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回答如下:本句是复合句,是主系表结构,其句子结构如下:主语部分 All of this + 复合谓语(系动词 is + 作表语的介词短语due to the fact) + 同位语从句that I misread ... (系动词不能单独作谓语,只能跟后面的表语一起构成复合谓语) 本句翻译:所有这一切都是由于我误解(看错了)......。

The Impossible Dream – 观Man of La Mancha 音乐剧之后记

(Posted on May 29, 2013) Man of La Mancha是Dale Wasserman根据Cervantes的小说Don Quixote(堂吉诃德)改编的百老汇音乐剧,久负盛名。终于有幸一睹风采,虽已时隔一年多,那种感动依然记得。 Don Quixote 形象 Don Quixote 在我心目中的印象一直比较矛盾。如果只强调瞬间,Don Quixote的形象总能在某个时候不经意地跳跃出来,鲜明生动,尤其在面对令人敬畏的庞然大物之前。但是如果想从总体上把握这个人物,他的种种行为又如 此不合逻辑。谁都要说,他是个疯子,包括我。我个人一向排斥不以理性分析为基础的热情。但是那种热情,却又总在某个瞬间迸发,让人难以抗拒。 文学界长期以来对Don Quixote一直也是争议不休的。虽然说小说有“把严肃和滑稽,悲剧性和喜剧性,生活中的琐屑和庸俗与伟大和美丽水乳交融”的评价(V.G. Belinskiy),却和作者的序言声明不能很好地融合;虽然小说人物的塑造特征是如此的呼之欲出,无出其右,仔细推量起来,这人物却又复杂得难以定 性。 不喜欢过度解读文学作品,但是我们有音乐剧。正如scott所点评:Cervantes" famous story simply had to be a musical。叙事音乐剧之于文字小说,因其本身所固有的形而上的表现主义,以及饱满的情绪性,可以更超脱现实,通过视觉和听觉效果的完美结合,穿越世 故,释放内心。人生如戏,戏剧则在夸张和疯狂中以浓缩的方式来展现人生。 音乐剧设计 Dale Wasserman根据小说设计的音乐剧正是如此。Man of La Mancha利用表演艺术的张力很鲜明地突出了他想要的部分,把Don Quixote那种狂热泛化,塑造成一个人们得以接受的现代英雄,一种精神支柱。这又是怎么样的精神支柱呢?对The Impossible Dream的不懈追求。它像一团沿着无形绳索蔓延的火种。 整个音乐剧的设计精巧,令人叹服。Dale将Don Quixote 的故事与Cervantes的创作背景结合在一起,故事有了背景,精神就容易把握。Cervantes在被剥夺自由的狱中演绎Don Quixote对理想的执着追求,这种对比也强化了the impossible dream 的存在意义。小说的结局是以Don Quixote 连同他的精神的死去收尾,但是在剧里,死去了的Don Quixote 又变身返回成为Cervantes,这使得the impossible dream得以延续并升华,并四下蔓延开来。 Man of La Mancha的舞台设备简陋,因地制宜,因为所要表达的基本场所是监狱,主体色调也是灰暗的。除了开头结尾,不设幕帘,仅通过简单的灯光变换和简单的设备 增减,即完成所有场景的转换。这有点儿像中国的写意,介乎有形无形之间,以简逸的表现手法来表达复杂的事物,充分调用观众的想像去再造故事发生的环境。唯 一比较复杂的就是舞台上方可供狱卒走动的小走廊,还需要有活动梯子以连通。但是却是在这样极为有限的空间里,浓缩了小说里的几百号人物,完成了Don Quixote 的三次远征。 音乐剧充分调用了表演艺术的意像性,从始至终充满了对比和切换:故事本身带有的现实与幻想的交相辉映,Don Quixote和Sancho形象、性格、处世态度的对比与协调,骑士精神中斗争与柔情的对比,纯洁公主与风尘厨娘的切换,旅馆与城堡的切换,等等等等, 更加深了全剧扑朔迷离的神秘与浪漫色彩。 作为音乐剧,台词和音乐自然是Man of La Mancha里最能打动人的承载主题利器了。Joe Darion 与Mitch Leigh联手作词谱曲,非常好地配合了剧情的发展。充满哲学意味的词,在叙事的同时把全剧的英雄情怀推向更为普遍化的,每个人都会面对的问题。最主要的 几首,Man of La Mancha, Dulcinea,以及 The Impossible Dream,这分别是Don Quixote对正义、爱情和梦想的追求: My destiny calls and I go, And the wild winds of fortune Will carry me onward, 。。。 I see heaven when I see thee, Dulcinea 。。。 To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe 。。。 音乐剧现场 还是来看看现场吧。 