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digital 与numerical 的差别



social [so·cial || "su0259u028au0283l]n. 联谊会, 联欢会adj. 社会的, 社交的,群居的digital ["dig·it·al || "du026adu0292u026atl]adj. 数字的




That “DIGITAL BOUNCE”. Digital Bounce (Feat. T.O.P) digital bounce digital sound digital x welcome to digital world 这音乐是 7volution 的 another round 你那穿透心脏如刀锋一样的 sound I like that I like that I like that that that 我耳边传来的 supersonic wave 呈现在我眼前的 3d paradise Wanna get wanna get wanna getgetget Everybody put your hand up get get get your hand up digital bounce digital sound digital x welcome to digital world X2 我的心脏是绝对不会生锈的 chrome heart 我的双臂是保护着你的RoboCop(机器战警) one, two action!!! all the party people everybody holla back 震撼这个空间的 digital attack wanna get wanna get wanna get get get Everybody put your hand up get get get your hand up digital bounce digital sound digital x welcome to digital world X2 现在你也每天每天 成为了有过经历的新世界 我也成为了这尖端化都市超前的主角 成为了给予年轻人感悟的主演 (In to the fire-) hey honey - 已经 已经是女性们的时代 因为就算不劳心费神也可以享受快乐 每天我的名字就是 捕捉背后损人的鼠辈 把他们堵死在巷子里的机敏猫咪 这时间会飞快的逝去吧 我的青春该怎么做才能充满智慧 和我一起尽情地挥洒青春 bang bang bang(拟声词) D I G I T A L welcome to the digital world D I G I T A L welcome to the digital world digital bounce digital sound digital x welcome to digital world 追问: 是Justin Bieber的、 回答: Justin Bieber - Digital Splendidyang I"m going digital Di- digital I"m going digital Di- digital Come and watch me now Just watch me It"s time to watch me now Just watch me I"m going digital I"m about to get it started 3 2 1 let me blast off it"s Time for my limelight exposure Pull up to your screen Front seat if you wanna I"m a post a YouTube flick every week so You can tell me why I will rise to the beat yeah Call me the INTERNET champ I"m a spin my web and catch these... Watch me watch me watch me go Blast it off I"m a count it down like 6 5 4 3 2 1 I know you wanna see the way I rock Rock ohh I really wanna see them hands pop Up ohh I"m a post it You can watch it Gimme feedback Then we can act it Hit me up and get connected Hit me up and get connected Follow me" Twitter my style Come to MySpace and into my world" Wake me up Facebook favorite" I"mma link you to my YouTube playlist.. "till you know my name on钬? Call me the INTERNET champ I"m a spin my web and catch these... Watch me watch me watch me go Blast it off I"m a count it down like 6 5 4 3 2 1 I know you wanna see the way I rock Rock ohh I really wanna see them hands pop Up ohh I"m a post it You can watch it Gimme feedback Then we can act it Hit me up and get connected Hit me up and get connected I"ve got 钬? Hit me up钬? Help me step into the digital age" ..so you see my face! Come in" watch me now" just watch me" It"s time to watch me now" just watch me Come on and see a real style" if you wanna show .. then I"mma go high! I know you wanna see the way I rock Rock ohh I really wanna see them hands pop Up ohh I"m a post it You can watch it Gimme feedback Then we can act it Hit me up and get connected Hit me up and get connected I"m going digital Di- digital I"m going digital Di- digital It"s time to watch me now Just watch me I"m going digital 追问: 注意、是中文、中文啦、采纳哦






相机上面的按键不少提示的英文也不少,很多的新手摄影师对于相机上的digital是什么意思很感兴趣,为了告诉大家,我们带来了详细的介绍帮助你们。 相机上的digital是什么意思: 答:相机上的digital是数字化/数码的意思。 一般相机上面有digital标志的就表示这是数码相机。 这是很多年前的标注方法,但是最近的几年已经很少了。 相机上的digital相关介绍: 1、digital表示数码相机,也叫作“数字式相机”使用非常的方便。 2、这是一种利用电子传感器将光学影像转换成电子数据的相机。 3、使用数码相机就不在需要使用交卷了,特别的方便可以直接拍摄。


Digital-free Vacation是硬盘驱动器的英文名。最基本的电脑存储器,我们电脑中常说的电脑硬盘C盘、D盘为磁盘分区都属于硬盘驱动器。硬盘一般常见的磁盘容量为80G、128G、160G、256G、320G、500G、750G、1TB、2TB等等。硬盘按体积大小可分为3.5寸、2.5寸、1.8寸等;按转数可分为5400rpm/7200rpm/10000rpm等;按接口可分为PATA、SATA、SCSI等。PATA、SATA一般为桌面级应用,容量大,价格相对较低,适合家用;而SCSI一般为服务器、工作站等高端应用,容量相对较小,价格较贵,但是性能较好,稳定性也较高。扩展资料:Digital-free Vacation格式数字摄录机与其他格式摄录机最大的不同点在于,它采用“无磁带工作方案”,而且内置一个硬盘,可以用来记录1小时左右高画质的图像。因抗干扰性强,且对数据线的长度要求比ATA低很多,支持热插拔等功能,已越来越为人所接受。SATA-I的外部接口速度已达到150Mb/s,SATA-II达到300Mb/s(3Gbps),SATA-III达到600Mb/s(6Gbps)。SATA的前景很广阔。而SATA的传输线比ATA的细得多, 有利于机壳内的空气流通。













digital怎么读 英语digital怎么读

1、digital英[u02c8du026adu0292u026atl]美[u02c8du026adu0292u026atl],adj.数字的; 数码的; 数字信息系统的; 数字式的; 数字显示的;n.数字电视。 2、[例句]digital Most of telephone dials use digital numbers.(阿拉伯)数字的大部分电话号码盘都使用阿拉伯数字。




digital的英语读音是:[u02c8du026adu0292u026atl]。digital是一个英文单词,名词、形容词,作名词时意思是“数字;键”,作形容词时意思是“数字的;手指的”。派生词:digitally adv。短语搭配1、Digital Signature[计]数字签名;数位签章;数码签署;数位签名。2、digital divide数字鸿沟;数码鸿沟。3、Western Digital西部数据;西部数据公司;瑗块儴鏁版嵁。双语例句1、The influence of the machine parameters on the starting performances of synchronous motor is studied by digital simulation.通过数字的仿真,研究了电机参数尤其是阻尼参数对同步电动机起动性能的影响。2、Broadly these could be classed into two categories, "analogue" and "digital".这些机器大概可以归成两类,模拟的和数字的。3、Digital television has been around for some time now.数字电视已经面市一段时间了。4、With digital you can choose the camera angle you want.有了数字电视你就可以选择你所需要的摄像角度。

一首英文歌 副歌中好像有somebody 副歌结尾是all right! 男的唱的 很欢快

The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena GomezYou got me sipping on somethingI can"t compare to nothingI bet for known I"m hopingThat after this fever I"ll surviveI know I"m acting a bit crazyStrung out, a little bit hazyHand over heart, I"m prayingThat I"m gonna make it out aliveThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsYou got me scattered in piecesShining like stars and screamingLightening me up like VenusBut then you disappearAnd make me waitAnd every second"s like tortureHell over trip, no more soFinding a way to let goBaby baby no I can"t escapeThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsThis is a modern fairy-taleNo happy endingsNo winning ourselvesBut I can"t imagine a life withoutBreathless momentsBreaking me downDown down downThe bed"s getting coldAnd you"re not hereThe future that we hold is so unclearBut I"m not alive until you callAnd I"ll bet the odds against it allSave your advice "cause I won"t hearYou might me right but I don"t careThere"s a million reasonsWhy I should give you upBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsBut the heart wants what it wantsThe heart wants what it wants babyWhat it wants babyWhat it wants babyWhat it wants baby

A civil rights hero in China?


