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那句“Long long ago”楼主就自己加吧 ^ ^揠苗助长春秋时代,宋国有个急性子的种田人,庄稼长出禾苗以后,他每天都去观看,总嫌禾苗长得太慢。一天,他跑到地里去,把禾苗一棵棵往上拔。然后很疲倦地回到家,对家里人说:“今天我帮助禾苗长高了!”家里人一听,赶忙跑到田里去看,禾苗全部枯萎了。揠苗助长这个成语,现在多写成“拔苗助长”,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟。Pulling Up Seedings to Help Them GrowIn the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. He thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. One day at dusk, he went back home dog-tired and said to his family:”I helped the rice shoots grow today.” Hearing this, his son hurried to the field, only to find that all the plants had withered.This idiom is now often written 拔苗助长 . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.揠苗助长春秋时代,宋国有个急性子的种田人,庄稼长出禾苗以后,他每天都去观看,总嫌禾苗长得太慢。一天,他跑到地里去,把禾苗一棵棵往上拔。然后很疲倦地回到家,对家里人说:“今天我帮助禾苗长高了!”家里人一听,赶忙跑到田里去看,禾苗全部枯萎了。揠苗助长这个成语,现在多写成“拔苗助长”,比喻违背事物发展的客观规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟。Pulling Up Seedings to Help Them GrowIn the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a farmer who was impatient by nature. He thought his rice shoots were growing too slowly, so he decided to help them by pulling them. One day at dusk, he went back home dog-tired and said to his family:”I helped the rice shoots grow today.” Hearing this, his son hurried to the field, only to find that all the plants had withered.This idiom is now often written 拔苗助长 . It refers to spoiling things because of being over-anxious for results and ignoring the law of nature.


longlongago the earth not have anything






Long long ago, we knew the planet is round. 很久很久以前我们就知道地球是圆的.


long long ago音标是什么音标为:[lɔ:ŋ] [lɔ:ŋ] [əˈgoʊ]


郑惠玉陈汉玮-电视剧《力克千年虫》插曲Tell me the talesThat to me were so dear,Long, long ago,Long, long ago;;Sing me the songsI delighted to hear,Long, long ago,Long ago.Now you are come,All my grief is removed,Let me forgetThat so long you have loved,Let me believeThat you love as you loved,Long, long ago,Long ago.Do you rememberThe path where we met,Long, long ago,Long, long ago.Do you rememberThe path where we met,Long, long ago,Long, long ago.That's when you told meYou would never forget,Long, long ago,Long ago.Then, to all othersMy smile you preferred,Love, when you spoke,Gave a charm to each word,Still my heart treasuresThe praises I heard,Long, long ago,Long ago.


Long long ago, there was a very good snow white was abhorrent stepmother assassination, fortunately escaped, met the seven dwarfs, the seven dwarves helped her find her Right


根据英国民谣long long ago就知道了Tell me the tales that to me were so dear   请你给我讲那亲切的故事   Long, long ago; long, long ago.   多年以前,多年以前   Sing me the songs I delighted to hear   请你给我唱那动人的歌曲   Long, long ago; long ago.   多年以前,多年前   Now you are come, all my grief is removed   你已归来我忧愁全消散   Let me forget that so long you have roved   让我忘记你漂泊已多年   Let me believe that you love as you loved   让我深信你爱我仍如前   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前   Do you remember the path where we met?   可记得我们相会的那条路   Long, long ago; long, long ago   多年以前,多年以前   Ah yes, you told me you never would forget   你告诉我你将永不忘怀   Long, long ago; long go   多年以前,多年前   Then to all others, my smile you preferred   我的微笑能使你常留恋   Still my heart treasures the praises I heard   你每句话都打动我心弦   Still my heart treasures the praises I heard   赞美的话仍藏在我心间   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前。   Though by your kindness my fond hopes were raised   你的爱情又唤起我的希望   Long, long ago; long, long ago   多年以前,多年以前   You, by more eloquent lips have been praised   有多少人曾经把你夸奖   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前   But by long absence your truth has been tried   长久分离,你的爱仍不变   Still to your accent I listen with pride   你的声调仍然使我留恋   Blest as I was when I sat by your side   我多幸福,像从前在你身边   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前。twins唱过


Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White, she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape.One day , the queen dressed up as an old farmther"s wife, gave Snow White a poisonous apple.The Snow White ate the poisonous apple, fell into a deep sleep.The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin.By and by, a prince killed Snow White, she woke up. They got married and lived happily.



longlongago 中文怎么说?



