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英语谚语:A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: As the tree falls so shall it lie 自作自受。 As the tree so the fruit 长什么树,结什么果。 As they sow so let them reap 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 A still tongue makes a wise head 智者寡言。 A stitch in time saves nine 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。 A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe 身正不怕影子斜。 A straw shows which way the wind blows 一叶便知秋。 A stumble may prevent a fall 小惩大诫。 As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb 偷大偷小都是贼。 As worms are bred in a stagnant pool so are evil thoughts in idleness 虫蛆在死水中孵化,邪念在懒惰中养成。 英语谚语: A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder 中文意思: 白日不做亏心事,夜半不怕鬼敲门。



漫威电影顺序蜘蛛侠:英雄归来2 Untitled Spider-Man Homecoming: Sequel

第一阶段:复仇者集结《钢铁侠》Iron Man(2008)《无敌浩克》The Incredible Hulk(2008)《钢铁侠2》Iron Man 2(2010)《雷神》Thor(2011)《美国队长》Captain America: The First Avenger(2011)《复仇者联盟》The Avengers(2012)第二阶段:新世界开启《钢铁侠3》Iron Man 3(2013)《雷神2黑暗世界》Thor: The Dark World(2013)《美国队长2冬日战士》Captain America: The Winter Soldier(2014)《银河护卫队》Guardians of the Galaxy(2014)《复仇者联盟2奥创纪元》Avengers: Age of Ultron(2015)《蚁人》Ant-Man(2015年7月)第三阶段:未知英雄崛起《美国队长3内战》Captain America: Civil War(2016年5月)《奇异博士》Doctor Strange(2016年11月)《银河护卫队2》Guardians of the Galaxy 2(2017年5月)《蜘蛛侠:返校季》Spider-Man:Homecoming(2017年7月)《雷神3诸神黄昏》Thor: Ragnarok(2017年11月)《黑豹》Black Panther(2018年2月)《复仇者联盟3无限战争》Avengers: Infinity War(2018年5月)

把"I would like potato and beef noodles ."改为一般疑问句和否

Would you like potato or beef noodles?No,i wouldn"t

be relevant to还是with

固定搭配是be relevant to,印象中没有be relevant with这种搭配。与其意思相近的是be releated to,都是说与……相关的





Relevant hobbies and interests are activities tha

主句:Relevant hobbies and interests are activities 相关的业余爱好和兴趣是些 … 活动定语从句:that may be Relevant To The Employment you are seeking. 可能与你们寻求的就业岗位有关的(活动 ) 〔关系词兼主语〕 that 〔系动词〕may be 〔表语〕Relevant To The Employment 〔嵌套定语从句〕 you are seeking.

A clear conscience is a sure card!什么意思?


remain relevant什么意思

remain relevant保持相关双语对照例句:1.Both are battling to remain relevant in a rapidly changing information-technologylandscape. 两家都在努力使自己与快速变革的信息技术环境保持相关。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

relevant to 和relevance to有什么区别,能例句说明更好。请别毫无意义的复制粘贴。







不是固定短语,但relevant通常和to搭配使用。 relevanttosth是对的。 更多追问追答 ue771追问 也就是说to可有可无,对吗?追答 不能说“可有可无”,需要有的时候就要有,不需要的时候就不用to: 需要:asubjectrelevanttoChina 不需要:arelevantsubjectaboutChina Ifit"snotaboutChina,itisnotrelevant. 追问 也就是说如果relevant不和to搭配,必须有about 追答 也不是“必须”。 句子里的about和前面的relevant并没有关系,是subject的后置定语。

remain relevant什么意思

remain relevant保持相关双语对照例句:1.Both are battling to remain relevant in a rapidly changing information-technologylandscape. 两家都在努力使自己与快速变革的信息技术环境保持相关。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

conscienceless是读 “ 康晨 死乐死” 还是读 “ K嗯 拆矮 死了死”?


relevant reference related


relevant和related的区别 related department relevant department

related department relevant department 相关部门重点词汇释义related department有关部门relevant有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的

relevent 和related 都是“相关的” 意思,什么区别

relevent adj.有关的; 恰当的, 贴切的, 切题的, 中肯的(to)成比例的; 相应的有重大意义[作用]的; 实质性的relevant details有关细节not relevant to the present question和目前的问题无关的related related[ri5leitid]adj.叙述的, 所说的相关的, 有(亲戚)关系的【音】和声的spinor related旋量相关的





keep it relevant 什么意思

keep it relevant 保持中肯relevant 英[u02c8relu0259vu0259nt] 美[u02c8ru025blu0259vu0259nt] adj. 有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的; [例句]We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people.我们试图使政治活动更加贴近年轻人。

