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you have a poker face

you have a poker face你有一张扑克脸

求分析这句英语的成分 ? He rejoiced in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol.

he 主:rejoiced 谓语、in……chance状语、to不定式作定语。

he rejoiced in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol. 英语句子成份怎么划分?

这个句子可以被划分为主语、谓语、宾语和宾语补足语。主语:he谓语:rejoiced宾语:in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol宾语补足语:in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol

he rejoiced in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol. 英语句子成份怎么划分?

He |rejoiced | in | his good fortune | of | the chance | to meet | his idol这个句子可以分为以下成分:主语:he谓语:rejoiced介词短语:in his good fortune介词短语:of the chance不定式短语:to meet his idol具体来说:主语:he谓语:rejoiced介词短语:in his good fortune(用来修饰动词rejoiced,表示他为自己有机会见到偶像而感到幸运)介词短语:of the chance(用来修饰名词fortune,表示他的幸运源自于有这个机会)不定式短语:to meet his idol(作为名词chance的补语,表示他有机会见到他的偶像)因此,这个句子包含主语、谓语、两个介词短语和一个不定式短语祝学习进步!


happy是侧重心情的表达,i am so happy!而rejoice是侧重对某些事情感到开心,i rejoice to join your club.再就是happy是形容词rejoice是动词



he rejoiced in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol. 英语句子成份怎么划分?

这个英语句子可以划分为以下成分:主语:he谓语:rejoiced宾语:in his good fortune of the chance to meet his idol.其中,宾语又可以进一步划分为以下部分:介词短语:in his good fortune连词短语:of the chance to meet his idol.介词短语 "in his good fortune" 表示他对自己的好运感到高兴;连词短语 "of the chance to meet his idol" 则表示这个好运是因为他有机会见到他的偶像。整个句子的意思是,他为有机会见到他的偶像而感到幸运和高兴。


英 [ ru026au02c8du0292u0254u026as ] 美 [ ru026au02c8du0292u0254u026as ]考研 / CET6 / CET4 / GRE / IELTSvi.高兴; 欢庆vt.使高兴; 使欢喜变形过去式: rejoiced 过去分词: rejoiced 现在分词: rejoicing 第三人称单数: rejoicesRejoice释义飘柔;飞柔祝您生活愉快,望采纳。

求大神帮我注册一个越南zing chat的帐号!

vo thu trinh



我的电脑突然出现蓝屏而且很多英文,英文大致是:a problem has been detacted and winds



将MnS溶解在HAc溶液后,溶液的pH将() A.不变 B.变大 C.变小 D.无法预测 正确答案:B


溶液的 pH 值取决于其中的酸、碱浓度,而酸、碱浓度的变化取决于其离子产生的平衡。当向缓冲溶液中加入一种弱酸(如 HAc)和其共轭碱(如 NaAc)时,这两种离子会建立一个动态的平衡:部分的弱酸分子会自动离解为 H+ 离子和 Ac- 离子,而部分的 NaAc 则会自动水解为 Na+ 离子和 Ac- 离子。这个平衡可以表示为:HAc + H2O ⇌ H3O+ + Ac-NaAc + H2O ⇌ Na+ + OH- + Ac-其中,H3O+ 是氢离子,OH- 是羟离子,Ac- 是醋酸根离子。在这个平衡中,加入其他物质(如溶解物质)可能会对 HAc 和 NaAc 的离解平衡产生影响,从而改变缓冲溶液的 pH 值。例如,如果溶解物质是一种酸性物质,则会增加 H+ 离子的浓度,使得 HAc 分子更容易离解为 H+ 离子和 Ac- 离子,从而降低溶液的 pH 值。反之,如果溶解物质是一种碱性物质,则会增加 OH- 离子的浓度,使得 NaAc 分子更容易离解为 Na+ 离子和 Ac- 离子,从而升高溶液的 pH 值。因此,当将 mns 溶解在 HAc-NaAc 缓冲溶液中时,溶液中 HAc 和 NaAc 的离解平衡可能会受到影响,从而导致溶液 pH 值的改变。




HHA鎏金焕彩系列套装里面的精华液、眼霜、面霜通过了广东立创检测关于抗皱功效的评测。其抗皱效果得到了专业的认可,实验结果显示其DPPH自由基清除率达到了30.82%,因此具有显著的抗皱功效。一般使用28天可以起到舒缓压力纹,淡褪静态纹,收紧表情纹,细腻肌理纹的作用。 百度里面也有详细介绍。

我对我这次的考试成绩不满意 英文翻译用beunhappywith

i am unhappy with the result of this examination.



