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why not habe some water

Why not =why don"t you

Who Knows Why 歌词

歌曲名:Who Knows Why歌手:Liane Foly专辑:Sweet MysteryZac Brown Band - Who Knows"Solo""Oh~"whooooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswhen i was a baby childmy daddy said to memany mountains we must climbbefore we"ll be freebut he never told meabout the bruises on my kneesthey would be the map that leads him where we need to beand oh that storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoooooooooa whooooooa whooooa who knowswandering blindlysearching for the truthand anchored to a solid rockthat we could hold on tobut there"s no tomorrownot for everyonewho will hear your last harsh wordswhen your time on earth is gonethat storm came downforty days, forty nightswho knowswhat the thunder and lightning will bringmaybe the storm will cover my dreamsmaybe the sun will shine no morewho knowswhich way the wind is blowingand when we look back on these thingswe won"t cry no morewhoa tilt the lamp nowdon"t let the wind blow it outoh guide the light childcause one day it"s gonna shinesing up till the darkness it is liftedsing up till the darkness it is lifted"solo1""Oh~""solo2""solo3""solo4""solo5""solo6"......http://music.baidu.com/song/3463533

一个黑人唱的很鬼畜搞笑 歌词有“why you fucking lying ,oh my god why you lying

Aww Look At Daddy"s Baby Girl 看看爸爸的小宝贝That"s Daddy Baby 我是爸爸 宝贝Little Sleepy Head 昏昏欲睡的小脑袋Yesterday I Changed Your Diaper 昨天我给你换了尿布Wiped You And Powdered You 给你擦洗 给你喝奶How Did You Get So Big 你怎么长这么大了Can"t Believe It Now Your Two 简直不敢相信Baby You"re So Precious 宝贝你是如此的珍贵Daddy"s So Proud Of You 爸爸真为你骄傲Sit Down Bitch 给我做好 婊子If You Move Again I"ll Beat The Shit Out Of You在动的话我就狠狠揍你Eminem Eminem As Kim Okay 好的Don"t Make Me Wake This Baby 别让我吵醒孩子She Don"t Need To See What I"m About To Do 她不用看我将要做什么Quit Crying Bitch Why Do You Always Make Me Shout At You 别再嚎叫了婊子 你怎么总是让我对你大叫How Could You 你怎么能Just Leave Me And Love Him Out The Blue 就这样离开我去爱他Oh What"s A Matter Kim 哦 kim 怎么了Am I Too Loud For You 我是不是对你太大声了Too Bad Bitch Your Gonna Finally Hear Me Out This Time 太糟了 婊子 现在听我说完At First I"m Like All Right 首先 我看起来很好 You Wanna Throw Me Out That"s Fine 你想把我丢掉 很好But Not For Him To Take My Place Are You Out You"re Mind 但不要因为要让他代替我 疯了吗This Couch This Tv This Whole House Is Mine 这床,这电视,整个房子都是我的How Could You Let Him Sleep In Our Bed 你怎么能让他躺在我们的床上Look At Kim 看呀 kimLook At Your Husband Now 现在看着你的丈夫No 不I Said Look At Him 我说看看他He Ain"t So Hot Now Is He 他现在不那么火辣了对吧Little Punk 小朋克Why Are You Doing This 你为什么这样做Shut The Fuck Up 他妈的闭嘴You"re Drunk You"re Never Going To Get Away At This 你喝醉了 你从没做出过这种事You Think I Give A Fuck 你认为我要“那个”Come On We"re Going For A Ride Bitch 来呀婊子那咱们就“那个”No 不Sit Up Front 做好Well I Can"t Just Leave Haley Alone What If She Wakes Up 我不能把helie一个人留下 她醒了怎么办We"ll Be Right Back 我很快回来Well I Will You"ll Be In The Trunk 是的我会的 你会被装进旅行箱1 So Long Bitch You Did Me So Wrong 很长时间以来你对我做错太多了I Don"t Wanna Go On 我不想再这样下去Living In This World Without You 活在没有你的世界中Repeat 1You Really Fucked Me Kim 你真的欺骗了我kimYou Really Did A Number On Me 你真的欺骗我太多了Never Knew Me Cheating On You Would Come Back To Haunt Me 你从来不了解我你对我的不忠真的伤害了我But We Was Kids Then Kim I Was Only 18 但我们那时还是孩子 我只有18岁That Was Years Ago 许多年过去了I Thought We Wiped The Slate Clean 我觉得我们可以把旧账一笔勾销That"s Fucked Up 太糟了I Love You 我爱你Oh God My Brain Is Racing 天呐我的脑子紊乱了I Love You 我爱你What Are You Doing 你在做什么Change The Station I Hate This Song 换台 我讨厌这首歌Does This Look Like A Big Joke 这看起来是不是像个笑话No 不There"s A Four Year Old Boy Lyin" Dead With A Slit Throat In Your Living Room Ha Ha 一个4岁儿童在你的起居室里被割破喉咙What You Think I"m Kiddin" You 你是不是觉得我在哄骗你You Loved Him Didn"t You 你爱他对不对No 不Bullshit You Bitch Don"t Fucking Lie To Me 胡说 别他妈的骗我What The Fuck"s This Guy"s Problem On The Side Of Me Fuck You Asshole Yeah Bite Me 咬我Kim Kim Why Don"t You Like Me 你为什么不喜欢我You Think I"m Ugly Don"t You 你是不是我太丑了It"s Not That 不是那样的No You Think I"m Ugly 不 你就是觉得我丑Baby 宝贝Get The Fuck Away From Me Don"t Touch Me I Hate You I Hate You 别再骗我了!别碰我! 我恨你!我恨你I Swear To God I Hate You 对天发誓我恨你Oh My God I Love You 上帝啊 我爱你 How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢Sorry 抱歉How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢Repeat 1 2x Come On Get Out 过来 出来I Can"t I"m Scared 不 我害怕I Said Get Out Bitch 我说了给我过来婊子Let Go Of My Hair Please Don"t Do This Baby 别揪我的头发别这样做宝贝Please I Love You Look We Can Just Take Haley And Leave 我爱你看我们已经有了halieFuck You You Did This To Us 靠 是你对我们做错了You Did It It"s Your Fault 你做的 你的错Oh My God I"m Crackin" Up 天啊我要崩溃了Get A Grip Marshall Hey Remember The Time We Went To Brian"s Party 还记不记得在Brian的聚会么And You Were Like So Drunk That You Threw Up All Over Archie 你醉的吐了Archie一身That Was Funny Wasn"t It 那很可笑对吧Yes 是的That Was Funny Wasn"t It 那很可笑对吧Yes 是的See It All Makes Sense Doesn"t It You And Your Husband Have A Fight 你跟你丈夫打架了One Of You Tries To Grab A Knife 你们中的一个挨枪子And During The Struggle He Accidentally Gets His Adam"s Apple Sliced 一阵打斗之后 他不小心割了自己的喉咙No 不And While This Is Goin" On His Son Just Woke Up And He Just Walks In 他的儿子醒了 然后走了进来She Panics And He Gets His Throat Cut 她害怕了然后他叫了起来Oh My God 天呐So Now They Both Dead And You Slash Your Own Throat 所以他们全都死了 而你也割向自己的喉咙So Now It"s Double Homicide And Suicide With No Note 所以这有两个死人 还有个没留遗嘱的自杀者I Should Have Known Better When You Started To Act Weird 我应该知道当你表现的神秘时We Could"ve Hey Where You Going Get Back Here 我们… 嘿 你去哪 给我回来You Can"t Run From Me Kim 你逃不掉的kimIt"s Just Us Nobody Else 这里除了我们没有别人You"re Only Making This Harder On Yourself 这只会让你更难受Ha Ha Got"cha Ahh Ha Go Ahead Yell 随便你叫Here I"ll Scream With You 来啊我和你一起叫Ah Somebody Help 没人来救你Don"t You Get It Bitch No One Can Hear You 懂了吗 没人能听到你Now Shut The Fuck Up And Get What"s Comin To You 现在你他妈的给我闭嘴,想想你将遭遇到什么You Were Supposed To Love Me 你假装很爱我Kim Choking Kim 窒息Now Bleed Bitch Bleed 现在流血吧Bleed Bitch Bleed Bleed 流血吧...

