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2023-07-09 08:45:57

Systnm菜单, 配置运行应用程序下载 记忆清晰明确的数据复制应用数据 应用程序下载;oad食谱 下载源代码副本的食谱



  recipe英 [ˈresəpi] 美 [ˈresəpi]  n.食谱; 处方; 秘诀;  [例句]Beware, this recipe is not for slimmers.  注意,本食谱不适用于减肥者。  [其他]复数:recipes 形近词: precipe recite recire
2023-07-09 01:45:271

recipes是什么意思 recipes的中文翻译、读音、例句?

recipes的意思是”食谱、方法”,其次还有”秘诀”的意思,读音为[‘resu0259pu026az],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到78个与recipes相关的同义词和例句recipes的翻译1.食谱例句:- Real cooks don"t need recipes.翻译:-菜谱? -是的,怎么了?自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:
2023-07-09 01:45:341


recipe英["resu0259pu026a] 美[u02c8ru025bsu0259u02ccpi] n.食谱;处方;秘诀 名词复数:recipes [例句]The spirits company keeps a cocktail recipe tool on its company intranet. 这家烈酒类饮料生产商在公司内联网上发布了一个鸡尾酒配方工具.
2023-07-09 01:46:031

【recipe 中文】秒懂英文「recipe」的意思!

recipe 中文 意思是指「食谱;烹饪法」的意思,recipe 的名词复数为recipes。recipe 不当作动词用,只有名词的型态。 下面列举出recipe的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.recipe 食谱;烹饪法 (名词) recipe当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「食谱;烹饪法」的意思。 recipe相关英文例句: 例:I need some oranges for this recipe. 我需要一些柳橙做这道食谱。 例:Do you know a good recipe for vegetable soup? 你知道蔬菜汤的好食谱吗? recipe, recipe 中文, recipe 中文意思, recipe 中文的意思, recipe 中文解释, recipe 意思, recipe 用法, recipe 翻译, 英文 recipe
2023-07-09 01:46:091


食谱用英语说是recipe.一、发音英:[/u02c8ru025bsu026api/];美:[/u02c8ru025bsu026api/]二、中文翻译n. 食谱;配方;处方三、形式复数: recipes四、短语搭配recipe book 食谱书family recipe 家传秘方recipe for success 成功的秘诀五、双语例句1. I followed the recipe to make the cake.我按照食谱做了这个蛋糕。2. She wrote a recipe book about Italian cuisine.她写了一本关于意大利菜肴的食谱书。3. This is a family recipe passed down from my grandmother.这是我祖母传下来的家传秘方。4. Hard work is a recipe for success.努力工作是成功的秘诀。5. This is a simple recipe that anyone can follow.这是一个任何人都可以按照的简单食谱。6. I lost the recipe for the homemade pie.我把做自制派的食谱弄丢了。六、用法1. "Recipe" 作为名词,主要用于表示“食谱”,也可以表示“配方”或“处方”。例如:Do you have a recipe for apple pie? (你有做苹果派的食谱吗?)2. "Recipe" 可以与其他词组合构成短语,如 "recipe book"(食谱书),"family recipe"(家传秘方),"recipe for success"(成功的秘诀)。例如:This recipe book contains many delicious dishes. (这本食谱书包含很多美味的菜肴。)3. "Recipe" 在英语中是可数名词,有复数形式 "recipes"。例如:I have collected many recipes over the years. (这些年我收集了很多食谱。)4. 在使用 "recipe" 时,我们通常说 "follow a recipe"(按照食谱), "write a recipe"(写一份食谱)等。例如:She is following a recipe to bake a cake. (她正在按照食谱烤蛋糕。)七、同义词n. 食谱;[临床]处方;秘诀secret,tips
2023-07-09 01:46:161


2023-07-09 01:46:574


recipe 英[u02c8resu0259pi] 美[u02c8resu0259pi] n. 食谱; 处方; 秘诀; [例句]Large-scale inflation is a recipe for disaster.大规模的通货膨胀会造成灾难。[其他] 复数:recipes
2023-07-09 01:47:052


2023-07-09 01:47:304


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2023-07-09 01:48:211


2023-07-09 01:48:296

industry recipes什么意思 论文中出现的

industry指工业;产业,recipe 是食谱;方法还有秘诀的意思。。。你可以联系语境分析,大致意思就是产业的方法或秘诀吧请采纳
2023-07-09 01:48:431


2023-07-09 01:48:514


2023-07-09 01:49:115


Casserole Rice或者Casserole Recipes 参巧来自: 书名(中文) : 滋味煲仔菜.煲仔饭 书名(英文) : The Best Casserole Recipes,Casserole Rice or Casserole Recipes,煲仔饭的英文是Casserole Rice或者Casserole Recipes, 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/11 无正式既英文ga, 煲仔饭 只可以直译 Po Chai Fan 你都可以用普通话拼音的wō fàn(锅饭), 代替煲仔饭 ge... 如果你真系介绍依个特式食品给外国人, 你要另加一些描述: prepare rice in a clay pot with various kinds of meat, seafood, and vegetables.  甘样作为外国人, 可能会清楚d 希望帮到你 图片参考:.yimg/i/icon/16/10 2007-12-02 10:15:56 补充: 真心想问下楼上, 唔系串, 只是问下, 小弟真系唔识:(1) Stone Pot Rice: 会唔会比人当成韩国的石头饭ga?(2) 我都几同意叫做casserole recipes, 因为casserole 解 砂锅,烤锅; 不过, 无咩提及饭不过, po chai fan 同 wō fàn 依两个叫法 都其实有佢既缺点, 所以我话要加描述边个好? 我唔知呀, hehe...,参考: wiki 网,
2023-07-09 01:49:461


要查看未解锁的合成表,需要在游戏中开启“高级合成模式”。具体操作步骤如下:1. 打开游戏,进入世界。2. 按下“E”键打开背包界面。3. 在背包界面中,点击左下角的“选项”按钮。4. 在弹出的选项界面中,找到“高级合成模式”的选项,并将其打开。5. 关闭选项界面,回到背包界面。6. 点击背包界面中的任意一种物品,此时会弹出该物品的合成表。7. 在合成表界面中,可以浏览已解锁的合成表,也可以查看未解锁的合成表。需要注意的是,有些合成表需要特定的材料或前置条件才能解锁。如果玩家还没有获得相关材料或完成前置条件,那么该合成表就会保持未解锁状态,无法查看。以上就是在我的世界网易java版中查看未解锁的合成表的方法。通过开启高级合成模式,玩家可以轻松查看所有合成表,了解更多游戏内容。
2023-07-09 01:49:547


