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_____, liquids can be changed into gases. A. Heating B. To be heated C. Heated D. Heat 答案:选C


thrust into什么意思

thrust into推力拼音双语对照thrust into英[θru028cst u02c8u026antuu02d0]美[θru028cst u02c8u026antu]词典插进; 强行闯入,投身于…之中; 撞人数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道新1Behind me is a memorial that symbolizes the Ranger daggers that were thrust into the top of these cliffs.我身后是一座纪念碑,象征着突击队员像尖刀一样猛刺向峭壁的顶端。2Nikola Swann knew that he would be thrust into the firestorm raging in Washington D.C. Over America "s growing debt burden.尼古拉u2022斯万知道他将不得不卷入发生在华盛顿的、围绕美国负债攀升的辩论激流。

every color bleeds into the same是什么歌的歌词?

这首歌曲是《Nevada》。Vicetone和Cozi Zuehlsdorff合作制作电子音乐,曲风为Electro House。作曲Victor Pool/Ruben den Boer,作词Cozi Zuehlsdorff/Ruben den Boer/Victor Pool。中文名为副音乐团,来自荷兰格罗宁根的DJ及电子音乐双人组,由成员Ruben Den Boer和Victor Pool组成。歌词:I"ve been painting every fence I know。我涂画出我所知的每一处险阻。Every color bleeds into the same。层叠的颜色或许已经模糊。Cause before you go and walk away。因为你即将踏上征途。Yeah you better know where you"re going。你最好知道你要去往何处。You"re a wanderer just like me。你就像我一样是个流浪者。Yeah you better know where you"re going。你最好知道你要去哪里。



…… into his jaw——having extracted them from the ……..请问破折号后用现在完成时是什么语法?

1. 主从句时态规则:从句一般简化;如用复杂时态往往是强调,本句从句用分词完成时就是要说明他植入的9颗牙是预先从奴隶嘴里拔出的having extracted在 transplant之前2.分词逻辑主语不一定就是主句主语,可以是宾语或所有格,语法称作分词的悬垂结构3.and then 好些4.可以改成你写的句子,但主角转移了,成牙医了!5.当然可以i am here and i have been here ever since you was a kid.

pivot 怎么用 可以搭配into 嘛? 感觉好奇怪。。。

这里的pivot是作为名词的意思是中心点。 pivot还可以作为及物和不及物动词,不及物时可以与一些介词搭配使用,to,into这些都是有出现的。

truck into什么意思


badminton和shuttle cock有什么区别?

badmintonn:羽毛球shuttle cockn:羽毛球。意思都一样,只是shuttle cock除了羽毛球还有毽子的意思。


shuttle指的是羽毛球的那个球,也叫shuttle cock. 而badminton指的是羽毛球这项体育运动.


你好turn to 虽然表示“变化”但是翻译需要,并非本质变化如:把频道A变成频道BTurn Channel A to Channel Bturn into 是完全变成另一个东西了如:Turn Water into Wine希望对你有帮助

请详细解释一下,i know Ai is the answer,but pull into 是不是进站的意思,还是一定要是pull in 呢?

专辑:chaos and disorder I will walk this road I will, I will It"s gonna be hard but I know I will, I will People come and they go

stare into he和stare at区别

stare into 与stare at均表示凝视,致细地看;但前者有长时间看意思,而后者有盯着看的意思。

stare at与stare into的区别 谢谢


Sinto a tua falta是我想你了的意思吗?

Sinto a tua falta我想念你也可以说是我想你了

Takara Tomy 推出可将手机画面翻拍成照片的 Printoss 相片列印机

现在不少标榜针对手机用的印表机,而日本玩具商 Takara Tomy 在日本推出一款玩具型的 Printoss 手机相片列印机,不过不同于专业的相片列印机是把手机内的档案读出列印,这款相机是直接透过扫描手机萤幕的画面,并以富士的 Instax Mini 拍立得底片印出,而且结构还可以摺叠收纳携带,当然也不需要电池驱动,由于结构相当简单,售价也不高,仅 3,700 日币。 使用的方式很简单,展开 Printoss 后,把手机画面显示要列印的照片,并把手机亮度开到 80% 以上,放在机构上面后,压下侧面的快门,最后旋转灰色的滚轮把照片退出。 新闻来源: Dengeki

get into the weeds这个短语是什么意思

你好!get into the weeds陷入困境

get into the weeds这个短语是什么意思?




