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jpmorgan chase bank是什么银行

美国四大银行之摩根大通银行大通曼哈顿银行是一家美国商业银行,成立于 1799 年,总部位于纽约。 大通曼哈顿银行主要经营信用卡,发放贷款买房买车。 2000年9月13日,大通曼哈顿银行与摩根银行合并。此次收购将使大通的投资银行业务更加稳定。合并后的新公司在银团贷款、金融衍生品和外汇交易业务方面均位居全球前列。 拓展资料1、摩根大通银行将更加活跃于企业银行和信托业务,而摩根将更加专注于资产管理业务。 并购也是大通进军日本市场的重要一步。 J.P. 在东京没有固定收益项目。通过收购摩根,摩根大通立即拥有蓬勃发展的企业并购和证券承销业务。 J.P.在香港拥有强大的业务实力,双方在亚洲的业务互补性很强。2、摩根大通一般不在海外搞零售业务,在1999年前后将香港的零售业转卖合并到投资银行业务中。现在主要是与公司和政府做批发、顾问业务。3、其竞争优势也是同中国国内银行的良好的关系网络;可以为本地伙伴银行提供一条龙服务,如希望获得合并或收购的咨询意见、或发行债券、或融资等方面都有优势;可以按照不同银行的需求量体裁衣,依据不同需求配合他们需要的解决方案;已经连续10年为美元海外支付结算服务全球第一的银行,并且是欧洲最大的外国银行。4、摩根大通将其在一些专门行业的经验与实力带到中国,如金融机构、电力、石油和天然气,纸浆和造纸以及电信行业。2001年5月,摩根大通作为全球协调人和主承销商,为中华人民共和国发行了10亿美元十年期债券(被IFR亚洲称为年度最佳欧洲债券)。摩根大通亦为中国第二大电信运营商的上市公司——中国联通(香港)在全国收购移动电话网络和寻呼/数据网络担任财务顾问。


是的~N.A.可能是North America,不确定,但BR.应该是branch,所以是JP Morgan的HK branch~

请讲解一下 A.that B.what C.it was D./

the dog was the first animal to be domesticated is generally agreed upon by authorities in the field。句子给你分成了两部分 两部分分别是主语和谓语 这说明原句子已经是比较完整的句子了 不缺任何成分了 所以你要选择的词不能充当任何成分 所有只有选that 那样子的话第一部分就是that的同位语 也就是that和第一部分的句子是充当的一个成分 所以。。。不知道解释清楚没有哈

JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A.是什么意思?


JPMorgan Chase Bank,N.A.是什么意思


JPMorgan Chase 是什么意思?

JPMorgan Chase是JPMorgan与Chase Manhattan合并的。。。。 现在JPMorgan Chase有3个品牌,包括JPMorgan, Chase, JPMorganChase。 所以“JP morgan和JP morgan chase”并不完全一样,而且你拼错了,JP与Morgan不应该分开,而且M要大写

JP morgan和JP morgan chase 有什么相同和不同?

JPMorgan Chase是JPMorgan与Chase Manhattan合并的。。。。现在JPMorgan Chase有3个品牌,包括JPMorgan, Chase, JPMorganChase。所以“JP morgan和JP morgan chase”并不完全一样,而且你拼错了,JP与Morgan不应该分开,而且M要大写

JPMorgan Chase为什么叫摩根大通?


Chase Bank肯定是摩根大通银行吗,这是在哪的银行,

Morgan称号的金融机以前都是约翰摩根控制的摩根集团下属的,后来由于美国大萧条后出的反垄断法被分割,现在比较出名的是摩根斯坦利(Morgan Stanley)和J.P.Morgan,摩根大通是J.P.摩根和大通曼哈顿银行合并的产物,摩根大通是个全能金融集团,而摩根斯坦利是专业的投资银行。从规模上来比,摩根大通和摩根斯坦利显然不是一个数量级的。 摩根大通也就是JP MORGAN CHASE,是由原JP摩根银行和大通曼哈顿银行合并而成。摩根大通银行是其在中国的注册名称。而且去年年底已经与美国排名第四的美一银行合并(bank one)合并了。不过即使在没合并的时候,以商业银行业务论其也是美国第一的商业银行。 另外,补充一点,这个问题有人问过,下面是以前的答案,说得差不多: 摩根斯坦利是一家大型的资本投资公司。摩根大通(JP Morgan Chase& Co)为全球历史最长、规模最大的金融服务集团之一,由大通银行、J.P.摩根及富林明集团在2000年完成合并。 J.P.摩根早先作为一家英国的商人银行由JohnPierpontMorgan的父亲在伦敦建立,在19世纪末20世纪初期,公司对包括美国钢材、通用电器以及美国电话电报等一些知名企业最初的建立构造及融资起了重大作用可能是欺诈邮件



It can happen to anyone of us什么意思


Chase bank和JP Morgan是同一家银行吗?

不是同一家银行。Chase bank隶属于JPMorgan chase bank的商业银行部分。摩根大通集团(JPMorgan Chase & Co),业界称西摩或小摩,总部在美国纽约,总资产2.5万亿美元,总存款高达1.5万亿美元,占美国存款总额的25%,分行6000多家,是美国最大金融服务机构之一,摩根大通于2000年由大通曼哈顿银行及J.P.摩根公司合并而成,并分别收购芝加哥第一银行和贝尔斯登银行和华盛顿互惠银行。Chase bank即美国大通银行,是JP摩根大通的商业银行部分。2000年以前这家银行的名字叫做大通曼哈顿银行。大通曼哈顿银行前身由大通国民银行与曼哈顿银行于1955年合并而成。银行总部设于纽约。属于洛克菲勒家族资产。摩根大通是一家跨国金融服务机构及美国最大的银行之一,业务遍及60多个国家,包括投资银行、金融交易处理、投资管理、商业金融服务、个人银行业务等。摩根大通的总部设于曼哈顿区的第一大通曼哈顿广场(One Chase Manhattan Plaza),部份银行业务则转移到德克萨斯州休斯顿的摩根大通大厦(JPMorgan Chase Tower)。

