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below的读音是:英[b?"l??]。below的读音是:英[b?"l??]。below的详尽释义是prep.(介词)低于,劣于,少于,不及在...的下游有失...的身分无...的价值在…下面,在...以下,在...之下,到...下面,去...下面在…掩饰之下在…背后。below的例句是用作介词(prep.)His income is well below the average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。一、详尽释义点此查看below的详细内容prep.(介词)低于,劣于,少于,不及在...的下游有失...的身分无...的价值在…下面,在...以下,在...之下,到...下面,去...下面在…掩饰之下在…背后adv.(副词)在下面,在下方,到下面,向下在下游在楼下在甲板下在水面下在下级,在某一级以下在本页下面在尘世上在零下(温度)在地上在下界,在地狱中在地下二、英英释义Adverb:in or to a place that is lowerat a later place;"see below"(in writing) see below;"vide infra"on a floor below;"the tenants live downstairs"further down;"see under for further discussion"三、网络解释1. 之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<>(WesCravenPresents:They)、<>(Below)、<>(WakingUpInReno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.2. 下:[漆黑一片]导演大卫.杜西继续在[雷迪克:宇宙破坏者]中担任编剧和导演工作,看过[漆黑一片]或者是[深水之下](Below)的人都不会怀疑他是同时代导演中真正优秀的一位.3. below的近义词3. 深层恐惧:以下为 深层恐惧(Below) 剧情简介、海报、片花等,在线观看请点击上面播放地址.这次水下的恐怖旅程开始于二战期间,一艘名叫虎鲨号的美军潜艇. 虎鲨号正航行在大西洋海域中,他们刚刚完成了一次漫长且致命的任务,正往目的港康涅狄格进发.4. 深水之下:[实在一般的影片] 本片是米拉麦克斯公司旗下的帝门影业尝试新类型的几部作品之一(其他的还包括<>(Wes Craven Presents: They)、<>(Below)、<>(Waking U In Reno)等),原本这些影片全部是计划全美放映的.四、例句His income is well below the average.他的收入大大低于平均水平。The class has dropped below ten students this year.今年这个班的学生降到了10人以下。Please do not write below this line.请不要写到这条线下面。The information below was compiled by our correspondent.以下资料是我们的记者收集整理的。The captain told the sailors to go below.船长叫水手们下到舱里去。五、常见句型用作介词(prep.)He waited below her window until she opened it and spoke to him.他在窗下一直等到她开窗和他讲话。The temperature is below freezing.温度低于冰点。I don"t know the real reason below the mass of pretexts.我不知道在一大堆借口掩饰之下的真正原因。A colonel is below a general.上校级别比将军低。He is below the average at school.他在学校的成绩是平均水准以下。She can"t be below 50.她不会小于50岁。The bus stop is few yards below the post office.公共汽车站在邮局向南几码的地方。用作副词(adv.)用作状语He who would search for pearls must dive below.不入虎穴焉得虎子。用作后置定语I looked down at the hall below.我瞧了瞧下面的大厅。Write your name in the place below.把你的名字写在下面。用作介词宾语I heard him calling from below.我听见他从下面叫我。其他Below is an example of a typical business letter.下面是典型商业书信的一个例子。六、词汇搭配用作介词 (prep.)~+名词below one"s breath悄悄地,低声地below par在票面价值以下below stairs在地下室,在仆人住的地方below strength不足额的below the belt不正当手段地below the mark未达标准below the moon月下的副词+~down below在底下,在下面七、词义辨析prep.(介词)below, beneath, under, underneath这四个词均可表示“在…的下边”。under与over相对,物体之间可以互相接触,也可以有一定空间; below与above相对,物体之间不一定存在垂直的位置关系,而且互不接触; beneath的用法和under相仿,二者可互换,但under使用的频率较高; underneath表示空间位置关系时,常可用under, beneath, below替换。below,beneath,under,underneath这些前置词均可表示位置“在……下面”之意。below指位置低于某物或在某物下方,但不一定在正下方,所指范围较宽。beneath书面用词,指紧挨……之下,其反义词是on。under普通用词,与over相对,指在某物的正下方,含垂直在下的意思。underneath书面口语均用,也常与beneath和under换用,但更含遮蔽的意味。below的相关近义词beneath、under、beneath、down、lower、underbelow的相关反义词above、abovebelow的相关临近词belt、beloved、below pay、below par、below dam、below knee、below cost、below deck、belowdecks、below lane、below zero、below norm点此查看更多关于below的详细信息



Make money easy money easily, and flower and cher


packet tracer 上输入switchport trunk allowed vlan add 10 ,20,30报错?

你把命令从前面一个一个输,输一个加个?,如果加?没显示还有命令,那就不支持这个命令 列如:switchport trunk ?看后面还有命令没

snow glows white on the mountain tonight.英语翻译?

