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say two hail marys 是什么意思

一般是say ten hail marys。 基督教徒祷告的一种方式,给你篇文章自己研究吧。What Does it Mean to Say Ten Hail Marys?The Hail Mary is an important prayer to many Christian denominations. Particularly to Catholics, the Hail Mary is an important part of reciting the catholic Rosary. A Rosary is a group of beads split into sections of ten. There is then separation between the end of tenth bead in each section that is followed by a solitary bead, and another separation, then a sequence of ten more beads. Additionally, the rosary has a cross and five separate beads that begin the contemplative prayer.Saying 10 Hail Marys is essentially saying a section of the rosary. The Hail Mary is repeated 10 times in each section. As well as speaking or silently thinking the prayer, Catholics use the repetition of the Hail Mary as a way to meditate on Christ. They might devote a section of the rosary to certain thoughts, or to family members. For example, often prior to a Catholic funeral, a rosary and prayer service may be held.The Hail Mary prayer is as follows: Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.The Hail Mary both asks for the prayers of Mary, as one might ask anyone to pray for them. Mary is very significant in Christian teaching, and is often besought as one of great compassion. It was also thought, when the beliefs of Hell and Purgatory were once a very vital part of Catholicism, that only the prayers of those in Heaven could eventually help one trapped in purgatory. Asking for Mary"s prayers is asking for one of the best souls in heaven to pray for you.It is commonly misunderstood that the Hail Mary elevates Mary to the status of Godhood. This is not the case. Instead, one merely is asking for Mary"s attention and prayers. Since Christians believe in an afterlife, it is not uncommon to talk to one"s dead relatives, or to the saints and ask for their prayers. This is different than supplications to God.Repetition of prayers is a quite common way to produce a meditative state in which one may have more access to the divine. Most people do not have to fumble over the Hail Mary, since they know it by heart. The repetition allows one to shut off the conscious part of one"s mind and achieve union with God in a very different way than a more consciously produced prayer.As well as saying the Hail Mary, the rosary also includes the “Our Father,” “The Glory Be,” and “The Apostle"s Creed,” in several repetitions. As well, there are special prayers said for different separations between the decades of beads.

"He prayed that all your prayers would be answered."翻译(两句分开翻译)

He prayed that all your prayers would be answered."他祈祷你们的祷告都能得到回应。However, to find out whose prayers were more powerful, they agreed to divide the territory between them and stay on opposite sides of the island.然而,为了找出谁的祷告更具有力量,他们同意划分他们之间的区域并呆在岛的另一面。

Lindsay Lohan的《Rumors》 歌词

歌曲名:Rumors歌手:Lindsay Lohan专辑:Juicy 女人帮Rumors Lindsay LohanSaturday steppin into the ClubThe music made me wanna tell the DJ Turn it UpI feel the Energy All aroundAnd my body cant Stop movin to the soundBut..I cant tell that your watchin meAnd your probably gonna write what you didnt seeWell I just need a little Space to BreathCan you please Respect my PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But Not the Way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isHere we are Back up in the ClubPeople Takin Pictures Dont you think they get enoughI just wanna be all over the FloorAnd Throw my hands up in the air to the Beat like..I gotta say respectfullyI would love it If you took the Camers off of meCuz I just Need a Little Room to BreathCan you please Respect My PrivacyWhy cant you just let doThe things I wanna doI just wanna be MeI dont Understand WhyWould you wanna Bring me downWhen I′m only having FunI′m gonna live my life(But not the way that you want me to)I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it isI just Need to Free My Mind(My Mind)Just wanna dance and have a good Time(Good Time)I′m tired of Rumors ( Rumors )Followed (Followed Followed Followed Followed)Followed But they Followed MeWhy cant they (They They They They They They )Let me Live (Live)Take this for Just What it IsI′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..I′m tired of Rumors StartedI′m sick of bein′ FollowedI′m tired of people LyinSayin what they want about meWhy cant they Back up off meWhy cant they let me liveI′m gonna do it my wayTake this for just what it is..http://music.baidu.com/song/612048



英语作文 假设你是Matt Hand 求写一篇作为参考谢谢

As the saying goes: "Hunger breeds discontent." Today"s society, many of the hotel where they stand, rush from a variety of cuisine, in Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong ...... dishes outside of Italy, French, Japanese cuisine, Korean food and so on. We all know that health is to do anything for money, health is closely connected with the food. Today, we take a look at the food on the table now. Food is divided into many kinds of vegetables and fruit, beans, meat, cereals, dairy categories, such as fat. Combination of these categories into a food pyramid, all affect our health. Therefore, in order to achieve a reasonable meals with more vegetables, fruits, less meat, fat category. Cereals-based food, may be an appropriate increase in beans, dairy products category, and we have to remember that eating only eight full meals, not being choosy food anorexia, can not be overeating, eating clean food is most important. In food, contain a people"s health play an important role in the elements - vitamins. Vitamins are divided into A, B, C, D. Different vitamins have different functions. Vitamin A is usually in red, black, more food, such as carrots, black beans and so on. Its main function is to protect the eyes, can be used to protect their eyesight, the treatment of night blindness and other evidence of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables often, it is conducive to the treatment of scurvy, skin diseases. The discovery also has a story: a ship adrift at sea for several days, many sailors have had scurvy, one of a very serious disease, abandoned on a desert island. This after a number of sailors to eat lemons, did not expect that scurvy disappeared. The news of a spread of 100. Lemon after scientists found a large quantity of vitamin C, used to treat disease scurvy. Vitamin B, D and there are many functions, not in this more. Of course, we should pay attention: do not mix in some food to eat, in order to avoid danger. Such as shrimp and vitamin C at the same time can not eat, crabs can not eat persimmons with ......

stairs hair读音相同吗?




