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电影歌曲改变人生(Begin Again)解压密码!


类似《Begin Again》的电影还有哪些


泰勒斯威夫特 begin again 是写给谁的


类似《Begin Again》的电影还有哪些

once 是同一个导演的作品

如何评价《begin again》的结局及音乐

结局和电影名是呼应的。begin again,人生重新开始,旧的篇章被翻过去了。女主和男朋友对待那首《lost stars》的不同态度其实体现的是他们俩不同的人生观和人生选择。女主希望把这首歌唱成民谣(ballad),说明她喜欢的音乐生活是在独立私人空间的浅吟低唱;她的男朋友却把这首歌唱的摇滚味十足,证明他向往的生活是镁光灯下的众星捧月。最后演唱会上这首歌被唱响的时候她男朋友陶醉的表情、摇滚的曲风和观众的热烈说明了一切。女主对此看得清清楚楚,所以两人分道扬镳了。至于里面的音乐,有的清新,有的热烈,曲风不同,但都很好的切合了电影。难得的治愈系小清新电影,看完真的很舒心。

谁能告诉我求Taylor Swift 的Begin Again的歌词翻译,一定不要机器翻译啊,拜托啦!~

在镜子前屏息凝视他并不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的模样可那是我的最爱把自己反锁在房间 躲在只有音乐的世界他总说不理解这首歌的意义但我懂 感同身受推开门的一瞬我感觉你会迟到但熟悉的身影却映入眼帘静静的等待我朝着你的方向走去你温柔的拉开椅子让我坐下你不知道这微小的举动有多美好而我知道你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃你说 你从未遇见一个女孩收藏了和你一样多的詹姆斯·泰勒的唱片但这就是我我们互相倾诉你不明白为什么我的脸上泛着红晕但我心知肚明你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃我们穿过街区 并肩来到我的车旁我差点抑制不住 提起那个令我心碎的他你却笑着开始谈论电影那部你们每个圣诞夜都会观看的电影我决定不再提起他这念头初次闪过 过去的 就让它永远封存吧你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃在周三午后的咖啡馆 我看见爱再次浮现

求他taylor swift Begin Again的英文歌词!不要中文,只是英文。谢谢

Took a deep breath in the mirror He didn"t like it when I wore high heels, but I do Turned the lock and put my headphones on He always said he didn"t get this song but I do, I do Walked in expecting you"d be late But you got here early And you stand and wait And I walk to you You pulled my chair out and helped me And you don"t know how nice that is But I do And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again You said you never met one girl Who has as many James Taylor records as you But I do We tell stories and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy But I do But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again And we walk down the block to my car And I almost brought him up But you start to talk about the movies That your family watches every single Christmas And I won"t talk about that For the first time, what"s past is past ‘Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid I think itstrange "that s you think I"m funny ‘cause he never did I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does Is break and burn and end Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again Then on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.

如何评价《begin again》的结局及音乐

  这部片不就是(Maroon 5当前状态的真实写照吗  最后骚动演唱前半段是按女主希望的唱法唱的,唱出歌曲灵魂,带点民谣的味道。  后半部分唱着唱着就回到老路去了,越来越流行,倾向大众市场。  所以最后女主离开了,用1美元的价格向整个音乐产业和市场做出自己的抗争。  最后女主依然离开了男主,因为看到男主是真心享受后半段的演唱,并且也是从后半段开始,全场的气氛开始热烈起来,她就知道前半段安静的唱法可能并不是男主真心所追求。其实女主本来在前半段已经感动了,看得到她嘴角的笑意。但是当她看到那么爱的他,在舞台上享受着另一个版本的Lost star,她就很清楚的明白他们再也回不去了,那些从前两人一起在房间里甜言蜜语练歌的时光也不会回来了。所以说有些东西变了就是变了,即使想办法复合也不会是从前的模样了。  最后女主不愿意把她的专辑给唱片公司发行,大概就是想遵循自己的内心。她本来就是一个干净用心唱歌的女孩,她不愿意自己的作品受到别人的改动。因为她看到自己的Lost star变成了另一个风格,所以觉得自己卖唱片也是一种对自由的追求,对独立音乐的追求。