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight皑皑白雪覆盖今夜的山Not a foot print to be seen埋藏身后我的足迹A kingdom of isolation在这孤独白色国度And it looks like I"m the queen我就是那冰雪的女王The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside狂风呼号,内心亦涌动不能平息Couldn"t keep it in,heaven knows I"ve tried不管多努力,再无法藏匿Don"t let them in,don"t let them see掩藏好自己,不许人靠近Be the good girl you always have to be乖乖听话,别让大家担心Conceal,don"t feel,don"t let them know把真心封闭,不让人看清Well,now they know如今被看清Let it go,let it go不再躲,不再怕Can"t hold it back any more秘密已经大白于天下Let it go,let it go不管他,不害怕Turn away and slam the door告别过去不留一丝牵挂I don"t care what they"re going to say别人的话,何必在乎它Let the storm rage on就让狂风怒号  The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕   It"s funny how some distance makes everything seem small现在回首遥望从前 往事变得微不足道And the fears that once controlled me can"t get to me at all曾经桎梏我的恐惧 也都远的看不到It"s time to see what I can do展现自己 拿出本领To test the limits and break through冲破极限 让自己也惊讶No right, no wrong, no rules for me没有羁绊 扔掉规矩I"m free世界由我Let it go, let it go放宽心 向前进I am one with the wind and sky乘着风 融化在天际Let it go, let it go向前冲 不后悔You"ll never see me cry我再没有眼泪Here I stand and here I"ll stay站在这里 坚定不移Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号My power flurries through the air into the ground;雪花漫天飘下,这是我的魔法My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around冰片旋转纷飞,是我的灵魂在升华And one thought crystallizes like an ice blast思绪结晶成冰凌,是冰雪的爆炸I"m never going back,the past is in the past过去已是过去,是再也回不去Let it go,let it go不沉溺,不在意And I"ll rise like the break of dawn如晨曦一般冉冉升起Let it go,let it go算了吧,忘了吧That perfect girl is gone别指望我回到过去Here I stand in the light of day站在这里,不再藏匿Let the storm rage on任那狂风怒号The cold never bothered me anyway冰封千里我也从不害怕请采纳答案,支持我一下。

BFF的《Flowers》 歌词

歌曲名:Flowers歌手:BFF专辑: HeartcoreFlowersBFFtouchin" BALLAD -珂珂sheery lyrics-I"m complicated my colors are shadedThey can be strong but sometimes are fadedI can"t be perfect, not even close to itI let my guard down and baby you knowYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowersI was so open, I"m starting to closeDefending my heart like a thorn on a roseDon"t let it dwindle down to nothingBring back the man that I fell in love withYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowersFlowers need the sun, flowers need the rainBut they don"t need someone, they don"t feel the painLike I do, I do, I need youDon"t let it dwindle down to nothingBring back the minute that I fell in love withYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersYou push me too highIt"s more than I can takeI"m fragile I can break, like flowersDon"t tear us apart, it took so long to growDon"t let the pedals fall like flowersFlowers, flowers, flowershttp://music.baidu.com/song/19070248

论文修改中be highlighted in yellow color怎么做



经常用在总结报告里,highlight,lowlight意为亮点和不足.highlight[英][u02c8hau026alau026at][美][u02c8hau026au02cclau026at]n.(图画或照片的)强光部份; 最重要的事情; 最精彩的部分; vt.强调,突出; 把…照亮; 标示记号; 为…中最突出的事物; 第三人称单数:highlights过去分词:highlighted复数:highlights现在进行时:highlighting过去式:highlighted例句:1.The transactions highlight two things. 这项交易突显出两个特点。lowlight[英]["lu0259u028alau026at][美]["lou028alau026at]低潮; 例句:1.Sharing the lowlight of our day feels good because if we commiserate with our partner,we won"t feel so alone in our suffering. 分享一天中的低潮是一件好事情,因为如果我们拥有配偶的同情,便会感到自己不再独自痛苦。



暮光之城的电影中出现过River Flows in You???