早春的海滨剧场。夜幕之下,风的清冷并不影响人们的热情。未开演的剧台被巨大的深色幕帘笼罩着,中间投射着Picasso的Don Quixote插画。 演员阵容还是很强的,Davis Gaines扮演Cervantes/Quixote,Lesli Margherita 扮演Aldonza。两人在音乐剧表演领域都颇有建树。 Opening 以flamenco guitars 和bass开场,带出一种行吟式的音调,空旷辽远如中世纪的荒原。最初的震撼来自开头喧闹的场面之后,Cervantes 和他的随从(?)套上头套,穿上盔甲,一跃而起,我们的Don Quixote和Sancho闪亮登场了!一时乐声大作,鼓点激昂,“I, Don Quixote” 观众们情不自禁地鼓掌! Man of La Mancha融合了大段大段的演唱,天衣无缝的配合总能在关键点上撩拨观众的心弦。尤其是The impossible dream,贯穿始终,作为全剧的精神所在,每次都掀起高潮,层层迭进。其实我对唱的内容和对白都听得模模糊糊,但是不很影响,因为表演者的动作,吟唱的 声调和情绪,已经把剧作的精神传达得很到位了。 远征,是骑士注定的生活,是追求骑士精神的必要手段。Don Quixote和Sancho于是数次出行,为了他的骑士精神一次次地“没有困难制造困难也要上”。幸而剧场里的敌人,从来就是假想敌。在幻想世界里,我们和Don Quixote一起荒诞。 远征之中,幸而还有友情,还有Sancho对Don Quixote的衷心追随和务实纠正。“I like him”, Sancho 唱到。 爱情,对骑士精神来说是个必需的套路,只是把“纯洁公主”的影像套在风尘厨娘身上,实在需要完全沉浸于理想世界之中。好吧,不管这“爱情”是不是真的,这 是一种原始的动力和调剂,骑士需要它,情感色彩需要它,音乐节奏也需要它。Aldonza的存在平衡了男性世界的生硬,虽然这个角色本身颇为粗野。 “Little Bird, Little Bird”轻松戏谑,“Dulcinea”为整部剧作添加了浪漫的乐音, Aldonza 在Don Quixote临终前的咏唱柔美深情,像盔甲上精致的花纹,剑鞘旁斜插的枝叶。但是个人觉得爱情这一块还是刻画得过多了些。插个话,马和驴子演绎得很可 爱。 Don Quixote之死自然是一个重点桥段。在这里剧作者安排了与小说不一样的结束。他让Don Quixote死在重振旗鼓的关口,死在Aldonza 转化为Dulcinea 的时刻, 死在最后的“The Impossible Dream”里。“出师未捷身先死”,观众席里一片唏嘘。 而后却是更为精彩的剧作的结局。Don Quixote死了,Cervantes还在。Don Quixote的故事打动了残暴的囚犯,蔓延到那些狱中囚犯们中间,至少在那瞬间,这群社会弃儿心中的希望之火被照亮。大家齐声唱着著名的“the impossible dream”,为Cervantes和他的仆从祝福;这种精神于是也蔓延到观众席间,更多的人禁不住动容哭泣,为这“the impossible dream”。这场景惹得当时我很想以这样一个名字为我的后记命名:长使英雄泪满襟。 Don Quixote不是经典的英雄,但他的精神,我想,却是很多人内心英雄情节的反映吧。比较有意思的是,我因为没做功课,开始时把上方的狱卒理解成了监控人间的守护神。其实想想也说得通,人间不就是一个扩大了的监狱么。 Impossible dream 几乎每个人内心深处,都有他/她的impossible dream。因为种种现实的原因,这些看起来不切实际梦想大多屈服,处于长眠的状态。但是就像我认识的一位朋友所说:当某种意识或体验曾经在人的内心发生 过后,哪怕看起来它早已被淡忘,它其实总蛰伏在那里,在心的深处,如一条冬眠的蛇,在不经意的时候醒来,咬上一口,无从防备。而音乐,直指心灵的利刃,可 以让现实层层堆积起来的堡垒,瞬间瓦解 ! 瞬间力!这破坏完美平衡却又制造着新的希望的力! 而有时候,这所谓的impossible dream并非不可能,只是需要面对的困难太大,需要放弃的既得利益太多,在旁人眼里,这属于自找苦吃,但这些梦想,却是发自心底的呐喊。这时候对梦想的 追逐,暂时不被世俗所接受。也许需要的就是多一些勇气。自我解嘲也好,激励也好,“做个唐吉珂德也未尝不好,既然一切已经是场闹剧,那我要做自己的英雄, 去和虚无的敌人搏斗,去激烈地爱,去远征,去浪漫。” 拥有梦想到底多富有,这是一个很老调的主题,却也是个永远没有答案的主题。 但是夜深人静的时候,我感受到在心底迸裂开来的,The impossible dream: To dream the impossible dream, To fight the unbeatable foe, 。。。 To reach the unreachable star, Though you know it"s impossibly high, To live with your heart striving upward To a far, unattainable sky!