你还真以为long long a go 是中国人说的话引入外国的么?那个是中国人自己搞出来骗自己的。根据英国民谣long long ago就知道了Tell me the tales that to me were so dear   请你给我讲那亲切的故事   Long, long ago; long, long ago.   多年以前,多年以前   Sing me the songs I delighted to hear   请你给我唱那动人的歌曲   Long, long ago; long ago.   多年以前,多年前   Now you are come, all my grief is removed   你已归来我忧愁全消散   Let me forget that so long you have roved   让我忘记你漂泊已多年   Let me believe that you love as you loved   让我深信你爱我仍如前   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前   Do you remember the path where we met?   可记得我们相会的那条路   Long, long ago; long, long ago   多年以前,多年以前   Ah yes, you told me you never would forget   你告诉我你将永不忘怀   Long, long ago; long go   多年以前,多年前   Then to all others, my smile you preferred   我的微笑能使你常留恋   Still my heart treasures the praises I heard   你每句话都打动我心弦   Still my heart treasures the praises I heard   赞美的话仍藏在我心间   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前。   Though by your kindness my fond hopes were raised   你的爱情又唤起我的希望   Long, long ago; long, long ago   多年以前,多年以前   You, by more eloquent lips have been praised   有多少人曾经把你夸奖   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前   But by long absence your truth has been tried   长久分离,你的爱仍不变   Still to your accent I listen with pride   你的声调仍然使我留恋   Blest as I was when I sat by your side   我多幸福,像从前在你身边   Long, long ago; long ago   多年以前,多年前。twins唱过 难听死了




Long long ago there was a bad king.All of his people hated him. One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it.He was a good swimmer,but while he was in the river,he suddenly felt ill,and was nearly die.At that time two farmers were working in the field nearby,they came over,jumped into the river,and he was saved.They didn"t know who he was until they pulled him out of the water. The king was happy.He said to the two farmers,"Ask for anything,and I"ll give it to you.I"m the richest in the world.And today you have saved my life." "Don"t tell anybody that we have saved you."


