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写作中的widows and orphans是什么意思呀

widows and orphans 寡妇与孤儿;寡行和孤行例句筛选1."Religion is visiting widows and orphans, " he said.“信仰是寡妇和孤儿”,他说。2.They offered charitable housing for the poor, widows, and orphans.救济所给予穷人、遗孀和孤儿住所。

题目:If I have a lote of money,I will...

If I have a lot of money, I will do many things. I will help the people who are poor. If they have money, they will have nice life. They can buy many things for them. Their sons or daughters can go to school. So they will be happy. So do I. I will help orphans. I think orphans are very poor. They have lost their fathers and mothers. So they are alone. If I have a lot of money, I will set up an orphanage. So the orphans can live in it happily. Of course, I will buy something for me. I will buy some books to read. So I can learn a lot of knowlege. Books can open my eyes and make me be a useful person. If I have a lot of money, I think I will be very happy.

with so many orphans ___ , the charity organization calls for more donations.

如果单据with复合结构来看的话,被动语态确实没有太大错误,不过从整个句子结构上来看,整句话的主语是the charity organization,主语和动作的承受着orphans构成的是主动关系,所以非谓语的选择上不需要用被动语态,在看时间关系,非谓语动作发生在主句动词的动作之后,故选择不定式形式。

Orphans, Kingdoms 歌词

歌曲名:Orphans, Kingdoms歌手:Brooke Fraser专辑:Flags (Deluxe Version)Brooke Fraser - Orphans, KingdomsIn me, in youOrphans, kingdomsWide eyes and paper crownsTime will hold us,Time erodersWe"re wrinkling chilling outWe are wondering where the wild wind blowsWe are happy here "cause the wild wind knowsWhat we areOrphans, kingdomsOrphans, kingdomsIn me, in youThings explorersNamed with codes of armsA world inside usA feast, a harvestEach of us slum a starWe are wondering where the wild wind blowsWe are happy here "cause the wild wind knowsWhat we areOrphans, kingdomsOrphans, kingdomsEat and drink, for tomorrow we dieWe will look our waker in the eyeRaise a flag and then drink to your healthWho is he that can comfort himself?We are wondering where the wild wind blowsWe are happy here "cause the wild wind knowsWhat we areOrphans, kingdomsOrphans, kingdomshttp://music.baidu.com/song/18221857

FHA mortgage相当于中国什么机构呀!

类似于国内的房抵贷。FHA mortgage是联邦住房抵押贷款。由于是抵押贷款,所以民众贷款买房的责任,限于该套房产,这差不多类似于国内的房抵贷,用已有房产做抵押品来贷款。如果还不上贷款的话,最终的结果,就是房产的所有权被转移到发放贷款的机构。

广州欢迎你,英语咋拼啊!整个告诉我!Thank you

Guangzhou welcomes you 有道可以翻译多种语言

Zigbee协议栈里出现 HalLedBlink(HAL_LED_2, 0, 50, 500),这句括号里的0、50、500分别是什么意思?





本实验只对coordinator.c文件进行改动就可以实现串口的收发。修改coordinator.c文件byte GenericApp_TransID; // This is the unique message ID (counter)afAddrType_t GenericApp_DstAddr;unsigned char uartbuf[128];/********************************************************************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS*/static void GenericApp_ProcessZDOMsgs( zdoIncomingMsg_t *inMsg );static void GenericApp_HandleKeys( byte shift, byte keys );static void GenericApp_MessageMSGCB( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pckt );static void GenericApp_SendTheMessage( void );static void rxCB(uint8 port,uint8 event);

edda hayes是谁

Edda Hayes是欧美音乐人。Edda Hayes曾参与英雄联盟2020赛季宣传曲《Warriors 战士》的制作。拳头游戏音乐官宣2022全球总决赛冠亚军决赛开场表演嘉宾名单,11月6日,Lil Nas X将携手王嘉尔 、2WEI乐队成员Louis Leibfried和Edda Hayes共同亮相比赛现场。《Warriors 战士》介绍《Warriors》是英雄联盟2020赛季宣传曲,由Edda Hayes演唱,发行于2020年01月10日。歌词介绍As a child you would wait.And watch from far away.But you always knew that you"d be the one.That work while they all play.In youth you"d lay.Awake at night and scheme.Of all the things that you would change.But it was just a dream.

我想找<marry had a little lamb>的中英文对照歌词


Python+appium,swipe和scroll的滑屏操作都报同一个错误(Method has not yet been implemented)求助



hard—working英语读法是[hɑu02d0rdu02c8wu025cu02d0rku026au014b]。短语:hard—working勤劳的、吃苦耐劳、工作努力、努力工作的;hard—working people工作狂、勤奋工作的人、勤奋的人、辛勤工作的人;be hard—working勤奋的、努力学习、努力工作的;a hard—working person一个勤奋的人、一个努力工作的人。clever hard—working聪明的硬盘工作、聪明勤奋、聪明勤奋工作;I"m not hard—working我不是硬工作、我不是努力工作、我不是辛勤工作;Hard working with disease劳苦与疾病;the hard—working people辛勤工作的人民、的勤奋工作的人、勤奋的人。同义词:Diligent/industrious/assiduous.hard—working的例句:1、The hard—working useful people are described as"the salt of the earth".勤劳能干的人被称为“社会中坚”。2、She is hard—working,friendly and helpful.她工作努力,友好,乐于助人。3、You are both practical and hard—working.你们都切合实际、热爱工作。4、This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard—working life.在他忙碌、勤奋的一生中,这可能是他最自豪的时刻之一。

