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applicable taxes指什么税 withholdings指什么?


hold on 和hang on的区别或联系

一、hold on的含义和用法1.grasp;hold tightly to sth.抓住Hold on to my hand while we cross the street.过马路时,抓住我的手。It"s pretty windy.You"d better hold on to your hat.风很大,你最好抓住你的帽子。2.continue;go on继续We held on our way.我们继续赶路。Rain held on steadily all afternoon.雨下了整整一个下午。3.wait and not hang up a telephone(电话)别挂掉When he left the telephone to find a pencil, he asked me to hold on.离开电话找铅笔的时候,他让我别挂掉。Could you hold on a minute?你能等一会儿,不要挂掉电话好吗?4. keep on with a business or job in spite of difficulties; endure不顾困难继续经营;继续坚持;忍受It was hard to keep the store going during the depression, but he held on and at last met with success.经济不景气时生意很难维持,但是他继续经营,最后终于成功。If he can just hold on a little longer, we can get help to him.如果他能再坚持一会儿,我们就可以帮助他了。The soldiers held on in that isolated position for more than two hours.战士们孤军奋战,坚持了两个多小时。5.wait a minute;stop(usu.used as a command)等一下;停止(常用于命令式)Hold on!I can"t hear what you are saying.等一等!我听不清楚你在说什么。Just hold on a second while I get my breath back.等一下,让我喘口 气。二、hang on的含义和用法1.continue listening on a telephone继续听电话;不要挂断Please hang on a second;I"ll look for the manager and tell him you are on the phone for him.请稍等片刻,不要挂掉,我去找经理并告诉他你在电话里等他。2.lean or support oneself upon倚;靠Her head hanging on her mother"s arm,the girl fell asleep.这女孩倚在她妈妈怀里,睡着了。3.persevere;continue doing sth.坚持;坚忍;继续做It is a hard task,but if you hang on,you will succeed in the end.任务虽然艰巨,但如果你坚持下去,你最终是会成功的。4.cling to;hold on to sth.tightly抓住;握紧The climber almost fell off the cliff,but managed to hang on until help came.登山者差点掉下悬崖,但他设法抓住崖边直到有人救他。5.depend on;wait on 取决于;依赖于;有待于Everything hangs on his decision.一切取决于他的决定。It all hangs on whether he is willing to cooperate with us.一切都取决于他是否愿意和我们合作。6.listen with fascination听得着迷;注意听The students hung on his every word.学生们全神贯注地听着他的每一句话。Everyone was hanging on his answer,but he kept silent.大家都在注意听他怎么回答,但他却一直不吭声。7.continue to sound;continue to cause suffering继续响着;继续存在(疾病)The concert had come to an end,but the strains of music seemed to hang on in our ears.音乐会已经结束,但乐曲声似乎仍在我们耳边回荡。My cold has hung on for weeks,I just can"t shake it off.我感冒已经好几个星期,就是好不了。

reach out 与hold out 有什么区别

reach out 伸出(手等);伸手拿hold-out 伸出

读诗感悟:What can I hold you with?

