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英语Ⅱ平时作业11061.Emphasis is laid on the necessity that self-con?

1. (D) d 应该是 be petent in 搭配错了,正确的搭配为 be petent for 胜任... 2. (A) emergency 3. (C) of 4. a. no matter 和 whatever 重复了 5. (A) with; with a start 以为 大吃一惊 6. (A) bare foot 光脚 7. (B) be alert to 对 ...警惕 9. 貌似 he was to work 那有错 12. (B) where 14. (D) 这是对过去的虚拟语气,6,D A C A A A B A D,2,英语Ⅱ平时作业1106 1.Emphasis is laid on the necessity that self-confidence has to be built up in a b c himself before a man can bee petent in his profession. d 选出错误的项:(A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d 2.As the situation was being increasingly serious,the Prime Minister decided that an _______ meeting be held.(A) emergency (B) emergent (C) urgency (D) imminent 3.The offence ________ which he is going to be charged carries a heavy penalty.(A) at (B) with (C) of (D) on 4.No matter whatever your opinions are,you are wele to join in our discussion. a b c d 选出错误的项 (A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d 5.On seeing the snake,the man sprang up ________ a start.(A) with (B) in (C) from (D) to 6.You shouldn"t walk around with _______ feet,Freddy.The floor isn"t very clean.(A) bare (B) naked (C) bald (D) empty 7.A good hunting dog is alert ________ every sound in the field.(A) with (B) to (C) at (D) on 9.The young man went his way to the school only to be told that he was to work a b c under a woman. d 选出错误的项: (A) a (B) b (C) c (D) d 12.The helicopter hovered over _____ the plane was crashed.(A) there (B) where (C) about (D) around 14."Thank you for your perfect control.Without you,______" said the host.(A) we would be attacked by the cobra (B) we should be attacked by the cobra (C) we have been attacked by the cobra (D) we would have been attacked by the cobra

The sheepdog is too hairy to eat歧义在哪?树状图怎么表示,求高人


have no necessarily to married him有语法错误嘛?


handy seamless transitions 怎么安装

有时候WEB开发人员认为CSS的动画比JavaScript的动画更难理解。虽然CSS动画有其局限性,但它的性能比大多数JavaScript库更加高效,因为它可以借助硬件加速啊!其效果绝对可以超出我们的预期。CSS animations和transitions再加上点JavaScript就可以实现硬件加速动画,而且其交互效果比大多数JavaScript库更高效。So,让我们快点开始吧!小伙伴们都等不及了!注意:Animations(动画)和Transitions(过渡)是不同的CSS Transitions(过渡)被应用于元素指定的属性变化时,该属性经过一段时间逐渐的过渡到最终需要的值;而CSS Animations(动画)只是在应用时执行之前定义好的操作,它提供更细粒度的控制。在这篇文章中,我们将分别针对上述内容进行讲解。控制CSS Transition(过渡)在编程论坛中,关于transition(过渡)的触发和暂停有无数的疑问。使用JavaScript可以很容易的解决这些疑问。如何触发元素的transiton(过渡)?切换元素的类名可以触发该元素的transition(过渡)如何暂停元素的transition(过渡)? 在你想要暂停过渡点,用getComputedStyle和getPropertyValue获取该元素相应的CSS属性值,然后设置该元素的对应的CSS属性等于你刚才获取到的CSS属性值。以下是该方法的一个例子。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.box {margin: 30px;height: 50px;width: 50px;background-color: blue;}.box.horizTranslate {-webkit-transition: 3s;-moz-transition: 3s;-ms-transition: 3s;-o-transition: 3s;transition: 3s;margin-left: 50% !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="box"></div><button class="toggleButton" value="play">Play</button><script type="text/javascript">var boxOne = document.getElementsByClassName("box")[0],boxTwo = $(".box:eq(1)");document.getElementsByClassName("toggleButton")[0].onclick = function(){if(this.innerHTML === "Play"){this.innerHTML = "Pause";boxOne.classList.add("horizTranslate");}else{this.innerHTML = "Play";var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(boxOne),marginLeft = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("margin-left");boxOne.style.marginLeft = marginLeft;boxOne.classList.remove("horizTranslate");}}$(".toggleButton:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if($(this).html() === "Play"){$(this).html("Pause");boxTwo.addClass("horizTranslate");}else{$(this).html("Play");var computedStyle = boxTwo.css("margin-left");boxTwo.css("margin-left",computedStyle);boxTwo.removeClass("horizTranslate");}});</script></body></html>执行效果:http://cdpn.io/GokAm同样的技术可以用在更高级的方法上。下面的例子也是通过改变类名来触发元素的transition(过渡),但这次可以跟踪当前的缩放率。<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>操作transtition</title><style type="text/css">.zoomPic {margin: 30px;width: 300px;height: 180px;background-color: blue;background-image: url(http://placehold.it/1200x720);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:50% 50%;background-size: 300px 180px;-webkit-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-ms-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 2.5s ease-in-out;}.zoomPic.zoom {background-size: 1200px 720px !important;}</style><script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script></head><body><h3>Pure Javascript</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><h3>jQuery</h3><div class="zoomPic"></div><button class="zoom">Zoom</button><button class="pause">Pause</button><button class="zoomout">Zoom Out</button><script type="text/javascript">var zoomOne = document.getElementsByClassName("zoomPic")[0],zoomOneBgSize = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne).getPropertyValue("background-size"),zoomTwo = $(".zoomPic:eq(1)"),zoomTwoBgSize = zoomTwo.css("background-size");// zoomOne:zoomdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoom")[0].onclick = function(){if(!zoomOne.classList.contains("zoom")){zoomOne.classList.add("zoom");}}// zoomOne:pausedocument.getElementsByClassName("pause")[0].onclick = function(){var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(zoomOne),backgroundSize = computedStyle.getPropertyValue("background-size");zoomOne.style.backgroundSize = backgroundSize;zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom");}// zoomOne:zoomoutdocument.getElementsByClassName("zoomout")[0].onclick = function(){zoomOne.classList.remove("zoom");zoomOne.style.backgroundSize = zoomOneBgSize;}// zoomTwo:zoom$(".zoom:eq(1)").on("click",function(){if(!zoomTwo.hasClass("zoom")){zoomTwo.addClass("zoom");}});// zoomTwo:pause$(".pause:eq(1)").on("click",function(){var computedStyle = zoomTwo.css("background-size");zoomTwo.css("background-size",computedStyle);zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");});// zoomTwo:zoomout$(".zoomout:eq(1)").on("click",function(){zoomTwo.removeClass("zoom");zoomTwo.css("background-size",zoomTwoBgSize);});</script></body></html>

