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怎么回答 What role do you usually play in a team? 除了leader以外还可以有什么role?

member 队员

请问英文高手“威海邦联进出口有限公司”正确翻译是“WEIHAI BONGLIN IMP.& EXP.CO.,LTD”吗?先谢了!

“威海邦联进出口有限公司”可以翻译成:“WEIHAI BANGLIAN IMP.& EXP.CO.,LTD”一般公司名字自己说了算, 可以把邦联作为音译的也好.原来写的是BONGLIN (听着象邦林的). 所以, 可以直接把邦联的汉语拼音写出来.也可以用英文的发音翻译一下.

IELTS小作文. 恳求英语达人给予修改和指点,Thank you very much!

Dear sir/Madam:I"m writing this letter in order to request for a new student ID card.After (arriving) home yesterday afternoon, I soon realised that my ID card must been left somewhere because it could not be found neither in the pocket nor in the bag. Firstly I thought I might left it on the bus, however the customer service replied that they did not find any similar item. Then I phoned the library to see whether my ID was there or not. Unfortunately the answer was “NO”. Finally, I had no other choice but to report it to the police.It is extremely inconvenient without an ID card. (Not only will I not be )able to use the library any more, (but also I) cannot claim for discounts on neither public transport nor cinema tickets, (Moreover,) the most principle issue is that without an ID as the identification, I am not allowed to withdraw cash (from) the bank.Due to (the) inconveniences which (are) mentioned above, I, therefore, request for a new ID card. I will appreciate if it could be done as soon as possible. Regards,略改了一下,有些表达可以稍微修改一下,以更符合英文的表达,写作继续多练习,会有进步的.by the way,我写过的IELTS 小作文是有关图表分析的,要出国的学生考IELTS 是考这种小作文吗?

求 Trucker Hat 歌词

This is the songThat reminds me of my trucker hatThat I used to wearNot to block out the sunWith a John Deere logoAnd a stain on the backFrom where you laid me out flatOne look I was doneAnd all these things mean nothing to meWhen I"m with you, I"ve got everythingI could want and I could needEven God he would agreeYou and I were meant to beIt"s easy to seeI"ll never go out of style on youAnd nothing really feels the way you doNothing in the world couldEver make me look as goodWhen you fit me like you doThis is the verse About the parachute pants That I learned to breakdance inAnd thought I was goodSo much for believingThe fat guy doesn"t winGet the girl in the endI never thought that I couldAnd all these things mean nothing to meWhen I"m with you, I"ve got everythingI could want and I could needEven God he would agreeYou and I were meant to beIt"s easy to seeI"ll never go out of style on youAnd nothing really feels the way you doNothing in the world couldEver make me look as goodWhen you fit me like you doI"m not the perfect guy, a little slowBut I"ve got perfect timing with youTake a look aroundOutside the in-crowd There ain"t nothing we can"t doI"ll never go out of style on youAnd nothing really feels the way you doNothing in the world couldEver make me look as goodWhen you fit me like you doI"ll never go out of style on youAnd nothing really feels the way you doNothing in the world couldEver make me look as goodWhen you fit me like you do I"ll never go out of style on youAnd nothing really feels the way you doNothing in the world couldEver make me look as goodWhen you fit me like you do绝对标准完整版

关于tales of shakespeare

莎士比亚 应该是他的全部文章吧电影有 书也多着呢他用的是古英语, 就像中文的古文

Why is Shakespeare so great in English literature?

because he wrote a lot of plays and in olden days people don"t care about english literature. Shakespeare used a lot of slang in his play and it is used nowadays.

求Willam Shakespeare的经典台词

Do nor for one repulse, for go the purpose that you resolved to effort. -- Shakespeare 不要因为一次挫折就放弃你原来决心要达到的目标。 --莎士比亚 Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. -- William Shakespeare 无知乃是罪恶,知识乃是我们藉以飞向天堂的翅膀。 --莎士比亚 Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. (william shakewspeare British dramalist) 如果送礼的人不是出於真心,再贵重的礼物也会失去它的价值。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W) Virtue is bold, and goodness never fearful. (William shakespeare, British dramatist) 美德是勇敢的,善良从来无所畏惧。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on. (William Shkespeare, British dramatist) 为了一去不复返的灾祸而悲伤将会抬致新的灾祸。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W) What"s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. 名称有什麼关系呢?玫瑰不叫玫瑰,依然芳香如故。——Shakespeare Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep. 静水流深。——Shakespeare There is a history in all men"s lives. 所有人的生活裏都有一部历史.Shakespeare 莎士比亚 Sweet are the uses of adversity.(William Shakspeare,British Playwriter) 苦尽甘来。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W) Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effort. ( Shakespeare ) 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚) How sharper than a serpent"s tooth is to have a thankless child. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist) 逆子无情甚於蛇蝎。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚W.) It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after. William Shakespeare, British dramatist 仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。 英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W. Truth needs no colour; beauty , no pencil. —— William Shakespeare 真理不需色彩,美丽不需涂饰。 ——W·莎士比亚 Take honour from me and my life is undone. 吾誉若失,吾生休已 ---莎士比亚

William Shakespear英文内容简介

No more be grieved at that thou hast done:Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud.Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.All men make faults, and even I in this,Authorizing thy trespass with compare,Myself corrupting, salving thy amiss,Excusing thy sins more than thy sins are;For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense—Thy adverse party is thy advocate—And" gainst myself a lawful plea commence.Such civil war is in my love and hate,That I an accessory needs must beTo that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

i cannot what i will not do .shakespeare

I cannot do what I will not


莎士比亚可以说是浪漫主义诗人,但是正处于文艺复兴时期;雪莱,是十九世纪英国著名的浪漫派诗人,他的诗作在内容上赞美革命,抨击传统,批判不合理的现实社会,主张纯洁的爱情。诗思无瑕,充满激情,节奏明快。《西风颂》为雪莱的代表作品,具有穿越时空的永恒魅力。全集将其诗作、散文、诗剧、论文、书信等尽量罗致,呈现给读者一个完整的形象。珀西·毕希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1792-1822),英国诗人。1792年生于苏塞克斯郡。这时期英国诗歌的创作,在一批青年诗人手里,经历了一场革命:抗议代替了因袭,抒情代替了说教,恣肆代替了拘谨。雪莱便是这些赞美革命、抨击传统的浪漫派诗人之一。1811年8月,雪莱和妹妹的朋友海里霭·威斯布鲁克出走,在爱丁堡结婚。1816年5月在瑞士,雪莱初识拜伦,两人相互仰慕,成为挚友。1822年7月8日,雪莱与友人驾船出海突遇暴风,不幸舟沉身死。雪莱一生抨击不合理的社会制度,但主张用教育手段改革社会,又主张纯洁的自由的爱情。1818年底,雪莱从英国到意大利居住,从阳光淡薄的岛国进入明媚温丽的地中海,触发了他巨大的创作热情。他完成了四幕诗剧《解放了的普罗米修斯》。诗剧为普罗米修斯树立了新的形象,从一个与天神宙斯妥协者变成不屈的斗士。雪莱一生就是对人类任何形式的压迫进行斗争,他的普罗米修斯体现了这一斗争精神。1819年,雪莱写了著名的《西风颂》。从1820年起直至生命终止的两年半中,雪莱写了不少歌颂南欧民族革命的诗,如:《那不勒斯颂》、《自由》、《自由颂》。抒情诗有《云》、《致云雀》、《致月亮》等。雪莱的散文和他的诗一样也具有明快的节奏,我们在雪莱的诗中看到他是个哲学家,他的散文创作里又看到他的诗一样的激情。华兹华斯是英国文学史上最重要的诗人之一,也是英国浪漫主义运动中最伟大和最有影响的诗人。他的作品一扫古典主义雅致雕饰的诗风,强调“一切好诗都是强烈感情的自然流露”,以其纯朴清新的语言摇写大自然中的景物和人物以及人们的生活。抒发其感受和沉思,开创了探索和挖掘