jony j what’ll u的歌词

关于我MP3歌词:HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.Hey 别管外面什么样在胡闹还是和气就做自己的事哪怕是黑皮住你隔壁要学会忍耐 也接受不同声音存在我告诉自己只有是否努力没有成败我问我 这是否就是我想要的成熟而其实 我越来越像一个混球在奔波中坠落下沉不去想以后有时候只把自己当做全宇宙我一边听着家人的叮咛嘱咐一边跟朋友在Party吞云吐雾我认识越来越多朋友见识越来越多场面但让我说句实话 真心的实在少见我试着作出改变再换个角度思考从大学毕业到想办法让我自己吃饱在那段时间里手上只有一支铅笔写下我所有喜怒哀乐写下那些经历我曾在夜店HUSTLE唱歌工作到凌晨那是我最迷惘的人生像是丢了灵魂被唱片公司签约过 就像个笨蛋现在为梦想而活 可不是为了混饭把想法写成文字让它真实又别致想用这方式表达所以最初选择爵士但Sucker给我贴上标签 有谁的痕迹那就让J HOOD Mixtape来展现我的能力这一路 有鼓励 也承受着阻力凭这些枪林弹雨妄想打断我的骨气OH,lets stronger to survive我的字典没有气馁所以在你对我有所了解之前请你闭嘴HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.谁看了我的MV 谁喷我发了微博我管你TM的是谁宅男还是肥婆我知道对你来说要接受我好难但我敢说喷我的那些都是脑残我又不是人民币美元或港币我所做的一切只想让我自己满意为自己为家人为梦想能继续SB才会为了虚荣心而变得抑郁我堕落过才想过积极的生活不怕错过了什么远离名利的争夺把文字填进音乐然后带它去旅行传播给那些有梦想的男男女女听我不是传播HIP HOP是思考的方式像是给你大脑装上独立的装置所以请叫我饶舌的科学家还有更多FLOW和韵脚等着被研发看我LIFE 听我专辑就知道品质过硬用歌词打动人心不靠BLINGBLING和墨镜不是唱过JAZZ RAP所以就娘炮我面面俱到但讨厌洋腔洋调所以我才不管有多少人知道我的名字我更加不会在意排行榜上面的名次把时间花在埋头苦干而不是吹牛我从来都不唬烂 我有更高的追求那是谁在攀比 跟我有什么关系嫉妒永远都是上帝给弱者的专利没错 我只会跟我自己比较因为我做HIP HOP也都只是因为喜好HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.HEY What up up ,do you know about me?So shut up up if you dont know about me.

Ball And Chain 歌词

歌曲名:Ball And Chain歌手:Tedeschi Trucks Band专辑:RevelatorI just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you foreverNever let you get away,Holding on like a ball and chainI never wanted to stayIn one place too longOh no, not me, I didn"t wanna beA victim of that fatal touchWhen you want someone too much butYou, you"ll be the end of meAnd I don"t want to hurt anymoreI just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you foreverNever let you get away,Holding on like a ball and chainI tried my best to avoidMaking promisesOh, no, not me, I didn"t wannaBe a prisoner of that tender trapWhen there"s no turning back butYou, you got me on my kneesAnd I won"t be afraid anymoreI just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you foreverNever let you get away,Holding on like a ball and chain(rap)I know it"s been some time confined to be alonebut I know I found the one who"s gots be this loves jonesyou know that I get open when you rubbing my back the goose bumpsand chills must be proof of that?cause I"m feeling when your dealing all the knowledgeyou"ve got about making it good when you touching my spotsI"ve got lots of love"n when we bubble"n right,I look forward to the time when the day turns night,You"ve got to meet me at the crib for a quarter to nineand at that time love devine what do I find?I won"t be afraid anymoreThe sight of you be wanting me just hauntingmy fight boy be my ball and chain, yo it"s gotta be rightI just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you foreverNever let you get away,Holding on like a ball and chainI just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you foreverNever let you get away,Holding on like a ball and chainhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7292501

who do you think that is wrapped up in bed?怎么断句

断句如下:Who do you think/that is wrapped up in bed?后面部分是宾语从句。

洛氏硬度AC是什么意思 翻译时有rockwell AC@hardness,不知道是什么意思?

中文名称:洛氏硬度英文名称:Rockwell hardness 定义:用洛氏硬度压头所测得的材料硬度值。洛氏硬度压头是一个金刚石圆锥体,锥角为1201

Rockwell Hardness B82 B95 怎么理解

Rockwell Hardness:洛氏硬度,其最常用的硬度标尺有A、B、C三种,通常记作HRA、HRB、HRC. HRB标尺用于测试各种退火钢、正火钢、软钢、部分不锈钢及较硬的铜合金,HRB标尺的使用范围是20~100HRB,82/95指的是硬度值.

