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两个都用are 第一个连接的两个抽象名词应该是用复数第二个是全为复数books所以用are


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如何使用《Follow Me仓颉字典》

《Follow Me仓颉字典》为《30天学仓颉》专业增值版之附加软件,动态演示仓颉拆码,直观显示汉字的仓颉字形结构、取码原则、取码方法,并显示该汉字的六种对应编码等相关资讯。每个汉字都配有真人发声的普通话读音及粤语读音,字典中的汉字都有简体字对照可供查看。提供五种灵活简便的查询方法,六种列印方法及三种列印方式可任意组合成十八种列印效果,令学习、查询、列印都这麽容易。《Follow Me仓颉字典》能满足各类人士之需要。 开启《Follow Me字典》 运行《30天学仓颉》专业增值版多媒体教学软件,见到「30天学仓颉主画面」後,按一下右下方的「Follow Me仓颉字典」图示,即可开启《Follow Me仓颉字典》。 查询方法 《Follow Me仓颉字典》提供五种查询方法:部首、笔划、IME、拼音、记录,用滑鼠按一下对应图示,即可以用你所习惯的方式,找到所要查询的汉字及其仓颉码等相关资讯,字典主体部份包含6200个常用汉字的资讯。 查询内容对於使用者所查询的每个字,《Follow Me仓颉字典》均会给出以下相关资讯:仓颉字母、对应的英文码、字形结构、取码原则、取码方法。 同时,《Follow Me仓颉字典》还提供此字的六种对应编码:内码、单码、笔划数、部首、汉语拼音、粤语拼音。 按一下[显示简体字形]按钮,可以查看与该汉字对应的简体字。 按一下[动态拆码]按钮,《Follow Me仓颉字典》会将该汉字之拆码方法以动态的方式再次演示给你看。 按一下[普通话读音]或[粤语读音]按钮,即可听到真人发声的该汉字读音。

求一首英文歌 是我bbc radio上听见的 歌词什么 follow me follow me 结尾是什么 古来就uk (英文不好)

Glad You Came

cs怎么说follow me


You follow me?


歌词有Follow MeFollow MeFollow Follow Me的是什么歌 女子组合唱的




求一首韩文歌曲,歌词是:follow me follow me 跟着我 follow me 喜欢你 喜欢你 非常喜欢你 不要为了我

T-ara-Bo Peep Bo Peep 中文歌词Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!从一开始不停地嫉妒问是不是和别人在一起的 疑心的我现在对我说已经晚了的你请不要生气 Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!曾经非常非常善良的你因为我 因为我 因为我 就变了曾经深爱过我的你现在的样子 现在的样子Follow me Follow me 随我Follow me…喜欢你 喜欢你 非常喜欢你I"m so sorry(So sorry)不要为了我 从此不要生气 来笑一个 现在消消气吧Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!1,2,3,4,5...总是打电话诉说想念催促你快点来的我说这样的我讨人厌的你不要生气 Bo PooPBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!看一眼 都会笑的你因为我 因为我 因为我变了曾经倾听我的语言的你Follow me Follow me 随我Follow me…喜欢你 喜欢你 非常喜欢你I"m so sorry(So sorry)不要为了我 从此不要生气 来笑一个 现在消消气吧Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!我不知道这样的我会使你疲惫不要说已经讨厌我We are togetherFollow me Follow me 随我Follow me…喜欢你 喜欢你 非常喜欢你I"m so sorry(So sorry)不要为了我 从此不要生气 来笑一个 现在消消气吧Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah!Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo PeepBo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Bo Peep Ah, Ah!

最近有首英文歌,男声的,节奏略快,歌词里好像有follow me follow me,不知道歌名,

Heal The World - Michael Jackson(Think about the generations沉思那潮生潮灭,世代更迭and say we wanna make it a better place for our children说吧说我们想要and children"s children想要为孩子们,和他们的子孙,营造更美好的家园So that they know it"s a better world for them and让他们明了,他们活在一个较过去更加美好的世界think they can make it a better place )从而让他们坚信,他们也可以营造一个愈加美好的世界There"s a place in your heart在你心中有个地方And I know that it is love我知道那里充满了爱And this place could be much这个地方Brighter than tomorrow会比明天更加灿烂And if you really try如果你真的努力过You"ll find there"s no need to cry你会发觉不必哭泣In this place you"ll feel在这个地方There"s no hurt or sorrow你感觉不到伤痛或烦忧There are ways to get there到那个地方的方法很多If you care enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a little space给彼此多一点空间Make a better place营造一个更美好的地方Heal the world拯救这世界Make it a better place让它变得美好For you and for me为你,为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying不断有人死去If you care enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make it a better place创造一个更加美好的世界For you and for me就为你,为我If you want to know why如果你想知道缘由There"s love that cannot lie那是因为有一种爱,它不会说谎Love is strong爱是坚强的It only cares of joyful giving爱就是心甘情愿地奉献If we try we shall see如果我们努力尝试,如果我们努力尝试In this bliss we cannot feel在这幸福中,我们感不到Fear od dread丝毫恐惧或畏忌We stop existing and start living我们不仅仅是活着,而是真正开始生活The it feels that always那爱的感觉将延续下去Love"s enough for us growing爱让我们不断成长So make a better world所以创造一个更美好的世界Make a better place创造一个更美好的世界Heal the world拯救这世界Make it a better place让它变得美好For you and for me为你,为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying不断有人死去If you care enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我And the dream we were conceived in我们心中的梦想Will reveal a joyful face将绽放出笑脸And the world we once believed in我们曾经信赖的世界Will shine again in grace会再次闪烁祥和的光芒Then why do we keep strangling life那么为何我们仍在扼杀生命Wound this earth crucify its soul伤害地球,扼杀它的灵魂Though it"s plain to see虽然这很容易明白This world is heavenly这世界天生就是Be god"s glow上帝的荣光We could fly so high我们可以在天空高高飞翔Let our spirits never die让我们的精神不灭In my heart I feel you are all my brothers在我心中你们都是我的兄弟Create a world with no fear共同创造一个没有恐惧的世界Together we cry happy tears我们一起流下喜悦的泪水See the nations turn their swords into plowshares看到许多国家把刀剑变成了犁耙We could really get there我们真能达到那里If you cared enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a little space营造一些空间To make a better place创造一个更美好的地方Heal the world拯救这世界Make it a better place让它变得美好For you and for me为你,为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying不断有人死去If you care neough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我Heal the world拯救这世界Make it a better place让它变得美好For you and for me为你,为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying不断有人死去If you care neough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我Heal the world拯救这世界Make it a better place让它变得美好For you and for me为你,为我And the entire human race为了全人类There are people dying不断有人死去If you care neough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我There are pepole dying不断有人死去If you care enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我There are pepole dying不断有人死去If you care enough for the living如果你真心关怀生命Make a better place for you and for me创造一个更美好的世界,为你,为我(You and for me)为你,为我Make a better place创造一个更美好的世界(You and for me)为你,为我Make a better place创造一个更美好的世界(You and for me)为你,为我Make a better place创造一个更美好的世界(You and for me)为你,为我Heal the world we are living拯救我们住的地方Save it for our children为了我们的孩子Heal the world we are living拯救我们住的地方Save it for our children为了我们的孩子Heal the world we are living拯救我们住的地方Save it for our children为了我们的孩子Heal the world we are living拯救我们住的地方Save it for our children为了我们的孩子

infinite的follow me中文谐音


bigbang followme用中文翻译的歌词

化|�浃趣筏皮妞盲�辘?派手なドレスをすぐ脱ぎchててp栅悉饯筏茟馗钉堡?リアルな物だけを知りたいの目と目で合v蟆?its beautiful)君にy"中(i lose control)follow me follow me follow me yaこれこそがreal love一秒でも触れてたいのfollow me follow me follow me yaここにあるtrue love何もq!いhuman でもp栅巍�持ち姲も尃けないからだから君に届けよ富や尅もここにq!いそれ以外のことでgive you what you need感情のように c�靣栅?でも分かるよ二人はeternityこの瞬晸(its beautiful)扉晪く(i lose control)follow me follow me follow me yaこれこそがreal lovep栅稳�凭�伺酩?follow me follow me follow me ya永恅のtrue love何もq!いhuman でもp栅巍�持ち姲も尃けないからq堡ば慕欷堡?初めて二人の kissing p栅蟜lying on (oh oh auto pilot)君のaをfeeling when u touch meもっとflying on (oh oh auto pilot)you need me in your life girl i could give you the worldbaby take my hand i got the master plan you"re my shining starfollow me down and git git on it follow me up and git fly on emwe were always meant to be gd guarantee andgive you what you needfollow the leader girl i am the one that you desireforever together you and i lets set the world on firemy heart beats for you for you my love is so true to youi"ma take you as far as the eye can see spell it out for you t.o.pfollow me follow me follow me yaこれこそがreal love一秒でも触れてたいのfollow me follow me follow me yaここにあるtrue love何もq!いhuman でもp栅?follow me follow me follow me yaこれこそがreal lovep栅稳�凭�伺酩?follow me follow me follow me ya永恅のtrue love何もq!いhuman でもp栅巍�持ち姲も尃けないからq堡ば慕欷堡?