又重新读了这首诗,真的是感触万千。几乎读每句诗都有自己的理解,也有可能是与作者的共鸣吧,毕竟作者博尔赫斯是一个胆怯、懦弱、孤独、内向的人,跟独处时的自己也类似,这样的人追求爱情热烈而又卑微。就找一个地方抒发一下情感吧,接下来的每句诗我都想写上自己的理解感悟。写诗背景:博尔赫斯40多岁时,终于能和一位女性有多一些交流,于是孤独大半辈子的博尔赫斯向那位女性表达了狂热了追求,可那位女性,同时是一位女作家,嫌弃博尔赫斯性格郁闷、不懂情趣,以及贫穷。这首诗是博尔赫斯唯一一首用英文写的诗。(他很喜欢也痴迷于英语,可是他因为害怕,所以都是在用西班牙语写作,他想把他的爱以及他自己最喜爱的语言也献给那位他深爱的女性)What can I hold you with?我用什么才能留住你?I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the ragged suburbs.我给你瘦落的街道、绝望的落日、荒郊的月亮。 (我的内心解读:我用什么才能留住你?每当我思考这个问题时,我脑海中首先浮现的是这瘦落的街道、绝望的落日、荒郊的月亮。这是单调的工作之余陪伴我时间最长的事物,他们虽然暗淡但是夹杂着美感,这是在我的灰色的生命中唯一谈得上美的东西,你能接受他们吗?)I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon.我给你一个久久地望着孤月的人的悲哀。(我也经常独自凝望着寒月,很孤独悲凉,但这是我拥有的最多事物,我不知道将来你是否会来到我身边,同我一起驱散。)I offer you my ancestors, my dead men, the ghost that living men have honoured in marble: my father"s father killed in the frontier of Buenos Aires, two bullets through his lungs, bearded and dead, wrapped by his soldiers in the hide of a cow; my mother"s grandfather –just twentyfour- heading a charge of three hundred men in Perú, now ghosts on vanished horses.我给你我已死去的祖辈,后人们用大理石祭奠的先魂:我父亲的父亲,阵亡于布宜诺斯艾利斯的边境,两颗子弹射穿了他的胸膛,死的时候蓄着胡子,尸体被士兵们用牛皮裹起;我母亲的祖父——那年才二十四岁——在秘鲁率领三百人冲锋,如今都成了消失的马背上的亡魂。 (我幻想想着,我跟你欣赏明月时,或者同你观望日落时,我能与你交谈什么?我祖辈的事迹,也许是我唯一的、能拿出向你炫耀的事物了吧。)I offer you whatever insight my books may hold, whatever manliness or humour my life.我给你我的书中所能蕴含的一切悟力,以及我生活中所能有的男子气概和幽默。(我知道我一无所有,可我多么渴望,那我拥有的,却只有我自己引之为豪的学识能吸引住你。我多么渴望,藏在内心中的男子气概和幽默感,能有一天在你面前展现。)I offer you the loyalty of a man who has never been loyal.我给你一个从未有过信仰的人的忠诚。(你知道吗,我生活中充满迷茫与绝望,可是你的出现给了我信仰。你是我生命中的唯一,我对你又是多么地热爱,我对你的爱是至死不渝的。)I offer you that kernel of myself that I have saved, somehow – the central heart that deals not in words, traffics not with dreams and is untouched by time, by joy, by adversities.我给你我设法保全的我自己的核心——不营字造句,不和梦交易,不被时间、欢乐和逆境触动的核心。 (我希望我给你的心是纯粹的,为了保证他的纯粹,我试图割舍那美丽的字句、那美好的梦、那一切美丽的事物。我希望我给你的心,不为他物所触动,只因为你。我尽力使我的心变得你所希望的那样纯粹。)I offer you the memory of a yellow rose seen at sunset, years before you were born.我给你早在你出生前多年的一个傍晚看到的一朵黄玫瑰的记忆。 (因为我爱你爱得痴狂,所以我想把我所拥有一切的事物都给你,包括那段没有你的记忆。)I offer you explanations of yourself, theories about yourself, authentic and surprising news of yourself.我给你关于你生命的诠释,关于你自己的理论,你的真实而惊人的存在。 (你的存在让我感知,给我第一次触碰到“真实”,我为这“ 真实 ”感到惊讶。)I can give you my loneliness, my darkness, the hunger of my heart; I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with defeat.我给你我的寂寞、我的黑暗、我心的饥渴;我试图用困惑、危险、失败来打动你。 (你是多么美丽的存在,可我真的什么都没有了。我只剩下我的寂寞、我的黑暗、以及我心的饥渴。我痴狂而笨拙地用这些东西包融你,我付出了我所拥有的一切,可你最后只给我留下defeat。 我用什么才能留住你?而你什么时候才愿意来把我救赎。)翻译: 王永年

warning threshold中文翻译

Fan probe warning threshold ( s ) set successfully 风扇探测器警告阈值已成功设置。 Current probe warning threshold ( s ) set successfully 电流探测器警告阈值已成功设置。 Voltage probe warning threshold ( s ) set successfully (电压探测器警告阈值已成功设置。 ) Temperature probe warning threshold ( s ) set successfully (温度探测器警告阈值已成功设置。 ) This is mostly due to higher temperatures and reduced cloudiness and precipitation over europe and it leads to a higher number of ozone events exceeding information and warning thresholds 最大可能原因为高温、云量降低及雨量下降而导致臭氧浓度超过标准。 The value given by the mand specifies more than 3 digits after the decimal point . a vapd minimum warning threshold value for volts contains up to 3 digits after the decimal point (此命令所指定的值在其小数点后超过3位数。有效的电压最小警告阈值在其小数点后最多保留3位。 ) Identifies the performance counter that exceeded the threshold , the value of the performance counter sample , and whether the value exceeded the critical threshold level or just the warning threshold level 标识超出阈值的性能计数器、性能计数器示例的值以及该值是超出关键阈值级别还是只超出警告阈值级别。 The value given by the mand specifies more than 3 digits after the decimal point . a vapd minimum warning threshold value for volts contains up to 3 digits after the decimal point (错误!小数点后的位数超过3位,读数为3 . 3000此命令所指定的值在其小数点后超过3位数。有效的电压最小警告阈值在其小数点后只保留3位。 ) The sensor work consists of nine ground - based anemometers and a wind profiler . wind information is processed by a miniputer in real time ; and puted wind shear and crosswind are pared with predetermined warning thresholds 一部小型电脑把收集得来的资料即时处理,把风切变及侧风数值计算出来并和预设的临界值进行比较,所得的结果会显示于图形显示器上。 The sensor work consists of nine ground - based anemometers and a wind profiler . wind information is processed by a miniputer in real time ; and puted wind shear and crosswind are pared with predetermined warning thresholds 一部小型电脑把收集得来的资料即时处理,把风切变及侧风数值计算出来并和预设的临界值进行比较,所得的结果会显示于图形显示器上。

take place和hold的区别

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.hold :举行,一般指举办,如hold a meeting 等,是主观上的,一般主语都是人.hold 是举行一个什么会议,向上举起一个什么东西,比如,hold a meeting,hold a game而meeting ,game 是不会和take place 放在一块用的.hold 可以用被动态,而take place是没有的.