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964是什么意思啊?


civil rights movement是什么意思



  即“美国民权运动 ”“美国黑人民权运动”  美国民权运动  Civil Rights Movement,United States  第二次世界大战后美国黑人反对种族隔离与歧视,争取民主权利的群众运动。  战后头10年,美国黑人争取平等自由的运动只限于由美国全国有色人种协进会在法院进行的斗争。1954 年5月17日,美国最高法院为改变美国在国际上的形象,就布朗控诉托布卡教育委员会一案作出判决:公立学校所实行的种族隔离教育是不平等的,违反《宪法第14条修正案》。1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人R.帕克斯夫人在公共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。在青年黑人牧师M.L.金的领导下,全城5万黑人团结一致 ,罢乘公共汽车达一年之久 ,终于迫使汽车公司取消种族隔离制。1957年,金牧师及其支持者组成南方基督教领袖会议,将运动深入到南部生活的各个领域。1958年南方21个主要城市组织集会,发动黑人争取公民权利。1960年2月1日,北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒城 4个黑人大学生进入一餐馆,白人服务员命令他们走开,他们静坐不动。这一英勇行为立刻得到南部广大黑人学生响应,发展为大规模静坐运动 ,迫使近 200 个城市的餐馆取消隔离制。1961 年 5 月初,种族平等大会又开展自由乘客运动。不久,在学生非暴力协调委员会参与下,得到许多白人支持,逐渐发展为全国性运动,迫使南部诸州取消州际公共汽车乘坐上的种族隔离制。  1963年3月,金牧师等人在南部种族隔离极严重的伯明翰组织示威游行,要求取消全城隔离制。示威群众受到残酷镇压 , 但由于金牧师的坚持和美国联邦政府被迫进行干预,该城种族隔离制全部被取消。  伯明翰事件后,民权运动队伍迅速扩大。1963年8月28日组织25万人 (其中1/4为白人)向华盛顿进军,要求就业,要求“立即自由”。另外,有些城市黑人还开展以暴力对付暴力的斗争。1964年迫使L.B.约翰逊总统签署了《民权法》。但南部诸州仍采用各种手法阻止黑人选民登记。于是,金牧师等在种族主义非常猖獗的亚拉巴马州塞尔马市进行黑人选民登记运动,并于1965年3月冒着被殴打 、杀害的危险由塞尔马向州首府蒙哥马利进军,最后参加人数达15万。在世界人民谴责面前,美国政府于同年8月要求国会通过了《 选民登记法》。  上述两法未能实际完全取消南部种族隔离与歧视制度,而北部事实上的种族歧视还有加剧之势。1968 年3月,金牧师组织贫民进军 (又称穷人运动) ,途经田纳西州孟菲斯市时,被种族主义分子枪杀。后来黑人领袖们发起的民族自决运动、黑人权力运动、黑豹党运动以及黑人群众自发的大规模城市骚动等,实际上都是以不同形式反对事实上的种族隔离制,特别是就业歧视制度的民权运动的继续。

human rights 和 civil rights 的区别是?

Human rights 是人权的意思。Civil rights是公民权利的意思。两者区别百度

请问谁可以告诉我有什么电影是关于美国六十年代的歧视黑人。。。。about the civil rights movement?


《1964年民权法案第七章》(Title Ⅶ of the 1964 Civil Rights Act)

【答案】:《1964年民权法案第七章》(Title Ⅶ of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,简称《民权法案第七章》)是20世纪60年代首批这类法律之一。《民权法案第七章》[后修改为《1972年公平就业机会法案》(the 1972 Equal Employment Opportunity Act)]规定:雇主不能根据种族、肤色、宗教、性别、血统而加以歧视。具体地说,它规定,对雇主来说,以下行为构成违法雇佣行为:①由于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、血统方面的原因,没有雇佣,拒绝雇佣,或解雇某人,或者在雇佣报酬、期限、条件或特权方面对任何人加以歧视。②由于种族、肤色、宗教、性别、血统方面的原因,以任何会剥夺或可能剥夺任何个人的雇佣机会的方式,对雇员或求职者进行限制、隔离或分类,或者对雇员地位施加不利影响。

美国现代人权运动(modern civil rights)是如何发生的啊?

人权运动 主要是指黑人的为了自由引发的“人道主义”运动,要求政府给予黑人自由 给予平等权利,禁止歧视,最早当然是林肯的“解放黑奴宣言”,由此引发南北战争,后来内战结束了,可种族歧视任然存在,后来就有了马丁的华盛顿游行,就一直持续到现在

谁能用英语简单描述一下civil rights movement,不要太长,有悬赏分,好的话还可以加分,急急急急急!!!

This is the second time the United States after world war ii black against racial segregation and discrimination, the mass movement for democratic rights

英语the civil-right movement怎么翻译?


civil rights leader是什么意思


什么是Civil Right Movement!

这是 民权运动 的意思。 civil 是公民,民间的意思;right 有权利的意思;而movement 则是运动的意思请采纳

美国Civil Liberties 和 Civil Rights 有什么区别


Civil rights activism什吗意思?


civil rights movement发生在什么时候?

civil rights movement 民权运动第二次世界大战后美国黑人反对种族隔离与歧视,争取民主权利的群众运动。战后头10年,美国黑人争取平等自由的运动只限于由美国全国有色人种协进会在法院进行的斗争。1954 年5月17日,美国最高法院为改变美国在国际上的形象,就布朗控诉托布卡教育委员会一案作出判决:公立学校所实行的种族隔离教育是不平等的,违反《宪法第14条修正案》。1955 年12月1日,亚拉巴马州蒙哥马利城黑人R.帕克斯夫人在公共汽车上拒绝让座给白人,被捕入狱。在青年黑人牧师M.L.金的领导下,全城5万黑人团结一致 ,罢乘公共汽车达一年之久 ,终于迫使汽车公司取消种族隔离制。1957年,金牧师及其支持者组成南方基督教领袖会议,将运动深入到南部生活的各个领域。1958年南方21个主要城市组织集会,发动黑人争取公民权利。1960年2月1日,北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒城 4个黑人大学生进入一餐馆,白人服务员命令他们走开,他们静坐不动。这一英勇行为立刻得到南部广大黑人学生响应,发展为大规模静坐运动 ,迫使近 200 个城市的餐馆取消隔离制。1961 年 5 月初,种族平等大会又开展自由乘客运动。不久,在学生非暴力协调委员会参与下,得到许多白人支持,逐渐发展为全国性运动,迫使南部诸州取消州际公共汽车乘坐上的种族隔离制。1963年3月,金牧师等人在南部种族隔离极严重的伯明翰组织示威游行,要求取消全城隔离制。示威群众受到残酷镇压 , 但由于金牧师的坚持和美国联邦政府被迫进行干预,该城种族隔离制全部被取消。伯明翰事件后,民权运动队伍迅速扩大。1963年8月28日组织25万人 (其中1/4为白人)向华盛顿进军,要求就业,要求“立即自由”。另外,有些城市黑人还开展以暴力对付暴力的斗争。1964年迫使L.B.约翰逊总统签署了《民权法》。但南部诸州仍采用各种手法阻止黑人选民登记。于是,金牧师等在种族主义非常猖獗的亚拉巴马州塞尔马市进行黑人选民登记运动,并于1965年3月冒着被殴打 、杀害的危险由塞尔马向州首府蒙哥马利进军,最后参加人数达15万。在世界人民谴责面前,美国政府于同年8月要求国会通过了《 选民登记法》。上述两法未能实际完全取消南部种族隔离与歧视制度,而北部事实上的种族歧视还有加剧之势。1968 年3月,金牧师组织贫民进军 (又称穷人运动) ,途经田纳西州孟菲斯市时,被种族主义分子枪杀。后来黑人领袖们发起的民族自决运动、黑人权力运动、黑豹党运动以及黑人群众自发的大规模城市骚动等,实际上都是以不同形式反对事实上的种族隔离制,特别是就业歧视制度的民权运动的继续。美国黑人民权运动是现代非暴力运动的典型,在全世界被压迫阶级之中影响深远,它使人们看到可以通过合法的群众运动获得民主权利的可能,也使人看到世界必将走向民主平等的趋势。