求一首英文歌曲,歌词里有it can happen to anyone of us 这么一句,给我发到568860908@qq.com 只说歌名是

Gareth gates 的 Anyone of us

jpmorgan chase bank是什么银行

jpmorgan chase bank是摩根大通银行,摩根大通集团业界称西摩或小摩,中国人习惯称之为“摩根银行”,摩根大通是一家跨国金融服务机构及美国最大的银行之一,业务遍及60多个国家,包括投资银行,金融交易处理,投资管理,商业金融服务,个人银行业务等。摩根大通是1968年在Delaware法律之下成立的金融控股公司,总部设于美国纽约市,是一家跨国金融服务机构,也是美国最大的银行之一。摩根大通于2000年由大通曼哈顿银行及J.P.摩根公司合并而成,并分别收购芝加哥第一银行和贝尔斯登银行和华盛顿互惠银行。摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司成立于2007年7月25日,注册地位于北京市西城区金融大街7号英蓝国际金融中心,登记机关为北京市市场监督管理局,股东有美国摩根大通银行有限公司。摩根大通银行(中国)有限公司经营范围包括经营全部外汇业务以及对除中国境内公民以外客户的人民币业务(吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理票据承兑与贴现;买卖政府债券、金融债券,买卖股票以外的其他外币有价证券;提供信用证服务及担保;办理国内外结算;买卖、代理买卖外汇等)。

有人知道这首英文歌的名字高潮几句是anyone can fail ,it happen to anyone of us

anyone of us

We all love crazy shit, so we have it!!!的中文翻译


foreign exchange exposure是什么意思

foreign exchange exposure外汇暴露 又称exchange exposure,指在汇率的变动情况下,因拥有外汇资产或负债所可能产生的损益风险而言。可能发生的外汇暴露有三种:(1)外币折算暴露(translation exposure),又称为会计暴露(accounting exposure):最常见于多国籍公司,因为这类公司必须依其既定的会计规则,将各国子公司不同币别的各种营运状况数字加以折算(translation),以与本国币别的帐户合并,然由于汇率变动,将会使此合并财务报表随之变动;(2)经济暴露(economic exposure):因汇率不可预期的变动,而使公司预估的现金流量现值发生改变;(3)交易暴露(transaction exposure):指交易完成后至清算期间,因汇率变动所产生的风险。

Wilson Ripper 770 和 Wilson Hammer 5.0 两把网球拍各有什么特点?哪一把比较好?

HAMMER 5.0明显比前者专业的多,HAMMER是WILSON比较有名的系列了,前者只是WILSON很普通的的初学拍。

so... that so提前部分倒装 但这句怎么解释so many people are crazy.不提前是什么样的?好像这个没有倒装


Never go out there to see what happens, go out there to make something happen

There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.  Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.   Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.  毫无疑问,我们永远不应该走出去看看发生了什么;相反,我们应该采取行动让事情发生。一个生动的例子就是由你。她和她的同事做了380提取物2 00草药才终于发现了纯物质青蒿素,可用于治疗疟疾。我们都知道,有很多的科学家们想找到这种物质,但这是她公司的行为,让她第一个中国医学诺贝尔奖得主。  为什么?原因很简单,可以列出如下。首先,只有采取行动才能找到最好的方法解决我们面临这些问题,但作为一个旁观者,我们可以学到什么有意义的事情。此外,在一个充满残酷和无情的竞争时代,没有采取行动让事情发生,我们注定要失去这宝贵的机会。例如,如果苹果刚刚在手机看看会发生什么,它不可能呈现惊人的产品,iPhone,给我们。   因此,我们大学生不应该只是一个观察者,但一个实干家。依我拙见,我们可以从应用所学付诸实践。

moon halo歌词

Some deserts on this planet were oceans onceSomewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shineSometimes I see a dying bird fall to the groundBut it used to fly so highI thought I were no more than a bystander till I felt a touch so realI will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tearsIf I have never known the sore of farewell and pain of sacrificesWhat else should I engrave on my mindFrozen into icy rocks, that"s how it startsCrumbled like the sands of time, that"s how it endsEvery page of tragedy is thrown away burned out in the flameA shoulder for the pastLet out the cries imprisoned for so longA pair of wings for me at this momentTo soar above this worldTurn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heartMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessedI will never goThere"s a way back homeBrighter than tomorrow and yesterdayMay all the beauty be blessedWave good-bye to the past when hope and faith have grown so strong and soundUnfold this pair of wings for me againTo soar above this worldTurned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sunMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessed

moon halo歌词

moon halo歌词如下:Some deserts on this planet were oceans onceSomewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shineSometimes I see a dying bird fall to the groundBut it used to fly so highI thought I were no more than a bystander till I felt a touch so realI will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tearsIf I have never known the sore of farewell and pain of sacrificesWhat else should I engrave on my mindFrozen into icy rocks, that"s how it startsCrumbled like the sands of time, that"s how it endsEvery page of tragedy is thrown away burned out in the flameA shoulder for the pastLet out the cries imprisoned for so longA pair of wings for me at this momentTo soar above this worldTurn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heartMay all the beauty be blessedMay all the beauty be blessedI will never goThere"s a way back homeBrighter than tomorrow and yesterdayMay all the beauty be blessedWave good-bye to the past when hope and faith have grown so strong and soundUnfold this pair of wings for me againTo soar above this worldTurned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sunMay all the beauty be blessed《Moon Halo》简介《Moon Halo》是HOYO-MIX发行的专辑,为崩坏3《薪炎永燃》动画短片印象曲所属专辑,发布于2021年7月9日。动画短片由miHoYo Anime出品,片中印象曲《Moon Halo》由米哈游旗下纯原创音乐团队HOYO-MiX制作。《Moon Halo》是茶理理、TetraCalyx、Hanser演唱的歌曲,由TetraCalyx作词,蔡近翰Zoe(HOYO-MiX)、TetraCalyx作曲,宫奇Gon(HOYO-MiX)编曲,收录于专辑《Moon Halo》。

