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英式下午茶到底是low tea还是high tea,然後就是到底是几点中才开始下午茶?


high tea和afternoon tea有何区别?正确的用法是什么



pigeon英 [u02c8pu026adu0292u026an] 美 [u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n]n.鸽子; 易受骗的人; 责任贝亲复数: pigeons双语例句1. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower. 一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。2. I don"t care where the money comes from — that"s not my pigeon. 我不管钱从哪儿来,那不是我的事.3. The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles. 鸽子从百英里之外返回窝巢.4. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically. 一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走, 有节奏地咕咕叫.5. Because I had an unusual accent people were not able to put me into a pigeon-hole. 因为我与众不同的口音,人们无法把我归入任何一类。



型概念3中有这样一句话:Experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate.





pigeon 英["pu026adu0292u026an] 美[u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n] n. 鸽子;<非正式>易受骗的人;<非正式>责任 名词复数:pigeons [例句]Yesterday a pigeon carried the first message from pinhurst to silbury.昨天,一只鸽子把第一封信从平和斯特带到希尔伯里。

sb felt obliged to investigate 这个句子

这是不定式做表语补足语因为felt obliged 是系表结构,因此,这个to investigate 就是不定式做表语补足语,其实实质和不定式做宾语补足语的性质一样

新感念英语第三册第一课experts felt obliged to investigate用到了那些语法?

学习语言不要太过于用理科的逻辑来分析那么彻透, 语言是活的, 没有道理的, 说的人多了自然成理。 这个句子就把这种句型记住就行, feel 当动词, obliged 在这里类似副词, 修饰这个动词, to do 就是动词不定时用法

I feilt obliged to investigate。

I felt obliged to investigate主语:I 谓语: felt 宾语:obliged 宾补:to investigate “我觉得义不容辞对于调查”-----》我对做调查义不容辞。 不定式作宾补的情况: 一、表示“使/让……”概念的动词 这类动词常见的有:have,let,make,get,keep,drive,send,leave,force,cause等.它们后边分别可跟不定式,分词,形容词、介词短语,名词等作宾语补足语。 例如:I felt sorry to have kept you waiting for me so long.对不起,让你久等了。 The victory sent our spirits rising.胜利使得我们情绪高涨。 二、不定式做宾补,不定式符号可以省略的动词 常见的有;see,watch,hear,observe,feel,notice,listen to,llook at等感官动词及表示使役概念的have,let,mak等。这类词在变为被动语态时,其后不定式符号 to常补出。 例如:We are made to work far into the night.我们被迫干活到深夜。注;在这种结构中,watch,have,let一般不变为被动语态。如: The boy was watched to come out。(误) 三、不定式作宾语补足语,其后内容省略而只保留不定式符号的动词此类动词常见的有;refuse,want,intend,oblige,mean,expect,tell,hope,like,love,plan, try, prefer,wish等。例如:-----Why did you cause the baby cry?------Idid n"t mean to.

low tea 和high tea 的本质区别

Low tea和High tea虽然只相差一个字,意义却有很大不同。顾名思义,Low tea在起居室的矮桌上享用,而High tea则在饭厅的高桌。不过,两者最本质的区别不在于此。Low tea是上流阶级在下午四点享用的下午茶(据说由维多利亚女王的侍女、Bedford第七任女公爵Anna所创。上层贵族通常在晚上9点才进晚餐,Anna起初因为解饥而在下午命仆人奉上茶点,进而和朋友共享,慢慢发展成为一种社交活动),讲究很多。例如,茶壶需用纯银而非普通瓷器的,糖块由镊子取用。主食是立在架上的精美蛋糕,还有小块的三明治、司空等甜点和水果。因为这些点心基本都是只用3只手指取用,精致的洗手碗也是必备的,也许上面还漂浮着玫瑰花瓣。High tea则盛行于普通大众。因为晚餐最早要在8点才能开始,作为一天的劳累后补充体力的餐前小食,High tea(又叫Meat tea)其实已经很像一顿正餐了:肉类、土豆、面包、馅饼、奶酪、蔬菜等等,当然还包括茶,通常在下午5点食用。

high tea和afternoon tea有何区别?正确的用法是什么

下午茶=afternoon tea 是中式说法,有点开玩笑,不用罢了!High tea 只英式午茶,用这说法除了在伦敦或香港,机会不多; 正确的用语: Tea break, 造个句子: Let"s take a tea break.

High Tea Low Tea 哪个才是真的英式下午茶

Low tea和High tea虽然只相差一个字,意义却有很大不同。Low tea一般是上流社会,像是贵族或是中产阶级,或中上流阶级;他们讲究精致的交谊活动,在下午时刻提供餐点。餐点本身和宾客一样都会受到重视。他是邀请朋友或相互拜访的绝佳理由。通常都会在下午三点到六点之间举行。大多数中国人的下午茶第一课都从酒店大堂上起,学着三层托盘要从最下层吃起,先吃三明治再吃松饼,最后是甜点蛋糕,并附上额外招待的果酱和奶油。倒茶则要记得用滤网,喝茶前先享受美好的茶香,如果是香味非常浓郁的茶,那就建议别多放牛奶和糖了,楞糟蹋了好东西。High tea则盛行于普通大众。这种喝茶方式在十九世纪中期,大约维多利亚女王早期时代就发展而成,它的形式相当于我们晚餐的方式,是由全家的成员参与,通常在下午六点左右开始。它被称为 High Tea的原因,是因为通常参加的人员会坐在厨房或是家中餐厅;因为椅子和其他房间比较起来是属于较高的椅子,所以称为High Tea;;而非在一般下午茶时使用的客厅或书房或是起居室的较低椅子上享用。作为一天的劳累后补充体力的餐前小食,High tea(又叫Meat tea)其实已经很像一顿正餐了:肉类、土豆、面包、馅饼、奶酪、蔬菜等等,当然还包括茶,通常在下午5点食用。简单的总结Low tea比较讲究,吃的东西比较多,且复杂,适合聚会宴请High tea比较随意,管饱就行