From your point of view ,what factors can lead to success?


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翻译歌词 home (Michael blue)

额 是Michael buble不是 Michael blue。。。。

michael bubble 的那首的中文歌词

<Home>---michael bubbleAnother summer day Has come and gone away In Paris and Rome But I wanna go home 另一个夏日 来了又去无论在巴黎还是罗马但我只想回家Maybe surrounded by A million people I Still feel all alone I just wanna go home Oh I miss you, you know 也许会有许许多多的人们陪伴着我可我仍然感到很孤单我只想回家喔 我想你了 你知道的And I"ve been keeping all the letters that I wrote to you Each one a line or two I"m fine baby, how are you Well I would send them but I know that it"s just not enough My words were cold and flat And you deserve more than that 我一直保存着所有写给你的信每一封信都有那一两句我很好 宝贝 你好吗我想把这些都寄给你 但是我知道这远远不足够我的言语显得如此无趣单调你应该得到更多的Another aeroplane Another sunny place I"m lucky I know But I wanna go home Mmm, I"ve got to go home 另一架飞机另一个阳光灿烂的地方我知道我很幸运但是我就是想回家我一定要回家Let me go home I"m just too far from where you are I wanna come home 让我回家吧我离你太遥远了我想要回家And I feel just like I"m living someone else"s life It"s like I just stepped outside When everything was going right And I know just why you could not Come along with me This was not your dream But you always believe in me 我感觉像在过着别人的生活就像一切都很好的时候我却不在这个步调上我知道你为什么不陪伴我与我一起这不是你响往的但你总是很信任我Another winter day has come And gone away And even Paris and Rome And I wanna go home Let me go home 又一个冬天来了又走了即使是在巴黎或是罗马我只想回家让我回家吧And I"m surrounded by A million people I Still feel alone Oh, let go home Oh, I miss you, you know 也许会有许多的人们陪伴着我可我仍然感到很孤单喔 我只想回家喔 我想你了 你知道的Let me go home I"ve had my run Baby, I"m done I gotta go home Let me go home It will be all right I"ll be home tonight I"m coming back home让我回家吧我已启程了宝贝我筋疲力尽了我必须回家让我回家吧一切都会好起来的今晚我就会回到家里了我正在回来的路上

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哈姆莱特在什么情况下说了To be or not to be,that a question

一、Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 哈姆雷特 Act 3 第三幕 Scene 1 A room in the castle 第一场 城堡中一室 …… Hamlet. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep; No more; 哈姆莱特 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题;默然忍受命运的暴虐的毒箭,或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难,通过斗争把它们扫清,这两种行为,哪一种更高贵?死了;睡着了;什么都完了;…… 背景:哈姆雷特在父亲突然死亡、叔叔继位娶嫂的情况下,一个深夜见到父亲冤死的鬼魂,让他复仇。哈姆雷特一面怀疑父亲的死,愤慨于叔叔和母亲的行为,一面却怕鬼魂是个陷井。他半信半疑,因此精神恍惚,而为了逃避叔叔的试探和迫害,他决定装疯。在这样的折磨里,他说出了上面的话。 二、Romeo and Juliet 罗密欧与朱丽叶 Act 5 第五幕 Scene 3 Verona. A churchyard; in it the monument of the Capulets. 第三场 同前。凯普莱特家坟茔所在的墓地 …… Romeo:My love! My wife! Death, that hath sucked the honey of my breath, Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. Thou are not conquered.Beauty"s ensign yet Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, And death"s pale flag is not advanced there. 罗密欧:……啊,我的爱人!我的妻子!死虽然已经吸去了你呼吸中的芳蜜,却还没有力量摧残你的美貌;你还没有被他征服,你的嘴唇上、面庞上,依然显着红润的美艳,不曾让灰白的死亡进占。 语境:罗密欧来到朱丽叶墓中,对着死去的朱丽叶的独白,之后他服毒自杀。

additional fare 和 extra charge 有什么区别?

charge 收费,费用,此词可泛指与人们方便,舒适等有关的任何服务或事情所收取的费用 例句 The charges for electricity and gas will be increased next year.电费和煤气费明年将要上提 the charge for admission 入场费 fare,指(乘车,乘船,乘计程车等)旅途费用 例句:It takes much more money now to travel around as the fares have all gone up.现在各处旅行花费的钱多多了,因为各项车船费全涨价了



Pupil什么the beautiful moonlight on that day?

