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2023-07-22 02:07:35
TAG: ig pigeon ge eo geo

pigeon 英["pu026adu0292u026an] 美[u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n]

n. 鸽子;<非正式>易受骗的人;<非正式>责任


[例句]Yesterday a pigeon carried the first message from pinhurst to silbury.




2023-07-21 20:20:103


2023-07-21 20:20:393


pigeon英 [u02c8pu026adu0292u026an] 美 [u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n]n.鸽子; 易受骗的人; 责任贝亲复数: pigeons双语例句1. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower. 一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。2. I don"t care where the money comes from — that"s not my pigeon. 我不管钱从哪儿来,那不是我的事.3. The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles. 鸽子从百英里之外返回窝巢.4. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically. 一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走, 有节奏地咕咕叫.5. Because I had an unusual accent people were not able to put me into a pigeon-hole. 因为我与众不同的口音,人们无法把我归入任何一类。
2023-07-21 20:21:091


  鸽,一种十分常见的鸟,世界各地广泛 饲养 。家鸽中最常见的是信鸽,主要用于通讯和竞翔。那么你知道鸽子用英语怎么说吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   鸽子的英语说法1:   dove   鸽子的英语说法2:   pigeon   鸽子相关英语表达:   鸽子摄影 pigeon photography   鸽子谷 Pigeon Valley   两只鸽子 Two Pigeons   鸽子笼 pigeon house   鸽子的英语例句:   1. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.   一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。   2. Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.   鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇着翅膀飞进飞出。   3. A dove cooed softly.   一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。   4. the sound of pigeons cooing   鸽子咕咕的叫声   5. The dove is symbolic of peace.   鸽子是和平的象征。   6. The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof.   那男孩把屋顶上的鸽子吓飞了.   7. Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth"s magnetic field is disturbed.   地球磁场受到干扰时,鸽子的道航能力就会变得不准确.   8. The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles.   鸽子从百英里之外返回窝巢.   9. The doves winged skyward.   鸽子向空中飞去.   10. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically.   一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走, 有节奏地咕咕叫.   11. Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.   鸽子的本能使它们返回鸽棚.   12. The doves were cooing in the trees.   鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣.   13. Pigeons are sedentary birds.   鸽子是一种定居的鸟.   14. The dove is a symbol of peace.   鸽子是和平的象征.   15. Pigeons preened their wings and cooed.   鸽子用喙整理翅膀,咕咕地叫.
2023-07-21 20:21:161


2023-07-21 20:21:265


鸽子的英文是dove、pigeon。dove是鸽子的意思。dove还可以作为动词,用作动词则表示潜水的意思,且作为名词时,表示的含义不同,分别表示温和派、棕灰色。pigeon只能作为名词。pigeon多指体型较大的鸽子,而且是灰色的鸽子,种类很多,有赛鸽、信鸽、菜鸽等。dove通常是指体型较小的白鸽,比如说白色的信鸽,常用作和平的象征,代表着和平。造句有The old man kept pigeons as pets.那位老人把鸽子作为宠物饲养。The dove is usually regarded as a symbol of peace.鸽子常被视为和平的象征。Like humans and monkeys , the common pigeon too is able to put numbers in order , according to new research .根据最新的研究表明,普通的鸽子也能够像人类和猴子一样,把数字按顺序排列,等等。
2023-07-21 20:22:241


pigeon 或者dove
2023-07-21 20:22:359


Dove, a very common bird, raised all over the world widely, pigeon is dove shape mesh columbidae hundreds of species of birds collectively. We usually say pigeons is just one of the columba, and is a pigeon, pigeon pigeons, is the most common in is mainly used for communications and xiang. Pigeons and human companion has been around for thousands of years, archaeologists found the first pigeon image, from 3000 BC in Mesopotamia, what is now Iraq.
2023-07-21 20:22:531