The life of Shakespeare 作文

Shakespeare ,more perhaps than any other writer ,made full use of the greatest resources of the English Language .Most of us use about five thousand words in our normal employment of English ;Shakespeare in his works used about twenty—five thousand!There is probably no better way for a foreigner to appreciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare uses it .Such a study is well worth the effort,even though some aspects of English usage ,and the meaning of many words ,have changed since Shakespeare"s day. However ,it is surprising that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author.We know that Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford—on—Avon ,and that he died there in 1616.He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sure .We know he was married there in 1582 to Anne Hathaway and that he had three children .We know that he spent much of his life in London writing his masterpieces .But this is almost all that we do know . However ,what is important about Shakespeare"s life is not its incidental details but its products ,the plays and the poems .For many years scholars have been trying to add a few facts about Shakespeare"s life to the small number we already possess and for an equally long tine critics(批评)have been theorizing(理论化)about the plays .Sometimes ,indeed ,it seems that the poetry of Shakespeare will disappear under the great mass of comment that has been written upon it . Fortunately this is not likely to happen .Shakespeare"s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere ,and will continue to do so after the scholars and critics and all their works have been forgotten.


William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564; died 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world"s pre-eminent dramatist. He is often called England"s national poet and the "Bard of Avon". His surviving works, including some collaborations, consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright.Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and partner-owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain"s Men, later known as the King"s Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at age 49, where he died three years later. Few records of Shakespeare"s private life survive, and there has been considerable speculation about such matters as his physical appearance, sexuality, religious beliefs, and whether the works attributed to him were written by others.Shakespeare produced most of his known works between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the finest works in the English language. In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances, and collaborated with other playwrights.Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. The Romantics, in particular, acclaimed Shakespeare"s genius, and the Victorians worshipped Shakespeare with a reverence that George Bernard Shaw called "bardolatry". In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed, and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world. (From Wikipedia, with minor modifications.)


莎士比亚 ,O(∩_∩)O~~求采纳

Shakespeare’s Sister

沃尔夫(1882-1941)不仅以其杰出的意识流小说备受世人推崇,同时她还从事出版工作,创作短篇小说,发表评论文章,写了大量晓畅、想象力丰富的散文。作为一名女权主义者,她强烈地感受到,妇女在社会中扮演着抚养孩子和助长男本主义的既定角色,因此才华泯灭。本文选自沃尔夫《自己的房间》一书,她在该书中说明了女性成就小于男性的原因。   It would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare. Let me imagine, since facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister, called Judith, let us say. Shakespeare himself went, very probably—his mother was an heiress—to the grammar school, where he may have learnt Latin—Ovid, Virgil and Horace—and the elements of grammar and logic. He was, it is well known, a wild boy who poached rabbits, perhaps shot a deer, and had, rather sooner than he should have done, to marry a woman in the neighbourhood, who bore him a child rather quicker than was right. That escapade sent him to seek his fortune in London. He had, it seemed, a taste for the theatre; he began by holding horses at the stage door. Very soon he got work in the theatre, became a successful actor, and lived at the hub of the universe, meeting everybody, knowing everybody, practising his art on the boards, exercising his wits in the streets, and even getting access to the palace of the queen. Meanwhile his extraordinarily gifted sister, let us suppose, remained at home. She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was. But she was not sent to school. She had no chance of learning grammar and logic, let alone of reading Horace and Virgil. She picked up a book now and then, one of her brother"s perhaps, and read a few pages. But then her parents came in and told her to mend the stockings or mind the stew and not moon about with books and papers. They would have spoken sharply but kindly, for they were substantial people who knew the conditions of life for a woman and loved their daughter—indeed, more likely than not she was the apple of her father"s eye. Perhaps she scribbled some pages up in an apple loft on the sly, but was careful to hide them or set fire to them. Soon, however, before she was out of her teens, she was to be betrothed to the son of a neighbouring woolstapler. She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father. Then he ceased to scold her. He begged her instead not to hurt him, not to shame him in this matter of her marriage. He would give her a chain of beads or a fine petticoat, he said; and there were tears in his eyes. How could she disobey him? How could she break his heart? The force of her own gift alone drove her to it. She made up a small parcel of her belongings, let herself down by a rope one summer"s night and took the road to London. She was not seventeen. The birds that sang in the hedge were not more musical than she was. She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother"s, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. She stood at the stage door; she wanted to act, she said. Men laughed in her face. The manager — a fat, loose-lipped man—guffawed. He bellowed something about poodles dancing and women acting—no woman, he said, could possibly be an actress. He hinted — you can imagine what. She could get no training in her craft. Could she even seek her dinner in a tavern or roam the streets at midnight? Yet her genius was for fiction and lusted to feed abundantly upon the lives of men and women and the study of their ways. At last—for she was very young, oddly like Shakespeare the poet in her face, with the same grey eyes and rounded brows—at last Nick Greene the actor-manager took pity on her; she found herself with child by that gentleman and so—who shall measure the heat and violence of the poet"s heart when caught and tangled in a woman"s body?—killed herself one winter"s night and lies buried at some cross-roads where the omnibuses now stop outside the Elephant and Castle.   That, more or less, is how the story would run, I think, if a woman in Shakespeare"s day had had Shakespeare"s genius.

