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《The Lost Chalice》(Silver, Vernon)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oWSByFUsrvftj53Dc-jYEA 提取码:1xjz书名:The Lost Chalice作者:Silver, Vernon出版年份:2010-7页数:352内容简介:Sotheby"s. New York City. On a warm June evening, with the auction-house showroom crammed with the wealthy, the curious, and the press, history was made when an anonymous man in a green golf sweater paid three quarters of a million dollars to win a 2,500-year-old chalice—the Greek artist Euphronios"s wine cup depicting the death of Zeus"s son Sarpedon at Troy. After that night, this historical artifact disappeared, its whereabouts a mystery. Until now . In this breathtaking tale of adventure and intrigue, archaeologist and journalist Vernon Silver pieces together the extraordinary tale of the lost cup and offers a portrait of the modern antiquities trade: a world of smugglers, wealthy collectors, ambitious archaeologists, rapacious dealers, corrupt curators, and international law enforcement. Epic and thrilling, The Lost Chalice is a driving true-life detective story that illuminates a big-money, high-stakes, double-dealing world, which is as fascinating as it is unforgettable.

Uncle Vernon was pointing at what looked like a large rock way out at sea

one interpretation of "way" : adv. to a great degree or by a great distance.不言而喻了

Zigzag Phase-Shifting Transformer 是什么?哪里由相关的中文介绍啊

这是个曲折变压器的模型 由3个单相变压器组合而成 原边是延边三角形的形式,由3个独立绕组组成,中点打开 可以实现Y接或者三角接,由自己在外部连接好 副边可以在参数框内选择星接或三角接 原边和副边移相的角度可以在参数框内指定 拖两个示波器 看看原副边线电压相位差就能明白了

having been accepted by the whalers the killers were able to get a good feed from the whale

这两个句子来自高二选修7的课本的内容吧。这两个句子可以看作这个单元语法的缩影。第一个句子语法是用having been done 做时间状语,表主动和动作先后。这个句子可以还原为:After the killers had been accepted by the whalers, the killers were able to get a good feed from the whale.第二个句子的语法是用 being done 做原因状语,表被动和动作的同时进行,这个句子可以还原为:Because the whalers were helped out by the killer whalers ,the whalers were able to make a successful kill. 希望我的回答你能满意。不明白可以留言给我~~



The factory produces half a million pairsof shoes every year,80%-------are sold abroad.






merry christmas和happy christmas有什么区别?

Merry Christmas与happy Christmas的区别:1、含义不同“Happy”表示一种情绪,而“merry”是一种行为。例如:Eat drink and be merry.尽情吃、喝、玩乐吧。2、英美不同英国人更喜欢说“Happy Christmas”;因为这是女王在圣诞致辞中的说法:The royal family adopted "Happy Christmas" as their preferred greeting and others took note.扩展资料:追根溯源,Merry Christmas最早现身是在1565年的一份手稿上,据说是一个海军元帅写在信里的祝福:“(此乃英文中的文言文,拼写方式与现在略有不同)And thus I comytt you to god,who send you a mery Christmas & many.我于是送你到主面前,愿主赐你圣诞快乐,万事如意 。” 而Merry Christmas 真正在英语圈树立起江湖地位,靠的是英国文学界 一哥:狄更斯。1843年,狄大师 发表了一部中篇小说A Christmas Carol《圣诞颂歌》(又译为《小气财神》)。故事讲一个叫做Scrooge的吝啬鬼,在圣诞夜被三个圣诞小精灵感召,在魔幻氛围中看到了那个除了钱什么都不爱的自己孤独终老的窘境,于是醒来后洗心革面,重新做人。这本小说中用到了这句话,随着印刷工业的发展和这本小说的流行,“Merry Christmas”的说法被人们广泛传播。

what is organizational behavior

  问:什么是组织行为  本论文是对中外企业应用激励理论来进行企业管理的比较研究。本论文首先对组织行为学中的激励理论的发展现状和意义做了阐述,随后针对GE公司和联想集团的激励体制进行了对比分析,表明企业应针对自身不同的性质制定不同的激励体制。  A b s t r a c t  This study is a comparative study of applying the theory of motivation to business management between state-owned enterprises and foreign-invest enterprises.  This study first researches the development and significance of motivation theory. Then on the basic of this, a comparative study has been performed through analyzing how to apply the theory of organization behavior to business management between GE co-operation in Germany and Legend Group in China.  关键字:  效绩考评;双因素分析理论;团队精神;员工成就感;  目 录  一、 激励机制概述……………………………………………(3)  1.1 激励机制原理……………………………………………(3)  1.2 运用激励机制的意义 ………………………………………(3)  二、 案例分析 ……………………………………………… (3)  2.1 GE公司的员工激励机制………………………………………(3)  2.2 联想集团:业绩为重…………………………………………(5)  三、中外企业在建立激励制度上的联系与差异…………………(6)  3.1中外企业在建立激励制度上的共同点………………………(6)  3.2 中外企业在建立激励机制上的不同点………………………(7)  3.2.1 概述…………………………………………………………(7)  3.2.2 外国企业激励机制的特点…………………………………(7)  3.2.3 国有企业激励机制的特点…………………………………(8)  四、参考文献………………………………………………………(9)  一、 激励机制概述:  1.2 激励机制原理:  激励机制是为了激励员工而采取的一系列方针政策、规章制度、行为准则、道德规范、文化理念以及相应的组织机构、激励措施的总和。通过这一机制所形成的推动力和吸引力,使员工萌发实现组织目标的动机,产生实现目标的的动力,引起并维持实现组织目标的行为;并通过绩效评价,得到自豪感和响应的奖酬,强化自己的行为。  1.2 运用激励机制的意义  国内外的实践证明,适当的运用激励机制并据此进一步研究改进生产环境,组织结构,管理方法,协调人际的关系,可以缓和劳资矛盾,形成“同舟共济”意识,齐心协力应付经济危机。从精神上、物质上引导员工充分发挥他们的劳动创造性和工作积极性,提高工作效率和工作效益,推进企业的可持续发展,有着极其重要的作用。  二、 案例分析  本论文通过对GE公司和联想集团各自的激励机制做一个分析,比较中外企业对于激励机制的不同运用。  2.1 GE公司的员工激励机制  GE公司对员工有着一套相当完善的考评制度。公司CEO韦尔奇随身都会携带一本笔记本,上面画满了图表,每个部门都有相关的图表,反映每个员工的情况)这是一个动态的评估,每个人都知道自己所处的位置。第一类占10%,他们是顶尖人才;次一些的是第二类,占15%;第三类是中等水平的员工,占50%,他们的变动弹性最大;接下来是占15%的第四类,需要对他们敲响警钟,督促他们上进;第五类是最差的,占10%,我们只能辞退他们。根据业绩评估,每个员工都会知道他们处在哪一类,这样没有人会抱怨得不到赏识。第一类员工会得到股票期权,第二类中的大约90%和第三类中的50%会得到股票期权,第四类员工没有奖励。图表是最好的工具,哪些人应该得到奖励,哪些人应该打道回府,一目了然。奖赏对员工而言,不应是可望而不可及的,就象鼻子碰着玻璃而穿不过去那样,他们能得到他们应得的。精神鼓励和物质奖励都是必要的,两者缺一不可。对于高层管理人员,GE公司鼓励鼓励他们在工作上相互竞争,但不要有个人恩怨。韦尔奇的做法是将奖赏分为两个部分,一半奖励他在自己的业务部门的表现,另一半奖励他对整个公司发展的贡献。如果自己部门业绩很好,但对公司发展不利,则资金为零。  韦尔奇一向鼓励员工勇敢地展示自己,谈出自己的看法,争取上司的赏识。“我希望员工能充分发挥潜能,提出他们的建议,而我会为他们提供各种资源。这样员工们给我的将是许多建议和计划,我可能会说:"我不喜欢这个想法,但那个主意非常好"。这样的交流更有创意。”在今天GE的各个部门,每当公司取得一些成绩,他们都会把生产线停下来,大家一起出去庆祝。GE公司每位员工都有一张"通用电气价值观"卡。卡中对领导干部的警戒有9点:痛恨官僚主义、开明、讲究速度、自信、高瞻远瞩、精力充沛、果敢地设定目标、视变化为机遇以及适应全球化。这些价值观都是GE公司进行培养的主题。也是决定公司职员晋升的最重要的评价标准。  2.2 联想集团:业绩为重  联想是一个以业绩为导向型的公司,不惟学历重能力,不惟资历重业绩。联想现在许多高管人员其实在公司工作时间并不长,能从普遍员工升到最高管理层,原因不是跟谁有什么关系,而是全凭业绩。为什么外企一些有相当级别的管理人员愿意到联想工作,就是看重了这一点。不同层次的人员收入不同是很自然




