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是的,安德玛在中国有代工厂,代工厂负责制造生产,因此安德玛夹克领标写的 "made in China",表示该产品是在中国生产的。




得物是一个二手交易平台,用户可以在该平台上购买和出售二手商品,包括鞋子。鞋舌上标注的"made in China"表示该鞋子的制造地为中国。Nike是一家国际知名的运动品牌,其产品在全球范围内制造,并且在不同国家和地区设有生产工厂。因此,即使您购买的是Nike鞋子,鞋舌上的制造地标签可能会显示不同的国家或地区,这取决于该特定款式的制造地。无论制造地在哪里,只要您购买的商品是正版且符合您的期望,就不应该影响其品质和使用。


Made in China的意思是中国制造。中国制造是一个全方位的商品,它不仅包括物质成分,也包括文化成分和人文内涵。中国制造在进行物质产品出口的同时,也将人文文化和国内的商业文明连带出口到国外。中国制造的商品在世界各地都有分布。政策法规2017年3月,工信部组织修订《“中国制造2025”分省市指南(2017年)》,将于近期印发。该指南旨在把《中国制造2025》的重点任务和各地资源禀赋相结合,避免重复建设,突出所专所长,打造中国制造“新版图”。2018年10月24日,李总理应邀在中国工会第十七次全国代表大会上说,“中国制造”要尽早变为“中国精造”,无论是日常消费品生产,还是高精尖制造,都需要有一大批“身怀绝技”的大国工匠。


made in China的意思是中国制造。made in China。英 [meu026ad u026an u02c8tu0283au026anu0259];美 [meu026ad u026an u02c8tu0283au026anu0259]。释义:中国制造。中国制造是一个全方位的商品,它不仅包括物质成分,也包括文化成分和人文内涵。中国制造在进行物质产品出口的同时,也将人文文化和国内的商业文明连带出口到国外。中国制造的商品在世界各地都有分布。中国制造是世界上认知度最高的标签之一,因为快速发展的中国和他庞大的工业制造体系,这个标签可以在广泛的商品上找到,从服装到电子产品。巨大的贡献。据美国方面的测算,中国制造近几年里为美国的消费者减少了中国制造一天内四遭美反倾销裁决 7000亿美元的支出。正是在这样大量廉价消费中国产品和中国资源的同时,这些国家的企业也产生了抱怨,中国制造在一定程度上冲击了他们本国的制造。由于中国产品比本国产品价格要低的多,又很实惠,所以有很多国家的商店一般到年底都没有什么收入。



福友帮忙看一下, Incoterm conditions是指什么意思?