take place与hold的区别,急!!!!!

take place 是发生,产生的意思。hold是1.保持 2握住 3召开等等的意思不知道你要住到哪方面的区别?

hold 与take place区别

take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.hold :举行,一般指举办,如hold a meeting 等,是主观上的,一般主语都是人.hold 是举行一个什么会议,向上举起一个什么东西,比如,hold a meeting,hold a game而meeting ,game 是不会和take place 放在一块用的.hold 可以用被动态,而take place是没有的.


非投标股东。tendering:v. 提出( tender的现在分词 ); 使变温柔; 使变脆弱; [法律]清偿,偿债。shareholders:[英]["u0283eu0259hu0259u028aldu0259z][美]["u0283erhou028aldu0259z]n. 股东( shareholder的名词复数 )。

seize grasp hold catch区别是什么啊?

catch 普通用词,指捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉. hold 指一般的握住 seize 指突然抓住某物,强调突然的猛烈动作

seize,grasp,hold 和catch区别是什么啊?


hold on til the night 高潮歌词

Verse 1]Watching the minute handFrozen solid not movingStill we believe we canBut we"re afraid of losingWatching from over hereIt"s hardly worth competingI"m almost out of hereWhile breaking a heart that"s beatingJust as I start giving upI"m not backing up[Chorus]Run into the lightGet out of your own wayNot afraid to fightBelieve in what you sayI"ll hold on till the nightHanging by a threadI"m not scared to let goThoughts inside your headThat creep up to get youI believe this is rightSo I"ll hold on til the night[Verse 2]I climbed up on a treeTo get a new perspectiveIf love is worth the timeThe price is being rejectedJust as I start falling downI turned this around[Chorus]Run into the lightGet out of your own wayNot afraid to fightBelieve in what you sayI"ll hold on till the nightHanging by a threadI"m not scared to let goThoughts inside your headThat creep up to get youI believe this is rightSo I"ll hold on til the night[Bridge]Hold on til I"m with youAll I"ve got to give youAll my fears are slowly fading to never knowYes I start running running running running![Chorus]Run into the lightGet out of your own wayNot afraid to fightBelieve in what you sayI"ll hold on till the night(Believe that this is the night)Hanging by a threadI"m not scared to let goThoughts inside your headThat creep up to get youI believe this is rightSo I"ll hold on til the night看着分钟循环着 ,却不想迈出一步,我们始终坚信着, 却一直害怕失去 , 站在这儿观望着  ,却不值得去争斗,当我快全身而退 , 怦动的心破碎时 ,我开始选择放弃   ,却无法因此退缩 ,   冲向光 ,一反常态  ,不惧勇斗  ,坚信你的言语 , 撑到夜末 ,命悬一线  ,绝不后退   冷静思考   让爱蔓延,无可置疑  ,  所以 我会撑到夜末   [Verse 2] , 我努力攀上树梢  只为了新的视野   如果爱值得时间的消磨  但这已无法再做改变了   就正当我开始坠落时候  环顾这四周

求:hold on til the night 中英互译歌词

watching the minute handfrozen solid not movingstill we believe we canbut we"re afraid of losingwatching from over hereit"s hardly worth competingi"m almost out of herewhile breaking a heart that"s beatingjust as i start giving upi"m not backing uprun into the lightget out of your own waynot afraid to fightbelieve in what you sayi"ll hold on till the nighthanging by a threadi"m not scared to let gothoughts inside your headthat creep up to get youi believe this is rightso i"ll hold on til the nighti climbed up on a treeto get a new perspectiveif love is worth the timethe price is being rejectedjust as i start falling downi turned this aroundhold on til i"m with youall i"ve got to give youall my fears are slowly fading to never knowyes i start running running running running!(believe that this is the night)看分针冷冻固体不动我们仍然相信我们可以但是我们害怕失去从这里看它不值得竞争我快离开这里而另一个心跳正如我开始放弃我不支持[合唱]运行到光滚出去你自己的方式不怕打仗相信你所说的我会坚持到晚上悬于一线我不害怕放手思考在你的头蠕变来帮你我相信这是正确的所以我会坚持到晚上[2]我爬上树获得新的观点如果爱是值得的价格也被拒绝了我刚开始倒下我把这周围[合唱]运行到光滚出去你自己的方式不怕打仗相信你所说的我会坚持到晚上悬于一线我不害怕放手思考在你的头蠕变来帮你我相信这是正确的所以我会坚持到晚上坚持直到我与你所有我能给予你的我所有的恐惧渐渐消退,不知道是的,我开始奔跑奔跑![合唱]运行到光滚出去你自己的方式不怕打仗相信你所说的我会坚持到晚上(相信这是夜晚)悬于一线我不害怕放手思考在你的头蠕变来帮你我相信这是正确的所以我会坚持到晚上 ... 展开全部>