TAJ JACKSON的《Follow Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Follow Me歌手:TAJ JACKSON专辑:2011年9月欧美新歌速递Follow Me-Taj JackonCome follow me, come follow me!Come follow me, come follow me!Hey girl I just know thisYou often be capped but you"re missing all this fun!I said it alone!I ain"t never been no playerNever been my intruderI just wanna get you out, you seeMove your body to the floor!Girl you shine, I"m so spicing your lifeIf you"re lost, don"t worry, I will show you the way!Follow me ‘till the crack of dawnBaby I"mma turn you on,Take lessons, girl, I"mma be your super fancyIf you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Your style so impressive, the way you move is massiveI know jelly don"t shake like thatBut there ain"t no peanut butter!Girl, I want you to beat all night in hereShow me what I never seen, girlPut it down like you never done beforeGirl you shine, I"m so spicing your lifeIf you"re lost, don"t worry, I will show you the way!Follow me ‘till the crack of dawnBaby I"mma turn you on,Take lessons, girl, I"mma be your super fancyIf you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!I"ll show you the way, I"ll leave with the paceYou"ll go with me and you don"t have to worry, girl!Don"t worry about the past, the future is rightAnd meaning is me and you over the floor!Come follow me, come follow me!come follow me, girl!......Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me, girl!If you know you"re here for more,And I see you on the floorDo it like me, follow my lead!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Tell the DJ bring it back,If you want to play my hand,I take charge, you just follow me, girl!Come follow me, come follow me!Come follow me!Music group 171811589http://music.baidu.com/song/20678403

Slick Olde Bishops的《Clown Car》 歌词

歌曲名:Clown Car歌手:Slick Olde Bishops专辑:Gettin" RowdyEmeli Sande - ClownQQ : 349777127I guess it"s funnier from where you"re standing"Cause from over here I"ve missed the jokeCleared the way for my crash landingI"ve done it again, another number for your notesI"d be smiling if I wasn"t so desperateI"d be patient if I had the timeI could stop and answer all of your questionsAs soon as I find out how I could move from the back of the lineI"ll be your clownBehind the glassGo "head and laugh "cause it"s funnyI would too if I saw meI"ll be your clownOn your favorite channelMy life"s a circus-circus rounding circlesI"m selling out tonightI"d be less angry if it was my decisionAnd the money was just rolling inIf I had more than my ambitionI"ll have time to pleaseI"ll have time to thank you as soon as I winI"ll be your clownBehind the glassGo "head and laugh "cause it"s funnyI would too if I saw meI"ll be your clownOn your favorite channelMy life"s a circus-circus rounding circlesI"m selling out tonightFrom a distance my choice is simpleFrom a distance I can entertainSo you can see me I put makeup on my faceBut there"s no way you can feel itFrom so far awayI"ll be your clownBehind the glassGo "head and laugh "cause it"s funnyI would too if I saw meI"ll be your clownOn your favorite channelMy life"s a circus-circus rounding circlesI"m selling out tonightEmeli Sande - ClownQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/15082835

sometime get high sometime get low, i dont wa

lone ranger

sometime i get high ,sometime i get low 社么意思

怎么感觉像是一句歌词 有时我很兴奋,有时我很低落

good habits for students to follow英语作文

Sometimes we feel tired.If we relax ourselves the ways for students to relax As a student,we can do some sports with friends.In this way.When we are tired,Every day We should study hard.It can not onlybuild our bodies but also help us relax.Listening to music is also a good way to relax ourselves,we can learn better.So we should learn how to relax yourselves,we may listen to our favorite songs.In our free time,we will have more energy to study

Simultaneous Outflow of Fresh Water and Inflow of Sea Water in a Coastal Spring

The flow of sea w ater into cavities is know n to occur in,among other places,the Bahamas,Florida and Greece,w here limestone w hich is in contact w ith the sea displays considerable karst development and is very permeable. There appear to be various causes — proved or supposed — for the inflow of sea w ater; the examples described in the literature are continuous or periodic but consist of either inflow of sea w ater or outflow of fresh w ater. The tw o types of flow never occur simultaneously.The w ork described here reveals the possibility of a more complex coastal phenomenon in w hich tw o flow s — outflow and inflow — are concomitant and superposed. The study w as carried out at a spring on the Mediterranean coast ( Source de la Roubine,France; Figure 4. 3. 1a) ,w hich is at the edge of an extremely karstic carbonate massif and Quaternary clay- marl deposits several hundred metres thick in the coastal plain. The spring and flow run along a 2. 5 km channel into a lagoon ( sea w ater) . The discharge can attain a value of 6 m3/ s,and is 0. 1 - 0. 2 m3/ s at normal low -w ater functioning of the spring,that is,w hen the spring is flow ing. Inflow of salt w ater occurs only during such times of low discharge.In the absence of rain,rises of several tens of centimetres are observed in the w ater level near the spring and last from a few hours to 4 - 5 days. While the w ater level changes in this w ay,a current of salt w ater runs along the bottom of the channel below the fresh w ater and in the opposite direction,enters one or tw o of the springs and disappears into the aquifer. At the same time,w ater continues to run out of the other springs and flow s tow ards the lagoon on top of the salt w ater ( Figure 4. 3. 1b) .Figure 4. 3. 1 ( a) Map show ing the location of the Source de la Roubine. The carbonate massif has an areaof 55 km2and consists of Mesozoic limestone and dolomite. It is only part of the aquifer feeding the spring;other massifs located further north also contribute to the supply. The deposits of Quaternary and Cenozoicclay,loam and sand in the plain are several hundred metres thick and cover Mesozoic limestone w hichextends beneath the sea. The level of the Mediterranean has undergone a number of fluctuations since the endof the Neogene,and during some periods w as low er than it is today. These regressions caused deeppenetration by rainfall infiltrating into the carbonate massifs w hich had emerged,accompanied by intenseinternal corrosion and the formation of cavities by dissolution ( karst topography ) . Thus,the aquiferousstructure w hich formed in the depths of the carbonate mass is mainly below sea level today,and the Source dela Roubine is a spring of very recent formation. Movement of w ater starts in the form of a rising current inthe deep palaeokarst. ( b) Cross-section of the spring show ing the double flow ( vertical exaggeration 5∶ 1) .Tracers w ere injected into the stream of salt w ater through a pipe,as show n in the draw ing. Measurements ofvelocity,conductivity and temperature w ere made along the vertical marked‘A".Figure 4. 3. 2 Observations of velocity,conductivity and temperature,show ing the superposition of the tw o streams. M aximum velocities of the tw o currents running in opposite directions are almost the same. The discharge of the fresh-w ater stream is 0. 18 m3/ s; that of the salt-w ater stream beneath is 0. 20 m3/ s. The superposition of fresh w ater is also show n by the observations of conductivity and temperature. The lagoon w ater is w armer than the spring w ater.The interface betw een the tw o flow s can be clearly seen in vertical profiles of electrical conductivity and temperature ( Figure 4. 3. 2) . The conductivity of the w ater from the spring is 4. 2 - 4. 3 mS / cm ( at 25℃ ) ,w hereas that of the lagoon w ater varies from 48 mS / cm to 56 mS / cm according to the season. Although for reasons of convenience the spring w ater is referred to as ‘fresh",the mean electrical conductivity of spring w ater in limestone soil far from the coast is 0. 6 mS / cm w ith a Cl content of 15 - 35 mg / L ( the w ater in the lagoon has a Cl content of 18000 mg / L) .The temperature of the spring is relatively stable,at 17. 3 ± 0. 5℃. In contrast,the lagoon w ater is subject to w ide temperature variations: from 5 - 10℃ in w inter to 25 - 28℃ in summer. The monitoring of inflow w ith time revealed some remarkable features. The beginning of the double-flow phenomenon has a sudden effect on conductivity values: this is proof of the poor miscibility of fresh and salt w ater. The temperature,how ever,varies progressively even before the appearance of salt w ater. This is caused by the fact that the advance of the salt w ater in the bottom of the channel pushes the fresh spring w ater already affected by the outside temperature back tow ards the spring.Figure 4. 3. 3 Example of the time-evolution of conductivity ( ○) and temperature ( ue5f9) in the spring into w hich the salt w ater flow s,compared w ith w ater levels in the spring ( ■) and w ith w ind direction ( arrow s) . A,No inflow of salt w ater,but start of return flow is indicated by a fall in temperature. This is fresh w ater in the channel affected by the outside temperature. B,Inflow has started suddenly and is revealed by stable conductivity; how ever,temperatures are irregular. This is the effect of the thermal heterogeneity of the w ater in the lagoon. The low est temperature of the w ater flow ing in is 14. 9℃ ; the highest is 19. 8℃ ( the temperature of the spring w ater is 17. 8℃ ) . C, Inflow ceases suddenly. The spring flow s normally once more. Inflow occurs w hen there is a rise in w ater level of 0. 35 m caused by easterly w inds.With regard to the hydraulic mechanism,it w ould appear that the variations in the w ater level at the spring are caused by variations in the level of the lagoon on the w est bank. The measurements ( Figure 4. 3. 3) show that they are not caused by tide; how ever,it w as observed that the variations are associated w ith certain w ind directions. The spring is on the w est bank; easterly w inds cause the w ater level to rise on this side and fall on the east bank. The rapid rise in level on the w estern side thus sets up a hydraulic gradient in the salt w ater,directed tow ards the spring. Progress of salt w ater tow ards the spring is encouraged by the low hydraulic gradient of the fresh w ater in the channel ( 0‰ - 0. 01‰) and by the near-zero slope of the bottom of the channel.The superposition of the tw o flow s and the low apparent miscibility of the tw o streams are caused by the differences in density ( spring w ater: 0. 9994 g / cm3at 25℃ ; sea w ater ( in the lagoon) : 1. 0258 g / cm3) .Finally,it might be thought that the salt w ater w hich runs into the aquifer reappears in spring flow after dilution and could be the cause of the salinity of the spring. Tracers w ere injected into the saline inflow in order to test this hypothesis,and no trace of the dye w as observed in fresh w ater to the spring during an observation period w hich lasted several months. It w ould thus appear that the tw o flow s are probably separate in the aquifer itself.It is likely that part of the salt w ater mixes w ith w ater from the aquifer,but the origin of most of the salinity of the spring w ater is undoubtedly contamination of deep groundw ater by the penetration of sea w ater into the karst ( salt-w ater encroachment; Figure 4. 3. 4) . When lagoon w ater has flow ed in,it probably runs by gravity to the interface of the salt-w ater encroachment. It may then be taken by groundw ater flow to springs under the lagoon or under the sea.Figure 4. 3. 4 Diagrammatic representation of the karstic aquifer and the organization of flow s. Fine arrow s,fresh w ater; bold and shaded arrow s,salt w ater. The flow of salt w ater that runs into the spring must descend by gravity through the aquifer ( A ) to the deep salt-w ater encroachment ( B ) . This flow is then carried to submarine springs. There is thus double contamination of underground w ater by sea w ater: from below in the aquifer and from above. Note that the large-scale flow of w ater into the spring carries large quantities of organic matter into the underground zone; this could form the basis for a totally unknow n biotope. ( For reasons of simplicity,the arrow s in A do not show any dispersion that may take place in the aquifer. )In conclusion,w e note that geological structures w hich w ould enable this phenomenon to occur are very common on the limestone coasts around the Mediterranean. Equivalent structures also exist on ocean coasts: w e have observed such features in the Miocene limestone in south- east Java ( Gunung Sow u) and in southern Portugal ( Algarve) . Words地下水科学专业英语