about Shakespeare

hello=D At the moment in school I"m doing "Hamlet" written by William Shakespeare. He has written many famous and popular plays including Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Macbeth.. i fot the rest><" ahah sorry!. However most of his plays are melancholic (depressing sad) and interesting which intrigues lots of readers and cultures of today!.. Well that"s all i know~ =D.. but yups he wrote heaps~ =D.. 丹尼士文摘…莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616) 文艺复兴时期英国文坛的巨星威廉˙莎士比亚(1564-1616),在世界文化史上地位崇高影响巨大,是公认的欧洲三大诗人(莎士比亚、歌德和但丁)之一。出生于破败的商人之家,只受过小学教育的莎士比亚,创作了三十七部悲剧、喜剧和历史剧以及一百五十多首十四行诗,被誉为继上帝后,创作最多杰作的人,马克思称莎士比亚为「人类最伟大的天才之一」。 莎士比亚说:成功的骗子 不必在说谎以求生 因为被骗的人 全成为他的拥护者 莎士比亚说:女人呀 女人 容貌和知识 择其一吧 两者俱得 两者俱失 都是悲剧收场 莎士比亚说:人们可支配自己的命运 若我们受制于人 那错不在命运 而是在我们自己 莎士比亚说:To be or not to be That is a question 莎士比亚说:别和意志坚定的人争辩 因为他们可以改变事实 莎士比亚说:虚有其表的女人 就像金环戴在猪鼻上 唉 可怜 莎士比亚说:目眩时更要旋转 自己痛不欲生的悲伤 以别人的悲伤 就能够治愈 莎士比亚说:真正的斗士 永远愿意承认自己的失败 莎士比亚说:女人阿女人 男人的舞台 你们是永远站在光圈和掌声以外的 莎士比亚说:人心才是埋伏在黑夜中 最可怕的对手 莎士比亚说:嫉妒的手足是谎言 莎士比亚说:美满的爱情 使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来 死亡是最后的睡眠?不是的,它是最后终结的醒觉。--莎士比亚 外表往往与事实本身不符,世人却容易被表面装饰所欺骗了。--莎士比亚 恋爱中的人,越是到处宣扬他们的爱情,他们的爱情越是靠不住。---莎士比亚 你应该尽量发挥自己的才能,千万不可依人做嫁,去作别人的尾巴。--莎士比亚 每一粒厄运的种子,却包孕著未来丰盛的果实。--莎士比亚 〔友谊〕 (1)“朋友间必须是患难相济 那才说得上真正的友谊."  (2)“有很多良友 胜于有很多财富.” 〔品格〕 “慈悲是高尚人格的标记.” 〔处世〕 (1)“凡事开始最难 然而更难的是何以善终.” (2)“怒气就像一匹烈性的马 如果由它的性子 就会使它自己精疲力尽.” (3)“一个人做了心安理得的事 就是得到了最大的酬报.” 〔待人〕 “你必须对你自己忠实 正像有了白昼才有黑夜一样 对自己忠实 才不会对别人欺诈.” 〔哲理〕 “一个人思虑太多 就会失去做人的乐趣.” 〔书籍〕 “书籍是全世界的营养品. 生活里没有书籍 就好像没有阳光; 智慧里没有书籍 就好 像鸟儿没有翅膀.” 〔求知〕 “学问是我们随身的财产 我们自己在甚么地方 我们的学问也跟着我们在一起.” 〔人生〕 “上天生下我们 是要我们当火炬 不是照亮自己 而是去普照世界.” 〔青春〕 “虽然紫菀草越被人践踏越长得快 可是青春越是浪费 越容易消失." 〔惜时〕 “在时间的大钟上 只有两个字------ 现在.” 〔人才〕 “天上的太阳有瑕疵 何况人间.” 〔希望〕 “最有把握的希望 往往结果终于失望; 最少希望的事情 反会出人意料地成功." 〔逆境〕 (1)“困苦永远是坚强之母.” (2)“甚么都比不上厄运更能磨炼人的德性.” 〔惜别〕 “欢迎是永远含着微笑 告别总是带着叹息.” 〔爱情〕 (1)“爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦 真诚的爱情永远不是一条平坦的道路.” (2)“爱情是生命的火花 友谊的升华 心灵的吻合. 如果说人类的感情能区分等级    那么爱情该是属于最高的一级.” (3)“真爱情是不能用言语表达的 行为才是忠心的最好说明.” (4)“婚姻是青春的结束 人生的开始.” (5)“爱情是理想的一致 意志的融合.” 〔祖国〕 “当他爱他的国家的时候 他的国家也尊重他.” 〔生活〕 “贫穷而知足 可以赛过富有; 有钱的人要是时时刻刻都担心他有一天会变成穷人 那么即使他有无限的资财 实际也像冬天一样贫困.” 〔健康〕 (1)“休息是滋养疲乏的精神保姆.” (2)“豁达者长寿.” 参考: denniswatch.mysinablog/index?op=ViewArticle&articleId=848566


主要作品悲剧  哈姆雷特,奥赛罗,麦克白,李尔王(四大悲剧),泰特斯·安特洛尼克斯,裘力斯·凯撒,安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉(埃及艳后),科利奥兰纳斯,特洛埃围城记,雅典的泰门等。喜剧  威尼斯商人,仲夏夜之梦,皆大欢喜,第十二夜(四大喜剧),错误的喜剧,终成眷属,无事生非,一报还一报,暴风雨,驯悍记,温莎的风流娘们,爱的徒劳,维洛那二绅士,泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯,辛白林,冬天的故事等。悲喜剧(正剧)  罗密欧与朱丽叶历史剧  亨利四世,亨利五世,亨利六世,亨利八世,约翰王,里查二世,里查三世。十四行诗  154首十四行诗。


splashing Festival is one of

shakespeare 四大喜剧


introduction to Shakespeare??????

William Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright. Shakespeare has the reputation as one of the greatest of all writers in the English language and in Western literature , as well as one of the world"s pre-eminent dramatists. Shakespeare is among the very few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy. Shakespeare"s works have been translated into every major living language, and his plays are continually performed all around the world. Romeo and Juliet concerns two noble families of Verona, the Montagues and the Capulets, that have feuded for generations. Romeo attend the masque at the Capulet house, he see Juliet. They proclaim their love for one another with their "love sonnet" Romeo remain on the Capulet estate after the party The young lovers decide to marry without informing their parents, because they would undoubtedly disallow it due to the hate between the clans With the help of Juliet"s Nurse the two are wedded the next day. Franciscan priest Friar Lawrence, performs the ceremony, Things take a darker turn Tybalt, Juliet"s cousin, meets up with Romeo and attempts to provoke a sword fight. Romeo refuses Mercutio, Romeo"s frend takes up the challenge. Mercutio be fatally wounded by Tybalt. Mercutio dies Romeo, in his anger, slays Tybalt. The Prince punish Romeo to exile. Just after Romeo leaves, Capulet breaks the news to Juliet that he has fix the date of Paris and Juliet"s wedding as three days hence Friar Lawrence, a dabbler in herbal medicines and potions, gives Juliet a potion and a plan: the potion will put her in a death-like coma for two and forty hours; she is to take it before her marriage day, and when discovered dead, she will be laid in the family crypt. Meanwhile, the Friar will send a messenger to inform Romeo, so that he can rejoin her when she awakes. The two can then leave for Mantua and live happily ever after. Juliet takes the potion, and things proceed as planned. The Friar"s messenger is unable to reach Romeo due to Mantua being under quarantine, and Romeo learns only of Juliet"s "death" through a servant. Grief-stricken, he buys some strong poison, returns to Verona in secret, and proceeds to the Capulets" crypt, determined to join Juliet in death. Upon arrival he encounters Paris, who has also come to mourn privately for his lost love. After killing Paris in a duel, Romeo drinks the poison after seeing Juliet one last time, Friar Lawrence then arrives and, enter upon the womb, finds the dead bodies of Romeo and Paris. It is at this point that Juliet awakes and, seeing the surrounding death, seeks answers. Juliet cannot imagine a life without Romeo and so she stabs herself fatally with his dagger. The two lovers lie dead side by side, devoted until the last breath of life. The two families and the Prince converge upon the tomb. They are horrified to find Romeo, Juliet, and Paris all lying dead, and Friar Laurence reveals to them the love and secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The feuding families are reconciled by their children"s deaths and agree to end their violent feud.