每次开机都弹出找到新硬件向导 提示出安装usb token 32 holder 安装后死机


为什么开机总显示新硬件向导usb token32holder


开机跳出USB Token 32 holder然后自动重启了,怎么解决


为什么我的电脑每次打开都会出现新的硬件安装usb token 32 holder

你电脑是不是加了什么USB设备啊....检查下是不是什么读卡器呀是USB猫啊什么 ...最产品上的品牌型号找驱动..试试...

在计算机设备管理器智能卡阅读器下面的usb token 32 Holder设备全变黄色并有惊叹号是什么意思

你的那个智能卡阅读器``即usb token 32 Holder这个设备没有驱动.或是没有安装到正确的驱动程序.


欧蓝德 ( 查成交价 | 车型详解 )autohold操作方法:正常挂到p档,电子手刹自动拉起,挂到d档,手刹自动松开。作为SUV市场里为数不多提供7座版的车型, 三菱 欧蓝德绝对算得上特点鲜明。隔了十二年后二次国产,国产欧蓝德不仅是对进口版原汁原味复刻,还针对国内市场小幅优化,成为合资7座SUV市场里的独苗。 欧蓝德SUV的名字意于唤起人们对未知道路的探险精神,它继承了三菱传统的越野技术,将引领新一代SUV的发展方向――灵活与运动的完美结合。三菱传统的越野车技术曾经使用在参加巴黎至达喀尔拉力赛的赛车上,而这一次这种技术在欧蓝德上的使用,让Outlander的骨子里也流淌着了冠军的血液:采用全新的四轮传动系统,2.4升全铝质发动机,并在Lancer车身/底盘的基础上通过重新设计、改进,使底盘更富机能性,全新高撞击安全装置使得车身结构有着出色的安全性。坐在欧蓝德里面,有比一般轿车更宽敞舒适的空间感。因为车身高于轿车,所以驾驶员视线好,座椅包容性不错,不容易疲惫。方向盘设计为时下比较流行的四幅式,采用上下可调节,但对于一米7左右的驾驶员,这样得设计容易挡住仪表板上的转向灯。圆形的出风口以及T型的仪表台与欧蓝得“独特“的设计 理念 相呼应,可以说是一亮点。(图/文/摄: 陈杰2) @2019



i never told you.i wanna hold you是哪首歌的词?

陈冠希的 i never told you 。

克莱鹏mini调压显示power locked hold up down怎么回事

加减同时按几秒就好了 锁定当前电压模式

用hold the record造句

he has held the record for almost ten years。他保持该记录已经差不多十年了

圣安地利亚斯枪械训练任务让你射瓶子,射完后还有个任务怎么做的?什么manually aim hold down RMB什么。


hold the promise of是什么意思


warlock的《Holding Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Holding Me歌手:warlock专辑:Doro Pesch and Warlock: LiveWell I see you standing thereClouds covered from the moonStrong wind blows through my hairIt"s midnight and I"m staying hereIt"s so dark and coldAnd I need youFor holding meMy heart desire: youWell I wish you were hereAnd I see you everywhereYou are a vision from my heartBut I stand apartIt"s a long time agoWarlockSince I first saw youI"ve been waiting, waiting, waitingMany years for youI need you - for holding meI need you for holding meMy heart desire: you tonightOh I see you standing thereClouds covered from the moonStrong wind blows through my hairIt"s midnight and I"m staying hereIt"s so dark and coldAnd I need youFor holding meMy heart desire: youI need you for holding, for holding meOh I wish you were hereAnd I see you everywhereYou are a vision from my heartBut I stand apartIt"s so dark and coldAnd I need youFor holding meMy heart desire: youI need you - for holding meI need you for holding meMy heart desire: you tonightI need you for holding, for holding meOh yes I need you for holding meMy heart desire: you tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/53951696