Rockwell Hardness B82 B95 怎么理解

洛氏硬度B82 B95

女孩子对男孩子说Jack shall have jill什么意思


英语Every Jack has his Jill 是出自什么典故

这是英语谚语!历史演变,属于典故.一切都会好起来,JACK也会拥有JILL的.源自于一个英语童谣和故事,最初是法国大革命时期的歌谣,Jack和Jill暗指路易16国王和他的皇后玛丽,他们都是被断头的.但是后来,歌谣传来传去,不再有原来的意思,更像是儿童诗歌.诗歌是这样的:Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.Up got Jack,and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound his head With vinegar and brown paper

every jack has his jill,什么意思


thank you so much是什么意思







不对。happy new year应该是一个句子中的直接宾语,没有句子类型的说法。首先“Happy new year”也就是“新年好”,作为一种祝词,只能是在新年当天或者1月1日前后几天当中,大家互相祝福和寒暄的一句话,这时人们肯定是特指某一个新年,也就是说这句话时迎接来的这一年. years作为复数形式,要怎么理解呢? 其次,特殊情况下,可能有人想说:“我们一起度过了很多愉快的新年”,这时即使用We"ve had many happy new years together也不对,因为这时的“新年”指的是新年假期,应该说new year festivals或new year vacations



scarf 和 shawl 有什么区别

scarf 围巾shawl 披肩(披肩的那种围巾)


scarf的解释 A long piece of cloth worn about the head,neck,or shoulders. 围巾:围在头部,颈部或肩膀的一块长布 muffle解释 To wrap up,as in a blanket or shawl,for warmth,protection,or secrecy. 裹上:为保暖、保护或保密的目的用毯子或毛巾包起来 例子 muffle one"s throat with a scarf 用围巾围住脖子 我觉得上边的例子你应该可以参考下``


I live in a traditional family. Since I was young I was educated to be an obedient child and never argue with my parents. My father was the one who has the most authority so he has the right to arrange everything in our home. He never discuss any matter with us nor we never argue anything with him. For example last year we moved our house. My father made a decision to buy a bed with cartoon characters and also curtain with cartoons for me and my sister without consulting us. Even my sister"s clas *** ates visit our home think the decoration is very childish. Although my sister and me are not satisfied we didn"t tell our father our thoughts. I chose to keep silent for too many things. I always think peace is better than any form of arguing. Although I know argue will lead to serious quarrels I still cannot put down my anger hide in my heart. After I took this course I started to rethink my usual way to treat this problem. I realized that effective munication is essential for a family in harmony and in good relationship. I really tried to do it. Luckily my father is willing to accept my ideas. Now I am so glad to see that our father no longer treat us like little children. He willing to consider our ideas and even let us to make decision for ourselves. p.s.请注意上一手答的是网上翻出来的文字,无数的文法错误... 希望我这篇可以帮到你!!! fanyi.yahoo/?source=0U I live in a traditional family on is educated since childhood wants when is obedient the child may not talk back with the parents Daddy has in the home to authority in family"s all listen to him toarrange He cannot discuss with us we also ever do not refute him On moved the daddy like last year to independently decide to help meand the younger sister has bought the cartoon design bed inaddition cartoon design window blind Comes home in including youngersister"s schoolmate plays all said the room the arrangement is weak although our elder sister also such believed but finally all hasnot told the daddy the idea Also has very many matters even if does not approve I all choose the silence Always thought more than 1 matters were inferior tothe few matter the retort certainly is quarrels 收场 But in fact in the heart or very much refuses to accept the oxygen After on me this curriculum I started to reconsider own procedure andunderstood to a healthy family section of good relations is theTanzania trial munication which cannot be been few I try to do the result is the daddy is willing to accept my opinion Now thedaddy starts when the child not to look us that is willing to listento our idea lets we decide some matters I live in a traditional family and have been taught as the obedient child since childhood and never make an argument with parents. My father has an absolute right in home; all in the family should listens to him and also is required to follow his arrangement. He never discuss with us for any matters in opposite side we never refute him too. Just as moved last year my father independently decided to buy a cartoon design bed and a set of curtain with similar patter to me and my sister. Young sister"s clas *** ates visited us and said that the room design is childish. Although we agreed with what they said we did not say to father the ideal in final. There are a lot of things that I never agree but I select silence. In my mind I always believe the gold rule “the less trouble the better to avoid trouble whenever possible”. If not the end up result will be quarrel and then wind up refuting. But in fact I am absolutely recalcitrant in my heart. After taking this course I begin to re-consider my thinking and understand a health family should have a good munication beeen each member of the family. If you can do that a good relationship will be developed in your family. I try to do that. The oute is good because my father is willing to accept my opinion. Now he has no longer to treat us as kid and willing to listen our ideas and let us to decide some matters. I live in a traditional family will be acted as the obedient child by education since childhood can not wer parents back . My father has an absolute authoritativeness at home all in the family listens to him arranging. He will not discuss with us we will never refute him too. Just as moved last year father acted on one"s own and helped sister and I to buy the bed of pattern of a cartoon add the curtain of the cartoon pattern . Clas *** ate of younger sister even e family is it say arrangement of room inmature though we second elder sister is think so even to play with but has not told father own idea finally. There are a lot of things even not admit I select silence . Always think that avoids trouble whenever possible must quarrel and wind up to refute . But in fact refuse to obey oxygen very much in the heart. I begin to review one"s own method after this course on me and know a healthy family a section of good relations the ones that can"t lack are the munication tried frankly. I try to do the result is the suggestion that father would like to accept me. Now my father does not treat us as at the beginning the child looks would like to listen to our idea let ourselves decide some things. 希望可以帮到你 参考: 自己 I live in a traditional family on is educated since childhood wants when is obedient the child may not talk back with the parents Daddy has in the home of course authoritative in family"s all listen to him to arrange He cannot discuss with us we also ever do not refute him On moved the daddy like last year to independently decide to help me and the younger sister has bought the cartoon design bed in addition cartoon design window blind Comes home in including younger sister"s schoolmate plays all said the room the arrangement is weak although our elder sister also such believed but finally all has not told the daddy the idea Also has very many matters even if does not approve I all choose the silence always thought more than 1 matters were inferior to the few matter so the result is certainly the retort quarrels But in fact in the heart or very much refuses to accept the oxygen After on me this curriculum I started to reconsider own procedure and understood to a healthy family section of good relations is the Tanzania trial munication which cannot be been few I try to do the result is the daddy is willing to accept my opinion Now the daddy starts when the child not to look us that is willing to listen to our idea lets we decide some matters 参考: me&in the inter



