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finally[英][u02c8fau026anu0259li] [美][u02c8fau026anu0259li] 生词本简明释义adv.最后,终于;总算;末后;结果以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词1.ADV终于;总算You use finally to suggest that something happens after a long period of time, usually later than you wanted or expected it to happen. The word was finally given for us to get on board...终于通知我们登乘了。The food finally arrived at the end of last week and distribution began...食品总算在上周末运到并开始分发。Finally, after ten hours of negotiations, the gunman gave himself up.经过 10 个小时的谈判,持枪歹徒终于投降了。

finance cost怎么算

finance cost算法:成本费用利润率=利润总额/成本费用总额。在财务报表中finance cost是指融资成本,这是在公司上市或者发行债券的时候需要做的一种表格。当然这个融资成本的项目是有很多的,通过报表也能够很清晰的展现这个内容,从而也能够让高层通过这个表格有一个更好的了解。一个企业的经营其实真的不是很简单的事情,需要的资金来源和成本的投入都很高。而这些很详细的数据也只有财务部才能够呈现,因此在制作这个表格的时候也一定要细致。





fiscal 和finance区别

以我学的econs感觉 fiscal 强调 财政收入支出,赤字预算这些,这要是政府。 finance更多是银行,比如银行利息汇率等。相同点是他们都可以改变和刺激到货币的流通,投资的扩张或紧缩,最终影响到经济。国家财政部叫Ministry of Finance而不是fiscal是因为fiscal感觉更adj吧 但大同小异啦~

请问banking 和finance学出来有什么区别?


Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。

请问finance 和accounts有什么区别?



Finance 财务 研究货币、银行、信贷、投资及资产管理的科学===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力

Illumina Hiseq/Miseq测序原理简介

一、Solexa测序技术前世今生(——Illumina平台) Solexa高通量测序技术是由英国剑桥大学派生的Solexa公司建立起来的。该方法以单分子阵列技术为基础,是对合成测序技术的发展与延伸。 二、测 序 原 理 Solexa是一种基于边合成边测序技术(Sequencing-By-Synthesis,SBS)的新型测序技术。通过单分子阵列实现在小型芯片(FlowCell)上进行桥式PCR反应。通过可逆阻断技术实现每次只合成一个碱基,再利用相应的激光激发荧光集团,捕获激发光,从而读取碱基信息。 1)Flow Cell结构 2)可逆阻断技术 3)边合成边测序(SBS) a.加入测序引物 b.Cycles1 a)合成第一个碱基 b)清除未反应的碱基和试剂 c)激发荧光信号并读取 (可逆阻断技术的步骤) d)去除荧光基团和阻断基团 (可逆阻断技术的步骤) c.Cycle2……Cycle n 4)桥式PCR(——簇生成之“起始延伸”) 5)桥 式 PCR(——簇生成之“扩增”) 6)桥 式 PCR(——簇生成之“测序”) 7)碱基读取 三、工作流程 四、测 序 类 型 a)单端测序(single-read sequencing,SR) b)双端测序(Paired-endsequencing,PE) c)混样测序(Indexsequencing) 1)FollowCell 接头差异 Paired End Uracil Specific Excision Reagent (USER) 尿嘧啶切割位点 FormamidopyrimidineGlycosylase (fpg) 糖基化酶切割位点 Single Read Periodate Linearization 高碘酸盐切割位点 a)双 端 测 序 Paired-End sequencing(PE/双端测序) u2212检测基因片段两端的基因信息。 b)单 端 测 序 Single-read sequencing(SR,单端测序) u2212只检测基因片段一段的基因信息。 c)混 样 测 序 Index Sequencing:将多种样本混合测序 u2212充分利用solexa高通量测序特点。A:Adapter B:Fragment DNA C:Index seq primer D:Index E:Adapter五、仪 器 构 造 1)Miseq测序仪 六.测序结果展示 Fastq:Fastq是Solexa测序技术中一种反映测序序列的碱基质量的文件格式。 u2022Read 1 u2022Read 2

pay 与 finance怎么区别

pay和finance还是比较容易区别的:payvt.& vi. 付款;偿还;补偿;(对…)有利 vt. 给予;支付 n. 工资;薪水;报答 (1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买……。例:I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。(2)pay for sth. 付……的钱。例:I have to pay for the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。例:don"t worry!I"ll pay for you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。例: They pay us every month.他们每月给我们报酬。(5)pay money back 还钱。例:May I borrow 12 yuan from you? I"ll pay it back next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。financen. 财政;金融;财源;资金 vt. 为…供给资金, 从事金融活动;赊货给…;掌握财政 名词n.1. 财政;金融;财政学[U]He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance.他凭着自己的理财本领得到了这个职位2. (对事业的)资金支援[U]3. (常用复数)财源;资金;(国家的)岁入;财务情况[P];资金供应The country"s finances have improved.这个国家财政状况改善了。及物动词 Vt1. 供资金给;融资,为...筹措资金Our project is adequately financed.我们的工程资金充足。2. 赊货给不及物动词 Vi 1. 筹措资金We are financing for the housing project.我们在为住宅计划筹措资金。

finance 与finances 的意思有什么区别?