无论我走到哪里 所有的,我去过的地方 每一个微笑是一种新的地平线 一个我从未见过的土地 有世界各地的地方 的不同面临着不同的名字 但有一个真实的情感,它提醒我我们是相同的 _ - ________YOU已告诉我你继续 ----- Ceilion翁

Original Dialog Ver韩文歌词

风 儿亲亲敲着窗户 穿过像我一样小的房间 闪烁的星星如此美丽 整个房间徜徉在爱河之中 请别受伤 轻轻爱抚我的伤痛 拥我入怀 就算不能走路 眼泪挡住我的双眼 就算没有爱情 我还会一直微笑 就像在我眼中的闪烁星星一样 我会永远爱你 就像梦境一样 闪亮的星星照亮我的眼睛 闪烁的星星 掉落在我的肩上 不要在难过 抓紧我的双手 温暖的保着我 就算不能走路 眼泪挡着我的双眼 就算没有爱情 我还会一直微笑 就算是暂时的 我要把记忆铭记在心 就像那些在我眼中闪烁的星星一样 弄不清是哪首歌,麻烦你自己下载后听一听了。 01. Beautiful Girl - uae40uc544uc911 02. ubcc4 - uc720ubbf8 03. Maria - uae40uc544uc911(金雅中演唱) 04. Maria - uc720ubbf8 05. uc288ud37cuc2a4ud0c0 - Loveholic 06. Dance with my daddy - Alex(Clazziquai) 07. You don_t know I love you - U 08. ud29cuc6b8ub9bd - Venny(uc0c1uc0c1ubc34ub4dc) feat.uc885ud718 09. Miss you much - uc720ubbf8 10. Beautiful Girl (teaser edit) 11. ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc - uae40ud615uc911 12. ubcc4 (original dialog ver.) - uae40uc544uc911 [专辑曲目] 01. Beautiful Girl – 金雅中 02. 星 - Youme 03. Maria – 金雅中 04. Maria - Youme 05. SUPER STAR - LOVEHOLIC 06. Dance with my daddy - ALEX 07. You don"t know I love you - U 08. 郁金香 - Venny feat.宗辉 09. Miss you much - Youme 10. Beautiful Girl (teaser edit) 11. 像傻瓜一样 – 金亨中 12. 星 (original dialog ver.) – 金雅中 下载地址: 01. 第二首开始数字依次加一 02. 03. to 12.

origin做非线性拟合时,结果里面的Reduced Chi-sqr是卡方值吗?Reduced表示什么呢?

首先,数据拟合是需要根据你的实验符合的数学模型进行拟合,你需要了解你的数据符合哪种函数,然后根据这个函数对你采集到的实验数据进行拟合。 至于具体的拟合步骤,需要在 Analysis — Non-linear Curve Fit — Advanced Fitting Tool 在弹出的对话框左侧是多项式的项数,有线性Line Mode,多项式Poly,常数 Constent,线性line,Parabalo抛物线,Cubic三次方,Poly4,Poly5 等,右侧的白框中会显示相应的函数表达式。 如果这里没有你需要的多项式,可以点击对话框右下侧的 More,选择更多的函数类型。在新对话框中,左上Categories中有各种常用的函数类型,右上方Functions 里有相应的具体函数形式,下方的方框中有其函数表达式Equation,曲线形式Sample Curve,和函数文件Function File(这个可以不用管,除非你想编程)选择符合你实验的函数,然后调整各个参数值进行拟合工作。 然后点击上方的工具栏中 Action — Fit,点击 100 Iter ,Done

英语作文the significance of travel中英互译


求neighbors know my name 歌词中文译

一旦我们开始听到马金爱布莱恩更难答。 (敲敲)在墙上敲, 而当我得到它在深入然后再答孤单。 (敲敲)在墙上敲, 女孩你的腿不断发抖我发誓,我们唱到我们的新床头床头 而我们的爱使感觉好女孩,你知道你的即时消息lovley面对自豪找谁尖叫我的名字你这么大声 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin, 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我我我... 借此枕头在这里(抓住这一点) 而且我知道你这幺有兴奋,如果你咬它,他们习惯于听 而且你知道我们有能力juss,当我们的爱马金 因此,音乐是响亮了,你走了尖叫和留言 女孩你的小体是一个问题,他们说我的问题解决者 让手机坐在充电器,它可以响了一夜 他们可以打电话,他们可以叩门,很不高兴,但我打赌 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin, 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我我我... [诗歌2] 二是对我身体bangin哟,他们在我们的墙上bangin 虽然他们作梦,你会尖叫现在他们对我们的大门bangin 有时,她叫我三分球,有时她说特里梅因 当其所有说,做,但邻居们知道我的名字 有时,她打电话给我trigga因为我使她的身体脸红 他可能认为我的名字是“哦的SH -”,我让她坏话 [合唱] 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 邻居知道我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 你尖叫scratchin喊, 投注的邻居知道我的名字 他们是stressin而我们sexin 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 我的名字我的名字 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字 [诗歌3] 这就是你尖叫我的名字(你的尖叫我的名字) Woah 女孩的爱,让少女(让我们的爱) 继续走在墙上bangin,但没有任何事情能够改变 我敢打赌,邻居知道我的名字

you big baby 这句话有错么?感觉没有谓语啊

Your big baby.

请问HiPhi Bot数字机器人相比HiPhiGo在智能方面有什么提升?与Nomi有什么区别?

HiPhi Bot是能和人交流的、多轴位移的车载数字机器人,它那个机械臂支持前后移动、左右旋转、上下俯仰、横竖切换四个维度的自由调节,而且过程非常丝滑且安静。更厉害的是,HiPhi Bot不仅能找到你的位置、听懂你的诉求,还能进行更人性化的表达,给你真人一样的交互感。相比HiPhiGo,它的智能化程度可以说再度进化。和Nomi相比,我感觉HiPhi Bot像个拟人化的数字生命体,Nomi更像是一个车载的语音助手。


direct [di5rekt,dai5rekt] adj. 径直的,直接的,直系的,直率的,[天]由西向东运行的,顺行的 adv. 直接地 vt. 指引,指示,指挥,命令,导演 vi. 指导,指挥 straight [streit] adj. 直的,诚实的,正直的,率直的,整齐的 adv. 直,直接,一直 你自己看意思就知道了






straight"是现实中的直 eg:the street is straight。街道很直。(我们能看见的)"directly“是抽象意义的直eg:you can answer it directly。你能直接回答(我们看不见)