2023-07-21 20:23:022


这篇故事的寓意非常深刻,也非常直白易懂,读了,就会明白为什么我们不要随便根据自己的见识去改变孩子。很有意思的阅读,强烈推荐: Once upon a time, when cups were plates and when knives and forks grew in the ground, there was an old woman who had never seen an eagle. 在和现在非常不一样的从前,有一位老妇人,她从来没见过鹰。 One day, an eagle was flying high in the sky and decided to stop for a rest. He swooped down and landed — where do you think? 有一天,一只高高飞翔的鹰想歇息一会儿,就从天上飞下来,停在了 ... 你猜哪里? He landed right at the front door of the old woman"s house. 对了,就在这位老妇人的门前。 The old woman took a long, hard look at the eagle and said, “Oh my, what a funny pigeon you are!” She figured he was a pigeon, you see, because although she had never seen an eagle, she had seen lots of pigeons. “I am not a pigeon at all,” said the eagle, drawing himself up to his full height. 老妇人仔细瞧了鹰很久,她说:“哦,你真是一只看上去很可笑的鸽子”。她认为这只鹰是鸽子,因为她从没见过鹰,但见过很多鸽子。 “我不是鸽子”,鹰说,还努力地立起来,让老妇人好好看看自己。 “Nonsense!” said the old woman. “I"ve lived for more years than you"ve got feathers in your wings, and I know a pigeon when I see one.” “If you"re so sure that I"m a pigeon,” said the eagle, “then why do you say I"m a funny pigeon?” “胡说!”老妇人说。“我活得年数比你翅膀上的羽毛还多,我不会认错一只鸽子。” “如果你这么确定我是一只鸽子”,鹰说,“那你为什么说我很可笑?” “Well, just look at your beak,” said the old woman. “It"s all bent. Pigeons have nice, straight beaks. And look at those claws of yours! Pigeons don"t have long claws like that. And look at the feathers on top of your head! They are all messed up and need to be brushed down. Pigeons have nice, smooth feathers on their heads.” “看看你的喙”,老妇人说:“它是弯的,鸽子的喙很直很好看。再看看你的爪子,鸽子的爪子没那么长。还有你头上的羽毛,乱哄哄竖立着,应该梳平,像鸽子头上的毛那样顺。” And before the eagle could reply, she got hold of him and carried him into the house. She took her clippers and trimmed his claws until they were quite short. 鹰还没来得及回答,老妇人就把他抱起来,带进屋子里,拿出剪刀,把他的爪子剪短剪平了。 She pulled on his beak until it was quite straight. And she brushed down the lovely tuft of feathers on top of his head until it was quite flat. 把它的.嘴巴拉直,把头上的那簇毛也梳平了。 “Now you look more like a pigeon!” said the old woman. “That"s so much better!” But the eagle didn"t feel any better. In fact, he felt quite sad. “好了,你现在终于看上去像一只鸽子了”,老妇人说,“真棒”。但是鹰的感觉可不好,他觉得很悲伤。 As soon as the old woman let him go he flew to the top of a tree. As he was sitting there wondering what to do, another eagle came along and alighted on the bough beside him. “Well, well,” said the new bird. “Aren"t you a funny looking eagle!” “Well, at least you know I"m an eagle,” said the first eagle. “Thank goodness for that!” “What happened to you?” asked the new eagle. 所以当老妇人放下他,他马上飞到了树顶上;正在考虑下一步做什么的时候,另外一只鹰飞过来,立在他身边。 第二只鹰说:“哈哈,你真是一只看上去很好笑的鹰!” “好吧,至少你知道我是一只鹰”,第一只鹰说,“谢天谢地。” “发生了什么事?”第二只鹰问。 “Well,” said the first eagle, “An old woman thought I was a pigeon. And since pigeons don"t have long claws, she trimmed my claws. And since pigeons don"t have hooked beaks, she straightened my beak. And since pigeons don"t have tufts of feathers on their heads, she brushed my tuft down.” “是这样的”,第一只鹰说,“一位老妇人认为我是一只鸽子。因为鸽子的爪子不长,她就把我的爪子剪短了。因为鸽子没有弯弯的嘴巴,她就把我的嘴巴拉直了。因为鸽子头顶上没有那一簇毛,她就把我的毛梳平了。” “She must be a very foolish old woman, indeed,” said the new eagle. And with that, he took a brush from under his wing, and he brushed the first eagle"s feathers back into a tuft. And with his claws he bent the eagle"s beak down until it was nicely rounded once again. “她一定是一个非常愚蠢的老妇人”,第二只鹰说。 说到这,第二只鹰从翅膀下拿出一把梳子,把第一只鹰头顶上的那簇毛又梳出来了;然后用自己的爪子去掰第一只鹰的喙,恢复了它原来弯弯的形状。 “There now!” he said, “you look like an eagle again. Don"t worry about your claws, they"ll soon grow back.” “Thank you, my friend!” said the first eagle. “Think nothing of it,” said his new friend. “好了”,他说,“你现在看上去又像一只鹰啦。不要担心你的爪子,它们会长回来的。” “谢谢你,我的朋友”,第一只鹰说。 “没有什么好谢的”,他的新朋友说。 “But remember this,” he continued, “there are a lot of silly people in the worldwho think that pigeons are eagles, or that eagles are pigeons, or that all sorts of things are other things. And when they are silly like that, they do very foolish things. We must be sure to keep away from that silly old woman and the people like her.” “但是记住”,他继续说,“世界上有许多很傻的人,他们把鸽子当做鹰,把鹰当做鸽子,把各种事情搞得乱七八糟。他们犯傻的时候,会做非常愚蠢的事情。我们必须要远离这些人,比如那个老妇人,还有像她那样的人。” And with that, the eagles flew back to their own country and returned to their own nests. And they never went near that silly old woman again. And so everyone lived happily ever after. 说完,这两只鹰就飞向了他们自己的国度,回到了他们的家。他们再也没有接近过那位老妇人。 从此,大家都快快乐乐地生活。 我们的孩子 如果他是一只鹰,就让他成为一只鹰 如果是一只鸽子,就让他成为一只鸽子 不要让社会、家长、老师的无知和成见 去逼迫他们背离自己 成为一个不懂得自己是谁、不快乐的人
2023-07-21 20:23:221