warehouse charge是什么意思

ware house charge 仓库主管??



The Shadows的《Stingray》 歌词

歌曲名:Stingray歌手:The Shadows专辑:Essentialif blood will flow when flesh and steel are onedrying in the colour of the evening suntomorrow"s rain will wash the stains awaybut something in our minds will always stayperhaps this final act was meantto clinch a lifetime"s argumentthat nothing comes from violence and nothing ever couldfor all those born beneath an angry starlest we forget how fragile we areon and on the rain will falllike tears from a star, like tears from a staron and on the rain will sayhow fragile we are, how fragile we areon and on the rain will falllike tears from a star, like tears from a staron and on the rain will sayhow fragile we are, how fragile we arehow fragile we are, how fragile we arehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2666405

The Shadows的《Stingray》 歌词

歌曲名:Stingray歌手:The Shadows专辑:20 Golden Greatsif blood will flow when flesh and steel are onedrying in the colour of the evening suntomorrow"s rain will wash the stains awaybut something in our minds will always stayperhaps this final act was meantto clinch a lifetime"s argumentthat nothing comes from violence and nothing ever couldfor all those born beneath an angry starlest we forget how fragile we areon and on the rain will falllike tears from a star, like tears from a staron and on the rain will sayhow fragile we are, how fragile we areon and on the rain will falllike tears from a star, like tears from a staron and on the rain will sayhow fragile we are, how fragile we arehow fragile we are, how fragile we arehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2665642


Please complete and return your annual performance review form as early as possible.上海灵格风英语

英文单词rather than的用法,搭配

一、rather than用作连词,连接两个平行结构.既可以表示主观愿望上的决择,“与其…宁可…”,也可以表示客观程度上的差异,“与其说是…不如说是…”.例如: 1、接代词 1)I,rather than you,should do the work. 该做这工作的是我,而不是你. 2、接名词 2)John ought to go rather than Jean.约翰比琴更应该去. 3)I think I"ll have a cold drink rather than coffee. 我想我该要一杯冷饮,而不要咖啡. 试比较: 4)We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes. 有时候我们不吃土豆,而吃米饭. 3、接形容词 5)These shoes are comfortable rather than for your friend. 这鞋不好看可是舒服. 6)You are doing this for yourself rather than for your friend. 你不是为你朋友,而是为你自己做这种事. 7)I"d prefer to go in August rather than in July.我愿8月去不愿7月去. 5、接动名词 8)I always prefer starting early,rather than leaving everything to the last minute, 我总是愿意早开始而不愿意把所有事情都留到最后才做. 9)He was engaged in writing a letter rather than reading the newspaper. 他那时是在写信而不是看报纸. 6、接过去分词 10)She insisted on having the room papered rather than painted. 她坚持要用纸裱糊房间,而不是把房间粉刷一下. 7、接不定式 11)I decided to write rather than telephone.我决定写信而不是打电话. 12)They prefer to die fighting rather than live in enslavement. 他们宁可战死,也不肯活着受奴役. 13)I prefer to work rather than remain idle.我宁愿工作而不愿闲着. 8、接谓语动词 14)He told a lie rather than get his friend into trouble. 他宁愿说谎也不愿连累朋友. 15)Shall we go for a walk rather than watch television? 咱们不看电视,出去散步,好不好? 16)He ran rather than walked.他跑步而不是步行. rather than后接动词原形表示主观抉择,接一个动词的过去式则表示客观差异. 9、接从句 17)It was what he meant rather than what he said. 那是指他话中的意思,而不是他所说的话. 18)It was what he had caten rather than what he had drunk that made him ill.使他得病的不是他喝的东西,而是他吃的东西. 二、rather than用作介词 R.Quirk编著的《英语语法大全》p.1387明确指出:和as well as及in stead of一样,rather than后面跟一个和母句中的动词形式并不匹配的ing分词分句时,它是介词,而不是准并列连词: 19)Their actions precipitated the war rather than averting it. 他们的行为促使战争爆发而不是避免战争. 20)Rather than a new car,he bought a colour television. 他买了一台彩电,而不是一辆新车. 21)Let"s finish the job today,rather than leaving it till tomorrow. 让咱们今天干完工作,而不是留到明天. 三、rather than用作从属连词,引导一种优选分句. R.Quirk在《英语语法大全》p.1540指出:优先分句主要用从属连词rather than和sooner than引导,用不带to的不定式作该分句的谓语动词: 22)Rather than go there by air,I"d take the slowest train. 我宁愿乘最慢的火车,也不愿乘飞机去那儿.


