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lift:举起 carry:扛着,背着,抱着 hold:拥有,持有,握着


意思是:shareholders"funds(ROSF) 股东资金回报率即权益回报率(ROE)。


gender typed household set性别类型家庭组




fall,falls,falling,fellfeel,feels,feeling,feltfight,fights,fighting,foughtfind,finds,finding,foundfly,flies,flying,flewforget,forgets,forgeting,forgotget,gets,geting,gotgive,gives,giving,gavegrow,grows,growing,grewhang,hangs,hanging,hunghear,hears,hearing,heardhit,hits,hitting,hithold,holds,holding,heldhurt,hurts,hurting,hurt 望采纳!



Member 和 Shareholder的区别

Member 和 Shareholder的区别在涉及公司法的文件中,常会碰到“Member”和“shareholder”,这两个的意思很接近,但是在特殊语境中还是会有差别。建议不要把“Member”译成“股东”。For a Company, there is a very minor difference between Member(s) and Shareholder(s), but that difference which applies to only some of the situations is very important from the point of view of that member/shareholder. 1. Definition of "member".A member is one of the Company"s owners whose name has been entered on the register of members of that Company. The subscribers of the memorandum of association of a company are the deemed members of the company and on the registration of the same, their names are required to be entered register of members. Every person holding equity share capital of company and whose name is entered as beneficial owner in the records of the depository shall be deemed to be a member of the concerned company. 2. Definition of "shareholder" A shareholder is a person who buys and holds shares in a company having a share capital. They become a member once their name is entered on the register of members. Many companies limited by guarantee do not have a share capital, and consequently, their members are not shareholders. 3. Rights of members and shareholders? The rights of members are stated in the Companies Act and in the company"s memorandum and articles of association and those rights are not available to the Shareholder. e.g. Right to a dividend:- Only Members of the Company are eligible for a dividend i.e. the money that a company pays to its shareholders from its profits. Generally the Company fixes a record date before distribution of dividend to determine the members who are eligible for the dividend, and only the name of the persons whose name appears in the Register of Members and in the Statement of Beneficial Owners as provided by the Depository(ies) as on the Record Date are considered as Member. And therefore any Person who has bought the shares from an existing member of a Company but such share transfer is under process for registration and his name is not yet entered in the Register of Members, then he will not be considered as Member neither he will be eligible for Dividends. 4. Illustrations: (1) A person can be a Member and Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive and haven"t sold his shares to anybody. (2) A person can be a Member but not a Shareholder of the Company at the same time: e.g. Mr. X has 30 shares in FT Limited, his name appears in the Register of Members on 11th August, 2012 and he is alive but he has sold his shares to Mr. Y on that day. (3) A person can be a Shareholder but not a Member of the Company at the same time. e.g. Mr. Y has 30 shares in FT Limited bought from Mr. X on 11th August, 2012, he has forwarded the Share Transfer Documents to the Company for registration of his name in the Register of members.


根据官方的介绍RecyclerView是ListView的升级版,既然如此那RecyclerView必然有它的优点,现就RecylerView相对于ListView的优点罗列如下:① RecyclerView封装了viewholder的回收复用,也就是说RecyclerView标准化了ViewHolder,编写Adapter面向的是ViewHolder而不再是View了,复用的逻辑被封装了,写起来更加简单。② 提供了一种插拔式的体验,高度的解耦,异常的灵活,针对一个Item的显示RecyclerView专门抽取出了相应的类,来控制Item的显示,使其的扩展性非常强。例如:你想控制横向或者纵向滑动列表效果可以通过LinearLayoutManager这个类来进行控制(与GridView效果对应的是GridLayoutManager,与瀑布流对应的还StaggeredGridLayoutManager等),也就是说RecyclerView不再拘泥于ListView的线性展示方式,它也可以实现GridView的效果等多种效果。你想控制Item的分隔线,可以通过继承RecyclerView的ItemDecoration这个类,然后针对自己的业务需求去抒写代码。③ 可以控制Item增删的动画,可以通过ItemAnimator这个类进行控制,当然针对增删的动画,RecyclerView有其自己默认的实现。

shareholder activist是什么?怎么翻译最好?