sql server merger into如何建索引



《Let"s Make History》德国乐坛奇迹盲人女歌手琼娜与拉丁元老大卫共创神作《人类创造历史》 Here I am 我在这 Feel my heart overflow 感觉心情很洋溢 I know the road I\"e taken 我知道我将要走的路 Will lead me to the top 将会带我去顶峰 And if we all stick together 如果我们永远在一起 We can make it last forever 我们会永远持续下去 And the light will shine until the end (yeah) 所有的光都在闪耀直到我们到达尽头 So join in trust and love 所以用相信和爱加入 Take my hand 握住我的手 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 For too long 在很长的一段时间里 I\"e been wasting my time 我都在浪费时间 I tried to do it my way 我想用我的方式在做 For the winners to stand alone 想成为唯一的赢家 Every night was lonely and cold 每一夜,都感到孤独和冷 I had no one to talk to 我没有人可以说话 And a place I could go home 没有一个地方,让我觉得是回到了家 You changed my life for the better 你改变了我的生活,使他变得更好 All this hopeless chance still matters 使本来变得没有希望的事,变得再次有希望 I will take this chance and never let go 我将会抓住这个机会,永远不会让这个机会溜走 I have prayed, I was heard 我祈祷,我聆听 Now I know 现在,我知道 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 Never give up 从来不放弃 Look ahead 向前看 Even when times are getting rough 即使时间紧迫 Don\"t ever stop 从不停止 When your best still isn\"t good enough 当你感觉最好的时候,仍然不是完美的 Get back on, 回到起点 Try again 再试一次 And you will reach 你们将会达到你们的目的 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History (History) 让我们创造历史(历史) Only you and me ( Only you and me ) 只有你,还有我 (只有你和我) From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all (one for all) 这个目的也是我们的 (是我们的) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 (Repeat) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史

vino tinto多少一瓶

这个法国罗纳河谷产区的酒,子产区是南罗纳的教皇新堡,非常有名的产区。酒的名字是DOMAINE FONT DE MICHELLE,国内翻译成米歇尔堡酒庄,还是有一定名气的。酒的等级是AOC-CHATEAUNEUF DU PAPE(AOC-教皇新堡)。酒标上的2015是葡萄采摘年份。鉴于同类型,同级别的酒的市场行情,这瓶酒的市场价估计在1000块钱左右。当然,这个类型的酒随时最好的产区里面的酒,酒可以酿的很好,所以具体的价格很难说的准,如果酿的好,价格可以上升很多,1000左右只能算这类酒的市场均价。

英语翻译TV—a Blessing or curse?As TV enters into more and more f?

2,英语翻译 TV—a Blessing or curse? As TV enters into more and more families,people begin to wonder about its advantages and disadvantages.Some believes it is a blessing while others hold that it is a curse to society. TV,as a mass media,can bring to people new information on economies ,culture,arts,and many other fields.People can enjoy their favorite programs at home.In some countries,some TV stations provide such programs as looking for dangerous criminals and lost children,helping to find an ideal lover,and others which are quite beneficial to society,some TV stations provide various useful seminars for people of various ages and social status.But on the other hand,TV may exert bad influence on people.Some programs are full of violence.As a result,people ,especially juveniles,are led to mit crimes.An increasing number of people are so indulged in TV programs that some even neglect their duties.In my opinion,the attitude toward TV all depends on oneself.People should choose those programs which are useful and can bring to them the sense of beauty. 语句通顺 翻译准确一点