求Taylor Swift 的Begin Again的歌词翻译,一定不要机器翻译啊,拜托啦!~

egin Again 中英歌词 (By Avrilforever) 望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气, 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, 但那却是我最爱的事 插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里 他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛, 但我却深有感触 我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟 但你却已然早早出现了 你一个人静静的站着等待 我朝你走来 你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜 但我却深有感触 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 因为,他从不会这样想 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿 收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的音乐带 但我确实就是这样 我们聊着故事 你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来 但我心如明镜 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 因为,他从不会这样想 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁 我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他 而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影 是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 这样,我便不会再提起他了 从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 因为,他从不会这样想 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃



求Taylor Swift Begin Again吉他谱


begin again 电影 插曲有哪些

以下是begin again的原声大碟曲目,包含了电影全部插曲:01. Adam Levine - Lost Stars 4:27 02. Keira Knightley - Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home 3:39 03. Adam Levine - No One Else Like You 3:28 04. CeeLo Green - Horny 3:38 05. Keira Knightley - Lost Stars 4:00 06. Adam Levine - A Higher Place 3:12 07. Keira Knightley - Like A Fool 2:27 08. Cessyl Orchestra - Did It Ever Cross Your Mind 3:38 09. CeeLo Green - Women Of The World (Go On Strike!) 3:15 10. Keira Knightley - Coming Up Roses 3:14 11. Cessyl Orchestra - Into The Trance 4:05 12. Keira Knightley - A Step You Can"t Take Back 3:25 13. Adam Levine - Lost Stars (Into The Night Mix) 3:38 14. Cessyl Orchestra - The Roof Is Broke (Demo Mix) 3:00 15. Keira Knightley & Hailee Steinfeld - Tell Me If You Wanna Go Home (Rooftop Mix) 3:27 16. Cessyl Orchestra - Intimidated By You 2:28

Begin Again 歌词

歌曲名:Begin Again歌手:Hi Tide专辑:Begin AgainColbie Caillat - Begin AgainI can"t get you out of the sun lightI can"t get you out of the rainI can"t get you back to that one timeCos you and me are still recoveringSo lets just try, cool it downWe"re fighting this feeling of flameSo lets try and slow it downIt"ll crash when it rainsOh this is not the way that it should endIt"s the way it should beginThat"s the way it should begin againNo i never wanna fall apartNever wanna break your heartNever wanna let you break my ownYes i know we said a lot of thingsThat we probably didn"t meanBut it"s not too late to take them backSo before you say you"re gonna goI should probably let you knowThat i never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadSee i look for you in the morningCos that"s where my mind always goesAnd i can"t wait to get to the eveningCos that"s when i want you the mostSo lets just try, cool it downWe"re fighting this feeling of flameSo lets try and slow it downIt"ll crash when it rainsOh this is not the way that it should endIt"s the way it should beginThat"s the way it should begin againNo i never wanna fall apartNever wanna break your heartNever wanna let you break my ownYes i know we said a lot of thingsThat we probably didn"t meanBut it"s not too late to take them backSo before you say you"re gonna goI should probably let you knowThat i never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadBut i know it nowI wish i would"ve known beforeHow good we wereIs it too late to come backOr is it really overCos if it"s really overThen this is not the way that it should endIt"s the way it should beginThat"s the way it should begin againNo i never wanna fall apartNever wanna break your heartNever wanna let you break my ownYes i know we said a lot of thingsThat we probably didn"t meanBut it"s not too late to take them backSo before you say you"re gonna goI should probably let you knowThat i never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadI never knew what i hadI never knew, but i"m telling youI never knew

Begin Again 歌词

歌曲名:Begin Again歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Red KaraokeBegin AgainTaylor Swift★Your soft COUNTRY -珂珂sheery lyrics-Take a deep breath in the mirror,he didn"t like it when I wore high heels but I do.Turn the lock and put my headphones on,he always said he didn"t get this song but I do. I do.Walked in expecting you"d be latebut you got here early and you stand and wait I walk to you.You pulled my chair out and helped me in,and you don"t know how nice that is but I do.And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.He said he never met one girlwho had as many James Taylor records as you but I do.We tell stories and you don"t know whyyou"re coming off a little shy but I do.And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.And we walk down the block to my car and I almost brought him up.But you start to talk about the moviesthat your family watches every single Christmasand I will talk about that for the first time.What"s past is past.Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin againBut on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.