Incoterm conditions-国际商务术语下的交货条件CIF-成本+保险+海运费

vincis bench是什么牌子?韩国众星追崇的本土品牌

vincis bench的包包是现在非常有名的一个韩国的小众包包,这个包包品牌在韩国几乎每个妹子都有,超级好看。下面我给大家讲讲vincis bench是什么牌子? vincis bench是什么牌子 vincis bench是一个韩国的一个配饰品牌,包包和饰品都很有名。 VINCIS BENCH是现代与古典相结合的欧洲品位时尚配饰品牌,其含义为"列奥纳多达芬奇的椅子"。它的稳重感与皮革的柔和感完美结合,既实用又具干练美。在这里用金色VINCIS BENCH品牌标志加以点缀,与各种颜色相结合尽显经典、高贵的风格。VINCIS BENCH把欧洲感性与韩国风情完美结合,更加提升了其品牌的价值。vincis bench包包怎么样 vincis bench包包,在韩国新罗免税店买的,是韩国本土的一个品牌,原价239000韩元,特价180刀,全牛皮质感还不错,主要颜色鲜艳,绝对我的菜啊,不过它家包包都是搭扣的,总觉得会不够安全,所以自己买了个内胆加进去,不过麻布内胆好像有点怂了哈哈。 韩国vincis bench拼色包包,小时候最爱大包,觉得那样才够酷,潇洒不羁爱自由,大包是很帅气啦,不过后来渐渐发现无论包有多大,东西都会塞满,近年开始减负,逐渐倾向小包,发现更适合自己。我这款是明星代言款的小号,图5李珉廷背的是大号的,人家是大长腿名模,当然比较适合那个SIZE。我还是S Size就好了,平时必须品全都可以放入,还可以再放一副眼镜进去。 风格有点复古中性,背上以后不是小女人妩媚风,反而是有点帅气的,我都是素色简洁的衣服配它。vincis bench风格介绍 vincis-bench以简洁的线条,简约的美感,充分展现出人与包的完美和谐。邀请曾主管路易威登等多数名牌的时尚界巨匠Vincent du Sartel作设计总监之后,选东洋清纯美与现代美兼具的文彩元作品牌代言,将正式向消费者们传达VINCIS BENCH的魅力。 VINCIS BENCH有关人士表示:"文彩元因清纯的东洋魅力受欢迎,代言VINCIS BENCH参与相关活动时,将会尽情地展现她高傲性感的一面"。除了VINCIS BENCH之外,文彩元还被选为女装、休闲服饰、化妆品、酒类、界等多样业界的形象代言人拍广告,日前人气非常高。包包怎么保养 1.一般来说,清洁包包大多先用适合各种不同材质的清洁刷或干净棉布,将灰尘、脏污去除。 2.皮革类包包如果使用皮革清洁剂擦拭,切忌用鞋油!一般擦眼镜的拭镜布是便宜又好用的好帮手,不会刮坏你心爱的包包,均匀涂抹就能使包包恢复光.碧丽珠既可以做保养剂也可以清除污渍;橄榄油也可以作为皮包保养的好选择之一。 3.真皮包最好经常使用,并常用细绒布揩擦。如果遇到雨淋受潮或发生霉变,可用软干布擦去水渍或霉点。但千万不要用水和汽油涂擦,因为水能使真皮变硬,汽油能使真皮的油分挥发而干裂。而包包未经任何防水处理程序,所以包包湿了后,请立即用软布抹干,以防留有污渍或水印而使表面出现皱摺。如果在雨天使用,应特别注意。



在使用maxplus编译时,为什么会出现: Current license file does not include the

maxplus不是免费软件啊 你要自己找license的 每个license的权限都不一样的 你的问题就是没有那部分的权限 所以就用不了VHDL了 这个东西换个LICENSE就好了


  increase有增加;增强;提高等意思,那么你知道increase的用法吗?下面是我为大家整理的increase的用法和相关 短语 例句,欢迎大家学习!   increase的用法   increase的用法1:increase的基本意思是“增加,扩大”,可指由于自然繁殖导致数目的增加,也可指人为地增大体积,增加财富、工资、数量、力量、强度、速度、尺寸或权力、影响。   increase的用法2:increase可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   increase的用法3:increase后接介词by时表示增加的具体数量; 后接介词in时表示在某方面的增加; 后接介词to时表示“增加到u2026”; 后接介词with时表示“随u2026增长”。   increase的用法4:increase的过去分词increased和现在分词increasing都可用作形容词,在句中作定语。   increase的用法5:increase用作名词的读音为 ["inkriu02d0s] ,意思是“增加,增大,增多”,可指抽象的“增加”,也可具体地指钱的增加额、冷热的增加程度或人口、工作等的增加量或事态达到某种程度等。   increase的用法6:increase既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   increase的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   increase at( v.+prep. )   increase by( v.+prep. )   increase from( v.+prep. )   increase in( v.+prep. )   increase to( v.+prep. )   increase with( v.+prep. )   用作名词 (n.)   on the increase   increase的词汇辨析   enlarge,amplify,expand,increase,magnify,multiply,augment   这些动词均有“增加,增大”或“扩大”之意。   enlarge 主要指面积或体积等的扩大。   amplify 在科技中常指声音的扩大或电磁波的增强。也指补充了细节、详述或扩大内容等。此词系正式用语。   expand 指范围、程度、体积和尺寸等方面的扩大或增加。   increase 指数量、强度和大小等方面的扩大或增加。   magnify 可指用光学仪器使物体看上去显得变大;也指事实上把某物增大,有时用于夸张意味。   multiply 通常指自然繁殖而产生的增长,有时也指同类事物数量的成倍增加。   augment 较正式用词,一般指在原有的基础上增加含量而扩大。   increase的用法例句   1. Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.   把布浸在染料里20分钟.   2. I immerse my clothes in the water.   我把衣服浸在水里.   3. Don"t immerse yourself in the infliction too long.   不要长时间沉浸在痛苦经历中。   4. Immerse the plant ( in water ) for a few minutes.   把那棵植物 ( 在水里 ) 浸泡几分钟.   5. Immerse the cloth in the boiling dye!   把布浸到沸腾的染料中去!   6. The simplest procedure is to immerse the stoppered bottle to the required depth.   最简单的 方法 是将带塞的瓶子浸没在需要的深度.   7. Caution: - to Prevent electric shock Do Not Immerse in Water.   注意: 不可浸没在水中,以防电击.   8. Does not want to let oneself immerse in the sad atmosphere.   不想让自己沉浸在难过的氛围中.   9. Or immerse with 10 % glacial acetic acid brothers, wipe next.   或用10%冰醋酸浸泡手足, 然后擦干.   10. Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work.   压缩这一密度大的物质将花费巨大的开支及紧张的工作.   11. Treat the children as equals, and immerse our hearts into their world.   平等交流, 用心了解孩子世界.   12. Do not immerse in water and do not use to vacuum water.   不要浸入水中,也不要用于吸取液体.   13. Immerse your foot in ice cold water to reduce the swelling.   把你的脚泡在冰水里以便消肿.   14. Immerse the whole hardware in the solution and soak for 10 - 15 minutes.   将餐具器皿完全浸入溶液内约10-15分钟.   15. The translator has to immerse himself in the world of the poet.   译者必须完全投入诗人的世界. 猜你喜欢: 1. increase的同义词 2. increase的近义词辨析 3. increase的第三人称单数 4. advantage的用法和短语例句 5. accompany的用法和短语例句