If you go to the seaside,_____. A nor do I B so do I C nor shall I D so shall I


What_ the pupils like?They like rabbits.

do 主语pupils是复数所以用助动词do.

The two pupils__you taught two years ago have become doctorsAthat Bwho Cwhich Dwhose

A和B都可以,句子缺少的是定语从句的宾语,指代先行词The two pupiles,指代的是人,因此,两者皆可,另外,缺少的是宾语,我们还可以在这里用whom

英语Half year ago怎么翻译?

Half year ago意思是半年以前,half是半意思,year是年的意思,ago表示之前前,过去了的。

关于 英文聊天网站 CHAT TO US

you need to prove you are human-----------你需要证明你是人类

North Haven 是美国什么城市 属于什么州

名为North Haven的城市在美国有3处,3个不同的州内,均在美国东北部。Connecticut(康涅狄格州)Maine(缅因州)New York(纽约州)



what would i ever是谁唱的

《Why Would I Ever》是“Paula DeAnda”唱的。《Why Would I Ever》谱曲Sam Watters所属专辑:Why Would I Ever发行时间:2008年03月15日歌曲原唱:Paula DeAnda《Why Would I Ever》歌词:why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢wait a minute baby 等一会 宝贝 tell me what"s up lately 告诉我最近你怎么样 I been knowing you too long 我们认识很久了 why you hiding something 你为什么要掩饰一些事情 thought we was through with fronting 认为我们已经结束? i can tell that something"s wrong 我看得出有些不对劲 how could you even think that 你怎么会那么想呢 I wouldn"t have your back 我得不到你的支持 It"s me and you against the world 你和我不顾别人的反对 No matter what we go through 不管我们经历了什么 I"mma always roll with you 我会一直和你在一起 和你共同努力 I promise I will be your girl 我向你保证我会成为你的女人 why would i ever why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) 为什么我要考虑是否要离开你呢(有个声音在说) why would i ever 究竟为什么 baby I"d never 宝贝 我决不会那么做 cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) 因为我不知道怎么才能熬过没有你的生活(有个声音在说) cuz you put together every piece of me 因为是你将支离破碎的我拼凑完整 and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) 宝贝 你清楚知道我要成为什么样的人(和我好好谈谈吧) why would i ever, why would i ever 究竟为什么 why would i ever think of leaving you 为什么我要考虑是否要离你而去呢 wait a minute hold up 等一等 保持平静 I said when you rolled up 我说当你出现在我面前 you was yelling off the chain 失控地大叫的时候 get mad when i can"t make time 当我无法腾出时间陪你的时候 你就会很生气 houlda known that I"m on my grind 早该知道我也在努力啊 babe you know it"s all in your brain 宝贝 你知道这都是你的想法 now we been through some problems 现在我们遇到了一些问题 trust me we can solve them 相信我 我们可以解决我们之间的问题 we got too much in it to lose 我们失去的太多了 you"ve always been my best friend 你一直都是我最好的朋友 stop placing your bets when 不要再打赌了 baby I not leaving you 宝贝 我不会离开你 tell me why did you ever question 告诉我为什么你总爱问问题 question everything we stand for 什么都要问 between us (we got that) 我们之间(我们拥有…) have you seen us (we got that love) 你难道没看见我们俩 (我们拥有爱情) we got that love 我们拥有爱情 why would i ever why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you (somebody say) why would i ever baby I"d never cuz I just wouldn"t know how to get through (somebody say) cuz you put together every piece of me and baby you…you know exactly what i need to be (talk to me) why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you I"m not leaving you No I"m not leaving you 我不会离开你的 I won"t leave you in the cold 我不会让你孤零零一个人 I"m not leaving you I"m not leaving you 我不会离你而去的 Baby you know I love you 宝贝 你知道我爱你 why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving you why would i ever, why would i ever why would i ever think of leaving youPaula DeAnda简介:Paula DeAnda,美国女歌手,16岁出道,单曲Doing Too Much获得成功。现有同名专辑《Paula DeAnda》,歌曲风格以R&B为主。是一位颇具潜质的乐坛新秀。Paula DeAnda出生于圣安吉洛。父母是德克萨斯与墨西哥人。在家庭聚会表演歌曲与她的表兄弟她开始了她最喜爱的艺术家之路。在幼年时,她在城里开始接受钢琴课和唱歌,同时作为独奏家和备用歌手。她的第一次公开演出是在一场婚礼之中,之后在本地以及圣安吉洛其他地方出演。在2002年, DeAnda的家人决定到科珀斯克里斯蒂市以提高她的音乐技艺。Paula DeAnda取得一次重大突破,她试音Clive Davis并现场签署了一项关于Arista唱片公司的合同。"Doing Too Much" 是从她的首张同名专辑的主打单曲的主打单曲。它在美国被发布于2006年7月。 随后她的首张同名专辑于2006年8月29日发布。Baby Bash客串:The D.E.Y., Bow Wow, Lil Wayne, V Nice, Ak"Sent, and P.B.成名作:单曲Doing Too Much在2006年年初开始在当地电台播出。在Paula为Clive Davis试音之前,这首歌就引起很大反响,得以进入公告牌榜单。在意识到歌曲的成功之后,Paula开始在2006年的春天筹划她的首张专辑,同时她也在Corpus Christi上中学。"当然,我准备用英文和西班牙文录制歌曲,因为我知道自己来自何方,我不能失去自己的根。我谈起自己最喜欢的艺人包括Alicia Keys, Beyonce 和Keyshia Cole,我正在为自己的专辑写歌,我主要是想让这些歌曲讲述一些故事,传递一些信息。"