Taylor 的Begin again歌词的翻译

Taylor Swift-Begin Again(再续前缘)Took a deep breath in the mirror深呼吸,看着镜子里的自己He didn"t like it when I wore high heels.他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子But I do.但却是我的最爱Turned the lock and put my headphones on.锁上门,躲进耳机里的世界He always said he didn"t get this song.他总是说,不能理解这首歌的意义But I do, I do.但我却感同身受Walked in expecting you"d be late.推开门的瞬间,我觉得你应该会迟到But you got here early.但熟悉的身影已经出现在那里And you stand and wait.静静的等待And I walk to you.我朝着你的方向走去You pull my chair out and help me in.你温柔的拉开椅子,让我坐进And you don"t know how nice that is.你不会知道,这画面有多美好But I do.但我却能领略其中的美妙And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny.你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。Cause he never did.因为,他从不这样认为I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does.过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会Is break and burn and end.破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现You said you never met one girl你说,你不曾遇见过一个女孩who has as many James Taylor records as you.收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的卡带But I do.但你遇见了一个这样的我We tell stories,我们讲述着故事and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy.你不会明白,为什么我的脸上泛着红晕But I do.但我心知肚明But you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny.你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。Cause he never did.因为,他从未这样认为I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does.过去的8个月我一直思考, 爱就只会Is break and burn and end.破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.但在星期三午后的咖啡馆,我却看见爱,再次浮现And we walk down the block to my car.我们并肩走过街区,来到我的车旁And I almost brought him up.我几乎就要提起那个另我伤心的他But you start to talk about the movies.你却转而开始谈论电影that your family watches every single Christmas.那一部你们家庭每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片And I won"t talk about that.我想我不会再提起他了For the first time, what"s past is past.第一次闪过这样的念头,过去的,就让它封存在记忆里吧"Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.你扬起头,绽放出孩子般天真的笑颜I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny.你觉得我很有趣,我却觉得你的想法很奇怪。Cause he never did.因为,他从未这样认为I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does.过去的8个月我一直思考爱会做什么。Is break and burn and end.破碎,毁灭,然后消失不见But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.在星期三的咖啡馆,我抬起头But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.那个阳光温暖的午后,我看见爱,再次浮现

taylor swift begin again中文歌词

Took a deep breath in the mirror 望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气, He didn"t like it when I wore high heels, 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, But I do 但那却是我最爱的事 Turned the lock and put my headphones on 插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里 He always said he didn"t get this song 他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛, but I do, I do 但我却深有感触 Walked in expecting you"d be late 我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟 But you got here early 但你却已然早早出现了 And you stand and wait 你一个人静静的站着等待 And I walk to you 我朝你走来 You pulled my chair out and helped me in 你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下 And you don"t know how nice that is 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜 But I do 但我却深有感触 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 You said you never met one girl 你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿 Who has as many James Taylor records as you 收藏着和你一样多的James Taylor的音乐带 But I do 但我确实就是这样 We tell stories 我们聊着故事 and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy 你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来 But I do 但我心如明镜 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 And we walk down the block to my car 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁 And I almost brought him up 我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他 But you start to talk about the movies 而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影 That your family watches every single Christmas 是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 And I won"t talk about that 这样,我便不会再提起他了 For the first time, what"s past is past 从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘cause he never did 因为,他从不会这样想 I"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking all love ever does 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着, 难道爱就只能 Is break and burn and end 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃

taylor swift《begin again》MV中的男主角是谁演的?

vladimir perrin

可以把霉霉的begin again mp3百度网盘地址发给我吗?

Taylor Swift-Begin Again.mp3:备用地址Taylor_Swift-Begin_Again.mp3:使用浏览器打开,选择普通下载即可打开链接,点击“普通下载”即可。确认无误---请采纳,如果好用请点个赞!本资源来自网络,不得用于商业用途,如有【链接失效】等问题,请留言告知!本资料版权归原作者及版权商所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版。本资料仅限个人测试学习之用,不得用于商业用途,请在下载后24小时内删除。

Begin again为什么亚当唱歌女主角走了

女主角同时放下了两段感情 dan那边是送回去分线器让他和老婆复合 另外这边亚当唱lose stars说是唱女主角的版本 但你可以明显感觉随着下面听众high起来 就慢慢变回去hit的版本了 所以女主角就留下眼泪走了


作为一档音乐综艺,《Begin Again》并没有常见的胜负、任务、对决环节,也没有什么吊人胃口的剪辑,嘉宾们唱自己想唱的歌,选曲还会根据天气或者场地调整,这样以“慢”为主的节目,话题度和讨论度应该不高。但是,《Begin Again》全四季豆瓣评分都在9分以上,最新一季更是高达9.7分。



