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1.interesting 2.stories3.report 4.~s5.wait 6.children7.waiter?还是问的是waitresses 8.policewomen



pdc lepoze小鼻角栓 明色海斗去黑头30秒按摩啫喱哪个好用?

pdc lepoze小鼻角栓。比较好。推荐:还有SANA的感温的那个东西,具体名字忘记了,因为有点难记。ZA的去黑头面膜也很好啊。

tallest policewoman i the is

She is the tallest policewoman I have ever seen .

苹果Power mac G5操作系统怎样从10.3.9升级到Lepoand?

leopard=mac os x 10.5snow leopard=mac os x 10.6升级到10.5可以用光盘(DVD)或者火线移动硬盘(IEEE1394)建议用DVD,大约6.7G完美升级安装,原数据程式都会保留

《life is a struggle》的歌词??

正当我睁开双眼 踏入这个世界 妈妈给我生命 现在让我自生自灭 这让我恐惧 在我的眼里每个人都戴着面具 回想过去 难道生命就是这样延续? 我抽烟抽得我的肺都黑了 就像整个社会被人心笼罩着 它也是黑的 我背着宿命的十字架 也渴望Power, money and respect 我想这大概就是human nature 佛家说 烦恼即是菩提 我暂且不提 我倒是希望能够回到母体 老妈对不起 我时常把你气得跺脚 你说你后悔当初没有把我堕掉 每当我放学回家 放下那沉重的背包 家里空无一人 只残留着你香水的味道 那时我知道 你那天晚上又要加班 我打开冰箱 拿出微波炉吃冰的晚餐 老爸在凌晨两点钟醉醺醺地回家 我从睡梦中醒来 只听到你们在吵架 我没有办法专心面对第二天的考试 老师他不喜欢我 我也不喜欢老师 我讨厌穿制服 我讨厌学校的制度 我讨厌训导主任的嘴脸 讨厌被束缚 That"s true 很多人不屑我的态度 他们说我太cool 警察不爽我都曾将我逮捕 I don"t give a FCK about 人家说什么 他们想说什么就说什么 但是他们算什么 没有谁有权利拿他的标准衡量我 主宰是我自己 随便人家如何想 我还是我 爱钱的女人只给凯子摸 不懂得用保险套的人别嫌孩子多 金钱力量虽大 却生不带来死不带走 紧握着双拳的人们何时能松开手? **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… 法庭严肃的空气逼得我快不能呼吸 当时面临着终生监禁的我开始反省 铁栏杆之后又是个截然不同的景象 刑犯们眼神中看不到一点和平的气象 仅有一寸短的铅笔 写的是监狱风云 日记上描绘的不是美好的户外风景 自由在他们眼里才是憧憬 放一把自制武器在枕头旁 以防随时有人偷袭 有些人怀疑老婆在外偷情 有些人把家人寄来的信件一张一张好好收集 有些人二十四小时几乎在床上休息 有些人精神失常 因为受不了打击 三个月如火如荼的漫长等待已过去 出狱后的我得面对三年的缓刑期 这也好 一生中第一次感觉到幸福 但生命中的考验何止如此我不清楚 我不知道 接下来还有什么会发生 翻开报纸的新闻又是看到放火杀人 还记得某年无意间发现的照片 上面有阿姨对男人施行KJ的恶心画面 这简直摧毁了她在我心目中的形象 我无法忘怀照片中那笑容多么淫荡 我抵抗 胸口存在着不安及惶恐 我不断听到痛苦的声音在内心怒吼 **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… 不论我走到天南 不论我走到地北 不论我走到哪都见识到人心的虚伪 It"s kinda funny 在人的眼里只有money 外表好像要帮你 却只是想帮他自己 笑容可掬的脸后面 谁知道是个狼心狗肺 连朋友都能背叛 因为只有名利合他口味 她说她爱你的时候讲的是问心无愧 搞不好她爱的是你身后的荣华富贵 你可曾困惑 在你身旁谁是敌是友 对你落井下石的可能就是你的挚友 你可曾经历 当你最需要帮助的时候 平常跟你称兄道弟的人都突然失踪 亲爱的神 伟大的神 你可以怪我想法太过无知 但我只是人 我不信人 因为人也不信我 不要问我为什么 我最多只能告诉你这就是我 生命像海浪一样有时高有时低 你是否告诉自己坚强渡过各种时期 我从命运的天台放眼却看不到星空 漆黑的天空压在头顶使我不得轻松 在我心中 找不到一个安静的角落 我不能再沈睡下去 良心彷佛在笑我 它在说:有几天几夜老妈曾经为你以泪洗面 老爸他只顾己见 希望之火只见熄灭 我接起电话是老爸憔悴的声音 虽没见面却不难想像他当时的神情 刚听完他最近失业的消息 脑海里马上浮现祖母的话 警告我一定要争气 我已经放弃所有哭的理由 因为我早就习惯冷漠活在无情的现实里头 人生要如何起头?改变要如何起手? 当活在泥沼中 要如何才能金盆洗手? **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… **Life"s a struggle 日子还要过 品尝喜怒哀乐之后 又是数不尽的troubles Everyday 有多少问题要去面对 有多少夜 痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡… Uh...Life"s a struggle yeah...Life"s a struggle