Shareholder Activism一般译为股东权益运动、股东积极主义、 积极股东行动主义、股东行动主义。 . 所谓的股东积极主义,就是当上市公司董事会的决策, 不符合股东利益,身为「有识之士」股东的就纠集力量, 令董事会改组,甚或逼管理层下台。此处所谓股东, 其实并非一般小股东,而是以以机构投资者为主的股市中实户。 他们积极参与公司治理的动力, 主要取决于持股成本与发动改革的收益的比较。 具体决定于机构投资者的持股比例、持股时间和监督成本等. 机构投资人对公司治理的态度, 已倾向以企业经营模式来发挥其最大的影响力。 . 机构投资人自期为投资大众的”守门员” -Watch Dog,强调监督『经营责任』 (Management Accountability),更为自己追求最大『股东价值』 (Shareholder Value)。Wall Street Rules 衍成Market-Based Governance Model 。 . 股东积极主义近年在欧洲搞得如火如荼, 更可为小股东带来相当的回报。据一份在伦敦商学院(London Business School)研讨会上发表的独立学术研究指, 英国的法律及文化环境极为适合股东权益运动壮大规模, 学者追踪一个名为Hermes UK Focus Fund 的表现,发现该基金在研究期间, 专门锁定一些股价落后大盘或被低估了的公司,经营绩效差、 公司治理品质与内涵不良、法人持股比重高、 内部人持股比重低之企业作投资对象,投资额占被锁定公司的1% 至15%权益,然后针对公司治理、 财务结构等导致股价积弱的原因,作出积极参与, 例如与管理层谈判,甚至撤换董事会成员。 值得留意的是,该基金很少在公开的股东会高调行事, 反而多在幕后发招,以达到提高派息率、改善认股权计划等目的。 而在这些公司大动作的公布期前后, 有关公司的股价表现往往脱胎换骨,此亦正是该基金的杰作。 在亚洲,南韩的三星电子也开始正视类似的股东集体挑战, 香港民间非营利机构民主人民团结组织(People"s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy;PSPD)前(2005) 年就曾经在股东大会上,对总裁担任董事的提案,集结到3.75% 的反对票,虽未足以左右大局,但对当地企业界已响起警讯, 更代表股东权益运动的起步。正如PSPD在其创立宣言中所言述, "We are going to raise the flag of Solidarity for a society in which everyone can have a voice, and people with diligence and honesty may lead life they deserve.To be the real sovereigns of the country, we should become watchdogs of the government, screening the daily decision-making process it derives its power from." 说明把公民参与的意识带到公司治理的范畴。 前(2004)年,德国证券交易所(Duetsche Borse)想收购英国伦敦证券交易所。 岂知拥有德国证券交易所8%股权的TCI突然出手, 一手放空伦敦证券交易所的股票,另一手联合美林证券、 富达基金等德国证券交易所股东,反对德国证券交易所的收购建议, 最后搞到德国证券交易所的行政总裁Werner Seifert在2004年5月9日仓皇下台。 . 机构投资者积极参与公司治理,可以克服小股东治理激励不足, 弥补大股东内部控制的缺陷。


hold - held - heldstick - stuck - stuckkeep -kept -keptfall -fell - fallentake - took -takenring -rang - rung

bring , buy , catch , hear , hold , keep 的过去分词和过去式怎么写?


candle holder是什么意思

candle holder蜡烛烛台candle holder英[ˈkændl ˈhəuldə]美[ˈkændl ˈholdɚ]n.蜡烛台网络烛台


名词:book 书籍 model 模型 plane飞机 stand停止,立场 yard 院子 family 家庭flower花 cheer 愉悦,欢呼形容词:beautiful 漂亮的 clear 干净的 small 小的 plane平的,平面的 own 自己的,特有的 family 家庭的,家族的动词:clear 打扫,清除 book 预定,控告 model 模仿 cheer使...快活,对...欢呼plane 刨,刨平 own拥有,自认,承认 flower开花,旺盛,使开花



经济学里的hold-up什么意思?请举例说明一下 谢谢



visited ,arrived,tried,preferred,cost ,left,saw-seen,drove-driven,helped,saved,stopped,gave-given,held,knew-known,fed,wrote-written 写一个的是过去式和分词相同rains-raining,writes-writing,prefers-preferring, tries-trying,goes-going, stops-stopping, sees-seeing, runs-running

hold on camper是什么意思??


hold on camper是什么意思???




