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dominant follicle是什么意思

dominant follicle 优势卵泡;优势滤泡;优势滤泡数句筛选1.Sometimes, while two dominant follicle maturation, both can be released,but only a few hours each time interval.有时,两个优势卵泡同时成熟,两者都可以释放,但彼此只有数小时的时间间隔。 the follicular phase , a dominant ovarian follicle which is a sack thatcontains the ova , or egg grows , becoming ready to ovulate在卵泡期follicularphase内,一个占优势的卵泡就像一个装着卵子的大口袋准备好将要排卵。

Once the dominant pillars of university life ,the humanities now play little roles when students


请教”dominant negative”什么意思


dominant species是什么意思

dominant species[英][u02c8du0254minu0259nt u02c8spi:u0283i:z][美][u02c8dɑmu0259nu0259nt u02c8spiu0283iz]优势种; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Technology is the reason we are the dominant species on theplanet. 正是拜技术所赐,我们才能成为这个星球的主宰者。.__________________________________很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

什么是Dominant Negative

全称是 dominant negative effect,指“显性负性作用”,又称“显性负效应”,指某些信号转导蛋白突变后不仅自身无功能,还能抑制或阻断同一细胞内的野生型信号转导蛋白的作用。这种作用被称为显性负性作用。具有显性负性作用的突变体被称为显性负性突变体(dominant negative mutant)。机理是突变型蛋白和相关蛋白形成无功能的二聚体(或四聚体,如乳糖操纵子),野生型蛋白功能被抑制。

什么是dominated strategy


什么是Dominant Negative?

显性抑制虽然多数的突变都隐性的,可是在遗传学的实验上,也曾观察到显性的突变,如果这突变会抑制或 破坏某一正常的功能,就称之为“显性抑制”。在实验中给野生型表达或转入无功能的基因或目的蛋白无功能类似物,观察是否会影响原来也具有正常功能的基因或蛋白的作用。一般用于验证实验的准确性。

dominant term是什么意思



dominant :强调权威。The British were formerly dominant in India.(英国人从前统治印度。)predominant :侧重指影响与新近的优势。The predominant feature of his character was pride.(他的性格中主要的特点是骄傲。)



请翻译dominant &dominated的区别?

dominant的意思是有统治权利的,比如The king was dominant.而第二个单词的意思和dominative相同,意思是受控的,比如The robot is dominated( or dominative).


dominant英 ["du0252mu026anu0259nt]美 ["dɑmu026anu0259nt]n. 显性adj. 显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的[网络短语]Dominant 属音,占优势,优势Dominant strategy 优势策略,占优策略,占优战略dominant wave 主波,优势波domineering英 [du0252mu026a"nu026au0259ru026au014b]美 ["dɑmu0259"nu026aru026au014b]adj. 跋扈的;专横的;盛气凌人的v. 实行暴政;高耸;流行(domineer的ing形式 [网络短语]Domineering 霸气,盛气凌人,王者霸气domineering men 霸气男人Domineering virgin 霸气处男

《Withina Budding Grove》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Within a Budding Grove》(Proust, Marcel)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:cb6o书名:Within a Budding Grove作者:Proust, Marcel出版年份:1996-11内容简介:Marcel falls under the spell of a group of charming adolescent girls, to one of whom, Albertine, he is particularly attracted.

dominant rare 两个是反义词吗

前者的意思是: 占优势的; 统治的,支配的; [生]显性的; 高耸的;后者的意思是: 罕见的,特殊的; 优秀的,不寻常的; 稀薄的,经过稀化的;---------------------不是反义词,如果按照有优势的意思,两者反而可以说是近义词,希望可以帮到你!

dominant impression是什么意思

dominant impression显性印象; 主导意象; 主要印象双语例句1But in the film, our dominant impression is of his morbidity.但在影片中,我们的主要印象是他的发病率。2When it comes to various Script Oppositions in a sentence, translators should focus on the relationship between them and seek to determine the dominant impression in the sentence.当一个句子中有若干个脚本对立时,译者需关注其间的关系,并从中把握句子的主导意象。

请教”dominant negative”什么意思

显性负性突变体显性失活突变体显性负性作用(dominant negative effect):某些信号转导蛋白突变后不仅自身无功能, 还能抑制或阻断野生型信号转导蛋白的 作用。这种作用被称为显性负性作用。 具有显性负性作用的突变体被称为显性负性突变体(dominant negative mutant)。

dominant or是什么意思

dominant or 全部释义和例句>> 优势或dominant 英[u02c8du0252mu026anu0259nt]美[u02c8dɑmu0259nu0259nt]adj. 占优势的; 统治的,支配的; [生] 显性的; 高耸的;n. [生] 显性性状,显性基因; 优势物种; [乐] 全阶第五音; 主因,要素;[例句]The environment of the river becomes more suitable for ciliates, which form the dominant group of animal plankton.河流环境变得较适合纤毛类生物的生长,因而纤毛类成了浮游动物中占优势的群体。[其他] 复数:dominants 形近词: luminant dominate ruminant

统治Dominant 与统制control的区别

dominant[5dCminEnt]adj.有统治权的, 占优势的, 支配的adj.[生物] 显性的control[kEn5trol]n.控制, 支配, 管理, 调节, 抑制, 控制器, 调节装置vt.控制, 支配, 管理(物价等), 操纵, 抑制

DOMINANT 是不是LED光源的品牌呀?谁有他们的网页呀?