生物药charge variants 是什么意思

charge愿意是计算rate费率charge rate直译就是计算费率

基于单体型haplotypes的群体选择信号的检测——EHH & iHS

基于单体型haplotype的选择信号的检测。在selective sweeps选择过程中,有些强烈受到选择的位点variants由于LD的因素会连带着其附近的位点variants一起被保留,并且不会受到重组recombination的打断。一些低重组区域的haplotypes的长度会高于那些高重组区域的haplotypes的长度。因此,对比同一genomic区域在不同群体中的haplotype的长度可以用来判断是否受到选择。例如:在一个群体内部,如果某一个体强烈受到选择,其haplotype的长度会远长于其它个体;同理,对于两个群体之间的比较,某一群体受到选择,则其基因组中的受选择区域的haplotypes会比未受到选择群体中的haplotypes更长。 原始群体中,遗传多样性是十分高的,整个序列的核酸diversity都高。而在受到选择之后,diversity会发生波动。核酸多样性下降 可能就是由于under selection导致的。 在演化/驯化过程中,如果某一基因X占优势,即X的基因型占据主导地位,则基因X所在区域的杂合率/多样性会显著下降。 本质就是 比较基因组不同区域多样性(杂合率)的变化 负选择会对正选择有一定的干扰作用,都能产生大量的低频突变,但是正选择会产生相对较多的高频突变。 多样性水平在亚群间比较,一般包括线性相关分析、亚群体间的差异比较两类。动植物重测序多是后者。Fst/pi ratio基于pi值。 前面pi/fst等都是基于SNP位点的多态性来检测潜在的选择信号区域。另一种方法是基于单体型haplotype的选择信号的检测。在selective sweeps选择过程中,有些强烈受到选择的位点variants由于LD的因素会连带着其附近的位点variants一起被保留,并且不会受到重组recombination的打断。一些低重组区域的haplotypes的长度会高于那些高重组区域的haplotypes的长度。因此,对比同一genomic区域在不同群体中的haplotype的长度可以用来判断是否受到选择。例如:在一个群体内部,如果某一个体强烈受到选择,其haplotype的长度会远长于其它个体;同理,对于两个群体之间的比较,某一群体受到选择,则其基因组中的受选择区域的haplotypes会比未受到选择群体中的haplotypes更长。 检测haplotype的选择信号最好利用定相phased后的数据集。方法有EHH和CLR法。这里利用R包中的 rehh 包进行分析。 rehh 有强大的说明和教程文档,后续深入了解其原理时值得进一步学习研究。 rehh tutorial 负数值代表在pop2(house in this case)中的强烈的选择信号。 house_furcation bac_furcation house_furcation bac_furcation the blue haplotype is much larger around this target and is also more numerous in the European house sparrow.

想起个日文名字,空羽该怎么写啊?空的是そら(SORA)羽的是はね(ha ne),就是组合在一起么?懂的人麻烦


Shanti Snyder ——Sora 也就是天空之艾斯嘉科尼的插曲 月光,请问是哪位有其歌词,急需

《SORA》(剧场版天空之艾斯嘉科尼插曲)歌者:Shanti Snyder天空のエスカフローネ Shanti Snyder sora Win dain a lotica En val tu ri Si lo ta Fin dein a loluca En dragu a sei lain Vi fa-ru les shutai am Win chent a lotica En val turi Silota Fin dein a loluca Si katigura neuver Floreria for chesti Si entina Lalala… Fontina Blu Cent De cravi esca letisimo Lalala… De quantian La finde reve Win dain a lotica En vai tu ri Si lo ta Fin dein a loluca En dragu a sei lain Vi fa-ru les shutai am En riga-lint

海运报价怎么看,例如:MSC:USD1930/20GP+ODES,YANTIAN,2/4,30天,VIA BREMERHAVEN ,这些英文分别代表什么?


chassis fee是什么费用



[Harbin] 黑龙江省省会。位于黑龙江省南部,临松花江,人口251.9万(1982)。东北第二大城市,以机械、动力为主的新兴综合工业城市。东北北部重要的交通枢纽



英语翻译 one-half 是0.5的意思吗?那0.6怎么说呢?6.6% 用英语怎么表达?