D 考查短语:struck…into,使突然产生恐惧,忧虑等,句意:地震使他的心里产生恐惧。所以选D。

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思

the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。the death of her father struck sadness into her heart意思是指:她父亲的去世使她感到悲伤。重点词汇:death释义为死亡。father释义指父亲,爸爸。struck释义指罢工;打击,撞击。sadness释义为悲哀;悲伤,悲痛;使人悲伤的事。into her heart意思是指进入她的内心。英语学习如何快速提高1、首先、培养积极主动的动机。动机对于英语学习来说特别重要。学习是学生的任务,然而为了完成任务而应付学习的动机绝对是不正确的,我们的目的就是想让学生通过英语掌握一些交际的手段,看到外面世界的广大,从而了解一个完全不同的异域世界。2、其次、培养兴趣。除了动机以外,兴趣也很重要。有些学生总觉得学习英语很难,全是些单词,句子,所以总是一提到英语就头晕目眩,退而避之,从而形成了一种对英语的排斥心理。其实,正如我们在玩要时会发现其中一些有趣之处一样,当我们对英语有了一定程度的了解后,也能从中找到有趣的地方。3、最后,要勤奋。那些英语成绩好的同学,勤奋是很重要的一个因素。没有一个人是天生就会一项技能的,想有些成就,只能靠自己努力。所以要学生,第一、上课认真听讲,做好记录,抓住这35分钟的效率。第二、课后及时复习,有问题及时询问老师或同学。可想而知,他们的成功完全靠的是自己后天的努力,要勤奋的锻炼才做得到。

wide swimming pools are usually divided into什么?


in the poems和into the poems有什么区别?

in the poems意思是在诗里面,指的是诗内容into the poems意思进入诗所表达的境界。


接下来,重启使用你在 /EFI/OC 目录下配置了这些文件的U盘引导,进入MacOS Installer,你应该就可以顺利安装进入桌面了 前提是你已经配置好了config.plist以及刷好了安装U盘 config配置教程点这里 (启动U盘见文末) 网卡驱动(我是微星B450M Mortar max内置的RTL8111这个网卡) RealtekRTL8111.kext 要找你对应型号的,具体点这里 以下二选一(可不选,就没有声音) AppleALC.kext VoodooHDA.kext 附上我的EFI 主板:MSI B450M MORTAR MAX CPU:5600G 显卡:RX5500XT 硬盘:SSD 分享一个Monterey12.4带EFI分区的启动U盘 (此启动盘一共三个EFI分区,OC,Clover,FirPE,用自己要用的即可,本文使用的OC) 刷入启动盘推荐使用 balenaEtcher ,很方便 官方项目主页 国内国光大佬的翻译版

前一空答案为had been broke into 后一空答案为stole,为什么不用完整的形式had been stolen呢

因为stole发生在have been broken into之后,如果用have been stolen 就表示它和have been broken into 是同时发生的

kicks into gear如何翻译


谁有或谁知道哪里有“金字塔原理”即“The Minto Pyramid Principle”英文原版书的电子版免费下载?第二个是TXT格式的

Zachary Quinto既个人资料

你可以find more info from: 职业: 演员   性别: 男   生日: 1977-06-02   星座: 双子座   身高: 1.88 m   国家/地区: 美国宾夕法尼亚州Pitt *** urgh市   他有一半的意大利血统和一半的爱尔兰血统。   由Zachary Quinto饰演的Sylar (Gabriel Gray)是美剧HEROES中的人物。   Sylar(Gabriel Gray)超能力是可以看透任何事情的运作规律,从而可以通过残忍的手段获得别人的能力。   曾经是不甘平庸的修表匠,然而基因学家Chandra Suresh的拜访帮助他发现了自己的潜质。凭借看穿事物运转规律的力量,Sylar通过割裂其他超能者颅骨,窥探大脑的方式获取其超能,继而展开一段杀戮之旅。饰演者Zachary 1979年出身于美国宾州,还曾经出演反恐24小时等多部剧集。2009年参演《星际迷航》,饰演瓦肯人Spock。 [编辑本段]影视作品   Zachary Quinto参演的部分影视作品:   "CSI" 一集 Anatomy of a Lye (2002) 扮演 Mitchell Sullivan   "The Agency" 一集 Air Lex (2002) 扮演 Jay Lambert   "Haunted" 一集 evious Angels (2002) 扮演 Paul Kingsley   "Six Feet Under" 一集 The Eye Inside (2003) 扮演 学生   "Charmed" 一集 Cat House (2003) 扮演 术士   "Miracles" 一集 Battle at Shadow Ridge (2003) 扮演 信使   "Hawaii" 一集 No Man Is an Island (2004) 扮演 Loomis   "Blind Justice" 一集 In Your Face (2005) 扮演 Scott Collins   "Crossing Jordan" 一集 Code of Ethics (2006) 扮演 Leo Fulton Jr   "Twins" 一集 When I Move You Move (2006) 扮演 Jason   "So noTORIous" 9集 扮演 Sasan   "HEROES" (2006-2009) 扮演 Sylar   "Star Trek11"(2009) 扮演 Spock 参考: 这里可以帮到你 yayanta.host6.3i69/yahooauction/1118037410 Name:Zachary Quinto 出生日期: 6月2日 1977年 , 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,美国 更多 联系方式: 查看代理人 , 经理 , 公关 , 法律和公司联系信息的IMDbPro。 小传: 毕业于中央公教中学- 1995年班。 小知识: 毕业于卡内基梅隆大学于1999年。 奖项: 1胜&4提名 参考: imdb/name/nm0704270/ Name: Zachary Quinto Height: 6" 2" (1.88 m) Sex: M Birth Date: June 2 1977 Birth Place: Pitt *** urgh Pennsylvania USA Contact: Click here

