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carry on,keep on,go on,hold on意思都作“继续”讲的区别

2023-07-28 12:25:54
TAG: hold carry ca ry ep go

选择carry on例句 He had learned enough German to carry on a conversation .

他已学了足够的德语来进行会话 区别go on 通常表示是一件事情继续的意思,如你正在说话,因什么事情你探寻的看着对方,停止了讲话,对方说 go on 继续把,

carry on 又携带的意思 不是正式的继续,偏口语

keep on 继续,主要用于穿着---不脱的意思

hold on 是抓紧不放,没有继续的意思,还有支撑的含义,和不要挂电话的意思 有帮助的话,记得采纳哦~~


carry on是什么意思?

口语中的carry on指的是吵吵闹闹,举动时常;口语中的carry on(with sb)尤用于进行时态,指的是与某人有暧昧关系;一般的carry on的意思就是继续(做某
2023-07-26 18:30:5214

carry on可以表示加油的意思吗?还是别的什么?

carry on1.从事;经营;进行;继续:Isabella"s father carried on a trade in silks.伊莎贝拉的父亲经营丝绸业。2.(尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去:They will carry on their negotiations next week.他们将于下周继续进行谈判。3.[口语]举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹:If you carry on in that way, you"ll get the school a bad name.如果你仍然那样胡闹下去的话,你就会败坏学校的声誉。
2023-07-26 18:32:074

carry on的用法及短语

carry on:继续;接着;坚持;举行;进行; carry:v.拿;提;搬;扛;背; carry的过去式: carried;过去分词: carried 扩展资料   The older people were left to carry on as best they could.   年纪大一点的人被留下来,奋力坚持。   I hope to carry on for an indeterminate period.   我希望能进行一段时期。   Anyone who has tasted this life wants it to carry on for as long as possible.   任何过过这种日子的人都希望它持续得越久越好。
2023-07-26 18:32:221

carry on有哪些用法

carry on 继续Carry-on baggage随身行李;手提行李;随身携带行李;行李或自理行李Carry-on Luggage随身行李;随身携带行李;随身携带的行李carry- on baggage随身携带行李Carry Straight On一直朝前走carry-on case手提袋carry-on手提行李;登机行李;手提的;随身行李Carry-on Bag登机的小行李箱;手提行李carry on进行carry -on随身携带的小行李carry on1.从事;经营;进行;继续:Isabella"s father carried on a trade in silks.伊莎贝拉的父亲经营丝绸业.2.(尤指迎着困难)进行下去,继续进行,坚持下去:They will carry on their negotiations next week.他们将于下周继续进行谈判.3.[口语]举止放肆;举动愚蠢胡闹;吵闹:If you carry on in that way,you"ll get the school a bad name.如果你仍然那样胡闹下去的话,你就会败坏学校的声誉.
2023-07-26 18:32:351

carry on的英文歌词

Fun. - Carry OnWell I woke up to the sound of silence我意识到寂静对我是如此重要The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight但当汽车如同小刀般划破了那片寂静时And I found you with a bottle of wine我却发现你手握酒瓶,倒在街头Your head in the curtains你将头掩盖于窗帘之下and heart like the fourth of July却仍盖不住你那汹涌澎湃的心潮(7.4为美国独立日,心情应当是激动)You swore and said, we are notWe are not shining stars你曾因绝望起誓,断定我们难以成为那闪耀的明星This I know, I never said we are我也深知这点,因此我从未说过此等妄语Though I"ve never been through hell like that尽管我未曾经历地狱般的磨难与痛苦I"ve closed enough windows但我也懂得告别过往、安抚心灵to know you can never look back因此我明白你绝不应该执念旧事If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound希望你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地往前迈进Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念Carry on, carry on坚持不懈,坚持不懈So I met up with some friends at the edge of the night我与几个挚友在黄昏时相聚At a bar off 75在一间酒吧里And we talked and talked about how our parents will dieAll our neighbors and wives我们谈论着日常琐事(父母的故去、我们的邻里与妻子)But I"d like to think I can cheat it all但我不禁想到,我大可以偷蒙拐骗To make up for the times I"ve been cheated on以此弥补我过往受他人愚弄的时光And it"s nice to know when I was left for dead真心感谢,在我落魄几欲死去之时I was found and now I don"t roam these streets有人将我救赎,让我不再流浪街头I am not the ghost you want of me我再也不会是你乐意见到的那个游魂了If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound愿你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地地往前迈进Carry on坚持不懈Woah喔~喔~喔~My head is on fire but my legs are fine我的大脑被混乱灼烧着,但我的步伐坚定不移After all they are mine毕竟这场战争是属于我的Lay your clothes down on the floor放下你的衣衫Close the door, hold the phone, show me how关上门,拿起话筒,向我展示吧No one"s ever gonna stop us now现在我们的气势无人能挡Cause we are因为我们We are shining stars我们就是那闪耀的明星We are invincible我们无人能挡We are who we are我们就是如此,行不更名,坐不改姓On our darkest day即使在我们最灰暗的岁月里When we"re miles away即使梦想对我们来说遥不可及Sun will come但我们一定能成功We will find our way home我们能找到那条通往荣耀的坦途If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound愿你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地地往前迈进Carry on坚持不懈 End
2023-07-26 18:32:571

go on的意思和carry on的意思相同吗?