回答:I"m going to the bookstore to buy some books .希望可以帮到你!


What are you like?的意思为你长的什么样子?回答是:I have a big eyes and a small nose.


What are you good at ? 你擅长什么? 回答你擅长的东西,例如: I"m good at cooking/playing tennis/running...


what+are+ryu+going+to+do什么意思?Answer : 你打算怎么办?

NBA的一位传奇球星Penny Hardaway







这句话的翻译为:也许我们已经摒弃了青春的宗教,或遭受了重大的失望,这使我们所视为神圣的许多事物都成问题。在这句话中,第一个that引导主语从句,作主语解释说话者遭受的失望。第二个that引导宾语从句,作为held sacred的宾语,解释我们视为神圣的事物。所以两个that的用法分别为:1. 主语从句引导词:也许我们已经摒弃了青春的宗教,或(主语从句)遭受了重大的失望2. 宾语从句引导词:(这个失望)使(宾语从句)我们所视为神圣的许多事物都成问题。第一个that相当于一个形式主语,第二个that相当于一个直接宾语。都在从句中充当句子成分。除此之外,该句还使用了两个定语从句:1. 青春的宗教:修饰宗教,属性定语从句2. 我们所视为神圣的:修饰许多事物,定于从句这两个定语从句都使用了关系代词that连接。所以,总的来说,这个句子运用了两个that引导的从句(一个主语从句,一个宾语从句)和两个关系代词that引导的定语从句。比较复杂,需要慢慢分析理解其结构和语法。

master thaurs dirty scat world是什么意思是欧美哪个系列

master thaurs dirty scat world中文翻译主thaurs肮脏的粪便的世界例句:1.L n this dirty world, betrayal is not a shame. 在这个污秽的时代,出卖并不可耻。

请问韩语 Hajiman..kajima...jajima分别什么意思?


