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SAS JMP 10还不错



用minitab 生成随机符合正态分布的数(我记得可以输入LSL 和USL还有标准差的)

随机数在Calc>Random Data>Normal,可以输入均值和标准差,LSL和USL好像不可以吧?


Johnson 变换会从变量的三个分布系列中选择一个最优函数,它们可以轻松地变换为标准正态分布。这些分布被标记为 SB、SL 和 SU,其中 B、L 和 U 分别指有界限变量、对数正态分布的变量和无界限变量。Minitab 会将这些分布的参数标识为第一形状、第二形状、位置和尺度。有关更多信息,请转到个体分布标识中的变换方法和公式,然后单击“Johnson 变换的方法和公式”。

definitive edition是什么意思?

definitive edition英[diu02c8finitiv iu02c8diu0283u0259n]美[du026au02c8fu026anu026atu026av u026au02c8du026au0283u0259n]选定版;定本例句1.The Twilight Zone: The Definitive Edition - Season阴阳魔界第一季限定版2.The newest edition of a classic: the definitive guide to researching and launching an international career.一个经典的最新版本:在明确指导研究和开展国际事业。3.The 2nd Edition of the field"s definitive reference has been completely updated to reflect all of the advances in the field.该领域的权威参考第二版已完全更新,以反映该领域的进展的。4.Skira Rizzoli has just published a new edition of "The Glass House" ($25), the definitive book about the estate.斯基拉·里佐利公司刚刚出版了新版的《玻璃屋》(25美元),该书是一本介绍这座庄园的权威著作。

identity definition是什么意思

identity definition词典结果:identity definition[英][aiu02c8dentiti u02ccdefiu02c8niu0283u0259n][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026ati u02ccdu025bfu0259u02c8nu026au0283u0259n][计] 等同定义; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Do not include definition of identity property, seed, and increment. 不要包括标识属性、种子和增量的定义。2.Stalin"s "national" definition have affected china"s national work, especially in the movement of "national identity" from the beginning of 50 years in the 20th century all over the country, it became an important criterion on recognizing ethnic identity and dividing ethnic groups. 斯大林关于“民族”的定义一直影响着中国的民族工作,特别是在20世纪50年代全国上下展开的“民族识别”中,它成为了识别族群身份、划分族群族属的重要标准。

什么是margin call?initial margin和maintenance margin有什么区别??

Margin call price=P0(1-initial margin/1-maintenance margin)Answer:maintenance margin=0.9*0.6=0.54margin call price=5*(1-0.6/1-0.54)=4.34

