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  你好,我家也有这样类似名字的无线网络,如果WIFI名字是 chinanet-xxxx这样形式的,那是中国chinanet电信全国覆盖的WIFI ,给付费的电信宽带用户和申请的1小时免费上网的用户准备的,达到全国各地能上网的目的。  你可以在网络上申请一个帐号,手机就能拿到密码,直接上免费的1小时网了,这个密码你破解不了的。目前中国电信为用户提供以下几种帐号类型:  1、手机帐号 中国电信天翼手机号码; 中国移动、中国联通手机号码; 可通过点击“获取密码”按钮将WiFi上网密码以短信形式发送至用户手机。  2、其他帐号 宽带帐号:中国电信天翼宽带套餐、E8/E9套餐等用户可通过访问开户地的网上营业厅或致电10000号查询您的宽带帐号与密码; WiFi时长卡帐号:中国电信提供的按使用时间为计费标准的Internet网络服务产品,帐号格式为“W+11位数字”或“CH+9位数字”。(中国电信旨在能随时随地上网,全国各地能连,这就是优点)申请的话请在电信官方网站了解。祝你生活愉快谢谢。

医生 physician 这个英语单词怎么发音



醴拼音:lǐ 注音:ㄌㄧˇ 部首笔划:7总笔划:20繁体字:醴汉字结构:左右结构简体部首:酉造字法:形声


Blueprint 是一款成熟的 CSS 框架,它将布局(layout)、排版(typography)、组件 (widget)、重置 (reset)、打印 (print) 等分放到不同的 CSS 文件中。在网页设计时就减少了引入的代码,提高了页面加载效率。




英文Typography来自希腊语τu03cdποu03c2 (type,意为“符号、象征”)和γραφu03afα graphia(意为“书写”)。在当代,字体排印学的相关研究和实践范围相当广,包含了文字设计及其应用的所有领域,包括排版、字体设计;手写体、书法;街头涂鸦;碑铭和建筑用字;海报设计和其他大面积文字应用(标语、布告板等);商业交流及推广;广告;标记和标识(Logo)用字;以及影视中的动态文字等等。



Kathy Zavada的《Union》 歌词

歌名: Union歌手: Black Eyed Peas(One for all, one for all)(It"s all it"s all for one)Let"s start a union, calling every humanIt"s one for all and all for oneLet"s live in unison, calling every citizenIt"s one for all and all for oneWe don"t want war- can"t take no moreIt"s drastic time for sureWe need a antidant and a cureCoz do you really think Mohammed got a problem with JehovahWe don"t want war - imagine if any prophet was aliveIn current days amongst you and IYou think they"d view life like you and I doOr would they sit and contemplate on whyDo we live this way, act and behave this wayWe still live in primitive todayCoz the peace in the destination of war can"t be the wayThere"s no way, so people just be "em wanna be a manRealise that you can"t change the world by changing yourselfAnd understand that we"re all just the sameSo when I count to three let"s changeGot no time for grand philosophyI barely keep my head above the tideI got this mortgage, got three kids at schoolWhat you"re saying is the truth,but really troubles me insideI"d change the world if I could change my mindIf I could live beyond my fearsExchanging unity for all my insecurityExchanging laughter for my tearsI don"t know, y"all, we in a real depositionIn the midst of all this negative conditionDivided by beliefs, different sink and religionWhy do we keep missing the point in our mission?Why do we keep killing each other, what"s the reason?God made us all equal in his visionI wish that I could make music as a religionThen we could harmonise together in this missionListen, I know it"s really hard to make changesBut two of us could help rearrange this curseUtilising all the power in our voicesTogether we will unite and make the right choiceAnd fight for education, save the next generationCome together as oneI don"t understand why it"s never been doneSo let"s change on the count of oneIt takes one, just oneAnd then one follows the other oneAnd then another follows the other oneNext thing you know you got a billionPeople doing some wonderful thingsPeople doing some powerful thingsLet"s change and do some powerful thingsUnity could be a wonderful thinghttp://music.baidu.com/song/15051783

Why should we study etiquette?



分开touch your face,


tell me why意思是 告诉我,为什么?


image[英][u02c8imidu0292] [美][u02c8u026amu026adu0292] n.影像;肖像;概念,意向;镜像,映像vt.反映;想像;作……的像;象征现在分词:imaging;过去式:imaged;第三人称单数:images;过去分词:imagedphotography[英][fu0259u02c8tu0254gru0259fi:] [美][fu0259u02c8tɑɡru0259fi] n.摄影,摄影术;一组照片photo[英][u02c8fu0259utu0259u] [美][u02c8foto] n.照片,相片vt.& vi.(给…)拍照所以是XXphotography


with 有在一起的意思, 如果你和某人都经历过可以用 with


记几个例句可能比较容易找到感觉.Sympathy和Compassion都有同情的意思,Compassion是非常正式的一个词,比pity要书面化.如果非要说区别的话,这两个词在nuance上略有不同.Sympathy表示一种很"平等"的同情,同情者对被同情者没有一种居高临下的感觉,而pity有一种怜悯的暗示,compassion比pity的语气更重一点.所以表示同情的时候也要倍加注意,最好不要让人误会你在怜悯s/he,而是对其遭遇一种sharing,感同身受的安慰.Namely:Help them not out of pity but out of sympathy for their plight.另外,Sympathy 有同感,共鸣的意思,比如:My are/lie with the students on this matter(means I agree with the students on...),Compassion没有此意.