什么是dominated strategy(被支配/劣势策略)?

在算法上 dominated 是被支配解,也就是说有比他更好的解 non-dominated 是支配解 也成非劣解 这个是说没有比他更好的解(有可能是两个没办法比较的解)


dominant同义词是predominant.形容词,意思是:“主要的,占主导地位的; 占优势的,卓越的; 有影响的; 特优种”。主要的、占主导的同义词:dominant; 卓越的;主要的同义词: principal、superior.1、The limited research conducted thus far indicates they"re especially dominant among those who value independence over cooperation, and harmony over confrontation.到目前为止进行的有限研究表明,这一关系在那些重视独立甚于合作、重视和谐甚于对抗的人群中占主导地位。2、The device was protected by patent.这一装置受专利保护。


predominant和dominant的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、predominant:显著的。2、dominant:首要的。二、用法不同1、predominant:predominant侧重指影响与新近的优势,指其他事物都从属于或低于它的。一般用于指地位上的优势,尤指对立双方中的某一方所具有的有利条件。2、dominant:基本意思是“有利条件,优势”,指条件、环境、地位等优于他人或其他事物,而不指物质方面的好处,是可数名词。常与介词over连用,指“与…相比的长处”,作“优越性”解,其后还可接介词to。三、侧重点不同1、predominant:侧重于描写有优势。2、dominant:侧重于描写地位的优势。[例句]The environment of the river becomes more suitable for ciliates, which form the dominant group of animal plankton.河流环境变得较适合纤毛类生物的生长,因而纤毛类成了浮游动物中占优势的群体。[其他] 复数:dominants 形近词: luminant dominate ruminant


dominant(V) 属音,属和弦。“属”指的就是主调的第五级。属和弦的功能体现在终止式上面。大调中,从调内最不稳定的属和弦进行到最为稳定的主和弦就形成终止式,可以将和声进行中积累的张力一下释放,使乐句产生终止感。属七和弦对主和弦有强烈的指向性,因为它的组成音中含有的两个导音,这两个导音各自可以通过半音解决到主和弦。属七和弦的七级音4向下解决到主和弦的三级音3,三级音7向上解决到主和弦根音1。不谐和的三全音要么收缩为谐和的大三度,要么扩张成小六度,解决了属和弦的张力。属和弦根音5维持不变成为主和弦的五度音。




dominant cinema优势影院dominant[英][u02c8du0252mu026anu0259nt][美][u02c8dɑ:mu026anu0259nt]adj.占优势的; 统治的,支配的; [生]显性的; 高耸的; n.[生]显性性状,显性基因; 优势物种; [乐]全阶第五音; 主因,要素; 复数:dominants

Nominal GDP,Real GDP 和 Potential GDP的区别

Nominal GDP,即名义GDP也称货币GDP,是用生产物品和劳务的当年价格计算的全部最终产品的市场价值。名义GDP的变动可以有两种原因:一种是实际产量的变动,另一种是价格的变动。也就是说,名义GDP的变动既反映了实际产量变动的情况,又反映了价格变动的情况。Real GDP 即实际GDP是用从前某一年作为基期的价格计算出来的全部最终产品的市场价值,是名义GDP除以GDP平减指数求的。Potential GDP,即潜在GDP也称潜在产出或潜在国民收入、潜在的国内生产总值是指一国在一定时期内可供利用的经济资源在充分利用的条件下所能生产的最大产量,也就是该国在充分就业状态下所能生产的国内生产总值。这里的GDP就反映了在该时期内的最大产出能力。

frequent common ordinary general regular的区别

frequent经常的,时间或间歇很短的发生或出现common 通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的ordinary指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的,有时含贬义general一般性的,到处的;不限于领域、地区或应用 regular是指规则的

泰国演员tina在天天向上用 小吉他 弹的那首歌叫什么?我找了好久了

I"m Yours——Jason Mraz Well you done done me and you bet I felt itI tried to be chill but you"re so hot that I meltedI fell right through the cracksNow I"m trying to get backBefore the cool done run outI"ll be giving it my bestestAnd nothing"s going to stop me but divine interventionI reckon it"s again my turn to win some or learn someI won"t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I"m yoursWell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find love love love loveListen to the music of the moment people dance and singWe"re just one big familyAnd It"s our God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love lovedSo I won"t hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I"m sureThere"s no need to complicate Our time is shortThis is our fate, I"m yoursScooch on over closer dearAnd i will nibble your earI"ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirrorAnd bending over backwards just to try to see it clearerBut my breath fogged up the glassAnd so I drew a new face and laughedI guess what I"m be saying is there ain"t no better reasonTo rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasonsIt"s what we aim to doOur name is our virtueBut I won"t hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I"m yoursWell open up your mind and see like meOpen up your plans and damn you"re freeLook into your heart and you"ll find that the sky is yoursPlease don"t, please don"t, please don"tThere"s no need to complicateCause our time is shortThis oh this this is out fate, I"m yours!