求高手帮忙翻译一下这片文章(英译汉)``~`·······~~·~~~~~· Reading is a good habit, but the



复数名词后用have,they have,we have,has单数it has.she has,I have 是固定用法。

Every cloud has a silver lining是什么意思


Armchair Cynics的Swallow歌词,哪位知道呀~~

On the ceiling the plaster moves like clouds, That turn to shapes. Headlights from all the passing cars leak through my blinds, Crash against the wall. And I"m a picture frame hiding nicotine stains, Hung up here for countless days. Half awake and half asleep, Just lying here with what"s inside of me. She cast the darkest shade onto my heart. Turned a life of love into a bitter pill so hard to swallow. Hard to swallow. Here it comes, The feeling that I don"t want to face this. Here it comes, Just when things were getting good. Here it comes, The feeling that she cast the darkest shade. Cancels out the day. In the morning the sun is a crack of light, That finds my face. Shines itself down on this dark room, Through half filled bottles of spilt cheap booze. And I"m a pair of shoes strung over a telephone wire, Over head and out of reach. I"m half awake and half asleep, Just lying here with what"s inside of me. She cast the darkest shade onto my heart. Turned a life of love into a bitter pill so hard to swallow. Hard to swallow. Hard to swallow. Here it comes, The feeling that I don"t want to face this. Here it comes, Just when things were getting good. Here it comes, The feeling that she cast the darkest shade. Cancels out the day. Cast the darkest shade... Cancels out the day... Here it comes, The feeling that I don"t want to face this. Here it comes, Just when things were getting good. Here it comes, The feeling that she cast the darkest shade. Cancels out the day. Cast the darkest shade... Cancels out the day... Cast the darkest shade... Cast the darkest shade...

sliver road sarah harmer 歌词翻译


英语minimum is 8 characters怎么翻译?

英语minimum is 8 characters翻译:最少8个字符



Gemma Hayes的《My God》 歌词

歌曲名:My God歌手:Gemma Hayes专辑:Night On My SideMy GodGemma HayesMy GodHope you"re on callCause I maybe in dangerof crashingbefore I get to fallLet"s cry boyWhile neighbourshave their backs turnedI"m having troublebelieving anything you sayKeep the car running outsideYou go and make up your mindYou"re staying her running wild with me You know I could stilllove you, yeahMy GodLooks like I"m going it aloneCan"t wipe the tears awayfast enoughNow I can"t see the roadGot a boot full of dreamsAnd a pocket fullof reasons not to stayGot a cross of Jesusaround my neckHoping he"ll help me find my waySo afraid of losingNow I"m scared of what I"ve wonSo afraid of leavingNow I don"t thinkI can return, yeahAnd all along there was a needfor changeAnd so I thought I better leavethis placeWhen all I had to do was changemy mindAll I had to do was changemy mindMy GodIs it alright if I turn rightback aroundCause I reckon I fly highestWhen my feet are plantedOn the groundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2636709

帮我用:“How to keep hair be healthy”。写一个作文 50-100字

“How to keep hair be healthy”Once you"ve finally nursed your hair back to health you probably wonder how to keep hair healthy. There are a few things that you should be focused on. Conditioning is an important element to keep your healthy. It"s also important to get rid of scraggly ends by trimming. Also, you should make sure you"re taking care of your hair at bedtime and throughout the day.ConditioningUsing leave-in conditioners, rinse out conditioners, and deep conditioners are all important to keep hair healthy. Moisturizing conditioners are the most important kind to use. Your leave-in conditioner should have moisturizing elements but it should not weigh down your hair. Your deep conditioning regimen should consist of moisturizing deep conditioners and protein deep conditioners. Moisturizing conditioners will keep your hair soft and supple. Protein conditioners will keep your hair strong and help damaged hair become stronger.TrimmingBed Time CareDaytime Care