Member 和 Shareholder的区别

Member 和 Shareholder的区别在涉及公司法的文件中,常会碰到“Member”和“shareholder”,这两个的意思很接近,但是在特殊语境中还是会有差别。建议不要把“Member”译成“股东”。For a Company, there is a very minor difference between Member(s) and Shareholder(s), but that difference which applies to only some of the situations is very important from the point of view of that member/shareholder. 1. Definition of "member".A member is one of the Company"s owners whose name has been entered on the register of members of that Company. The subscribers of the memorandum of association of a company are the deemed members of the company and on the registration of the same, their names are required to be entered register of members. Every person holding equity share capital of company and whose name is entered as beneficial owner in the records of the depository shall be deemed to be a member of the concerned company. 2. Definition of "shareholder" A shareholder is a person who buys and holds shares in a company having a share capital. They become a member once their name is entered on the register of members. Many companies limited by guarantee do not have a share capital, and consequently, their members are not shareholders. 3. Rights of members and shareholders? The rights of members are stated in the Companies Act and in the company"s memorandum and articles of association and those rights are not available to the Shareholder. e.g. Right to a dividend:- Only Members of the Company are eligible for a dividend i.e. the money that a company pays to its shareholders from its profits. Generally the Company fixes a record date before distribution of dividend to determine the members who are eligible for the dividend, and only the name of the persons whose name appears in the Register of Members and in the Statement of Beneficial Owners as provided by the Depository(ies) as on the Record Date are considered as Member. And therefore any Person who has bought the shares from an existing member of a Company but such share transfer is under process for registration and his name is not yet entered in the Register of Members, then he will not be considered as Member neither he will be eligible for Dividends. 4. Illustrations: (1) A person can be a Member and Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive and haven"t sold his shares to anybody. (2) A person can be a Member but not a Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive but he has sold his shares to Mr. Y on that day. (3) A person can be a Shareholder but not a Member of the Company at the same time. e.g. Mr. Y has 30 shares in FT Limited bought from Mr. X on 11th August, 2012, he has forwarded the Share Transfer Documents to the Company for registration of his name in the Register of members.

Member 和 Shareholder的区别

在涉及公司法的文件中,常会碰到“Member”和“shareholder”,这两个的意思很接近,但是在特殊语境中还是会有差别。建议不要把“Member”译成“股东”。For a Company, there is a very minor difference between Member(s) and Shareholder(s), but that difference which applies to only some of the situations is very important from the point of view of that member/shareholder. 1. Definition of "member".A member is one of the Company"s owners whose name has been entered on the register of members of that Company. The subscribers of the memorandum of association of a company are the deemed members of the company and on the registration of the same, their names are required to be entered register of members. Every person holding equity share capital of company and whose name is entered as beneficial owner in the records of the depository shall be deemed to be a member of the concerned company. 2. Definition of "shareholder" A shareholder is a person who buys and holds shares in a company having a share capital. They become a member once their name is entered on the register of members. Many companies limited by guarantee do not have a share capital, and consequently, their members are not shareholders. 3. Rights of members and shareholders? The rights of members are stated in the Companies Act and in the company"s memorandum and articles of association and those rights are not available to the Shareholder. e.g. Right to a dividend:- Only Members of the Company are eligible for a dividend i.e. the money that a company pays to its shareholders from its profits. Generally the Company fixes a record date before distribution of dividend to determine the members who are eligible for the dividend, and only the name of the persons whose name appears in the Register of Members and in the Statement of Beneficial Owners as provided by the Depository(ies) as on the Record Date are considered as Member. And therefore any Person who has bought the shares from an existing member of a Company but such share transfer is under process for registration and his name is not yet entered in the Register of Members, then he will not be considered as Member neither he will be eligible for Dividends. 4. Illustrations: (1) A person can be a Member and Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive and haven"t sold his shares to anybody. (2) A person can be a Member but not a Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive but he has sold his shares to Mr. Y on that day. (3) A person can be a Shareholder but not a Member of the Company at the same time. e.g. Mr. Y has 30 shares in FT Limited bought from Mr. X on 11th August, 2012, he has forwarded the Share Transfer Documents to the Company for registration of his name in the Register of members.

美国一个民谣女歌手的一首歌中有歌词“if you love somebody speak it out donnot hold back,求歌名

Can You Hear Me Now所属专辑:Two Eleven (Deluxe Version)演唱人:BrandySome things are best left unspokenDon"t waste time with that talkJust keep that back in motionIt ain"t that easy for me to get offBut I can be your guilty pleasureJust be sure to put it down down downYeah I"m ready for whateverBut you gotta make mama proudAnd every night your love for my affectionAnd please believe I"m guaranteed to turn you outBut you just point that thing in my directionAnd when I"m almost there I"ll start making those soundsCan you hear me nowAm I getting closerCan you hear me nowWell if not then you"re supposed toCan you hear me nowAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyCan you hear me nowI"m pretty sure that you noticeThe swagger in my walkJust pay attention and focus yeah-eahBaby you just gotta play your partAnd then you can get this treasureBut you gotta dig deeper down down downWhen nobody love you betterBut you gotta make mama proudCan youx hear me nowAm I getting closerCan you hear me nowWell if not then you"re supposed toCan you hear me nowAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyAh I can hear you babyI can see you babyCan you hear me now x2