在一般的收音机或收录音机上都有AM及FM波段,相信大家已经熟悉,这两个波段是用来供您收听国内广播的,若收音机上还有SW波段时,那么除了国内短波电台之外,您还可以收听到世界各国的广播电台节目。为了让您对收音机的使用有更进一步的认识,以下就什么是AM、FM、SW、LW作一简单的说明。事实上AM及FM指的是无线电学上的二种不同调制方式。AM: Amplitude Modulation称为调幅,而FM: Frequency Modulation称为调频。只是一般中波广播(MW: Medium Wave)采用了调幅(AM)的方式,在不知不觉中,MW及AM之间就划上了等号。实际上MW只是诸多利用AM调制方式的一种广播,像在高频(3-30MHz)中的国际短波广播所使用的调制方式也是AM,甚至比调频广播更高频率的航空导航通讯(116-136MHz)也是采用AM的方式,只是我们日常所说的AM波段指的就是中波广播(MW)

yamaha mox6 合成器 适合做现场还是做工作室编曲

MOX6更加偏重于工作室编曲。做现场演奏它的键数只有61键,担任主奏键盘有点牵强,可以作为辅助音色键盘使用。当然,你还要根据演出的曲子而定。如果都是铺垫和声,那就没问题。如果有大量的钢琴伴奏需要演奏,那MOX6就不行了。这款合成器当然可以连接电脑做MIDI了。它的内置音源绝对比很多软件音源品质要高。至于做MIDI怎么样,那还要看你对音乐,音色的理解。还有对编曲软件的熟悉程度了。以MOX6自身的能力,做一个编曲音源键盘是完全称职的!这点可以放心。优点:性价比高,重量轻,音色在同价位的合成器里是很不错的。缺点:键盘手感一般,尤其是那个变压器,看着比电子琴的还简陋 = =如果不差钱,建议直接上MOX8了,不管现场还是工作室用起来都很舒服。88键的钢琴键盘弹起来也有手感。

yamaha合成器 mox6


如何理解 Nirvana 的《Heart Shaped Box》的歌词

Heart-Shaped Box心形盒子She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak当我虚弱无力 她注视着我 像一个双鱼座I"ve been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks几周来 我闭锁于你的心形盒子中I"ve been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap我被拖曳到你铺着磁石和沥青的陷阱里I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back 当你回来的时候 我希望能吃掉你的肿瘤Hey! wait!嗨! 等等!I"ve got a new complaint我又遭到了抱怨Forever in debt to your priceless advice受惠于你无价的忠告 永远欠你的Hey! wait!嗨! 等等!I"ve got a new complaint我又遭到了抱怨Forever in debt to your priceless advice受惠于你无价的忠告,永远欠你的Your advice你的忠告Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet食肉兰不会宽恕任何人Cut myself on angel"s hair and baby"s breath躺卧在天使的秀发上 漂浮于婴儿的呼吸中 我割开自己Broken hymen of your highness I"m left black刺穿你高尚的处女膜 我坠入深渊Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back扔下你的脐带绞索让我攀缘而上Your advice (x3)你的忠告(1)

i have got to go

I have got to go.是“我得走了。”的意思,它是英语口语中较常用的一句话。 而I have to go.是“我不得不走了。”的意思 Cause是动词,它的主语This是单数,后面因此用a而不是are,这句话的意思是“这给我造成了一个大麻烦”。

一道专四选择题There were more casualties in the explosion than _


超过多少钱英文可以用more than吗

超过多少钱英文可以用more than。

超过一半人口用英文表述为啥是half of the people

村里人是特指 ,就该用 half the people in the village . 或 half of the people in the village

求Prinz Songz - Never Have Gone的歌词

You"re gone to my heart and pain to my chestYou got to stop my end and stop my test Comes to my peace when I"m lost planIt"s like a bullet shut up right do my bestI don"t know what to say didn"t know what to do I"m a brown man while I"m still crying about youI don"t know but don"t believe you don"t know when I see you babyyou what you what try to be what you needBut now you"re gone I let you sleep awayI try to say goodbye what you want to sayThings I love what ben best at last don"t change But cross up so close so lies goes rutineRemember reason best forgot and for some waysRemember we to share turn it to somedaysNo man no meaning to no longer I will be somethingHow was head was here to forgot somethingDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneI gave you more all baby you drop dearI"ll lie you here be how dare you stop dearI gave up hide not like rocketBut the here dry can"t drop itYou"re my sweeters nears hurt to breathWhat I do you real now you deal to meetNow my happiness Well that show my best to historyI try my best just to forgetting your faceAnd I try my best to forget the daysI keep on trying but can"t forget your faceCus I keep on leading cross every daysIt"s so hard when you"re love someone elseSo I sad waiting for someone-selfWaiting for you just for come on yo But I know do you want come on yoDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneBaby I swear I got I love youHow wish things went away with sad wordsI dream house I dream courseI picture them all of our familyAnd start we by babyIt"s a perfect magazine planHow wish it all be real stillIt"s like my heart no longer when myShe"s not my love love doesn"t exitShe make my heart-shipsSo many busy now make my heart feel so diseaseShe"s gone how wish I wasn"t lieCuz I got pains the pains are clarkSo answer my question as lieDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re goneDo you remember all the time just smile that was gone that was goneDo you remember all the time we love never done never doneDo you remember all the time that how we closeAll the time that you cry who ride for the mostThat was hard to believe that was hard to seeThat now now you"re you"re gone 这个?