Buffseeds 的《sparkle me》谁能翻译歌词大意?




苹果Power mac G5操作系统怎样从10.3.9升级到Lepoand?
















友友们,请帮我找一篇英语论文,题目:Active Learning in the Classroom.谢谢...急!!!


John Legend的《Number One》 歌词

歌曲名:Number One歌手:John Legend专辑:Live From PhiladelphiaOoh I promise not to do it againI promise not to do itYou can"t say I don"t love youJust because I cheat on youCuz you can"t see all I doTo keep you from knowing the things I doLike erase my phoneAnd keep it out of townI keep it strapped up when I sleep aroundWell I should have known one day you"d find outBut you can"t go and leave me nowYou know that I love youThere"s no one above youI said it the last timeBut this is the last timeDon"t make me overCuz I can be faithfulBaby you"re my number oneYou"re my number 1Now who is she?What"s her name?You don"t need to know about everythingWe fight about thisWe fight about thatYou hang up the phone and call me right backWell I"ll never be something I"m notPlease don"t throw away what we"ve gotCuz we"ve been together for way too longI was playing around but I"m coming homeYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (no one above you)I said it the last time (hey, hey)But this is the last timeDon"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (baby)You"re my number oneI keep you laced up so you aint gotta borrow nothingFrom them broke ass friends who be bargain huntingThey say they shop on eBay --baby why is they frontin"?They be on the internet but they never cop nothin"I keep you in Girl what is those on your toes?And your neck staying froze off that rose colored goldI suppose you was told by them hoes I was cheatin"Thinkin" my heart don"t got nothing to do with my penisHe got a mind of his own and he just be seeing shitAnd I don"t wanna cheat but I don"t be saying shitI try to jack off he ask me who is you playin" wit?But I know he love you he told me you was his favoriteYou know that I love you (know that I love you)There"s no one above you (above you)I said it the last time (said it the last time)But this is the last time (hey hey hey yeah)Don"t make me over (don"t leave me baby)Cuz I can be faithful (you know I try)Baby you"re my number one (oh baby)You"re my number oneYou"re making it hard for meYou"re messing up everythingYou tell me I gotta leaveSay we overYou saw that she came overCame in the Range RoverLeft with a hangoverSay we overI promise I won"t cheatI promise I won"t lieI promise I"ll act rightSay we overYou can"t tell meI can"t have youI can"t have thatWe aint overHey, it aint over babyWe aint overOh you don"t need to go it"s not overWe aint overOh...We aint overOh it"s gonna be alright now don"t go nowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7888757


产品型号:iPad 3rd gen Wi-Fi销售地区:香港特别行政区保修截止:2013年06月10日是否已经激活:已激活正品 行货 若有帮助,请及时采纳哦.

l leave it to your judgement

D 连词辨析。Because因为; that 因为,以至于;what 什么,多少;whether是否,不论。句意:我们把她留给你来判断你是否应该做。故选D。


Is he the most clever one of us?或者是Is he the cleverest one of us ?意思他是我们当中最聪明的一个吗?

苹果(apple)newipad MD328CH/A平板电脑(白色)是第3代吗

苹果根据发售的时间来排序:1. iPad2. iPad23. New iPad(俗称iPad3)4. iPad4 (iPad with Retina display)和iPad Mini一起发售的;

refer to sample limitation是什么意思


为什么老是提示Syntax error, insert "}" to complete ClassBody

你的程序后面落了一个大括号 } ,最后面的大括号是上一个方法的括号,或者说你是在写上一个方法的时候落了这个括号。你可以在程序的最后面添加上就可以了。建议你以后在写程序的时候每次要写各种括号的时候先一次把两瓣都写上,然后再将焦点移动到中间输入中间的内容。这样不容易出错。要不然括号多了,很容易看不过来的。





for the descriptions given by people

the descriptions given by people 人们所作的描述 "given by the people" 是定语,修饰"the descriptions" .

