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You have two brains,left brain has nothing right,right brain has nothing left!


c语言编译 提示No such file or directory

#include "include/start-stop.h"//改为:#include "include\start-stop.h"//试试!

No such file or directory是怎么回事

你好  “No such file or directory”的意思是说不存在此文件或文件夹,所以会提示服务器不能执行。  服务器,也称伺服器,是提供计算服务的设备。由于服务器需要响应服务请求,并进行处理,因此一般来说服务器应具备承担服务并且保障服务的能力。  服务器的构成包括处理器、硬盘、内存、系统总线等,和通用的计算机架构类似,但是由于需要提供高可靠的服务,因此在处理能力、稳定性、可靠性、安全性、可扩展性、可管理性等方面要求较高。  在网络环境下,根据服务器提供的服务类型不同,分为文件服务器,数据库服务器,应用程序服务器,WEB服务器等。希望对你有帮助

"windwos.h":No such file or directory解决办法

笔者在qt项目中遇到编译错误"windwos.h":No such file or directory,通过百度,谷歌啊,碰上一大堆明白人瞎指挥,什么重装VS2013,什么重装QT,白白浪费了我时间。后来,自己思考了一番,终于找到解决办法。(这里省去中间尝试过程,只记录结果,不像网上那些瞎指挥的人一样,那么多废话,还没啥用)。 不论是用Qt Creator 还是VS2013,找不到“windows.h”一定是环境变量配置的问题,找到这个文件引入就可以了,总体来讲,想使用Microsoft SDKs需要配置一下三点(以我的计算机win10,vs2013为例): a.计算机配置:将“C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.1ABin”路径配置在系统或用户环境变量Path中(这一步可以在Qt Creator中配置):1.打开项目,左边栏”项目“->”构建和运行”->编辑构建配置,debug和release都应选择demo中的目录:2.”项目“->”构建和运行“->构建环境->详情,便可看到下图:3.将”C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.1AInclude“路径复制到INCLUDE中,以英文”;“与之前的内容隔开。 4.将”C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsWindowsv7.1ALib“路径复制到LIB中,以英文”;“与之前的内容隔开。 进行上述步骤应该就可以编译运行了,亲测有效,不要相信网上某些不懂瞎指挥的人。 如有其他问题,可尝试对VS配置系统环境变量,这个简单,不再记录。

No such file or directory怎么解决

No such file or directory”一般是没有找到文件的位置,你应该在属性中将它找不到的文件的路径添加到包含目录那一列里。具体做法为:点击菜单“项目”-“属性”。在弹出的属性对话框中选择“常规”,在“附加包含目录”处添加它找不到的文件的路径。http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=DobgV8IIums_wuCTGlQSYcVkm9L63-ZjYPYY20NZPdA_-CLMU3ojhn88KAPhMF1BvIjabJWA_MON4w7AnCCiuK

no such file or directory怎么解决


no such file or directory怎么解决


滑雪 superpipe和 Slopestyle 中文叫什么

Superpipe 是单板滑雪的专用名词Halfpipe—半管(或称半圆管,U型管) 。Pipe—Halfpipe的简称,常和Terrain Park (snow park)合称为 Park&Pipe。Superpipe—大半管,特指高约18呎的大halfpipe,典形的小Hlfpipe高约11尺。Quarter pipe—1/4管。就是只有一面管墙。Wall—管墙,就是halfpipe两边斜上去到顶端的部份。Slopestyle- 障碍技巧滑雪

No such file or directory是什么意思


No such file or directory是怎么回事啊?


16.The number of deer,mountain lions and wild roses___ much if people leave things as they are.