求糖果盒子 Chyna Girl 中文歌词



建立梁单元: n 1进入hypermesh-1D-HyperBeam,选择standard seaction。在standard section library下选HYPER BEAM在standard section type下选择solid circle(或者选择其它你需要的梁截面)。然后create。在弹出的界面上,选择你要修改的参数,然后关掉并保存。然后return. n2 新建property,然后create(或者选择要更新的prop),名称为beam,在card image中选择PBAR,然后选择material,然后create.再return. n3 将你需要划分的component设为Make Current,在1D-line mesh,选择要mesh的lines,选择element size,选择为segment is whole line,在element config:中选择bar2,property选择beam(上步所建的property).然后选择mesh。

用where who how why when写一篇旅游的作文

Title: My Memorable Trip to Paris标题:我难忘的巴黎之旅Introduction:介绍:Traveling is an enriching experience that allows us to explore new places, meet interesting people, and learn about different cultures. Last summer, I had the opportunity to visit Paris, France, with my family. It was an unforgettable trip filled with beautiful sights, delicious food, and amazing memories.旅行是一种丰富的经历,它让我们能够探索新的地方,结识有趣的人,并了解不同的文化。去年夏天,我有机会和家人一起去法国巴黎旅行。这是一次难忘的旅行,充满了美丽的景色、美味的食物和令人惊叹的回忆。Paragraph 1 - Where:第一段 - 去哪里:Paris, known as the "City of Love," is located in the heart of France. It is famous for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. During our trip, we visited all these places and marveled at their grandeur and beauty.巴黎被誉为“爱之城”,位于法国的中心地带。它以其标志性的地标如埃菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫和巴黎圣母院而闻名。在我们的旅行中,我们参观了所有这些地方,并对它们的宏伟和美丽感到惊叹。Paragraph 2 - Who:第二段 - 谁:I traveled to Paris with my parents and younger sister. We were excited to explore the city together and create lasting memories as a family. We enjoyed each other"s company and shared many laughs throughout the trip.我和父母以及妹妹一起去巴黎旅行。我们很兴奋能够一起探索这座城市,并作为一个家庭创造持久的回忆。在整个旅程中,我们享受彼此的陪伴,笑声不断。Paragraph 3 - How:第三段 - 如何:We traveled to Paris by plane, which was a convenient and comfortable mode of transportation. Once we arrived, we used the metro system to get around the city. It was efficient and allowed us to easily visit different attractions. We also took leisurely walks along the Seine River, enjoying the picturesque views and soaking in the vibrant atmosphere of the city.我们乘飞机去巴黎,这是一种方便舒适的交通方式。一旦我们到达,我们使用地铁系统在城市中移动。这是高效的,使我们能够轻松参观不同的景点。我们还沿着塞纳河悠闲地散步,欣赏风景如画的景色,沉浸在城市的活力氛围中。Paragraph 4 - Why:第四段 - 为什么:We chose to visit Paris because of its rich history, cultural heritage, and renowned landmarks. We wanted to immerse ourselves in the art, architecture, and cuisine that the city has to offer. Additionally, we were drawn to the romantic atmosphere and the opportunity to experience the French way of life.我们选择去巴黎是因为它丰富的历史、文化遗产和著名的地标。我们想要沉浸在这座城市提供的艺术、建筑和美食中。此外,我们被浪漫的氛围和体验法国生活方式的机会所吸引。Paragraph 5 - When:第五段 - 何时:We visited Paris during the summer vacation, which allowed us to make the most of our time exploring the city. The weather was pleasant, and the longer daylight hours gave us ample time to visit various attractions and enjoy outdoor activities.我们在暑假期间参观了巴黎,这使我们能够充分利用时间探索这座城市。天气宜人,较长的日照时间给了我们足够的时间参观各种景点和享受户外活动。Conclusion:结论:In conclusion, my trip to Paris was an incredible experience that I will cherish forever. It allowed me to appreciate the beauty of a different culture, spend quality time with my family, and create lifelong memories. I hope to visit Paris again in the future and explore more of what this amazing city has to offer.总之,我对巴黎的旅行是一次难以置信的经历,我将永远珍惜。它让我欣赏到了不同文化的美丽,与家人共度了美好时光,并创造了终生难忘的回忆。我希望将来能再次访问巴黎,探索这座令人惊叹的城市所提供的更多。