william Shakespeare的英文简介带汉语

莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;1564~1616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。莎士比亚的代表作有四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(英:Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(英:Othello)、《李尔王》(英:King Lear)、《麦克白》(英:Mac Beth)。著名喜剧:《仲夏夜之梦》《威尼斯商人》《第十二夜》《皆大欢喜》(《As you like it》)。历史剧:《亨利四世》《亨利五世》《查理二世》。正剧、悲喜剧:《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。还写过154首十四行诗,二首长诗。本·琼森称他为“时代的灵魂”,马克思称他和古希腊的埃斯库罗斯为“人类最伟大的戏剧天才”。虽然莎士比亚只用英文写作,但他却是世界著名作家。他的大部分作品都已被译成多种文字,其剧作也在许多国家上演。儒略历1616年4月23日(公历1616年5月3日)病逝,出生日期与逝世日期恰好相同。莎士比亚和意大利著名数学家、物理学家、天文学家和哲学家、近代实验科学的先驱者伽利略同一年出生。被人们尊称为“莎翁”。初中选文《威尼斯商人》.高中选文《哈姆莱特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶(节选)》。The English poets, playwright Sha Shibiya was born in 1564 in England"s Stella luck city. He has the strong cultural base, but has not read the university. When 18 years old marries with 26 year old females, when not reach 21 years old had three children; After 3 years went to London to become the actor, the playwright; When 30 years old starts to be lucky; When 34 years old the family is well-to-do, art obtains the success, is recognized as the playwright which rises newly. Sha Shibiya alone lives in London"s 20 years, his wife lives continuously in the Stella luck. When nearly 40 years old, Sha Shibiya only then returns to the Stella luck until to die. 27 year old of that year, he wrote the historical drama "Henry Six Th" the trilogy, after the script performance has been welcome greatly the audience, and has won the very high prestige for him, let him come to a stop gradually in the London theatrical circle the heel. In 1595, Sha Shibiya has written a tragedy "Romeo And Juliet", after the script performance, Sha Shibiya famous tyrant London, the audience wells up generally like the tide to the theater looked this play, and moves has flowed off the tears. In 1599, Sha Shibiya poured into wrote the script with all one"s strength "Hamlet", also has obtained the huge success. In later several years, Sha Shibiya has written "Austria Xylenum", "Li You King" and "Mike Is white", they and "Hamlet" is called together Sha Shibiya"s four big tragedies. In 1616, Sha Shibiya because fell ill left the world, has lived 52 years old. In these 52 years profession, he has left behind 37 scripts for the common people, as soon as curls 14 lines of poems and two narrative 长诗. His script also performs until now in world each place. In his birthday that day, has many countries to perform his script every year to commemorate him. Sha Shibiya is on Europe Renaissance time England dramatic world"s "the giant". He inherits and develops the ancient Greece Rome play and the English folk play outstanding tradition, does not give a thought to "the unity of action" and so on the rules and regulations, the breakthrough comedy and the tragedy boundary, carries on the creative from the content to the form innovation. In view of the middle ages feudalism and asceticism fetter, he respects the woman, eulogy love, molds a series of idealizations the bourgeoisie new feminine lovable image. In the historical drama and the tragedy, he engraved has delimited a series of feudal tyrant"s image, heartlessly exposition and critique feudalism tyranny. He also in the play advocated the humanity by opposed the Middle Ages lively, compare with the human the deity, emphasized human great and strength, said the human is "the universe essence, the myriad things spirit is long". He also frequently exposes religious in the play the hypocrisy. The Sha Shibiya dramatic art characteristic, is the fantasy and the real ingenious union. Marx after 1848 in order to "wants to enable own English knowledge to achieve the consummation the region", once "all searched for the Sha Shibiya special style words and phrases performs to classify", carried on the study. His grave now nearby a his hometown chapel, every year has the photograph which ten million counts to go on a pilgrimage looks at reverently generally. Is engraving such inscribed text on his tombstone: "Looks on God"s surface, Please do not have to move my grave, The rash action will encounter the curse, The protector will receive the blessing."


71D莎士比亚作品中的英语语言的丰富性因为ABC都没提到,如写作手法、章节长度、文章内容丰富72C因为沙翁A和D是同一天,即使不看文章都是事实C是因为He almost certainly attended the Grammer School in the town ,but of this we cannot be sureB就是因为后面一句了73A不是所有对莎翁的评价都产生积极评价B学者成功收集了莎翁的生平生活,72题就推翻了C批评家更感兴趣莎翁的戏剧而非诗歌,胡说的,批评家也分领域的,而且文章也没强调D莎翁的生活远比文学作品重要,不但胡说而且不尊重


基础释义威廉·莎士比亚(1564—1616)文艺复兴时期英国戏剧家、诗人。著有剧本37部、十四行诗154首和叙事长诗2首。作品要求个性解放,反对封建专制和禁欲主义,表现了资本主义萌芽时期的人文主义理想。剧作人物形象鲜明,情节曲折生动,语言精练典雅。代表作有悲剧《哈姆雷特》《奥赛罗》《李尔王》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,喜剧《威尼斯商人》等。莎士比亚的创作对欧洲文学和戏剧的发展影响很大。威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare,1564年4月23日-1616年4月23日),英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,欧洲文艺复兴时期最伟大的作家,全世界最卓越的文学家之一,华人社会常尊称为莎翁。 16世纪末到17世纪初,莎士比亚在伦敦开始了成功的职业生涯,他不仅是演员、剧作家,还是宫内大臣剧团的合伙人。1613年左右,莎士比亚退休回到埃文河畔斯特拉特福,3年后逝世。莎士比亚最具有代表性的作品就是他的四大悲剧《奥赛罗》《哈姆雷特》《李尔王》《麦克白》。





what festivals什么意思

what festivals什么意思意思是:什么节日重点词汇释义festivals节日( festival的名词复数 ); 节期;

what is Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. Calcium carbonate shares the typical properties of other carbonates. Notably: it reacts with strong acids releasing carbon dioxide: CaCO3(s) + 2 HCl(aq) → CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) it releases carbon dioxide on heating called a thermal deposition reaction or calcination (to above 840 °C in the case of CaCO3) to form calcium oxide monly called quicklime with reaction enthalpy 178 kJ / mole: CaCO3(s) → CaO(s) + CO2(g) Calcium carbonate will react with water that is saturated with carbon dioxide to form the soluble calcium bicarbonate. CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O → Ca(HCO3)2 This reaction is important in the erosion of carbonate rocks forming caverns and leads to hard water in many regions. An unusual form of calcium carbonate is ikaite with crystal water CaCO3·6H2O. Ikaite is stable only below 6 °C. 参考: Me Calcium carbonate is a chemical pound with the formula CaCO3. It is a mon substance found in rocks in all parts of the world and is the main ponent of shells of marine ani *** s snails coal balls pearls and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in agricultural lime and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate ions creating limescale. It is monly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an antacid but excessive consumption can be hazardous. 参考: en. *** /wiki/Calcium_carbonate




链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/179WhQWUUjRMDF1QNSd6aZg 提取码: kjvm导演: 约翰·古拉格编剧: 马库斯·邓斯坦 / 帕特里克·梅尔顿主演: 丹妮尔·帕娜贝克 / 马特·布什 / Chris Zylka / 大卫·科恩查内 / Meagan Tandy / Paul James Jordan / 让-卢克·比洛多 / 赫克特·吉门雷兹 / Adrian Martinez / 克鲁·古拉格 / 大卫·哈塞尔霍夫类型: 喜剧 / 惊悚 / 恐怖 / 灾难制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2012-06-01(美国)片长: 83分钟又名: 变种食人鲳3DD 祼命水世界(港) / 3D食人鱼2:全面猎杀(台) / 食人鱼2 / 食人鱼3D续集 该影片讲述了前一波的食人鱼攻击终于画上了终点,此时,科学家们惊恐的发现,搅得人们天翻地覆的食人鱼居然还是处在初级形态的幼崽,天知道等到它们长大之时,又会闹出什么乱子!上一次的惨剧给谢尔比(丹妮尔·帕娜贝克 Danielle Panabaker 饰)的心里留下了深深的阴影,当她得知叔叔要在某处建立大型的豪华水上乐园时,谢尔比感到了强烈的不安。果不其然,不靠谱的叔叔为了节省经费,直接引入了附近的湖水,就这样,一大波食人鱼也随之而来,对于它们来说,一场饕餮大餐即将开席。面对着惨叫哭号的人们,谢尔比内心强烈的正义感让她无法对此坐视不管,勇敢的她连同幸存的伙伴们展开了轰轰烈烈的救援活动。










食人鱼溶液,又叫食人鱼刻蚀液,是浓硫酸和30%过氧化氢的混合物(7:3)。主要用来清洁玻片表面的有机物。该混合物有很强的氧化性,可以彻底的清除基底上的几乎所有有机质,而且用它处理过的玻片表面会带羟基,因而高度亲水,可以用于后续修饰。配制溶液时需要佩戴手套,穿戴实验服,与通风橱中操作。将过氧化氢(30%,AR)加入到浓硫酸中,体积比7:3,注意顺序不要加反 。使用时将玻片放入其中,摇晃10-30秒,取出先用去离子水冲洗,可以看到表面已经有很好的亲水性了,再用超纯水清洁,高纯氮气吹干,该步骤反复3~4次。最后放到干净表面皿中备用。


ピランハ (piranha)这是音译的葡萄牙语“ Prainha ”,意为“小沙滩”,在葡语国家多见于地名,葡萄牙、巴西、佛得角等国都有。日本用到它主要是其有热带异域风情吧,比如 ピランハ クラブ (Prainha Clube),在葡萄牙南部。


piranha,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“水虎鱼产于南美的一种小鱼例句You know what"s wrong with the piranha, though?你知道这些食人鱼有什么问题吗?Most piranha species are omnivores and scavengers.绝大多数食人鱼类是杂食和食腐动物。Shoot! ! So difficult, sometimes, to get the piranha back inside of my…该死!还真难,偶尔啦,把水虎鱼给弄回来u4435。



Lizzy is______(nice)as,if not ____(nice)than,Mary. 填空,翻译,尤其是那个as

Lizzy is as nice as,if not nicer than,Mary 如果Lizzy不比Mary更好,至少她们一样好. 这样分析 Lizzy is as nice as(if not nicer than) Mary. 以前的英语老师经常告诉我们,看到前后有逗号的,就用括号括起来不要管它.

