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allow sb. to do sth.和allow doing sth.有什么不同?应该什么时候用哪个?


allow后面加to do还是doing

allow doing. sth. 允许做某事。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。1、 在主动语态中,如果allow后面没有sb出现在allow后面的话,就要接动名词形式;如果后面有sb做宾语,则必须要接to do sth.2、在被动语态中,只有be allowed to do sth的句式结构,而没有sb be allowed doing sth。即:1)allow sb to do sth,allow后有人(宾语)时,用不定式,意思是允许某人做某事,如The teacher allowed us to discuss in class yesterday.2)allow doing sth,allow后没有人(宾语)时,用动词ing形式,意思是允许做某事,如The teacher allowed discussing in class yesterday.没说允许谁做,所以用动词ing形式.3)一般不用allow to do sth这种形式。拓展资料例句:我不许你干那样的事。  My father won"t allow me to take the wheel.  父亲不让我驾驶汽车。  Our teacher does not allow cheating to go unpunished.  我们的老师不容许欺骗行为不受到惩罚。  具有类似用法的动词还有:forbid sb to do sth / forbid doing sthadvise sb to do sth / advise doing sth


前者没有,后者有allow for 估计到, 考虑到; 对...留有余地 体谅allow of 容许; 许可

Allow的 句型

allow sb to do sth


allow既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词(多用于及物动词),1)allow sb. to do sb.允许某人去做某事,The doctor allowed him to smoke. 医生允许他吸烟.2)allow sb doing sth.允许某人做某事,可以表示当前可允许做的事或习惯性动作。根据上下文有时sb可以省略。如: Is not allow (anyone)smoking in this meeting room. 这间会议室里是不允许吸烟的.类似的词还有:advise,forbid, permit, encourage等,如:3) We advised him to have a good rest. 我们劝他好好休息.4) He advised going to Beijing for the holiday. 他建议到北京去度假.


allow allowed allowedallow常用于allow sb to do sth结构,意思是”允许某人做某事”,后面可接动名词作宾语;意为“让······得到、同意给予”时,后面接双宾语;意为“承认”时,后面可跟从句,也可跟“to be”作复合宾语;allow for意思是“考虑到、体谅”;还可与out、in及up等副词搭配。allowed为allow的过去式。allow释义:vt.允许;给予;认可vi.容许;考虑扩展资料:authorize,leave,allow,let,permit这组词都有“让、允许”的意思,其区别是:authorize语气最强,指权威性的允许与认可。leave侧重不加干涉。allow普通用词,侧重听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可用来表客气的请求。let常用词,用于各种非正式场合,语气最弱,指允许或无力阻止某事,暗示漠不关心或听之任之。permit正式用词,在多数场合可与allow换用,语义最强,指准许某人做某事,含权威或正式的意味。


比如我被允许看电视, I"m allowed to watch TV.


allow后面加to do和doing。 allow: v.允许;准许;给予;允许进入(或出去、通过)。 第三人称单数: allows. 现在分词: allowing. 过去式: allowed. 过去分词: allowed 扩展资料   We must allow for human error.   我们必须考虑到人为的失误。   You"re allowed an hour to complete the test.   你们有一个小时的.时间来完成这次测验。   Only light vehicles are allowed over the old bridge.   只有轻型车辆才准许通过那座旧桥。   His parents won"t allow him to stay out late.   他的父母不会允许他在外待得很晚。   Allow sufficient time to get there.   留出充足的时间好赶过去。

allow 怎么用,后面加to do还是doing rt

allow doing sth.允许做某事 eg.They shouldn"t allow smoking. allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 His parents don"t allow him to watch TV.