英式下午茶到底是low tea还是high tea,然後就是到底是几点中才开始下午茶?

low tea和high tea都可以,悠闲的贵族或上层社会一般食用low tea,low tea一般指午饭后、离午饭时间不远的下午茶,茶点一般是三明治、小煎饼;而劳工阶层多食用high tea,high tea一般指晚饭前的茶点 ,多以肉食为主。喝下午茶的最正统时间是下午四点钟开始。扩展资料:最早将下午茶发展为一种既定习俗的文化方式的是英国人。英国人的饮茶习惯始自1661年。当时,一位葡萄牙公主Catherine of Bragan&ccedila和英王查理二世结婚,公主把葡萄牙的饮茶习惯带到英国。17世纪时,英国上流社会的早餐都很丰盛,午餐较为简便,而社交晚餐则一直到晚上八时左右才开始,人们便习惯在下午四时左右吃些点心、喝杯茶。其中有一位很懂得享受生活的女伯爵名叫安娜玛丽亚,每天下午她都会差遣女仆为她准备一壶红茶和点心,她觉得这种感觉真好,便邀请友人共享。很快,下午茶便在英国上流社会流行起来。红茶传进欧洲时,由于是遥远东方来的珍品,“喝茶”还只是上流社会的专属享受。后来红茶在伦敦的咖啡屋、红茶庭园开始流行。咖啡屋是名流聚集交流、饮茶的场所。红茶庭园则出现于伦敦郊区,大多数英国人借此才开始接触红茶。18世纪中期以后,茶才真正进入一般平民的生活。英国贵妇人之间风行的时尚便逐渐平民化,下午茶风俗开始盛行于饭店和百货公司之间。

high tea和afternoon tea有何区别?正确的用法是什么

high tea,是盛行于普通大众的更像是正餐的茶点,一般在六点进行。afternoon tea是下午茶一般由三明治、丝康饼、果酱、奶油、甜点,还有茶组成,由于下午茶时客人会坐在低矮的沙发上,茶点也摆在较低的茶几上而得名,如果再增加一杯香槟,则称为Royal tea(皇家茶)。

investigate over declaration of interest 有个英语问题,这个over在这是什么意思啊?

这里的"over"是指“关于、在……方面、就……而言”的意思,可以理解为“调查有关利益申报的事宜”。常出现在类似于会议议题、调查任务和研究报告等场合中。"investigate over" 应该是不太常见的表达,通常情况下我们可以省略掉 "over"。 因此,“investigate over declaration of interest”可以简化为“investigate declaration of interest”,意思是“调查利益申报情况”。

high tea 和low tea区别是什么?

high tea和low tea区别为:时间不同、对象不同、目的不同。一、时间不同1、high tea:high tea是正餐的茶点,一般在六点进行。2、low tea:low tea是在下午四点享用的下午茶。二、对象不同1、high tea:high tea普遍适用于大众。2、low tea:low tea普遍适用于上流阶级。三、目的不同1、high tea:high tea是为了在工作之间补充体力。2、low tea:low tea是为了享受。

调查某人某事怎么说? investigate sb for sth 还是make a survey on sb. about sth.还是别的?

make a survey on sb. about sth

low tea和high tea有什么区别?

Low tea / High tea。下午茶主要分为low tea和high tea两种, 悠闲的贵族或上层社会一般食用low tea,low tea一般指午饭后、离午饭时间不远的下午茶,茶点一般是三明治、小煎饼;而劳工阶层多食用high tea。high tea一般指晚饭前的茶点 ,多以肉食为主。tea双语例句:1、I like tea while she likes coffee.我喜欢喝茶,而她喜欢喝咖啡。2、When should I have the tea insured?我什么时候将这批茶叶投保?3、So, what is the name of its tea come from?那么,什么是它的茶叶的名字从何而来?




investigate for为。。。。。。展开调查1.Article 28 No representative shall be investigate for legal liability due to his speech or vote at any meeting of the people"s congress.第二十八条代表在人民代表大会各种会议上的发言和表决,不受法律追究。2.No one would accept we were the victims of a crime and investigate it for us.没人会承认我们是罪案的受害者,并为我们展开调查。




investigate,英语单词, 词性为动词,作动词时译为“调查;研究”。


investigate 英[u026anu02c8vestu026ageu026at] 美[u026anu02c8vu025bstu026au02ccɡet] vt. 调查; 研究; 审查; vi. 作调查; [例句]Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。


investigate,英语单词, 词性为动词,作动词时译为“调查;研究”。短语搭配:investigate into对……进行调查grill investigate调查Investigate Mugging调查街头劫案to investigate访查 ; 侦查 ; 勘测双语例句:1.We also have to investigate why she was not happy with her husband.我们还必须调查为什么她和她丈夫在一起时会不开心。2.These results caused us to investigate the makeup of our site more.这些结果促使我们进一步调查我们的站点的组成。3.Investigate yourself to find the truth - inside, not outside.亲自去调查并发现内部而不是外部的真相。




investigate[英][u026anu02c8vestu026ageu026at][美][u026anu02c8vu025bstu026au02ccɡet]vt.调查; 审查; 研究; vi.作调查; 第三人称单数:investigates过去分词:investigated现在进行时:investigating过去式:investigated以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.I felt impelled to investigate the matter further. 我觉得自己有责任对事情作进一步调查。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请问no less a figure than具体是什么意思啊




the captain went down to ___ 1 explore 2 investigate 3 examine 4 inquire


inspect 和investigate的区别

选C…inspect主要是检查、审查的意思…比如:inspect the passport检查户照…而investigate表示调查…比如:FBI investigator联邦调查局探员


investigate v.调查;研究vestigate没有这个词。



investigate 后跟什么介词啊?