Sympathy表示一种很"平等"的同情,同情者对被同情者没有一种居高临下的感觉, 而pity有一种怜悯的暗示,compassion比pity的语气更重一点。所以表示同情的时候也要倍加注意,最好不要让人误会你在怜悯s/he,而是对其遭遇一种sharing,感同身受的安慰。 扩展资料   compassion:n.同情;怜悯;   例句:   They were godlike in their wisdom and compassion.   他们有上帝般的智慧和同情心。   In him the polarities of life are resolved and balanced: male and female, strength and compassion, severity and mercy.   在他身上,生命的"两面性达到了调和与平衡:阳刚和阴柔、强悍和怜悯,还有严厉和仁慈。   sympathy:n.同情;赞同;支持;意气相投;志同道合;   例句:   They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy.   他们送了一些花表示慰问。   Don"t waste your sympathy on him ─ he got what he deserved.   别把你的同情心白白浪费在他的身上,他是咎由自取。   There was no personal sympathy between them.   他们个人之间全无相投之处。


一、动词+sympathy1、accept sb"s sympathy 接受某人的慰问2、express sympathy 表示慰问3、feel〔show〕 sympathy 表示同情4、get〔win〕 sb"s sympathy 得到某人的同情二、形容词+sympathy1、deep〔great〕 sympathy 深切〔巨大〕的同情2、strong sympathy 强烈的同情心三、介词+sympathy1、in〔out of〕 sympathy with sb"s proposal 赞同〔不赞同〕某人的提议2、letter of sympathy 慰问信四、sympathy+介词1、sympathy for 对?的同情2、sympathy with sb"s cause 赞成某人的事业五、have sympathy with的意思是对XXX赞同,而have sympathy for的意思是对XXX的同情。两者释义不同。扩展资料sympathy与pity,mercy,compassion的区别这些名词均有“同情、怜悯”之意。1、pity指对弱者、不幸者所表示的怜惜之情。2、mercy侧重指对应受惩罚或地位卑下者的慈悲或怜悯。3、sympathy普通常用词,含义广。指志趣、看法上的一致,也指感情相投,带有深深的恻隐之心的亲切之情。4、compassion较正式较庄重用词,指对同等人的同情与理解,常含急切愿意帮忙的意味。

以how i keep healthy为题,用英语写一篇70词的短文,介绍你保持健康的方法



Es tevi mīlu 是拉脱维亚语的“我爱你”的意思

available与useful 与valuable与worthy

1,avaliable可得到的,可获得的,可利用的,没有过期的,可买到的。 useful有用的。2,valuable珍贵的。 worthy值得的,词组be worthy of doing sth.做某事是值得的。等于be worth doing sth.



wow monkey munchy用汉字表示出来怎么读

魔兽小猴 munchy这个词没有实际意义只是为了读取来更萌(可以理解为读两遍monkey)

wow monkey munchy用汉字表示出来怎么读



shynessn.羞怯, 胆怯shyadj.怕羞的, 畏缩的, 害羞的祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!

lube oil skid,hydraulic oil skid, fuel gas skid,ignition gas skid,purging water skid是什么意思?


trashy 90s music是什么意思

垃圾似的90 秒音乐,,trashy 90s music





Ichimoku Kinko Hyo指标怎么应用

一目均衡图由五组参数合成,与现在常用的移动平均线吻合。参数建基于各个长短周期的高低点,提供一明确简单的走势图。五个参数如下:1) 短轴快线 = 转换线 = (9日内最高 + 9日内最低) / 2,以9日为一短线周期 (周期长短可任意更改)2) 中轴慢线 = 基准线 = (26日内最高 + 26日内最低) / 2,以26日为一中线周期 (周期长短可任意调教)3) 后移指标 = 迟行带 = 将是日收市价后移至一中线周期4) 前移指标A = 先行带A = (短轴快线 + 中轴慢线) / 2,前移至一中线周期5) 前移指标B = 先行带B = (52日内最高 + 52日内最低) / 2,前移至一中线周期云带 = 前移指标A及前移指标B的空间上图为一目均衡图的例子。云图、或一目均衡表指标(Ichimoku kinko hyo),简称IKH,此指标是由笔名为Ichimoku Sanjin的日本记者在1930年代发明的,它是显示市场趋势,趋势的强弱,支撑/阻力位,还有买卖信号的一个指标,它一般多用于日图、周图上,若是短期交易,则效果没有长期的好。它有五条不同颜色的线组成。如图所示: Tenkan-sen —转折线:在这里我们简称为T线(红色线),T线主要用来衡量短期的动力,一般的默认值(可以更改)为7-9,它一般和Kijun-sen—基准线(简称K线)结合一起用来预测将来的动力。其计算公式为T线=(默认值周期内的最高的最高价——默认值周期内的最低的最低价)/2 Kijun-sen —基准线:在这里我们简称为K线(蓝色线),K线主要用来衡量中期的动力,一般的默认值(可以更改)为26,这是它和T线的区别,它一般和T线结合一起用来预测将来的动力。它的计算公式和T线一样的。 K线=(默认值周期内的最高的最高价——默认值周期内的最低的最低价)/2 Senkou Span A —先行上线:在这里我们简称为A线(沙褐色线),它用来衡量动力和以后的支撑/阻力区。它和B线是一组的,A、B两条线之间所包围的区域称作云(kumo),当A线在B线之下时,是一个下降趋势,当A线在B线之上时,是一个上升趋势,当A、B线交叉时,则有可能有逆转现象。它的计算公式为A线=(T线-K线)/2。 Senkou Span B—先行下线 :在这里我们简称为B线(蓟色线),它用来衡量动力和以后的支撑/阻力区。它和A线是一组的,A、B两条线之间所包围的区域称作云(kumo),当B线在A线之上时,是一个下降趋势,当B线在A线之下时,是一个上升趋势,当A、B线交叉时,则有可能有逆转现象。它的计算公式与T线和K线是一样的,B线=(默认值周期内的最高的最高价——默认值周期内的最低的最低价)/2,需要注意的是,它的默认参数(可以更改的)是一般是52, Chinkou Span—延迟线:在这里我们简称为C线(绿色线),它是把现在的价格画在了26个时段之前的线图,其目的就是产生交易的信号。 IKH指标的分析方式如下: T线上穿K线,价格在云之上,C线在收盘价之上,是最强的买进信号 T线下穿K线,价格在云之下,C线在收盘价之下,是最强的卖出信号 T线上穿K线,价格在云之中,是普通的买进信号 T线下穿K线,价格在云之中,是普通的卖出信号 T线上穿K线,价格在云之下,是较弱的买进信号 T线上穿K线,价格在云之上,是较弱的卖出信号 另外还要注意的是,云图是出现在价格之前的,所以它显示将来可能的支撑/阻力区。如图所示: 云图的分析为: 如果说价格在云图之上,那么云的上线是第一支撑位,下线是第二支撑位 如果说价格在云图之下,那么云的下线是第一阻力位,上线是第二阻力位 如果说价格在云图之间,那么云的上线是阻力位,下线是支撑位

Ichimoku Kinko Hyo指标怎么应用?