2023-07-09 01:50:081


Let me introduce the recipe of our school for you.
2023-07-09 01:50:184


"红豆刨冰"的日语怎么说? 红豆刨冰 アズキかき氷(ごおり) 绿豆刨冰 绿豆(りょくとう)かき氷 急!!沙冰和刨冰的英文怎么说? 刨冰 water ice;chipped ice ;ice drink ;ice shaving process ;slice ice沙冰 ice 苹果沙冰 Apple Ice 水蜜桃沙冰 Peach Ice 红豆刨冰的介绍 红豆刨冰,食品。高高的刨冰被裹上一层软软绵绵的红豆。用勺子舀一勺送进口中,浓郁的红豆牛奶香在口中回荡,甜甜的也恰到好处,似有一种谈恋爱的感觉。材料:红豆,炼乳,冰块,蜂蜜,牛奶,冰淇淋。做法:将冰块一小碗打成刨冰;加入蜜红豆;浇上果酱和炼乳;将冰淇淋点缀在刨冰上。 红豆刨冰的食品特点 高高的刨冰被裹上了一层软软的,绵绵的红豆,就像是穿上了一件缀满暗红碎花的华丽礼服。忍不住会用勺子舀了满满的一勺送进口中,大粒的红豆松软无比,浓郁的红豆牛奶香在口中回荡,甜甜的也恰到好处,似有一种谈恋爱的感觉。 这些英文该怎么说? 帮你找了好多资料,楼主去看看吧 chinesefood-recipes/ chinesehomecooking/techniques/techniques chinesefood.about/ chinesehomecooking/recipes/recipes chinesefood-recipes/ chicken-recipes-made-easy/chinese-food-recipe 如果楼主觉得不够的话可以去google一下chinese recipes, chinese food, chinese food culture.就会有好多资料的。 Thirteen Great Traditions- Regional Dishes Anhui (Hui 徽) Ginger Duck (simplified Chinese: 姜母鸭; traditional Chinese: 姜母鸭; pinyin: jiang muya) Hay Wrapped Fragrant Ribs(simplified Chinese: 稻香排骨; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: daoxiang paigu) Caterpillar Fungus Duck(虫草炖老鸭) Dry Pot Tofu (干锅素肉) Pot...... 怎么才能把做红豆刨冰的红豆熬煮的粘稠? 放点藕粉或淀粉 冒险岛哪家杂货店的红豆刨冰最便宜 二话不说,肯定玩具城啊! 刨冰中的红豆有卖的吗?怎么做 珍珠不定议你吃,蜜豆可以用水泡好红豆用糖水煮开蒸发掉水分来做,不过建议你去超市买成袋的蜜豆,或者用红豆沙代替,自己做比较麻烦。 蜜豆很好吃的 红豆刨冰的材料 红豆一斤炼乳一大勺小冰块一包蜂蜜,牛奶少许冰淇淋一勺
2023-07-09 01:50:301


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2023-07-09 01:51:384


1.修改制作道具的配方 用记事本打开游戏目录datascripts ecipes.lua文件,以营火(campfire)配方为例:Recipe("campfire", {Ingredient("cutgrass", 3),Ingredient("log", 2)}, RECIPETABS.LIGHT, TECH.NONE, "campfire_placer")配方("营火", {成分("草", 3),成分("木头", 2)}, 制造选项.照明, 科技.0, "放置营火")其中Recipe(配方)后面的campfire(营火)为道具名,Ingredient(成分)后面的cutgrass(草)和3分别是制造道具的材料和数量,还有另一个Ingredient(成分)后面的log(木头)和2也是。只须将材料替换或删掉,及改变数量即可修改制作道具的配方。举例1(简化所用材料):将寒冬背心配方(蓝色象鼻1、蛛丝8、牛毛2)简化为5个草。用记事本打开游戏目录datascripts ecipes.lua文件,将以下内容:Recipe("trunkvest_winter", {Ingredient("trunk_winter", 1),Ingredient("silk", 8), Ingredient("beefalowool", 2)}, RECIPETABS.DRESS, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO) 替换为:Recipe("trunkvest_winter", {Ingredient("cutgrass", 5)}, RECIPETABS.DRESS, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO) 即可在游戏中仅以5个草制作寒冬背心举例2(添加制造物品):用1个黄金制造曼德拉草。用记事本打开游戏目录datascripts ecipes.lua文件,在Recipe("purplegem", {Ingredient("redgem",1), Ingredient("bluegem", 1)}, RECIPETABS.REFINE, TECH.MAGIC_TWO)下一行插入以下内容:Recipe("mandrake", {Ingredient("goldnugget", 1)}, RECIPETABS.REFINE, TECH.SCIENCE_ONE) 即可在精炼项目下,增加用1个黄金制造曼德拉草2.远古道具配方翻译----ANCIENT----(远古)thulecite(铥矿石):thulecite_pieces(铥矿石碎片)6wall_ruins_item(铥矿墙):thulecite(铥矿石)1nightmare_timepiece(铥矿奖章):thulecite(铥矿石)2、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)2orangeamulet(橙色护身符):thulecite(铥矿石)2、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)3、orangegem(橙色宝石)1yellowamulet(黄色护身符):thulecite(铥矿石)2、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)3、yellowgem(黄色宝石)1greenamulet(绿色护身符):thulecite(铥矿石)2、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)3、greengem(绿色宝石)1orangestaff(橙色魔杖):nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)2、cane(步行手杖)1、orangegem(橙色宝石)2yellowstaff(黄色魔杖):nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)4、livinglog(活木头)2、yellowgem(黄宝石)2greenstaff(绿色魔杖):nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)4、livinglog(活木头)2、greengem(绿色宝石)2multitool_axe_pickaxe(多功能工具):goldenaxe(黄金斧头)1、goldenpickaxe(黄金镐)1、thulecite(铥矿石)2ruinshat(远古王冠):thulecite(铥矿石)4、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)4armorruins(远古盔甲):thulecite(铥矿石)6、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)4ruins_bat(远古短棍):livinglog(活木头)3、thulecite(铥矿石)4、nightmarefuel(噩梦燃料)4eyeturret_item(眼睛炮塔):deerclops_eyeball(巨鹿眼球)1、minotaurhorn(远古守护者角)1、thulecite(铥矿石)5
2023-07-09 01:52:152