If you have nothing to do during the summer vacation, you can read novels and taste the author"s unique feelings in the novels. Life is so charming, and there is Yan Ruyu in the book. Sometimes, I write my own feelings in essays, but most of them are boring. The holiday is very long, but I am very boring, just looking forward to the end of the holiday, so as to welcome the later enrichment.暑假没事就去看小说,在小说中品鉴作者其中独特的感悟。人生如此多娇,书中更有颜如玉。有时候也会自己随笔写写感悟,但多半还是索然无味。假期很长,而我却很无趣,只是在期盼假期的结束,从而迎来后面的充实。





have witness造句

the past few years have witnessed that the trend is lasting

He talked as if he ( ) the incident. A. had witnessed B.witnessed C. witness D.have witnessed


这个句子的成分如何分析? Recent years have witnessed a growing social mobility.

(Recent) years 是名词作主语in recent years 才做状语

My family has witnessed a sharp increase in the debt. 这句话什么意思呢?withness什么意思呢?


i have watnessed

不是从句,而是部分倒装.等于: I have never witnessed such considerate behaviour in a person of high birth in my life. 英语中,否定词位于句首,句子需部分倒装.

He talked as if he ( ) the incident. A. had witnessed B.witnessed C. witness D.have witnessed


英语翻译,杭州见证我的出生。我写Hangzhou has witnessed my birth.我


past 30 years have witnessed为什么用have


英语翻译:在过去二十年里,我们见证了巨大的经济和社会的进步。这儿用we had witnessed还是用we have ...

have witnessed

the past few years have witnessed

用第二个:the past several years have witnessed the phenomenon that ... 原因:在句子中,把the past several years 拟人化,而这些年是一直在见证这个现象,故用完成时和复数.



recent years have witnessed分析

从语法的角度来人说,这个表达是错误的,Recent years作主语,谓语动词应该是单数,所有正确的说法应该是:Recent years has witnessed…

Hardware Store 歌词

歌曲名:Hardware Store歌手:"Weird Al" Yankovic专辑:The Essential Weird Al YankovicHardware StoreWeird Al YankovicPoodle HatEver (ever) happens in this townFeelin" low down (down), not a lot to do around hereI thought that I would go right outta my mindUntil a friend told me the newsHe said, "(Hey), you know that vacant lotRight beside the gas station? Well, somebody bought itAnd on the spot they"re gonna build a shopWhere we can go buy bolts and screws"Since then I"ve been walking on air (air)I can barely brush my teeth or comb my hair"Cause I"m so excited and I really don"t careI"ve been waiting since last JuneFor this day to finally arriveI"m so happy (happy) now just to be alive"Cause any minute now I"m gonna be insideWell, I hope they open soonI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeIn my sleeping bag I camped out overnightRight in front of the store, then as soon as it was light outI pressed my nose right up against the glassYou know, I had to be first in lineGonna get me a flashlight and a broomWant a pair of pliers for every single room in my houseSee those hacksaws? Very, very soonOne of them will be all mineGuys with nametags walking down the aislesRows of garden hoses that go on for miles and milesBrand new socket wrenches in a plethora of stylesAll arranged alphabeticallyAnd they"re doing a promotional stuntThere"s a great big purple sign out frontThat says every 27th customerWill get a ball pein hammer freeI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When are they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware store(breathe)Would you look at all that stuff ...They"ve got allen wrenches, gerbil feeders, toilet seats, electric heatersTrash compactors, juice extractor, shower rods and water metersWalkie-talkies, copper wires safety goggles, radial tiresBB pellets, rubber mallets, fans and dehumidifiersPicture hangers, paper cutters, waffle irons, window shuttersPaint removers, window louvers, masking tape and plastic guttersKitchen faucets, folding tables, weather stripping, jumper cablesHooks and tackle, grout and spackle, power foggers, spoons and ladlesPesticides for fumigation, high-performance lubricationMetal roofing, water proofing, multi-purpose insulationAir compressors, brass connectors, wrecking chisels, smoke detectorsTire gauges, hamster cages, thermostats and bug deflectorsTrailer hitch demagnetizers, automatic circumcisersTennis rackets, angle brackets, Duracells and EnergizersSoffit panels, circuit brakers, vacuum cleaners, coffee makersCalculators, generators, matching salt and pepper shakersI can"t wait no, (no I) I can"t wait (oh when)When are they gonna open up that door?I"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storeI"m goin" (yes I"m) goin", I"m a-goin" to theGoin" to the (hard) ware I"m goin", really goin" to theGoin" (hard) I"m goin" to the (hard) oh yes, I"m goin" to theHardware storehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7440655

The moment I opened the door, I had an () that something was wrong.