relevant for与relevant to的区别

relevant for 是没有这个短语搭配的。relevant to 有关的;相应的今天来和大家讲讲for和to的用法。我们可能早在初中或者高中就学习过这类介词的用法,但是也有同学老搞不清楚这两者之间的差别。for更注重目的,表示有一方受益,to更注重指向。to接不定式动词原形,for接动词ing形式。一般情况下, to后面常接对象;for后面表示原因与目的为多。for和to这两个介词,意义丰富,用法复杂。这里小K仅就它们主要用法进行比较。1. 表示各种“目的”What do you study English for?你为什么要学英语?She went to france for holiday.她到法国度假去了。These books are written for pupils.这些书是为学生些的。Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.作最好的打算,作最坏的准备。2. 对于She has a liking for painting.她爱好绘画。She had a natural gift for teaching.她对教学有天赋。3. 表示赞成同情,用for不用toAre you for the idea or against it?你是支持还是反对这个想法?He expresses sympathy for the common people.他表现了对普通老百姓的同情。4. for表示因为,由于 (常有较活译法)Thank you for coming.谢谢你来。France is famous for its wines.法国因酒而出名。5. 当事人对某事的主观看法,对于(某人),对…来说(多和形容词连用),用介词to,不用forHe said that money was not important to him.他说钱对他并不重要。To her it was rather unusual.对她来说这是相当不寻常的。They are cruel to animals.他们对动物很残忍。6. for和fit, good, bad, useful, suitable等形容词连用,表示适宜,适合Some training will make them fit for the job.经过一段训练,他们会胜任这项工作的。Exercises are good for health.锻炼有益于健康。Smoking and drinking are bad for health.抽烟喝酒对健康有害。7. for表示不定式逻辑上的主语,可以用在主语、表语、状语、定语中It would be best for you to write to him.你最好给他写信。The simple thing is for him to resign at once.最简单的事情就是让他立即辞职。There was nowhere else for me to go.我无处可去。He opened a door and stood aside for her to pass.他打开一扇门,站在一边让她过去。8. 表示前往(某地)去某地,用for不用toI start for Shanghai tomorrow.我明天去上海。The ship is for Liverpool.这艘船是开往利物浦的。9. 表示到达的目的地、终点,用to不用forThe bus will take you to the post office.公共汽车会把你送到邮局去的。He saw her to the railway station.他把她送到火车站。10. 意思为作为时(意思接近as),for可以与to互换。I"ll keep it for a souvenir.我将把它留作纪念。He spoke English so well that I took him for a foreigner.他英语说的那么好,我还以为他是外国人。He took her to (or for) wife.他娶她为妻。11. for表示交换I bought a bicycle for seven hundred yuan.我以七百元买了一辆自行车。He is willing to work for nothing.他愿意义务地工作。12. 表示就…来说,用forHe was tall for his age.以他的年龄来说他的个子是很高的。For so young a man he had read widely.作为这样年轻的人,他书读的是够多了。13. 表示相应、对应,一般for的前后用同一个名词。Don"t translate word for word.不要逐词翻译。Blood for blood!血债血偿。Eye for eye, toothfor tooth.以眼还眼,以牙还牙。To 的此种用法表示贴着,对着。The two lovers dance cheek to cheek.这对情侣跳贴面舞。They stood face to face ( back to back ).他们面对面(背对背)地站着。14. to和动词连用,表示“对”,“向”“给”等Did you mention this to him?你向他提到这事了吗?Give my love to your parents.代我向你父母问好.






relevant[5relivEnt]adj.有关的, 相应的related[ri5leitid]adj.叙述的, 讲述的, 有关系的relative[5relEtiv]n.亲戚, 关系词, 相关物, 亲缘植物adj.有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的


relevant information相关信息; relevant data有关数据; relevant experience相关工作经验; relevant issues相关问题; relevant document相关文件;关联文件 扩展资料   relevant works有关工程;   relevant cost相关成本;   relevant parameter相应参数;关联参数;   relevant authority有关当局;监管当局;   relevant character相关字符;关联字符


relevant/relative/related relevant:有关的、切题的,往往表示与手头的事情或目前的状况有直接关系,尤指在逻辑上有关系的,可后接介词to引出相关的主题(relevant to...与……有关的),也可以放在名词前直接修饰名词(relevant details/information 有关细节/信息) relative:相对的、比较的、较……而言的,此时放在名词前直接修饰名词(relative comfort比较舒适),也表示相关的、有关系的、表关系的,表示此意时通常不放在名词前直接修饰名词,而后接介词to引出相关事物,还可以作名词,指亲戚、亲属 related:在相互关系的、(与……)有关系的,可后接介词to引出相关事物,也可以放在名词前直接修饰名词(chemistry,biology and other related sciences 化学、生物学及其他相关的科学),还指有亲缘关系的、共同起源或婚姻而相互关联的(be related to sb.by marriage 与某人是姻亲)






基本解释 relevant adj. 有关的, 相应的例句 X. Relevant Guarantees 十、相关保障 relevant relation or interconnection. 相关的联系和互相联络。 Strikingly appropriate and relevant. 适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的 refer to or be relevant to. 涉及或者与……相关。 be in connection with something relevant. 与相应的某物有关联。 relative n. 亲戚, 关系词, 相关物, 亲缘植物 adj. 有关系的, 相对的, 比较而言的 例句 relative number 相对数 relative orientation 相对定向 relative stability 相对稳定性 relative volatility 相对挥发度 relative pronoun; relative clause. 限定代词;限定从句。 relevant是指与...有关系是具体事物的关联关系.adj.和手头事务有关联的 relevant to 与..有关 All evidence relevant to this trial must be given to the police. The point is highly relevant to the discussion. 确当的,适宜的 The board of Education has announced plans to make schooling more relevant and prepare students better for life beyond high school. relative指亲属关系 adj. 与..有关 The documents are relative to the discussion. 相比较而言的,相对的 We weighed up the advantages of driving there or going by train. the relative quiet of suburbs Since I got a job, i"ve been living in relative comfort