A Glossary of Cooking Terms and IngredientsThe tapa tradition is as important for the conversation and company as for the delicious food. Every Spaniard has his favorite tasca, as the tapa bars are called, where he goes regularly to meet his friends or business acquaintances. Tapas will be found in even the smallest bar in a tiny village. The word tapa, meaning cover or lid, is thought to have originally referred to the complimentary plate of appetizers that many tascas, would place like a cover on one"s wine glass. Tapas can vary from simple to complex and include cheese, fish, eggs, vegetable dishes, dips, canapes, and savory pastries. A quantity of tapas can make an excellent meal.Olive oil is indispensable in preparing many of the recipes. Chorizo is the best-loved Spanish sausage and blood sausage is also popular throughout Spain. Vegetables are not overly favored, except for potatoes, which often come fried with an entree. Salads are served as first courses and are invariably offered undressed, accompanied by cruets of oil and vinegar.Fish and bean soups can make a meal. Paellas provide colorful and festive dishes for a crowd. A beachside cafe is the place to find fine shellfish and tackle a tray of unshelled ultra-fresh crustaceans. Game birds have wide appeal in Spain. Baby lamb and pig have reached cult status and are often prepared in a woodburning oven with thyme, rosemary or oak for fragrance.The Arabs and Moors left their influence in dessert making, introducing almonds, egg yolks, and honey. Orange and lemon zest also play a role in flavoring sweets. Ground almonds often replace flour in cake baking and beaten egg whites are invariably the leavening agent in cakes.A panaderia sells bread, while a pasteleria provides sweet breads, pastries, cookies, and candies. A helageria dispenses ice cream and a bomboneria is a candy shop.CookbooksThe Foods and Wines of Spainby Penelope CasaThis comprehensive book covers the traditional cooking of Spain, from the mountain villages and seaside ports to the fashionable restaurants. A survey of Spain"s wines and sherries is included.The Spanish Tableby Marimar TorresOver 200 recipes from all regions are included in this book along with an authoritative tour of Spain"s wineries.The Wine and Food of Spainby Jan Read, Maite Manjon, and Hugh Johnson This comprehensive color-enriched book covers the geography, history, restaurants, wineries, and recipes of Spain"s varied regions. Descriptions of visits to the vineyards of the great wine producers combine with entertaining accounts of the wine-making traditions of each region.The Food of Spain and Portugualby Elisabeth Lambert OrtizAuthentic recipes are presented by this noted London author.Tapasby Ann and Larry WalkerA tantalizing collection of tapas, both hot and cold, ideal for entertaining.From Tapas to Mezeby Joanne WeirThe author features more than 220 recipes for first courses from the Mediterranean shores of Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa.Foods and Cooking EquipmentAzafr噉saffron, an Arab word for yellow. Stigmas of a purple crocus flower.Bacalaodried salted codfish.Butifarra sausagea white sausage popular in Cataluna.Cazuelasglazed earthenware dishes.Chorizothe most typical Spanish sausage, heavily scented with paprika and garlic.Piment枭paprika, or ground sweet red pepper, from Spain.Turr枭an almond and honey candy of Arab origin that comes in a hard bar and in a soft marzipan-like form.RecipesPotato Omelet (Tortilla Espanola)makes 4 servings1/3 cup olive oil4 large potatoes, peeled and sliced 1/8-inch thickCoarse salt1 large onion, thinly sliced4 eggsHeat three tablespoons of the oil in a 9-inch non-stick skillet and add the potato slices and onions, salting lightly. Cook slowly, lifting and turning occasionally, until tender but not brown. Beat the eggs, add the potatoes and let sit a few minutes. Add the remaining oil to the skillet, heat until very hot, and add the potato and egg mixture, spreading it with a pancake turner. Lower heat to medium, shake pan to keep potatoes from sticking, and when brown underneath, place a plate on top and invert, then slide back into the skillet and brown the other side.Gazpacho Andalusianmakes 8 servings1 large cucumber, peeled and coarsely chopped1 sweet white onion, coarsely chopped6 large tomatoes, peeled and coarsely chopped4 or 5 garlic cloves, minced1 can (10-1/2 ounces) condensed beef broth3 tablespoons each white wine vinegar and olive oil2 slices sourdough French bread1 small carrot, peeled and grated1/2 cup waterSalt and pepper to tasteCondiments: chopped green onions, croutons, diced avocadoPlace the cucumber, onion, tomatoes, garlic, broth, vinegar, oil, bread, and carrot in a blender and blend until almost smooth. (Prepare in two batches if necessary.) Thin to desired consistency with water and season with salt and pepper. Chill. Serve in bowls, passing condiments to be spooned into the soup.Rice with Shellfish (Paella con Molluscs)makes 8 servings1 onion, finely chopped2 garlic cloves, minced1 large tomato, peeled and chopped1/4 cup olive oil1-1/2 cups long-grain white rice1/2 teaspoon saffron1 bottle (8 oz.) clam juice1 1/2 cups hot water1/2 cup dry white wine16 large prawns, unshelled16 small butter, rock or steamer clams, unshucked1 crab, cooked and cracked or 8 very small lobster tails, cooked1 package (10 ounces) frozen tiny peas, blanched for two minutes in boiling water1/2 pound baby asparagus, parboiled (optional)1 jar (2 ounces) sliced pimientoLemon wedgesIn a large frying pan or four-quart casserole, saut?onion, garlic, and tomato in oil until vegetables are glazed. Add the rice, saffron, clam juice, water, and wine. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Arrange prawns and clams on top, cover and steam until the clam shells open. Transfer to a large paella pan or serving casserole. Add the crab, peas, asparagus, and pimiento. Heat through or keep warm in a low oven until serving time. Garnish with lemon wedges.Rice with Chicken (Arroz Con Pollo)makes 4 to 6 servings2 tablespoons olive oil3 pound broiler-fryer, cut in pieces1 garlic clove, minced1/2 cup chopped onion1 green or red pepper, seeded and chopped3 tomatoes, diced2 cups chicken broth1 cup rice1/4 teaspoon cayenne2 teaspoon saltPinch saffronGarnish:3/4 cup cooked tiny peas1 pimiento, cut into stripsIn a large skillet, heat one tablespoon oil and brown the chicken well on all sides. Remove from pan and add the garlic, onion, and pepper and saut?until the onion is golden. Return the chicken to the skillet, add remaining oil, and saut?for 15 minutes. Add tomatoes and broth, bring to a boil. Add rice and seasonings. Cover and simmer over low heat until the chicken and rice are tender and the liquid is absorbed, about 20 minutes. Garnish with peas and pimiento.Flanmakes about 8 servings1 1/4 cups sugar3 1/2 cups milk6 eggs2 egg yolksZest of 1 lemonIn a saucepan, heat 1/2 cup of the sugar over moderate heat, shaking the pan frequently, until the sugar melts and turns amber. Pour at once into a 1-1/2 quart ring mold and quickly tilt the mold in all directions to coat the bottom and sides evenly. Heat the milk, but do not boil. Beat together the eggs and egg yolks just until blended, then beat in the remaining sugar and vanilla. Gradually stir in the hot milk. Pour the mixture into the caramel-lined mold and place in a pan of hot water. Bake in a preheated 325� oven for one hour or until a knife inserted comes out clean. Let the custard cool, then chill it. To serve, run a knife around the sides of the mold to loosen the custard. Place a large round platter over the mold and quickly invert; lift off the mold.WinesIdeally, the wines of Spain are the best accompaniments to the regional dishes. Rioja wines from north-central Spain are considered premium in quality. Another area that makes top-notch wines is Penedes, near Barcelona. All regions, however, have vines under cultivation.The making of wine in Spain dates back over 2000 years, but the production of quality wines is a more recent development, dating back to the last century. Enterprising Frenchman came to Spain to renew their wine production when Phylloxera hit the French vineyards. They found these areas met their requirements and as the French prospered, the Spanish learned new wine-making techniques.Climate and grape variety are two of the components that make Rioja wines unique. The third is the laborious process of barrel aging, and the wines spend many years in bottles in the bodegas before being released for sale.A third region is Valladolid, where Vega Scilia produces the most expensive Spanish wine on the market today.Sherry takes its name from its place of origin, Jerez, in southwest Spain. Its history goes back thousands of years, when Phoenician settlers introduced grape vines to the area. Only Jerez has all the optimum conditions for sherry production with the complex interplay of air, sun, soil, aging and tradition.Sherries are blended and fortified wines and fall into several styles: Fino -- very dry or dry; Manzanilla -- very dry; Amontillado -- medium dry; Oloroso -- medium sweet; and Cream -- sweet.Spanish brandies made by the French Cognac process are of exceptionally fine quality. Most come from Jerez, although the Torres company in Cataluna is producing excellent ones for export.Sparkling Spanish wines are also made by French methods, developed in Champagne. Codorniu is the top name in the field; another firm, Freixenet, is widely distributed.Restaurants in the Bay AreaEsperpento3295-22nd Avenue (Mission District)San Francisco(415) 282-8867Lunch or dinner Monday through Saturday with a variety of tapas. Main course specials, paella, house-made flan, and sangria or Spanish wines are served.Alejandro"s1840 Clement Street (Richmond District)San Francisco(415) 668-1184Over 40 tapas are served in this Spanish/Peruvian restaurant but paella is the dish to order and flan is the specialty dessert.Traveling to SpainContact the Spanish Government Tourist Office for information on all aspects of travel to and in Spain. 665-5th AvenueNew York, NY 10022phone (212) 759-8822fax (212) 980-1053or 8383 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 960Beverly Hills, CA 90212phone (213) 658-7188fax (213) 658-1061For lodging in Spain, the well-known Parador system consists of 86 inns and mountain lodges, ranging from remodeled castles to modest inns in remote areas. All have restaurants that serve regional specialties. For information and bookings contact the Paradores Madrid headquarters (Velazquez 18, phone: 91/435-9700, fax, 91/435-9869.) This chain has an American representative:Marketing Ahead Incorporated433 Fifth AvenueNew Yorktelephone (212) 686-9212fax (212) 686-0271.Use your new-found knowledge of Spain by attempting the companion crossword puzzle to this article!
2023-07-09 01:52:231