Sales Operation和Trade Marketing的区别

HA!?May not my best reaches.Let"s try a little bit.:If your learnings, are like me, in the year of 1988 colleague entry segment display, our nation then, not yet have BUSINESS SCHOOL. Then ONLY business related majors with business are hold by MOFTEC internal ministry college like:贸院。So, when, if you take that period time of old fashion studies about business, then, you may feel a little bit confused, there should be a major called trade marketing.Because at then, we, our countries do not have our ministry of commercial yet like State. We have only MOFTEC instead.That"s reason why, may you raise this question for so long time-being era means course.Today"s management issue and management science, named the all marketing practice the MarCom.So a there won"t be a our lined old college course trade marketing in dued to be replayed or carry on from real time job assignment.For the learning course modernization point of view, sales and marketing are all related with trade.;In the meantime, SALE and MARKETING now in the business school, of course including trade part content.At the old times, our nations we do not have market this defination and marketing this course, we only have country import and export business to earn foreign currency for the nation ONLY. So no full-scale business course supplied, and the all teaching text books are all focus on then what we already have in our nation.So, to seperate the trade part content today, from the mains of business school learnings,that"s not the international standard to communicate with even if old clients.But, when you indeed need a old style job vacancy or officer to carry on the specified job assignment like old time trade - in market - marketing from the allies, they may not understand what you mean. But you need to know this is indeed your own operational unit specialties and on job training course insider"s business-know-how to do your company"s that job work in time in position in time.So, if by learning point of view, trade marketing then, may from marketing in general today.Trade marketing for your company, need your individual effort contributions and input to your own belongings add-on to work your way. This is how free market countries, every business unit they all keep extremely confidential when talking about private owned competetive-advantages to survive in a so very much firece fight market as survival skills.At last , let"s get back to if there are what you prepare to have:Sales OperationTrade MarketingSales Operations:can be defined whatever the company need to reach the last customer-end to make this turn-round change the company product to cash revenue.Trade MarketingMarketing, means to promote sales whatever.But, there is no cash-returned and end-user final downpayment in defined textbook teachings. They need professional sales-man to collect customer"s money for every piece of sales.Marketing guy are so premium to overall in control of national or even international sales promotions. If we use a oil industry word, Marketing will be the up-line or upper-stream for the sales to carry on specified job assignment to open a contract and in the meantime to finish contract dued.If by strategy tier the highest point of view, use product life-cycle illustrations to show how the company"s every business going and turn-round, that will be very clear:1.RD;2.Marketing;3.Sales;4.AS.The very format and the international standard to any business operations in this world for their routine business goings.

business (level) strategy问题

更新1: does it just focus on 7"s P? , 更新2: 咁如果李+x话我要将个厂搬去大陆降低成本,这算corporate 还是business level 呢? , 更新3: 有甚么简单的方法去分辨corporate level和business level呢? , 更新4: 但如何分高层次和低层次呢? ,Yes, business strategy = business-level strategy This is the strategy which is normally made among the business units themselves. It considers how to sustain petitive advantages through - pricing (e.g. average price, above average price or below average price) - products (e.g. what products in what market?) - product differentiation (high price for high-quality products, e.g. CSL 1010) - the lock-in of customers (e.g. I have to buy Microsoft Office because every puter runs on Microsoft Windows) In other words, business strategy = business-level strategy = marketing strategy 2009-09-25 19:38:05 补充: It is more than 7 P. 2009-09-25 19:38:17 补充: Let me give you an example. Hutchison Whampoa is a big corporation which operates *** aller business units as retail chains (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, 3), container terminals, hotels, e Business-level strategies are strategies made by Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons, etc themselves. 2009-09-25 19:39:10 补充: For your information, strategies made by Li Ka Shing at the top are known as corporate-level strategies. 2009-09-26 02:13:56 补充: 间厂是属于 business unit 的, 而降低成本是降低 business unit 的成本, 所以这是 business-level strategy. 虽然系李+x话, 但他算是提供意见罢. 2009-09-28 03:29:56 补充: Business-level strategy 通常是低层次一些, 例如是你所说的降低成本, 这是和 business unit (e.g. Parkn Shop, Fortress, Watsons) 的业务有关, 但并不局限于 marketing, 除了 7P 之外, 还有你所说的搬厂到外地, 或在外地设新厂, 这就是 business-level strategy. 2009-09-28 03:30:06 补充: Corporate-level strategy 是比较高层次的, 如涉及收购其他公司成为旗下的 business unit, 又或者开拓新业务, 举例说, 李+x旗下已经有 Watsons 个人护理及药房, 现在决定开拓新业务设立私家医院, 这算是 corporate-level strategy. 2009-09-29 14:43:33 补充: 其实我只想引用高层次和低层次的比喻来帮助你理解 business-level strategy 和 corporate-level strategy. 如果决策是出自于各 business unit 本身并只牵涉该 business unit 自己, 这就是 business-level strategy. 如果决策是出自于 corporate HQ, 经集团董事局议决, 这就是 corporate-level strategy.,