The article opens and closes with descriptions

each所在的句子是个伴随状语。伴随状语是指状语的动作伴随主句发生,它的特点是:它所表达的动作或状态是伴随着句子谓语动词的动作而发生或存在的。伴随状语的逻辑主语一般情况下必须是全句的主语,伴随状语与谓语动词所表示的动作或状态是同时发生的。而且each所在的句子是个独立主格结构,例如The little boy goes to school, the little dog accompanying him every day.这小孩每天去上学,那条小狗陪伴着他。所以要用动词加ing形式。

英语中一个句子,不是只有一个动词吗?为什么The key is to learn from 中有两个

后面的to learn属于不定式范畴,不作谓语,该句子的谓语动词只有一个,是 is


你说的应该是 OLE 欧蕾这个牌子吧。。。貌似是做羽绒服的。。

the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar


Key is not unique in collection 这句什么意思?多谢

密码在数据库中不唯一。 意思是你在使用此软件时输入的 S/N 或密码等别人已经用过,在中心数据库中已有记录,你不能再使用。 估计是别人借给你的吧。 这是软件发行中用以防止盗版的其中一种措施。

College Confidential是指的什么?




Vans style36和Vans old school有什么区别

第一、看鞋舌部分,前者 的鞋舌部分是没有相关标志的,后者有,并且鞋舌较硬可以立起来,也更加符合休闲味。第二、看鞋底部分,前者鞋底部分相对来说厚一点。第三、看鞋面的线,前者多一点。

old school turntables什么意思


What people do on Thanksgiving Day_550字

Thanksgiving Day In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.

Violet的《Old School》 歌词

歌曲名:Old School歌手:Violet专辑:Freaks On Heavy MetalLyfe Jennings - Old School (Feat. Snoop Dogg)I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansI work the grave yard shift cause I"m dead on my feet ya"llreally want to quit but the kids got to eat ya"llSee money can"t buy you powerbut it can pay the water bill on time so them kids can take a showerAnd I swear to GOD, if they keep on raising these gas pricesI"mma sell this Chevy and go buy me a bikeI"m a King, but my crown in a lay-wayAnd I"m just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansCredit card company called said my bill is overdueTold them I couldn"t afford to pay them and rent tooThey told me they were gonna sue meI said if you didn"t want me to use it then you shouldn"t have gave it to me.And what"s up with these people blowing up buildingsAnd nothing really gangsta about blowing up childrenWould cry, but my eyes in a lay way and I just a day away from giving up.I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansForeign places, court casesSeems they always on my lineI don"t trip, I just dipPop the top on my 69Fleetwood, Cadillacmirror with my Boys on backChandelier so superiorLouis Vitton, oatmeal interiorBossy Boss, mink seats, what it costSpeak yo peace, can"t you see ain"t no big dealhave a seat lil homie and enjoy your mealClose the door and don"t drop crumbs on my flo"Here we go, soul food, so cool, and i got this.....I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansSee I got this old school, the color of soul foodCandied Yam racing strips, pipes potato whiteCornbread interior trimmed in collard greensAir freshner smell like chicken and pork and beansLyfe, Big Snoop, Soul Food, oh I got this greenery causewe need some vegetables too, gotta have you vegetablesthat"s what it is old school, soul foodold school, soul foodKevin Boul & Larry Cheng, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2838652


更换NandFlashH27U1G8F2BTR后重刷固件。JBL On Air Wireless是一款苹果ipod/iphone音响,额定功率为14W,jblonairwireless白屏更换NandFlashH27U1G8F2BTR后重刷固件, 桌面式音箱,两声道音箱结构一体式结构 。

新买了一台JBL on air wireless IPHONE4插入后显示no ipod detected只能通过WIFI网络播放

英语问题求助,谢谢! I must have slept right through it. Later on it will be a lot tougher for you.

must have done 这种表达方式在情态动词中非常常见,一般表示一种虚拟的或对过去的推测用法,本句的意思就是“一定已经”,表示对过去的肯定推测,而must do表示现在或将来2 就是比较啊,“比以前更加艰难”,a lot用于前面表示程度

letter on

是later on.later作副词用,是“更晚些、后来、以后”等意,在句尾一般可以通用,但其它位置,只能用“later”. 是这么回事唆,那不能去掉,因为on 后省略了它的宾语,即“this piece of paper”.

sho is a sales in a department store .

saleswoman 售货员(女)

A little bit later on是什么意思


英语中的letter on的on的作用不加on行不行为什么?谢谢

是later on。later作副词用,是“更晚些、后来、以后”等意,在句尾一般可以通用,但其它位置,只能用“later”。 是这么回事唆,那不能去掉,因为on 后省略了它的宾语,即“this piece of paper”。

有谁能帮我翻译出披头士《Let It Be》 的用中文唱英语的歌词!