在晶振中,holdover accuracy 是什么意思?

延时精度,也称频率容限,该指标度量晶振实际频率于应用要求频率值间的接近程度。其常用的表度方法是于特定频率相比的偏移百分比或百万分之几(ppm)。例如,对一款精度±100ppm的 10MHz晶振来说,其实际频率在10MHz±1000Hz之间。 (100/1,000,000)×10,000,000=1000Hz 它与下式意义相同:1000/10,000,000=0.0001=10-4或0.01%。典型的频率精度范围在1到 1000ppm,以最初的25°C 给出。精度很高的晶振以十亿分之几(ppb)给出


Input bandwidth utilization threshold输入带宽利用率例句:1.It does so for any value of the threshold you choose. 不管你所选择的门槛金额大小,它都会起到这个效果。2.What do you think the income threshold would be in your town for maximum day-to-dayhappiness? 你认为在你生活的地方,日常生活满意度的收入分水岭数字会是多少?

hold the bandage in place with tape

答案:in place 解析:"把绷带固定好"即"用胶带使绷带处于适当的位置",故根据所给横线数量可知本题实际考查in place"在对的位置;准备就绪"这一固定短语.另外本题中的in place 是介词短语作宾语补足语.

Part1- Hoseholds owning and renting accommodation in England and Wales 1918 to2011

Topic: The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918and 2011. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures, and make comparisons where relevant.The bar graph illustrates how the rates of families living in both possessed and leased houses changed in England and Wales in a span of 93 years. It is clear that the percentage of households who lived in rented accommodations generally decreased during this period, while the counterpart of households in owned residences overall increased at the same span of time. To be specific, in 1918, about 23% of families lived in accommodations which were owned by themselves. The proportion continuously enlarged, and peaked in 2001, at around 68%, then declined to roughly 65% after 10 years. By contrast, the percentage of households living in rented houses was nearly 80% at the beginning, which was much more substantial than the equivalent rate of rented accommodations. After a long period of shrinkage,in which the level of the other type of households equaled and surpassed it in1971 and 1981,respectively, merely about 32% of families resided in rented homesin 2001, then the percentage experienced a fall to around 36% in 2011.


hold是容纳,表示足够大小来容纳accommodate 表示款待,除容纳外还有招待、满足之意希望能帮到你,满意别忘了采纳哦,thanks!


hold 表示保持accommodate 表示适应

hold 与 accommodate 表示容纳的时候的区别

两者没有多大差别;hold 可以用于小的容器(比如瓶子),也可以大的(比如房间,体育馆等); accommodate 一般指大的(room, building 等)


hold 可以用于小的容器,比如瓶子,也可以大的,比如房间,体育馆等; accommodate 一般指大的,room, building 等; hold v.拿着;抓住;抱住;托住; n.抓;握;拿;支撑;持;抱;(尤指摔跤、拳击中的)擒拿法; accommodate v.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳 扩展资料   I don"t hold with the use of force.   我不赞成使用武力。   The same argument does not hold good in every case.   同样的论点并非在所有的.情况下都正确。   You"re not holding it the right way up.   你把它拿倒了。   I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.   我需要适应新的时间表。   I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.   我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。

EASYJET中hold bag和cabin bag的区别




同时,我们将暂停客舱服务Cabin service will also be on hold

你好,高兴为你回答。请采纳,谢谢!!这个句子是没有问题的。cabin 意思是客舱,名词service 意思是服务,在这里做名词also 也,还,be on hold 或 be put on hold 意思是暂停,搁置,所以 Cabin service will also be on hold.翻译成: 同时,我们将暂停客舱服务。是没有问题的


