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意思是:紫蜂技术; 无线个域网。


zigbee锁定本词条由“科普中国”百科科学词条编写与应用工作项目 审核 。ZigBee是基于IEEE802.15.4标准的低功耗局域网协议。根据国际标准规定,ZigBee技术是一种短距离、低功耗的无线通信技术。这一名称(又称紫蜂协议)来源于蜜蜂的八字舞,由于蜜蜂(bee)是靠飞翔和“嗡嗡”(zig)地抖动翅膀的“舞蹈”来与同伴传递花粉所在方位信息,也就是说蜜蜂依靠这样的方式构成了群体中的通信网络。其特点是近距离、低复杂度、自组织、低功耗、低数据速率。主要适合用于自动控制和远程控制领域,可以嵌入各种设备。简而言之,ZigBee就是一种便宜的,低功耗的近距离无线组网通讯技术。ZigBee是一种低速短距离传输的无线网络协议。ZigBee协议从下到上分别为物理层(PHY)、媒体访问控制层(MAC)、传输层(TL)、网络层(NWK)、应用层(APL)等。其中物理层和媒体访问控制层遵循IEEE 802.15.4标准的规定。中文名紫蜂协议外文名ZigBee标 准IEEE802.15.4全球频段2.4GHz(全球使用)欧洲频段868MHz北美频段915MHzhttp://baike.baidu.com/link?url=n5G7SBaFU4xXzKHYx0nDqrCkMWoExWSOwQbU86gB5NuV9F3eUSbn2AtXFY-gv6LXGXFHNdtBO1mPMYhNRyrL_a

一首英文歌 男女对唱的 女的有唱everybody right now.....然后后面还有哎呀呀呀的。求帮助!!

是Wiley的歌,歌名是"Can You Hear Me (Ayayaya)", 歌词如下:I was on a path to the limelightNow I"m on another one it"s a night flightWhen they say I"m a star I say thank youIt"s all due to the scenes that I ran throughSo I keep flyin the flags for all peopleNo messing about we"re all equalVibe alive in the club when I roll inI get around with the crowd when I"m roamingEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaThey should know I bring vibes on a club nightKeep the crowd hyped up brother partyRed, she wanna say words in my earlobeReminds me there"s an hour of the party leftSee the fireworks, celebrationTeam winning the Grey Goose amazingSend them Jaeger bombs I got a cravingSo many women I don"t wanna stop ravingThey should know I got tunes for the gyal demOnce the ladies are there see the man dem reachThey wanna leave there with a numberCheck the peng ting she"s gonna hang with meI"m skanking all round the party I"m skankingI got girls to the left and girls to the rightWhen we"re at the bar we ain"t rampingEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaWiley called me on the iPhoneHe said get my passport told me to come throughPut your sun cream in your suitcaseWhen I arrive I"m causing a heat wave tooGot my SnapBack and my vest onLooking at the hot girl with the red dress onLight skin with a beautiful body like KimSo I had to get my Kanye West onShe told me she"s feeling my jewelryShe said that she"s in love with my Jesus pieceI told her to look again closelyIt"s not Jesus baby it"s JMEAnd I was like babe come overI don"t bite girl come a little closerCome a little closerI don"t bite girl come a little closerEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaYou know I don"t usually partyBut Skepta and Wiley said its a hypeI can"t find my phone or my car keysLike Zippy Tafari said on the micThe vibe is off the richterAnd I can"t even tweet a pictureI"m on the dance floorThe joke is I never had a drink but I"m acting the drunkestShe"s staring like I"m a weirdoOr then again maybe she likes meI"m not supposed to be here thoughHaven"t got a wrist band for the VIPNo triple A pass but I"m partying with the starsYep, I can"t complain I just enjoy while it lastsEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear meAyaya ayaya ayaya ayayaEverybody right now can you hear meThrough the speakers turn me up if you hear me Ayaya ayaya ayaya ayaya

电脑开机时显示器黑屏显示DUI,然后就是no signal是怎么回事

no signal说明显示器显示无信号,主要从以下几方面着手: 1)首先,确认显示器无故障,然后检查显示器与显卡之间插头是否脱落,反复拔插试试。 2)将主机箱打开,确认一下独立显卡的风扇是否运转正常,查看独立显卡是否从插槽中脱出(集成显卡除外),然后将显卡拔出,用软布将显卡的金属触角擦试干净后再插入插槽中,看是否正常。3)将内存从内存槽中拔出,用软布擦试干净后重新插入,到此步骤,一般电脑都可正常开机。 4)详细检查显卡或主板上的电容,看是否有电容发鼓或爆浆等,如有,将其焊下来,用新的替换即可,一般已使用4~5年的电脑故障大多是电容引起的。


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One Wild Night 歌词翻译


求bon jovi 狂野一夜中的ONE WILD NIGHT 的歌词文件 QQ音乐用的那种

  One Wild Night  Bon Jovi  It"s a hot night, the natives are restless  We"re sweating by the light of the moon  There"s a voodoo mojo brewing at the go-go  That could knock a witch off her broom  We slither on in and shed our skin  Make our way into the bump and the grind  I"m passing by, she gives me the eye  So I stop to give her a light  NaNaNa.......Alright  One wild night (blinded by the moonlight)  One wild night (24 hours of midnight)  One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zoneAnd she left my heart with vertigo)  One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night  Havin" as much fun as you can in your clothes  Margarita had me feelin" alright  It just might be that I found religion  I"ve been on my knees for half of the night  Then I"m rolling the bones with Jimmy "no dice"  Gonna take him for a couple weeks" pay  Man, if you lose this roll I take your girlfriend home  So I stopped  But you"re not gonna believe who comes walking out  One wild night (blinded by the moonlight)  One wild night (24 hours of midnight)  One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo)  One wild night (hey, c"est la vie)  One wild night (welcome to the party)  One wild night (life is for the living so  You gotta live it up, come on let"s go)  One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night  Guitar solo  NaNaNa.......  One wild night (blinded by the moonlight)  One wild night (24 hours of midnight)  One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo)  One wild night (hey, c"est la vie)  One wild night (welcome to the party)  One wild night (life if for the living so  You gotta live it up, come on let"s go)  One wild, one..  One wild night  One wild night  One wild night  One wild night (blinded by the moonlight)  One wild night (24 hours of midnight)  One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone)  One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night  我也是BONJOVI的歌迷,唱听他的歌,希望能帮助到你。

求bon jovi的one wild night的中文歌词

狂放的夜它是热的夜,当地人是不安定的 由那里月亮的光冒汗 是巫毒教mojo酿造在可能敲 巫婆她的笤帚的去去的我们 我们滑行并且流洒我们的皮肤 做我们的方式成爆沸和研磨 ,因此我通过,她给我眼睛 ,因此我停下来给她轻的 合唱: 一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域 和她左我的心脏以眩晕) 一狂放,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜 Havin同样多乐趣,象您在您的衣裳玛格丽塔酒 能有我feelin它 也许行是我发现了我 是在我的膝盖为夜的一半的宗教 我然后滚动骨头与吉米‘没有模子" 去采取他为几星期的薪水 人,如果您丢失我采取您的女朋友家的这卷 ,因此我停止了 ,但您不相信谁来走出去 Chorus: One wild night (blinded by the moonlight) One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild night (hey, c"est la vie) One wild night (welcome to the party) One wild night (life is for the living so You gotta live it up, come on let"s go) One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night Guitar solo Chorus: 一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域 和她左我的心脏以眩晕) 一狂放的夜(嘿, c"est la竞争) 一狂放的夜(欢迎到党) 一狂放的夜(生活,如果为生活,因此 您得到居住它,进展我们是) 一狂放,一个狂放,一个狂放,一个一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域) 为一狂放夜 一个狂放的夜(嘿, c"est la竞争) 一狂放的夜(欢迎到党) 一狂放的夜(生活是为生活) 我们有的全部是一狂放的夜 一狂放的夜(4x) 一狂放的夜由月光蒙蔽了 一狂放的夜24个小时午夜 狂放的夜跨步入暮色区域为一 狂放的一,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜。

