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China people和Chinese people哪个对?

Chinese people对 这里,chinese是形容词,也就是“中国的人”. 但是chinese本身也就含有“中国人”的意思. 所以,如果是在写作中,建议你直接用“Chinese”,无论是China people还是Chinese people都不是外国的惯用法. 你也可以说“people in China”.



nina ricci的香水 成都哪里有卖


北京哪有卖NINA RICCI莲娜丽姿.比翼双飞那款香水?


关于NINA 香水 有朋友从香港八卦我带了一瓶 感觉不错 很适合20-30岁的女孩 想知道 这个品牌共有多少款香

很多呢 这个品牌算是有点历史的品牌了1 1946 Coeur Joie (喜悦之心)2 1947 Eau De Coeur Joie3 1948 L"Air du Temps-Flacon Soleil 4 1948 Rouge Fluide5 1951 L"Air du Temps (比翼双飞)6 1952 Fille d"Eve7 1961 Capricci (玫瑰之吻)8 1965 Mademoiselle Ricci9 1966 Signoricci Ricci (狮神男性香水)10 1971 Bigarade11 1974 Farouche (少女心)12 1975 Signoricci 213 1982 Fleur de Fleurs (花中花)14 1984 Phileas (菲利亚斯男性香水)15 1987 Nina (爱心)16 1989 Ricci Club (丽茜俱乐部男性香水)17 1994 Deci Dela (幸福女人)18 1996 Les Belles De Ricci: Liberte acidulee (绝色狂恋/绿色精灵/叶绿公主/淘气精灵)19 1999 Les Belles De Ricci: Amour d"Amandier; (绝色浪漫/蓝色精灵/绝色精灵/深蓝公主)20 1999Les Belles De Ricci: Delice d"Epices (绝色艳遇/黄色精灵)21 2000 Les Belles De Ricci: Belle de Minuit (午夜精灵)22 2001 Premier Jour (晨曦/曙光)23 2002 Memoire d"Homme (往日情怀男性香水)24 2004 Les Belles De Ricci:Cherry Fantasy (淘气精灵——樱花之恋)25 2004 Love in Paris (爱在巴黎)26 2006 Nina (甜心苹果)27 2009 Ricci Ricci这是官网上的历年Nina的香水,但是除此之外她家有的年份还有限量或纪念版的香水,比如2006年L"Air du Temps Colombes Couleur(天堂鸟)和2007年的L"Eau du Temps by Nina Ricci。2009年Nina Ricci推出了三款Nina(苹果系列)的限量香水,分别是Nina的金色版(金苹果),施华洛世奇纪念版(紫苹果), 绿苹果。大概就是这样了,如果楼主需要香调或前中后味,请在补充问题里说明我会尽量找给你。

Nina Ricci是什么牌子 要多少钱大概

1883年Nina Ricci出生于意大利,儿时的她就已经对服装倾心神往。凭着对服装的热爱与执着,Nina Ricci在18岁便开始主持一间设计室的工作,她服装以别致的外观、古典且极度女性化的风格深受优雅而富有的淑女青睐,赢得了良好声誉。1932年,失去丈夫的Nina Ricci在儿子的再三鼓励下,成立了以自己的名字命名的时装公司。成立公司之后,有着二十多年工作经验的Nina Ricci主要负责服装的设计创作。她研制出“立体剪裁”法,也就是直接把布缠在模特身上进行剪裁,因此被誉为划时代的“服饰雕刻家”。 Nina Ricci的设计极度强调女性化的线条设计,充满女性味。她以利落明快的精巧线条配合精致细腻的手工,流露出高雅独特的设计品位,同时运用新古典和巴洛克主义的风格与魅力,成功地塑造出女性妩媚卓越的形象。现在Nina Ricci是巴黎五大“Haute Couture高级订制服装”的品牌之一。Nina Ricci以相当特殊而雅致的细部表现,使服装获得了最大限度的轻便,当穿着者在行走或跳舞时,衣服不会妨碍人的行动。细部处理也相当女性化,如褶皱、缝裥、悬垂、露肩和贴身等设计,深受女性顾客的好评。除女装之外,Nina Ricci男装同样是品质的保证,无论是西服套装,还是T恤、衬衣,都选用精细上乘的面料,别具匠心的古典风味,不遗余力地体现在其精湛的剪裁及个性化的饰品上。 Nina Ricci的彩妆与香水也是十分知名的。Nina Ricci的化妆品与保养品讲究的是让使用者达到完美的肤色,造型独特的产品包装更是收藏家的最爱。香水系列中,Nina Ricci共有10余种男、女用香水。因为每一瓶香水都有近100种成分组合,瓶身也是透过名师共同合作的心血结晶,因此在70年代甚至有一项市场调查报告指出,平均每一秒钟就有一瓶Nina Ricci香水在世界的某个角落售出。 Nina Ricci,一个能够运用高品质、中价位,选材以传统材料为主,却在图案、手工以及滚边修饰方面有着傲人成就的品牌,都因为她特有的怡美与秀气而十分适合东方人的气质,要选择Nina Ricci的产品不妨从围巾、披肩、皮带等经典配件入手,感受来自巴黎的典雅华贵。




莲娜丽姿一般指nina ricci。 莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)创于1932年,以服饰起家,以香水闻名于世。Nina Ricci的品牌创立者是出生于意大利的Nina Ricci,她是30年代巴黎最杰出的服装设计师之一。

NINA RICCI莲娜丽姿情迷巴黎女用淡香水适用于大年龄的女性?


Xvid1.1.3 final uninstall是什么软件


求翻译高手。这是一段关于Nina Ricci这个时装品牌在2011巴黎秋冬时装周秀场的一个相关描述。

If you cast your mind back over the last month and a half of awards shows, a dress that really stands out is the one Nicole Kidman wore to the Screen Actors Guild Awards, a navy number with a low-cut black lace back from Nina Ricci"s Peter Copping. 如果你把你的思想回超过上个月半的颁奖,一件衣服是很突出妮可·基德曼戴着美国演员工会奖,一名海军字号并上黑色饰带芭蕾舞回来;是彼得作为反。 It captured the essence of the brand that Copping has called his own for two years now: unapologetically feminine and hopelessly romantic, yet with a modern spark. 扣押的品牌的本质作为召他自己的2年了:unapologetically女性和不可救药的浪漫,但是带着现代火花。 For Fall he didn"t verge from his established path, but the collection seemed to be rendered with a more confident hand. 他没有边缘秋季从他的确定的路线,但集似乎与一个更有自信之手。 The red-carpet coup may have helped that, but so did what Copping called strong orders for his pre-fall collection. 可能帮助了隆重的政变,但那有什么了不起,什么叫强烈的订单作为他pre-fall收藏。 As other designers have done this season, he used his pre-collection as a template for Fall. 作为其他设计师做了这个赛季,他用pre-collection像一个模板,以下降。 The stretchy fabric of Kidman"s midnight blue gown rematerialized in the light blue of a long-sleeve day dress with a gathered neckline, and the pre-season"s bouclé tweed was cut into a perfectly imperfect skirtsuit and a slightly oversize robe coat. 织物的弹性的蓝色长袍rematerialized午夜基德曼在淡蓝色的裙子,一天件长袖聚集领口,和季前的boucle斜纹软呢被分割成一个完全不完美的skirtsuit柔顺,回味略特大型袍的外套。 Oversize because Copping"s point of departure this season was portraiture, and he designed that coat and others after an artist"s model"s studio robe. 因为作为特大型的起点本赛季只不过是写照,他设计的大衣和他人艺术模特工作室袍。 Sargent"s Madame X was on his mood board and it inspired a black velvet gown in the famous painting"s image; the lace insets are what made it new. clic救助罹患癌症儿童基金的夫人X是在他的心情板和这足以激励一个黑丝绒礼服在著名的绘画形象;花边的小图是什么事新的。 Cecil Beaton"s equally well known 1948 shot of Charles James" evening gowns was also pinned to the wall; its modern-day counterpart came down the runway in crinkly powder blue radzimir. 塞西尔·皮顿同样众所周知的镜头1948年查尔斯·詹姆斯晚礼服还钉在墙上下来;现代同行机场跑道上radzimir crinkly灰蓝色。 This was another step in the right direction for Copping and the Ricci brand. 这是另外一个正确的方向,作为瑞奇品牌。

nina ricci是奢侈品吗

nina ricci是奢侈品。主要是女装为主。他们家的香水什么的,价格不高,但是女装还是很贵的。莲娜丽姿(Nina Ricci)创于1932年,以服饰起家,以香水闻名于世。Nina Ricci的品牌创立者是出生于意大利的Nina Ricci,她是30年代巴黎最杰出的服装设计师之一。1932年在法国巴黎和她的儿子Robert Ricci罗伯特·里奇一起创立Nina Ricci时装公司,现在的Nina Ricci已是法国最大的时装公司之一。经营高级女装、精品时装、香水系列、用品、手表、皮件等。