财政;金融;财政学[U] 不可数 He got the position on the strength of his skill in finance. 他凭着自己的理财本领得到了这个职位。 (对事业的)资金支援[U] 财源;资金;(国家的)岁入;财务情况[P] 可数 The country"s finances have improved. 这个国家财政状况改善了。 明白了吗?


FINANCE(1) —— 流通市值x0dx0aFINANCE(2) —— 流通股本x0dx0aFINANCE(3) —— 总市值x0dx0aFINANCE(4) —— 每股未分配利润x0dx0aFINANCE(5) —— 每股收益x0dx0aFINANCE(6) —— 每股公积金x0dx0aFINANCE(7) —— 每股净资产x0dx0aFINANCE(8) —— 股东权益比x0dx0aFINANCE(9) —— 上市日期x0dx0aFINANCE(10) ——总股本x0dx0aFINANCE(11)—— 国家股x0dx0aFINANCE(12) ——发起人法人股x0dx0aFINANCE(13) ——法人股x0dx0aFINANCE(14) ——B股x0dx0aFINANCE(15) ——H股x0dx0aFINANCE(16) ——职工股x0dx0aFINANCE(17) ——流动资产x0dx0aFINANCE(18) ——固定资产x0dx0aFINANCE(19) ——无形资产x0dx0aFINANCE(20) ——长期投资x0dx0aFINANCE(21) ——流动负债x0dx0aFINANCE(22) ——长期负债x0dx0aFINANCE(23) ——资本公积金x0dx0aFINANCE(24) ——股东权益x0dx0aFINANCE(25) ——主营收入x0dx0aFINANCE(26) ——主营利益x0dx0aFINANCE(27) ——其它利益x0dx0aFINANCE(28) ——营业利益x0dx0aFINANCE(29) ——投资收益x0dx0aFINANCE(30) ——补贴收入x0dx0aFINANCE(31) ——营业外收支x0dx0aFINANCE(32) ——上年损益调整x0dx0aFINANCE(33) ——利益总额x0dx0aFINANCE(34) ——税后利益x0dx0aFINANCE(35) ——净利益x0dx0aFINANCE(36) ——未分配利益x0dx0aFINANCE(37) ——调整每股净资产x0dx0aFINANCE(38) ——总资产

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。

“财经系”可以用Finance来表示吗 只要一个单词表示.

如果用一个单词表示的话Finance可以. (就像会计学Accounting,大众传播学Communication一样) 如果没有要求用一个单词的话,“财经系”可以翻译为:Finance Department或者Department of Finance

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别

Finance金融 Accounting会计 金融和会计是应用学科,是要用理论指导来做具体得事的。就好像理论数学和应用数学一样。金融类的专业要学的是银行、保险、证券这些领域的知识,会计则是企业的财务方面,比如报表的制作,记帐,成本核算;会计也分很多种,财务会计,成本会计,财务管理等。经济是个大的类别,如果是“经济学”专业,那应该是侧重理论研究方向,如果再往上的研究生方向还会分得更细,比如西方经济学,政治经济学、国民经济学等。


现在分词是financing,过去式是financed,过去分词是financed,第三人称单数是finances,例如: 1.She has an executive position in a finance company.她是一家金融公司的领导层成员。 2.This savings plan is only available under the Finance Act 1990 and any regulations made thereunder.这项储蓄计划只根据《1990年金融法案》及其下设规定提供。 3.He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.他找了一份工作以赚钱支付在德国的费用。


finance的意思有如下:1、作名词意为:财政;金融;财源;资金。2、作动词意为:为…供给资金; 从事金融活动;赊货给…;掌握财政。finance的双语例句:1、In 2008 , the pain was in finance .在2008年,痛点是在金融业。2、The white house statement did not mention finance .白宫的声明中没有提到财政问题。3、In normal times finance is generally available .正常情况下是可以有资金提供的。4、Finance must not become too mighty or too proud .财务不应影响太大或过于夸大。5、I enjoyed accounting but finance was entirely more exciting .我喜欢会计学,但觉得金融学更刺激。

What Is Finance什么是金融

What Is Finance什么是金融?A---Finance的英文解释大致如下:Finance is a field that deals with the allocation of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. Finance can also be defined as the science of money management. A key point in finance is the time value of money, which states that purchasing power of one unit of currency can vary over time. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level and their expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub-categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance.大意:金融是处理资产和负债分配的领域,因不同时间段,其可处于确定性和不确定性条件之下。金融也可以定义为科学的资金管理。金融业的关键点是货币的时间价值,即基于一个货币单位的购买力可以随时间而变化。金融资产定价基于其风险级别和其预期的收益率的目的。金融可以划分为三个不同的子类别: 公共财政、 企业融资和个人理财。B-----金融的汉语词语界定:金融指货币的发行、流通和回笼,贷款的发放和收回,存款的存入和提取,汇兑的往来等经济活动。 金融(FIN)就是对现有资源进行重新整合之后,实现价值和利润的等效流通。(专业的说法是:实行从储蓄到投资的过程,狭义的可以理解为金融是动态的货币经济学。)

finace 是什么意思?

finance n. 财政,财政学;金融 | vt. 负担经费,... 短语Finace Specialist 财务专员 internal finace 内部资金 Finace department 财务部