1. 以“on change”为题,写一篇作文 范文两篇:How I Change My life has changed a lot in the past three years.When I was in Grade 7,I was a short and shy girl with long hair.I often listen to music at home.But now I like to make friends and take part in all kinds of activities.I prefer running with my clas *** ates.So I"m being much healthier than before.Not only my parents but also my teachers are satisfied with me. How I Change My life has changed a lot in the past three years.I was fat and short when I came to the middle school.At that time I was interested in puter games and I spent most of time on it.My parents were worried about me. Now,I like sports and I often play football with my clas *** ates after school.So I bee taller and stronger than before.I like reading,too.I usually go to the library to read some interesting books.Good habits help me to study better and keep healthier. 2. my life change为题写作文 Change in my life With the development of the economy.lots of things changed in my life . For example,the way go to school.We went to school by bus ereryday before,but now we always go to school by subway.It easier and faster .For this ,we don"t have to get up so early .And there are so many different subjects can choose.We can also join the physical activities.Such as Taekwondo ,Karate,and so on. There are so many changes in my life . Do you see it? 3. 用How I Change写英语作文 How can i change myself? Today i made a mistake.Because this is my first time to deal with the shipping document after my back,and meet some problem,so i didn"t check it with my leader,and then i made it.But sometimes i confused,somebody who has already deal with it for one year,he should know how to deal with the case like that,he didn"t mention,just said don"t know.Really strange.So now the trouble work here is they just do the work without thinking ,just like what our boss told us.And this is still his headache point.How can lead the other people thinking well before they do the work?I have no idea either.Just say good luck,Eliza,and try to do if you can do. 4. 用changes to me 写一篇文章 How time flies! It has been o years since I came to XXX Middle school. In the o years, many things have happened. I also meet a lot of friends here. Two years is not too long for man"s life. But the o years I lived on campus has changed me a lot. For example, from the day I was born to the day I went to school, I had never left home alone for a long time and do housework by myself. How to deal with my roommates and clas *** ates? These questions were all difficult for me to work out at that time. Today I get on well with them and do everything in life calmly. But all these changes were not easy for me. Sometimes I feel lonely, angry and also homesick. But fortunately I meet a lot of good friends. They helped me spend these sad days. I find words cannot express my sincere thanks to them. When they need help, I will do everything I can to help those who helped me before. 5. 作文《My change》 Now,I am a junior 3 student,and I have changed a lot.My biggest change is that I don"t have enough time anymore.When I was in grade 7,I used to have a little homework to do and I could have a lot of time to chat with friends.But now,even though I do homework or exercises all the time ,I can"t find much free time.In the evening,I used to play the piano and watch TV after I go back home,but now I have to study and read books till very late.Although I am very busy now,I like the busy junior 3 school life.Another change is that I used to be very crazy and wild,but now I"m quiet and friendly,so although I am busy getting ready for next year"s entrance exam to high school,I am happy and feel good about my progress.现在,我是一名初中三学生,我已经发生了很大的变化.我国最大的变化是,我没有足够的时间了.当我在7年级,我曾经有一点功课要做,我可以有很多时间来与朋友聊天.但现在,即使我做功课或演习的时间,我找不到多少空闲时间.晚上,我用弹钢琴和收看电视节目后,我回家,但现在我必须学习和读书到很晚.虽然我现在很忙,我喜欢忙碌的初中3学校生活.另一个变化是,我曾经非常疯狂和野生,但是现在我安静的,友好的,所以虽然我忙着准备明年的高考到高中,我很高兴和感觉很好,我的进步.。 6. 以Changes写一篇英语作文,不少于50词 How time flies ! One years passed by . I"m 12 years old . I think i change a lot in these years . For example , i begin to like studying math . And my hair was long and blank . What is the most , i put on weight . Sometimes , i think i look like a panda . In all , i begin to understand my parents why they always ask me to do more homework . In fact , they hope me have a good future.。 7. 《My change》英语作文 Change has been the one constant in my life. While staring out at the bleak Wisconsin winter, I think back to my beginnings on a warm tropical island. The biggest change was probably the first — moving from that buzzing Spanish-speaking isle to the sleepy sea-side town that was Tampa in 1978. It took me some time to realize that the other pre-schoolers could not understand my native tongue. Before long, I too was speaking their language.Five years later I, an excited eight-year-old girl, boarded a school bus in New Jersey. The excitement quickly turned to fear as I heard rampant swearing in the back of the bus. I was truly shocked when the bus driver did nothing to stop the vulgarity. In my schools in Florida such behavior would have met with a bar of soap and a visit to the principal"s office. A year later, I had a "Jersey" accent, and had started swearing too.After nine years my family then moved to a place called "a whole "nother country": Texas. I discovered that everything is bigger in Texas, from the size of a glass of ice tea to the distances on the road. My mother added barbecued brisket to the regular menu of turkey and Idaho potatoes on Monday and arroz con pollo on Tuesday. The incredibly friendly Texans, wearing cowboy boots and going to high school football games on Friday nights, seemed a totally different breed from my friends in New Jersey. A slight drawl entered my speech.In o years time, I found myself in the mountains of rural Bolivian. As part of a team of doctors and students researching hypertension on a group of African- Bolivian villagers, I quickly learned a new vocabulary that included medical and anthropological terms. The greatest test of my linguistic abilities came when a villager accused me of drinking blood samples in some kind of vampire-like witchcraft ritual. I had to bridge a vast cultural gulf to explain a DNA isolation and *** ysis protocol in Spanish to someone who had never heard of a gene much less a double helix.A year later I stood in a line at a McDonalds outside Buenos Aires asking for a sorbeto with a Puerto Rican accent and receiving a blank stare in return. I did not realize that in Argentina the word for straw was papote. Working at the U.S. embassy, I could clearly see the obvious differences beeen the U.S. and Argentina, but being out among the people and actually experiencing the culture helped me begin to understand and appreciate the subtle differences which, when taken together, make up a people.Each place I have lived has its differences, from the obvious distinctions of Wisconsin and Texas weather, to the regional variations of the Spanish language. I bring with me wherever I go a part of those places and the impact they have had on my life, most evident to others by the variations in my speech. Beneath all the accents, however, lies something more significant, for I believe who you are is immeasurable more important than where you were. When I was younger, I could not clearly discern beeen situations where I should or should not adopt the ways of those around me. With maturity however I have e to understand the crucial difference beeen adaptation and assimilation. I have chosen to reject the vulgarity of the New Jersey school bus; I have also adopted the Texans" warm and friendly manner. Having experienced frequent moves to very different surroundings, I can adapt without promising what is important to me while learning from each new setting.A sign hung in my garage for many years that said, "Home is where you can scratch where it itches." To me this means that home is wherever you are fortable and secure with yourself and your surroundings. I will be at home and prepared to meet new challenges wherever I am. Starting over so many times has taught me not to fear failure, but rather to embrace opportunities for change。 8. 用“We Have Changed”怎么写作文 One"s life will change, just like a butterfly and silkworm, a second transformation we grew up, we bee more sensible every day, bee more abundant. New knowledge every day long, but each is progress. From *** all to large, I have many dreams. When I don"t want to grow up, and friends can play, but I"m still a strength to grow. Now, I"m not six or seven years old baby, but every day looking forward to grow up. Because my ideal: growing up as a writer, as an architect, when the chairman of the board, or when a politician。. my ideal, be the most changeful. Now, I want to fight for the politicians goal! Grow up to serve the people, be a good servant of the people. In order to achieve the ideal, I"m not enrich, improve their. Now of I, study harder and harder, getting good grades. When calculating the time, never from and start, and now the brain with the "robot" brains similar, to the subject are hard to do well and quickly. I used the independence of the very poor. Now, I can one homework, read a book and thinking. Now I understand, not to buy toys, put the money in the bank, grew up reading use. I used to have a lot of hobbies, paper-cut, chess, painting, swimming。 Now. My hobby is still many, but also have a new hobby - playing the clari. The original active again and again I quiet lost themselves in the beautiful music. Yes, each person"s life have a lot of change, dreams change, changing tastes, personality changes, learning change。.. The long road of life, every change to let others see -- I really grown up!!