英语谚语:A clear conscience is a sure card 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: A clear conscience is a sure card 中文意思: 光明磊落,胜券在握。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Every man is the master of his own fortune 每个人都是他自己的命运的主宰。 Every man is the son of his own works 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 Every man thinks his own geese swans 每个人都以为自己的东西了不起。 Every medal has its reverse 事物都有它的反面。 Every mother"s child is handsome 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune 人对自己的命运总不感满足。 Every one"s faults are not written in their foreheads 知人知面不知心。 Every pleasure has a pain 乐中必有苦。 Every potter praises his own pot 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 Every sale *** an boasts of his own wares 老王卖瓜,自卖自夸。 英语谚语: A clear conscience is a sure card 中文意思: 光明磊落,胜券在握。


relevant短语搭配有: relevant to 与…有关的; relevant to the case 与这案子有关; 例句: Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates. 要保证把所有相关证书都放在里面。 扩展资料   On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.   你只要出示有关的身份证件就可以领取你的.财产.   I don"t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion.   我认为他的话不切我们的议题.   Museums should have a more involved or relevant public role.   博物馆应起到进一步介入公众生活或更加举足轻重的社会作用.   He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.   他参看了不少有关书刊.

Lesson45 A clear conscience 问心无愧

clear conscience n. 良心,道德心 a clear conscience:问心无愧 a bad / guilty conscience:问心有愧 conscious:adj. 意识到的,清醒的,神志清醒的,有意识的 consciously adv.有意识地,自觉地 conscience n.良心,道德心 wallet n. 皮夹,钱夹 wallet, purse, handbag shoulder bag:拎包,挎包 cross body:斜挎包 tote:手提袋 clutch:无背带手包,小坤包 duffle bag:行李袋 backpack:双肩包 savings n. 存款 save:存 - withdraw:取 savings account:储蓄账户 ATM:automatic teller machine 自动取款机 villager n. 村民,someone who lives in a village villa:(乡间)别墅 per cent n. 百分之 …,percent,也可以无区别 5 percent / fourteen percent … a / one hundred percent:completely, thoroughly percentage:百分比 percentage of forest cover=forest coverage rate 森林覆盖率 percentage of greenery coverage =greenery coverage rate绿地覆盖率 … learnt that …:获悉,得知(与know不同) Granny Tessa was pleased to learn that we had arrived safely. a large sum of money:一大笔钱 had been lost - 过去完成时的被动语态 had been done taking - 现在分词 … had lost his wallet while he was taking his savings … sb. be sure that … must have done:表示对过去的推测 must have been done:被动 it had been wrapped up … had been done … - 过去完成时的被动语态 wrap up:包装起来 it contained half the money that / which he had lost 定语从句 together with …:(伴随)连同,和 He sent me the book, together with a pretty card. note:n. 笔记 - 音符 - 便签 - 纸币 take notes 做笔记 with a note which said … British paper says Kate chooses McQueen designer. ... the story said that … in time: honest:adj. honesty:n. send sb. sth. 被动语态是 sb. be sent sth. send sth. to sb. 被动语态是 sth. be sent to sb. 被动语态 had been lost … must have been found … was not returned … had been wrapped … 1. Someone has prepared a meal for you. A meal has been prepared for you. 2. Someone will translate the book into English. The book will be translated into English. 3. Someone must send a telegram to him. A telegram must be sent to him. 4. Someone had put out the fire before the fire brigade arrived. The fire had been put out before the fire brigade arrived. 5. Someone gave the cat some milk to drink. The cat was given some milk to drink. Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking.


relevant的反义词:不相干的irrelevant.不合适inappropriate、unsuitable.反义词辨析:irrelevant adj.不相干的;一般表示两个事物之间没有关联。inappropriate adj.不合适;主要用作为形容词,用作形容词译为不合适;不恰当的,不适宜的。unsuitable adj.不合适的;指不能满足某一特别需求或情况,或不能满足有关条件、要求。relevant adj.相关的; 合适的;是形容词,有紧密相关,切题的,有价值的,有意义的等含义,表示与...相关的时候,与介词to连用。relevant的反义词adj.irrelevantinappropriate unsuitable反义词辨析irrelevant adj.不相干的;一般表示两个事物之间没有关联。inappropriate adj.不合适;主要用作为形容词,用作形容词译为不合适;不恰当是形容词,有紧密相关,切题的,有价值的,有意义的等含义,表示与...相关的时候,与介词to连用。

辨析 related 和 relevant

related: connected with sb/sth in some way 相关的,有联系的relevant:closely connected with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are thinking about 紧密相关的,切题的relevant more close and direct than related.related其他意思:1in the same family 2belong to the same group relavant其他意思:having ideas that are valuable and useful to people in their lives and work有价值的,有意义的