求bon jovi的one wild night的中文歌词

狂放的夜 它是热的夜,当地人是不安定的 由那里月亮的光冒汗 是巫毒教mojo酿造在可能敲 巫婆她的笤帚的去去的我们 我们滑行并且流洒我们的皮肤 做我们的方式成爆沸和研磨 ,因此我通过,她给我眼睛 ,因此我停下来给她轻的 合唱: 一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域 和她左我的心脏以眩晕) 一狂放,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜 Havin同样多乐趣,象您在您的衣裳玛格丽塔酒 能有我feelin它 也许行是我发现了我 是在我的膝盖为夜的一半的宗教 我然后滚动骨头与吉米‘没有模子" 去采取他为几星期的薪水 人,如果您丢失我采取您的女朋友家的这卷 ,因此我停止了 ,但您不相信谁来走出去 Chorus: One wild night (blinded by the moonlight) One wild night (24 hours of midnight) One wild night (I stepped into the twilight zone And she left my heart with vertigo) One wild night (hey, c"est la vie) One wild night (welcome to the party) One wild night (life is for the living so You gotta live it up, come on let"s go) One wild, one wild, one wild, one wild night Guitar solo Chorus: 一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域 和她左我的心脏以眩晕) 一狂放的夜(嘿, c"est la竞争) 一狂放的夜(欢迎到党) 一狂放的夜(生活,如果为生活,因此 您得到居住它,进展我们是) 一狂放,一个狂放,一个狂放,一个 一狂放的夜(轻率由月光) 一狂放的夜(24个小时午夜) 一狂放的夜(我跨步入暮色区域) 为一狂放夜 一个狂放的夜(嘿, c"est la竞争) 一狂放的夜(欢迎到党) 一狂放的夜(生活是为生活) 我们有的全部是一狂放的夜 一狂放的夜(4x) 一狂放的夜由月光蒙蔽了 一狂放的夜24个小时午夜 狂放的夜跨步入暮色区域为一 狂放的一,一狂放,一狂放,一狂放的夜。满意请采纳


piggy怎么读:英[u02c8pu026aɡi],美[u02c8pu026aɡi]。一、基本释义piggy:英["pu026agu026a]美["pu026aɡi]:释义:n.小猪,adj.贪心的。复数:piggies;比较级:piggier或more piggy;最高级:piggiest或most piggy。二、pig和piggy的其他区别1、词性不同①pig是独立的名词,表示成年的猪。The farmer raises pigs on his farm.农场主在他的农场上养猪。②piggy是pig的昵称或可爱的变体形式。Look at that cute little piggy!看那只可爱的小猪!2、客观程度不同①pig是比较客观的词,用来描述真实存在的猪。The pig is eating its food.猪在吃食物。②piggy则带有一种亲昵和可爱的感觉,常用于表示对小猪的喜爱或表达温暖的感情。Mom, can we keep this pretty piggy as a pet?妈妈,我们能把这只漂亮的小猪养成宠物吗?3、表示大小不同①pig通常指成年的猪,尺寸相对较大。The farmer has a big, fat pig on his farm.农场主在他的农场上养了一头又大又肥的猪。②piggy则可以指小型或幼年的猪,尺寸相对较小。Look at those adorable piggy piglets!看那些可爱的小小猪仔!4、使用方式不同①pig通常用来指代猪作为一个整体的动物。Leonardo"s farm has many pigs.莱昂纳多的农场有很多头猪。②piggy可以用来指代猪的不同部位或特定的猪。Can you please pass me the piggy"s tail?I need to cook it.你能帮我递一下猪尾巴吗?我要煮它。

protestant religion是什么意思

protestant religion 新教的宗教

一天一天 bigbang的音译歌词 准确的 谢谢

【BigBang – 一天一天】 到那噶ye finally i realize that i""m nuttin"" without youi was so wrong frogive meah ah ah ah -怕都桥老 普扫进 奈 吗怕拉桥老 很的里嫩 奈 吗要gi桥老 萨拉进 奈 撒浪们心桥老 及我及及噶 啊那汗素慢 当一 高及拉 需就奈 卡丝扫该 毛及慢 撒一就(say good bye)腻噶 奥心 但 哈鲁都 莫 撒高慢 卡他到 那赛噶挂嫩 他了该都 可老桥老 红加 恰 撒拉破过系大过 普老bua都 闹 那木 泰达包加那好对 ki带 靠老bua都 一节 扫用奥加那腻 要拍 因嫩 可 撒拉米 莫及Ho系 闹 无力进 那嫩及可带 奈噶 破一gin 那嫩及跑扫 撒 他 一角嫩及空囧duai 他噶噶gi就恰 吗了 靠 素 就恰 奥扫 爱泰无过那 ho漏 kin 怕么 及赛无就 素吧包 及我奈就头拉波及吗过 到那噶拉都 那了 恰吉吗过 撒拉噶拉闹了 撒浪还gi爱 胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢 卡叫卡拉可老桥老 恰吗 破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹 可老素漏 还波开呀duai哈鲁哈鲁 木掉叫噶奈oh girl cry cry yo my all (say good bye)Ki了 靠大 闹哇 那 无力 吗句亲大还都莫 破桥 哈过扫 可带漏 卡到gir 卡juo恰古慢 也 赛噶gi 到哦了秒 那吗都那都 莫来 可带 恰加噶及都 莫拉闹 呢 可 撒拉呱 还波卡该闹 呢 奈噶 他len 吗 慢 毛该闹 呢 恰跟 米料都 按 那该个 恰 及奈juo 那 破蓝的系闹 呢 桥 哈呢噶去 哈呀开Den 酷了挂都 卡其 赛怕拉开闹 呢 可老开 无扫juo 啊木 一 老的系头拉波及吗过 到那噶拉都 那了 恰吉吗过 撒拉噶拉闹了 撒浪还gi爱 胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢 卡叫卡拉可老桥老 恰吗 破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹 可老素漏 还波开呀duai哈鲁哈鲁 木掉叫噶奈那了 到呢扫 吗 票奈及gir(那了 里过扫 撒拉噶juo)可 nun木len 他 吗了泰腻ye(哈鲁哈鲁 及那秒)恰拉里 慢那几 啊那道拉秒 套 拉per泰带用我腻 哈改哈加到 可 呀扫 一节去奥该 木到读gir 怕来 baby 闹 为还 ki都还头拉波及吗过 到那噶拉都 那了 恰吉吗过 撒拉噶拉闹了 撒浪还gi爱 胡会奥gi爱求奥到 ki奥慢 卡叫卡拉可老桥老 恰吗 破吗奈可老桥老 kiao掉奈吗奈闹 可老素漏 还波开呀duai哈鲁哈鲁 木掉叫噶奈oh girl i cry cry yo my all say good bye byeoh my love don""t lie lie yo my heart(say good bye)