求一首英文老歌歌曲名字 I feel love since you away,into my life

take my heart back

behind bars是等于be in jail还是等于into jail

1、behind bars 在监狱服刑(直译为在栏杆后面,意为在监狱栅栏内)例如:After being sentenced to 23 months in prison, Michael Vick is adjusting well to life behind bars.在被判决入狱23个月后,迈克。维克已经完全适应了监狱生活。2、be in jail 在监狱服刑(直译为呆在监狱里面)例如:I could be in jail right now. Popper"s one hell of a lawyer.我可能现在就得进监狱里了 帕普还算够厉害!3、into jail 进监狱(直译为进入监狱,强调的是动作)例如:But if he refused to pick a pebble, his father would be thrown into Jail.但是如果他拒绝挑选鹅卵石,他的父亲将被关进监狱。综上所述,behind bars = be in jail 强调在监狱内部,一种存在的状态。而into jail 强调进行监狱的动作发生,非延续性词汇。

Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.是什么意思


Into The Mystic 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Mystic歌手:Marc Cohn专辑:Listening Booth: 1970Into The MysticThe WallflowersBSO American Pie 3We were born before the windAlso younger than the sunEre the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mysticHark, now hear the sailors crySmell the sea and feel the skyLet your soul and spirit fly into the mysticAnd when that fog horn blowsI will be coming homeAnd when that fog horn blows I want to hear itI dont have to fear itI want to rock your gypsy soulJust like way back in the days of oldThen magnificently we will float into the mysticAnd when that fog horn blows you knowI will be coming homeAnd when thst fog horn whistle blows I got to hear itI dont have to fear itI want to rock your gypsy soulJust like way back in the days of oldAnd together we will float into the mysticCome on girl...

Into The Mystic 歌词

歌曲名:Into The Mystic歌手:Michael Mcdonald专辑:Soul SpeakInto The MysticThe WallflowersBSO American Pie 3We were born before the windAlso younger than the sunEre the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mysticHark, now hear the sailors crySmell the sea and feel the skyLet your soul and spirit fly into the mysticAnd when that fog horn blowsI will be coming homeAnd when that fog horn blows I want to hear itI dont have to fear itI want to rock your gypsy soulJust like way back in the days of oldThen magnificently we will float into the mysticAnd when that fog horn blows you knowI will be coming homeAnd when thst fog horn whistle blows I got to hear itI dont have to fear itI want to rock your gypsy soulJust like way back in the days of oldAnd together we will float into the mysticCome on girl...

高一英语选择 .the ship set sail __________________Europe A.FOR B.TO C.ON D.INTO

1.答案:A. 2.固定短语set sail for...“启航去某处”,其后不加to等其他介词. 3.翻译:这艘船启航去欧洲.

哪边能找到S.E. HINTON 的 OUTSIDER 中文版??书

寻求S.E.HINTON写的The Outsiders的中文翻译!

