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如果提纲可以,四个原因,发给你原告?The Intermediate Causes (Four Primary causes) of the French Revolution 1. The Disorder in the FinancesThe public (state) debt was large; with a heavy annual interest .The French Monarchy was successful in running deficit budget after deficit budget. This was aided by large costs brought on from previous spending by Louis XV and Louis XIV. This did not stop Louis XVI from adding to the troubles. Instead of implementing tax reform Louis was insistent on not annoying the nobility. Therefore he had to borrow the differences in expenditure and revenue. This led to a constant loan cycle. When Turgot tried to stop this he was overthrown by Marie Antoinette hatred of him and the nobility wish to see him fired.2 French Aid to the Americans (1776 17 83) 3.American Revolutionary Ideas and the Spread of Discontent4. The Character of King Louis XVI










法国大革命(French Revolution)概述: 18世纪资本主义在法国部分地区已相当发达,出现许多资本主义性质的手工工厂,个别企业雇佣数千名工人并拥有先进设备。金融资本雄厚。资产阶级已成为经济上最富有的阶级,但在政治上仍处于无权地位。农村绝大部分地区保留着封建土地所有制,并实行严格的封建等级制度。由天主教教士组成的第一等级和贵族组成的第二等级,是居于统治地位的特权阶级。资产阶级、农民和城市平民组成第三等级,处于被统治地位。特权阶级的最高代表是国王路易十六。18世纪末第三等级同特权阶级的矛盾日益加剧。特权阶级顽固维护其特权地位。在第三等级中,农民和城市平民是基本群众,是后来革命中的主力。资产阶级则凭借其经济实力、政治才能和文化知识处于领导地位。 1789年5月国王被迫召集三级会议,继而改为国民议会和制宪议会。7月14日巴黎人民起义,攻占巴士底狱,革命爆发。8月26日制宪会议通过《人权与公民权宣言》 ,确立人权、法制、公民自由和私有财产权等资本主义的基本原则。议会还颁布法令废除贵族制度,取消行会制度,没收并拍卖教会财产。革命初期,代表大资产阶级和自由派贵族利益的君主立宪派取得政权。1791年6月20日路易十六乔装出逃,企图勾结外国力量扑灭革命,中途被识破押回巴黎。广大群众要求废除王政,实行共和,但君主立宪派则主张维持现状,保留王政。君主立宪派制定了《一七九一年宪法》,召开立法会议,维护君主立宪政体,反对革命继续发展。 第一、二等级和大资产阶级的取得了妥协,但和占法国人口大多数的农民和城市平民的矛盾依然没有缓和,相反,人民在斗争中看到了自己的力量。1792年8月10日,巴黎人民再次起义,推翻君主立宪派统治,逮捕路易十六国王。9月21日召开国民公会,次日宣布成立法兰西共和国。 8月10日巴黎人民起义后,吉伦特派取得政权。9月20日法国军队在瓦尔密打败外国干涉军。由普选产生的国民公会于9月21日开幕,9月22日成立了法兰西第一共和国。吉伦特派执政期间颁布法令,强迫贵族退还非法占有的公有土地,将没收的教会土地分小块出租或出售给农民,严厉打击拒绝对宪法宣誓的教士和逃亡贵族。1793年1月21日,国民公会经过审判以叛国罪处死路易十六。吉伦特派把主要力量用于反对以M.F.M.I.de罗伯斯比尔为首的雅各宾派、巴黎公社和巴黎无套裤汉。从1792年秋季起,要求打击投机商人和限制物价的群众运动高涨起来。以忿激派为代表的平民革命家要求严惩投机商,全面限定生活必需品价格,以恐怖手段打击敌人。吉伦特派却颁布法令镇压运动。1793年2~3月,以英国为首的欧洲各国组成反法联盟,加强武装干涉;国内也发生大规模王党叛乱。4月,前线的主要指挥、吉伦特派将领C.F.迪穆里埃叛变投敌。在革命处于危急的时刻,巴黎人民于5月31日~6月2日发动第三次起义,推翻吉伦特派的统治,建立起雅各宾派专政。 雅各宾派颁布《雅各宾宪法》,废除封建所有制,平定吉伦特派叛乱,粉碎欧洲君主国家的武装干涉;但仍保持反劳工的《列·霞飞法》和《农业工人强迫劳动法》,并镇压忿激派和埃贝尔派。 但不幸的是,雅各宾派过激和恐怖的政策,也使它走向分裂和内讧,陷于孤立的罗伯斯比尔也末能完全守护住法国革命的成果,而反法同盟一而再地被各欧洲封建君主拼凑起来,它们一轮轮地围剿法国革命,企图恢复法国波旁王朝的封建政治。1794年7月27 日,雅各宾中被罗镇压的右派势力发动“热月”政变,逮捕了罗伯斯比尔和圣鞠斯特,建立热月党人统治。这时革命最危急的关头已过去,热月党人成立了新的革命政府--督政府,他们清除了罗伯斯比尔时期的革命恐怖政策和激进措施,建立了资产阶级的正常统治,维护了共和政体,在法国国内维护了资产阶级革命的成果。 但国外围剿革命的势力仍是浊浪滔天,此时,督政府中又一个新的政治明星应运而生,他就是拿破伦,历史又淘汰了热月党人,在“雾月政变”中,年轻的拿破仑执政,担负起了扫荡欧洲封建势力、最后巩固大革命成果的重任。 法国的革命力量就是这样一波一波地行进,一批人完成了特定阶段的历史使命,就被历史无情地淘汰,如此行进直到革命的成功。这次革命摧毁了法国封建专制制度,促进了法国资本主义的发展;也震撼了欧洲封建体系,推动了欧洲各国革命。高中世界史第一册的更简单,你可以看看书本