妮娜 瑞起,起的发音向上翘。


sone china是日本瓷器。没错。

我有一根台球杆,上面写着“SNK .MAPLE hand made made in china ”这是什么牌子?大概多少钱。


新浪足球集锦背景音乐。 罗纳尔多手术刀直塞献助攻 诡异受伤倒地离场。 地址:


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Lauren Alaina的Wild One歌词加翻译

不好意思啊,现在才找到,真的是很难找啊,但刚才最后还是被我找到了,因为你告诉我错了,Wild One是Faith Hill在专辑Take Me As I Am里的歌,不是Lauren Alaina的吧,没有翻译,我用有道给你翻译出来的,希望你能满意啊,呵呵……Album:Take Me As I Am 专辑:带我像我一样Title:Wild One 标题:野人(Jaime Kyle, Pat Bunch, Will Rambeaux) 凯尔帕束(美国,将Rambeaux)They said change your clothes 他们说换衣服She said no I won"t 她说不,我不会的They said comb your hair 他们说你梳头发She said some kids don"t 她说一些孩子们不愿意And her parents dreams went up in smoke 和她的父母的梦想成为泡影They said you can"t leave 他们说你不能离开She said yes I will 她说,是的,我的意志They said don"t see him 他们说没有看到他She said his name is Bill 她说,他的名字叫比尔She"s on a roll and it"s all uphill 她是在一个滚,这都是艰难的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人Runnin" free 奔跑的自由She loves Rock and Roll 她喜欢摇滚乐They said it"s Satan"s tongue 他们说它是撒旦的舌头She thinks they"re too old 她认为它们太老了They think she"s too young 他们认为她太年轻And the battle lines are clearly drawn 和战场明显的结论She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人Runnin" free 奔跑的自由She has future plans and dreams at night 她未来的计划和梦想在晚上When they tell her life is hard she says that"s alright 当他们告诉她的生活是艰辛的她说没关系She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人With an angel"s face 一个天使的脸,She"s a woman-child 她是一个woman-childIn a state of grace 在一种优美的状态When she was 3 years old on her daddy"s knee 当她3岁她爸爸的膝盖上He said you can be anything you want to be 他说你可以任何你想要的She"s a wild one 她是一个野人




S.H.E 提到这三个小妮子,我想大家应该百分之百能够轻易地分辨出了。三个小妮子占三个声部,高、中、低声部的HEBE、SELINA、ELLA。三个声音中可能hebe和selina的声音会略微有些相似,在她们的中音区有些雷同,不过可能是因为说话的语调影响,hebe的声音很干脆,而salina的声音带有一点嗲嗲的感觉。只是当她们在唱高音区的时候,就很好分辨出,hebe的唱腔很实,selina的则因为底气的关系,变得很虚。女生中有S.H.E,那就不能忘记B.A.D了,两个组合有着相同的取名方式,就连唱腔上也是一样的类型:高音的ALEX,中音的BEN以及低音的DANNY。其实他们比S.H.E早的出道,只是不知道他们为什么没有S.H.E来得出色。和B.A.D上风格相近的还有就是曾经的Y.I.Y.O了 同样的也是3个人,分管三个音部,在和声的上的处理个人感觉比B.A.D来的更出色。只是不知道为什么唱功出色的他们就是没有女生组合来得辉煌。








  中文姓名:任家萱  英文名字: Selina  生日: 1981年10月31日  籍贯:四川  出生地: 台北市  星座: 天蝎座  血型: A  身高:163cm  体重:45Kg(出道时)46.5Kg(现在)  个性:开朗、活泼  家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、妹妹(任容萱)、Pinky(SELINA的小狗)、小宾  就读小学:台北市雨农国民小学  就读国中:台北市兰雅国中  就读高中:台北市第一女子中学(北一女)  就读大学科系:台湾国立师范大学公民教育与活动领导学系  喜爱的歌手:CoCo、阿妹、陈洁仪 陶喆  喜爱的音乐:慢歌、Jazz  喜爱的电影类型:爆笑、文艺  平常的嗜好:唱歌、逛街  喜爱的动物:Pinky(SELINA的小狗)、兔子  讨厌的动物:昆虫类  喜欢的颜色:粉红  喜欢的服饰:有品辣妹风  喜爱的饰品:Melody的任何东东  喜爱的食物:海苔、Baby food  最想做的事:跟姐妹、家人、爱人去环游世界  对自己的形容:可爱,脸圆  如何踏入演艺圈:宇宙2000实力美少女选拔赛  Selina的读法及意思  Selina  /selina:/  赛琳娜。月光之意。Selina给人的印象是个性开朗,面貌柔美的女子,温柔娴熟,但有人认为她的个性阴晴不定难以捉摸。  【萱公主*粉丝相关】  粉丝对其爱称  娜娜,公主,辣妞,小只,萱萱,任主播,小辣椒  粉丝名称  S迷,唯萱,萱亲,萱草,萱家人,萱迷,任民  任老师

公元2000 salina是谁

郭妃丽 英文名:Phylis Quet 生 日:1973年8月23日出生地:新加坡身 高:170 cm体 重:52 kg三 围:32B / 26H / 36W★ 电影: 2000年 《公元2000》饰Salina 1996年 《妙警点三八》《人间有梦》★ : 2003年 《倚天屠龙记》饰殷素素 2002年 《如来神掌》饰屠雪娟、《极速青春》 2001年 《丑女大翻身》 2000年 《穿梭生死线》《民防部人员》《迷幻特警》《孩子树》 1999年 《东游记》《另类佳人》 1998年 《危险人物》《卫斯理传奇》 1997年 《悲情年代》《狮城奇案录之俪人巧骗》《101老婆之99朵玫瑰》《妈妈先生抖》 《医生档案》 1996年《新阿郎》《5C老公》《要拼才会赢》《女子监狱》。★ 荣誉: 2002年 新视红星大奖十大最受欢迎女艺人 1996年 新视红星大奖十大最受欢迎女艺人 1995年 新视红星大奖十大最受欢迎女艺人 1995年 新视才华横溢出新秀的季军 1994年 新视红星大奖最佳新人奖 1994年 最佳模特儿及新脸孔奖。



Five years ( )since China first hosted the Asian Games. 填 have passed 还是 have past?

has passed 时间、距离、金钱等看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数。pass 是规则动词,过去分词是passed。past 是介词

英语contain the fire to its point of original怎么翻译?

英语contain the fire to its point of original 的意思是:把火控制到原来的高度。

original charges什么意思

original charges 原始收费original 英 [u0259"ru026adu0292u0259nl]     美 [u0259"ru026adu0292u0259nl]adj.原始的;最初的;有独创性的;原版的n.原版;真品;怪人;有独创性的人n.起源


hereafteradv. 今后, 从此以后 hereinafteradv. 以下, 在下文中

求COAT] Smart 10th impression taiki的初受,




Dancing In The Moonlight (Original;KingHarvest) 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Moonlight (Original;KingHarvest)歌手:大桥トリオ专辑:Fake BookWe get it on most every nightwhen that moon is big and brightits a supernatural delighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlighteverybody here is out of sightthey dont bark and they dont bitethey keep things loose they keep it tighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlightwe like our fun and we never fightyou cant dance and stay uptightits a supernatural delighteverybody was dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlightwe get in on most every nightand when that moon is big and brightits a supernatural delighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybody"s feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybody"s dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybodys dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybodys dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sighteverybodys dancing in the moonlightdancing in the moonlighteverybodys feeling warm and brightits such a fine and natural sight

ECA financing 是什么

ECA: Export Credit Agency 专门为出口公司提供信贷的中介ECA financing: 由ECA信贷公司提供需要的金额


我能登陆啊 (威客中国)网站标志征集!