allow的否定前缀:not allow。示例:They don"t allow signage around the stadium. 他们不允许在体育场周围设广告牌。allow读法英 [əˈlaʊ]  美 [əˈlaʊ]v. 允许,准许;使有可能;任凭;<正式>接受,认可;促使;(特地)酌留;承认,同意;让对方得分短语allow for 体谅 ; 估计到Momma Don"t Allow 妈妈不让Allow me 您的批准 ; 让我来吧 ; 请允许我词语用法:allow作“承认”“认可”解时则可以接that从句或以“to be+ n./adj.”充当补足语的复合宾语。allow of作“许可”或“留有余地”解,其客体常由介词of引出,多用于否定的非人称结构。allow作“考虑到”或“照顾到”解时,也是不及物动词,其客体常由介词for引出,主语只能是人。allow在法律用语中可直接接claim表示“承认…正当”。在美式英语中,allow还可作“说”或“声称”解。

allow 怎么用,后面加to do还是doingrt

allow 的用法 1)allow作“允许”或“许可”讲,常搭用动词不定式短语作宾语补足语即,allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事 ①Please allow me to carry your bag.请让我替你拿包.②My boss doesn"t allow me to use the telephone.我的老板不允许我用电话.③We were allowed to smoke in this room only.我们只许在这间屋子里抽烟.2)allow 作“许可”,“允许”讲,只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接搭用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说 allow doing sth.,不可说allow to do sth.①They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟.②Smoking is not allowed here.此处禁止吸烟.3)allow还常与 out,in,up等副词搭配使用,即 allow sb.in/out/up等.①She won"t allow the children in until they"ve wiped their shoes.直到孩子们把鞋擦干净,她才让他们进来.②She is not allowed out after dark.天黑后,不准她出去.③The patient was allowed up after ten days.十天后病人才被允许起床(下地).【注意】下面的独立主格结构,表示条件 Circumstances allowing,we shall further improve out farming method.(即 If circumstances allow,we shall further improve our farming method.)如果情况许可的话,我们将进一步改进工作方法.

Tensor Flow如何保存数据结果?

训练完一个模型后,为了以后重复使用,通常我们需要对模型的结果进行保存。如果用Tensorflow去实现神经网络,所要保存的就是神经网络中的各项权重值。建议可以使用Saver类保存和加载模型的结果。1、使用tf.train.Saver.save()方法保存模型sess: 用于保存变量操作的会话。save_path: String类型,用于指定训练结果的保存路径。global_step: 如果提供的话,这个数字会添加到save_path后面,用于构建checkpoint文件。这个参数有助于我们区分不同训练阶段的结果。2、使用tf.train.Saver.restore方法价值模型sess: 用于加载变量操作的会话。save_path: 同保存模型是用到的的save_path参数。下面通过一个代码演示这两个函数的使用方法假设保存变量的时候是checkpoint_filepath="models/train.ckpt"saver.save(session,checkpoint_filepath)则从文件读变量取值继续训练是saver.restore(session,checkpoint_filepath)


A.swung 一条大鱼慢慢游过水面,他的尾巴向钟表一样前后摆动. swung是swing的过去式,因 前面的动词用的是过去式was,所以这里也要用过去式 swing,(使)摇摆,(使)摇荡 (及物动词 vt.& 不及物动词 vi.过去式为swung,过去分词为swung) 例 The monkey was swinging in the tree. 猴子在树上荡来荡去. He was swinging his arms. 他在摇摆手臂.




应该是万圣节。万圣节又叫诸圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻。在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints" Day)。为庆祝万圣节的来临,小孩会装扮成各种可爱的鬼怪向逐家逐户地敲门,要求获得糖果,否则就会捣蛋。而同时传说这一晚,各种鬼怪也会装扮成小孩混入群众之中一起庆祝万圣节的来临,而人类为了让鬼怪更融洽才装扮成各种鬼怪。名称由来万圣节英语是All Saints Day,亦称“诸圣瞻礼”,天主教和东正教节日之一,是西方国家的传统节日。华语地区常将万圣夜误称为万圣节。“Hallow”来源于中古英语halwen,与holy词源很接近,在苏格兰和加拿大的某些区域,万圣节仍然被称为“All Hallow Mas”。那一天,要举行的弥撒仪式(Mass)是庆祝在天的全体圣人(Hallow)。现在社会上为了商业利益或其他目的,在10月31日夜里组织各种充满妖魔鬼怪的活动,完全背离了万圣节的神圣意义。