TRINITY SEVEN 魔道书7使者的人物简介

人物图片人物信息 春日新(春日 アラタ)书库:傲慢(Superbia),主题:支配(Impel)。魔王:三重星芒兵器:「支配武装」黑皇剑“裘蒂卡”。生日:6月18日,喜好:炸鸡。年龄:17岁。身高:175cm本作的男主角,在发生崩坏现象时从圣那里接到了魔道书并许下了“马上回到普通的日常生活”的愿望从而进行了只有魔王级别才能做到的“创造世界”,被称为魔王候补。后被莉莉丝所救,现为寻找圣而选择成为魔道士,并开始了学园生活。开始时持有《阿斯提尔的手抄本》(アスティルの写本,自称为空)和《伊利亚斯的断章》(イーリアス断章,自称为伊利亚)两本魔道书。后得到魔王兵器“黑皇剑”,在达到使者级后顺利操控。自身书库为“傲慢”,主题为“支配”,术式有“魔力消除”,“陨星巨龙波”(Meteo Dragonar)等,同时也可以使用其他魔道士的魔术。热衷于各类女性胸部。早期因“支配”主题使用不当,导致在场其他魔道士魔装解除,使他将“魔力消除”术式自称为“爆衣魔法”(又译“光溜溜魔法”)。和很多少年漫画的主人公一样其实是个热血的家伙,说话直言不讳,珍惜伙伴,喜欢看见大家开心的样子,也有温柔细心的一面。35话中学会使用数秘术,成为使者,成功得到黑皇剑·裘蒂卡。38话中已经可以同时使用四个书库,成为了超越了使者的存在。拥有分别为:书库:傲慢(Superbia),主题:支配(Impel)书库:暴食(Gula),主题:信仰(Fides)书库:色欲(Luxuria),主题:生命(Abies)书库:怠惰(Acedia),主题:停滞(Stagnant) 春日圣(春日 圣)书库:愤怒(Ira),主题:崩坏(Ruina),创造(Partum),分解(Analysis)魔王:撒旦年龄:16岁身高:156cm三围:B83 W56 H84春日新的堂妹兼青梅竹马,在父母因为事故去世之后就一直寄住在新家,每早叫新起床为他做饭、做家务,因为每天都坚持不懈地给新做便当,还每天都来迎接新,而被新的同学戏称为“春日新的老婆”。在崩坏现象发生后,将魔道书交给新,并许下了“请救救春日新”的愿望并失踪。非常喜欢新。在25话中再次出现时已取得魔王因子,是能达到使者级别的魔道士。在漫画第29话战败后,告知阿新她只是王立利贝尔学园(王立书籍魔道学园)派遣到阿新身边的调查员。「崩坏现象」发生时被卷入其中,从而被驱逐到世界之“外”。(是圣在被卷入「崩坏现象」时,将传说中的魔道书《阿斯提尔的手抄本》交给新的)不知多久之后,她突然看到了世界的未来——新变成魔王,带领魔道书7使者一起将世界毁灭,然后诞生出一个新的世界,但魔王与魔道书7使者又会再次相遇并毁灭世界,这个结局周而复始无法跳出,憎恨于将新的存在定义为世界重生需要的一环,所以圣希望自己来毁灭世界然后重设来避开这个结局。现被新等人打败失去魔王因子,身体等无法存在于此空间,被收回作为“能阻止新的最后一张牌”。曾处于水晶形态,但仍具有自我意识,现已被放出来。从以前就对新抱有好意,是新魔王候补的力量,抱有“新的妻子”的梦想。 魔导士学园里的七个领袖般的人物,是站在各领域顶点的七名女性魔法使。 人物图片人物信息 浅见莉莉斯(浅见リリス)书库:色欲(Luxuria),主题:生命(Abies)年龄:17岁身高:162cm三围:B89 W55 H89“魔道书七人之一,专业术式为炼金术。在王立比布利亚学园任职,风格出众,容貌端丽的少女(巨乳)。红色的长发,右侧留有发辫,戴着贝雷帽。平时态度十分严谨,对话中会经常性的使用敬语。喜欢穿有条纹面包的内衣。战斗的时候,炼金术根据自身的魔道书变化各种各样的枪让拥有战斗的战斗风格。掩护射击旋转多。在天空之图书馆事件的调查中,被操纵的ルーグ的攻击的时候,沾染上了魔王因子。后证实真实身份为异世界魔王之女,喜欢春日新。 风间莱维(台译:风间雷玟)(风间 レヴィ)书库:嫉妒(Invidia),主题:期待(Expect)年龄:17岁。身高:148cm三围:B78 W54 H77“三位一体七”的1人。专业术式隐身术(魔灵·堕入地狱)。uff63uff62书库是嫉妒(インウィディア),“主题”(エクスペクト)期待。秘奥义混沌漩涡界(リヴァイアu30fbsun)。忍者,自称为忍者之最,速度能追上高速移动中的璐古,精通暗杀、忍法,很喜欢开玩笑,多和塞丽娜一起故意逗莉莉丝。拥有“嫉妒”的书库,主题为“期待”,术式为“忍法术”。不对别人抱有期待,之后现在对新有所期待。(唯一没有被爆衣的七魔法使)。能够在影子中穿梭。 山奈弥勒(台译:山奈米菈)(山奈 ミラ)书库:傲慢(Superbia),主题:正义(Justitia)年龄:16岁。身高:152cm三围: B79 W55 H78王立图书馆首席检阅官,拥有“傲慢”的书库,主题为正义,单拼能力的话在莉莉斯之上。秋音虽然称其为大将,但实际上米菈是秋音的后辈,入学时因为担心魔力随时可能暴走而拒绝与他人接触,遇到秋音后渐渐敞开心扉,决定也想成为一个可靠的人、正义的伙伴。对荤玩笑适应不良。可以用水晶球反射一切魔法。一直称新为不净,但在接触了新细腻的一面后逐渐喜欢上新。本人性格略傲娇,被亚琳一语道破。术式:映晶术。日常生活在关系餐厅担任接待,会穿上可爱的猫耳装~ 不动秋音(台译:不动雅琪欧)(不动 アキオ)书库:暴食(Gula),主题:信仰(Fides)年龄:18岁。身高:170cm三围: B82 W56 H83王立图书馆检阅官第三席,有着一马当先的攻击力,擅长踢。拥有“暴食”的书库,主题为“信仰”,术式为“真言术” ,魔道研究大决战 开战时真言术学会了治愈能力且能力提高。总是和米菈一起行动,称其为“大将”。饥饿时身体会缩小,变成巫女模式(萝莉体)。性格豪爽,对阿新态度很好,喜欢新。日常生活在关系餐厅做烹饪师打工。 神无月爱琳(台译:神无月亚琳)(神无月 アリン)书库:愤怒(Ira),主题:崩坏(Ruina)年龄:16岁。身高:156cm三围:B83 W56 H84与春日新在男浴池中偶遇,三无少女,天然呆,与书库相对不会生气。与圣的形象极其相似,新认为她和圣是有一定关系的。和学院长一同袭击了春日新等人,是魔王的伴侣。拥有“愤怒”的书库,研究的主题是“崩坏”,术式为圣仪术。利用春日新再次造成了崩坏现象,在被春日新阻止之后,称春日新为老公。开始对新并无感觉,但逐渐萌生好感,真心喜欢新。除由衣外唯一拥有制造结界能力的七人魔法使。同时持枪的战斗力非常强大。对周围是否存在别人的魔力感觉能力很强,在地下感觉到雅琪欧和米菈的存在,感觉到莉瑟出现在门口等多次证明。拥有神话武装:魔枪·盖尔柏格拥有对抗魔王的战神武装:神王枪·永恒之枪战神武装 绝招:战神英灵枪 仓田唯(台译:仓田由衣)(仓田 ユイ)书库:贪婪(Avaritia),主题:友情(Amicitia)年龄:14岁。身高:154cm三围:B84 W55 H83住在学校地下的地牢里,是住在世界的另一面——梦的世界的魔道士,所以只能在梦中对话。书库为”贪婪“,主题为“友情”,因为从不和别人产生友情。一直睡着进行主题研究,所以要进行封印。拥有骨干级别的魔力,在学园里仅次于学院长,因为没有压制住她,所以导致了新的崩坏现象,她的魔力迟早会让世界沉睡——世界会毁灭。原因可能是遇到了阿新受到了魔王力量的影响,在地牢中被魔物抓到,后被春日新所救。叫春日新哥哥,在新被不动秋音攻击后将他救入“唯之家”,会拉小提琴。也正是她启发新选择了自己的主题。经常粘着新,喜欢上了新。术式为重唱术。小提琴可以抑制塞丽娜的痛苦,可以迷惑周围,可以使魔力弱的人睡着。梦中有着与本体不同的大女孩姿态,亚琳称那是由衣的理想外貌。对新积极抱住或亲吻脸颊等动作时常有,对新的好感表达很明显。 莉瑟罗特u30fb沙尔洛克(リーゼロッテ=シャルロック)年龄:17岁身高:155cm书库:怠惰(Acedia),主题:停滞(Stagnant)三围:B85 W56 H84是塞丽娜的双胞胎姐姐,原王立图书馆二席检阅官,拥有怠惰的“书库”,术式为“数秘术”。被莉莉斯称为:不惜犯下禁忌,也要强行连接“永劫图书馆”的罪人。 就是半年前事件中被称为幽灵的姐姐。可以吸取他人魔力和研究成果。现将新等人空间转换到图书馆,自身被停滞于高速世界(时空裂界)中,但是可以借助妹妹的身体出现。在35话中已被春日新救出,很喜欢新。   人物图片人物信息 学院长外貌年龄:30岁。身高:184cm书库:愤怒(Ira),主题:调和,术式:言灵术是王立比布利亚学园的学院长,拥有无比强悍的强大魔力。很喜欢开玩笑、恶作剧,这一点和春日新极其相同。和爱琳一同袭击了春日新等人,目的是为了确认春日新的实力,并确定他是否能成为爱琳的搭档,成为魔王候补。是世界五大魔导师(大魔公)之一。魔导书为王之门,只有拥有一定实力的人才能看到,长时间注视即使是高级魔道士也会发狂。看似轻佻实际上是个设身处地为学生着想的好老师,每次学院被破坏后都亲自修复。 塞丽娜·沙尔洛克(セリナ=シャルロック)年龄:17岁。身高:155cm三围:B80 W56 H82书库:怠惰(Acedia),主题:束缚。春日新在魔道士学校的同班同学,性格开朗的少女,在春日新转校过来时,传发着号外,事后一直采访新。莉瑟罗特u30fb沙尔洛克的双胞胎妹妹,可以使用相机将被困于时间裂界的莉瑟罗特的时间截停,并将意识束缚在自己的身体里。术式是“数秘术”。对新有好感。 空(ソラ)外貌年龄:12岁。身高:145cm三围:B76 W54 H76春日新的魔道书《阿斯提尔的手抄本》人型化后的姿态,圣称其为小空。性格和主人春日新极为合拍。自身也蕴含强大魔力,是春日新在魔道上的有力助手。负责将各种书库的力量结合到一起。传说中的魔道书,收录了异世界的知识。可以做到“世界构筑”。   光神 鲁格(台译:光神 璐古)书库:妒忌(Invidia),主题:勇气、诚意、开放。年龄:18岁。身高:160cm。三围:B82 W55 H83使用高速战斗技巧“光辉术”的少女,右眼戴着眼罩。自称“吾人”。战斗中能够冷静分析对手的能力,不擅长表达感情。与魔道书7使者激战后战败,成为王立书册学园的俘虏,并在颈部加上限制魔力的装置。曾经潜入天空图书馆中盗取出“勇气武装”光穿枪 圣光之戟、“诚意武装”光斩剑 逆光剑、“开放武装”光剑翼 光之剑,利用魔王因子成为魔王候补,并且掌控这三件武装而成为“三位一体”TRINITY,同时装备三件神话兵器时自身也会不能控制攻击力道,固无需秘奥义。喜欢新,漫画38话中称新为“未来的丈夫”。   利贝尔外貌年龄:10岁。身高:146cm三围:B74 W56 H77书库:暴食(gula),主题:神圣,术式:星辰术福音探求会的成员,魔力非常强大的少女,与学院长同为“大魔公”。王立利贝尔学园的学院长,也是世界五大魔导师之一。被王立比布利亚学园的学院长称为若两者战斗会导致世界崩坏。圣 战败后将其收回。很期待新。 伊利亚外貌年龄:16岁。身高:157cm三围:B83 W57 H84春日新的另一个魔道书《伊利亚斯的断章》的实体少女。春日圣由于魔导士的安排不在家时,负责照顾春日新的魔导书。一度导致了新魔王化,后来被新打动。很喜欢新。在新使用多种书库力量的时候,因擅长辅助系魔法而负责支撑新的身体,保证其不被魔力吞噬、破坏。原是春日圣的魔道书。阿新所持有的第二本魔道书“伊利雅斯断章”。原为小圣所持有的魔道书。能变化人类姿态为“少女”外型,擅长解读与辅助,可以帮助阿新调整魔力的流动。同样也是传说中的魔道书,在小圣因为魔道士的任务必须暂时离家时,会变成小圣的外表替小圣照护阿新。 人物图片人物信息 阿纳斯塔西娅·L·安娜书库:色欲(Luxuria),主题:终焉(Final)复活的圣女,昵称“安娜”。拥有失传的主题“终焉”。与圣一样知晓世界的真相,是新的最主要的对手且是整部作品中最大的反派角色。会使用最古老禁忌魔法——“终焉图书馆”。于漫画40话初登场即吸引阿新注意的黑发美少女,能使用与象征“世界本身”的精灵借用力量的魔术。 (以上资料来源)