Be Mine Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Be Mine Tonight歌手:Natalie Cole专辑:UnpredictableBlackmore"s Night----Be Mine Tonight ;)Shadow of the MoonBe mine tonightWe"ll travel through all our memories,In our own little space in time,You"ve always be mine...Through the years,I feel your love beside meThrough the laughter and the tears,You"ve conquered all my fears...So many stories,So many treasures,So much our lifes ahs shared...We"ve done it all and we"ve done it together,You know I"ve always cared...In this heart,There"ll never be another,You have made my life complete,Our love is like a dream...So many stories,So many treasures,So much our lifes ahs shared...We"ve done it all and we"ve done it together,You know I"ve always cared...Take my hand,Nothing can come between us,We were always ment to be,Forever, you and me...In my eyes,Your face is always here before me,Our souls are now as one...We"ve only just begunhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2942137

Akon - Get High 歌词

歌曲名:Akon - Get High歌手:群星专辑:2012年01月欧美新歌速递Akon - Get Highyeah yeah..yeah yeah..yeah yeah..i know you searching and its not ok,just wanna be loved by the mr right one come your way,just wanna life up ur feet lemme levitate,you"ve lived so many lives it seems that u"ve lost some weight,so let me be the one and come to help you navigate,lead your worries up to me and let me get rid of shade,dont wanna put u down m here to motivate,like ur in the academy and its ur first day,You dont have to put on ur red light,i give you the green light,to have the spotlight tonight,as the smoke pass through ur lips,the earth is right at ur finger tips,wanna wait for ur problem spot,and get high.. get high..i wanna be the wind that will touch ur lips,light me up with a single kiss,and hell yeah lemme sail ur wayand get high.. get high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..i heard you used to break heart that was ur forte,everythang u did is coming back to u today,and man is playin off ur insecurity,let some draft to control u like chevrolet,and thats the reason why acting so snobby,we paid up to be with nobody,u get picked in hotel lobby,and ur red light flashing like roxy,You dont have to put on ur red light,i give you the green light,to have the spotlight tonight,as the smoke pass through ur lips,the earth is right at ur finger tips,wanna wait for ur problem spot,and get high.. get high..i wanna be the wind that will touch ur lips,light me up with a single kiss,and hell yeah lemme sail ur wayand get high.. get high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………..aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa……….as the smoke pass through ur lips,the earth is right at ur finger tips,wanna wait for ur problem spot,and get high.. get high..i wanna be the wind that will touch ur lips,light me up with a single kiss,and hell yeah lemme sail ur wayand get high.. get high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..yeah yeah..high..http://music.baidu.com/song/20821911

Be Mine (Tonight) (Lp Version) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:Be Mine (Tonight) (Lp Version)歌手:Grady Tate&Grover Washington Jr.专辑:Love SongsThe Kooks - Be Mine lyricsArtist: The Kooks lyricsAlbum: B-Sides & DemosTitle: Be MineEdit By:manutdr08I never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose you nowSo easy to lose you nowBecause there calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorNow my thoughts are very darkAnd my dreams are always darkDon"t let them take me awayCause I want me to stayBut be mine, ohWon"t you be mine, ohBe mine, oh ohTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cryI never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose it nowOh it"s so easy to lose it nowBecause they"re calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorOh be mine, ohWont you be mine, ohBe mineBe mineTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cry, yeahSo be mine, oh ohBe mine, ohBe mine!http://music.b***.com/song/7863247

Be Mine (1999 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Be Mine (1999 Digital Remaster)歌手:Teddy Johnson & Pearl Carr With Geoff Love And His Orchestra专辑:The Magic OfThe Kooks - Be Mine lyricsArtist: The Kooks lyricsAlbum: B-Sides & DemosTitle: Be MineEdit By:manutdr08I never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose you nowSo easy to lose you nowBecause there calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorNow my thoughts are very darkAnd my dreams are always darkDon"t let them take me awayCause I want me to stayBut be mine, ohWon"t you be mine, ohBe mine, oh ohTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cryI never thought we"d come this farBut then how we come that farAnd I won"t let them inCause she"s my lover and not my friendI"m so scared to lose it nowOh it"s so easy to lose it nowBecause they"re calling at my doorSo I"m locking up my doorOh be mine, ohWont you be mine, ohBe mineBe mineTake it all outsideCause you don"t need itDon"t need to cry, oh noTake it all outsideCause you don"t need meDon"t need to cry, yeahSo be mine, oh ohBe mine, ohBe mine!http://music.baidu.com/song/2725095

only the truth remains in “spotlight.”


in the spotlight 歌曲链接。谁有啊?跪求。!!

http://f3.xiami.net/4/189/6689/516595/01_1771112150_3423349.mp3 亲测可用的连结,请楼主试试! 如对您有帮助,还望采纳,谢谢支持!

in the spotlight中文歌词

http://v.yinyuetai.com/video/440099这个MV中 有字幕的哦 希望对你有所帮助 还望采纳~~~

Back in the Spotlight 歌词

歌曲名:Back in the Spotlight歌手:pendragon专辑:Live in Krakow 1996Flew in from Miami Beach BOAC, didnt get to bed last night.On the way the paper bag was on my knee, man I had a dreadful flight.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S.S.R.Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee its good to be back home.Leave it till tomorrow to unpack my case, honey disconnect the phone.Im back in the U.S.S.R. You dont know how lucky you are boy.Back in the U.S., back in the U.S., back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Im back in the U.S.S.R., you dont know how lucky you are boys,back in the U.S.S.R.Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out, they leave the West behind,and Moscow girls make me sing and shout, that Georgias always on my mind.Show me round your snow peaked mountains way down south.Take me to your daddys farm. Let me hear your balalaikas ringing out,come and keep your comrade warm. Im back in the U.S.S.R.http://music.baidu.com/song/55249526

in the spotlight,under the spotlight的区别

In the spotlight 出风头 Under the spotlight 在聚光灯下

【求歌词】安室奈美惠《In The Spotlight》歌词。

I feel aliveAnd tonight"s my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightWanna see all the boys in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(My heart goes boom boom) Let"s get this party started(Give me some room room) some room rock my body(Oh it"s my tune tune) I am gonna move to dance hard to quitall eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Put your hands up up) it"s time for us to rock it(Too late to stop up) let"s mess around and talking/pop it(That"s because of boom boom) I"m moving to dance and it"s hard to quitall eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey)Wanna see all the girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(Hey)Wanna see all the boys in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloorI feel aliveAnd tonight"s my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo~ Tokyo~ Come on~Tokyo~ I"m dancing in the spotlight~Tokyo~ Tokyo~ Come on~Tokyo~ I"m dancing in the spotlight~(I call it out out) Let"s find out what you made of(Just wanna shout out) Let"s blow the roof of this club(That"s because of boom boom) I"m moving to dance and it"s hard to quitAll eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey you just turn it up) Let"s get this party going(Just keep up on my way) Yeah let us keep on rolling(Oh it"s my tune tune) I gotta move god damn it"s hard to quitAll eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey)Wanna see all the girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(Hey)Wanna see all the boys in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloorI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightDANCE IN THE SPOTLIGHTGIRLS, I WANNA SEE THE GIRLSCOME ON HIT THE FLOORBOYS, I WANNA SEE THE BOYSCOME ON HIT THE FLOORWe all gonna hit, gonna hit the floorall gonna hit gonna hit the floorWE DANCE IN THE SPOTLIGHT TONIGHTI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo~ Tokyo~ Come on~Tokyo~ I"m dancing in the spotlight~Tokyo~ Tokyo~ Come on~Tokyo~ I"m dancing in the spotlight~