I can do is leave tomorrow 为什么有两个谓语动词


请问谁有tower of trample v1.12.1,求分享

楼主: WWE的PPV大赛很多,先拿去年的来说好了: 1月份 Royal Rumble(皇家大战),WWE的四大PPV之一,每年肯定会有的,里面有30人皇家淘汰赛~ 2月份 No Way Out(无路可逃),里面会有密室铁笼淘汰赛~ 3月份 WrestleMania(摔角狂热),WWE最盛大的PPV,也是四大PPV之一,每年必有的~ 4月份 Backlash(爆裂震撼),没什么特别的,一个普通PPV~ 5月份 Judgment Day(审判日),也是一个普通的PPV~ 6月份 Extreme Rules(极限规则),一个里面全部都是极限比赛的PPV~ 7月份 The Bash(迎头痛击),一个普通PPV~ Night Of Champions(冠军之夜),大部分是冠军的比赛~ 8月份 SummerSlam(夏日狂潮),四大PPV之一,不过也没有很特别的比赛~ 9月份 Breaking Point(突破点),以屈服性的比赛为主的PPV~ 10月份 Hell In A Cell(地狱铁笼),以铁笼赛为主的PPV~ Bragging Rights(耀武扬威),以RAW VS SD为主题的PPV~ 11月份 Survivor Series(强者生存),四大PPV之一,有5对5组队淘汰赛~ 12月份 TLC(桌梯椅),以桌子赛、椅子赛、梯子赛为主题的PPV~ PPV常常改动,比如今年的2月份PPV就不是No Way Out(无路可逃),今年改为了Elimination Chamber(密室铁笼),里面依然有密室铁笼淘汰赛,只是名字改变了而已~以前还有很多PPV,现在都被改成其他的了,比如以前还有Armageddon(世界末日)、Cyber Sunday(国际星期日),是一个以投票决定比赛性质的PPV,No Mercy(毫不留情)、Unforgiven(杀无赦)、The Great American Bash(迎头痛击),其实就是The Bash(迎头痛击)的缩写,One Night Stand(狂潮再起)等等,还有很多很多,说不完的,PPV经常被改动~

please comment if any

因为在这个句子中,advise 充当了一种实意动词,所以前加助动词do

if和unless有什么区别? 用法上有什么区别? 举一些例子,

首先从字面意义上就不完全相同.if表如果,可用于从句,或者开头表如果 unless用在句首的话后面用倒装,用在句中是 如果不/除非 表转折 if: 1.(表示条件)如果 He will come if you invite him. 如果你请他,他会来的. 2.(表示虚拟)假如,要是 If I were you,I would never do that. 如果我是你,我决不做那件事. 3.(表示让步)即使 We"ll go even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也要去. 4.是否 I wonder if she is ill. 不知她是否病了. 5.(表示因果关系)每一次...的时候(总是会) If I feel any doubt,I inquire. 我一感到有疑问就随时询问. n. 1.条件;设想[C] There are too many ifs in his offer. 他的提议中条件太多了. unless: conj. 1.如果不,除非 I won"t apologize unless she apologizes first. 除非她先道歉,否则我不道歉. prep. 1.除...外

Wireless的《Timebomb》 歌词

歌曲名:Timebomb歌手:Wireless专辑:WirelessAll Time Low - Time BombFrom the get-go, I knew this was hard to holdLike a crash, the whole thing spun out of controlOh, on a wire, we were dancingTwo kids, no consequencesPull the trigger without thinkingThere"s only one way down this roadIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayWell, there"s no way out of this, so let"s stay inHave a storm that comes that"ll soak us to an endOh, resistance is uselessJust two kids, stupid and fearlessLike a bullet shooting a lessonThere"s only one way down this roadIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayGot my heart in your handsLike a time bomb tickingIt goes off, we start againIf it breaks, we fix itGot your heart in my handsLike a time bomb tickingWe should know better we won"t let goIt was like a time bomb, set it in motionWe knew that we"re destined to explodeAnd if I had to pull you out of the wreckageYou know I"m never gonna let you let me goWe"re like a time bombGonna lose it, let"s defuse itBaby, we"re like a time bombBut I need it, wouldn"t have itAny other wayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2761315

if any,if necessary ,if possible,if ever,if so ,if not在当主句的主语和状语从句的主语一致时且 谓语

以上不要求主句与从句一致,它们均省略了it is。

Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye什么意思


if possible if necessary

以上不要求主句和从句的主语一致,省略了it is。

Leann Rimes的《No Way Out》 歌词

歌曲名:No Way Out歌手:Leann Rimes专辑:Twisted AngelLeAnn Rimes - No Way OutYou"ve got me wrapped up in youSomehow you led me inInto your web of bittersweetOf ecstasy and sinI feel like I"m falling down from graceI try to runBut I keep on fallingAnd everytime I turn aroundI hear your voiceAnd it keeps on callingI"m boundThere"s no way outNo way outYou wanted me to want youAnd I couldn"t help myselfYou became my addictionAnd I wanted nothing elseI feel like I"m trapped inside these wallsTrying to find my way outIt"s like a dresmYou can"t wake fromIt"s a hunger that can"t be satisfiedNo matter how I tryThere"s no escapehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2186552


the brightness of Light Emitting Diode

My good little dog,go and get my bog,中文?