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XP系统硬盘错误提示correcting errors in the attribute deinition table 是什么意思


C语言出现如下的错误“expected initializer before "int"怎样解决?

这种信息只是告诉你在这行 int 以前有语法错误,重新检查编辑即可。C语言编程简介:C语言是一种计算机程序设计语言。它既有高级语言的特点,又具有汇编语言的特点。它可以作为系统设计语言,编写工作系统应用程序,也可以作为应用程序设计语言,编写不依赖计算机硬件的应用程序。因此,它的应用范围广泛。C语言编程小技巧:以空间换时间计算机程序中最大的矛盾是空间和时间的矛盾,那么,从这个角度出发逆向思维来考虑程序的效率问题,我们就有了解决问题的第1招——以空间换时间。例如:字符串的赋值。方法A,通常的办法代码如下:define LEN 32char string1 [LEN];memset (string1,0,LEN);strcpy (string1,“This is a example!!”);方法B代码如下:const char string2[LEN] =“This is a example!”;char * cp;cp = string2 ;方法C代码如下:#define bwMCDR2_ADDRESS 4#define bsMCDR2_ADDRESS 17int BIT_MASK(int __bf){return ((1U < (bw="" ##="" __bf))="" -="" 1)="">< (bs="" ##="">}void SET_BITS(int __dst, int __bf, int __val){__dst = ((__dst) & ~(BIT_MASK(__bf))) | /(((__val) < (bs="" ##="" __bf))="" &="">}SET_BITS(MCDR2, MCDR2_ADDRESS, RegisterNumber);方法D代码如下:#define bwMCDR2_ADDRESS 4#define bsMCDR2_ADDRESS 17#define bmMCDR2_ADDRESS BIT_MASK(MCDR2_ADDRESS)#define BIT_MASK(__bf) (((1U < (bw="" ##="" __bf))="" -="" 1)="">< (bs="" ##="">#define SET_BITS(__dst, __bf, __val) /((__dst) = ((__dst) & ~(BIT_MASK(__bf))) | /(((__val) < (bs="" ##="" __bf))="" &="">SET_BITS(MCDR2, MCDR2_ADDRESS, RegisterNumber);从上面的例子可以看出,A和B的效率是不能比的。在同样的存储空间下,B直接使用指针就可以操作了,而A需要调用两个字符函数才能完成。B的缺点在于灵 活性没有A好。在需要频繁更改一个字符串内容的时候,A具有更好的灵活性;如果采用方法B,则需要预存许多字符串,虽然占用了大量的内存,但是获得了程序 执行的高效率。

红警共和国之辉无法打开,它说“FATAL*String Manager failed to initilaized properly"。




生物化学中的binding affinity是怎么定义的??