one last chance歌舞青春歌词

The boy are back 和 I want it all 没找到 one last chance就一小段LAST CHANCE (Ryan and Kelsi) It`s our last chance to share the stage Before we go our separate ways High School wasn`t meant to last forever It`s our last chance for us to shine To bring you music one more time So come on, come on, come on (Come on, come on, come on) Come on, come on, come on 在High School Musical 3 casts - Senior Year Spring Musical上的这是我使我自己站起来的最后一个机会我再也不会失去它,现在不会,以后也不会这是我使我自己站起来的最后一个机会我再也不会失去它,现在不会,以后也不会而且我会努力记住我以前的样子这是我使我自己站起来的最后一个机会这是我最后一个机会 来吧 来吧 we"re all in this together 的很长啊歌手:high school musical cast 专辑:high school musical Together, together, together everyone 来吧、来吧,来吧大家 Together, together, come on lets have some fun 来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子Together, were there for each other every time 聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以Together together come on lets do this right 聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事Here and now its time for celebration 此时此刻我们欢聚一堂I finally figured it out (yeah yeah) 我终于可以描画出来That all our dreams have no limitations 我们那些不受束缚的梦想That"s what its all about 那是我们的所有Everyone is special in their own way 每个人都各有所长We make each other strong (each other strong) 我们自强不息Were not the same 我们与众不同Were different in a good way 我们走向不同的成功之路Together"s where we belong 但我们依然属于这里,相聚在这里We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂Once we know 我们找到了归宿That we are 认识了自己We"re all stars 我们都是明星And we see that 这一点不言而喻We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂And it shows 看着吧When we stand 当我们Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现Together, together, together everyone 来吧、来吧,来吧大家 Together, together, come on lets have some fun 来吧、来吧,让我们找点乐子Together, were there for each other every time 聚会吧,只要我们愿意,任何时候都可以Together together come on lets do this right 聚会吧,做我们喜欢的事We"re all here 我们在这里庆祝and speaking out with one voice 发出同样的呼喊we"re going to rock the house (rock the house) 我们要让屋子翻天覆地the party"s on now everybody make some noise 聚会还在进行,大家不要让它冷寂下来come on scream and shout 过来一起尖叫呐喊吧We"ve arrived because we stuck together 我们已经达到目的因为我们都在一起Champions one and all 我们都是胜利者We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂Once we know 我们找到了归宿That we are 认识了自己We"re all stars 我们都是明星And we see that 这一点不言而喻We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂And it shows 看着吧When we stand 当我们Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂When we reach 我们能实现梦想We can fly 我们能够自由飞翔Know inside 我们都知道We can make it 我们都会成功We"re all in this toghether 我们现在欢聚一堂Once we see 我们看到Theres a chance 我们有That we have 一个机会And we take it 我们会抓住它Wild cats sing along 流浪猫独自歌唱着Yeah, you really got it goin" on 你的一切都步入正轨Wild cats in the house 流浪猫走入房间Everybody say it now 人人都如是说Wild cats everywhere 到处都是流浪猫Wave your hands up in the air 举起你的手摇摆吧That"s the way we do it 这就是我们的方式Lets get to it 放手做吧Time to show the world 是时候让世界认识我们We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂Once we know 我们找到了归宿That we are 认识了自己We"re all stars 我们都是明星And we see that 这一点不言而喻We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂And it shows 看着吧When we stand 当我们Hand in hand 手拉手站在一起Make our dreams come true 我们会让梦想实现We"re all in this together 我们现在欢聚一堂When we reach 我们能实现梦想We can fly 我们能够自由飞翔Know inside 我们都知道We can make it 我们都会成功We"re all in this toghether 我们现在欢聚一堂Once we see 我们看到Theres a chance 我们有That we have 一个机会And we take it 我们会抓住它Wild cats everywhere 到处都是流浪猫Wave your hands up in the air 举起你的手摇摆吧That"s the way we do it 这就是我们的方式Lets get to it 放手做吧Come on everyone 加油,大家! High school musical 也不短啊 Ooh,here we go嘿.开始吧C"mon来吧Alright Little louder,now很好 现在,再大声一点点Hey...嘿...Lookin" forward from center stage站在中央舞台,我迫不及待To graduation day等着毕业那一天到来 Time to get the future started那是未来起飞的时刻What we leave what we take with us我们留下什麽,又带走什麽 No matter what不论如何It"s somethin" we"re a part of都曾经是我们的一部分 We learn to fly我们在这里学会飞翔Together side by side(Side by side)我们一起 肩并肩(肩并肩) I Just hope the rest of my life...我只希望将来一辈子...Will feel as good as my都会美好如我的High school musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go, It"s the best part we"ve ever known谁说我们一定要遗忘 那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future, but hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来,但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路The friends who"ve been there all along, just like...一路上朋友相伴,就像...A High school...High School...Musical...一场歌舞...歌舞...青春...Improvisation without a script, 全是即兴演出,没有剧本no ones written it没有人事先写好and now we have the chance to现在机会是我们的,一起写下青春But Some day we"ll be lookin" back但是有一天我们会回首 Memories we"ll have我们会有满满回忆all the songs that we lived through记得所有共同经历过的歌曲The best of times最好的时光so why leave them behind所以,为什麽要抛掉呢Why cant the rest of my life...为什麽接下来的一辈子...Be like my...不能像我的...High school musical (Yeah)歌舞青春(耶)Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from(her)让我们一起赞美来时路(嘿)The fiends who"ve been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友just right没错Now we finally realize现在我们终於知道Who we are, it just took some time自己的份量,虽然花了一点时间You have to learn and live to see the truth我们必须踏实生活,学习看清真相Live to see the truth学习看清真相That Nothing"s ever impossible没有不可能的事into the future we all freefall我们都是自由落体,掉进未来But Foever we"ll always have High School但是我们会永远记得高校High...歌...Time to party,now celebrate抓狂时间到了,一起庆祝吧School舞..."Cause the world"s one big stage因为世界是个巨大的舞台Musical青春Any part you want can be yours想演什麽角色都可以Everybody sing,yeah大家一起唱,耶High...歌...But the show is never gonna close但是表演永远不会结束School...舞...It"s what got us here we know我们知道来到这里就是为了未来Musical青春High School lives on forever more高校生活永不结束High School...歌舞High School Musical...歌舞青春High School Musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路The fiends who"ve been there all along 一路上相伴的朋友Oh yeah,I wish that life could be like a...喔耶,我希望人生能像一场High School Musical歌舞青春Who says we have to let it go谁说我们一定要遗忘It"s the best part we"ve ever known那是我们一生中最好的时光Step into the future...We"ll hold on to虽然一脚踏进未来...但仍然要紧紧抓住High school musical歌舞青春Let"s celebrate where we come from让我们一起赞美来时路All together,makes it better大家一起来,让回忆变得更美好Memories that last forever回忆持续到永远I want the rest of my life to我要接下来的人生Feel just like a感觉就像一场High...school...musical歌...舞...青春