Julian Lennon的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Julian Lennon专辑:Everything ChangesJohn Lennon - Hold OnHold on John, John, hold onIt"s gonna be alrightYou gonna win the fightHold on Yoko, Yoko, hold onYou gonna make the flightWhen you"re by yourselfAnd there"s no one elseYou just have yourselfAnd you tell yourselfJust to hold onHold on world, world, hold onYou gonna see the lightWhen you"re one, really oneWell, you get things doneLike they"ve never been donehttp://music.baidu.com/song/17710227

哪位大神帮我翻一下玫瑰人生的歌词 Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell ...


nome门店有一首歌,歌词里面有“hold on”“here we go baby”是一个女的唱



n. 举办;支持 v. 召开;担任(hold的ing形式);握住

Timbaland的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Timbaland专辑:Under Construction, Pt. IiHold On Self TitltedI"ve been living all these yearsjust to grow another fear,And to feel the other side of you leaving,We can"t know where we belong,Aging rivers move alongand the breath of our hearts Is dyingLord I"m needing you so much,I"m so afraid of losing touch,Don"t you feel it when I say...?Baby, please hold on to it,Baby, please hold on to it, oh, oh, oh.Burning through another day,Watching the tide roll away,And the ocean of our lives is fading,And I"m trying to feel the light,Pass through darkness in the night,We"re both changing, can"t you see?That I"m needing you so much,come so far to lose our touch,Better believe me, when I say…Baby, please hold on to it,Oh, baby please hold on to it, oh, oh,Oh, oh, oh.Lord I"m needing you so much,I"m so afraid of losing touch,Don"t you feel it when I say...?Baby, please hold on to it,Baby, please hold on to it, oh, oh, oh.Oh, how will I know?Oh, how will I know?Oh, how will I know?http://music.baidu.com/song/1423531

hold violation如何修?

上一期介绍了setup violation的修复,这次我们来讲讲 hold violation 。 相比setup来说,hold的修复要简单得多。同样地,我们先来回顾下hold time的定义。 hold time(保持时间)检查的是数据不能传输太快,太快会影响前一次数据的锁存。如下图所示:用公式简单表示为Tlaunch为launch clock path delay Tcapture为capture clock path delay Tdp为data path delay 详细公式可以查看下列文章 【时序分析基本概念介绍】 同样的,我们从公式中可以知道,修复hold主要也有三种方法: 1)增加data path上的delay 这是最常用的修复hold violation的方法。增加path delay要比减小delay方便得多,因此hold violation非常好修。一般情况下,我们只需要在data path上垫buffer或者delay cell就行。buffer cell能增加的delay较小,delay cell会比较大,我们可以根据timing report中每条path的slack情况可以选择垫buffer或者delay cell。 还有个需要注意的事项是,buffer或者delay cell插入的位置。通常情况下,cell的位置都插在path的endpoint附近,因为这样对其他path setup影响的结果最小,也能更好地避免drv的violation。 2)增加launch clock path delay 和修setup violation一样,我们也可以通过垫launch clock path delay来实现修复hold violation的情况。但实际情况下,我们很少使用该手段,因为动到clock,就会出现很多不可控的状况。除非是从同一个register出去有很多hold violation的情况,在设计density很高的情况下可以尝试使用。需要注意检查前一级path的hold margin。 3)减少capture clock path delay 这种方法也需要动到clock,而且减小clock path delay的情况很难实现,因此一般这种方法不可取。 Hold violation很大程度上依赖于clock path的质量,如果clock tree做得很平,那hold violation就会少很多。实际在最后ECO阶段修hold的过程中,我们可以更多地通过脚本来实现。抓取violation path的endpoint点。如果是SI pin,一般可以直接加buffer,或者delay cell。非SI pin的话,记得检查一下对应的setup的margin。

什么是level hold输出toggle

Level-Hold 或者Toggle 输出 u2022 One-Key 或Any-Key 唤醒模式 u2022 引脚或串口命令可设置唤醒模式 u2022 开漏极NMOS 输出 u2022 通过引脚或串口检测按键状态 概...

英语Hold on to the rope怎么翻译?