They have a lot of vitamins=They are____in vitamins



HTTPS目前是网站标配,否则浏览器会提示链接不安全,同HTTP相比比,HTTPS提供安全通信,具体原因是多了个“S”层,或者说SSL层[Secure Sockets Layer],现在一般都是TLS[Transport Layer Security],它是HTTP 明文 通信变成安全 加密通信 的基础,SSL/TLS介于应用层和TCP层之间,从应用层数据进行加密再传输。安全的核心就在加密上: 如上图所示,HTTP明文通信经中间路由最终发送给对方,如果中间某个路由节点抓取了数据,就可以直接看到通信内容,甚至可以篡改后,路由给目标对象,如下: 可见HTTP传输是不安全的,但,如果传输的是只有双方可校验的密文,就可以避免被偷窃、篡改,保证传输的安全性,这就是SSL/TLS层做的事情。 SSL/TLS协议主要从三方面来保证数据传输的安全性:保密、鉴别、完整: 对用户端而言:怎么保证访问的网站就是目标网站?答案就是 证书 。每个HTTPS网站都需要TLS证书,在数据传输开始前,服务端先将证书下发到用户端,由用户根据证书判断是否是目标网站。这其中的原理是什么,证书又是如何标识网站的有效性呢?证书也叫 digital certificate 或者public key certificate,是密码学中的概念,在TLS中就是指CA证书【 由证书的签发机构(Certificate Authority,简称为 CA)颁布的证书 】,好比是权威部门的公章,WIKI百科解释如下: 大意就是证书包含了目标站点的身份信息,并可以通过某种方式校验其合法性,对于任何一个HTTPS网站,你都可以拿到其CA证书公钥信息,在Chrome浏览器中点击HTTPS网站的锁标志,就可以查看公钥信息,并可以导出CA二进制文件: 浏览器就是通过这个文件来校验网站是否安全合法,可以看到,证书其实内置了一个颁发链条关系,根证书机构->次级证书机构->次次级->网站自身,只要验证这个链条是安全的,就证明网站合法,背后的技术其实是 信任链+RSA的非对称加密+系统内置根证书 。CA在颁发证书的时候,会用自己的私钥计算出要颁发证书的签名,其公钥是公开的,只要签名可被公钥验证就说明该证书是由该CA颁发的,核心校验逻辑如下 那么上级的CA又是如何保证安全呢?重复上述操作即可,最终都是靠根证书来验证的,根证书的安全性不需要验证,由系统保证,如此就形成了一个证书的信任链,也就能验证当前网站证书的有效性,证书的信任链校验如下: TLS协议最大的提升点就是数据的安全,通HTTP通信相比,HTTPS的通信是加密的,在协商阶段,通过非对称加密确定对称加密使用的秘钥,之后利用对称秘钥进行加密通信,这样传输的数据就是密文,就算中间节点泄漏,也可以保证数据不被窃取,从而保证通信数据的安全性。 第三个问题,虽然中间节点无法窃取数据,但是还是可以随意更改数据的,那么怎么保证数据的完整性呢,这个其实任何数据传输中都会有这个问题,通过MAC[Message Authentication Codes]信息摘要算法就可以解决这个问题,同普通MD5、SHA等对比,MAC消息的散列加入了秘钥的概念,更加安全,是MD5和SHA算法的升级版,可以认为TLS完整性是数据保密性延伸,接下来就借助WireShark看看TLS握手的过程,并看看是如何实现身份鉴别、保密性、完整性的。 HTTPS安全通信简化来说: 在协商阶段用非对称加密协商好通信的对称秘钥 ,然后 用对称秘钥加密进行数据通信 ,简易的WireShark TLS/SSL协商过程示意如下: 细化分离后示意如下: 握手分多个阶段,不过一次握手可以完成多个动作,而且也并不是所有类型的握手都是上述模型,因为协商对称秘钥的算法不止一种,所以握手的具体操作也并非一成不变,比如RSA就比ECDHE要简单的多,目前主流使用的都是ECDHE,具体流程拆分如下: Client Hello是TLS/SSL握手发起的第一个动作,类似TCP的SYN,Client Hello 阶段客户端会指定版本,随机数、支持的密码套件供服务端选择,具体的包数据如下 启动TLS握手过程, 提供自己所能支持各种算法,同时提供一个将来所能用到的随机数 。 ContentType指示TLS通信处于哪个阶段阶段,值22代表Handshake,握手阶段,Version是TLS的版本1.2,在握手阶段,后面链接的就是握手协议,这里是Client Hello,值是1,同时还会创建一个随机数random给Server,它会在生成session key【对称密钥】时使用。之后就是支持的供服务端选择的密码套件,接下来等服务端返回。 Handshake Type: Server Hello (2),作为对Client Hello的响应 , 确定使用的加密套件 : TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02f),密钥协商使用 ECDHE,签名使用 RSA, 数据通信通信使用 AES 对称加密,并且密钥长度是128位,GCM分组,同时生成一个服务端的random及会话ID回传。 这一步服务器将配置的证书【链】发送给客户端,客户端基于上文所述的证书链校验证书的有效性,这里发送的证书是二进制格,可以利用wireshark右键“Export Packet Bytes”功能,导出.CER格式的证书。如下可以看到传输的证书链。 导出的CER格式的证书如下,最关键的就其公钥跟数字签名。 Server Key Exchange是针对选定的ECDHE协商所必须的步骤,Diffie-Hellman模型解释如下: 大意就是ephemeral Diffie-Hellman不会使用证书中的静态公钥参与对称秘钥的生成,而是需要服务端与客户端通过彼此协商确定对称秘钥,而D-H算法模型需要两对非对称秘钥对,各端保留自己的私钥,同时握有双方的公钥,然后基于D-H算法双端可以算出一样的对称加密秘钥,而这就需要C/S互传自己的公钥 服务端做完这一步,其实ECDHE算法中服务端需要提供的信息已经结束,发送 Server Hello Done告诉客户端,然后等待客户端回传它的D-H公钥。 算法: 其中p和g是公开的DH参数,只要P是一个足够大的数,在不知道私钥的情况下,即使截获了双方的公钥,也是很难破解的。 客户端收到服务端的证书后,利用信任链检测证书有效性,同时也会同Server Key Exchange 类似,将自己的Diffie-Hellman公钥发送给Server端, 至此,ECDHE协商所需要的信息都传输完毕, 双方都可以基于ECDHE算法算出的共享密钥,同时结合之前的随机数生成最终的对称加密秘钥: 之后客户端发送Change Cipher Spec与 Encrypted Handshake Message标识握手完成,同时传输一个加密的数据给Server,验证双方确立的秘钥是否正确,这就需要服务端也要重复这个操作给客户端,这样才能验证彼此的加解密一致,即服务端也要来一次Encrypted Handshake Message回传给客户端校验, 走完如上流程,双方就确认了正确的对称加密通道,后面就是TLS的数据通信,其Record Layer的ContentType 也会变成 Content Type: Application Data (23): 最终对称会话密钥包含三部分因子: Client Hello与Server Hello阶段交换的随机数,是为了提高秘钥的「随机」程度而进行的,这样有助于提高会话密钥破解难度。 HTTPS通过加密与完整性校验可以防止数据包破解与篡改,但对于主动授信的抓包操作是没法防护,比如Charles抓包,在这个场景用户已经风险,并且将Charles提供的证书信任为根证书,这从源头上构建了一条虚拟的信任链:在握手阶段,Charles利用自己的公钥,生成客户端可以信任的篡改证书,从而可以充作中间人进而抓包,所谓中间人攻击,感觉跟Https抓包原理一样,都是要强制添加一个自己的信任根证书。