”追究法律责任”亦可用短语进行表达,即“hold ...... liable by law"。




in ves ti gate调查, 研究


调查, 研究


investigate的意思是:作动词时译为“调查;研究”。investigate,英语单词, 词性为动词。单词发音:英读音[u026anu02c8vestu026ageu026at];美读音[u026anu02c8vu025bstu026au02ccɡet]。短语搭配:investigate into对……进行调查。grill investigate调查。Investigate Mugging调查街头劫案。to investigate访查 ; 侦查 ; 勘测。第三人称单数:investigates.现在分词:investigating.过去式:investigated.过去分词:investigated.双语例句:1.Three,Investigate organisation together with psychology in the command;侦查组织与指挥中的心理。2.The article offers some references to establishing investigate procedure.本文为侦查程序的设置提供了参考意见。3.An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair.已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。4.This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud.这不是警方第一次调查他是否有欺诈行为。5.The health authorities are investigating the problem.卫生当局正在调查这个问题。6.The crime is presently being investigated by the police.警方目前正在调查这起案件。7.The police officer was suspended while the complaint was investigated.投诉调查期间,这位警员被暂停职务。8.The research investigates how foreign speakers gain fluency.这项研究旨在调查讲外语的人如何增加流利程度。


investigate 英[u026anu02c8vestu026ageu026at] 美[u026anu02c8vu025bstu026au02ccɡet] vt. 调查; 研究; 审查; vi. 作调查; [例句]Gas officials are investigating the cause of an explosion which badly damaged a house in Hampshire煤气系统的官员正在调查一起瓦斯爆炸的起因,这起事故严重毁坏了汉普郡的一所房屋。[其他] 第三人称单数:investigates 现在分词:investigating 过去式:investigated过去分词:investigated




英[_n_vest_ɡe_t]美[_n_vest_ɡe_t]侦查(某事);调查(某人);研究。侦查(某事);调查(某人);研究。第三人称单数:investigates.现在分词:investigating.过去式:investigated.过去分词:investigated.Anindependentbodyhasbeensetuptoinvestigatetheaffair.已成立了一个独立机构调查这件事。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

scheduled flight是什么意思

scheduled flight英[u02c8skedu0292u:ld flait]美[u02c8sku025bdu0292uld flau026at]n.定期航班网络定期飞航1Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight.泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。2The crash occurred on a demonstration flight as part of a carefully scheduled six-nation Asian road show.这架飞机是在参加六国巡回展演的途中失事的。

craig david所有歌名.最好有中文翻译过来。..翻译的只要歌名.


sometimes in life you feel the fight is over。rise and fall。这句啥意思。。。。求

在你的一生中有时你会觉得(生活的)战斗结束了.rise and fall的意思是:起起落落.

Craig David 的歌《rise and fall》的大意?

[00:00.00]Craig David - Rise And Fall[00:00.30](feat. Sting)[00:00.50][00:23.36][00:01.05]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[00:28.92][00:06.02]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[00:34.27][00:11.52]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[00:37.09][00:14.32]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面有了瑕疵[00:39.94][00:17.11]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[00:42.76][00:19.94]The rise and fall人生起浮[00:46.09][00:47.32]I always said that I was gonna make it,过去我常说我要努力[00:50.25]Now it"s plain for everyone to see,现在大家都看到了[00:53.02]But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,但是这场游戏没有失败者[00:55.65]Just casualties,只有死亡[00:58.71]I know that everything is gonna change,我知道所有的是都会改变[01:01.49]Even the friends I knew before me go,甚至我的朋友也将离我而去[01:03.80]But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,但是这个梦想正是我的生活所追求的[01:10.08]Started believing that I was the greatest,开始相信我是最伟大的[01:12.87]My life was never gonna be the same,我的生活就不会重蹈覆辙[01:15.81]Cause with the money came a different status,如果金钱能让我拥有不同的地位[01:18.44]That"s when things change,那这就是转变的时候[01:21.09]Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,现在我太专注于我所拥有的[01:24.31]Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,美女使我变的盲目[01:26.60]I"m beginning to lose my integrity开始丧失我的正直[01:31.57]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[01:37.23]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[01:42.49]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[01:45.33]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却有了瑕疵[01:48.21]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[01:50.91]The rise and fall人生起浮[01:54.43][01:55.59]I never used to be a troublemaker,我不曾惹祸上身[01:58.50]Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,现在也不会去取悦我的歌迷[02:01.27]No autographs,不签名[02:02.15]No interviews,不采访[02:02.99]No pictures,不拍照[02:03.93]And less demands,渐渐的要求少了[02:06.95]Given advice that was clearly wrong给予的建议明显是错的,[02:09.84]The type that seems to make me feel so right但是这样让我感觉很舒服[02:12.11]But some things you may find can take over your life,但是你会发现一些事情会摧毁的你的生活时[02:18.30]Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,烧毁所有的未来现在我开始逃跑[02:21.31]And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,这里也没有能让我回头的路[02:24.00]Been caught in comprimising situations,我变的进退两难[02:26.64]I should have learnt,我必须学会[02:29.69]From all those times I didn"t walk away,所有的这些,我不会再回去[02:32.55]When I knew that it was best to go,当我知道这是对于我最好的出路[02:34.94]Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,是不是因为太迟了导致我表演失去了唯美[02:39.96]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[02:45.40]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[02:50.73]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[02:53.94]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却出现了瑕疵[02:56.42]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[02:59.21]The rise and fall人生起浮[03:02.52][03:03.52]Now I know,现在我知道了[03:06.02]I made mistakes,我做错了[03:08.96]Think I don"t care,思考的不够细心[03:11.12]But you don"t realise what this means to me,但是你无法知道这个对我以为着什么[03:14.64]So let me have,那么再给我[03:16.60]Just one more chance,哪怕是一次机会[03:19.71]I"m not the man I used to be,我不是成功的人。我曾经是[03:23.83]Used to beeeeeeeeeee曾经是[04:11.44][03:48.17][03:25.61]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时候你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[04:15.92][03:53.80][03:30.91]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然后它好象是不祥之兆[04:21.82][03:58.97][03:36.17]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[04:24.55][04:01.88][03:39.08]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你却有了瑕疵[04:27.37][04:04.75][03:42.04]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[04:30.40][04:07.49][03:44.79]The rise and fall人生起浮[04:34.55][04:38.68][04:40.24]END