Liverpool city council (市政厅) want to clear the city of fat pigeons (鸽子). They say that people

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:D 试题分析:本文叙述了利物浦市政厅要市民清楚,他们喂养的鸽子目前严重影响了市民的居住环境,建议把他们放到公园或者空旷的地方,并且目前政府已经采取了一些措施。他们希望在两年后这个城市成为欧洲文化之都。小题1:细节理解题。根据The council want people to know that everyone who feeds the pigeons makes the streets crowded (拥挤)with these birds.鸽子使城市变得拥挤,故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据they look like a peregrine falcon, which is a bird that kills pigeons故选B。小题3:细节理解题。根据They say that people are feeding the birds, which makes them fat.鸽子吃了人们喂它们的食物而变得很肥,故选D。点评:细节理解题可以分为集中型细节理解题和分散型细节理解题。集中型:就文章的单个细节提问,答案在原文中出现的位置一般也位于单句话或几句话中。因为具体细节不同,出题形式千变万化,因题而异。分散型:题目涉及到文章某一段或几段,甚至贯穿全文的各个位置,需要考生寻找文章中的多个细节。请注意,分散型细节理解题并不意味着题目的正确答案出现在文章的不同位置,正确答案往往也是关于文章的某一个句子或细节。只是说文章的干扰选项是关于不同的细节,需要我们在定位的时候阅读某一个区域。
2023-07-21 20:23:291

put the cat among the pigeons是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:23:394


2023-07-21 20:23:593


2023-07-21 20:24:086


2023-07-21 20:24:252

passenger pigeons once flew over flew over muchof the united states in unbelievvab求翻译,全文的,

乘客鸽子(旅鸽)曾经飞过的大部分美国难以置信的数字。书面帐户18、19世纪描述羊群(群)如此之大,他们的天空个小时。计算,当它populationxkb1达到最高点,超过3这项计划乘客pigeons-a数量等于24鸟总人口的40%在美国,这也许是世界上最丰富的鸟。甚至直到1870年,当他们的数量已经变得更小,一群被认为是1英里宽320英里(约515公里)长的是辛辛那提附近。可悲的是大量的乘客鸽子可能是他们埋下的祸根。鸟在哪里最丰富的,人们相信有一个永恒的供应和杀了他们的数千人,商业猎人吸引他们到小空地,粮食,等到喂鸽子了,把大的网,要花几百年。鸟儿被运到大城市,在餐厅出售。在19世纪的最后几十年,硬木森林,乘客鸽子嵌套受损的美国对木材的需求,分散(驱散)的羊群,迫使鸟类再往北走,在低温和风暴导致他们下降。很快的羊群都消失了,再也没有出现。在1897年,密西根州通过了一项法律禁止乘客鸽子的杀戮,但到那时,没有看到巨大的羊群在10年了。最后确认作业指导书鸽子在美国州被一个小男孩在派克县,1900年,俄亥俄州。有一段时间,一些鸟类在人类幸存下来护理。最后,亲切地称为玛莎,死在辛辛那提动物园1914年9月1日。24日。在18和teh 19世纪初,乘客pigeons____。
2023-07-21 20:24:451