In The Spotlight 歌词

歌名:In The Spotlight歌手:安室奈美惠时长:3分58秒语言:英语专辑:《Uncontrolled》发行时间:2012-06-27歌词:I feel aliveAnd tonight"s my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightWanna see all the boys and girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(My heart is got boom boom) Let"s get this party started(Give me some room room) some room rock my body(Oh it"s my tune tune) I am gonna move to dance hard to quitall eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Put your hands up up) it"s time for us to rock it(Too late to stop up) let"s mess around and pop it(That"s because of boom boom) I"m moving to dance and it"s hard to quitall eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey)Wanna see all the boys and girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(Hey)Wanna see all the boys and girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloorI feel aliveAnd tonight"s my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo Tokyo Come onTokyo I"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo Tokyo Come onTokyo I"m dancing in the spotlight(I call it out out) Let"s find out what you made of(Just wanna shout out) Let"s blow the roof of this club(That"s because of boom boom) I"m moving to dance and it"s hard to quitAll eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey you just turn it up) Let"s get this party going(Just keep up on my way) Yeah let us keep on rolling(Oh it"s my tune tune) I gotta move god damn it"s hard to quitAll eyes on me when I"m moving in the spotlight(Hey)Wanna see all the boys and girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloor(Hey)Wanna see all the boys and girls in the clubWanna see you hit the dancefloorI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightDANCE IN THE SPOTLIGHTGIRLS, I WANNA SEE THE GIRLSCOME ON HIT THE FLOORBOYS, I WANNA SEE THE BOYSCOME ON HIT THE FLOORWe all gonna hit, gonna hit the floorall gonna hit gonna hit the floorWE DANCE IN THE SPOTLIGHT TONIGHTI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightI Feel aliveAnd tonight is my nightI"ve got nothing to hideI"m dancing in the spotlightHit the floorCome on TokyoI go all in tonightI"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo Tokyo Come onTokyo I"m dancing in the spotlightTokyo Tokyo Come onTokyo I"m dancing in the spotlight

TRAVEL SPOTLIGHT: PARIS For your next vacation, why not consider visiting Paris? Paris is the capit

For your next vacation ,why not consider visiting Paris ?Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliest cities in Europe ,It doesn"t have ang beaches or mountains, but there are still mang things to do there. For example, it has some fantastic sights, including the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world. Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it"s usually convenient to take the underground train to most places. In general, though, France is quite an expensive place. One thing that is not expensive in France, however, is the wine! Most people in France have learned English. But mang people don"t like to speak English, especially in Paris. So unless you speak French youself, it"s best to travel with someone who can translate things for you. 翻译??

facial configuration什么意思

facial configuration面部配置



Majesty Product Highlights 有人知道这是什么音响吗????


关于Substance Designer和Substance Painter的区别

Substance Designer 侧重是在你制作一个材质的各种功能性,比如缩放分辨率,调整高光等等 Painter则是为Designer提供了素材,比如手绘的高光贴图,法线贴图等,最终这些题图的功能还是要在Designer里面来完成输出。SO,最好双修。

关于Substance Designer和Substance Painter的区别

  关于Substance Designer和Substance Painter的区别Substance Designer 侧重是在你制作一个材质的各种功能性,比如缩放分辨率,调整高光等等Painter则是为Designer提供了素材,比如手绘的高光贴图,法线贴图等,最终这些题图的功能还是要在Designer里面来完成输出。SO,最好双修。

Sign Of The Time 歌词

歌曲名:Sign Of The Time歌手:Kelly Simonz"s Blind Faith专辑:Sign Of The TimesWhen the word is out from the other sideShe turns aroundCause day and night she"s waited patientlyNow a different kind of world out thereIs to be foundIt"s over not for everyone to seeThis is the way it"s meant to beIt"s the way that we make things rightIt"s the way that we hold on tightI know, it"s the sigh of the timesIt"s the way that we make things turnIt"s the way that we live and learnI know, it"s the sigh of the timesIt wakes him up, he turns aroundAnd now he"s goneHe"s been waitin" for this moment desperatelyNow the time is right, he"s turnin" backHe"s going homeYeah it"s over now for everyone to seeThis is the way it"s meant to beIt"s the way that we make things rightIt"s the way that we hold on tightI know, it"s the sigh of the timesIt"s the way that we make things turnIt"s the way that we live and learnI know, it"s the sigh of the timesAnd everytime it"s on my mindI fell so insecureIt worries me to end up here aloneBut everytime I realize I need her more and moreI"d never make it on my ownIt"s the way that we make things rightIt"s the way that we hold on tightI know, it"s the sigh of the timesIt"s the way that we make things turnIt"s the way that we live and learnI know, it"s the sigh of the timeshttp://music.baidu.com/song/15283619

Mary is ________ website design than John.

be strict at sth at 后面接事

Mary is ________ website design than John.


ASP.NET 工程中页面没有Design文件是怎么回事?

Web项目有两种, 一种 WebSite 是不生成 designer.cs的,另一种WebApplication才生成这个文件。

罗琳娜 麦肯尼的《Skellig》 歌词

歌曲:Skellig歌手:罗琳娜 麦肯尼作词:罗琳娜 麦肯尼作曲:罗琳娜 麦肯尼专辑:《神秘之书》具体歌词:O light the candle, JohnThe daylight has almost goneThe birds have sung their lastThe bells call all to massSit here by my sideFor the night is very longThere"s something I must tellBefore I pass alongI joined the brotherhoodMy books were all to meO light the candle, JohnThe daylight has almost goneThe birds have sung their lastThe bells call all to massSit here by my sideFor the night is very longThere"s something I must tellBefore I pass alongI joined the brotherhoodMy books were all to me

谁能翻译一下Sarah Brightman的Until the end of time的歌词?

Around the world in eighty days 环绕世界八十八天 We sailed the seven seas 我们走过了七条大河 A thousand nights and one 一千零一夜 And forty more in fantasy 四十多个神奇的故事 The prophecy in destiny was falling 命运的语言降临了 Calling 召唤 Falling 降临 And calling out to me 我受到了它的召唤 And will we find our destination 我们能找到目的地吗? Within a time of resignation 在一定的时间内 A night of poetry and motion 诗情画意的一夜 At 69, until the end of time 直到时间的尽头 If I were God and ruled the world 如果我是上帝 I"d spin a wheel of dreams 我会实现我的梦想 Of waking as in paradise 在天堂里漫步 And shadows in between 在影子与影子之间 The prophecy in destiny was falling 命运的预言降临了 Calling 呼唤 Falling 降临 And calling out to me 我受到了它的召唤 And will we find our destination 我们能打到目的地吗? Within a time of resignation 在一定的时间之内 A night of poetry and motion 诗情画意的一夜 At 69, until the end of time 直到时间的尽头 Was there in a moment in the madness 短暂的疯狂过后 And then a momentary sadness 是片刻的痛苦 A night of poetry and motion 诗情画意的一夜 All at 69, until the end of time 直到时间的尽头 Until the end of time 直到时间的尽头

notice period required for resignation是什么意思

现职离职通知期双语例句1.After completion of half the required resignation notice period the employee will be allowed time off with full pay to look for another job. 在规定的辞职通知期结束一半之后,该员工将获得全薪休假以寻找另一份工作。*********************************************************************祝学习进步!如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!**********************************************************************

英语contain the fire to its point of original怎么翻译?