My good little dog,go and get my bag的中文


韩文歌开头就是i falling to a sleep~


Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye什么意思


my good little dog的意思是什么?(必采)


"Dark night gived me black eyes,but I let it find brightness"出自哪里


goodlittle dog是什么意思

good little dog 字面意思是:“好的小狗”

The man in the green is my uncle改错

The man in green is my uncle 把the 去掉 Try it onWho teachs you Chinese? 三单

my good,little dog,用中文怎么说



《Simple Comforts》(Sur La Table)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Qbq-Qkpmfcz6F0Ko3HBTbw提取码:1234书名:Simple Comforts作者:Sur La Table出版年份:2010-9页数:136内容简介:Featuring recipes such as Cinnamon Streusel-Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Winter Vegetable Stew with Moroccan Flavors, Savory Meatloaf with Maple-Mustard Glaze and Rich Brown Gravy, Apple and Ginger Spiced Sweet Potatoes, and Old-Fashioned, Better-Than-Any-Box Butterscotch Pudding, Comfort Food from Sur La Table lives up to its title. Inside a giftable trim package, 50 recipes are presented alongside full-color photographs and detailed instructions. Savory and sweet recipes include everything from breads and muffins to soups and stews, sandwiches, main courses, side dishes, and desserts. Dish up a dose of comfy goodness with Comfort Food.


mettlesome是由名词mettle+some形容词化的,它主要指人精神抖擞,气色很好,给人外在的英勇的感觉。而brave指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧的面对困难和危险,侧重胆识果断,倾向于描述人物品质。除此之外,brave作形容词还有美好,壮观,杰出,卓越的意思,特别地,它可以形容事物,含有创新突破,不落俗套的意义,比如a brave new movie一部大胆的新电影。而且brave还能作动词表示勇敢面对,敢于冒犯。

关于unless和 until的用法





Systnm菜单, 配置运行应用程序下载 记忆清晰明确的数据复制应用数据 应用程序下载;oad食谱 下载源代码副本的食谱

with legs straight out, bend forward until you feel sore in your back.什么意思


软件启动时出现File not found这个问题该怎样解决?怎么办?

File not found:文件未找到。重装软件试试。

电脑一开机就提示file not found是什么原因

出现file not found的提示是由于系统配置文件被损坏,启动内核镜像无法找到所导致的。file not found解决方法:1、在出现这一画面时按下任意键即可grub的菜单。2、在grub的菜单下按下“C”键即可进入grub命令行界面,然后输入“grub>root(hd0,0)”命令后按下回车键确认即可。(按下回车键时会出现Filesystem的提示)3、在grub命令行下继续输入“grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/ ”后按下“Tab”键,此时会出现可显示的内核镜像。继而在还未完成的命令后输入以下有效的内核镜像名:grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-42.ELsmp ro root=LABEL=/ vga=0x317输入完毕后按下回车键确认即可;4、继续在grub的命令行下输入grub> initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-2.6.9-42.ELsmp.img按下回车键确认后继续输入grub>boot5、现在只需要等待电脑重启即可进入windows系统了。

电脑打不开,开机后显示error:file not found怎么办


Germany thinks the euro must be saved by rules on borrow spending and competitiveness

德国认为欧元必须依据外借费用和竞争的条例被解救。borrow spending就是借出的费用,花费。

电脑装系统时出现file not found: ...请问怎么破回事?多谢

1、在出现这一画面时按下任意键即可grub的菜单。2、在grub的菜单下按下“C”键即可进入grub命令行界面,然后输入“grub>root(hd0,0)”命令后按下回车键确认即可。(按下回车键时会出现Filesystem的提示)3、在grub命令行下继续输入“grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/ ”后按下“Tab”键,此时会出现可显示的内核镜像。继而在还未完成的命令后输入以下有效的内核镜像名:grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-42.ELsmp ro root=LABEL=/ vga=0x317输入完毕后按下回车键确认即可;4、继续在grub的命令行下输入grub> initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-2.6.9-42.ELsmp.img按下回车键确认后继续输入grub>boot5、现在只需要等待电脑重启即可进入windows系统了。

404File not Funt出现错误怎么办

404 not found其实是一种标准的HTTP返回代码,当用户输入一个链接时,服务器上的IIS(Internet信息服务)会先检测用户输入的地址链接是否有对应的网页信息,当没有对应的网页信息,就说明用户输入的是一串无效的链接,这时IIS就会通过服务器向终端用户发送404错误代码页提示,告知用户找不到与该地址链接对应的网页信息。  出现404 not found的原因有三种:  1、服务器上本来有页面已经被删除了,这种情况多发于论坛。例如用户点击论坛上N年前的帖子,因为论坛为了保障服务器的资源合理运用,都会将过期或者非常久远的页面删除了。这时候就会出现404 not found。  2、用户输入地址链接本来就有错误,导致IIS提示404 not found。  3、DNS设置阻止。国外有一些被禁网站在大陆浏览同样会出现404 not found的现象,需要使用代理服务器才可以正常浏览。  404 not found的提示页面只是为了提示告知用户,而非故障现象,它能友好的提示用户页面无法被访问。通常出现这种404 not found提示用户换别的网页游览即可。