鸽子在空中飞:英语:Pigeons are flying in the air.用 介词in, 在空中。
2023-07-21 20:24:521

关于东京的鸽子The Pigeons in Tokyo

2023-07-21 20:24:591


2023-07-21 20:25:214


Q:Where is "City of Water" located?A: It"s in Italy.Q:How many islands within that city?A:There are 118 small islands.Q:Are the pigeons in the St.Mark"s square afraid of people?A:No,they even love to pose with them for a photo.hope this helps..^-^
2023-07-21 20:25:292


My summer holidayMy summer holiday is very excited.I am going to the park.I with my father going to the park.This morning,I am eating breads and many juice.Father is climbing mountains.This afternoon,I am going swimming.My father is taking pictures.I am very happy.
2023-07-21 20:25:492


鸽子的精彩世界这是晚上,一切都很安静的。士兵们都睡了,一个守卫监视敌人。一阵闪光,接著枪炮声!他们正被袭击!数百名敌军士兵冲向他们。除非他们得到帮助,否则都将被杀死。他们该怎么办?官员写短消息迅速在小纸条:「被袭击!快来!」他卷起的纸条,把它放在一小筒内,再伸手进笼子里,取出一只鸟。他把信条绑在鸟的腿,就放了鸟。鸟立即飞入空中,消失在黑暗中。鸟能及时到达吗?他们将得救吗?虽然似乎难以置相,军官驱使的鸟只是平常出现在公园的鸟 —— 鸽子。鸽子的方向感很好,并能找到回家的路长,即使是长距离。事实上,已知的是鸽子能远飞1800千米回家。这就是为什么自古以来鸽子都被用来传递消息,甚至邮件。然而,在战争中,他们才发现鸽子的最大的用处。在第一次和第二次世界大战中,鸽子被军队用来往来前线传递信息,拯救了许多士兵的生命,甚至帮助赢得一些重要的胜利。鸽子如何找到自己的路径呢?鸽子们似乎有一内藏的罗盘,告诉它们哪是北方。这个罗盘如何运作仍是个谜。当然,单是罗盘是不够找到自己的路径,它们似乎也用视觉,甚至嗅觉来告诉它们该往哪个方向走。与人类不同,它们从不会迷路,并总能找到回家的路。~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~原文如下:The wonderful world of pigeons It is night. All is quiet. The soldiers are asleep while a guard watches for the enemy. There is a flash, and the sound of guns! They are being attacked! Hundreds of enemy soldiers rush towards them. They are all going to be killed unless they get help. What should they do? An officer writes a short message quickly on a small piece of paper: "Being attacked! Hurry!" He rolls up the paper and puts it into a small case, and then reaches into a cage and gets a bird. Attaching the message to its leg, he sets the bird loose. It immediately flies into the air and disappears in the dark. Will the bird arrive in time? Will they be saved? Though it may seem hard to believe, the bird the officer uses is the same bird often seen in public parks--the pigeon. Pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction and can find their way home over long distances. Indeed, pigeons have been known to fly home from as far away as 1,800 kilometres. That is why pigeons have been used since ancient times to carry the news or even the mail. However, it was in war that they found their greatest use. During both World War I and II, pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines, saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories. How do pigeons find their way? Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north. How this compass works remains a mystery. Of course, since a compass alone is not enough to find one"s way, they also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go. Unlike humans, they never get lost and can always find their way home.
2023-07-21 20:26:071

set the cat among the pigeons是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:26:151


2023-07-21 20:26:221


1.事实上,人们早就发现鸽子可以飞行1800公里飞回家。 did they found their way?4.自从用一个罗盘来带路已经远远跟不上需求。5.和人类不同,鸽子永远不会迷路,他们永远都能找到回家的路
2023-07-21 20:26:304


pigeon 英[u02c8pu026adu0292u026an] 美[u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n] n. 鸽子; <非正式>易受骗的人; <非正式>责任; [例句]Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.未等我逮到鸽子,猫就猛扑了上去。[其他] 复数:pigeons
2023-07-21 20:27:591


2023-07-21 20:28:231


pigeon 英[u02c8pu026adu0292u026an] 美[u02c8pu026adu0292u0259n] n. 鸽子; <非正式>易受骗的人; <非正式>责任; [例句]Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.未等我逮到鸽子,猫就猛扑了上去。[其他] 复数:pigeons
2023-07-21 20:28:392