there are a lot of flowers


要采纳呀~~~「CALL」作词∶中野雄太/H.U.B.作曲∶中野雄太编曲∶中野雄太歌∶FLOWER日文+罗马音:いつでも淋しいと言えば 私に会いに来てくれたitudemo sabishii to ieba watashini aini kitekureta头をなでて抱きしめる笑颜 远くなってゆくatama wo nadate dakishimeru egao tooku natteikuケンカして意地を张ったり いつから気持ちはすれ违ってkennka shite iji wo hattari itukara kimochi wa surechigatte道の途中で 手を振りほどいてたmichi no tocyuude two huri hodoiteta携帯握りしめたまま 眠れない夜を缲り返していてもkeitai nigiri shimeta mama nemurenai yoru wo kurikaeshiteitemo遅すぎるososugiruどんな言叶だって つなぎとめれないとdonnnakotobadatte tunagi tomerenaiyoわかっていても もう一度 その声が闻きたかったwakatteitemo mouichido sonokoe ga kikitakattaどんな言叶だって 帰ること出来ないの?donnna kotoba datte kaeru koto dekinaino声に出せずに 胸の中 君にささやくよkoeni dasazuni mune nonaka kimini sasayakuyoそばにいて…sobaniite 昨日は友达がふいに 话した君のこと闻いてkinouno tomodchiga huini hanashita ki9mi no koto wo kiiteざわめく気持ち押さえきれなくて 泣きそうになっていたzawameku kimochi osaekirenakute nakisouni natteita君の香りも温もりも ここにあるように覚えてるkimi no kaori mo kukumorimo kokoni aruyouni oboeteru何もいらない 君といる それだけでnanimo iranai kimi to iru soedakedeどうして自分にもっと 素直にあの时なれなかったんだろうdoushite jibunnni motte sunaoni anotoki narenakattann darou今もまだ…imamo mataサヨナラも上手に伝えられなかったsayonaramo jyouzuni tutaerarenakattaふたりの答え たどり着いた 伤 少しずつ分け合いhutari no kotae tadorituita kizu shigoshi zutu wakeai君が溢れていた ただ君が大好きでkimiga ahureteita tada kimiga daisukide君と生きてる そう思った あの辉きは消えなくてkimito ikiteru souomotta ano kagayaki wa kienakutemiss you…あれからたくさんの日々が経ってしまったけどarekara takusannno hibiga tatteshimattakedo今なら 君がどんな想いだったかわかる気がするimanara kimiga donnna omoi datta ka wakaru kigasuru今でも会いたいよ いつか会えるのかな?imademo aitaiyo ituka aeru no kana声に出せずに 胸の中 君にささやくよkoeni dasezuni munenonaka kimini sasakakuyo忘れないwasurenai同じ季节を过ごしたね…onaji kisetu wo sugoshitanenever let go…中文翻译:我说自己总是很寂寞 你就来到了我身边我说自己总是很寂寞 你就来到了我身边我说自己总是很寂寞 你就来到了我身边我说自己总是很寂寞 你就来到了我身边那时抚摸我的头拥抱我的笑脸 已经越来越远和你吵架 意气用事 不知从何时起 我错开了自己真正的心意路途中我用力挥手 即使我紧握手机 每晚夜不能寐也已经迟了无论怎样的言语 也不能勉强维持我们的关系我明知道这点 却还是想听到你的声音无论怎样的言语 也不能让你回来了吗我无法出声 只是在心里不停呼唤着你请留在我身边昨天不经意从朋友说的话中听说了你我无法抑制自己嘈杂的心绪 泫然欲泣我记得你的味道和温暖 感觉它们就在这里只要有你 我就不需要其他为什么自己当时没能对你更加坦白呢直到现在仍是...就连再见都没能好好地传达两个回答 都好好地传达 伤痕也愈合了一些我不停想着你 只是喜欢着你和你一同活着 我这样觉得 那光辉就不会消失miss you...尽管从那之后经过了许多日子直到现在 我似乎还明白你心中所想直到现在我也想要见到你 什么时候能与你相见呢我发不出声音 只是在心中 悄悄呼唤你无法忘怀又是那时的季节 又是一年never let go...





eleven kilometers directly below ghe city

在这个城市下面的11公里处,可算得上20 世纪最大的地震之一发生了 很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,


hollowed-out英 ["hu0252lu0259u028ad"au028at] 美 ["hu0252lu0259u028ad"au028at]    掏空。双语例句:1.Someone had hollowed out a large block of stone.有人把一大块石头给凿空了。2.His face was hollowed out to the point of emaciation.他的脸瘦削到了憔悴的地步。3.They hollowed out a tunnel through the mountain.他们挖通了穿山隧道。

请问下偏标准差(lower partial standard deviation)的定义和计算方法?


压力表规格英文求助:Solid front/blow-out back


Make a wish and blow out the candles 否定句

Don"t make a wish and don"t blow our the candles.


people usually can make.the wish blow out after die

Blow out the candles,Alice.改为否定句是?

Don"t blow outthe candles,Alice

求cut it up,cut up it;blow it out,blow out it的区别

lf only i could blow it up 如果我能吹起来 lf only i could blow it up 如果我能吹起来

Then they blow out the candles变否定句?

否定句:Then they don"t blow out the candles.

why did you blow out the candle,grandma?是什么意思

why did you blow out the candle,grandma?你为什么把蜡烛吹了,奶奶?

blow out proof stem在阀门中是什么意思


blow out the candles改成否定句怎么改

Don"t blow out the candles

Lily, make a wish and blow out the candle,动词不加s?