C2C WitKey --势必成为威客发展的主流方向什么是C2Cwitkey呢? C2CWitKey(C2C:Consumer To Consumer、wit:智慧、key:钥匙)通过对自身能力进行展示、证明和良好的经营,将能力转化为能力产品,与需求者之间建立C2C的买卖交易关系,这样的威客人群被称为C2CWitKey。 一、选择“C2CWitKey”的威客拥有自己的永久免费空间,可以自由展示自己的能力作品和技能证明; 二、完全由威客自主经营,根据自身所从事的行业制定合理的价格,从而吸引客户; 三、客户通过威客们的展示和证明材料对威客有了充分的了解,没有第三方的沟通阻碍,与威客之间完全是点对点的交易,不会出现资源浪费的情况; 四、C2CWitKey网站正在建立诚信系统,由于自主经营,威客们也十分注重自身诚信、服务质量、知识产权等; 五、在交易上采用线上支付的方式,比如支付宝,双方的交易更有保障。 C2CWitKey很方便的扩展全行业,众多行业的威客们聚集在一起形成了全方位的强大资源,吸引了更多的需求者,创造出了更多的商业机会,这些都是非常吸引人的! 规模与前景:国内知名的市场研究和管理咨询机构——赛迪顾问股份有限公司(CCID CONSULTING,股票代码:HK8235)发布了《中国威客(Witkey)商业模式及投资前景研究报告》。报告显示,经过2005-2006年一年的发展,中国威客模式市场用户规模达到60万人,预计2007年这一数字将激增到900万人。威客模式正处于市场导入期,随着规模的扩大,威客模式会更加完善。现在是市场培育期,所以将来威客模式的发展潜力巨大。 而专家认为威客模式中最具潜力的是C2CWitKey,中国未来最大的威客网将会是C2CWitKey,而不是单纯的Witkey。 C2CWitKey将带领中国威客的发展和进步。

面对美国人对我们说ching chong china,要怎么回复呢



tina和tiana的区别为:一、名字来源不同1、tina:来源语种古英语。2、tiana:来源语种拉丁语。二、名字寓意不同1、tina:名字寓意活力充沛的。2、tiana:名字寓意仁慈的。三、名字含义不同1、tina:名字含义娇小玲珑的人 短格式CHRISTINA,MARTINA和其他以tina结尾的名称。除了这些名字,它也用于荷兰语作为CATHARINA的缩影和在克罗地亚作为KATARINA的缩影。2、tiana:名字含义天妇女作为女孩的名字有“基督的追随者”的意思。tiana是Tianna的一个版本(俄语,拉丁语):Tatiana和Christiana.的短转录。





捷克超模卡罗琳娜·库尔科娃( Karolina Kurkova)的时尚故事

卡罗琳娜·库尔科娃( Karolina Kurkova 1984 年 2 月 28 日 )是捷克模特,曾两次登上美国版《Vogue》封面。这位金发美女还担任了几年的维多利亚的秘密天使。2013年,卡罗琳娜与娜奥米·坎贝尔一起担任真人秀模特比赛节目“The Face”的导师。Karolina 曾为许多著名品牌担任过广告宣传活动,包括 Valentino、Roberto Cavalli、Donna Karan、Max Mara 和 Bottega Veneta。Karolina 于 2009 年与 Archie Drury 结婚,两人育有两个孩子。 Karolina Kurkova在ELLE 捷克版的封面上以蓝天为背景摆姿势。在Camilo Rios的镜头下,她身穿 Chanel 的黑色泡泡袖连衣裙。随附的图片显示卡罗琳娜在佛罗里达州迈阿密的拍摄地点摆姿势。她拥有一个以香奈儿秋季成衣系列为特色的穿搭。这位金发女郎由Danny Santiago设计,炫耀华丽的珠宝、奢华的粗花呢和品牌袜子。卡罗琳娜在沐浴阳光的同时,为每一次拍摄都增添了魅力。以黑白为主的调色板与热带环境形成鲜明对比。 Karolina Kurkova是《Vogue》捷克斯洛伐克版的封面明星。多张封面由Marcus Cooper拍摄,灵感来自艺术家 Richard Bernstein 的作品。捷克超级名模像伊丽莎白泰勒、戴安娜弗里兰和黛比哈里这样的偶像。 在随附的图片中,造型师Ron Hartleben重点介绍了施华洛世奇、迪奥和复古 YSL 等品牌的设计。对于美容,美甲师 Shirley Cheng使用 Garren 的变形头发和 Yuki Hayashi 的化妆为 Karolina 的红色指甲工作。 卡罗琳娜·库尔科娃 ( Karolina Kurkova ) 在L"Officiel Italy 的夏季封面上身穿黑色小礼服,身材高挑。在Paul Empson的镜头下,她身着 Versace 设计的流苏装饰皮靴。随附的图像显示了卡罗琳娜在以黑白拍摄的动态演播室照片中。造型师Fran Marto重点介绍了 Dolce & Gabbana、Alaia 和 Guy Laroche 等顶级品牌。 Karolina Kurkova在ELLE 意大利版的封面上以红色脱颖而出。由Gilles Bensimon 拍摄,她穿着 Dolce & Gabbana 连衣裙和高跟鞋。在 时尚 杂志内,卡罗琳娜在电影节上引导一位电影明星。由Laura Seganti 设计,她迷恋于 Fendi、Gucci、Dior 和 Saint Laurent 等品牌。 Karolina Kurkova为海洋大道杂志的封面沐浴阳光。由RIOCAM 拍摄,她在户外摆姿势时身着橙色 Gucci 连衣裙,令人眼花缭乱。伴随的图像显示卡罗琳娜穿着丹尼圣地亚哥设计的他和她的合奏。这位长腿金发女郎试穿 Valentino、Alexander McQueen 和 Max Mara 等品牌。 Karolina Kurkova登上了《 时尚 芭莎》俄罗斯版封面。由索尼娅·绍斯塔克 ( Sonia Szostak ) 拍摄,这位捷克美女身着 Max Mara 造型,佩戴 IWC 腕表。对于伴随的拍摄,卡罗琳娜拥抱轻松而优雅的合奏。时装总监Ekaterina Tabakova为这位金发女郎穿着 Tibi、Victoria Beckham 和 Stella McCartney 等品牌。卡罗琳娜·库尔科娃 ( Karolina Kurkova ) 在犹他州的安缦吉里度假村为《如何度过》杂志摆姿势。在Damian Foxe的镜头下,这位金发女郎拥抱浪漫而轻盈的 时尚 。造型师Elad Bitton从 Vera Wang、Ermanno Scervino、Alexander McQueen 和 Alberta Ferretti 等品牌挑选迷人的礼服和连衣裙。

final-salary pension什么意思

final-salary pension 最终薪金养老

求一篇关于college education in China的英语作文

Recent days, the job-hunting is bothering ! As a undergraduats , we have litter work experience! Several days before, i"ve taken part in a job interview in a American-fund foward company. i have got through the firt two round paper interview and group interview.When i come to the third round of interview which will decide wether i can get this job or not .The perfomace in the interview is not as good as those in the first two round .After two days , i gave a call to the HR department to ask the results . The pesonnel told me i fail due to i am lack of work experience. i feel so annoying and even loose my temper ,because i apply the position in an jop recruting facing undergraduates . So i ask the personnel you recriut udergrduates or erperiences worker ? No matter what answer is ,i feel angry about the company behaviors! Accdroding to reports from many newspapers ,it is said that there are more than 6million undergraduates .Most of us will face fierce competition in the job markert ! The society and the government should pay more attention to undergraduates who are the main strenth of national development! Meanwhile , undergraduates is a special part of this scoiety ,whose development will decide views about college education from village family. They spend almost all their savings on developing their children and hope they can contribute to their family and share burdens with their family .But now the results is oppsite! China college education is in a danger condition!