是同一个词根 relate vt. 1.讲,叙述[(+to)] To him we related our troubles,asking his advice. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导. 2.使有联系[(+to/with)] Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来? vi. 1.有关,涉及[(+to)] I don"t know to what this relates. 我不知道这与什么有关. 2.符合[(+with)] Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合. 3.相处[(+to)] She doesn"t relate well to her peers. 她和同辈处不来. She doesn"t relate well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处不很和睦. 4.认同;欣赏 I just can"t relate to these new fashions. 我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式. relevant a.[(+to)] 1.有关的;切题的;恰当的 His nationality isn"t relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师不相关. 2.有意义的;关系重大的

peitinent 和 relevant 有什么区别呢?



relevant英 [u02c8relu0259vu0259nt]美 [u02c8ru025blu0259vu0259nt]adj.有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的1. 相关的;相应的;有重要性的 Something that is relevant to a situation or person is important or significant in that situation or to that person. 如We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people. 我们试图使政治活动更加贴近年轻人。We have passed all relevant information on to the police. 我们已经把所有相关信息都告知了警方。2. 适当的;合适的;确切的 The relevant thing of a particular kind is the one that is appropriate. 如Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates. 要保证把所有相关证书都放在里面。

correlative 和 relevant 的区别

Relevant 形容与一个主题或问题有关的某事: The scientist corresponds with colleagues in order to learn about matters relevant to her own research.那个科学家和同事们相互通信以了解和她自己的研究有关的事。correlative有关联的;相应的【语法】 互惠:表示互惠或补充的关系的:a correlative conjunction.关联连词希望对你有所帮助!




related 英 [ru026a"leu026atu026ad] 美 [ru026a"letu026ad](形容词) 有关系的,有关联的;讲述的,叙述的(动词) 叙述(relate过去式)He is concerned only about what relates to himself.他只关心与自己有关的事。He related what he had seen in the theatre.他把在剧场中所看到的情况叙述了一遍。relevant 英 [u02c8relu0259vu0259nt] 美 ["ru025blu0259vu0259nt] (形容词) 有关的;中肯的;有重大作用的we have noticed relevant reports. 我们注意到了有关报道。Is religion still relevant to most people"s lives?宗教和大多数人的生活还有关系吗?

have a clear conscience是什么意思


have a clear conscience是什么意思

have a clear conscience问心无愧[网络短语]Have a clear conscience 问心无愧,问,有问心无愧to have a clear conscience 问心无愧,俯仰无愧have a clear/guilty conscience 愧


relative [rel·a·tive || "relu0259tu026av]n. 亲戚, 关系词adj. 有关系的, 比较的,相对的related [re"lat·ed || ru026a"leu026atu026ad]adj. 有关的, 相关的;有密切联系的; 有亲戚关系的;讲述的, 叙述的relevant ["rel·e·vant || "relu026avu0259nt]adj. 恰当的; 切题的;有意义的




1.relevantadj.有关的,相应的例句X.Relevant Guarantees十、相关保障relevant relation or interconnection.相关的联系和互相联络.Strikingly appropriate and relevant.适当的,恰当的极为贴切合适的refer to or be relevant to.涉及或者与……相关.be in connection with something relevant.与相应的某物有关联.2.relatevt.叙述,讲,使联系,发生关系例句Strange to relate.说来奇怪.To relate in detail.详述深入到细节地叙述To relate to teaching practice联系教学实际Relate to us your adventures.告诉我们你的冒险故事.bring into consonance or relate harmoniously.让音乐协调一致地演奏,呈现和谐的关系.3.relativen.亲戚,关系词,相关物,亲缘植物adj.有关系的,相对的,比较而言的例句relative number相对数relative orientation相对定向relative stability相对稳定性relative volatility相对挥发度relative pronoun; relative clause.限定代词;限定从句.这三个词意境是不同的,你看看吧,你要的东西什么都有relevant是指与...有关系是具体事物的关联关系.relate指人讲话或讲故事用于叙述中的讲出来的关系relative指亲属关系



have a clear conscience是什么意思

have a clear conscience问心无愧


  relevant表有关的,中肯的; 相关联的;意思,那么你知道relevant的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了relevant的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   relevant的短语:   ~+介词   relevant to 与u2026有关的   relevant to the case 与这案子有关   relevant的短语例句:   1. We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people.   我们试图使政治活动更加贴近年轻人。   2. I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.   我认为有人故意隐瞒相关文件。   3. Relevant work experience is required for overseas postings.   派驻海外要求有相关的工作经验。   4. Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates.   要保证把所有相关证书都放在里面。   5. Copies of the relevant documents must be filed at court.   有关文件副本必须送交法院备案。   6. I tried googling but couldn"t find anything relevant.   我试着用搜索引擎检索,但找不到任何相关信息。   7. These comments are not directly relevant to this enquiry.   这些意见与这项调查没有直接联系。   8. This point is really relevant and we had better move on.   这一点至关重要,我们还是接着谈吧.   9. On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property.   你只要出示有关的身份证件就可以领取你的财产.   10. I don"t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion.   我认为他的话不切我们的议题.   11. Museums should have a more involved or relevant public role.   博物馆应起到进一步介入公众生活或更加举足轻重的社会作用.   12. He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals.   他参看了不少有关书刊.   13. The relevant inspecting organs shall give assistance thereto.   有关检查机关应当予以协助.   14. These materials are relevant to the case.   这些材料与这案件有关.   15. The MOD gave an undertaking to Saville that it had provided him with allrelevant material.   国防部向萨维尔保证已向他提供了所有相关的资料。


