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placeholder是html5新增的input的一个熟悉,主要是让表单体验更加智能,相当于value属性,但是他有一个好处就是当我们聚焦输入文本的时候我们在placeholder="默认值"的文本就会自动清空,, 不过兼容性还不太好,至少ie好像要9以上才能支持

如何实现 placeholder自动换行

/* WebKit browsers */::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: transparent;}::-webkit-input-placeholder:before { display: block; color: #999; content: "第一行文本提示 A 第二行文本提示 A 第三行文本提示 A";}/* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */:-moz-placeholder { color: transparent;}:-moz-placeholder:before { display: block; color: #999; content: "第一行文本提示 A 第二行文本提示 A 第三行文本提示 A";}/* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */::-moz-placeholder { color: transparent;}::-moz-placeholder:before { display: block; color: #999; content: "第一行文本提示 A 第二行文本提示 A 第三行文本提示 A";}/* Internet Explorer 10+ */:-ms-input-placeholder { color: transparent;}:-ms-input-placeholder:before { display: block; color: #999; content: "第一行文本提示 A 第二行文本提示 A 第三行文本提示 A";}<iframe width="100%" height="120" src="http://jsfiddle.net/samzeng/2phe5/embedded/result/" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0"></iframe>


placeholder 是做提示用的,占位符,就是你一个输入框还没输入的时候,里面就实现是placeholder的内容for作用是标签关联input,比如 <input id="aa"> <label for="aa">aa</label>,这时候点击这个标签input就会获得焦点


<!DOCTYPE <html> <head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> .input{ width:200px; height:30px; border:1px solid grey; } .input:empty::before{ color:lightgrey; content:attr(placeholder); } </style> </head> <body> <div class="input" contenteditable placeholder="请输入文字"></div> </body> </html>

html中在input标签里placeholder value属性区别



::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */color:#999;}:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */color:#999;}::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */color:#999;}:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */color:#999;}


::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ color: #999; } :-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ color: #999; } ::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */ color: #999; } :-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */ color: #999; }下面是示例<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><body><style>::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */ color: red; } </style><form action="/example/html5/demo_form.asp" method="get"><input style = "color:red;" type="search" name="user_search" placeholder="Search W3School" /><input type="submit" /></form></body></html>

input placeholder 默认颜色值是多少

你好,input placeholder 默认颜色值是#b2b2b2




placeholder的意思是:占位符。占位符网络解释:占位;占位文本拓展:占位文本例句:1、For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?解释:对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?2、When it is needed, we"ll provide a placeholder string.解释:当需要它时,我们将给出一个占位符字符串。


placeholder的意思是:占位符。占位符网络解释:占位;占位文本拓展:占位文本例句:1、For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?解释:对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?2、When it is needed, we"ll provide a placeholder string.解释:当需要它时,我们将给出一个占位符字符串。


placeholder的意思是:占位符。占位符网络解释:占位;占位文本拓展:占位文本例句:1、For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?解释:对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?2、When it is needed, we"ll provide a placeholder string.解释:当需要它时,我们将给出一个占位符字符串。


placeholder的意思是:占位符。占位符网络解释:占位;占位文本拓展:占位文本例句:1、For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?解释:对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?2、When it is needed, we"ll provide a placeholder string.解释:当需要它时,我们将给出一个占位符字符串。


placeholder[美] [u02c8pleu026ashou028aldu0259(r)]u2003u2003[英] [u02c8pleu026ashu0259u028aldu0259(r)]u2003u2003n. 占位符例句 1. This starter kit also contains placeholder classes for customizing other functionality. 此初学者工具包还包含用于自定义其他功能的占位符类. 2. Drag onto the page and then type to replace placeholder text. 拖到绘图页上,然后键入内容,替换占位符文本. 3. The original bitmap in a memory DC is simply a placeholder. 最初在内存设备环境里的位图,仅仅预留位置. 为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!


placeholder [英]u02c8pleu026ashu0259u028aldu0259(r) [美]u02c8pleu026ashou028aldu0259(r) n. 占位符 [例句]An example of inline labels , where the label acts as placeholder text in the form field.上面是一个标签在表单域中作为占位符文本的内联标签示例。place holder 英[pleis u02c8hu0259uldu0259] 美[ples u02c8holdu025a] 补位数字 [例句]She beat out miss colombia and miss peru who came in as the runner-up and third place holder.她击败了哥伦比亚小姐和秘鲁小姐,她俩分获亚军和季军。