2023-07-26 18:33:114

carry on,keep on,go on,hold on意思都作“继续”讲的区别

2023-07-26 18:33:192

谁能翻译Carry on Wayward Son的歌词

2023-07-26 18:33:412

go on的意思和carry on的意思相同吗?

2023-07-26 18:33:491

Carry On 的歌词?

Carry On 的歌词:Are we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.Were lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.Were just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.Were lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.Were lost in a masquerade.And were lost in a masquerade.作词:SHUNCarry On 全て ありのままを受け止めて!Carry On 君らしく 生きてゆこう!见上げた空には 失くしちゃいけない梦があるどうにもならずに 投げ出す日々があっても…。「君ならできるさ!」 简単に谁かは言うけどそうさ!あの日决めた旅立ちはいつも 辉く未来が 待っているCarry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 全て この手の中 诘め込んでかけ抜けて 迷わずに 失くさずにらしく进もう!见下ろす 足元 少し汚れてきた靴必死に走って いくつも守ってる空回りしてる 自分が小さくみえた「それでも负けない!」"心"に决めて生きるきっと 君の决めた道程がいつか 辉く未来を 照らしてる!Carry On いつか その「梦」が叶うまでざさないで いつもOpenでいて!Carry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!Carry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!终わり
2023-07-26 18:33:561

吴雨霏的《Carry On》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry On歌手:吴雨霏专辑:Simpler than Love 新歌+精选吴雨霏 - carry on作曲:雷颂德填词:林夕编曲:雷颂德监制:雷颂德ah...ooh 朝着认定目标一起敬礼ah...ooh 原地踏步逐步踏上天梯活到底 烛光要亮到底心火要熟到底 要力竭声嘶ah...ooh 回头路易踏 亦绝对不归有角色继续做 遗憾继续补全为我们明天总可以更美好要舍弃很易 难在会迟早追悔晚节不保carry on carry on还有热能便能干 望天荒 望天光不到绝望不失望carry on carry on誓言誓不可挡四周黑暗我发光 这句敢讲ah...ooh 还末认命绝不甘心放弃ah...ooh 还能活着造梦末会心死喜爱不舍不弃 制造最后胜利倚靠一点骨气
2023-07-26 18:34:151

angra的《Carry On》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry On歌手:angra专辑:Rebirth World TourSimple minded brain. for now you succumbNothing changes your wayThis worlds insists to be the same based on oru mistakesThe flowes fade along the roadDon"t blindfold your loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life.Follow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways are on your mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get there...GO!!Now we have to face another dayYou won"t be aloneThis life is forcing us to stay-For how long?Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy nightBut can"t you see. I"m by your sideWe are marching on!Follow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways ard on your mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get there...So, carry on.There"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on, it"s time to forgetThe remains from the past,to carry onFollow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways are on you mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get thereSo, carry onThere"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on,it"s time to forgetThe remains from the pastSo, carry on,There"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on, it"s time to forgetThe remains from the pastCarry on,it"s time to forgetThe remains from the past,to carry onThe remains from the past,to carry onThe remains from the past...
2023-07-26 18:34:231

carry on to do与carry on doing的区别

2023-07-26 18:34:301

carry on sth, carry on with sth有什么区别吗?? 详细点

2023-07-26 18:34:381

carry-on luggage是什么意思

2023-07-26 18:34:461

有里知花《carry on》中文歌词

2023-07-26 18:34:551

carry on有哪些用法

carry on 和go on的意思一样 carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing Wiki继续更多例句topThey"ve been carrying on for years.他们的暧昧关系已经有很多年了.After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career.百年之后, 他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。He does carry on, doesn"t he?他真有点儿疯疯颠颠的,是吧?In any event, we should carry on with our research.无论如何, 我们必须坚持研究。Now we can carry on with our work.现在我们可以继续干了。She"s carrying on with her boss.她和老板有暧昧关系.We"ll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst.我们还按我们的计画办事, 他们想怎麽?够稻退嫠?潜惆?.When the chips were down he found the courage to carry on.他在关键时刻勇於坚持到底.英文解释top动词carry on1. direct the course of; manage or control同义词:deal conduct 2. continue talking同义词:on continue go proceed 3. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last同义词:preserve continue uphold on bear 4. misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way同义词:act up 相关词top同义词operate persevere handle romp
2023-07-26 18:35:172

carry on是什么意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 学习帮助 问题描述: carry on 和go on的意思一样吗? 是carry on doing 还是carry on to do? 解析: carry on 和go on的意思一样 carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing Wiki 继续 更多例句top They"ve been carrying on for years. 他们的暧昧关系已经有很多年了. After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career. 百年之后, 他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。 He does carry on, doesn"t he? 他真有点儿疯疯颠颠的,是吧? In any event, we should carry on with our research. 无论如何, 我们必须坚持研究。 Now we can carry on with our work. 现在我们可以继续干了。 She"s carrying on with her boss. 她和老板有暧昧关系. We"ll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst. 我们还按我们的计画办事, 他们想怎么?够稻退嫠?潜惆?. When the chips were down he found the courage to carry on. 他在关键时刻勇于坚持到底. 英文解释top 动词carry on 1. direct the course of; manage or control 同义词:deal conduct 2. continue talking 同义词:on continue go proceed 3. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last 同义词:preserve continue uphold on bear 4. mi *** ehave badly; act in a silly or improper way 同义词:act up 相关词top 同义词 operate persevere handle romp
2023-07-26 18:35:241