1. longlongago写一篇英语作文 longlongago Long long ago, in order to dream he unremittingly efforts, in a long long time ago, then he has put down all the.自从放假以来,每天无所事事,一种无奈的感觉,一种懒散的感觉,一种心已经死去了的感觉整天缠绕着我不肯离去。 早上去补课,下午睡一觉到三四点,又写作业到六点,吃了饭已经差不多八点了,在那像傻瓜一样发一小时的呆后去与周公约会。这样一直徘徊一直徘徊,第一次感觉自己像个废物一样,像个 *** 一样,像个神经病一样!我忍不住狠狠的骂自己,可怎么骂也骂不醒内心的灵魂,“你是不是脸皮太厚了一点儿啊?”我试问着“他”,可“他”也不理我。 我只有继续沉闷,心中的火焰渐渐熄灭了。知道有一天。 Since the holiday since, have nothing to do every day, a kind of helpless feeling, a feeling of inertia, a heart already dead feel all day around me and refused to leave. Morning to make up classes, afternoon sleep to three or four points, and write operations to six points, the meal has almost eight points, there like a fool a hour stay after to go with the Duke of Zhou date. This has been hovering hovering, the first time feel like crap, like an idiot, like a neuropathy! I couldn"t resist mercilessly scold oneself, how can be called also scold not awake soul, "you Is it right? Too thick skinned it?" I ask a "he", "he" can also ignore me. I can only continue to dull, hearts gradually extinguished the flames. Know that one day.在不经意间翻开书包,看了看,才发现曾经与我日夜苦战的笔已经都生了锈,那承载着我越过一个又一个关卡的书本也撒满了灰尘,他们都睡着了,怎么叫也叫不醒,是累了吗?不是,是堕落了,是懒散了。“唉,他们睡觉,干脆我也去睡觉。” 抱着这样的心态去发神经似的坐在凳子上,三点,四点,五点,时间滴滴答答的响着,如细丝般在我手上抽去,在时间的声响中,忽然才发现自己坐在了孤单上面,看着自己的手托着自己沉睡的脸,原来我和沉默也坐了朋友。看看以前的文章,其实觉得自己还能继续奋斗的,再抱着这样的想法去照照镜子,才发现其实自己早已颓废了。 Inadvertently open the bag, look, found that I have with me day and night hard pen have rusted, it carries me over a level books is covered with dust, they all fell asleep, what is also called up, be tired? Not, is fallen, is lazy. "Oh, they go to sleep, I simply go to sleep." With this mentality to hair nerve like sitting on a stool, three point, four point, five point, time tick ring, such as filament like in my hand take go to, at the time of the sound, suddenly found himself sitting alone on top, looking at his own hands to hold himself to sleep face, I and silence also sat a friend. Have a look the previous articles, actually feel that they can continue to struggle, to embrace this idea to look in the mirror, they find that in fact they already dispirited.睡梦中,梦到了在很久很久以前自己在黑夜里的台灯下握着笔,梦到了在很久很久以前自己为了追梦的狂热,也想到了在很久很久以后自己荒芜的大脑,在很久很久以后自己干枯的灵魂。Sleep, dream a long time ago in myself in the dark under the table holds a pen, a long time ago in his dream to drive craze, the long long after his own barren brains think, long long after his withered soul.。 2. 小学生英语作文大全以longlongago开头的 Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White, she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape.One day , the queen dressed up as an old farmther"s wife, gave Snow White a poisonous apple.The Snow White ate the poisonous apple, fell into a deep sleep.The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin.By and by, a prince killed Snow White, she woke up. They got married and lived happily。 3. long|ongago,编作文 Long long ago, there were rabbits, cats and deer. They were very friendly. They always help each other when they were in trouble.They often went to each other"s houses to play games. They loved each other. They often took food to each other"s houses. They were often together to have dinner.They oftern had a good time. They were in a good family。 4. 写英语小短文,以longlongago为题 Long long ago i wanted to be a english teacher, because i admired my englisg teacher. He devoted himself to the english education. But now i do not want to be a teacher, because i have no patience and stamina. i just want to be a dancer.。 5. long long ago Long longago, there was a man who dropped a silver bowl into the sea while crossing it. He pondered, "I"m going to make a mark on the water. I"m carrying on my journey now. But I"ll e back for it later." After o months" travel during which he visited Ceylon and many other countries. On seeing a river, he jumped into the water looking for the bowl he had lost before. "What are you doing there?" people asked. He replied, "I have lost my bowl. Now I would like to get it back." People went on, "Where did you lose it?" He answered, "I lost it crossing the sea." Again people asked, "How long ago did you lose it?" He answered, "I lost it o months ago." People asked, "Since you lost it o months ago in the sea, why are you looking for it here in the river?" He answered, "I made a mark on the water where I lost the bowl. This water looks the same as the other. There seems no difference. That"s why I"m doing this." People went on, "Though all waters are identical, the place that you have lost it is there. How can you find it here?" Everybody jeered at him.。 6. 用longlongago开头的故事 Long long ago,There was a king.He liked new clothes.One day,the o men visited the king."My king,we can make new clothes for you."The king was happy. The o men showed the king his new colthes."My king,please try on these magic clothes.Clever people can see them,foolish people can"t see them." The king walked through the city in his new clothes.There were some people in the street.They looked at the king and shouted, "What beactiful clothes!" A little boy pointed at the king and laughed,"Ha!Ha!The king isn"t wearing any clothes!"。 7. longlongago为前题写一篇英语小短文过去式 Long, long ago, there was a king. He liked to draw pictures. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show them to people. People were afraid to say that the king"s pictures were bad, so they all said that his pictures were very good. One day, the king showed some of his bast pictures to an artist. He wanted the artist to speak well of these pictures. But the artist said his pictures were so bad that he should put them into the fire. The king got angry with him and put him to prison. After some time, the king"s guard brought the artist back to the palace. The king said to the artist. "I will set you free if you tell me which one of my pictures is good." Again he showed him some of his new pictures and asked what he thought of them. After having a look at them, the artist at once turned to the guard and said,"Take me back to prison, please."意思就是很久很久以前,有一个国王。 他喜欢绘画。他认为他的画很好,所以他喜欢把它们展示给人们看。 人们很还怕说国王地画很糟糕,所以他们都说他的画非常的好。一天,这个国王把其中一个最好的画展示给了以为艺术家,他想要这个艺术家说这画的好话,但是艺术家说了他的画太糟糕了以至于他应该把它扔进火里。 国王生他气了并且把他送进了监狱。几天过去后,国王的护卫带着这位艺术家回到了宫殿。 国王对这个艺术家说。如果你告诉我我的其中哪幅画好我就给你自由。 他再一次给他看了看他的一些话并且问他对它们的想法,在看了看之后,艺术家立刻对护卫说,请把我带回监狱吧。看看行不行。


long long ago.There is a cat .There is a dog. The dog catch the cat.Cat is sad.Dog is happy.Do you like cat or dog?


long longago there was a wong between the birds and the beast none knows what they found about.