区别是:hold 英[həʊld] 美[hoʊld] vt. 容纳; 拿住,握住; 保留,保存; 扣留,拘押; vi. 拿住,握住; 同意,赞成; 保持不变; 有效; n. 握住; 保留; 控制; [例句]1、Hold the knife at an angle.斜握住刀。2、I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag. 有人猛地抓住了我的睡袋,把我惊醒了。3、If only he would hold her close to him. 要是他能将她拥入怀中就好了。accommodate 英[əˈkɒmədeɪt] 美[əˈkɑ:mədeɪt] vt. 容纳; 使适应; 向…提供住处; 帮忙; vi. [后面省去反身代词] 适应于; (眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体) ; 调解,调停; [例句]1、The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。2、Students are accommodated in homes nearby. 学生被安置在附近的住家中。3、The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。


hold 可以用于小的容器,比如瓶子,也可以大的,比如房间,体育馆等; accommodate 一般指大的,room, building 等; hold v.拿着;抓住;抱住;托住; n.抓;握;拿;支撑;持;抱;(尤指摔跤、拳击中的)擒拿法; accommodate v.为(某人)提供住宿(或膳宿、座位等);容纳 扩展资料   I don"t hold with the use of force.   我不赞成使用武力。   The same argument does not hold good in every case.   同样的论点并非在所有的.情况下都正确。   You"re not holding it the right way up.   你把它拿倒了。   I needed to accommodate to the new schedule.   我需要适应新的时间表。   I have accommodated the press a great deal, giving numerous interviews.   我多次接受采访,已给了报界许多方便。

absolute threshold是什么意思

  absolute threshold  英 [ˈæbsəlju:t ˈθreʃhəuld]  美 [ˈæbsəˌlut ˈθrɛʃˌold]  [释义]绝对阈值;  [网络]绝对阈,绝对阈,听阈; 感觉阈限定律; 绝对阈;  [例句]a primary cpich becomes worse than an absolute threshold.  主要cpich变得比绝对阈值更差。

leasehold improvement是什么意思

leasehold improvement租赁物的改良[网络短语]leasehold improvement 租赁资产改良投资,租赁物的改良,租赁资产改良支出accounting for leasehold improvement 租赁物件改良会计处理Leasehold Improvement - Portal 批租土地的改进,租赁改善,正在翻译(赠人玫瑰,手留余香。如若,您对我的答复满意,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~)

ten-leagueinternationalholdingsprivatelimited 什么意思

ten-league international holding spri vate limited十盟国际控股私人有限公司SPRIleague[英][li:g][美][liɡ]n.联盟; 社团; (运动)联合会、联赛; 里格(长度单位,约等于 3 英里); vt.&vi.使…结盟,使…结合; 第三人称单数:leagues过去分词:leagued复数:leagues现在进行时:leaguing过去式:leagued

星际争霸中Attek ;Hold position ;petrol ;liftoff;stimpecks:Research at Academy各自的意思是什么?

Attack=攻击,快捷键A或者鼠标右键hold position=原地不动,目标进入范围后在不移动的前提下进行攻击。快捷键hpatrol=巡逻,在目前位置和目标位置来回移动,对路线上任何敌人进行攻击,如果敌人离开攻击范围则继续巡逻。快捷键plift off=人族建筑的起飞命令。快捷键L。Research at Academy=一项需要在人族建筑Academy(快捷键ba)里研究的科技。

badge-holder是什么 意思

badge holder(徽章夹)Badge Holder & Accessories(徽章夹及其附件)

badge-holder是什么 意思

badge holder (徽章夹) Badge Holder & Accessories (徽章夹及其附件)




一般人hold不住的hou是没有汉字对应的,而是单词hold的谐音读法。hold释义:vt.持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制;召开,举行vi.支持;有效;持续n.控制;保留短语:hold out 伸出;支持hold up 举起;阻挡;抢劫hold on 握住不放;坚持;继续;等一等词语辨析:have, hold, possess, own, enjoy, keep这组词都有“有,具有,持有”的意思,其区别是:have 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。hold 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。possess 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。own 不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。enjoy指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。keep 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。

把橡皮筋称作 猴皮筋 是不是从英文 holder 的读音借来的?