求披头士let it be歌词的中文翻译

这是Mccartney 写给母亲的歌 Let It Be by Lennon & Mccartney When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, Let it be, Let it be Let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. And when the broken hearted people Living in the world agree, There will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is Still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer, let it be. And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me, Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be, Let it be, Let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. 当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 在我黑暗的时刻里 她就在我的面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当世上所有心碎的人们都同意 会有一个答案:让它去吧 虽然他们也许已经分手了 仍有机会可以看清楚 会有一个答案:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当夜晚乌云密布 有道阳光依然照耀着我 直到明日,让它去吧 我在音乐声中醒来 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧

披头士的let it be是什么类型的歌


let it be 想表达什么

Let it be.译成中文“顺其自然”或“随它去”。这首歌讲的是面对各样生活困境时,要相信困难总会过去,总会迎来希望的一天,鼓励一种积极向上的生活态度。

介绍一下beatles《Let It Be》的创作背景和这首歌背后的故事

歌手:披头士(甲壳虫)乐队 When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree There will be an answer, let it be For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be (music) And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it be I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comforts me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be There will be an answer, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be 当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 在我黑暗的时刻里 她就在我的面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当世上所有心碎的人们都同意 会有一个答案:让它去吧 虽然他们也许已经分手了 仍有机会可以看清楚 会有一个答案:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当夜晚乌云密布 有道阳光依然照耀着我 直到明日,让它去吧 我在音乐声中醒来 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 Whisper words of wisdom, let it be《Let It Be》是一张名义上他们合作的最后一张唱片,虽然它在1970年发行,不过实际上它主要的录制工作在1969年初就已经基本完成,而其后期的混音制作则是在1970年初由Phil Spector完成。由于乐队当时的矛盾激化,这张专辑不能看做是一张全心全意的唱片,而显得有点低于他们的最高水平,但是我们可以从唱片里听到很多有趣的东西。本来这张唱片应该叫做《Get Back》,是因为Pual并不想乐队就此解散而做的最后努力,可是计划还是不幸的流产了,《Get Back》也就被《Let It Be》无情的代替了,连专辑的封面也变成了四个人背离式的分占四角。专辑的名字不仅预示了乐队的未来,也宣布了一个时代的突然崩溃,一种文化的悄悄消逝。音乐上来说,专辑里的《Across the Universe》,《Let It Be》,《The Long and Winding Road》都是难得的好作品,感性而又深富韵味,他们发挥了自己最高的水准,尤其是Pual的填词更是少见的佳作;而《I"ve Got a Feeling》和《Get Back》也是一向有好口碑,以上五首歌中就有三首是榜首歌曲,也充分说明这张专辑的可听性和收藏性,当然,在我眼里,Beatles每张专辑都是精华的作品,而这张专辑之中所收录的一首《One After 909》更是重新找到了那几个天真的利物浦男孩的影子,纯真自然而充满活力,是我很喜欢的歌曲(当然,这也因为我是一个Beatles迷的缘故)。最后要说的就是最近出了一张此专辑的重新混音版本,叫《Let It Be... Naked》,我没有听过,毕竟这只是老调新版而已,我更加愿意去找一些偏门的没有收录的版本来听听,那里面会有一些关于他们创作的对话,能够帮助Beatles迷们更加深入的了解这一支伟大的乐队。1. Two of Us (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:36 2. Dig a Pony (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:54 3. Across the Universe (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:48 4. I Me Mine (Harrison) - 2:25 5. Dig It (Harrison/Lennon/McCartney/Starr) - :50 6. Let It Be (Lennon/McCartney) - 4:03 7. Maggie Mae (Traditional) - :40 8. I"ve Got a Feeling (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:37 9. One After 909 (Lennon/McCartney) - 2:55 10. The Long and Winding Road (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:37 11. For You Blue (Harrison) - 2:32 12. Get Back (Lennon/McCartney) - 3:07

哪位米米有李宇春Let it be的歌词?