nicki minaj super bass 中英对照歌词

[Verse 1:]This one is for the boys with the booming systemTop down, AC with the cooling systemWhen he come up in the club, he be blazin" upGot stacks on deck like he savin" upAnd he ill, he real, he might got a dealHe pop bottles and he got the right kind of billHe cold, he dope, he might sell cokeHe always in the air, but he never fly coachHe a muthafuckin trip, trip, sailor of the ship, shipWhen he make it drip, drip kiss him on the lip, lipThat"s the kind of dude I was lookin" forAnd yes you"ll get slapped if you"re lookin" hoeI said, excuse me you"re a hell of a guyI mean my, my, my, my you"re like pelican flyI mean, you"re so shy and I"m loving your tieYou"re like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye, ohYes I did, yes I did, somebody please tell him who the F I isI am Nicki Minaj, I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce up[Chorus - Ester Dean & Nicki Minaj:]Boy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayBeating like a drum and it"s coming your wayCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassYeah that"s that super bassGot that super bass boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassYeah that"s that super bassBoom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bassboom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bass[Verse 2:]This one is for the boys in the polosEntrepreneur niggas in the mogulsHe could ball with the crew, he could soloBut I think I like him better when he doloAnd I think I like him better with the fitted cap onHe ain"t even gotta try to put the mac onHe just gotta give me that look, when he give me that lookThen the panties comin" off, off, uhExcuse me, you"re a hell of a guy you know I really got a thing for American guysI mean, sigh, sickenin" eyes I can tell that you"re in touch with your feminine sideYes I did, yes I did, somebody please tell him who the F I isI am Nicki Minaj, I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce up[Chorus - Ester Dean & Nicki Minaj][Hook:]See I need you in my life for me to stayNo, no, no, no, no I know you"ll stayNo, no, no, no, no don"t go awayBoy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayDon"t you hear that heartbeat comin" your wayOh it be like, boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass

Nicki Minaj&Ester Dean的《Super Bass》 歌词

歌曲名:Super Bass歌手:Nicki Minaj&Ester Dean专辑:2012 Grammy NomineesSuper BassNicki Minaj,Ester DeanThis one is for the boys with the boomin" systemTop down, AC with the coolin" systemWhen he come up in the club, he be blazin" upGot stacks on deck like he savin" upAnd he ill, he real, he might gotta dealHe pop bottles and he got the right kind of billHe cold, he dope, he might sell cokeHe always in the air, but he never fly coachHe a muthafuckin trip, trip, sailor of the ship, shipWhen he make it drip, drip kiss him on the lip, lipThat"s the kind of dude I was lookin" forAnd yes you"ll get slapped if you"re lookin" hoeI said, excuse me you"re a hell of a guyI mean my, my, my, my you"re like pelican flyI mean, you"re so shy and I"m loving your tieYou"re like slicker than the guy with the thing on his eye, ohYes I did, yes I did, somebody please tell him who the eff I isI am Nicki Minaj, I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce upBoy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayBeating like a drum and it"s coming your wayCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass?He got that super bassBoom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassYeah that"s that super bassBoom ....Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bassboom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, yeah that"s that super bassThis one is for the boys in the polosEntrepeneur niggas in the mogulsHe could ball with the crew, he could soloBut I think I like him better when he doloAnd I think I like him better with the fitted cap onHe ain"t even gotta try to put the mac onHe just gotta give me that look, when he give me that lookThen the panties comin" off, off, uhExcuse me, you"re a hell of a guy you know I really got a thing for American guysI mean, sigh, sickenin" eyes I can tell that you"re in touch with your feminine side, ohYes I did, yes I did, somebody please tell him who the eff I isI am Nicki Minaj, I mack them dudes up, back coupes up, and chuck the deuce upBoy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayBeating like a drum and it"s coming your wayCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass?He got that super bassBoom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassYeah that"s that super bassBoom ...Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bassboom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, yeah that"s that super bassSee I need you in my life for me to stayNo, no, no, no, no I know you"ll stayNo, no, no, no, no don"t go awayBoy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayDon"t you hear that heartbeat comin" your wayOh it be like, boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassBoy you got my heartbeat runnin" awayBeating like a drum and it"s coming your wayCan"t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass?He got that super bassBoom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bassYeah that"s that super bassBoom ...Boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, he got that super bassboom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, yeah that"s that super bass

Shanghai is bigger than _____ in Jiangsu and bigger than _____ in China.

any city是任何城市,any other city是任何其他城市。因为上海不在江苏省内,所以是any city,但是上海市在中国范围内,所以是any other city.希望可以帮助到你,望采纳。谢谢!


originate[英]u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u026aneu026at[美]u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259u02ccnetvt. 引起;创始,创作;开始,发生;发明vi. 起源于,来自;产生;起航[例句]How do these extremist emotional patterns originate?这些极端主义的情感模式是如何起源的?如果你认可我的回答,请采纳为满意回答