Not really.猴皮筋这个有地方特色的称谓怎么流传起来的不得而知。但橡皮筋的起源和猴子没有什么关系。橡皮筋一直以来的不同英文有binder, elastic band, lackey band, laggy band, 或elastic。是一位叫Stephen Perry的英国发明家及商人发明的,并于1845年3月17日以ruber band为名申请了专利。早期橡皮筋主要采用天然材料:橡胶树(ruber tree)中的橡浆(Latex)。后来开始采用人工合成的橡胶。

will hold 和will be held

will be held因为是人去举办,所以要被动

Abandon的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Abandon专辑:AbandonHold OnAnnekeiSoftlyYou"re turning me onMake me feel so smalllike a raindropI let it rainHad to kill the flameCause I melted every time you called my nameSometimes I think we were meant to be togetherSometimes I think we were meant to be apartYou know that we both live through stormy weatherSo why couldn"t we live through a broken heartHold on babyIt"s going too fastYou popped back up in my heartTore it apart at lastCause I"ve been keeping the paceTrying to erase the pastGentlyYou"re shaking the groundYou turn me upside downand make me wonderWas it just painthat made our love sustainOr do true feelings build a hurricane

to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned



the 和 a 的区别就是后述的那个 belief 是“指定”(即众人所知)和 “非指定”.hold the belief 表达一个指定、已知的观念hold a belief 意味着该观念也许还不是公认的我们最常看到的是 hold the belief 的形式,(而且后面通常有个 of 引导的名词短语 或 that 引导的从句)例句:Chinese society have always held the belief that children should honour and respect their parents.Most people hold the belief of looking out for number one.It is only human nature.Aheists hold the belief that there is no God.Is it logical to hold a belief without any evidence?


the 和 a 的区别就是后述的那个 belief 是“指定”(即众人所知)和 “非指定”.hold the belief 表达一个指定、已知的观念hold a belief 意味着该观念也许还不是公认的我们最常看到的是 hold the belief 的形式,(而且后面通常有个 of 引导的名词短语 或 that 引导的从句)例句:Chinese society have always held the belief that children should honour and respect their parents.Most people hold the belief of looking out for number one.It is only human nature.Aheists hold the belief that there is no God.Is it logical to hold a belief without any evidence?


host 有主人的意思hold 更倾向于动词的举办



hold 英音:[həuld] 美音:[hold] 及物动词 vt. 1.握着;抓住;夹住He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀。 2.托住;支承The roof was held up by pillars. 屋顶由柱子支撑着。 3.使保持某种姿态等[O]She held herself erect. 她把身子挺直。 4.拘留,扣留The highjackers held two women hostage. 劫机者扣留两名妇女作人质。 5.(船或飞机)沿...航行The ship held an easterly course. 船继续向东航行。 6.继续唱(某音符)7.抑制,约束Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场斗殴。 8.占据,守住;吸住(注意力等)He held this office for ten years. 他担任这一职务有十年。 9.拥有,握有,持有[W]He holds much property in the town. 他在镇上拥有很多地产。 10.容纳;包含[W]The box can hold all my clothes. 这箱子能装下我的全部衣服。 11.认为;持有(见解等)[W][O2][O8][+that]She holds the same view. 她持有同样的看法。 12.举行They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 他们明天将开会讨论这个问题。 不及物动词 vi. 1.持续,保持I hope this beautiful weather will hold. 我希望这种好天气将持续下去。 2.顶住,支持The dike held during the flood. 洪水期间河堤没有崩溃。 3.有效,适用My decision still holds. 我的决定仍然有效。 名词 n. 1.抓住,握住;握法[C][U][(+of/on)]He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground. 他没有抓住绳子,摔到地上。 2.可手攀(或脚踏)的东西,支撑点[C]He couldn"t find a hold on the cliff. 他在悬崖上找不到一个可以站住脚的地方。 3.掌握;支配(力)[U][C][(+of/on/over)]He"s got a good hold of his subject. 他很好地掌握了自己的学科。 4.延迟;延期;耽搁It is time to put love on hold. 该是把爱情暂时搁下的时候了。