Method Actors的《Pigeons》 歌词

Pigeonラングリッサーミレニアム 梦幻模拟战-千年纪ED演唱者:沢崎寛香、梅原まどか作词:岩里祐穂作曲:小仓良あなたを守る深い森にもしあわせはこぶ 鸩にもなれないかもしれないげとそばにいてあげたいわたしたち いつも试されているみたい何ができる? できない?そして无力さだけ思い知るでも(さあ)今日が未来の始まり(昨日は终わり)あたらしい自分を见つけて强い风が吹きつけるけど(真っ青な空)明日をめざして友たちどうし つらい时でも笑颜见せてあなたの优しい气持ちにいつも励まされてきた私だってあなたの力になってあげたいあたりまえの言叶それだけしか今は言えないけど闭じた世界に逃げこまないで(ヘッドフォンはずして)心のほんとの声闻こうよ固くつぶったその目を开けて(こわがらないで)真实を见よう
2023-07-21 20:29:151


  鸽,一种十分常见的鸟,世界各地广泛饲养。家鸽中最常见的是信鸽,主要用于通讯和竞翔。那么你知道吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   鸽子的英语说法1:   dove   鸽子的英语说法2:   pigeon   鸽子相关英语表达:   鸽子摄影 pigeon photography   鸽子谷 Pigeon Valley   两只鸽子 Two Pigeons   鸽子笼 pigeon house   鸽子的英语例句:   1. A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.   一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。   2. Pigeons fluttered in and out, cooing gently.   鸽子们低声咕咕地叫着,扑扇著翅膀飞进飞出。   3. A dove cooed softly.   一只鸽子轻柔地咕咕叫。   4. the sound of pigeons cooing   鸽子咕咕的叫声   5. The dove is symbolic of peace.   鸽子是和平的象征。   6. The boy frightened away the pigeons from the roof.   那男孩把屋顶上的鸽子吓飞了.   7. Pigeons navigate less accurately when the earth"s magnetic field is disturbed.   地球磁场受到干扰时,鸽子的道航能力就会变得不准确.   8. The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles.   鸽子从百英里之外返回窝巢.   9. The doves winged skyward.   鸽子向空中飞去.   10. A pigeon strutted along the roof, cooing rhythmically.   一只鸽子沿着屋顶大摇大摆地走, 有节奏地咕咕叫.   11. Instinct led the pigeons back to the roost.   鸽子的本能使它们返回鸽棚.   12. The doves were cooing in the trees.   鸽子在林中咕咕啼鸣.   13. Pigeons are sedentary birds.   鸽子是一种定居的鸟.   14. The dove is a symbol of peace.   鸽子是和平的象征.   15. Pigeons preened their wings and cooed.   鸽子用喙整理翅膀,咕咕地叫.
2023-07-21 20:29:331

英语passenger pigeons怎么翻译?

Passenger pigeons是一种能够飞行长途距离的北美候鸽(已经绝种)。
2023-07-21 20:29:472

Pigeons, Vs Scrubs 歌词

歌曲名:Pigeons, Vs Scrubs歌手:DJ Chase专辑:The Best of Buds Vol OneNo Scrubs -- TLCA scrub is a guy that thinks hes fly, and isalso known as a buster.always talkin about what he wants and justsits on his brokeSo(no)I dont want your number(no)I dont want to give you mine.(no)I dont want to meet you nowhere(no)I dont want none of your time and (no)I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!Theres a scrub checkin me. But his game is kinda weak.And I know that he cannot approach me.Cuz Im lookin like class and heslookin like trash.Cant get wit no deadbeat.So(no)I dont want your number(no)I dont want to give you mine(no)I dont want to meet you nowhere(no)I dont want none of your time.(no)I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!If you dont have a car and your walkinoh yes son Im talkin to you.If you live at home wit your mommaoh yes son Im talkin to you.(baby)If you have a shorty and you dont show loveoh yes son Im talkin to you.Wanna get with me with no money,oh no! I dont no (oh)No scrubNo scrub(no no)No scrub(no no no no no)No scrub(no no)I dont want no scrub.NoA scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ridetryin to holler at me!I dont want no scrub.A scrub is a guy that cant get no love from me.Hangin out the passenger side of his best friends ride
2023-07-21 20:29:551