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Hold on little girl Show me what he"s doone to you Stand up little girl A broken heart can"t be that bad When it"s through, it"s through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you Build up your confidence So you can be on top for once wake up who cares about Little boys that talk too much I seen it all go down Your game of love was all rained out So come on baby, come on over Let me be the one to hold you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you Why be alone when we can be together baby You can make my life worthwhile And I can make you start to smile solo When it"s through, it"s through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you

求一首歌,开头的歌词是baby want to tell me why,好像是这样??

歌曲:《that"s why you go away 》歌手:Michael Learns To Rock发行时间:1995年08月Baby won"t you tell me why宝贝,你不愿告诉我吗there is sadness in your eyes为何你的眼中含着伤悲I don"t wanna say goodbye to you我不想就此与你告别Love is one big illusion爱是场华丽错觉I should try to forget我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别You"re the one who set it up当初一切因你开始Now you"re the one to make it stop现在一切因你终止I"m the one who"s feeling lost right now而此刻的我感到深深迷失Now you want me to forget every little thing you said现在你要我忘了,你说过的每一件事But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别You were never satisfied, no matter how I tried你总是无法满意,无论我如何努力Now you wanna say goodbye to me如今你要对我说出再见Love is one big illusion, I should try to forget爱是场华丽错觉,我该尽力忘却But there is something left in my head但有些事还在我脑海,难以挥别I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别Sitting here all alone in the middle of nowhere孤独地坐在这,仿佛身处无垠荒野Don"t know which way to go不知该何去何从There ain"t so much to say now between us现在你我之间,已说不出万语千言There ain"t so much for you对于你,我的话已不多There ain"t so much for me anymore对于我,恐怕从此你也唯有沉默I won"t forget the way you"re kissing我将永生难忘,你是如何与我热吻The feelings so strong were lasting for so long那些强烈的感情,曾伴随过如此漫长岁月But I"m not the man your heart is missing但我并非那个,你心中正想念的人That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别That"s why you go away I know我知道,那就是为何你选择离别扩展资料迈克学摇滚的第三张专辑 《Played On Pepper》在1995年发行,其范围进一步扩展到欧洲、南美、南非、中东,及东南亚的11个国家。当年10月乐队在东南亚10国举行25场巡回演唱会,受到皇室般的礼遇,并推出That"s Why You Go Away和Someday等极受好评的单曲,其中That"s Why You Go Away以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。

why do this to me什么意思


东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲MP3完整版下载

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东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲MP3完整版下载


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东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲MP3完整版下载

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东方神起WHY的歌词 东方神起《why》的所有歌词以及罗马音 邮箱952266494@qq.com