Where are these tennis rackets

archlinux 命令与redhat有什么不同,有哪里不一样?


my tour of hangzhou英语作文

National Day is coming, we are very excited, is released, run wild birds, to the bosom of nature. The first day, National Day with our family went to visit hangzhou is famous for the world. Composition www.zww.cn nets arriving Sat in the car, see everywhere, decorations, pedestrians and head are hung shop "National Day" signs, igawa slip a dime of street stalls came from customers and shouts of bargaining and sound my eyes, my ears at beautiful soft straight. Small lotus composition www.zww.cn nets In the landscape and pedestrians, we came to the west side, see the rippling water reflecting the yews, HuaFang in green lake, let me drive slowly of sushi"s poem: to put a west lake, weak makeup thick than. Around west lake is a tree made of green edge. Li, the green GuShan siminghu appears to be beautiful and elegant. The east and west GuShan bai causeway of su, like two green sash, gentle floating in water. In the middle of the three islands - small yingzhou, house, RuanGong pier, set in green bosk books. The bright green and white water shook as the reflection, general. Fairyland In this picturesque the lake for a walk, see, how can make people relaxed and happy! We went on a guided tour of fresh air, and came to the mountain of the dragon. The guide says: "everyone his hands and face cleaning, go LingYinSi pay." Then the father played well, we strived with cool water washing hands and face. Heard that touched the old stone dragon can improve the dragon, I touched the whole half an hour before coming from the longjing village. Last LingYinSi is. We first came to see the cheerful TianWangDian, pleasure, then came the Ursa major palace, we saw the personality of the Buddha, Buddha is behind the bodhisattva beauty docile, listen to adults said that can keep us safe and healthy bodhisattva, I quickly kneel before KouTou devout bodhisattva in prayer. LingYinSi top layer is YanDian, said China"s guide YanDian bless children learn first, then I set his ass for worship dozens. But since it was already late, then we LingYinSi left. Then I found a steady stream of visitors is still known as "paradise, hangzhou, no wonder everyone was mosey! 国庆节到了,我们兴奋极了,犹如出笼的小鸟,脱缰的野马,投向大自然的怀抱. 国庆节第一天,我们全家一起去闻名天下的杭州游玩. 小荷作文网 www.zww.cn 坐在车上,只见到处张灯结彩,人头济济,车水马龙,商店门口都挂着“庆国庆”的招牌,街边那多如牛毛的小摊上不时传来阵阵吆喝声和顾客门的讨价还价声,看得我两眼冒金花,听得我耳朵直发软. 小荷 作文网 www.zww.cn 在山水和行人的伴随下,我们来到了西湖边,只见碧波荡漾的湖水里倒映翠绿的垂柳,画舫在湖中缓缓的行驶,让我想到了苏轼的一句诗:欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜. 围绕着西湖的是一圈树木织成的绿色镶边.十里明湖中,葱绿的孤山显得格外秀美典雅.孤山东边的白堤和西湖的苏堤,就象两条绿色的绸带,轻柔的漂浮在碧水之上.湖心的三个小岛——小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩,掩映在绿书丛中.明净的湖水晃动着绿岛和白云的倒影,仿佛仙境一般.在这如画的西湖边走一走,看一看,怎么能让人不心旷神怡呢! 我们在导游的带领下,又来到了空气清新的龙井山.导游说:“大家把自己的手和脸清洗一下,再去灵隐寺拜佛.”于是爸爸把井水打了上来,我们争先恐后的用清凉的井水洗手洗脸.听说摸了老龙井石上的龙可以提高成绩,我整整摸了半个小时,才依依不舍的离开了龙井村. 最后一站是灵隐寺.我们先来到了天王殿,看到了乐呵呵的弥勒佛,然后又来到了大雄宝殿,我们看到了慈眉善目的如来佛,如来佛背后是美丽善良的观音菩萨,听大人说,菩萨能保佑我们平安健康,我急忙跪在菩萨前虔诚叩头祈祷.灵隐寺最高一层是华严殿,导游说华严殿是保佑小朋友学习第一的,于是我撅着屁股一连拜了几十个才罢休. 天色已晚,我们意犹未尽的离开了灵隐寺.这时我发现游人依然络绎不绝,杭州素有“人间天堂”的美称,怪不得游人都流连往返呢!



shared accommodation意思

accommodation 这种宿舍包括住房和食物,也就是说,男人们在集体的宿舍里可以接受共享房间和其他的东西,女人们只是共享房间, 如果是夫妻,则要双人间.

what is your dormitory

what is your dormitory你的宿舍是什么重点单词:dormitory (学校等的)宿舍;集体寝室;(在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区

Pet Shop Boys的《So Hard》 歌词


JAVA (1)设计一个形状类Shape,包含一个getArea()方法,该方法不包含实际语句

abstrat class Shape{ protected abstract float getArea();}class Circle extends Shape{ public Circle(float radius){ this.radius=radius; } private float radius; public float getArea(){ return 3.14*radius*radius; }}class Rectangle extends Shape{ private float width; private float height; public Rectangle(float width,float height){ this.width=width; this.height=height; } public float getArea(){ return width*height; }}class Triangle extends Shape{ private float hemline; private float height; public Triangle(float hemline,float height){ this.hemline=hemline; this.height=height; } public float getArea(){ return 1/2*hemline*height; }}class Trapezoid extends Shape{ private float topLine; private float bottomLine; private float height; public Trapezoid(float topLine,float bottomLine,float height){ this.topLine=topLine; this.bottomLine=bottomLine; this.height=height; } public float getArea(){ return 1/2*height*(topLine+bottomLine); }}public class TestShape{ private float area=0.0f; public static void countArea(Shape s){ area+=s.getArea(); } public static void main(String[] args){ Shape s1=new Circle(1); countArea(s1); Shape s2=new Rectangle(1,1); countArea(s2); Shape s3=new Triangle(1,1); countArea(s3); Shape s4=new Trapezoid(1,2,1); countArea(s4); System.out.println("area="+area); }}

what is triple bottom line

Global Compact /全球契约

quitting bad habits有关情景对话 在线等,挺急的,简单点最好,谢谢诸位大侠了

以下是示例:A: Hi, morning. You look very good today.B:Morning. Yes. I think I have been much better recently. Because this time I have been quit my bad habit.A: What bad habits?B: Staying online at night. I like to sleep very late at night. In the middle of the night, I always go online until the early hours of the morning to go to sleep. So my spirit was always bad during the day. It looks like I didn"t wake up.A: No, it doesn"t look like it, it is really not waking up.B: Haha. Ok, that"s true. I am always sleepy during the day.A: Then how did you quit your bad habit?B: First of all, I have a fitness card. I paid a big price for this, so I will go there. I have a bloody one.A: Haha. This is true. and then?因为字数限制,剩余部分在追答中提现。