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Craig David 的 Rise and Fall 歌词中文翻译

00:00.00]Craig David - Rise And Fall[00:00.30](feat. Sting)[00:00.50][00:23.36][00:01.05]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[00:28.92][00:06.02]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[00:34.27][00:11.52]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[00:37.09][00:14.32]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面有了瑕疵[00:39.94][00:17.11]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[00:42.76][00:19.94]The rise and fall人生起浮[00:46.09][00:47.32]I always said that I was gonna make it,过去我常说我要努力[00:50.25]Now it"s plain for everyone to see,现在大家都看到了[00:53.02]But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,但是这场游戏没有失败者[00:55.65]Just casualties,只有死亡[00:58.71]I know that everything is gonna change,我知道所有的是都会改变[01:01.49]Even the friends I knew before me go,甚至我的朋友也将离我而去[01:03.80]But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,但是这个梦想正是我的生活所追求的[01:10.08]Started believing that I was the greatest,开始相信我是最伟大的[01:12.87]My life was never gonna be the same,我的生活就不会重蹈覆辙[01:15.81]Cause with the money came a different status,如果金钱能让我拥有不同的地位[01:18.44]That"s when things change,那这就是转变的时候[01:21.09]Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,现在我太专注于我所拥有的[01:24.31]Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,美女使我变的盲目[01:26.60]I"m beginning to lose my integrity开始丧失我的正直[01:31.57]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[01:37.23]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[01:42.49]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[01:45.33]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却有了瑕疵[01:48.21]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[01:50.91]The rise and fall人生起浮[01:54.43][01:55.59]I never used to be a troublemaker,我不曾惹祸上身[01:58.50]Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,现在也不会去取悦我的歌迷[02:01.27]No autographs,不签名[02:02.15]No interviews,不采访[02:02.99]No pictures,不拍照[02:03.93]And less demands,渐渐的要求少了[02:06.95]Given advice that was clearly wrong给予的建议明显是错的,[02:09.84]The type that seems to make me feel so right但是这样让我感觉很舒服[02:12.11]But some things you may find can take over your life,但是你会发现一些事情会摧毁的你的生活时[02:18.30]Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,烧毁所有的未来现在我开始逃跑[02:21.31]And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,这里也没有能让我回头的路[02:24.00]Been caught in comprimising situations,我变的进退两难[02:26.64]I should have learnt,我必须学会[02:29.69]From all those times I didn"t walk away,所有的这些,我不会再回去[02:32.55]When I knew that it was best to go,当我知道这是对于我最好的出路[02:34.94]Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,是不是因为太迟了导致我表演失去了唯美[02:39.96]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[02:45.40]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然而它好象是不祥之兆[02:50.73]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[02:53.94]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你的表面却出现了瑕疵[02:56.42]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[02:59.21]The rise and fall人生起浮[03:02.52][03:03.52]Now I know,现在我知道了[03:06.02]I made mistakes,我做错了[03:08.96]Think I don"t care,思考的不够细心[03:11.12]But you don"t realise what this means to me,但是你无法知道这个对我以为着什么[03:14.64]So let me have,那么再给我[03:16.60]Just one more chance,哪怕是一次机会[03:19.71]I"m not the man I used to be,我不是成功的人。我曾经是[03:23.83]Used to beeeeeeeeeee曾经是[04:11.44][03:48.17][03:25.61]Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,有时候你感到生命中的争斗已经结束[04:15.92][03:53.80][03:30.91]And it seems as though the writings on the wall,然后它好象是不祥之兆[04:21.82][03:58.97][03:36.17]Superstar you finally made it,最终你成为超级明星[04:24.55][04:01.88][03:39.08]But once your picture becomes tainted,但是你却有了瑕疵[04:27.37][04:04.75][03:42.04]It"s what they call,这就是人们所谓的[04:30.40][04:07.49][03:44.79]The rise and fall人生起浮[04:34.55][04:38.68][04:40.24]END

求craig david的rise and fall歌词中英对照

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   I always said that I was gonna make it,   Now it"s plain for everyone to see,   But this game I"m in don"t take no prisoners,   Just casualties,   I know that everything is gonna change,   Even the friends I knew before me go,   But this dream is the life I"ve been searching for,   Started believing that I was the greatest,   My life was never gonna be the same,   Cause with the money came a different status,   That"s when things change,   Now I"m too concerned with all the things I own,   Blinded by all the pretty girls I see,   I"m beginning to lose my integrity   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   I never used to be a troublemaker,   Now I don"t even wanna please the fans,   No autographs,   No interviews,   No pictures,   And less demands,   Given advice that was clearly wrong,   The type that seems to make me feel so right,   But some things you may find can take over your life,   Burnt all my bridges now I"ve run out of places,   And there"s nowhere left for me to turn,   Been caught in comprimising situations,   I should have learnt,   From all those times I didn"t walk away,   When I knew that it was best to go,   Is it too late to show you the shape of my heart,   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall   Now I know,   I made mistakes,   Think I don"t care,   But you don"t realise what this means to me,   So let me have,   Just one more chance,   I"m not the man I used to be,   Used to beeeeeeeeeee   Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,   And it seems as though the writings on the wall,   Superstar you finally made it,   But once your picture becomes tainted,   It"s what they call,   The rise and fall一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 我常说你会成功的 现在大家都有目共睹了吧 但是这个我所参与的游戏没有俘虏 有的只是伤亡 我知道所有的事情都会改变 即使是我所认识的在我之前很红的朋友 但是这是我一生所追寻的梦想 一开始就相信自己是最棒的 我的人生曾经与众不同 伴随着钱达到一种不同的状态 这就是事情变化的开端 现在我太关心所拥有的事情 被美女迷惑的双眼 开始失去自我 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 我向来不是爱捣蛋的家伙 现在我甚至不想取悦歌迷们 没有签名 没有见面会 没有造型 (歌曲/唱片)销售量也下降了 所给的建议都是明摆着错的(制作人开始瞎糊弄了) 这个角色看起来使我感觉很对 但是你会发现有些事情能够改变你的一生 我现在可以毫无保留地告诉你江郎才已尽 咸鱼没有了返生的余地了 被困在了进退两难的状况中 从那些我不曾走开日子中,我应该学到了什么 当我知道那就是曾经最走红的时候, 一切告白已经太迟 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落) 现在我知道 我犯过错误 以为自己并不在意 如果你不是不知道这对我于的意义 那么让我拥有(一次机会),仅仅一次 我不再是以前的那个我了 一生中你会感到万事大吉的时候,不再需要据理力争了 就像写在墙上的大字那般錾钉截铁 (就像)你最终成了巨星 但是一旦你的照片变成了污染(借义:巨星也会过时) 这就是人们说的艺海沉浮(人生起落)