Java 8(agents can still be running under Java 6+) Cassandra 2.1 or later 如果启动过程没有什么异常的话,那么现在cassandra就已经启动成功了: Cassandra默认运行在9160端口,我们可以检查一下: 注意 :Cassandra2.1开始,客户端(cqlsh)默认端口改为9042了,Thrift客户端监听9160端口 显示: 如果想停止的话,直接 Ctrl+C 就可以了。 注: -f 选项指定cassandra在前台运行,如果不加的话会在后台运行 如果要结束在后台运行的cassandra,输入: 查询到该进程的pid,然后kill: $ sudo kill pid 在被监控的应用主机上安装agent: 本次以一个Tomcat应用为例: 配置引入glowroot.jar: 添加以下内容: 保存退出。 注意 :agent.id要保持唯一。 创建并编辑 glowroot.properties 文件: 写入如下内容 保存并退出。 注意 :agent.rollup.id可用于跨多个代理(如跨集群)。它可以设置为任何文本(除了不能包含“/”字符,用于多级汇总)。 配置 admin.json : 修改web,bindAddress为当前服务器地址,保存并退出。 配置Cassandra是否支持密码连接: 默认为允许所有用户连接,不需要账号密码,可以改为 即为需要用户名密码连接。之后启动cassandra服务。 配置Central Collector: 基本是按照默认配置的,ui.https就是安装了中央收集器的ip和端口,这里的用户名密码,如果上面设置了需要密码了连接就在这里配置连接的用户名密码,如果是不需要,注释掉就可以了。 启动: 后台启动: 启动Tomcat应用: 进入ui.https那个地址,可以看到界面啦。 glowroot在使用的过程中,需要保证 agent.id 唯一性,在启动一个应用的多个实例的时候,如果是设置相同的 agent.id 是不被glowroot支持的。


因为run是重读闭音节字,u发自己的短音,末尾为单个辅音字母,这个辅音字母又不是x,所以要双写n加-ing。而allow虽然重读音节在第二个音节上面,但是这个重读音节里的ow合起来发一个合口双元音,o不发短音,所以不是重读闭音节,当然不能双写w再加-ing。现在分词的构成:一、动词原形加-ing。如saying、speaking、talking。二、以不发音的-e结尾的动词,去掉e加ing,如:having、writing、coming。三、以重读闭音节或r音节结尾的动词,末尾为单辅音字母(x除外)时,双写这个辅音字母再加-ing,如:getting、barring、spurring、occurring、beginning、 admitting,但是:fixing、mixing。四、以c结尾的动词,先加k再加ing。如:panicking、picnicking。五、少数现在分词做不规则变化,如:lying、tying。


1.allow强调”默许“.用法allow sb to do,allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“.admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等. 用法也不同:admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别. 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be


练声应该可以到low c


1.allow强调”默许“。用法allow sb to do, allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“。admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等。 用法也不同: admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别。 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be


1.allow强调”默许“.用法allow sb to do,allow doing 2.permit有时可与allow通用,不过它更强烈些,可用于”明文规定允许或不允许“比如: The policemen permitted him to park here.用法: permit sb doing ,permit sb to do 3.let与上面两个可以通用,不过更口语话,而且用法不同为:let sb do 4.admit,其实我不想把它和上面几个词归类的,因为上面几个都是表示”允许做某件事,或不允许做某件事“.admit其实只是表示”允许进入,接受(入学,入会)等. 用法也不同:admit sb to soemwhere,这里to是介词,和上面有天壤之别. 除此之外,admit 还可以解释为“承认”用法: admit sb to be