求助Food Hydrocolloids 的投稿要求

期刊名 food hydrocolloids 出版周期: Bimonthly近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 4.28 3.494 3.473 2.659 中科院杂志分区 食品科技分类下的 2 区期刊 这个杂志比较专业,审稿周期一般是4-6周,主编非常负责任,如果文章做的很有新意或者比较深入的话,可尝试投稿,毕竟机会还是不小的。出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0268-005X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Food Hydrocolloids publishes original research in basic and applied aspects of the properties, functionality and use of macromolecules in food systems. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface-active agents. Included within the scope of the journal are studies of real and model food colloids - dispersions, emulsions and foams - and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena - creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. In particular, Food Hydrocolloids covers: the full scope of hydrocolloids behaviour, including isolation procedures, analytical and physicochemical characterization, through to end use and analysis in finished food products; structural characterization of established food hydrocolloids and new ones ultimately seeking food approval; use of cellculture and bacterial fermentation science and technology in the production of food approved or potentially food-approvable hydrocolloids, and other novel procedures for the extraction and work-up of food hydrocolloids; gelling mechanisms, syneresis and polymer synergism in the gelation process; rheological investigations where these can be correlated with hydrocolloids functionality, colloid stability or organoleptic properties; theoretical, computational or simulation approaches to the study of colloidal stability, provided that they have a clear relationship to food systems; surface properties of absorbed films, and their relationship to foaming and emulsifying behaviour; phase behaviour of low-molecular-weight surfactants or soluble polymers, and their relationship to food colloid stability; droplet and bubble growth, bubble nucleation, thin-film drainage and rupture processes; fat and water crystallization and the influence of hydrocolloids on these phenomena, with respect to stability and texture; direct applications of hydrocolloids in finished food products in all branches of the food industry, including their interactions with other food components; and toxicological, physiological and metabolic studies of hydrocolloids including associated legislative considerations

求助Food Hydrocolloids 的投稿要求

你好,投稿要求如下:期刊名 food hydrocolloids 出版周期: Bimonthly近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 4.28 3.494 3.473 2.659 中科院杂志分区 食品科技分类下的 2 区期刊 这个杂志比较专业,审稿周期一般是4-6周,主编非常负责任,如果文章做的很有新意或者比较深入的话,可尝试投稿,毕竟机会还是不小的。出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0268-005X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Food Hydrocolloids publishes original research in basic and applied aspects of the properties, functionality and use of macromolecules in food systems. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface-active agents. Included within the scope of the journal are studies of real and model food colloids - dispersions, emulsions and foams - and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena - creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. In particular, Food Hydrocolloids covers: the full scope of hydrocolloids behaviour, including isolation procedures, analytical and physicochemical characterization, through to end use and analysis in finished food products; structural characterization of established food hydrocolloids and new ones ultimately seeking food approval; use of cellculture and bacterial fermentation science and technology in the production of food approved or potentially food-approvable hydrocolloids, and other novel procedures for the extraction and work-up of food hydrocolloids; gelling mechanisms, syneresis and polymer synergism in the gelation process; rheological investigations where these can be correlated with hydrocolloids functionality, colloid stability or organoleptic properties; theoretical, computational or simulation approaches to the study of colloidal stability, provided that they have a clear relationship to food systems; surface properties of absorbed films, and their relationship to foaming and emulsifying behaviour; phase behaviour of low-molecular-weight surfactants or soluble polymers, and their relationship to food colloid stability; droplet and bubble growth, bubble nucleation, thin-film drainage and rupture processes; fat and water crystallization and the influence of hydrocolloids on these phenomena, with respect to stability and texture; direct applications of hydrocolloids in finished food products in all branches of the food industry, including their interactions with other food components; and toxicological, physiological and metabolic studies of hydrocolloids including associated legislative considerations.


没有被收录。这是爱思唯尔出版社出版、Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre国际复杂碳水化合物组织管理的一本普通英文期刊。Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre is intended to be an international journal focused on dietary fibre, and bioactive carbohydrates (including bioactive polysaccharides, oligosaccharides and glycoproteins. It will include original studies and comprehensive reviews on the primary structure, molecular characteristics including conformation, size and shape, and bioactivities demonstrated by studies using in vitro, cell culture, animal and human clinical trials for understanding the action mechanisms and efficacy of bioactive carbohydrates from plants, fungi, animals and produced by biotechnology.