relevant的用法:relevant是形容词,有紧密相关,切题的,有价值的,有意义的等含义,表示与...相关的时候,与介词to连用。relevant的搭配:relevant failure(关联失效)、relevant range相关范围。 扩展资料 relevant的例句:We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people(我们试图使政治活动更加贴近年轻人);Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates(要保证把所有相关证书都放在里面)。


relevant: [ reliv05nt ] a. 相关的,切题的,中肯的 [ 副词relevantly ] 例句与用法1. His nationality isn"t relevant to whether he"s a good teacher. 他的国籍与他是否是位好老师无关。 2. This type of university course is no longer relevant to today"s problems. 这类大学课程对当今的问题而言已没有实际价值。 3. She gobbled up all the relevant information. 她如饥似渴地收集一切有关的信息。 4. These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。 5. The essay isn"t even remotely relevant to the topic. 这篇文章毫不切题.


relevant是形容词,相关的,有关的,对应的名词是relevance,相关,对应的动词是relate,与什么有关。例如,The accident is relevant to the man"drinking. 事故与这个人喝酒有关。Pay attention to the relevance. 注意他们的相关。


to。根据百度教育显示,relevant短语搭配有:relevant to,与…有关的;relevant to the case 与这案子有关;例句:Make sure you enclose all the relevant certificates.要保证把所有相关证书都放在里面。relevant是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意思是“相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的”。


relevant是形容词,其有紧密相关、切题的、有价值的、有意义的等含义,当relevant表示与...相关的时候,与介词to连用。副词形式为relevantly,名词形式为relevance;用作形容词时:A paper relevant to this research was published by him.与本研究相关的一篇论文是他发表的。relevant表示“与……相关”时,与介词to连用。His remarks are not relevant to our discussion.他的观点与我们的议题不相关。




relevant是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意思是“相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的”。短语搭配:relevant failure [计]关联失效 ; 非关联失效 ;[计]关联故障 ; 相关失效relevant range 相关范围 ; 关范围 ; 企业业务量的范围relevant works 有相关的作品 ; 关于工程双语例句:1、As for this we should take relevant measures as precaution.为此,我们应采取相应的措施来加以预防。2、Consider also whether you have all of the relevant information.还要考虑你是否拥有所有的相关信息。3、The inventory should include the relevant talents and experiences of you and those on your team plus other physical and intangible resources you have.这个发掘应该包括相关的人才、你的经验、和那些你团队中的人,加上其他你有的物质的和无形的资源。


relevant 英[u02c8relu0259vu0259nt] 美[u02c8ru025blu0259vu0259nt] adj. 有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的; [网络] 相关; 关联性; 有关联的; [例句]We are trying to make politics more relevant to younger people.我们试图使政治活动更加贴近年轻人。

adele one and only 歌词

Youve been on my mind I grow fonder every day Lose myself in time Just thinking of your face God only knows Why its taken me so long To let my doubts go Youre the only one that I want I dont know why Im scared Ive been here before Every feYou"ve been on my mindI grow fonder every dayLose myself in timeJust thinking of your faceGod only knowsWhy it"s taken me so longTo let my doubts goYou"re the only one that I wantI don"t know why I"m scaredI"ve been here beforeEvery feeling, every wordI"ve imagined it allYou"ll never know, if you never tryTo forgive your past, and simply be mineI dare you to let me be, yourYour one and onlyPromise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsIf I"ve been on your mindYou hang on every word I sayLose yourself in timeAt the mention of my nameWill I ever knowHow it feels to hold you closeAnd have you tell meWhichever road I choose you"ll goI don"t know why I"m scaredCos I"ve been here beforeEvery feeling every wordI"ve imagined it allYou"ll never knowIf you never tryTo forgive your pastAnd simply be mineI dare you to let me be yourYour one and onlyI promise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsI know it ain"t easyGiving up your heartI know it ain"t easyGiving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heart (nobody"s perfect)I know it ain"t easy (trust me I"ve learned it)Giving up your heartSo I dare you to let me be yourYour one and onlyI promise I"m worth itTo hold in your armsSo come onAnd give me the chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end startsCome onAnd give me a chanceTo prove I am the one who canWalk that mileUntil the end starts


relevant[英][u02c8relu0259vu0259nt][美][u02c8ru025blu0259vu0259nt]adj.有关的,中肯的; 相关联的; 确切的; 有重大意义[作用]的,实质性的; 例句:1.Please notify the relevant section chiefs. 请通知相关部门的主管参加。2.And it"s becoming less relevant. 因此它变的更少相关连