carry-on是什么意思 是随手拿的还是托运的东西呢

carry-on是指可以随身携带,带上飞机的小行李箱。托运行李一般就是称作 luggage
2023-07-26 18:35:311

carry on有哪些用法

carry on 和go on的意思一样 carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing Wiki继续更多例句topThey"ve been carrying on for years.他们的暧昧关系已经有很多年了.After his death, his children will certainly carry on his career.百年之后, 他的孩子一定会继承他的事业。He does carry on, doesn"t he?他真有点儿疯疯颠颠的,是吧?In any event, we should carry on with our research.无论如何, 我们必须坚持研究。Now we can carry on with our work.现在我们可以继续干了。She"s carrying on with her boss.她和老板有暧昧关系.We"ll carry on as arranged and they can do their worst.我们还按我们的计画办事, 他们想怎麽?够稻退嫠?潜惆?.When the chips were down he found the courage to carry on.他在关键时刻勇於坚持到底.英文解释top动词carry on1. direct the course of; manage or control同义词:deal conduct 2. continue talking同义词:on continue go proceed 3. keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last同义词:preserve continue uphold on bear 4. misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way同义词:act up 相关词top同义词operate persevere handle romp
2023-07-26 18:35:381

J.J. Cale的《Carry On》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry On歌手:J.J. Cale专辑:The Very Best Of J.J. CaleSimple minded brain. for now you succumbNothing changes your wayThis worlds insists to be the same based on oru mistakesThe flowes fade along the roadDon"t blindfold your loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life.Follow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways are on your mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get there...GO!!Now we have to face another dayYou won"t be aloneThis life is forcing us to stay-For how long?Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy nightBut can"t you see. I"m by your sideWe are marching on!Follow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways ard on your mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get there...So, carry on.There"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on, it"s time to forgetThe remains from the past,to carry onFollow your steps and you will findThe unknown ways are on you mindNeed nothing else than just your pride to get thereSo, carry onThere"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on,it"s time to forgetThe remains from the pastSo, carry on,There"s a meaning to lifeWhich someday we may find...Carry on, it"s time to forgetThe remains from the pastCarry on,it"s time to forgetThe remains from the past,to carry onThe remains from the past,to carry onThe remains from the past...
2023-07-26 18:35:561


Fun - Carry On (继续梦想)Well I woke up to the sound of silence我意识到寂静对我是如此重要The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight但当汽车如同小刀般划破了那片寂静时And I found you with a bottle of wine我却发现你手握酒瓶,倒在街头Your head in the curtains你将头掩盖于窗帘之下and heart like the fourth of July却仍盖不住你那汹涌澎湃的心潮(7.4为美国独立日,心情应当是激动)You swore and said, we are notWe are not shining stars你曾因绝望起誓,断定我们难以成为那闪耀的明星This I know, I never said we are我也深知这点,因此我从未说过此等妄语Though I"ve never been through hell like that尽管我未曾经历地狱般的磨难与痛苦I"ve closed enough windows但我也懂得告别过往、安抚心灵to know you can never look back因此我明白你绝不应该执念旧事If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound希望你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地往前迈进Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念Carry on, carry on坚持不懈,坚持不懈So I met up with some friends at the edge of the night我与几个挚友在黄昏时相聚At a bar off 75在一间酒吧里And we talked and talked about how our parents will dieAll our neighbors and wives我们谈论着日常琐事(父母的故去、我们的邻里与妻子)But I"d like to think I can cheat it all但我不禁想到,我大可以偷蒙拐骗To make up for the times I"ve been cheated on以此弥补我过往受他人愚弄的时光And it"s nice to know when I was left for dead真心感谢,在我落魄几欲死去之时I was found and now I don"t roam these streets有人将我救赎,让我不再流浪街头I am not the ghost you want of me我再也不会是你乐意见到的那个游魂了If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound愿你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地地往前迈进Carry on坚持不懈Woah喔~喔~喔~My head is on fire but my legs are fine我的大脑被混乱灼烧着,但我的步伐坚定不移After all they are mine毕竟这场战争是属于我的Lay your clothes down on the floor放下你的衣衫Close the door, hold the phone, show me how关上门,拿起话筒,向我展示吧No one"s ever gonna stop us now现在我们的气势无人能挡Cause we are因为我们We are shining stars我们就是那闪耀的明星We are invincible我们无人能挡We are who we are我们就是如此,行不更名,坐不改姓On our darkest day即使在我们最灰暗的岁月里When we"re miles away即使梦想对我们来说遥不可及So we"ll come但我们一定能成功We will find our way home我们能找到那条通往荣耀的坦途If you"re lost and alone如果你曾在迷惘和孤独中徘徊Or you"re sinking like a stone或是堕落至如同磐石一般麻木顽固的境地Carry on请坚持自己的梦想与信念May your past be the sound愿你能把痛苦的过去当做悦耳音律Of your feet upon the ground重新脚踏实地地往前迈进Carry on坚持不懈
2023-07-26 18:36:041