一首英文歌歌词harry up harry up there is no more waitin

《疯狂外星人》主题曲:Feel The Night

Do yon have meals regularly的中文意思?


选择:Her books have been so popular ______.(regularly,recently)

recently 用于现在完成时亲:祝你学习进步!望采纳,谢谢!Merry Christmas!



the farmers still worked hard in the field even




change in shade是什么意思

change in shade 变化的影子

in the shade 还是under the shade

in the shade1. 在阴暗处2. 默默无闻under the shade 树荫下That pool under the shade of elm trees,那榆荫下的一潭,

Iggy Pop的《Shades》 歌词

歌曲名:Shades歌手:Iggy Pop专辑:Blah-Blah-BlahWale Ft. Chrisette Michelle - Shades(Wale - Verse 1:)Chip on my shouldaBig enough to feed CambodiaSee I never fit into they quotasSneakers wasn"t fittin" and my knees needed lotionLong before I knew the significance of a combI roam like foam with no vocal receptionImmigrant parents had me feeling like a step-kidAnd black Americans never did accept meThat"s why I thrive so much winnin" respect, digI never fit in with them light skinsI thought the lighter they was, the better that they life isSo I resented them and they resented meCheated on light skin Dominique, we were 17I figure I hurt her she"d evidently hurt meAnd all women who have light features seeI never let a light broad hurt meThat"s why I strike first and the first cut"s deep(Chorus: Chrissette Michele)From a light skin girl to a dark skin brothaShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverBoy you so beautifulBoy you so beautifulShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverHoney brown, caramel, coffee brown, chocolate, toffee, pecan, licoriceBoy you so beautiful(Wale - Verse 2:)Just another knotty head niggaHoping Wes Snipes make my life a bit differentIn middle school I had the right to be timidI had beautiful words but girls never listenedListen, blacker the berry, sweeter the productWell I"m fruit punch concentrate and they waterWalk into my room thinking how to make movesAin"t thinking like a student, but how Ice-T do itLight dudes had the girls looking thereAw yea it"s not fairThe ones with the good hurrCouldn"t adapt to naps I wore capsThey napped and slept on meMan I hate black, skin toneI wish I could take it back or rearrange my statusMaybe if I was khakiAssociating light skin with classyThe minstrel show, showed a me that was not me(Chorus: Chrissette Michele)From a light skin girl to a dark skin brothaShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverBoy you so beautifulBoy you so beautifulShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverHoney brown, caramel, coffee brown, chocolate, toffee, pecan, licoriceBoy you so beautiful(Wale - Verse 3:)They say black is beautifulBut ask them beautiful light girls if it"s black they attract to usuallyWhat if Barack"s skin was all black?Truthfully would he be a candidate or just a black in community?We as black dudes tend to lack unityAnd them blacker girls ain"t on the tube usuallyRight now at 23 I ain"t mad at them reds no moreBut for long time I had gone cold blindFull of my own insecurityIt was holding meBack to reds, I ain"t know how to actThey would get the cold shoulderAnd know it was an act, a defense mechanismWhat I thought that I lacked (confidence)(Chorus: Chrissette Michele)From a light skin girl to a dark skin brothaShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverBoy you so beautifulBoy you so beautifulShade doesn"t matter, heart makes the loverHoney brown, caramel, coffee brown, chocolate, toffee, pecan, licoriceBoy you so beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8513808