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tiger by the tail造句 tiger by the tailの例文

But have they grabbed a tiger by the tail ? It"s pke a tiger by the tail . To grab a Tiger by the tail and hold on for the ride. They wound up leaving knowing they had a tiger by the tail ! Do I have a tiger by the tail ? Zoo owner and lawmaker Chuvit Pituk *** punlob may have caught a tiger by the tail . We had a tiger by the tail . You have a tiger by the tail . He had also played with tigers and walked them before writing Tiger by the Tail . Later, it became a I"ve Got a Tiger By the Tail ". It"s difficult to see tiger by the tail in a sentence. 用 tiger by the tail 造句挺难的 But trying to dominate distribution is a pttle pke trying to catch a tiger by the tail . Sharon, with the U . S . behind him, is holding a tiger by the tail . Nashville songwriter Harlan Howard was impressed by her demo of his song " Tiger by the Tail ". "Busted " and " I"ve Got a Tiger by the Tail ." But seriously, can anybody make up four strokes in one day and catch a Tiger by the tail ? Evans, 26, sang Howard"s " Tiger by the Tail " as a tribute. It was pke having a tiger by the tail and I couldn"t keep up with these guys ." Spike Lee has grabbed a tiger by the tail in his scabrously risky new edy, " Bamboozled ." Not surprisingly, the supposed lost tribe bees a media sensation, and he"s got a tiger by the tail . Howard"s praise of Evan"s version of " Tiger by the Tail " led to the RCA record deal. The rocket"s name came from the efforts of the Sandia teams, which had " taken the tiger by the tail ". But on the other hand, Microsoft has a tiger by the tail with Windows 95, the unreleased successor to Windows 3.11. "And at the same time, everyone needs to recognize we"ve got a tiger by the tail in St . Louis. The film is a murder mystery and is loosely based on James Hadley Chase"s novel " Tiger By The Tail ". "Twas the beginning of The End . . . when golf"s bewildered hunters needed new tricks to catch a Tiger by the tail . The tiger"s tail appears in stories from countries including China and Korea, it being generally inadvisable to grasp a tiger by the tail . AUTOS-NOTES ( Undated ) _ Buick has a tiger by the tail ; Buick"s new SUV; Ford Ranger has o mini-doors. "It"s pke having a tiger by the tail : You can"t hold on, you can"t let go," 1972 : As prices soar in Europe and the US, Hayek pubpshes a passionate critique of inflation and the Keynesian popcies that cause it in A Tiger by the Tail . Environmentapsts are grabbing Kellogg"s Tony the Tiger by the tail and scolding the Campbell"s soup kids in a new wave of activi *** against the spread of geically modified foods. It"s difficult to see tiger by the tail in a sentence. 用 tiger by the tail 造句挺难的 With Owens from 1963 until 1969, Brumley was featured on recordings including " Act Naturally ", " I"ve Got a Tiger By the Tail " and " Together Again ". """Medusa : A Tiger by the Tail " ""is the fourth book in the Four Lords of the Diamond series by author Jack L . Chalker. "We knew we had a tiger by the tail , " said Pearce, noting that Justin has made more than 100, 000 pairs and introduced children"s lacers in December. "I had a tiger by the tail with this movie, " says Costner, dressed in jeans, cowboy boots and brown sweater snagged by mike cpps on a day jammed with interviews. All the original surviving Buckaroos were there : Owens, Doyle Holly, Tom Brumley, and Wille Cantu performed old hits from their heyday including " Tiger by the Tail " and " Act Naturally ." "I remember thinking, ` I"ve got a tiger by the tail , ""said the scientist, Dr . Martin Hellman, now a professor emeritus of electrical engineering at Stanford. "In New York, which is so iconic in its signage, this posed a real challenge to us, " she said . " It was a matter of getting the tiger by the tail ." And also at the Quad Cities Classic at Oakwood Country Club in Coal Valley, Ill ., where an aching, creaking 43-year-old man named Ed Fiori took a young Tiger by the tail . Off the floor, Rep . Lindsey Graham, R-S . C ., on the Judiciary Committee, easily conceded, " Yeah, we"ve all got a tiger by the tail ." But " having hired this renaissance manager, panies find that they have a tiger by the tail , and must back better working environments with more concrete incentives . ( Business India, 24 April, 1995 ) ." It continues the saga started in " Lipth : A Snake in the Grass ", and is followed by " Charon : A Dragon at the Gate " and " Medusa : A Tiger by the Tail ". Three of the songs on this album are covers : " Imagine That " was originally recorded by Patsy Cpne; " I"ve Got a Tiger by the Tail " by Buck Owens; and " Walk out Backwards " by Bill Anderson. Released in December 1964 ( just weeks after he had recorded it ), " I"ve Got a Tiger By the Tail " was Owens"and the Buckaroos sixth No . 1 hit on the " Billboard magazine " " Billboard" It continues the saga started in " Lipth : A Snake in the Grass " and " Cerberus : A Wolf in the Fold " and is concluded by the fourth and last book called, " Medusa : A Tiger by the Tail ". Harlan Howard wrote many of Buck Owens"biggest hits, including " I"ve Got a Tiger By the Tail , " " Above and Beyond, " " Excuse Me ( I Think I"ve Got a Heartache ), " and " Under the Influence of Love ". He is tired of the way the PGA Tour uses him to market itself, tired of being pressured to play more tournaments so it can wring more money from TV and advertisers, and tired _ maybe more than anything _ of Finchem assuming that he"s got Tiger by the tail . On March 3, she was in the " Tiger by the Tail " installment of " 77 Sunset Strip ", playing Sari, the daughter of a visiting Middle Eastern prince who reciprocates declarations of love from Kookie ( Edward Byrnes ), the show"s resident teen heartthrob. A rumor at the time was that Frank Sr . arranged this in an attempt to gain pubpcity for his son"s fledgpng singing career a rumor bepeved to have inspired the plot for the " Hawaii Five-O " episode " Tiger by the Tail " but this was proven to be false. Asner has also provided voice-over narration for many documentaries and films of social activi *** , including " Tiger by the Tail ", a documentary film detaipng the efforts of the Campaign to Keep GM Van Nuys Open and the chair of the organization, Eric Mann, to keep General Motors"Van Nuys Assembly plant running. In 1965, Owens and the Buckaroos scored hits with " I"ve Got a Tiger by the Tail ", " Before You Go " ( co-written by Rich ), " Only You ( Can Break My Heart ) ", and " Buckaroo ", which was the only instrumental ever to go to No . 1 on the country charts. It"s difficult to see tiger by the tail in a sentence. 用 tiger by the tail 造句挺难的