Total Carbohydrate是什么意思

总碳水化合物双语对照例句:1.Overall, try to keep your total carbohydrate intake like your everyday meals

Physical (让身体说话吧!) 歌词

歌曲名:Physical (让身体说话吧!)歌手:蔡依林专辑:爱的练习语Physical - 蔡依林I"m saying all the things that I know you"ll likeMaking good conversationI gotta handle you just rightYou know what I meanI took you to an intimate restaurantThen to a suggestive movieThere"s nothing left to talk aboutUnless it"s horizontallyLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkI"ve been patient, I"ve been goodTried to keep my hands on the tableIt"s gettin" hard this holdin" backIf you know what I meanI"m sure you"ll understand my point of viewWe know each other mentallyYou gotta know that you"re bringin" outThe animal in meLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get physical, physicalI wanna get physicalLet"s get into physicalLet me hear your body talk, your body talkLet me hear your body talkLet"s get animal, animalI wanna get animalLet"s get into animalLet me hear your body talk your body talkLet me hear your body talkhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1381337






根据国家药品监督管理局查询得知vitalhydrasolution成分如下:柚籽提取物、甘油溶剂、木糖醇基葡糖苷、脱水木糖醇、水解透明质酸、海带提取物、姜根提取物、抗炎剂、抗氧化剂、日本黄连根提取物、光果甘草根提取物、甜菜碱、精氨酸、泛醇、辛甘醇、丁二醇、甘草酸二钾。蒂佳婷蓝色药丸补水面膜(Vital Hydra Solition)又名 Dr. Jart+蓝色水动力活力水润面膜,潜在风险成分含有香精:0种,含有防腐剂:1种(氯苯甘醚) 含有风险成分:0种 ,含有孕妇慎用:1种(氯苯甘醚) 。

Physics Exercise 介绍?

更新1: New Certificate 好似仲有本叫 Conventional Q..... 咁个本好 D 定系 Complete note 好D,因为我只可以买 2本 I remend o good exercise for you which I have used. New Certificate Series New Certificate Physics: Complete Notes and Exam Practices 1 and 2 By K. Y. Chung 图片参考:ep/_dqtest/proof/images/publish/subjects_pics/Phys//Phys_Practices-_2 Concept Map summarizes the framework and important concepts under each topic. Learning Focus allows students to have an overall idea of the main learning points of each chapter. Reminders pinpoint tips and study skills for students. Guided Example promotes students" understanding and application of knowledge. Daily Life Examples consolidate students" understanding through daily applications. Article Readings helps students familiar with the new question type. Demonstration with Guidelines illustrates how to wer typical HKCEE questions. Glossary provides a list of important vocabulary for quick reference. Exam Question Analysis gives a detailed *** ysis of past HKCEE questions. Exam-oriented Practices with Hints are designed for quick drills to enhance students" understanding. Solution Guide with wers and detailed explanatory notes are included. Bilingual Index is provided at the end of the book for quick search. Online Interactive Quizzes are provided on our website for self-learning and self-asses *** ent purposes. 2 Proficiency In Physics publisher: Manhattan Press (H.K.) Ltd. author: W.N.Chan T.P.Wong edition: 4th edition (the photo below is 3 rd edition) 图片参考:image.go2/thumbnails_new/2007/4/11/11442427~0 This book has been published at least 10 years. It contains a lot of MC questions (I think around 1000) cover all topics and includes wers and brief explainations at the end of the book. 2007-04-05 05:26:09 补充: New Certificate Physics: Conventional Questions 都系有2本﹐所以不能解决到你的问题。至于内容都系大同小异﹐而且作者都是同一个人。所以你自己比较后决定啦。 2007-04-05 05:28:39 补充: 不过我以前睇 Complete Notes 觉得好过睇教科书 (从为了考试既角度看) 参考: ep/_dqtest/proof/search/advsearch I think that physics exercise published by Aristo is better. The questions in Aristo are more challenging than those of New Certificate. In my opinion questions in New Certificate are usually quite basic.


sympathy的形容词形式sympathetic; sympathetic:adj.同情的;有同情心的;表示同情的 扩展资料   Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president.   俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。   She was very sympathetic to the problems of adult students   她对成年学生的问题深表同情。   Tourists are, in the main, sympathetic people   大体说来,游客们都富有同情心。

feel sympathy

feel 后可以加名词的,感受到什么,例如: She still feels the loss of her dog. 她仍然为失去狗而伤心. 这里用sympathetic 也是对的,相当于be sympathetic for 希望楼主满意.

sympathy on 的动词是谁

sympathy的动词形式是sympathize。sympathize的意思是同情,赞同,支持。常见搭配为sympathize with.sympathize的例句:Most of the people living there sympathized with the guerrillas(住在那里的大多数人支持游击队)。sympothy 的常见搭配是sympathy for,意思是对什么表示同情。相当于sympathize的用法。



hyaluronic acid是什么意思

  hyaluronic acid  英 [u02cchau026au0259lu028au02c8ru0254nu026ak] 美 [u02cchau026au0259lu028au02c8rɑnu026ak]  [释义]透明质酸;  [网络]玻尿酸; 玻璃酸酶; 糖醛酸;  [例句]Ingredients: hyaluronic acid, natural moisturizing factor, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil etc.  成份:透明质酸、天然保湿因子、甜杏仁油、霍霍巴油、小麦胚芽油等。