yellow submarine曲谱,带英文歌词,简谱或五线谱都行。

歌词: In the town where I was born Lived a man who sailed to sea And he told us of his life In the land of submarines So wo sailed up to the sun Till we found the sea of green And we

请问哪里有下载《the yellow Submarine》和《赵先生》中文字幕啊


求一首“yellow summer rain”的英文歌

Yellow Submarine 甲壳虫的经典之作

如何评价yellow submarine 这部电影






Live a good life meet slowly是什么意思


女生发朋友圈“Live a good life meet slowly”这是什么意思,有什么用意



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怎么看待说唱的layback flow?

lay back其实是一种并不基础的说唱技巧,并不等同于掉拍,简单来说就是人声和伴奏比赛,枪响后,伴奏先跑,人声再跑,但是两者之间保持相对静止(Bpm相同)。和反拍混在一起不太好分辨,但是多听一些作品还是可以分辨的(法老的一些作品就是非常非常明显的lay back)。注意正常Oldschool的伴奏其实是偏慢的,这个时候对着拍子唱句尾要么停顿,要么拉长音。但是如果字数稍微多一些,唱的比拍子慢,可以更流畅的接下一句,也方便换气。而且可以更好的突出双押。比如:一二三空,四五六空。用layback:空一二三,空四五六。再接个反拍:空一二三,(四五)六七八九。



Shallow relationships 是什么意思?


Shallow relationships 是什么意思?


keil环境下报错“70 incomplete type is not allowed”如何解决?

结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中,具体如下 //IIC.htypedef const struct{ uchar i; } type_aa;extern type_aa bb; //IIC.ctype_aa bb={3}; //mainuchar cc; void main(){ cc = bb.i;}

keil环境下,报错#70: incomplete type is not allowed,求解决方案!报错在struct psock sin,sout;

struct psock{....}Psock;struct can_state {unsigned char timer;Psock sin,sout;pt outputpt;char state;char inputbuffer[16];};你这样试试

keil环境下报错“70 incomplete type is not allowed”如何解决?

结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次x0dx0a需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中,具体如下x0dx0a x0dx0a//IIC.hx0dx0atypedef const structx0dx0a{ x0dx0a uchar i; x0dx0a} type_aa;x0dx0aextern type_aa bb;x0dx0a x0dx0a//IIC.cx0dx0atype_aa bb={3};x0dx0a x0dx0a//mainx0dx0auchar cc;x0dx0a x0dx0avoid main()x0dx0a{x0dx0a cc = bb.i;x0dx0a}

low discount rate是什么意思

low discount rate较低的贴现率双语对照词典结果:1. 低折现率But if climate change slows economic growth significantly, as seems likely, a lowdiscount rate makes sense. 然而,如果气候变化令经济增长大幅放缓(似乎有这种可能),那就应该采用较低的贴现率。

请问the Yellow River和The Summer Palace中的the



There is grass and flowers.

求岸部真明 《flower》 《time travel》吉他谱及调弦方法~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


yellow submarine是哪只足球队的队歌?

周华建 beyond 任贤齐等人合唱过这首歌

Yellow submarines 歌词翻译

在城镇,我出生谁住一个人出海航行他告诉我们他的生活在潜艇的土地因此,我们航行到太阳直到我们发现了海绿色我们浪底的生活在我们的黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇和我们的朋友们全部遇难其中许多人住在隔壁的和乐队开始播放我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇(全速前进先生水手长,全速前进全速前进是,中士。 切断钢缆,减少电缆埃,主席先生,赞成队长,队长) 由于我们生活安逸的生活我们每个人都需要天空的蓝色和绿色的海在我们的黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇我们都生活在一个黄色潜艇黄色潜艇,黄色潜艇

Yellow Submarine歌词翻译


yellow submarine 啥意思?


Yellow Submarine 歌词

歌曲名:Yellow Submarine歌手:Capella Istropolitana With Soloists Of The Baroque Chamber Orchestra专辑:The Beatles Seasons (4 Concerti Grossi)YELLOW SUBMARINE曲 / John Lennon. 词 / Paul Mccartney.主唱 / 周华健. 任贤齐.Beyond.无印良品.In the town where I was bornLived a man who sailed to seaAnd he told us of his lifeIn the land submarinesSo we sailed up to the sunTill we found the sea of greenAnd we lived beneath the wavesIn our yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineAnd our friends are all on boardMany more of them live next doorAnd the band begins to playWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineas we live a life of easeEveryone of us has all we needSky of blue and sea of greenIn our yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineWe all live in our yellow submarineYellow submarine, Yellow submarineBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/2952976

Yellow Submarine的创作

当时McCartney正住在时任女友Jane Asher父母的家中,他找到了创作的灵感:“当时我正躺在Asher阁楼的床上……我正想着为Ringo写首歌,最后写出来了,所以这首歌我没有弄得音域很广,就像个老水手之歌,开始时编个故事,告诉小孩儿们他住在那儿。这些大概就是我能回忆起来的……我想John 帮了些忙。歌词的创作有越来越多人参与,但合唱、旋律和独唱部分是我的。” 歌曲中的潜水艇原本有多种颜色,但后来改为只有黄色一种。 1980年,Lennon谈到这首歌:“《Yello Submarine》是Paul的宝贝。我和Donovan在歌词上帮了些忙。事实上我们在录音室里把歌弄得跟真的似的,但这些都是基于Paul的灵感,他的注意,他的标题……为Ringo写的。”Donovan加了句“Sky of blue and sea of green”。 McCartney也说:“那是个快乐的地方,就是这样。你知道,我们在尝试写一首儿童歌曲。那就是最初的想法。你没法从任何儿童歌曲的歌词里解读出更多的东西。

yellow submarine 啥意思?


能给我一下这篇文章The legend of sleepy hollow 的赏析吗(读后感)

=========================================The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 英文总结(353字)========================================="The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving"s companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor"s aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809.

关于The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

http://www.123helpme.com/search.asp?text=The+Legend+of+Sleepy+Hollowhttp://www.bookrags.com/The_Legend_of_Sleepy_Hollowsorry, that"s all what i can do for you.i don"t like American Literature due to my boring teacher.Hope those two webs can help you.Check the second one, maybe you may find what you want.

《The Legendof Sleepy Hollowand》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度云资源

《The Sketch Book》(Washington Irving)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12LRtcKNEBhwdTEXBBKspmQ 提取码: au9x书名:The Sketch Book作者:Washington Irving豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:Signet Classics出版年份:1990-04内容简介:This collection of stories from Washington Irving includes some of America"s best-known works of fiction-such as the famous Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow-as well as lesser-known works as The Specter Bridegroom, Westminster Abbey, English Writers on America, Stratford on Avon, The Art of Bookmaking, The Mutability of Literature, and The Christmas Quintet.


《The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow》(Washington Irving)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1D0q4ddkZY21SbIGFub5R3w 提取码:1kpb书名:The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow作者:Washington Irving豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Wildside Press出版年份:2004-02-28页数:108内容简介:The chief part of the stories, however, turned upon the favorite specter of Sleepy Hollow, the Headless Horseman, who had been heard several times of late, patrolling the country; and, it was said, tethered his horse nightly among the graves in the churchyard. The story was immediately matched by a thrice marvelous adventure of Brom Bones, who made light of the Galloping Hessian as an arrant jockey. He affirmed that on returning one night from the neighboring village of Sing Sing, he had been overtaken by this midnight trooper; that he had offered to race with him for a bowl of punch, and should have won it too, for Daredevil beat the goblin horse all hollow, but just as they came to the church bridge, the Hessian bolted, and vanished in a flash of fire. All these tales, told in that drowsy undertone with which men talk in the dark, the countenances of the listeners only now and then receiving a casual gleam from the glare of a pipe, sank deep in the mind of Ichabod. . . .

跪求一篇 The Legend Of Sleepy HolloW 的读后感????????