Lizzy is______(nice)as,if not ____(nice)than,Mary.

nice: nicer如果说丽兹没有玛丽更好得话,她至少也和玛丽不相上下。

_______a habit of reflecting on how you learn,and you will do well in everything yiu learn.


get my ass handed to me 是什么意思呀?

laughing my ass off,缩写为lmao,笑死我了you scared the shit outta me,你吓死我了



The monkey king is the main character in the trad

The monkey king is the main character in the traditional chinese book journey to the west.猴王”是中国传统图书西游记中的主要人物。

get out of hand是什么意思


because it is a JDK dynamic proxy that implement

搜索了几篇文章,都是在说通过proxy-target-class=true或者transactional等来解决;解决办法要么跟问题本身属于弱有关,要么属于曲线救国。 这个问题其实我们不妨大胆直面它,因为日志信息已经说得比较直白了,我们来翻译一下: jdk动态代理和 C 接口放在一起描述,说明什么呢?说明它在强调此动态代理是面向接口的,不是面向java类的! 因此它认为不能作为java类来注入到其他对象中; 为什么不能呢? 因为jdk动态代理对类进行包装后,原生类隐藏了(->target),冒出来一个只代表接口实现的新生类;即接口申明的方法,新生类才会有。 如果你执意要以此新生类注入至其他bean实例,那么在runtime过程中,可能因为你调用的方法未在接口中声明而抛出异常; 为什么异常?因为新生类中压根就没有此方法。 而且这是在编译时不能被发现的,所以spring帮你预先防御,在启动时抛错,而不会等到运行时。 所以解决办法如下: 如果需要用到未在 C 接口中声明的类本身的方法,可以从 b 中取出原生类实例进行调用。




是行货版本,看版本(销售地)可以根据型号(打开设置 通用 关于本机中查找) 最后2位查看,CH是国行,ZP是*港*版/澳*门。

谁能帮我分析从句 I need a spare part for my wheelchair在补充里面句子里充当的是什么成分啊、谢了!

由every time引导的时间状语呗

求The Voluntary Work that I Perfer to Do作文

Personally speaking , I hold the view that it is not what you have done but what you are willing to do deep down that count . I have once worked as a guide in the Dalian Station , helping passengers to find the entrances and exits and checking tickets when necessary . I treat it as my pleasure , broadening my view ,making friends and receiving thanks , so why not ? I"m planning to organize my own “ Voluntary Group “ this year .We will appear where the notices “ VOLUNTEERS WANTED “ are posted.

英文投稿时,voluntary page charge 是指什么意思?


Hades and Poseidon、哈迪斯和波塞冬守护的星座是什么、最好用英文回答、

哈迪斯守护的星座是魔蝎座。 波塞冬守护的星座是双鱼座(pisces)2月19日~3月20日 守护星:海王星(象徵著高超的幻想力) 守护神:希腊-波西顿 (就是波塞东)

Harry Belafonte的《Sunflower》 歌词

歌曲名:Sunflower歌手:Harry Belafonte专辑:The Art Of A LegendLow--SunflowerWhen they found your bodyGiant X"s on your eyesWith your half of the ransomYou bought some sweet, sweet, sweetSweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nightUnderneath the Star of DavidA hundred years behind my eyesAnd with my half of the ransomI bought some sweet, sweet, sweetSweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nightSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersSweet, sweet, sweet, sweet sunflowersAnd gave themTo the nighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/9341100

跪求无损音质(APE)的苏维埃进行曲.......文件或下载地址都行 文件请发:majunhao911@qq.com 谢了

他说要转成wav了么?他说想要知道无损从哪来了么?拜托大哥 回答问题是走点心行么~


1.Simile 明喻2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻4.Synecdoche 提喻5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉6.Personification 拟人7.Hyperbole 夸张8.Parallelism 排比, 平行9.Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法10.Allegory 讽喻,比方(原意“寓言”)11.Irony 反语12.Pun 双关13.Parody 仿拟14.Rhetorical question 修辞疑问(反问)15.Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶16.Paradox 隽语17.Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻18.Climax 渐进法,层进法19.Anticlimax 渐降法

一般疑问句怎么改?如果没有be动词的话怎么办?如:You have a tennis racket。I am tom。

没有就用 do啊 Do you have....

Do you have two ________? A.tennis racket B.tennis rackets C.tennis’ racket D.tennis

B 当一个名词修饰另一个名词时,如果要变成复数形式,要分成两种情况,一是man或woman来修饰另一个名词时,两个都要变成复数形式,另一种情况是,不是man或woman 来修饰一个名词时,在变成复数形式时,要将后者变成复数形式,故选答案为B

英语谚语:He that talks much lies much 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: He that talks much lies much 中文意思: 多嘴的人说谎也多。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: A flow of words is no proof of wisdom 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。 A fool always es short of his reckoning 愚人常缺算计。 A fool always rushes to the fore 傻瓜总爱强出头。 A fool and his money are soon parted 笨蛋难聚财。 A fool attempting to be witty is an object of profoundest pity 蠢人装聪明,实在最可怜。 A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer 一愚发问,七智结舌。 A fool knows more in his own house than a wise man in another 一个蠢材在他自己家里所知的事比一个聪明人在别人家里所知的事要多。 A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years 愚者所问,智者难答。 A fool may give a wise man counsel 愚者千虑,必有一得。 A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out 一愚所失,百智难回。 英语谚语: He that talks much lies much 中文意思: 多嘴的人说谎也多。

一般疑问句怎么改?如果没有be动词的话怎么办?如:You have a tennis racket。I am tom。


What is your racket? 怎么翻译?


He has a tennis racket.改成复数句


Moneytalks 2015现任女主持人叫什么名字? 不是Hailey Havoc



hang up ones racket挂起的球拍双语对照例句:1.She was he wrote "caught up in the hero racket." 他写道,“她陷入了球拍英雄的陷阱中,不能自拔。”2.These cars have petrol engines, too, to back the electric ones up; technically, therefore, they are hybrids. 这些车都配备了汽油发动机,用来为电动马达提供后备动力;所以,从技术上而言,它们都还是混合动力车辆

the fashion show is so fascinating that he

be lost in + 名词 是固定用法,意思是沉迷(于……),埋首(于……) He is lost in the game,他沉迷在那游戏之中.

请问电脑启动的时候总有提示"Secondary IDE channel no 80 conductor cable installed"是什么意思啊?


what use is a conductor

这里是一个句式:a is to b what c is to d.