Begin Again的歌曲MV

歌曲MV取景于法国巴黎 ,并由菲利普·安德尔曼执导,MV在2012年10月间进行拍摄 ,MV中的泰勒身着一袭红裙搭配白色披肩,独自一人漫步于塞纳河畔眺望远方;独自一人穿行在巴黎的大街小巷;独自骑着单车在城市里游荡。这是在经历了一段心碎的感情后的散心之旅。 不料在咖啡屋里,午后温暖的阳光穿梭于微隙的气息,舒倘,漫长,把天地间一切空虚盈满,他逆着阳光走来,简单的遇见,他成为她愿意尘封过往的“Begin Again” 。

如何评价电影《歌曲改变人生》(Begin Again)?

一部很干净不做作的电影,先看的lalaland才发现这部宝贝!!女神一直美如画浩克叔叔演技一直在线还有骚当第一次做演员这些就不说了!因为题材和lalaland真的很像,但是剧情又很不像。所以我大概只是找到了出口吐槽一下lalaland吧…lalaland里的爱情是主角虽然靠音乐拿奖,但是电影却通篇给人音乐只是陪衬的感觉,尽管插入了长篇的独白试图给乐盲讲清楚(作者对于爵士的理解)但是最后不但显得冗长而且只能沦为男主深爱女主的筹码被放弃。明明想表现男女主无谓一切的真爱,却把那份感情描述的过于生硬反倒显得女主有点婊气了。而在begin again里,剧情柔和了很多起码每一步剧情的发展虽然戏剧性但是都是make sense的。虽然大家都潦倒,但是没有谁对谁的退让,没有喜欢你就只有放弃你的无奈,没有毫无理由的拒绝,没有共同爱好就一定要在一起的狗血。至少两部电影里都有女主从前男友演唱会离开的情节lalaland拍出来只觉得女主好矫情但是在begin again里却跟着kk女神的离开一起哭了出来。因为这部电影里有大家真的对音乐有发自内心的热爱,有受伤认清现实之后的成长,有戳破隔开亲情的玻璃纸的感动。这部电影更让我感受到追梦才是最重要且发自内心充满欣喜的事情、一群人在一个充满无限可能的城市铆足了劲儿要往前走的激情。

Begin Again的歌曲鉴赏

《Begin Again》的简谱由G大调构成,每分钟拥有76次缓和的节拍,泰勒的声域从D3跨越到B4。从《Begin Again》中我们可以感受到泰勒·斯威夫特创作乡村音乐的技巧已经达到了手到擒来、炉火纯青的地步。在歌词方面,泰勒将她的经历转变为一个美好的在一段失败的感情过后的爱火重燃的故事 。



begin again是真实故事吗

有改编的,beginagain电影原型是玛丽黛佳。电影主题曲《Begin Again》是由美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱的一首乡村歌曲,歌曲的歌词和简谱由泰勒·斯威夫特编写,并与丹恩·哈夫和内森·查尔曼进行音乐制作。这首歌收录自泰勒·斯威夫特的第四张录音室专辑《Red》,并作为专辑的第二波主打单曲由大机器唱片公司于2012年10月1日发行。



类似《Begin Again》的电影还有哪些

类似《Begin Again》的电影有《曾经》是约翰·卡尼编导的一部爱情音乐电影,由格伦·汉塞德,玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃主演,该片于2006年7月15日在爱尔兰上映。影片讲述卖花姑娘(玛可塔·伊尔格洛娃饰)与街头音乐家(格伦·汉塞德饰)在爱尔兰首府都柏林因音乐而结缘的浪漫爱情故事。《八月迷情》是2007年华纳兄弟出品的音乐剧情片。影片由科斯汀·谢里丹执导,乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯和凯丽·拉塞尔等联袂出演。影片于2007年11月21日在美国上映。影片讲述了孤儿奥古斯特·拉什为寻父母来到纽约,在遇到神秘陌生后成为街头卖艺者,奥古斯特依靠自己非凡的音乐天赋最终与自己父母相认的故事。

