意思是: 补偿的数量

This is a story of a mountain climber who was eager to conquer the Aconcagua--后面是什么?全文

Cut the RopeThis story might strengthen our faith! May God! They tell the story of a mountain climber, desperate to conquer the Aconcagua, initiated his climb after years of preparation. But he wanted the glory to himself; therefore, he went up alone. He started climbing and it was becoming later and later. He did not prepare for camping but decided to keep on going. Soon it got dark . . . Night fell with heaviness at such high altitude and there was zero visibility. Everything was black, no moon, and the stars covered by clouds. As he was climbing a ridge at about 100 meters from the top, he slipped and fell. Falling rapidly he could only see blotches of darkness that passed in the same darkness and a terrible sensation of being suctioned by gravity. He kept falling and in those anguishing momentsu2019 good and bad memories passed through his mind. He thought he would die. Nevertheless, he felt a jolt that almost tore him in half. Like any good mountain climber he had staked himself with a long rope tied to his waist. In those moments of stillness, suspended in the air he had no other choice but to shout, "HELP ME GOD", "HELP ME!" All of a sudden he heard a deep voice from heaven. "What do you want me to do?” "SAVE ME" "Do you REALLY think that I can save you?" "OF COURSE, MY GOD" "Then cut the rope that is holding you up." There was another moment of silence and stillness. The man held tighter to the rope. The rescue team says that the next day they found, a frozen mountain climber hanging strongly to a rope TWO FEET off the ground . . .What about you? How trusting are you in that rope? Why don"t you letit go? I tell you, God has great and marvellous things for you.CUT THE ROPE AND SIMPLY TRUST IN HIM.

outstanding amount是什么意思



mountaineering英 [mau028antu0259"nu026au0259ru026au014b]美 [,mau028antn"u026aru026au014b]n. 登山;登山运动;爬山v. 登山(mountaineer的ing形式)[网络短语]mountaineering 登山运动,登山,登山探奇Mountaineering equipment 登山,登山设备,登山运动器材Ski mountaineering 登山滑雪,滑雪登山,滑雪登山希望我的回答能帮助到你。

Rocky Mountaineer列车 以玻璃穹顶穿行极致落基山风景

360 的全景透明穹顶的观光列车,连续7年获得世界 旅游 大奖颁发的“世界一流火车 旅游 体验”奖项,以及英女王的最爱,有这些独特亮点加身,很少有人不想体验乘坐 “落基山之光”Rocky Mountaineer 这列顶级火车。 这趟豪华观光列车已运行20余年,即使票价不低,也常常一票难求。Rocky Mountaineer一共有四条火车线路可以选择,每一条都是把人文、 历史 和自然诗意地融合在一起。 列车最受欢迎的 “加西之旅” 线路从温哥华出发,途径坎卢普斯,拜访露易丝湖和班夫。追寻19世纪探险家的步伐, 探索 他们最先为之惊叹的原生态荒野,生动地再现加拿大建国历程,观赏旖旎壮丽的自然风光。 能欣赏到原始冰川的 “峰云之旅” 同样从温哥华出发,向落基山脉最高峰,海拔3954米的罗布森山进发。这条路线穿越地球上自然风貌保存最完好的一些地区,领略令人叹为观止的最原生态美景。途经气势磅礴的金字塔瀑布,和高耸入云的罗布森山,最终抵达高山小镇贾斯珀。 从一个极端到另一个极端, “雨林淘金之旅” 将穿过世界上最大的温带雨林,一路行进到 历史 悠久的卡里布淘金地区干旱牧场。尽管淘金时代已经远去,但该地区仍然有着优美的自然风光。 最后是从去年8月开始运营的全新线路 “落基山红石之旅” 。这条线路将专注于美国西南部的绝景,从落基山脉腹地的科罗拉多州丹佛出发,经过广袤的峡谷和色彩斑斓的沙漠,到达犹他州摩押的红色砂岩地貌。在蓝天白云下, 从广袤的峡谷、色彩斑斓的沙漠到红色砂岩地貌,睁大双眼,也许还会瞥见一些峡谷内的野生动物。 常规交通工具都无法到达的地点,列车可以带你前往。跨越山河与大海,穿梭古朴的山间城镇,途经一座座白雪皑皑的壮丽山峰,看碧蓝澄净的冰川和郁郁葱葱的森林,全方位领略落基山脉的风土人情。 一路上,您只需舒舒服服地倚在座椅上,即可聆听导游风趣幽默讲述当地 历史 故事,品尝米其林水准的美味佳肴;观赏土生土长的野生动物,看驼鹿、麋鹿、大角羊、熊和飞鹰从眼前匆匆掠过。 窗外,数不尽的苍翠翠柏森林飞瀑绵延不绝,令人心旷神怡。无论是在舒适的穹顶车厢内畅饮一杯,还是在露天连廊上尽情呼吸山间的新鲜空气,落基山之光观光列车都会让您尽享美景,尽享奢华。 整趟旅程中,除了可以欣赏窗外落基山脉间亦静亦动的美景,小吃、酒、饮料都是免费无限供应的,也可以在下层的餐车体验专属厨师烹制的 美食 。有趣的是,在Rocky Mountaineer的中文服务车厢里还能听到风笛演奏的“茉莉花”。