求 Paulina Rubio- loud 的歌词及中文翻译

The One You Love--- Paulina Rubio When you"re on top of the world Or it"s got you down When you"re flying through the air Or you"re crashing to the ground When you"re searching for the light And it"s nowhere to be found Just phone me baby And I know we"ll be the same The air won"t tie you down I won"t ever be the broken wings That keep you off the ground But when you start to see I will be the sound Just let me baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love Baby you can tell me everything The secrets of your heart If you could look inside of me You"d see how beautiful you are I wanna show you everything Each and every part of me is yours Just take it baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love Let me be the lover You want to uncover Let me be the one you love Hey baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you (The one you) I only wanna be the one you love (I only wanna be the one you love) I only wanna be the one you want (The one you want) Come and get me baby (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Let me loose inside your soul (Yeah, yeah, yeah) I only wanna be your every need (I only wanna be the love you want) I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want) I"ll do anything to be (Yeah, yeah, baby baby) The one you love (Yeaaaah) I only wanna be the one you love (Baby) I only wanna be the one you want (Baby) Come and get me baby (Don"t ever leave me baby) Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need (I only wann be the one you love) I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want) I"ll do anything to be The one you love (The one you truly love baby) I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love中文歌词没找到

go back china 还是go back to china , go back home 还是go back to home ,go back to school还是

go back to china , go back home ,go back to school只这三个中只有home为副词,前面不需要介词


国务院法制办公室网站- 国务院法制办公室( (一)统筹考虑、统一规划国务院的立法工作,拟订国 务院年度立法工作安排,报经国务院领导批准后,组织实施,督促指导。 (二)审查修改各部门报道国务院的法律草案、行政法 规草案,从法律角度审查部门送国务院审核的我国缔结或者参加的国际条约。 (三)起草或者组织起草若干重要的法律草案、行政法规草案。 (四)承办行政法规的立法解释工作。 (五)研究行政诉讼、行政复议、行政赔偿、行政处罚、 行政许可、行政收费、行政执行等涉及政府行为共同规范 的法律、行政法规实施以及行政执法中带普遍性的问题,向 国务院提出完善制度和解决问题的意见,拟订有关配套的行政法规、文件和答复意见。 (六)协调部门之间在有关法律、行政法规实施中的矛盾和争议。 (七)办理地方性法规、地方人民政府规章和国务院各 部门规章的备案审查工作,审查其同宪法、法律、行政法 规是否抵触以及它们相互之间是否矛盾,根据不同情况提出处理意见。 (八)清理、编纂行政法规,我国家出版的法律、行政法规汇编正式版本。 (九)组织翻译、审定国家出版的行政法规外文文本和民族语言文本。 (十)开展政府法制理论、政府法制工作研究和交流,开展对外法制业务交流。 (十一)承办国务院交办的其他事项。 课程推荐: 2015年国家公务员考试课程在线试听 相关热点: 报名时间 | 职位表 | 准考证 | 考试时间 | 成绩查询 | 真题答案 | 模拟试题

写英语作文中第一、二···中用什么词? first of all,secondly ,and then,finally还是first,second




reiss katharina哪个是姓

katharina 是姓。中国人名字的英文写法,就是汉语拼音:姓在前,名在后,姓和名分开写,姓和名的开头字母均大写。两个字的名字,名在前,姓氏在后,名和姓的首字母都需要大写,姓跟名中间空格隔开。多个字的名字,名在前,姓氏在后,只需要名字的第一个字的首字母,以及姓氏的第一个字的首字母大写,姓跟名中间空格隔开。

piss 和 urinate有什么区别?

都有上厕所撒尿的意思,pee是小孩子说的 piss是俚语,市井说的 有文化一点人说urinate

funding 和 finance 有差别么

funding n. 提供资金;用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券v. 提供资金;积存(fund的ing形式) finance n. 财政,财政学;金融vt. 负担经费,供给…经费vi. 筹措资金



finance 和 fund有什么不同

funding n. 提供资金;用发行长期债券的方法来收回短期债券v. 提供资金;积存(fund的ing形式)finance n. 财政,财政学;金融vt. 负担经费,供给…经费vi. 筹措资金


be thrown in at the deep end被扔到最底层被扔在深水区被打入十八层地狱.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

cortina song for you歌词

网上好像没有我听着歌打的,你看看满意不??i cried for you i cried for youbefore i knew before i knewererything went wrong i wrote down this songi prayed for you i prayed for you before i knew before i knewererything went wrong i wrote down this songa song for you to help you throughwhen all is broken it might be the gluea song to sing for better luck to bring a mourning songfor everthing that"s wrong i maks me anger makes me sad to see you like this drives me mad ererything went wrong here"s a mourning songa song for you to help you throughwhen all is broken it might be the gluea song to sing for better luck to bring a mourning song for everything that"s goneit maks me anger makes sad but i know someday you will have what you sad

He ( ) the gift of imaginatio

填 had即可

a song for you有很多人唱过,CHRISTINA AGUILERA就唱过,我想知道关于这首歌的原唱它的被翻唱历史。

a song for you 是卡朋特乐队1972年的一首歌

Studying in china and abroad英语范文

Studying AbroadNowadays many Chinese students are interested in studying abroad. They spend much more time, energy and money on the preparation for studying abroad than on their own majors in college. And some of them even begin to prepare for GRE and TOFEL at the beginning of their college life.Why are they so over-enthusiastic about studying abroad? One of the reasons may be that they prefer a different style of life, which can open a new world to them and help enrich their experiences. Moreover, he or she will become a multi-cultural person.Secondly, they can improve their foreign language quickly, and thus they are likely to get a good job. Lastly, better laboratory equipment and large amounts of information may be another attraction for many students.However, as everything has two sides, there are also some problems in attending a foreign university such as language barrier, lack of knowledge of the local culture, etc. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise, in addition, the cost of living is so high that the students have to find part-time jobs in order to help support themselves. This may cause them not to pay full attention to their studies and fail in their courses and learn little.As for met, I would like to study abroad in the future. But the cost is too high for me to afford, so I will work for several years in China after graduation, Then I think I will be better prepared not only in finance but also in experiences, so that I may catch an opportunity to study abroad.