homing pigeons是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:30:032


这篇故事的寓意非常深刻,也非常直白易懂,读了,就会明白为什么我们不要随便根据自己的见识去改变孩子。很有意思的阅读,强烈推荐: Once upon a time when cups were plates and when knives and forks grew in the ground there was an old woman who had never seen an eagle. 在和现在非常不一样的从前,有一位老妇人,她从来没见过鹰。 One day an eagle was flying high in the sky and decided to stop for a rest. He swooped down and landed — where do you think? 有一天,一只高高飞翔的鹰想歇息一会儿,就从天上飞下来,停在了 ... 你猜哪里? He landed right at the front door of the old woman"s house. 对了,就在这位老妇人的门前。 The old woman took a long hard look at the eagle and said “Oh my what a funny pigeon you are!” She figured he was a pigeon you see because although she had never seen an eagle she had seen lots of pigeons. “I am not a pigeon at all ” said the eagle drawing himself up to his full height. 老妇人仔细瞧了鹰很久,她说:“哦,你真是一只看上去很可笑的鸽子”。她认为这只鹰是鸽子,因为她从没见过鹰,但见过很多鸽子。 “我不是鸽子”,鹰说,还努力地立起来,让老妇人好好看看自己。 “Nonsense!” said the old woman. “I"ve lived for more years than you"ve got feathers in your wings and I know a pigeon when I see one.” “If you"re so sure that I"m a pigeon ” said the eagle “then why do you say I"m a funny pigeon?” “胡说!”老妇人说。“我活得年数比你翅膀上的羽毛还多,我不会认错一只鸽子。” “如果你这么确定我是一只鸽子”,鹰说,“那你为什么说我很可笑?” “Well just look at your beak ” said the old woman. “It"s all bent. Pigeons have nice straight beaks. And look at those claws of yours! Pigeons don"t have long claws like that. And look at the feathers on top of your head! They are all messed up and need to be brushed down. Pigeons have nice *** ooth feathers on their heads.” “看看你的喙”,老妇人说:“它是弯的,鸽子的喙很直很好看。再看看你的爪子,鸽子的爪子没那么长。还有你头上的羽毛,乱哄哄竖立着,应该梳平,像鸽子头上的毛那样顺。” And before the eagle could reply she got hold of him and carried him into the house. She took her clippers and trimmed his claws until they were quite short. 鹰还没来得及回答,老妇人就把他抱起来,带进屋子里,拿出剪刀,把他的爪子剪短剪平了。 She pulled on his beak until it was quite straight. And she brushed down the lovely tuft of feathers on top of his head until it was quite flat. 把它的嘴巴拉直,把头上的那簇毛也梳平了。 “Now you look more like a pigeon!” said the old woman. “That"s so much better!” But the eagle didn"t feel any better. In fact he felt quite sad. “好了,你现在终于看上去像一只鸽子了”,老妇人说,“真棒”。但是鹰的感觉可不好,他觉得很悲伤。 As soon as the old woman let him go he flew to the top of a tree. As he was sitting there wondering what to do another eagle came along and alighted on the bough beside him. “Well well ” said the new bird. “Aren"t you a funny looking eagle!” “Well at least you know I"m an eagle ” said the first eagle. “Thank goodness for that!” “What happened to you?” asked the new eagle. 所以当老妇人放下他,他马上飞到了树顶上;正在考虑下一步做什么的时候,另外一只鹰飞过来,立在他身边。 第二只鹰说:“哈哈,你真是一只看上去很好笑的鹰!” “好吧,至少你知道我是一只鹰”,第一只鹰说,“谢天谢地。” “发生了什么事?”第二只鹰问。 “Well ” said the first eagle “An old woman thought I was a pigeon. And since pigeons don"t have long claws she trimmed my claws. And since pigeons don"t have hooked beaks she straightened my beak. And since pigeons don"t have tufts of feathers on their heads she brushed my tuft down.” “是这样的”,第一只鹰说,“一位老妇人认为我是一只鸽子。因为鸽子的爪子不长,她就把我的爪子剪短了。因为鸽子没有弯弯的嘴巴,她就把我的嘴巴拉直了。因为鸽子头顶上没有那一簇毛,她就把我的毛梳平了。” “She must be a very foolish old woman indeed ” said the new eagle. And with that he took a brush from under his wing and he brushed the first eagle"s feathers back into a tuft. And with his claws he bent the eagle"s beak down until it was nicely rounded once again. “她一定是一个非常愚蠢的老妇人”,第二只鹰说。 说到这,第二只鹰从翅膀下拿出一把梳子,把第一只鹰头顶上的那簇毛又梳出来了;然后用自己的爪子去掰第一只鹰的喙,恢复了它原来弯弯的形状。 “There now!” he said “you look like an eagle again. Don"t worry about your claws they"ll soon grow back.” “Thank you my friend!” said the first eagle. “Think nothing of it ” said his new friend. “好了”,他说,“你现在看上去又像一只鹰啦。不要担心你的爪子,它们会长回来的。” “谢谢你,我的朋友”,第一只鹰说。 “没有什么好谢的”,他的新朋友说。 “But remember this ” he continued “there are a lot of silly people in the worldwho think that pigeons are eagles or that eagles are pigeons or that all sorts of things are other things. And when they are silly like that they do very foolish things. We must be sure to keep away from that silly old woman and the people like her.” “但是记住”,他继续说,“世界上有许多很傻的人,他们把鸽子当做鹰,把鹰当做鸽子,把各种事情搞得乱七八糟。他们犯傻的时候,会做非常愚蠢的事情。我们必须要远离这些人,比如那个老妇人,还有像她那样的人。” And with that the eagles flew back to their own country and returned to their own nests. And they never went near that silly old woman again. And so everyone lived happily ever after. 说完,这两只鹰就飞向了他们自己的国度,回到了他们的家。他们再也没有接近过那位老妇人。 从此,大家都快快乐乐地生活。 我们的孩子 如果他是一只鹰,就让他成为一只鹰 如果是一只鸽子,就让他成为一只鸽子 不要让社会、家长、老师的无知和成见 去逼迫他们背离自己 成为一个不懂得自己是谁、不快乐的人
2023-07-21 20:30:091