FINANCE(1) ―― 流通市值FINANCE(2) ―― 流通股本FINANCE(3) ―― 总市值FINANCE(4) ―― 每股未分配利润FINANCE(5) ―― 每股收益FINANCE(6) ―― 每股公积金FINANCE(7) ―― 每股净资产FINANCE(8) ―― 股东权益比FINANCE(9) ―― 上市日期FINANCE(10) ――总股本FINANCE(11)―― 国家股FINANCE(12) ――发起人法人股FINANCE(13) ――法人股FINANCE(14) ――B股FINANCE(15) ――H股FINANCE(16) ――职工股FINANCE(17) ――流动资产FINANCE(18) ――固定资产FINANCE(19) ――无形资产FINANCE(20) ――长期投资FINANCE(21) ――流动负债FINANCE(22) ――长期负债FINANCE(23) ――资本公积金FINANCE(24) ――股东权益FINANCE(25) ――主营收入FINANCE(26) ――主营利益FINANCE(27) ――其它利益FINANCE(28) ――营业利益FINANCE(29) ――投资收益FINANCE(30) ――补贴收入FINANCE(31) ――营业外收支FINANCE(32) ――上年损益调整FINANCE(33) ――利益总额FINANCE(34) ――税后利益FINANCE(35) ――净利益FINANCE(36) ――未分配利益FINANCE(37) ――调整每股净资产FINANCE(38) ――总资产

Finance 和 Accounting 有什么区别?

你对问题的描述关注在企业内,那就用企业语言来回答: 部门叫做 Finance department。 有点规模之后,这个部门下面还能再细分成几个职能单元: Acconting, Treasury, Reporting & analysis, Accounting 直接关注簿记,总账啊费用啊等分录和纸片片。有的大公司的话把Billing, AR, TAX 从 Accounting 里面拆出来,和Accounting 一样的职能级别。 Treasure 关注流动的钞子,进进出出左拆右挡。


FINANCE(1)总股本(股)总股本(随时间可能有变化)INANCE(2) 市场类型用法同SETCODEFINANCE(3) 深沪品种类型0:指数,1:A股主板,2:中小板,3:创业板,4:三板,5:B股,6:债券,7:基金,8:权证,9:其它,10:非沪深品种FINANCE(4) 沪深行业代码沪深品种通达信二级行业代码FINANCE(5) B 股FINANCE(6) H 股FINANCE(7) 流通股本(股)流通股本(随时间可能有变化)FINANCE(8) 股东人数(户)(上市公司的最新数据)FINANCE(9) 资产负债率%即:(总资产-净资产-少数股东权益)/总资产*100FINANCE(10) 总资产FINANCE(11) 流动资产FINANCE(12) 固定资产FINANCE(13) 无形资产FINANCE(15) 流动负债FINANCE(16) 少数股东权益FINANCE(17) 资本公积金FINANCE(18) 每股公积金FINANCE(19) 股东权益 ( 净资产 )FINANCE(20) 营业收入FINANCE(21) 营业成本FINANCE(22) 应收帐款FINANCE(23) 营业利润FINANCE(24) 投资收益FINANCE(25) 经营现金流量FINANCE(26) 总现金流量FINANCE(27) 存货FINANCE(28) 利润总额FINANCE(29) 税后利润FINANCE(30) 净利润FINANCE(31) 未分配利润FINANCE(32) 每股未分配利润FINANCE(33) 每股收益 ( 全年折算 )每股收益(折算为全年收益),对于沪深品种有效FINANCE(34) 每股净资产FINANCE(35) 季报中调整后的每股净资产FINANCE(36) 股东权益比FINANCE(37) 第几季报第几期季度报告,1为一季报,2为中报,3为三季报,4为年报FINANCE(38) 每股收益(最近一期季报)FINANCE(40) 流通市值FINANCE(41) AB股总市值FINANCE(42) 上市的天数FINANCE(43) 利润同比%净利润同比增长率FINANCE(44) 收入同比%主营收入同比增长率FINANCE(45) 股息率%FINANCE(46) 自由流通股本(股) 流通股本中减去占5%以上股份的部分FINANCE(49) 今日权息标识今日权息标识 0:无 1:分红 2:送转股 3:分红+送转股 4:配股FINANCE(50) 是否属于沪深300FINANCE(51) 是否含可转债FINANCE(52) 是否为融资融券标的FINANCE(53) 每股股息(港股,美股)FINANCE(60) 行权比例(权证,期权)FINANCE(61) 行权价(权证,期权)FINANCE(62) 杠杆比率(权证,期权)杠杆比率(权证,期权),实际杠杆比率为FINANCE(62)*FINANCE(68)FINANCE(63) 内在价值(权证,期权)FINANCE(64) 溢价率(权证,期权)FINANCE(65) 时间价值(权证,期权)FINANCE(66) 剩余天数(期货,期权)FINANCE(67) 合约乘数(期权)FINANCE(68) Delta对冲值(权证,期权)FINANCE(69) 认购认沽类型(股票期权),0表示是认购,1表示是认沽