Famous Blue Raincoat 歌词

歌曲名:Famous Blue Raincoat歌手:The Handsome Family专辑:Leonard Cohen: I"M Your ManArtist: Jennifer WarnesAlbum: Famous Blue RaincoatTitle: Famous Blue RaincoatEdit by: Simon ZhangIt"s four in the morning, the end of DecemberI"m writing you now just to see if you"re betterNew York is cold, but I like where I"m livingThere"s music on Clinton Street all through the evening.I hear that you"re buildingyour house deep in the desertAre you living for nothing now?Hope you"re keeping some kind of record.Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearDid you ever go clear?Ah, the last time we saw youyou looked so much olderYour famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulderYou"d been to the station to meet every trainBut she never turned up I"m Lili MarleneSo you treated some woman to a flake of your lifeAnd when she got home she was nobody"s wife.Well I see you there with a rose in your teethOne more thin gypsy thiefWell I see Jane"s awakeShe sends her regards.And what can I tell you oh what can I tell youWhat can I possibly say?I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive youI"m glad that you stood in my way.And if you ever come by here, be it for Jane or for meI want you to know your enemy"s sleepingI want you to know your woman is free.Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyesI thought it was there for good so I never really tried.And Jane came by with a lock of your hairShe said that you gave it to herThat night when you planned to go clearSincerely, a friend~Wish you happy! --enjoy100~





#include #include

include<opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include<opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>#include<opencv2/imgproc/types_c.h>#include<opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include<iostream>#include<vector>using namespace cv;using namespace std;class HistgramShow{private: Mat ShowHisImage; //通道数 int channels[1]; //项的数量 int histSize[1]; //像素值的范围 const float *ranges[1]; //像素的最小及最大值,为了给hranges一个变量的分配的空间 float hranges[2];public: HistgramShow() { //计算0号通道 channels[0] = 0; histSize[0] = 256; ranges[0] = hranges; //存放最小范围 hranges[0] = 0; //存放最大范围 hranges[1] = 255; } //这个函数仅仅是封装了



科技英语阅读4The invention of the incandescent (白炽的) light bulb by?