蕾哈娜出的新歌bitch better have my money是什么意思怎么回事

整合时下热门的元素,魔性的嗓音在各路工业噪音synth下依然有化腐朽为神奇的凌驾感。最重要的是在保持了Icon度之後,她越发棱角分明,甚至有些凶猛尖锐。Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna Yeah, yeahYeah, yeahMoo-la-lahYeah, yeahBitch better have my money!Y"all should know me well enoughBitch better have my money!Please don"t call me on my bluffPay me what you owe meBallin" bigger than LeBronGive me your moneyWho y"all think y"all frontin" on?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better haveBitch better have my money!Turn up to Rihannawhile the whole club fuckin" wastedEvery time I drive by,I"m the only thing you"re playin"In a drop top, doin" hundred,y"all in my rearview mirror racin"Where y"all at? Where y"all at?Where y"all at?Like blah, blah, blahLouis XIII and it"s all on me,nigga you just bought a shotKamikaze if you think thatyou gon" knock me off the topShit, your wife in the backseatof my brand new foreign carDon"t act like you forgot,I call the shots, shots, shotsLike blah, blah, blahPay me what you owe me,don"t act like you forgotBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Pay me what you owe meBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have myBitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!Bitch Bitch better have my money!

bitch betta have my money这首歌的歌词翻译是什麼?

Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Moo-la-lah 牟啦啦 Yeah, yeah 耶耶 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Y"all should know me well enough 你们可是清楚姐的脾气 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Please don"t call me on my bluff 可别说我在吓唬你们 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Ballin" bigger than LeBron 姐可比勒布朗还有钱 Give me your money 碧池 把钱交给我 Who y"all think y"all frontin" on? 你以为你在冲谁皱眉头 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你多有种似的 Louis XIII and it"s all on me, 人头马 姐全买单 nigga you just bought a shot 你只买得起一杯吧 Kamikaze if you think that 不要以为你是神风特攻队 you gon" knock me off the top 能将我赶下台 Shit, your wife in the backseat 要知道你的妹子坐在 of my brand new foreign car 我全新座驾的后座上 Don"t act like you forgot, 可不要装作你忘了 I call the shots, shots, shots 老娘才是有话语权的老大 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你自己多有种似的 Pay me what you owe me, 把欠我的都还给我 don"t act like you forgot 可别装你忘了 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Turn up to Rihanna 直到老娘出现 while the whole club fuckin" wasted 这才像是个狂欢的派对 Every time I drive by, 每次姐我开车驶过 I"m the only thing you"re playin" 我才是唯一的大牌好吗 In a drop top, doin" hundred, 在下降,做几百 y"all in my rearview mirror racin" 我开着敞篷跑车 你们只能在我屁股后头追 Where y"all at? Where y"all at? 你们算老几 你们算老几 Where y"all at? 你们算老几 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为自己多有种似的 Louis XIII and it"s all on me, 人头马 姐全买单 nigga you just bought a shot 你只买得起一杯吧 Kamikaze if you think that 不要以为你是神风特攻队 you gon" knock me off the top 能将我赶下台 Shit, your wife in the backseat 要知道你的妹子坐在 of my brand new foreign car 我全新座驾的后座上 Don"t act like you forgot, 可不要装作你忘了 I call the shots, shots, shots 老娘才是有话语权的老大 Like blah, blah, blah 还以为你自己多有种似的 Pay me what you owe me, 把欠我的都还给我 don"t act like you forgot 可别装你忘了 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Pay me what you owe me 把欠我的都还给我 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch better have my money! 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch Bitch better have my money! 碧池 碧池 最好快点还我钱 Bitch Bitch better have my money!... 碧池 碧池 最好快点还我钱出处http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=0vPZp8mmaM2dNL1i5_YmXYGpGuLbBDZusx6ALWbVjDhDWV_0p0ytogYlwglFds6Cexp9C7VOGP0AuMdaegmROGgFqNva1CMCKU5gC7vqK37

25.(1)I insist that you ______ me my money backuff0e (2)I insisted on your __________me my money backuff0e


bitch better have my money的准确翻译


it is so big that it cant be a cat. 改为同义句

It is too big to be a cat.

猜一猜的英文l look like a cat,but lam not a cat. l am strong.lhave big eyes and a long tail


I spent all my money 和I have spent all my money?