英:[həʊld]美:[hoʊld]释义:vt.拿住,握住;保留,保存;扣留,拘押;容纳;举行vi.拿住,握住;同意,赞成;保持不变;有效n.握住;保留;控制变形:第三人称单数. holds过去式. held过去分词. held,holden现在分词. holding短语:hold back保留,保持控制:在某人的占据或控制之下hold down限制hold forth滔滔不绝地说hold off远离;抵制

被举行是be held 还是be holden?




hold的意思是控制;持有;保存;支持。读音:英[həʊld],美[hoʊld]。释义:vt.持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制;召开,举行。vi.支持;有效;持续。n.控制;保留。例句:Employees hold 30% of the shares.雇员持有30%的股份。变形:过去式held,过去分词held或holden,现在分词holding,第三人称单数holds,复数holds。短语:hold lamp指示灯hold man舱内装卸工人in hold揪着of hold船的深度with hold紧紧地抓住词义辨析hold,open这两个词的词义相近,但并不相同。hold指“举行”会议、会谈、比赛等;而open则指为大楼等举行揭幕典礼或宣布会议、运动会等开幕。例如:They decided to hold a meeting next Tuesday.他们决定下星期二举行一次会议。The exhibition will open the day after tomorrow.展览会将在后天开幕。


hold hold[hold; hould]可数名词1‘航海"船舱stow the ~将货物装进船舱2 (飞机的) 货舱hold[hold; hould]《源自中古英语“饲养家畜”的意思》(held[h[ld; held])及物动词1 a. 拿住<物>,握…~ a pen firmly紧握笔They held hands [each other"s hands].他们互握著手b. 抓住<人> [手、腕等] [by]He held me by the arm.他揪住了我的手臂c. [用手、腕等] 支撑…,抱著 [in,between]The girl was ~ing a doll in her hand.那女孩拿著洋娃娃.He held his head in his hands.他用双手托著头The gentleman was ~ing a pipe between his teeth.那绅士叼著烟斗2 a. 使…保持 <某种状态、姿态等>~ the door open (for someone) (为某人) (用手顶) 把门开著~ oneself still [erect]使身体不动 [笔直]H your head straight a second.把你的头抬直一会儿~ a person in suspense使人不安Astonishment held me dumb.我惊愕得说不出话来→ hold one"s head high.b. 把<物>固定[在…],贴[在…][to, on]~ binoculars to one"s eyes把双眼望远镜贴著眼睛She was ~ing an ice pack to her head.她把冰袋放在头上3a. <容器等>盛装<液体等>This bottle ~s half a pint.这个瓶子装半品脱This box ~s all my books.这个箱子装了我全部的书b. <房间等>容纳<人>This room can ~ fifty people.这个房间可容纳五十人c. 含有…His tone held reproach [accusation] (in it).他话中带有责备的口气4a. 拥有 <金钱、土地等>~ shares拥有股份b. 占据 <职位、地位等> ; 拥有 <学位>~ an MD拥有医学博士学位He held office for eight years.他就任公职有八年c. (军事上) 占领 <阵地等> ,防守~ a fortress坚守堡垒5 a. (心) 持,怀 <信念、意见等>~ a belief [an opinion]抱持信念[意见]b. 把…留 [在记忆中] [in]~ the event in memory把那事件留在记忆中c. 认为<人等>值得 [尊敬等] [in]Many people held him in respect [esteem, contempt].许多人尊敬[轻视]他6a. 认为,想,相信Plato held that the soul is immortal.柏拉图认为灵魂不朽b. 把…视为<是…>; 把…判决<为…>~ a person dear惦念 [爱] 某人~ a person [thing] cheap轻视某人[某物]I ~ myself responsible for what my son did.我对我儿子过去所作所为负责The court found him innocent, but I still ~ him (to be) guilty.法庭裁决他无罪,但我仍然认为他有罪c. 把…视为She ~s his opinions lightly.她轻视他的意见7a. 压抑,抑制,节制~ one"s breath屏住呼吸~ one"s temper抑制脾气,忍住怒气There is no ~ing him.拿他没办法,管不了他b. 不发 <言语、声音等>H~ your tongue [noise, jaw].别吵,住口8 召开<会议等>; 举行 <祭典、典礼、仪式>~ a press conference [a meeting]召开记者会 [召开会议]Court is to be held tomorrow.预定明天开庭9a. 保持…,维持…~ silence继续保持沉默~ the course <船、飞机等> 不偏离航线,持续前进b. 吸引 <爱情、注意等>He couldn"t ~ her affection any longer.他再也无法留住她的爱情The sight held his attention.这景象引起了他的注意10a. <物>耐得住 <重量等> ,支撑The roof is held by several pillars.这屋顶由数根柱子支撑著The shelf will not ~ much weight.这架子无法承受太大的重量b. 不喝醉<酒>~ one"s liquor [drink]喝了酒也不胡闹11 使<人>信守[约定],使<人>尽[义务],使<人>负[责任][to]~ a person to his word使某人守信12 <事物>[为…]准备…[for]This contest ~s a scholarship for the winner.这场竞赛为优胜者准备了一份奖学金Who knows what the future ~s ?.谁也不知道将来会发生什么事不及物动词1 a. <绳子、船锚等> 持久不坏,经久耐用If too many people get in the elevator, the cable won"t ~.如果太多人进入电梯,钢缆将承受不住b. 握住[…],抓住[…] [onto,to]~ onto a rope抓住绳子2 a. <天气等>不变I hope the weather will ~.我希望这种天气会持续下去His luck was still ~ing.他的好运持续著b. 持续<…的状态>; 持续<做…>The weather held warm.天气持续暖和Please ~ still.请不要动H tight!.抓紧!c. 继续前进~ on one"s way [course]继续前进3 a. 有效,可适用The rule does not ~ in this case.这规则不适用于此一事例b. 持续拥有<…的>效力The argument [promise] still ~s good [true].此论据 [诺言] 仍然适用 [有效]4 固守[…] [by,to]H~ to your resolution.不要动摇你的决心5 意见相同; 赞成[…][by, with]I don"t ~ with [by] the proposal.我不赞成那个提案hold?against a person 以…理由怨恨某人She still ~s it against him that he