生存分析(二)-- Cox比例风险模型(Cox proportional-hazards model)

Cox比例风险模型 (考克斯,1972年)是常用的统计在医学研究调查的患者和一个或多个预测变量的存活时间之间的关联回归模型。 在上一章 生存分析基础 中,我们描述了生存分析的基本概念以及生存数据的分析和汇总方法,包括: 上述方法-Kaplan-Meier曲线和logrank检验-是 单变量分析的 示例。他们根据调查中的一个因素描述了生存情况,但忽略了其他因素的影响。 此外,仅当预测变量为分类变量时(例如:治疗A与治疗B;男性与女性),Kaplan-Meier曲线和对数秩检验才有用。对于定量预测指标(例如基因表达,体重或年龄),它们并不容易工作。 一种替代方法是Cox比例风险回归分析,它既适用于定量预测变量也适用于类别变量。此外,Cox回归模型扩展了生存分析方法,可以同时评估几种风险因素对生存时间的影响。 在本文中,我们将描述Cox回归模型并提供使用R软件的实际示例。 内容 在临床研究中,有许多情况,其中几个已知量(称为 协变量covariates )可能会影响患者的预后。 例如,假设比较了两组患者:有和没有特定基因型的患者。如果其中一组还包含较年长的个体,则生存率的任何差异都可能归因于基因型或年龄,或两者都有。因此,在调查与任何一个因素相关的生存率时,通常需要针对其他因素的影响进行调整。 统计模型是一种常用工具,可以同时分析多个因素的生存率。此外,统计模型还提供了每个因素的影响大小。 考克斯比例风险模型是用于对生存分析数据进行建模的最重要方法之一。下一节介绍Cox回归模型的基础。 该模型的目的是同时评估几个因素对生存的影响。换句话说,它允许我们检查特定因素如何影响特定时间点特定事件(例如,感染,死亡)的发生率。该比率通常称为风险比率。预测变量(或因子)在生存分析文献中通常称为 协变量 covariates 。 Cox模型由 h(t) 表示的 风险函数 表示。简而言之,危险函数可以解释为在时间t死亡的风险。可以估计如下: 其中: Cox模型可以被写为变量 x(i)的 危险对数的多元线性回归,而基线危险是随时间变化的“截距”项。 系数 bi 称为危险比率(HR,hazard ratio)。 bi 值大于零,或相当于风险比率大于1,表明随着第 i 个协变量值的增加,事件风险增加,因此生存时间缩短。 换句话说,风险比大于1表示协变量与事件概率正相关,因此与存活时间负相关。 总之, HR=1:无影响 HR<1:危害降低 HR>1:危险增加 在癌症研究中: Cox模型的关键假设是观察组(或患者)的危险曲线应成比例,并且不能交叉。 假设两个x值不同的患者k和k"。相应的风险函数可以简单地写成如下: 因此,Cox 模型是一个比例风险模型:任何一组事件的风险都是其他任何一组事件风险的常数倍。这一假设意味着,如上所述,各组的危险曲线应成比例,不能交叉。 换言之,如果一个人在某个初始时间点的死亡风险是另一个人的两倍,那么在以后的任何时候,死亡风险仍然是另一个人的两倍。 这种比例风险的假设应该得到检验。我们将在本系列的下一篇文章中讨论评估比例性的方法: Cox模型假设 。 我们将使用两个R包: 函数 coxph ()[在 survival 包中]可用于计算R中的Cox比例风险回归模型。 简化格式如下: 我们将在生存R数据包中使用肺癌数据。 我们将使用以下协变量来拟合Cox回归:年龄,性别,ph.ecog和wt.loss。 我们首先为所有这些变量计算单变量Cox分析。然后我们将使用两个变量来拟合多元Cox分析,以描述这些因素如何共同影响生存。 单变量Cox分析的计算公式如下: Cox模型的功能 摘要 ()产生更完整的报告: Cox回归结果可以解释为: 要将单变量coxph函数一次应用于多个协变量,请输入以下命令: 上面的输出显示了每个变量相对于总生存率的回归beta系数,效应大小(以危险比给出)和统计显着性。通过单独的单变量Cox回归评估每个因素。 从上面的输出中, 现在,我们要描述这些因素如何共同影响生存。为了回答这个问题,我们将执行多元Cox回归分析。由于变量ph.karno在单变量Cox分析中不重要,因此在多变量分析中将其跳过。我们将3个因素(性别,年龄和ph.ecog)纳入多元模型。 时间常数协变量的死亡时间的Cox回归指定如下: 所有三个总体测试(似然性,Wald和得分)的p值均显着,表明该模型具有显著性。这些测试评估了所有beta的综合零假设为0。在上面的示例中,检验统计量非常一致,并且完全拒绝了综合零假设。 在多变量Cox分析中,协变量性别和ph.ecog保持显着性(p <0.05)。但是,协变量年龄不显着(p = 0.23,大于0.05)。 性别的p值为0.000986,危险比HR = exp(coef)= 0.58,表明患者的性别与死亡风险降低之间有很强的关系。协变量的危险比可解释为对危险的倍增效应。例如,保持其他协变量不变(女性(性别= 2))可将危险降低0.58或42%。我们得出结论,成为女性与良好的预后相关。 同样,ph.ecog的p值为4.45e-05,危险比HR = 1.59,表明ph.ecog值与死亡风险增加之间有很强的关系。保持其他协变量不变,ph.ecog的值越高,生存率越低。 相比之下,年龄的p值现在为p = 0.23。危险比HR = exp(coef)= 1.01,95%置信区间为0.99至1.03。由于HR的置信区间为1,因此这些结果表明,在调整phog值和患者的性别之后,年龄对HR差异的贡献较小,并且仅趋于显着。例如,在其他协变量保持不变的情况下,再增加一岁会引起每日死亡危险,其系数为expβ= 1.01或1%,这并不是一个重要的贡献。 将Cox模型拟合到数据后,就可以可视化特定风险组在任何给定时间点的预测生存率。函数 survfit ()估计生存比例,默认情况下为协变量的平均值。 我们不妨展示估计的生存率如何取决于目标协变量的值。 考虑到这一点,我们想评估性别对估计生存率的影响。在这种情况下,我们用两行构造一个新的数据帧,每一行代表性别。其他协变量固定为其平均值(如果是连续变量)或最低水平(如果它们是离散变量)。对于伪协变量,平均值为数据集中编码为1的比例。该数据帧通过 newdata 参数传递给 survfit (): 在本文中,我们描述了Cox回归模型,用于同时评估多种风险因素与患者生存时间之间的关系。我们演示了如何使用 生存 包计算Cox模型。此外,我们描述了如何使用 survminer 软件包来可视化分析结果。