<input type="text" placeholder="xxxx" onclick="alert($(this).attr("placeholder"))"/>


input[placeholder],textarea[placeholder], *[placeholder] { color:red !important;}

spring mvc控制器怎么获取placeholder属性的值

HTML5 中的新属性。placeholder 属性适用于以下的 <input> 类型:text, search, url, telephone, email 以及 password。控制器也就是后台要拿到这个值,你需要前端获取到再传过去你具体怎样的场景可以说下$("#标签ID").attr("placeholder"); 可以拿到这个属性值





如何实现 placeholder自动换行

在 HTML5 placeholder 中,意为占位符。常会在表单中用一些简单的单词进行提示,友好的提示用户录入数据。在 W3C 中,定义占位符为一个简单的提示(一个词语或一个短语),在帮助用户进行数据录入。若想录入较长的提示,建议在当前操作旁注明提示信息,而不是使用 placeholder。

html placeholder怎么设置居右

:-moz-placeholder,::-moz-placeholder,:-ms-input-placeholder,::-webkit-input-placeholder{text-align: right;}


placeholder是html5新增的input的一个熟悉,主要是让表单体验更加智能,相当于value属性,但是他有一个好处就是当我们聚焦输入文本的时候我们在placeholder="默认值"的文本就会自动清空,,不过兼容性还不太好,至少ie好像要9以上才能支持,,所以很多pc端的聚焦处理还是用js来的for属性应该是label的属性吧??这个是和input的id绑定,当我们点击input前面的文本标识会自动聚焦到文本框,例如:<form><label for="name">用户名</label><input type="text" name="name" accesskey="c" id="name" /></form>这个例子,当我点击用户名的时候,会自动聚焦到文本框里头,也就是光标会自动定位到文本框里


place holder 和value的区别是什么?place holder是占位符的意思;value 是价值的意思。这就是二者的区别。祝您快乐,阿弥陀佛!

如何实现 placeholder自动换行

其实以前是通过给input|textarea设置value值来实现类似功能的,当input|textarea获得焦点时,将其value设置为空。但是有一个问题是对于密码输入框:    如果再用设置value值的方法,密码输入框中的值将被黑点替代。使用placeholder则可以解决这个问题,目前支持placeholder的浏览器为:Firefox4.0+、Chrome4.0+、Safari4.0+,Opera11、IE9。对不支持的浏览器我们将使用模拟的placeholder属性的替代方法:  具体思路是:  1,首先判断浏览器是否支持placeholder属性,如果不支持则使用模拟placeholder  //判断是否支持placeholder属性  functionisPlaceholer(){  varinput=document.createElement(‘input");  return“placeholder”ininput;  }  2,我们创建一个label标签:密码标签里面的内容为所要添加的提示文案,该文案应该从对应的input|textarea标签取得其placeholder属性值,再将label标签遮盖到所对应的input|textarea上。


这个模块没有用过, 但是placeholder经常听。 一般用于某些输入框缺省时的默认占位显示内容。如HTML表单输入框里,在用户没有输入时显示“请输入账号”等,是通过placeholder属性设置的






首先我们先简单写个html页面,里面放一个input和一个textarea,简单设置一下基本样式,注意写上placeholder。 然后在浏览器中预览一下效果,会看到默认的placeholder颜色是灰色的。 再然后就是设置placeholder的字体颜色了,因为不同浏览器存在...

jquery 怎样给div添加placeholder属性



input中的value和placeholder区别由于HTML5的出现,使得表单的功能更加强大,input的功能应用起来更加简单,从value到placeholder。但是由于兼容问题,placeholder只适合在移动端的项目,IE6/7/8不支持,只能用value,或者你可以用其他方法模拟placeholder,具体案例你可以看支付宝和财付通的登录和注册页面。下面分别介绍下value和placeholder的实际应用。value如果用的是value,我们想鼠标focus后默认文字消失,移开后默认文字又重现,可以这样来写。placeholder如果用的是placeholder,我们就不需要JS了,因为它本身就自带focus和blur功能了。但是有时候设计师给我们的设计稿往往跟默认文字颜色是有区别的,那我们如何改变placeholder默认文字颜色呢,如下:<input type="text" placeholder="请输入手机号" class="inp-fon">:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */ color: #f00; }::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */ color: #f00;}input:-ms-input-placeholder,textarea:-ms-input-placeholder { color: #f00;}input::-webkit-input-placeholder,textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: #f00;}一般都是用以上这种方法来处理,这里就不放demo了,比较简单,如果想看效果,把代码复制到网页里查看。