finalvalidation要接受。final validation是论文投稿文章的终审。论文是一个汉语词语,拼音是lùn wén,古典文学常见论文一词,谓交谈辞章或交流思想。当代,论文常用来指进行各个学术领域的研究和描述学术研究成果的文章,简称之为论文。它既是探讨问题进行学术研究的一种手段,又是描述学术研究成果进行学术交流的一种工具。它包括学年论文、毕业论文、学位论文、科技论文、成果论文等。2020年12月24日,《本科毕业论文(设计)抽检办法(试行)》提出,本科毕业论文抽检每年进行一次,抽检比例原则上应不低于2%

the call(Regina Spektor演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《the call》是Regina Spektor演唱歌曲,为电影《纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子》的片尾曲。 歌曲信息,歌词, 歌曲信息 纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子 片尾曲 演唱者:Regina Spektor 歌词 [ti:The Call] [ar:Regina Spektor] [al:] [by:sweeter] [00:00.00]By: sweeter [00:01.19] [00:01.20]It started out as a feeling [00:05.92]Which then grew into a hope [00:11.23]Which then turned into a quiet thought [00:16.55]Which then turned into a quiet word [00:20.36] [00:22.37]And then that word grew louder and louder [00:27.61]"Til it was a battle cry [00:31.84]I"ll come back [00:34.23]When you call me [00:38.36]No need to say goodbye [00:41.54] [00:43.74]Just because everything"s changing [00:47.25]Doesn"t mean it"s never been this way before [00:54.29]All you can do is try to know who your friends are [00:59.21]As you head off to the war [01:02.28] [01:04.70]Pick a star on the dark horizon [01:09.59]And follow the light [01:13.77]You"ll come back when it"s over [01:20.46]No need to say goodbye [01:23.70] [01:24.64]You"ll come back when it"s over [01:31.05]No need to say goodbye [01:36.54] [02:08.05]Now we"re back to the beginning [02:12.19]It"s just a feeling and no one knows yet [02:18.37]But just because they can"t feel it too [02:23.02]Doesn"t mean that you have to forget [02:26.79] [02:29.22]Let your memories grow stronger and stronger [02:34.29]"Til they"re before your eyes [02:38.15]You"ll come back [02:41.03]When they call you [02:44.99]No need to say goodbye [02:47.77] [02:48.85]You"ll come back [02:51.38]When they call you [02:55.42]No need to say goodbye 中文歌词: 它起始于一种感觉 那种感觉逐渐生长成希望 然后转变为安静的思想 又成为静默的语言 而这种语言在越发嘹亮的发声 直到它发出战斗的号角 那时我将归来 当你呼唤我的时候 所以并不需要说再见 仅仅因为一切都在变化 并不意味着它们未曾以这样的轨迹衍变 你要做的是认知你真正的伙伴 当你奔赴战役之时 在黑暗的地平线上找到一颗星 并追寻光源 当这一切结束的时候,你将归来 所以并不需要说再见 当这一切结束的时候,你将归来 所以并不需要说再见 现在一切回到了原点 它又仅仅是一种感觉,而周围人对此一无所知 但只是因为他们并不能感觉到它 并不意味着你要忘却那一切 让你的记忆逐渐厚重 直到那些过往重临眼前 那时你将会归来 当这些过去召唤你的时候 所以并不需要说再见 那时你将会归来 当这些过去召唤你的时候 所以并不需要说再见