what else do you know about leonardo da vinci 答案

Who was Leonardo da Vinci? You may answer without thinking: "He is the painter of Mona Lisa." What else do you know about him? Da Vinci was more than just a great artist in history. He"s also famousas a scientist and an inventor. Recently, the Grand Rapids Public Museum in the US had an exhibition to introduce this great talent. In one of the shows, named "Leonardo da Vinci"s Machines in Motion", visitors could see and touch 30full-size machines built according to his sketches-including a crane (起重机) and a robot! Leonardo da Vinci was born to a rich family in Florence, Italy, in 1452. From childhood, Leonardo was given a good education and he showed talent at painting. By the age of 26, Da Vinci had already become a famous painter. However, he showed that he had multiple talents in 1482 when he began to work for the Duke of Milanas a chief engineer. In the duke"s military factories, Da Vinci developed an interest in war weapons. He designed many important machines, including helicopters and parachutes. He also drew and wrote about an armored car, which could carry eight men inside and allow them to fire weapons through holesin its walls. Da Vinci"s idea led to the mod- ern tank. Though Da Vinci never built many of the inventions he designed, some of the things he imagined in the late 1400s are in use today. As a scientist, Da Vinci was fascinated with the human body. He spent a whole year cutting up dead bodies in hospitals to learn about human anatomy (解剖). He made more than 200 drawings of bodies. Amazingly, Da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror! 1. Was Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci? _________________________________________________2. When was Leonardo da Vinci born? _________________________________________________3. What did Leonardo da Vinci design? _________________________________________________4. Why did Leonardo da Vinci cut up dead bodies in hospitals? _________________________________________________5. What was Leonardo da Vinci according to the passage? _________________________________________________ 1. Yes. 2. In 1452.3. Many important machines.4. Because he wanted to learn about human anatomy. 5. Leonardo da Vinci was not only a great artist but also a famous scientist and an inventor. (答案不唯一) 是这个不?

沙加 GOLD SAINT 黄金圣斗士 VIRGO 处女座 SHAKA 沙加 是男还是女的


主板 华硕 MAXIMUS VII RANGER ( 英特尔 Haswell - Z97 芯片组 ) 内存 8 GB ( 芝奇 DDR3 2400MHz )




hardwood classic jersey 是什么意思

hardwood classic jersey 是硬木经典球衣的意思

名词性从句 shoppers complain they have to queue for____seems hours at the checkout counters


there are many big shops in this city. shoppers here have a wider c________

there are many big shops in this city. shoppers here have a wider choice(选择)译为:这个城市有许多大商店,购物者在这里有较广泛的购物选择。deer live all over the world except (除了) in australia and africa译为:全世界各处均有鹿生活,除了在澳大利亚和非洲。renovating a house will be a large engineering (工程)译为:装修房子是一个巨大的工程。bill is very kind . he always offer (给予)the poor some money译为:比尔非常善良,他总是给穷人一些钱。

英语阅读题求解答"The pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." There?

1-5 DCABC,1,英语阅读题求解答 "the pen is more powerful than the sword (剑)." there have been many writers who used their pens to fight things that were wrong.mrs.harriet beecher stowe was one of them. she was born in the usa in 1811.one of her books not only made her famous but has been described as one that excited the world,and was helpful in causing a civil war and freezing the slaves.the civil war was the american civil war of 1861,in which the northern states fought the southern states and finally won. this book was named "uncle tom""""s cabin".there was time when every english-speaking man,woman,and child has read this novel that did so much to stop slavery.not many people read it today,but it is still very interesting.the book has shown us how a warm-hearted writer can arouse (唤起) people""""s sympathies (同情).the writer herself had neither been to the southern states nor been a slave.the southern americans were very angry at the novel,which they said did not at all represent (代表) true state of affairs,but the northern americans were wildly excited over it and were so inspired (激励) by it that they-were ready to go to war to set the slaves free. (1).according to the passage ( ).(2 分) a、every english-speaking person had read "uncle tom""s cabin" b、"uncle tom""s cabin" was not very interesting c、those who don""t speak english can not have read "uncle tom""s cabin" d、 the book "uncle tom""s cabin" did a great deal in the american civil war (2).how old was mrs.stowe when her world famous book was published?( ) (2 分) a、about 60 years old. b、 over 50 years old. c、 in her forties. d、around 30 years old. (3).what do you learn about mrs.stowe from the passage?( ) (2 分) a、ashe had been living in the north of america before the american civil war. b、she herself encouraged the northern americans to go to war and set the slaves free. c、she was better as writing as using a sword. d、she had once been a slave. (4).why could mrs.stowe""s book cause a civil war in america?( ) (2 分) a、she wrote so well that americans loved her very much. b、she disclosed (揭露) the terrible wrongs that had been done to the slaves in the southern states. c、the southern americans hated the book while the northern americans like it. d、the book had been read by many americans. (5).what can we learn from the passage?( ) (2 分) a、we needn""t use weapons (***) to fight things that are wrong. b、 writer is more helpful in a war than a soldier. c、we must understand the importance of literature and art. d、no war can be won without such a book as "uncle tom""s cabin".