TLS 是根据SSL为基础开发的,原理是一样的,但是和SSL并不兼容,其中有些加密算法等是不同的。你可以把他们两个理解为同一东东SSL(Secure Socket Layer ) 是由网景开发的,用于浏览器和Web服务器之间的加密通讯,当你访问一个https的站点,SSL 协议就起作用了。TLS (Transport Level/Layer Security)是根据 SSL 发展而来的,我们可以理解为TLS 就是用来加密 SMTP 通讯的 SSL。SSL则可以用来加密 HTTP, POP3, IMAP, NTTP and LDAP 等诸多协议。


从Oracle9iR2开始支持Linux上的异步IO,但是Oracle9iR2和Oracle10gR1中的AIO模块默认是disable的,如果要启用必须relink一下 cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib make -f ins_rdbms.mk async_on make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle 当然,如果要关闭AIO支持,只需要使用as 从Oracle9iR2开始支持Linux上的异步IO,但是Oracle9iR2和Oracle10gR1中的AIO模块默认是disable的,如果要启用必须relink一下cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/libmake -f ins_rdbms.mk async_onmake -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle当然,如果要关闭AIO支持,只需要使用async_off选项进行relink即可。在Oracle10gR2中AIO默认已经是开启的了。可以通过ldd或者nm来检查oracle是否已经启用了AIO支持,有输出代表已经启用/usr/bin/ldd $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle | grep libaio libaio.so.1 => /usr/lib64/libaio.so.1 (0x0000003ca9800000)/usr/bin/nm $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle | grep io_getevent w io_getevents@@LIBAIO_0.4当然,Linux也必须已经安装了AIO相关的packagerpm -qa | grep aiolibaio-0.3.105-2libaio-devel-0.3.105-2可以通过查看slabinfo统计信息查看操作系统中AIO是否运行,slab是Linux的内存分配器,AIO相关的内存结构已经分配的话(第二列和第三列非0)说明AIO已经启用cat /proc/slabinfo | grep kiokioctx 102 170 384 10 1 :tunables 54 27 8 : slabdata 17 17 0kiocb 488 495 256 15 1 :tunables 120 60 8 : slabdata 33 33 120最后,还需要在Oracle中设置相关的初始化参数来使用AIOdisk_asynch_io = truefilesystemio_options = asynch #文件系统才需要通过命令nm $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle | grep io_getevent查询是否启用aio