填写:saw.Pupil saw the beautiful moonlight on that day.意思是:学生在那天看到了美丽的月光。

what makes you beautiful歌词

Liam:You"re insecure   你感到不安    Don"t know what for   却不知为何   You"re turning heads   你轻轻的转过头   When you walk through the do-o-or   当你走过门口的时候   Don"t need makeup   不需要化妆   To cover up   去掩盖什么   Being the way that you are is en-o-ough   现在的你就已经很是完美   Harry:Everyone else in the room can see it   每个人都可以看到你的美丽   Everyone else but you   只有你自己看不到   合:Baby you light up my world like nobody else   宝贝没有人能像你那样把我的世界点亮   The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed   你轻拂头发的样子令我着迷疯狂   But when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tell   但是当你只对着地面微笑的时候,我不难知道   You don"t know oh oh   你不知道   You don"t know you"re beautiful   你不知道你是如此的美丽   If only you saw what I can see   但愿你能看到我所看到的   You"ll understand why I want you so desperately   你就会明白我对你的强烈的渴望   Right now I"m looking at you and I can"t believe   此时此刻当我看着你,我不敢相信   You don"t know oh oh   你不知道   You don"t know you"re beautiful oh oh   你不知道你是如此的美丽   Harry:That"s what makes you beautiful   这就是为何你会如此的美丽   Zayn:So c-come on   所以,嘿~   You got it wrong   你没有明白(你的美丽)   To prove I"m right I put it in a so-o-ong   为了证明我是对的,我将它写成歌唱给你听   I don"t know why   我不知道为什么   You"re being shy   你现在很是害羞腼腆   And turn away when I look into your ey-e-es   当我注视你的双眸时,你却转过头去  Harry:Everyone else in the room can see it   每个人都可以看到你的美丽   Everyone else but you   只有你自己看不到   合:Baby ... 展开全部>

What Makes You Beautiful 歌词

歌曲名:What Makes You Beautiful歌手:Hope组合专辑:中国最强音 第五期What Makes You BeautifulHope组合You"re insecureDon"t know what foryou"re turning heads When you walk through the doorDon"t need make upto cover upBeing the way that you are is enoughEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but youBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulSo c-come onYou got it wrongTo prove I"m rightI put it in a so-o-ongI don"t know why you"re being shyAnd turn away when I look into your eyesEveryone else in the room can see itEveryone else but youBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why I want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na naBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulBaby you light up my world like nobody elseThe way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmedBut when you smile at the ground it ain"t hard to tellYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautifulIf only you saw what I can seeYou"ll understand why i want you so desperatelyRight now I"m looking at you and I can"t believeYou don"t know Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohYou don"t know you"re beautiful Oh ohThat"s what makes you beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/45494504




这句话单词都连在一起了,读起来有点困难,分开后的句子是Andrew is having a drink,意思是安德鲁正在喝饮料。

out _____, with a stick in his hand

Out - - -,with an apple in his hand. A.rushed the boyout 是方位副词,放在句首的时候,句子使用全部倒装。上面的句子请楼主补充完整 不然没法回答如有疑问,请追问。无疑后请采纳。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。-----------与君共勉-----------

Out ____ , with a stick in his hand.


Out__________,with a stick in his hand.








How the lnternet has inflvenced my life 有关的英语作文

Can you use a computer? Can you surf the Internet?I believe that your answer is "yes!".Now ,most of us can use a computer to surf the Internet.In fact,it"s very important for us , we all know that we can do lots of things by surfing the Internet.For example,some students often surf the Internet to find something good for their study , by surfing the Internet,they can learn a lot and make a great progress.When we are free, we often chat with our friends or family members.In the past,if we live very far from our friends or family members we can only write letters to each other,but now Internet can solve this problem ,we can even talk or see each other on computers.Also , we can play games on weekends ,they can help us relax.Of course we can also do many other things on computers. In one word,Internet is really important in our life now.