House Of Love (Pedigree Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:House Of Love (Pedigree Mix)歌手:East 17专辑:The Platinum CollectionEast 17 - House Of LoveEverybodyeverybody in the house of loveEverybodyeverybody in the house of loveEverybodyeverybody in the house of loveEverybody, one love - one godEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of loveOne love - one godEverybody in the house of loveWe"ve got to stop the painAnd put the the wars on holdLet the power of love inside the soul unfoldFree the mindlet it rise aboveWe"ve gotta change this worldTo a world of loveMother Earth she"s on overloadOne more war and she might explodeWe"ve got to look backAnd see a love from the pastWe"ve got time to change itBut it"s running out fast (out fast)Not bothered about your colourConcerned about your creedin the house of love - elverybody"s freeEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of loveOne love - one godEverybody in the house of loveHow many more tears must she cryHow many more fears must be felt insideBefore we realise we"ve gone too farThe creator createdWe tone it apartBut love can guide usBack on the right roadWe"ve gotta save the planet before she explodesWe"ve gotta love our motherGotta let her knowBoom boom - before she blowsNot bothered about religionNot bothered about beliefin the house of love - everybody"s freeEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of loveOne love - one godEverybody in the house of loveBorn to live - we live to dieOur eyes can"t see they can only cryBut our mother"s tired of crying she"s had enoughShe"s gotta surely blow "cos we"re giving upBuild the house oflove while we"ve got the timeToo many bombs in the world it"s like a living mineThe house of love is what we must buildThe past won"t lastIf the present is killedNot bothered about your colourConcerned about your creedin the house of love - elverybody"s freeEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of loveOne love - one godEverybody in the house of loveEverybody in the house of love ...http://music.baidu.com/song/11299980

Twin Method的《Pedigree》 歌词

歌曲名:Pedigree歌手:Twin Method专辑:The Volume Of SelfRigo Luna - PedigreeMy pedigreeMy pedigreeBeen watchin" youYou"re checkin" me tooTell me what I doCos your body sure do loveWorkin" out that frameWanna know your nameSee you runnin" them gameOn every dude in the clubEvery girl in the West Side GGotta check out the P-I-M-PGotta check just right for meKeep throwin" favor my wayIt"s all good what you really don"t knowGot you thinkin" you"re in controlGirl, you"re dealin" with a naturalMy pedigreeThe level of my pimpin" got you feelin" meYou gotta burn my swagger, girlPedigreeYou and me, we both the sameBaby girl, we know the gameGotta have you on my teamIt"s in my bloodAll the ways to run itNever see me comin"And when you do, it"s too lateYou"re a different typeSo qualifiedYou"re cold as iceYou try to freeze me with itEvery girl in the West Side GGotta check out the P-I-M-PGotta check just right for meKeep throwin" favor my wayIt"s all good what you really don"t knowGot you thinkin" you"re in controlGirl, you"re dealin" with a naturalSo bench them other playersI"ll be your MVPYou"ll never need anotherOnce you get with meGame, give nice gameBe the same girlI"ll never play aroundIf you say you"ll hold it downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15030848

Enigma的《Incognito》 歌词

歌曲名:Incognito歌手:Enigma专辑:VoyageurPaper, Denim Hot HipsRidin" Ridin" Hot WhipsWhatchu Want I got it.ah ah ahHe was smooth like a wave cat.Coolin" in his Ray Bands.Incognito in the back of the club.I almost passed him then he came back.Asked him to explain that.Who you hidin" from in the back of the club?He said I "m good tonight.Wasn"t lookin" for nobody butcha looked alright.Won"t you take a seat and let me get up in yo mind.Boy, you kinda turn me on.I hadta get that, sit back,then we had to check that.(chorus)Uh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooaway from all the peopleUh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooand can"t nobody see youPaper, Denim Hot HipsRidin" Ridin" Hot WhipsWhatchu Want I got it.Boy you kinda hot shit.I was lost in the convoGettin" late and I knowWe can"t stay forever in the back of the clubSo we speed off in yo viper.Damn I think I like ya.Boy I"m glad I met you in tha back of the club.He said I "m good tonight.Wasn"t lookin" for nobody butcha looked alright.Won"t you take a seat and let me get up in yo mind.Boy, you kinda turn me on.I hadta get that, sit back,then we had to check that.Uh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooaway from all the peopleUh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooand can"t nobody see youPaper, Denim Hot HipsRidin" Ridin" Hot WhipsWhatchu Want I got it.Boy you kinda hot shit.All alone there are no other people"cause thats how we doIt"s like VIP for just you and meSeems like there"s been no one else around usSince I met youTake me away to some other place.Uh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooaway from all the peopleUh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooand can"t nobody see youUh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooaway from all the peopleUh uh ooouh-oh we incognitouh uh oooand can"t nobody see youPaper, Denim Hot HipsRidin" Ridin" Hot WhipsWhatchu Want I got it.ah ah ah ahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3475568