《局外人》(The Outsiders),作者S.E.Hinton,写这本书时只有16岁,这是她的处女作。作品描写帮派斗争和帮派成员的心理成长历程。小说中描写了两个对立的黑帮:The Greaser和The Socs的故事。The Outsider是指无论如何努力也无法取胜的人。小说中The outsider明指The Greaser,但是却暗示这两个黑帮都是The Outsiders,因为无论他们如何有侠气,如何从烈火燃烧的教堂中救出儿童,他们仍然无法获得社会丝毫的同情与尊重。此书乃美国90年代百本禁书之一。没有全文翻译。

spray into还是in


sort sb into ranks 什么意思

sort sb into ranks把某人分成sort sb into ranks把某人分成sort sb into ranks把某人分成

squeeze into是什么意思


「高二英语」squeeze in 和squeeze into什麼区别啊?

squeeze in 强调主语的结果和状态,比方说“你”挤进了某个地方,squeeze into 强调宾语,主语发出的动作对其影响,而且squeeze...into...也就是把什么挤进什么里

broken into 用英文怎么翻译

(vi) intrude (vt) gatecrash

A Match Into Water 歌词

歌曲名:A Match Into Water歌手:Pierce the Veil专辑:Collide With The SkyPierce The Veil - A Match Into Water.I kissed the scars on her skin.I still think you""re beautifulAnd I don""t ever wanna lose my best friend.I screamed out, "God, you vulture.Bring her back, or take me with her.".Tear it down, break the barricade.I wanna see what sound it makes.I hate this flavor with a passion,And I f*cking hate the aftertaste.How does it feel, how does it feel?Well it feels like I""m on fire.Wake up, I know you can hear me..Make me a promise here tonight.Love like a tidal wave.Dreamless in early graves.I never want it to be this way.The chemicals will bring you home again.This is it, when it""s done we can say that,When it""s sudden death we fight back..Oh yeah, pretend like it don""t entice you.I""ve seen you circling the sky above my head.You traitor.I will never be taken for granted again.Keep digging holes in the desert.Say a prayer for you.I know that you""re in pain,But if we die at the same time does it still scare you?.Make me a promise here tonight.Love like a tidal wave.Dreamless in early graves.I never want it to be this way.The chemicals will bring you home again.This is it, when it""s done we can say that...Oh God, we""re not gonna make it..We will bring the tidal wave. x7And nothing will remain..She""s mine, you stay away from her.It""s not her time.""Cause baby, I""m the one who""ll haunt your dreams at nightUntil she""s satisfied..Make me a promise here tonight.Love like a tidal wave.Dreamless in early graves.I never want it to be this way.The chemicals will bring you home again.This is it, when it""s done we can say that...When it""s sudden death, we fight back.


在END LOOP;前面加 Next_Record; 把当前记录指向下一条就可以了

英语into a gorge怎么翻译?

译文:变成一个高卢人 。

1.But learning-time is always a long, secluded time ahead and far on into life, is solitude, a heig

两句翻译都是网友的。1)在这个长久而专注的学习过程中,爱就会永远地铭刻心扉——在深深的寂寞中孤独地等待,是为了所爱的人。2)与这美景不太和谐的是有人随手望窗外扔垃圾。第一句中ahead and far on与into life都是修饰前面的时间。不过不是一个词组。time into life生命中的时刻,ahead指以后的时间 far on指从此以后的时间。所以连起来就可以翻译为网友的永远,也就是字面意思"生命中从此以后很长很长的时间"第二句throw out of从……扔掉的意思。

never go into a supermarket hungryly this is a good piece of advice


are you kinda into girls darl什么意思!!????


请大神翻译一下这句话 Take the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turn it into so