[Katie Couric]And we"re back with Notre Dame Football star Manti Te"o who says he is the victim of a hoax involving a made up young woman named Lennay Kokua. Manti did you have any involvement in creating this scam?[Manti Te"o]No. it was just somebody"s prank. I did not know she was fake. The same day that everybody else found out, I found out. (I found out) I just found that everything I believed to be reality wasn"t reality at all. (wasn"t reality at all)[Katie Couric]You were with someone you had never met?Why, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]The feeling the pain that was all real[Katie Couric]Can you see why people would view this as a lie?[Manti Te"o]I didn"t lie. My whole work told me that she died[Katie Couric] Source: LYBIO.netWhy, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]She seems nice. She seemed very beautiful.[Katie Couric]Did you just feel like I"m in this too deep?[Manti Te"o] Source: LYBIO.netYes[Katie Couric]Why, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]My whole reality was that she was dead. Now all of a sudden she"s alive. I was committed to this person. I didn"t have a chance to meet and she all of a sudden died.[Katie Couric]You"re a B.M.O.C. big man on campus. Why wouldn"t you want a real girlfriend, who you could spend real time with. Are you gay?[Manti Te"o]Far from it. Faaaaaaar from it.[Katie Couric]Why, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o] Source: LYBIO.netThe feeling the pain that was all real[Katie Couric]Can you see why people would view this as a lie?[Manti Te"o]I didn"t lie. My whole work told me that she died[Katie Couric] Source: LYBIO.netWhy, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]She seems nice. She seemed very beautiful.[Katie Couric]Did you just feel like I"m in this too deep?[Manti Te"o] Source: LYBIO.netYes[Katie Couric]Why, Why, Manti?[Rap] Source: LYBIO.netIf I knew he was dating a girl he ain"t ever seen, believe meI would of whooped his ass so tenderlyBut he said he met her and that she was very beautifulAnd they broke out into song just like a Disney musicalSo I had to ask did you dance too?And ride a magic carpet while the shooting stars were flyin past youHe said yeah pops all of the aboveI found a whole new world with my one true loveOf course I believed my sonThe whole world didI love him almost as much as that imaginary girl didEvery reporter loved the story of the romanceWhen they heard the truthThey pulled a Roker in their own pants“I pooped my pants.”[Katie Couric]Why, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]I did not know.[Rap]He made a mistake, his girlfriend was fake[Katie Couric] Source: LYBIO.netWhy, Why, Manti?[Manti Te"o]It was a prank[Rap]You"d think he murdered a baby panda looking at the hate[Manti Te"o]She seemed nice, I did not know“I pooped my pants threw out the underwear went commando.”[Katie Couric]Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Why, Manti? That just doesn"t really make sense to me.[Manti Te"o] Source: LYBIO.netIt doesn"t make sense to me either at this point.Subscribe to a reality that"s Songified.Get our App, songify your own life.You"re weird and this isn"t working and we should break up.You"re weird and this isn"t working and we should break up.You"re weird and this isn"t working and we should break up.Schmoyoho accent on the YO!SchmoyohoManti Te"o,SchmoyohoHe"s no Pinocchio.Schmoyoho

that is why和that is because的区别



一、why能引导下列几种从句: 1.主语从句 Why he took Chinese nationality in 1901 is a question that interests us.他为什么在1901年取得中国国籍,这是一个使我们很感兴趣的问题。 2.宾语从句 He asked her why she was doing that.他问她为什么要那样做。 3.表语从句 That"s why I"ve come to see you.这就是我来见你的原因。 这里的why在意义和语法上相当于the reason why。如果把此句改写为:That"s the reason why I"ve come to see you.有些语法书上视为同位语从句,但笔者赞同是限制性定语从句,因为why在此句中是个关系副词,而不是像同位语从句中那样是连词。再如: Could you tell me the reason why she refused to go to college?你能否告诉我为什么她不愿意上大学吗? 4.状语从句 No matter why she became angry with you, you should apologize to her.不管她为什么对你生气,你也应当向她道歉。 二、why作疑问词时,可以用来向对方问及原因,可以用Why?或Why not?二者都是省略句。分述如下: 1. "Why?"用来针对肯定的内容发问。例如: A:What are you going to do tomorrow? B:Nothing much. Why?(=Why do you ask me that?) 2. Why not?用来针对否定的内容发问,用在下列几种情况中: ①对一般疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:Do you often go to school by bike? B:No, I don"t. A:Why not?(=Why don"t you go to school by bike?) ②对反意疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:You haven"t finished your homework, have you? B: No, I haven"t. A: Why not?(=Why haven"t you finished it?) ③对否定陈述句询问原因时。例如: A:I can"t finish this work in two days. B:Why not?(=Why can"t you finish it in two days?) ④对表示建议、提议的回答时,形式上是否定,实际上是一种强调肯定的语气。例如: A:Could you come with me? B:Why not?(=I can go with you.) 三、why除了用作疑问句之外,还可以用作引导词(又称感叹句)放在句首或句中作插入语,表示惊奇等各种各样的情绪,不译为"为什么",根据上下文它可以有"哟,啊呀,哎呀,嗨,噢,呃,啊唷"等不同译法。例如: ①"...." "Next Friday? Why, what"s happening?""……。""下星期五?啊,有什么事吗?" ②Why! I thought you were in London.哎呀!我还以为你在伦敦呢! ③Why, it"s quite easy! A child could do it!唔,那是相当容易的!小孩子也会做它! ④Why,what did she say?呃,她说什么? 四、why还可用在书和文章的标题中用一种不规范的句子语序也是符合语法的。例如: Why I am learning English?我为什么学习英语? Why the bat comes out only at night?为什么蝙蝠只在夜里出来? 五、用"why+不定式"时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如: He doesn"t know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。 六、why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如: Tell me why.告诉我为什么。 I don"t know why.我不知道为什么。 五、用"why+不定式"时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如: He doesn"t know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。 六、why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如: Tell me why.告诉我为什么。 I don"t know why.我不知道为什么。

visual hierarchy是什么意思

visual hierarchy[英][u02c8viu0292uu0259l u02c8haiu0259rɑ:ki][美][u02c8vu026au0292uu0259l u02c8hau026au0259u02ccrɑrki]视觉层次; 例句:1.Next, we need to develop a solid understanding of the design"s visual hierarchy. 接下来,我们需要深入理解设计的视觉优先顺序。2.Asymmetry can make designs more interesting overall, but it serves another primarypurpose: to grab attention and create visual hierarchy. 总的来说,分歧错误称可以让设计更有趣,但其另有更基本的功能:抓人眼球和营造视觉层级。

你好,你的eclipse插件 call hierarchy 的实现原理是什么?----------这个问题你现在解决了吗?