a,b,b,c,d,1,科技英语阅读4 The invention of the incandescent (白炽的) light bulb by Thomas Edison in 1879 created a demand for a cheap,readily available (可利用的) fuel with which to generate large amounts of electric power.Coal seemed to fit the bill,and it fueled (供以燃料) the earliest power stations (which were set up at the end of the nineteenth century by Edison himself).As more power plants (发电厂) were constructed throughout the country,the reliance (依靠) on coal increased.Since the First World War,coal-fired power plants have accounted for about half of the electricity produced in the United States each year.In 1986 such plants had a bined capacity (产量) of 289 000 megawatts and consumed (消耗) 83 percent of the nearly 900 million tons of coal mined in the country that year.Given (考虑到) the uncertainty in the future growth of nuclear power and in the supply of oil and natural gas,coal-fired power plants could well provide up to 70 percent of the electric power in the United States by the end of the century. Yet,in spite of the face that coal has long been a source of electricity and may remain one for many years (coal represents about 80 percent of the United States fossil-fuel reserves,it has actually never been the most desirable fossil fuel for power plants.Coal contains less energy per unit of weight than natural gas or oil; it is difficult to transport,and it is associated with a host of environmental issues among them acid rain.Since the late 1960s problems of emission (散发) control and waste disposal have sharply reduced the appeal of coal-fired power plants.The cost of ameliorating (改进) these environmental problems,along with the rising cost of building a facility (设备) as large and plex as a coal-fired power plant,has also made such plants less attractive from a purely economic perspective (观点). Changes in the technological base of coal-fired power plants could restore (恢复) their attractiveness,however.Whereas some of these changes are evolutionary (进化的) and are intended mainly to increase the productivity of existing plants,pletely new technologies for burning coal cleanly are also being developed. 31.What is the main idea of the passage? a.Coal-fired plants are an important source of electricity in the United States and are likely to remain so. b.Generating electricity from coal is paratively recent in the United States. c.Coal is a more economical fuel than either oil or nuclear power. d.Coal is a safer and more dependable fossil fuel than oil or gas. 32.Edison"s electric light bulb is mentioned in the passage because it . a.replaced gas as a light source b.increased the need for electrical power c.was safer than any other method of lighting d.could work only with electricity generated from coal 33.It can be inferred from the passage that coal became the principal source (主要的来源) of electricity in the United States because it . a.required no plicated machinery (复杂的机械) b.was paratively (相对的)plentiful and inexpensive c.was easy to transport d.burned efficiently 34.In the author"s opinion,the importance of coal-generated electricity could increase in the future for which of the following reasons? a.The possible substitutes (代替物) are too dangerous. b.The cost of changing to other fuels is uncertain c.The future availability (可用性) of other fuels is uncertain. d.Other fuels present too manyenvironmental problems. 35.According to the passage,which of the following is one of the goals of the new technology in coal-fired plants? a.To adapt (使适应) ,the plants to other kinds of fuel. b.To reduce the cost of building more plants. c.To lengthen the lives of plants already in use. d.To make the plants already in use more productive.

在表示薪酬的英语单词中,incentive 和 bonus 的具体区别是什么?能给个例句吗?

  incentive n. 动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励   bonus n. 奖金,额外津贴;红利,额外股息;退职金;额外令人高兴的事情



The old man has d__ (死)since three years ago

dead是形容词,不能人名后面直接加个形容词而没有be动词,has been dead就可以. died是过去式+过去分词,这里有has和since,所以要搭配过去分词,用died.

合同中the singular includes the plural and vice versa这句话应该怎么翻?


Nova Science Publishers,Inc是美国的正规出版社吗

Nova Science Publishers是出版图书、百科全书、手册、电子书籍和期刊的学术出版公司。

出版社morgan kaufmann publishers inc在什么地方

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 是在美国马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts)的伯灵顿(Burlington)



incodwe trust 谁知道这是啥意思?




since that和now that

since that 从那时起now that 因为

now that与since的区别在哪,求详细解释

意思:既然都引到原因状语从句好像since不能放在句首汗,记不太清了引导原因状语的词:because, since, as, for和now that(1)because 表示直接的原因或理由,表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然的因果关系。回答以why引起的特殊疑问句,只能用because。 (2)since 表示对方已经知晓、无须加以说明的原因或事实,语气比because稍弱。 (3)as 表示的往往是十分明显的原因,听者或读者已经知道或能看得出来,语气较弱,只附带说明,比较口语化。 (4)for是并列连词,它引导的分句不表示直接的原因,而是用来附带解释或说明前面一句的情况。for引导的分句常位于第一分句之后,它们之间用逗号隔开。 (5)now that 意为"既然",与since同义,但更突出事实本身

now that和since作既然讲,有什么区别?