法国大革命,是1789年在法国爆发的资产阶级革命,统治法国多个世纪的君主制封建制度在三年内土崩瓦解。法国在这段时期经历着一个史诗式的转变:过往的封建、贵族和宗教特权不断受到自由主义政治组织及上街抗议的民众的冲击,旧的观念逐渐被全新的天赋人权、三权分立等的民主思想所取代。关于其结束时间尚存争议,正统观点认为1799年的雾月政变为革命终结的标志;另有观点认为1794年7月雅各宾派统治的结束为革命的终结;还有观点认为1830年七月王朝建立是革命终结的标志。The French revolution, the bourgeois revolution broke out in 1789 in France, centuries of feudal monarchy ruled France system collapse in three years. French experience during this period a epic shift: the feudal past, noble and religious privileges being liberal political organization and the people took to the streets in protest, the old concept gradually by the new talent was replaced by the democratic ideals of human rights, separation of powers, etc. About its end time controversial, orthodox view is that the fog of 1799 coup as a sign of revolution put an end to; Another view is that in July 1794 the end of the jacobin reign for the end of the revolution; And view July dynasty set up in 1830 as the symbol at the end of the revolution.


THE BILL OF RIGHTS March 4, 1789 Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a re dress of grievances. Amendment II A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment III No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Amendment IV The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particula rly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Amendment V No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of l aw; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Amendment VII In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Amendment VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Amendment IX The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Amendment X The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


法国大革命(French Revolution)是1789年7月14日在巴士底监狱爆发的一场革命,法国的君主专制政体被推翻。大革命的结束时间有多种说法,其中一种观点认为1794年7月雅各宾派统治的结束为革命的终结。另有观点认为1799年的雾月政变为革命终结的标志。1792年8月10日,巴黎人民再次起义,推翻君主立宪派统治,逮捕路易十六国王。9月21日召开国民公会,次日宣布成立法兰西共和国。 7月14日起义,攻占了法国象征封建统治的巴士底狱(The Storming of the Bastille),法国大革命爆发。8月26日制宪会议通过《人权与公民权宣言》(简称《人权宣言》,The Declaration of Man and the Citizen),确立人权、法制、公民自由和私有财产权等资本主义的基本原则。1791年6月20日路易十六乔装出逃。1792年8月10日,巴黎人民再次起义,推翻君主立宪派统治,逮捕路易十六国王。9月21日召开国民公会,次日宣布成立法兰西共和国。 8月10日巴黎人民起义后,吉伦特派取得政权。9月20日法国军队在瓦尔密战役中打败外国干涉军。由普选产生的国民公会于9月21日开幕,9月22日成立了法兰西第一共和国。1793年1月21日,国民公会经过审判以叛国罪处死路易十六。 1793年2~3月,以英国为首的欧洲各国组成反法联盟。5月31日~6月2日发动第三次起义,推翻吉伦特派的统治,建立起雅各宾派专政。1794年7月27日,雅各宾中被罗镇压的右派势力发动热月政变,逮捕了罗伯斯比尔和圣鞠斯特,建立热月党人统治。