uc65c (Keep Your Head Down)**Hangul + Romanization**Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)You know what time it is?You know what time it is?This is return of the kingThis is return of the king(ubaa8ub450 ub05dub098ubc84ub838ub2e4) ub09c uc2dcuc791ub3c4 uc548 ud574ubd24ub294ub370(modu kkeutnabeoryeotda) nan sijakdo an haebwanneunde(ud5e4uc5b4uc838 ubc84ub838ub2e4) ub09c uc774uc720uc870ucc28 ubabb ub4e3uace0(heeojyeo beoryeotda) nan iyujocha mot deutgouc8fcubcc0 uc0acub78cub4e4 ubaa8ub450 ud558ub098uac19uc774 ub0a0ubcf4uace0 ub108 uc65c uadf8ub798jubyeon saramdeul modu hanagachi nalbogo neo wae geuraeuc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 ub09c uc774ubbf8 ub098uc05c ub188wae geurae wae geurae nan imi nappeun nom(uc8c4ub77cuba74)ub110 uc0acub791ud55c uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74(joeramyeon)neol saranghan ge joeramyeon(uadf8uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74)uc9c4uc2e4 ud588ub2e4ub294uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74(geuge joeramyeon)jinsil haetdaneunge joeramyeon(ub098ub294 Keep it low ub098ub294 Keep it low)(naneun Keep it low naneun Keep it low)ub09c ucc38uc544ub0b4uace0 ub0b4 uc790ub9b4 uc9c0ucf1cnan chamanaego nae jaril jikyeo(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608uc058uc9c0ub9cc ub108ubb34 ub2e4ub978 ub108uc758 uc18duc774 ub09c ub108ubb34 ub450ub824uc6ccneon jeongmal yeppeujiman neomu dareun neoui sogi nan neomu duryeowo(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc0acub791ud588ub2e4 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ub09c uc774uc81c ub110 ub193uaca0ub2e4saranghaetda hajiman nan ije neol noketda(uc65c?) ub0a0 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub5a0ub0acub2c8(wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni(uc65c?) ub0b4uac00 uc26cuc6cc ubcf4uc600ub358 uac70ub2c8(wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni(uc65c?) ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ucc22uc5b4uc9c0uc796uc544(wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha(uc65c?) ubaa8ub450 ud55c uc21cuac04uc758 uafc8uc774uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon(uc65c?) ubc14ub85cuc7a1uc744 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) barojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon(uc65c?) uc81cubc1c ub124uac00 ud589ubcf5ud558uae38 ubc14ub7acub2e4(wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetdaub098, uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108ub97c uac00uc9c4 uac78ub85c ucda9ubd84ud588uace0na, eonjena eonjena neoreul gajin geollo chungbunhaetgouc138uc0c1uc774 ubb50ub798ub3c4 uac19uc740 uafc8uc744 uafd4uc11c ud589ubcf5ud588uace0sesangi mworaedo gateun kkumeul kkwoseo haengbokhaetgouc9c0uae08uc740 ub110 ubcf4ub0b4uac8c ub410uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ucc28ud53c ub0b4 uae38uc744 uac08ubfd0uc774uace0jigeumeun neol bonaege dwaetjiman eochapi nae gireul galppunigoNow I"m just chillin" Feel like I"m healingNow I‘m just chillin‘ Feel like I‘m healingub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub838ub2e4, ub10c ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218 uc5c6ub2e8ub2e4neujeobeoryeotda, neon dasi doragal su eopdandaub124uac00 uc5c6ub2e4uba74 ub09c ubb34ub108uc9c8 uac70ub77c ubbffuaca0uc9c0 uc608uc804ubd80ud130 ub10cnega eopdamyeon nan muneojil geora mitgetji yejeonbuteo neonuadf8uac74 ucc29uac01uc774ub77cuace0 ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 ub110 ud0c0uc77cub800uc796uc544geugeon chakgagirago naega wae geurae wae geurae wae geurae neol tailleotjanhaHey ub09c uc815ub9d0, uc815ub9d0 uc2acud390ub2e4 ucca0uc774 uc5c6ub358 ub124uac00Hey nan jeongmal, jeongmal seulpeotda cheori eopdeon negaud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub098uc05c uc0acub78c ub9ccub0a0uae4c Why? babyhoksirado nappeun saram mannalkka Why? baby(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 uadfcub370 uadf8ubfd0uc774uc57c ub124 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uc911uc694ud55cuac8c uc5c6ub294uac78neon jeongmal yeppeo geunde geuppuniya ne gaseume jungyohange eomneungeol(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc0acub791uc758 uc544ud514uc744 ucc38ub294 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubabb ubc15uace0sarangui apeumeul chamneun gaseume mot bakgo(uc65c?) ub0a0 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub5a0ub0acub2c8(wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni(uc65c?) ub0b4uac00 uc26cuc6cc ubcf4uc600ub358 uac70ub2c8(wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni(uc65c?) ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ucc22uc5b4uc9c0uc796uc544(wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha(uc65c?) ubaa8ub450 ud55c uc21cuac04uc758 uafc8uc774uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon(uc65c?) ubc14ub85cuc7a1uc744 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) barojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon(uc65c?) uc81cubc1c ub124uac00 ud589ubcf5ud558uae38 ubc14ub7acub2e4(wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetdaud558~ uadf8ub807uac8c ub108 uc0acub78c uac16uace0 uc7a5ub09c, uc7a5ub09c uce58uc9c0 ub9c8ub77cha~ geureoke neo saram gatgo jangnan, jangnan chiji maraub0b4 uc55euc5d0uc120 uc694ub798uc870ub798 uac70uc9d3ub9d0ub9ccuc744 ub298uc5b4ub193uace0nae apeseon yoraejorae geojitmalmaneul neureonokoub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc774uc911uc801uc774uc57cnuga bwado nuga bwado neon jeongmal ijungjeogiya(uc65cuc65cuc65c)uc218uc815 uac19ub358 ub9c8uc74cub4e4uc774 uc5b8uc81c uadf8ub807uac8c ud0c1ud574uc84cub2c8(waewaewae)sujeong gatdeon maeumdeuri eonje geureoke takhaejyeonniuc0acub791uc744 ub05dub0c8ub2e4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 uac00uc2b4uc774 ud145 ube44uc6ccuc84cub2e4sarangeul kkeutnaetda neol bonaen gaseumi teong biwojyeotdaud558uc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ubbf8ub798ub294 ub9c8uce58 uc77cuc5b4ub098uc11c uc6c3uc73cub77cuace0 uc190uc9d3ud55cub2e4hajiman nae miraeneun machi ireonaseo useurago sonjitandaub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b8ub2e4 uc815ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c uc0b4uc544(uc65cuc65cuc65c)neoreul bonaenda jeongmal haengbokhage sara(waewaewae)uba3c ud6d7ub0a0uc5d0 uba3c ud6d7ub0a0uc5d0 uadf8ub0e5 ud3b8ud558uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc2f6ub2e4 ud558ud558meon hutnare meon hutnare geunyang pyeonhage utgo sipda haha(uc65c?) uc65c~~~~~~~~(wae?) wae~~~~~~~~(uc65c?) uc0acub791uc744 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub194ubc84ub9acub294 ub108ub97c(wae?) sarangeul geureoke swipge nwabeorineun neoreul(uc65c?) ub204uad70uac00 uac71uc815ud560uac70ub780 uc0dduac01uc740 ud574ubd24ub098(wae?) nugunga geokjeonghalgeoran saenggageun haebwanna(uc65c?) ub2c8uac00 ub194 ubc84ub9b0 uac8c ub108ub294 ubb54uc9c0(wae?) niga nwa beorin ge neoneun mwonji(uc65c?) uc544uc9c1 ubaa8ub974ub294 uac83 uac19uc544(wae?) ajik moreuneun geot gata(uc65c?) uadf8ub300ub85c uba38ubb3cub7ec ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1cubd10(wae?) geudaero meomulleo nareul jikyeobwa(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc9c0uc6ccuc84cub2e4, uc0acub77cuc84cub2e4 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc8fduc5b4 ubaa8ub450 ud0c0ubc84ub838ub2e4jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo modu tabeoryeotda(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc9c0uc6ccuc84cub2e4, uc0acub77cuc84cub2e4 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc8fduc5b4 ub108ub294 uc774uc81c uc5c6ub2e4jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo neoneun ije eopda然后 中文楼上有了,,,嗯