in that 和since差别

in that 1. 因为,由于;既然2. 在…这一点上3. [书面语]既然;因为;如此since conj. 因为;由于;既然;自…以来;自…以后prep. 自…以来;自…以后adv. 后来

在原因状语从句中,now that和since的用法


now that与since的区别在哪,求详细解释

意思:既然都引到原因状语从句好像since不能放在句首汗,记不太清了引导原因状语的词:because,since,as,for和now that(1)because 表示直接的原因或理由,表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然的因果关系.回答以why引起的...

now that和since的区别

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:since(既然)语气较弱,强调已知的事实. 例:Since you can"t answer the question, I"ll ask someone else. 译:既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了. now that(既然)的用法: now that同since相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实.例: Now that you are busy, let me do it for you. 译:既然你忙,就让我给你做吧.我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

关于because、for、since、 now that的辨析

1.since(既然)语气较弱,强调已知的事实。 例:Since you can"t answer the question, I"ll ask someone else. 既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了。 2.for(因为)的用法: for是并列连词,表示推断的原因,或对前一分句补充说明理由。 例:It must be morning for the birds are singing.一定是清晨了,因为鸟儿在叫。 3.because (因为)的用法: because通常表示直接的原因。because引导的从句表示直接而明确的原因和理由,表示按因果关系的推断,语气很强,用来回答why的问题, 一般位于主句之后。 例:We couldn"t go out because it was too cold. 因为天气太冷,我们不能外出。 that(既然)的用法: now that同since相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实。例: Now that you are busy, let me do it for you. 既然你忙,就让我给你做吧。 区别:since和now that,表示事物发展的自然结果,特别是当对方大概已经了解其原因的情况下使用,表示既成事实的原因一般位于主句之前。注意:for是并列连词,引出的原因较间接,似乎是事后所想到的补充解释的理由,只陈述一般推断的理由,不一定表示产生结果的必然原因,主要放在两个并列句之间。because通常表示直接的原因。

because;since;as;for;now that作“因为”讲时,有什么区别


now that和since的区别

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:since(既然)语气较弱,强调已知的事实. 例:Since you can"t answer the question, I"ll ask someone else. 译:既然你回答不出这个问题,我就问别人了. now that(既然)的用法: now that同since相似,语气较弱,强调人们已知的事实.例: Now that you are busy, let me do it for you. 译:既然你忙,就让我给你做吧.我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

unincorporated joint venture是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:unincorporated joint venture非法人型合资企业;联营公司;非公司型合资结构;投资结构不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

tourism initivatives 是啥?successful tourism initivatives to date inculding transportation


later on和ever since的意思和区别是什么?

later on后来,过些时候,作状语用,一般在动词或动词短语后修饰动词,也可放在句前. ever since "此后"(就一直...)ever since +主+动词简单过去式

later on和since then有什么区别,各自用法怎样?

前者 是后来 用于将来(尤其是那种讲故事的文体) 后者是 从那时起 一般和完成时连用.






