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求一首英文dj是男生唱得,高潮翻译成中文应该是下下下下下下 下下下下下下艾瑞巴得,不是shoots

应该是down,好像是Jason Walker唱的望采纳

hou yi shoots the suns 为题一篇70词英语作文


翻译Roots and Shoots 的海报


an animal,eats shoots and leaves 中文意思是什么?


shoots his gun and asks怎么读?是什么意思呀?

shoots his gun and asks 开枪问他

初二70字的英语作文:Hou Yi Shoots the Suns

Hou Yi Shoots the SunsAt the ancient period. There is a Chinese named Hou Yi. A king has known that he is good at shooting. So he said" If you could shoot well, I will give you twenty thousand. If you don"t, I will take all of your land. He didn"t shoot well. The king felt strange. He ask others, others said that Hou Yi don"t think the twenty thousand gold is disaster, so he didn"t shoot well. One day, there is ten Suns on the sky. The crops are dying. Hou Yi want to save the people, so he shoots nine Suns. And he saved one. Everyone is happy.望采纳~

shoots j come out

1 noisy 吵闹的 该句译为街上太吵闹了,我希望能安静点. 2 different ,different from不同于 3 just 才,刚 shoots嫩芽 4 happened 发生,fable寓言 5 dream 梦 该句译为昨晚做了个美梦,梦见自己去了月球. 请及时采纳哟,o(∩_∩)o

Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是什么意思?

熊猫:一种动物,吃竹子和叶子。- -





shoots fumes that can pass though screen doors是什么意思?



shoots 嫩枝或嫩芽, 是在植物地上部分生长。这些是植物的茎,叶,花瓣等。 roots 根, 主要是在地下部分生长。这些是根冠,根毛等。

roots and shoots是什么

根与芽(Roots & Shoots),是国际珍古德协会全力推动、以行动为主轴的国际性环境教育计划,鼓励大家以实际的行动关怀环境、关怀社区以及关怀动物。

关于she shoots, she score

在冰球中she shoots指大力击射大门she score指的是他得分了,意思是他进球了!我就是打冰球的!!

shoots and roots有根与地上部分的意思吗,英文文献翻译中遇到,该翻译成根与芽还是?


Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是什么意思

熊猫:一只动物,吃芽、叶子 ,你明知答案,干吗还要提问!stupid从前有一只熊猫,它到一家饭店点了菜就开始吃,吃完之后掏出一把枪乱放几枪走了。饭店的老板就问它,你为什么要这样做?熊猫就说,你查一下字典。老板发现字典上写着:Panda:an animal,eats shoots and leaves是在说这个笑话吧……我也不懂...等着看答案~~ 前几天看的一个笑话。 一只大熊猫去餐馆吃饭,点了N多道菜,全部干光(估计是《功夫熊猫》里的那只)。然后抹抹嘴唇预备走了。 这个时候店小二就过来了,跟他/她说,客官,您还没付账呢。谁知大熊猫从身上掏出一支手枪,BiangBiang就是 两声。小二胆颤心惊,不敢多言。店长闻声,就过来质问(应该是个不怕死的),客官怎能吃霸王餐呢。谁知大熊猫扔下一句话:你们去查查吧!就大摇大摆的走了。 气愤之余的店家找来了警察。叙述了事情的大概。负责滴这位刑警看来也是老道至极,嘴里一直念念有词,去查查, 去查查?突然,脑袋开窍。叫来了下属去翻百科全书。翻到对大熊猫注释:“... ...” 恍然大悟。(知道书里怎 么讲滴吗?看看:Gaint Panda,lives in China, It Eats, Shoots and Leaves [正确:it eats shoots and leaves.” ) “It Eats, Shoots and Leaves”是一个书名,事实上这是一本非常特殊的书。这本书意在呼吁人们规范标点符号的用法,书中列举的大量例子向读者说明,英国人不注意标点符号的使用,乱用、误用标点的情况层出不穷。“Eats, Shoots and Leaves”就是作者收集的例子之一。这句话来自某博物馆介绍大熊猫的一份宣传材料,该材料说:“The panda is an animal that lives in China. It eats, shoots and leaves.”(后面还有别的内容,这里不引了。)其实后面一句错误地多用了一个逗号,正确的句子应是:It eats shoots and leaves. “shoots and leaves”不是表示第三人称动词现在时的形式,而是复数名词,是“eats”的宾语。这里shoots的意思是植物的嫩苗幼枝,包括“竹笋”(bamboo shoots)。 这是刚刚查到的……希望对你有帮助

翻译并分析句子He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon than he who aims at a tree.

He will shoot higher who shoots at the moon than he who aims at a tree字面翻译,射月的人比瞄准树的人射的更高。意译就是目标定的高的人射的更高。所以翻译为目标远大,效果必佳很好,我们往往需要定一个较高的目标来达到更好的效果

he will shoot higher who shoots at themoon.than he who aims at a tree.意思是?

改过来是 he who shoots at themoon will shoot higher than he who aims at a tree. 意思是:对着月亮射箭的人必然比对着树射箭的人

shoots 和 roots 放在一起时,怎么翻译shoots?

shoots 嫩枝

shoots 和 roots 放在一起时,怎么翻译shoots?

shoot 地上部(幼苗) root 根系 shoot and root C/N ratio 地上部与根系之碳氮比率

他投篮偷得很准,这两种说法都对吗? he shoots accurately his shot is accurate

我觉得accurate比较中文化了,,,最好用:Got a great shot 之类的把。。