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving"s companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today.The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related".The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor"s aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel.Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809.

the sleepy hollow 中最感人呢是什么



作为一名流程TD,这两个概念非常重要。但是在平常的交流中,我发现很多朋友对这两个概念还是比较模糊的。而且纵使是大佬们之间的理解也或多或少的存在差别。 为了统一这些重要的基本概念,我觉得确实有必要写一篇东西来科普一下。(当然,我的理解也不是标准答案,大家仅做参考,有异议的也欢迎找我交流! 在开始解释定义之前,我们最好先弄清楚一件事——精确地区分这两个术语的意义是什么? 在很多的语境下,这两个词所表达的意思是非常接近的。 比如我们经常会听到Pipeline TD这样的职位名称,很少会听到Workflow TD这样的称呼,但了解Pipeline TD工作内容的人一般都知道,无论是Pipeline还是Workorkflow通常都属于Pipeline TD的工作范畴。 当你的老板或者艺术家们和你讨论工作流程问题时,无论他们使用的术语是Pipeline还是Workflow,通常情况下都指的是生产方式相关的问题。 所以,你确实无需无时无刻地抠这些字眼儿,在非专业的语境下完全可以根据韵脚需要Freestyle选择说哪个词。但是,这并不意味这两个词之间没有区别。 对于专业的流程TD来说,这两个词有着明确的区别,并且对这些区别的认识程度直接影响着你审视流程架构的维度。有句话叫:夏虫不可以语冰。视角上的缺失是悲哀的,对于流程设计专业来说有时甚至是致命的。 我一般把Pipeline翻译为“管线”,顾名思义,它应当像管子一样,存在较为确定的输入和输出。 虽然一些情况下,Pipeline会被用于指代相对复杂的流程系统,但是通常情况下,它可以更加精准地表达一个输入到一个输出之间的线性关系。 我们可以举个例子来说明:假如在某个动画电影制作中,我们决定使用abc格式的文件将携带动画信息的模型数据从动画环节传递给灯光环节,这就是一条Pipeline。其实,在没有Pipeline的情况下,我们有很多种方式可以完成这个过程。如果项目很短,这个过程重复的次数并不多,我甚至可以每次使用不同的方法。但是,通常情况下,专业内容制作公司所面临的问题往往非常复杂,相同的过程需要成千上万次地进行。没有一些结果可控的固定流程来支撑,结果将会是灾难性的。 明确的接口定义加上程序化的过程实现,将大幅提升组织对生产结果的控制能力,这就是Pipeline存在的意义。也是国内外头部内容制作公司如此重视Pipeline技术的主要原因。 回过头来梳理一下Pipeline的概念:可以这么说,Pipeline是对数据流通方式的定义,它是个抽象的概念,是每一次数据传递操作的理论依据。 在Pipeline TD的实际工作中,你所需要面对的往往不止是局部的数据流通关系,而是涉及了大量环节的复杂系统。这样的复杂系统往往涉及了很多的规则和技术,需要精心地构建。 Pipeline TD最重要的工作往往就是Pipeline的设计,当然,更多的时候是基于设计开发工具,来辅助Pipeline的实施。 Workflow可以直接翻译成工作流,中英文术语都非常的贴切。 当我们谈到work,绝大多数情况下我们谈论的是人的工作。因此Workflow的含义更多是偏向人的协作方式的。一般情况下,Workflow的制定会考虑更多关于工作实施的内容。 “流(Flow)”是Workflow的另一半,它描述了日常工作的另一个性质——流动性。这是经过设计的协作方式具备的典型特征,所有的事件都在非线性的活动网络中顺滑地进行。是否丝滑也是评价一套工作流质量的主要考量指标。 作为Pipeline TD,Workflow同样是你不可回避的工作内容。这不是一件一蹴而就的事情,你需要不断地思考、观察、打磨才能逐渐构建起一套优秀的工作流框架。当然,在此之前,你最好可以具备一些理论知识,来确保自己知道在做什么。 构成工作流的主要单位是“事件”。我们不可能捕获工作中的所有人的所有行为,呼吸、挠痒痒、上厕所,这些都不重要,重要的是与协作相关的活动。当这些提前定义的活动发生时,我们需要捕获它,这就是事件。 实时发生的各种事件构成了工作流的脉搏,与此同时,数据在管线中有节奏地传输,这就是Workflow与Pipeline的关系。这种描述可能比较抽象,你能领会这种微妙的关系吗? 定义事件是一件复杂的事情,你可能很容易地关注到与目标相关的那些事情,而例外的情况和突发的事故则往往需要吃一堑才能长一智。所以,Pipeline TD的经验确实如真金白银一样值钱。 在完成了事件的定义之后,就到了设计行为规范来应对各种事件的阶段了。此时,你需要做大量的沟通,充分倾听艺术家们的诉求,了解他们的日常,结合内外因素全面地考虑辨别问题的本质,才能设计出合理可行的工作流。由于工作流直接决定了团队的整体效率,因此脱离实践的纸上谈兵是非常危险的。 构建Workflow一个很重要的思想就是:优先考虑为日常工作制定标准。比如,内容审核、文件版本控制、技术支持工单等等。你可以为生产任务制定通用的生命周期,也可以为内部审核会议制定标准化的会议流程以及会议记录模板…… 除了日常工作以外,应对不可预期的状况也是工作流设计的重点内容,你可能需要更早地形成原则,比如“人身安全大于数据安全”,或者“优先完成主要角色的资产”等等,并基于此灵活应对,而非总是拍脑袋做决定。同时也不能抱残守缺,死抱着冰冷的规则钻牛角尖。在不影响整体的前提下,充分地考虑兼容性,来应对各种可能出现的问题,才是成熟TD该做的事情。 读到这里,你应该已经看出了,不同于定义精确的Pipeline,Workflow的定义非常的广泛,甚至需要考虑到公司运营活动中的方方面面。这并不是Pipeline TD自己的事情,很多时候它需要更多相关人员的参与,骨干艺术家、制片、CG总监(或者VFX总监)、导演、制片人甚至所有的企业高管。 从涉及的领域上看,合理的Workflow需要涵盖大量直接CG内容制作以外的活动,包括而且不限于考勤、软硬件运维、人力调度、其他的集体活动等方方面面。 Pipeline TD经常做的一件事——绘制生产流程拓扑图——把各个生产环节以节点图的方式连接起来,你觉得这件事属于设计工作流的范畴还是设计Pipeline的范畴呢? 欢迎通过 TD学习交流社区 来找我交流。 机器猫的大喇叭:为什么CG公司间流程非得不一样? DATA MACGYVERED Question: Difference Between "Pipeline" And "Workflow" ? Producer 软件文档