What do you know about wedding ceremonies in China?


是 The Hainan Island 还是 Hainan Island?

应该是 Hainan Island,岛屿前面不用定冠词。

天天向上 美国街舞之王Rhythm City的多明尼克唱的是Christina Aguilera的哪首歌?

哪首歌不是christina的歌 ,他其实唱了两首歌 一首是christina的歌 一首是她自己的get it started。被天天向上剪辑时减错了 所以哪首歌其实是get it started 不是Christina唱的。

电影the soft kill 请问哪里有下载啊,种子也可以, 谢谢了!


Miley cyrus-ordinary girl歌词

Hannah Montana Forever - Ordinary Girl LyricsUhoo oh yeah,La da a daDon"t get me wrong,I love who I amI don"t wanna be ungratefulIt probably sounds strangeI really love the role I playThe songs I singBut with all the fameThe things that seem so simple,suddenly, so far out of reachWish that they could see that underneath…I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)How are you?Hello, Good-byeOne day here, One day thereAnd again it"s time to goMiss popular always on the roadBut my best foot forwardGotta get on with the showStrike a pose for the front cover of a magazineEvery where I arrive, I get high-5"sThey pay me larger than life(Yeaheaaaa)I"m just an ordinary girl!Sometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignored (Yeah)I feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girlSo give it everything or nothin" at allGet back on your feel whenYou stumble and fallA little luck can go a long waywww.musicloversgroup.comSo don"t you worry about what people sayWho knows when the wind may blowFor an ordinary girl..(Mmmm)I"m just an ordinary girlSometimes I"m lazyI get boredI get scaredI feel ignoredI feel happy, I get sillyI choke on my own wordsI make wishes, I have DreamsAnd I still want to believeAnything can happen in this world,For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)(Yeah)For an ordinary girl(Like you, Like me)For an ordinary girl(Mmmmm)For an ordinary girlLike me, like you …

container terminal是什么意思

container terminal[英][ku0259nu02c8teinu0259 u02c8tu0259:minu0259l][美][ku0259nu02c8tenu025a u02c8tu025amu0259nu0259l]集装箱码头[装卸区]; 例句:1.The port recently opened a new container terminal. 就在最近该公司还新建了一处集装箱码头。2.Plans are under way to build a 30km bridge over the sea to ahuge, largely artificial, island on which a deep-water containerterminal will be built. 建设30公里长大桥的计划已经紧密锣鼓的进行,该桥跨越海域连接一座在建的巨大的人造深水集装箱码头。

SINA microblog是什么意思


Pina的《The Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:The Lady歌手:Pina专辑:Quick LookMeet Eddie, twenty-three years old.Fed up with life and the way things are going,he decides to rob a liquor store.("I cant take this no more, I cant take it no more homes")But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.And suddenly, his conscience comes into play...("Shit is mine, I gotta do this.. gotta do this")Alright, stop! (Huh?)Now before you walk in the door of this liquor storeand try to get money out the drawerYou better think of the consequence (But who are you?)Im your motherfuckin conscienceThats nonsense!Go in and gaffle the money and run to one of your aunts cribsAnd borrow a damn dress, and one of her blonde wigsTell her you need a place to stayYoull be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor bladeYeah but if it all goes through like its supposed toThe whole neighborhood knows you and theyll expose youThink about it before you walk in the door firstLook at the store clerk, shes older than George BurnsFuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!Can you afford to blow this shit? Are you that rich?Why you give a fuck if she dies? Are you that bitch?Do you really think she gives a fuck if you have kids?Man, dont do it, its not worth it to risk it! (Youre right!)Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit (I will!)Dont even listen to Slim yo, hes bad for you(You know what Dre? I dont like your attitude..){sound of static}("Its alright cmon, just come in here for a minute")("Mmm, I dont know!")("Look baby..")("Damn!")("Yo, its gonna be alright, right?")("Well OK..")Meet Stan, twenty-one years old. ("Give me a kiss!")After meeting a young girl at a rave party,things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroom.Once again, his conscience comes into play... ("Shit!")Now listen to me, while youre kissin her cheekand smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drinkNow all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitchs earlobe..(Yo! This girls only fifteen years oldYou shouldnt take advantage of her, thats not fair)Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair? (Uh huh!)Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bareTil she passes out and she forgot how she got there(Man, aint you ever seen that one movie _Kids_?)No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail..{sound of static}{pickup idling, radio playing}Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker.After coming home from a hard days work,he walks in the door of his trailer park hometo find his wife in bed with another man.("WHAT THE FUCK?!?!")("Grady!!")Alright calm down, relax, start breathin..Fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheatinWhile you at work shes with some dude tryin to get off?!FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCHS HEAD OFF!!!Wait! What if theres an explanation for this shit?(What? She tripped? Fell? Landed on his dick?!)Alright Shady, maybe hes right GradyBut think about the baby before you get all crazyOkay! Thought about it, still wanna stab her?Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her?Thats what I did, be smart, dont be a retardYou gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES??!




oblivious( 空之境界第1章ED )君が光に変えて行く( 空之境界第2章ED )伤迹( 空之境界第3章ED )ARIA ( 空之境界第4章ED )sprinter( 空之境界第5章ED )fairytale( 空之境界第6章ED )Lacrimosa(电视动画 黑执事ED )seventhheaven( 空之境界第7章ED )光の旋律( 电视动画空之音 OP)Ihaveadream( 剧场版夏娃的时间ED )星の谣( PS2/Windows用游戏信长的野望Online新星之章 印象曲 )


Oblivious ----空之境界 ARIA-------空之境界 fairytale-----空之境界Lacrimosa----黑执事光の旋律----空之音辉く空の静寂には----黑执事storia--- TV Programme 歴史秘话ヒストリアOP翻唱曲progressive----Kalafina 6th单曲 Live概念单曲


2007年12月1日开始上映的七个章节连作剧场版《空之境界》的主题曲,将通过选拔新人女歌手来决定,并把此项活动命名为“Kalafina Project"。而包含了前三章中主题曲的豪华BOX《oblivious》也将于明年1月23日预订发售,初回限定盘将包含剧场版海报式样的明信片集原创豪华BOX。《空之境界》剧场版主题曲的创作,将由包揽剧场版《空之境界》OST制作的梶浦由记亲自作曲,此次她将以发掘女性新人歌手,从许多女歌手中反复选拔成为剧场版主题曲演唱者,而在全7部的剧场版的主题曲也将会以各种风格登场。而剧场版《空之境界》的《第一章 俯瞰风景》、《第二章 杀人考察(前)》、《第三章 痛觉残留》中的主题曲将以豪华BOX的形式在08年初发行 。发行时间:2008年07月30日专辑歌手:Kalafina地区:日本在前两张配给空之境界的单曲【oblivious】和【Re/oblivious】大获成功之后,Kalafina的第三张同时也TIE『空の境界』第四章「伽蓝の洞」、第五章「矛盾螺旋」的单曲【sprinter/ARIA】公开发售!恢宏的意境,优美的歌词,梶浦由记在结合空之境界动画的主题氛围和音乐元素后成功的推出了一系列感人肺腑的歌曲,Kalafina完美的和声,精准的节奏和歌唱的张力完美体现在了这一系列歌曲中~新单曲【sprinter/ARIA】两首歌一快一慢,相互呼应。【sprinter】以急促的节奏开头,却以静谧的和声中结束,反差中引起听者心情的变化。【ARIA】前奏很长,缓缓的引入,如同史诗般的歌唱,空灵而又感性。专辑曲目:1-1(5:02) sprinter作词:梶浦由记/作曲:梶浦由记/编曲:梶浦由记※アニプレックス配给アニメ映画「空の境界」第五章主题歌1-2(5:22) ARIA作词:梶浦由记/作曲:梶浦由记/编曲:梶浦由记※アニプレックス配给アニメ映画「空の境界」第四章主题歌1-3(4:22) oblivious(Instrumental)演奏:Kalafina/作词:梶浦由记/作曲:梶浦由记/编曲:梶浦由记第一章《俯瞰风景》片尾曲 《oblivious》第二章《杀人考察(前)》片尾曲 《君が光に変えてゆく》(你将化作光芒)第三章《痛觉残留》片尾曲 《伤迹》第四章《伽蓝之洞》片尾曲《ARIA》第五章 《矛盾螺旋》片尾曲《sprinter》 不知道能不能帮到你哦...