Pedigree/宝路 狗粮怎么样,使用评测



分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: Enigma共出了几张专辑? 解析: 七张. 专辑名称: MCMXC a.D 出版时间: 1990 1990年10月,Enigma的首支单曲《Sadeness Part I》首先推出,这首歌成为他们最著名的热门单曲。紧接着推出的个人专辑《MCMXC a.D.(公元1990年)》成为德国有史以来卖的最好的专辑,一共销售了1200万张,在41个国家登上了专辑排行榜冠军,并且在美国排行榜200名中停留了5年之久。在90年代流行音乐稳步前进的时候,谁也没想到Enigma居然没有追随标准成功的流行规则,而是运用了排箫、笛子和中世纪圣歌的咏唱加之电吉它、铜管等现代乐器,传达着现代人的气息、情感和能量。这张专辑中的经典歌曲《Mea Culpa(我的过错)》、《Principles Of Lust(欲望的原则)》、《The Rivers Of Belief(信仰之河)》都非常出色。另外一个非常值得赞扬的是《MCMXC a. D.》采用了高超的录、混音技术。所有的音轨自然地相互流入,而立体声和低音的应用是完美的。将《MCMXC a.D.》放在一个发烧音响系统中,释放出来的大量低音使人惊叹不止并为之痴迷。这张专辑是90年代流行音乐史上的一张杰作,它的音乐具有高度的独创性且营造了一种独一无二的神秘音乐氛围。 专辑名称: The Cross Of Changes 出版时间: 1993 1 993年Enigma推出了乐迷们翘首以待的第二张专辑《The Cross of Changes(变换的十字架)》。由于第一张专辑的成功,第二张专辑还未正式推出便已得到140万张CD的订单。而当歌迷们亲耳听到这张专辑之后,赞扬之声再起。《The Cross of Changes》不但延续了第一张专辑的独特气质,而且是一个进化。尽管这张专辑在销售数量上没能超过第一张,但还是取得了24张金唱片的好成绩,并在英国排行榜夺得冠军的位置,在澳洲和欧洲取得亚军的位置。专辑一共收录了9首曲目,其中诞生了两首流传最为广泛的热门歌曲《The Eyes Of Truth(真实的眼睛)》和Return to Innocence(回到纯真)》。前者充满了东方音乐的神韵,歌曲寓意海市蜃楼中的美丽景象,旋律中有蒙古音乐以及 *** 音乐的影子,甚至运用了 *** 的唢呐,因此让人很难确切说清这首曲子的渊源。而《Return to Innocence》的知名度可能更高,因为它被选为1996年美国亚特兰大奥运会的宣传歌曲,这首曲目的MTV采用的时光倒转创意也给很多朋友留下过深刻印象。《Return to Innocence》取样了南TW屏蔽阿美族郭英南夫妇的《老人饮酒歌》,并请来了SONY唱片德国公司旗下的Angel(Andy Hard)演唱英文歌词部分,他的声音的确如天使一样漂亮。1994年,《The Cross of Changes》发行了一个“特别版本”,类似于《MCMXC a.D.》的“ *** 版”,在这个特别版中加入了3首歌曲,每首曲子增加了重新混音部份。由于这张唱片没有在美国发行,所以《The Cross of Changes 特别版》是相当罕见的。 专辑名称: le roi est mort,Vive Le Roi! 出版时间: 1996-11-25 Enigma的第三张专辑发行于1996年11月25日,唱片标题为《Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!》,这是德文,翻译为英文则“The King is Dead, Long Live the King!”,中文意为“国王死了,国王万岁”,港台地区翻译为“改朝换代”,更多人则将之称为“王者风范”。这张唱片与Enigma的前两张专辑相比,在风格上稍有不同。整体音乐气氛的变化,加之鼓的音色更加平和,而且还出现了更多全新的少数民族音乐元素——从祖鲁人到拉托维亚人,包括这些少数民族特有的乐器音色。正因为这些特色,所以《Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi!》被评论界誉为Enigma众多唱片中最一元化的一张专辑。在这张专辑中制作人Michael Cretu向广大听众传达了许多自然的、哲学的观念,这个观念的主题就是“why(为什么)”。专辑中的《Beyound the Invisible》是Enigma一首比较经典的单曲,通过Cretu的声音铺垫着一种不可抵挡的圣歌迭句和神秘的旋律。第七轨《The Child in Us》运用了中国云南少数民族的乐器——芦笙,其中的女声演唱则充满了南亚音乐元素。《T.N.T. for the Brain》风格强劲而律动,MTV的拍摄手法更是另类而诡异,令人难以忘怀。 专辑名:The Screen Behind the Mirror 发行时间:2000年 继《王者风范》后时隔将近四年,Enigma终于在千禧年推出了自己的第四张专辑——《The Screen Behind the Mirror》,我们习惯将之称为“浮世镜”。很多听众认为在这张唱片中,Enigma变得更加通俗易懂,越来越趋于流行化。唯一的与众不同和亮点在与制作人Michael Cretu将前人Carl Orff(卡尔.奥尔夫)著名的世俗歌曲集《Carmina Buraria(布兰诗歌)》融入到了自己的专辑中。这样一部经典题材的合唱曲目配以Enigma强烈的电子合成器音色形成了古典与现代的碰撞、严肃与流行的交汇,而且也并不显得牵强附会。可以说,《布兰诗歌》的主旋律成为了《Enigma 4》中最为重要的音乐支柱而贯穿于整张唱片中。全碟收录了11首作品,诞生了不少令人喜爱的单曲。诸如充满原始部族风格的标题曲《The Screen Behind The Mirror》;充满神秘、庄重气氛的主打曲目《Push The Limits》、《Gravity of Love》以及节奏感强烈、充满斗争叛逆气息的《Modern Crusaders》。在这些曲目中我们依然可以感受到Enigma一如既往的创新精神以及独特风格,虽然它确实已经变得和最初不太一样,但这种变数究竟是好事怀,应该由时间和销量来说明。 专辑名称: Love Sensuality Devo-The Greatest Hits 出版时间: 2001 2001年10月Enigma破天荒地推出了十年来首张精选辑《Love Sensuality Devotion-The Greatest Hits》。顾名思义,这张唱片荟萃了Enigma自诞生起最热门甚至堪称“最伟大”的曲目。制作人还特意编写了新曲《Turn Around》放在其中,成为精选集中唯一的新鲜感。除了开场白《The Landing》外,专辑还收录了16首历年来广受欢迎的优秀曲目,其中不乏里程碑式的钜作。新曲目《Turn Around(回转)》充满着浓郁的电子气息,预示着在新世纪到来之际,Enigma将继续为搭起文化、宗教与流行音乐的桥梁而努力。 专辑名称: Love Sesuality Devot-The Remix Collection 出版时间: 2001 除了Enigma的4张专辑唱片外,很多乐迷还热衷于收集Enigma为数众多的单曲EP唱片,因为这些单曲唱片中含有诸多热门曲目的REMIX(重混音)版本。变化多端的全新音色编制可以给同一首曲目以特殊的听音感觉和欣赏意境,这正是REMIX的魅力所在。然而要想把这些单曲唱片搜罗完整可不是简单的事情,尤其对于国内的Enimga迷而言。好在2001年Virgin除了发行出《Love Sensuality Devotion-The Greatest Hits》这张精选外,还特别推出了一张包装与之类似,但封套色调不同的《Love Sesuality Devotion-The Remix Collection》,也就是REMIX曲目选萃,其中荟萃了九首Enigma十多年来热门曲目的特别混音版,甚至包括2001新曲《Turn Around》的“Northern Lights Remix”。 专辑名称: Voyageur 出版时间: 2003-09-09 众乐迷期待以久的Enigma最新专辑将在2003年的9月8日正式发行,这是2000年的《The Screen Behind the Mirror》之后,其最新力作!其间,2001年Virgin公司曾为Enigma推出过两张精选专辑,包括一首新单曲。此番即将问世的新专辑的标题为《Voyageur(旅客)》,不知道这个名称是否意味着新专辑将带有强烈的世界音乐元素。我们可以从Enigma的官方网站上看到,经过全新改版的页面已经与《Voyageur》的封面设计融为一体。

pedigree 什么意思

pedigree英 [u02c8pedu026agri:] 美 [u02c8pu025bdu026au02ccɡri] n.血统;家谱;血统表adj.纯种的;有血统来源的复数: pedigrees双语例句 60 per cent of dogs and ten per cent of cats have pedigrees.60%的狗和10%的猫有血统记录。

Enigma的《Voyageur》 歌词





tinyint(M), M默认为4;SMALLINT(M), M默认为6;MEDIUMINT(M), M默认为9;INT(M),M默认为11;BIGINT(M),M默认为20.M表示最大显示宽度, 建表若设置了zerofill(0填充), 会在数字前面补充0.

mysql 数据库float,int,bigint,double区别




求enigma 《Voyageur》ape格式的 CUE


mysql中int,bigint,smallint 和 tinyint的区别与长度的含义




unsigned int 和signed int

无符号整型(unsigned int): 取值是 2^31 - 1,即:0~4294967295 有符号整型((signed)int)(1)int类型: 默认是有符号的,所以int实际上是signed int ,我们通常省略signed,它的取值范围就与无符号整型不同了。它的范围是-2147483648~2147483647这个范围可以理解为无符号整型的一半变成了负数。 有无符号的根本原因可以说就是因为数据出现了溢出现象导致的。 无符号值可以避免误存负数, 且扩大了表示范围。 mysql提供了五种整型: tinyint、smallint、mediumint、int和bigint。int为integer的缩写。这些类型在可表示的取值范围上是不同的。 整数列可定义为unsigned从而禁用负值;这使列的取值范围为0以上。各种类型的存储量需求也是不同的。取值范围较大的类型所需的存储量较大。 mysql 提供三种浮点类型: float、double和decimal。与整型不同,浮点类型不能是unsigned的,其取值范围也与整型不同,这种不同不仅在于这些类型有最大 值,而且还有最小非零值。最小值提供了相应类型精度的一种度量,这对于记录科学数据来说是非常重要的(当然,也有负的最大和最小值)。

mysql bigint(20)中20指的是什么?