次轮状元安德鲁·内姆布哈德(Andrew Nembhard)

安德鲁·内姆哈德 安德鲁·内姆布哈德(Andrew Nembhard),全名安德鲁·威廉·内姆布哈德(Andrew William Nembhard),2000年1月16日出生于 加拿大安大略省 奥罗拉,加拿大篮球运动员,司职得分后卫,效力于 NBA印第安纳步行者队 。

it remains understood that the credit will be marked as unutilized for the full invoice amount


it has long been assumed

it has long been assumed it has long been assumed that 译为:长期以来一直认为

It is assumed that是什么意思呢?人们认为?假定?这句话是法官写的裁决书上的内容。

it is assumed that... ...认为....

tell me how happiness u r? 是什么意思?

tell me how happiness u r?:告诉我你有多幸福?

do what you think is right是什么意思?

  Do what you think is right:做你认为正确的事  例句:  1.Trust your instincts and do what you think is right.  相信你的直觉,你认为对的就去做。  2.Always do what you think is right.  做你认为对的事。  3.Do what you think is right.  做你认为正确的事。  4.Do what you think is right, do things at your own speed.  做你认为正确的事,按照你自己的速度做事。  5.Do what you think is right for you and don"t alter your behavior simply toplease others.  做你认为正确的事情,不要为了讨好别人而随便改变你的行为。  6."Do what you think is right and let the law catch up, " Marshall said.  马歇尔就说过:“你认为是对的就去做,法律文件可以后补”。  7.Just do what you think is right.  仅仅做你想做的就好了。

Natasha Bedingfield的《What Ifs》 歌词

歌曲名:What Ifs歌手:Natasha Bedingfield专辑:纯爱宣言 N.B.Natasha Bedingfield - (No More) What Ifs (Featuring Eve)Featuring EveAll the could-be"s buzzin" "roundMy mind a thousand-timely cloudAnd now I can not see the sunAll the worries on my listRush like lamings off a cliffI"m powerless to save even oneAll my friends tell me I"m thinking too muchIt"s not over "til it"s overBecause today is trouble enoughLive tomorrow, "til tomorrowI"m not jinxing what could beSecond guessing what I seeThere is you and there is meNo what if"sMy crossing fingers knocking wood"cause worrying about we couldSpoil the moment when it"s goodNo more what ifsCould-be"sOne day"sIf only"sThat intro"s looping on and onDon"t really get to feel the songWhen it"s only playing in my headIf I don"t listen with my heartTrust my instincts from the startThen I"m as done, as done can getSo I"m notI"m not jinxing what could beSecond guessing what I seeThere is you and there is meNo what if"sMy crossing fingers knocking wood"cause worrying about we couldSpoil the moment when it"s goodNo more what ifsCould-be"sOne day"sIf only"sI"m thinking too much.It"s not over "til it"s over"cause today is trouble enoughLive tomorrow, "til tomorrow,"til tomorrowI"m not jinxing what could beSecond guessing what I seeThere is you and there is meNo what if"sMy crossing fingers knocking wood"cause worrying about we couldSpoil the moment when it"s goodNo more what ifsCould-be"sOne day"sIf only"sNo more what ifs, Could-be"s, One day"s, If only"s............http://music.baidu.com/song/1246084


chaque jour 就是指每天 ,如:je vais a l"école chaque jour .par jour 是按N天来计算, 如: avaler une tablette par jour . avaler une tablette par deux jour (每两天吃一片)。matin 上午任何一段时间都是 matin . 如:J"irai demain matin .(可能9点走,也可能10点走)matinée 是指完完整整一个上午 。如: Je suis assis devant mon ordinateur toute une matinée sans bouger .

it is assumed that..是什么意思?是估计还是假设? be assumed to是什么意思?


为什么I had assumed him to be a Chinese这句要用had assumed而不是assumed?


请问谁能帮我找到越南歌曲Dem Lao Xao的伴奏,Phuong Thanh唱的那个版本,跪求啊!