 Three Blue Pigeons   三只蓝鸽子   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One flew away!   O-o-oh~~   有三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   有三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   一只飞走了!   唉~~~   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Another flew away!   O-o-oh~~   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   又一只飞走了!   唉~~~   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   And the third flew away!   O-o-oh~~   一只蓝鸽子,它孤单坐墙头。   一只蓝鸽子,它孤单坐墙头。   它也飞走了!   唉~~~   No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   墙头再没鸽子了。   One flew back!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   一只飞回来了!   哦~~~(欢呼)   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Another flew back!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   一只蓝鸽子,它坐在墙头。   一只蓝鸽子,它坐在墙头。   又一只飞回来了!   哦~~~(欢呼)   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   And the third flew away!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   第三只飞来啦!   哦~~~(欢呼)   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。
2023-07-21 20:30:161


Today is your birthday, my dear motherland. In the morning when I opened the window, I found the bright five-star red flag fluttering in the wind, signifying the brilliant achievements made in the last 60 years. I was suddenly overwhelmed by a strong feeling of patriotism. After more than a century"s wind and storm, you are still standing on the east of the world, calling upon millions of descendants of the Yellow Emperor to march forward. Today, on the occasion of your 59 th anniversary, we all set aside our jobs and hold various celebrations as a gift for you.
2023-07-21 20:30:262


儿童启蒙英语儿歌歌词「带翻译」   儿歌是儿童文学最古老也是最基本的体裁形式之一。下面是我整理的两首英文儿歌的`歌词,希望大家喜欢。   Let us sing together让我们一起唱歌   Let us sing together,   Let us sing together,   One and all a joyous song.   让我们一起唱歌,   让我们一起唱歌,   全部都是欢乐的歌曲。   Let us sing together,   One and all a joyous song.   让我们一起唱歌,   全部都是欢乐的歌曲。   Let us sing, again and again.   Let us sing, again and again.   Let us sing, again and again.   One and all a joyous song.   让我们一起唱歌,一遍又一遍。   让我们一起唱歌,一遍又一遍。   让我们一起唱歌,一遍又一遍。   全部都是欢乐的歌曲。   (repeat once)   Three Blue Pigeons三只蓝鸽子   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One flew away!   O-o-oh~~   有三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   有三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   一只飞走了!   唉~~~   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Another flew away!   O-o-oh~~   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   又一只飞走了!   唉~~~   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   And the third flew away!   O-o-oh~~   一只蓝鸽子,它孤单坐墙头。   一只蓝鸽子,它孤单坐墙头。   它也飞走了!   唉~~~   No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   墙头再没鸽子了。   One flew back!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   一只飞回来了!   哦~~~(欢呼)   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   One blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Another flew back!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   一只蓝鸽子,它坐在墙头。   一只蓝鸽子,它坐在墙头。   又一只飞回来了!   哦~~~(欢呼)   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   And the third flew away!   Whee-ee-ee-ee!   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   两只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   第三只飞来啦!   哦~~~(欢呼)   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.   三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。   三只蓝鸽子,它们坐墙头。 ;
2023-07-21 20:30:331