mountaineers后面加了S 是表示一类人吗



mountaineer 英[u02ccmau028antu0259u02c8nu026au0259(r)]美[u02ccmau028antnu02c8u026ar]n. 登山者,登山运动员;全部释义>>[例句]She cited the reason why legendary British mountaineer George Mallory wanted to climb Qomolangma: Because it " s there.当被问及为何要攀珠峰时,她引用了英国传奇登山家乔治马洛里的一句名言:因为它就在那里。

CentOS启动提示mount:you must specify the filesystem type


求音乐Diet Mountain Dew MP3


Diet Mountain Dew 歌词

歌曲名:Diet Mountain Dew歌手:Lana Del Rey专辑:Born To DieDiet Mountain DewLana Del ReyYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love foreverDo you think we"ll be in loveDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love foreverDo you think we"ll be in loveBaby put on heart shaped sunglassesCause we gonna take a rideI"m not gonna listen to what the past saysI"ve been waiting up all nightTake another drag turn me to ashesReady for another lie?Says he"s gonna teach me just what fast isSay it"s gonna be alrightDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Let"s take Jesus off the dashboardGot enough on his mindWe both know just what we"re here forSaved too many timesMaybe I like this roller coasterMaybe it keeps me highMaybe the speed it brings me closerI could sparkle up your eyeDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?You"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youDiet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Baby stoppin" at seven elevenThere in his white Pontiac heavenDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?Diet mountain dew, baby, New York CityNever was there ever a girl so prettyDo you think we"ll be in love forever?Do you think we"ll be in love?You"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want youYou"re no good for meBaby you"re no good for meYou"re no good for meBut baby I want you, I want you

有听过diet mountain dew这首英文歌曲的吗?我就想知道这首歌想要表达什么意思?懂得来

《Diet Mountian Dew》是拉娜·德雷演唱的歌曲,收录于专辑《Born to Die》中。You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  Baby put on heart-shaped sunglasses  宝贝,戴上心形太阳镜吧  Cause we"re gonna take a ride  因为我们将要踏上旅程  I"m not gonna listen to what the past says  我并没有打算顾及我们的过去  I been waiting up all night  我一直彻夜不眠  Take another drag turn me to ashes  不如把我拖入深渊化为灰烬吧Ready for another lie  为下一个谎言做准备  Says he"s gonna teach me just what fast is  他说要让我学会什么才是速度  Say it"s gonna be alright  什么事儿也不会有 宝贝  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  Let"s take Jesus off the dashboard  撞上耶稣也不要紧 把他从仪表盘上抛开吧  Got enough on his mind  已经无法在接受他的想法  We both know just what we"re here for  我们都清楚的知道我们留在这儿的理由  Saved too many times  只是大多数时候藏之心底  Maybe I like this roller coaster  也许我喜欢这过山车般的快感Maybe it keeps me high  也许可一直让我们精神振奋  Maybe the speed it brings me closer  也许这速度给我满足感  I could sparkle up your eye  我可以使你眼冒金星 等着吧  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的  Baby stopping at 7eleven  宝贝在711停下吧  There in his white pontiac heaven  那里有他白色的庞蒂亚克天堂  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你认为我们会爱到永远吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们会相爱吗?Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,在这座纽约城  Never was there ever a girl so pretty  从来没有过这样漂亮的女孩  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你认为我们真的会相爱吗?  Diet Mountain Dew baby New York City  激浪轻怡,宝贝,这座纽约城  Can we hit it now low down and gritty  或许我们可以坚韧不拔的攻下它  Do you think we"ll be in love forever?  你觉得我们会一直爱下去吗?  Do you think we"ll be in love?  你觉得我们会相爱吗?  You"re no good for me  你对我来说并不是那么好  Baby you"re no good for me  宝贝,你并不适合我  You"re no good for me  你不适合我  But baby I want you, I want  但宝贝,你是我想要的,我想要的


名词短语 表示这类的言行

问:我男高中生,刚才一个女同学在我空间留言如下:Diet mountain dew, baby,

你的同学是雷粉啊真激动。喜欢打雷的都是好女孩 看的出来她喜欢你很久了 你要抓紧 好吗。

Diet Mountain Dew 歌词翻译


国外有一种饮料的名字是Mountain Dew

这是大家都在找的激浪饮料英文名称:Mountain Dew   百事可乐公司荣誉产品。   属于碳酸饮料系列。  550ML的PET包装和330ML的罐装。   PET包装分两种颜色:荧光绿色、草绿色   均为柠檬可乐口味的碳酸饮料碳酸饮料含有气体,即二氧化碳 二氧化碳会刺激胃液分泌,胃酸过多容易感觉腹胀,降低食欲,而减少日常饮食摄食。饮食中若营养素摄取不足会影响正常生长发育、学习效果、运动成绩、工作表现和身体健康。



Mountain Dew 是什么东西?