sword and cross in hand, the Europeans fell upon the American

Sword and cross in hand, the Europeans fell upon the Americans.一手持剑,一手拿着十字架,欧洲人向美洲人进攻了。(说明:sword “剑",代表武力,cross “十字架”,代表基督教,the Americans 不宜译为“美国人”,因为当白人开始侵占美洲时,那儿的人是美洲印第安人,而不是现在意义的“美国人”。)

Is that a sword?


这个事情就像一把双刃剑那个英语这么翻译对吗 this things like a sword have two sides


that are trapped是个什么从句?




Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy love.什么意思?


what are thy怎么读

What are they?它们是什么?读音:窝特 啊 rai?

thy the think what to say 一首很好听的女的英文歌 英文不好 但高潮大体是这个读法

Love explains it allBy:AirykoYou say the words I need to hearDry my tears when I cryYou pull me close when I"m not nearYou know the colours of my mindEvery breath that I takeAnd still they say that love makes blindAnd here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allI stay awake to watch you breathSo much I should have saidSomehow I tell you when you sleepI love the silence when you"re nearAnd I love knowing youAnd every word you say I keepAnd here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allTime will passTime will changeEverything we know will turn to something elseTurn to something elseTime has shownUs where to goAnd still i wonder why you catch me when I fallI guess love explains it allLove explains it allCause here I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allHere I amOnce againTrying to think of what to sayAnd you"re my friendKnowing all of my dreams and my fearsAnd here we areyou and meI guess love explains it allLove explains it allI guess love explains it allLove explains it all

随便,哪个都可以。英文怎么说? whatever吗 还是用哪个 ?还是 which one is OK

Any one is ok.

teach thy tongue to say,i do not know,and thous shalt progress 是什么意思

teach thy tongue to say,i do not know,and thous shalt progress教你的舌头说,我不知道,千万要进步,.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

In thy light we shall see light中文意思是什么

为您解答Thy是古英语,表示your 借汝之光,得见光明在祢光中必得见光在你的光中、我们必得见光明这句瓦尔帕莱索大学Valparaiso University的校训是摘自于旧约圣经的诗篇第三十六篇9节“For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.”(King James version) 中文意思是:“因为在你那里、有生命的源头.在你的光中、我们必得见光。”

what a good neighbor!作文

What is the definition of a good neighbor? Well, in my opinion, a good neighbor should have the qualities: to care about other"s feeling, and help others unselfishly.一个好邻居的定义是什么?在我看来,一个好邻居应该有这些品质:关心他人感受,无私的帮助别人。I feel lucky to have a good neighbor. She is about 65 years old. I remember it clearly,one night, I was caught in a pouring rain, and then I suffered from a high fever. My parents were on business, so I turned to her for help, I recovered soon. I have another neighbor, we"re in the same age, went to the same school. We always played together. I"m not good at Physics at that time. It was hard for me to pass the exam. After school, she always helped me with my Physics. With her help, I made a big process in my final exam.我感到很幸运自己有位好邻居。她大概65岁。我记得很清楚,一个风雨交加的夜晚,我发烧了。我的父母正好出差,所以我向她求救,很快,我康复了。我还有一邻居,年龄和我一样,在同一学校上学。我们总是一起玩。那段时间,我的物理不是很好,考试很难通过。放学后,她总是帮助我补课。通过她的帮助,我在期末考试中取得了很大的进步。Good neighbors create a comfortable and safe living environment. They"re also our good friends. They make a big difference in our daily life.好的邻居提供了舒适和安全的居住环境。他们也是我们的好朋友,让我们的生活变得与众不同。

you and I have kinda drifted apart里drifte apart什么意思


I know you and I have kinda drifted apart,我知道我和你有点疏远了,这里kinda在这里是什么用法??