如何查看input placeholder的字体颜色

因为每个浏览器的CSS选择器都有所差异,所以需要针对每个浏览器做单独的设定(可以在冒号前面写input和textarea)。::-webkit-input-placeholder { /* WebKit browsers */color:#999;}:-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 4 to 18 */color:#999;}::-moz-placeholder { /* Mozilla Firefox 19+ */color:#999;}:-ms-input-placeholder { /* Internet Explorer 10+ */color:#999;}还可以写成下面这样:input::-webkit-input-placeholder, textarea::-webkit-input-placeholder {color: #666;}input:-moz-placeholder, textarea:-moz-placeholder {color:#666;}input::-moz-placeholder, textarea::-moz-placeholder {color:#666;}input:-ms-input-placeholder, textarea:-ms-input-placeholder {color:#666;}知识点:单冒号(:)用于CSS3伪类,双冒号(::)用于CSS3伪元素。css伪类:CSS 伪类用于向某些选择器添加特殊的效果。css伪元素:CSS 伪元素用于向某些选择器设置特殊效果。伪元素由双冒号和伪元素名称组成。双冒号是在当前规范中引入的,用于区分伪类和伪元素。但是伪类兼容现存样式,浏览器需要同时支持旧的伪类, 如:first-line,:first-letter,:before,:after等等。因此对于css2之前已经有的伪元素两种写法的作用是一样的,但是为了兼容IE浏览器还是使用单冒号的写法。


$("选择器").val("").prop("placeholder"," ...");

placeholder 怎么放icon



根据你的描述: 你可以设置左填充样式: padding-left:10px; 字体大小和你输入字体大小时一样的,即font-size:16px; 仅供参考,希望能帮助到你!


帮你找到的一个变量,在这里就代表新打开的那个窗口。那就举个例子吧<html><script langruage="javascript"> var placeHolder = window.open("holder.html","placeholder","width=200,height=200"); </script></html>把上面的程序存为一个.html文件,点击打开的时候,会弹出一个新的窗口。那个新的窗口在程序里边就可以用placeHolder来控制。接着再看这个:<html><script langruage="javascript"> var placeHolder = window.open("holder.html","placeholder","width=200,height=200"); placeHolder.close(); </script></html>加了一句话:placeHolder.close();运行新的程序,弹出窗口刚打开,马上就会被关闭,这样不知道你清楚了吗?






placeholder 属性提供可描述输入字段预期值的提示信息(hint)。该提示会在输入字段为空时显示,并会在字段获得焦点时消失。注释:placeholder 属性适用于以下的 类型:text, search, url, telephone, email 以及 password。 扩展资料   disabled 属性:   disabled 属性规定输入字段是禁用的。   被禁用的.元素是不可用和不可点击的。   被禁用的元素不会被提交。   autocomplete 属性:   autocomplete 属性规定表单或输入字段是否应该自动完成。   当自动完成开启,浏览器会基于用户之前的输入值自动填写值。






placeholder属性的作用:placeholder 属性提供可描述输入字段预期值的提示信息(hint)。该提示会在输入字段为空时显示,并会在字段获得焦点时消失。placeholder 是HTML5 中新增的一个属性。placeholder可以用来描述输入字段预期值的简短的提示信息。提示信息会在用户输入值之前显示,一旦用户输入信息该提示就会自动消失。比如:我们在登录时需要输入用户名和密码,它会提示你什么地方输入用户名,什么地方输入密码,这个就是使用的placeholder属性。注意:placeholder 属性适用于下面的 input 类型:text、search、url、tel、email 和 password。




placeholder 英[u02c8pleu026ashu0259u028aldu0259(r)] 美[u02c8pleu026ashou028aldu0259(r)] n. 占位符; [网络] 预留位置; 位置标志符; [例句]Subselect placeholder text and then type to change text.选择其中一个占位符文本,然后键入内容,以更改文本。


placeholder的意思是:占位符。占位符网络解释:占位;占位文本拓展:占位文本例句:1、For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?解释:对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?2、When it is needed, we"ll provide a placeholder string.解释:当需要它时,我们将给出一个占位符字符串。


placeholder 英[u02c8pleu026ashu0259u028aldu0259(r)] 美[u02c8pleu026ashou028aldu0259(r)] n. 占位符; [例句]I have used~ as a placeholder for project top-level package.我使用了~作为项目顶级程序包的占位符。


占位符 。


shareholder股东双语对照词典结果:shareholder[英][u02c8u0283eu0259hu0259u028aldu0259(r)][美][u02c8u0283erhou028aldu0259(r)]n.股东; 股票持有者; 复数:shareholders以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Hearings began in germany"s biggest shareholder lawsuit. 德国最大的股东起诉案开始听证。