披头士的let it be是什么类型的歌


介绍一下披头士的《Let it be》写作背景以及披头士乐队

Let it be》实际上在1969年1月就已经录制完毕。   《Let it Be》作为Beatles最后一张单曲。在1970年3月6日发行。   《Let it Be》作为Beatles最后一张专辑。在1970年5月8日发行。   虽然在《Abbey Road》中,还有很多Paul写给John的歌。   但在《Let it be》里,Paul显然已经知道,Beatles作为团队的团结已经一去不复返了,他对自己所做的努力已经绝望了。   在那个时候,John更喜欢把时间花在Yoko身上,而且创作理念也因此发生了极大的变化。   Yoko总是出现在录音室,让其他三个Beatles都十分的反感。   George沉浸在印度宗教中,这从他的许多作品中得以体现。而且十分不满意自己不受重视的地位,已经退出乐队一次了。   因为气氛很差,Ringo也在录制White Album的时候短暂退出过。   “在经理人Epstein先生过世以后,我觉得我们都很消沉”,Paul说,“我们不再乐观了,所以开始厌倦了团队形式的存在。没有任何积极的一面,干什么都拖拖拉拉的。吸毒并不是解决它的办法,我们四个人应该好好想想,我们应该振作起来还是选择忘却。”   在因为感觉缺少组织性和纪律性,乐队很难再发展,Paul在便开始尝试着担任领队的角色。   虽然Paul的角色也许很重要,但他受到了其他人的抵制。   Paul在录音室里督促和教训其他人,让另外三人很愤恨。   Paul所做的一切,不但没有让情况好转,反而加速了Beatles的破裂。   加在他身上的压力越来越大,Paul再能做的,只有“Let it be”,随它去吧。   “当所有的生意和事业上的问题开始出现问题的时候我很消沉,并写下了它”,Paul说。“我真的处于我人生中黑暗的时刻,写歌是我净化灵魂的方式。”   他以现代的方式写了一首圣歌赞美诗。由于对“Mother Mary”的祈祷出现在歌词中,歌曲宗教的意味加强了。   但事实上,“Mother Mary”指的是Paul自己的母亲Mary。   他想象自己的妈妈出现了,并给了他能支撑下去的力量。   “从前,我胆小多疑,总是躺在床上胡思乱想”,Paul回想,“有一个晚上,我梦见了我妈妈。她在我14岁那年就去世了,我没怎么受过她的骂。这是好事,给了我很大的力量,——在我人生最黑暗的时候,Mother Mary来到了我的身边。”   “Let It Be”这句充满大智慧的短语,也非Paul原创,而是他的父亲Jim十分喜欢说的,Paul写出他母亲Mary来到他身边这样说,可能也与此有关。   看一看录音时间表,可以知道《Let it Be》的为什么会出现不同的Solo版本。   这首歌录制的次数非常多,吉他Solo是后加上去的。

谁有披头士(甲壳虫)乐队let it be的中文歌词和英文歌词 在线等 !


为什么“let it be”这句话中,it后用的是be呢?

这个算是祈使句,let 后面加上动词原型,am is are 原型都是be 希望对你有帮助。

let it go与let it be两首歌名如何准确翻译理解


给个披头士的let it be 完整歌词得中文翻译


The Beatles 的 Let It Be 的歌词和歌词翻译。

The Beatles (Let It Be )When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom,let it beAnd in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be,let it be, let it be, let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it beAnd when the broken hearted people living in the world agreeThere will be an answer,let it be For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer,let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer,let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom,let it be (music)And when the night is cloudythere is still a light that shines on me Shine until tomorrow, let it beI wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comforts me Speaking words of wisdom, let it beLet it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be There will be an answer, let it beLet it be, let it be, let it be, yeah, let it be当我发觉自己陷入苦恼的时候 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 在我黑暗的时刻里 她就在我的面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当世上所有心碎的人们都同意 会有一个答案:让它去吧 虽然他们也许已经分手了 仍有机会可以看清楚 会有一个答案:让它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 让它去吧,随它去吧 轻轻说着智能之语:让它去吧 当夜晚乌云密布 有道阳光依然照耀着我 直到明日,让它去吧 我在音乐声中醒来 圣母玛利亚来到我面前 说着智能之语:让它去吧