在redhat linux5.4里 替换动态库后,编译成功,但用ldd查看程序,显示此库找不到


在Red Hat Linux 中程序函数库可以分为哪几种类型? 它们的调用方法各是什么?请说出nm和ldd两个命令的作

1)、在Red Hat Linux中函数库可以分为3种类型:静态函数库、共享函数库和动态加载函数库。 静态函数库在应用程序编译时就把函数的执行代码加入到应用程序中。 共享函数库中的函数当一个可执行程序启动时被加载。 动态加载函数库可以在程序运行的任何阶段加载函数。 2)、使用nm和ldd命令可以获得关于库函数的信息。 nm命令可以列出一个函数库文件中的符号表,它对静态的库函数和共享的库函数都能起作用。 ldd命令可以列出一个程序正常运行所需要的共享库。 3)、库函数缺省存放在/lib和/usr/lib中,以及动态库配置文件内所列的目录中。 如果库函数没有在这些目录下,可以在中加入所须目录,后运行ldconfig命令,使之生效。或设置环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH或LD_PRELOAD加入库函数所存放的目录。 还有不会的请参考《linux就该这么学》,针对各种linux疑难杂症,帮助linux学习者。

we have many great specials in our restaurant.汉语

special appear Neither nor has hasn"tyet doesn"t like either

日语 maruhan 什么意思

是一家日本公司(的名字),全称:Maruhan Corporation(株式会社マルハン)该公司由韩昌祐在1972年设立,是全日本最大的弹子机(パチンコ)游戏机厅经营者。名字的由来据说是取自弹子是圆形的(maru),加上“韩”的发音(han)组合而成。另一说,是因为“恨”的朝鲜语发音是han--沉迷游戏会“恨”。但这个说法被韩昌祐自己否定了。

it also has other specials这句话什么意思

it also has other specials它还具有其他特色双语对照例句:1.Cain also has other children. 该隐也有其他的孩子。2.Not only is it long lasting but it also has other pluses. 药片不仅能持续很长时间,而且还有其他的活力。

5.Why did Alexander Pope say that a little learning is a dangerous thing?


We have ____ A.two great new specials B.two new great specials C.great two new specials


我们的饭店有许多特色菜 翻译成英语Our restanrant have还是has some specials

蒽 ,Has、饭店是三人称单数、

what ________specials___(特色菜)would you like ?这里的可用单数吗

what is specials food would you like?因为 special + s 是单数的情况下才加的。如果要用复数那得What are special foods would you like?

we have some great specials中的specials什么词性?


请问YuYu Hakusho是什么意思?

幽游白书书名的由来 幽游白书,日语读法用罗马字母拼为YUYU HAKUSHO。关于这个名字是怎么来的,听听富ㄐㄧㄢ先生(作者)怎么说。 "幽游白书"的由来没有那么顺利。在企画会议提出草稿时,题目名尚未定好,就先写了个"幽灵之门(暂定)"。后来企画通过,必须确定标题时,基于故事是与妖怪周旋,模仿西游记的内容,就提了"幽游记"。后来有人说,到时会有一部叫"珍游记"的漫画同时连载,而且对方已经先定好标题了……。于是我就想到了"幽游白书"。用"~~传"、"~~~物语"也可以,只是刚好想到了"白书",就这样定下来了。 总归一句话,标题的决定来自于当时的灵感。




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You cry to the piercing that person is the person


do you think you will have your own robot?

翻译如下:题目:Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?翻译:你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么?正文1:When we watch movies about the future , we sometimes see robots.翻译:当我们观看关于未来的电影,我们有时会看到机器人。They are usually like human servants.翻译:它们通常是像人类的仆人。They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.翻译:他们帮助做家务,喜欢在肮脏或危险的地方工作。正文2:Today there are already robots working in factories.翻译:今天已经有机器人在工厂工作。Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again.翻译:一些可以帮助制造汽车,他们一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。Fewer people will do such jobs in the future beceuse they are boring , but robots will never get bored.翻译:更少的人在未来会做这样的工作因为它们是枯燥的,但是机器人永远不会厌倦。正文3:Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.翻译:科学家们正试图使机器人看起来像人类和做与我们一样的事情。Some robots in Japan can walk and dance.翻译:日本的一些机器人能够行走和跳舞。They are fun to watch.翻译:他们是观看的乐趣。Howevery , some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.翻译:但是,一些科学家相信,虽然我们可以让机器人像人一样,但我们将会很难让他们看起来真的像人。For example , scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.翻译:例如,白人科学家杰姆斯认为机器人将永远无法醒来并且知道他们在哪里。But many scientists disagree with Mr. White . They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.翻译:但是许多科学家不同意杰姆斯.他们认为机器人在20到50年后能够像人类一样说话。正文4:Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.翻译:一些科学家相信未来会有更多的机器人。However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.翻译:然而,他们同意这可能会花费数百年的时间。These new robots will have many different shapes.翻译:这些新的机器人将有许多不同的形状。Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.翻译:一些将会看起来像人类,其他的可能看起来像动物。In India , for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.翻译:在印度,例如,科学家让机器人看起来像蛇。If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.翻译:如果建筑物坠落下来,里面的人,这些蛇机器人可以帮助建筑物下的人看。This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.翻译:这是不可能的20年前,但是计算机和火箭也好像是100年前是不可能的。We never know what will happen in the future!翻译:我们永远不知道未来会发生什么!一、watch1、含义:v. 注视;看守;观看;n. 手表;监视;看守;值班。2、用法watch的基本意思是“观看”“注视”,指用眼睛跟踪某物以观察到每一个动作、变化、危险迹象、机会等。引申可表示“照管”“守护,保卫”等,指明确需要警觉,做好防止危险发生的准备,强调连续性和职务性。watch用作名词时意思是“看守”,表示抽象的动作,也可指“看守者”“水手值班的一班”,旧时还可指“巡夜警察”。I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。二、never1、含义:adv. 永不;绝不;从不;未曾。2、用法never作“永不,绝不”解,表示全部否定,一般指经常性的状态,不用于修饰一次性的具体动作。never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前; 如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。I will never forget your kindness.我永远忘不了你的好意。三、usually1、含义:adv. 通常;经常。2、用法usually是频度副词,意思是“常常”“习惯于”,有遵循常规的意思,其经常性约为90%。usually只能用作状语,位于实义动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,也可放在句首或句末表示强调。用于否定句时,多位于实义动词与系动词、助动词或情态动词的中间。I usually wake up early.我通常醒得很早。四、snake1、含义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人;v. 蜿蜒;拖曳。2、用法直接源自古英语的snaca,意为蛇。snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。五、under1、含义:prep. 低于;在 ... 下;在 ... 内;在 ... 控制下;adv. 在昏迷中;在 ... 下;adj. 下面的;从属的;少于的。2、用法under表示静止的空间位置时,意思是“在…的正下方”“在…的下面”; 也可指在某物的脚边或底下,即“在…底下”“在…脚下”; 还可指在人身体某部位之下;有时还可引申表示“在…遮蔽〔保护〕之下”。The total is under what was expected.总数低于预计数。