楼主越南语还不错吧?如果行的话,本人给你可听可下载的链接(注:需简单注册)第一个链接是听歌及歌词:http://www.nhaccuatui.com/nghe?M=zNuFS8jqdb第二个链接是伴奏曲:http://www.nhaccuatui.com/nghe?M=NJxzhfTdk5希望能帮到你啦!那你试用下面这个链接看,用karaoke的形式看能否解决你的问题! http://star.zing.vn/star/phong-thu/Dem-Lao-Xao.5989.html 呵呵楼主你不是要伴奏曲吗?怎么又要听歌的了?请再试这个链接,听伴奏、歌星演唱,可自由转换的,发到你邮箱就免了。http://star.zing.vn/star/san-dien/Dem-Lao-Xao.1400472.html


lazy(懒惰的)的反义词可以是hard( 努力地 )lazy的反义词还有:active 有活力的zhi、活跃的、积极的 brisk 轻快的、活泼dao的hardworking 勤奋的

my father often works very hard.原文?

My father often works very hard. And he has 21 to see a movies. Here I"ll tell you 22 about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work and 23 go home, he found a film ticket under the 24 on his desk. He thought he 25 to have not much work to do that day and 26 was quite wonderful to pass the 27 at the cinema. So he came back home and 28 finished his supper. then he said 29 to us and left. But to our 30 , he came back about half an hour later, I 31 him what was the matter. He *** iled and told us about 32 funny thing that had happened at the cinema. When my father was sitting in his seat, a 33 came to my father"s and said that the seat was 34 . My father was surprised. He took out the ticket 35 looked at it carefully. It was Row17, 36 . And then he looked at the seat. It was the same. So he asked her 37 her ticket. She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17, Seat 3. 38 ? What"s the matter with all this? While they were wondering suddenly the woman said, “The 39 of the tickets are different.” So they looked at the ticket more carefully. After a while, my father said, “Oh, 40 , I made a mistake. My ticket is for the film a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words, he left the cinema. 21. A. little money B. much money C. little time D. much time 22. A. a funny story B. a good story C. an old story D. a strange story 23. A. was to B. was about to C. had to D. ought 24. A. box B. book C. glass D . paper 25. A. happened B. liked C. pretended D. wanted 26. A. it B. this C. that D. which 27. A. morning B. afternoon C. day D. evening 28. A. early B. quietly C. quickly D. suddenly 29. A. hello B. good-bye C. good evening D. good night 30. A. disappointment B. joy C. sorrow D. surprise 31. A. asked B. explained C. told D. wanted 32. A. a B. one C. some D. the 33. A. man B. woman C. doctor D. nurse 34. A. hers B. his C. taken D. wrong 35. A. and B. but C. or D. so 36. A. Seat1 B. Seat2 C. Seat3 D. Seat4 37. A. it bring B. to get C. to see D. to show 38. A. Why B. How C. When D. where 39. A. designs B. colors C. prices D. owners 40. A. I"m sad B. I"m sorry C. I"m wrong D. I"m worried 【答案与解析】 根据首句,可初步判断此篇文章为记叙文,记叙了发生在my father 身上的一件事情. 21. C 根据前一句,此句应为“他很少去看电影”故选C. 22. A 通读全文,可看出这是一件可笑的事情,故选A. 23. B 下午下班,正要打算回家,故选B.在此A有较大的干扰性,be to表示将来时,表示按计划安排要做的事. 24. C 电影票放在箱子、书、和纸的下面,很难发现,故选C. 25. A 平时工作很忙,那天碰巧有时间,故选A. 26. A 分析此句的结构可以看出,to pass the night at the cinema应为主语,故it 作形式主语,选 A. 27. D 下午下班后接下来的时间应是晚上,故选D. 28. C 下午下班回到家再吃饭,时间显然不充裕,故选C. 29. B 从家里出去看电影,向家人告别,故选B. 30. D 电影不可能这么快就结束,故我们吃惊.选D. 31. A 因为吃惊,我问他是怎么回事,选A. 32. D Thing有后置定语,且特指某一件事,故选D. 33. B 从后句“so he asked her…”得知选B. 34. A C和D项有较大干扰性,taken 意为“占领”, wrong意为“错的”,在此,4,My father works very hard ,He is often () every day.用later适当形式填空,2,My fether ofen works very hard.And he doesn"t often go to the cinema.here I will tell you a funny story about him. One afternoon,he found a ticket for the 7 o"clock film under the glass on his des...,1,山东文化出版社 八年级上册 p52页,1,

求natasha north 《father》 歌词

()i am no one for hesitation i"ll be there for full of you when i"m saying without prehension you are the one you speak the truth and i need you more now, than ever before now so,father, i am a fighter, but i am a little bit scared what might can my way so, father, help me decide, decide i asking you what i want and i dont know what to say broken hearts and broken dreams you know everything about me time is a witness in chance to read brought me out to set me free and i need you more now, than ever before now so,father,.......repetition the missing be my time to different my desire oh, but if i said yes, what if i hating tennis不确定这句对不对,,, i am running what let it lost there entire but if i say no, that will be the end say anyhow, my friend so,father,,,,重复

Jake Gyllenhaal 主演的所有电影有哪些

Peter is stronger than jake 怎么错了?

jake 错了,人名首字母要大写,应该是 Jake.Peter is stronger than Jake .