哪位能给我说一下let it be的歌词

When I find myself in times of trouble永远的天团--披头士当我发现自己深陷困境Mother Mary comes to me母亲玛丽来到我身边Speaking words of wisdom,let it be述说着智慧的话语 顺其自然And in my hour of darkness在我最黑暗的时刻She is standing right in front of me她就站在我面前Speaking words of wisdom, let it be述说着智慧的话语 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Whisper words of wisdom,let it be低语着智慧的话语 顺其自然And when the broken hearted people所有伤心的人们Living in the world agree生活在这个世界上There will be an answer, let it be都将会有一个答案 顺其自然For though they may be parted即使他们被迫分离There is still a chance that they will see他们仍有机会看到答案There will be an answer, let it be都将会有一个答案 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然There will be an answer, let it be都将会有一个答案 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然Whisper words of wisdom,let it be低语着智慧的话语 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Whisper words of wisdom,let it be低语着智慧的话语随他去And when the night is cloudy阴云密布的夜空There is still a light that shines on me依旧有光照耀着我Shine until tomorrow,let it be直到明天 顺其自然I wake up to the sound of music我被音乐之声唤醒Mother Mary comes to me母亲玛丽来到我身边Speaking words of wisdom, let it be述说着智慧的话语 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然Let it be, let it be随他去 顺其自然There will be an answer, let it be都将会有一个答案 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然There will be an answer, let it be都将会有一个答案 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Let it be, let it be顺其自然 顺其自然Whisper words of wisdom let it be低语着智慧的话语 顺其自然

let it be 和 let it go 区别,有人说:let’s together. let

let it be是顺其自然的意思,let it go是放手的意思


Skeleton 歌词词:シム ラ ウシーロ/カルロス ウォーター/パコ  曲:Will Simms/Hayley Aitken/Iggy Strange-Dahl  演唱:李东海,银赫  Ahhhh! Yeah!  Shake It! Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!  Shake It! Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!  Ahhhh! Skeleton Baby! Shake It!  Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!  Who"s the 犯人?who"s the 犯人?  夜中の3时 丑三つTimeに半夜三点在深夜时分  パッと浴びるLove Beam爽快淋浴在Love Beam  セクシャルなエイリアン现る性感的外星人出现了  バーカン前のX-RAY eyes(X-RAY eyes)射灯前面的X-RAY eyes君が犯人 暗闇の中の你是犯人 在黑暗中  クロマキーの中の黒幕 AhChroma Key的黑色布幕 Ah  超ド级スケール透けるとthe end超大规模的透视the end  もうstep into the world已经step into the world  Baby I Just Wanna See U Naked  CrazyなそのBody Line这个Crazy的Body Line  君が噂のスケルトンGirl你就是传说中的骷髅Girl  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  Tell Me What U Gotta Do  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  骨抜きにされる这就是去掉骨头的  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  君にはまったら迷上你的话  逃げられないのI Know就逃不掉I Know  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  いつの间にBy my Side什么时候也By my SideどうなっちゃてんのOn and On会变成怎样的On and On  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton  Yeah! Shake It! Shake It! Shake It! Shake It!  透け(好き)过ぎちゃって就算多透明(喜欢)也好  どうにかなりそうな真夏の一夜还是在仲夏夜  Everybody Common Rocking Right Now,  We Rocking Right Now, We Rocking So Loud  HEY HEY  Honey(骨)Rock with Me  HEY HEY  Honey(骨)Rock with Me  HEY HEY  Honey(骨)Rock with Me  Shake Your Bone Like Skeleton  Baby I Just Wanna See U Naked  You are LikeセクシャルエイリアンYou are Like性感的外星人  しゃぶりつくすBONE BONE BONE在啃BONE BONE BONE  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  Tell Me What U Gotta Do  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  骨抜きにされる这是去掉骨头的  (Ha Ha Ha Wa Ta Ta)  君にはまったら迷上你的话  逃げられないのI Know就逃不掉I Know  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  いつの间にBy my Side什么时候也By my Side  どうなっちゃてんのOn and On会变成怎样的On and Onなぜ君に出会ってしまったんだろう为什么会遇见你  もしもこの愿い君に届くなら如果能传达我的心意  Oh God  助けて もう我慢できないよ救救我 我已按捺不住  I"m Gonna Love You Tonight...  Ahhhh!  A Just Wanna! Just Wanna! Just Wanna! Yeah!  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton Common  いつの间にBy my Side什么时候也By my Side  どうなっちゃてんのOn and On会变成怎样的On and On  X RAY PARTY NIGHT!  So Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton  Shake Your Shake Your Skeleton

谁能告诉我let it be的歌词

let it Bethe beatlesWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be partedthere is Still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be,Let it be.Let it be,let it beYeah There will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,let it be,let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be,let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.