He is a well-known expert in finance.他是知名的金融专家。The Chancellor of the Exchequer is the minister in charge of finance in Britain.英国财政大臣是负责财政的大臣。Unless we can get more finance, we"ll have to close the store.除非我们能得到更多的资金,我们将不得不关闭这家商店。


finance的意思是:n. 财政,财政学;金融vt. 负担经费,供给…经费vi. 筹措资金n. (Finance)人名;(法)菲南斯短语:Public finance 公共财政 ; 财政学 ; 财政 ; 公共金融学Finance ministry 财政部 ; 财务部 ; 财政部Mathematical finance 金融数学 ; 数理金融学 ; 数学金融 ; 数理金融例:The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.该基金大部分已用于资助联邦监狱的建造


financen.金融; 财政; 资金; 财源; vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动; 赊货给…; 掌握财政; 第三人称单数:finances现在进行时:financing过去式:financed过去分词:financed













你好!为什么我打开秘密潜入以后 嘟的一声后黑屏。什么都没有了。?我的邮箱


关于Tina turner的歌 求歌词

1.Tina Turner - Let"s Stay Together Let me say that since Since we"ve been together ohh Loving you forever Is all I need Let me be the one you come running to I"ll never be untrue Let"s, let"s stay together Loving you whether, whether Times are good or bad, happy or sad I"m so in love with you Whatever you want to do Is alright with me You make me feel so brand new I want to spend my whole life with you Let me say that, since Since we"ve been together oh Loving you forever Is all I need Let me be the one you come running to I"ll never be untrue Let"s, let"s stay together Loving you whether, whether Times are good or bad, happy or sad Why, oh tell me, why do people break up Turn around and make up I just can"t see You"d never do that to me, would you baby? Cause being around you is all I see So baby let"s we all stay together Loving you whether, whether Times are good or bad, happy or sad ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.Tina Turner - Help when i was younger so much younger than today i never needed anybodies help in any way and now those days are gone i`m not so self assured and now i find i`ve changed my mind i`ve opened up the doors [ chorus ] help me if you can i`m feeling down and i do appreciate you being `round oh help me if you can i`m feeling down won`t you please, please help me and now my life has changed in oh so many ways my independence seems to vanish in the haze and every now and then i feel so insecure and now i just need you like i never did before [ chorus ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3.Tina Turner - Simply The Best I call you when I need you, my heart"s on fire You come to me, come to me wild and wild When you come to me Give me everything I need Give me a lifetime of promises and a world of dreams Speak a language of love like you know what it means And it can"t be wrong Take my heart and make it strong baby You"re simply the best, better than all the rest Better than anyone, anyone I"ve ever met I"m stuck on your heart, and hang on every word you say Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead In your heart I see the star of every night and every day In your eyes I get lost, I get washed away Just as long as I"m here in your arms I could be in no better place You"re simply the best, better than all the rest Better than anyone, anyone I"ve ever met I"m stuck on your heart, and hang on every word you say Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead Each time you leave me I start losing control You"re walking away with my heart and my soul I can feel you even when I"m alone Oh baby, don"t let go ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4.Tina Turner - Better Be Good To Me A prisoner of your love Entangled in your web Hot whispers in the night I"m captured by your spell Oh yes I"m touched by this show of emotion Should I be fractured by your lack of devotion Should I, should I? You better be good to me That"s how it"s gotta be now Cause I don"t have no use For what you losely call the truth You better be good to me I think it"s also right That we don"t need to fight We stand face to face And you present your case And I know you keep telling me that you love me And I really do wanna believe But did you think I"d just accept you in blind faith Oh sure babe, anything to please you You better be good to me That"s how it"s gotta be now Cause I don"t have the time For your over loaded lines You better be good to me And I really don"t see why it"s so hard to be good to me And I don"t understand what"s your plan that you can"t be good to me What I can"t feel I surely cannot see, why can"t you be good to me And if it"s not real I do not wish to see, why can"t you be good to me

Criminal Record declaration

更新1: how do you expunge your criminal record? Expungement is a US term. In the States one have to file a civil law suit called expungement to seal or destroy one"s criminal records. However that is not the case in the UK or Hong Kong. According to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance (or the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act in the UK) once three years have lapsed and the other 2 requirements are satisfied it is automatic that people need not declare their record in circumstances like job applications. Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance s.2:Protection of rehabilitated individual Cap 297 s 2 Protection of rehabilitated individual1) Where-(a)an individual has been convicted in Hong Kong (before or after themencement of this Ordinance) of an offence in respect of which hewas not sentenced to imprisonment exceeding 3 months or to a fineexceeding $10000; (b) he has not been convicted in Hong Kong on any earlier day of an offence; and (c) a period of 3 years has elapsed without that individual being again convicted in Hong Kong of an offence then-(i)subject to section 3(3) and (4) no evidence shall be admissible in anyproceedings which tends to show that that individual was so convictedin Hong Kong; (ii)any question asked of that individual or any other person relating to or any obligation imposed on that individual or any other person todisclose that individual"s previous convictions offences conduct orcircumstances shall be treated as not referring to that conviction; and (iii)that conviction or any failure to disclose it shall not be a lawful orproper ground for di *** issing or excluding that individual from anyoffice profession occupation or employment or for prejudicing him inany way in that office profession occupation or employment. Forthe Ordinance to apply the three requirements (no imprisonment formore than 3 months no previous conviction 3 years) must be satisfied. You do not need to take positive steps to expunge your records in Hong Kong. any one can help! Need Help ! Obstructing police officer in the exercise of power conferred under Road Taffic Ordinace need help from solictor but so expensive ( HK cannot find any help ? ) 参考: ask advice and information The criminal record will not go away automatically. IF you have mited a crime before you must expunge your records in order for it not to show up on your background check. Even after 3 years you still have to declare your record unless you had done expungement on it.