Weak And Powerless (Tilling My Grave Renholder Mix - Lohner Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Weak And Powerless (Tilling My Grave Renholder Mix - Lohner Mix)歌手:A Perfect Circle专辑:AmotionTilling my own grave to keep me levelJam another dragon down the holeDigging to the rhythmand the echo of a solitary sirenOne that pushes me along and leaves me soDesperate and RavenousI"m so weak and powerless over youSomeone feed the monkeywhile I dig in search of ChinaWhite as Dracula as I approach the bottomDesperate and RavenousI"m so weak and powerless over youPale angel go awayCome again some other dayThe devil has my ear todayI"ll never hear of what you sayPromised I would find a little solaceAnd some piece of mindWhatever just as long as I don"t feel soDesperate and RavenousI"m so weak and powerlessDesperate and RavenousI"m so weak and powerlessoverover youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2813675



求英文歌,歌词大概是这个Hold me cause you say you never runa

歌曲名:You Say You Know Me歌手:K.T.专辑:So HungryLifehouse - You & MeWhat day is it?And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can"t keep up and I can"t back downI"ve been losing so much timeCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youAll of the things that I want to say just aren"t coming out rightI"m tripping on wordsYou"ve got my head spinningI don"t know where to go from hereCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youThere"s something about you nowI can"t quite figure outEverything she does is beautifulEverything she does is rightCause it"s you and me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to loseAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youand me and all of the people with nothing to doNothing to proveAnd it"s you and me and all of the peopleAnd I don"t know why, I can"t keep my eyes off of youWhat day is it?And in what month?

The young men are going to hold a party___money for those poor children. A.raise B.raising C.raised


go on hold on move on carry on 翻译下

go on有“发生、进行、过去、向前走”的意思. hold on有“坚持、等一等、别挂电话、抓紧不放”的意思 move on有“继续前进、对…采取行动、出发、离开”的意思 carry on有“经营、继续进行、争吵、吵闹”的意思

carry on,keep on,go on,hold on意思都作“继续”讲的区别

选择carry on例句 He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation . 他已学了足够的德语来进行会话 区别go on 通常表示是一件事情继续的意思,如你正在说话,因什么事情你探寻的看着对方,停止了讲话,对方说 go on 继续把, carry on 又携带的意思 不是正式的继续,偏口语keep on 继续,主要用于穿着---不脱的意思 hold on 是抓紧不放,没有继续的意思,还有支撑的含义,和不要挂电话的意思 有帮助的话,记得采纳哦~~

carry on 与hold on都有‘坚持’的意思,

carry on中含有坚持,然后继续做下去的意思. 比如:carry on your English learning hold on中含有的坚持,是要保持一种状态 比如:登山运动员发生了危险,手抓着崖壁就要掉下去了,队友去拿绳子来救她/他,要他/她坚持住,就会说 Hold on!

carry on,keep on,go on,hold on意思都作“继续”讲的区别




Hold On, Be Strong 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On, Be Strong歌手:Kurt Carr & The Kurt Carr Singers专辑:Not In My Family: Songs Of Healing And InspirationAy do this Thug style main, Thug styleWhen this whole beat drop we just gon" run it to em betIt"s all good, uhhI never had much, ran with a bad bunchLittle skinny kid sneakin weed in my bag lunchAnd all through Junior High, we was just gettin byAnd drivebys robbed my homies of their young livesI never did cry, and even though I hadpain in my heart, I was hopeless from the startThey couldn"t tell me nothin, they all tried to help to help meThe marijuana had my mind gone it wasn"t healthyI travelled places, caught cases, what a ill yearI felt the pain and the rain but I"m still hereNever did like the police, let the whole world knowNow I gets no peace, cause they chasin me downAnd facin me now, what do I do?These thangs that a Thug goes throughAnd still I rise so keep ya head up, and make ya mind strongIt"s a struggle every day but you gotta hold onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onThere"s, never a good day, cause in my hood theylet they AK"s pump strays where the kids playAnd every Halloween, check out the murder sceneCan"t help but duplicate the violence seen on the screenMy homies dyin "fore they get to see they birthdaysThese is the worst days, sometimes it hurts to prayAnd even God turned his back on the ghetto youthI know that ain"t the truth, sometimes I look for proofI wonder if heaven got a ghetto, and if it doesDoes it matter if you blood or you cuzRemember how it was, the picnics and the parties in theprojectsSmall time drinkin gettin high with them armiesJust another knucklehead kid from the gutterI"m dealin with the madness, raised by a single motherI"m tryin to tell you when it"s onYou gotta keep your head to the sky and be strong, most of allhold onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onHold on, be strong, hold onBe strong, hold on,be strongWhen it"s on it"s onI know them ain"t tears comin down your faceWipe your eyesIn this worldOnly the strong survive y"knowHmm, I know it"s hard out thereWelfareAIDS, earthquakesMuggings, carjackingsYeah we got problemsBut believe me when I tell youThings always get betterGod don"t like uglyAnd God don"t like no quittersYou know what Billie Holiday said bay-beeGod bless the child that can hold his ownY"know?You got to stand strongAnd when these bustas try to knock you out your placeYou stand there to they faceTell em hold on, and be strongThe game don"t stopHmmmThis here is black mainIf you don"t never leave nothin, learn one thingIt don"t stop, til the casket dropThug, for Life... feel me?All my homeboys and my homegirls, stay strongWhen things get bad, especially come the first and thefifteenthStay strong, and stay ballin, hold onI"ll catch y"all at the next life, we in trafficHold On Be Strong---2 pachttp://music.baidu.com/song/8021377