College Board 官网已经看过SAT2成绩一个月后成绩没有了显示YOU HAVE NO AVAILABLE SCORES谁遇到过该怎办

培臻国际解答:you have no available score是成绩还没有出来,如果你之前看到成绩,同时确认在考场上的时候没有违反考试规则的行为的话,打电话给cb那边去询问下吧。去看下注册的邮箱看里面有没有什么信息等



The Big Shaggy什么意思?


Shaggy的《Jenny》 歌词

歌曲名:Jenny歌手:Shaggy专辑:BoombasticThe Click Five -- Jennyby: www.ningshell.cnShe calls me baby, then she won"t call me.Says she adores me and then ignores me.Jenny, what"s the problem?She keeps her distance and sits on fences.Puts up resistance and builds defenses.Jenny, what"s the problem?You leave me hanging on the line.Every time you change your mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me.She needs her own space. She"s playing mind games.Ends up at my place saying that she"s changed.Jenny, what"s the problem?I"m trying to read between the lines.You got me going out of my mind.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me. It"s killing me. It"s killing me.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny.First you say you won"t, then you say you will.You keep me hanging on, and we"re not moving on.We"re standing still, Jenny. You got me on my knees.Jenny, It"s killing me It"s killing me. Jenny.Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/667134

Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:AngelShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/57237733

Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:热门单曲-AngelShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2002149

Shaggy的《Angel》 歌词

歌曲名:Angel歌手:Shaggy专辑:Hot ShotShooby dooby dooby doo woiShooby dooOhShooby doo dooby doo boi oiYeah, ahGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyLife is one big party when you"re still youngBut who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyYou"re a queen and so you should be treatedThough you never get the lovin" that you neededCould have left, but I called and you heededTakin" a beatin", mission completedMama said that I and I dissed the programNot the type to mess around with her emotionBut the feeling that I have for you is so strongBeen together so long and this could never be wrongGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyUh, uhGirl, in spite of my behavior, said I"m your savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, say girl I surrender(Thanks for giving me your love)Girl, in spite of my behavior, well, you are my savior(You must be sent from up above)And you appear to me so tender, well, girl I surrender(Said thanks for giving me your love)Now life is one big party when you"re still youngAnd who"s gonna have your back when it"s all doneIt"s all good when you"re little, you have pure funCan"t be a fool, son, what about the long runLooking back Shorty always mentionSaid me not giving her much attentionShe was there through my incarcerationI wanna show the nation my appreciationGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelCloser than my peeps you are to me, babyShorty, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelGirl, you"re my friend when I"m in need, ladyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8042423

there are more than fifty proposals ( ) at the conference

在这次会议中有五十项提议将被讨论 B to be discussed 动词不定式做后置定语。

michael jackson30周年演唱会上戴帽子和墨镜的歌 曲是什么

是不是2个黑人啊?一个穿红色衣服哇?他还说:“MICHAEL,你是流行之王,听说这是你最喜欢的歌~……”如果我说对了的话,哈哈。那个歌的名字就是《IT WANS"T ME》SHAGGY唱的,我多喜欢的



Shaggy的《Hold Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold Me歌手:Shaggy专辑:Clothes DropHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gotTell me, trulyCan I get in for a spotFor so long I"ve waited for you to come and love meDon"t waste my timeCos I need you to let me know if you want me toDo the things to you that no other can do(I want you to love)I want you badAnd I won"t lieAnd I can"t denyThat I want you tonightHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gotTell me, trulyCan I get in for a spotI wonder what is it that turns me on when I"m next to youCan"t figure out why I want youIs it lust or loveEither one will doI want you for myself and nobody else(Take the place of you)Right nowCos it is onSo unplug the phoneCos I want you to hold meHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gotTell me, trulyCan I get in for a spotHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gotTell me, trulyCan I get in for a spot(Can I get into your spot baby)Oh baby, you drive me crazyPut your arms around me babyAnd hold me nowThats what I wanna do (thats what I wanna do)Right now babyI want you to hold meHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gotTell me, trulyCan I get in for a spotHold me, Love meGivin" me all that you"ve gothttp://music.baidu.com/song/1602949

Shaggy的《Hey Love》 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Love歌手:Shaggy专辑:Hot ShotHQY制作献给可爱的哲I haven"t felt you for a whileI haven"t had much opportunity to smileI see you in the eyes of couples passing byAs soulmates kiss, the innocence,Too long I"ve been denied.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.I found a photo and you were thereCaptured in our facesJust before you disappearedIt was nice to know you, if only for a whileTo come and go with a sweet helloAnd a bittersweet goodbye.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.I don"t know where I amI don"t knowI don"t know where I amAnd if every new beginningIs just another"s endTell me love, why should i beginAgain.(chorus)Hey love, where you goingHey love, how you beenI wish you"d stay a little longerNo, that"s ok, I understandMaybe another dayHey love, old friend,There you go again.There you go againCan you come back?Can you come back love?Can you come back?Can you come back love?http://music.baidu.com/song/8042447