criminal conviction that is not spent 这里的spent是什么意思


求胜利之歌第一季中victoria justice唱的finally falling的歌词

"Finally Falling"(feat. Avan Jogia)[Victoria]Suddenly, my choice is clear.[Both]I knew when only you and I were standing here.[Avan]And beautiful, is all I see.[Both]It"s only you, I know it"s true. It has to be.[Victoria]Well that money isn"t worth a thing, if you didn"t earn it, you don"t deserve it.True love doesn"t cost a thing and if you try to buy it, you can"t return it.[Background Singers]No no oh oh![Victoria]Your friends are doing all the same things!And my friends are, look at what you"re missing![Both]Well it doesn"t matter if we change their minds![Chorus:][Both]Suddenly I can see what I didn"t before!And I don"t care what they say anymore!"Cause I"m falling, falling! (Falling)Finally falling, falling! (Falling)[Victoria]Well I don"t need all the finer things, diamond rings and nothing.So show me something."Cause love is all I need, all I ever wanted.And now I got it.[Background Singers]Yeah yeah yeah![Victoria]My friends are wondering what you"re thinking!And your friends are probably thinking the same thing![Both]But it doesn"t matter if we change their minds![Chorus:][Both]Suddenly I can see what I didn"t before!And I don"t care what they say anymore!"Cause I"m falling, falling! (Falling)Finally falling, falling! (Falling)[Victoria]If you can"t find love when you"re in it.Don"t forget it.It would change your mind once you get it.Don"t you get it?"Cause we did it.Yeah we did it.Well we did it.[Chorus:][Both]Suddenly I can see what I didn"t before!And I don"t care what they say anymore!"Cause I"m falling, falling! (Falling)Finally falling, falling! (Falling)[Chorus:][Both]Suddenly I can see what I didn"t before!And I don"t care what they say anymore!"Cause I"m falling, falling! (Falling)Finally falling falling![Both]Finally falling, falling! (Falling)Finally falling, falling! (Falling)


1. 铜锣湾 sogo 2. 上环永安百货 3. 太古城APITA 4. 康怡花园吉之岛 5. 尖沙咀SOGO 6. 尖沙咀海港城FACES 7. 尖沙咀新世界百货 8. 旺角新世纪广场先施 9. 旺角朗豪坊西武 10.旺角永安PLUS 11.黄埔吉之岛 12.沙田西田 13.屯门吉之岛 14.大埔吉之岛 15.荃湾千色 16.马鞍山千色 17.元朗千色 Sofina Hk 参考: 专柜:Sogo(铜锣湾and尖沙咀) 屈臣氏(胡社生行and雅兰商场) JUSCO(康怡 乐富 黄埔 大埔 屯门) 千色(荃湾 元朗 马鞍山) 永安(上环and弥敦道) 西田百货 新世纪广场(先施) APITA(太古城) 新世界中心 FACES 朗豪坊。 专门店:德福2期320-321 青衣城221 将军澳东港城199I。 alblanc.sofina/ 参考: u can check the address in this web site

英文中我国地名、人名注音应用汉语拼音,但“China、tibet、Inner Mongolia ”等没有使用

我觉得上面解释还不错!其实这些都没有规定的,那些都是外国根据我们读音来音译成这样的词语的。而且有些比较出名而且影响比较广的,国际上都有比较正式的书面表达形式,像扬子江(长江)就应该用the yangtze river

ordinary income是什么意思?

ordinary income的意思是普通收入,ordinary普通的,income收入。


非洲Zambia 赞比亚Zimbabwe 津巴布韦

Lovers donu2019t finally meet somewhere. Theyu2019re in each other all along.

十分钟内有问必答立即下载Lovers don"t finally meet somewhere. They"re in each other all along.

解释一下经济中的“最终需求(final demand)”和“派生需求(derived demand)”






安集科技在Semicon China 2023上展示了哪些新品?