《Begin Again》:不期而遇的,是此时此刻的珍珠

二十多年前,由郑晓龙和冯小刚联袂担纲导演的一部电视剧风靡一时,令南巡讲话后不久,尚未完全体会到经济腾飞和全球化大发展的国人,普遍对大洋彼岸的世界充满陌生又冲动的复杂的思想。电视剧名为《北京人在纽约》,相信很多看过的人如今再提起来记忆犹新。那个遥不可及的世界就是美国,那座诱惑十足的城市就是纽约。 电视剧里那句著名的台词说: 『如果你爱他,请送他去纽约,因为那里是天堂;如果你恨他,请送他去纽约,因为那里是地狱。』 没错儿,不只是在那个年代,纽约给人们的感觉是天堂和地狱的集合体,在那样一个光怪陆离、高度发达的地方,任何时候的任何人,想要闯出一片自己独享的天地,谈何容易。那可远远不是顾况当年说给白居易的『长安米贵,居大不易』这样简单的逻辑所能概括的了。 如题所示,今天我要跟大家谈的是2015年上映的一部电影《Begin Again》。这是一部与音乐密不可分的电影,因为它本身讲的就是两个做音乐、玩音乐、在音乐上有着超高天赋的人相遇的故事。这个故事,同样发生在纽约。 影片有好几个译名,有叫『再度出发』的,有叫『重新开始』的,还有更直白地叫作『歌曲改变人生』的。在我的印象中,我收藏的2015年某期《看电影》杂志里夹着一张海报,其中一面就是这部电影,我已记不清到底是译名还是宣传语,其中有一句仍然是四个字,叫『不期而遇』。对,不期而遇,假如那张海报上真的是以这个名字作为翻译的话,那么我喜欢极了这个名字。既通俗,又保持了一点含蓄,既易记,又极好地传递了影片淡淡表达出的那种浪漫情调,还给人无限遐想,实在是很不错的一个片名。 这样一个不期而遇的故事,走到终点并未延续人们能够想到的滥俗结局,是遗憾,但也在情理之中。毕竟,片中的两位主人公说到底都是三观极正、爱惜自己羽毛的人。 两个失落的人,一个绝望到不愿出门见人,一个崩溃到已经想好自杀,情场失意的遇到了职场失势的,你还能期望发生什么呢? 能够让他们产生联系、彼此心灵感应的,是音乐。未被朋友事先告知而即兴登台献唱的英国潜力型唱作人Gretta,她说:这是一首新歌,献给所有在这个城市中感到过孤独的人。但一曲唱毕,走下台来,收获的掌声寥寥无几。而醉酒到东摇西摆的乐坛资深制作人Dan,听到Gretta的歌声后,如同贺知章见到了李太白,立刻惊为天人,并且断定Gretta是大有发展前景的实力唱将。 中间的故事并无多少新意。当然叙述了一个屌丝在另外一个实则很拽的屌丝的坚持和帮助下,一步一步实现了梦想——只不过,这不光是Gretta一人的梦想,这是她和Dan两人共同的梦想——一个为了真正找回自己人生的重心,一个为了复兴他想要呈现的音乐。这很像如今国内的音乐类选秀节目中,某导师为某个声音兴奋转身,在对之加以点拨之余,还一举捧红了草根歌手这样的路数。只不过,Gretta比起现在那些还在辛辛苦苦转战各大卫视的各档节目的歌手,实在是幸运多了。是啊,谁让他们这『不期而遇』如此奇妙而动人呢。 说点题外话。今年夏天,我在参加某次社交活动时,『不期而遇』了全国著名歌唱家、音乐教育家邵永静先生的一场小讲座。称之为小讲座,是因为当时的场合并非官方活动现场,参加的人们也不是专业人士,只有二十多个人,围着邵先生听他讲他从事了一生的音乐事业,以及讲唱歌到底是怎么一回事。邵先生虽为大家,仍然虚怀若谷、谦和近人。在他的分享过程中,他提到了一个他所了解到的事实:目前在中国,每年大约有2万人毕业于各个高校专业的声乐班子,而唱得最好的并不一定都是科班出身,我们所能看到的诸如从『好声音』『好歌曲』之类的节目中涌现出来的一等一的选手,能唱到他们这种水平的,全国大约有4千人,而真正跳出来最终成名立万的,不过寥寥百余人。 在那些选秀失败了的人当中,有改行从事其他的,或是开始拼颜值、拼演技;也有不抛弃不放弃,坚信自己总会如那云雀一翅冲天,只是时间的早晚罢了。其实,不管是前者还是后者,他们都是在梦想路上『Begin Again』的。他们每一个人的故事,都印证了那句鸡汤味十足但道理同样十足的话:这个世界上最重要的不是你身在何处,而是你朝着什么方向前进。 拥有梦想并为之不断奋斗,必须值得赞许,但梦想本身只是梦想,实现了之后呢?Gretta重新去找男友Dave,可是见到之后一切都变了。不是薛仁贵接回了王宝钏,你织布来我耕田,而是Dave已非昔日郎。 想见的人就去见,该走的时候就要走。一定有不少人体会过这样的感受吧。 影片中有一首插曲叫《迷失的群星》,歌中唱道: 『我们是否都是迷失的群星?依旧试图把黑暗照亮?』迷失了,就是迷失了,迷失就是彻底失去的先兆,那黑暗可以用音乐照亮,但心之残缺永难缝补抑或粘贴完全。 片中有一处细节,Dan说:『我爱音乐,因为它让每一个平凡的瞬间,都充满了意义。音乐的奇妙就在这里,它可以让司空见惯的生活,那些平淡无奇的细节,都变成闪亮的珍珠……一个人年纪越大,就越难寻获到这珍珠。』而Gretta 微笑着说:『此时此刻,就是一颗珍珠。』 音乐与电影完美契合,梦想和现实彼此映照,《Begin Again》,给了我凡俗故事之外不一样的触动。看完这部电影,除了祝福身边的人们和自己能在某个时刻拥有一段难忘的『不期而遇』,我不知更大的意义还有什么。因为,在那样的『不期而遇』里,一定事先埋藏了遇见的人内心最珍视的『珍珠』。那样的『珍珠』,只要拥有过,此生便是完整的,即便失去了,你也不必过分执着。 (同步发布于微信公众号『鲸蓝书店』)