是“很久很久以前”的意思,表达了时间过了很久,不过正确的写法应该是long long ago。Long,英语单词,主要作为形容词、副词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“长的;长时间的;远的;长音的;(人)高的;持续的;冗长的;记得牢的;较大量的;远期(获利)的”。作副词时意为“长期地;(某事之前或之后)很久地;(时间名词后)整个时间;远地”,作名词时意为“长时间;长音;远期证券;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤,(美、英、爱)隆(人名)”,作动词时意为“渴望,盼望”。Long的双语例句:1、Giraffes have very long necks.长颈鹿脖子很长。2、It had been a long tiring day.这一天让人感到又累又长。3、He uses a lot of long words.他使用了很多长词。




Long,longagotherelivedaking.Helovedhorses.Oneday heaskedanartisttodrawhimabeautifulhorse.Theartist said,"Allright,butyoumustwait."Sothekingwaited.He waitedandwaited.Atlast,afterayearhecouldnotwaitany longer.Hewenttoseetheartisthimself. Quicklytheartistbroughtoutpaperandabrush.Infive minuteshefinisheddrawingaverybeautifulhorse.Theking wasangry."Youcandrawagoodhorseinfiveminutes,yetyou keptmewaitingforayear.Why?" "Comewithme,please."saidtheartist.Theywenttothe artist"sworkroom.Theretheysawpilesandpilesofpaper. Oneverypieceofpaperwasapictureofahorse."Ittookme morethanayeartolearntodrawabeautifulhorseinfive minutes."theartistsaid.求采纳