这是美国的习惯用法,就是相当于kind of.还有want to 也可以说成wanna

kinda steppdt on the toes of what i was going to say.英语的特殊用法

step on the /one"s toes固定短语字面意思:踩到某人的脚惯用法意思:踩到某人的脚;【猜中某人的心思;预测到、警觉到某事】head,动词,向某方向前行;【带领】祝你开心如意!

Ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel?

Ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel? A.tragedy B.homeric C.comedy 正确答案:B



充电器指示灯上面的英文 请大侠帮我看看 GHARGE 是什么意思谢谢.....


how many ( )do you have?A,watchs B,watch C,watches D,watching


I have no watch的同义句


写出下列单词的复数形式1、secret--- 2、watch--- 3、cake --- 4、that--- 5、dis?

1、secret---secrets 2、watch---watches 3、cake ---cake 4、that--- those 5、dish ---dishes 6、girl---girls 7、fish--- fish 8、leaf--- leaves 9、policeman---policemen 10、potato --- potatoes 11、child---children 12、bread---bread 13、tomato--- tomatoes 14、woman---women 15、juice---juice 16、cherry---cherries 17、peach--- peach 18、this---these 19、water--- water 20、foot ---feet 21、scarf ---scarves 22、chocolate---chocolates 23、strawberry --- strawberries 24、story--- stories 25、tooth---teeth 26、card ---cards 27、sheep--- sheep 28、mouse ---mice 29、goose---gooses 30、leaf---leaves 31、bus---buses 32、box---boxes 写出下列单词的复数形式 secret_________ foot_____ cake________ man_________ that_________ teacher_________ girl______tooth_____fish________leaf___________policeman_________potato_________ dish_______ child__________ bread__________ tomato________ woman__________ sheep______ juice_________cherry_________boy_________this_________water__________biscuit_________scarf_________strawberry____________story________goose______word____________ card____________ mouse ____________ leaf____________ 答案跟上面一样的 将以下单词连线: easy (difficult) different boy(girl) student same (different) difficult teacher (student) girl wet(dry) sad cold(hot) cool happy (sad) dry warm(cool) winter first--------- last summer (winter) hot 1、one(first) cold 6、 October first(National Day) meet 2、dry(wet) third 7、 a relay (meet) National Day 3、hot(cold) wet 8、 sports(race) race 4、winter(snow) first 9、 boys(girls) teacher"s Day 5、three (third) snow 10、 September 10th (teacher"s Day) girls (一) (二) black(white) big June 1st (Children"s Day) National Day heavy(light) young Mother"s Day(the second Sunday in may) Women"s Day cold( light March 12th-------------------Tree-planting Day *** all(big) white October 1st Children"s Day long--------short March 8th( Women"s Day) the second Sunday in May 写出下列单词的复数形式 that--- dish --- fish--- leaf--- policeman--- potato --- child--- tomato--- woman--- cherry--- peach--- this--- foot --- scarf --- strawberry --- story--- tooth--- card --- sheep--- mouse --- goose--- leaf--- bus--- box--- juice----- 答案跟第一题一样,1,呵呵 你是小学生吧 这样学习可不行啊,2,1、secret---secrets 2、watch---watches 3、cake ---cake 4、that--- those 5、dish ---dishes 6、girl---girls 7、fish--- fish 8、leaf--- leaves 9、poli...,1,写出下列单词的复数形式 1、secret--- 2、watch--- 3、cake --- 4、that--- 5、dish --- 6、girl--- 7、fish--- 8、leaf--- 9、policeman--- 10、potato --- 11、child--- 12、bread--- 13、tomato--- 14、woman--- 15、juice--- 16、cherry--- 17、peach--- 18、this--- 19、water--- 20、foot --- 21、scarf --- 22、chocolate--- 23、strawberry --- 24、story--- 25、tooth--- 26、card --- 27、sheep--- 28、mouse --- 29、goose--- 30、leaf--- 31、bus--- 32、box--- 写出下列单词的复数形式 secret_________ foot_____ cake________ man_________ that_________ teacher_________ girl______tooth_____fish________leaf___________policeman_________potato_________ dish_______ child__________ bread__________ tomato________ woman__________ sheep______ juice_________cherry_________boy_________this_________water__________biscuit_________scarf_________strawberry____________story________goose______word____________ card____________ mouse ____________ leaf____________ 将以下单词连线: easy different boy student same difficult teacher girl wet sad cold cool happy dry warm winter first last summer hot 1、one cold 6、 October first meet 2、dry third 7、 a relay National Day 3、hot wet 8、 sports race 4、winter first 9、 boys teacher"s Day 5、three snow 10、 September 10th girls (一) (二) black big June 1st National Day heavy young Mother"s Day Women"s Day cold light March 12th Tree-planting Day *** all white October 1st Children"s Day long short March 8th the second Sunday in May 写出下列单词的复数形式 that--- dish --- fish--- leaf--- policeman--- potato --- child--- tomato--- woman--- cherry--- peach--- this--- foot --- scarf --- strawberry --- story--- tooth--- card --- sheep--- mouse --- goose--- leaf--- bus--- box--- juice-----