求olly murs-troublemaker中英歌词

You"re a troublemakerYou"re a troublemaker...你这个小捣蛋You ain"t nothing but a troublemaker girl你真是一个纯粹的捣蛋鬼You had me hooked again from the minute you sat down你刚一坐下来 我又为你着迷The way you bite your lip你咬嘴唇的样子Got my head spinnin" around让我想入非非After a drink or two两三杯下肚I was putty in your hands我任你摆布I don"t know if I have the strength to stand我已经没力气站起来了Oh oh oh...噢~Trouble troublemaker. yeah*小捣蛋*That"s your middlename就是你的名字(外国人的名字分成“姓”last name和“名”first name,middlename在姓名中间,可以表示一个人的外号)Oh oh oh...噢~I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brain你可不是好孩子 但你占据我脑中And I wanna know我想知道啊Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad为什么 感觉这么high 却伤得这么深?Oh oh oh...噢~My mind keeps saying我的心它告诉我Run as fast as you can跑得越快越好I say I"m done but then you pull me back我说我不再想你 但你又把我拉回现实Oh oh oh...噢~I swear you"re giving me a heart attack我说!你真是让我心跳过速Troublemaker!捣蛋鬼!It"s like you"re always there in the corners of my mind怎么想呢 你都在我脑中 占有一席之地I see a silhouette every time I close my eyes我一合上眼睛 就看见你的倩影There must be poison in those finger tips of yours你指尖的触碰 含有令人上瘾的毒Cause I keep comin" back again for more我硬着头皮 厚着脸皮 又回来找你Oh oh oh...噢~Trouble troublemaker. yeah*小捣蛋*That"s your middlename就是你的名字Oh oh oh...噢~I know you"re no good but you"re stuck in my brain你可不是好孩子 但你占据我脑中And I wanna know我想知道啊Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad为什么 感觉这么high 却伤得这么深?Oh oh oh...噢~My mind keeps saying我的心它告诉我Run as fast as you can跑得越快越好I say I"m done but then you pull me back我说我不再想你 但你又把我拉回现实Oh oh oh...噢~I swear you"re giving me a heart attack我说!你真是让我心跳过速Troublemaker!捣蛋鬼!(*2)(Ludacris)Maybe I"m insane我绝对是疯了Cause I keep doing the same damn thing我重复做着这该死的事儿Thinking one day we gon" change想着总有一天 我们的关系会更亲密But you know just how to work that backAnd make me forget my name让我神魂颠倒What the hell you do I won"t remember你做了什么 我一点不记得I"ll be gone until November我11月才回来And you"ll show up again next summer, yeah!你明年夏天再次出现Typical middle name is Prada典型的中间名Prada(国际时装名牌)Fit you like a glove girl就像手套一样适合你I"m sick of the drama我受够了戏剧性的情节You"re a troublemaker你可真会找麻烦啊But damn girl it"s like I love the trouble但我就是这样喜欢你找麻烦And I can"t even explain why我都不知道为啥Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad为什么 感觉这么high 却伤得这么深?Oh oh oh...噢~My mind keeps saying我的心它告诉我Run as fast as you can跑得越快越好I say I"m done but then you pull me back我说我不再想你 但你又把我拉回现实Oh oh oh...噢~I swear you"re giving me a heart attack我说!你真是让我心跳过速Troublemaker!捣蛋鬼!Why does it feel so good but hurt so bad为什么 感觉这么high 却伤得这么深?Oh oh oh...噢~My mind keeps saying我的心它告诉我Run as fast as you can跑得越快越好I say I"m done but then you pull me back我说我不再想你 但你又把我拉回现实Oh oh oh...噢~I swear you"re giving me a heart attack我说!你真是让我心跳过速Troublemaker!捣蛋鬼!Creak原创翻译,我也喜欢Olly Murs,Heart skips a beat也很好听唷~

用一键ghost备份系统提示file not found - E:BCD怎么办?

你好这是由于系统在启动时有配置文件被损坏,启动内核镜像无法找到所导致的。解决方案:1、在出现这一画面时按下任意键即可grub的菜单2、在grub的菜单下按下“C”键即可进入grub命令行界面,然后输入“grub>root(hd0,0)”命令后按下回车键确认即可。(按下回车键时会出现Filesystem的提示)3、在grub命令行下继续输入“grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/ ”后按下“Tab”键,此时会出现可显示的内核镜像。继而在还未完成的命令后输入以下有效的内核镜像名:grub>kernel (hd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.9-42.ELsmp ro root=LABEL=/ vga=0x317输入完毕后按下回车键确认即可;4、继续在grub的命令行下输入grub> initrd (hd0,0)/boot/initrd-2.6.9-42.ELsmp.img按下回车键确认后继续输入grub>boot5、现在只需要等待电脑重启即可进入windows系统了满意请采纳