  60. Traditionally, pollination by wind has  Traditionally, pollination by wind has been viewed as a reproductive process marked by random events in which the vagaries of the wind are compensated for by the generation of vast quantities of pollen, so that the ultimate production of new seeds is assured at the expense of producing much more pollen than is actually used. Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous, wind-pollinated plants have, in the view above, compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects.  However, a number of features that are characteristic of wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste. For example, many wind-pollinated species fail to release pollen when wind speeds are low or when humid conditions prevail. Recent studies suggest another way in which species compensate for the inefficiency of wind pollination. These studies suggest that species frequently take advantage of the physics of pollen motion by generating specific aerodynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their female reproductive organs. It is the morphology of these organs that dictates the pattern of airflow disturbances through which pollen must travel. The speed and direction of the airflow disturbances can combine with the physical properties of a species" pollen to produce a species-specific pattern of pollen collision on the surfaces of female reproductive organs. Provided that these surfaces are strategically located, the consequences of this combination can significantly increase the pollen-capture efficiency of a female reproductive organ.  A critical question that remains to be answered is whether the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated species are evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination or are merely fortuitous. A complete resolution of the question is as yet impossible since adaptation must be evaluated for each species within its own unique functional context. However, it must be said that, while evidence of such evolutionary adaptations does exist in some species, one must be careful about attributing morphology to adaptation. For example, the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on ovule-bearing pine cones, where the female reproductive organs of conifers are located, is important to the production of airflow patterns that spiral over the cone"s surfaces, thereby passing airborne pollen from one scale to the next. However, these patterns cannot be viewed as an adaptation to wind pollination because the spiral arrangement occurs in a number of non-wind-pollinated plant lineages and is regarded as a characteristic of vascular plants, of which conifers are only one kind, as a whole. Therefore, the spiral arrangement is not likely to be the result of a direct adaptation to wind pollination.  21. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with discussing  (A) the current debate on whether the morphological attributes of wind-pollinated plants are evolutionary adaptations  (B) the kinds of airflow patterns that permit wind-pollinated plants to capture pollen most efficiently  (C) the ways in which the reproductive processes of wind-pollinated plants are controlled by random events  (D) a recently proposed explanation of a way in which wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste  (E) a specific morphological attribute that permits one species of wind-pollinated plant to capture pollen  22. The author suggests that explanations of wind pollination that emphasize the production of vast quantities of pollen to compensate for the randomness of the pollination process are  (A) debatable and misleading  (B) ingenious and convincing  (C) accurate but incomplete  (D) intriguing but controversial  (E) plausible but unverifiable  23. According to the passage, the “aerodynamic environments” mentioned in line 23, when they are produced, are primarily determined by the  (A) presence of insects near the plant  (B) physical properties of the plant"s pollen  (C) shape of the plant"s female reproductive organs  (D) amount of pollen generated by the plant  (E) number of seeds produced by the plant  24. According to the passage, true statements about the release of pollen by wind-pollinated plants include which of the following?  I. The release can be affected by certain environmental factors.  II. The amount of pollen released increases on a rainy day.  III. Pollen is sometimes not released by plants when there is little wind.  (A) II only  (B) III only  (C) I and II only  (D) I and III only  (E) I, II, and III  25. The passage suggests that the recent studies cited in lines 19-21 have not done which of the following?  (A) Made any distinctions between different species of wind-pollinated plants.  (B) Considered the physical properties of the pollen that is produced by wind-pollinated plants.  (C) Indicated the general range within which plant-generated airflow disturbances are apt to occur.  (D) Included investigations of the physics of pollen motion and its relationship to the efficient capture of pollen by the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants.  (E) Demonstrated that the morphological attributes of the female reproductive organs of wind-pollinated plants are usually evolutionary adaptations to wind pollination.  26. It can be inferred from the passage that the claim that the spiral arrangement of scale-bract complexes on an ovule-bearing pine cone is an adaptation to wind pollination would be more convincing if which of the following were true?  (A) Such an arrangement occurred only in wind-pollinated plants.  (B) Such an arrangement occurred in vascular plants as a whole.  (C) Such an arrangement could be shown to be beneficial to pollen release.  (D) The number of bracts could be shown to have increased over time.  (E) The airflow patterns over the cone"s surfaces could be shown to be produced by such arrangements.  27. Which of the following, if known, is likely to have been the kind of evidence used to support the view described in the first paragraph?  (A) Wind speeds need not be very low for wind-pollinated plants to fail to release pollen.  (B) The female reproductive organs of plants often have a sticky surface that allows them to trap airborne pollen systematically.  (C) Grasses, as well as conifers, generate specific aerodynamic environments within the immediate vicinity of their reproductive organs.  (D) Rain showers often wash airborne pollen out of the air before it ever reaches an appropriate plant.  (E) The density and size of an airborne pollen grain are of equal importance in determining whether that grain will be captured by a plant.  答案:DCCDE AD

Ludovico Einaudi的《The Tower》 歌词

歌曲名:The Tower歌手:Ludovico Einaudi专辑:The Royal Albert Hall ConcertThe TowerWhere do I go?Never had a very real dream before.Now I got a vision of an open door.Guiding me home, where I belong,dreamland I have come.Oh where do I go?Never had a flesh and blood like this before.Got a new appearance when I passed the door.Is it a dream I am withing? Oh what"s going on?Down, down, downGo down, go down, go downI roam into nowhere.Don"t see an end: eternal wastelands.And I hear the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice...Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...Never been a fighter,neber been a man.But I must help Vandroiy, he"s my only friend.Nowhere to go but I know that he knows howwe will get her out...Magic of transcendencebrought me to this placeVandroiy in reality lead me on my race.Told me to bring back the sealbut still I don"t know where I shall go.Can"t you "feel" the voice?You don"t have a choice.What a kind of life:Freedom in flesh - shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!For all the wisdom of ages doesn"t die.Men have good intentionson their way to the light.But som of them are venaland end up in the night.Maybe it"s better for you, mankind,not to know what"s going on.Sometimes we must goways that seem to be wrong.What a kind of life: Freedom in flesh,shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Find out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...You have come the long way through agesto bring me the seven parts of the seal.So now throw it over the walls of the tower.Throw the seal!But first Godfather, what about the prophecy? Whatabout your reward: The ultimate illumination, thegnosis and the power to defend your kingdom onearth with a strong hand?What about the prophecy?I realize...For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?Gabriel I can feel:You have it back - book and seal.Still no war is won, we have just begun...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the one,Of the one...Oh, how could the stranger steal the seal away?Was it my fault?Or was it no one"s fault at all?