这是最新专辑《consolation》里的01.满天02.consolation03.door04.花束05.梦の大地06.signal07.obbligato08.木苺の茂みに fine10.mofesta~ムーンフェスタ~11.ひかりふる the beginning13.Snow Falling《Red Moon》专辑01.Red Moon02.光の旋律03.Lacrimosa04.storia05.星の谣06.I have a dream07.テトテトメトメ08.fantasia09.春は黄金の梦の中10.Kyrie11.暗の呗12.intermezzo13.ogrpressive《Seventh Heaven》专辑01.seventh heaven02.夏の林檎03.fairytale04.君が光に変えて行く05.ARIA06.伤迹07.oblivious08.明日の景色 come down12.また风が强くなった13,serenato14.音楽《After Eden》(发行专辑) 01.Eden 02.sandpiper 03.Magia 04.九月 your eyes 06.destination unknown 07.neverending 08.ことのは 09.magnolia 10.辉く空の静寂には 11.胸の行方 12.snow falling 13.symphonia 《辉く空の静寂には》(发行单曲)01. adore 02.辉く空の静寂には~instrumental~《光の旋律》(发行单曲)01.光の旋律02.sapphire《fairytale》(发行单曲)01.fairytale(专辑《seventh heaven》收录)02.serenato03.-instrumental-《Lacrimosa》 (发行单曲)01.Lacrimosa02.Gloria《storia》(发行单曲)01.storia(专辑《Red Moon》收录)02.lirica《Magia》 01.magic02.snow falling 03.Magia~instrumental~《ひかりふる》(单曲)01.ひかりふる 02.未来 03.Magia[quattro] 04.ひかりふる -instrumental- 《oblivious》(发行单曲)01.oblivious ~ 俯瞰风景 mix02.interlude 0103.君が光に変えて行く~acoustic ver.04.interlude 0205.伤迹 ~ piano2 mix06.finale《progressive》(发行单曲)专辑《Red Moon》收录)02.うつくしさ ~Instrumental~这些是keiko,wakana在FictionJunction组合里的歌,只有部分01.星屑(有的也译为繁星)02.distance(开头就是wakana)02风の街へ(keiko主唱)03.花守の丘 04.水の证(wakana主唱)05.Parallel Hearts06.媛星(keiko,wakana主唱)07.the world(keiko主唱)08.时の向こう 幻の空09.去往沙尘的彼方10.目覚め


Kalafina为多部动漫演唱了主题曲,其中包括:* 《魔法少女小圆》的插曲《Magia》* 《Fate》系列的歌曲《to the beginning》和《believe》* 《刀剑乱舞》的插曲《百火缭乱》* 《空之境界》的多个章节(如第1、3、4、5、6章)的ED* 《黑执事》的ED《Lacrimosa》* 《空之音》的OP《光の旋律》* 《夏娃的时间》的ED《I have a dream》* 《信长的野望Online 新星之章》的印象曲《星の谣》此外,Kalafina还为其他一些动漫演唱了歌曲,如《有顶天家族》的ED《ケセラセラ》等。


日文】 本当は空を飞べると知っていたから 羽ばたくときが怖くて风を忘れたoblivious 何処へ行くの 远くに见えるあの蜃気楼 いつか怯えながら 二人の未来を映して よるべない心二つ寄り添う顷に 本当の悲しみがほら翼広げてoblivious 夜の中で 真昼の影を梦见るように きっと坠ちて行こう 光へ いつか 君と 二人 夜を 朝を 昼を 星を 幻想を 夏を 冬を 时を 风を 水を 土を 空をwe go further in the destiny……oblivious 侧にいてね 静かな恋がほら始まるよ いつか震えながら 二人の未来へoblivious 何処へ行くの 远くへ逃げてゆく水の中 何て绮丽な声で 二人の未来を 歌って中文歌词: 正因为知道可以在空中翱翔 才会畏惧展翅的那一刻而忘却疾风 oblivious 去向何方 远处可见的那海市蜃楼 畏惧于那将会来到的某一天 映照出两人的未来 当毫无寄托的两颗心紧挨之时 真正的悲伤开始展翅翱翔 oblivious 仿佛在暗夜中 梦见了白画之影 一定就此坠落吧 向着那光芒 总有一天将与你两个人 共鉴明月 共赏晨曦 共沐日光 共览星辰 共织幻想 共游炎夏 共御寒冬 共度时光 共拂清风 共戏流水 共踏尘土 共翔天空 we go further in the destiny…… 正因为知道可以在空中翱翔 才会畏惧展翅的那一刻而忘却疾风 (和声:共览星辰 共织幻想 共翔天空) oblivious 请陪在我身边 寂静的恋情即将开始 有朝一日将一同颤抖着 迎来两人的未来 oblivious 去向何方 向远方流淌而去的流水之中 如此美丽的声音 正歌颂着两人的未来【罗马注音】hodonwosorawotoberutochittei takara hanebatakutokigakowakutekazewowasuteta oblivious dokoheyukuno tookunimieruanoshinkirou itsukaobienagara futarinomiraiwoutsushite yorubenaikokorofutatsuyorisoukoroni hodonnokanashimigahoratsubasahirogete oblivious yorunonakade mahirunokagewoyumeniruyouni kittoochiteyukou hikarihe itsuka kimito futari yoruwo asawo hiruwo hoshiwo yumewo natsuwo fuyuwo tokiwo kazewo mizuwo tsuchiwo sorawo we go further in the destiny…… oblivious sobaniitene shizukanakoigahorahajimaruyo itsukafuruenagara futarinomiraihe oblivious dokoheyukuno tookuhenigeteyukumizunonaka natekireinakoede futarinomiraiwo utatte

Kalafina的《Oblivious》 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivious歌手:Kalafina专辑:Seventh Heavenoblivious歌:Kalafina 作词/作编曲:梶浦由记剧场版 空の境界 第一章「俯瞰风景」 ED本当(ほんとう)は空(そら)を飞(と)べると知(し)っていたから羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)くて风(かぜ)を忘(わす)れたoblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの远(とお)くに见(み)えるあの蜃気楼(しんきろう)いつか怯(おび)えながら二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を映(うつ)してよるべない心(こころ)二(ふた)つ寄(よ)り添(そ)う顷(ころ)に本当(ほんとう)の悲(かな)しみがほら翼(つばさ)広(ひろ)げてoblivious夜(よる)の中(なか)で真昼(まひる)の影(かげ)を梦见(ゆめみ)るようにきっと坠(お)ちて行(い)こう光(ひかり)へいつか 君(きみ)と 二人(ふたり)夜(よる)を 朝(あさ)を 昼(ひる)を 星(ほし)を 幻想(げんそう)を夏(なつ)を 冬(ふゆ)を 时(とき)を 风(かぜ)を水(みず)を 土(つち)を 空(そら)をwe go further in the destiny...羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)く...(星(ほし)を 冬(ふゆ)を 空(そら)を(风(かぜ)を))oblivious侧(そば)にいてね静(しず)かな恋(こい)がほら始(はじ)まるよいつか震(ふる)えながら二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)へoblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの远(とお)くへ逃(に)げてゆく水(みず)の中(なか)何(なん)て绮丽(きれい)な声(こえ)で二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を歌(うた)って