in the shade 还是under the shade有什么不同

本意都是在树荫下,是一样的,不一样的只有引申义吧,in the shade还有默默无闻,使某人相形见绌的意思

shade out什么意思 没查到,应该比较生僻,有人知道吗=^_^=


shade of green 什么意思?

shades of green 绿色梯度


ECO是雷克萨斯独有的ECO Diver模式,节能驾驶模式,在此模式下车辆的实际油耗是完全可以达到理论油耗值的。 当您挂上D档并以此档位匀速前进时就会开启此模式。(仪表板中的行车电脑中会有量度条,油门超过量度条就会关闭此模式了)而用手动挡模式是无法开启的。当然是可以手动关闭ECO灯的显示的。

in the shade of 与in the shadow of 的区别


shade book 是什么意思?外贸客户要我们给他寄shade book?


安卓系统中notificaion shade是什么

Android中提供了Shader类专门用来渲染图像以及一些几何图形,Shader下面包括几个直接子类,分别是BitmapShader、 ComposeShader、LinearGradient、RadialGradient、SweepGradient。 BitmapShader主要用来渲染图像,LinearGradient 用来进行梯度渲染,RadialGradient 用来进行环形渲染,SweepGradient 用来进行梯度渲染,ComposeShader则是一个 混合渲染,可以和其它几个子类组合起来使用。 Shader类的使用,都需要先构建Shader对象,然后通过Paint的setShader方法设置渲染对象,然后设置渲染对象,然后再绘制时使用这个Paint对象即可。当然,用不同的渲染时需要构建不同的对象。 简单来说,就是通知界面搭建组。

fifty shades是什么意思

fifty shades五十色调例句:1.Fifty shades of greysales soar despite critical disdain. 尽管颇受非议,《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)一书的销量却一路扶摇而上。

a shade of和a shadow of区别

你是在问shade和shadow的区别?shadow 表示物体在光线下的“影子、阴影”如:Shadows are longer when the sun is low. (影子长)shade 表示“阴凉、阴凉处;荫” 如:Stay in the shade.(呆在阴凉处)比如:We took a nap in the shade of a large tree.我们在树荫下面打了一个盹。We took a nap in the shadow of a large tree.我们在树影下面打了一个盹。两者都可用作喻义。试举例来说明。 例如:The boss has thrown him into the shade.这位老板已把他弄得走投无路。He"s only such a shadow of his former self that I nearly didn"t recognize him.他瘦得不像人样,我几乎认不出他来了。树荫之类的就用shade, 说影子就是shadow。shade和shadow的区别就像中文荫和影子的区别。一般来说shade只有可能是太阳下的,没有人说月光下的树荫,shadow只要有光就能有影子。shade用于指任何遮住阳光的地方。用做这种意思时,shade为不可数名词。Let"s find some shade.我们找的阴凉吧。shadow可用于指因挡住强光而形成的黑影子。用做这种意思时,shadow为可数名词。Under the floodlights,each player in the football match had four shadows.在反光灯下,足球比赛中的每个球员都有四个影子。

what a pleasant shade these trees give us

选A。shade阴凉处; shadow影子;shelter遮蔽物;scene风景。由句意可知选A。

Had I not seen the sun, I could have borne the shade.我本可以忍受黑暗,如果我不曾见过阳光





shade shadow 哪个可数?

做影子的意思,shadow 可数 Shades shade可数的意思变了 n. 墨镜;阴魂咒法术,制造幽影(shade复数)

shades 和 blind什么意思

shades英 ["u0283eu026adz] 美 ["u0283eu026adz] n. 暮色,夜色;荫( shade的名词复数 );阴凉处;阴暗部分;遮光物v. 遮蔽( shade的第三人称单数 );险胜;加灯罩;画阴影于…之上blind英 [blau026and] 美 [blau026and] adj. 失明的;盲目的,轻率的;供盲人用的;隐蔽的vt. 弄瞎,使失明;蒙蔽,欺瞒;使变暗;使昏聩n. 掩饰;借口;百叶窗adv. 盲目地;看不见地





drapery 和shade 的区别

drapery 和shade 的区别两个单词词义完全不同.drapery n. 布料及服装业或所经售的货物; 打褶悬挂的布等;adj. 悬有(褶形)布帘的;shaden. 遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的) 阴暗部分;vt. 遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上;vi. 逐渐变化;

fifty shade是什么意思

fifty shade五十阴词典结果:shade[英][u0283eu026ad][美][u0283ed]n.遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的)阴暗部分; vt.遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上; vi.逐渐变化; 第三人称单数:shades过去分词:shaded复数:shades现在进行时:shading过去式:shaded以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A glimmer of dawn or just a lighter shade of dark? 究竟是一丝曙光,抑或只是暗夜中一片较为浅淡的阴影?