《The Legend of Sleepy Hollow》译文


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  睡谷的传说  美.Washington Irving 刘怀远译  在哈德逊河东岸有一个小集镇,通常被人们叫做塔里镇。离这个小镇不远,大约两里左右的高山中有一个小山谷。这里是世界上最寂静的地方之一。一条小溪穿流而过,潺潺的溪流声使人昏昏欲睡,只有偶尔小鸟的鸣叫声才打破了山谷的宁静。  我记得,当时是一个小伙子我第一次的辉煌业绩是在遮蔽了半个山谷的大胡桃树林中捕获了几只松鼠。那是一个周日的中午我溜达进了山谷,当时万籁俱寂,响亮的枪声打破了周围的宁静,在山谷久久地回荡。我想要是想逃避尘世的烦恼,安安静静虚度此生,再没有比这小山谷更理想的地方了。  这个山谷的名字由此地的永不宁静产生,来自那些住在那里象他们荷兰祖先曾有的特点。这个山谷因此得名“睡谷”,并且这里的农夫被邻村的人叫作“睡谷人”。一个沉睡的、梦魇般的东西似乎无处不在,无时不有。有人说一个医生曾在荷兰人统治时在那里耍过魔术,其他人断言,有一个印第安老酋长精通魔术,曾在得里克.哈得逊船长发现之前控制着这个地区……  不管怎么说,这个地方始终总有一种魔力占据着人们的头脑,使他们行走好象总在睡梦中。他们倾心信奉稀奇古怪的东西。他们常常能看见奇异的光并能听到在空中有音乐和说话的声音。  在这个地区所提到的幽灵中最神奇的那个好象成了这里一切的统治者。在睡谷的人们看来,那幽灵的形状象是骑在马上的一个人——一个无头的家伙。有人说那是在革命战争中被枪打掉了脑袋的士兵的鬼魂。  据说这个无头骑士常见在夜间飞快地游荡。他不光在这个山谷中游逛,而且还到邻近的路上,尤其是到不远的教堂里。事实上,当地人相信他到教堂里是有当地历史根据的。  他们说那个士兵的尸体曾葬在教堂的院子里,那个鬼就每晚骑着马在战场周围寻找他的头。这些权威的说法试图解释他为何在山谷中急速游荡。他们说由于他迟到了才匆匆忙忙,而且必须在早上返回到教堂的院子里。  不管这一说法是否正确,有一点是肯定的,那就是这里的许多人曾见到过这个鬼。他们还知道睡谷无头骑士的名字。  说来也怪,能看见鬼的不仅是这个山谷里的人,就连在这里小住一段时间的人也有了这种本事。有人肯定,既使任何一个在进到睡谷之前很清醒的人,只要在这里住很短的时间,就会做梦在梦里见到鬼魂。  我用令人满意的赞美语言提到的这个安祥的地方,人们的思想、行为和风俗习惯仍旧保留在闭塞的小荷兰山谷中,而大纽约州却在不断地发生着变化。睡谷这样的地方好比是急流边上小池里的一汪静水,不受奔流江水的影响。我离开睡谷宁静的居所已多年了,我相信我仍能在那里找到那些树和人家。  在这个梦幻地区,几年前,住着一个可怜人叫伊克波德.克莱恩。他并不是本地人,是从另外一个地方来睡谷教书的。伊克波德.克莱恩这个名字对他来说最合适不过。他看起来极象一种叫鹤的水鸟,又高又瘦,窄窄的肩膀,腿长胳膊长,脚又很大,总之身体各个部位松松散散地凑在一起。他的头很小,头顶很平,再配上一对大耳朵,一双大而无神的绿眼睛,在骨骼暴凸的颈项顶端还有一个细长的鼻子。  伊克波德教书的地方由一间大房子构成,用原木搭建。窗户一部分装有玻璃,一部分糊着用过的习字贴。教室位置有点偏僻,但环境很不错,刚好处在一片森林的小山脚下,一条小溪穿流而过;另一边上是一片参天大树。夏日里经过这里的人们就能听见学生轻声背诵课文的嗡嗡声。不时地,这种声音被老师严厉的声音打断,是一种警告或是命令的语气。  与其他教书人一样,当用语言说不动学生按要求去学习时,他就会动用一根教棍。然而他不是那种残酷的从体罚学生的痛苦中享乐的学生王。在惩罚学生时,他把弱小的负担加重到强大的头上。他对那些一动教棍就哭的弱小孩子惩罚很轻。但是出于公正起见,他把双倍的惩罚加在那些健康强壮的小荷兰人身上,他们用沉默的对抗来忍受挨打却不哭一声。他把这一切说成是为他们的父母尽义务。他从不打那些做过保证的学生,“你们要记住并且要感谢我,你们将来的路还很长。”  放学后,他甚至成了大一点孩子们的伙伴。在假期,他十分友好地到小一点孩子的家中,只要他们有漂亮的姐姐或是他们的妈妈能有一手好的厨艺。事实上,他认为很有必要和他的学生们保持友好的关系。他教书的工资很低,几乎不够他每天的伙食,因为对他这么瘦的人来说他的饭量太大了。除了他的工资之外,他还给人家的孩子辅导课程混些饭吃和混住一宿。这在当时的那个地方是一种风气。每一家他都隔段时间会住一周,然后又挪到另一家。他随身的财物只有一块棉手绢而已。  有了这样的生活经历,伊克波德掌握了不同的方法使自己对他住宿的家庭既有用又令他们愉快。有时帮他们在地里干点轻活,修修篱笆,去饮一下马,为冬天砍点柴禾。他也很节约,所有的精力而且最重要的都放在他的小帝国——学校上。他让人信服,感到友善、文雅。他在和他玩的孩子们妈妈的眼中找到了荣誉感,尤其是那些年轻的妈妈。  除了教书之外,他还是这个地区的歌咏老师,教那些年轻人唱教堂歌曲时还额外挣点钱。礼拜天,他非常骄傲地在教堂里站在他选出的一组歌手面前。在他看来,在这里他所起的作用比牧师所做的任何事情更有价值。  通常,学校的老师是一个农村妇女心中举足轻重的人物。她们认为老师比起她们粗野的农村丈夫来说简直是举止优雅工作轻闲的绅士,而丈夫则是一文不值。这样的结果就是在农舍的茶桌前常常有这位老师带来的欢愉和快乐。女人们拿出了比平常好的饭菜,多时不见的银茶壶也出现了。我们故事中的老师因此享受着人家女儿们甜甜的微笑。在礼拜天,他在教堂服务时,轻松地与年轻女士们交谈,并沿着教堂附近的磨坊储水池边与整组的女士们悠闲地散步。这些多么让人羡慕呀!你能想象出这些事情多么刺激这个地方的粗野小伙子们,恰恰在这些方面他们就缺少他的机智和勇气。  由于他今天住东家明天住西家,这位老师也就成了一种流动的报纸,把闲言碎语从一家带到另一家。因此,对他将住宿的那家来说,他的到访将会带来令人满意的东西。而且,女人们认为他是一个很有学问的人,因为,他通读过几本书。尤其是关于灵魂和鬼怪方面的书。  事实上,他是一个聪明与愚蠢简单混合的怪东西。他竟乐意迷信那最不可信的故事,特别是在睡谷居住几年以后。常常在下午,当学生们离开学校后,他习惯躺在附近小溪边的草丛里,看一些古老的鬼怪故事,直到夜幕降临看不见为止。然后,他穿过树林来到刚好是他当时居住的那家农舍。此时,自然界的每个声音都会激发他的想象力。灌木丛中的小动物发出的吵杂声使他非常害怕,崖上的夜鸟奇怪的叫声听起来象不安宁死尸的警告声。要是偶尔大一些的昆虫飞撞在他的脸上,更使可怜的伊克波德满心恐惧。另一些恐惧来源于和那些老荷兰女人们坐在炉火旁消磨的漫漫长夜里。在那里当她们谈起去过某地、在某座桥,还有某个房子里的鬼怪时,伊克波德十分喜欢听。她们提到了那个无头骑士。伊克波德也讲自己的故事逗她们乐,大都关于发生在他家乡很久以前的可怕事情。  但是,如果说当他舒心地坐在欢愉的火边,感到一切充满欢乐的话,那么他在独自回家的路上行走时,他就要为此欢乐付出代价。大雪纷飞的夜晚,在他经过的路上躺卧着一个身影,这是多么可怕的事呀!他常常为自己的脚踩在冻雪中发出咯吱声颤抖不已!又常常因疾速掠过的风声吓得打寒颤!他以为那一定是无头骑士的一次夜行。  不过,这一切仅仅是夜间的恐惧而已。所有这些邪念鬼祟随着清晨的来临都会消失。假如他的前程不受一个生物的打扰,他仍可以过一段有趣的生活,尽管有邪祟和工作的烦恼。这个东西比任何鬼怪对男人都更加危险,那个东西就是——一个女人。  在每周一个晚上来跟老师学音乐的年轻人中,有一个漂亮女孩叫凯特丽娜.凡.塔塞尔。她是受人尊敬的老荷兰农场主巴尔特斯.凡.塔塞尔的女儿,也是他惟一的孩子。凯特丽娜年方十八,就象她父亲苹果树上的苹果一样清纯、健康、美丽。  伊克波德的心一见女人就又软又蠢。不过,他羡慕凯特丽娜也不须大惊小怪,特别是自他去过她父亲的农场以后。老巴尔特斯是一个典型的获得成功又心满意足的农场主。他对自己的财富感到满意,但不张扬。他乐意过丰衣足食舒心的日子,但对生活方式不太在意。  塔塞尔的农场位于哈德逊河岸边,那里一片绿色,又很隐蔽,庄稼长势喜人。一棵参天大树伸展出繁茂的枝叶遮住了房子。一条清澈的小溪从旁边流过。老凡养的鸡是这个地区最好的;喂的猪也是最胖的;庄稼又喜获丰收工人在地里从早忙到晚。  在伊克波德第一次拜访时,他对老凡的农场就已垂涎三尺。他的想象力告诉他这里的人在冬天一定吃得很好。当他转动绿色的眼珠环顾那肥沃的牧场和土地时,看到了果实累累的树木。他意识到他是多么的爱这个女孩啊!总有一天这一切都是属于他的。再往远点想,他看见了这些肥沃的土地如何容易地为他换来了金钱。  从伊克波德第一次到这片乐园的那刻起,他大脑的平静就被打乱了。他除了想着如何赢得凯特丽娜的芳心之外别无所思。不过,在这场战役中,他将比古时的骑士遇到的真正困难大得多。与那些骑士不同,他必须排除万难去获得一个美丽村姑的欢心。况且她还没认真考虑过去爱任何男人,尤其没有考虑过去爱伊克波德。还有他必须战胜一群有血有肉的敌人——就是那些经常企图赢得她芳心的许多年轻的农村小伙子。  在这些人当中,对伊克波德的希望最具致命威胁的是一个叫布朗姆.凡.布朗兹野蛮粗鲁的家伙。由于他的许多英勇事迹而成了当地的英雄。他膀大腰圆,一头黑发短而弯曲,一张男子汉刚毅的脸庞上有些傲气和风趣。当地人称之为硬汉布罗姆。他因精湛骑术而闻名当地,随时随地都准备打架斗殴。他除了举止粗野以外,还是个很幽默的小伙子,喜欢讲些笑话开个玩笑什么的。  这个举止粗野的年轻英雄把凯特丽娜选中为自己钟爱的对象已有一段时间了。虽然他表达爱的方式和一个笨熊差不多,但人们私下都传凯特丽娜已给了他一线希望。有一点可以肯定,他的行动成了其他青年男子退出战场的信号。在礼拜天晚上,当有人看见他的马栓在老凡的篱笆桩上时,所有凯特丽娜的爱慕者都绝望的走开了。  这样一来,这家伙就成了威胁伊克波德在这场战役中取胜的首要因素了,并且有一个比伊克波德聪明许多的人已承认失败了。但是这个老师却有不同寻常的素质:他弯而不折,稍给点颜色他就会俯首低头,如一旦停止施压,他突然再次直直站起来,象以前一样把头抬得高高的。  公开挑战硬汉布罗姆显然是发疯了。因此,伊克波德走了一步不易觉察稳稳当当的棋。作为一名乡村歌咏教士,他频繁地拜访老凡的农舍。老凡是一个平易近人慷慨大方的父亲。他爱女儿胜于他的烟斗。象其他通情达理优秀的父亲一样,他事事都依着女儿。他娇小的妻子也一样,忙于家务和看管她的鸡。她曾明智地说过,鸟类是不懂事的东西,必须严加看管,但女孩可以自己照料自己。  这样,当忙碌的妈妈在操持家务时,当诚实的老父亲坐在门廊抽夜晚的烟斗时,伊克波德在村边的大树下展开了战役,要么就与凯特丽娜在夕阳下散步,日落后的那段时光对谈情说爱是再合适不过了。  我不敢说知道他是如何赢得女孩的心,但我知道这个:当伊克波德开始他的行动后,情况就对布罗姆不妙了。不久,在礼拜天的晚上人们再也看不到布罗姆的马栓在老凡家的篱笆桩上了,一种殊死争斗的状态在他和睡谷的老师之间展开了。  布罗姆有足够粗鲁的勇气,想把事情解决在公开的战场上;但伊克波德不愿走这一步。他听说布罗姆宣布要把“那个老师叠起来塞进他学校的书架里”,他一直没给布罗姆这个机会。  这种情况持续了一段时间未发生什么变化。一个秋天晴朗的下午,伊克波德坐在教室里心不在焉地看着他的学生。他们都在忙着学习功课或者低下窃窃私语,一只眼睛盯着老师。突然间,这种宁静被一位来人打破了。他出现在学校的门口给伊克波德送来一份邀请晚上参加老凡农场宴会的请柬。这个事情使一直沉静的教室产生了变化。学生们匆匆忙忙地做完了功课,并没有因为一些小错误而停下来;书本乱扔一边没有收拾整齐,而且整个学校比平常放学提前一个小时。  