Kalafina的《Oblivious》 歌词

歌曲名:Oblivious歌手:Kalafinaoblivious歌:Kalafina 作词/作编曲:梶浦由记剧场版 空の境界 第一章「俯瞰风景」 ED本当(ほんとう)は空(そら)を飞(と)べると知(し)っていたから羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)くて风(かぜ)を忘(わす)れたoblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの远(とお)くに见(み)えるあの蜃気楼(しんきろう)いつか怯(おび)えながら二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を映(うつ)してよるべない心(こころ)二(ふた)つ寄(よ)り添(そ)う顷(ころ)に本当(ほんとう)の悲(かな)しみがほら翼(つばさ)広(ひろ)げてoblivious夜(よる)の中(なか)で真昼(まひる)の影(かげ)を梦见(ゆめみ)るようにきっと坠(お)ちて行(い)こう光(ひかり)へいつか 君(きみ)と 二人(ふたり)夜(よる)を 朝(あさ)を 昼(ひる)を 星(ほし)を 幻想(げんそう)を夏(なつ)を 冬(ふゆ)を 时(とき)を 风(かぜ)を水(みず)を 土(つち)を 空(そら)をwe go further in the destiny...羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)く...(星(ほし)を 冬(ふゆ)を 空(そら)を(风(かぜ)を))oblivious侧(そば)にいてね静(しず)かな恋(こい)がほら始(はじ)まるよいつか震(ふる)えながら二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)へoblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの远(とお)くへ逃(に)げてゆく水(みず)の中(なか)何(なん)て绮丽(きれい)な声(こえ)で二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を歌(うた)って


[ti:oblivious][ar:Kalafina][al:oblivious][by:胧.水银][00:01.00]oblivious[00:03.00]歌:Kalafina 作词/作编曲:梶浦由记[00:06.00]剧场版 空の境界 第一章「俯瞰风景」 ED[00:09.00][03:04.31][00:46.05]本当(ほんとう)は空(そら)を飞(と)べると知(し)っていたから≮正因为早已知晓自己能够飞翔≯[00:53.62]羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)くて风(かぜ)を忘(わす)れた≮才会在展翅之时害怕得忘记了风的方向≯[00:59.78][01:00.72]oblivious[01:02.37]何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの≮即使忘记了 我们该去往何方≯[01:04.27]远(とお)くに见(み)えるあの蜃気楼(しんきろう)≮远远看见的那片海市蜃楼≯[01:08.94]いつか怯(おび)えながら≮总有一天 也会在烟波飘渺中≯[01:11.89]二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を映(うつ)して≮映出你我二人的未来≯[01:17.40][01:31.78]よるべない心(こころ)二(ふた)つ寄(よ)り添(そ)う顷(ころ)に≮当两颗无依无靠的心相互依靠≯[01:39.42]本当(ほんとう)の悲(かな)しみがほら翼(つばさ)広(ひろ)げて≮其实真正的悲伤才刚刚对他们张开翅膀≯[01:46.03][01:47.02]oblivious[01:48.44]夜(よる)の中(なか)で≮即使忘记了 这其实是场黑夜≯[01:50.42]真昼(まひる)の影(かげ)を梦见(ゆめみ)るように≮还以为梦见了白昼的阴影≯[01:55.16]きっと坠(お)ちて行(い)こう≮总有一天 也一定会一同坠落≯[01:58.12]光(ひかり)へ≮向着光芒的方向≯[02:00.25][02:17.33]いつか 君(きみ)と 二人(ふたり)≮总有一天 我将与你一同≯[02:23.26]夜(よる)を 朝(あさ)を 昼(ひる)を 星(ほし)を 幻想(ゆめ)を≮穿越黑夜 黎明 白天 星辰 幻想≯[02:32.84]夏(なつ)を 冬(ふゆ)を 时(とき)を 风(かぜ)を≮穿越盛夏 寒冬 时光 清风≯[02:40.36]水(みず)を 土(つち)を 空(そら)を≮穿越水流 大地 空气≯[03:17.11][02:46.17]we go further in the destiny...≮走进更深更远的命运...≯[03:22.12][02:50.78][03:11.18]羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)くて风(かぜ)を忘(わす)れた(星(ほし)を 冬(ふゆ)を 空(そら)を 风(かぜ)を)≮才会在展翅之时害怕得忘记了风的方向(穿越星辰 寒冬 空气 清风)≯[03:24.41]oblivious[03:26.31]侧(そば)にいてね≮即使忘记了 你陪伴在我身边≯[03:28.29]静(しず)かな恋(こい)がほら始(はじ)まるよ≮这场爱情也会静静地来临≯[03:32.98]いつか震(ふる)えながら≮总有一天 我们也会微微颤抖着≯[03:35.98]二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)へ≮走向你我二人的未来≯[03:39.53][03:40.31]oblivious[03:41.83]何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの≮即使忘记了 我们该去往何方≯[03:43.63]远(とお)くへ逃(に)げてゆく水(みず)の中(なか)≮这条不断逃向远方的水流≯[03:48.06]何(なん)て绮丽(きれい)な声(こえ)で≮总有一天 也会用美丽的歌声≯[03:51.48]二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を 歌(うた)って≮歌唱你我二人的未来≯[03:57.19][04:00.19]☆°.· ∴终わり°★. ☆°∴·


日文】 本当は空を飞べると知っていたから 羽ばたくときが怖くて风を忘れたoblivious 何処へ行くの 远くに见えるあの蜃気楼 いつか怯えながら 二人の未来を映して よるべない心二つ寄り添う顷に 本当の悲しみがほら翼広げてoblivious 夜の中で 真昼の影を梦见るように きっと坠ちて行こう 光へ いつか 君と 二人 夜を 朝を 昼を 星を 幻想を 夏を 冬を 时を 风を 水を 土を 空をwe go further in the destiny……oblivious 侧にいてね 静かな恋がほら始まるよ いつか震えながら 二人の未来へoblivious 何処へ行くの 远くへ逃げてゆく水の中 何て绮丽な声で 二人の未来を 歌って中文歌词: 正因为知道可以在空中翱翔 才会畏惧展翅的那一刻而忘却疾风 oblivious 去向何方 远处可见的那海市蜃楼 畏惧于那将会来到的某一天 映照出两人的未来 当毫无寄托的两颗心紧挨之时 真正的悲伤开始展翅翱翔 oblivious 仿佛在暗夜中 梦见了白画之影 一定就此坠落吧 向着那光芒 总有一天将与你两个人 共鉴明月 共赏晨曦 共沐日光 共览星辰 共织幻想 共游炎夏 共御寒冬 共度时光 共拂清风 共戏流水 共踏尘土 共翔天空 we go further in the destiny…… 正因为知道可以在空中翱翔 才会畏惧展翅的那一刻而忘却疾风 (和声:共览星辰 共织幻想 共翔天空) oblivious 请陪在我身边 寂静的恋情即将开始 有朝一日将一同颤抖着 迎来两人的未来 oblivious 去向何方 向远方流淌而去的流水之中 如此美丽的声音 正歌颂着两人的未来【罗马注音】hodonwosorawotoberutochittei takara hanebatakutokigakowakutekazewowasuteta oblivious dokoheyukuno tookunimieruanoshinkirou itsukaobienagara futarinomiraiwoutsushite yorubenaikokorofutatsuyorisoukoroni hodonnokanashimigahoratsubasahirogete oblivious yorunonakade mahirunokagewoyumeniruyouni kittoochiteyukou hikarihe itsuka kimito futari yoruwo asawo hiruwo hoshiwo yumewo natsuwo fuyuwo tokiwo kazewo mizuwo tsuchiwo sorawo we go further in the destiny…… oblivious sobaniitene shizukanakoigahorahajimaruyo itsukafuruenagara futarinomiraihe oblivious dokoheyukuno tookuhenigeteyukumizunonaka natekireinakoede futarinomiraiwo utatte




Kalafina为多部动漫演唱了主题曲,其中包括:* 《魔法少女小圆》的插曲《Magia》* 《Fate》系列的歌曲《to the beginning》和《believe》* 《刀剑乱舞》的插曲《百火缭乱》* 《空之境界》的多个章节(如第1、3、4、5、6章)的ED* 《黑执事》的ED《Lacrimosa》* 《空之音》的OP《光の旋律》* 《夏娃的时间》的ED《I have a dream》* 《信长的野望Online 新星之章》的印象曲《星の谣》此外,Kalafina还为其他一些动漫演唱了歌曲,如《有顶天家族》的ED《ケセラセラ》等。



china suarez 是什么意思?