是不是nM 啊,这是一个浓度单位,纳摩尔.可以用作酶与底物亲和力的衡量.,1,翻译成 亲和力,1,不会是和酶的最适作用底物浓度有关吧?但是为什么要用nm为单位呢?,0,生物化学中的binding affinity是怎么定义的? 在文献中看到binding affinity=xx Kd 似乎是以nm为单位 感觉是个实验结果 请对生物化学熟悉的朋友详细介绍下或者指点下应该看什么书了解 感谢bedisehell的回答 可是这个亲和力为什么要用nm这个单位来衡量呢~请指教 这个问题是在细胞膜受体和生长因子结合的文献中出现的

请问电影《Definitely, Maybe》中开头的音乐的名字。

everyday peopleby Sly&The Family Stone






To 如果是做 infinitive 后面的 verb 是用 base form of verb without special ending. The base form of the verb is the simplest form of the verb ~ the one listed in a dictionary. 例子: He wants to go. (不是 goes going went or gone) She decided to apply for the job. (不是 applies applying or applied) 但是 to 除了做 infinitive 之外 还可以做 preposition 后面的 verb 变了用 verb-ing (gerund.) 只有 verb-ing 作 noun 时 才是 gerund. 例子: I am looking forward to seeing you. (to 是 preposition seeing 是 gerund) He is accustomed to driving at night. The Green Party is dedicated to protecting the environment. We may have to resort to using untrained staff. 问题要清楚知道 to 在句子中是做 infinitive 或 preposition. 前置词 (preposition) 后面可用 noun noun phrase gerund 代替. He is accustomed to the dark. 小心: She used to drive in London. (to 是 infinitive) She is used to driving in London. (to 是 preposition) 这两句子意思不同 题外: 因为 to 可以做前置词 有时后面 verb form 变了用 past participle 作 adjective. “A sermon to unconverted sinners” ~ Title (unconverted 是 past participle used as an adjective) TO 后面是不是永远都不变?? ANSWER:是

win8自带的虚拟机hpyer-v玩cf出现error in initrenderer() shutting down,应该是虚拟显卡不支持3D,求解决

这个不能玩游戏,删除 Hyper-V ,安装 VMware。

穿越火线进入提示Wrror in InitRendererO. shutting down

有4种办法删了重装把游戏放在另一个硬盘里重装电脑下载补丁 你自己选吧。

CF登录怎么会显示这个,Error in InitRenderer0. Shutting down这是怎么回事啊, 知道请指教下, 谢谢了,

错误了 - - 重新装

为什么我的Win7玩不了《穿越火线》,登陆时出现以下提示Error in InitRenderer0,Shutting down.怎么解决?


CF 弹出那个Error in InitRenderer().Shutting down 然后弹出了CF 怎么才可以把它弄没 我电脑是windows7

完全卸载后重装下试试 以兼容模式 或者以理员身份运行下试试

CF出现error in initrenderer shutting down怎么回事


玩穿越火线出现Error in Init Renderer shutting down提示怎么办

一、这个Error in Init Renderer Shutting down的意思是“因初始化错误关闭”,是预读CF设置的时候出的问题,不是CF本身的问题。你可能没安显卡驱动或者分辨率和超屏刷新率调得太高,这个意思是,你的分辨率是1024插768,你的超屏刷新率是100或者120,就不行,或者你是液晶显示器的话,85都不行。还有一个,就是DX和显卡驱动冲突,或者你根本就没安DX。哥们,你重装系统有可能少安装了东西,或者在机器的调试上和以前不一样了。希望你早点弄好。二、很可能是你的显卡驱动装的不好,建议装个和自己机型最匹配的驱动。三、1.看显卡驱动有没(开始-所有程序-附件-运行-dxdiag-显示)2.如果是不可用的话你得去安装显卡驱动3.以Windows Xp兼容性运行,管理员身份也要用上四、你好,你的问题我也遇到过。我是这样做:1。桌面右键——属性——设置——高级——疑难解答——把硬件加速拖到“全”那里2。开始——运行——输入DXDIAG后确定——显示——把DirectX功能那里的前两项选为启用。五、我前段时间也出现过这个问题,我试过重新下载,也试过重装,还有网上的许多办法都无法搞定。最后发现是显卡有问题,重新装了一次驱动。搞定后来又出现过一次,我只重启了一次就好了,有点像是cs1.6的问题,六、点击 开始 --点击 运行--在运行输入“DxDiag”--找的显示选项——显示里面看direcDraw加速是否被禁用了---如果被禁用点击开启---一切搞定七、文件损坏了。手动进文件夹全部删除掉,包括文件夹,然后重新下载个就可以玩了.]不删除干净就下载的一样玩不到,我的试过很多次了记住,要手动删除,不要卸载还是不行就重做系统试试