东南大学 Seminar课程




WINAMP 中的pacemaker插件 降多少是唱卡拉OK时降的一个调在这里面找下对你会有帮助的

在校园广播内经常听到的一些英文歌,而且是经典的,和《china girl》《the day wen



淘汰 - 陈奕迅词:周杰伦曲:周杰伦我说了 所有的谎你全都相信简单的 我爱你你却老不信你书里的剧情我不想上演因为我喜欢 喜剧收尾我试过 完美放弃的确很踏实醒来了梦散了你我都走散了就算我是K歌之王也不见得把 爱情唱得完美只能说我输了也许是你怕了我们的回忆 没有皱褶你却用离开烫下句点只能说我认了你的不安赢得你信任我却得到你 安慰的淘汰我试过完美放弃的确很踏实醒来了梦散了你我都走散了就算我是K歌之王也不见得把 爱情唱得完美只能说我输了也许是你怕了我们的回忆 没有皱褶你却用离开烫下句点只能说我认了你的不安赢得的信任我却得到你 安慰的淘汰只能说我输了也许是你怕了我们的回忆 没有皱褶你却用离开烫下句点只能说我认了你的不安赢得的信任我却得到你 安慰的淘汰

Take Me Away(original) 歌词中文!


determinant可数吗?evidence呢?tax可数吗(看到pay tax to和pay taxes to两种用法)

(1) determinant=可数; (a) The social determinants of health are the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age, including the health system. (b) The beginnings of matrices and determinants goes back to the second century BC although traces can be seen back to the fourth century BC. (c) A determinant is a special kind of matrix, one that has a numerical value. The value of a matrix may be 3, for example. We write a determinant with vertical lines.(d) The recursive definition also works for 2 × 2 determinants, if we define the...(2) evidence=不可数; 单数/复数相同.(a) Evidence in its broadest sense includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion.(b) A thing or things helpful in forming a conclusion or judgment: The broken window was evidence that a burglary had taken place. Scientists weigh the evidence...(c) 极少用"evidences" : "Intro to Ashby Camp"s rebuttal of Douglas Theobald"s ""29 Evidences for Macroevolution""...(3) tax=可数; tax, taxes (多类型的税)(a) a tax on our resources(b) a cut in tax on new cars(c) "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" [Benjamin Franklin](d) The continual noise was a tax on her nerves.(e) "Read my lips: no new taxes" [George Bush speech during election campaign - later, he raised taxes]

Tina Turner的《Goldeneye》 歌词

歌曲名:Goldeneye歌手:Tina Turner专辑:Top of the Pops 1995Tina Turner - Goldeneyeee reflections on the waterMore than darkness in the depthsSee him surface and never a shadowOn the wind I feel his breathGolden eye, I found his weaknessGolden eye, he"ll do what I pleaseGolden eye, no time for sweetnessBut a bitter kiss will bring him to his kneesYou"ll never know, how I watched you from the shadows as a childYou"ll never know, how it feels to be the one who"s left behindYou"ll never know the days and the nights, the tears, the tears I"ve criedBut now my time has come and time, time is not on your sideSee him move through smoke and mirrorsFeel his presence in the crowdOther girls they gather around himIf I had him I wouldn"t let him outGolden eye, not lace or leatherGolden chain, take him to the spotGolden eye, I"ll show him foreverIt will take forever to see what I"ve gotYou"ll never know, how I watched you from the shadows as a childYou"ll never know, how it feels to get so close and be deniedIt"s a gold and honey trap, I"ve got for you tonightRevenge is a kiss this time I won"t miss, now I"ve got you in my sightWith a golden eyeGolden, golden eyeWith a golden eyeGolden eye

Dina Carroll的《So Close》 歌词

歌曲名:So Close歌手:Dina Carroll专辑:The CollectionI"m so secureYou"re here with me.You stay the sameYour love remainshere in my heart.(Chorus)So close I believeYou"re holding me now,in Your hands I belong.You"ll never let me go;So close I believeYou"re holding me nowin Your hands I belong,You"ll never let me go.You gave Your lifeand Your endless love.You set me free& show the waynow I am found(Chorus)So close I believeYou"re holding me now,in Your hands I belong.You"ll never let me go;So close I believeYou"re holding me nowin Your hands I belong,You"ll never let me go.(Bridge)All along You were beside meeven when I couldn"t telland through the yearsYou showed me more of Youmore of You(Chorus)So close I believeYou"re holding me now,in Your hands I belong.You"ll never let me go;So close I believeYou"re holding me nowin Your hands I belong,You"ll never let me go.So close I believeYou"re holding me now,in Your hands I belong.You"ll never let me go;So close I believeYou"re holding me nowin Your hands I belong,You"ll never let me go.



今年的chinajoy官方规定show girl有什么新要求?


谁知道Trinah专辑<Rainwatcher>中Take My Hand的歌词? 万分感谢!

Artist: Dewey CoxAlbum: Walk HardTitle: Take my hand∮歌词编辑:DDaniel 4 Lucy∮∮∮Take, take my handWe"re gonna walk through the parkI promise to have you home before darkOh, life would be so sweetWalking with you down the streetOh, baby, come on and take my handDon"t you know I like you, you"re pretty and niceWalking with you would be paradiseSharing the moment me and you, walking down the avenueSo please, take my handYou know I know you canSo please take my handIt"s alright if you"re coyAfter all, I"m a boyand you"re a girlbut make no mistakeYour"s is the hand I want to takeSo please, take my handYou know I know you canSo please take my handCome and walk with meand please take my hand