timectimedifftimegmtimelocaltimestimegettimesettime1. timeint main(void){ time_t t; t = time(NULL); printf("The number of seconds since January 1, 1970 is %ld",t); return 0;}2. asctime#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(void){ struct tm t; char str[80]; /* sample loading of tm structure */ t.tm_sec = 1; /* Seconds */ t.tm_min = 30; /* Minutes */ t.tm_hour = 9; /* Hour */ t.tm_mday = 22; /* Day of the Month */ t.tm_mon = 11; /* Month */ t.tm_year = 56; /* Year - does not include century */ t.tm_wday = 4; /* Day of the week */ t.tm_yday = 0; /* Does not show in asctime */ t.tm_isdst = 0; /* Is Daylight SavTime; does not show in asctime */ /* converts structure to null terminated string */ strcpy(str, asctime(&t)); printf("%s ", str); return 0;}3. ctime#include <stdio.h>#include <time.h>int main(void){ time_t t; time(&t); printf("Today"s date and time: %s ", ctime(&t)); return 0;}4. difftime#include <time.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <dos.h>#include <conio.h>int main(void){ time_t first, second; clrscr(); first = time(NULL); /* Gets system time */ delay(2000); /* Waits 2 secs */ second = time(NULL); /* Gets system time again */ printf("The difference is: %f seconds ",difftime(second,first)); getch(); return 0;}5. gmtime#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>/* Pacific Standard Time & Daylight Savings */char *tzstr = "TZ=PST8PDT"; int main(void){ time_t t; struct tm *gmt, *area; putenv(tzstr); tzset(); t = time(NULL); area = localtime(&t); printf("Local time is: %s", asctime(area)); gmt = gmtime(&t); printf("GMT is: %s", asctime(gmt)); return 0;}6. localatime#include <time.h>#include <stdio.h>int main(void){ time_t timer; struct tm *tblock; /* gets time of day */ timer = time(NULL); /* converts date/time to a structure */ tblock = localtime(&timer); printf("Local time is: %s", asctime(tblock)); return 0;}非标准函数1. gettime#include <stdio.h>#include <dos.h>int main(void){ struct time t; gettime(&t); printf("The current time is: %2d:%02d:%02d.%02d ", t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec, t.ti_hund); return 0;}2. settime#include <stdio.h>#include <dos.h>int main(void){ struct time t; gettime(&t); printf("The current minute is: %d ", t.ti_min); printf("The current hour is: %d ", t.ti_hour); printf("The current hundredth of a second is: %d ", t.ti_hund); printf("The current second is: %d ", t.ti_sec); /* Add one to the minutes struct element and then call settime */ t.ti_min++; settime(&t); return 0;}

Hurricane Electric Inc., 是什么


hand winch是什么意思

hand winch手绞盘winch[英][wu026antu0283][美][wu026antu0283]n.绞车; 摇柄,曲柄; vt.用绞车拉; 第三人称单数:winches过去分词:winched复数:winches现在进行时:winching过去式:winched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The question of who would operate the winch, however, was still unresolved. 但谁来操纵绞盘的问题还没有解决。


阿布奥拉orra s系列纺车轮,还不错。打法:1,打败圣帝伊要点:圣帝伊会一直使用超魂耀清除我们的属性,所以最好用可以保护属性的亚比,或者可以爆发高伤害技能的亚比。主攻亚比:天焰菲尔具体打法:开场用一下炽火令,接着一直使用无极炎就可以了!2,打败Zeta要点:这里Zeta会快速提升属性,还会倒置我们的属性,简直神烦。而且目前超系觉醒亚比基本上都没有保护自身属性的技能,只有滔天白虎有,还能倒置Zeta的属性,因此是个不错的选择。辅助亚比:超系炮灰亚比3只(超上古精灵等等)主攻亚比:滔天白虎具体打法:前面上3只炮灰亚比,让Zeta提升属性,接着上滔天白虎,灵兽之域西可以轻松倒置Zeta的属性,接着就可以一直用怒涛涤尘打了,注意一定要一直保持灵兽之域西的状态。因为滔天白虎回血无能,所以建议背包中多带一些体力糖哦!3,打败星魔辅助亚比:伍德主攻亚比:超圣光具体打法:这里需要借助伍德的神树护体,可以快速地降低星魔的属性,之后再上超圣光,天堂气息2次提升攻击和暴击,然后超光祝福回血一下,神光普照几下就能解决星魔了!

windlass 和winch的区别


船舶上的WINCH ONLY是什么意思

直升机 悬停


过去式句子。One week has passed since意思是从那以后一个星期过去了,是过去式的语句,可以加过去式句子,例如One week has passed since the new term began。

mooring winch,anchor winch,windlass有什么区别

mooring winch:系泊绞车,安装在船舶上或岸上用于泊船装载或卸载的绞车。anchor winch:起锚机,安装船舶上的一种大甲板机械,用来收、放锚和锚链。起锚机通常和绞车(windlass)配合使用。windlass :绞车,应用于建筑、水利工程、林业、矿山、码头等的物料升降或平拖,还可作现代化电控自动作业线的配套设备。