浩珉韩专why(keep your head down)罗马音译歌词

Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)You know what time it is?This is return of the king(毛电音 可那包料大)那 戏杂到岸乃bua能带(还奥ziao 爆料大)那 一要早擦 毛的高组表 撒狼等 毛毒 哈那噶提 那包搞 闹外 歌来外 歌来 外 个来 那 你米 那宝儿闹(嘴啦秒)闹 撒狼哈 改嘴拉秒(可改 嘴拉秒)子死来打能 改嘴啦秒(那能Keep it low 哪能 Keep it low)那咋嘛乃搞 乃杂里子kiao(Keep your head down)闹早吗 yai 宝儿子慢 闹木 大了 闹哎 扫gi 楠闹木 毒聊wao(Keep your head down)撒狼还大 哈子慢 那 你在 闹闹改打(外?)那 可老改 岁改 到那你(外?)乃噶 岁wao 宝要到 搞你(外?)乃噶 色么 子在子杂那(外?)毛毒 韩素噶哎 哭米奥大庙(外?)吧老杂宝儿 戏感你 于扫大庙(外?)在吧 乃噶 哎宝噶gi 吧来打那, 奥在那 奥在那 闹冷 噶子 搞老 粗布乃搞赛狼一 muao来到 噶特 股么 guao扫 还爆改稿子歌萌 闹 爆乃改 duai集慢 奥擦皮 乃gi冷 噶不腻搞Now iam just chillin"Feel like ian healing呢早报聊大 闹大喜 到啦噶 素奥蛋大乃噶 哎大庙 楠木闹子 高啦 米改字 要早不掏闹歌搞 擦噶gi啦搞 乃噶 外 个来 外 个来 外 个来 闹 她一老杂那hey 楠早吗 早吗 色跑大 草里 奥到 乃噶好戏啦到 那宝儿 萨拉 慢那该 WHY?Baby(Keep your head down)闹 早吗 yai宝 可dau 可不腻呀 乃 噶色 买 组要喊改 奥能搞(Keep your head down)撒狼哎 啊呸么 擦能 噶色买 毛吧搞*Repeat哈~格老改 闹 撒狼 噶搞 杂那,杂楠 词子嘛啦乃 啊拍扫 要来早来 搞子嘛慢能 能熬闹搞怒噶 bua 到 怒噶 bua到 闹灾那 兔组早gi呀(歪歪歪)素早 噶到 吗额的哭 奥在 可老改 她改ziao你撒狼恩 歌乃大 闹宝毛 噶色 一 掏 比哇哦 ziao大哈子慢 乃 米来能 吗词 一老那扫 舞色拉高 扫子撒大闹冷 宝毛大 早吗 还爆噶改 撒拉(歪歪歪)毛 呼那来 毛 舞那来 歌nia 票那该 舞搞 戏大 哈哈(外)外~~~~~~~~~(外?)撒狼恩 歌老改 岁改 暖宝里能 闹冷(外?)怒股噶 搞糟哈搞烂 赛噶个 还bua那(外?)你噶 nua宝里 改 闹能 muao zi(外?)奥兹 毛了能 搞 噶她(外?)可 代劳 毛姆老 那冷 zi kiao bua(Keep your head down)子wao ziao 大 萨拉ziao大 乃 噶色买 你噶 组稿 毛毒 她爆料大(Keep you head down)字哇哦ziao大 萨拉ziao大 乃 噶色买 你噶 组稿 闹能 一再 奥达

想要东方神起WHY日文版歌词及中文翻译。。。谢谢! 邮箱dylanfun@tom.com

已发 亲查收 jhyadm@sina.com 这个

东方神起why(Keep your head down)日文歌词中文意思 不要发韩文歌词的中文意思出来喔

灵魂 彷徨在你的记忆里 身躯 正在寻找残缺的自己 今天谁又在何方滑落泪滴 之为活在冷嘲世人的命运 握紧绝对不能失去的唯一 如今我也不曾离去 永不枯萎的花无比美丽 心怀坚定的信念绽放到底 满天乌云飘散在断罪之空中 紧握着那缕止不住的悲伤 无论怎样的痛楚都有“起始” 痴待着那早晚都要来访的“终结” 曾经从你身上感受到的温暖 也已色彩退淡 仿佛透明 耳边嘈杂着“失去”的响声 放弃一切我才来到这里 永不枯萎的花无比美丽 心怀坚定的信念绽放到底 破灭的爱情 残酷的梦魇 紧握着那缕止不住的悲伤 生存在这个世界 摆不脱名为“真实”的孤独 你的身影 你的梦想 我一直在寻找 紧握着那缕止不住的悲伤 如今我也不曾离去 永不枯萎的花无比美丽 心怀坚定的信念绽放到底 满天乌云飘散在断罪之空中 紧握着那缕止不住的悲伤 渴望未来.... 我愿意迎风飘摇 直到永远...

东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲打包下载


东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲MP3完整版下载

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东方神起《why(Keep Your Head Down)》专辑10首歌曲MP3完整版下载


东方神起2011年专辑《Why (keep your head down)》,都取得了哪些成绩??

1月发表的《Why》(Keep Your Head Down)”在发售的首日就以约13万张的销量获得Oricon日榜单的冠首,接着以约23万张的销量获得周榜单的1位,仅6天的销售就已经获得月榜单的冠军。销售首周在海外艺人史上最高销售量1、2位记录全部保有的东方神起在Oricon Weekly单曲榜单上总共获得过9回1位,更新历代海外艺人史上最多1位记录。, 东方神起在2011Oricon上半期结算中,除日本歌手外海外歌手中获得最高成绩 从1月6日的回归舞台起,允浩和昌珉经历了漫长的四个月的打歌期。在这期间,他们认真的表演,尽情的挥洒着喜悦的汗水。而仙后们则是做到应援场场爆满,红海一直伴其左右。至于专辑的销量更是长期占据着韩国各大排行榜的第一,在4月28日的韩国公认音乐销量排行榜中也是稳居第一位,与第二名BIG BANG 拉开了十万张的销量差距。而《WHY》这张专辑在韩国取得了销量的完胜后,随即把眼光投向了日本市场,日本的仙后也是十分给力,最终将《WHY》的销量冲到了34万 该专辑的主打歌“Why”更是被日本的富士电视台即将开播的电视剧《美丽的邻居》选定为该剧的主题曲。在以铃声下载等移动通信服务的形式面向大众,已经获得了不错的成绩,在韩、日两国的彩铃下载榜上都名列前茅,尤其在日本知名音乐门户网站“Mu-Mo”的排名更是高居首位。 韩国年底的各台颁奖典礼 人气奖 唱片销量榜冠军等等目前我知道的就这些 学生党..