英语contain the fire to its point of original 的意思是:把火控制到原来的高度。

一首歌 有一段好像是something wrong/right/ture,it·s angle(忘记了,大概是这样的吧),请大大们说歌名

《It"s alright》?

resignation application是什么意思

resignation application词典结果resignation application辞职申请

fight side by side是什么意思



辞职 辞呈 放弃 请辞短语Resignation Letter 辞职信 ; 辞职信函predicting resignation 预告登记mass resignation 总辞职 ; 大批辞职为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

pulicized resignation

make the move = move. alternative = another possible way making the alternative move into "downshifting“—— 这个名词性短语与 abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life" 一起作为主句宾语从句中的主语.意思是(Kelsey)选择了“急流勇退”

resignation letter (急)10分

Dear Mr.XXX, Resignation from the post of XXXXX I regret to inform you that i would like to resign from the post of XXXX with effective on XXXXX. The reason for my resignation is that i would like to take a break from work and have a rest with my families. Thank you very much for your supports and teaching over the years. Wish the pany and all colleagues have a prospectous future. Yours faithfully, XXXX,系呀...写personal reason就ok架啦... 梗系唔好写想休息啦...比人觉得你好lazy咁... 就算想讲...比信个阵同呀头讲就得架啦...,Sir, RESIGNATION I am resigning from my current position effective XXXXXX dued to my personal reason. Thanks for your prompt attention towards this issue and I apologize for any inconvenience thus caused. Yours truly, Chan Tai Man Datexxxxxxx,其实你在辞职时唔需要在信上提到原因的,因为就算真的咁又点呢,你都走啦,冇人会硏究是否真假,所以第2封信比较适合!,(Date) Your pany name Company address Attn : Mr. XXXXX Dear Mr. XXXXX, I regret to inform you that I decide to resign from my present position with effect from (date - the day after your last working day) due to my personal reason. I hope my resignation would not cause you much inconvenience. Thank you for giving me a chance to learn and gain the valuation experience in your pany. I would be appreciate if you could provide me a reference letter before my leave. Thanks for your kind attention. Yours sincerely, (sign here),

resignation letter什么意思

resignation letter[u02ccru025bzu026aɡu02c8neu0283u0259n u02c8lu025btu025a]辞职信;辞职信函;

有首歌曲比较喜欢不知道叫什么名字,下面是一些歌词,day by day ,night by night we together side by si

Jet Set - In The Name Of Love


一般理解为“ 辞职 “ 。




resignation 英[u02ccrezu026agu02c8neu026au0283n] 美[u02ccru025bzu026aɡu02c8neu0283u0259n] n. 辞职;辞职书;顺从;听从

side by side好还是big english好?

big english教材好。Big English教材是由培生朗文2014年在全球范围内推出的旗舰高端少儿英语课程,适合7-12岁英语非母语儿童学习,全套6册。采用全球领先的CLIL教学法(内容与语言整合学习法),将艺术、自然科学、世界文化等跨学科内容和创新、跨文化交流、独立思考、解决问题、项目协作、数字化学习等21世纪技能融入英语学习。并通过AFL 动态学习评估体系,从听说读写各方面检验学习效果。重视英语应用能力、英语知识结构与人文社科综合素养。培养更加对准21世纪全球化对人才的需求!真正提升学生使用语言的能力!自信交际,阅读能力带动听说读写能力,语言与思想共同成长! 教材涵盖并超越新课标,以原版阅读带动听说写能力,培养公开表达自信与能力,达到语言与思维共同成长。

dang diggy dang中文歌词

miezu ni ita monoya shira naide ita koto nifure youto suru koto wa mono sugoku itaindanakidashitakute nigedashitakunaruboku datte sou sa kimi hitori dake ja naiimi nai doryoku ya muda na deai tokaaru wake nai kara kobushi wo katamete ding! dong! dang!ikura te wo nobashite mo todoka nai kono hana mokimi to te wo tsunageba kantan ni tsukameru yosurechigattari gokai shiattarishinjiru tame ni kenka mo suru keredokyou ni kizutsuite namida de nurete moissho ni ikou yo bokura no ashita he ding! dong! dang!sotsugyou shitemo otona ni nattemokimi wa kimi deite boku wa bokura shikumiageta sora wa hateshinaku tsudukusaegiru mono wa nani hitotsu nai hazuimi nai doryoku ya muda na deai tokaaru wake naikara kobushi wo katame ding! dong!boku ni tari nai mono wa kimi ga kurerukimi ni nai mono wa boku ga ageru kara ding! dong! dang!对不起我没有中文的...英文可以吧...不过,也不算是英文吧....-_-应该算是发音吧. 你可以一边唱一边读...



求这首歌的歌名 歌词什么dance in the moonlight

just one last dance?

b1a4 baby good night中文歌词

好吧 今天你先睡uadf8ub798uc694 uc624ub298uc740 uba3cuc800 uc790uc694gu re yo o nu run mon jo ja yo等你睡著後 我也会去睡uadf8ub300 uc7a0ub4e4uba74 ub098ub3c4 uc798uac8cuc694gu de jam dul myon na do jal ge yo挂上电话 换上华丽的衣服uc804ud654ub97c ub04auace0 ud654ub824ud55c uc637uc744 uc785uace0jon hwa rul kun ko hwa ryo han o sul ip go准备要出门罗(神不知鬼不觉的 Whoo)ub098uac08 uc900ube44ub97c ud558uc8e0 (uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c whoo~)na gal jun bi rul ha jo(a mu do mo ru ge whoo~)转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blogTonight 就今天把你蒙在鼓里tonight uc624ub298 ud558ub8e8ub9cc uadf8ub308 uc18duc77cuac8ctonight o nul ha ru man gu del so gil keTonight 明天我就会回去tonight uc624ub298uc774 uc9c0ub098uba74 ub3ccuc544uac08uac8ctonight o nu ri ji na myondo ra gal keTonight 即使你觉得我有点奇怪tonight uac00ub054 uc5b4uc0c9ud558uac8cub3c4 ub290uaef4ub3c4tonight ga kum o sek ha ge to nu kyo to a ra to但心知肚明的你就先放我一马吧uc54cuc544ub3c4 uc880 ub118uc5b4uac00 uc8fcuaca0ub2c8jom no mo ga ju gen ni转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Baby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~我的脑袋里 今天没有你的存在uba38ub9ac uc18duc5d0 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mo ri so ge o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Baby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Oh 到了午夜十二点准备出去玩oh uc790uc815uc774 ub2e4 ub3fcuc11c ub098uac08 ucc44ube44oh ja jong i da dwe so na gal che bi你应该还不知情uadf8ub300ub294 uc544uc9c1ub3c4 ubaa8ub97c ud14cuc9c0gu de nun a jik do mo rul te ji发送一封简讯 “晚安亲爱的 明天见”ubb38uc790 ud558ub0a0 ub0a8uaca8 “uc798uc790 uc790uae30uc57c ub0b4uc77cubd10”mun ja ha nal nam gyo jal ja jag i ya ne il bwa但这股闷闷的心情是什麼uadfcub370 uc774 ucc1ducc1dud55c uae30ubd84uc740 ubb58uae4cgun de i jip jip han gi bu nun mwol ka哎呀 不管了 直接出门吧uc5d0ub77c ubab0ub77c uadf8ub0e5 ub098uac00uc790e ra mo la gu nyang na ga ja今天也洒满了Moonlightuc624ub298 ub610 moonlighto nul to moonlight火热的夜晚 Good Nightubd88ud0c0ub294 uc774 ubc24 good nightbul ta nun i bam good night转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Baby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~我的脑袋里 今天没有你的存在uba38ub9ac uc18duc5d0 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mo ri so ge o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blogBaby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog 没来由的兴奋 让我的心跳加速uc774uc720 uc5c6ub294 ub5a8ub9bcuc5d0 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4ub9cc ub450uadfci yu om nun to li me ne ga sum man du gun想见你的心情 今天已经下班ub2c8uac00 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6ub2e4ub358 uc0dduac01uc740 uc624ub298ub3c4 ud1f4uadfcni ga bo go ship da don seng ga gun o nul do to e gunBut 今天我很忙碌But uc624ub298uc740 ubc14uc05c ubab8But o nu run ba pun mom我真是个坏男孩ub098ub294 ucc38 ub098uc05c ub188na nun cham na pun nom偶尔会这样玩玩uac00ub054uc740 uc774ub807uac8c ub180uc544ub3c4 ub3fcga ku mun i rok he no ra do dwe反正我明天就会去找你啦 (Sorry~)ub10c ub0b4uc77c ucbe4uc5d0 ucc3euc544 uac00uba74 ub418ub2c8uae4c (Sorry~)non ne il ju me cha ja ga myon dwe ni ka(Sorry~)转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Baby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~我的脑袋里 今天没有你的存在uba38ub9ac uc18duc5d0 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mo ri so ge o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blogBaby Good Night 好好睡 Good NightBaby Good Night uc798uc790uc694 Good NightBaby Good Night jal ja yo Good Night我要去 Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightuadf8ub7fc ub09c Dancing Dancing Dancing in the Moonlightgu rom nan Dancing Dancing Dancing in the MoonlightWow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694 uc624ub298 uadf8ub300uac00 uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog Good Night U Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Good Night U Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~Good Night U Wow Eo Eo U Wow Eo~转载自http://hanzhiyu.pixnet.net/blog 对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694uc624ub298uadf8ub300uac00uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694uc624ub298uadf8ub300uac00uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo对不起 今天你不在我心上ubbf8uc548ud574uc694uc624ub298uadf8ub300uac00uc5c6ub124uc694mi a ne yo o nul gu de ga om ne yo