six and one-half percent 就是6.5 one-half 二分之一 0.6读作:naught / zero point six 6.6%的英语表达:six point six percent 扩展:小数在英语中的表达 小数点读作point,小数点左边按整数的基数词(one,two,three ...)读,小数点右边依次用个位数的基数词读出.整数部分为零时,小数点可以省略不读.当小数大于1时,小数后面的名词用复数,小数小于1时,小数后面的名词用单数. 1.小于"1"的小数 小数点左边的零读做naught(英)或zero(美),也可不读.小数点右边的小数部分按个位基数词依次读出.在小数点后遇到零时,可读做naught O zero,也可以读做字母"o"的音,例如: 数字 表示法 0.4 naught O zero point four; point four 0.128 naught O zero point one two eight; point one two eight 0.305 naught O zero point three o five; point three zero five 2.大于"1"的小数 小数点左边的整数部分按整数读法读出.小数点右边的小数部分按个位基数词依次读出.在小数点后遇到零时,可读做naught O zero,也可以读做字母"o"的音,例如: 数字 表示法 5.02 five point naught O zero two; five point o two 8.004 eight point naught naught O zero zero four; eight point o o four 33.33 thirty-three point three three

Nee Jathaga中文歌词


c语言编程 编写求字符串长度的函数int strlen(char*s),在主函数中调用该函数输出指定字符串的长度

代码:#include<stdio.h>int mystrlen(char*str){int size=0;if(NULL==str)return-1;while(*str){size++;str++;}return size;}int main(int argc,const char*argv[]){char str[1024];printf("please input string:");gets(str);printf("mystrlen=%d ",mystrlen(str));return 0;}方法二、int Strlen(char*s){int i;for(i=0;*s!="";s++)//计算字符串串长(不用strlen)i++;return i;}//返回值为累加的iint main(){char a[100],*s;int n;printf("Enter a string:");scanf("%s",a);n=Strlen(a);printf("该字符串串长为:%d ",n);return 0;}扩展资料:C语言strlen()函数用法头文件:#include<string.h>strlen()函数用来计算字符串的长度,其原型为:unsigned int strlen(char*s);s为指定的字符串eg:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int main(){char*str1="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/shipin/";char str2[100]="http://see.xidian.edu.cn/cpp/u/shipin_liming/";char str3[5]="12345";printf("strlen(str1)=%d,sizeof(str1)=%d ",strlen(str1),sizeof(str1));printf("strlen(str2)=%d,sizeof(str2)=%d ",strlen(str2),sizeof(str2));printf("strlen(str3)=%d,sizeof(str3)=%d ",strlen(str3),sizeof(str3));return 0;}运行结果:strlen(str1)=38,sizeof(str1)=4strlen(str1)=45,sizeof(str1)=100strlen(str1)=53,sizeof(str1)=5

have sth repaired是什么意思

拿某物去修理have something done的意思是那某物被做,强调的是动作,不强调被谁做如have my hair cut就是剪头,不强调谁给剪

i ll have it repaired什么语法

这里的语法是have sth done 请某人做某事I"ll have it repaired 我会请人修它的一、 have sth done“ have + sth (宾语)+ 过去分词(宾语补足语)”意为“让 / 叫 / 使 / 请别人做某事”.宾语sth 后面用过去分词作宾语补足语,说明sth 与过去分词表示的动作之间是被动关系.例如:We had the machine mended just now.我们刚才请人把机器修好了.He has had his hair cut.他(请人给他)理发了.The patient is going to have his temperature taken.这个病人准备请 / 叫 / 让人量体温.二、 have sb do sth“ have + sb (宾语)+ do sth (宾语补足语)”意为“让 / 叫 / 使某人做某事”.此结构中的 have 是使役动词,sb 作宾语,其后的 do sth 是省去 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语.例如:The boss often has them work for 14 hours a day.老板经常要他们一天工作14 个小时.I"ll have someone repair the bike for you.我会让人为你修理自行车的.Don"t forget to have Mr Brown come to our party. ( = Don"t forget to ask / invite Mr Brown to come to our party. )别忘了让布朗先生来参加我们的晚会.三、 have sb / sth doing“ have +sb / sth (宾语)+ 现在分词(宾语补足语)”意为“叫 / 让 / 使某人做某事或让某种情况发生”.宾语 sb/sth 后面用现在分词作宾语补足语,表示宾语与现在分词表示的动作之间为主动关系,且动作正在进行.例如:Don"t have the baby crying! 不要让婴儿啼哭!Don"t have the dog barking much,Lilin. 李林,别让狗狂吠不停.You"d better have your car running slowly. 你最好把车子开慢点.have sth. to do 是要干某事,这件事是由主语来做的,而have sth. to be done是有事要做,这件事本质上不是由主语来做的. 比方说:I have my dinner to cook.这里的饭是我做的,而I have my hair to be cut.头发不是我来剪的,是理发师,但我要剪头发. 1.have sth. to be done是有些事情等着被做,其中的不定式表此时目前还没有被做.而have sth. done指的是此事已经被做完.二者有一个时间差. 2.另外要注意的是have sth. done短语中,做这件事情的人一定不是你自己而是别人.用楼上的例子:I have my hair done this morning. 肯定是别人帮你剪的头发.因此如果是自己做的事情不能用此短语.