将生活给予的柠檬般的酸楚 酿成柠檬汽水般的甘甜

montepalacio vino tinto红酒是什么酒?多少钱一瓶

应该是西班牙的酒,Semi-Seco 是半干的意思,Vino一般指普通的酒,价格较便宜,2010年份的,如果是红酒,估计就是餐酒吧

brokeintosweat 意思


weld into中文翻译

Several incidents have been welded into an interesting narrative 几个情节曲被融合成一个有趣的故事。 Fittings for butt welding into wrought copper alloy pipepnes - tees 与精制铜合金管路对接焊的配件.三通 Fittings for butt welding into copper - nickel - alloy pipepnes - elbows 与铜镍合金管路对接焊的配件.管弯头 Fittings for butt welding into copper - nickel - alloy pipepnes - concentric reducers 与铜镍合金管路对接焊的配件.同心异径管 Fittings for butt welding into copper - nickel - alloy pipepnes - technical specifications 与铜镍合金管对焊的配件.交货技术要求 Fittings for butt welding into copper - nickel - alloy pipepnes - saddle type connections 与铜镍合金管路对接焊的配件.鞍形连接件 Valves should not be assembled to the flanges and then welded into the piping system 不要把组装上法兰的阀门焊接到管道系统上。 The pd3 rails made in china and uic900a rails made in france are welded into 250m long rail by contact weld 在铺轨基地采用接触焊将pd3轨和法国uic900a轨焊接成250m长轨。 Gate valves should be installed and welded into the pippne with the wedge or disc in the fully closed position 闸阀应该在楔板或阀板处于完全关闭位置时才能安装或焊接到管道中。 The usage of standardised sensors , which are welded into the measuring element , makes an automated manufacturing possible 标准化的传感器被焊接到测量元件上,这样就可以进行自动生产了。 A new sensor with an optimised thin - film layout has been developed that is welded into the membrane level in a central location 拥有最优化的薄膜设计的新传感器已经投入市场,薄膜被焊接在膜层的中心位置



fit into a mould 是不是一成不变的意思呢?

字面上的意思是“顺应某种条条框框” 我见过一句句子: A creative boy doesn"t fit into a mould. 意思是“一个有创造力的孩子不会墨守成规” 希望对你有所帮助.

be put into prison还是be put in prison

be put into prison被捕入狱 《现代汉英综合大词典》里有 be put in prison被关进监狱;入狱 《简明英汉词典》里有 一个更表动作,一个更表状态.

是be sent into prison 还是 be sent to prison

be sent to prison 被送进监狱 没有be sent into prison这种用法 be sent into被收入,常用短语有 Be Sent Into Exile充军 be sent into the world降生于世

throw into prison是什么意思


.net 缺少对象或列名,或者对象或列名为空。对于 SELECT INTO 语句,请确保每列均具有名称。对于其他语句

string selecsql="select count(*) from twhd where title="+TextBox1.Text.ToCharArray();这一句代码的“TextBox1.Text.ToCharArray();”有错误,该函数返回的是字符数组,应该使用ToString()方法。应该是:string selecsql = "select count(*) from twhd where title=" + """ + TextBox1.Text.ToString() + """;

insert into selec生成日志吗

一 当select操作产生锁定时,会产生日志,比如select ....for update 二 当数据库开启审计时,会产生日志 三 当select在子查询中,如:create table as select...., insert into a select等会产生日志


Hinton发明了一种计算神经网络参数的快速算法 1. 简介神经网络模型的优化一直是深度学习领域的热门话题。在过去,计算神经网络参数一直是一个耗时极大的问题。然而,Hinton发明了一种快速算法,有效地解决了这个问题,这项技术大大提高了深度神经网络的训练速度,进一步推动了深度学习的发展。2. Hinton快速算法原理Hinton快速算法又被称为“反向传播算法”。其基本原理是通过链式法则来计算神经网络模型中每层的权重和偏置项的梯度。该算法利用了模型中复合函数的结构,从输出端向输入端不断更新权重和偏置项的值,使得误差不断减小,最终得到最优的参数值。3. 计算效率的提升Hinton快速算法的出现,大大提高了计算深度神经网络参数的效率和速度。相对于传统的计算方法,Hinton快速算法可以减少大量的计算量,同时还可以避免梯度消失或梯度爆炸的问题,使得模型的训练过程更加稳定和可靠。4. 应用场景Hinton快速算法被广泛应用于深度学习领域的各种任务,比如图像识别、语音识别、自然语言处理等。在这些任务中,深度神经网络模型需要大量的参数和计算,Hinton快速算法的高效计算能力可以有效地减少计算时间和资源,提高模型的性能和效果。5. 结论总之,Hinton发明的快速算法在深度学习领域的应用前景非常广阔。它的出现极大地提高了深度神经网络的训练效率和精度,为各种深度学习应用提供了更为可靠和稳定的技术支持。

oh shame on a mirror here and john in town hall went into work and bound什么意思

  oh shame on a mirror here and john in ...的中文翻译  oh shame on a mirror here and john in town hall went into work and bound  哦,在这里,一个镜子,在市政厅的一个镜子里,在工作和约束

Lead sb/sth into sth,lead up to sth.啥意思

lead sb. into引某人进入e.gHe lead Lindan into the dark room .