现在伊克波德要花最少额外半个小时为赴宴做准备,刷一刷他最好的,事实上也是唯一的黑外套,在教室墙上的镜子前整理一会头发。为了到凯特丽娜家有个体面的方式,他从曾住过的农夫家借了一匹马。这下就象一个探险的骑士出发了。  不过,也许我应该给我这个英雄和他骑的这匹老马的外貌作一番描述。他骑的这个牲畜是一匹出尽了力的用作耕地的马。由于太老而干不成什么有用的活了。一只眼矢明了,另一只眼里映出自己烈性的光。它瘦骨嶙峋,浑身的毛很不顺。在有生之年它仍需发热出力。从它的名字我们就能判断出这点:“火药”。事实上,它是主人很宠爱的一匹马,只不过坏脾气农夫凡里波把坏脾气明显地传染到它身上了。虽然“火药”看起来又老又弱,但它骨子里潜藏的烈性比这个村里任何年轻的马都厉害。  伊克波德这个人正好配骑这匹马,两条瘦腿长长地耷拉在下面。尖胳膊肘比身体还宽,宽松的黑衣衫在身后张扬着,几乎飘到了马的尾巴上。就这样,伊克波德和他的马走出了汉斯凡里波的大门,向塔塞尔农场赴宴的道路上进发。  我在上面提到,这是一个秋季的好日子。天高云淡,大自然盛披金黄色的衣装,让人总是联想到丰收的喜悦。当伊克波德骑着马在路上慢悠悠地行进中,他满心喜悦地欣赏着遍野丰收季节的财宝。他看到的尽是累累硕果—有的沉甸甸的挂在树上,有的已收在蓝子和桶里准备出售。远远的他看见在大片的印第安玉米林中,躺着又圆又黄的菠箩;而且再往远点他看见在一片田野里蜜蜂在辛勤忙碌酿蜜。不管他看到那里,都联想到了食物;他想象力构画出了美好的蓝图:在不远的将来凯特丽娜用巧妙的双手为他准备好了最丰盛的晚宴。  带着满脑子甜蜜的幻想和期盼,他沿着群山脚下前进。夕阳渐渐西下,小河静静的躺在那里;远处有一条小帆船随意地漂浮着,由于没有风,船帆虽挂着,但不起什么作用。  天快黑的时候,伊克波德来到了老凡富丽堂皇的农庄。他发现客人早已到齐。有老农夫们和他们的老妻子们,他们的儿子和女儿们。布罗姆.布朗,幕中的英雄人物,骑着他心爱的象他一样的愣头青马也早已到达。愣头青生机勃勃,除了布朗外再无人能驾驭它。  现在我必须停下来去描述一下伊克波德进到凯特丽娜家里看到的迷人场面。对于那个年轻女孩的妩媚动人我不多说,我愿慷慨地说说秋天收获的季节在真正的荷兰茶桌上令人陶醉的场面。成堆的甜饼,各种各样叫不出名堂,仅仅知道是出自厨艺精湛的荷兰人家庭主妇之手。除了甜品之外,还有各式各样的鸡鸭鱼肉,都是色、香、味俱全的佳肴。不过由于没有时间来详细描述这个盛宴,我急切地想继续我的故事。幸运地伊克波德不象这个讲故事的一样慌张,他津津有味地吃着所看到每一份食品。  伊克波德就是这种人,快乐随着好吃的明显地增加。他的精神见到好吃的就提起来了,就象那些见了酒就提起精神的人一样。这天晚上也一样,他在一边吃东西的时候,转动着大眼珠环顾四周,一边在得意洋洋地想着总有一天他就会成为他现在所看到这一切的主人。  老巴尔特斯穿梭于客人中间,他的脸又圆心情又好,就象收获季节的满月一样。他殷勤周到地招呼着每一位客人:轻轻地握一下客人的手,拍一拍他们的肩膀,爽朗地笑着,督促他们“到那边桌子上想吃什么就吃点什么。”  隔壁房子里响起了音乐,邀请客人们去跳舞。伊克波德对他的舞一直很自豪,事实上,作为一个跳舞的来说,他是一道有趣的风景。在他跳舞时,他的骨骼和肌肉毫无用处。而此刻,他的舞跳的比以前更投入,因为他在和心爱的女孩一块跳舞。她对他那充满爱慕之情的可笑神情报以温和的微笑。而布朗却独自一人愤怒沉默地躲在角落里痛苦地注视着。  舞会结束后,伊克波德加入到一群贤明的老者那里,他们和老凡一块,坐在走廊的一头,谈论起往昔并讲起有关战争的故事。这些战争故事比起他们随后讲到的鬼故事来说意思就相差很远。有许多关于送葬队伍的悲伤描绘,而且讲到在那棵曾吊死那个军官的大树周围有人听到过鬼的嚎叫声。讲故事的也提到一个白衣女人,经常在那片阴暗的树林里出现;过路人在暴风雪来临之前的冬天夜晚曾听到这个女人刺耳的尖叫,原因是她死在雪地里。不过,大多数故事是关于那个喜欢睡谷的鬼魂,那个无头骑士。好几个人讲了最近几周经常听到这位骑士在夜间行动。  所有这些故事,讲述时的语调都是他们在黑夜里说话的那种低沉隐秘的,给伊克波德的头脑里中下了很深的印象。在他的闲谈中,他也讲了许多发生在他家乡的奇闻怪事,而且他还把他在睡谷夜间行走时见到的景象描绘的十分恐怖。  晚会终于结束了。老农夫们把一家人叫齐上了马车。一些年轻女人跟在她们心爱的年轻男子身后骑着马回家,一些则骑着年轻男子的马。她们开心的笑声象银铃般地穿过静寂的树林,越来越弱直到听不见为止。很快晚会场面就冷落下来了。伊克波德比其他客人呆得稍微长一点,根据乡村情人之间的习俗,单独和凯特丽娜进行了交谈。现在他确信无疑,他走在成功的路上。  在这次谈话中发生的事情我不准备加以叙述,事实上我什么也不知道。不过一定是出了什么问题,因为,不久以后他离开房子时确实是垂头丧气。天哪!这些女人!这些女人!难道那个女孩在搞女性玩人的鬼把戏吗?她整个晚上向伊克波德微笑仅仅是为了玩弄布朗的感情吗?只有老天才晓得这些,我不知道!我仅仅能说出的就是伊克波德离开凯特丽娜之后的情况。他看起来就象是一个被抓住了的偷鸡人,一点也不象赢得了女士芳心的男子汉。没有左顾右盼直直走向他那正在打盹的马,踢醒了这个老东西,骑上它向家走去。  心情沉重的教师沿着他下午愉快旅行的那条路往回走。而此刻时光也好象与他的心情一样忧伤。夜半的静寂使他能听到河对面传来的狗叫声。他仅能从这人类忠实伴侣的微弱叫声里感觉到了距离。他今天晚上所听到的鬼故事现在一起浮现在眼前。夜色越来越暗,乌云偶尔遮住星星,忽隐忽现。他从未感到过如此孤独。而且,他快到许多鬼故事提到的那个地点了。在路的中间有一棵参天大树,它象一个巨人一样罩住周围的其它树木。它那粗大的树枝足有一般的树干那么粗,弯弯垂下几乎到了地面,然后又伸向天空。在当地的故事中,这棵大树总是与那个吊死的军官安德鲁联系在一起,它通常被称为安德鲁树。  当伊克波德走近这棵恐怖树时,为了壮胆他开始打口哨。他以为他的口哨声得到了回应,其实只是风掠过干枯树枝发出的响声而已。他再向前靠近一点,感觉看到树中间吊着一个白色的东西。他停下打口哨;再靠近看一下,原来是树干被敲打过的地方露出了白色的木头。突然间他听到了一个声音,象是快死的人的呻吟声。伊克波德吓得牙关打颤,其实那声音是树枝被风吹动相互磨擦发出的。他安全的通过了那棵树,但是新的危险在前面等着他。  离那棵树大约二十码远近,一条小溪穿路而过;几根粗糙的圆木并排放着,当作小溪上的桥。过这个桥的确是对勇气的一次考验,因为正是在这里安德鲁少校被那些藏在附近树林里的人捉住的。  当伊克波德走近这条小溪时,他的心开始敲打胸膛。他鼓起全部勇气,照着马的胯部一顿猛踢,企图快速通过这座桥。但不是向前,这匹果断的老马决定走另一边而坚决不走那“篱笆”。由于马的迟误伊克波德恐惧感俱增,再次狠踢那匹马。这一切全是徒劳,事实上,他的马开始向路的相反的一边直直地跑进灌木丛。  这个教师现在用鞭子和脚后根一起揍向老“火药”瘦骨嶙峋的胯部,老马以愤怒的速度向前猛冲,但刚到了桥边就停了下来,猛的停顿差一点儿把伊克波德从它的头前摔落下来。就在这时,他听到了一阵嘈闹声,把他的注意力引到小溪的对岸。他看见了一个丑恶的身影,又大又黑,高高地耸立在那里,一动不动地站着,好象在等待着,准备捕捉这个旅行者。  这位教师吓得头发倒竖,毛骨悚然。怎么办?现在返回或者逃跑已太迟了。再说,人怎能从一个鬼怪的手里逃脱?它会腾云驾雾的。  为了壮胆,他决定再试一试,用颤抖的声音问道:“你是谁?”没有回答。他用更害怕的声音重复问了一下,仍然没有回答。他再次猛踢毫无用处的“火药”胯部,而且闭上眼睛开始大声唱圣歌。  就在这时,那个阴影幽灵过了桥跳到路中间。虽然夜色很暗,但这个不明怪物的轮廓大致可以看清。他看起来是一个骑士,骑着一匹大黑马。他没有作出威吓或友好的举动。而且仍沿着路的边上向“火药”眼瞎的那一边骑来,现在“火药”决定听从教师的指挥。  伊克波德对这个神秘的午夜伴侣不感兴趣。他想到了那个无头骑士的鬼故事。因此,他催马快跑希望把这个奇怪的家伙抛在后头。不过,这个奇怪的家伙把自己的马赶得更快。伊克波德只好让马慢下来,打算走在后头。但那个家伙也这么做。这个教师的心害怕的开始绝望了。他努力想继续唱圣歌来驱邪,但嗓子干的一点声音也发不出来。这个伙伴如此有耐心保持沉默使伊克波德更加充满神秘和恐惧。  这个不可思议的东西马上就搞清楚了。骑马上了一个小坡,在天空的衬托下看清了那个旅伴的体形:伊克波德惊恐地发现他没有头!而更吃惊的是他发现本该在肩上的东西却拿下来放在前面的马鞍上。  满心恐惧使伊克波德又踢又打可怜的“火药”,希望冲到前面把他的伙伴抛在后头。但是那幽灵与他一齐向前冲。他不顾一切向前冲,石头从马蹄下到处乱飞。  他俩此刻都到了转向睡谷的那条路。可是“火药”不愿走那条路,朝相反的方向从左边冲下山坡。这条路通向一条约四分之一里深的沙沟,过了小桥就上到一座小山,山上有一个白色的教堂。  由于被伊克波德脚踢鞭抽,吓得此刻“火药”比无头骑士的马跑得快起来。但当伊克波德跑过山沟刚好一半路的时候,他感到坐着的马鞍松动了。他想往紧系,但不起作用。当马鞍掉到地上时他只好抱住“火药”的脖子来救自己。猛地汉斯.凡.里波发火的恐惧感掠过他的大脑,因为这可是那个农夫周末专用的马鞍。但是没有时间来考虑这一丝的害怕;那个幽灵就到了后边。他惶里惶张地想保持平稳。一会滑到这边,一会滑到那边,一会又被颠到马的瘦脊梁骨上。这猛的一颠使他真的害怕把自己劈成碎片。  树林露出的一处空地使他认为就到了教堂附近。就在这时,他听到那匹马的喘气声走近他的身后。他甚至感到了那匹马喘出的热气。又是一顿猛踢,“火药”跃上了那个桥。伊克波德纵马跨上木桥,桥板发出巨大的回响声。他过到桥对面后,转过来向后看。就在这时,那个鬼跳在马鞍上,把他的头向伊克波德扔来。“咣”的一声鬼的头打中了这个教师的头。他重重地倒了下来。“火药”,那匹黑马,还有无头骑士象风一样忽掠而过。  第二天早上,有人发现那匹老马不戴马鞍在凡.里波的大门口吃草。早饭时,伊克波德没有出现。晚饭到了,还没见伊克波德。孩子们聚集到教室里,并且在河堤上无所事事地闲溜达,可就是没见老师。  汉斯.凡.里波这时开始对他的马鞍和教师的命运感到不对劲,立刻派人在村子周围去打听消息。最后他们偶然发现了他的踪迹。在通向教堂的路上,他们找到了马鞍。他们发现那马的脚步明显地在高速奔跑。这些迹象一直过了桥。过到桥的那边,在岸边水流又深又暗的地方,找到了可怜的伊克波德的帽子。在帽子的附近有一颗摔得稀烂的南瓜。他们又沿着河流四处寻找,但是最终也没找到教师的尸体。  到了下一个礼拜日,人们在教堂做礼拜时都谈论起这一令人费解的事件。教堂的院子里一伙,桥上一伙,有的聚在发现南瓜和帽子的地方议论这件神奇的事情。经过大量的谈论和推断,普遍认为伊克波德是被那无头骑士拐走了。因为他没有家,不欠债,没有人对他有再多的想法。学校不久搬到了山谷的另一个地方,又雇了一位教师接替了他。  后来有一位到过伊克波德家乡的农夫带回来一个消息,伊克波德还活着。按这个农夫的看法,这个教师离开睡谷的原因部分是由于那个无头骑士,部分是害怕汉斯.凡里波发火,部分是凯特丽娜捉弄了他,使他羞愧难当。  人们同时也注意到,那个布罗姆.布朗不久就得意洋洋地娶了漂亮的凯特丽娜,并且当人们一提起伊克波德的故事看起来比任何人都更清楚。另外无论何时,只要提起那个南瓜,布罗姆总是放声地大笑。这就使有些人认为,关于这件事他知道得很多。  但是那些老村妇却成了传播这件事的最好桥梁,至今仍然宣称,伊克波德是被神奇的鬼魂抓走了。这个教师的故事在睡谷冬天的火炉旁被广泛流传。