shades的意思是:墨镜。一、详细释义:n.墨镜;灯罩;浓淡深浅(shade的复数);v.给…遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把…涂暗;画阴影(shade的第三人称单数)。二、短语搭配:1.shades of 使人联想起;使人与…相比。2.angle shades 欧洲花夜蛾。3.shades of green 绿色色调;令人想起绿色;绿荫。三、例句:1.The painting was mostly in shades of blue and purple.这幅画的主色调是蓝色和紫色。2.Shades of red brick which once coloured the cityscape.曾给城市景色增添了色彩的深浅不一的红砖。3.The walls were washed with shades of umber.墙壁刷成了棕土色。4.The shades of evening drew on.夜幕降临。








阴凉处、in the shade of...在什么的阴凉处eg:in the shade of the tree 在树荫下


shade意思如下:shade,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“树荫;阴影;阴凉处;遮阳物;(照片等的)明暗度;少量、些微;细微的差别;(Shade)人名;(英、德)谢德”。作及物动词时意为“使阴暗;使渐变;为…遮阳;使阴郁;掩盖”,作不及物动词时意为“(颜色、色彩等)渐变”。短语搭配:hade selected阴影选择 ; 选择亮显 ; 着色选定对象。color shade色差 ; 色彩明暗 ; 色泽 ; 颜色。mouth shade口罩。shade curtain[建]遮光窗帘 ; 窗帘。shade Herb天茄子。SOCKET SHADE眼圈深度。Shade Hunter影子。shade trees林荫树 ; 庭荫树 ; 绿树成阴 ; 阴地树木。Ambient shade发散度 ; 环境光明暗处理。双语例句:1.No shade.没有树荫。2.But all sunshine without shade , all pleasure without pain , is not life at all.但若只有阳光而无阴影,只有快乐没有痛苦,那就不算人生。3.If you shade in one side of your drawing, the shape will look solid.你如果在你的画的一侧描上阴影,那形状看上去就好像实体。




shade[英][u0283eu026ad][美][u0283ed]n.遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的)阴暗部分; vt.遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上; vi.逐渐变化; 第三人称单数:shades复数:shades现在分词:shading过去式:shaded过去分词:shaded 双语例句 You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture, and magazine subscriptions for shade trees in the school playground.你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购置新家具兜售体恤衫,为在学校操场上种植遮阳树劝人订阅各种杂志。

approved bulk shade lots中shade是什么意思呢?

你提供了什么给你的客户去确认 ?色样?一个颜色打了好几个吧 SHADE有色光的意思不同缸的大货布样? DYE LOT表示缸差不知道你们具体操作的什么,在确认什么,也没有上下文,只能提供上面2段给你参考

shade ,shadow的区别?固定搭配有哪些?

shade作名词时是指阴凉处、背阴。树荫等遮挡阳光的阴凉之地,无一定轮廓。in shade of 作动词是指给…遮挡光线。shade forshadow指人或物在光照下形成的影像,有明显的轮廓。

shade shadow 可数还是不可数

都是不可数名词 一般前面可以用英语里的量词 A flood of shadow/shade 表示一片阴影




版本号 名称 操作系统 发布日期 - Shade Pro NEC PC-9800シリーズ 1986年 - Shade Macintosh 1990年 - Shade II Ver.1.4.2 Macintosh 1992年 - Shade III Ver.1.0 Macintosh 1994年 ShadeIII Ver.1.1.0 Macintosh 1994年 ShadeIII Light Ver.1.1.0 Macintosh 1994年 Shade III Ver.1.2 Macintosh 1996年 Shade III Light Ver.1.2 Macintosh 1996年 1.0 Shade Professional R1 Macintosh 1996年12月 Shade Personal R1 Macintosh 1996年12月 Shade debut Windows 1997年6月 2.0 Shade Professional R2 Macintosh 1997年8月 Shade Personal R2 Macintosh 1997年8月 Shade Personal Plus Macintosh 1998年4月 Shade debut Plus Windows 1998年4月 Shade Professional R2 Windows 1998年8月 iShade Macintosh 1998年9月 myShade Windows 1998年11月 3.0 Shade Professional R3 Macintosh 1998年12月 Shade Personal R3 Macintosh 1998年12月 Shade Debut R3 Macintosh 1998年12月 Shade Professional R3 Windows 1999年3月 Shade Personal R3 Windows 1999年3月 Shade Debut R3 Windows 1999年3月 4.0 Shade Professional R4 Macintosh/Windows 1999年11月 Shade Personal R4 Macintosh/Windows 1999年11月 Shade Debut R4 Macintosh/Windows 1999年11月 iShade2/myShade2 Macintosh/Windows 1999年11月 5.0 Shade Professional R5 Macintosh/Windows 2001年 Shade Personal R5 Macintosh/Windows 2001年 Shade Debut R5 Macintosh/Windows 2001年 iShade3/myShade3 Macintosh/Windows 2001年 6.0 Shade 6 professional Macintosh/Windows 2002年 Shade 6 advance Macintosh/Windows 2002年 Shade 6 spirit Macintosh/Windows 2002年 iShade6/myShade6 Macintosh/Windows 2002年 7.0 Shade 7 professional Macintosh/Windows 2004年 Shade 7 standard Macintosh/Windows 2004年 Shade 7 basic Macintosh/Windows 2004年 8.0 Shade 8 professional Macintosh/Windows 2005年 Shade 8 standard Macintosh/Windows 2005年 Shade 8 basic Macintosh/Windows 2005年 8.5 Shade 8.5 professional Macintosh/Windows 2006年 9 Shade 9 professional Macintosh/Windows 2006年 Shade 9 standard Macintosh/Windows 2006年 Shade 9 basic Macintosh/Windows 2006年 iShade 9 Macintosh/Windows 2007年 Shade 10 basicMacintosh/Windows2009年Shade 10 professionalMacintosh/Windows2009年shade10.5基础版、标准版、专业版Macintosh/Windows2009年6月shade11基础版、标准版、专业版Macintosh/Windows2009年12月17日shade12基础版、标准版、专业版MAC/WIN2010年12月19日shade13基础版、标准版、专业版MAC/WIN2011年12月18日shade 3D(14)基础版、标准版、专业版MAC/WIN2012年12月20日


shadeless at most European wonderful subject

shade 在纺织学里是什么意思

Shades are colours that have had black added to the original colour to increase the darkness of the colour. 在时装设计上Shade是指在原色上加了黑色后变暗变深的色彩效果。在你这个例子里,客人要你印花的色彩深浅跟他们给的迷彩图案。 查看原帖>>