跪求东方神起新歌why(keep your head down)的音译歌词,万分感谢!!!

uc65c (Keep Your Head Down)**Hangul + Romanization**Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)Keep your head down U-Know time (Max)You know what time it is?You know what time it is?This is return of the kingThis is return of the king(ubaa8ub450 ub05dub098ubc84ub838ub2e4) ub09c uc2dcuc791ub3c4 uc548 ud574ubd24ub294ub370(modu kkeutnabeoryeotda) nan sijakdo an haebwanneunde(ud5e4uc5b4uc838 ubc84ub838ub2e4) ub09c uc774uc720uc870ucc28 ubabb ub4e3uace0(heeojyeo beoryeotda) nan iyujocha mot deutgouc8fcubcc0 uc0acub78cub4e4 ubaa8ub450 ud558ub098uac19uc774 ub0a0ubcf4uace0 ub108 uc65c uadf8ub798jubyeon saramdeul modu hanagachi nalbogo neo wae geuraeuc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 ub09c uc774ubbf8 ub098uc05c ub188wae geurae wae geurae nan imi nappeun nom(uc8c4ub77cuba74)ub110 uc0acub791ud55c uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74(joeramyeon)neol saranghan ge joeramyeon(uadf8uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74)uc9c4uc2e4 ud588ub2e4ub294uac8c uc8c4ub77cuba74(geuge joeramyeon)jinsil haetdaneunge joeramyeon(ub098ub294 Keep it low ub098ub294 Keep it low)(naneun Keep it low naneun Keep it low)ub09c ucc38uc544ub0b4uace0 ub0b4 uc790ub9b4 uc9c0ucf1cnan chamanaego nae jaril jikyeo(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608uc058uc9c0ub9cc ub108ubb34 ub2e4ub978 ub108uc758 uc18duc774 ub09c ub108ubb34 ub450ub824uc6ccneon jeongmal yeppeujiman neomu dareun neoui sogi nan neomu duryeowo(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc0acub791ud588ub2e4 ud558uc9c0ub9cc ub09c uc774uc81c ub110 ub193uaca0ub2e4saranghaetda hajiman nan ije neol noketda(uc65c?) ub0a0 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub5a0ub0acub2c8(wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni(uc65c?) ub0b4uac00 uc26cuc6cc ubcf4uc600ub358 uac70ub2c8(wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni(uc65c?) ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ucc22uc5b4uc9c0uc796uc544(wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha(uc65c?) ubaa8ub450 ud55c uc21cuac04uc758 uafc8uc774uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon(uc65c?) ubc14ub85cuc7a1uc744 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) barojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon(uc65c?) uc81cubc1c ub124uac00 ud589ubcf5ud558uae38 ubc14ub7acub2e4(wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetdaub098, uc5b8uc81cub098 uc5b8uc81cub098 ub108ub97c uac00uc9c4 uac78ub85c ucda9ubd84ud588uace0na, eonjena eonjena neoreul gajin geollo chungbunhaetgouc138uc0c1uc774 ubb50ub798ub3c4 uac19uc740 uafc8uc744 uafd4uc11c ud589ubcf5ud588uace0sesangi mworaedo gateun kkumeul kkwoseo haengbokhaetgouc9c0uae08uc740 ub110 ubcf4ub0b4uac8c ub410uc9c0ub9cc uc5b4ucc28ud53c ub0b4 uae38uc744 uac08ubfd0uc774uace0jigeumeun neol bonaege dwaetjiman eochapi nae gireul galppunigoNow I"m just chillin" Feel like I"m healingNow I‘m just chillin‘ Feel like I‘m healingub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub838ub2e4, ub10c ub2e4uc2dc ub3ccuc544uac08 uc218 uc5c6ub2e8ub2e4neujeobeoryeotda, neon dasi doragal su eopdandaub124uac00 uc5c6ub2e4uba74 ub09c ubb34ub108uc9c8 uac70ub77c ubbffuaca0uc9c0 uc608uc804ubd80ud130 ub10cnega eopdamyeon nan muneojil geora mitgetji yejeonbuteo neonuadf8uac74 ucc29uac01uc774ub77cuace0 ub0b4uac00 uc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 uc65c uadf8ub798 ub110 ud0c0uc77cub800uc796uc544geugeon chakgagirago naega wae geurae wae geurae wae geurae neol tailleotjanhaHey ub09c uc815ub9d0, uc815ub9d0 uc2acud390ub2e4 ucca0uc774 uc5c6ub358 ub124uac00Hey nan jeongmal, jeongmal seulpeotda cheori eopdeon negaud639uc2dcub77cub3c4 