I spent all my money:这是一般过去时,只是描述过去发生的事情:我花光了所有的钱,和现在没有关系。I have spent all my money:这是现在完成时,言外之意:我现在没钱了。

5.The cat has __-|||-A.a big fac

The cat has a big face that is generally round in shape. It has two eyes of different sizes on its head. The eyes are usually green, blue, gold or copper in color. Its ears are large and prominent and they can move independently of one another to adjust the direction of sound. Its whiskers are long and thick and they help it sense vibrations in the air. Its nose is small and black, while its lips are pink. It has sharp canine teeth that help it catch prey. Its fur is usually soft and fluffy and can be of any color including white, black, gray, brown and spotted. Its tail is long and thin and it helps the cat balance its body when it jumps or runs. The cat has small, padded paws and sharp claws which help it grip surfaces. The claws can be retracted for safety when the cat is not climbing or hunting.

bitch better have my money什么意思

这个其实得按照语境来翻译 你应该是电视剧里的吧 情景我猜测是一个人在找他的钱 然后好不容易找到一个女人 威胁她的情况下, 他说了这些话不知道会不会被和谐 所以使用一个稍微安全一些的词语贱人 你最好手上有我的钱

I have already used up all my money(改为同义句)

I haved already finished all my money !

the cats have big eyes 为什么cat后加s


this cat is big than that cat连词成句

the cat is bigger

have been in和have been to有什么区别?

have been in 在某地have been to 曾经到过某地如They have been in China for three years.他们来中国三年了They have been to China three times.他们到过中国三次了



how long have sb (been in或live in)有区别吗如果有请做出专业回答

have been in和have lived in 两个完成时结构都可以表示“在某地居住(呆着)”。have been in 更强调状态,因此,它还可以表示“处于某种状态中”,如:have been in trouble。have lived in更强调动作,就是指“在某地住着”。

i have been in什么意思


have been to和have been in有什么区别?


have been on和have been in后面分别加什么

高手来了to后面跟地点表地去过某地.常用搭配in介词而已,后面跟地点表示在某个地方之内,havebeenin就提示你还在这里.on介词而已,后面跟表地点的表示在什么上,比如在地板上,当然也提示你还在这里.i havebeentobejing后面不能跟一段时间ihavebeeninbeijingforayear我已经在bj呆了一年了,--可能要走了,也可能要继续呆下去.ihavebeenonthefloorforanhour.ihavebeentobjandlivedthereforayear

have been to和have been in的区别?


has been in

she has been in beijing

have been in与 have been to

have been in指的是在某地待着,比如I have been in China for two years.意思是,我已经在中国待了两年了.而have been to是已经去了某地,比如She has been to Beijing for a week.意思是她已经去北京有一周了.且主语一般不用I. 不知满意不.

have been to和have been in的区别

have been to、have been in和have gone to三者的区别,这三者都是指“到/在某地去”的意思,主要区别在于涵义和用法各不相同:(1)Have been in强调“住在某地/待在某地一段时间”,例子:他在中国待了3年(或许现在还在中国)。(2)have been to强调“过去到过而现在已返回”,例子:他去过中国,现在已经回来了。(3)have gone to表示“动作的完成”,突出的是人。例子:他已经去中国了,也许在去的路上,或者已经到达中国了。人物已经离开说话的地方了。

have been in什么意思?have gone in呢

have been in 表示到说话点为止待在某地的时间:She has been in Shanghai for three years.have gone to 表示去了某地还未回来:He has gone to Wuhan.(答案来自onesmart)

have been in 是什么意思?


have been to和have been in有什么区别

to 后面跟地点表地去过某地.常用搭配in 介词而已,后面跟地点表示在某个地方之内,have been in 就提示你还在这里.on 介词而已,后面跟表地点的表示在什么上,比如在地板上,当然也提示你还在这里.I have been to bejing 后面不能跟一段时间I have been in beijing for a year 我已经在BJ呆了一年了,--可能要走了,也可能要继续呆下去.I have been on the floor for an hour.I have been to bj and lived there for a year

have been to, have been in, have gone to区别有哪些?

have been to,have been in,have gone to的区别:1、这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但涵义稍有不同。have been to:表示过去到过而现在已返回have been in:表示过去曾去过have gone to:表示动作的完成2、三者表示到某地去的意思时,强调点不同。Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方.3、三者的用法不同。have been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了.可与just,ever,never等连用。have been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since,for,how long 等.have(has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中.总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语.4、例句比较:例句:They have been in Chicago.翻译:“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来.言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。例句:They have been to Chicago.翻译:“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”.此语强调的是往返的经历。例句:They have gone to Chicago.翻译:“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。

have been in和have been to的区别有哪些?

have been in和have been to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、have been in:一直都在。2、have been to:到过。二、语法不同1、have been in:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。been常有“来”或“去”的意思。2、have been to:have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。been指得是一次“完整”的来或去。三、侧重点不同1、have been in:侧重于表达一个持续的状态。2、have been to:侧重于表达一个曾经发生过的状态。

have been in 和have gone in的区别

have been in 表示已经呆在某地很久没有have gone in这个结构特别要注意have been to 和have gone to 的区别,前者指已经去过某地,并且已回来;后者指已经去了某地且没有回来或在回来的路上。如果您满意我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮!!!手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可!!!你的采纳是我前进的动力!!!谢谢!!!

have been in和have been to的区别是什么啊?