一首欧美歌 是个男的唱的 开头的词是:hold on the candles for another birthday cake

Coldplay . Mroon5

有一首欧美情歌男女对唱的,歌词中男声有一句是only you,女声有一句是holding you,请问这首歌名字叫什么

only you (and you alone)


hold 容纳的意思

hold the secret是什么意思

hold the secret 保守秘密secret 英[u02c8si:kru0259t] 美["si:kru0259t] n. 秘诀; 奥秘; 秘密,机密; adj. 隐秘的; 神秘的; 秘密的,机密的;

英文歌 高潮好像是baby i can hold you baby i can show you

歌手:jamai歌名:i have a dream歌词:You ..going round in circle"s in my mindwondering where you aretonightI ..Have a dream you"re in my lifethat you"re lying hereIt"s so rightYou don"t see this nowthat"s in your eyeshow Did I get a feelingIt"s making me believingMaybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyesDo I realisethat it"s only in my wildest dreamsHope ...Opens the door into your liveMaybe you can let me intonightYou won"t believethe joy you bring to meYou"re the sun the moon revolving round my worldTell me if it"s only made believeCould you be my destinyCould you feel the same for meMaybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyesDo I realisethat it"s only in my wildest dreamsOnly in my wildest dreams ..Maybe I can hold youBaby I can show youLike a river running trough your heartDon"t know where to startto find the words, to tell you that I love youbuilt my hopes around youOnly when I close my eyes

some people think others hold a different view的用法?

Some people think others hold a di-fferent view .这是个带有宾语从句的主从复合句 。Some people think 为主句,think 后面是个省略关系代词 that 的宾语从句。句子汉语 : 一些认为其他人持有不同的观点 。

Air Supply的《Hold On》 歌词

歌名:《Hold On》专辑:《mumbo jumbo》作词:air supply 作曲:air supply 歌手:air supply 歌词:You tried so hard to be someoneThat you forgot who you areYou tried to fill some emptinessTil all you had spilled overNow everything"s so far awayThat you don"t knowWhere you areYou areWhen all that you wantedAnd all that you haveDon"t seem so muchFor you to hold on toFor you to hold on toFor you to belong toWhen it"s hard to be yourselfIt"s not to be someone elseStill everything"s so far awayThat you forget where you areYou areWhen all that you wantedAnd all that you haveDon"t seem so muchFor you to hold on toFor you to hold on toHold onHold onHold onHold onHold onHold onHold onHold onWhen all that you wantedAnd all that you haveDon"t seem so muchFor you to hold on toFor you to hold on toFor you to hold on toFor you to belong to