will people have robots? 是什么意思?


do you think you will have your own robot?

翻译如下:题目:Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot?翻译:你认为你将会有属于自己的机器人么?正文1:When we watch movies about the future , we sometimes see robots.翻译:当我们观看关于未来的电影,我们有时会看到机器人。They are usually like human servants.翻译:它们通常是像人类的仆人。They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places.翻译:他们帮助做家务,喜欢在肮脏或危险的地方工作。正文2:Today there are already robots working in factories.翻译:今天已经有机器人在工厂工作。Some can help to build cars , and they do simple jobs over and over again.翻译:一些可以帮助制造汽车,他们一遍又一遍地做着简单的工作。Fewer people will do such jobs in the future beceuse they are boring , but robots will never get bored.翻译:更少的人在未来会做这样的工作因为它们是枯燥的,但是机器人永远不会厌倦。正文3:Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do.翻译:科学家们正试图使机器人看起来像人类和做与我们一样的事情。Some robots in Japan can walk and dance.翻译:日本的一些机器人能够行走和跳舞。They are fun to watch.翻译:他们是观看的乐趣。Howevery , some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human.翻译:但是,一些科学家相信,虽然我们可以让机器人像人一样,但我们将会很难让他们看起来真的像人。For example , scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are.翻译:例如,白人科学家杰姆斯认为机器人将永远无法醒来并且知道他们在哪里。But many scientists disagree with Mr. White . They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years.翻译:但是许多科学家不同意杰姆斯.他们认为机器人在20到50年后能够像人类一样说话。正文4:Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future.翻译:一些科学家相信未来会有更多的机器人。However, they agree it may take hundreds of years.翻译:然而,他们同意这可能会花费数百年的时间。These new robots will have many different shapes.翻译:这些新的机器人将有许多不同的形状。Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals.翻译:一些将会看起来像人类,其他的可能看起来像动物。In India , for example,scientists made robots that look like snakes.翻译:在印度,例如,科学家让机器人看起来像蛇。If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings.翻译:如果建筑物坠落下来,里面的人,这些蛇机器人可以帮助建筑物下的人看。This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago.翻译:这是不可能的20年前,但是计算机和火箭也好像是100年前是不可能的。We never know what will happen in the future!翻译:我们永远不知道未来会发生什么!一、watch1、含义:v. 注视;看守;观看;n. 手表;监视;看守;值班。2、用法watch的基本意思是“观看”“注视”,指用眼睛跟踪某物以观察到每一个动作、变化、危险迹象、机会等。引申可表示“照管”“守护,保卫”等,指明确需要警觉,做好防止危险发生的准备,强调连续性和职务性。watch用作名词时意思是“看守”,表示抽象的动作,也可指“看守者”“水手值班的一班”,旧时还可指“巡夜警察”。I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.我很少下棋,但是喜欢看。二、never1、含义:adv. 永不;绝不;从不;未曾。2、用法never作“永不,绝不”解,表示全部否定,一般指经常性的状态,不用于修饰一次性的具体动作。never一般位于系动词及助动词之后,实义动词之前; 如修饰动词不定式或分词,则要放在不定式或分词前。I will never forget your kindness.我永远忘不了你的好意。三、usually1、含义:adv. 通常;经常。2、用法usually是频度副词,意思是“常常”“习惯于”,有遵循常规的意思,其经常性约为90%。usually只能用作状语,位于实义动词之前,系动词、助动词或情态动词之后,也可放在句首或句末表示强调。用于否定句时,多位于实义动词与系动词、助动词或情态动词的中间。I usually wake up early.我通常醒得很早。四、snake1、含义:n. 蛇;狡诈的人;v. 蜿蜒;拖曳。2、用法直接源自古英语的snaca,意为蛇。snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。五、under1、含义:prep. 低于;在 ... 下;在 ... 内;在 ... 控制下;adv. 在昏迷中;在 ... 下;adj. 下面的;从属的;少于的。2、用法under表示静止的空间位置时,意思是“在…的正下方”“在…的下面”; 也可指在某物的脚边或底下,即“在…底下”“在…脚下”; 还可指在人身体某部位之下;有时还可引申表示“在…遮蔽〔保护〕之下”。The total is under what was expected.总数低于预计数。