股东会的resolution 和minitues有什么区别


时光之刃联机时出现Steam must be running to play this game (SteamAPI_Init()failed) 是什么意思


primary initial preliminar prime四个词的区别

primary n. 最主要者 a. 主要的,初期的,根本的initial n. 词首大写字母 a. 开始的,最初的,字首的 v. 签姓名的首字母preliminar 你似乎拼错。应该是preliminary n. 初步行动,准备,初步措施 a. 初步的,开始的,预备的prime a. 首要的,最好的 n. 青春,壮年,全盛时期

arcgis中definition query是干嘛的

可以利用SQL向已经存在的Feature Class中填加记录,或者是利用SQL创建自定义的查询以显示某条记录,或者是利用SQL创建一个具备Spatial Type列的新表,然后Register这个表以在ArcGIS中使用。(1)如果利用SQL向已有的Feature Class添加新的记录:首先在ArcCatalog中新建一个要素图层,如果数据库是Oracle,则创建的时候应该在Use Configuration Keyword中将空间列的类型设置为ST_GEOMETRY,然后将数据添加 到ArcMap中,然后利用SQL添加一行记录: insert into buildings(OBJECTID, FID, BUILDING_, BUILDING_I, TAG, TYPE, SUBTYPE, SYMBOL, LOCK__ID, PHASE__ID, ZOOM_SYMBO, SHAPE) Values (1, 0, 12972, 18907, "22JSM0000023946", "BLD", "RES", 6, 0, 0, 1, ST_GEOMETRY ("POLYGON (( 2219520.56768649 387051.66985716, 2219525.34823696 387079.52399077,2219536.03133855 387077.71905252, 2219539.05578917 387095.47546386, 2219528.17754562 387097.32910505,2219528.61661291 387099.81695550, 2219489.00622816 387106.54876471, 2219480.81097279 387058.40167483, 2219520.56768649 387051.66985716))", 3));(2)利用SQL创建的自定义查询表达式以查询要素:首先将要素添加到ArcMap中,右键单击图层,选择Properties/Definition Query 面板,创建以下SQL查询语句:objectid in (select p.objectid FROM buildings b, water_lines w where watertype = "MAIN" and ST_Overlaps (p.shape, ST_Buffer (f.shape, 55)) = 1)(3)ESRI推荐使用ArcGIS创建Feature Class,这样能够保证数据的完整性,但是也支持将SQL创建的Feature Class或者第三方应用创建的Feature Class注册为ArcGIS识别的类型。 可以利用ArcSDE Administrator Command:sdelayer –o register,手动实现将Table注册为Feature Class,以下为将SQL创建的Table,用ArcSDE注册为Feature Class,以下为例子:首先在SQL中创建一个Table:create table comm._bldgs as select * from buildings where SUBTYPE = "COM"; 然后利用ArcSDE进行注册:sdelayer -o register -l comm_bldgs,shape -e a -C OBJECTID,SDE -R -u -p 需要注意的是:需要Register的Table必须满足以下条件:(1)注册该表的用户必须是该表的所有者;(2)必须具备单一的ST_GEOMETRY列;(3)不包括其它User-defined类型;(4)具备单一的几何类型(Points,Lines,Polygons);(5)必须具备ID列,该列必须是Integer,Unique,NonNull;(6)应该具备Spatial Index。 如果以上注册的Feature Class将参与到Relationship、Geometric Networks、Topology、Subtypes、Default Types、Domains、Validation Rules,则需要Registered with the Geodatabase:在ArcCatalog中右键单击要注册的Feature Class或者Table,选择Register With Geodatabase。

definition of communication?

1 : an act or instance of transmitting2 a) : information communicated b ): a verbal or written message3 a) : a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior *the function of pheromones in insect communication*; also : exchange of information b) : personal rapport *a lack of communication between old and young persons*4 plural a): a system (as of telephones) for communicating b) : a system of routes for moving troops, supplies, and vehicles c : personnel engaged in communicating5 plural but singular or plural in construction a) : a technique for expressing ideas effectively (as in speech) b) : the technology of the transmission of information (as by print or telecommunication)

英语There is no exact definition怎么翻译?


PROTEL中为什么经常出现ROOM DEFINITION?都是在原理图导出PCB里出现的!


论文中 definition of terms是什么意思


definition of done是什么意思


关于definition scary

我的观点是:新的各种各样的知识总是被认为是可怕的.但是,每次你努力做,努力学,当知识积累起来,世界将向你敞开.这里definition scary不应单独拿出来,而应结合by理解. by definition 根据定义,是插入语,可以从句子中拿掉再理解.scary可怕的.这样你就容易理解了the new, the different, is almost scary.四级答得咋样那,朋友?

Structural conflict 的Definition是什么


GO term Definition (Oryza sativa Japonica)

*Note: Numbers in brackets represent total terms. Definition: A biological process represents a specific objective that the organism is genetically programmed to achieve. Biological processes are often described by their outcome or ending state, e.g., the biological process of cell division results in the creation of two daughter cells (a divided cell) from a single parent cell. A biological process is accomplished by a particular set of molecular functions carried out by specific gene products (or macromolecular complexes), often in a highly regulated manner and in a particular temporal sequence. Definition: A location, relative to cellular compartments and structures, occupied by a macromolecular machine when it carries out a molecular function. There are two ways in which the gene ontology describes locations of gene products: (1) relative to cellular structures (e.g., cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane) or compartments (e.g., mitochondrion), and (2) the stable macromolecular complexes of which they are parts (e.g., the ribosome). Definition: A molecular process that can be carried out by the action of a single macromolecular machine, usually via direct physical interactions with other molecular entities. Function in this sense denotes an action, or activity, that a gene product (or a complex) performs. These actions are described from two distinct but related perspectives: (1) biochemical activity, and (2) role as a component in a larger system/process. 1. antioxidant activity (124) Definition: Inhibition of the reactions brought about by dioxygen (O 2 ) or peroxides. Usually the antioxidant is effective because it can itself be more easily oxidized than the substance protected. The term is often applied to components that can trap free radicals, thereby breaking the chain reaction that normally leads to extensive biological damage. 6. molecular carrier activity (44) Definition: Directly binding to a specific ion or molecule and delivering it either to an acceptor molecule or to a specific location. 7. molecular function regulator (402) Definition: A molecular function that modulates the activity of a gene product or complex. Examples include enzyme regulators and channel regulators. 8. molecular transducer activity (139) Definition:A compound molecular function in which an effector function is controlled by one or more regulatory components. 9. negative regulation of molecular function (142) Definition: Any process that stops or reduces the rate or extent of a molecular function, an elemental biological activity occurring at the molecular level, such as catalysis or binding. 10. positive regulation of molecular function (91) Definition: Any process that activates or increases the rate or extent of a molecular function, an elemental biological activity occurring at the molecular level, such as catalysis or binding. 11. protein folding chaperone (27) Definition: Binding to a protein or a protein-containing complex to assist the protein folding process. 12. protein tag (33) Definition: A molecular function exhibited by a protein that is covalently attached (AKA tagged or conjugated) to another protein where it acts as a marker, recognized by the cellular apparatus to target the tagged protein for some cellular process such as modification, sequestration, transport or degradation. 13. regulation of molecular function (445) Definition: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of a molecular function, an elemental biological activity occurring at the molecular level, such as catalysis or binding. 14. phosphorelay sensor kinase activity (4) Definition: Catalysis of the phosphorylation of a histidine residue in response to detection of an extracellular signal such as a chemical ligand or change in environment, to initiate a change in cell state or activity. The two-component sensor is a histidine kinase that autophosphorylates a histidine residue in its active site. The phosphate is then transferred to an aspartate residue in a downstream response regulator, to trigger a response. 15. structural molecule activity (251) Definition: The action of a molecule that contributes to the structural integrity of a complex or its assembly within or outside a cell. 16. transcription regulator activity (560) Definition: A molecular function that controls the rate, timing and/or magnitude of gene transcription. The function of transcriptional regulators is to modulate gene expression at the transcription step so that they are expressed in the right cell at the right time and in the right amount throughout the life of the cell and the organism. Genes are transcriptional units, and include bacterial operons. 17. translation regulator activity (82) Definition: Any molecular function involved in the initiation, activation, perpetuation, repression or termination of polypeptide synthesis at the ribosome. 18. transporter activity (718) Definition: Enables the directed movement of substances (such as macromolecules, small molecules, ions) into, out of or within a cell, or between cells.