carry on sth, carry on with sth有什么区别吗? 详细点

carry on sth指继续做某事carry on with sth不太清楚两个介词可以连用吗
2023-07-26 18:36:162

The Cranberries的《Carry On》 歌词

歌曲名:Carry On歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Wake Up And Smell The CoffeeCARRY ONThe CranberriesBY D.V.I didnt understandthe things you"re going throughI never understoodI really never knewCarry onCarry onThe sun will always shinecarry onCarry onWe"ll have a glass of wineor a cigaretteTake destiny by the handand lead it far awaytake it to another landwe will all decayCarry onCarry onthe sun will always shinecarry onCarry onWe"ll have a glass of wineor a cigarette
2023-07-26 18:36:251

carry on sth, carry on with sth有什么区别吗?? 详细点

carry on 和go on的意思一样 carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing 口语中的carry on指的是吵吵闹闹,举动时常;口语中的carry on(with sb)尤用于进行时态,指的是与某人有暧昧关系; 一般的carry on的意思就是继续(做某事), 可以跟with sth/doing sth继续作某事 ; 或者是carry sth on 坚持到底 carry on sth 继续... They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties. 虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。 carry on with sth 用。。。来继续。。。 They managed to carry on their experiments with their hard work in spite of the difficulties. 虽有困难,他们还是用自己的辛勤劳动设法使试验继续下去。
2023-07-26 18:36:344

carry carry on 和go on的意思一样吗? 是carry on doing 还是carry on to do?

carry on 和go on的意思一样 carry on 进行;继续 (与continue 用法完全相同) carry on (with) sth...on doing Wiki继续更多例句topThey"ve been carrying on for years.他们的暧昧关系已经有很多年了.After ...
2023-07-26 18:36:411

继续做某事用英文怎么说?是carry on doing sth还是carry on with sth 还是carry on with doing sth

carry on doing sth
2023-07-26 18:37:064

歌曲carry on,歌词的中文意思

虽然没有什么特别想要说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 废物堆积如山 出发去找寻你 虽然忘记说出名字 这不是要紧的事 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 随意地坐在空出的椅子上 眺望天空 现在仍继续找寻着 被漂亮地漆过的血浆 对于谁都想乘坐的旋转木马 我很快就让出了位置 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 虽然没有什么想对你说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 不久就遗忘的事物 流逝的时间 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里伴随着相同的声音 一直那样该多好 一直那样该多好
2023-07-26 18:37:132

carry on 中文歌词

Well I woke up to the sound of silence我沉默下来 彷佛这个世界已没了任何声响The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight车辆穿梭著像是刀刃般直来直往And I found you with a bottle of wine我发现了你 带著一瓶酒Your head in the curtains你的头带著布幔And heart like the Fourth of July心情像是七月的第四个昼夜You swore and said你发著誓然後说道We are not我们不会是We are not shining stars我们不会是那闪耀的星星This I know这我都知道I never said we are我也从没说过我们是Though I"ve never been through hell like that虽然我从没经历过那麼大的困境I"ve closed enough windows但我将为你关起门窗To know you can never look back好让你知道你再也不能回头看了If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧So I met up with some friends所以我约了一群朋友At the edge of the night就在夜晚刚来临的时候At a bar off 75我们在七十五号酒吧聚了起来And we talked and talked我们彻夜长谈About how our parents will die说到我们的父母亲都离开了我们之後All our neighbours and wives谈到了我们的邻居和妻子But I like to think但我总想著I can cheat it all或许我能胡言乱语To make up for the times I"ve been cheated on好补回我以前被愚弄的时光And it"s nice to know我很高兴知道When I was left for dead当我离开这一切 面临死亡I was found and now I don"t roam these streets我将被找到 而现在我也不必继续在街头漫游I am not the ghost you want of me我不再是你认为的那个游魂If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Whoa噢My head is on fire我的脑袋像是烧了起来But my legs are fine但是我的腿却安然无恙After all they are mine总之 这些都是属於我的Lay your clothes down on the floor把你的衣服放到地板上吧Close the door关起门来Hold the phone抓起手机Show me how让我看看你No one"s ever gonna stop us now现在再也没有人能阻止我们了Cause we are因为我们就是We are shining stars我们就是闪耀之星We are invincible我们所向无敌We are who we are我们就是我们自己On our darkest day在我们最黑暗的日子里When we"re miles away当我们分隔千哩Sun will come日光将会来临We will find our way home我们将找到回家的路If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧
2023-07-26 18:37:221

keep,go on,carry on都表示继续,其区别是什么

2023-07-26 18:37:301

carry on 与hold on都有‘坚持’的意思,

carry on中含有坚持,然后继续做下去的意思. 比如:carry on your English learning hold on中含有的坚持,是要保持一种状态 比如:登山运动员发生了危险,手抓着崖壁就要掉下去了,队友去拿绳子来救她/他,要他/她坚持住,就会说 Hold on!
2023-07-26 18:37:391