ub098uc05c uc0acub78c ub9ccub0a0uae4c Why? babyhoksirado nappeun saram mannalkka Why? baby(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc608ubed0 uadfcub370 uadf8ubfd0uc774uc57c ub124 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 uc911uc694ud55cuac8c uc5c6ub294uac78neon jeongmal yeppeo geunde geuppuniya ne gaseume jungyohange eomneungeol(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc0acub791uc758 uc544ud514uc744 ucc38ub294 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ubabb ubc15uace0sarangui apeumeul chamneun gaseume mot bakgo(uc65c?) ub0a0 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub5a0ub0acub2c8(wae?) nal geureoke swipge tteonanni(uc65c?) ub0b4uac00 uc26cuc6cc ubcf4uc600ub358 uac70ub2c8(wae?) naega swiwo boyeotdeon geoni(uc65c?) ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc740 ucc22uc5b4uc9c0uc796uc544(wae?) nae gaseumeun jjijeojijanha(uc65c?) ubaa8ub450 ud55c uc21cuac04uc758 uafc8uc774uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) modu han sunganui kkumieotdamyeon(uc65c?) ubc14ub85cuc7a1uc744 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc788uc5c8ub2e4uba74(wae?) barojabeul sigani isseotdamyeon(uc65c?) uc81cubc1c ub124uac00 ud589ubcf5ud558uae38 ubc14ub7acub2e4(wae?) jebal nega haengbokhagil baraetdaud558~ uadf8ub807uac8c ub108 uc0acub78c uac16uace0 uc7a5ub09c, uc7a5ub09c uce58uc9c0 ub9c8ub77cha~ geureoke neo saram gatgo jangnan, jangnan chiji maraub0b4 uc55euc5d0uc120 uc694ub798uc870ub798 uac70uc9d3ub9d0ub9ccuc744 ub298uc5b4ub193uace0nae apeseon yoraejorae geojitmalmaneul neureonokoub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub204uac00 ubd10ub3c4 ub10c uc815ub9d0 uc774uc911uc801uc774uc57cnuga bwado nuga bwado neon jeongmal ijungjeogiya(uc65cuc65cuc65c)uc218uc815 uac19ub358 ub9c8uc74cub4e4uc774 uc5b8uc81c uadf8ub807uac8c ud0c1ud574uc84cub2c8(waewaewae)sujeong gatdeon maeumdeuri eonje geureoke takhaejyeonniuc0acub791uc744 ub05dub0c8ub2e4 ub110 ubcf4ub0b8 uac00uc2b4uc774 ud145 ube44uc6ccuc84cub2e4sarangeul kkeutnaetda neol bonaen gaseumi teong biwojyeotdaud558uc9c0ub9cc ub0b4 ubbf8ub798ub294 ub9c8uce58 uc77cuc5b4ub098uc11c uc6c3uc73cub77cuace0 uc190uc9d3ud55cub2e4hajiman nae miraeneun machi ireonaseo useurago sonjitandaub108ub97c ubcf4ub0b8ub2e4 uc815ub9d0 ud589ubcf5ud558uac8c uc0b4uc544(uc65cuc65cuc65c)neoreul bonaenda jeongmal haengbokhage sara(waewaewae)uba3c ud6d7ub0a0uc5d0 uba3c ud6d7ub0a0uc5d0 uadf8ub0e5 ud3b8ud558uac8c uc6c3uace0 uc2f6ub2e4 ud558ud558meon hutnare meon hutnare geunyang pyeonhage utgo sipda haha(uc65c?) uc65c~~~~~~~~(wae?) wae~~~~~~~~(uc65c?) uc0acub791uc744 uadf8ub807uac8c uc27duac8c ub194ubc84ub9acub294 ub108ub97c(wae?) sarangeul geureoke swipge nwabeorineun neoreul(uc65c?) ub204uad70uac00 uac71uc815ud560uac70ub780 uc0dduac01uc740 ud574ubd24ub098(wae?) nugunga geokjeonghalgeoran saenggageun haebwanna(uc65c?) ub2c8uac00 ub194 ubc84ub9b0 uac8c ub108ub294 ubb54uc9c0(wae?) niga nwa beorin ge neoneun mwonji(uc65c?) uc544uc9c1 ubaa8ub974ub294 uac83 uac19uc544(wae?) ajik moreuneun geot gata(uc65c?) uadf8ub300ub85c uba38ubb3cub7ec ub098ub97c uc9c0ucf1cubd10(wae?) geudaero meomulleo nareul jikyeobwa(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc9c0uc6ccuc84cub2e4, uc0acub77cuc84cub2e4 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc8fduc5b4 ubaa8ub450 ud0c0ubc84ub838ub2e4jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo modu tabeoryeotda(Keep your head down)(Keep your head down)uc9c0uc6ccuc84cub2e4, uc0acub77cuc84cub2e4 ub0b4 uac00uc2b4uc5d0 ub2c8uac00 uc8fduc5b4 ub108ub294 uc774uc81c uc5c6ub2e4jiwojyeotda, sarajyeotda nae gaseume niga jugeo neoneun ije eopda中文谐音http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/215481658.html