Hold You Down (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Hold You Down (Album Version)歌手:Drill Team专辑:Hope And Dream ExplosionJennifer Lopez - Hold You Down(feat. Fat Joe)Now you been holding me down mmFor such a long time nowFrom back then to now in my storyStraight from the hoodYou"ve always been there for meAnd you had my back when theyBack when everybody said I wasn"t anythingIt was you that kept me holding onNo matter what was going onSo whatever you need I got you yaaReminiscing that 6 train from way backNow it"s skyblue Phantoms and stretch MaybacksFor sweepin them floors in them Bronx apartmentsMira esta que ta on the red carpetWhen Pun died you was the first to call meI never told youBut you was there for meWhatever you need, I be there for youCrack, I got ya back, for real, true storyNow my loyalty will always beWith you if you just promise meThat you"ll stay real just like you areCuz baby you don"t have to change no...You dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, boy I"m gon" hold you downYou dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, girl I"m gon" hold you downYo, 2005, Rakim and Jody WatleyWatch me paint a picture so perfectQuite possiblyThe realest frechest from BX to SouthbeachI"mma always hold you down, girlYou can count on meSo remember this whenever I callWe go back too far, we been through it allEven though, we haven"t spoken so longAin"t nothing change, not a damn thing babyNow my loyalty will always beWith you if you just promise meThat you"ll stay real just like you areCuz baby you don"t have to change no...You dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, boy I"m gon" hold you downYou dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, girl I"m gon" hold you downLike green, it"s the autumns things will stayThis industryYeah ,I fought made me this wayGet between me and J-LoI simply stayyou better off sweepin leaves on a windy daySo I don"t care about the situationI"ma ride for youIf there"s a complicationCuz everytime you had my back and allWhen we were youngAnd now you"re Joey Crack and allNow my loyalty will always beWith you if you just promise meThat you"ll stay real just like you areCuz baby you don"t have to change because...You dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, boy I"m gon" hold you downYou dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, girl I"m gon" hold you downYou dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, I"m gon" hold you downYou dont know how much you mean to meWhenever your down you know that you can lean on meNo matter the situation, I"m gon" hold you downhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7920042

can you hold me down for one night什么歌

《Shine》是英国电子乐队Years & Years演唱的一首歌曲,收录于乐队的首张专辑《Communion》。 歌曲歌词 I remember us alone 犹记那时我们独处 Waiting for the light to go 等候着闪电划破夜空 Don"t you feel that hunger? 你是否感受到了那种渴望 I"ve got so many secrets to show 内心深处的秘密,等你发掘 When I saw you on that stage 你舞台上迷人的身姿把我吸引 I shivered with the look you gave 你投来的目光使我着迷颤动 Don"t you hear that rhythm? 你听不见我心动的旋律 Can you show me how we can escape? 请照亮前路,我将与你共同逃离 I was biting my tongue 我总是咬紧牙关,隐忍不发 I was trying to hide 我总尽力隐藏,迷失真我 I"ll forget what I"ve done 我会忘记我的所作所为 I will be redefined 我将被重新定义 It"s shaking the sky and I"m following lightning 这势必会惊天动地,我追随着闪电的脚步 And I"ll recover if you keep me alight 如果你点燃我心中的熊熊爱火,我势必会重振自我 Don"t leave me behind; can you see me? I"m shining 别把我置之不理,你是否能看见,我如夜空中的群星一般闪耀 And it"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 而你正是我苦苦寻求之所在 I"m holding it all tonight 今晚我会奋力捉紧一切 Unfolding it all tonight 一切都会柳暗花明 You know that you make it shine 只有你才能使我锋芒毕露 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你正是我心之所向 I"m holding it all tonight 今晚我会奋力捉紧一切 Unfolding it all tonight 一切都会水落石出 You know that you make it shine 只有你才能使我锋芒毕露 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你正是我心之所向 Now that we can hear that sound 现在我们正能听见这声响 Now that you can hold me down 现在只有你才能约束我 You can pull me under 只有你才能让我牵魂梦绕 You can raise everything to the ground 你能让一切都尘埃落定 Everything I can arrange 我能为你安排的所有 Every part of me you change 我的点滴为你改变 Just hold me together 今晚抱紧我就好 Tell me you"ll always want me to stay 告诉我你希望我能留在你身边 I was biting my tongue 我总是咬紧牙关,隐忍不发 I was trying to hide 我总尽力隐藏,迷失真我 I"ll forget what I"ve done 我会忘记我的所作所为 I will be redefined 我将被重新定义 It"s shaking the sky and I"m following lightning 这势必会惊天动地,我追随着闪电的脚步 And I"ll recover if you keep me alight 如果你点燃我心中的熊熊爱火,我势必会重振自我 Don"t leave me behind; can you see me? I"m shining 别把我置之不理,你是否能看见,我如夜空中的群星一般闪耀 And it"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 而你正是我苦苦寻求之所在 I wanna be the one you steal 我想成为你悉心呵护的人 I wanna be the one you shield 我想成为为你阻挡一切的盾牌 I wanna be the one that your love 我要成为你深爱的人 That your love can heal 你的爱可以治愈我一切伤痛 I wanna be the one you steal 我想成为你悉心呵护的人 I wanna be the one you shield 我想成为为你阻挡一切的盾牌 I wanna be the one that your love, your love 我要成为你深爱的人,你深爱的人 It"s shaking the sky and I"m following lightning 这势必会惊天动地,我追随那电闪雷鸣 And I"ll recover if you keep me alight 如果你点燃我心中的熊熊爱火,我势必会重振自我 Don"t leave me behind; can you see me? I"m shining 别把我置之不理,你是否能看见,我如夜空中的群星一般熠熠生辉 And it"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 而你正是我心之所向 I"m holding it all tonight 今晚我会奋力捉紧一切 Unfolding it all tonight 一切都会柳暗花明 You know that you make it shine 只有你才能使我锋芒毕露 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你便是我心之所向 I"m holding it all tonight 今晚我会奋力捉紧一切 Unfolding it all tonight 一切都会柳暗花明 You know that you make it shine 只有你才能使我锋芒毕露 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你正是我心之所向 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你便是我心之所向 It"s you that I"ve been waiting to find 你正是我心之所向