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Smokestack Lightnin的《Shame》 歌词

歌曲名:Shame歌手:Smokestack Lightnin专辑:Unknown StuntmanRobbie Williams Ft.Gary Barlow - ShameWell there"s three versions of this story mine, yours and then the truthAnd we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood, then our youthOut of some sentimental gain I wanted you to feel my pain,but it came back return to senderI read your mind and tried to call, my tears could fill the Albert Hall,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shameSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsI wrote a letter in my mind, but the words were so unkind,about a man I can"t rememberI don"t recall the reasons why, I must have meant them at the time,is this the sound of sweet surrender?What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayOh what a shame.Words come easy, when they"re trueWords come easy, when they"re trueSo I got busy throwing everybody underneath the busAnd with your poster 30 foot at the back of Toys-R-UsNow we can put it down to circumstance, our childhood then our youth.What a shame we never listenedI told you through the televisionAnd all that went away was the price we paidPeople spend a lifetime this wayAnd that"s how they stayPeople spend a lifetime this wayOh what a shame,what a shameSuch a shame, what a shamehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2838106


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candy night 歌词

歌曲名:candy night歌手:Aria专辑:pheromoneBeatlesAnthology 1A Hard Days NightIts been a hard days night, and I been working like a dogIts been a hard days night, I should be sleeping like a logBut when I get home to you Ill find the things that you doWill make me feel alrightYou know I work all day to get you money to buy you thingsAnd its worth it just to hear you say youre going to give me everythingSo why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okWhen Im home everything seems to be rightWhen Im home feeling you holding me tight, tightOwww!So why on earth should I moan, cause when I get you aloneYou know I feel okYou know I feel alrighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/28211545


歌曲名:戦场に咲いた一轮の花 歌手:飞兰专辑:PS3『白骑士物语 -光と闇の覚醒-』OPテーマ戦场に咲いた一轮の花君と 风になる 草原梦は 瞬く间に 消えてゆく今は 君がいない 闇の中仆は 目覚める WOW-「戦场に咲いた一轮の花」作词∶日野晃博作曲∶上松范康(Elements Garden)歌∶飞兰红い闇に 浮かぶ月が世界を 照らしてる暗闇に 放たれた一筋の 光の矢乾ききった 地平线君を 见つけたんだああ 戦场に咲いた一轮の花风に揺れてたった一つの笑颜 さがして仆は 彷徨い続ける吹き荒れる岚から 君を守るよ谁が来ようと 渡さないさ今 蘇る剣は 大地 斩り裂く冲撃时の彼方 燃える街は悲しみ 包まれて运命は めぐり逢い魂は 求め合う红く染まる 戦いにその理由 探してたああ 戦场に咲いた一轮の花出逢うまでは黒い绝望 刻む歴史に最後の希望を 灯そう降り注ぐ流星に 祈りつづける揺れる未来よ ひとつになれ今 蘇る绊は 天空を 贯く闪光新しい时代 今はじまるいつかは 谁もが 辿りつけるさ希望が あふれるエデンに风たちは 空に叹くよああ これから始まる エピローグ駆け抜ける 梦の果て 旅の终わりに笑いあえると 信じていた今 君だけに伝える海を 揺るがす想いを君を 爱する奇迹を【 おわり 】试听:http://music.baidu.com/song/60826199/05073a0225708543e7854

O Holy Night 歌词

喜欢这张专辑里的歌 建议大家收藏^_^永远的N"SyncO holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the nightOf our dear saviors birthLong lay the worldIn sin and error pining"til he appearedAnd the soul felt it"s worthThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaksA new and glorious mornOh fall on your kneesOh hear the angels voicesOh night divineOh night when christ was bornOh holy nightOh night divineOh holy nightOh night divineThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaksA new and glorious mornFall on your kneesOh hear the angels voicesOh night divineOh night when christ was bornOh nightDivineOh night divineOh holy nightOh night divineOh holy nightWhen christ was bornHoly night when christ was bornhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8865281

O Holy Night (Joy To The World Version) 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night (Joy To The World Version)歌手:Bill & Gloria Gaither专辑:Joy To The WorldHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2736269