Carry on 主唱:黑泽键一 何が特に言いたい事など あるわけではないし 何かについて 仆は正しい あるいは 役立たず ガラクタを山のように积んで 君を访ねて行く 名前を言い忘れていたけど 重要な事じゃない そのまま続くよ Carry on 何も変わらず 日々は过ぎて行くだけ またどこかで同じ声がしたって そのままでいい 适当に空いた席に座り 空を眺めている きれいにペイントしたプラズマ 今日も待ち続ける 谁もが乗りたかった メリーゴーランド 仆はすぐに降りた 嘘も本当もひっくるめて 全部 君にあげる そのまま続くよ Carry on 何も変わらず 日々は过ぎて行くだけ またどこかで同じ声がしたって そのままでいい 君に何か言いたい事など あるわけではないし 何かについて 仆は正しい あるいは 役立たず すぐに忘れてしまう物事 流れて行く时间 嘘も本当もひっくるめて 全部 君にあげる そのまま続くよ Carry on 何も変わらず 日々は过ぎて行くだけ またどこかで同じ声がしたって そのままでいい そのままでいい 虽然没有什么特别想要说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 废物堆积如山 出发去找寻你 虽然忘记说出名字 这不是要紧的事 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 随意地坐在空出的椅子上 眺望天空 现在仍继续找寻着 被漂亮地漆过的血浆 对于谁都想乘坐的旋转木马 我很快就让出了位置 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 虽然没有什么想对你说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 不久就遗忘的事物 流逝的时间 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里伴随着相同的声音 一直那样该多好 一直那样该多好 Na ni ka do ka ni yi yi da yi ko do na no A lu a ke ne wa na yi xi Na ni ka ni zu ni da mo ku wa na a xi ni A a yi wa york ta ta zu Ga na ku ta o yo ma no yo o mi zu mm ne Ki mi yo ta zu ne de yu gu Na wa e o yi yi wa su le te o da ke no Jiu wu yo na ku zu na yi * Zo o na ma, zu zu ku yo carry on Na ni (n)a ka wa na zu Ki mi wa su mi de yu ku Na ke ma na, do go ga de o na 3i Ko e na xi da a de So no ma ma de yi yi (So no ma ma de yi yi) * De ki da o mi ya yi da ze ki mi so a li So na o na ga na de yi lu Ki a yi yi de e mm to xi da pu la zu ma Kyo o mn na ji zu ke lu Da le na a no ni da ga o da every go round Do gu a su gu ni o ni ma Wu so no o mm do o o yi i ku u a do Ze e mu ki mi ya e lu Ki mi mm na ni ka yi yi ta yi ko do na no A lu a de de wa na yi xi Na ni ka ni zu ni da mo ku wa na a xi ni A a yi wa york ta ta zu Zu gu ni wa su le de xi na o do mo no to Na a le te yu ku 3i ka lu (M)n so no o mm to mu mn ni yi lu u na lu ze a mu ki mi ya e lu
2023-07-26 18:38:162

carry on的歌曲歌词

ah...ooh 朝着认定目标一起敬礼ah...ooh 原地踏步逐步踏上天梯活到底 烛光要亮到底心火要热到底 要力竭声嘶ah...ooh 回头路易踏 亦绝对不归有角色继续做 遗憾继续补全为我们明天总可以更美好要舍弃很易 难在会迟早追悔晚节不保carry on carry on 还有热能便能干望天荒 望天光 不到绝望不失望carry on carry on 誓言誓不可挡四周黑暗我发光 这句敢讲ah...ooh 还未认命绝不甘心放弃ah...ooh 还能活着造梦未会心死有角色继续做 遗憾继续补全为我们明天总可以更美好要舍弃很易 难在会迟早追悔晚节不保carry on carry on 还有热能便能干望天荒 望天光 不到绝望不失望carry on carry on 誓言誓不可挡四周黑暗我发光 这句敢讲喜爱不舍不弃 制造最后胜利倚靠一点骨气carry on carry on 还有热能便能干望天荒 望天光 不到绝望不失望carry on carry on 誓言誓不可挡四周黑暗我发光 这句敢讲
2023-07-26 18:38:231

求土屋安娜的carry on英文歌词

My father took me to the sacred place when I was a young girl,I grabbed his hand hard and asked who is conjuring this world right now.Now where is Heaven?When you were thrown into this world they say you were born insane.And why?In the world that gives me nothing,I need something to believe in.Fight my loss of faith,In my guarded cage.I am broken like an arrow,I have served for my heaven,Constantly out in wars we would turn away.Who should we scream at?Who should we follow?Who is my savior?Who doesn"t turn His back when in need?Why do we have to be sacrificed;Those who care to join our ring in the dark.Why do we have to live in a bloody world;Though, with the most fragile, let them fall on me, yeah.Cause we"ll carry on,My memory will carry on,My voice will carry on.My voice will carry on.If there"s nothing but survival,How can I believe in sin?This world is bleeding now and you can see its blood.Open your eyes now,Open your arms now.Well you"re going to wait,Because you never can control the worldWith your cruel willpower.Don"t ever let your love turn to hate;If you say i"m loud break these chains off meThat I believe isn"t you anymore.If you say i"m free then keep these chains on me.What I want is not our freedom,What I want is us in a simple day.I don"t need this grieving nation forever,What I need is us,The peaceful sleep,So maybe please stop this bloody world right now.Cause we"ll carry on,My memory will carry on.Have to see the truth till we carry on;My voice will carry on.
2023-07-26 18:38:361