是held-hold-hold 还是hold-held- held

hold原型-held过去式- held过去分词



Hold Held Held


held[英][held][美][hɛld]v.举行; 拿( hold的过去式和过去分词 ); 保留; I should have held out for a better deal.我应该坚持要求更优厚的条件的。hold[英][həʊld][美][hoʊld]vt.拿住,握住; 保留,保存; 扣留,拘押; 容纳; vi.拿住,握住; 同意,赞成; 保持不变; 有效; n.握住; 保留; 控制;People hold onto letters for years and years.人们经年累月地保存着信件。


hold是held的原形动词 shi hold的过去式

held与 hold的区别是什么?

held 是hold的过去式以及过去分词


hold的过去分词是held。hold 英 [həʊld]  美 [hoʊld]    v. 拿着;控制;容纳;握住;持有;保持;掌握;认为;举行n. 握住;控制;把握;立足点;延误;影响例句:He has been trying hard to hold his temper.翻译:他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。短语:1、hold a baby in one"s arms 怀抱孩子2、hold a banquet 举行宴会3、hold a belief 相信扩展资料:用法v. (动词)1、hold的基本意思是“保持某一位置或状态”,指因个人心愿或被迫滞留或耽误不放。引申可指“托住,支持”“掌握权力,担任职务”“容纳,包含有”“正式举行〔办〕”“拥有财产,占据,守住”“持...…见解,怀有激情”“认为,相信”“抑制,保留”“遵守诺言”等 。2、hold用作及物动词时其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。

英语 hold与held的区别


hold 到底有没有被动语态??