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约拿情结(Jonas-Komplex) 约拿情结(Jonah complex) 是美国著名心理学家马斯洛提出的一个心理学名词。简单地说,“约拿情结”就是对成长的恐惧。 它来源于心理动力学理论上的一个假设:“人不仅害怕失败,也害怕成功。” 其代表的是一种机遇面前自我逃避、退后畏缩的心理,是一种情绪状态,并导致我们不敢去做自己能做得很好的事,甚至逃避发掘自己的潜力。 在日常生活中,约拿情结可能表现为缺少上进心,或称“伪愚”。它的存在也许有一定的合理性,不过,从自我实现的角度来看,这是一种阻碍自我实现的心理障碍因素。 故事一 约拿是一个基督教的概念,意为“鸽子”。鸽子的性情是驯良的;鸽子的工作是传递信息。 约拿似乎在完成了神托付的一件大使命以后,把自己隐藏起来,不让人纪念他,觉得自己名不副实;他做工作是不得已的,是蒙了神的大恩才完成的,把众人的目光引到神那里去。 故事二 “约拿”是圣经里面的一个人物。他本身是一个虔诚的基督徒,并且一直渴望能够得到神的差遣。神终于给了他一个光荣的任务,去宣布赦免一座本来要 被罪行毁灭的城市——尼尼微城。约拿却抗拒这个任务,他逃跑了,不断躲避着他信仰的神。神的力量到处寻找他,唤醒他,惩戒他,甚至让一条大鱼吞了他。最 后,他几经反复和犹疑,终于悔改,完成了他的使命——宣布尼尼微城的人获得赦免。“约拿”是指代那些渴望成长又因为某些内在阻碍而害怕成长的人。对于约拿 来说,他不愿意成就神的旨意是因为仇恨。这座他要布赦免的尼尼微城是毁灭他家族的死敌。 上帝要约拿到尼尼微城去传话,这本是一种崇高的使命和很高的荣誉,也是约拿平素所向往的。但一旦理想成为现实,又感到一种畏惧,感到自己不行,想回避即将到来的成功,想推却突然降临的荣誉。 约拿情结的基本特征可以分为两个方面: 一方面是表现在对自己,另外一方面是表现在对他人。 对自己,其特点是:逃避成长,拒绝承担伟大的使命。 对他人,其特点是:嫉妒别人的优秀和成功、幸灾乐祸于别人的不幸。 马斯洛给他的研究生上课的时候,曾向他们提出如下的问题:“你们班上谁希望写出美国最伟大的小说?” “谁渴望成为一个圣人?”“谁将成为伟大的领导者?” 等等。据马斯洛记录,他的学生们在这种情况下,大家通常的反应都是咯咯地笑、红着脸、不安地蠕动。马斯洛又问:“你们正在悄悄计划写一本什么伟大的心理学著作吗?”他们通常红着脸、结结巴巴地搪塞过去。马斯洛还问:“你难道不打算成为心理学家吗?”有人回答说,“当然想啦。”马斯洛说:“你是想成为一位沉默寡言、谨小慎微的心理学家吗?那有什么好处?那并不是一条通向自我实现的理想途径。” 人类中普遍存在某种约拿情结,即:不是追求高级需求,追求卓越、崇高的自我实现,而是相反,逃避高级需求,逃避卓越、崇高的人类品行。人们视天真纯情为幼稚可笑,视诚实为轻信,视坦率为无知,视慷慨为缺乏判断力,视工作中的热情为懦弱,视同情心为廉价和盲目。 “ 约拿情结 "的问题还在于,自己怕出名,如果别人出了名,他又会嫉妒,心里巴不得别人倒霉。这种情结阻碍生命成长和自我实现,马斯洛给它取名为约拿情结。仇恨是我们在现实生活中最常发现的阻碍成长的内在原因。我们常常可以观察到这种情况,一个聪明的青年人,他在学校里成绩很好,但在高考前夜突然生病了,以至于失去了考试的机会。后来他工作了,能力很强,颇得赏识。但是在他马上就要得到一次关键的升迁的时候,他又辞职了......尽管这些事情的发生看似偶然,但深入接触他的内心世界时我们会发现,他的内心埋藏着对父母未曾宣泄的怨恨。为了潜意识里报复父母的愿望,他下意识地毁掉了自己的前途。其潜在的愿望可以表述如下:“你们休想得到一个成功的儿子,我就是要让你们失望和痛苦!”这些内在冲突有时候可以被我们意识到,但大多数时候,它被潜抑在无意识里。 人们不仅躲避自己的低谷,也躲避自己的高峰。不仅畏惧自己最低的可能性,也畏惧自己最高的可能性。“ 约拿情结” 发展到极致,就是“ 自毁情结” ,即面对荣誉,成功,幸福等美好的事物时,总是浮现 “我不配”,“我受不了“的念头,最终把倒手的机会放弃了。我们大多数人内心都深藏着“ 约拿情结 ” 心理学家们分析,这是因为在我们小时候,由于本身条件的限制和不成熟,心中容易产生“我不行”,“我办不到”等消极的念头,如果周围环境没有提供足够的安全感和机会供自己成长的话,这些念头会一直伴随着我们。尤其是当成功机会降临的时候,这些心理表现得尤为明显。因为要抓住成功的机会,就意味着要付出相当的努力,面对许多无法预料的变化,并承担可能导致失败的风险。 毫无疑问,“约拿情结”是我们平衡自己内心心理压力的一种表现。我们每个人其实都有成功的机会,但是在面临机会的时候,只有少数人敢于打破平衡,认识并克服了自己的“约拿情结”,勇于承担责任和压力,最终抓住并获得了成功的机会。这也就是为什么只有总是少数人成功,而大多数人却平庸一世的重要原因。 约拿情结是一种复杂的心理现象。 “约拿情结”作为一种普遍存在的心理现象和社会现象,究其产生的根源,心理学家作了以下几个方面的分析: 一是一个人由于自身条件的限制以及其他各方面原因的影响,在面对各种事物时,心中产生过“我不行”、“我办不到”的想法,为其在今后的成长过程中埋下了“隐患”和“伏笔” 。 二是周边环境的影响。因为周边环境不能提供一种安全感和成长机会供自己成长,加之先前留下的“隐患”,会使人产生一种“患得患失”的感觉,从而会失去有利的时机和机会。 三是民族文化以及从众心理的影响,诸如“出檐的檐子烂得快”,“枪打出头鸟”的惯性思维,往往会使人包装成“谦虚”的外衣,甚至刻意去迎合大众心理,使自己的棱角被磨平,从而导致自甘平庸。一个人要想获得成功,必须认识和克服自身的“ 约拿情结 ”,用慧眼认清机会,紧紧抓住机会,勇于承担责任压力,为自己成长和成功创造一个良好的发展平台。 克服“约拿情结”的影响,必须首先对心理进行一系列的矫正: 第一.每个人必须清楚地了解自己的内心状况,大胆承认“约拿情结”的存在。在面对责任和压力时,要克服恐惧和害怕心理,鼓起勇气,坚定信心,相信自己,明知山有虎,偏向虎山行,不管遇到怎样的困难和挫折,要有破釜沉舟,血战到底的勇气和信心。 第二.克服成长过程中的恐惧,同时也要看到自身的不足。成长和成功是一个循序渐进的过程。在这个过程中,必须付出艰辛的劳动、汗水和心血,甚至失败。世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要我们每个人尽了最大的努力,发挥了自己应有的潜能,假如失败了,虽败犹荣。尽管失败了,但起码可以积累一些经验和教训,这样离成功的日子也就指日可待了。 第三.要具备“毛遂自荐”的勇气和信心,与其等待别人发现自己,倒不如最大限度地展现自身的才华。伯乐相马固然可敬可佩,但前提是要坚持勤相马,发现良驹。不然,一直等下去,岂不悲哉?!