I had my bike __________(repair) yesterday

I had my bike repaired yesterday

He had his car repaired和He repaired his car有什么区别

将来完成时态。。 have sth done 的形势~ have sth done 把他have后应该跟过去完成时repair的完成时和过去时都是repaired,所以不能用原形

has repaired has been repaired

B 考查时态及语态。句意:阿历克斯,我可以用你的电脑吗?——抱歉。我的正在维修中。结合语境可知下文描述的是正在进行的动作,用进行时态,主语是动作对象,故用被动语态,选B。

帮分析下这两个had 分别是什么:she had had repaired

1.the washing machine went wrong again. 2定语 she had (过去完成)had(the washing machine ) repaired

有had been repaired

还原一下定语从句就清楚了:he had had the car repaired. 他已修理过的小汽车又坏了.

have repaired 正确么?

have sth repaired好。

我的表被修理用英语翻译i have my watch____(repair)

repaired 此题考查动词短语: have sth. done 使。。。被做


meaning for me, a pastor who has conscience for me,

单词记忆法:hamburger 汉堡包。 分开来记 。可以用拼音 ,奇特想法,英文……求各位

ham bur ger 汉姆勃歌

请教什么是selling shareholder


hard selling什么意思

hard selling [释义] 硬性推销,强行推销; [例句]But it "s hard to believe that UBS ( UBS) could lose this much money just buying and selling the stock for others.但很难想象,仅仅为其他人购买和出售这只股票会让瑞银损失如此巨额的资金。-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!


coke可乐,饮料hamburgers 是汉堡,吃的hotdogs是热狗,吃的所以选择coke

harris selling 是什么意思

harris selling哈里斯销售selling[英]["selu026au014b][美]["selu026au014b]n.贩卖,出售; v.卖,售,销( sell的现在分词 ); 经销; 推销; 出卖; 例句:1.Apple began selling the iphone in june 2007. 苹果在2007年7月开始销售iphone。

什么是channel link接口?和LVDS接口有什么异同?

Camera Link是适用于视觉应用数字相机与图像采集卡间的通信接口。这一接口扩展了Channel Link技术,提供了视觉应用的详细规范。 Camera Link就是专为机器视觉的高端应用设计的,其基础是美国National Semiconductor公司的驱动平板显示器的Channel Link技术,在2000年由几家专做图像卡和摄像机的公司联合发布,所以一开始就对接线、数据格式、触发、相机控制、高分辨率和帧频等作了考虑,结果是对于机器视觉的应用提供了很多方便,例如数据的传输率非常高,可达1GBits/s,输出的是数字格式,可以提供高分辨率、高数字化率和各种帧频,信噪比也改善了。而且根据应用的要求不同,提供了基本(Base)、中档(Medium)、全部(Full)等支持格式,可以根据分辨率、速度等自由选择。图像卡和摄像机之间的通讯采用了LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)格式,速度快而且抗噪较好。图像卡和摄像机之间使用专门的连接线距离最远10米。一般提供的是标准的3米MDR26-pin接线。如果你的应用要求高速度、高分辨率,而且你有足够的资金,那么考虑选Camera Link接口的摄像机和图像卡,重要的是,目前你可以选择的摄像机和图像卡很多。Camera Link接口的缺点是其接口本身的机械尺寸太大(1.55×0.51英寸),尽管半导体集成电路技术可以把成像系统做得很小,但这个接口决定了该类摄像机的尺寸不可能很小。另外,这个协议的传输距离较近,虽然可以使用光线把距离增加到数百米,但成本高昂。LVDS(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)是一种低摆幅的差分信号技术,它使得信号能在差分PCB线对或平衡电缆上以400Mbps的速率传输,其低电压和低电流驱动输出实现了低噪声和低功耗。LVDS接口是一种单工方式。必要时也可使用半双工、多点配置方式,但一般在噪声较小、距离较短的情况下才适用。其点到点连接的差分对由一个驱动器、互连器和接收器组成。低摆幅驱动信号实现了高速操作并减小了功率消耗,差分信号提供了适当噪声边缘和功率消耗大幅减少的低压摆幅。功率的大幅降低允许在单个集成电路上集成多个接口驱动器和接收器。这提高了PCB板的效能,减少了成本。LVDS要求使用一个与媒质相匹配的终端电阻(100±20Ω),该电阻终止了环流信号,应该将它尽可能接近接收器输入端放置。LVDS驱动器能以超过155.5Mbps的速度驱动双绞线,距离超过10m.

我最喜欢的食物是汉堡包(英语翻译)是My favorite food is hamburgers还

My favourite food is hamburger

汉堡包的英语怎么写 How to write hamburger in English?


chungking mansion, Nathan Rd, T.S.T. 谁知道这个香港地址的确切中文意思吗?

尖沙咀 弥敦道 重庆大厦

英语Haunted Mansion怎么翻译?


Herbie Hancock的《The Maze》 歌词

歌曲名:The Maze歌手:Herbie Hancock专辑:Takin OffLacuna Coil - The MazeMy thoughs can be so viciousCommitted to a planThe fear becomes ambitiousTaking me till I am goneI don"t know how it stardedBeating up myselfI"ve come to realize I barely carry on each dayThis life is so destructiveIt"s blowing out my mindMy breath is running short I"m lost hereIn this mazeI"m running through the halls of emptinessIn this mazeI can"t find the way to get back to the endIn this mazeI"m feeling like I"m stuck inside a cageIn this mazeI won"t feel the breeze "till I break this maze and runI don"t know how it stardedThinking to myselfI"ve come to realize I couldn"t carry on each dayThis vibe is so destructiveI"m smoking up my mindSo by the time she left I was lost hereIn this mazeI"m running through the halls of emptinessIn this mazeI can"t find the way to get back to the endIn this mazeI"m feeling like I"m stuck inside a cageIn this mazeI won"t feel the breeze "till I break this maze and runWill I ever see the sunShining through the prison clouds?In the darkness you can hideGo inside, free your mindIn this mazeI"m running through the halls of emptinessIn this mazeI can"t find the way to get back to the endIn this mazeI"m feeling like I"m stuck inside a cageIn this mazeI can"t find the way to get back to the endIn this mazeI can"t find the way to get back to the endIn this mazeI won"t feel the breeze "till I break this mazeBreak this maze and runhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2971696