加不加 s 是看主语的单复数。在“Lily, make a wish and blow out the candle”这句话中,Lily 只是叫对方的名字,不是动词 make 和 blow 的主语,这句话其实相当于 “Lily, (you) make a wish and blow out the candle”, you 省略了。如下这样写才需加 s:Lily makes a wish and blows out the candle.

一口气吹灭蜡烛是这样表示吗?blow out the candles at once go

The one breath blows out the candle

blow out of the water是什么意思




英语“blow out candles”是什么意思?


blow the candles out

Blow out the candle.是对的 对于一些名词应放在Blow out后面 对于一些代词应放在中间 其他没设么. 给点分⊙﹏⊙b汗


blow out of the water (绝对性地)击溃对手The phrase means totally dominating or defeating the opponent in the competition.Blow someone/something out of the water表示完全制服对手。You"re gonna blow them out of the water.你一定会把他们打得片甲不留。固定表达blow sb. out of the water起源于19世纪的海军,最初的意思是,将敌方的军舰打成碎片。现在,通用来表示对对方的决定性胜利,即“defeat decisively”。和汉语中形容大败对方的词“片甲不留”、“落花流水”有些类似。

blow out them 和blow them out怎么区分

blow out them 吹出他们blow them out 打击他们

Now boys, blow ________ the candles, please. A in B at C for D out

【分析】 blow out吹灭。in有介词和副词两种词性。与blow连用均不合题意。及物动词blow直接可加宾语,不需与介词at或for连用。吹蜡烛用blow out,副词out做状语修饰及物动词blow。句意:现在,男孩们,请吹灭蜡烛。 【点评】 同样,put out表示“扑灭”。

用blow out 造句

The strong wing blew out the fire.

blow out接代词或名词时放在什么位置?

blow和out之间.如果你现在是高中生及以下,这样记就可以了,因为到了大学以后,有很多宾语后置的用法,多数宾语较复杂,避免头重脚轻,现在就可以认为是blow it out.望采纳.

blow out/put out/go out 作为熄灭时,一样吗?

blow out 一般指被风吹灭put out 和 go out 在解释上是相通的,只不过put out 指人熄灭物,例如睡觉之前先熄掉炉火:PUT OUT the fire before going to bed。而go out 指的是物自己熄灭,例如:他的香烟灭了:His cigarette has gone out.希望可以帮到你,谢谢。 注:解答例句来源于百度知道

吹灭的英文是blow还是blow out 能说说理由吗?

blow out 吹熄;漏气;吹灭 blow 吹,吹气 明显吹灭的词组是blow out,而blow是没有吹灭的意思的 而且blow是不及物单词



can you blow out the candles

I. 1. make 2. blowout 3. make / eat / cut up 4. bring 5. take/follow

连词成句:(5分)小题1:you, the candles, all, blow out , in one go , if , c...

小题1:If you blow out all the candles in one go, your wishes will come true.小题2:What size bowl of noodles would he like?小题3:They are a symbol of long life.小题4:I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.小题5:It was important not to go near the snake. 试题分析:小题1:根据if可知此处有一个条件状语从句和一个主句。 blow out all the candles吹灭蜡烛;in one go一口气;故条件状语从句为If you blow out all the candles in one go, 主句的主语是your wishes,谓语是 will come true.故此句为If you blow out all the candles in one go, your wishes will come true.小题2:would like 想要。What size bowl of 多大的碗,由此可知此句是一个特殊疑问句,因此词序What size bowl of noodles would he like?小题3:短语 a symbol of一个......的象征,long life 长寿,主语是they ,谓语是are, 故此句为They are a symbol of long life.小题4:短语stayed up late熬夜;watch the soccer game.观看足球比赛,熬夜是为了看比赛,to watch the soccer game.表示目的。故此句为:I stayed up late to watch the soccer game.小题5:句型:It was important not to do sth 不做某事是很重要的,短语go near the snake.靠近蛇。故此句为:It was important not to go near the snake.

I make a wish and (5)blow out the candles.

学习英语不能总用汉语的思维来思考,这是习惯用语,对于美国人来说,吹灭蜡烛就是blow out the canddles,而我们的汉语说法是“吹灭”,所以不用太较真,应该用美式思维,英语和汉语是两种语言,不能硬联系在一起

Peter will blow out the candles.blow为什么不加s?

will blow 是将来时,表示将会吹。blows 是一般现在时,表示“吹”,不管什么时候总之就是吹。(等于没描述时间)所以两者有区别的。

blow out slides 是什么意思


but you cant blow them out .怎么翻译,out啥意思?


请帮忙翻译:blow out of the water是什么意思?