AI conversion failed 求英译汉


求never let me down 的歌词

When I believed in nothing I called her nameTrapped in a high-dollar joint in some place I called her nameAnd though my days are slipping byAnd nights so cruel I thought I"d dieShe danced her little dance "till it made me cryShe was shakin" like this honey doing thatWhen I needed soul revival I called your nameWhen I was falling to pieces I screamed in painYour soothing hand that turned me roundA love so real swept over meYou danced your little dance "till it made me cryYou were shakin" like this honey doing thatNever let me down She never let me downNever let me down She never let me downWhen all your faith is failing Call my nameWhen you"ve nothing coming Call my nameI"ll be strong for all it takesI"ll cover your head till the bad stuff breaksI"ll dance my little dance till it makes you smileShaking like this honey doing thatNever let you down I"ll never let you downI"ll never let you down I"ll never let you down

Lily Allen的《Not Fair》 歌词

歌曲名:Not Fair歌手:Lily Allen专辑:It"s Not Me, It"s You (Special Edition)Lily Allen - Not FairOh, he treats me with respect,He says he loves me all the time,He calls me 15 times a day,He likes to make sure that I"m fine,You know I"ve never met a man,Whose made me feel quite so secure,He"s not like all them other boys,They"re so dumb and immature.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.Oh I lie here in the wet patchIn the middle of the bedI"m feeling pretty damn hard done byI spent ages giving headThen I remember all the nice thingsThat you ever said to meMaybe I"m just overreactingMaybe you"re the one for meThere"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.There"s just one thing,That"s getting in the way,When we go up to bedYou"re just no good,It"s such a shame!I look into your eyes,I want to get to know you,And then you make this noise,Apparently it"s all overIt"s not fair,And i think your really mean,I think your really mean,I think your really mean.Oh your supposed to care,But you never make me scream,You never make me scream,Oh it"s not fair,And it"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,It"s really not ok,Oh your supposed to care,But all you do is take,Yeah, all you do is take.http://music.baidu.com/song/2814266

求Enrique Iglesias的《 why no me》 歌词及其翻译。。

escaping nights without you从你身边逃离的夜晚with shadows on the wall墙上光影斑驳my mind is running wild我的心疯狂地trying hard not to fall努力尝试着不感到低落you told me that you love me你曾对我说你爱我but say i"m just a friend但现在却把我当作朋友my heart is broken up into pieces我的心已经破碎cos i know因为我知道i"ll never free my soul我无法使我的灵魂解脱it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我the day after tomorrow后天i"ll still be around我仍然会在你身边to catch you when you fall去接住跌落的你and if all let you down如果一切都让你失望you say that we"re forever你说我们可以走到永远our love will never end我们的爱永不终结i"ve tried to come up我已经尝试着走近but it"s drowning me to know但我所了解的几乎使我窒息you"ll never feel my soul你不会让我的灵魂自由it"s trapped between true love and being alone它被真爱和孤独所困when my eyes are closed当我闭上双眼the greatest story told我用最荒谬的故事欺骗自己i woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor我醒来时,梦境摔碎在地tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go我们到底可以走多远you won"t ever know你永远不会了解how far we can go (go)我们到底可以走多远why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么tell me baby告诉我,亲爱的why oh why为什么tell me why not me告诉我为什么不是我why oh why为什么we were meant to be我们本应在一起baby i know i could be all you need亲爱的我知道我可以成为你所需的一切why oh why oh why为什么i wanna love you我想要深爱你if you only knew how much i love you只要让你知道我是如此深爱着你so why not me那么为什么没有选择我

法语好的有谁知道这个lycee Rocory Saint-leon的中文翻译正确格式 ?




英语句子:"let,s plant them.No,not me"这句话中"No,not me"怎


Mickey Gilley的《Breeze》 歌词

歌曲名:Breeze歌手:Mickey Gilley专辑:Mickey Gilley~秀逗魔导士 Try~OP作词:有森聡美作曲:佐藤英敏编曲:添田启二QQ群17315010高い空を 鸟になって飞びたい遥か远い 希望を目指して见下ろしたら 小さな自分がいてただ,がむしゃら 生きてるだろうか...こんな风に今を 见つめる事出来るなら伤つく事もなく 明日も怖くない风に乗って 梦の彼方へ飞んでいきたい勇気という翼を付けて鸟になって 见下ろす心, 持ち続けたいリアルな日々に负けないよう...険しい道 獣が选ぶように嗅ぎ分けたら 転ぶ事もないでも人间なんて 迷わされてるばかりで孤独と戦った 强さを持たない风に乗って 梦の彼方へきっと行きたい勇気と言う瞳こらして獣よりも 険しい道を歩いてもまだあきらめない心, 失さずに...ちっぽけな自分を 见つける事出来るなら伤つく事もなく 明日も怖くない风に乗って 梦の彼方へ飞んでいきたい勇気という翼を付けて鸟になって 见下ろす心, 持ち続けたいリアルな日々に负けないよう...终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15056264