Pina的《The Tower》 歌词

歌曲名:The Tower歌手:Pina专辑:Quick LookThe TowerWhere do I go?Never had a very real dream before.Now I got a vision of an open door.Guiding me home, where I belong,dreamland I have come.Oh where do I go?Never had a flesh and blood like this before.Got a new appearance when I passed the door.Is it a dream I am withing? Oh what"s going on?Down, down, downGo down, go down, go downI roam into nowhere.Don"t see an end: eternal wastelands.And I hear the voice, the voice, the voice, the voice...Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah...Never been a fighter,neber been a man.But I must help Vandroiy, he"s my only friend.Nowhere to go but I know that he knows howwe will get her out...Magic of transcendencebrought me to this placeVandroiy in reality lead me on my race.Told me to bring back the sealbut still I don"t know where I shall go.Can"t you "feel" the voice?You don"t have a choice.What a kind of life:Freedom in flesh - shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!For all the wisdom of ages doesn"t die.Men have good intentionson their way to the light.But som of them are venaland end up in the night.Maybe it"s better for you, mankind,not to know what"s going on.Sometimes we must goways that seem to be wrong.What a kind of life: Freedom in flesh,shackles on your mind...Go all the way to the tower!Find out the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Find out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...You have come the long way through agesto bring me the seven parts of the seal.So now throw it over the walls of the tower.Throw the seal!But first Godfather, what about the prophecy? Whatabout your reward: The ultimate illumination, thegnosis and the power to defend your kingdom onearth with a strong hand?What about the prophecy?I realize...For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?For the glory, for the glory, for the glory,For the glory. Oh - what is going on?Gabriel I can feel:You have it back - book and seal.Still no war is won, we have just begun...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the onewho reigns from inside...Go all the way to the tower!Long for the secrets behind!Go all the way to the tower!Found out the name of the one,Of the one...Oh, how could the stranger steal the seal away?Was it my fault?Or was it no one"s fault at all?

Re:请问:Preliminary paper submission是什么意思

Preliminary paper submission提交初步研究

preliminary school是什么意思


preliminary and general是什么意思

so the sun went down and th

preliminary ;prejudice; signature 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音的~




preliminary 与introductory的差异

preliminaryadj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的n.准备工作; 预赛; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考introductoryadj.引言的;导论的;介绍性的;(新品)促销的,特惠的


preliminary和original的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、preliminary:预备性的,初步的。2、original:原来的,最早的。二、用法不同1、preliminary:直接源自中世纪拉丁语的praeliminaris,意为初步的。复数,preliminaries、记忆技巧:pre 前 + limin 门槛,引申为“限制” + ary ?的 → 入门前的 → 初步的。2、original:original强调具有与众不同,有独到之处的创造能力。指想象大异于现实,近乎或等于虚构。强调富有幻想能力。三、侧重点不同1、preliminary:侧重新事物的新奇和独特。2、original:original强调独创性。



加拿大维多利亚大学的Preliminary admission和conditional admission, PR身份可以申请吗?

加拿大维多利亚大学的Preliminary admission和conditional admission, PR身份可以申请吗?

Preliminary results是什么意思

Preliminary results 全部释义和例句>>初步结果Preliminary results 全部释义和例句>>初步结果Preliminary results 全部释义和例句>>初步结果

series ; preliminary ;prejudice 英语用谐音怎么读?


preliminary and general是什么意思

preliminary and general初步和一般

preliminary design是什么意思

preliminary design 英[priu02c8liminu0259ri diu02c8zain] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri du026au02c8zau026an] [释义] 预备设计,初步设计,打样设计;


preliminary-outline双语例句1. The winner of each preliminary goes through to the final. 每场初赛的获胜者进入决赛。2. We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. 我们进行了几次预拍摄,摆了各种不同的造型。

preliminary injunctive relief是什么意思??

英文【preliminary injunctive relief】汉语1【预先禁令救济】来源:政府也将以赔偿(restitution)、退还(disgorgement)或两者结合的方式寻求预先禁令救济(preliminary injunctive relief)和货币救济(monetary relief)。汉语2【初步强制救济】来源:根据UNCITRAL的研究总结,临时措施有不同的称法,包括临时保全措施(interim measures of protection)、临时命令(provisional orders)、临时裁决令(interim awards)、保全措施(conservatory measures)以及初步强制救济(preliminary injunctive relief)。


preliminaries_百度翻译preliminaries [英]pru026a"lu026amu026anu0259ru026az [美]pru026a"lu026amu026anu0259ru026az n. 准备工作( preliminary的名词复数 );预赛;(对学生等的)预考;预选赛 请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

preliminary study是什么意思

preliminary study 英[priu02c8liminu0259ri u02c8stu028cdi] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri u02c8stu028cdi] [释义] 初步研究; [例句]Western scientific evidence for the formula is scant, though one FlyFF Penya recent preliminary study found it effective.西方科学缺乏有关这种药剂的证据,不过前不久的一项初步研究表明这种药有效。进行更多翻译preliminary 英[pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri] 美[pru026au02c8lu026amu026aneri] adj. 初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n. 预赛; 准备工作; 初步措施; (对学生等的) 预考; [例句]This is a preliminary exploration and has some reference value to estimate the shear wave velocity of this area.这是一项初步的探索,对初略估计这一地区的剪切波速值有一定的参考意义。[其他] 复数:preliminaries 形近词: postliminary infraliminary supraliminary 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义