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jonas的please be mine 的翻译歌词

I try to come closer with you But they all say we won"t make it through But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I"ll be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine I"m in and out of love with you Trying to find if it"s really true oh no no no no How can I prove my love If they all think I"m not good enough But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I will be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you Can"t stop the rain from falling Can"t stop my heart from calling you It"s calling you But I"ll be there forever You will see that it"s better Our hopes and our dreams will come true I will not disappoint you I will be right there for you "til the end The end of time Please be mine这段英文比较简单你可以自己翻译或者用网上词典翻译

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像 a little love 这类型的好听流行英语歌曲

Could this be love

有像《lemon tree》哪种类型的欧美歌曲吗?

下面的是我比较喜欢听的英文歌推荐楼主去听听Craig David的 don"t love you no more、Johnny、Never Should Have Walked Away、Unbelievable、Walking Away、7 DaysNe-Yo的Go on Girl、Mad、Because of You、Better Today、So SickBabyface的I Need A Love Song、 with him、Mad, Sexy, Cool、Drama, Love & Lationshipskay-b的Don"t U Walk AwayShayne Ward的No Promises、Back At Once、What About Me、BreathlessBobby Tinsley的Missing You、You、Hope Is Almost Here、I Got TimeTaylor Siwft的 love story、teardrops on my guitar、You Belong With Me、Thug StoryJesse McCartney的Beautiful soul、Because You Live、Take Your Sweet TimeLynnsha的Si SeulementThe Weepies的Gotta Have YouCleopatra Stratan的GhitaThe dream的my loveIronik的stay with meNever had a dream come tureMatt Palmer的Rain、float away、AloneAllen iverson的Last nightLoona的AngelSweetbox的We Can Work It Out、Life Is Cool、Read My Mind、Everything"S Gonna Be AlrightMariah Carey的Bye Bye、I Stay In Love、Love Story、Touch My Body、We Belong TogetherSheryfa Luna的J"ai Le DroitMario的How Do I Breathe、I Choose You、Crazy Kind Of LoveA teens的fire flyTATU的Gomenasai、Loves Me NotVanessa Hudgens的Don"t Ask WhyAshlee Simpson的pieces of meTrey Songz的I Need A GirlNelly的DilemmaRossTallanma的lubovBrian Mcknight的someday,someway,somehowShontelle的T-shirtChristina Aguilera的HurtTimbaland的ApologizeColbie Caillat的The Little Things、Bubbly、Feelings Show、OxygenDavid Usher的black black heartEnrique Iglesias的Do you know?The Ting Tings的That"s Not My NameFeist的1234Floortje的Wake upDavid Archuleta的Crush、Barriers、You CanLene Marlin的SITTING DOWN HERE、Here We AreШатунов Юрий的Не говори мне ничего(什么都不要对我说)Elliott Yamin的Fight For Love、This Step Alone、Wait For YouHannah Montana的Nobody"s perfectJ-five的find a wayJordin Sparks的Next To You、Tattoo、See My SideFoundations的Kata NashLeona Lewis的Bleeding loveLimp Bizkit的Behind blue eyesNatasha Bedingfield的soulmateNicole Scherzinger will i am的Baby lovePink的whow knewPlain white的Hey there delilahSarah Connor的love is colour blindSean Kingston的Beautiful girlsSpice girls的HeadliensT pain的LowTamas Wells的valder fieldstars-vitasAkon的sorry,Blame it on me、Sunny Day、Mr.lonely、Beautiful、Sweetest girlEminem的stanAlicia Keys的No oneBeyonce Knowles的Irreplaceable、If I Were A Boy、HaloRihanna的Hate that i love you、Take A Bow、Unfaithful、shut up and driveBoyzone的When you say nothing at allUsher的Burn、How do i say、Can i help youJames Blunt的1973、You"re BeautifulJason Mraz的I"m Yours另外还有艾薇儿、BLUE、Groove Coverage、Hilary Duff、Katelyn Tarver、Sum41、菲姬Fergie、黑眼豆豆、后街、西城、杰西麦卡尼、凯莉·克莱森、 他们的歌都好听,我就把我自己经常听的些歌弄上来了 推荐你听听看吧 ~