求 东方神起 Why? ( Keep Your Head Down)和Maximum的日文歌词

  Why?(Keep Your Head Down)  歌手:东方神起  作词:Yoo, young jinu30fb日本语词:Luna  作曲:Yoo, han jinu30fbYoo, young jin  keep your head down! U-know time  (Max) you know what time it is?  this is return of the king!  その 冗谈(じょうだん)なら嘘(うそ)だと言(い)ってくれ  sono joudan nara uso dato i ttekure  サヨナラもなく背(せ)を向(む)けるの?  sayonara monaku se wo mu keruno ?  君(きみ)がいない もっと わかり合(あ)えたのに  kimi gainai motto wakari a etanoni  なんで? なんで? なんで? どうかしてるよ  nande ? nande ? nande ? doukashiteruyo  (love again) 今(いま) 君(きみ)のlove again  ( love again ) ima kimi no love again  (baby love again) 真実(しんじつ)のlove again  ( baby love again ) shinjitsu no love again  (I keep it low I keep it low) 谁(だれ)が书(か)いたシナリオ?  ( I keep it low I keep it low ) dare ga ka ita shinari o ?  (keep your head down!)  绮丽(きれい)な君(きみ)に触(ふ)れたら冷(つめ)たく棘(とげ)が刺(さ)さる  ki re i na ki mi ni fu re ta ra tsu me ta ku to ge ga sa sa ru  (keep your head down!)  あの日(ひ)の仆(ぼく)らが远(とお)くなるよ  ano hi no boku raga en kunaruyo  (why?) 爱(あい)した方(ほう)が罪(つみ)か  ( why? ) ai shita hou ga tsumi ka  (why?) 苦(くる)しむ方(ほう)の罚(ばつ)か  ( why? ) kuru shimu hou no batsu ka  (why?) 答(こた)えを探(さが)してる  ( why? ) kota ewo saga shiteru  (why?) 悪梦(あくむ)から醒(さ)めてほしいよ  ( why? ) akumu kara sa metehoshiiyo  (why?) 时间(じかん)が戻(もど)せるのなら  ( why? ) jikan ga modo serunonara  (why?) もう一度(いちど)笑颜(えがお)になって  ( why? ) mou ichido egao ninatte  Yo. なんで?ねぇなんでなの?  Yo. nande ? neenande nano ?  さんざん守(まも)れとか もうそれこそ一方(いっぽう)通行(つうこう)  sanzan shu retoka mousorekoso ippou tsuukou  世界(せかい)が何(なに)て言(い)ったって同(おな)じあの日(ひ)の梦(ゆめ)を见(み)ていこう  sekai ga nani te i ttatte ona jiano hi no yume wo mi teikou  Now I"m just chillin" Feel like I"m healing  夺(うば)われたなら夺(うば)い返(かえ)すよ  datsu ( uba ) waretanara uba i kae suyo  このままでひきさがれるはずがない  kono mama dehi kisa ga reru hazu ga nai  目(め)には目(め)を 爱(あい)には爱(あい)の罠(わな)  me niha me wo ai niha ai no wana  强(つよ)く强(つよ)く强(つよ)く 感(かん)じるほどに  tsuyo ku tsuyo ku tsuyo ku kan jiruhodoni  こんな运命(うんめい)じゃない 悲(かな)しすぎる  konna unmei janai kana shisugiru  谁(だれ)かに抱(いだ)かれてるなら Go Baby  dare kani ida kareterunara Go Baby  (keep your head down!)  涙(なみだ)のかけらも この指先(ゆびさき)まで 君(きみ)のものさ  namida nokakeramo kono yubisaki made kimi nomonosa  (keep your head down!)  何(なん)度(ど)も哀(かな)しみにナイフを刺(さ)す  nan do mo kana shimini naifu wo sa su  (why?) 爱(あい)した方(ほう)が罪(つみ)か  ( why? ) ai shita hou ga tsumi ka  (why?) 苦(くる)しむ方(ほう)の罚(ばつ)か  ( why? ) kuru shimu hou no batsu ka  (why?) 答(こた)えを探(さが)してる  ( why? ) kota ewo saga shiteru  (why?) 悪梦(あくむ)から醒(さ)めてほしいよ  ( why? ) akumu kara sa metehoshiiyo  (why?) 时间(じかん)が戻(もど)せるのなら  ( why? ) jikan ga modo serunonara  (why?) もう一度(いちど)笑颜(えがお)になって  ( why? ) mou ichido egao ninatte  寝(ね)ても覚(さ)めてもナンダカンダああだこうだ  ne temo sa metemo nandakanda aadakouda  ウザいって逃(に)げるな 今度(こんど)はいいかげんにしろ  uza itte ni geruna kondo haiikagennishiro  わがままそのまま返(かえ)していいのかい?  wagamamasonomama hen ( kae ) shiteiinokai ?  (why? why? why?) 汚(よご)れた心(こころ)はクリスタルだったのに  ( why? why? why? ) yogo reta kokoro ha kurisutaru dattanoni  曲(ま)がりくねった爱(あい)ならいらない空(から)っぽになった  ma garikunetta ai narairanai sora pponinatta  始(はじ)まった未来(みらい)待(ま)ちイライラしたのは终(お)わりにするんだ  haji matta mirai ma chi iraira shitanoha o warinisurunda  これきりだ 君(きみ)もうまくやれ  korekirida kimi moumakuyare  (why? why? why?)  今(いま)より今(いま)より いつかはきっと笑(えみ)うんだ ha ha  ima yori ima yori itsukahakitto emi unda ha ha  (why?) why?  (why?) 爱(あい)す憎(にく)むそれは裏表(うらおもて)  ( why? ) ai su zou musoreha uraomote  (why?) 夜(よる)は命(いのち)果(は)て 苏(よみがえ)るさ  ( why? ) yoru ha inochi ha te so ( yomigae ) rusa  (why?) 光(ひかり)を失(しつ)くしたまま  ( why? ) hikari wo shitsu kushitamama  (why?) 君(きみ)はどこにいるの?  ( why? ) kimi hadokoniiruno ?  (why?) 遥 か仆(ぼく)を见届(みとど)けて yeah  ( why? ) haruka ka boku wo ken todoke kete yeah  (keep your head down!)  深(ふか)い伤痕(きずあと)が やがて消(き)えるまで 梦(ゆめ)を见(み)るんだ  fuka i kizu kizuato ga yagate ki erumade yume wo mi runda  (keep your head down!)  深(ふか)い伤痕(きずあと)が 声(こえ)に変(か)わるまで 信(しん)じる明日(あした)  fuka i kizu kizuato ga koe ni ka warumade shin jiru ashita  MAXIMUM-东方神起  U-Know  谁が作ったのか いつか壊れる运命にある 镜の前に立つ  その真ん中で俺の颜は 常に弱さに溢れている  今 背を向けて歩き出さなければならない 壁は俺を支えてくれるが俺はただ一人  今目の前で裂けだした 自分を超えて行くしか无い  chorus  俺を见ろ 何が起こっても乗り越えてここに辿り着いた俺を  狭い塔に闭じ込められて 満足できない  始めから他の奴らとは违っていた道  今自分の本当の声を见つけたんだ  闭ざされていたドアは开かれた 今俺のすべてが始まる  大きな声で お前が世界で一番美しい  大きな声で お前が世界で一番美しい  叫べ 俺が世界で一番美しい  叫べ 俺が世界で一番美しい  MAX  俺を解放するもの 変わって行く事を止める事はない  制限される事无い强さを见たいんだ  完全美の俺 比类无き情热  借りなんてない 世界は既に创始の法则を教えてくれた  chorus  见せてやるよ ついてこい 身体で感じろ 全て一つに  自己を超越する 新しく変化する俺がそこにいるだろう  U-KNOW&MAX  chorus  Let me want this way  Want this way  Want this way  Want this way

东方神起的Why? ( Keep Your Head Down)是韩文歌还是日文歌?求日文歌词!


keep health还是 keep healthy为什么

是keep healthy.keep healthy=keep in good health

healthy的比较级是 healthier 还是more healthy啊!?

healthier和more healthy一样

健康的比较级是healthier还是more healthy

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