Eclipse call hierarchy 原理很简单,在 Eclipse 中所有的 Java 类都是一个 DOM 文档对象模型在操作,在 AST 分析时它已经建立这个模型,并把它们编录到一个索引文件中,以后我们可以进行 Java 搜索(比如搜索一个方法调用而不是一个方法定义)。这一切都在于 Eclipse JDT 插件它本身拥有相关的数据和索引,而我们手头上没有,那是我们手工来编录一个索引还是用文本描述分析一下呢。想复制 eclipse 生成 call hierarchy 的代码可以查看 eclipse 源码,它的 git repository url 在 eclipse 官方网站上有,你打开你所指的那个问题看看,里面包括了它。http://git.eclipse.org/c/jdt/eclipse.jdt.core.git/ 上说明了 GIT URL ,你在 eclipse 中 clone 这个 repostory

eclipse 异常 hierarchy of the type is inconsiste怎么解决

方法/步骤第一步、选中项目右键,选择build path 进行下一步操作第二步、选择这个工程,然后右击选择property中的build path 然后添加类库,选择在新建项目或者导入项目时候的SDK,这样选中,然后点击确定就OK了。第三步、选择JRE library 然后确定添加,选择eclipse中默认的default JRE,或者是1.7或者是其他,但是选择然后apply确定选择“ok”就可以了第四步、finish就可以了,这样去掉这个错误。如果还不行,那么就需要选中项目,右击选择“property”这个按钮菜单,进入类库设置,把错误的类库删除。按照步骤重新导入。第五步、通过前几步的操作,那么就进入到关键的一步,利用Eclipse的快捷键,比如Ctrl+Shift+o,把已然识别的类库中的调用类,导入进去,Eclipse就会自动识别,然后就解决了这个错误。



hierarchy-of-effect theory是什么意思

hierarchy-of-effect theory 效果层级理论 ;

hierarchy of effect是什么意思

hierarchy of effect层次结构的影响双语例句1Model of Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis Process for Comprehensive Evaluation of Blasting Effect 爆破效果综合评价的模糊层次分析法模型2At the same time, a different hierarchy of legal norms or legal norms of the same effect as between the main body of the enactment of a variety, it is inevitable there is conflict or inconsistency. 同时,不同位阶的法律规范或是同等效力的法律规范之间由于制定主体的多样,难免存在冲突或不一致的地方。

mediating hierarchy是什么意思


what is managerial hierarchy

what is managerial hierarchy什么是管理层级

accessibility hierarchy是什么意思

accessibility hierarchy 可及性层级;可及性等级;可及性等级序列例句筛选1.The Accessibility Hierarchy and the Using-together Sequence of StateAdjectives状态形容词的可及性等级及连用顺序2.Accessibility Hierarchy Hypothesis and acquisition of English relative clauses从英语关系从句的习得看可及性层级假设

ad中up/down hierarchy这个命令主要是干什么的,你平时杂用?



可以定义 , 用GameObject.find("name")


unity3d删除在hierarchy中预设体的作用是:1,选中所有要展开的父物体。2 然后按下快捷键:Alt+向右方向的键。3 收起来则是 Alt+


理解成带上下关系的层状结构就行了。 其实叫 tree 也不错


Unity快捷键 当前轴心旋转:Alt+鼠标左键 移动场景:鼠标滚轮键 / Q 缩放场景:使用鼠标滚轮键 / Alt+鼠标右键 居中所选物:F 飞行浏览:鼠标右键+WSAD (按Shift加速) 手形工具:Q 移动工具:W 旋转工具:E 缩放工具:R 【Window菜单】 Scene视图:Ctrl+1 Game视图:Ctrl+2 Inspector视图:Ctrl+3 Hierarchy视图:Ctrl+4 Project视图:Ctrl+5 Animation视图:Ctrl+6 Profiler视图:Ctrl+7 Asset Store:Ctrl+9 Asset Serverr:Ctrl+0 Console视图:Ctrl+Shift+C 【File菜单】 新建场景:Ctrl+N 打开场景:Ctrl+O 保存场景:Ctrl+S 另存场景:Ctrl+Shift+S 发布设置:Ctrl+Shift+B 发布并运行:Ctrl+B【Edit菜单】 播放:Ctrl+P 暂停:Ctrl+Shift+P 单帧预览:Ctrl+Alt+P【Assets菜单】 刷新:Ctrl+R【GameObject菜单】 新建空对象:Ctrl+Shift+N 移动物体到视图中心点:Ctrl+Alt+F 移动物体与视图对齐:Ctrl+Shift+F【Component菜单】 添加组件:Ctrl+Shift+A


按 Unity的快捷键 ctrl + 4 ,也可以在菜单栏 window 中调出

hierarchy viewer怎么使用

怎么使用HierarchyViewer Hierarchy Viewer是随Android SDK发布的工具,位于Android SDK/tools/hierarchyviewer.bat (Windows操作系统,mac上显示的为hierarchyviewer),使用起来也是超级简单,通过此工具可以详细的理解当前界面的控件布局以及某个控件的属性(name、id、height等)。1)连接设备真机或者模拟器(真机可能无法连接,我用的2.3,连接上了,没读到内容);2)启动你要观察的应用。3)打开Hierarchyviewer,点击hierarchyviewer文件即可。连接后如下图,这个图是在官方文档获取的。4)双击最上面的,如下图的<Focused Window>,这个是当前窗口,加载完毕后会显示当前界面层次结构。5)观察层次结构图,这个图有点大,可以拖动。View Hierarchy窗口显示了Activity的所有View对象,选中某个View还可以查看View的具体信息,最好选择工具中的Show Extras选项。6)观察单个view,选择单个view后会出现如下图所示图形。这里会看到Measure、Layout、Draw的耗时。 View Hierarcy 同时能帮助你识别渲染性能比较低的部分。View节点中带有红色或黄色的点代表速度较慢的View对象。如单步运行应用程序那样,你可以这样来判断某个View 速度一直很慢,还是只在某个特定环境下速度才慢。请注意,低性能并不表示一定有问题,特别像是ViewGroup对象,View的子节点越多,结构越复杂,性能越差。View Hierarchy 窗口还可以帮助你找到性能问题。只要看每个View节点的性能指标(颜色点)就可以,你可以看到测量(布局或绘制)最慢的View对象是哪个,这样你就能快速确定,要优先察看哪个问题。