吹灭蜡烛 blow out是吹灭

blow out,cut down,cut up, wake up?


blow out造两个简单的句子最好有翻译,高手帮忙啊

例:I blew out the candle.我吹灭了蜡烛。The kerosene lamp blew out.

blow的几个词组 blow up blow down blow out blow over

1..blow away 吹走;驱散2..blow down 炸毁;吹倒3..blow up 爆发,爆炸;放大;使充气4..blow over 平息;被淡忘;消散;停止5..blow off 放出;吹掉


吹灭,比如:blow out the candle吹灭蜡烛谢谢求采纳

Radiohead的《Blow Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Blow Out歌手:Radiohead专辑:Pablo HoneyBlow OutRadioheadIn my mindAnd nailed into my heelsAll the timeKilling what I feelAnd everything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stoneAnd everything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stoneI am fusedJust in case I blow outI am gluedJust in case I crack outAnd everything I touchturns to stoneEverything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/13966738

Radiohead的《Blow Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Blow Out歌手:Radiohead专辑:5 Album Set (Pablo Honey/The Bends/OK Computer/Kid A/Amnesiac)Blow OutRadioheadIn my mindAnd nailed into my heelsAll the timeKilling what I feelAnd everything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stoneAnd everything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stoneI am fusedJust in case I blow outI am gluedJust in case I crack outAnd everything I touchturns to stoneEverything I touchAll wrapped up in cotton wool,all wrapped up and sugar coated.turns to stonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/29127643

blow out的用法

Blow out the candle.是对的对于一些名词应放在Blow out后面对于一些代词应放在中间其他没设么....给点分⊙﹏⊙b汗

blow out接代词或名词时放在什么位置?

blow和out之间。如果你现在是高中生及以下,这样记就可以了,因为到了大学以后,有很多宾语后置的用法,多数宾语较复杂,避免头重脚轻,现在就可以认为是blow it out。望采纳。

blow out和blow off 的区别

前者是一般用被动时态,受力者充当主语.后者是借助外力吹灭东西。1. Blow off 借助风,呼气等的力量沿某方向移动 Exampe:@1.My hat blew off.我的帽子被风挂掉了。 @2.He blew the dust off the book.他吹去了书上的灰尘。2. Blow out 指火焰等被风吹灭 油井或汽井(井喷) Example: @1.Somebody opened the door and the candle blew out.有人打开了门蜡烛随之被吹灭了。 Blow itself out 风暴减弱 停止 Blow sth out 吹灭火焰请采纳!:)

blow out和blow off 的区别

blow out sth(something)=blow sth out当sth为代词是,sth要放中间祝学习进步,O(∩_∩)O~ 望采纳哦(⊙o⊙)哦

blow out是动副短语吗?

没错blow out 是动副词组代词做宾语时要用宾格放词组中间如Please blow it out.

Blow out the candles是什么意思

Blow out the candles吹熄蜡烛双语对照例句:1.Shouldn"t you, uh, make a wish and blow out the candles? 你是不是应该许个愿吹熄蜡烛?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

blow off和blow out的区别


blow out怎么读

blow out 英[blu0259u aut]美[blo au028at]吹熄;爆裂;吹出;停吹[例句]Faster than you can blow out your birthday candles.尽最快的速度把蜡烛吹了.

temporarily not allowed the modify operation什么意思?

temporarily not allowed the modify operation.暂时不允许修改操作

跪求 River Flows In You 这首歌的歌词!!

Yurima - River Flows in youWell I triedBut I won"t give inThat"s alright"Cause I"m going to winNow I knowI"ve got to let you goNow I seeYou were never meant for meLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need itLooking for your hot stuffBaby, tonightI want your hot stuffI got to feel itGot to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backI remember the love in your eyeWhen you took my hand and said goodbyeI don"t know where the river flowsBut now I"m freeI"m not going to go down againLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need it (Come on)Looking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, baby)I want your hot stuffI got to feel it (I got to feel it)Got to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotHot, hot, hotLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need itLooking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, tonight)I want your hot stuffI got to feel itGot to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightLooking for your hot stuffBaby, I need it (Baby, I need it)Looking for your hot stuffBaby, tonight (Baby, tonight)I want your hot stuffI got to feel it (I got to feel it)Got to have your hot stuffGot to have your love tonightOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahI want you backOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeahOoh yeahTell me that youDo yeah好吧,我尝试不过我不会放弃那是没问题的因为我正胜利着现在我知道我需要让你离开现在我看到你对我根本没什么意义寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x2我记得在你眼里的爱当你握着我的手说再见我不知道河流去哪里不过现在我自由了我不会再走下去了寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它(来吧)寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。(宝贝,宝贝)我感觉到它今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x4热,热,热 x4寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。(宝贝,今晚)我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱寻找你性感的人宝贝,我需要它 (宝贝,我需要它)寻找你的惹火尤物宝贝,今晚。。。(宝贝,今晚)我需要你的惹火尤物我要感觉到它 (我要感觉到它)感觉到你惹火尤物今晚我需要你的爱哦耶我要你回来 x4哦野告诉我你愿意 x4翻译只是给你知道大概什么意思。如果翻成华语。。好像没什么特别意思。