Dancing In The Light 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing In The Light歌手:blutengel专辑:Gothic Spirits 9Blutengel-dancing in the light★ lrc 编辑 妙一法师You wanna go out tonightYou put your black dress onJust a little make-up and the red lipstick, tooSo you"re walking down the streetsYou do not feel the rain on your skinYou go to your favourite clubYou feel like a hunter in this nightYou"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightYou"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlWhy did you not see it coming?You couldn"t run awayIt happened so suddenlyYou couldn"t speak a wordHe pushed your head to the floorHe touched you everywhereYou taste your blood on your tongueYou"re laying naked in the rain...You"re dancing to the music, you feel the beatYou move your body and you feel the heatEverybody"s looking at you tonightWhen you"re dancing in the lightLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlLook at me, I am the mistress of the nightSee me dancing, see me moving in the lightYou will never get me "cos I"m dancing with myselfI don"t want you to touch me"cos I"m the solitary girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59806620

if that idea is wrong,the project is bound to fail,__good all the other ideas might be.


original charges什么意思

original charges 原始收费original 英 [u0259"ru026adu0292u0259nl]     美 [u0259"ru026adu0292u0259nl]adj.原始的;最初的;有独创性的;原版的n.原版;真品;怪人;有独创性的人n.起源

see two big swans是什么意思

刚 高兴帮助你。see two big swans 意思是:看见两只大天鹅请采纳,谢谢!!swan 天鹅see 看见,看到 big 大的

如何让origin fit did not coverage,you may have overparameterized the fittin

你好!origin fit did not coverage,you may have overparameterized the fittin起源适合没有保险,你可能

sign in to facebook是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答 sign in to facebook 翻译过来的意思是:登录到facebook 希望能帮到你.

求VOA英语的原文。开头是THIS is the VOAspecial english education report.Today,in our foreign ...

知道是什么时间的VOA啊 这个网址有每天的VOA 你可以看看 也许有http://52en.com/voa_se/


第一个是在打开工具箱里的EXAMPLEWarning: c21_FElp_alleffects.mdl, line 1205: "c21_FElp_alleffects/Third Integrator"is a parameterized link. To view, discard, or propagate the changes for this link,use the "Link Options" menu item In generalprivateopenmdl at 13 In open at 159 In uiopen at 196 第二个是在双击模块进行参数设置Error in"SC_FE_Integrator_All_EffectsII".Parameter "c" setting: "" cannot be evaluated.Error : This statement is incomplete.


FB:facebook(脸谱网,是美国的第一大社交网络平台)WB:微博IG:Internet Gateway(基于桌面的互联网个人门户)TW:twitter(国外的一个社交网络及微博客服务的网站)

英语问题: -Come on!You are joking with me,right? -____


Making Love (Into The Night) 是什么意思(Usher的新专辑一首歌的歌名)






一首英文歌歌词大概是oh my baby baby oh my life you make me crazy crazy you make me high...的叫什么

BABY, 就是这个

谁知道Big Bang的Oh ma baby的歌词?