电影 | Begin Again

这是一部适合一个人在工作结束以后窝在沙发上看的温暖电影。虽然整个电影无惊喜处,但故事却如行云流水。 讲述了在各自生命低潮遇上的两个人,互相弥补了对方的缺口,之后再各自上路的故事。 故事以一首歌切入——《A Step You Can"t Take Back》,歌名与电影名相对,绝望之后才能重新开始,淡淡的曲调,更能让孤独过的城市人心有触动。然后以插叙、倒叙的方式将整个故事娓娓道来。 失业的Dan和失恋的Gretta开始在街头录唱片,聚集了一群追求音乐梦想的人。他们在居民区、帝国大厦楼顶、路口、地铁,融合了整个城市的声音。也在这个过程中,Gretta帮助Dan改善了与家人的关系,Gretta也写下分手歌,打算走出情感阴霾。每个人都重新认识了自己,也让生活回到了正轨上。 最后,Dan在事业和家庭两个方面“begin again”,即与前妻重修旧好,获得女儿信任,也重新获得了旧唱片公司的工作。而Gretta则是用另一种态度“begin again”,在Dave的演唱会上,Gretta终于原谅了Dave,可是没等歌唱完,看着给歌迷拥住的前男友,她带着微笑转身离去,用单身的身分迈步向前。 虽然女主的声音比较单薄,但是我觉得里面的歌曲还都是不错的,每一首歌都赋予了它们各自的故事。 《Lost Stars》配合着女主和男朋友相恋、分手又相遇的故事。最初,这首歌是Gretta送给Dave的圣诞礼物,结尾时Dave又把这首歌唱给Gretta。我喜欢Dave唱到:“yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer”之后Gretta的情绪变化,从高兴到释然,一切都结束了。放弃与Dave的恋情,把自己从迷惑中释放出来,告别旧情,舍弃执念,更是悠然自在,在人生的层次上重新开始。 《Like a Fool》Gretta分手后甩给Dave的歌。简约的唱法,带出淡然的忧怨,尾段平静地唱“And I have loved you like a fool”,更显决绝,也很能塑造Gretta的性格特色。 ……