Eyes Of The Clown歌词

now take the stage登上舞台,take your positions准备你的角色,then swallow your fears吞下你的恐惧,you can"t turn back now你已经不可以回头了,spreading your soul发扬你的灵魂。selling yourselfin each and every town在每个城镇出演,the crowd meets their clowns人群见到小丑。excited,excited!激动着,激动着!you"re facing your true self你面对真实的自己on this stage and in the crowd无论在台上还是人群中,there is no difference there inside灵魂都没有改变,cos we all hide our clown"s face down within因为我们用小丑的脸遮盖,and we all are more than what we say我们拥有的比说出的多。and they stare right into the eyes of the clown然后他们直盯着小丑的眼睛,the play goes on and on and truth may be found随着戏剧的发展,事实会被揭发,ascending high above the crowd在人群中升腾,yet tears are falling down可同时眼泪落下,from the eyes of the clown从小丑的双眼,from the eyes of the clown从小丑的双眼。lights flashing bright灯光闪烁,and the show is on表演开始了。like no end in sight如同没有结局,the beast takes his bite野兽蠢蠢欲动。surrender to him对着他投降,let yourself go让自己放手,but,be prepared to die但是,准备死亡,still one more time又是一次。excited,excited!激动着,激动着,you"re facing your true self你面对着真实的自己。on this stage and in the crowd无论在台上还是人群中,there is no difference there inside灵魂都没有改变。cos we all hide our clown"s face down within因为我们用小丑的脸掩盖着,and we all are more than what we say我们拥有的比说出的多,and they stare right into the eyes of the clown然后他们盯着小丑的双眼,the play goes on and on and truth may be found随着剧情发展,事实会被揭发。ascending high above the crowd在人群之上升腾着,yet tears are falling down但是眼泪落下,from the eyes of the clown从小丑的双眼中。and they stare right into the eyes of the clown然后他们盯着小丑的双眼,the play goes on and on and truth may be found随着剧情发展,事实会被揭发。ascending high above the crowd在人群之上升腾着,yet tears are falling down但是眼泪落下,from the eyes of the clown从小丑的双眼中。

Valley Of The Low Sun 歌词

歌曲名:Valley Of The Low Sun歌手:Jakob Dylan专辑:Seeing ThingsJakob Dylan - Valley OF The Low SunWe"d feel much better if we sunk this treasureAnd laid our armor downThese precious metals and these captain"s lettersThey are no use to us nowIn the day we struggle with fatigue much greaterThan any offer wasWe bow down and worship these bandits and cowboysUnable to hold their own gunsI know that soldiers are not paid to thinkBut something is making us sickOnward and steady able and youngIn the valley of the low low sunIn the shade we wander along a highway"s shoulderInto the back of beyondBurning the daylight into a pastimeThat"s too wise to come more than onceIt"s boom boom thunder ain"t no sleep comingOut mining a slippery worldOf snow covered beaches and junkyards of dieselAnd bombers named after girlsOn bridges of black ice not built for the rushThere"s a new kind of beast getting upThat"s stranger than fiction speaking in tongueHold on for the slow turningSmoke if you"ve got "em boysThis is bottom hiding outDown under the stairsTomorrow has come like it"s drunk on the bloodOf the men who have dared to be thereThe earth"s still climbing as it keeps on grindingIt"s way up around the sunAs cool water crashes down to the massesbootlegged and bottled like rumMy dreams are humble lean as arrowsStreetwise ready and fairAs we bum rush the ages tied to the railsOn high seas not fit to be sailedWhatever we"ve taken does feel like heavenBut baby we just look like hellAct like you mean it where paradise wasIn the valley of low low sunhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1527330

payout ratio和plowback ratio的关系

plowback ratio=1-payout ratiobecause everything not paid out is retainedand plowback ratio is also called retention ratio

Public Image Ltd的《Low Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Low Life歌手:Public Image Ltd专辑:Public Image (2011 - Remaster)PoisonBlack - Low LifeDrool runs down from my mouth againLow-life - I"ve killed myself againTime is running out too fast for meLiving in lie is just too much for meAnd the next day dawns deadOff with my headAnd the circle begins againNo place left to somberNot a single rock I can crawl underNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefallsStraight aheadFull throttleSmashed against the wallI can see that you don"t get itIt eats you alive if you let itThat"s what I"ve doneNo place left to runNot a single rock I can crawl underNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wallNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wallNever again or forevermore - Self-deception callsThis heavy leadFull bottleThen crawl along the floorThis is the End I won"t take anymore - Again the weak onefalls Straight ahead Full throttle Smashed against the wallhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13614116