We saw the mountain when the clouds_______(lift)

1. We saw the mountain when the clouds_had lifted_(lift)lift 在此句是不及物动词“消散”, 不能用被动语态2. had been liftedlift 这一动作发生在过去动作found 之前, 是过去的过去,故用过去完成时的被动语态如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!祝学习进步



tiger. don.t. live. in. The. Mountain错哪了



1、这里的mountains加s应该是指那一片的山,就是群山吧不加s的单数mountain是特指某一座山,但是像世界上的很多山都是连在一起的,不好特别指定某一座【这个加不加s其实可以不扣的那么严,主要是根据句子的背景来看】2、用in来修饰更加准确些,就如同中文的【不识庐山真面目,只缘身在自山中】一个道理,爬山是在山间进行,那些小道啊树啊都是在山间的。【这种用法跟长在树上苹果apples in the tree是同个原理】全是手敲得,童鞋们不要复制我的= =

mountain 是用in还是on?


东方神起mountain sping歌词



加the,是on the mountain ,还要加介词。

the biggest the mountain the better the view 是什么意


Move The Mountain 歌词

歌曲名:Move The Mountain歌手:Stratovarius专辑:elysium 2011Move The MountainFrom 灵云武汉大学:Lye,耶律蠢材,の,炀帝Would you move the mountain,Would you build a tower,Would you drink the sunshine,Like a wilted flower?Would you waste that hourIf you knew this fullmoon would beThe last one you"d see?Would you gaze in wonderWhile the world was turning,While the moon made quietAll the years of yearning?Would the flame keep burning,If you knew the powers that beCould set you free?Don"t know why you had to goIn the storylight, a flame in the darkness,And we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again.Swam around in circles,In a meandering ocean,Had a dream of safetyThat"s lost emotion.Could a faded notionMake you find your way back to shore,Looking for more?So we head for safety,But we never get thereAnd I brush the shadowsFrom a staring nightmare.On the road to nowhere,Would you help me carry my crossAnd set me free?Don"t know why you had to goIn the storylight, a flame in the darkness,And we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again珞珈山梦境联盟驻于武大樱顶Oh why you had to go?In the storylight,And we"ll never know, we"ll never really knowIf you"ll ever see me again.珞珈山梦境联盟


hill一般指小山,on the hill. 一般是矮小的。但是如果是高山,有名字的山脉,就必须是mountain了。on the mountain. 如果没有语境,两个都可以用。平常用hill更多。

this is the mountain

主要是分析从句的句子成分: where做地点状语 what做主语或宾语 which作主语或宾语 This is the mountain village where I stayed last year

the birds are on the mountain对on the mountain提问

1. Where; live 2. What; do; eat 3. How; many 4. Does; have

climb the mountain是什么意思


l climbed the mountain

looks their for 好了 望采纳最佳答案 谢谢

they climbed the mountain

答案C 向某处爬应用climb to+地点.站在山顶上用on.

climb the mountain中间要加the吗 还是 climb mountain 或 climb a mountain

如果你在前文中曾经提到过这座山,就要加the 第一次提要爬某一座山,且强调这座山,通常用climb a mountain 如果只想表达爬山,就用climb mountain


is climbing a mountain.have climbed a mountain.Climbed a going to climb a mountain.

the mountain is

C.The higher;the thinner the +形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级,越.越.的意思





over the mountain与across the mountain的区别

over the mountain由下往上穿过山across the mountain在下面穿过山

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗

in the mountain正确,表示:在山里。

英语 in the mountain和on the mountain的区别

in the mountain在山里(微观角度,着眼山上的树什么的) 如:He once got lost in the mountain.他曾经在山里迷路过. on the mountain在山上(宏观角度,把山当成是个平面物体) 如:Finally,I managed to climb on the moutain.最后我终于爬上山了. 侧重点不同,强调的不同.

at/on/in the mountain的区别?

at 在---上,在山上。 就在山上面, 在一个面上on /in看得见用on看不见用inon the moutain: 在山上,不是山顶那个面上,比如在山坡上in the moutain: 在山里面,看不到人。

in the mountain和onthe mountain那个正确?有区别吗




climb mountain 山前边要加冠词吗

要。一般说climb the mountain
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