How I wish I could hold hands withyouforalifetime


Your school is going to hold a speech contest, wr

你的学校将要举办一场演讲比赛,给你的一个外国老师写一封信,邀请他/她作为评委。 懂吧 求分


vt.拿住,握住;保留,保存;扣留,拘押;容纳vi.拿住,握住;同意,赞成;保持不变;有效n.握住;保留;控制例句Why not just leave the ratings at hold?为什么不就把评级维持在持有呢?They also hold that reason endorses acting morally.他们也都认为理性使人道德。Newspapers are the glue that help hold the state together.报纸跟胶水一样把国家粘成一个整体。They had better hope those forecasts hold.他们认为前景比那些预期的数字更加光明。Japan must hold elections by next summer.日本必须在明年夏天之前举行大选。Foreigners already hold half the national debt.外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。Hold it over your friend"s head.把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。But I can"t find a knife I like to hold.但是我找不到一把称手的刀。Two of these theories hold that mercury used to be much bigger.其中两种理论认为,水星过去要大得多。The leaders hold so many meetings.领导者们举行了许多次会议。Banks hold 32% of enterprise bonds.银行持有全部企业债券的32%。But that will not hold for ever.但这将不会永远保持下去。It will hold another auction this month.本月将举行另一次拍卖。They"ll help you hold the new perspective.它们会帮助你保持新的视角。Monetary conditions should also hold the euro down.货币条件应该也能保持欧元的下跌。Afghan officials hold similar views.阿富汗官员也持类似观点。It has small sections that each hold a single dose of medicine.它具有体积小部分,各持单剂量的药。I"m in heaven when you hold my hand.当你握住我的手,我就像在天堂一般。But no one party can hold more than 50% of the seats plus two votes.但是所有政党都不得拥有超过半数的议会席位以及另外两张选票。Ziploc bags are male-they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.保鲜袋是男性:他们可以容纳所有东西,但是你还是可以一样看穿他们。

有没有午夜伤心电台, hold my hand ,反转巴黎,no pain no gain,my boo 这几首歌的MP3?

320K高品质下载歌曲:午夜伤心电台 (Live)歌手:艾热&派克特说唱听我的 第6期歌曲:Hold my hand (Live)歌手:MC光光&法老说唱听我的 第6期歌曲:No pain no gain (Live)歌手:ICE&弹壳说唱听我的 第6期歌曲:反转巴黎 (Live)歌手:廖效浓&Shooter&MMB.绵绵冰&G.G张思源说唱听我的 第4期歌曲:My Boo (Live)歌手:FreeC&Blow Fever&白静晨说唱听我的 第3期

关于hold out stick to insist on的一道题


strecth out与 hold out有什么区别?

词义不完全相同。stretch强调伸出去,比如Stretch out your tongue伸出舌头。hold out意思是坚持,抵制,伸出。伸出通常指延伸,如果是口语体,与stretch out可以通用,比如hold out his hands(伸出手)。

代发代扣户 英语怎么翻译?“On behalf of withholding households ” 如是这个答案暂时不要了。。

Undertakes to withhold the household

on behalf of shareholder

1.the board is responsible for market value.我给出的句子是说明前面的先行词做从句的宾语.所以从句中的这个短语is responsible for 是来修饰前面这一名词的. 2.is responsible for “为,负责”是一固定短语,后面的on behalf of “为了,的利益”也是一固定短语,所以两个在一起并不矛盾.前一个是谓语,后一个是状语.



put up hold up lift up 的区别?