Shade除了在平面上可支持高画质大图输出,其强大运算功能及光影表现优势,并且可广泛应用在工、商业设计上,符合工业模型设计标准,可将设计作品直接制成模型,文件也可输出到在其它的作业平台上作进一步的应用,整合应用性相当广泛,如平面设计、3D初学设计、建筑景观、室内设计、游戏、动画模型部件设计、商业设计、后制(电视电影)公司、广告、多媒体工作室&公司、学校、3D补教业, Shade绝对是非常好的选择。





shade 在纺织学里是什么意思

shade 在纺织印染行业中可译作——色泽、色光、配色、阴影、遮光物、明暗的程度等。










n. 阴凉处; 背阴; (树) 荫; 灯罩; 浓淡深浅; 色度; v. 给…遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把…涂暗; 画阴影;


shaden.荫, 阴暗, 荫凉处, 图案阴影, 黑暗, 颜色深浅, 遮光物, 帘vi.渐变vt.遮蔽, 使阴暗, 使渐变, 微减


shade英 [u0283eu026ad]美 [u0283ed]n. 树荫;阴影;阴凉处;遮阳物;(照片等的)明暗度;少量、些微;细微的差别vt. 使阴暗;使渐变;为…遮阳;使阴郁;掩盖vi. (颜色、色彩等)渐变n. (Shade)人名;(英、德)谢德






shaden.遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的)阴暗部分vt.遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上双语例句1. His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder. 他的写作得益于他感到已故的林肯一直在他身后激励着他。来自柯林斯例句2. In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray. 清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。来自柯林斯例句3. The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade. 阴凉处的温度骤升至100多度。如有疑问,请追问!


shade读法:英式发音【u0283eu026ad】。一、释义1、n.名词阴凉处、背阴、色度、灯罩、(绘画)阴影部分、差别、略微、痕迹、影子、墨镜、窗帘。2、v.动词给…遮挡(光线)、加灯罩、把~涂暗、逐渐变成。二、词态变化1、复数:shades.2、第三人称单数:shades.3、过去式:shaded.4、过去分词:shaded.5、现在分词:shading.6、易混淆的单词:shade shade.三、例句1、A glimmer of dawn or just a lighter shade of dark?究竟是一丝曙光,抑或只是暗夜中一片较为浅淡的阴影?2、Their shade cools the planet and their water vapor traps heat from the sun.云彩的阴影使地球变得凉爽,云彩中的水蒸气则留住了来自太阳的热量。3、I had occasional shade and even , wait what was that?我有时能跑在树荫下,甚至,甚至有了什么?4、Plant these flowers in well-drained , moist soil in the shade.将它种植在排水良好、潮湿的阴凉处。5、The second task is to give some immediate shade to the exposed italian and spanish bonds.第二个任务是,马上给毫无遮蔽的意大利和西班牙债券提供一些荫庇。


shade[英][u0283eu026ad][美][u0283ed]n.遮阳,遮棚; 挡风物; 玻璃罩; (画的)阴暗部分; vt.遮蔽; 险胜; 加灯罩; 画阴影于…之上; vi.逐渐变化; 第三人称单数:shades复数:shades现在分词:shading过去式:shaded过去分词:shaded形近词:SHADEShade1You sold wrapping paper for paint, T shirts for new furniture, and magazine subscriptions for shade trees in the school playground.你们为重新粉刷学校兜售包装纸,为购置新家具兜售体恤衫,为在学校操场上种植遮阳树劝人订阅各种杂志。

f(x)影子shadow 歌词音译

中文名称 尾随外文名称 shadow所属专辑 pink tape填 词 Sophie Michell Ellis-Bextor, Cathy Dennis,Rob Fusari歌词매일 몰래몰래 네 발걸음을 쫓아 항상 조심조심 네가 눈치 못 채게말하지 않아도 시작된 둘의 데이트 둘만의 데이트넌 어딜 가니 한 발 또 한 발 난 너를 따라가 아무 말도 없이 날 이끌어한 발 또 한 발 날 알아챘을까 숨을 곳도 없는데해가 뜨고 나면 발을 맞춰가며 또 함께 걸어가난 많이 많이 또 빠져들고 있어달이 뜨고 나면 넌 내 품 안에서 또 잠이 들어가난 많이 많이 또 좋아하고 있어하루하루 우린 점점 닮아가는 걸 너의 웃음 눈물 나는 모두 아는 걸겁 먹지마 우린 태양이 맺은 인연 함께일 운명넌 어딜 가니 한 발 또 한 발 난 너를 따라가 아무 말도 없이 날 이끌어한 발 또 한 발 날 알아채줄래? 숨고 싶지가 않아해가 뜨고 나면 발을 맞춰가며 또 함께 걸어가난 많이 많이 또 빠져들고 있어달이 뜨고 나면 넌 내 품 안에서 또 잠이 들어가난 많이 많이 또 좋아하고 있어거울 속 그 앤 너와 함께 웃고 있어 난 몰라네 발 밑 속 나는 아무 표정 없이 뒤로 숨는 걸거울 속 그 앤 반짝 또 반짝 널 닮은 미소가 너무 부러워질수록 난 더바짝 더 바짝 너에게 꼭 붙어 우린 연결됐는데해가 뜨고 나면 발을 맞춰가며 또 함께 걸어가난 많이 많이 또 빠져들고 있어달이 뜨고 나면 넌 내 품 안에서 또 잠이 들어가난 많이 많이 또 좋아하고 있어해가 뜨고 나면 발을 맞춰가며 또 함께 걸어가난 많이 많이 또 빠져들고 있어달이 뜨고 나면 넌 내 품 안에서 또 잠이 들어가난 많이 많이 또 좋아하고 있어歌词音译 【KRYSTAL】 Love exists but with an absence of eternity.  At the first moment of a lover"s encounter,  there is an affirmation of love;  psychologically lunacy, emptiness,  panic, delusions that the moment will last forever.  I"m ceased by desire .  I hide behind my back~and postpone all answers  【KRYSTAL】 每因 抹泪抹泪 凝白卡嫩敏jo恰  康桑 jo心jo心 你嘎梦亲莫切给  【SULLI】 没哈吉阿拉懂心 恰肯哭得得一次  【K&S】 (do马内得一次 )  【LUNA】 nono打尼韩版 多韩版  嫩no恁打蜡噶  【AMBER】 苏mer跟多嗯dei  【TOGETHER】黑噶疼多啦喵嗯  怕累莫jo客喵嗯  多hem客打蜡噶  【VICTORIA】嫩马银马银多 把家卡给一所  【TOGETHER】塔里克多拉喵嗯  囊一铺满嫩所  多恰米的罗噶  【VICTORIA】嫩马银马银多 jo哇哈过一所  【TOGETHER】黑噶疼多啦喵嗯  怕累莫jo客喵嗯  多hem客打蜡噶  【LUNA】 嫩马银马银多 把家卡给一所  【TOGETHER】塔里克多拉喵嗯  囊一铺满嫩所  多恰米的罗噶【KRYSTAL】 嫩马银马银多 jo哇哈过一所