MySQL中我们建表的时候,类型可以用bigint(20)。tinyint(M), M默认为4;SMALLINT(M), M默认为6;MEDIUMINT(M), M默认为9;INT(M),M默认为11;BIGINT(M),M默认为20。M表示最大显示宽度, 建表若设置了zerofill(0填充),会在数字前面补充0。

Light Up Ya Lighter 歌词

歌曲名:Light Up Ya Lighter歌手:Michael Franti & Spearhead专辑:Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War VeteranIt never makes no senseIt never makes no senseFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireArmageddon is a deadly dayArmageddon is a deadly wayThey comin for you everydayWhile senators on holidayThe army recruiters in the parking lotHustling kids there jugglin potListen, young man, listen to my planGonna make you money, gonna make you a manBom bom here"s what you get...an M-16 and a kevlar vestYou might come home with one less legbut this thing will surely keep a bullet out your chestSo, come on, come on, sign up, come onThis one"s nothing like VietnamExcept for the bullets, except for the bombs, except for the youth that"s goneSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireTell me, President, tell me if you willHow many people does a smart bomb kill?How many of "em do you think we got?The general says we never miss a shotAnd we never ever ever keep a body countWe killin so efficiently, we can"t keep countIn the Afghan hills, the rebels still fightinOpium fields keep providinThe best heroin that money can buy andNobody knows where Osama been hidinThe press confrences keep on lyinLike we don"t knowSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSome say engine, engine number nineMachine guns on a New York transit lineThe war for oil is a war for the beastThe war on terror is a war on peaceTellin you they"re gonna protect you andTellin you that they support the troopsAnd don"t let them fool you with their milk and honeyNo, they only want your moneyOne step forward and two steps backOne step forward and two steps backWhy do veterans get no respectPTSD and a broken backTake a look at where your money"s gone seenTake a look at what they spend it onNo excuses, no illusionsLight up ya lighter, bring it homeSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireSo we keep it on "til ya comin" homeHigher and higherFire, fire, fire, light up ya lighter, fire, fire, fireFire, fire, fire, yeah, you know, so light up ya lighterFire, fire, fire, fire, no, light up ya lighterhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7943545

mysql bigint(20) 20指的是什么意思

这字段下 能输入的最大数字长度是 20位

mysql中int,bigint,smallint 和 tinyint的区别与长度的含义

1 bytes = 8 bit ,一个字节最多可以代表的数据长度是2的8次方 11111111 在计算机中也就是-128到1271.BIT[M]位字段类型,M表示每个值的位数,范围从1到64,如果M被忽略,默认为12.TINYINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] M默认为4很小的整数。带符号的范围是-128到127。无符号的范围是0到255。3. BOOL,BOOLEAN是TINYINT(1)的同义词。zero值被视为假。非zero值视为真。4.SMALLINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] M默认为6小的整数。带符号的范围是-32768到32767。无符号的范围是0到65535。5.MEDIUMINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] M默认为9中等大小的整数。带符号的范围是-8388608到8388607。无符号的范围是0到16777215。6. INT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] M默认为11普通大小的整数。带符号的范围是-2147483648到2147483647。无符号的范围是0到4294967295。7.BIGINT[(M)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] M默认为20大整数。带符号的范围是-9223372036854775808到9223372036854775807。无符号的范围是0到18446744073709551615。注意:这里的M代表的并不是存储在数据库中的具体的长度,以前总是会误以为int(3)只能存储3个长度的数字,int(11)就会存储11个长度的数字,这是大错特错的。tinyint(1) 和 tinyint(4) 中的1和4并不表示存储长度,只有字段指定zerofill是有用,如tinyint(4),如果实际值是2,如果列指定了zerofill,查询结果就是0002,左边用0来填充。---------------------char是一种固定长度的类型,varchar则是一种可变长度的类型,它们的区别是:char(M)类型的数据列里,每个值都占用M个字节,如果某个长度小于M,MySQL就会在它的右边用空格字符补足.(在检索操作中那些填补出来的空格字符将被去掉)在varchar(M)类型的数据列里,每个值只占用刚好够用的字节再加上一个用来记录其长度的字节(即总长度为L+1字节).在MySQL中用来判断是否需要进行对据列类型转换的规则1、在一个数据表里,如果每一个数据列的长度都是固定的,那么每一个数据行的长度也将是固定的.2、只要数据表里有一个数据列的长度的可变的,那么各数据行的长度都是可变的.3、如果某个数据表里的数据行的长度是可变的,那么,为了节约存储空间,MySQL会把这个数据表里的固定长度类型的数据列转换为相应的可变长度类型.例外:长度小于4个字符的char数据列不会被转换为varchar类型




中文翻译为:insightful[英][u02c8u026ansau026atfu028al][美][u02c8u026anu02ccsau026atfu0259l, u026anu02c8sau026at-]adj.富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的; 例句:She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.她给出了一些非常有趣又富有洞察力的评论。He also wrote an insightful book called how to work for an idiot: survive and thrive without killing your boss.他还写过一本具有深刻见解的书:《如何为白痴工作:不炒老板照样成功》(How to Work for an Idiot:Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss)。


adj. 富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的; 全部释义>>[例句]Aren"t you insightful?你不是很有洞察力么?




急!tonight i celebrate my love 的钢琴谱!!!

1、I love you to want me (发现这首歌完全是一个意外,也是一个惊喜。) 2、She (电影《Notting hill》主题音乐,深情款款,绝佳的约会背景音乐。) 3、She is the one ( Robbie williams 的歌虽多,但这一首,无疑是最好的。) 4、Let it be (The Beatles 佛经般的经典,心烦气躁、情绪低落时,听它!) 5、Everyday I love you (Boyzone 软绵绵又千丝万缕柔情的情歌。) 6、Against All Odds (Phill collins 名曲,陪我度过无数个无聊的中午。) 7、Dream a little dream (1931年英国。经典!还记得金莎朱古力广告么?爽!) 8、What a wonderful world (Louis Arstrong 独特爵士风格嗓音,摇摇曳曳。) 9、Dancing queen (喜欢ABBA的轻快节奏,放松一下脑筋,跟着节奏动一动。) 10、Just show me how to love you (估计是歌剧片断,男女音色及配乐一流。sarah brightman作品) 11、Sailing (一种沧桑,一种倾诉,曾经听着听着热泪盈眶。思乡情绪浓厚。吉他圣曲,吉他教材里热门歌曲) 12、Tonight i celebrate my love for you (甜蜜享受爱情的夜晚,紧紧拥抱) 13、Rhythm of the rain (一种对爱情的执着,失去爱情后的思念和专一,用情很深。) 14、Time to say goodbye (古典的通俗,通俗的古典,优美动人,感人肺腑。) 15、Sound of silence (不得不列出的一首歌,因为担心被人骂我无知。对么?) 16、How deep is your love (Bee Gees原唱, 比番唱的 Queen和take that乐队更能唱出这首歌的内在感情。) 17、Uptown girl ( 节奏轻快,兴奋跳跃,将男孩淳朴真挚的爱恋心情在爽朗的乐曲气氛中表达出来。) 18、Yesterday (1962年美国。约1300多位歌手翻唱过,在回忆过去中省悟。) 19、Love will keep us alive (一首典型Eagles 风格的抒情歌,很舒服,他们的吉他表演是你的耳朵非常值得留意的。) 20、Let"s talk about love (Celine Dion 这首童声和音的热情洋溢的情歌,当你喜欢一个人的时候,让他(她)听这首Let"s talk about love ,暗示一下,或播放第一、十、十二首。)MY Heart Will Go On Yesterday Once More Because Of You Pretty Boy Right Here You Want Me Big Big World one more night——sarah connor just one last dance——sarah connor christmas in my heart——sarah connor burningbueatiful love right here waiting the color of the night i will always love you just one last dance because of you the power of love just want you to konw