作为一名外科医生 死亡对我来说是家常便饭

She said more is at stake than just resettlement

我觉得这句话可以这么理解:她现在强调的是当前所面临的困境而不是难民的重新安置more than 的用法很多可以参照以下:1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:(1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。(2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils.凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:(1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。(2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如:(1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。(2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。4. more than与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如:(1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。(2)His progress in English learning more than encouraged him to learn the subject well. 在英语学习方面的进步激励他学好这门课程。5. more than和含有情态动词的句子连用,有否定意义,表示“是……难以……”或“超过了……所能”之义。例如:(1)The beauty of the mountainous country is more than I can describe. 我难以描述那个山村的美丽。(2)This problem is more than a child like Jack can settle. 这一问题超出了像杰克这样的小孩的解决能力。6. no more than意思是“仅仅,不过,只是”。例如:(1)All his education added up to no more than one year. 他接受的所有的学校教育只有一年。(2)Their new flat has no more than 60 square metres. 他们的新居只有60平方米。7. not more than表示“至多,不超过”,例如:Lying on the ground was a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.躺在地上的那个农家男孩最多十七岁。


what at stake is 岌岌可危的是双语例句What is at stake is the very future of the multilateral trading system.多边贸易制度未来的本身目前岌岌可危。But what is at stake is not only economic and financial stability.但是,利益攸关的不仅仅是欧元区的经济和金融稳定。What is at stake is our ability to recognize our own fallibility.最为危险的是我们没有能力认识到自己的错误。

英语翻译: What is at stake

六级题目解答the United Nations issued a report last week warning that humans are destroying nature at such a rate that life on Earth is at risk. When the report came out, it naturally __G_grabed__headlines. But obviously it didn"t hijack the news agenda in the manner of a major terrorist attack or _B_declaration__ of war.the report from the Intergovernment Science-Policy on Biediverdity and Ecosystem Services (ISBES) is clear on what"s at _M_stake_ and what needs to change. IPBES chair Robert Watson says the "_K overwhelming__ evidence" presents an "ominous(凶兆的) picture". “the health of ecosystems on which we and all other species depend is __C_deteriorating_ more rapidly than ever, " Robert Watson said." We are _F eroding__ the very foundations of our economies, live-lihoods, food security, health and quality of life worldwide." The report says it"s not too late if we make "transformative change"- fundamental, system-wide reorganization-at every level from local to global, and we need to focus on how to make that happen. first, don"t indulge in despair, because despair leads to inertia and doing nothing means certain _E disaster__. Every actoin to save nature will improve our collective and personal futures and the only way to respond to a threat of this scale is with ___D determined_ action rooted in headstrong optimism. Second, we need relentless focus, just like when paramedics arrive on a scene and use the concept of "triage(伤员鉴别分类)”to ensure the most_O_urgent_ cases get treated first. Saving the national world needs that kind of thinking. We don"t have the _A_capacity__ to do everything at once. We need to make hard choices.懂意思即可,满意请采纳

hamburger stake 什么意思

“hamburger steak”汉堡牛排或汉堡煎牛肉饼(注: stake 应写成:“steak” ,steak 就是“牛排”的意思)

have a stake in是什么意思


Kate Havnevik的《Timeless》 歌词

歌曲名:Timeless歌手:Kate Havnevik专辑:Melankton张力尹 - TIMELESS我不愿意 听你说放弃累的心 仿佛失去全部力气多想可以 继续拥抱你让爱情 用微笑一路走下去Timeless 这不是离别若爱不能倒回 这一刻会永远Hold tight babyTimeless 珍藏在我心扉像一场重感冒让人疲惫 慢慢的复原we both agreeThis is timeless love..没了呼吸 慢慢我远去但伤心 一直盘旋在那原地我用全力呼喊你 谁静静在听一颗心 还隐隐作痛在低泣停不了想念的泪滴还有什么领悟让我坚定再无法捉紧 难道一切注定Timeless 这不是离别若爱不能倒回 这一刻会永远Hold tight 、 babyTimeless 珍藏在我心扉像一场重感冒让人疲惫 慢慢的复原we both agreeThis is timeless love..yeah...baby It"s timeless..oh baby It"s timelessTimeless 回忆不断翻飞像一场重感冒让人疲惫 慢慢的复原http://music.baidu.com/song/18371210

have a stake in sth.

have a stake in sth与...利害攸关

what is "at stake" in this film?


have a stake 在这句话是该怎样翻译?

have a stake in sth 与...利害攸关Each of us has a stake in the future of our country. 我们国家的未来与我们每个人都利害相关

stake 和 share 有什么区别?就股份而言

stake[steik]n.树桩sharen.共享, 参与, 一份, 部分, 份额, 参股vt.分享, 均分, 共有, 分配vi.分享[计] 使DOS支持文件共享和锁定





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you are notauthriz to purchaseon this deviue是什么意思

authriz 和 deviue 是错别字,原文应该如下: You are not authorized to purchase on this device. 〔译文〕你未被授权购买这种设备。

michael sembello的《Maniac》 歌词

歌曲名:Maniac歌手:michael sembello专辑:80S DanceJust a steel town girl on a Saturday nightLooking for the fight of her lifeIn the real time world no one sees her at allThey all say she"s crazyLocking rhythms to the beat of her heartChanging movement into lightShe has danced into the danger zoneWhen the dancer becomes the dance.It can cut you like a knifeIf the gift becomes the fireOn the wire between will and what will be.She"s a maniac--maniac on the floorAnd she"s dancing like she"s never danced beforeOn the ice blue line of insanityIs a place most never seeIt"s a hard won place of mysteryTouch it but can"t hold itYou work all your life for that moment in timeIt can come or pass you byIt"s a push, shove world but there"s always a chanceIf the hunger stays the nightThere"s a cold kinetic heatStruggling, stretching for the peakNever stopping with her head against the wind.She"s a maniac--maniac at your doorAnd she"s dancing like she"s never danced beforeIt can cut you like a knifeIf the gift becomes the fireOn the wire between will and what will be.She"s a maniac--maniac at your doorAnd she"s dancing like she"s never danced beforehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8543499



visions of johanna 歌词

歌曲名:visions of johanna歌手:Robyn Hitchcock专辑:robyn singsAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa musta had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezI can"t find my knees."Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him."But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14588539