Python 基础题急求!

def ingredient(recipes, menu):....res = []....for x in range(1,len(recipes)):........res.append([recipes[x][0],0])........for y in range(1,len(recipes[0])):............if recipes[0][y] in my_menu:................res[x-1][1]+=recipes[x][y]....return res
2023-07-09 01:52:331


Hunan cuisine recipes
2023-07-09 01:52:414


你说的这个文件是各类物品合成需要,石墙的英文是wall_stone_item,你用记事本打开点查找就能找到了。Recipe("wall_stone_item", {Ingredient("cutstone", 2)}, RECIPETABS.TOWN, TECH.SCIENCE_TWO,nil,nil,nil,6)就这一句,前面Ingredient("cutstone", 2)是"用俩石砖合成",你把cutstone改成rocks,就能用俩石头合成了.后面TECH.SCIENCE_TWO,nil,nil,nil,6是你一次能造6个,把最后那个6改成10086就能一次造10086个了(别真这样干啊,否则你背包会炸开的).
2023-07-09 01:52:481


2023-07-09 01:52:563


村民的种类,格式:summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:“种类”}村民有6种,以0到5表示种类,村民如果不加Profession则会自动刷出农民(0),自定义交易{Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:“交易次数”,buy:{id:“方块ID”,Count:“数量”,tag:“编辑”},sell:{id:~,Count:~}}]}}maxUses:交易次数buy:{id:~,Count:~,tag:~}:交易框左边的物品和数量和编辑 sell:{id:~,Count:~}:交易框右边的物品和数量tag:{ench:[{id:“附魔id”,lvl:“附魔等级”},{id:~,lvl:10}]}tag的使用之一——附魔(你只问这个){Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~},buyB:{id:~,Count:~},sell:{id:~,Count:~}}]}}buyB:交易的第二项(村民要的第二个东西){Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~},sell:{id:~,Count:~}},{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~},sell:{id:~,Count:~}},{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~},sell:{id:~,Count:~}},{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~},sell:{id:~,Count:~}}]}}更多交易格式:/summon Villager ~ ~ ~{Profession:~,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}},buyB:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}},sell:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}}},{maxUses:~,buy:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}}buyB:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}},sell:{id:~,Count:~,tag:{ench:[{id:~,lvl:~},{id:~,lvl:10}]}}}]}}
2023-07-09 01:53:031


2023-07-09 01:53:212

2023-07-09 01:53:294


编写不易 可以的话记得采纳哦~/summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:5,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:9999999,buy:{id:furnace,Count:1},sell:{id:cobblestone,Count:8}}]}}参考:这个指令是使用1个熔炉换8个原石;Profession:5 就是村民的职业(种类)maxUses:9999999 这个是能交易的次数buy:{id:furnace,Count:1} buy指的是你给村民的东西 id:物品的名称 Count:数量sell:{id:cobblestone,Count:8 sell指村民给你的 id:物品的名称 Count:数量然后您的题意 我给您编写了一下 32个金锭和一个桶子换一桶岩浆桶:/summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:5,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:999,buy:{id:Gold_Ingot,Count:32},buyB:{id:BUCKET,Count:1},sell:{id:lava_bucket,Count:1}}]}}10个火药换一个红石/summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:5,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:999,buy:{id:gunpowder,Count:10},sell:{id:redstone,Count:1}}]}}一个绿宝石换一个沙子/summon Villager ~ ~1 ~ {Profession:5,Offers:{Recipes:[{maxUses:999,buy:{id:emerald,Count:1},sell:{id:Sand,Count:1}}]}}
2023-07-09 01:55:121


madagascar的自带模块默认存放在$RSFROOT/lib/python/site-packages目录下,模块的搜索路径由环境变量PYTHONPATH决定。安装madagascar时,默认的环境变量值为PYTHONPATH=$RSFROOT/lib/python/site-packages,此时虽然所有的模块都包含在这个文件夹下,但是编译时默认只搜索指定目录的直接内容,而不搜索其子目录,因此对于模块不存在问题有两种解决办法。比如 import fdmod时提示fdmod模块不存在,通过查找,我们可以知道这个模块是放在.../site-packages/rsf/recipes目录下的:a. 预处理命令改为 from importfdmod.因为默认从site-packages目录开始查找,可以找到rsf,而rsf.recipes则表示rsf目录下的recipes子目录b. 修改环境变量PYTHONPATH。为了一劳永逸,修改变量的方法更加方便。在设置文件 .bashrc 中添加export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:路径1:2:3:。。。新加的路径最好是包括目录site-packages下的所有子目录以及子目录下的子目录,也就是说要包括到最低一级的目录,修改完之后source 一下配置文件就可已了。然后重新启动shell。以后在导入自带模块时,直接写模块名称就可已了
2023-07-09 01:55:191