OH~Holy Night这首歌是哪个国家的组合唱的

   韩国,东方神起。  顺便给个歌词:O holy night the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt its worthA thrill of hope, the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angels" voicesO night divineO night when christ was bornA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angels" voicesO night divine O night when christ was bornO holy night the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt its worthA thrill of hope, the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angels" voicesO night divineO night when christ was bornA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angels" voicesO night divineO night when christ was born

oh holy night

歌曲:拥抱未来歌手:东方快车 专辑:让世界多一颗心 作词:洪进勋作曲:王治平拥抱着你就像海浪亲吻着冰山擦亮我的体温为你取暖风雪不该是你永远的衣裳拥抱着你就像天空纠缠着海洋用我的呼吸将你呵痒苍白不该是你唯一的色彩靠近我抱紧我爱是永不停息的心跳靠近我抱紧我

Holy night and only night什么意思

宁静的夜晚和独一无二的夜晚 是直译我来一个更高级的!今夜,心如止水,静谧如斯

O Holy Night 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night歌手:Out Of The Grey专辑:Christmas Music For The HeartHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2862686

O Holy Night 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night歌手:Rickie Lee Jones&Suzie Katayama&The Chieftains专辑:The Bells Of DublinHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/7520710

谁能翻译下O Holy Night的中文大意?Cary Brothers唱的,《吸血鬼日记》里的

O Holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Saviour"s birthLong lived the worldIn sin and their pining"Till he appeared and the soul felt its worthThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divineThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divineO 神圣的夜晚星明亮光亮现在是我们亲爱救星的出生的夜晚久住了世界在罪和他们消瘦中"直到他出现,而且灵魂感觉它的价值希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝O 听到天使声音O 夜晚神学家O 基督出生的夜晚O 夜晚神学家O 夜晚, O 夜晚神学家希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝O 听到天使声音O 夜晚神学家O 基督出生的夜晚O 夜晚神学家O 夜晚, O 夜晚神学家附言:O是哦

O Holy Night (25 Christmas Songs Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night (25 Christmas Songs Album Version)歌手:Kids Choir专辑:25 Christmas Songs Kids LoveHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2881732

O Holy Night 歌词

O Holy night演唱:Aaron Neville整理:李正江O Holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTil He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoycesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divine!O night when Christ was bornO night, O Holy night divineTruly he taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and his gospel is peaceChains he shall breakfor the slave is our brotherAnd in his name all oppression shall cease.Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raiseLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the LordO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night, O Holy night divineThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/24567656

Silent Night (Lord Of My Life) 歌词

歌曲名:Silent Night (Lord Of My Life)歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:On This Winter"s NightSilent Night (Lord Of My Life)Lady AntebellumSilent night, Holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon Virgin Mother and ChildHoly Infant so tender and mildSleep in Heavenly peaceSleep in Heavenly peaceSilent night (Lord of my life),Holy night (I sing to you)Shepherds quake (they"re innocent)at the sight (it feels good so small)Glories stream from Heaven afar (let all become)Heavenly hosts sing Hallelujah (and hearts beyond)Christ, the Savior is bornChrist, the Savior is bornSilent night (oh Lord of light),Holy night (praising your son)Son of God, love"s pure light(light of my world, shine on your grieves)Radiant beams from thy Holy face (to see the world)With the dawn of redeeming grace (to you we dream)Jesus, Lord, at thy birthJesus, Lord, at thy birthSilent night, Holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/28066060

O Holy Night (Smooth Jazz Christmas) 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night (Smooth Jazz Christmas)歌手:Smooth Jazz Christmas Performers专辑:Smooth Jazz ChristmasHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2903812

O Holy Night的歌词翻译

O Holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Saviour"s birthLong lived the worldIn sin and their pining"Till he appeared and the soul felt its worthThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divineThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divineO 神圣的夜晚星明亮光亮现在是我们亲爱救星的出生的夜晚久住了世界在罪和他们消瘦中"直到他出现,而且灵魂感觉它的价值希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝O 听到天使声音O 夜晚神学家O 基督出生的夜晚O 夜晚神学家O 夜晚, O 夜晚神学家希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝O 听到天使声音O 夜晚神学家O 基督出生的夜晚O 夜晚神学家O 夜晚, O 夜晚神学家附言:O是哦

O Holy Night 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night歌手:Brian Mann专辑:Best Of Narada ChristmasHoly Nightsung by st. philips boys choirAngel"s voice2O holy nightthe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior"s birthLong lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the soul felt it"s worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, O hear the angel voicesO night divine, O night when Christ was bornNight divine …. O night when ChristO night divine, O night, O night divineO night …. O night divineTruly He taught us to love one anotherHis law is love and His gospel is peaceChains shall He break for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us praise his holy nameChrist is the Lord that ever and ever praise theeHis power His glory ever more proclaimAnd GloryHis power and glory ever more proclaimO holy nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2869753

谁能翻译下O Holy Night的中文大意?Cary Brothers唱的,《吸血鬼日记》里的


急求oh holy night钢琴谱或合唱谱

Oh holy night the stars are brightly shining 哦,神圣静谧的夜晚,星星在闪耀 it is the night of our dear savior"s birth 着是我们的救世主诞生的夜晚 long lay the world in sin and error pining till the appeared and the soul felt its worth a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn 直到他的出现,带来希望也颤抖着的灵魂之前,这个世界满是罪恶与错误 为了这个世界气球新的福音和光荣 fall on your knees oh hear the angels voices 跪下双膝 聆听天使的声音 oh night divine oh night when Christ was born 哦,神圣的夜晚 当耶稣诞生 a thrill of hope the weary world rejoices for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn 为了这个世界气球新的福音和光荣 fall on your knees oh hear the angels voices 跪下双膝 聆听天使的声音 oh night divine oh night when Christ was born 哦,神圣的夜晚 当耶稣诞生 oh holy night 哦 神圣的夜晚 oh holy night 哦 神圣的夜晚 oh holy night 哦 神圣的夜晚 ==================