Sweet Temptation [Hollow] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sweet Temptation [Hollow] (Album Version)歌手:lillix专辑:Sweet Temptation [Hollow]Jewel - Sweet TemptationRunning fast through a fairy taleDark woods; starless nightFeel cold air in my lungsFull moon, u follow me-u say"Why do hearts so often stray?"U pierce me like an arrowBeneath the blanket of nightLonging for flightWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationI awake, do a double take 2 seeWhere it is that I lay-it could beDay or night, I"m not quite sureYour absence is a thornYour flesh, your skinIs the only flag there is 2 believe inWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationI can love u like nobody elseCaouse I can love u like nobody elseWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heartSoftly callingWhen u fall into meIt feels so sweet, like dreamingPress yourself into meLet me feel your breathingThere"s a voice in your heart you can hearSoftly callingCome 2 me u will see, just give in2 this sweet temptationhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7654356

什么是low-fidelity prototype? 请不要给中文翻译

Those who hope that the delivery of high quality user experience agile team, usually before code ( even in the setting of the iterative scheme before drawing ), low precision to be suitable for the design of interface prototype. PowerMockup is a production prototype tool, especially for those already familiar with PowerPoint.Low precision interface prototype, also called line diagram, are deliberately designed to contain only a black and white graphics and text. It contains no color or texture, in order to focus on ease of use, function design and the process, rather than the colors or fonts and beauty related elements. Create wireframes simple tools is the paper and pen, but the pen and paper has some disadvantages, such as takes longer time to draw the basic page layout, difficult to modify and not shared with other people.To compensate for these defects, such as Balsamiq Mockups electronic tools were made. You can use Balsamiq Mockups to create and modify a wireframe, and looks like a pen strokes out of the same. Many people also use the PowerPoint and its built-in standard interface elements to create a webpage form of the original type. These electronic tools compared with paper and pen has many advantages, such as increased substantially modify the speed, in the prototype page is maintained between the consistent style, as well as easy sharing.PowerMockups PowerPoint added some interface elements, so that people can continue to use the already familiar with tools. Its features include:78 fully editable user interface elements84 line diagram IconWindows compatible version of PowerPoint2007 and 2010The interface element includes a browser window, input box, message box, button and so on, is divided into the container, navigation, text, graphics and icons placed on the toolbar. The figure below shows the navigation portions of the interface elements.The interface element can simplify the interface prototype creation, and can be associated with built-in PowerPoint seamlessly together using prototype. If you want to create a dynamic prototype, can use standard PowerPoint function to create animation or add links between pages. Can also achieve the following static interface to express the function and process.In the PowerMockup website can find more information.

behind ,beside ,below ,bottom 的区别.一定要详细.

behind :指在参照物的后面 below:指在参照物的下面(和参照物相接触) beside :指在参照物的旁边 而bottom是名词 意思是“底部”

under below 和bottom的区别

below / beneath / under 这三个介词都可以表示位置“在…下面”,但有区别. below表示“在…之下”,“在…的下游”,与介词above相对应,常指在某物体之下,但不一定在该物的正下方.例如: Some parts of the countr...


1 lower 通常是形容词,搭配是 the lower part (of sth. ) 。2 bottom是名词,解释为“the lower part”。3 在这里, the bottom line 中,bottom是名词做定语/形容词。

blow me a kiss 歌曲链接。


亲 给我一个链接吧!跪求能用的Pink-Blow Me(One Last Kiss)空间链接



应该是work hard like you blow me baby。意思是:要我像你一样努力,见鬼去吧!

求Git Fresh - Blow Me A Kiss 歌词

Its like this, its like that, I got dough, I got stacks. I can buy anything that I need, but I gotta have you for free. I aint never paid for it in my life so why the hell would I pay for a wife. I need love, yes I do but this is what I need from you (Ooh) A brother needs love and affection, a brother needs TLC. And I aint talking about chili, but I"ll take chili if she don"t want it (Ooh) A brother needs cooking and cleaning, and when she say she loves me she means it. Her insides pretty, hey hey (Oh!) And if thats you, blow me a kiss to let me know if you feeling me. You can do better then (?), babygirl all that you gotta do is blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. I"m "bout this, I"m "bout that. I have O"s, I spit stacks. I"ve had everything in my life but I"ma have you tonight. Yeah I"ma have you, you. I need love, yes indeed. But this is what you get from me (Ooh) I"ma give you love in direction, you can be my PYT. I ain"t talking about Thriller, but I can be your thriller if you want it (Ooh) I don"t need no cooking or cleaning, we can get a maid if we need it. Cause I"m on my (?), hey hey oh. And if thats you, blow me a kiss to let me know that you"re digging me. You can do better then (?), babygirl all that you gotta do is blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. La da da da da da. La da da da da da. Blow me a kiss. Blow me a kiss.麻烦采纳,谢谢!