Ordinary World 歌词

歌曲名:Ordinary World歌手:Aurora专辑:Ordinary WorldOrdinary WorldGregorianMaster of Chant IIICame in from a rainy Thursday on the avenuethought I heard you talking softlyI turned on the lights the TV and the radiobut still I can"t escape the ghost of youWhat is happening to it allcrazy some sayWhere is the life that I recognize (gone away)And I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to survivePassion or coincidence once prompted you to saypride will tear us both apartWell now pride"s gone out the window cross the rooftops runawayLeft me in the vacuum of my heartWhat is happening to mecrazy some saywhere is my friend when I need you most (gone away)But I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to survivePapers in the roadside tell of suffering and griefFear today forgot tomorrowo-oh, Here beside the news of holy war and holy needOur"s is just a little sorrowed talk (just blown away)And I won"t cry for yesterdaythere"s an ordinary worldsomehow I have to findAnd as I try to make my wayto the ordinary worldI will learn to surviveAny my world...Any my world...Every world our world...Every my world...End

calvin harris tinashe 5am歌词中文翻译是什么意思?

卡尔文·哈里斯 表演者 5点

《Originand Development》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Origin and Development of Form and Ornament in Ceramic Art》(Holmes, William Henry)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: zzzc书名:Origin and Development of Form and Ornament in Ceramic Art作者:Holmes, William Henry出版年份:2010-5页数:32内容简介:The article presents a study conducted by researchers regarding the etiology of rosacea in San Diego, California. According to University of California professor Richard Gallo, they are exploring the cause of the face disease to determine the occurrence of the abnormal high levels of cathelicidin. The scheme of uncovering the root of the disease can help in developing more effective ways of treating rosacea.

求Just My Imagination歌词...

[00:-2.00]Craig David - Just My Imagination[00:-1.00][00:00.00][00:01.00][00:01.99]Imagine (Imagine)[00:04.12][00:05.82]Imagine (Imagine)[00:08.00][00:18.70]Yeah yehh, oh[00:22.37][00:25.02]You put your hand on my hand[00:27.28]And you lead me to dance on the floor[00:30.30]It was like we were both in a trace, like it felt[00:34.15]Something more than you could disguise[00:37.30]But behind your smile[00:39.44]There was fear in your eyes[00:41.07][00:41.43]Did someone hurt you?[00:43.40]Did they break you heart?[00:45.31]Are the wombs still fresh?[00:47.46]Do you heal the scars?[00:49.33]Cause I just turn around[00:51.25]And you disappeared, oh[00:54.13]Were you even here?[00:55.55][00:55.93]Or was it my imagination?[00:59.69]So real I can"t believe this wasn"t true[01:03.69]Or was it my imagination?[01:07.72]It put me in a time or place with you[01:11.62][01:11.97]Tell me girl what you are you running from[01:14.51](Running from, Running from)[01:15.96]I can"t help wondering where you"ve gone[01:18.60]{Where you"ve gone, Where you"ve gone)[01:20.00]I think it maybe I got it wrong[01:22.54](Got it wrong, Got it wrong)[01:23.90]God damn I should have known that you were just a fantasy[01:28.00]Was it my imagination?[01:32.28][01:37.18]Though I tried my best[01:39.30]I still couldn"t forget[01:41.25]So I drive every night[01:43.31]Past the spot where we met[01:45.31]And I hope one day[01:47.48]That I"ll see your face[01:49.88]But you"re never here[01:51.53][01:52.05]Or was it my imagination?[01:55.70]So real I can"t believe this wasn"t true[01:59.80]Or was it my imagination?[02:03.73]It put me in a time or place with you[02:07.54][02:07.92]Tell me girl what you are you running from[02:10.58](Running from, Running from)[02:11.95]I can"t help wondering where you"ve gone[02:14.74]{Where you"ve gone, Where you"ve gone)[02:16.08]I think it maybe I got it wrong[02:18.54](Got it wrong, Got it wrong)[02:19.90]God damn I should have known that you were just a fantasy[02:23.92]Was it my imagination?[02:28.05][02:41.57]Imagine, you and me together[02:44.24]And a love that will last forever[02:46.20](Imagine) that it"s late December[02:48.28]Been a year but i still remember[02:50.10](Imagine) Meeting you meant to much to me[02:53.94](Imagine), Oh no[02:55.32][02:55.88]Or was it my imagination?[02:59.72]So real I can"t believe this wasn"t true[03:03.71]Or was it my imagination?[03:07.75]It put me in a time or place with you[03:11.50][03:11.97]Tell me girl what you are you running from[03:14.75](Running from, Running from)[03:15.94]I can"t help wondering where you"ve gone[03:18.65]{Where you"ve gone, Where you"ve gone)[03:20.02]I think it maybe I got it wrong[03:22.72](Got it wrong, Got it wrong)[03:23.91]God damn I should have known that you were just a fantasy[03:27.99]Was it my imagination?[03:32.33]

3~~~05 this originally disadvantaged group becomes spontaneous and handy through crafting toys on t

这是一个“主系表”结构的简单句,由于系动词后有六个并列的表语,很容易把句子的层次张冠李戴,一次应该从分析结构入手: 主语部分: This originally disadvantaged group 这种原本处于弱势的群体 系表结构的谓语部分: * 主体架构 becomes spontaneous and handy, resourceful, tactfuls, intelligent, savvy, and above all, unrelenting 变得思路敏捷且心灵手巧得、游刃有余、机敏乖巧、富有天资、见多识广,最难得的是坚定不移。 * 并列表语:uf06c -- spontaneous and handy through crafting toys on their own, 通过自己制作玩具(变得)思路敏捷且心灵手巧 (through crafting toys on their own 是修饰 become 的方式状语)uf06c --resourceful by cooking their own meals, 自己动手做饭变得做事游刃有余 (by cooking their own meals 是修饰 become的方式状语)uf06c --tactful with coaxing their parents into buying them gifts, 用好话哄骗父母给他们购买礼物变得机敏乖巧 (with coaxing their parents into buying them gifts 是修饰 become 的方式状语)uf06c --intelligent thanks to the absence of private tutors, 由于没有家教而变得富有天资 (thanks to the absence of private tutors 是修饰 become 的原因状语)uf06c --savvy in doing summer jobs, 暑假打工中变得见多识广 (in doing summer jobs 是修饰 become 的时间状语)uf06c --and above all, unrelenting in pursuing their dreams最难得的是在追求梦想手变得坚定不移 (in pursuing their dreams 是修饰 become 的时间状语)

bank letter of financial guarantee 和 bank statement 是一回事吗

不一样。bank letter of financial guarantee是银行保函,是指银行、保险公司、担保公司或担保人应申请人的请求,向受益人开立的一种书面信用担保凭证,保证在申请人未能按双方协议履行其责任或义务时,由担保人代其履行一定金额、一定时限范围内的某种支付或经济赔偿责任。bank statement是银行对账单,指银行客观记录企业资金流转情况的记录单。