两者都是现在完成时,但是有差别。have been in 是说去到某个地方没走,一直待在那里;I have been in America for 3 years.我已经在美国呆了3年了。(我现在依然在美国。)have been to是说“去过”,现在不在那里了。但是它不是过去时,所以不能像二楼的那个例子用5 years ago.举个例子:I have been to America for 3 times.我去过三次美国(我现在不在美国)。

have been in 是什么意思?


have been to, have been in, have gone to怎么用

have been to,have been in,have gone to的区别:1、这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但涵义稍有不同。have been to:表示过去到过而现在已返回have been in:表示过去曾去过have gone to:表示动作的完成2、三者表示到某地去的意思时,强调点不同。Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方.3、三者的用法不同。have been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了.可与just,ever,never等连用。have been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since,for,how long 等.have(has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中.总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语.4、例句比较:例句:They have been in Chicago.翻译:“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来.言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。例句:They have been to Chicago.翻译:“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”.此语强调的是往返的经历。例句:They have gone to Chicago.翻译:“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。

have been in和have been to的区别有哪些?

have been in和have been to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、have been in:一直都在。2、have been to:到过。二、语法不同1、have been in:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。been常有“来”或“去”的意思。2、have been to:have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。been指得是一次“完整”的来或去。三、侧重点不同1、have been in:侧重于表达一个持续的状态。2、have been to:侧重于表达一个曾经发生过的状态。

have been in是什么意思?

have been in, have been to, have gone to 这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但涵义和用法各不相同。 Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方。 通过下列句子的对比,可以分清它们各自不同的涵义: They have been in Chicago.(1) They have been to Chicago.(2) They have gone to Chicago.(3) (1)句的意思是“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来。言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。 (2)句的意思是“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”。此语强调的是往返的经历。 (3)句的意思是“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。

have been in与have been to有何区别?

have been in和have been to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、have been in:一直都在。2、have been to:到过。二、语法不同1、have been in:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。been常有“来”或“去”的意思。2、have been to:have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。been指得是一次“完整”的来或去。三、侧重点不同1、have been in:侧重于表达一个持续的状态。2、have been to:侧重于表达一个曾经发生过的状态。

have been in还是have been to

都对但意思不同have been in 在……多长时间have been to 曾经到过某地He has been in China for two years.I have been to Beijing twice.

have been in的含义是什么?该怎么用?


my mom has a big cat.对画线部分提问。




have been in 和have gone in 等等的区别、还有过去现在完成时的重点、谢谢

have been in 表示已经呆在某地很久没有have gone in这个结构特别要注意have been to 和have gone to 的区别,前者指已经去过某地,并且已回来;后者指已经去了某地且没有回来或在回来的路上。望采纳~

my mom has a big cat一般疑问句怎么改

does your kom have a big cat,你妈妈有一只大猫吗

havehas been in 和havehas been to和havehas gone to之间的区别,要结合例句来说啊,谢谢~(≧▽≦)/~

have/has been to +地点,表示已经去过某地。have/has gone to:是说去某地方了:就是说在那个地方或者是在去那个地方的途中 have/has been in是曾到过某地(已经到了某地)现在完成时中been to,gone to和been in/at been to去过某地,表示某人的一种经历,可以和once,twice,already,ever,never等连用. eg. She has been to Shanghai twice. (表示目前人在这里) gone to 去某地了,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的途中或已在某地, eg. She has gone to Shanghai。 (表示现在她人不在这里) 楼上的挺好~

对不起,我想在问一下have been to/have been in/have gone to/have gone in的区别

have gone to意为“到某地去”,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一人称、第二人称代词作句子的主语。如:—Where is Jim?———吉姆在哪里?  —He has gone to England.———他去英国了。(尚未回来)  Mr Wang isn"t here.He has gone to Qingdao.王先生不在这里。他去青岛了。 have been to意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了,后可接次数,如once,twice,three times等,表示“去过某地几次”,也可和 just,never,ever等连用。如:  My father has been to Beijing twice.我父亲去过北京两次。  I have never been to the GREat Wall.我从未去过长城。  have been in表示“在某地呆了多少时间”,常与时间段状语连用。如:  I have been in Shanghai for three years.我到上海已有三年了。  He has been in London for half a month.他来伦敦已有半个月了。have gone in 是已经去了 in表示在某个地方