winch 8000Lb什么车

winch 8000Lb型号的绞盘是越野车上使用的。这个型号的绞盘最大的优点就是韧性好,强度和刚度都大,这样就有利于越野车在越野的时候发挥出更大的优势。绞盘的工作机制:从汽车来的电力首先带动马达,而后马达带动鼓轮转动,鼓轮又带动主动轴,主动轴再带动行星齿轮,进而产生强大的扭力。随后,扭力被传回到鼓轮,鼓轮便带动绞盘,马达和减速器之间有一个离合器,能通过一个把手来开关。制动单元在鼓轮内,当绞索绷紧时,鼓轮就自动锁住。绞盘的发展历史:绞盘真正意义上用于汽车上,是从二战的威利斯MB开始,美国参战之后,在北非开阔的沙漠战场上,它经常陷入沙坑,或者炮弹坑,加上车身笨重,救助方式非常吃力。因此,美国军方开始把绞盘应用于汽车上自救,而原始的汽车绞盘就是一根钢丝绳绑在车身之前,之后才开始使用马达具备真正的自救功能。二战结束后,绞盘受到越野迷的大力追捧,也是当今越野车改装必备利器之一


winch英 [wu026antu0283] 美 [wu026antu0283] n. 绞车;摇柄,曲柄vt. 用绞车拉

语言学中的incomplete rule implication-undergeneralization是什么意思?


incident; implication ; weary 这英语用谐音怎么读?

incident [u02c8u026ansu026adu0259nt]尹森扽特implication [u02ccu026amplu026au02c8keu026au0283n] 艺幕普利尅什weary [u02c8wu026au0259ri] 威尔瑞

group by与distinct有何区别

他们的功能基本上是不一样的。distinct消除重复行。group by是分组语句。举例来说可能方便一点。A表id numa 1b 2c 3a 4c 7d 3e 5如果只选出id列,用distinct和group by 一样的。select distinct(id) from A;idabcde;select id from A group by id;idabcde;不同之处可能在于group by有排序功能。但是如果需要加上另一列num,结果不同。group by 是分组语句,如果用select id,num from A group by id,num;这样的结果在本例中与不加group by是一样的,因为num各个不同。但是如果select id,num from A group by id;注意该语句是错误语句,因为num没有使用聚组函数,例如:sum(求和),avg(求平均数)select id,sum(num) from A group by id;id sum(num)a 5b 2c 10d 3e 5用distinct不显示重复的行。在本例中select distinct id,num from A;的结果也和不加distinct一致。因为id,num没有重复的行,而不是只看id。group by 功能更强大一些,另外推荐使用group by。因为distinct会导致全表扫描,而group by如果索引建的恰当的话,会有性能上的提高。

distinct 和group by的区别

distinct 明显的 独特的 表示在一群事物中,凸显出来的不一样的一个group by sth 表示 根据什么来分组



马克吐温 the income-tax man 英文简介




英文信件最后Sincerely,Regards,Best Wishes 有什么区别

根据收件人,文章的语气内容选择。  Sincerely,是比较正式的场合使用,套话,真诚的,推荐信,辞职信,其他正式文书等。  Regards,大致像此致敬礼的感觉。  Bestwishes/warmwishes,友好而亲切的慰问感觉。  Sincerely或SincerelyYours或YoursSincerely:  “真诚”是最灵活的结局,因为可以用来结束非正式或正式的信件。如果不确定如何写信,用“真诚”。  Regards或BestRegards:  用于商务休闲或正式信件。如果对方是现实生活中还没见过的。  Best或BestWishes:  一个有礼貌的方式结束这封信。可以在朋友或陌生人之间使用。

英文信件最后Sincerely,Regards,Best Wishes 有什么区别

sincerely adv. 真诚地; 诚恳地regards n. 问候; 关于,至于;best wishes 最美好的祝愿、祝福例句:I sincerely believe that this is the right decision.我由衷地认为这个决定是正确的。He held her in high regard.他对她非常敬重。Give my best wishes to her and hers. 问候她和她的家人。

英文信件最后Sincerely,Regards,Best Wishes 有什么区别



long _main(char* lpszPictureName, char* lpszObjectName, char* lpszPropertyName)long_main函数名括号内为函数的变量。char* lpszPictureName:当前画面名char* lpszObjectName:当前对象名char* lpszPropertyName:当前对象的属性名

Who laughs best who laughs last和give him an inch and he will take a mile是什么意思?