求翻译The Legend of Sleepy Hollow这一段

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow中对主人公的赏析


谁能帮我用英语写些关于The legend of sleepy hollow 的简介与赏析么

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving"s companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today. The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town, New York, in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head". Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related". The dénouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor"s aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel. Although Irving knew an army colonel named Ichabod Crane from Staten Island, New York (who was also once the Commanding Officer of Lieutenant Stonewall Jackson), the character in "The Legend" may have been patterned after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809. 从别处粘的

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 全文翻译

东侧的哈得逊河在纽约,有一个小集镇要求塔里敦。约两英里处塔里敦是一个小山谷。人们称之为“睡谷” 。的祖先那里的人民是原来的荷兰定居纽约。这些睡谷的人往往是非常富有想象力的,而且往往声称已经看到鬼。 主要鬼的地区是精神的骑手无头。本着这种精神,所以有人说,每天晚上乘车找到他的同伴。这是说,他去他的墓地里埋葬,他骑的速度风。 很快结束后,美国革命战争( 1775-6 ) ,一名男子名为Ichabod起重机来睡谷的教师要在该地区。 Ichabod是瘦长。他的头小而扁平的顶部。他大耳朵,大眼睛的绿色玻璃,以及细长的鼻子。 Ichabod讲授一间学校的房子里,他用小树枝罢工失常的学生。他的惩罚,荷兰儿童最。但他仔细相处的学生,其母亲是很好的厨师,因为他的工资很低,他曾在不同的家庭餐。 Ichabod使自己在许多方面有益的。他帮助农民与他们的日常工作。他还通过八卦围绕以自己的妻子。此外,他是unoffical合唱主任领域。冬天晚上,他听取和接受了所有的鬼故事古老的荷兰妻子说。当他走回家,晚上,布什总统期待着每一个他像幽灵一样包括在资产负债表。 很快Ichabod起重机的极大兴趣,卡特里娜范流苏,唯一的孩子Baltus范流苏。流苏凡先生有很大的农场。从时间Ichabod见了范流苏,并看看他的农场, Ichabod的主要目的是在生活中,使他的妻子卡特里娜。 然而, Ichabod也有竞争对手,亚伯拉罕范布伦特,其昵称是姆维奇骨头。西布朗是非常有力和非常顽皮。虽然他并没有真正做任何邪恶的东西,他喜欢玩笑话别人。他还希望卡特里娜是他的女朋友。卡特里娜并没有真正关心他,但她肯定没有阻止他。 Ichabod不想公开竞争与西布朗。 Ichabod只是利用一切机会,他看到卡特里娜。但是西布朗极力发挥笑话的Ichabod在他的学校和班级在他的歌声。 一个秋日Ichabod被邀请参加一个党,晚上Mynheer范流苏的。下午, Ichabod花费额外的30分钟刷他的,只有适合。 Ichabod然后借来的马命名Gunpower由范米开膛手,一个坏脾气的农民,他住在一起。 Gunpower是薄老plowhorse 。事实上, Ichabod真是一个奇怪的前瞻性造物的一匹黑马。 所有重要的人的面积来德伊尔范流苏的城堡这天晚上,包括姆维奇骨头。 Ichabod很高兴,他已被邀请。正如他所喜欢美味的食物,他微笑着对自己说,他有可能成为业主的农场一天。 当音乐开始, Ichabod跳舞的卡特里娜。然后他又加入了一批老家伙和交换故事,战争和空心的鬼。这些措施包括的故事树发生重大安德烈被打死,当然,这个故事的头骑手。 不久党解体; Ichabod ,但是,留在谈论与卡特里娜的一小会儿。当他离开了她,他感到有点失望,不知道到底如何,她觉得他的。他骑着马从旧马,他借来的。 有人半夜时Ichabod接近主要安德烈的树。这是地方这么多的鬼故事场景理应发生。他听到了呻吟声,看到白色的东西,但他通过。前面两个一〇 〇码有一座桥。这是一个地区称为威利的沼泽。这里的路看上去黑暗的阴影,因为从橡树和板栗树。 Ichabod的马,火药,突然停在桥上。和公正然后Ichabod看到一些巨大的向上攀登的阴影,格罗夫。Powered by Google

the legend of sleepy hollow 讲的什么?