以How to lead a happy marriage?为题写一篇200字的英语作文,

Marriage is a home,a refuge against the outside storms.And like any house,it requires a strong,lasting foundation.To build one,every couple needs to take certain steps — seven,to be precise — that turn thetwo of you into not just you and me but we.You may notmove through all the steps in order,and you may circle back to completecertain steps again (and again and again).But if you make it through them all,you"ll be well on your way toward creating a marriage that will be your shelteras long as you both shall live. 1.Keep your mind on your main goal,which is to have a happy marriage.Say and do what will enable you and your spouse to have a happy marriage.Avoidthe opposite.Everything else is commentary. 2.Keep asking yourselves,What can we do to have ahappy,loving atmosphere in our home? 3.Focus on giving,rather than taking.Say and doas many things as possible to meet your spouses needs. 4.Keep doing and saying things that will give yourspouse a sense of importance. 5.Frequently ask yourself,What positive things canI say and do to put my (husband or wife) in a positive emotional state? 6.Before speaking,clarify the outcome you want.The meaning of your communication is the response you actually get.If thefirst thing you say is not achieving your goal,change your approach.Rememberthat mutual respect and happiness is your real goal.Do not needlessly argue.Silence is often the wisest choice.Constantly be mutually respectful. 7.Show appreciation and gratitude in as many waysas possible.Say something appreciative a few times a day. 8.Be a good listener.Understand your spouse fromhis or her point of view. 9.Be considerate of the feelings and needs of yourspouse.Think of ways that you have lacked consideration and be resolved toincrease your level of consideration. 10.Instead of blaming and complaining think ofpositive ways to motivate your spouse.If your first strategies are noteffective,think of creative ways. 11.Give up unrealistic expectations.Do not expectyour spouse to be perfect and do not make comparisons. 12.Do not cause pain with words.If your spousespeaks to you in ways that cause you pain,choose outcome wording,Lets speakto each other in ways that are mutually respectful. 13.Be willing to compromise.Be willing to dosomething you would rather not do in return for similar behavior from yourspouse. 14.Write a list of ways that you have benefitedfrom being married to your spouse.Keep adding to the list and reread itfrequently. 15.Write a list of your spouses positive patternsand qualities.Keep adding to the list and read it frequently. 16.Keep thinking about what you can do to bring outthe best qualities of your spouse.Reinforce those qualities with words andaction. 17.Focus on finding solutions to any problems thatarise.Be solution oriented.Do not just blame and complain.Do not focus onwho is more wrong.For a happy marriage,work together to find mutuallyacceptable solutions.

英语中固有汉语翻译 Tofu—豆腐(注:不要地名、纯音译的 如Harbin哈尔滨这样的 风水FengShui)

sofa 沙发


have been done和were的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、have been done:已经完成了。2、were:be 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式。二、语法不同1、have been done:having finished or arrived at completion完成的已经完成或达到完成的。2、were:were,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词,作动词时意为“是,在(are的过去式)”,作名词时意为“(英、肯)沃尔”。三、侧重点不同1、have been done:是一个词组。2、were:是一个单词。

what can we do for going green?的回答.

Going green is easier than you think. There are little things you can do to help protect the environment and save Planet Earth.Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health.Plant a tree in your neighborhood or near your home; They suck up harmful CO2 gasesRecycle all you can. In many countries, recycling is taken seriously. They have one trash can for bags, one for glass, one for cans, one for boxes, one for plastic, one for paper, even one for decomposed food.Turn off the water when you"re not using it. Don"t waste water.Avoid using plastic whenever you can; it is a poison of the earth (things like disposable plastic cups, plastic bags, nonsense plastic items you don"t need)


  奢侈品档次。Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌,公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市,目前在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店。


没有michaelkirby这个品牌,有名的品牌是Michael Kors,Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。中文名:迈克高仕。Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。Michael Kors在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店,同时分销到全球顶级百货和全球专卖店。设计师Michael Kors:1959年,Michael Kors出生于纽约长岛的一个犹太家庭。原名叫Karl Anderson JR,其母亲 Joan Hamburger Anderson KorsKrystosek年轻时是一位模特儿。他五岁的时候,母亲改嫁给了Bill Kors,并将他的名字改为Michael Kors。10岁的时候,他便在地下室的专卖店“Iron Butterfly”开始出售自制的蜡防印花T恤衫以及皮背心。1978年,他开始在FIT(纽约时装技术学院)学习。离开那里以后,他在Lothar"s处谋到一个设计师兼销售的工作。怀揣着设计梦想,Kors于1981年离开学校,在作品被Lothar"s赞誉之后,他开始于纽约西57街引领时尚的精品店里创立了属于自己的品牌。

mk锁头包尺寸多大?michael kors锁头包有几个尺寸?