The colors of technical liquids are frequently classified according to the APHA-/Hazen-/Pt-Co color scale. These three designations are commonly used in different application areas, but they are based on identical procedures. The APHA-/Hazen-/Pt-Co color values complement the Iodine color scale for weak yellow/brown hues.Technical liquids often have a slight yellow color due to contamination or decomposition products. Traditionally, color classification for this type of sample is performed by visual comparison of the sample with yellow reference solutions in defined vessels. According to a proposal by A. Hazen in 1892, the Pt-Co/APHA-/Hazen color scale uses an acidic solution of potassium hexachloro- platinate(IV) and cobalt(II) chloride. The reference solutions are designated according to their platinum content in mg/L in the range 0–500. The solutions can be obtained from commercial suppliers.Spectrum of a Pt-Co reference solution (APHA color value 10) in a 1 cm cellThere are several national and international standards which describe the procedure in more detail:ASTM D 1209 Standard Method for Color of Clear Liquids (Platinum-Cobalt Scale)BS 5339:76 (1993) Measurement of Color on Hazen Units /Platinum-Cobalt ScaleDIN 53409 Bestimmung der Hazen-Farbzahl (APHA-Verfahren)DIN ISO 6271 Einstufung der Farbe nach der Platin Cobalt SkalaTypical application areas of the Pt-Co/APHA-/Hazen color scale include polymer additives, water and waste water, resin solutions, and solvents such as hexane, glycerol, methanol, mineral oils , etc. The recommendation of this procedure by the American Public Health Agency (APHA) has established the respective naming.As in other areas of color classification, there is a trend nowadays to replace the complex and subjective visual comparison with reference solutions by objective procedures. For APHA-/Hazen reference solutions a degradation must also be taken into account since the solutions are not stable with regular use. An objective procedure can be based on the sample spectrum in the visible spectral range, i. e. 380–780 nm. The OptLab-SPX application software includes an appropriate algorithm, which is based on a unique calibration of the Pt/Co reference solutions. The calibration data are contained with the software. Using these data, the sample"s Pt-Co/APHA-/Hazen value is calculated from the color values obtained for the sample spectrum. Calibration data are included for 1 cm, 5 cm, and 10 cm cells, so that also very light coloration can be determined. The detection limit can be estimated to 0.5 units. This gradation is much finer than recommended by DIN 53409 for example, which describes the rounding of the result to the nearest ten . OptLab also allows new calibration data to be added, the designations for the report output to be modified, or the numerical results to be reformatted.Each one-dimensional color scale has its limitations, if the color of the sample differs markedly from the color of the reference solutions. With the integral algorithm included, the OptLab procedure is less sensitive to color variations compared to a procedure based on a single measurement wavelength, for example. Nevertheless color variations must be taken into account. For each result, OptLab-SPX calculates the hue angle, which allows an estimation of the color difference to be made. Sample solutions should be within a typical range.Summary: With pre stored calibration values for the Pt-Co reference solutions, OptLab allows the Pt-Co/APHA-/Hazen color values to be automatically evaluated from a visible-range (380–780 nm) sample spectrum. This procedure avoids the tedious handling of expensive and strongly acidic reference solutions, and also makes the procedure substantially more objective and faster. Above the procedure is open for automation. The problem of color deviations to the color scale is solved by a corresponding sample parameter.

happy independence day什么意思





"Stomachache" 在音标中的发音为 /u02c8stu028cmu0259ku02cceu026ak/,它是由两部分组成:"stomach"(胃)和 "ache"(疼痛)。"Stomachache" 意为胃痛或腹痛,通常指肚子的不适或疼痛感。它是由多种原因引起的,包括消化问题、食物中毒、紧张或焦虑等。"Stomachache" 是一个名词,常用于形容腹部不适或疼痛的感觉。以下是一些表示使用 "stomachache" 的例句:1、My sister complained of a stomachache after eating too much ice cream.(我妹妹吃了太多冰淇淋后抱怨胃疼。)2、He missed the important meeting because of a severe stomachache.(由于严重的胃痛,他错过了重要会议。)3、Drinking herbal tea can help relieve a stomachache.(喝草药茶可以帮助缓解胃痛。)4、If the stomachache persists, it is recommended to seek medical advice.(如果胃痛持续不退,建议寻求医生的建议。)学习英语发音的技巧1、学习国际音标(IPA):国际音标是表示语音音素的符号系统,可以帮助你准确地发音。学习国际音标可以有效地帮助你理解和模仿英语中的各个音素2、观察和模仿:仔细观察母语为英语的人在发音时嘴唇、舌头和颚部的位置和运动。尝试模仿他们的发音方式,注意嘴型和舌位的变化。通过模仿,可以逐渐改善自己的发音。3、练习元音音素:英语中的元音音素较多,对于非母语者来说可能比较难以准确发音。针对每个元音音素进行有针对性的练习,注意将嘴巴的形状和舌头的位置调整到正确的位置。4、练习辅音音素:同样地,英语中的辅音音素也需要特别注意。辅音音素的发音涉及到舌头在口腔内的位置和气流的控制。通过反复练习,可以逐渐熟悉和掌握各个辅音音素的发音方式。5、借助语音教材和资源:使用专门的语音教材、在线课程或语音指导资源可以帮助你系统地学习和改善发音。这些资源通常提供示范音频和口型示意图,有助于你对发音细节的理解和模仿。6、多听多模仿:多听英语原声音频,如英语电影、纪录片、英语歌曲等,注意模仿发音并尝试跟读。通过大量的听力和模仿练习,可以增强对语音的感知和准确性。7、寻求反馈和纠正:与母语为英语的人进行交流时,积极请教他们关于发音的建议和指导。接受反馈,并及时纠正自己的发音错误。同时,也可以录制自己的发音并进行反馈和自我评估。发音的改善需要时间和持续的练习。坚持每天练习,并保持耐心和自信,相信你会逐渐提升自己的英语发音水平。



一首英文歌 隐隐约约听到几句歌词是“If I Have A Time Machine”“Go(或者

Time Machine 歌手:Ingrid Michaelson歌词:You lit the fire, then drank the waterYou send that one, let me standing all alone.We wrote a story, we turned the pagesYou changed the end like everybody said you would Pre-chorus: I should have seen it comingIt should have sent me runningI swear I could be loving you.Chorus: If I had a time machineAnd if life was a movie sceneI"d rewind, and I"d tell me, “run! ”We were never meant to beSo if I had a time machineI"d go there, and I"d tell me, “run, run! ”I got your letter, I got your wordsI stacked them higher, I need more than little boys! Your broken choice don"t mean a thingYou made that, boy Good luck falling back... Pre-chorus: I should have seen it comingIt should have sent me runningThat"s what I get for loving you.Chorus: If I had a time machineAnd if life was a movie sceneI"d rewind, and I"d tell me, “run! ”We were never meant to beSo if I had a time machineI"d go back, and I"d tell me, “run, run! ”Oh, your love it got me higherThen it drove me off the worldBut the higher up you go, the further you will fall! Oh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohChorus: (x2)If I had a time machineAnd if life was a movie sceneI"d rewind, and I"d tell me, “run! ”We were never meant to beSo if I had a time machineI"d go back, and I"d tell me, “run, run! ”不确定是不是这首望采纳


估计是前面用scanf输入,这是键盘缓冲区中还有上次输入剩下的 回车符。第一个getchar();吃掉这个多余的回车符,第二个 ch=getchar();才是获取输入的字符。把第一个 getchar() 换成 rewind(stdin) ; 程序逻辑更清晰。rewind 重置流文件指针到开始位置. rewind(stdin)是作用是重置标准输入, 不管缓冲区里有没有内容,这条语句不会引起逻辑错误。


that,which在从句中坐动词宾语时,常常可以省略;但作介宾时则不能省。 2.which只可指代物,that则指代人或物。(在定语从句中都作主语、宾语、表语) 3.在定从中,关系代词that不能用在介词前,这时应用which。如果将介词放在定从的其他位置(一般是动词后或句末),则引导的关系代词两者皆可,甚至可以省略。 4.that和which都可以指物,这时一般都可通用,但当先行词为all,everything,something,nothing,anything等不定代词,或先行词被形容词最高级或the very,the only或first ,second,last等序数词修饰时通常用that,不用which。 5.在非限制性定从中,不用that,只能用which。