formal definition和informal defination区别


Definition of Employed Capital and Working Capital

Capital employed has many definitions and is not easily *** yzed. In general, it represents the capital investment necessary for a business to function. Consequently, it is not a measure of assets, but of capital investment: stock or shares and long-term liabilities. [edit] Definition Capital employed is usually represented as total assets less current liabilities, or fixed assets plus working capital: CapitalEmployed = FixedAssets + CurrentAssets u2212 CurrentLiabilities or CapitalEmployed = FixedAssets + WorkingCapital A further approach to assessing the stability of funding is to calculate the total long-term funds used by a pany. Long-term debt, long-term liabilities, long-term provisions and equity provide obvious sources of long-term funding, but a further source is provided by the short-term debt that remains on the balance sheet at the year end. The sum of these sources of long-term funds is termed capital employed. [edit] Use in financial *** ysis Capital employed is used mostly for calculating return on capital employed (ROCE), an alternative to return on equity (ROE) and return on assets (ROA) ratios. Working capital (also known as working capital) is a financial metric which represents the amount of day-by-day operating liquidity available to a business. Along with fixed assets such as plant and equipment, working capital is considered a part of operating capital. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities. A pany can be endowed with assets and profitability, but short of liquidity, if these assets cannot readily be converted into cash. Current assets and current liabilities include three accounts which are of special importance. These accounts represent the areas of the business where managers have the most direct impact: accounts receivable (current asset) inventory (current assets), and accounts payable (current liability) In a situation where a pany carries more cash than the mininum amount needed to maintain operations, the excess portion is usually excluded from working capital. In addition, the current (payable within 12 months) portion of debt is critical, because it represents a short-term claim to current assets. Common types of short-term debt are bank lo and lines of credit. A positive change in working capital indicates that the business has either increased current assets (that is received cash, or other current assets) or has decreased current liabilities, for example has paid off some short-term creditors.,

concise definition是什么意思


find the definition

从右边的纵列中找出左边纵列中单词相匹配的定义 which引导定语从句,修饰definition

by definition是什么词性,可以放在哪里使用,充当什么?

by definition 根据定义 根据解释可看做程度副词放在句首,句中,句尾。By definition , every data type widens to itself按照定义,每种数据类型都扩大到自身。These are , by definition , very hard to forecast由定义可知,它们非常难以预测。But sometimes things may be made darker by definition .但是,有时,事物很难定义。

identity definition是什么意思

identity definition[英][aiu02c8dentiti u02ccdefiu02c8niu0283u0259n][美][au026au02c8du025bntu026ati u02ccdu025bfu0259u02c8nu026au0283u0259n][计] 等同定义; 例句:1.They lack definition and identity as a class. 作为阶级来说,他们缺少清晰度和同一性。2.Do not include definition of identity property, seed, and increment. 不要包括标识属性、种子和增量的定义。







definition"come to the floor"

definition"come to the floor" 定义“落地”definition"come to the floor" 定义“落地”



关于definition的信号词有哪些? 如 to define,in definition

define as vt. 解释为define pattern 定义图案;设定样本Define Brush 定义画笔 ; 定义笔刷 ; 限定画笔 ; 界说画笔User Define 户自定义 ; 户定义 ; 用户自定义 ; 用户定义Define Sites 定义站点 ; 网站视窗中点选Define Symbol 定义符号 ; 界说符号 ; 定义符Define menu 定义菜单 ; 创建菜单栏Define Data 确定数据 ; 先定义数据 ; 定义数据Define Phase 定义阶段DEFINE PROBLEM 定义问题 ; 明确问题 ; 界定问题Define Activities 定义活动Chalcedonian Definition 迦克墩信经class definition 类定义 ; 类别定义 ; 类别定义式 ; 类界说attribute definition 属性定义 ; 属性定义属性定义definition list 定义列表 ; 定义表 ; 定义清单 ; 自定义列表Image definition 图像清晰度 ; 影象清晰度 ; 图像清楚度Activity Definition 活动定义 ; 工作定义 ; 项目活动定义 ; 项目勾当界说Project Definition 项目定义 ; 专案定义 ; 工程规限 ; 项目Definition Lists 定义列表 ; 释义列表 ; 自定义列表 ; 定义型列表working definition 工作定义 ; 工作性定义 ; 定义 ; 解说