carry on 和 go on有什么别

carry on 没有停顿地做某件事,和keep on一样,而go on则是有停顿的。
2023-07-26 18:38:464

carry on 造句

They"ve been carrying on for years.
2023-07-26 18:38:574

get on .carry on的区别

选carry onget on 这种继续是单纯指“继续做某事”,而carry on有“就算有困难也坚持做下去”的那种继续。译句:如果你坚持下去,就会有好事发生。get on 继续 Now let"s get on to the next exhibition room. 现在我们到下一个展览室去吧。 carry on sth 继续...They managed to carry on their experiments in spite of the difficulties.虽有困难,他们还是设法使试验继续下去。
2023-07-26 18:39:131

Carry on用于被动语态时表示什么意思?

2023-07-26 18:40:274

go on hold on move on carry on 翻译下

go on有“发生、进行、过去、向前走”的意思. hold on有“坚持、等一等、别挂电话、抓紧不放”的意思 move on有“继续前进、对…采取行动、出发、离开”的意思 carry on有“经营、继续进行、争吵、吵闹”的意思
2023-07-26 18:40:431

carry on 和 go on 有什么区别吗

意思区别不大用法有区别go on后接不定式或者现在分词carry on后接现在分词或者名词
2023-07-26 18:40:522


2023-07-26 18:41:201

谁有甲斐田雪《carry on》中文歌词

中文.. Carry On 作词/作曲:黒沢健一 编曲:冈井大二/远山裕/黒沢健一 歌:黒沢健一 虽然没有什么特别想要说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 废物堆积如山 出发去找寻你 虽然忘记说出名字 这不是要紧的事 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 随意地坐在空出的椅子上 眺望天空 现在仍继续找寻着 被漂亮地漆过的血浆 对于谁都想乘坐的旋转木马 我很快就让出了位置 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里传来相同的声音 一直那样该多好 虽然没有什么想对你说的事情 但就某点而言 我是正确的 或许 没有用 不久就遗忘的事物 流逝的时间 真实与谎言都包括在内 全部 给与你 就一直保持那样 Carry on 什么也没有改变 只是日子一天一天过去 又在哪里伴随着相同的声音 一直那样该多好 一直那样该多好 Carry On OAV Ending Song Nani ka toku ni iitai koto nado aru wake dewa nai shi nani ka ni tsuite boku wa tadashii aruiwa yakutatazu GARAKUTA o yama no you ni tsunde kimi o tazunete yuku namae o iiwasurete ita kedo juuyou na koto janai Sono mama tsuzuku yo Carry onnani mo kawarazu hibi wa sugite yuku dakemata doko ka de onaji koe ga ..........atte sono mama de ii Tekitou ni aita seki ni suwari sora o nagamete iru kirei ni PEINTO ..........a PURAZUMA kyou mo machitsuzukeru Dare mo ga noritakatta MERIIGOORANDO boku wa sugu ni orita uso mo hontou mo hikkurumete zenbu kimi ni ageru Sono mama tsuzuku yo Carry on nani mo kawarazu hibi wa sugite yuku dakemata doko ka de onaji koe ga ..........atte sono mama de ii kimi ni nani ka iitai koto nado aru wake dewa nai shi nani ka ni tsuite boku wa tadashii aruiwa yakutatazu sugu ni wasurete shimau monogoto nagarete yuku jikanuso mo hontou mo hikkurumete zenbu kimi ni ageru sono mama tsuzuku yo Carry onnani mo kawarazu hibi wa sugite yuku dakemata doko ka de onaji koe ga ..........a ttesono mama de ii sono mama de ii
2023-07-26 18:41:271