Let Me Go On 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go On歌手:Seabird专辑: Til We See The ShoreSeabird - Let Me Go OnWe used up all we hadDeviated from the planAnd things weren"t working out as we all hopedThe timing was rightBut it all ended with a fightThe band wanted out and so did IJust let me go onJust give me one more songIf it sucks we all go homeIf not we sing alongWe went our separate waysAnd didn"t see each other for daysIt was clear that this just wasn"t meant to beWe started out as friendsAnd then the seas started to sneak inAnd now we know why they call it the bitter endJust let me go onJust give me one more songIf it sucks we all go homeIf not we sing alongJust give me one more nightI swear I"ll make it rightIf it hurts me I"ll go homeIf not we get alongLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onJust give me one more nightI swear I"ll make it rightIf it hurts me I"ll go homeIf not we get alongI wont say this lying downGotta get you out of this townIf it hurts me I"ll go homeIf not we get alongLadala-ladala-ladalaLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onLet me go on and on and on and onhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2849196

The Beatles的《Let It Be》 歌词


John Denver的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:John Denver专辑:Poems, Prayers And Promises「Let it be」作词∶John lennon & Paul McCartne作曲∶John lennon & Paul McCartne歌∶mirayWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beAnd in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beAnd when the broken-hearted peopleLiving in the world agreeThere will be an answerLet it beFor though they may be partedThere is still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beAnd when the night is cloudyThere is still a light that shined on meShine until tomorrowLet it beI wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it be【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/9692848

披头士 的 < let it be > 的歌词及意思 ?? 他们还有什么经典的歌??

Let it Be 专辑名称:1967-1970 (Blue Album) 出版年代:1973年 发行公司:Capitol 语言类别:英语 歌手名称:Beatles 歌手类别:欧美乐队 词曲:Lennon/McCartney 歌词内容:When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be. YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.There will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.--------------------------------我觉得英文中很多东西都是只可意会不可言传滴~~所以中文翻译就没必要了。Beatles的歌都很经典啊说真的!Yellow SubmarineHey JudeYeasterdayNorway ForestHelp!Drive my carI want to hold your handLittle ChildA Hard Day"s night...........还有John Lennon的Imagine, Give Peace a Chanc什么的,很多很多很棒的歌

let it be 粤语版歌词


let it be的歌词

呆宝静(国):我有一个朋友他不是piddy他曾经有个梦想是做中国的jay-z无数的音符化作一纸协议书不能做一遍歌手他提醒自己不能输但是终归是场赌博有很多未知数他控制不了转盘会在哪个位置停住都知道 知道他是最好最好的冲得最早但结束都显得潦草围观的群众当赞美变成起哄肩负太重摔倒就越痛失去多少 得到多少多少年后却还在计较 check it outmy home boy just let it be摔倒后不要趴在原地要做到第一 保持战斗力不是想象中那么容易需要当初野兽般的勇气讲者_fatB(粤):人生总系会有起有落不尽人意挫败既痛苦失落无药可医靠你自己睇清自己系继续训低定系争气决定既人系你我都走错好多既路走过好多既迷途口水战充斥大脑收声咪嘈混乱既思路唔需要陪伴终老分叉既支路随时推你入坟墓黑暗既歌词显示我身处既位置但我冇意气用事上天俾我指示需要理智有大志做到极致纵使再多不如意 just let it be乔拖拖(国):我有一个朋友到至今他还很怀念从前曾有个梦想至今他还没有实现无数的创意化成一缕青烟当他在坚持伙伴却不在并肩一个人的音乐页面一个人注册一个人录歌在一个人的宿舍一个人和声一个人祝贺一个人唱着他们共同创造的副歌努力地捡起过去他努力地告诉自己过去那仅仅只是过去而或许再多的努力也无法让他们再相聚他开始怀疑过去全部的努力别去在意 and u can be want u wanna be当每个人都找到自己也许我们会分离当梦想还在继续爱在升级讲者_ono(粤):佢系一个三月十号既双鱼性情温柔易于相处可惜好傻好天真真天真假天真佢唔识去区分所以每段感情都好简短甚至去到最后都系交白卷佢埋怨 感情路上冇一只可以帮到佢既导盲犬可能 仲放唔低只天蝎可能 仲系打唔开个死结佢唔想再玩程寻切佢只想有个有情人既情人节等待不断挑战佢既忍耐等左甘耐仲系甘多障碍天蝎留低俾佢既伤害系米会跟住佢去到将来by:ricky52

let it be


let it be歌词的中文翻译


let it be.中文怎么读

let it be.中文怎么读可以用有道词典,上面都标准的发音,雷特 伊特 比

Let it be 都什么意思?我知道有个翻译是“顺其自然”,感觉还有别的意思?