Oh Ma Baby - ube45ubc45 专辑: Always oh my baby ub0a0 ub5a0ub09c uadf8ub300ub9d8 uc18duc73cub85c ubd88ub7ecubcf8ub2e4oh ma lady uc624ub298ub3c4ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc695ud574ubcf8ub2e4uc544ud508 uc0acub791uc758 uc0c1ucc98ub3c4uce58uc720ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uace0ud1b5ub3c4ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uadf8ub300 ubc1cuc790uad6dub9ccubc14ub77cubcf8ub2e4 ub610 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544ubcf8ub2e4yo yo uc5b4ub290 ub208ubd80uc2e0ud587uc0b4uc774 ube5bub098ub358 ub0a0uadf8ub304 uc6b0uc5f0ucc98ub7fc ub2e4uac00uc654uc8e0 ucc38uc21cuc218ud588uc5b4uc694 uc6b0ub9b0uccab ub208uc5d0 ub04cub824 ub458uc774ub208ube5buc73cub85c uc11cub85cuc758 ub9d8uc744ud655uc778ud588uc5c8uc8e0ucc2c ubc14ub78cuc774 ubd88uc5b4ub3c4 ub044ub5a1uc5c6ub358 uc0acuc774ub9ccub098uc11c ud5e4uc5b4uc9c8 ub54cuae4cuc9c0uaf2d uc7a1uace0 uc788ub358 uc190uae30uc5b5ud558uc8e0 uc124ub808ub358uccab ud0a4uc2a4ub3c4 ub9e4uc77c uc8fcuace0ubc1buc558ub358uadf8 ud3b8uc9c0ub4e4ub3c4 uhuadf8ub550 ubb50uac00 uadf8ub9acub3c4 uc88buc558uc744uae4cuc0acub791uc774ub780 ub450 uae00uc790ub85cubd80uc871ud588uc73cub2c8uae4cub208ub5a0uc11c ub208 uac10uc744 ub54cuae4cuc9c0ub108ub791ub9cc uc788uace0ud30c uc544uc9c1ub3c4ub110 uadf8ub9acub098 ubd10 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc73cub2c8uae4cub5a0ub09c uadf8ub308 ubd99uc7a1uc9c0 ubabbud588ub358uc9c0ub09cub0a0ub85c ub3ccuc544 uac08 uc218ub9cc uc788ub2e4uba74ub098 ub450ubc88 ub2e4uc2e0 uc548 ub193uce5cub2e4uc9c0uce5cub2e4 ud798uc5d0 uaca8uc6ccuc624ub298ub3c4 fallin ub108ubb34 ubc09ub2e4uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc774 uc2ebuc5b4uc9c4ub2e4oh my baby ub0a0 ub5a0ub09cuadf8ub300 ub9d8 uc18duc73cub85c ubd88ub7ecubcf8ub2e4oh ma lady uc624ub298ub3c4ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc695ud574ubcf8ub2e4uc544ud508 uc0acub791uc758 uc0c1ucc98ub3c4uce58uc720ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uace0ud1b5ub3c4ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uadf8ub300 ubc1cuc790uad6dub9ccubc14ub77cubcf8ub2e4 ub610 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544ubcf8ub2e4you remember meub0b4 uc190uc740 ub298 uadf8ub300 uc5b4uae68ub97c uac10uc30cuc8e0uadf8ub300ub294 ub298 ub0b4 ud488uc5d0uc11c uc7a0ub4e4uc5c8uc8e0ud558ub298 ub098ub77c ucc9cuc0acub3c4uc774ubcf4ub2e4 uc608uc060 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0uadf8ub300 ud5a5uae30ub294 uc808ub300 uc78auc744 uc21c uc5c6uc8e0uadf8ub308 uc704ud574uc11c ub09c ud56duc0c1ub178ub798ub97c ubd88ub7ecuc92cuc8e0uadf8ub300 uc5bcuad74uc5d4uc0c8ud558uc580 ubbf8uc18cuac00 ubc88uc84cuc8e0uc774uc820 uadf8 ub178ub7a0 ub4e4uc73cuba70uc2acud514uc744 uc53buc8e0uad1cud788 ub9d8 ud55cuad6cuc11duc774uc544ud30cuc624ub294 uac70 uc788uc8e0ubcd1uc778uac00ubd10uc694 uc774 uc0acub791ud0c0ub839ub3c4uc880 ubc97uc5b4ub098ub824ud574ub3c4uc27duc9c0uac00 uc54auc740uac78uc694uc65c ud558ud544 uadf8ub308uae4cuc694uc911ub3c5uacfcub3c4 uac19uc544uc694uc81cubc1c uadf8ub300 uadf8ub298 uc548uc5d0uc11cub0a0 uc790uc720ub85cuc774 ub194uc918uc694uc804ud654ubca8 uc18cub9acub9cc ub4e4uc5b4ub3c4ud5dbub41c uae30ub300uac00 uc0dduae30uace0uae30ub150uc77c ub9c8ub2e4 uc815ud574ub454uc54cub78cuc774 uc6b8ub9acuace0ub0b4 uc0b6uc758 uc804ubd80uc600ub358ub2f9uc2e0uc774 ub5a0ub09c ub4a4ub85cub108ubb34ub3c4 ud798ub4dcub124uc694ma boo ub3ccuc544uc640uc694oh my baby ub0a0 ub5a0ub09cuadf8ub300 ub9d8 uc18duc73cub85c ubd88ub7ecubcf8ub2e4oh ma lady uc624ub298ub3c4ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc695ud574ubcf8ub2e4uc544ud508 uc0acub791uc758 uc0c1ucc98ub3c4uce58uc720ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uace0ud1b5ub3c4ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uadf8ub300 ubc1cuc790uad6dub9ccubc14ub77cubcf8ub2e4 ub610 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544ubcf8ub2e4ub110 ub5a0ub098 ubcf4ub0b8 ub0b4uac00 ubc14ubcf4uc600uc8e0uadf8ub54c uc6b0ub9ac ub9ceuc774 uc5b4ub838uc796uc544uc694 oohud758ub7ecuac04 uc2dcuac04uc744ub418ub3ccub9b4 uc21c uc5c6ub098 ubd10uc694uadf8ub300uac00 ub108ubb34 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370I need you"re handuc774ub807uac8c uc6d0ud558ub294ub370ub0b4 ub9d8uc740 ub108ub9ccuc744 ubc14ub77cuace0 uc788ub294ub370ub3ccuc544uc640uc918ub0b4 uc548uc5d0 uc0b4uc544uc918 ma babyoh my baby ub0a0 ub5a0ub09cuadf8ub300 ub9d8 uc18duc73cub85c ubd88ub7ecubcf8ub2e4oh ma lady uc624ub298ub3c4ub0b4 uc790uc2e0uc744 uc695ud574ubcf8ub2e4uc544ud508 uc0acub791uc758 uc0c1ucc98ub3c4uce58uc720ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uace0ud1b5ub3c4ub0a8uaca8uc9c4 uadf8ub300 ubc1cuc790uad6dub9cc ubc14ub77cubcf8ub2e4ub610 ub208ubb3cuc744 ub2e6uc544ubcf8ub2e4------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

oh my baby(bigbang) 韩文歌词



Fedora14命令行下的拨号连接文章分类:操作系统 1:下载 system-config-network-1.5.94-2.fc10.noarch.rpm和system-config-network-tui-1.5.94-2.fc10.noarch.rpm,并同时安装:rpm -Uvh 包1 包2;2:首先确认你的网卡正常工作,让他处于自动获取IP状态,启动linux终端(root权限),因为fedora10下已经自带有pppoe的安装文件,可以直接输入如下命令,要想理解各个步骤是什么意思,那就看英语咯,我这里就不多解析了。 [root@localhost ~]# pppoe-setup ---------------这里开始安装PPPOE Welcome to the PPPoE client setup. First, I will run some checks on your system to make sure the PPPoE client is installed properly... LOGIN NAME Enter your Login Name (default root): xy170638010214 ---------------这里键入上网拨号的帐号 INTERFACE Enter the Ethernet interface connected to the PPPoE modem For Solaris, this is likely to be something like /dev/hme0. For Linux, it will be ethX, where "X" is a number. (default eth0): ---------------这里按回车键 Do you want the link to come up on demand, or stay up continuously? If you want it to come up on demand, enter the idle time in seconds after which the link should be dropped. If you want the link to stay up permanently, enter "no" (two letters, lower-case.) NOTE: Demand-activated links do not interact well with dynamic IP addresses. You may have some problems with demand-activated links. Enter the demand value (default no): ---------------这里按回车键 DNS Please enter the IP address of your ISP"s primary DNS server. If your ISP claims that "the server will provide dynamic DNS addresses", enter "server" (all lower-case) here. If you just press enter, I will assume you know what you are doing and not modify your DNS setup. Enter the DNS information here: ---------------这里键入 server 也就是自动获得DNS PASSWORD Please enter your Password: ---------------这里键入上网拨号密码 Please re-enter your Password: ---------------这里键入上网拨号密码 USERCTRL Please enter "yes" (three letters, lower-case.) if you want to allow normal user to start or stop DSL connection (default yes): ---------------这里键入 yes FIREWALLING Please choose the firewall rules to use. Note that these rules are very basic. You are strongly encouraged to use a more sophisticated firewall setup; however, these will provide basic security. If you are running any servers on your machine, you must choose "NONE" and set up firewalling yourself. Otherwise, the firewall rules will deny access to all standard servers like Web, e-mail, ftp, etc. If you are using SSH, the rules will block outgoing SSH connections which allocate a privileged source port. The firewall choices are: 0 - NONE: This script will not set any firewall rules. You are responsible for ensuring the security of your machine. You are STRONGLY recommended to use some kind of firewall rules. 1 - STANDALONE: Appropriate for a basic stand-alone web-surfing workstation 2 - MASQUERADE: Appropriate for a machine acting as an Internet gateway for a LAN Choose a type of firewall (0-2): 0 ---------------这里键入 0 Start this connection at boot time Do you want to start this connection at boot time? Please enter no or yes (default no):y ---------------这里键入 yes ** Summary of what you entered ** Ethernet Interface: eth0 User name: xy170638010214 Activate-on-demand: No DNS addresses: Supplied by ISP"s server Firewalling: NONE User Control: yes Accept these settings and adjust configuration files (y/n)? y ---------------这里键入 y Adjusting /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 Adjusting /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets (But first backing it up to /etc/ppp/chap-secrets.bak) (But first backing it up to /etc/ppp/pap-secrets.bak) Congratulations, it should be all set up! Type "/sbin/ifup ppp0" to bring up your xDSL link and "/sbin/ifdown ppp0" to bring it down. Type "/sbin/pppoe-status /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0" to see the link status. [root@localhost ~]# pppoe-start ---------------激活PPPOE设备,成功后会自动返回 [root@localhost ~]# pppoe-status ---------------查看PPPOE状态 pppoe-status: Link is up and running on interface ppp0 6: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1492 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 3 link/ppp inet peer scope global ppp0 ---------------这里有IP分配给你了,可以知道你已经成功登录这个帐号了。我们ping下百度IP看看 通了,所以可以上网咯。 [root@localhost ~]# ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=17.7 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=17.7 ms^X^C --- ping statistics --- 16 packets transmitted, 16 received, 0% packet loss, time 15895ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 17.675/17.744/18.170/0.175 ms [root@localhost ~]# pppoe-status pppoe-status: Link is up and running on interface ppp0 6: ppp0: <POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1492 qdisc pfifo_fast state UNKNOWN qlen 3 link/ppp inet peer scope global ppp0 [root@localhost ~]# 以下是对PPPOE的基本操作 使用: 拨号上网 pppoe-start 段开上网 pppoe-stop 查看状态 pppoe-status3:要开起NetworkManager服务;