睡谷传说 传说在美国独立战争时期的一次战役中,一个赫塞骑兵的头被炮弹打飞了.时候,他的阴魂常骑马在夜间飞驰,到战场上去寻找他的头颅.在睡谷有位从康涅狄格州来的教师,名叫伊卡包德·克兰,他对那些离奇的传说笃信不疑.他看上了当地一位殷实的荷兰农夫的独生女儿卡特琳娜·凡·塔塞尔.但他有许多情敌,其中最可怕的是一个名为布鲁姆·凡·布兰特的乡村小伙子.一天晚上,伊卡包德去参加凡·塔塞尔家的晚会.布鲁姆也在场,并讲到他半夜遇到无头骑士的故事,伊卡包德听了头皮发麻.晚会后他独自骑马回家,在小河边同无头骑士相遇,被那骑士用手中拿着的头打昏倒地.从此伊卡包德再也没有露面.次日人们在桥头发现了他的帽子和一个碎得稀烂的南瓜,以为他已死去.几年后,一个到过纽约的老农说,伊卡包德还活着,并且做了法官.而布鲁姆在伊卡包德失踪后不久就和卡塔琳娜结了婚.每当人们提起那个南瓜的事,他就捧腹大笑,使人不能不怀疑他同那件事有瓜葛.最后布鲁姆被赶出本不属于他的村庄,于是边地小村庄又恢复了平静.  在《睡谷的传说》中克莱恩看着地里的牲畜家禽,想像着它们在饭桌上让人美餐的情景等等,读来令人忍俊不禁.欧文的文风模仿中有创新,形成了自己独特的风格.著名女作家张爱玲曾翻译过《睡谷的传说》.  《睡谷的传说》自1912年首次搬上银幕以来,曾有多个电影版本相继面世,其中迪斯尼的卡通版《无头骑士传奇》最为深入人心.1999年,好莱坞著名导演、悬念大师蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)将《睡谷的传说》改编后重拍(片名为《Sleepy Hollow》),在戏剧化与幽默感兼顾的情况下将欧文的小说原著提升到一个新高度.同时,曾为《星球大战》系列影片以及《终结者》等片制作数码特效的工业光魔公司,成功为影片营造出的令人毛骨悚然的恐怖场面将使该片毫无争议地跻身经典恐怖片之列.

【The Legend of Sleepy Hollow 睡谷的传说】文学问题:小说表达的主题是?


沉睡谷(Sleepy Hollow)第三季百度云


谁能提供一个断头谷(sleepy hollow)的英文介绍

嘿嘿,楼上的,这个是Derek O"Cain写的吧?本来我也想贴这个的,谁知道被你捷足先登了。

Willow的《I Am Me》 歌词

歌曲名:I Am Me歌手:Willow专辑:I Am MeI Am MeWillowI"m meee, I"m mee, and that"s all I can beI"m meee, I"m eee, it"s my one abilityI"m freeAnd you can"t stop meee,I"m free, and that"s all I can beDays pass, I"m tryna find who I really amI"ve been lookingPeople don"t like the way I dressSo it won"t matter, I"ve been lookingI"ve done my hair and it"s not just that easyI"ve been lookingYour validation it"s not just that important to meI"m meee, I"m mee, and that"s all I can beI"m meee, I"m eee, it"s my one abilityI"m freeAnd you can"t stop meee,I"m free, I"m meee, and that"s all I can beNight falls and I find it here I am in peaceI"ve been lookingMaking friends with spirits lostAnd it sets me free, I"ve been lookingExpress myself cause it"s my libertyI"ve been lookingYour validation it"s not just that important to meI"m meee, I"m mee, and that"s all I can beI"m meee, I"m eee, it"s my one abilityI"m freeAnd you can"t stop meee,I"m meee, I"m free, and that"s all I can beI am me, I am me, I am meI am free, I am free, I am freeI am me, I am me, I am meI am free, I am free, X 2I am me, I am me, I am meI am free, I am free, I am freeI am me, I am me, I am meI am free, I am free,OoooooooooooohhhhhhhCreate yourself, redo yourselfRenew yourselfBe you, do what you do,Hold your head up high, everything"s gonna alrightYou"re you, I"m me, let"s livei n harmonyCoexist with each other, love each otherBe yourselfYou have to be yourself, be real, be honestCause ain"t nobody got time for thatThey really don"t, so listen to meListen to this song, because this is real factsThat will help you move along, yeahThat"s all I wanted to say, so I love you guys so muchHope you like the song and you know, yolo, misfits, argh haha.http://music.baidu.com/song/16433869

Welcome to yellow River Scenic Spot英语作文?

Welcome to the Yellow River Scenic Area , with the towering Yueshan Mountain in the south and the surging Yellow River in the north . A series of unique geographical features , such as the magnificent scenery of the bug river , the long-standing cultural landscape , and the beginning of the "hanging river " on the ground , the end of the Loess Plateau . Make it a scenic spot that integrates sightseeing and promoting Chinese culture , and become the leading tourist destination of the Yellow River . She has witnessed the 5,000 year history and cultural changes of the Chinese nation , she is tho totem of the Chinese nation dragon , and she is the soul of the Chinese civilization .

Have a lovely day with flowers

  have a lovely day with flowers  与鲜花共度美好的一天  针对有会议同传需求的用户,推出百度AI同传会议版,支持线下、线上多种会议形式,提供双语字幕投屏、手机边听边看、行业术语定制、查看会议记录等功能;针对看视频、听音频、在线会议交流等场景,推出了百度AI同传助手,能够拾取电脑声音,实时生成同传双语字幕,辅助跨语言的信息获取和交流。  自2010年以来,百度翻译在大规模产业化机器翻译模型、海量翻译知识获取、多语言翻译统一框架、机器同声传译等方面进行了系统而深入的研究,取得重大技术突破,研制了具有完全自主知识产权、技术先进、功能丰富的机器翻译系统,实时准确地响应全球海量复杂多样的翻译请求。

跟随自己的心你就是最快乐的 翻译英文 follow your heart,you are happy. 还有其它翻译吗?

You are the happiest to follow your own mind.

the birds build their homes (in the hollow of the tree ).(提问)

Where do the birds build their homes?



Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Sebastien Schuller专辑:City LoungeWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/59444690

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Blood Has Been Shed专辑:SpiralsWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7899415

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Anthony B专辑:Rise UpWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/5495673

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town专辑:I-Tunes Festival EpThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsthe cold air won"t blow open the windowsYou"ve made it through the storm this farYou can do this, dear, it won"t be hardThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsThere will be tomorrowthe sun will light a sea of sorrowTonight it set and took our friendIf I could do one thing, I"d bring him backSnow won"t stick to the weeping willowsSummer was painted on our skinand those secrets hidden in our childish lipsthey would die for a kissFall was always left in your eyesjust a fleck of yellow lightlike the sunriselike the twilighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8226567

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Sebastien Schuller专辑:Nova Tunes Vol.8When morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15259016

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Jamie Scott & The Town专辑:Park Bench Theories + I-Tunes Festival Ep - SetWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10273524

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Stefan Grossman专辑:How To Play Blues GuitarWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15220969

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Scott Joplin专辑:Rag Time Piano RollWhen morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love"s achingNothing"s strangeIt was in our hands from 6 to 10It slipped right out againThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you see what I seeI hope you feel like I feelAnd the world don"t stopThere is no time for cracking upBelieve me friend"Cause when freedom comesI"ll be long goneYou know it has to endThere"ll be no better timeThere"ll be no better wayThere"ll be no better day to save meSave meYeah, save meYeah, save meI hope you see like I seeI hope you feel what I feelSomeone to stand beside meBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside meWeeping willowThe pills under my pillowWeeping willowPills under my pillowWeeping willowThe Gun under your pillowWeeping willowBeside meBeside meBeside meBeside mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7775676

Weeping Willow 歌词

歌曲名:Weeping Willow歌手:Spencer Day专辑:VagabondThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsthe cold air won"t blow open the windowsYou"ve made it through the storm this farYou can do this, dear, it won"t be hardThe snow won"t stick to the weeping willowsThere will be tomorrowthe sun will light a sea of sorrowTonight it set and took our friendIf I could do one thing, I"d bring him backSnow won"t stick to the weeping willowsSummer was painted on our skinand those secrets hidden in our childish lipsthey would die for a kissFall was always left in your eyesjust a fleck of yellow lightlike the sunriselike the twilighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/8368464

谁能提供一下why does the willow tree weep这首歌的歌词?andy beck。。。

Let me be your weeping willow tree Surround you with my lonely And my day Let me grow in the shade In the sand The banks by your river Let me drink from your stream The cool breeze fill my limbs We will sing together Water over the bevel I stand by your side foreverI wish I was a weeping willow tree I wish I was a weeping willow treeI wish I was a weeping willow tree Sweet river caress how softly ?Maybe the sun in the summers heat Let it cool you We have been dancing so long In the winters freeze The summers drought We survive We belong Let us sing together Water over the bevel I stand by your side forever I wish I was Your weeping Willow tree I wish I was a weeping willow tree I wish I was a weeping willow treeLet us sing together Water over the bevel I stand by your side forever Let us sing together Water over the bevel I stand by your side forever We can sing together Water over the bevel I stand by your side forever Let me be Your willow tree Your willow tree就是这首歌
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