你好!我给你多点的吧,下面是这份菜单的英语翻译:早餐:馒头和草莓酱、牛奶或豆奶、煮荷包蛋1个、酱黄瓜。 水果:夏橙或白萝卜1个。 中餐:荞麦大米饭、香菇菜心、糖醋带鱼、豆腐血旺丝瓜汤。 晚餐:绿豆粥、白菜猪肉包子、虾皮冬瓜。Breakfast: bread and butter, strawberry milk or soy milk, poached egg 1, cucumber sauce.Fruit: summer orange or white radish 1.Lunch: buckwheat rice, mushrooms cabbage, sweet and sour, tofu people loofah soup.Dinner: mung bean porridge, Chinese cabbage, shrimp melon pork buns. 1、皮蛋瘦肉粥皮蛋瘦肉粥,非常地道和爽口的粥。有皮蛋的嫩滑和瘦肉的清香,拌了小葱,补血养肺。皮蛋瘦肉粥,非常地道和爽口的粥。有皮蛋的嫩滑和瘦肉的清香,拌了小葱,补血养肺。原料:泰国香米4两,肉丝少许,肉松少许,皮蛋2个(无铅皮蛋,一则健康些,二则石灰味没那么大),姜1块,水足量,油盐适量。皮蛋瘦肉粥的做法:1:煮粥用的米泰国香米,煮出的粥特别绵软。煮粥的米要预先腌一下:约半碗米淘洗干净后,要用2汤匙的油、1个半茶匙的盐和少许水(2茶匙)拌匀,腌至少半小时。虽然用了很多油,但是油会在煮粥的过程中挥发,令米绵烂,所以并不油腻的。2:皮蛋去壳切小块。锅中放很多水,煮沸,才放材料。先下肉丝、姜片,火不要关小,肉丝到了沸水中,外面的部分遇热而熟硬,封住了里面的肉汁,这样肉煮了粥后也不难吃。3:然后待水再次沸腾时下腌好的米和一个切碎的皮蛋。烧沸后加盖调中火煮约五分钟,再调最小火慢慢熬约四十分钟。而这第一个皮蛋切碎下粥与米同煮,皮蛋会融化,融入粥的味道中。早餐食谱如何搭配基本搭配:牛奶加面包。这两种食物包括了碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪三大营养物质,还有丰富的钙,保证了基本的能量供给。其中,面包也可以用馒头、稀饭、包子等营养成分相当的主食代替。丰盛搭配:鸡蛋、火腿。加强了蛋白质的补充,弥补了传统早餐蛋白质不足的缺点。尽量搭配:水果。早餐加一个水果,可以充分补充维生素,如香蕉、橘子、苹果等,宜选择当令的水果。推荐搭配:蔬菜。生菜、黄瓜、西红柿、萝卜、灯笼柿子椒等适合生食的蔬菜可以添加在早餐中,以补充纤维素的不足,而且这些蔬菜生食爽脆、口感好,营养物质也不易破坏。下面介绍几个早餐食谱:早餐食谱1:一杯苹果汁、一杯牛奶、3片薄饼加草莓酱、1个水炒鸡蛋、1块玉米糕;早餐食谱2:一杯橙汁、一杯燕麦加酸奶、1个烙饼、2个鸡蛋、1个苹果;早餐食谱3:1.5杯葡萄汁、一个烙饼、2匙花生酱、1杯低脂酸奶、1根香蕉;早餐食谱4:一杯橙汁、一杯燕麦、2片薄的烤面包加果冻或果酱、1个鸡蛋、1根香蕉;早餐食谱5:青菜火腿蛋饼+饼干酸奶+苹果组成:青菜火腿蛋饼1个,饼干酸奶1杯,苹果半个。做法:1、将鸡蛋打散,加入面粉、切碎的青菜末(青菜最好用叶的部分,这样会比较软)和火腿末,少许盐,搅拌均匀。2、锅烧热,加少许油,把以上材料摊成饼,煎至两面金黄即成。3、饼干切小丁,与酸奶搅拌即成。早餐食谱6:菜肉馄饨+蛋煎面包+橙子组成:菜肉馄饨1碗,蛋煎面包1片,橙子半个。做法:1、虾肉、青菜绞成泥,加入姜葱末、盐和少许水调匀成馅。2、馄饨皮摊平,包入肉馅做成馄饨。3、锅中入水煮开,放入馄饨煮熟,捞出盛入碗中,加汤放入少许紫菜、香菜末、盐、香油调味,即成。4、鸡蛋1个打散。5、锅烧热,放少许油,面包片沾匀鸡蛋液放入锅内,煎至两面金黄即可。早餐食谱7:鲜榨橘汁、麦片粥(先把燕麦在牛奶中浸泡一晚上,再加入切碎的苹果丁、淡黄葡萄干、一点麦芽、一勺蜂蜜一起熬成粥),抹一点黄油的烤面包,绿茶。健康原理:这是一份高谷物、高纤维的早餐。麦片粥可以帮助你降低胆固醇;麦芽富含维生素E。绿茶和鲜橘汁,含大量的维生素。一大杯豆奶可以帮你摄入30毫克到40毫克的植物性雌激素,差不多是日本人每日摄入量的一半。植物性雌激素已被证明可以大大降低患乳腺癌的几率。4:再下另一半皮蛋丁继续熬约二十分钟。二十分钟可将第二个皮蛋煮得既没石灰味,同时又变软滑,吃粥时也能吃到有皮蛋,而肉因为是水沸时下的,还保持了一定鲜味,特别好吃。5:这样煮出来的粥不必下盐,好味,而且下火,容易消化。如果粥有点粘底,请千万不要用勺子扒拉锅底的粘皮,要不粥会有糊味,我们通常会放一个轻的小调羹在锅底与粥同煮,水沸腾过程中,小调羹也被带动,可以防止粥煮粘底。最后用碗装起,撒些肉松即营养又美味!下面是翻译1, pork porridgePork porridge, is authentic and tasty soup. A preserved egg and meat tender fragrance, with shallot, blood nourishing lung.Pork porridge, is authentic and tasty soup. A preserved egg and meat tender fragrance, with shallot, blood nourishing lung.Raw materials: 4 two Thai fragrant rice, pork meat a little, little, eggs 2 ( lead-free preserved egg, a healthy, two lime flavor is not so big ), ginger 1 pieces, waterEnough, amount of salt.Pork porridge practices:1: the Thai fragrant rice porridge with rice, cooked porridge special soft. Porridge rice to salt: about half a bowl of rice elutriate cleanly, with 2 tbsp of oil, 1Teaspoon salt and a little water ( 2 tablespoons ) mix, for at least half an hour. Although a lot of oil, but the oil in the porridge in the process of volatile, so rice cotton,So it is not greasy.2: egg shell cut to pieces. Pot put a lot of water, boil, then let material. The first under the pork, ginger, not the fire off a small, shredded meat to the boiling water, outside the Department ofDivided in hot and cooked hard, sealed inside the gravy, so cook porridge also not bad.3: after water boils again nowadays marinated meters and a chopped eggs. After Shaofei with adjustable cook for about five minutes, and then transfer the minimum fire simmer about forty minutesClock. While this first preserved egg porridge chopped down boil together with rice, eggs will melt, into the porridge taste.How to mix breakfast recipesBasic collocation: milk and bread. The two kinds of food including carbohydrates, protein, fat three major nutrients, is also rich in calcium, guarantee the basicEnergy supply. Among them, the bread can also use the steamed bread, porridge, steamed stuffed bun and other nutrients is staple food instead of.A collocation: eggs, ham. Enhanced protein supplement, to make up for the traditional breakfast protein deficiency.Try to match: fruit. Breakfast with a fruit, can take vitamin supplements, such as bananas, oranges, apples and other fruit in season, should choose.Recommends: vegetables. Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, radish, lantern capsicum for raw vegetables can be added at breakfast, to supplement the celluloseInsufficient, and the vegetable fresh crisp, taste good, nutrition is not easy to damage.Here are a few recipes:Breakfast recipes 1: a glass of apple juice, a glass of milk, 3 pieces of pancakes with strawberry jam, 1 water scrambled eggs, 1 corn cake;Breakfast recipes 2: a glass of orange juice, a cup of yogurt, oatmeal with 1 pancakes, 2 eggs, 1 apples;Breakfast recipes for 3 : 1.5 cup of grape juice, a pancake, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, 1 cup low-fat yogurt, 1 bananas;Breakfast recipes 4: a glass of orange juice, a cup of oatmeal, 2 slices of toast and jelly or jam, 1 eggs, 1 bananas;Breakfast recipes 5 : vegetables egg cakes biscuits + Apple + yoghurtComposition: with ham egg cake 1, biscuit milk 1 cup, apple half.Practice:In 1, beat the eggs, flour, chopped vegetables (cabbage leaves at the end of the best use of the part, this will be soft ) and ham, a little salt, stir evenly.2, heat the wok, add a little oil, put the material into a share of pie, fried until golden on both sides, i.e..3 dice, cookies, and yoghurt stirred into.Breakfast recipes 6: Meat wonton + egg fried bread + OrangeComposition: Meat wonton 1 bowl, egg fried 1 slices of bread, oranges half.Practice:1, shrimp meat, cabbage Jiaocheng mud, add ginger green onion, salt and a little water to make a paste.2, wonton skin flattening, wrap the meat made ravioli.In 3, the pot into the water to boil, add dumplings cooked, remove Sheng into the bowl, add a little seaweed soup, cilantro, salt, sesame oil seasoning, i.e..4 eggs, 1 eggs.5, heat, put a little oil, bread dipped in egg liquid evenly into the pan, fry until golden on both sides.Breakfast recipes 7: fresh orange juice, oatmeal porridge oats ( first soak in milk for a night, and then add the chopped apple, yellow raisins, a bit of malt, a spoonful of honey with porridge ), with a little butter toast, green tea.Health principle: This is a high, high-fiber breakfast cereals. Oatmeal can help you lower cholesterol; malt is rich in vitamin E. Green tea and fresh orange juice, contains a lot of vitamin. A mug of milk can help you with the intake of 30 mg to 40 mg of phytoestrogens, almost half of the Japanese daily intake. Plant estrogen has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.4: the next half egg d continue to boil for about twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to second eggs cooked neither lime flavor, while soft slippery, eat porridge can also eatTo have preserved eggs, and meat because it is water boiling nowadays, also maintained a certain flavor, tasty.5: the way to cook porridge out without salt, good taste, but also under fire, easy to digest. If porridge sticky bottom, please do not use the spoon shovel bottom sticky skin,If porridge will paste flavor, we usually put a light in at the bottom of the pot and boil soup porridge, water boiling process, spoons is driven, can prevent the porridgeSticky end. Finally, bowl, sprinkle dried meat floss is nutritious and delicious!
2023-07-09 01:55:271