carry on皮卡丘歌词是什么

Well I woke up to the sound of silence我沉默下来 彷佛这个世界已没了任何声响The cars were cutting like knives in a fist fight车辆穿梭著像是刀刃般直来直往And I found you with a bottle of wine我发现了你 带著一瓶酒Your head in the curtains你的头带著布幔And heart like the Fourth of July心情像是七月的第四个昼夜You swore and said你发著誓然後说道We are not我们不会是We are not shining stars我们不会是那闪耀的星星This I know这我都知道I never said we are我也从没说过我们是Though I"ve never been through hell like that虽然我从没经历过那麼大的困境I"ve closed enough windows但我将为你关起门窗To know you can never look back好让你知道你再也不能回头看了If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧So I met up with some friends所以我约了一群朋友At the edge of the night就在夜晚刚来临的时候At a bar off 75我们在七十五号酒吧聚了起来And we talked and talked我们彻夜长谈About how our parents will die说到我们的父母亲都离开了我们之後All our neighbours and wives谈到了我们的邻居和妻子But I like to think但我总想著I can cheat it all或许我能胡言乱语To make up for the times I"ve been cheated on好补回我以前被愚弄的时光And it"s nice to know我很高兴知道When I was left for dead当我离开这一切 面临死亡I was found and now I don"t roam these streets我将被找到 而现在我也不必继续在街头漫游I am not the ghost you want of me我不再是你认为的那个游魂If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Whoa噢My head is on fire我的脑袋像是烧了起来But my legs are fine但是我的腿却安然无恙After all they are mine总之 这些都是属於我的Lay your clothes down on the floor把你的衣服放到地板上吧Close the door关起门来Hold the phone抓起手机Show me how让我看看你No one"s ever gonna stop us now现在再也没有人能阻止我们了Cause we are因为我们就是We are shining stars我们就是闪耀之星We are invincible我们所向无敌We are who we are我们就是我们自己On our darkest day在我们最黑暗的日子里When we"re miles away当我们分隔千哩Sun will come日光将会来临We will find our way home我们将找到回家的路If you"re lost and alone如果你感到失落和孤单Or you"re sinking like a stone又或者感到生活逐步下沉像颗石头Carry on坚持下去吧May your past be the sound但愿你的过去能成为一丝耳边细语Of your feet upon the ground好让你能脚踏实地 坚持下去Carry on坚持下去吧Carry on, carry on坚持下去吧 坚持下去吧
2023-07-26 18:41:351

Carry on 的后面可以直接加名词不加with表示"继续"吗?

可以啊.没错的,只是carry on with会比较常见. 例子:Carry on the good work! 干得不错,继续努力吧! 有任何疑问也欢迎提问,
2023-07-26 18:41:421

哪位能给我个甲斐田雪的《carry on》歌词?

Carry On甲斐田雪 inside... Everything you need is inside And you"ll find... All you need to know is inside It doesn"t matter what other people say No right or wrong Life goes on... You don"t have to fight There"s no black or white You know it"s all right, just carry on You don"t have to cry There"s no reason why Just look to the sky and carry on You gotta believe Believe in you Carry on Look around... Look at all the beauty around Every sound... Like a very happy merry-go-round Remember, everyday is a brand new day No need to fear I"ll be here... You don"t have to fight There"s no black or white You know it"s all right, just carry on You don"t have to cry There"s no reason why Just look to the sky and carry on You don"t have to fight There"s no black or white You know it"s all right, just carry on You don"t have to cry There"s no reason why Just look to the sky and carry on You gotta believe Believe in you Carry on
2023-07-26 18:41:503

抖音Youyoufoundme是什么歌 CarryOn完整版

抖音Youyoufoundme是什么歌?最近因为电影《大侦探皮卡丘》的热映,抖音这首歌很火,很多抖音网红都在翻唱这首歌,那么不知道的小伙伴就看看我整理的抖音CarryOn歌曲歌词完整版介绍吧。 抖音CarryOn歌曲歌词完整版 作曲 : Rita Ora/Afshin Salmani/Kyrre G?rvell-Dahll/Josh Cumbee/Natalie Dunn/Ilan Kidron 作词 : Rita Ora/Afshin Salmani/Kyrre G?rvell-Dahll/Josh Cumbee/Natalie Dunn/Ilan Kidron Walking alone and the shores are longing 独自走在沙滩上 I miss your footprints next to mine 想念与我曾在一起你的脚印 Sure as the waves on the sand are washing 即使海浪已将他们冲刷 Your rhythm keeps my heart in time 你的旋律依然萦绕我心 You, you found me 是你 是你找到了我 Made me into something new 让我成为全新的自己 Lead me through the deepest waters 带领我走过最深的海域 I promise loud to carry on for you 我大声发誓 我会为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 I"ll carry on for you 我会为你坚持 Talk to the wind on the open ocean 在开阔的海面上 行走风中 I wonder if you hear me too? 我想知道是否你也能听到我的呼唤 Wrapped in my arms with every moment 我的双臂 怀抱着每一个瞬间 The memories that pull me through 所有回忆 都让我回到从前 You, you found me 是你 是你找到了我 Made me into something new (Oh, yeah) 让我成为全新的自己 Lead me through the deepest waters 带领我走过最深的海域 I promise loud to carry on to you (Woah) 我大声发誓 我会为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 To carry on for you 为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 I"ll carry on for you 为你坚持到最后 You, you found me (Oh, yeah) 是你 是你找到了我 Made me into something new (Into something new) 让我成为全新的自己 Lead me through the deepest waters (Deepest) 带领我走过最深的海域 I promise loud to carry on for you (Ooh, carry on for you) 我大声发誓 我会为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 Keep me running, keep me coming back to you 不停奔跑 不停奔跑 只为回到你的身边 Hold me harder, love me like you know you do 请将我搂得更紧 像你知道的那样爱我 Keep me running, keep me coming back to you 不停奔跑 不停奔跑 只为回到你的身边 Hold me harder, love me like you know you do 请将我搂得更紧 像你知道的那样爱我 You, you found me 是你 是你找到了我 Made me into something new 让我成为全新的自己 Lead me through the deepest waters 带领我走过最深的海域 I promise loud to carry on for you 我大声发誓 我会为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 (You, to carry on for you, for you) 你 我要为你坚持 为你坚持到最后 In the deepest waters 在最深的水域里 Ooh, I"ll carry on for you 我会为你坚持到最后
2023-07-26 18:41:571

carry on 后面何时加with何时不加with?