形容词 adj.1.初步的, 预备的, 开端的 They are taking preliminary steps in preparation for a possible war.他们正在为应付一场可能的战争做初步的准备。2.序言的名词 n.1.准备工作, 初步行动 There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit certain foreigners.在访问某些外国人之前要做好许多准备工作。2.(对学生等的)预考,初试3.预赛;预选赛;淘汰赛4.[常用复数]初步,开端,准备(指步骤、措施等)5.[复数]正文前的书页,正文前的内容(如序言等) 副词 adv.1.初步地;作为起始;作为预备 [priˈliminəri]


preliminary的意思是初步的;预备的;开始的;初步行动;准备;初步措施。一、词汇搭配1、preliminary examination,意思指,初试。例如:The preliminary examination results are not bad.初审结果还不错。2、preliminary remark,意思指,初步讨论。例如:The preliminary remark shows that your point of view needs to be verified.初步讨论表明你的观点需要后续验证。二、词形区分1、副词:preliminarily。2、名词复数:preliminaries。三、相关例句1、They have made a preliminary investigation.他们已经做了初步的调查。2、Our team got beaten in the preliminary rounds of the competition.我们队在这次比赛的预赛中遭淘汰。3、There are a lot of preliminaries to be gone through before you can visit a foreign country.在出访外国之前要做好许多准备工作。


preliminary美: [pru026a"lu026amu0259.neri]英: [pri"lu026amu026an(u0259)ri]adv.预先adj.预备性的;初步的;开始的n.初步行动(或活动);预备性措施


preliminary[英][pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri][美][pru026au02c8lu026amu026aneri]adj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n.预赛; 准备工作; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考; 双语例句1Preliminary reports suggest a fatality rate of nearly 100%.初步报告显示死亡率百分之百.2What are your preliminary findings, mr. palmer?你最初的发现是什么,帕默先生?


preliminary[英][pru026au02c8lu026amu026anu0259ri][美][pru026au02c8lu026amu0259u02ccnu025bri]adj.初步的,初级的; 预备的; 开端的; 序言的; n.准备工作; 预赛; 初步措施; (对学生等的)预考; 复数:preliminaries例句:1.The preliminary results are that it will double crop yields in a couple of years. " “初步结果显示,这将在几年内使可可产量翻一番。”2.But these were preliminary data. 但这些只是初步数据。3.The bls data is preliminary and will be finalized next year. 劳工统计局的数据是初步的,将于明年最终完成。


marginally significant稍微重要,稍微显著The features are not only marginally significant at 95% level on a statistical basis. 这一些特征在95%水平时刚好在访问量情况上是显著的。

Tina Arena的《Soul Mate》 歌词

歌曲名:Soul Mate歌手:Tina Arena专辑:Just MeSoulmate # 9, say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mindWoah woah woah woahYou live in a made up worldYou think that I dont seeIts a world of make believeYou spin a tangled webJust like a fairytaleIts all in your headYou promised me the worldYou promised me the sunYou promised me heavenBut your gonna turn it roundCause Soulmate # 9 say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mindSoulmate # 9You say youre a grown up manYouve got it in control, your pockets lined in goldThats not what I need from youIts never what you sayIts only what you doYou look into my eyesYou try to hypnotiseYou say that its foreverBut forever means goodbyeCause Im your Soulmate # 9, say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mindSoulmate # 9I would have loved youIf youd just be who you areIf you just say that you want meAnd let the feeling feel so realI feel you, coming from the heartCause Soulmate # 9, say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mindCause Im your Soulmate # 9 say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mindWoah woah woah woahCause Soulmate # 9 say that Im the only oneBut I know thats just a lieIm your Soulmate # 9, youre living in a fantasy, in your mind

Let Me In [Rhapsody Originals] 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me In [Rhapsody Originals]歌手:Hot Hot Heat专辑:Rhapsody OriginalsHot Hot Heat -- Let me inWoke up in smoke and flamesEye to eye with a strangerFive thousand photographsSolemn burnt up in angerAm I asleep still?Tell me, I could have beenDon"t let it tear us apart again limb from limbPlease let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m begging, baby, let me inBaby, just let me inI"m begging at your door just let me inJust let me inI drank the wine of youthEnded up in a comaYour wicked silver tongueNo wonder nobody told youThat I"m awake nowFirst time I"ve ever been able to see what I should have seenWay back when you let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m begging, baby, let me inBaby just let me inI"m begging at your door just let me inJust let me inThis willful waitingJust won"t end up savingI guess this is farewellUnless somehow, you let me inHeySee, I"m awake nowFirst time I"ve ever been able to see what I should have seenWay back when you let me inBut I don"t want to look at you this wayI"m staring through your windowI don"t want to think of you this wayI"m screaming baby let me inBaby just let me ini"m screaming at your door just let me injust let me inThis willful waitingJust won"t end up savingI guess this is farewellUnless somehow, you let me in
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