有被动时态 be held


hold的过去式是held,过去分词是held。hold 英 [həʊld]    美 [hoʊld]    v. 拿着,控制,容纳,握住,持有,保持,掌握,认为,举行n. 握住,控制,把握,立足点,延误,影响例句:I want you to stand beside me and hold the torch.翻译:我要你拿着手电筒站在我旁边。短语:hold a banquet 举行宴会用法1、hold用作及物动词时其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。2、hold作“认为,相信”解时可接that从句作宾语。3、hold作“认为,相信;保持,使…处于某种状态”解时,还可接以“(to be)as+ n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语,当hold的复合宾语中的宾语是动词不定式或that从句时,常采用形式宾语结构,而将真实宾语置于宾语补足语之后。


held held


vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制vi. 支持;有效;持续n. 控制;保留n. (Hold)人名;(英、德、捷)霍尔德过去式held过去分词held或holden现在分词holding


hold [həuld]vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制vi. 支持;有效;持续n. 控制;保留[ 过去式held 过去分词held或holden 现在分词holding ]祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)


hold和held的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、时态不同。一、意思不同1.hold:拿着;抓住;抱住;托住;捂住,按住(受伤的身体部位等);使保持(在某位置)2.held:已经抓住了,已经拖住了。二、用法不同1.hold:基本意思是“保持某一位置或状态”,指因个人心愿或被迫滞留或耽误不放。引申可指“托住,支持”“掌握权力,担任职务”“容纳,包含有”“正式举行〔办〕”“拥有财产,占据,守住”“持?见解,怀有激情”“认为,相信”“抑制,保留”“遵守诺言”等 。2.held:作及物动词时其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语。作“认为,相信”解时可接that从句作宾语。三、时态不同1.hold:hold是原形用于一般现在时,三单作主语时加s。2.held:held用于一般过去时,是hold过去式。


你的问题跟hold没关系,跟自动启停有关,车停住后自动启停关闭发动机,所以油耗是0,有时候条件达不到就不会关闭发动机,所以油耗。关闭发动机后,时间较长有些条件又达不到了,又会启动发动机,比如说你 开了空调就经常这样




hold 表示举行举办的时候,是sb hold sth 例如: I hold a meeting。 host 作动词表示举行,比如I host a party 但是host有带有主人,主持人的意思,动作的主语有这方面的偏向。host和hold是及物动词都有“举办”的意思 1、hold vt.①握住、抓住、搂住,如: I held him by the shoulder. ②将…放在… 将…保持…(状态),如: She held her head high. ③拥有、占有,如: He holds much land here. ④开(会)、举行(仪式)等 The Olympic Games are held every four years. 2、host vt. 主办 如:Beijing will host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. 主办、承办之义与hold是有区别的 host是召集 有东道主的意思


过去分词: held hold读音:英 [həʊld];美 [hoʊld]    意思:v. 拿着;控制;容纳;握住;持有;保持;掌握;认为;举行;n. 握住;控制;把握;立足点;延误;影响过去式: held 现在分词: holding 第三人称单数: holdshold的基本意思是“保持某一位置或状态”,指因个人心愿或被迫滞留或耽误不放。引申可指“托住,支持”“掌握权力,担任职务”“容纳,包含有”“正式举行〔办〕”“拥有财产,占据,守住”“持…见解,怀有激情”“认为,相信”“抑制,保留”“遵守诺言”等 。扩展资料:hold,contain这两个词都有“容纳”的意思。其区别在于:contain指实际所包含的部分,而hold强调能包含的能力。例如:1、The bookcase contains fifty volumes but holds a hundred.这书柜装有50册书,但它能装下100册。2、A bookshelf held 100 books perhaps only contains 50 ones.一个可容纳100本书的书架可能只装50本书。

关于hold作为举办什么什么的用法的问题 The Olympic Games will be held in ... 为何是held?

奥运会是“物”作主语 物是没有意思会主动做事情的 故用被动语态翻译成将被举办be doing固定句型 后面+holding后面一句没明白 是对第二句的提问么?





英语 hold与held的区别



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