Visions Of Johanna 歌词

歌曲名:Visions Of Johanna歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Live 1966 "The Royal Albert Hall Concert" The Bootleg Series Vol. 4Visions of johannaBob DylanAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa must had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezeI can"t find my knees"Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him"But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8778018

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我有一块老上海手表,表盘有25zuan,后壳SHANGHAI WATCH FACTORY SSSA


上海牌手表,表背字样:SHANGHAI WATCH FACTORY SSSA 表盘有25zuan的小字




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Placebo的Running Up That Hill中文歌词歌名。

歌名:奔向那山It doesn"t hurt me.我没受到伤害.You wanna feel how it feels?你想知道受伤的感觉么?You wanna know, know that it doesn"t hurt me?你想知道我并没有受伤么?You wanna hear about the deal I"m making?你想听听我都作了什么交易么?You *be running up that hill*你应该奔向那山You and me *be running up that hill*我和你都应该奔向那山And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,Be running up that building.我们就可以奔向那楼.If I only could, oh.如果我可以的话就好了,哦.You don"t want to hurt me,你不想伤害我,But see how deep the bullet lies.但却看到那颗子弹深深地嵌在我身体里.Unaware that I"m tearing you asunder.我没觉察到我正在撕碎你.There is thunder in our hearts, baby.在我们的心中有雷电,宝贝.So much hate for the ones we love?如此憎恨我们所爱的人么?Tell me, we both matter, don"t we?告诉我,我们都在乎对方,是么?You, *be running up that hill*你应该奔向那山You and me, *be running up that hill*我和你都应该奔向那山You and me won"t be unhappy.我和你都将不开心.And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,Be running up that building.我们就可以奔向那楼.If I only could, oh.如果我可以的话就好了,哦."C"mon, baby, c"mon, c"mon, darling,加油,宝贝,加油,加油,亲爱的,Let me steal this moment from you now.让我现在从你那里偷走这时刻.C"mon, angel, c"mon, c"mon, darling,加油,天使,加油,加油,亲爱的,Let"s exchange the experience, oh."让我们相互交换体验,哦.And if I only could,如果我可以,Make a deal with God,和上帝做一个交易, And get him to swap our places,让他和我们交换地方,Be running up that road,我们就可以奔向那路,Be running up that hill,我们就可以奔向那山,With no problems. x2毫无问题."If I only could, be running up that hill." x7要是我可以奔向那山就好了.

各位谁有Saranghae英文版的歌词发给我要吗?我想把它下载到手机的 谢谢!谢谢

I"ll be there taking the blamecoz I know I know I know that I"ll be waiting for that dayGIRL I need to tell you that how much Ilove youMore than everything I haveI love youI love you

happy week-end and have fun怎么回复对方

same to you

如何过一个愉快的周末,请以how to spend a happy weekend为题的英语作文,开

I had a very happy weekend.On Sunday,all the students got together at 8 in the morning at the school gate.We were going to ride bicycles to our destination.It took us about 30 minutes to reach there.After we arrived,we played a lot of games.We also took pictures of ourselves and the beautiful views.At noon,we had a picnic together.Everyone brought so much food and drinks.They were so delicious.I really had a good time.我周末过得很愉快.周日的时候,所有的学生早上8点在校门口集合.我们骑自行车去目的地.我们大约花了30分钟才到那里.当我们到达以后,我们玩了很多游戏.我们也给自己和美丽的景色拍了照片.中午的时候,我们一起野餐.每个人都带了很多食物和饮料.他们都很好吃.我玩的很开心.

Mayer Hawthorne的《Prelude》 歌词

歌曲名:Prelude歌手:Mayer Hawthorne专辑:A Strange ArrangementMr.Children - Prelude作词:桜井和寿 / 作曲:桜井和寿Lyric by Jade Hey you 日が暮れる今日はどんな一日だった?全部が思い通りにいくはずないって知ってて闻いてんだ 明日はどこに行こう?ねぇmy friend. where do we go?七色の光を放ってた梦がしぼんじゃったとしても颜を上げな 前奏曲(プレリュード)が闻こえてくるさぁ 耳を澄ませてごらん停留场で仆は待ってる君も一绪に乗らないか? 胸の高鸣りにその身をゆだねよう熏りをわだかまりを舍てに行こう深く考えないことが切符代わりだ 首を縦に振るただそれだけで昨日が过ぎてしまったそんな自分を嫌にならない为の言い訳を自分に缲り返しやり过ごしているのなら 梦幻(まぼろし)を振りまいて 今その列车は走り出す汽笛を轰かせて 躯体を震わせて 光の射す方へ悩んでたことなんて 今はとりあえず棚の上へ要らないぜ 荷物なんて何も持たないで飞び乗れ! Hey you その昔は英雄になれると勘违いしてたテーブルでスタンバってたって何も运ばれちゃこないのに そこで何してるの?ねぇmy friend. what" s going on?探し物は见つかったの?それともニセモノをつかまされて泣き寝入りかい? 信じていれば梦は叶うだなんて口が裂けても言えないだけど信じてなければ成し得ないことがきっと何処かで仆らの访れを待っている 悲しみを追い越して なおもその列车は走ってく暗闇を切り裂いて 风をおこして 目指してたその向こうへ良识やモラルなんて 今はとりあえず棚の上へ要らないぜ 客観视なんて息绝えるまで止まらないで! 长いこと続いてた自分探しの旅もこの辺で终わりにしようか明日こそ 谁かに必要とされる自分を见つけたい Hey you 日が暮れる明日はどんな一日にしようか?前奏曲(プレリュード)が闻こえてるさぁ 耳を澄ませてごらん 憧れを连れ回して 今日もその列车は走ってる汽笛を轰かせて 躯体を震わせて 光の射す方へ悩んでたことなんて 今はとりあえず棚の上へ要らないぜ 荷物なんて何も手にしないで飞び回れ! The End...http://music.baidu.com/song/2832050