long long ago there was a king很久很久以前有一个国王




1. longlongago写一篇英语作文 longlongago Long long ago, in order to dream he unremittingly efforts, in a long long time ago, then he has put down all the.自从放假以来,每天无所事事,一种无奈的感觉,一种懒散的感觉,一种心已经死去了的感觉整天缠绕着我不肯离去。 早上去补课,下午睡一觉到三四点,又写作业到六点,吃了饭已经差不多八点了,在那像傻瓜一样发一小时的呆后去与周公约会。这样一直徘徊一直徘徊,第一次感觉自己像个废物一样,像个 *** 一样,像个神经病一样!我忍不住狠狠的骂自己,可怎么骂也骂不醒内心的灵魂,“你是不是脸皮太厚了一点儿啊?”我试问着“他”,可“他”也不理我。 我只有继续沉闷,心中的火焰渐渐熄灭了。知道有一天。 Since the holiday since, have nothing to do every day, a kind of helpless feeling, a feeling of inertia, a heart already dead feel all day around me and refused to leave. Morning to make up classes, afternoon sleep to three or four points, and write operations to six points, the meal has almost eight points, there like a fool a hour stay after to go with the Duke of Zhou date. This has been hovering hovering, the first time feel like crap, like an idiot, like a neuropathy! I couldn"t resist mercilessly scold oneself, how can be called also scold not awake soul, "you Is it right? Too thick skinned it?" I ask a "he", "he" can also ignore me. I can only continue to dull, hearts gradually extinguished the flames. Know that one day.在不经意间翻开书包,看了看,才发现曾经与我日夜苦战的笔已经都生了锈,那承载着我越过一个又一个关卡的书本也撒满了灰尘,他们都睡着了,怎么叫也叫不醒,是累了吗?不是,是堕落了,是懒散了。“唉,他们睡觉,干脆我也去睡觉。” 抱着这样的心态去发神经似的坐在凳子上,三点,四点,五点,时间滴滴答答的响着,如细丝般在我手上抽去,在时间的声响中,忽然才发现自己坐在了孤单上面,看着自己的手托着自己沉睡的脸,原来我和沉默也坐了朋友。看看以前的文章,其实觉得自己还能继续奋斗的,再抱着这样的想法去照照镜子,才发现其实自己早已颓废了。 Inadvertently open the bag, look, found that I have with me day and night hard pen have rusted, it carries me over a level books is covered with dust, they all fell asleep, what is also called up, be tired? Not, is fallen, is lazy. "Oh, they go to sleep, I simply go to sleep." With this mentality to hair nerve like sitting on a stool, three point, four point, five point, time tick ring, such as filament like in my hand take go to, at the time of the sound, suddenly found himself sitting alone on top, looking at his own hands to hold himself to sleep face, I and silence also sat a friend. Have a look the previous articles, actually feel that they can continue to struggle, to embrace this idea to look in the mirror, they find that in fact they already dispirited.睡梦中,梦到了在很久很久以前自己在黑夜里的台灯下握着笔,梦到了在很久很久以前自己为了追梦的狂热,也想到了在很久很久以后自己荒芜的大脑,在很久很久以后自己干枯的灵魂。Sleep, dream a long time ago in myself in the dark under the table holds a pen, a long time ago in his dream to drive craze, the long long after his own barren brains think, long long after his withered soul.。 2. 写英语小短文,以longlongago为题 Long long ago i wanted to be a english teacher, because i admired my englisg teacher. He devoted himself to the english education. But now i do not want to be a teacher, because i have no patience and stamina. i just want to be a dancer.。 3. 小学生英语作文大全以longlongago开头的 Long long ago,the Snow White stayed happily with her parents. But the queen was jealous of Snow White, she sent the hunter to kill Snow White, but the hunter let Snow White escape. One day , the queen dressed up as an old farmther"s wife, gave Snow White a poisonous apple. The Snow White ate the poisonous apple, fell into a deep sleep.The Seven Dwarfs was very sad and put her in a coffin.By and by, a prince killed Snow White, she woke up. They got married and lived happily. 4. longlongago为前题写一篇英语小短文过去式 Long, long ago, there was a king. He liked to draw pictures. He thought his pictures were good, so he liked to show them to people. People were afraid to say that the king"s pictures were bad, so they all said that his pictures were very good. One day, the king showed some of his bast pictures to an artist. He wanted the artist to speak well of these pictures. But the artist said his pictures were so bad that he should put them into the fire. The king got angry with him and put him to prison. After some time, the king"s guard brought the artist back to the palace. The king said to the artist. "I will set you free if you tell me which one of my pictures is good." Again he showed him some of his new pictures and asked what he thought of them. After having a look at them, the artist at once turned to the guard and said,"Take me back to prison, please."意思就是很久很久以前,有一个国王。 他喜欢绘画。他认为他的画很好,所以他喜欢把它们展示给人们看。 人们很还怕说国王地画很糟糕,所以他们都说他的画非常的好。一天,这个国王把其中一个最好的画展示给了以为艺术家,他想要这个艺术家说这画的好话,但是艺术家说了他的画太糟糕了以至于他应该把它扔进火里。 国王生他气了并且把他送进了监狱。几天过去后,国王的护卫带着这位艺术家回到了宫殿。 国王对这个艺术家说。如果你告诉我我的其中哪幅画好我就给你自由。 他再一次给他看了看他的一些话并且问他对它们的想法,在看了看之后,艺术家立刻对护卫说,请把我带回监狱吧。看看行不行。 5. 英语作文,编一个小故事,Longlongago,therewereomen. Long long ago,there were o men living in the forest.They are brothers.One is called Michael and the other Jack.They never see the outside world.One day,The older one,Michael decided to go out to see the outside world.So he pack some clothes and went out.But he found that because he had been living in the forest for so long that he didn"t know how to survive outside there.Everything from eating to living was so hard for him.He almost died.Finally he decided to go back home.When he was back,his younger brother told him that I knew you would be back.Because we were so used to the life here.Therefore,habit is really a powerful thing.It can even change who you are.So,please be stronger than the guy called "habit".有什么问题欢迎提问。 6. 用longlongago,thereweresomeaninmals写四句话中文加英文 long long ago,there were some animals,some strange and odd animals in 56000000 years of the world.For example,ambulocetus,dinosaurs and many ancient animals.But they have died out.很久很久以前,在5600万年前的世界有许多动物,有许多稀奇古怪的动物.比如陆行鲸,恐龙还有许多远古时代的动物,但是他们现在已经灭绝了。


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是“很久很久以前”的意思,表达了时间过了很久,不过正确的写法应该是long long ago。Long,英语单词,主要作为形容词、副词、名词、动词,作形容词时意为“长的;长时间的;远的;长音的;(人)高的;持续的;冗长的;记得牢的;较大量的;远期(获利)的”。作副词时意为“长期地;(某事之前或之后)很久地;(时间名词后)整个时间;远地”,作名词时意为“长时间;长音;远期证券;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤,(美、英、爱)隆(人名)”,作动词时意为“渴望,盼望”。Long的双语例句:1、Giraffes have very long necks.长颈鹿脖子很长。2、It had been a long tiring day.这一天让人感到又累又长。3、He uses a lot of long words.他使用了很多长词。