hymn for the weekend。完整歌词如下:1、Drink from me, drink from me(Oh-ah-oh-ah)2、That we shoot across the sky3、Symphony(So high, so high)4、That we shoot across the sky5、Drink from me, drink from me(Oh-ah-oh-ah)6、That we shoot across the sky                    7、Symphony(So high, so high)8、That we shoot across the...9、Oh, angel sent from up above10、You know you make my world light up11、When I was down, when I was hurt12、You came to lift me up13、Life is a drink and love"s a drug14、Oh now I think I must be miles up15、When I was a river dried up16、You came to rain a flood17、You said drink from me, drink from me18、When I was so thirsty19、Poured on a symphony20、Now I just can"t get enough21、Put your wings on me, wings on me22、When I was so heavy23、Poured on symphony24、When I"m low, low, low, low25、Got me feeling drunk and high26、So high, so high27、Now I"m feeling drunk and high28、So high, so high29、(Woo)30、(Woo-ooo-ooo-woo)31、Oh, angel sent from up above32、I feel you coursing through my blood33、Life is a drink and your love"s about34、To make the stars come out35、Put your wings on me, wings on me36、When I was so heavy37、Poured on symphony38、When I"m low, low, low, low39、Got me feeling drunk and high40、So high, so high41、I"m feeling drunk and high42、So high, so high43、La, la, la, la, la, la, la44、So high, so high45、I"m feeling drunk and high46、So high, so high47、That I shoot across the sky48、That I shoot across the...49、That I shoot across the sky50、Let me shoot across the... (Let me shoot)51、Let me shoot across the sky52、Let me shoot across the...53、Let me shoot across the sky54、That we shoot across the...55、Producers : Rik Simpson/Stargate/Digital Divide/Avicii56、Bass Guitar : Guy Berryman57、Electric Guitar : Jonny Buckland58、Drums, Drum Pad, Percussion, Backing Vocals : Will Champion59、Piano, Acoustic Guitar : Chris Martin60、Additional Programming : Avicii61、Brass : Regiment Horns

trend 和flow有什么区别?

trend: [ trend ] n. 趋势,倾向,方位v. 倾向例句与用法: 1. The prices of houses are trending upwards. 房价趋于上涨。flowvi.流; 垂; 流出; (谈话、文体等)流畅n.流动; 滔滔不绝; 涨潮; 连贯vt.使泛滥; 淹没; 排出

The Yellow Rose Of Texas 歌词

歌曲名:The Yellow Rose Of Texas歌手:Michael Holliday专辑:The Magic Of Michael HollidayMitch Miller Orchestra - The Yellow Rose of Texas 云中君制作There"s a yellow rose in Texas, That I am going to see,Nobody else could miss her, Not half as much as me.She cried so when I left her It like to broke my heart,And if I ever find her, We nevermore will part.She"s the sweetest little rosebud That Texas ever knew,Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew;You may talk about your clementine, And sing of Rosalee,But the yellow rose of texas is the only girl for me.When the Rio Grande is flowing, The starry skies are bright,She walks along the river In the quiet summer night:I know that she remembers, When we parted long ago,I promise to return again, And not to leave her so.She"s the sweetest little rosebud That Texas ever knew,Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew;You may talk about your Clementine, And sing of Rosalee,But the yellow rose of texas is the only girl for me.Oh now I"m going to find her, For my heart is full of woe,And we"ll sing the songs together, That we sung so long agoWe"ll play the bango gaily, And we"ll sing the songs of yore,And the Yellow Rose of Texas Shall be mine forevermore.She"s the sweetest little rosebud That Texas ever knew,Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew;You may talk about your Clementine, And sing of Rosalee,But the yellow rose of texas is the only girl for me.http://music.baidu.com/song/2628847

#星盘解答#刘姝的Flash个人星盘,求高人解读ing……@yellowlittleshoes @zhanxingshi @melancholiac

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