法国里昂lycèe pierre brossolette学校


Sean Lennon的《Breeze》 歌词

歌曲名:Breeze歌手:Sean Lennon专辑:Into The SunI"m a tree with my leaves in the breezeFree in the air with my roots underneath meEvery time that i walk out the doorI"m alone in a world that i don"t seem fit forAnd it maybe that lately i can"t be sureAnd it maybe that lately i"m insecureI can"t forget aboutThe time that we ran on the beachAnd the time that we felt out of reachAnd the time we watch tvYou and me every night for a hundred weeksAnd it maybe that lately i can"t be sureAnd it maybe that lately i"m insecureI can"t ever forget aboutAnd it maybe i"m just like you said i"d beAnd it maybe you"re just like i thought you"d beI can"t ever forget abouthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2885494

Love Letter To Japan 歌词

歌曲名:Love Letter To Japan歌手:The Bird And The Bee专辑:Ray Guns Are Not Just The FutureThe Bird and The Bee - Love Letter To JapanFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have meDearest one, I had a dreamI mouthed the words,The sound came out,I spoke to you in JapaneseOh, my love I cannot see, I heard your nameI know at once there was no place I"d rather beAll at once there was no place that I would rather beFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have meI packed my bag, I"m on my wayI am prepared for any seasonI am prepared to stayHere is my heart, my beating heartOh, how I"m longing for this love affair to startHow I"m longing for this love affair to finally startFrom the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have me(Japanese here)From the west to the east I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close, to be here with youAnd now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved, oh my sweetAll the gifts you have given meThe patience and the peace,Cherry blossoms and the candy,I am yours, I am yoursFor as long, for as long as you will have mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2540309

Precisely why this is so is unclear but the shif

你要问的是不是Precisely why this is so it is unclear but the shifts related with changes in hormones (荷尔蒙) at adolescence and the decline in those hormones as we age翻译:现在很清楚的是为什么荷尔蒙会跟随青春期变化而变化和随着年量的增长逐渐减少的答案依旧不清楚。

谁有justin bleber 的详细信息? 谢谢


LES PARFUMS 兰蔻香水五件套多少钱


tube top length 是什么意思

tube top length管顶长度

兰蔻小瓶五件香水 Poeme tneior hypnose miracle tndior in love 全部大概多少钱?今年泰国买的,是赠品...

您好,中国大陆地区并没有您说这种香水套装哦!兰蔻目前有2款香水礼盒,兰蔻美丽人生香水礼盒:礼盒包含:美丽人生香水 30ml精华肌底液 7ml奇迹薄纱粉底液 PO- 03 5ml梦魅臻采睫毛膏01 2ml GWP美丽人生精美手机袋金色蝴蝶结礼盒兰蔻珍爱香水礼盒:礼盒包含:珍爱香水30ml珍爱沐浴啫喱 50ml珍爱润体乳 50ml更多兰蔻产品信息请浏览:http://www.lancome.com.cn/lancome/_zh/_cn/index.aspx

求帮写一篇英语作文,主题是young people now and then,大概两百到三百字

3yuan 帮你搞定,还可以教你做题技巧,学习方法,可以给你写

Yound People Now And Then是什么意思


now and then与now and again 、once in a while

now and then不时的now and again不停的once in a while有间隙的

商务用语领域 Purchase Order 和 Release Order 的区别~

RO是计算机用语,表示释放指令采购订单是PORelease Purchase Order表示:批准采购订单

《a little horse crosses a river》 的翻译啊!@!@!文章自己上网上找!!!!!!!!!!!!!急急急


一首歌,歌词 中带有blue bouse bule Window的歌


now and then与now and again 、once in a while


女生唱的里面带 i let you go 的歌词是什么歌

u300aone and ever loveu300bit"s cold outside so understandif i don"t hang around to waiti"ll say goodbye and kiss your handand then get on with being bravebut don"t expect to wipe away the tearscos you know they belongand someone else just went awaybefore i ever came alongand tried to melt the snowand tried to melt the snowand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might learn againits you i"m dreaming ofand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might turn again to meyour one and ever loveits cold outside so understandif i don"t hang around and cryi let you go without a worda memory bluer that the skyand i"ve tried not to watch you goand ill try not to stand alonebehind you in the snowbehind you in the snowand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might turn again to meyour one and ever one and evercarry me awayto a world that doesn"t lead to you soi don"t have to sayfor all the days you wanna be thereand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might learn againit"s you i"m dreaming ofand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might turn again to meyour one and ever loveand meanwhile i"ll be hereand i pray to god abovethat someday you might turn again to meyour one and ever love