求breaking Benjamin的give me a sign中文音译歌词


求Dream High中Jason(佑荣)唱的《死也不能放开你》的歌词

虽然年少 也一样会受伤我不懂这世界 不是不懂悲伤为什么要骗我 说会好起来的如此伤痛的心 该如何去平复没有了你 我要怎么活下去 所以我...死也不能放你走 我怎么能放你走若是要走 要离开 请把我心意改变让我不再伤心,可以一直活下去如果不行 反正也活不下去死也不能放你走不管你怎么要推我走 我也要挽留你到底让你哪儿也去不了如果真的要走 请对我说谎吧明天会再来见我 会笑着看我告诉我 分手是玩笑话 不然的话 我...赵权:死也不能放你走 我怎么能放你走若是要走 要离开 请把我心意改变让我不再伤心,可以一直活下去如果不行 反正也活不下去死也不能放你走曾与你共度漫长时间而现在又该如何独自面对我无法做到 无法做到死也不能放你走 真的不能放你走我怎么能放你走若是要走 要离开 请把我心意改变让我不再伤心,可以一直活下去如果不行 反正也活不下去死也不能放你走bigbang知道团队的斯言绪为您解答~满意请采纳~



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求Beast - Midnight&Special 中文音译 麻烦大家一下帮我找中文音译歌词 感谢

Midnight  冬云:可跌嫩哦吨嘎哟 卡哥们那ri 森嘎看jo gi那哟  一gin怕妹 她西怒ri刚过  可的森嘎卡够 擦m的几木她够 可跌哟  贤胜:cho跟 U纳hi gi内哟可跌 后嫩怕米  嗨须我几内哟可跌不 内歌那里托  斗俊:给所木掉几给jo chom chom米cho几给jo  冬云:哦姐她嫩 可跌嘎  起光:擦米哦几啊嫩把m so sad tonight  可跌哇 哈m给哈苏哦b乐你把m  in a midnight a a midnight a  你森嘎给 插木的 midnight  耀燮:她西家家哦你吧 so sad tonight  可跌嘎 哦西她西 慢乐你吧  in a midnight a a midnight a  你嘎哦b西 家莫的 midnight  俊亨:怒嘎嘛打的嫩撒一啵打 托把ri给那儿擦咋哇打  多那嘎啵林撒浪汤心 You can"t do this to me  从不啦打从不内 可慢总黑啦娜拉普给  内给米罗你蓝薏ri没怕们 跟拉吉阿娜  贤胜:她几难也给她西啊过西 仅按지慢  内卡可跌吗你cho哇给 gin还拿吧哟  斗俊:给所森嘎那给jo 托可跌我几给jo  冬云:西干你几乃儿素咯  起光:擦米哦几啊嫩把m so sad tonight  可跌哇 哈m给哈苏哦b乐你把m  in a midnight a a midnight a  你森嘎给 插木的 midnight  耀燮:她西家家哦你吧 so sad tonight  可跌嘎 哦西她西 慢乐你吧  in a midnight a a midnight a  你嘎哦b西 家莫的 midnight  俊亨:错gi 盘家gi 嫩 Little star 哪儿为咯还住啦  gi 跌过哈那哦b西斯咯gi 嫩 哦嫩儿吧m  冬云:错gi 盘家gi 嫩 Little star 哪儿为咯还住啦  gi 跌过哈那哦b西斯咯gi 嫩  斗俊:票列嫩怕 给jo里几那  cho歌m西 她啦jo嘎乐你怕m  哈几满那 哟jo你难  插木你怒 怕m  耀燮:她西家家哦你吧 so sad tonight  可跌嘎 哦西她西 慢乐你吧  in a midnight a a midnight a  你嘎哦b西 家莫的 midnightSpecial没有找到中文音译..只找到罗马的..凑合看吧亲...~Yeah don"t be scared babyAtom bomb is comingOh oh ohOh oh ohOh oh ohBounce me oh oh oh Bounce me oh oh ohBounce me oh oh oh Every time I specialBounce me oh oh oh Bounce me oh oh ohBounce me oh oh oh Every time I specialnan eonjena kkalkkeumhan fashion ni mam-eul salojab-eul motionneocheoleom bichnaneun my eyesI got so much luv luvnan ppeonppeonhan aedeulgwaneun dalla nae pyohyeon-eun nuguboda ppallanae nunbich-eun neol hyanghae bling bilngU make me feel alive aliveBabe amuleon uisimjocha hajima yeah~nan dalla dalla hey girl neowa na ije let"s goI got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul deonjyeobwanaega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~neon namanbogo ttalawaulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eoneon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag chauliui feeling f feeling neoneun burning b burningnaege coming c coming yo every time I specialjamkkanman waiting w waiting neoneun panic p panicnaege crazy crazy yo every time I specialneoleul hyanghaeganeun quick step! nae salang-eun eonjena non-stop!neol boneun gaseum-i pop! pop!I got so much luv luvneol neomboneun namjadeul-i manh-ahajiman neol jal mollanan hanaman bwado al-aU make me feel alive aliveBabe amuleon uisimjochahaji ma yeah~nan dalla dalla hey girl neowa na ije let"s goI got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul deonjyeobwanaega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~neon namanbogo ttalawaulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eoneon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag chaWhat up represent CUBE I"m the joker Watch meSo special guy is me we fly nan pyeongbeomhan aedeulgwa leveli dallaWow nunbusin neon my favorite style oh GodLet let let let let"s gonaegahaneun modeun geos-i neoleul hyanghan specialI got U lady geuleohge anj-a issji malgo naleul hyanghae ni mam-eul deonjyeobwanaega neoui special special special guy uwo-eo ~neon namanbogo ttalawaulin hangsang special special special jakku heundeul-eoneon naege ppajigo ni meolis-sog-eun nalo kkwag chauliui feeling f feeling neoneun burning b burningnaege coming c coming yo every time I specialjamkkanman waiting w waiting neoneun panic p panicnaege crazy crazy yo every time I special

brown eyes girl sign歌词

Micky: sexy loverkeu dae kyeo te i sseul ddaennan nu neul ddel su ga eo seokeu jeo haeng bo gan u seum man yeahHero: (keu eo ddeon a reum da um dopi gyo dyuel su eon neun geol)U-know: meo ri ggeut bo teo pal ggeut gga jineo mu wan byeo gae seo and (xiah I love you)nae ma eum eul mo du ka jyeo gat jyoAll: Hey girl keu dae kyeo te i sseul ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i tyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me EternallyMax: keu dae e ge ha go si peun malnam ja deu re ka seu mentan ha na e sa rang ma niU-know: (nam gyeo jyeo ci ul su eot jyo)Xiah: nae so ge teu reo wanae mo deun keo si tyuen keu daeMicky: (na e nun do pal geo reum do)Xiah: o jik keu dae reul hyang hae seo Hey girlAll: keu dae kyeo te i sseol ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i dyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me EternallyXiah: yong won han sa rang i ran keoncon jae hal su eot da gomal ha neun sa ram deulkeu reon mi deum jo cha eon neun geolHero: in saeng e dan nan beoncin sil han sa rang i o nyeonkeu ddae seo ya al ge tyue get jyo GirlMax: na reul ka jil su in neun Part of my heartAll: Hey girl keu dae ra neun se gyeo neuni jen ggeu teul al su eo seo yoneo mu ki peun pa da waca geun u ju ka reun keu dae nun bit Hey girl (Hey girl)tu ryeo un ke eon neun keolna keu dae kyeo te it da myeonteo ka jil pi ryo eo seo yo My dearAll: Hey girl keu dae kyeo te i sseol ddaena neun nam ja ro wan seong i tyue gohi meul ka jil su it jyoi je se sang a pe tang dang hae yo Hey girl (Hey girl)keu dae ma ni ma ji maksa rang eul si meul su it jyoi jen pyeon na ji ma yo With me Eternally