React Native(五)实现列表

一、ListView已被弃用。新版React Native推荐使用FlatList。 在React Native0.43版本中引入了FlatList,SectionList与VirtualizedList,其中VirtualizedList是FlatList 与 SectionList 的底层实现。 二、关于把 FlatList 或 SectionList 控件放在 ScrollView 中的时候,调试的时候会有如下黄盒警告: VirtualizedLists should never be nested inside plain ScrollViews with the same orientation FlatList 和 SectionList 都是用的 Virtualized Lists。Virtualized Lists, 是一种带有性能优化的 List,在 List 很大时Virtualized Lists有明显的内存优化结果。怎么个优化法呢?例如一个 List 有一千个 Cell,如果没有优化,这一千个 Cell 都会被渲染并保持在内存中,内存会明显升高。Virtualized lists 的做法是,只让显示在屏幕上的 Cell 渲染,其它的没有显示在屏幕上的 Cell 销毁。这样就节省很多内存。 原因:那现在你把 Virtualized List 放在 ScrollView 中,ScrollView 是要全部渲染的,那么 Virtualized List 就计算不出来哪些 Cell 目前显示在屏幕上,会渲染所有的 Cell,那么它的优势就显现不出来了。这个时候就会抛出上述警告。 解决方法:把要一起滚动的组件放在 FlatList 的 ListHeaderComponent 或 ListFooterComponent 中。这样就不需要 ScrollView 了。 改之前: render() { return ( <ScrollView> <Title>Welcome</Title> <Text>Take a look at the list of recipes below:</Text> <FlatList data={recipes} renderItem={renderItem} /> <Footer/> </ScrollView> ); } 改之后: render() { return ( <FlatList LisHeaderComponent={ <> <Title>Welcome</Title> <Text>Take a look at the list of recipes below:</Text> </>} data={recipes} renderItem={renderItem} ListFooterComponent={ <Footer/> }/> ); }
2023-07-09 01:56:251


2023-07-09 01:56:365


watermelons lettuces recipes pancakes relish 不可数反复记忆法+联想记忆
2023-07-09 01:57:041


查看合成谱  1、游戏中点击右上角的“…”然后点问号,再点“Recipaedia”  2、对照物品的英文名称选择一个物品,点击“Recipes”即可看到合成谱。NoRecipe表示这个物品无法合成。  Description 描述,1Recipes 合成谱(开头的数字表示有几个合成谱)。顶部的箭头用于切换类型,分别是所有方块、地形、植物、资源、物品、工具、食物、武器、卵蛋、电路。  1、第一步找到一棵树木,然后按住树木不放收集原木(出现圆形挖掘进度条),顺便采几块树叶。  2、然后点击“田”字按钮,合成栏左上角的四格用来摆放材料(合成不同的物品需要不同的排列,可查看合成谱),左下角的两格是合成后的物品,把原木(Wood)拖入材料栏,然后把合成后的木块(Planks)拖回背包。接着用木块合成一个合成台(CraftingTable),合成台也用来合成物品,但比自带的合成栏更大,能合成工具。  3、然后把合成台拖入快捷物品栏,把合成台摆到地上,然后点击合成台,用木块合成木棍(Stick),再用木棍和木块合成一把镐(Pickaxe。用于挖矿)。  4、天快黑了,马上到山上挖一个洞住下(高度和深度至少两格),否则狼会主动找来。然后用树叶把所有洞口都堵住,防止狼进来,用镐挖掘花岗岩(Granite)获得鹅卵石(Cobblestone),用鹅卵石合成一个熔炉(Furnace),摆到地上点击熔炉,用两块原木(燃料用两个木块)烧煤块(CoalChunk),用煤块和木棍合成火把(Torch),然后插在墙上,就能较好的活下去了。
2023-07-09 01:57:121