抖音letmeseeyou得给得给是什么歌 letmeseeyou得给得给的歌名

1、“letmeseeyou得给得给”歌名是《Swagger》。 2、歌词如下: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you check it check it Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you 我用最甜的声音 去唱最可爱的歌 再用最萝莉的教程 开着隔壁御姐的车 熬最深的夜 吃着高热的宵夜 自由是我的规则 不服都得憋着 我乘坐外星人飞船飞到很远地球外 强大的地心引力再也不能将我拽回来 Boom shaka Boom shaka Boom to the left Boom shaka Boom shaka Boom to the right 小时候妈妈常对我说做人不能变坏 我一直牢记乐于助人争取做典范oh 玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡 Boom 玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡 玛卡巴卡 Yes Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you check it check it Pink power get you move Pink power Pink power get you move Hey baby its you Hey baby its me Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you check it check it Pink power get you move Pink power Pink power get you move Hey baby its you Hey baby its me 我是行动的青铜 但是嘴炮的王者 恋爱经验虽然没得 却有无数CP磕 人短却腿长 是仙女也是女王 小孩子才做选择 你的都是我的 我乘坐外星人飞船飞到很远地球外 强大的地心引力再也不能将我拽回来 Boom shaka Boom shaka Boom to the left Boom shakaBoom shaka Boom to the right 小时候妈妈常对我说做人不能变坏 我一直牢记乐于助人争取做典范oh 玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡 Boom 玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡玛卡巴卡 Yes Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you check it check it Pink power get you move Pink power Pink power get you move Hey baby its you Hey baby its me Let me see you that get that get Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you bounce bounce Let me see you check it check it Pink power get you move Pink power Pink power get you move Hey baby its you Hey baby its me

2009东亚运动会主题曲国际版《You are the Legend》歌词

You are the LegendComposer: Peter KAM Pui-tat Lyricist: Keith CHAN Siu-kei(a1) Open your eyes The moment that you"ve been waiting for Deep in your heart There is one dream worth fighting for (b1) Breaking the barrier to deliver Your spirit flying high To the unseen future (c1) You are the Legend, this is your time You are the light of the stars that shine Across the sky Now you are shining with bright light You are the Legend, the Legend of your life (a2) Open your eyes Watch your dreams fly and soar Your heart"s beating To show the strength you are having (b2) Feel the flame, see the passion burning Breaking down the walls With your heart, filled with passion Salute your rival And stride towards victory (c2) You are the Legend, this is your time You are the light of the stars that shine Across the sky Giving all you"ve got to win the prize Standing stronger, feeling alive You are the Legend, the Legend (c3) You are the Legend, this is your time You are the light of the stars that shine Across the sky Giving all you"ve got to win the prize Standing stronger, feeling alive You are the Legend, the Legend of your life

dream it possible歌词音译



Whenallourtearshavereachedthesea Partofyouwillliveinme Waydowndeepinsidemyheart Thedayskeepcomingwithoutfail Anewwindisgonnafindyoursail That"swhereyourjourneystarts You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Justlikethewavesdownbytheshore We"regonnakeeponcomingbackformore "causewedon"teverwannastop Outinthisbravenewworldyouseek Ohthevalleysandthepeaks AndIcanseeyouonthetop You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Remembermewhenyou"reoutwalkin" Whenthesnowfallshighoutsideyourdoor Lateatnightwhenyou"renotsleepin" Andmoonlightfallsacrossyourfloor WhenIcan"thurtyouanymore You"llfindbetterlove Strongasiteverwas Deepastheriverruns Warmasthemorningsun Pleaserememberme Pleaserememberme END 中文: 当所有你我的泪水汇入大海 你的一部分将存在我的生活之中 深深的刻在我的内心深处 没有缺憾的日子不停的过着 又一阵清新的风找到了你的航向 那是你开始去向何方的旅程 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 就像浪花总在岸边停歇 我们更多的都在等待着回归 只因我们都曾不想停止 在这个充满冒险的新世界里你寻求着 哦,在那山谷间在那山峰上 我可以望见你正站在山颠 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我… 当你行走在外时请记住我 当你的门外雪花满天纷飞时 夜晚迟些的时候,当你还没有入睡 撒下的月光漫过你的地板时 当我无法再伤痛到你任何一点时 你将会找到一份不错的爱情 胜过曾经的过去 如同奔腾不息的河流那般深刻 如同初升的朝阳那般温暖 请你记住我…

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我想知道“Bez jums, es esmu vēl lepoties ar Princess”是什么意思,也不知道是不是英文~!

没有你 我仍然为公主而骄傲
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