家电应该翻译为household electrical appliances还是household electric appliances

domestic appliances或者household appliances就可以了,6级不会考这么细的,近几年新题型出题思路已经没这么死板了

household items是什么意思




经济学中household confidence的意思




household register是什么意思

household register英 [u02c8haushu0259uld u02c8redu0292istu0259] 美 [u02c8hau028asu02cchold u02c8ru025bdu0292u026astu025a][法] 户口册,户口簿; 户籍户口簿;户口本;户籍;户口登记簿双语例句1. The accumulation admits 96 in hospital babies ( Beijing household register 28 ). 累计收治96名住院患儿 ( 其中北京户籍28名 ).2. The household register management reform is a relational everyone"s big matter. 摘要户籍管理改革是一个关系千家万户的大事情.3. The question about the slaves household register in Chin and Han dynasties was discussed drastically. 秦汉奴婢的户籍问题一直是史学界争论较多的问题之一.4. Say from this meaning, the reform of the household register system also already carry on. 从这个意义上说, 户籍制度的改革也早已进行.5. Will the number of his ID card change if his household register is moved? 居:那如果以后他的户口迁移了,他的身份证号码会不会变动?

household income是什么意思

household income 英[u02c8haushu0259uld u02c8inku0259m] 美[u02c8hau028asu02cchold u02c8u026anu02ccku028cm] [词典] 家庭收入; [例句]At the same time your expenses will increase, your household income may decrease.与此同时,你的支出将增加,而家庭收入可能减少。

household task是什么?

household 是家庭的 household task就是家务的意思

household appliances是什么意思

household appliances家用电器; 例句:1.Military-backed companies produce cement, olive oil and household appliances as wellas arms. 军方支持的公司生产的水泥、橄榄油、家用电器以及武器。2.A northeastern engineering professor, deniz erdogmus, said the new brain-computerinterface might be used to control household appliances. 东北大学工程学教授deniz erdogmus说,这一新的大脑-电脑接口可能会被用于控制家用电器。

household chores是什么意思

household chores n. 家务活 [例句]He says the children have become keener on household chores.他说孩子们现在在家务中更积极了。

household goods是什么意思

你好,为你解答,正确答案为:household goods家庭用品;家居用品;家用品;日用商品例句:Our neighbors sold their household goods before they moved out. 我们的邻居在搬家前把家用品先卖掉.祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

head of household是什么意思


individual household是什么意思

individual household:单个家庭。individual household是微观经济学的一个重要概念,是需求单位。

household items是什么意思


英语household pets怎么翻译?

household pets家庭宠物

household task

household task 是家务的意思. 这个题我答过,我从以下两个方面来做的: 1、家务让孩子分担家里的事,让孩子们感到自己是家里的一员增强责任感 2、家务锻炼孩子们的动手能力,让他们把事情做的更有条理,为将来做更复杂的事情打下基础.

all households是什么意思啊?

All Households1.全国居民2.所有家庭

家居用品翻译为household furnishings可以吗?我们主要做窗帘的


in family 与 in household的区别?

"In family" 通常指某人的亲属,也就是与他们有血缘或婚姻关系的人。例如,父母、兄弟姐妹、配偶、孩子等都是某个人的家庭成员。而 "in household" 则是指同一居住地的人,通常是指和某人共同生活在同一个房屋或公寓的人,无论是否有亲戚关系。例如,室友、租户、保姆、雇工等都可以被称为同一 household 的人。


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 不要复制字典! 解析: family 指包括父母,姐妹等家庭成员的一家人。household 指同住在一所房子里的人(家人,房客等)


简单地来说,household针对的是空间,而family强调的是关系。household是指生活在同一个住处或者房屋里的一家人,以户为计量单位。family不一定要生活在一起,近亲远亲都可以称为家人,不住在一起的家人只能称为family不能称为household。 home前面加to的情况 1、当home作名词时,前面可以加to。 home作名词时基本意思是“家,故乡”,多指某人出生以及成长的环境或与某人一起居住的地方。 在美国口语中,home可与house互换,即把“家”和“住宅”看成一体。home也可作“家庭,家乡”解,这时其前不用冠词。 也可指植物或动物的“产地,生长地,发源地”,作此解时home用于单数形式,其前常加定冠词the,其后则常接介词of。 2、当home作副词时,前面不需要加to。 home用作副词的基本意思是“在家,回家,到家”,本身含有“在”“到”的意思,故其前不可用介词to或in。 welcome to home意思是欢迎回家,home在这里作副词,所以不加to。 welcome用作叹词的意思是“欢迎”,是迎接时的招呼语,用于正式场合,也用于车站、码头、机场及大街上悬挂的标语牌上,或用于广告语、报纸等的标题,常与表示方向的副词或介词to连用。





private household是什么意思


household 加介词 household前加不加介词

household house.hold[`haJsu02cchold; ˋhaushould]名词1 (C)[集合称]家族,家眷,家属a large 大家族2 [the ](英)王室the Imperial [Royal] 皇室 [王家] (包含侍仆)形容词1 家族的,家眷的; 家庭的,一家的~affairs家事~goods家产,家当~stuff家庭用具,家当~arts家政 (学)2 切身的,听 [看,讲] 惯的a name [word]家喻户晓的名字 [字]3 (英)王室的the troops御林军(cf.guard n.2 e)