Martha Masters的《Prelude》 歌词

歌曲名:Prelude歌手:Martha Masters专辑:SerenadePreludeDream in your heartI feel in asleep nightBut there is only starsLike tears of the moonLike silent moonAnd on and onSo the sad will fall and fallBut I think all the dreamIs true anyday, for anyoneLove in your eyesI feel in clear skyBut there is only windsLike sighs of the earthLike weeping earthStill on and onSo the pain will blow and blowBut I wish all the loveIs free anyday, for anyonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/15077763

happy weeks ending语法对吗?

祝你你周末愉快,可以说。happy weekend

Happy T.G.I.F.是什么意思

T.G.I. F. Thank God It"s Friday: 感谢上帝星期五到了感谢上帝星期五到了Happy T.G.I.F.=周末愉快


摄像机中的PH 、HA 、HG 、HE等分别指相同分辨率下不同的编码模式。码流越高,画面质量越好,但占用的空间也越多:。1080/50p:1920×1080(28Mbps/VBR)HA:1920×1080(17Mbps/VBR)HG:1920×1080(13Mbps/VBR)HX:1920×1080(9Mbps/VBR)HE:1920×1080(5Mbps/VBR)iFrame:960×540(28Mbps/VBR)SbS:1920×1080(17Mbps/VBR)HA 模的画面质量高,但占的空间大。



the missile is designed in such a way that once


how far is beijing from shanghai?how far is it from beijing to shanghai?是一个意思吗



Does the woman have five plates?

from11:20a.m to 1 p.mwe havealunch break怎么改一般疑问句

1.When do you have a lunch break? 2.What does Alice do at break? 3.Do you have six classes every day? No,we don"t . 6.Which man is your English teacher?

what are those?什么什么plates.

They are plates.

we dont have plates

platesn. 盘子(plate的复数);板材;[建] 平板

Translate the following sentences into Chinese 1.Sheila types faster than Anne,but less carefully.


日语里的 naga,toki,cuzu,xilo,wataxi,hana,kana,kulo,na

なが とき くず (白色)しろ わたし(我) はな(花) かな くろ(黑色) なに(什么)


JOHANNES BROADWOOD CUM FILIIS商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JOHANNES BROADWOOD CUM FILIIS还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第25类(服装、鞋帽、袜子手套)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

关于 Johannes Seiler


her husband was put into u2015u2015prison,and she has to go tou2015u2015prison once a month to visit

her husband was put into 【不加任何冠词】prison,and she has to go to【the】prison once a month to visit翻译: 她的丈夫入狱了。她得每个月探监一次。解析:put into prison 坐牢,属于固定搭配The murderer was put into prison last year.那个杀人犯去年被关进监狱。去探监用: go to the prison to visit祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!


很抱歉,我不清楚赛乐尔的品牌为什么有SEILER和JOHANNES SEILER两个LOGO。我可以提供一些关于赛乐尔品牌的历史和背景信息。赛乐尔起初是一位细木工人,他在1849年以自己的名字创建了公司。他的目标是制造出不仅能满足专业人士需求,同时也能让有教养的中产阶级感到通向音乐殿堂的道路并非遥不可及的立式钢琴或大钢琴。赛乐尔品牌目前分为ED系列和GS系列,其中ED系列是赛乐尔的演奏级系列,而GS系列是赛乐尔的家用级系列。无论是哪个系列,只要是正规的德国品牌,都会首先确保品质。建议您查询官方网站或联系赛乐尔的客户支持以获取更准确和详细的信息。





prison sous haute tension什么意思?

prison sous haute tension翻译是高压监狱。高压监狱是一部电影,是美国运送全美最危险的罪犯而专设的飞机。卡麦伦(尼古拉斯u2022凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)坐上这趟飞机,不是因为他罪恶滔天,而是他为了赶在女儿生日那天,亲手给女儿一份礼物而申请的一次飞行。他在狱中表现良好,典狱官答应了他这个请求。然而,却有一个难题——在这趟飞机上,还押送着一帮杀人狂魔。警探非常留神随时可能出现的危险,但防不胜防的是,飞行过程中那帮暴徒还是挟持了飞机上全部的警察,卡麦伦也被迫帮他们完成逃脱任务。地面的联邦部队决定把飞机打下,把狂徒一网打尽,身陷险境的卡麦伦该逃出这个高压监狱?电影越来越不好看了.我是说这个年头的电影.难看的就不多说了,难得好看的几部,看完也会让人心生遗憾,总有些镜头、手法、意境,让人看地眼热,珠玉在前,再突破也太难,不突破也不好打个平手,只是在前人的光芒下兀自硬挺而已。

johannes seiler 钢琴GS120T花25500买的贵不贵?

我被忽悠了 我买这个花了36000元
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