hierarchy viewer怎么使用

怎么使用HierarchyViewer Hierarchy Viewer是随Android SDK发布的工具,位于Android SDK/tools/hierarchyviewer.bat (Windows操作系统,mac上显示的为hierarchyviewer),使用起来也是超级简单,通过此工具可以详细的理解当前界面的控件布局以及某个控件的属性(name、id、height等)。 1)连接设备真机或者模拟器(真机可能无法连接,我用的2.3,连接上了,没读到内容); 2)启动你要观察的应用。 3)打开Hierarchyviewer,点击hierarchyviewer文件即可。连接后如下图,这个图是在官方文档获取的。 4)双击最上面的,如下图的<Focused Window>,这个是当前窗口,加载完毕后会显示当前界面层次结构。 5)观察层次结构图,这个图有点大,可以拖动。View Hierarchy窗口显示了Activity的所有View对象,选中某个View还可以查看View的具体信息,最好选择工具中的Show Extras选项。 6)观察单个view,选择单个view后会出现如下图所示图形。这里会看到Measure、Layout、Draw的耗时。 View Hierarcy 同时能帮助你识别渲染性能比较低的部分。View节点中带有红色或黄色的点代表速度较慢的View对象。如单步运行应用程序那样,你可以这样来判断某个View 速度一直很慢,还是只在某个特定环境下速度才慢。 请注意,低性能并不表示一定有问题,特别像是ViewGroup对象,View的子节点越多,结构越复杂,性能越差。 View Hierarchy 窗口还可以帮助你找到性能问题。只要看每个View节点的性能指标(颜色点)就可以,你可以看到测量(布局或绘制)最慢的View对象是哪个,这样你就能快速确定,要优先察看哪个问题。



有高手请解释一下Hierarchy 和Group在SAP中的意义?





圣统性的共融:教会是新约天主子民,为天国来临而服务;按照梵二大公会议(1962-1965)的思想,它是圣统性的共融(LG 22)。它是圣统、圣的秩序,使教会中分为圣职与教友;然而二者都领受圣神,所以教会结构是圣统的,也是神恩的。耶稣建立的教会是由宗徒传下的,也是由基督的神所祝圣的。所以在讨论教会的圣统之同时,不可忘却圣神的临在。宗徒的继承与圣神的祝圣,构成教会、耶稣基督的圣事,使教会反映「整个基督」、基督奥体。圣统制度的两面:梵二大公会议《教会》宪章第三章论教会的圣统组织,虽然超越过去将教会中的「秩序」或「神职」(order)与「治权」(jurisdiction)一分为二的思想,但是在它处理教会圣统时,仍旧保持它的两面,不过更加重视两面的一体性;教会中只有一个圣统。圣统的两面:一是神职及神权的秩序方面;一是管理及领导的治权方面。不过两者最后在教会的圣统最高权威,即在教宗与世界主教团体上结合为一。1)所谓圣统的秩序(神职)面,即是藉圣秩圣事(圣职圣事),使教会构成圣事性的团体,表达它是从宗徒传下来的教会、基督建立的以宗徒为基石的教会。所以圣统的秩序面的主要人员,都是在圣秩圣事中祝圣的主教、司铎与执事。但主教基本上是继承宗徒团体,所以圣统秩序的最高主体是继承伯铎的教宗与继承宗徒团体的世界主教团。2)这个圣统的秩序的最高主体,经由圣事,除了领受祝圣的职务,还同时领受了教宗的首牧职务与世界主教团的宗徒团体职务。治理职务是教会中的服务。可见圣统的秩序面与治理面,根源上是合而为一的,因为教宗与主教团由圣秩圣事,也领受治理职务。如此可见,教会是基督的圣事,它的治理面是为了秩序面。治理职务的最后目标是神圣的秩序,是恩宠生命。藉着圣秩圣事而有的祝圣职务,不但有主教的祝圣职务、尚有司铎与执事在举行圣事中的职务;因为今日教会非常强调圣职及服务,所以「圣秩圣事」也常被称为「圣职圣事」。3)而教会中尚其有其他治理职务,可以称为教会职务。这些职务就是教会规定的,担任职务的人即是按照法律而委任的。来自圣秩圣事的职务在教会中,无法褫除或失掉,虽然能够因故禁止使用。至于来自教会委任的职务,可由教会的权威解除而失落。圣统制的等级:有关圣统的秩序面的等级,指上下权威、地位、职务的不同,主要的是主教、司铎与执事的三种等级。但是教会也特定次等的职务,如剪发礼而后的辅祭职、读经职,但此是教会制定的职务。1)有关圣统的治理面的等级,主要的是教宗首牧职务与主教团职务。这是最高的治权。2)关于教区主教的职务,一方面由于教区的分划是由教会规定,所以主教团中的一位主教,由教宗委派而担任教区主教。不过另一方面教区主教的治权,并非来自教宗,而是由圣秩圣事赋与的,所谓神权是也。3)教宗首牧职务是神权、由耶稣基督赋与的。教区主教在教区内的治权职务、也是由圣秩圣事赋与,也是神权。但今天教会法典已经订下由教宗以及教区主教治理职务所产生的教会职务(法典349-359,360-361,362-367,368-411,431-512)。4)至于世界主教团,继承宗徒团体,也是教会的最高主权。其职务是来自圣秩圣事,但其职务行使的方法已由教会法典规定(法典336-341)。圣统制的团队性:教会是共融,其圣统制也具团队性,这不仅是梵二教会宪章的主题,而且也是出于圣经与传承。为此圣统制不论在秩序(神职)与治理方面,基本上是团队性的。教宗与主教、主教之间是共融。最后以教宗为首的世界主教团是在整个教会的共融之中。圣统的共融,是在圣神内的共融。





vectorcontours; vectorhierarchy; < < >> 都是什么意思哇

The template takes 2 parameters:@tparam _Tp element type@tparam cn the number of elementsIn addition to the universal notation like Vec<float, 3>, you can use shorter aliasesfor the most popular specialized variants of Vec, e.g. Vec3f ~ Vec<float, 3>.It is possible to convert Vec<T,2> to/from Point_, Vec<T,3> to/from Point3_ , and Vec<T,4>to CvScalar or Scalar_. Use operator[] to access the elements of Vec.说简单点就是定义了一个向量。vecX代表的就是有几个元素的向量。i,f,d代表的是int double float