household 的定语从句用who还是which




household duties和family chores 有什么区别


问下household可数吗? 不要乱讲。。要有例句。。 谢谢。。。

household是一个可数名词1. At that time, not many households had telephones.当时还没有多少家庭装有电话。2. Each household is limited to purchase one gallon of gas a week during WWII.二战期间,每一户一周只能购买一加仑汽油。这第二句是本人编的一个句子,不过用法的正确性是不容怀疑的

household economy是什么意思







house主要指建筑物、住宅。household这个词最常用在社会调查中,作为一个基本的调查单位,它所表示的“家庭”并不具有血缘意义上的关系,而是指居住在同一栋房子里的全部人员,户籍统计中我们统计的就是household,而不是home或者family。1、当home作名词时,前面可以加to。home作名词时基本意思是“家,故乡”,多指某人出生以及成长的环境或与某人一起居住的地方。在美国口语中,home可与house互换,即把“家”和“住宅”看成一体。home也可作“家庭,家乡”解,这时其前不用冠词。也可指植物或动物的“产地,生长地,发源地”,作此解时home用于单数形式,其前常加定冠词the,其后则常接介词of。2、当home作副词时,前面不需要加to。home用作副词的基本意思是“在家,回家,到家”,本身含有“在”“到”的意思,故其前不可用介词to或in。welcome to home意思是欢迎回家,home在这里作副词,所以不加to。welcome用作叹词的意思是“欢迎”,是迎接时的招呼语,用于正式场合,也用于车站、码头、机场及大街上悬挂的标语牌上,或用于广告语、报纸等的标题,常与表示方向的副词或介词to连用。



he hold onto a company句子结构分析

welcome谓语 warmly状语 the representatives宾语 from A company介词短语作后置定语修饰representives to visit B company是宾语the representatives的补足语

go on hold on move on carry on 翻译下

go on = 继续你在做的事,不用理我继续你的事hold on = 你等等move on = 过去的由它过去,继续往前面的路走carry on = 继续你在做的事, 继续说下去

感觉辨别阈(discrimination threshold)



是《Try》这首歌。《Try》是美国流行女歌手Colbie Caillat演唱的一首歌曲,出自专辑《Gypsy Heart Side A》,于2014年6月9日先行发行。

贾斯汀比伯歌曲hold tight翻译

Hold Tight - Justin BieberThey hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去(Lips won"t let me go, lips won"t let me go, oh)那双唇还不舍我离去They hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去Don"t let this go to your head你无需多想But you"re the best, I"ve ever had但你曾是我最美好的拥有Not to mention又何必再提That thing is swollen那些已被时光吞噬的过往You got me oh so in the trance而你仍让我恍惚沉迷Something like a zip lock, but a lip lock那唇像拉链一般紧锁Want you wrapped around me like a wrist watch想被你像手表一样缠绕Oh, so hard walking out哦 无法挣脱Got me stuck like crazy glue, ooh我已被这疯狂的胶水粘住,动弹不得哦 They hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去(Lips won"t let me go, lips won"t let me go, oh)那双唇还不舍我离去 那双唇还不舍我离去 哦They hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去Got me tossing, turning into bed扔下我一人,你枕床入眠The places where I rather be instead而此刻我多想成为那张床You don"t know your strength你从不知道你有多大的力量Missing you is like adrenaline失去你就像一场赌上生命的冒险Oh, when you got me in a grid lock哦 我被你那氤氲的雾霭困住What a great spot却觉得欣喜若狂Yeah, that turned up kind of love and it just won"t stop耶 那像是爱情一样,无法停止的感觉No, so hard walking out似乎自己再也无法冲出重围Got me stuck like crazy glue, ooh babe我已被这疯狂的胶水粘住,动弹不得They hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去(Lips won"t let me go, lips won"t let me go, oh)那双唇还不舍我离去 那双唇还不舍我离去 哦They hold on tight难舍难分Yeah, they hold on tight耶 难舍难分Ooh, they hold on tight哦 难舍难分Them lips won"t let me go那双唇还不舍我离去Holding back the faces I would make收起我兴奋的脸庞I"m a fan and you"re the rock star你是摇滚巨星而我只是你的小歌迷Making it hard on me爱你举步维艰Visualize a monster像个恶魔一样Cause you"re too bad for me你对我从不珍惜Shot that arrow, I"m hit但我已被爱神的箭击中Need you righ

hold tight onto oneself帮解释一下


hold me tight 歌词


一首男女中英混唱的歌hold you tonight,谁知道歌词


hold on a tight rein是什么意思

http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tight+rein"A means of restraining or checking: kept a tight rein on expenditures."tight rein是指严格的管制。hold是掌控的意思整个短语有点重复,但大抵就是管得很严,事无巨细都要插一手而且非常强势。
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