Tookadeepbreathinthemirror 望着镜子里的我,深吸一口气, Hedidn"tlikeitwhenIworehighheels, 他说,不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的样子, ButIdo 但那却是我最爱的事 Turnedthelockandputmyheadphoneson 插上锁,带上耳机,投入到音乐的怀抱里 Healwayssaidhedidn"tgetthissong 他总是说他无法理解这首歌的真谛, butIdo,Ido 但我却深有感触 Walkedinexpectingyou"dbelate 我轻轻迈着步伐走入的瞬间,私心想着你可能会姗姗来迟 Butyougothereearly 但你却已然早早出现了 Andyoustandandwait 你一个人静静的站着等待 AndIwalktoyou 我朝你走来 Youpulledmychairoutandhelpedmein 你轻轻的帮我拉开椅子,示意让我坐下 Andyoudon"tknowhownicethatis 你不会知道,这感觉有多甜蜜 ButIdo 但我却深有感触 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikealittlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 Yousaidyounevermetonegirl 你说,你还未曾遇到过这样一个女孩儿 WhohasasmanyJamesTaylorrecordsasyou 收藏着和你一样多的JamesTaylor的音乐带 ButIdo 但我确实就是这样 Wetellstories 我们聊着故事 andyoudon"tknowwhyI"mcomingoffalittleshy 你不明白,为什么我会突然变得羞答答起来 ButIdo 但我心如明镜 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikealittlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃 Andwewalkdowntheblocktomycar 我们一起走过街区,来到我停下的车旁 AndIalmostbroughthimup 我几乎就快要想起曾经的那个他 Butyoustarttotalkaboutthemovies 而你转而开始跟我谈论起电影 ThatyourfamilywatcheseverysingleChristmas 是那部你们家每个圣诞夜都会观看的影片 AndIwon"ttalkaboutthat 这样,我便不会再提起他了 Forthefirsttime,what"spastispast 从未有过这种感觉,逝者如流水,就让它过去吧 Andyouthrowyourheadbacklaughinglikea littlekid 你转身回过头,笑得像个天真无邪的孩子般 Ithinkit"sstrangethatyouthinkI"mfunny 你觉得我是那样的有趣,这想法让我感到有些诧异。 ‘causeheneverdid 因为,他从不会这样想 I"vebeenspendingthelast8monthsthinkingallloveeverdoes 过去的8个月里我一直暗自思索着,难道爱就只能 Isbreakandburnandend 破碎,毁灭,然后到达终点? ButonaWednesdayinacafeIwatcheditbeginagain 但在那个星期三的咖啡馆里,我却亲眼见到了爱火重燃求采纳

Begin Again的歌曲歌词

Took a deep breath in the mirrorHe didn"t like it when I wore high heelsBut I doTurn the lock and put my headphones onHe always said he didn"t get this songBut I do, I doWalked in expecting you"d be lateBut you got here early and you stand and waveI walk to youYou pull my chair out and help me inAnd you don"t know how nice that isBut I doAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againYou said you never met one girl whoHad as many James Taylor records as youBut I doWe tell stories and you don"t know whyI"m coming off a little shyBut I doAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againAnd we walked down the block, to my carAnd I almost brought him upBut you start to talk about the moviesThat your family watches every single ChristmasAnd I want to talk about thatAnd for the first timeWhat"s past is pastAnd you throw your head back laughingLike a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny causeHe never didI"ve been spending the last 8 monthsThinking all love ever doesIs break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin againBut on a Wednesday in a cafeI watched it begin again 在镜子前屏息凝视他并不喜欢我穿高跟鞋的模样可那是我的最爱把自己反锁在房间 躲在只有音乐的世界他总说不理解这首歌的意义但我懂 感同身受推开门的一瞬我感觉你会迟到但熟悉的身影却映入眼帘静静的等待我朝着你的方向走去你温柔的拉开椅子让我坐下你不知道这微小的举动有多美好而我知道你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃你说 你从未遇见一个女孩收藏了和你一样多的詹姆斯·泰勒的唱片但这就是我我们互相倾诉你不明白为什么我的脸上泛着红晕但我心知肚明你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃我们穿过街区 并肩来到我的车旁我差点抑制不住 提起那个令我心碎的他你却笑着开始谈论电影那部你们每个圣诞夜都会观看的电影我决定不再提起他这念头初次闪过 过去的 就让它永远封存吧你扬起孩子般天真的笑脸你觉得我很有趣 我却觉得你的想法奇怪因为他从未这样觉得过去的八个月里我一直认为 爱情是不是都以破碎告终燃烧殆尽 最终灰飞烟灭但在周三午后的咖啡馆 我却看见爱火重燃在周三午后的咖啡馆 我看见爱再次浮现