Kruder & Dorfmeister的《Definition》 歌词

歌曲名:Definition歌手:Kruder & Dorfmeister专辑:G - Stoned EPMario - No DefinitionI"m not your manWe"re more than friendsWe make love but I don"t call you my loverI do for you, you do for meIt works because we don"t smother each otherIts short and sweet, the time we spendWe cant take a second of it for granted (No)I barely understand itIt"s not the way I planned it the way I planned itWhy cant it just be what it is?Bridge(Whats in a name) if we got what we needAint nobody coming between us but weEverything I told you about my love I need(I said) Everything that I said I needChorusActions speak louder than wordsBaby, I"m gonna treat you the way you deserveWe don"t need we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWhat I feel is real & if you look that upOn top of the word you see picture of usWe don"t need, we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWe shop, we dine, spend cuddle timeCome over but only on invitationNot now, in time, we"re border lineI like you but don"t quit your occupationMy heart, my ace but just in caseLets stay open to other situationsWhy tell you we gonna be moreKeep you on a leash forI don"t wanna string you along, girlBridgeChorusGirlEven though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for usDon"t Go messing it up (Don"t go messing it up)Even though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for us

死魂曲的《definition》 歌词

歌曲名:definition歌手:死魂曲专辑:死魂曲Mario - No DefinitionI"m not your manWe"re more than friendsWe make love but I don"t call you my loverI do for you, you do for meIt works because we don"t smother each otherIts short and sweet, the time we spendWe cant take a second of it for granted (No)I barely understand itIt"s not the way I planned it the way I planned itWhy cant it just be what it is?Bridge(Whats in a name) if we got what we needAint nobody coming between us but weEverything I told you about my love I need(I said) Everything that I said I needChorusActions speak louder than wordsBaby, I"m gonna treat you the way you deserveWe don"t need we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWhat I feel is real & if you look that upOn top of the word you see picture of usWe don"t need, we don"t need de-fini-tionWe don"t need de-fini-tionWe shop, we dine, spend cuddle timeCome over but only on invitationNot now, in time, we"re border lineI like you but don"t quit your occupationMy heart, my ace but just in caseLets stay open to other situationsWhy tell you we gonna be moreKeep you on a leash forI don"t wanna string you along, girlBridgeChorusGirlEven though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for usDon"t Go messing it up (Don"t go messing it up)Even though we used to the titles and getting madeBut maybe this time we should just leave this one alone(Cause) if this working for us, then its working for us


Definition of "Native English" The term Native English,if used with reference to an individual of limited English proficiency,means: -- The language normally used by that individual,or,in the case of a child,the language normally used by the parents of the child (except as provided below); -- In all direct contact with a child (including his or her evaluation),the language normally used by the child in the home or learning environment. For an individual with deafness or blindness or no written language,the mode of communication is that normally used by the individual (such as oral communication). 出处: Office of Special Education Programs Training Overheads on the IDEA "97 Regulations





realtek瑞昱high definition audio声卡驱动6.0.1.7432 whql版怎么调


Nvidia | MCP65 High Definition Audio 声卡驱动


burninit down歌翻译

命运证明它重复着The cycle repeated当爆炸在天空出现时As the explosions broke in the sky我所需要的All that I needed是我在这个世界找不到的Was the one thing I couldn"t find而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn等着要让我明白这一切:Waiting to let me know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起世界We"re building it up再把它化作火光,燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground鲜血,白骨,灰尘,火光,交错堆叠The colors conflicted随着升腾的烈焰攀入云端As the flames climbed into the clouds我想修理弥补这一切I wanted to fix this但无法停止将它撕裂破坏But couldn"t stop from tearing it down而你站在那儿And you were there at the turn站在那燃烧的火光之中Caught in the burning glow而我在那里等候And I was there at the turn等着要让你明白:waiting to let you know我们建立起世界We"re building it up再亲手将它摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up再将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down似乎迫不及待般地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground你给我肯定的答案You told me yes你高高将我举起you held me high我也会去相信你所说的谎言And I believied when you told that lie我当士兵I played solider你做国王You played king在我低头亲吻你的戒指时趁我不备捅我一刀And struck me down when i kissed that ring你无权再拥有那王冠You lost that right to hold that crown我协助你登上高峰 但你却让我失望I built you up but you let me down在你马失前蹄时我就会采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn在你被焚烧之时扇一把风And fan the flames as your blazes burn而你就在那儿And you was there at the turn等着和我摊牌说:waiting to let me know我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它彻底摧毁To break it back down我们建立起这一切We"re building it up只是为了要将它燃烧殆尽To burn it down我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将它烧毁化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将伺机而动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将你烧化为尘土To burn it to the ground所以当你失蹄时 我将采取行动So when you fall I"ll take my turn而当你惹火上身时 我会扇风助燃And fan the flames as your blazes burn我们迫不及待地we can"t wait要将罪恶的当权者化为尘土To burn it to the ground

热血无赖definitive edition有什么不同


sleeping dogs definitive怎么开中文

sleeping dogs definitive即热血无赖,设置步骤如下。?1、热血无赖是一场设定在香港都市开放世界的警察游戏,中文设置的方法如下。首先进入游戏控制界面?2、点击游戏主菜单选项,界面有弹出很多选项。?3、点击弹出的“游戏和控制”选项,进入游戏控制界面。?4、点击开启游戏“粤语”设置。此处默认游戏字幕是粤语,玩家可以选择“开启”或“关闭”,这样玩游戏的时候就会出现中文字幕了。

To infinity and beyond,什么意思

巴斯光年是按照 Buzz Aldrin (跟在阿姆斯特朗后面第二个登上月球的人)为原型创作的,这句 To infinity and beyond 也是 Buzz Aldrin的名言。

请问 linux 下 指令/etc/init.d/是啥意思啊



在小程序中使用components遇到了两个问题: 问题描述: Cannot read property ‘init" of null ,为null 出现原因: 出现的原因是,我在wxml里有if判断,而此时num还没有等于1,所以造成null 解决办法: 可以在num为1,也就是if条件成立时,进行selectComponent 补充: 还有可能出现为null的情况有以下几点: 1、json里usingComponents名与wxml组件名不一致: 2、通过id设置时,id名不一致,或者不是用‘#" 3、通过id设置时,id名不一致,或者不是用‘." 4、就是上面出现过的,存在if条件判断的,满足条件后再selectComponent

initiate commence originate的用词区别


急!!!deferrable initially immediate是什么意思呀??