Chaiyya Chaiyya Bollywood Joint的歌词秀

Chaiyya Chaiyya Bollywood Joint from "Inside Man" 文件格式:avi 文件长度:3:29 文件大小:47.4MB MV来源:电影《Inside Man局内人》 "Chaiyya Chaiyya",世界十佳歌曲之一 印度著名音乐人A.R的作品 沙沙经典影片《Dil Se》的经典歌舞 但是这个版本的MV,是完全非印度的 是和电影MV完全不一样的"Chaiyya Chaiyya"的MV,来自于好莱坞今年的大片《Inside Man局内人》 作为片头音乐出现在影片中,虽然不如原配的经典,但好莱坞音乐人对印度音乐的喜爱却是不争的事实 歌词(这是原版的) 女声: jinke sar ho ishq kii chha.nh 他深深地被爱宠罩 pao.n ke niiche jannat hogi 他仿佛身处天堂 jinke sar ho ishq ki chha.nh 他深深地被爱宠罩 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊 saare ishq kii chale chal chhaiyyan 在爱的影子里走啊,走啊 Paon jannat chale chal chhaiyyan 脚铃叮当,走啊,走啊 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊 vo yaar hai jo khushbuu kii tarah 像是一位甜蜜芳香的朋友 jiskii zabaan Urdu kii tarah 说着诗一样的话 merii shaam raat merii qayaamat 那是我的晨曦,我的夜晚,我生命的复苏 vo yaar mera saiyya saiyya 那是我的心中至爱 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊 gulposh kabhii itarae kahii.n 有时她如花般风情万种 mahake to nazar aa jaa"e kahii.n 我跟随着芳香,寻觅到她的踪迹 gulposh kabhii itarae kahii.n 有时她如花般风情万种 mahake to nazar aa jaa"e kahii.n 我跟随着芳香,寻觅到她的踪迹 taawiiz banake pahanuu.n 我要带上迷人的魔咒 aayat kii tarah mil jaaye kahin 去将她掳获,我要让奇迹发生 taawiiz banake pahanuu.n 我要带上迷人的魔咒 aayat kii tarah mil jaaye kahin 去将她掳获,我要让奇迹发生 gulposh kabhii itarae kahii.n 她如花般风情万种 mahake to nazar aa jaa"e kahii.n 我跟随着芳香,寻觅到她的踪迹 taawiiz banake pahanuu.n 带上迷人的魔咒 aayat kii tarah mil jaaye kahin 去将她掳获,让奇迹发生 mera nagama vahii.n mera qalama vahii.n 她是我的颂歌,我信念的宣言 mera nagama vahii.n mera qalama... 我的颂歌,我信念的宣言..... yaar misale.n os chale 她就像露珠那样轻轻移动 paon ke tale phirdaus chale 漫步在天堂的花园 kabhii Daal Daal kabhii paat paat 时而穿过树枝,时而掩映在树叶之中 mai.n hawa pe DHuu.nDHuu.n us ke nishaan 我随风而行,只为寻觅她的芳踪 saare ishq kii chale chal chhaiyyan 在爱的影子里走啊,走啊 Paon jannat chale chal chhaiyyan 脚铃叮当,走啊,走啊 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 就这么走啊,走啊,走啊 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊 mai.n uske ruup ka sedaaii 我渴望她的美丽 vo dhuup chhaa.nho.n sa harjaaii 薄情的她掠过阳光,躲入黑暗 vo shokh ra.ng badalta hai 她改变了色彩 mai.n ra.ng ruup ka saudaaii 我要说服她回心转意 mai.n ra.ng ruup ka saudaaii 说服她回心转意 jinke sar ho ishq kii chha.nh 我深深地被爱宠罩 pao.n ke niiche jannat hogi 我仿佛身处天堂 jinke sar ho ishq kii chha.nh 我深深地被爱宠罩 pao.n ke niiche jannat hogi 我仿佛身处天堂 shaam raat merii qayaamat 她是我的晨曦,我的夜晚,我生命的复苏 vo yaar mera saiyya saiyya 她是我的心中至爱 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊...... saare ishq kii chale chal chhaiyyan 在爱的影子里走啊,走啊 Paon jannat chale chal chhaiyyan 脚铃叮当,走啊,走啊 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 就这么走啊,走啊,走啊 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊 ...... vo yaar hai jo khushbuu kii tarah 像是一位甜蜜芳香的朋友 vo jiskii zabaan Urdu kii tarah 说着诗一样的话 merii shaam raat merii qayaamat 她是我的晨曦,我的夜晚,我生命的复苏 vo yaar mera saiyya saiyya 她是我的心中至爱 chal chhaiyya chhaiyya ... 走啊,走啊,走啊...... 以上资料转自沙路论坛,中文歌词由沙路字幕组翻译 下载地址 http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~dboyk/bollywood/Chaiyya%20Chaiyya.mp3

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这段地址的意思是:莫合塔尔马哈纳 1995 邮政,上拿撒勒,上拿撒勒,以色列,1750000

Shelly 是谁 To be , or not to be--that is the question.是谁说的。

雪莱(1792-1822),英国诗人。出身乡村地主家庭,因写诗歌鼓动英国人民革命及支持爱尔兰民族民主运动,而被迫于1818年迁居意大利。在意大利,他仍积极支持意大利人民的民族解放斗争。 其作品热情而富哲理思辨,诗风自由不羁,常任天上地下、时间空间、神怪精灵往来变幻驰骋,又惯用梦幻象征手法和远古神话题材。 To be , or not to be--that is the question出自莎士比亚〈哈姆雷特〉

请好心老师解释一下we cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English这句话该怎么翻译

we cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English我们再怎么强调学习英语的重要性也不为过

求翻译: Different cultures emphasize (强调) the import

不同文化强调建立关系的重要性不一样。比方说, 在某些国家,交易必须建立在相互信任的关系之上。就算是在工作中, 人们也需要有时间坐下来谈一谈才开始正式的工作。在很多欧洲国家,像英国或者法国,人们发现和办公室比起来,餐馆和咖啡馆更能加强工作合作间的关系。交流和沉默同样在不同国家是不一样的。我曾在泰国给过演讲。我以为我演讲会很成功并引发热烈的讨论,但是结果却只有尴尬的沉默。在场的人只是看着我微笑。在更了解他们之后,我才知道他们觉得我讲的太多了。对于我来说,我们主要通过交流来表达想法,但是人们有的时候却会觉得太多的言语是不需要的。即使是在北欧的国家,文化差异会导致严重的问题。当然,英国,德国文化之间有着相同的地方。但是德国人在做生意的时候更加的直截了当。我们会以为他们很粗鲁。但其实他们只是更加快的开始谈话作出决定而已。

emphasize 和stress做动词强调时后面要加介词on吗?

The Convention also calls on Governments to protect women from second-hand tobacco smoke。句中to 不定式 短语 作 宾补 与call on是搭配一起的 即 call on sb to do sth. 2.As WHO data show, of the 4300 adults who die each year from second-hand smoke, nearly two-thirds are women。中的As是关系代词 代替 后面要表达的 句子 引导 非限制性定从 并作定从中 show的宾语 根据句子结构 判断的 data是datum的复数形式,属于 可数名词 的复数形式 也有 用单数的如 Prof. Smith dissected every datum. 史密斯教授分析每一份资料。 of the 4300 adults是介词短语 作范围状语此处的two-thirds是数词 可以起代词作用 加不加连字符都可以 3. Biodiversity loss is moving ecological systems ever closer to a tipping point beyond which they will no longer be able to fulfil their vital functions.中move是瞬时动词 根据意思 判断(move也可以表示延续)closer to 是短语介词 加上介词宾语 构成介词短语 作状语比较级在无比较的情况下也可使用 此处的ever我认为是 误用 虽然 有人一直 这样 用我认为 应该 是 even 修饰比较级此处的will是助动词,因为这是 一般将来时 beyond which 是带介词的关系代词 引导定语从句 先行词 是 a tipping point 后面的还原一下是beyond the tipping point 第二次 提到 就须用 the 4. To refocus attention on this challenge, the United Nations General Assembly declared 2010 as the International Year of Biodiversity. Later this year, the Assembly will hold a special high-level meeting, back-to-back with the September Millennium Development Goals Summit, to provide much-needed impetus to the Biodiversity Summit in October. 中refocus....on ...是固定搭配 the challenge是on的 宾语 on this challenge可以 看做 宾补 as the International Year of Biodiversity是介词短语 可以 看做 宾补 with前面的back-to-back可以 看做 非限制 性 定语 修饰a special high-level meeting, to provide....是不定式短语 作状语 这是根据句意添加的。

emphasize stress 后面介词

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