what is semester

what is semesterwhat is the semester学期(含义) 是什么?提问者不认识“ semester”这个词

求张韶涵(Angela Chang)的歌《亲爱的 那不是爱情》英文翻译,悬赏100分,很好的话再加分50

Attached to the lyrics Darling it is not love - Angela Chang Words: Fang Wenshan song: Jay Chou Units classroom organ that exhort ding dong ding dong You sound like a confession of the motion has been very light Letter smile while you watch the background, turning left Kiyohide you enjoy writing the concern That warm my hands clenched at the milk bottle You have my place at the very heart feel Days as the merry-go-round to keep in mind You told me there are good scenes You said that even if the agreement led by the hand However, it is not the love darling Too late to make a wish as the meteor No matter how beautiful it is only once Too much commitment to the United States because too young However, it is not the love darling Live like a mistake Elven forest It is very transparent love mistake That warm my hands clenched at the milk bottleYou have my place at the very heart feel Days as the merry-go-round to keep in mind You told me there are good scenes You said that even if the agreement led by the hand However, it is not the love darling Too late to make a wish as the meteor No matter how beautiful it is only once Too much commitment to the United States because too young However, it is not the love darling Live like a mistake Elven forest It is very transparent love mistake Too much commitment to the United States because too young However, it is not the love darling Live like a mistake Elven forest It is very transparent love mistake

what has made you lame?

1.如果是陈述句的话是 What I have said makes you angry.——我(已经)说的话使你生气了. 2.该句是特殊疑问句:我(已经)说了什么使你生气了啊? to make you angry 是不定式短语作结果壮语.



All i had for lunch was____ yogurt 填什么呀?答案是a, 可yogurt不是不可数的吗?多谢指教

刚刚说的不对。。在酸奶当做一杯来讲的时候,是可以用 A的、、就是有数量的了

银 行 名 称 Wachovia Bank NA, Charlotte, NC, USA 这个是ODL如金的银行吗?

如果你看的是翡翠台的版本,那么就是24集. 如果是网上先出的或是国语版DVD的就是25集. 因为要配合珠光宝气的首播,所以翡翠台删减了有大约一集的戏份. 倒不是一次性删了一集,只是从第8集开始删,然后慢慢翡翠台比DVD版的快一集. 所以要看完整版的最好看网上DVD版的,也就是国语的. 与敌同行一共22集

三星s6 edge 显示charging paused. battery temperature too low无法充电是什么意?

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