求GD&TOP的《high high》歌词 韩文,罗马音,中文翻译拜托各位大神

HIGH HIGH (ah~) 尖叫吧 自觉点陪我一起 TOP class and Mr.G in the the club in ma b-boys"s dance 让真正会玩的人也会在完全爆发的感觉中 everybody makin" move makin" move everybody makin" move makin" move 拉住我 freedom 期盼已久的自由 早已超员 与强悍的狐狸们交手 一分一秒 与你永远的约定 hey come on and make some noise 嘿过来制造点噪音 我是这夜晚的总统 yo fly! 我的少女 yo fly! high high I"m so high high high up in the sky high high I"m so high fly fly touch the sky ha ha ha ha ha say la la la la la ha ha ha ha ha (ah~) 罗马音: (ah~) Sorichyeo araseo mosyeo TOP class and Mr. G in the the club in ma b-boys"s dance Jinjja nol jul aneun do jedaero teojin gam sok Everybody makin" move makin" move ttaenggyeojwo Sonkkoba gidarideon freedom jeongwonchogwa Deusen yeoudeulmanui ssireum ilbun ilchoga Neoege yeongwoneul yaksokhae hey come on and make some noise Nan ibamui daetongryeong naui sonyeo yo fly ! High high I"m so high High high up in the sky High high I"m so high Fly fly touch the sky Ha ha ha ha ha Say la la la la la Ha ha ha ha ha (ah~) Ok kosnorae bureumyeo Machi butturfly high beongaecheoreom nopge ttwieoolla like ninja Seoro uigyeoneun an majjiman gyeolguk tteuseun gata Bokchange michyeo da ta haneullo jayunakha Modeungeol haetalhan deut jeulgineun jeosaramdeul Eojjeomyeon geunyang byeoltteuseopsi geujeo naesungeopsi daman sunsuhalppun Nal japgo norabwayo silhdamyeon domanggayo I dosi wi jungsimi naneun mutji nugunji High high I"m so high High high up in the sky High high I"m so high Fly fly touch the sky Ha ha ha ha ha Say la la la la la Ha ha ha ha ha (ah~) Baby jamkkan stop now sigani eopsjanha Insaengiran han bang iyueopsneun banghwang Baby jamkkan stop now sigani eopsjanha Insaengiran han bang iyuissneun banghwang G. H. E. T. T. O E. L. E. C. T. R. O michil ji moreujyo mallijima here we go G. H. E. T. T. O E. L. E. C. T. R. O jichil jul moreujyo meomchujima here we go (go go go go go go) (ah~) High high I"m so high High high up in the sky High high I"m so high Fly fly touch the sky Ha ha ha ha ha Say la la la la la Ha ha ha ha ha (ah~)



Robert Frost 的 Design 赏析

Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head. Regardless of the original message that Robert Frost had intended to convey, his poem, "The Road Not Taken", has left its readers with many different interpretations. It is one"s past, present and the attitude with which he looks upon his future that determines the shade of the light that he will see the poem in. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost"s belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is. "And sorry I could not travel both..." It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible not to wonder about the opportunity cost, what will be missed out on. There is a strong sense of regret before the choice is even made and it lies in the knowledge that in one lifetime, it is impossible to travel down every path. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could". The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much he may strain his eyes to see as far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey and decides where he is going. "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim." What made it have the better claim is that "it was grassland wanted wear." It was something that was obviously not for everyone because it seemed that the majority of people took the other path therefore he calls it "the road less traveled by". The fact that the traveler took this path over the more popular, secure one indicates the type of personality he has, one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done, what is new and different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." The leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had fallen no one had yet to pass by on this road. Perhaps Frost does this because each time a person comes to the point where they have to make a choice, it is new to them, somewhere they have never been and they tend to feel as though no one else had ever been there either. "I kept the first for another day!" The desire to travel down both paths is expressed and is not unusual, but "knowing how way leads on to way", the speaker of this poem realizes that the decision is not just a temporary one and he "doubted if I should ever come back." This is his common sense speaking and acknowledging that what he chooses now will affect every other choice he makes afterward. Once you have performed an act or spoken a word that crystallizes who you are, there is no turning back and it cannot be undone. Once again at the end of the poem the regret hangs over the traveler like a heavy cloud about to burst. He realizes that at the end of his life, "somewhere ages and ages hence", he will have regrets about having never gone back and traveling down the roads he did not take. Yet he remains proud of his decision and he recognizes that it was this path that he chose that made him turn out the way and he did and live his life the way in which he lived. "I took the road less traveled by and that had made all the difference." To this man, what was most important, what really made the difference, is that he did what he wanted, even if it meant taking the road less traveled. If he hadn"t, he wouldn"t be the same man he is now. There are many equally valid meanings to this poem and Robert Frost may have intended this. He may have been trying to achieve a universal understanding. In other words, there is no judgment, no specificity, no moral. There is simply a narrator who makes a decision in his life that had changed the direction of his life from what it may have otherwise been. It allows all readers from all different experiences to relate to the poem. 如果多的话就自己删吧.^_^


Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head. Regardless of the original message that Robert Frost had intended to convey, his poem, "The Road Not Taken", has left its readers with many different interpretations. It is one"s past, present and the attitude with which he looks upon his future that determines the shade of the light that he will see the poem in. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost"s belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is. "And sorry I could not travel both..." It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible not to wonder about the opportunity cost, what will be missed out on. There is a strong sense of regret before the choice is even made and it lies in the knowledge that in one lifetime, it is impossible to travel down every path. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could". The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much he may strain his eyes to see as far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey and decides where he is going. "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim." What made it have the better claim is that "it was grassland wanted wear." It was something that was obviously not for everyone because it seemed that the majority of people took the other path therefore he calls it "the road less traveled by". The fact that the traveler took this path over the more popular, secure one indicates the type of personality he has, one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done, what is new and different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden black." The leaves had covered the ground and since the time they had fallen no one had yet to pass by on this road. Perhaps Frost does this because each time a person es to the point where they have to make a choice, it is new to them, somewhere they have never been and they tend to feel as though no one else had ever been there either. "I kept the first for another day!" The desire to travel down both paths is expressed and is not unusual, but "knowing how way leads on to way", the speaker of this poem realizes that the decision is not just a temporary one and he "doubted if I should ever e back." This is his mon sense speaking and acknowledging that what he chooses now will affect every other choice he makes afterward. Once you have performed an act or spoken a word that crystallizes who you are, there is no turning back and it cannot be undone. Once again at the end of the poem the regret hangs over the traveler like a heavy cloud about to burst. He realizes that at the end of his life, "somewhere ages and ages hence", he will have regrets about having never gone back and traveling down the roads he did not take. Yet he remains proud of his decision and he recognizes that it was this path that he chose that made him turn out the way and he did and live his life the way in which he lived. "I took the road less traveled by and that had made all the difference." To this man, what was most important, what really made the difference, is that he did what he wanted, even if it meant taking the road less traveled. If he hadn"t, he wouldn"t be the same man he is now. There are many equally valid meanings to this poem and Robert Frost may have intended this. He may have been trying to achieve a universal understanding. In other words, there is no judgment, no specificity, no moral. There is simply a narrator who makes a decision in his life that had changed the direction of his life from what it may have otherwise been. It allows all readers from all different experiences to relate to the poem. 如果多的话就自己删吧.^_^

Bothering of the heavy traffic along interstate highways.some trallers prefer the more tranquil

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