indesign没有手机版。Adobe InDesign是Adobe公司的一个桌面出版 (DTP)应用程序,主要用于各种印刷品的排版编辑。该软件是直接针对其竞争对手QuarkXPress而发布的。虽然最初在争取用户方面面临了一些困难,但在2002年发布了Mac OS X版本后开始赶超其竞争对手。现在InDesign CS 和 CS2 也作为Creative Suite套件的重要组成部分,与Photoshop、Illustrator和Acrobat捆绑销售。简介:InDesign可以将文档直接导出为Adobe的PDF格式,而且有多语言支持。它也是第一个支持Unicode文本处理的主流DTP应用程序,率先使用新型OpenType字体,高级透明性能,图层样式,自定义裁切等功能。它基于JavaScript特性,和与兄弟软件Illustrator、Photoshop等的联动功能,界面的一致性等特点都受到了用户的青睐。InDesign作为PageMaker的继承者,定位于高端用户。Adobe已经停止了PageMaker的开发,全面转向InDesign。它最初主要适用于定期出版物,海报和其他印刷媒体。一些长文档仍使用FrameMaker(操作说明书,技术文档等)或QuarkXPress(书籍,商品目录等)。随着相关数据库的合并,InDesign和使用相同格式引擎的文字处理Adobe InCopy的共用,已经使它成为报刊杂志和其他出版环境中的重要软件。



indesign里面 竖排文字是从右向左顺序的,请问怎么反方向排?


indesign 怎么给图片描边 ?

点击描边工具 然后选择描边尺寸 自定义几像素 ok

关于fashion designer的英语作文

Fashion designer clothing or actual materials is to show the creative idea or relevant clothing. They may have their own businesses, who can be employed, can also be freelancers. This definition is obviously international. Stylist is the essence of creativity. He is the most important work.introductionworkProfessional information collectionImitate ability to transcendSelf aesthetic abilityInformation sensitivityStrong fashion senseActive practice abilityteamworkStylist confusionIntroduction to development trendworkProfessional information collectionImitate ability to transcendSelf aesthetic abilityInformation sensitivityStrong fashion senseActive practice abilityteamworkStylist confusionDevelopment trendFor fashion designers or clothing designer, have been defined as follows: to clothing or actual materials related to the idea of creative or clothing. They may have their own businesses, who can be employed, can also be freelancers. This definition is obviously international. Stylist is the essence of creativity. He is the most important work. Designers will draw will do, such as Paris reinfeldt"s la, Some designers do not draw, such as chanel, Designers will draw won"t do, such as the New York"s bill, Nebraska, Designers will draw won"t do, such as perry, stand, Designers will draw will do, but neither did not draw again, if Liz klein. But they have good idea and innovation. Design and innovation is the common all artists and designers. Fashion designers and their personality. Due to the fashion design is an attractive and people life closely, fashion designers can live in ivory tower. They can not come to casy conception and innovation, they must be subject to the market rules, must be condescending to please customers. Fashion designers creation is not pure art (can), but once in a while, a period of some people can wear on certain occasions. China"s fashion designer is the early 1980s along with the reform and opening-up wave swept across the country. When the people of decorum with unprecedented passion and love the nature, free of fashion constraints or beautiful clothes become their pursuit of all good things in life the symbol of pursuit. Meanwhile, they also took his love for fashion given the creator of fashion. Hence, fashion designers will rewrite the Cinderella story, from the grey head top slouch garment; and become a tailor crown, back HuaGa, wear, and flowers by the ostentatious models in the spotlight is surrounded by the master of art. Over the past ten years. Fashion design is still are called-are. The fashion design professional clothing colleges admissions at the threshold, ant was through cluster of young talents are huaichuai become a fashion designer"s dream. But also have confused and doubts. The design of the name, but many loud to the name of the famous degree, not like some newspapers claim on the international stage, we experience many fashion show, but not many markets with stylist brand fashion, We found a lot of design in succession, but the result is often rookie increasing multiplicity. All these facts make us feel, in addition to busy, we also need to give a cool thinking, beside us more or less to let a person cannot understand some of the ideas, we might as well put these ideas as our own design, because of our life is an art and a supreme art,Edit the working content1, collecting clothing design information, 2, the style of product positioning, including garments" integral modelling, colour and selected and textiles face the collocation; deserve 3 and the structure design of dress design, structure, through the draft lines, color and detail and clear description, the design idea of intuitive visual effect; travel Four, the structure design of garments. With the design will be launched into the plane, and according to the structure design measured.2d pattern for each part of the product specification.Edit the professional qualityWant to become a fashion designer is not an easy thing, not only need a certain talent, but more need know learning methods and hard work to success. The author of the study and practice according to their own experiences, the author summarizes several recommendations, write out for your reference.Information collection abilityA, attention should be paid to the professional material and all kinds of information collection and sorting brand fashion designProfessional material and all kinds of information collection accumulation in the clothing design to improve the learning process is very necessary and foundation. This is a long-term continuous lasting working can. There are many beginners in design, often for cannot obtain the creative was very depressed, and this is a normal phenomenon. Because people"s thinking ability enhancement is through constant learning and practice of certain types of information, the human brain to accept and storage, the more relevant thinking ability is stronger. Therefore, the beginners to change this situation, we should first professional class earnestly collection of data and accumulation. Need special pointed out that won the material is not really have a material. The so-called "dilettante watch the scene of bustle, adept guard the entrance, want to see from the material", "for raising the level of help only * superficial, broadly browsing is not the result of clothing, especially involving moulding form, the application of materials, such as decorations match colors method using specific design skills, based on the study suggested that the style recited memories, and the more to find the change rule method and design, not only can temper, so did the convection, to design innovation will be there, and not in the design efforts. "First, not least intone poems even knew poetry can sing" truth is also applicable to fashion design, this method of study looks somewhat stupid, but very useful. Of course, in the learning process, the light * accumulation is information






Adobe InDesign是Adobe公司的一个 桌面出版 (DTP) 的应用程序,主要用于各种印刷品的排版编辑。该软件是直接针对其竞争对手QuarkXPress而发布的。虽然最初在争取用户方面面临了一些困难,但在2002年发布了Mac OS X版本后开始赶超其竞争对手。现在InDesign CS 和 CS2 也作为Creative Suite套件的重要组成部分,与Photoshop、Illustrator和Acrobat捆绑销售。InDesign下载地址(复制右边链接浏览器打开):liuliang1.com/plus/view.php?aid=312提取码:2356
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