Inserting an in index entry with id...into index $sii of file 9 是什么意思


she litters into the trash can.(改为否定句)

She doesn"t litter into the trash can.

whip into 和 stir into 的区别? 都是搅拌的意思啊

whip into 把…搅成;把…激发成… 这个和意识搅拌食物如1。Whip the ingredients into a smooth paste.把配料搅拌成均匀的糊状。2。也可以指比较抽象的搅拌,融入的意思如1。So you can rule your world in style and whip me into shape.让你用来统治你的世界,让我臣服于你。重要的是这个还有把……激发成的意思1。A good speaker can whip the crowd into a fever of excitement.她的讲演者可以使听众群情激奋。stir into 搅拌 这个就是搅拌一些食物啊什么的 具体的东西你看例句1。Stir into ham mixture; set aside.拌入火腿混合物中,放一边。2。Beat the eggs, milk and melted butter together and stir into the dry ingredients to make a thick batter.将鸡蛋,牛奶和溶化的奶油搅拌均匀后与筛好的干粉混在一起,用力搅拌成浓稠的糊状物。做搅拌食物来讲它们几乎是没有区别的……谢谢

stir sth into sth和mix sth with sth有什么区别

stir 强调搅拌,mix混合

get into panic有没有a

有a。get into a panic陷入恐慌。Jane went into a panic.这句话是主谓宾结构。panic前面为什么要加a的原因是它们在一起构成了一个复合宾语的东西,a作为量词修饰panic作为名词。双语例句:Facing financial crisis, bus companies needn"t get into a panic, the most important thing is to properly take order with some problems.面对金融危机,客车企业大可不必慌乱,最主要的是要妥善处理好几个方面的问题。He jumped into the water to get his bike and was carried rapidly down-stream, a look of panic and horror registering on his young face.他跳进河里去捞车,可是河水急速地冲着他顺流而下,他的小脸上出现了惊恐的神色。

take sb into doing sth 和 persuade sb to do sth 这两个句型表达的句型完全一样吧。能分别给个例子吗谢

take sb into doing sth劝某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth建议/劝说某人做某事(不一定说服)。


take part inparticipate inbe involved in

Come Into My Dreams 歌词

歌曲名:Come Into My Dreams歌手:蟑螂乐队专辑:Ipis第二蟑I will love youfor the rest of my lifeso baby come into my worldyou"re my preciousI do believethat we"ve got something special to achieve"coz every time and moment we"re togetherit"s so emotional and this timeI know that we"re getting closer in every wayI"ve never felt so special as todayit feels like heaven and I can"t hold back no nonow is the time to reach higher and highercome in to my dreamsI"ll show you want this meansthat I"ll be there for you whenever you needcome into my life and stay there day and night"coz I will never ever let you downyou got my heartI"m getting yours babytogether we can gently open those doorsand if the clarity that true love bringswe"re reaching higher and highercome in to my dreamsI"ll show you want this meansthat I"ll be there for you whenever you needcome into my life and stay there day and night"coz I will never ever let you downprecious darling,hear my words our love is vested from aboveI"ll never ever leave you girlI"ll always be there by your side forevercome in to my dreamsI"ll show you want this meansthat I"ll be there for you whenever you needcome into my life and stay there day and night"coz I will never ever let you downcome in to my dreamsI"ll show you want this meansthat I"ll be there for you whenever you needcome into my life and stay there day and night"coz I will never ever let you downcome in to my dreamsI"ll show you want this meansthat I"ll be there for you whenever you needcome into my life and stay there day and night"coz I will never ever let you downcome in to my dreams

“考虑到”用书面语怎么说,英语就是“taking into account....”