(Yeah) Ladies, (Yeah) Have you eva had a thang for somebody And it was just so deep And you wanted to tell him so bad But you just couldn"t find the words? Listen... (Chorus: Keyshia Cole) I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow I wanna get to know ya Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin I gotta thang for you (For you) I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow I wanna get to know ya Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin I gotta thang for you, Baby you know (Verse 1: Trina) I gotta thang for you and it hurts me Cause Im holdin back im so thirsty When I open wide, you betta work inside But promise that you wont hurt me wit Here we go, (here we go again) Cause I aint got time for lies This time aint lookin (for a friend) I need a man thats gon wine & dine me Everytime you look you find me Bellhoppin he buyin me And plus he all mine see He Brad Pitt, im Jolie When we together we always sing (K-I-S-S-I-N-G) I gotta thang for you so how you feel bout me? Ahh... (Chorus: Keyshia Cole) I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow I wanna get to know ya Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin I gotta thang for you I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow I wanna get to know ya Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin I gotta thang for you, Baby you know (Verse 2: Trina) Damn you got me wide open And I know you sayin that im jokin Cause tha boys in tha past, they just couldn"t last But for some reason I think u been chosen (Heaven sent, don"t wanna walk away) Just hold me tightly up in your arms And tell me (everyday) That you aint neva gon leave me heartbroke Promise to give a good long stroke Boy this forreal and this aint no joke Thought I was dreamin but I kno im woke What you done did that got me so gone Feels so right that this cant be wrong Hangin up and right back callin yo phone Cause I go crazy when I hear ya voice tone... Ahh... (Bridge: Keyshia Cole) And you know... I cant wait to see your face again (Again boy) And you know... Im hopin we can work this thing out ("cause) Everytime that Im alone Im thinkin bout us and where we could be Thats how I kno I gotta a thang For you baby, yeah you know (Chorus: Keyshia Cole) I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow I wanna get to know ya (Wanna get to kno you) Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin (boy listen to what Im sayin) I gotta thang for you (Hey) I gotta thang for you baby you know Don"t wanna take it slow (yeah) I wanna get to know ya Don"t wanna play no games, listen to what Im sayin I gotta thang for you, Baby you know (the way you love me) The way you love me, the way you love me The way you touch me, the way you touch me The way you love me, the way you love me The way you touch me, the way you touch me

Trina的 Here We Go的歌词意思~或者是翻译~或者是含义~

呵呵,想得到的here we go的用法有两种:1。鼓舞型:比如你的车子发动不起来了,鼓捣许久后,成功,"Here we go!"2。泄气型:比如你刚刚坐过山车坐得头晕眼花,你朋友一定要你陪他再坐一次,你可以叹道:"Here we go again..."如果在1.中是你朋友帮你发动的车,他可以说 "There you go!"直译当然是"(让我们)走吧,出发,开始(干)",但在具体句子里要看上下文.

trina michaels是谁

Trina Michaels是一位演员,出生于1983年1月13日,代表作品为《Akhe"s Movies》。

trina solar什么意思

trina solar天合光能双语对照例句:1.Earlier this year trina solar, a chinese firm, abandoned plans for a big new silicon plant. 今年早些时候天合光能(trina solar)一家中国公司,放弃了一项新的大型硅生产车间的计划。2.In this aspect, top-tier chinese manufacturers such as suntech, yingli and trina solar havean advantage because of their brand recognition and lower cost base. 在这方面,由于品牌认知度和较低的成本基础,无锡尚德、英利(yingli)和天合光能(trinasolar)等顶级中国制造商拥有优势。

寻找Trina的Wish I never met you的歌词

Shonie:i wish i never met you boooy and its killin me to kno that i cant have you in my world i wish i never met you boooy if i can turn back time ill make it so you my booo i wish i never met you boooy everytime im wit my man all i do is sit and think of you dont wanna feel the way i feel about you Trina: when we first got together saw us chillin forever a life time bestfriend for worse or for better then you switched the weather sunshine to clouds i found a condom in your dresser and you kno how we get down you fuckin clown now i wish i never met you i shoulda listened to mamma she said you wasnt nuthin special so now its to the left to the left and everthing you own is on the prch nigga step and tell me wat would you do if you were in my shoes would you make it work or would you wanna choose between the one you love and between the one you wit cuz thats just how it is Chorus:i wish i never met you boooy and its killin me to kno that i cant have you in my world i wish i never met you boooy if i can turn back time ill make it so you my booo i wish i never met you boooy everytime im wit my man all i do is sit and think of you dont wanna feel the way i feel about you Trina: maybe im trippin or i just cant figure you out one night you say you love the next night you flippin out but you can bounce you kno i dont need a man im sorry i met you i could do bad by my damn self i cant let you disrespect me im a queen and all my real boss chicks kno wat i mean i bet you still trickin you aint learned ya lesson now let me check ya text messages and tell me Shonie:wat would you do if you were in my shoes would you make it work or would you wanna choose between the one you love and between the one you wit cuz thats just how it is Chorus:i wish i never met you boooy and its killin me to kno that i cant have you in my world i wish i never met you boooy if i can turn back time ill make it so you my booo i wish i never met you boooy everytime im wit my man all i do is sit and think of you dont wanna feel the way i feel about you Shonie: picture me and you together everything about you made my whole body shiver its yooou i want in my world its yooou that i adore said i picture me and you together everything about you made my whole body quiver its yooou i want in my world its yooou that i adore wat would you do if you were in my shoes would you make it work or would you wanna choose between the one you love and between the one you wit cuz thats just how it is Chorus:i wish i never met you boooy and its killin me to kno that i cant have you in my world i wish i never met you boooy if i can turn back time ill make it so you my booo i wish i never met you boooy everytime im wit my man all i do is sit and think of you dont wanna feel the way i feel about you...................... if i can turn back time ill make it so you my booo i wish i never met you boooy everytime im wit my man all i do is sit and think of you