1. 顺其自然 . . . 而最后的《顺其自然》(Let It Be)是解散后由一位美国音乐制片人帮着编辑、混合而成。 2. 让它去 . . . 披头唱片「让它去」(Let It Be)的灌堼实况,也拍成了同名的纪录电影……蓝Q 和麦卡尼在「苹果公司」的屋顶露侜上,披氼当风,鼓琴而歌的气概,该是摇滚乐最动人... 3. 由它去 . . . [mp3下载]Groove Coverage (舞... ...Moonlight Shadow 月光下的影子 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 Let it Be 由它去 ...

Lindsey Sky的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:Lindsey Sky专辑:My Love Screams《Let It Be》Sung By "Paul McCartney"When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be,Let it be, Let it beLet it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/34733157

The Beatles的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:The Beatles专辑:Past Masters, Vol. 2Let it Be - Lennon/McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be,Let it be.Let it be,let it be YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,let it be,let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.-Music-Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.http://music.baidu.com/song/55280775

Paul McCartney的《Let It Be》 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Back in the WorldLet it bePaul McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beAnd in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beAnd when the broken-hearted peopleLiving in the world agreeThere will be an answerLet it beFor though they may be partedThere is still a chance that they will seeThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beAnd when the night is cloudyThere is still a light that shined on meShine until tomorrowLet it beI wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdomLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beThere will be an answerLet it beLet it be, let it beLet it be, let it beWhisper words of wisdomLet it beLet it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/54655936

Let It Be (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be (Live)歌手:保罗 麦卡特尼专辑:Tripping The Live Fantastic CD2《Let It Be》Sung By "Paul McCartney"When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be,Let it be, Let it beLet it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/16180905

the beatles-let it be这首歌是表达什么


求let it be 中文音译歌词!

When I find myself in times of trouble, 玩耐烦的买赛尔复印太木燥付出阿伯Mother Mary comes to me 妈的儿卖瑞卡母子吐咪Speaking words of wisdom,斯比克影我自奥夫位子德牧let it be 来提比And in my hour of darkness 安得音买啊窝奥夫达克尼斯she is standing right in front of me 谁椅子斯但丁若爱特饮服如昂特奥夫眯Speaking words of wisdom, let it be 斯比克影我自奥夫位子的木,来提比Let it be,来提笔let it be, 来提笔let it be, let it be 来提笔,来提笔Whisper words of wisdom, let it be维斯破儿我自奥夫位子德牧,来提笔And when the broken hearted people 安得玩的啵肉肯哈体的皮剖living in the world agree 里为影印的沃尔德饿个瑞Therewill be an answer,带儿为偶比恩昂舍let it be 来提笔For though they may be parted, 否死如得啊每笔爬梯的there is still a chance that they will see 得儿啊斯蒂偶饿长丝带得为偶谁There will be an answer,带儿为偶比恩昂舍let it be 来提笔Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be来提笔,来提笔,来提笔,来提笔There will be an answer,带儿为偶比恩昂舍let it be 来提笔Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be来提笔,来提笔,来提笔,来提笔Whisper words of wisdom,维斯破儿我自奥夫位子德牧let it be 来提笔Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be来提笔,来提笔,来提笔,来提笔Whisper words of wisdom,维斯破儿我自奥夫位子德牧let it be 来提笔(music)And when the night is cloudy 案的玩的奈特椅子克拉无敌there is still a light that shines on me 戴尔椅子死地偶饿来带特晒恩子昂米Shine until tomorrow, let it be 心思恩提偶特猫肉,来提笔I wake up to the sound of music, 爱维克啊破吐得撒问的奥夫魔有贼可Mother Mary comforts me 马德尔迈瑞肯佛次幂Speaking words of wisdom, let it be 斯比克影我自奥夫位子的木,来提笔Let it be, let it be, let it be, 来提笔,来提笔,来提笔yeah, let it be 夜,来提笔There will be an answer, let it be 带儿为偶比恩昂舍,来提笔Let it be, let it be, let it be, 来提笔,来提笔,来提笔yeah, let it be 夜,来提笔 by dj308

beatles的《let it be》 歌词

歌曲名:let it be歌手:beatles专辑:past masters - volume twoLet it Be - Lennon/McCartneyWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be. YeahThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.presented by happyhuang :)Let it be, let it be.Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.There will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be,Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.http://music.baidu.com/song/14173584

Let It Be (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Let It Be (Live)歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:The Best of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Live《Let It Be》Sung By "Paul McCartney"When I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be,Let it be, Let it beLet it beWhisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken hearted peopleLiving in the world agree,There will be an answer, let it be.For though they may be parted there isStill a chance that they will seeThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom, let it be.Let it be, let it be.Let it be, Let it beThere will be an answer, let it be.Let it behttp://music.baidu.com/song/59273145
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