in view ofin consideration oftake into consideration


Divided the rubbish into different categary and send to the return factory

break into用法

关于"break into"的用法,它可以表示"闯入"或"突破"的意思,也可以表示"开始从事"某项新的职业或行业。以下是详细解释:一、"闯入"的意思当我们说"break into"时,通常是指非法或未经允许地闯入一个建筑物、房间或区域。这种用法常见于报道或描述犯罪行为。例如:1,Someone broke into my house while I was on vacation.我度假期间有人闯入了我的房子。2,The thieves tried to break into the bank,but the alarm scared them away.小偷试图闯入银行,但是警报吓跑了他们。二、"突破"的意思"break into"也可以表示克服障碍或突破一道困难,实现某个目标或深入某个领域。例如:1, The company finally managed to break into the American market.该公司最终成功打入美国市场。2,She worked hard for years before she could break into the film industry.她花了几年时间才能进入电影行业。三、"开始从事"某项新的职业或行业"break into"还可以表示开始学习或从事一个新的职业或行业。例如:1,After working as a teacher for many years,she decided to break into the field of sales.在当了多年教师后,她决定进入销售领域。2,He is trying to break into the music industry and become a famous singer.他正努力进入音乐行业,成为一名著名歌手。四、行动或破解密码在计算机领域,"break into"也可以表示非法访问或入侵计算机系统、网络或账户。例如:1,Hackers tried to break into the company"s database and steal confidential information.黑客试图闯入公司的数据库,窃取机密信息。2,It is illegal to attempt to break into someone else"s email account.试图闯入他人的电子邮件账户是违法的。五、拓展知识(一)"Break-in":这个名词形式常用于指非法或未经允许的闯入行为,特别是指入室盗窃。例如:There have been several break-ins in the neighborhood recently.最近这个社区发生了几起入室盗窃案。(二)"Breakthrough":这个名词表示重大突破,特别是科技、医学或创新方面的突破。例如:The scientists made a major breakthrough in cancer research.科学家在癌症研究方面取得了重大突破。六、总结"Break into"是一个多义词组,根据上下文不同可以表示"闯入"、"突破"或"开始从事"某项新的职业或行业。同时,在计算机领域中,它还可以表示非法访问或入侵计算机系统、网络或账户。



run across 和run into 都表示偶遇 有什么区别



在出租车上:用介词 in。因为出租车都是小汽车吧,所以都用in。 to、in、on的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同向,朝,往,对着(某方向或某处);位于…方向在(某范围或空间内的)某一点;在(某物的形体或范围)中;在…内;在…中;进入3.on:(覆盖、附着)在…上(意指接触物体表面或构成物体表面的一部分);由…支撑着;在(运输工具)上二、侧重点不同表示在某范围之外,两者之间可以互相连接,也可以不连接。表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内。3.on:on表示在某范围之外,两者之间一般互相连接。

s.e.hinton的《the outsiders》英文原文 谁有啊 在线等

The Outsiders s e hintonThey walked out slowly, silently, smiling."Need a haircut, greaser?" The medium-sized blond pulled a knife out of his back pocket and flipped the blade open.I finally thought of something to say. "No." I was backing up, away from that knife. Of course I backed right into one of them. They had me down in a second. I fought to get loose, and almost did for a second; then they tightened up on me and slugged me a couple of times. So I lay still, swearing at them between gasps. A blade was held against my throat."How"d you like that haircut to begin just below the chin?" Synopsis:According to Ponyboy, there are two kinds of people in the world: greasers and socs. A soc (short for "social") has money, can get away with just about anything, and has an attitude longer than a limousine. A greaser, on the other hand, always lives on the outside and needs to watch his back. Ponyboy is a greaser, and he"s always been proud of it, even willing to rumble against a gang of socs for the sake of his fellow greasers--until one terrible night when his friend Johnny kills a soc. The murder gets under Ponyboy"s skin, causing his world to crumble and teaching him that pain feels the same whether a soc or a greaser.S.E. Hinton on the book:The Outsiders is definitely my best selling book; but what I like most about it is how it has taught a lot of kids to enjoy reading.Publishing Information:First Published: 1967Published by: Puffin BooksAwards:New York Herald Tribune Best Teenage Books List, 1967Chicago Tribune Book World Spring Book Festival Honor Book, 1967Media and Methods Maxi Award, 1975ALA Best Young Adult Books, 1975Massachusetts Children Book Award, 1979 因为我自己没有还过,不知道你要的是不是这篇如果不是可以通知我,帮你再找
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