before是在。。。之前since 是从。。。时间开始。。。

Leonard Cohen的Famous Blue Raincoat 歌词译中文。

It"s four in the morning, the end of December      凌晨四点,十二月最后一天      I"m writing you now just to see if you"re better      写信来只想问一句是否还好      New York is cold, but I like where I"m living      纽约虽然冰冰冷冷,不过我还满意这住处      There"s music on Clinton Street all through the evening      克林顿大街灯红酒绿夜夜笙歌            I hear that you"re building      your little house deep in the desert      听说你最近打算在这沙漠深处营建自己的心灵小屋      You"re living for nothing now;      I hope you"re keeping some kind of record      看来你现在是看破红尘想超凡脱俗了;还望别忘记你自己那些无法磨灭的痕迹            Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair      是啊,简带着你的发结来到我身边      She said that you gave it to her      她说那是你送的      That night that you planned to go clear      就在你决定远离这喧嚣尘世的那一晚      Did you ever go clear?      可是,你到底有没有真的毫无牵挂呢?            Ah, the last time we saw you, you looked so much older      啊,记得上次我们遇到你的时候,你看上去苍老得厉害      Your famous blue raincoat was torn at the shoulder      你那件骄傲的蓝风衣肩膀上时光的烙印依稀可见      You"d been to the station to meet every train      你去车站随便乘上火车      And you came home without Lili Marlene      回到家里也没有那些莉莉玛莲            And you treated my woman      to a flake of your life      而你对待我的情人像是生命里的一朵雪花      And when she came back      she was nobody"s wife      然后她回到我身边,却也不属于任何人            Well I see you there with the rose in your teeth      唔,我看到你在那边,嘴里叼着一支玫瑰      One more thin gypsy thief      又一个狡猾的吉普赛偷心贼啊      Well I see Jane"s awake      噢,简醒了      She sends her regards      让我代为问候            And what can I tell you my brother, my killer      可是我能和你说什么呢,我的兄弟啊;还是我的克星      What can I possibly say?      究竟讲些什么呢?      I guess that I miss you, I guess I forgive you      估计我还是想念你的,也许我还可以原谅你      I"m glad you stood in my way      还是很荣幸我们有同样的选择            If you ever come by here, for Jane or for me      如果你从未涉足这里,我是说无论简或是我      Your enemy is sleeping, and his woman is free      你的情敌还在深睡,他的情人孑然一身      Yes, and thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes      好吧,还是要谢谢你,为了你抹去了她的眼里的忧愁      I thought it was there for good so I"ve never tried      我想总是好的,那这样也就这样了            Yes, and Jane came by with a lock of your hair      是啊,简带着你的发结来到我身边      She said that you gave it to her      她说那是你送的      That night that you planned to go clear      就在你决定远离这喧嚣尘世的那一晚      ——Sincerely, L .Cohen

扫描仪DS Error at Set Inches:Data parameter out of supported range 出现该怎么办?扫描不了




请问Incredible S怎么看机子是 s-off 还是 s-on


财务中margin, revenue, profit, income之间是怎么区别和联系的?



revenue指正常业务范围之内的收入,如销售收入sales revenue ,gains 指非正常业务范围内的收入,如处理子公司的收入 disposal a subsidiary

Profit, Earning, Income 和 Revenue的区别是什么?

profit 指的是盈利,利润salary 通常指年薪. wage 美国是指小时工资,我国是月工资用的多. income "所得"的意思 earning 接近"工资"的意思 revenue 企业,国家的销售总值.但愿能帮到你啊!


revenue 只和销售有关. income有可能为投资收入等.income可以为revenue+投资收入+变卖收入等.


Revenue(总收入)包括主营业务收入,也包括分红,股息等其它收入。一般的账目收入都用Revenue: 利息收入 [Interest Revenue], 营业外收入[Non-operating Revenue]Income (收益)投资收益 [Investment Income],股息收益[Dividends Income]




income和revenue这两个名词均有“收入”之意,区别如下:1、income : 主要指个人收入,包括劳动所得和利润。2、revenue : 专指国家或企业的收入,主要指国家的税收。温馨提示:以上信息仅供参考。应答时间:2021-05-11,最新业务变化请以平安银行官网公布为准。 [平安银行我知道]想要知道更多?快来看“平安银行我知道”吧~
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