michael kors锁头包质量非常好,这款包包特别受欢迎,上面的锁头装饰也设计的非常精致,显得整个包包非常高档。下面我给大家讲讲mk锁头包尺寸多大?michael kors锁头包有几个尺寸? mk锁头包尺寸 MICHAEL KORS Hamilton小号皮质手提包尺寸24CM*14CM*23CM,大号尺寸37CM*16CM*27CM。此款MICHAEL KORS Hamilton手提包是对日常托特包的时尚升级,一半商务,一半休闲。刻有品牌 LOGO 的锁扣钥匙装饰打造 MK 独特风格。精致的手柄和可调节肩带让此款必备单品百搭多变。怀揣着设计梦想,Kors于1981年离开学校,在作品被Lothar"s赞誉之后,他开始于纽约西57街引领时尚的精品店里创立了属于自己的品牌。1984年秋季,Michael Kors个人的首场时装秀成功举办。在回顾中,WWD称他的设计为“高端,经典休闲系列”同时“简约不失优雅”。此后,Michael Kors不断地发展自己的设计事业,1998年至2004年同时担任了著名法国奢侈品牌Celine的创意总监,并带领这个曾经欧洲最大的时尚品牌恢复往日的光芒。mk锁头包介绍 MK锁头包mini,还是能装下肾6的,卡包啊哈钱包小点的也能塞进,是它家经典款的缩小版,由于个人喜好问题,觉得比正常大小的更加美丽。现在少女心也是摸不透哦。难为设计师们了。价格也很平易近人才是最重要的。 新宠MK hamilton中号锁头包!无任何滤镜,阴天就是这个色,这种包拿来折腾也就不摆拍了,让mm们见识它使用中的丑样!这个是中号但是又比中号长来着,反正背着德国闺蜜夸得不行!外国妞就是喜欢这种成熟低调货。盼着入春买的颜色偏爱浅色,学生妹子一个所以什么都往里塞,中号确实比大号轻了不少!我喜欢这个锁头得不行。买的时候是7.5折来着,价格标的貌似!折合RMB2000不到,抖动的欧元汇率……MK湖蓝色小锁头包,十字纹手提单肩都可以。以前不知道原来mk的质量这么棒!而且价格也超级美丽。MK的锁头包是必须有一个的!太经典啦,所以当然要入手一个,是不是!颜色选起来好纠结,但是终于买了红色哒,因为红色真的太正,以前也没有尝试过呢!中号大小正合适,背起来好美的。而且跟国内比绝对不算贵呀!mk品牌介绍 Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。 Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。目前Michael Kors在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店,同时分销到全球顶级百货和全球专卖店。怀揣着设计梦想,Kors于1981年离开学校,在作品被Lothar"s赞誉之后,他开始于纽约西57街引领时尚的精品店里创立了属于自己的品牌。1984年秋季,Michael Kors个人的首场时装秀成功举办。在回顾中,WWD称他的设计为“高端,经典休闲系列”同时“简约不失优雅”。

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美国,Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。目前Michael Kors在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店,同时分销到全球顶级百货和全球专卖店。

手表michael kors是什么牌子手表mk-5627

手表michael kors是迈克高仕的牌子手表,mk-5627是其中一款手表的型号。michael kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。michael kors品牌文化Michael Kors的品牌精髓是Jet Set,60年代Jet Set的大好时光就是美国名媛明星享受生活的黄金年代。上午在纽约,夜晚在巴黎,不在乎完美妆容,戴上墨镜,就能随时出发。只是为了一顿下午茶,就有了出走理由的奢华休闲风潮,意义不仅止于搭乘喷气机环游世界,最重要的还是舒服做自己,和自己的平底鞋相处愉快。相对于今天的快节奏生活,他们就是当年的先行者。Jet Set这个词,意味着您应该选择适应快节奏现代生活的时尚着装,无论您要搭乘的是私人飞机还是穿梭都市的公共汽车,都应随时做好准备,闪耀登场。

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  Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。目前Michael Kors在全球89个国家已经拥有超过500家门店,同时分销到全球顶级百货和全球专卖店。

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Michael Kors美国的鞋码6对应的应该是**36码**。

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Michael Kors是什么牌子 中文名字

Michael Kors是美国知名奢侈品品牌,标准中文名称是:迈克-科尔斯。


Michael Kors是一个时装设计师本人创建的同名奢侈品品牌。Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。扩展资料:Michael Kors的品牌精髓是Jet Set。60 年代 Jet Set 的大好时光就是美国名媛明星享受生活的黄金年代。只是为了一顿下午茶,就有了出走理由的奢华休闲风潮,意义不仅止于搭乘喷气机环游世界,最重要的还是舒服做自己,和自己的平底鞋相处愉快。相对于今天的快节奏生活,他们就是那当年的先行者。Jet Set 这个词,意味着您应该选择适应快节奏现代生活的时尚着装,无论您要搭乘的是私人飞机还是穿梭都市的公共汽车,都应随时做好准备,闪耀登场。参考资料来源:百度百科-Michael Kors

michael kors什么牌子

迈克高仕。Michael Kors迈克高仕公司于1981年正式成立,总部设在纽约市。Michael Kors将奢侈品行业带入了一个新阶段并且成功塑造了崇尚自我表达和与众不同的生活化概念,并将品牌和过去的经典美国奢侈品品牌区分开来Michael Kors已经成为了美式奢侈生活风格的代表。发展。2010年,Kors得到CFDA的认可并获得了他们的最高荣誉“终生成就奖“——由美国Vogue时尚主编Anna Wintour提名。2011年,他得到来自艾滋病研究基金会的勇气大奖。2012年,慈善组织God"s We Deliver授予其金心终生成就奖。2013年,Kors被时代杂志评选为全球最有影响力的100位名人之一。
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