reliant reliance reliable rely的区别

reliant reliance reliable 和 rely 是同根词,他们的词根就是 rely,其他三个词都是由 rely 加后缀的派生词。派生词的后缀不改变词根的意思但改变词性。 rely (词根)是动词,意思是 “依赖” 或 “依靠”。以 y 结尾的词要把 y 改为 i 以后才能再加缀,所以 reliant, reliance 和 reliable 中的词根部分变成了 reli -。 ~ant 是形容词后缀,表示 “处于 … 状态”,所以 reliant 的意思是处于 “依赖的” 状态; ~ance 是名词或缀,表示 “性质”,所以 reliance 的意思 “依赖性” ~able 也是形容词后缀,表示 “具有 … 的特征”,所以 reliable 的意思是具有 “可依赖的” 特征 。

欧冠主题曲Champion league的歌词谁知道?



reliance 【名词】 信赖;信心;受信赖的人或物reliable 【形容词】 可靠的;可信赖的【名词】 可靠的人

one more huge one more smile是什么歌曲?

出自《GoodNight Song》英文版本貌似只有 Smurf 唱过,国内“梦之旅”合唱组唱过中文的。歌词:Try to sleep now, close your eyesSoon the birds would stop singingTwinkling stars, are shining brightThey"ll be watching you all nightAll the things, you enjoyOn this beautiful dayAll your friends, all your toyswill be waiting for you to play"Mr moonlight will come bring you dreamsAs soon as the lights are outAnd tomorrow you must tell mewhat those dreams were all about"Try to sleep now, close your eyesTry to think of tomorrowAll of us wish you good nightSo I"m switching off the lightsOne more hug, one more smileKiss you once, kiss you twiceI"ll be here for a whileTry to sleep now and close your eyes

Ghita-Cleopatra Stratan 中英文歌词是什么?

歌词:Noapte buna! Cum se lasa noaptea-n casa Somnul vine la copii Sa ne spuna NOAPTE BUNA Sh povesti la jucarii In casuta prea micutza Stau piticii neclintiti Unde zana ii da mana Printului sh toti sunt fericiti... x3 Iar din ceruri te cununa Luna plina de mister Unde stele se aduna Fara numar sus pe cer In hainutza-i de vapaie Sh frumoasa ca un vis Ne patrunde in odaie Chiar de geamul nu mai e deschis... x3 Iar dimneatza prinde viata A povestilor e roz Sta in soapta sh ne-asteapta Sa se joace , iar cu noi Fiecare jucarie Universul ei intreg Are suflet sh e vie Numai cei maturi nu nteleg...可惜是罗马尼亚语,看不懂.......

关于meet with problems的问题

遇到困难一般都翻译为meet problems中间是不加with的所以例句中也不用加with作介词

rely,reliance, reliant, reliable 的区别

reliant reliance reliable 和 rely 是同根词,他们的词根就是 rely,其他三个词都是由 rely 加后缀的派生词。派生词的后缀不改变词根的意思但改变词性。rely [ri"lai] vi.依赖,依靠,仰仗(与on或upon连用):We must rely on ourselves.【我们必须依靠自己。】信任,依赖,对…有信心;指望:You can"t rely upon them to help you.【你不能指望着他们帮助你。】reliant [ri"laiu0259nt] adj.依赖的;依靠…的(on)These people are not wholly reliant on Western charity.【这些人并非完全依赖西方的施舍。】信赖自己的;依靠自己的;自力更生的reliant 是形容词后缀,表示 “处于 … 状态”,所以 reliant 的意思是处于 “依赖的” 状态;reliance [ri"laiu0259ns] n.信赖;依靠信任;信心依靠的人(或物);信赖的人(或物)短语:place (或put) reliance on (或in) 信任;信赖The country"s increasing reliance on foreign aid.【这个国家日益依赖外来援助。】reliance 是名词或缀,表示 “性质”,所以 reliance 的意思 “依赖性”reliable [ri"laiu0259bl] adj.可靠的;确实的;可以信赖的It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence. 【很难获得可靠的证据。】reliable 也是形容词后缀,表示 “具有 … 的特征”,所以 reliable 的意思是具有 “可依赖的” 特征 。

mucho le gusto在西班牙语里什么意思啊??

不太合乎语法,不过既然是歌词也不奇怪,应该是“他很喜欢我”的意思(直译是“我很使他喜欢”)。如果是mucho gusto就没什么问题了,是互相问候的语言,“很高兴认识你”,相当于英语的nice to meet you。
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