英语作文杂交水稻之父(Father of Hybrid Rice)

So far, the world"s average per-mu yield of rice remained at approximately 200 kg. Chinese Yuan Longping led his research team, through the haze of science to give the world the power of a strong fight against hunger. Therefore, China"s hybrid rice by the world known as the "Oriental magic rice." Rice even higher than in sorghum, rice was also longer than the broom, rice as big as peanuts, he and his aides sat on rice cool shade below! Cities and villages, river north and south, both inside and outside China in the human will never be hungry, they excitedly spread the news of a legendary name - Yuan Longping1. In September 1930 in Beijing, Yuan Longping, a child born on the dream of becoming a scientist 2. Since 1953, graduated from Southwestern University, he has been conducting scientific research in agriculture 3. The last century 70"s, he found very difficult to improve rice production, we decided to engage in hybrid rice research 4. There is no doubt that he was the world"s food production has made great contributions to 5. Because of his great achievements, he received many honors and awards, including the "World Food Prize"


Hierarchy 主要功能是 显示一个方法的调用层次(被哪些方法调,调了哪些方法).使用时,选择一个method,右键:Open Type Hierachy.


hierarchy没有动词的的解释。hierarchy只有作为名词的解释:等级制度(尤指社会或组织);统治集团;层次体系。名词是词类的一种,属于实词。它表示人、事、物、地点或抽象概念的统一名称。动词是一类词性,一般用来表示动作或状态的词汇。 扩展资料 hierarchy的`例句:There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country(那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度);This can be a hierarchy of folders(这可以是一个文件夹层次结构)。




hierarchy意思是等级制度。hierarchy:作为名词,等级制度;等级严密的组织;当权者;神职人员;宗教权威人士;等级制度中的上层阶级;分级;分类;天使的传统品级体系。网络释义:层次 ; 层次结构 ; 等级制度 ; 层级 ; 圣统制 ; 统治集团。interpretation from the Internet Level; Hierarchical structure; Hierarchical system; Level; Holy control; the ruling circle.ottenham"s present manager, and the club hierarchy(统治集团)came out in support of their fans, and even Briti.re simpler in Europe, partly because the hierarchy(等级制度) is less rigid than in China.hierarchy双语例句:1、A more advanced strategy is proposed based on the hierarchy clustering routing algorithm.对层次性簇聚路由算法,提出了一种优化策略。2、Based on the study of LEACH, a clustering hierarchy algorithm named cluster heads optimized algorithm was proposed.基于对LEACH等算法的研究,提出一种传感器网络分簇算法———簇头优化分簇算法。3、lustering algorithms are the most important method for hierarchy routing in wireless sensor network; especially the sensor nodes are limited by poor energy and bandwidth.分簇算法是无线传感器网络中实施分层路由所采用的重要方法,尤其是传感器节点受到能量和带宽的严重制约。

水的化学式H2O英文读做什么?就是用英文该怎样读?不要说H two O!是不是double hyd


secondhand serenade的《Why》 歌词

歌曲名:Why歌手:secondhand serenade专辑:A Twist In My Story (Bonus Track Version)Secondhand Serenade - WhyThe buttons on my phone are worn thinI don"t think that I knew the chaos I was getting in.But I"ve broken all my promises to youI"ve broken all my promises to you.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?A phrasing that"s a single tear,Is harder than I ever fearedAnd you were left feeling so alone.Because these days aren"t easyLike they have been once beforeThese days aren"t easy anymore.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?To me, to me, to me.I should have known this wasn"t realAnd fought it off and fought to feelWhat matters most? EverythingThat you feel while listening to every word that I sing.I promise you I will bring you homeI will bring you home.Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?Why do you do this to me?Why do you do this so easily?You make it hard to smile becauseYou make it hard to breatheWhy do you do this to me?To me, to me, to me.Larry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/18025647



Is hydrogen chloride a covalent compound?

Is hydrogen chloride a covalent pound? Hydrogen can form hydride or hydrogen ion. Then why hydrogen chloride is a covalent pound? Since hydrogen is a cation and chloride is an anion. Hydrogen chloride is posed of diatomic molecules each consisting of a hydrogen atom H and a chlorine atom Cl connected by a **covalent single bond**. Since the chlorine atom is much more electronegative than the hydrogen atom the covalent bond beeen the o atoms is **quite polar**. Consequently the molecule has a **large dipole moment** with a negative partial charge δ- at the chlorine atom and a positive partial charge δ+ at the hydrogen atom. For such large dipole moment beeen the o atoms the electron cloud of the large chloride ion will be attracted near to the very *** all hydrogen iron. As a result the bonding beeen hydrogen and chlorine is called dipolar covalent bond. OK. The details of above explanations are taught at A-Level chemistry. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Hydrogen_chloride Hydrogen chloride is regarded as a molecule the atoms of which are binded together by covalent bond and its molecules are attracted together by hydrogen bond (much stronger van der waals forces). A covalent pound is a substance where its atoms are binded together by covalent bond only such as diamond. Since hydrogen chloride is highly soluble in water as represented by the following equation:- HCl(l) + H20(l) --------> H30+(aq) + Cl-(aq) Pure hydrogen chloride is a covalent pound which exists as molecules. When hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water hydrogen chloride is ionized to give hydrogen ion and chloride ion. However the solution is known as hydrochloric acid but not hydrogen chloride. HCl(g) + aq → H^+(aq) + Cl^-(aq)
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