GrandReview 进行的研究表明,区块链市场在快速增长,并且没有迹象表明这种增长会在短期内放缓。当区块链处于起步阶段时,它是紧密社区的领域,但现在已经扩展到大型企业、投资者甚至地方政府。但伴随着如此快速的扩张而来的是一波新的挑战,尤其是在可扩展性方面。 解决区块链可扩展性问题 众所周知,区块链存在拥塞和可扩展性问题。这影响深远,会导致交易处理时间变慢和交易费用增加,从而导致用户体验不佳。 这不是特定链所独有的问题,但在以太坊——仅次于比特币的第二大区块链网络——的情况下尤其明显。这导致一些开发人员变得如此沮丧,以至于他们转向了其他网络,例如提供更高速度的 Solana 或 Cardano。 同时,大多数开发者都认为,要让 DeFi 继续获得普及和牵引力,以及让这些解决方案为大众所接受,解决方案在于合作,而不是竞争。输入多链宇宙的想法。 什么是多链(Multichain)? 多链能否解决可扩展性问题?顾名思义,多链生态系统是一个多链生态系统,其中多个区块链相互连接,最终目标是提升用户体验、提高效率并允许更广泛地采用。但这需要有效的跨链解决方案。好消息是其中一些已经在生产中。让我们看看 SushiSwap 和 Aave 采用多链。 SushiSwap 和 Aave 中的多链采用 SushiSwap 早在今年 3 月就进入了多链领域,现在是最大的多链采用者之一,存在于 13 条链上:包括 Ethereum、Binance Smart Chain、Polygon、Avalanche 和 Fantom。 Aave 将效仿。它已经通过其加密借贷产品取得了成功,这导致许多用户锁定了资产。 Aave 的创始人最近表示,该协议正在考虑在许多不同的网络上启动。他还谈到了 通过 EVM 兼容的解决方案 Neon Labs、 Avalanche和 Optimistic Rollup 解决方案 Arbitrum 和 Optimism 在 Solana上扩展 Aave的借贷市场,作为其多链战略的一部分。 多链聚合器从何而来? 多链或跨链聚合器确定实现跨区块链生态系统交易的最佳途径。因此,它们减轻了现有区块链用户的负担,并消除了新加入者的一些进入障碍。 这种聚合器的一个例子是Apeboard,它使用户能够跨不同平台监控他们的投资组合。Apeboard 支持 11 条链,包括 Ethereum、Binance Smart Chain、Polygon、Solana 和 Terra。它非常适合监控多个链之间的资产和跟踪余额。 这里还值得一提的是 1Inch,这是一个交易所聚合器,它通过扫描 DEX 来为交易者找到最低的加密货币价格。1inch 为以太坊、币安智能链和 Polygon 的 78 个平台提供流动性。 流行的多资产区块链 - Orbit Chain、Polkadot 和 Cosmos 在谈论多链未来时,重要的是要讨论多资产区块链,它使用去中心化跨链通信 (IBC) 存储、传输和验证存在于整个公共区块链上的信息和资产。其中最受欢迎的是 Orbit Chain、Polkadot 和 Cosmos。 多链未来的多种可能性 目前区块链仍然由其每个组成部分定义和体验,这意味着从用户的角度来看,它缺乏流动性。有些人甚至将其与互联网的早期阶段进行了比较。多链技术将颠覆这种体验,以至于用户甚至可能不知道他们在哪个链上操作。这种变化对于使区块链过渡到高增长行业至关重要。 多链将支持许多部门采用区块链,尤其是金融和银行业。如果没有这种互操作性,使用不同区块链的银行之间的交易对于所有相关人员来说都将非常复杂。但是使用多链方法,传输数据不仅简单,而且快速且安全。 同样,在供应链管理中,区块链互操作性可以带来巨大的好处。区块链的特性允许断开的供应链管理系统在没有高投资成本的情况下互操作。因此,利用这些特征来改变供应链是有意义的。 最后,互操作性的一个重要好处是,以前在孤岛中工作的不同开发团队可以利用彼此的解决方案,从而推动整个行业的创新。 为什么以太坊可能会阻止多链 目前,阻碍多链未来的最大发展是 ETH 2.0的推出——网络升级将使以太坊网络更具可扩展性和安全性。为实现这一目标,以太坊将其共识机制从工作量证明(PoW)更改为权益证明(PoS)。升级可能会对以太坊的价格产生重大影响,因为其较低的费用和更快的交易将使网络向更多的用户群体开放。 以太坊已经允许在 L2 汇总上进行资产转移——以太坊智能合约内的链下交易聚合器。他们的目标是通过增加区块链的吞吐量来减少费用和拥塞。但在资产转移方面,它们也提供了许多解决方案。 人们普遍认为,L2 解决方案在使以太坊赢得主流用户方面发挥了重要作用。据估计,L2 每秒可以处理 2,000-4,000 笔交易,这已经非常接近 Visa 的处理能力。随着第 1 层与以太坊 2.0 和第 2 层的扩展,以太坊将利用一些强大的经济带宽。 事实上,如果 ETH 2.0 全面生效,开发人员可能看不到任何拥抱多链的理由——以太坊将为他们提供所需的一切。

have been in和have been to的区别?

两者都是现在完成时,但是有差别。have been in 是说去到某个地方没走,一直待在那里;I have been in America for 3 years.我已经在美国呆了3年了。(我现在依然在美国。)have been to是说“去过”,现在不在那里了。但是它不是过去时,所以不能像二楼的那个例子用5 years ago.举个例子:I have been to America for 3 times.我去过三次美国(我现在不在美国)。

have been to, have been in, have gone to有什么区别?

have been to,have been in,have gone to的区别:1、这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但涵义稍有不同。have been to:表示过去到过而现在已返回have been in:表示过去曾去过have gone to:表示动作的完成2、三者表示到某地去的意思时,强调点不同。Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方.3、三者的用法不同。have been to表示“曾经去过某地”,现在已经不在那里了.可与just,ever,never等连用。have been in 表示“在某地呆多长时间”,常与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:since,for,how long 等.have(has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中.总之,说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二人称代词作句子的主语.4、例句比较:例句:They have been in Chicago.翻译:“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来.言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。例句:They have been to Chicago.翻译:“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”.此语强调的是往返的经历。例句:They have gone to Chicago.翻译:“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。

have been to, have gone to, have been in有什么区别?

这三个短语最大的区别是中文翻译出来的意思不同,意思区别如下:1、have been to:是指被谈论对象现在已经回来了,意思为曾经去过那个地方。例句:The old American man has been to China three times.这位美国老人到过中国三次。2、have gone to:是指被谈论对象现在还没有回来,正在去那个地方的路上;例句:He has gone to Shanghai.他到上海去了(他已经不在这个地方了,去了上海的路上或者已经到达了上海。)3、have been in:是指已经呆在某地,例句:I have been in Dalian for 5 years.我已经在大连呆了5年了。扩展资料:have gone to的注意点:go是非延续性动词,不能与表示时间段的状语连用。例句:They have gont to Beijing.他们去了北京。但不可以说:They have gone to Beijing for three years.其他例句区别:1、Lately i have been in need of money.我最近缺钱用。2、I have been to England.我曾经去过英格兰(已经回来了)。3、They have gone to Beijing.他们已经去北京了(还未回来)。参考资料:百度百科 状态动词


前者表参加的动作 是瞬间动词 后者表状态 是延续性动词.

has been to和has been in的区别是什么?