歌词翻译如下:Mr. Boombastic What you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic lover 你要的是一个即浪漫又爱幻想的情人Shaggy Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover) Mmm, a Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover) heee girl, Mr. Lover lover (Lover lover), Mmm, a Mr.Lover lover She call me Mr. Bombastic tell me fantastic, touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. Ro...ro...mantic她叫我Mr. Boombastic, 告诉我怪异的事,抚摸我的背并说“我是Mr. Romantic”Call me fantastic, touch me on me back she say I"m Mr. Ro... Smooth just like a silk (光滑如丝)Soft and cuddly hug me up like a quilt (像棉被一样的抱住我,柔软且舒适)I"m a lyrical lover no take me fi no filth (我是一个热情的情人,我有健康的体格,不要把我看做猥亵)With my sexual physique Jah know me well build Oh me oh my well well can"t you tell I"m just like a turtle crawling out of my shell 我就像一只壳上布满纹路的海龟Gal you captivate my body put me under a spell(BOO) 女孩,你用你那符咒似的香水诱惑了我的身体并使我像着了魔一样With your cuss cuss perfume I love your sweet smell 我喜欢你的香味You are the only young girl who can ring my bell 你是唯一一个可以按我门铃的女孩And I can take rejection so you tell me go to hell 我会接受你的拒绝,但请不要叫我“下地狱去吧”I"m Bombastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. Ro...ro...mantic Call me fantastic she touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. boom boom boom boom Boom...bastic tell me fantastic touch me on me back she call me Mr. Ro...ro...o...mantic Tell me fantastic she touch me on me back she says I"m Mr. boom boom Gee wheeze baby please 宝贝Let me take you to an island of the sweet cool breeze 我要带你去一个岛屿,那里有着柔柔的凉爽的风You don"t fell like drive well baby hand me the keys 我知道你不喜欢驾驶,你只须给我钥匙And I will take you to a place and set your mind at ease 我就会带你去一个可以让你放松的地方Don"t you tickle my foot bottom ha ha baby please 哈哈,宝贝,请你不要捉我的脚底痒痒Don"t you play with my nose cause I might ha chum sneeze 请你不要玩我的鼻子,因为我会打喷涕Well a you a the bun and a me a the cheese 如果你是面包我就是奶酪And if a me a the rice well baby love you the peas 如果我是大米,宝贝,我喜欢你是碗豆

Thanksgiving 和gratitude有什么区别?一般 我们说的 感恩 (n)用英语怎么说?

Thanksgiving和感恩节有关,Thanksgiving Day即是感恩节。节日当天会有各种各样的Thanksgiving活动,比如饭前祈祷,感恩。但一般日常里说感恩,用gratitude就挺好,比如have gratitude, 或者have gratitude for something.

分数和带小数点的数字的英语读法 比如:1/16,3.56等等 thanks in advance!

分数 表示分数时,分子要用基数词,分母用序数词.如果分子大于1,分母必须用复数形式: 1/3→a(one)third 2/3→two thirds 1/4→a(one)quarter(或fourth) 3/7→three sevenths 1/2→应读作a(one)half *比较复杂的分数如:24/789,多读作 twenty four over seven hundred and eighty nine. 小数 表示小数时,小数点前面的基数词和前面讲的基数词的读法相同;小数点后的数字则必须一一读出: 0.0089→(zero /naught)point zero zero eight nine 1.36→one point three six 百分数 百分数由percent表示,百分号%读作 percent,应用时常与by连用. 0.68%→zero point six eight percent 6%→six percent 369%→three hundred and sixty nine percent The output of steel went up by 20 percent.钢产量增长20%. The price of cotton was reduced by 20 percent.棉花的价格下降了20%. The loss of water has been reduced to less than 30 percent.水的损耗减少到30%以下


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松下品牌,handy toilette是“便携式”的意思,应该是松下便携式卫洗丽上面标注的英文吧?

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lipo charge脂电荷-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

请问chanel香水上的eau de toilette是什么意思?

香水上的eau de toilette的意思香水上的eau de toilette我们一般简称EDT就是淡香水的意思,淡香水的留香时间就比较短而EDP就是香精的意思,香味就比较浓,而且留香时间比较长阿 普旺斯的香水就是EDT淡香水,香味比较清新淡雅香奈儿的黄邂逅有EDT淡香水还有香精款的一般每款香水都有淡香水和香精之分,所以买的时候要看清楚哦本人从事香水与美容行业十年经验,有问题可找我交流哦望采纳

Mary is a conscientious student;she works very hard and is ______to her teachers.