Oh Holy Night 歌词

O Holy night 神临圣夜The stars are brightly shining 星熠心辉It is the night of our dear Saviour"s birth圣婴诞临Long lived the world 久佑娑婆In sin and their pining 怜罪憔悴"Till he appeared and the soul felt its worth 圣灵无上The thrill of hope 希绮甘霖The weary world rejoices 倦界重欢For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn祛旧荣新Fall on your knees 安依君膝O hear the angel voices 天使妙音O night divine 夜披哲慧O night when Christ was born 基督圣诞O night divine 圣光溢夜O night, O night divine 圣光溢夜The thrill of hope希绮甘霖The weary world rejoices倦界重欢For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn祛旧荣新Fall on your knees安依君膝O hear the angel voices天使妙音O night divine夜披哲慧O night when Christ was born基督圣诞O night divine 圣光溢夜O night, O night divine 圣光溢夜 圣光溢夜

O Holy Night的歌词翻译

O Holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Saviour"s birthLong lived the worldIn sin and their pining"Till he appeared and the soul felt its worthThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divineThe thrill of hopeThe weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your kneesO hear the angel voicesO night divineO night when Christ was bornO night divineO night, O night divine哦 神圣的夜晚星明亮光亮现在是我们亲爱救星的出生的夜晚久住了世界在罪和他们消瘦中"直到他出现,而且灵魂感觉它的价值希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝哦 听到天使声音哦 夜晚神学家哦 基督出生的夜晚哦 夜晚神学家哦 夜晚, 哦 夜晚神学家希望的震颤疲倦的世界欢喜因为在那边打破一个新而光荣的早晨落在你的膝哦 听到天使声音哦 夜晚神学家哦 基督出生的夜晚哦 夜晚神学家哦 夜晚, 哦 夜晚神学家dj308交谊舞曲网DJ分享

Oh Holy Night 歌词

歌曲名:Oh Holy Night歌手:John Denver专辑:Rocky Mountain ChristmasOh holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior"s birth, ohh yeahNow long lay the world in sin and error piningTill he appeared and the soul felt its worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks, a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, oh hear the angel voicesOh night divine, oh night when Christ was bornOh night divine, oh night, oh night divineOur Father, who art in heavenHallowed be thy NameThy kingdom come, thy will be doneOn earth as it is in heavenGive us this day our daily breadAnd forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who trespass against usLead us not into temptationBut deliver us from evilFor thine is the kingdomThe power, and the gloryFor ever and everAmenFall on your knees, oh hear the angels voicesOh night divine, oh night when Christ was bornOh night divine, oh nightOhhh...yeah yeahHa ha ha haNo ohh, ohh yeahOhh yeahOhh ooh, ah ohNow ooh, ohh oohOh yeahIt was a holy, holy nightOhh, oh ooh, oh ooh(Oh holy night)It was a holy night when Jesus Christ was born(Oh holy night)Holy...yes, Jesus Christ(Oh holy night)And the power, and the glory, yeah(Oh holy night)When Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ(Oh holy night)He was born on this night, on this night(Oh holy night)Jesus ChristForever, and ever, and ever, and ever(Oh holy night)http://music.baidu.com/song/1185709

O Holy Night 歌词

歌曲名:O Holy Night歌手:Javier Colon专辑:A Very Acoustic Christmas EPさやかに星はきらめき御子(みこ)イェス生まれ给う长くも闇路(やみじ)をたどりメシヤを待てる民に新しき朝は来たりさかえある日は升るいざ闻け、御使(みつか)い歌う妙(たえ)なる天(あま)つ御歌(みうた)をめでたし清し今宵(こよい)O Holy Night作词:John Sullivan Dwight作曲:アダン编曲:吉田优子歌:雾矢大梦编辑:MEIKOHAMASAKIOh, night divineOh, night when Christ was bornOh, night divineOh, night, oh night divine终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15246077

Oh Holy Night 歌词

《Oh Holy Night 》歌手: John Denver所属专辑:《Rocky Mountain Christmas》The stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior"s birth, ohh yeahNow long lay the world in sin and error piningTill he appeared and the soul felt its worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks, a new and glorious mornFall on your knees, oh hear the angel voicesOh night divine, oh night when Christ was bornOh night divine, oh night, oh night divineOur Father, who art in heavenHallowed be thy NameThy kingdom come, thy will be doneOn earth as it is in heavenGive us this day our daily breadAnd forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who trespass against usLead us not into temptationBut deliver us from evilFor thine is the kingdomThe power, and the gloryFor ever and everAmenFall on your knees, oh hear the angels voicesOh night divine, oh night when Christ was bornOh night divine, oh nightOhhh...yeah yeahHa ha ha haNo ohh, ohh yeahOhh yeahOhh ooh, ah ohNow ooh, ohh oohOh yeahIt was a holy, holy nightOhh, oh ooh, oh ooh(Oh holy night)It was a holy night when Jesus Christ was born(Oh holy night)Holy...yes, Jesus Christ(Oh holy night)And the power, and the glory, yeah(Oh holy night)When Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ(Oh holy night)He was born on this night, on this night(Oh holy night)Jesus ChristForever, and ever, and ever, and ever(Oh holy night)

O holy night歌词

歌曲名称:Oh Holy Night Avril: O holy night The stars are brightly shining It is the night of my dear Savior"s birth Long lay the world in sin and error pining Til He appeared and the soul felt its worth Chantal: A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn Avril: Fall on your knees Oh hear the angel voices Oh night divine Oh night when Christ was born Oh night divine Oh night Oh night divine Chantal: Truly He taught us to love one another His law is love and His Gospel is peace Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother And in His name all oppression shall cease Avril: Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we Let all within us praise His holy name Chantal (Avril in background high-pitched voice) : Christ is the King Then ever ever praise we His path and glory ever more proclaim His path and glory ever more proclaim Oh Oh Oh Oh His path and glory ever more proclaim His path and glory ever more proclaim
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