时隔4年。本文再次来聊聊Shadow 这个0 hook的插件库。目前看来,确实是腾讯这个Shadow 插件库做到0 hook api实现插件化。在腾讯内部也是广泛使用,其设计上解藕的非常好,可以独立升级插件的插件依赖库很少造成冲突,可以几个版本的Shadow插件混用不造成异常。 如果还在观望的朋友,相信阅读完本文可以对这个插件库有更多的信心。当然如果是到海外,Google市场,可能需要自己斟酌一二再使用Shadow。毕竟对于Google来说动态更新这个行为也不是它希望的。 不熟悉插件化原理的,可以阅读我之前写插件文章 横向浅析Small,RePlugin两个插件化框架 ,在里面深刻的描述了3年前的插件化的原理。 有什么问题可以来本文 https://www.jianshu.com/p/e1738998abd1 下讨论 Shadow 比起其他插件库多了几个特殊概念。很多人就是上来如何使用,实际上不对Shadow 的整体有一个初步的概念,很难用的好这个库。 对于Shadow来说,可其他的插件库一样分为宿主和插件两个部分。从设计的角度上更加接近RePlugin,需要宿主和插件业务,分别依赖宿主库和插件库。 实际上,对于Shadow来说,插件业务生成的插件包,不仅仅只有一个插件业务的apk。往往是一个由如下4部分组成: 在聊Shadow的使用和实现方案之前,我们稍微的回顾一下hook点最少的RePlugin框架。Hook了一个Context注入了自己的ClassLoader。那么如何在这个基础上进一步前进,实现0 hook。 能不能想办法达到不 hook任何一个位置,从而实现宿主管理插件的功能呢?当然我也没有想出来,只是有不少人已经想出来了,并进行实现。 RePlugin的思路简单说一下,RePlugin把插件框架氛围两个部分: 为什么需要Hook Context呢?为了让插件和宿主可以互相通信。RePlugin会生成一个PluginClassLoader 用于宿主和插件互相查找对方类。而apk的classLoader 最早是存在Context中,因此需要Hook Context。 既然知道了为什么需要Hook Context了?我们可否想办法处理一下,避免Hook Context。其实方案已经摆在眼前了。 就以坑位Activity为例子。插件库的Gradle 插件转化的PluginActivity 需要正常工作就需要Hook Context。那么我们为何不做如下行为,干脆把Context也交给我们来代理好了,PluginActivity不继承任何类。PluginActivity 将会实现所有Activity 对外的接口,而他所有行为直接以来宿主的坑位Activity了,不久好了吗? 回头来想想我四年前说过的,插件化需要跨越的三大问题,这么做是否解决? 这么想,0 hook 通过代理设计模式实现插件化似乎可行。而Shadow 也是如此思想。接下来看看他如何使用,如何解耦插件库和宿主库的。 为了避免插件库影响原来的业务逻辑,一般会常见一个壳模块。这个模块作为主模块,被业务工程依赖。 在工程根目录的build.gradle 新增 注意,classpath, com.tencent.shadow.core:gradle-plugin 插件是将所有的四大组件,替换成Shadow的对应的代理类。而这些代理类会把工作交给runtime中真正的Activity组件实现 有了这个 shadow 任务实现后,就能通过命令 ./gradlew packageDebugPlugin 直接生成 runtime的apk + loade的apk + 插件业务的apk 的压缩包。 最后记得依赖业务模块 宿主通过如下方法启动插件的Activity 构建一个 application 级别的工程,依赖 请实现几个坑位Activity: 紧接着,生成一个loader-apk即可。 这几个Activity可以不用注册当前apk的AndroidManifest中,需要注册到宿主apk中的AndroidManifest。对于Shadow来说,只需要能在这个apk中找到这个Class就可以了。 请在宿主的AndroidManifest 注册上面申明的Activity 宿主: 请注意必须都申明好 android:process=":plugin" ,需要和承载插件业务 MainPluginProcessService 在同一个进程,这样才能在插件进程中从ClassLoader找到这几个类。 构建一个 application 级别的工程,依赖 构建一个 CoreLoaderFactoryImpl : 注意 CoreLoaderFactoryImpl 这个类名必须固定,这是Shadow自身的hook点。宿主会通过manager 进行查找。 核心是构建 ComponentManager .这个类中,loader将会实现把 runtime 中写好的代理Activity和插件业务的Activity进行一一映射。 案例如下: 到运行的时候,GameActivity 所有的行为将会依赖PluginNativeProxyActivity 的实现。 其他的Activity 映射到 普通的PluginDefaultProxyActivity 即可 需要专门构建一个Android工程,这个工程可以参照github中的案例。 新增配置: 新增依赖: 继承FastPluginManager 先来看看宿主的原理。宿主想要启动插件中的某个Activity需要经历如下几个步骤: 在这个方法中实际上就是校验了 manager.apk 的和之前的md5是否一致,不是则需要更新。 发现了更新则执行如下几个步骤: ManagerImplLoader 实际上是获得了 manager.apk 文件后, 并根据 manager.apk 文件生成两个对象: 最后通过 ApkClassLoader 查找这个apk中的 com.tencent.shadow.dynamic.impl.ManagerFactoryImpl 类并实例化后,调用 buildManager 生成 PluginManagerImpl 对象。 接下来的逻辑就是进入到了Manager.apk中了,是不是有点Replugin那味道了。 因此在manager工程中需要 写一个类名 ManagerFactoryImpl ,作为Manager.apk逻辑的入口。因此此时在宿主中返回的 PluginManagerImpl 实际上就是自己编写的manager工程中返回的 SamplePluginManager 类。 在这个案例中, SamplePluginManager 继承的是 PluginManagerThatUseDynamicLoader .紧接着调用SamplePluginManager 的 onCreate 和 onDestroy。 demo中的enter 一般的在SampleManager 中都会,都会根据 fromId 的业务类型来判断当前执行行为。就以 FROM_ID_START_ACTIVITY 为例子。这里尝试着启动 plugin-debug.zip 插件包中的插件。 而这个插件包存在着三个apk, loader.apk , runtime.apk , $插件业务.apk .因此可以说manager.apk管理了当前插件的加载逻辑。 为了不阻塞进程,一般都会开启一个线程,进行加载插件包apk的数据。当加载成功后,就会启动插件的Activity。 能看到这三个方法之间的关系: 还记得在SampleManager中重载的 getPluginProcessServiceName 方法,其中写死了一个Service的类名: 实际上是通过 bindPluginProcessService 这个方法启动这个Service: 能看到这个过程十分的简单,实际上就是通过宿主的Context的bindService方法,启动一个固定类名的Service。并监听 onServiceConnected 方法,回调抽象方法 onPluginServiceConnected . 而 onPluginServiceConnected 有两种实现,BaseDynamicPluginManager 的子类有两个: 这里就挑选 PluginManagerThatUseDynamicLoader 进行解析。 能看到这个过程,把对方服务端回调的Binder对象包裹成 PpsController 对象。 并调用PpsController对象的setUuidManager设置uuid给远端Service进程。接着通过 getPluginLoader 获取远端Service的Binder对象,并包装成 BinderPluginLoader 用于通信。 之后把所有的数据都往PpsController和PluginLoader通信相当于让所有的行为都交给远端Service所在的进程处理。 因为Context是从宿主中传递过来的,因此需要把该 getPluginProcessServiceName 对应的服务端类名注册到宿主中,且Class也需要声明在宿主中。 简单的看看宿主都做了什么吧。 需要现在宿主中声明: 然后MainPluginProcessService继承PluginProcessService。 所有的事务交给 PluginProcessService 处理。能看到在这里,一般都会通过 android:process 标示完全不同的进程。所有的组件也会生存在这个进程,因此在声明坑位的时候,需要和 MainPluginProcessService 标示为同一个进程。