2023-07-26 18:42:042

Carry On 的歌词?

Carry On 的歌词:Are we really happy.With this lonely game we play.Looking 4 the right words 2 say.Searching but not finding.Understanding anyway.Were lost in this masquerade.Both afraid 2 say.Were just too far away.From being close together from the start.We try 2 talk it over.But the words got in the way.Were lost inside this lonely game we play.Thoughts of leaving disappear.Each time I see Ur eyes.And no matter how hard I try.To understand the reason.Why we carry on this way.Were lost in a masquerade.And were lost in a masquerade.作词:SHUNCarry On 全て ありのままを受け止めて!Carry On 君らしく 生きてゆこう!见上げた空には 失くしちゃいけない梦があるどうにもならずに 投げ出す日々があっても…。「君ならできるさ!」 简単に谁かは言うけどそうさ!あの日决めた旅立ちはいつも 辉く未来が 待っているCarry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 全て この手の中 诘め込んでかけ抜けて 迷わずに 失くさずにらしく进もう!见下ろす 足元 少し汚れてきた靴必死に走って いくつも守ってる空回りしてる 自分が小さくみえた「それでも负けない!」"心"に决めて生きるきっと 君の决めた道程がいつか 辉く未来を 照らしてる!Carry On いつか その「梦」が叶うまでざさないで いつもOpenでいて!Carry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!Carry On いつか 変わってしまったとしても「自分だ!」と 强く胸に 云い闻かせてゆこうCarry On 远く 果てしなく続く空雨の日も どんな日も「梦」だけは 舍てちゃいけない!终わり
2023-07-26 18:42:121

求unfinished----jordan knight歌词

Baby I would still be standing hereNo matter what you doIf I let you down, just tell me nowAnd I"ll fix it like a man"s supposed toWhat part of I know we can work, don"t you understandMaybe I"m just making it worse, but I can"t let go of your handLet"s fix it, let"s fix it allBaby stop, right there, take a breath, no it"s not too lateTo wait, search yourself, before you steal, steal my life awayYou don"t want to try this time, I"m here to fight this crimeDon"t you leave me empty hearted, girl don"t leave this love of oursUnfinished, unfinished, unfinished whoa oh ohHow can you complicate what I see so clearMaybe you"re just scaredBut if you run away in fearThat just won"t be fairSo close your lips and don"t say those wordsI know you want to sayJust let me kiss you anywhere it hurtsTell me where to start firstAnd stop, right there, take a breath, no it"s not too lateTo wait, search yourself, before you steal, steal my life awayYou don"t want to try this time, I"m here to fight this crimeDon"t you leave me empty hearted, girl don"t leave this love of oursUnfinished, unfinished, unfinished whoa oh ohUnfinished, unfinished, unfinished whoa oh ohJust think it over, for a minuteWe"d be losing so much, so much, so muchIf you didn"t stop, right there, take a breath, no it"s not too lateTo wait, search yourself, before you steal, steal my life awayYou don"t want to try this time, I"m here to fight this crimeDon"t you leave me empty hearted, girl don"t leave this love of oursUnfinished, unfinished, unfinished whoa oh ohUnfinished, unfinished, unfinished whoa oh oh
2023-07-26 18:40:362


《无价之姐》的副歌疑似抄袭董卿的一首歌《跟我出发》。《跟我出发》是央视综艺栏目《欢乐中国行》的主题曲,是董卿演唱的,发行时间是16年前,虽然时间有点长了,但还是有很多人记得这首歌,并且这首歌的副歌部分和李宇春的《无价之姐》十分相似。表面上李宇春是为这首歌全权负责的,其实作曲人不是李宇春,而是另有他人,所以这首歌如果抄袭的话,和李宇春的关系也不大,但是李宇春在娱乐圈这么多年,也是专业的歌手,应该会有原创的意识,现在歌舞被指认抄袭,李宇春是原唱,她也会受到一些影响。《无价之姐》歌词Here we go,My eyes,My lips,Are priceless,My voice,My kiss,My,Haha,娱乐记者的采访,净重几斤几两,一顿刻板的开场,再议议男友和裙妆,千人一面,万人一腔,凝固的气场,喔,敬请原谅,少女感高仿,雕刻标准形象,保持独有的锋芒。尤其遍地已偶像,狂我的狂妄,荒我的荒唐,打翻青春的鸡汤,管你的脸方不方,Duh,My face,My fingers,Are priceless,My ideas,My talents,Are priceless,看我弄潮搏浪,多认真的亮相,努力跳,摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇,看我乘风破浪,多诚实的欲望,努力唱,吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆,看我弄潮搏浪,多认真的亮相,努力跳,摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇。看我乘风破浪,多诚实的欲望,努力唱,吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆,看我弄潮搏浪,多认真的亮相,努力跳,摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇,看我乘风破浪,多诚实的欲望,努力唱,吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆,看我弄潮搏浪,多认真的亮相,努力跳,摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇咿摇,看我乘风破浪,多诚实的欲望,努力唱,吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆咿吆。
2023-07-26 18:40:321