星球大战裏面那些机器人常常说的那句话是什么 什麽什麽that 的 那个单词是 r开头的····


为什么Jake Gyllenhaal有和Taylor swift分手啦??


Roger that,cover me是什么意思哦?

英文roger that,多为无线电中的答复用语。译为:收到了!确认!意思类似于:“roger,copy that”,前者更适用于无线电答复,而排出俚语。常见于美国的大片中及现实的场景,飞行员执行任务时,飞行员之间,飞行员和总部之间的沟通中,以及上级对特种部队及军队发出命令,答复者回答。cover me是掩护我的意思。

roger that什么意思

英文roger that多为无线电中的答复用语。译为:收到了!确认!意思类似于:“roger,copy that”,前者更适用于无线电答复。常见于美国的大片中及现实的场景,飞行员执行任务时,飞行员之间,飞行员和总部之间的沟通中,以及上级对特种部队及军队发出命令,答复者回答。

roger that是什么意思?




vauxhall bridge什么意思

英国的沃克斯豪尔桥(Vauxhall Bridge)。由威尔士王子(后来的乔治五世)建于1906年,取代了建于1809年至1816年之间的摄政王桥,是伦敦首座进行电车的桥。沃克斯豪尔桥还有一个独特之处是码头上有青铜雕像装饰

ragor that 是什么意思



这个音节在字母中是重点音节。例如sit - sitting; commit - committed - committing; 等等。

Her mother is of mixed blood.So she has brown hair but black eyes and yellow skin.


推荐几首节奏感强的黑人说唱音乐 (用作街头和街舞的配乐) 参考: Wiz-Khalifa 的 black and yellow

chingy right Thurrj kwon get xxxd求采纳

语法问题 帮看下 Thanks!!


一首挺火的韩文歌,女生唱的,大概是 那啦那啦那啦那啦,hajima,那啦那啦那啦,hajima

girls day 的《一闪一闪》韩文名《ubc18uc9ddubc18uc9dd》

你好,Sanjalapma Tutukegha Sekema Wu Saralek Kanjuk是什么意思,一个陌生人发的,我怕他有急事

Sanjalapma Tutukegha Saralek Kanjuk Sekema吴

He will only work on the SW-points according to the punchlist, which I have attached to this mail.

Shipping Weight装运重量


pomelo 还要看国外什么地方

happy girls‘ day什么意思


题目what should I do,英语翻译,求英译汉,人工翻译非常感谢


I have been chosen you,how can i give up

这个句子有问题, been应该去掉吧 翻译出来为:我已经选择了你,我怎么能放弃呢

高一英语完形填空 why have i chosen

你好!why have i chosen为什么我选择

i feel very happy that i was chosen

选C host这里应该是“主持人”. 原句:我很高兴我被选为了主持人. 被选上是过去发生的事,所以应该选过去时的被动语态. 所以选C

我叫王雷!男。帮忙取一英文名字。还有名字代表的含义!含义要用英文诉述!谢谢!(mean what!)


Skii广告日本芭蕾舞者Misa《changedestiny 》最后的钢琴曲叫什么名字

广告中的音乐是原创音乐作曲:Lennert Busch

change 和 vary的区别




Life is just like a dream,and how many happy hours do we have?是什么意思


英语 vary 和 change有什么区别?


英语focus on your backhand怎么翻译?

focus on your backhand专注于你的反手

英语 vary 和 change有什么区别?

change当名词时是变化,零钱,调换,钟乐,当动词时是及物动词,1,(使)改变,(使)变化.2,兑换(钱钞).3,替换,更换.vary是不及物动词,1,变化,有不同,呈差异.2,使不同,更改,改变,修改change alter vary都含“改变”的意...