deferrable:这个选项控制该约束推迟到事务的结尾。如果前面加not,就是相反的操作了。initially immediate:立即检查约束,在每条语句(结尾)检查约束,这是缺省值。相反,还有一个initially deferred。disable:禁止的意思。这些都是在执行SQL时的一些开关选项。

immediate vicinity是什么意思

immediate vicinity紧邻双语例句1Turkey"s efforts are not, of course, confined to its immediate vicinity.当然,土耳其的努力不局限于它最临近的地区。2Caution in blasting is most important within the immediate vicinity of buildings and installations.在十分靠近建筑物和设备的地点爆破时,谨慎是最重要的。


因为debian 系衍生出来的linux 一向是没有使用/etc/inittab 作为登入状态文档来使用的。但是虽然没有系统默认没有这个文件,但是你可以自己建一个inittab文件。 因为从/etc/event.d/中的rc-default文件中代码可以看出: script runlevel --reboot || true if grep -q -w -- "-s|single|S" /proc/cmdline; then telinit S elif [ -r /etc/inittab ]; then RL="$(sed -n -e "/^id:[0-9]*:initdefault:/{s/^id://;s/:.*//;p}" /etc/inittab || true)" if [ -n "$RL" ]; then telinit $RL else telinit 2 fi else telinit 2 fi end script 系统会首先搜寻inittab文件,如果不存在,那么将运行在2级别上。所以你可以自己建个inittab文件,或者把相应的telinit 2 改为 telinit X(你想要运行的级别)

C++ error:definition of explicitly defaulted 这


如何解决这个 vue 程序里出现的 "infinite update loop" 问题

1、:change="onChange1(this.selected1)" @change ?还是故意的?2、v-bind 应该是无副作用的,Vue 不保证调用次数。onChange1() 作为 prop 的值,导致了当前组件渲染依赖的状态发生了改变。3、看了下代码,组件在更新时,如果依赖的状态发生了改变,会继续在这个 tick 里更新。4、上面的 2 和 3 会形成死循环的,Vue 在非生产环境下尝试检测死循环。


<marquee> ... </marquee>移动属性的设置 ,这种移动不仅仅局限于文字,也可以应用于图片,表格等等鼠标属性onMouseOut=this.start() ........鼠标移出状态滚动onMouseOver=this.stop() .........鼠标经过时停止滚动方向<direction=#> #=left, right ,up ,down <marquee direction=left>从右向左移!</marquee>方式<bihavior=#> #=scroll, slide, alternate <marquee behavior=scroll>一圈一圈绕着走!</marquee><marquee behavior=slide>只走一次就歇了!</marquee><marquee behavior=alternate>来回走</marquee>循环<loop=#> #=次数;若未指定则循环不止(infinite) <marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=scroll>只走 3 趟</marquee><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=slide>只走 3 趟</marquee><marquee loop=3 width=50% behavior=alternate>只走 3 趟!</marquee>速度<scrollamount=#> <marquee scrollamount=20>啦啦啦,我走得好快哟!</marquee>延时<scrolldelay=#> <marquee scrolldelay=500 scrollamount=100>啦啦啦,我走一步,停一停!</marquee>外观(Layout)设置对齐方式(Align)<align=#> #=top, middle, bottom <font size=6><marquee align=# width=400>啦啦啦,我会移动耶!</marquee></font>底色<bgcolor=#> #=rrggbb 16 进制数码,或者是下列预定义色彩:Black, Olive, Teal, Red, Blue, Maroon, Navy, Gray, Lime,Fuchsia, White, Green, Purple, Silver, Yellow, Aqua <marquee bgcolor=aaaaee>颜色!</marquee>面积<height=# width=#> <marquee height=40 width=50% bgcolor=aaeeaa>面积!</marquee>空白(Margins)<hspace=# vspace=#><marquee hspace=20 vspace=20 width=150 bgcolor=ffaaaa align=middle>面积!</marquee>



永生细胞系(infinite cell line)

【答案】:永生细胞系(infinite cell line):细胞在传代过程中,如有部分细胞发生遗传突变,并使其带有癌细胞的特点,有可能在培养条件下无限制的传代培养下去,这种传代细胞称为永生细胞系。其根本特点是染色体明显改变,一般呈亚二倍体或非整倍体,失去接触抑制。如HeLa、BHK21、CHO细胞系等。


一千万。每个工作表最多可以包含4000 列、1000 个常量和 10000000 行。Minitab软件是现代质量管理统计的领先者,全球六西格玛实施的共同语言,以无可比拟的强大功能和简易的可视化操作深受广大质量学者和统计专家的青睐。




1、在MINITAB输入相关数据以后,直接按照统计→DOE→田口→分析田口设计的顺序进行点击。 2、下一步把实验数值列选择到响应数据位于的框中,并点击分析。 3、这个时候,需要通过弹出的对话框选择均值来确定。 4、这样一来如果没问题,即可做均值和极差图了。


要在 Minitab 中生成只有两位小数的随机数据,您可以使用以下步骤:1. 打开 Minitab 并选择 "Calc" 菜单选项卡。2. 选择 "Random Data",然后选择 "Normal" 或 "Uniform",具体取决于您需要的数据类型。3. 在 "Number of rows of data" 中输入您需要的数据行数。4. 在 "Number of columns of data" 中输入您需要的数据列数。5. 在 "Decimal places" 中输入 "2",以确保您只生成两位小数的数据。6. 选择 "OK" 以生成您的随机数据。请注意,这些步骤可能会因 Minitab 版本而有所不同,但大致类似。




Minitab软件具有气泡图,泊松回归,离群值测试,公差区间,稳定性研究,等价性测试,更新的图形这些数据分析功能。Minitab软件是为质量改善、教育和研究应用领域提供统计软件和服务的先导。是全球领先的质量管理和六西格玛实施软件工具,更是持续质量改进的良好工具软件。除了为用户提供质量统计分析工具Minitab和Quality Companion软件外,还有在线培训系统Quality Trainer,该套视频系统的培训统计学基本知识和质量管理内容,并内置大量案例,是学习Minitab软件和质量统计的好助手。
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