这首歌Deep Side - Blow Me A Kiss 把英文翻译成中文歌词

就像这样 It"s like that (that) 就像那样 I got dough (dough) 我有钱 I got stacks (stacks) 很多钱 I can buy anything that I need (need) 我可以买任何我需要的 But I gotta have you for free 但我一定要不花一文得到你 I ain"t never paid for it in my life (my life) 我不是没有付出过 So why the hell would I pay for a wife (wife) 可是我为什么要在妻子上付出那么沉重的代价 I need love (love) 我需要爱情 Yes I do (do) 是的没错 But this is what I need from you 这就是我需要你给我的 Ooh a brother need love and affection 男人需要有人来爱他 A brother need TLC 男人也需要关心和体贴 And I ain"t talking about chilli (chilli) 我没有瞎说 But I"ll take chilli if she want it 但如果你喜欢的话我也以随便怎样 Ooh a brother need cooking and cleaning 男人需要有人为他洗衣做饭 And when she say she love me she mean it 当她开始对我表达爱意的时候 Her insides pretty (pretty) 我感觉到了她的内在美 Hey hey hey 嘿嘿 . And if that"s you (you) 如果这个人真的是你 Blow me a kiss (kiss) 那就给我一个飞吻 To let me know (know) if you feeling me 好让我知道你是否感觉到了我 You can do better (hey) 你可以做的更好 Than that scrub that you with (than scrub that you with) 放下一切包袱 Baby all that you gotta do (gotta do) is blow me a kiss 宝贝你唯一需要做的就是给我一个飞吻 Hey hey 嘿嘿 . Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 . Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 . I"m about this (this) 我就这样 I"m about that (that) 我就那样 I had hoes (hoes) 我富有 I spent stacks (stacks) 我不在乎钱 I"ve had everything in my life (my life) 我什么都不缺 But I"ma have you tonight 但今晚我只想得到你 Yeah I"ma have you... you... 是的我要得到你 I need love (love) 我需要爱情 Yes indeed (deed) 我是认真的 But this is what you get from me (from me) 而且这也是你将得到的 Ooh I"ma give you love and direction 我要指引你找到爱情 You can be my PYT 你将成为我的小宝贝 I ain"t talking about thriller (thriller) 我不是逗你玩 But I could be your thriller if you want it ooh 但只要你喜欢那我就都依你 I don"t need no cooking and cleaning 我不是不需要有人来洗衣做饭 We can get a maid if we need it 如果需要的话我们可以找个保姆 Cause I"m on my crazy (crazy) 因为我为你疯狂 Hey hey hey 嘿嘿 . And if that"s you (you) 如果这个人真的是你 Blow me a kiss (kiss) 那就给我一个飞吻 To let me know (know) if you feeling me 好让我知道你是否感觉到了我 You can do better (hey) 你可以做的更好 Than that scrub that you with (than scrub that you with) 放下一切包袱 Baby all that you gotta do (gotta do) is blow me a kiss 宝贝你唯一需要做的就是给我一个飞吻 Hey hey 嘿嘿 . Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 . Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 Da-da-da da-da da-da 啦啦啦 啦啦 啦啦 Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 (The song right here) (It got the medicine) (Some big show right here) Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 . (Studiomonkeyz) . Blow me a kiss 给我一个飞吻 给我一个飞吻、

blow me a kiss歌词

歌曲:kiss me歌手:blink 61 搜索"kiss me"LRC歌词61 搜索"kiss me"mp3 [ti:kiss me][by:幸福的垃圾]kiss meblinkby:幸福的垃圾kisskisskiss me darling, kiss me kiss me tonightkiss me darling kiss and you"ll be alrightkiss me darling kiss, your kiss is so wonderfulmy love you"ll always bemy love you"ll alwaysstay by my side, stay for a whilestay here you beautiful girlstay in my arms and i"ll sing a songlet me protect you tonight"cos i will give you love my love no one done beforehug you and holding you tightkiss me darling, kiss me kiss me tonightkiss me darling kiss and you"ll be alrightkiss me darling kiss, your kiss is so wonderfulmy love you"ll always bemy love you"ll alwaysthe world outside is moving in such a hurrydon"t you let it"s madness blow you downcome let"s throw some light on all this sadnesscome let"s make love my dearstay by my side, stay for a whilestay here you beautiful girlstay in my arms and i"ll sing a songlet me protect you tonight"cos i will give you love my love no one done beforehug you and holding you tightkiss me darling, kiss me kiss me tonightkiss me darling kiss and you"ll be alrightkiss me darling kiss, your kiss is so wonderfulmy love you"ll always bekiss me darling, kiss me kiss me tonightkiss me darling kiss and you"ll be alrightkiss me darling kiss, your kiss is so wonderfulmy love you"ll always bemy love you"ll always
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