rosh hashanah holiday是什么节日

rosh hashanah holiday是犹太新年。犹太新年Rosh Hashanah是犹太民族重要的传统节日,犹太新年的开始是犹太历的每年七月初一,通常在公历9月到10月之间,所以这几天正是犹太新年的假期。根据犹太习俗,犹太新年是为了纪念上帝开天辟地,爱心驾驭世间。跟中国的春节一样,犹太人的新年也是祈求来年的幸福和顺意,当然也包含对已经过去的一年的总结,和中国人一样非常重视家庭的团聚,犹太新年也是阖家团聚、充满美食和快乐的日子。扩展资料犹太节日的特殊性:一、几乎所有的节日都与整个民族的历史经历相关联,而不是来源于某个个人的事绩或生平。如逾越节是回顾整个民族在摩西带领下摆脱奴役和获得解放的过程;犹太新年和赎罪日则集中在犹太人的忏悔和希望开始新生活上。二、几乎所有的犹太人传统节日都具有强烈的宗教色彩,很少有节日属于纯粹意义上的世俗节(20世纪新增的节日例外),明显地反映出犹太文化规范,就连犹太新年也是如此,它被看作是“忏悔十日”的开始,并作为“敬畏的日子”,站在上帝面前接受审判。三、几乎所有的节日庆祝方式都是一种文化教育活动,而不仅仅是家人朋友之间的聚会,或简单的节日美食大餐。参考资料来源:百度百科-犹太新年参考资料来源:百度百科-犹太节日



急求大学英语作文200字左右 题目是:do you prefer a life of stability or a life of changes? why?

I would prefer stable predictable life . But in order to get a better and stable life , every person has to go through lot of changes. To prove my perspective , I will give some examples here.Life is very uncertain . But everyone expects to happen some good things to them in every move of life.So they can live happily by giving happiness to their family.Most of the people wants to get higher education to obtain long and healthy career in life.To achieve their dream they find suitable job for themselves. There they learn and gain some experiences , After some time they changed their job again to earn more experience in particular field. That"s how they go through lot of changes to reach their final destination where they can earn enough money and respect for their family.moreover, some people are not that lucky to get stable life. They has to go through lots of changes in their life but not able to get settle down. Likewise , one of my friend got a good job at very known and big company where he thought to start his career in a new way but unfortunately he got laid off because of poor economy. He started searching again for the new job but he did not succeed . Other friends advised him to change his career to different field. He changed his field 2 -3 times to get settle down in life. So because of lot of changes he and his family suffered alot.I think very less people likes the life with lots of changes. Few people loved to obtain different experiences related work .So they change their job at every couple of years or soemtime people do multiple kind of business to reach on certain goal. These all are the examples related to work and career.But there are other things too people does to get stable in life. Likewise marriage , so they can start their new life. Buy a house , so they don"t have to move one to another place.In conclusion , sometimes circumstances force for the change in life and we have to accept it whether we like it or not. Or sometimes we prefer changes to get better things in life.So one or another way people seek stability in their life.

古典吉他的技巧中有没有像电吉他一样的击弦(Hammer on)和勾弦(Pull off)?


Not many people can pull off blue hair.中pull off 的意思

Do everything like one who will die tomorrow

提单里的port of discharge和final destination有什么区别?

port of discharge 到货港final destination 目的地

求《pop that rock》的翻译


提单里的port of discharge和final destination有什么区别


'stepUp' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLInputElement

stepUp 调用未实现的接口 HTMLInputElement

samantha jade的《Step Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Step Up歌手:samantha jade专辑:Turn AroundStep UpSamantha Jade boyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youFeel the rhythm of the beatThat"s my heartCupid shot me with an arrowFrom the startAnd you know that it"s your loving that"s got me trappedEvery time I try to leave, you bring me backSo much harder at times I cried a riverYou dried my eyes and brought me back to laughterAnd when I lay next to you I want to wake upAnd when I break upIt"s only to make upBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youAnd when the symphony plays, I feel my feetLifting from underneathYou grab my handSpin me aroundAnd right before I fallYou catch me and you sayBaby, it"ll be okayJust look into my eyes and we will make another dayBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youAnd if we don"t step upWe"ll lose our grooveSo confused, don"t know which way to moveHold my hand and let me know that you feel me tooLook into my eyes and tell meBaby I love youYou"ll never get wet"Cause I"ll be your umbrellaAnd we can make it through any kind of weatherIf you step upI"ll step upBoy‘Cause I"m trying to be with you foreverBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youBoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youStep up... BoyNo matter what we go throughYou step up, I"ll step up tooIt don"t matter what the haters sayAs long as you are my booNo matter how hard it getsThis love will have no regretsAs long as we"ll beStepping on the dance floorIt"s me and youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7868591

迈克尔杰克逊的一首第一句是清唱的“love is magic ,that was how i feel"是什么歌?

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