Trina的《shake》 歌词

歌曲名:shake歌手:Trina专辑:glamorest life彩冷える - shake作词:葵作曲:梦人仄暗いlightに 踊る烟 怪しいフロアすくむ足で踏み込む 怖い だけど 思いは止まらない细くしなやかな 指が织り成す苦くセクシーな マティーニのようにためらう気持ちも shakeされたなら勇気を奋えるかな心夺われた その瞳に わたしだけを映したい见た目から入る出逢いでも 运命だって信じてる友达に连れられ あの日あなたに 酔いはじめてからドラマティックな展开 いつもいつも 梦见てしまうの细くしなやかな 指に触れたくてコースターの裏 书いたアドレス早くしないと 渗んでいく文字グラス倾け 饮み干したふわふわと揺れる あなたは ほら 笑颜で手を差し伸べてるわたしはその気になって 差し出す 丸いlove letter耻ずかしさ溢れ 逃げるように 夜のタクシー飞び乗って浮かんでは消えるwindowに 映るわたし 昙り颜鸣らない电话眺め 问い合わせては ため息小刻みに 増えるメーターの数字は あなたとの距离终わり

Trina的《Take Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Take Me歌手:Trina专辑:Da Baddest B***HTake Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away


英语的话:[trina] 意大利语的话:[tlina] 没有重音~就当是在前面咯.是个名字,人名,有款香水也叫这个,没有意思~

the final countdown钢琴几级

没有说必须多少级才可以弹,四级以上都可以。钢琴级别一共分为十级,一级是认识全键盘的音准,基本的弹奏方法,掌握八分音符的基本节奏。二级是比较熟练的认识中音区音符,会简单的十六分音符组合。三级是认识全键盘音符,能准确的弹奏拍号乐曲。四级是正确并熟练识谱,需要把十六分音符里的节奏全部掌握。五级是三十二分音符的节奏要全部掌握,还能够弹奏三级以内的乐谱。六级是能够熟练弹奏四能以内的乐谱,要完全掌握所有节奏,并对作曲规律有一个的认识。七级是能熟练弹奏所有节奏,具有技巧性地弹奏,掌握作曲的基本规律。八级是能够准确快速的技巧性学习,对简单的和声创作有一定的认识。九级是五升五降的五线谱能任意大小调节,并进行二十个大小调的即兴伴奏。十级级独立弹奏不同风格乐曲,并且能独立的处理作品和分析作品,熟练弹奏二十四个小调音阶。《the final countdown(最后倒计时,最后倒数)》是1986年2月14日发行,Europe乐队创作并演唱的一首瑞典歌曲。Europe乐队1981年成立于瑞典.起初乐队名字叫"Force"(力量).由核心成员Joey Tempest(主唱)、John Norum(吉他) 和John Leven(贝斯)组成。

the final countdown 是什么意思?

我们正在离开连同 但它的告别 也许我们会回来的, 地球,谁可以告诉吗? 我猜想,有没有人责怪 我们正在离开地面(离开地面) 将东西永远是一样的吗? 它的最后倒计时。 最后的倒计时。 哦,我们正在前往金星(维纳斯) 和我们仍巍然屹立 事业,也许他们看到了我们 并欢迎大家,嗯 有这么多光年去 与东西被发现(待发现) 我确信,我们将怀念她,使 它的最后倒计时。 最后的倒计时。 最后倒数计时(最后倒数计时) 。 哦...哦 最后的倒计时。 哦...哦 它的最后倒计时。 最后的倒计时。 最后的倒计时。 (最后倒数计时) 它的最后倒数计时 我们正在离开连同 最后倒数计时 我们将怀念她,使 它的最后倒数计时(最后倒数计时) 哦,它的最后倒数计时



The final countdown 歌词

歌曲名:The final countdown歌手:Europe专辑:The Very Best Of Pop Music 1985-1986Artist: EuropeAlbum: Final CountdownTitle: The Final CountdownWe"re leaving together,But still it"s farewellAnd maybe we"ll come back,To earth, who can tell?I guess there is no one to blameWe"re leaving groundWill things ever be the same again?It"s the final countdown...We"re heading for Venus and still we stand tallCause maybe they"ve seen us and welcome us allWith so many light years to go and things to be foundI"m sure that we"ll all miss her so.It"s the final countdown...

workshop, forum 和seminar的意思与区别?

in common usage (USA) seminar is very similar to lectures, that there is one lecturer providing info and the audience is more passive. They just listen.A forum is like a discussion panel, there may be a group of main speakers sitting around a table discussing issues mutually. Open discussions with the audience is very common too.Workshop, sometimes is a overly-hyped word. But it could mean a seminar, with the typical lecturer and audience. In addition, there will be planned exercises and activities that the audience could do during the workshop to get them more involved.

求翻译啊啊~The dominant American culture is English-speaking,



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