  shadow  歌手:Ashlee Simpson 专辑:Autobiography  I was six years old  When my parents ran away  I was stuck inside a broken life  I couldn"t wish away  She was beautiful  She had everything and more  And my escape was hiding out  And running for the door  Somebody listen please  It used to be so hard being me  Living in the shadow  Of someone else"s dream  Trying to find a hand to hold  But every touch felt cold to me  Living in a nightmare  A never-ending sleep  But now that I am wide awake  My chains are finally free  Don"t feel sorry for me  All the days collided  One less perfect than the next  I was stuck inside someone else"s life  And always second best  Oh,I love you now "cause now I realize  That it"s safe outside to come alive in my identity  So if you"re listening  There"s so much more to me you haven"t seen  Living in the shadow  Of someone else"s dream  Trying to find a hand to hold  But every touch felt cold to me  Living in a nightmare  A never-ending sleep  But now that I am wide awake  Then I can finally see  Don"t feel sorry for me  Mother, sister, father, sister, mother  Everything"s cool now  Mother, sister, father, sister, mother  Everything"s cool now  Oh, my life is good  I"ve got more than anyone should  Oh, my life is good  And the past in the past  I was living in the shadow  Of someone else"s dream  Trying to find a hand to hold  But every touch felt cold to me  I"m living in a new day  I"m living it for me  And now that I am wide awake  Then I can finally be  Don"t feel sorry for me  Don"t feel sorry,don"t feel sorry for me  Living in, living in, living in the shadow  Living in, living in, living in a new day

优美伤感的英文句子 Shadow

1.Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 2.During the stinging pain. 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。 7.If you shed tears are already gone. 11.Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness, with her silent steps of love. 阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在光后边。 12.The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 13.The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟 瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? 14.The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies. 群星不怕显得象萤火那样。 优美的伤感英文句子 承诺,不过是一张没有生效的合约。 Commitment, but is not a valid contract. 你现在过得好不好,会不会想起我,然后会心一笑。 You are very much, can not think of me, and smile. 我曾爱你,爱得连未来都想好了。 I used to love you, love to even think of the future. 若有来生,为君倾城,这份爱,谁懂! If there is an afterlife, and fight for you, this love, you, I suddenly found that I could laugh happily 让你在没有我的地方疯狂,让我在没有你的世界坚强。 Let you in the place beginning to end of my, is just one person. 与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。 Rather than excuses every line, is continuously forgive those etimes, I care about is not what you say, but those you dont say. 我胖的唯一原因,是太小的身体容纳不了我饱满的性格。 The only reason why I am fat, is too small body hold my full character. 优美英文句子 优美英文句子 1、Blessedness is of comparative degree,you e ture. 幸福是每一个微小愿望的达成。 4、Happiness is to find someone es out of your mouth an eone and smile for no reason。 没有遇到你之前,我从来没想到自己会这样,毫无缘由的对着一个人傻笑。 16、I am on my about them, but the memories would always be there. 距离会让你遗忘,但是回忆却会永驻。 22、Everbody will make mistakes, thats why they put erasers on the end of pencils. 每个人都会犯错,这就是为什么把橡皮擦安在铅笔后面的原因。 23、Dont be so hard on yourself. 别对自己太苛刻了。 24、If you really love me, then why do I see is to breed. 倘若你真的爱我,那么为什么我看到的只是繁衍。 优美伤感的英文句子大全 优美伤感的英文句子大全 Don"t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 During the stinging pain. 离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。 If you shed tears are already gone. 一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本是费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 Shadow, with her veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness,  with her silent steps of love.  阴影戴上她的面幕,秘密地,温顺地,用她的沉默的爱的脚步,跟在“光”后边。 The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who  shakes her head and laughs and flies away. 无垠的沙漠热烈追求一叶绿草的爱,她摇摇头笑着飞开了。 The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing  water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness? 跳舞着的流水呀,在你途中的泥沙,要求你的歌声,你的流动呢。你肯挟瘸足的泥沙而俱下么? The stars are not afraid to appear like fireflies.群星不怕显得象萤火那样。

shadow 可以翻译成“魅影”吗?



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