一、使用人称不同1、been to:因为表示的是过去的经历,所以不受人称的限制。第一,第二和第三人称都可以使用。2、 gone to:永远不能与第一人称连用,不能说我或者我们,因为一个人不可能同时身处两地。二、含义不同1、have/has been to表示“曾去过”,说明有某种经历,意思是曾经去过某地,但现在人已经回来了。2、have/has gone to:表示“已去某地(在途中或者已经到目的地)”,意思是某人已经离开这里去别处了。三、引证用法不同:1、been to:been常有“来”或“去”的意思,been指得是一次“完整”的来或去。2、gone to:用作不及物动词时,常可接带to的动词不定式,这动词不定式并不是用作状语表示目的。

have been in

have been in,have been to,have gone to 这三个短语都有“到某地去”的意思,但涵义和用法各不相同。 Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方。 通过下列句子的对比,可以分清它们各自不同的涵义: They have been in Chicago.(1) They have been to Chicago.(2) They have gone to Chicago.(3) (1)句的意思是“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回来。言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。 (2)句的意思是“他们曾到过芝加哥,现在已回来了”。此语强调的是往返的经历。 (3)句的意思是“他们已到芝加哥去了”,此语的言外之意是“也许他们已经到达,也许现在还在途中”,它强调“去”的动作已经完成,所以人已不在说话的地点。

have been in的用法

have been in:到某地去”的意思。Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验。 扩展资料   They have been in Chicago.   例句的意思是“他们曾去过芝加哥”,此语强调过去的经历,但没有说明现在是否已回bai。言外之意,他们到过芝加哥,他们知道芝加哥在何处,该城市有多大,人口有多少等等。   例句:   It is important for us to meet personally although we have been in touch in various ways.   尽管我们以多种方式保持联系,见面对我们来说还是非常重要的。   I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn"t have got burned   我本应该像其他旅游者一样呆在阴凉处的,那么我就不会晒伤了。

have been in和have been to的区别是什么?

have been in和have been to的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、have been in:一直都在。2、have been to:到过。二、语法不同1、have been in:have用作助动词时,可与动词的过去分词或“been+现在分词”连用,构成动词的各种完成时态。been常有“来”或“去”的意思。2、have been to:have的过去分词had还可与主语倒置,构成虚拟条件状语从句。been指得是一次“完整”的来或去。三、侧重点不同1、have been in:侧重于表达一个持续的状态。2、have been to:侧重于表达一个曾经发生过的状态。

How long have you ___Beijing?选填been in/been to /gone to 请分别解释为什么?答案为been in

Have been in强调“过去曾去过”之意,表示经验;have been to的意思是“过去到过而现在已返回”,它强调“最近的经历”;have gone to表示“动作的完成”,强调人已离开说话的地方。have been in 表示你去过但不一定回来了,但been to 却表示去过但已经返回,gone to是表示已经去了,或是到了或是在路上,主要强调动作,在本剧中, how long 是多长时间,意思是问你在北京待了多长时间了,是现在完成时态。意思从过去到现在你在北京多长时间了!所以要用been in


以下是一个以"happiness"为主题的两人口语对话示例:Person A: Hey, how"s it going?Person B: Hey! I"m doing great, feeling really happy lately. How about you?Person A: That"s wonderful to hear! I"ve been feeling pretty happy too. What"s been bringing you so much happiness lately?Person B: Well, I recently started practicing mindfulness and gratitude, and it has made a huge difference. Taking time each day to appreciate the little things has brought so much joy into my life. How about you?Person A: That"s fantastic! I"ve been focusing on building stronger relationships with my loved ones. Spending quality time with them and expressing my love and appreciation has brought me so much happiness and fulfillment. It"s amazing how meaningful connections can uplift our spirits.Person B: Absolutely! Meaningful relationships are such an important source of happiness. Speaking of which, have you tried any new hobbies or activities that have brought you joy?Person A: Yes, actually! I recently started painting, and it has become my favorite way to relax and express myself. The process of creating something beautiful with colors and brushstrokes brings me so much happiness and a sense of accomplishment.Person B: That"s fantastic! Finding a creative outlet can be incredibly fulfilling. It"s great to see you exploring your artistic side. By the way, have you noticed any other factors that contribute to your overall happiness?Person A: Definitely! Taking care of my physical health through regular exercise and a balanced diet has had a significant impact on my happiness levels. When I prioritize self-care, I feel energized and more positive in all aspects of my life.Person B: I completely agree. Physical well-being is closely tied to happiness. I"ve also found that helping others and giving back to the community brings me immense joy. Whether it"s volunteering or simply lending a hand to someone in need, the act of kindness fills my heart with happiness.Person A: That"s truly inspiring! Giving back is so rewarding. It"s wonderful to see how we can find happiness not only within ourselves but also by positively impacting the lives of others.Person B: Absolutely! Happiness is a beautiful journey, and it"s amazing how we can find it through various aspects of our lives—self-care, relationships, hobbies, and acts of kindness.Person A: Agreed. It just shows that happiness is not a destination but a way of life. It"s all about embracing the present moment, finding gratitude, and spreading positivity wherever we go.Person B: Well said! Let"s continue to prioritize our happiness and inspire others to do the same.Person A: Absolutely! Here"s to a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment.这个对话可以根据需要进行修改和调整,以符合你所期望的情境和时间长度。


When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains, however improbable,must be truth当你消除了不可能的事,不管剩下的是什么,不管多么不可能,一定是真理When you have eliminated the impossible,whatever remains, however improbable,must be truth当你消除了不可能的事,不管剩下的是什么,不管多么不可能,一定是真理

求Sha--respect the girls歌词!!!

I could hear myself clearfrom the living roomruptured pain to fearfamily"s dyin soonlook in my eye what do you seelover y amigo tambien enemybecause the best thing is lifeis for me to sing these wordsall i leave at the showsare chrome microphone turdsi take fat hitsand i take fat shitsi cap on the girlswho give out 10$ thigh splitsyo all i want is respectin this gamecause the papa roach style is wildand not plainknow what i"m sayingput us through your speakerscuz i know that we are bangingpositivity and negativitywe saying that youcan"t get the yingwithout the yangconfidence and stylemix it up with some slangand make it grimyjust like my little nigga stimeystep up was upi came to make friends to the endand back againand show your stacks againbecause sometimes i"m x-ratedsometimes i"m g-ratedsometimes i bugded crowdsact wildand get fadedwhether its mondayor tuesdayor thursdayor fridayi"m getting downeverydaybecause its my wayto express the onion hardcore slanga boogedy bang bangboogedy bang bangsha bang you know what i"m sayingput us through your speakerscuz i know we are banginglook in my eyeswhat do you seelover y amigotambien enemythe good and the badle bein a le malchaos forevernatural law 求满意啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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