12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。 Predestination 翻译:北京外国语大学北戴河外语培训基地副校长 张宝丹 Many things in this world find neither an answer nor a proper explanation. For example, why should two become a couple among the billions of people on earth? Why don"t they love each other even though they live together everyday, and yet one of them falls in love with someone else at the first sight? Why do the members of a family quarrel daily but still stay unhappily together? Why can"t they get married in spite of the fact that they are a perfect match to each other? Why should one toil so much for the other? Why should the love-infatuated always be deserted by the heartless?..... People remain puzzled in spite of their great effort to understand the endless questions, so they invented the all-embracing word---“predestination”. In order to be more precise, different combinations were derived from it: love predestination, sinful predestination, evil predestination, and kind predestination etc., hence we have the sayings like: “Predestination will definitely bring you together despite the great distance while without predestination, you"ll never know each other even though you are standing fact to face” “A distant couple is tied up with the thread of predestination” and even the phrases and expressions like “the god of marriage”, “predestination without luck”, “luck without predestination”, “Coming across each other is a kind of predestination”, “Enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road”, “They shall not marry each other unless they are predestined lovers”. If people still can not find answers, they turn to “reincarnation” for help. Lin Daiyu is always in tears just for repaying for the water Jia Baoyu had given her when she was a plant in her previous life in A Dream of the Red Mansions . In fact, the so-called “predestination” is often a kind of coincidence or chance encounter, even a kind of accident. If you don"t meet this person, you"ll surely meet some one else. But people insist on adding some colors of emotions or superstition, thus generating various religious factions, the main theories of which are no more than that of “reincarnation”, “heaven and hell” and “the ever-lasting soul” etc. But does anyone know anything about his previous life or his after life? What could he do even if he knew them? If he can"t grasp the present life, what"s the benefit of commenting on the visionary after life? Giving up today is the same as giving up tomorrow, for they are closely connected. How absurd it is to work like the horse or cattle in the present life in order to be above others in the next life. Have you ever seen emperor Qinshihuang reincarnate? Have you ever heard of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty going into another life? Where is now Monk Xuanzang of the Tang Dynasty (What we know is the Big Wild Goose Pagoda)? Where is the Monkey King (The Flower and Fruit Mountain does exist, though)? And where can we find those great emperors such as Yao , Shun Yu and the influential philosophers like Confucius, Laozi and Zhuangzi? 共3页,当前第1页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。 12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。How many heavens do we find? Are they also divided into the oriental and the occidental world? Is God a Chinese or westerner? Which is the greatest religion among Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Catholicity and Islamism? All religions advocate doing good deeds and not killing, but why do they keep contending against each other, even fighting and killing among themselves? Is the paradise the same one in all religions? There"s only one sun in the sky, and there should be only one emperor in a country, but do all religions believe in the same God, or do they have different gods of their own? If all of us expected God"s help, wouldn"t God be too busy and too tired? Does God respect science? If not, why does he allow computers and telecommunications to run rampant? If it is God who created human beings, then doesn"t He feel out of control of what the human being are doing now (the nuclear weapons and bio-chemical weapons, etc.)? We human beings have an origin, and is it the same with God? Does God get married? Is God hereditary, or is it the same ever-lasting one? We have all those questions but who can answer them?. Predestination needs us to strive for; friendship needs us to maintain; good will needs us to treasure and future needs us to create. There is no Savior, nor Goddess of Mercy who once saved people in the past but cannot do anything to help the people at the present. The world is developing too fast. People have to work together and associate with each other. Talking about predestination, it"s just a kind of explanation about what has happened, and I"m afraid nobody can predict it before hand. From ancient times till the 1980" s, once getting married, the couple had to stick to each other for their whole life. Can we say it is because of their life-long predestination? It is just because of the marriage system. In the western countries, life-long marriage is rare. Can we say it is because their predestination makes it so? It is actually the result of human nature. The color of love could be attached to predestination, but not the color of superstition. Predestination is a lovely word which we should treasure and respect. In the present world, we should always follow the win-win or multi-win policy, instead of being single-handed. In order to achieve success, we must gain mass support instead of indulging in self-admiration. We might as well call the communication, the cooperation, the common concerns and the common aspirations of human beings “predestination”. Translated by Zhang Baodan 缘 北京外国语大学北戴河外语培训基地校长 宋远利 人世间有许多东西即没有答案,也解释不清。例如几十亿的人类,为什么就你们俩结为夫妻?为什么天天在一起没感情,素不相识的会一见钟情?为什么一家人会天天吵架,又吵而不散?为什么看去很般配的又不能结为连理?为什么一个为另一个付出的太多?为什么多情总被无情弃?…… 百思不得其解,于是人们创造了“缘”这个包罗万象、包容万物的词汇。为了左右逢缘,人们又派生了“情缘”、“孽缘”、“善缘 ” 、“恶缘”等几大支脉。诸如:“有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识”,“千里姻缘一线牵”,甚至还创造了“月下佬”、“有缘无份”、“有份无缘”、“相逢即是缘”,“冤家路窄”,“不是冤家不聚头”等。再解释不通,那就求助于“前生后世”了。连林黛玉流泪都是为了还前世欠贾宝玉的浇灌之情。 共3页,当前第2页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。 12月23日 liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。其实所谓“缘份”,经常是一种巧合、偶遇,甚至误打误撞。你不遇到这个人,你也会遇到别的人。但人们执意将其加上感情色彩,甚至迷信色彩。由此竟引出了无数的宗教门派。其主要理论无非是“前生后世”之说,“天堂地狱”之说,和“精神不灭”之说。 可是前生谁知道?知道又怎样?后世谁予知?知道又怎样?今天在眼前的尚不能把握,还谈什么虚无飘渺的后世?放弃今天,其实无异于放弃明天,因为二者是连续的。为了来世高人一等,宁愿今世当牛做马,是很荒唐的。 谁见过秦始皇转世?谁听说过汉武帝托生?唐僧今在哪里(空余大雁塔)?孙悟空又在何方(花果山确有其名)?三皇五帝至于今,包括孔子、老子、庄子等诸子,我们还能在哪里找到他们的身影? 天堂有几个?是否也分东西方?上帝是中国人、还是外国人?佛教、道教、基督教、天主教、伊斯兰教……哪个教更正确?哪个教更伟大?各教都主张行善、不杀生,为什么彼此、甚至内部仍争斗不休、甚至打打杀杀?西方极乐世界是各教共享吗?天无二日,国无二主,上帝是大家一个,还是各教不一?都希望上帝保佑,上帝是否太忙,太累? 上帝是否崇尚科学?如不,怎么会允许电脑、电讯泛滥?如果是上帝造人,现在人们的所作所为(核武器、化学武器等)是否让上帝感到失控? 人有起源,上帝是否也有起源?上帝有无婚姻?是世袭,还是千古一帝? 许多问题也只能是问问,谁能作答? 缘份也要争取,友情也要维护。恩赐也要珍惜,未来全靠创造。没有救世主。观世音能救古代人,帮不了现代人。世界发展太快了。 人们总要共事,总要交往。说缘,也只是事后的解释,事前谁能予料?中国古代,乃至八十年代前,基本上一婚到底,能说就都是一世的缘?不过是中国的婚姻制度使然。而西方很少一婚到底的,你能说就都是缘本肤浅?其实是生活逻辑的自然体现。缘份可以加进感情色彩,但不必添加迷信份额。 “缘份”这个词是蛮可爱的,要珍惜和维护。当代世界,任何事情都应该是双赢或多赢,而不应是唯我独享。事业要成功,就一定要搞浩浩荡荡,不能搞孤家寡人。我们不如就把人们这种沟通、这种共识、这种合作、这种情感叫作“缘”。 宋远利 2002/1/16 共3页,当前第3页123 小知识提示:好的演讲稿,应该既有热情的鼓动,又有冷静的分析,要把抒情和说理有机地结合起来,做到动之以情,晓之以理。

chikara-episode Final什么意思,火影忍者里的

chikara就是力 episode 是篇章 Final是最终 意思是火影的 力 篇章 最后一集 也就是说坑爹的原创剧情就要在下星期结束了

nina elle is fluent in german dominating bbc with lexington steele什么意思

nina elle is fluent in german dominating bbc with lexington steele妮娜在德国主导的英国广播公司与lexington steele艾尔流利nina elle is fluent in german dominating bbc with lexington steele妮娜在德国主导的英国广播公司与lexington steele艾尔流利

china prostitude是什么意思?

china prostitude=中国妓女。。。。。并不是中国赞成意见的态度。

The Himalayas lie between China 中的lie为什么不用lies?

在这个句子中,我们使用的是动词 "lie",它是一个不及物动词。"Lie" 表示"位于"或"躺在"的意思,它的主语是单数形式,意味着它只能与单数主语一起使用。因此,这个句子中的主语 "The Himalayas" 是单数,所以我们必须使用 "lie" 而不是 "lies"。虽然喜马拉雅山脉横跨多个国家,但它仍然是一个单一的地理特征,它被视为一个整体,因此我们需要使用单数动词 "lie" 来描述它的位置。



我今天和同学谈论音响的问题,我现在想问一下上个年代里面的箱子的比较,首先就是美国品牌 VinaI

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