英语有一种“没关系”的回答,具体的..有点记不太清了,好像是have no matter with me

It doesn"t matter



华硕笔记本重装系统bios设置 hard drive bbs priorities选项中没有制作

试在BIOS界面中点击F9键--回车键--F10键--回车键,若仍无法进入系统,请按以下操作更改BIOS设置:1.开机的时候长按F2键进入BIOS界面,通过方向键进【Secure】菜单,通过方向键选择【Secure BootControl】选项,将其设定为 Disabled”2.通过方向键进入【Boot】菜单,通过方向键选择【Lunch CSM】选项,将其设定为“Enabled”3.点击F10保存设置,重启电脑试试。

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思

计算机术语 说明下面的代码举例说明了用 Drive 对象来访问驱动器属性:Sub ShowFreeSpace(drvPath) Dim fs, d, s Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = fs.GetDrive(fs.GetDriveName(drvPath)) s = "Drive " & UCase(drvPath) & " - " s = s & d.VolumeName & vbCrLf s = s & "Free Space: " & FormatNumber(d.FreeSpace/1024, 0) s = s & " Kbytes" MsgBox sEnd Sub.编辑本段过去式 drive - drove开放分类:VB“Drive”在英汉词典中的解释(来源:百度词典):driveKK: []DJ: []n.1. 驾车旅行;(开车)兜风;车程[C]2. (私人住宅的)车道,汽车路[C]3. 击球;击出球的飞行距离[C]4. 运动;宣传活动[C]5. (人的)本能需要,欲望[C]6. 魄力,干劲[U]7. (机械)传动装置[C][U]8. 【英】比赛,纸牌赛[C]vt.1. 驾驶(汽车等)2. 用车送(人)[O]3. 驱赶,赶走[O]4. 驱动(机器)5. 把(钉,桩等)打入[O]6. 挖掘(隧道)[O]7. 迫使;逼迫[O][O2][O8]vi.1. 开车2. (风、雨)狂吹猛打;疾驰3. 用力击球;【网】抽球

hard drive bbs priorities 没有u盘启动选项怎么办?

解决方法:1,进入启动盘的方法有两种,华硕快速启动键是esc,很多网友在使用快速启动键之后找不到u盘启动项,进入bios调整,同样看不到u盘,如同下图这样:2,进去后先找到 Hard Drive BBS Priorities 更改硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,,进入之后,更改boot option #1为你的u盘;3,然后按f10保存之后,重启电脑,然再次按快速启动键,就可以看到u盘了;4,另外,如果出现以下uefi启动现象,请调整为兼容模式或者使用uefi版本制作启动盘,uefi版本制作方法点我快速转到。调整兼容模式方法如下;5,按照错误提示,进入Security选项,找到Secure Boot Control选项,将其设置为Disabled ,在回到boot界面,将launch csm设置为enable就能解决问题,调整完成之后界面如下。

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

意思是:硬盘bbs优先级。该术语出自于电脑硬盘BBS系统,具体意思是指硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动。其解决方法是:硬盘没有被正确识别。检查一下硬盘电源线和数据线是否连接正确。更换另外插口看看,如果连接没问题,可能是硬盘问题引起的;或者把硬盘连接到别的电脑上测试一下。扩展资料:BIOS设置选项。1、第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。2、第2页用于设置启动顺序和启动选项。3、第3页用于设置外置端口,包括串/并口,PS/2接口,USB接口等。也可以在此设置鼠标和按键触发时的声响(建议用户不要打开该功能,否则击键频繁的时候可能因为声卡负荷太重而死机)。4、第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。5、第5页用于设置电源管理,但提供设置的选项较少,倒是可以单独设置电池供电和市电供电时的屏幕亮度,这个功能还是比较实用的。6、第6页用于设置开机密码、管理员密码和硬盘密码。Dell笔记本电脑的密码虽然没有IBM笔记本电脑那样难以破解,但其保密性也是相当好的。

hard drive bbs priorities 没有u盘启动选项 已经设置好了就是最后一步没有


电脑hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

硬驱动器 BBS 优先事项Boot Options Priorities ---启动顺序Boot Option #1 第一启动 【sata:HL-DT-STDV..】第一启动是你的硬盘。Boot Option #2 第二启动 【Disabled】第二启动被禁止了--------------------------------------Hard Drive BBS Priorities 硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动CD/DVD ROM Drive BBS Priorities //光驱优先级设置,可能你的电脑上装了两个光驱,设置那个优先启动


一般在BIOS中设置好了之后 按F10然后选择yes会保持修改

hard drive bbs priorities是什么意思?

意思是:硬盘bbs优先级。该术语出自于电脑硬盘BBS系统,具体意思是指硬盘驱动器启动优先级设置,多个硬盘那个硬盘优先启动。其解决方法是:硬盘没有被正确识别。检查一下硬盘电源线和数据线是否连接正确。更换另外插口看看,如果连接没问题,可能是硬盘问题引起的;或者把硬盘连接到别的电脑上测试一下。BIOS设置选项。1、第1页用于设置系统时间和日期,以及显示基本的系统信息,例如CPU型号,L2 Cache大小,显卡类型,显存大小,内存大小,光驱、软驱配置信息等。2、第2页用于设置启动顺序和启动选项。3、第3页用于设置外置端口,包括串/并口,PS/2接口,USB接口等。也可以在此设置鼠标和按键触发时的声响(建议用户不要打开该功能,否则击键频繁的时候可能因为声卡负荷太重而死机)。4、第4页用于显示电池的充放电情况,从中可以看到两个电池槽,因为Dell lnsprion和Latitude系列的笔记本电脑都可以使用光驱、软驱插槽来安装第二块电池。5、第5页用于设置电源管理,但提供设置的选项较少,倒是可以单独设置电池供电和市电供电时的屏幕亮度,这个功能还是比较实用的。6、第6页用于设置开机密码、管理员密码和硬盘密码。Dell笔记本电脑的密码虽然没有IBM笔记本电脑那样难以破解,但其保密性也是相当好的。

朋友们帮个忙呗!今天是最后一天了。用英语怎么说?thank you very much。


没关系 英文是worry about that 这样对吗

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