how to cook hamburger作文,急急急急急急急急急急

Hamburger is one of the most versatile meats around. It can be formed into hamburger patties, meatloaf or made into a tasty sloppy joe or added to spaghetti sauce for a heartier Italian meal. Once considered a staple among American households, the hamburger steak has lost some of its popularity over the years. Too bad, since it offers a lot of versatility and can be a good choice for a quick, but tasty meal that everyone around the table will love. Easy to prepare, and relatively inexpensive to make, learning how to cook the best hamburger steak you"ve ever tasted only requires a few simple steps:Mix the following ingredients together: 2 pounds ground beef; 1/2 cup finely chopped onion; 1 egg, lightly beaten; 2 egg yolks; 2 tablespoons fine dry bread crumbs. Mold the mixture into ? inch patties Heat a skillet with 3 tablespoons butter over a medium heat Place the patties in the hot skillet, flipping several times during the cooking process to keep them from getting too brown or crunchy. Fry until the meat is longer pink inside Remove the steak patties from the skillet Add 3 more tablespoons of butter to the fry pan, along with 3 tablespoons of your favorite wine or brandy. Heat over a low-medium heat Once hot, pour the mixture over the patty steaks Serves 6As you can see learning how to make the best hamburger steaks you have ever tasted is not hard, or time consuming. As a matter of fact, it is a matter of fact it is probably one of the easiest recipes you will ever make that offers such a delicious meal.In today"s fast life, time is something which everybody is short of. Everybody is looking for quick and easy recipes that can not only satisfy the concealed chef within us but also save us the disadvantages of having canned food. Visit Quick Recipes to know more such time saving recipes.
2023-07-09 01:57:201


This is my family one day recipes
2023-07-09 01:57:273

load recipe什么意思

load recipe 加载食谱或 加载处方
2023-07-09 01:57:353


更新1: A ___________sandwich 1 First, 2 Then, 3 Next, 4 After that 5 Finally, ,Below are 3 different sandwich recipes. You can find a lot online! Just type in sandwich recipes and search. Egg Salad Sandwich Recipe INGREDIENTS: 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 teaspoon minced onions 1/8 teaspoon celery seeds 1/8 teaspoon Dijon mustard 1/4 cup shredded lettuce 2 tablespoons mayonnaise (I like Helm) 2 slices bread butter 1 dash salt and pepper PREPARATION Finely chop hard boiled eggs with a pastry blender or knife and fork. add onion, celery seed, dijon, mayo, and lettuce and mix well. butter each slice of bread, top with egg mixture, sprinkle with salt and pepper, seal sandwich and enjoy. Makes 1 sandwich Ham Salad Sandwich INGREDIENTS: 2 cups finely chopped cooked ham 1/2 cup finely diced celery 1 teaspoon grated onion 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1 scant teaspoon prepared mustard 12 slices bread butter for bread, optional PREPARATION: In a medium bowl, bine ham, celery, onion, mayonnaise, and mustard. Lightly butter the bread slices, if desired. Spread 6 slices of bread with even portions of ham salad mixture. Makes 6 ham sandwiches. Tuna Salad Sandwich Recipe INGREDIENTS 1 can of tuna fish packed in olive oil (do not drain the oil) 1/3 cup of cottage cheese 2 Tablespoons of mayonaise 1/4 purple onion, chopped finely 1 celery stalk, chopped finely 1 Tablespoon of capers Juice of half of a lemon Pinch or o of dill 2 Tbsp minced fresh parsley 1 teaspoon of Dijon mustard (optional - lettuce and sliced tomatoes) Slices of French bread, lightly toasted PREPARATION Mix all of the ingredients. Be sure not to drain the olive oil from the can of tuna. Use it instead in the tuna salad mixture. Serve on toast, either open faced, or in a regular sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes. For a low carb option, serve on sliced lettuce. ,参考: recipezaar/recipe/getrecipe.zsp?id=42126&format=print, southernfood.about/od/hamsandwichrecipes/r/bl40318b, elise/recipes/archives/000224tuna_salad_sandwich,Egg Salad Sandwich Ingredients: 4 hard boiled eggs, peeled 1 TBSP. fat-free mayo 1 TBSP. Mustard (I felt this was too much) 1/2 stalk celery, sliced 1/4 red pepper, chopped 1 tsp. sweet pickle relish 1 TBSP. fresh parsley 1 slice whole-grain bread 1 lettuce leaf (I omitted) 1/4 Avocado, sliced (didn&#39;t have) Directions: (1) Chop ONE WHOLE egg. Then DISCARD the YOLKS from the 3 other eggs and chop the whites. **I actually just had five whole egg whites and threw out all the yolks*** (2) In a bowl, bine, eggs, mayo, mustard, celery, peppre, relish, and parsley. (3) Toast bread and top with lettuce, egg salad, and avocado slices. You could find more sandwich recipes under these websites: cdkitchen/recipes/cat/18/0.s cookingcache/categoryx?path=/cat/sandwich_recipes,
2023-07-09 01:57:421


The Traditional Culture of KoreaKorea, one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world, has over 5,000 years of history. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Korean peninsula has been inhabited for over 500,000 years. The current political separation of North and South Korea has resulted in divergence in modern Korean cultures; nevertheless, the traditional culture of Korea is historically shared by both states. While Korea"s long history as a tributary state to China has resulted in extensive influences from China, Korea also benefitted from considerable Japanese influence and developed a distinct cultural identity from its larger neighboursBibimbap RICE is the staple food of Korea. Having been an almost exclusively agricultural country until recently, the essential recipes in Korea are shaped by this experience. The main crops in Korea are rice, barley, and beans, but many supplementary crops are used. Fish and other seafood are also important because Korea is a peninsula.Fermentation (food)Fermented recipes were also developed in early times. These include Pickling|pickled fish and pickled vegetables. This kind of food provides essential proteins and vitamins during the winter.A number of menus have been developed. These can be divided into ceremonial foods and ritual foods. Ceremonial foods are used when a child reaches 100 days, at the first birthday, at a wedding ceremony, and the sixtieth birthday. Ritual foods are used at funerals, at ancestral rites, shaman"s offerings and as temple food.Temple food is distinguished as it does not use the common five strong-flavoured ingredients of Korean cuisine garlic, Scallion spring onion, wild rocambole, leek, and ginger, nor meat.For ceremonies and rituals rice cakes are vital. The colouring of the food and the ingredients of the recipes are matched with a balance of yin and yang.Today, Korean royal court cuisine|surasang (traditional Noble court|court cuisine) is available to the whole population. In the past vegetable dishes were essential, but meat consumption has increased. Traditional dishes include ssambap, bulgogi, sinseollo, kimchi, bibimbap, and gujeolpan.
2023-07-09 01:57:501