put up 举起 如“put up your hand" hold up 拿着 如"hold up (your phone)" lift up 抬起 如"lift up the box",9,put up 举起 hold up 支撑起(较重的) lift up 指垂直的拿起(举重等),1,put up hold up lift up 的区别 如题

put up hold up lift up 的区别

put up 举起 hold up 支撑起(较重的)lift up 指垂直的拿起(举重等)

hold up 与lift up的区别有哪些? 急

hold up 举起;阻挡;拦截 lift up 升起、举起;激励

急求cupids chokehold的歌词翻译 有的快来

丘比特的脖歌词 (feat. Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy) (帕特里克feat.残端闹翻男童) Ba ba da da叭叭哒哒 Ba ba da da叭叭哒哒 Ba ba da da叭叭哒哒 Ba ba da da叭叭哒哒 Ba ba da da叭叭哒哒 Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) It"s been some time since we last spoke它已有一段时间,因为我们在最后一次发言 This is gonna sound like a bad joke这太折磨人听起来像一个坏笑话 But momma I fell in love again消瘦,但我爱上再次 It"s safe to say I have a new girlfriend它的安全地说,我有一个新的女朋友 And I know it sounds so old我知道这听起来那么旧 But cupid got me in a chokehold但丘比特拉去在脖 And I"m afraid I might give in我怕我可能被迫放弃 Towels on the mat my white flag is wavin"毛巾垫我白旗是wavin " I mean she even cooks me pancakes我的意思是,她甚至厨师,我的谜底 And Alka Seltzer when my tummy aches和碱性赛尔时,我的肚子不适酸痛 If that ain"t love then I don"t know what love is如果你不喜欢的话,我不知道什么是爱 We even got a secret handshake我们甚至没有一个秘密握手 And she loves the music that my band makes她热爱音乐,我带使得 I know I"m young but if I had to choose her or the sun我知道我年轻,但如果我不得不选择,她还是太阳 I"d be one nocturnal son of a gun我将一夜间儿子一把枪 (ba ba da da, ba ba da da) (叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) It"s been awhile since we talked last and I"m tryin" hard not to talk fast这一段时间以来,由于我们过去说过,我tryin "硬不说了快 But dad I"m finally thinkin" I may have found the one但爸爸,我终于金山屯" ,我可能已经找到了一 Type of girl that will make you way proud of your son型的女生,会令你这样骄傲,你的儿子 And I know you heard the last song about the girls that didn"t last long我知道你们听到歌上对女孩说,没有持续多久 But I promise this is on a whole new plane但是,我答应你,这是一种全新的飞机 I can tell by the way she says my name (ba ba da da)我可以告诉,由地,她说我的名字(叭叭哒哒) I love it when she calls my phone我爱它时,她要求我的手机 She even got her very own ringtone她甚至给她买了自己的手机铃声 If that ain"t love then I don"t know what love is (ba ba da da)如果你不喜欢的话,我不知道什么是爱情(叭叭哒哒) It"s gonna be a long drive home but I know as soon as I arrive home它的收视率是一个长期驾车回家,但我知道,只要我到达家 And I open the door take off my coat and throw my bag on the floor我开门起飞,我的大衣扔我的袋子放在地上 She"ll be back into my arms once more for sure她将回到我的手臂再一次肯定 Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) She"s got a smile that would make the most senile她的动作是一个微笑,会使大多数老年 Annoying old man bite his tongue烦老翁咬舌头 I"m not done我不会做 She"s got eyes comparable to sunrise她的眼睛得到媲美日出 And it doesn"t stop there它不仅于此 Man I swear男子我发誓 She"s got porcelain skin of course she"s a ten她的动作瓷器皮肤当然,她是一个十 And now she"s even got her own song现在她的,甚至她自己的歌 But movin" on但卡门』 She"s got the cutest laugh I ever heard她的动作是最可爱的笑,我都没听过. And we can be on the phone for three hours我们可以通电话,为三小时 Not sayin" one word没有歌词的一个字 And I would still cherish every moment我依然会珍惜每一刻 And when I start to build my future she"s the main component当我开始建立自己的前途,她的主要成分 Call it dumb call it luck call it love or whatever you call it but叫哑巴称之为运气称之为爱情也好,你叫,但 Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here我到处把她的照片在我的钱包一样,在这里 Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒) Take a look at my girlfriend看一看我的女朋友 She"s the only one I got (ba ba da da)她的,只有我得到(叭叭哒哒) Not much of a girlfriend没有太大的女朋友 I never seem to get a lot (ba ba da da, ba ba da da)我似乎从未得到不少(叭叭哒哒,叭叭哒哒)
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