高一英语周报book 1 总第3282期 unit 2

2023-07-21 20:30:582

put the cat among the pigeon是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:31:063

put the cat among the pigeons是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:31:187

cat among the pigeons是什么意思

cat among the pigeons鸽群中的猫例句:1.Rather than proposing to bomb north korea or to impose yet more sanctions on itsalready crumbling economy, mr lee could really set the cat among the pigeons. 与其提议轰炸朝鲜或者进一步制裁其本已摇摇欲坠的经济,李明博真的可以掀起一些风浪。
2023-07-21 20:31:372


my haoleday My vyuo a jiuit , is very buituler. kole was river before .my name is ququ. hgd fhsfx. Bdzit ,hamburger, noodles ,wsflute a goes to ninxiashoold sav gzdfjvb ubes sags .gsiufb. Asiigyaiug are jghvksh gaigle ,ghukjbvhjd njdkhz des jhjh. I love my haoleday!
2023-07-21 20:31:474

people, messages, carry, keep, pigeons, to 怎样连词成句?

高兴帮助你。请采纳,谢谢!!连词成句:People keep pigeons to carry messages .人们饲养鸽子来送信。carry 传递,传送message 信息pigeon 鸽子
2023-07-21 20:31:551

He cannot get a telephone for his garage.________he has just bought twelve pigeons.

2023-07-21 20:32:105

twelve pigeons

强调刚刚 如果不用完成时的话意思就变为“他买了12个鸽子” 而用完成时的意思则变为“他刚刚买了12只鸽子”
2023-07-21 20:32:351

a letter to pen friend

Dear Sheila I"m very pleased that we"re going to be penfriends. In this letter I"ll tell you a little about myself. Please do the same when you write to me. I live in an area of Bern called Murifeld. It"s not far from the city centre. We can walk there or go by train. There are woods and a nice river nearby where I take my dog Floppy for a walk or for a swim. I live with my parents and my younger brother Michael. My father is a sofare engineer and my mother has a part time job as a secretary. I go to a secondary school. Our house is opposite the school. Sometimes when I"m having breakfast I can see my friends going into the classroom. Then my mother says "Hurry up Barbara you"re late again.“ I like French English and geography. I"m not good at maths. And some subjects are really boring. In history the teacher tells us all about the French Revolution. And then we must learn by heart this old stuff. What use is it? In the evenings I sometimes visit friends or stay at home and listen to music. At the weekends I like going swimming or playing golf with my father. At the moment I"m working very hard on a research paper about carrier pigeons (I found the word in my dictionary!) These pigeons were used to carry *** all letters when there were no SMS and no emails. So I"m spending a lot of time in the library and interviewing old people and members of the local "Carrier Pigeons Club“. I"m looking forward to hearing from you. Write soon. Love Barbara 参考: Dear Frank How do you do?Nice to meet you.From now on we are friends. How old are you?I am now ten years old.I live in Hong Kong.(N.T. Y.L.) I like playing chess very much.Do you?I also like reading english books Where do you live?Which school are you now studying in?Do you feels good there?What are your hobbies? I want to know more and more about you. Please write back soon. Love XXXX(your name) 参考: ME we call 笔友 pen pal.
2023-07-21 20:33:101

英语完成句子 谢谢!!!

2023-07-21 20:33:1910


There is a boy who loved to go to a square to feed a crowd of pigeons living there. Each time he went there ,the pigeons will fly close to him ,even onto his shoulders and palms. One day,his art teacher asked him"Would you like to catch a pigeon for me? we"ll have it as a model"The boy agreed without hesitation.The next day he brought with him a pigeon. However, when he went to the square and let it flew freely again, that crowd of pigeons stared at him, fears in their eyes.None of them would like to fly close to him any more. Just once betrayal ,that had caused the boy lost his intimate friends.Mutual trust is invaluable ,because it take a long time and a great efforts to build up .Yet to destroy it ,only one minute is enough.
2023-07-21 20:33:413

vulgar 是什么意思

2023-07-21 20:33:514

1.Beacause pigeons can take letters from one place to ( ) other anther 还是others 为什么?

2023-07-21 20:34:291