小学生吧?叔叔教你I copy this artical from web.I should have learned harder.Exactly,I don"t even know what these three sentences are talking about.
2023-07-09 01:57:572


2023-07-09 01:58:173


按省按划分四大菜系 有2种说法 第一种:山东菜、四川菜、江浙菜、广东菜;第二种:山东菜、四川菜、淮扬菜、广东菜。不知楼主说哪种山东菜Shandong vegetable四川菜SzechuanCantonese cuisine 广东菜huaiyangese 淮扬菜
2023-07-09 01:58:432

《Low- Fat Top Secret Recipes》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes》(Wilbur, Todd)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: pme6书名:Low-Fat Top Secret Recipes作者:Wilbur, Todd出版社:Penguin USA出版年份:2000-6页数:256内容简介:Dozens of fabulous new fat-conscious recipes are here from the master of top secret kitchen concoctions.Todd Wilbur, the irrepressible restaurant recipe knockoff artist, is back. Thanks to Wilbur"s latest Top Secret mission--to re-create some of America"s most popular food products without the fat--readers can now feast guilt-free on their favorite snacks. The easy-to-follow recipes, along with Wilbur"s patented blueprint illustrations, are guaranteed to produce healthier homemade treats that taste identical to the real thing--like Nabisco(r) Reduced-Fat Oreo(r) Cookies or Entenmann"s Light(r) Low-Fat Cinnamon Rolls. Wilbur also tackles some familiar restaurant delights, including Bennigan"s(r) Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, McDonald"s(r) Arch Deluxe(r) and Egg McMuffin(r), and Wendy"s(r) Chicken Caesar Fresh Stuffed Pita(r)--concocting them all at a fraction of the calories and at a fraction of the cost. Once again, the intrepid Todd Wilbur goes where no food writer has gone before--and proves that when it comes to providing recipes for food that diners really want to eat, he is the peoples" choice.Praise for Todd Wilbur"The mission: Decode the secret recipes for America"s favorite junk foods. Equipment: Standard kitchen appliances. Goal: Leak the results to a ravenous public." -- USA Today"There"s something almost magically compelling about the idea of making such foods at home . . . The allure is undeniable . . . Stuffed with tidbits and lore you"re unlikely to find anywhere else." -- Boston Herald
2023-07-09 01:58:501


2023-07-09 01:59:048

DIET PLAN – Ketogenic Strict – Recommended foods and meals – Lifesum guide

Lose weight and feel fresh and alert throughout the day. The Ketogenic Diet is high in fat and low in carbs. When you get rid of the carbs your body will use its fat stores for energy – this is called entering into ‘ketosis". According to what your goal is, you can choose different levels of the diet. The more carbs you get rid of the better effect the diet has (that is, the faster the weight loss goes). There are three different levels of the diets in our app, easy – medium – strict.On the strict plan you aim to eat 20 grams of carbs per day. As long as you are below 50 grams of carbs per day you shall have an easy path into ketosis. Throw out everything that"s carb-heavy and full of sugar e.g. sweets & pastries, fruit, root vegetables, rice & pasta.If you follow the ratings in the app you will see that all food items that contain <4 gram of carb/100 gram item get a high score. The more carbs the lower score. At the same time you"ll focus on getting enough dietary fiber, micronutrients and minerals to keep up the good health. It is therefore important to eat vegetables like tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms and radishes for example. The fat quality is also important so build up your meals with fatty fish, oils, nuts and avocado.Most importantly, make sure to keep track of the carbs you eat; the diet will work fine as long as you are in ketosis and don"t eat too many calories. Find your favourite foods rich in high-quality fats. In the app you"ll find heaps of recipes to help you out. Don"t cut down on the fat. Don"t give in to your sugar cravings, they will pass in a few days. Prepare for some side effects, you will get more information about them inside the app along the journey.Following a ketogenic strict lifestyle with only 5-10E% carbs per day can be difficult in the long run, if this is something you experience we recommend you to try any of the other ketogenic plans in our app. Recommended foods: Fatty fish (i.e. salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel) Tofu Poultry (i.e. chicken, turkey) Eggs (i.e. boiled, scrambled) Oils (i.e. olive, rapeseed, sesame) Vegetables (i.e. kale, spinach, broccoli, avocado, mushrooms, tomatoes, cauliflower, radishes, zucchini, lettuce, asparagus, aubergine, celery) Berries (i.e. raspberries) Recommended in moderation: Full-fat dairy products (i.e. full fat yoghurt, cream, crème fraiche, full fat cottage cheese) Cheese Meat (i.e. pork, bison, beef) Coconut milk Nuts & seeds (depending on the content of carbs – read the label!) Tips! Read the food labels to avoid foods with sugar, unhealthy fats and artificial additives. Drizzle some extra virgin olive oil on top of your salad or vegetables to enrich your meal with some healthy fat! Prepare your food from scratch! By doing this you know the exact ingredients of your meal and you can avoid sugar, artificial additives and unhealthy fats. Check out the Keto recipes in the app for meal suggestions and inspiration! It"s important to note that some foods and meals can end up with higher or lower score due to different nutritional information. If you"re ever unsure, double check that all nutrition values are correct and if you find any errors you can always either edit the item yourself or report it. We do our absolute best to verify the accuracy of the nutrition information. Although, we cannot guarantee its accuracy.If you are having any medical conditions or suffers from conditions like eating disorders you may not use Lifesum. In that case, always consult a doctor first.To read more about the health benefits from ketogenic lifestyle and see what we base the plan on, please see
2023-07-09 01:59:191


《Top Secret Recipes Unlocked》(Wilbur, Todd; Wilbur, Todd;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码: iqgh书名:Top Secret Recipes Unlocked作者:Wilbur, Todd; Wilbur, Todd;出版年份:2009-11页数:265内容简介:More than 4 million Top Secret Recipes books sold!The kitchen clone recipe king is back with a new Top bestselling Top Secret Restaurant Recipes collection-the first book since his bestselling Top Secret Restaurant Recipes 2 . Wilbur takes readers behind the scenes, revealing the key ingredients in some of our favorite foods such as Starbucks" Peppermint Brownie, Krispy Kreme"s original glazed donuts, Panera Bread"s cranberry walnut bagel and Wendy"s Garden Sensations Manadarin Chicken Salad. The book will feature 115 new recipes, including 40 previously unpublished recipes such as:u2022Panera Bread French Onion Soupu2022Burger King Onion Ringsu2022Chick-Fil-A Honey Roasted BBQ Sauceu2022McDonald"s Cinnamon Meltsu2022Stouffer"s Macaroni & Cheeseu2022Chipotle Mexican Grill Chipotle-Honey Vinaigretteu2022Popeye"s Buttermilk Biscuits.Forget takeout-with these fun recipes and blueprints, all using ingredients you can buy at your local supermarket, you can re-create your favorite restaurant signature dishes right in your own kitchen for a lot less!
2023-07-09 01:59:261


2023-07-09 01:59:393