begin again 电影 插曲有哪些



《再次出发之纽约遇见你 Begin Again》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:xeg6导演: 约翰·卡尼编剧: 约翰·卡尼主演: 凯拉·奈特莉 / 马克·鲁弗洛 / 亚当·莱文 / 詹姆斯·柯登 / 海莉·斯坦菲尔德 / 凯瑟琳·基纳 / 茅斯·达夫 / 罗伯·莫洛 / 伊恩·布罗茨基 / 香农·沃尔什 / 大卫·埃伯利斯 / 马科·阿桑特 / 玛丽·凯瑟琳·歌瑞森 / 詹·雅各布 / 席洛·格林 / 詹妮弗·李·杰克逊 / 特里·刘易斯 / 吉米·帕伦博 / 西蒙·德兰尼 / 丹妮尔·布里瑟布瓦 / 基恩·鲁弗洛 / 尼古拉斯·丹尼尔·冈萨雷斯 / 麦迪·科尔曼 / 阿雅·卡什 / 大卫·彭德尔顿 / 保罗·罗梅罗 / 安德鲁·塞伦 / 凯伦·皮特曼 / 罗恩·沃斯类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 音乐制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2015-06-26(中国大陆) / 2013-09-07(多伦多电影节) / 2014-07-11(美国)片长: 104分钟又名: 再次出发 / 歌曲改变人生 / 一切从音乐再开始(港) / 曼哈顿恋习曲(台) / 纽约小情歌 / 为乐而生 / 重新开始 / 重来 / Can a Song Save Your Life? / New York Melody 该片讲述了格雷塔(凯拉·奈特莉 Keira Knightley 饰)抛弃了一切跟随着男友戴夫(亚当·李维 Adam Levine 饰)来到美国纽约实现他们的音乐和爱情梦想,没想到曾经幻想过的美好一切化作泡影,在获得了更好的工作机会后,戴夫果断抛弃了格雷塔,留下她一人苦苦在底层挣扎。丹(马克·鲁法洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)最近的生活也不好过,他发现自己无法从思念前妻马瑞安(凯瑟琳·基纳 Catherine Keener 饰)的感情中走出来,与此同时,他的女儿维奥莱特(海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld 饰)正处于一生中最叛逆的阶段。丹和格雷塔,命运让这失意的两人于一间小小的酒吧里相遇了,等待着他们的,会是怎样充满波折而又浪漫满满的故事呢?

如何评价《begin again》的结局及音乐

这部片不就是(Maroon 5当前状态的真实写照吗最后骚动演唱前半段是按女主希望的唱法唱的,唱出歌曲灵魂,带点民谣的味道。后半部分唱着唱着就回到老路去了,越来越流行,倾向大众市场。所以最后女主离开了,用1美元的价格向整个音乐产业和市场做出自己的抗争。最后女主依然离开了男主,因为看到男主是真心享受后半段的演唱,并且也是从后半段开始,全场的气氛开始热烈起来,她就知道前半段安静的唱法可能并不是男主真心所追求。其实女主本来在前半段已经感动了,看得到她嘴角的笑意。但是当她看到那么爱的他,在舞台上享受着另一个版本的Lost star,她就很清楚的明白他们再也回不去了,那些从前两人一起在房间里甜言蜜语练歌的时光也不会回来了。所以说有些东西变了就是变了,即使想办法复合也不会是从前的模样了。最后女主不愿意把她的专辑给唱片公司发行,大概就是想遵循自己的内心。她本来就是一个干净用心唱歌的女孩,她不愿意自己的作品受到别人的改动。因为她看到自己的Lost star变成了另一个风格,所以觉得自己卖唱片也是一种对自由的追求,对独立音乐的追求。

求Begin Again——Rachel Platten歌词的中文翻译!拜托拜托!

I need a wrecking ball我需要一个落锤,I want the sky to fall我想天空会掉下来,God I feel so small tonight主啊,今夜我感觉自己如此渺小。Need a wrecking ball我需要一个落锤,I could crash and fall我可以碰撞和坠落,Could it break my walls and make it right它可以击碎我的心墙让一切都好起来吗?Can I begin again Can I begin again我还能不能从新开始?Need a tidal wave come and wash away the mess I made and make it right我需要一场海啸,冲刷我所犯下的错误,让一切都好起来,I need to make it right我需要让一切都好起来。Yeah I need a big move是的,我需要一次大迁移,I need a sharp knife我需要一把锋利的刀,I need to cut these scars right out of my life我需要立刻把所有的恐惧都切断,把它们扔出我的生活。I need a big move我需要一次大迁移,I need a sharp knife我需要一把锋利的刀,I need to be shaken up tonight今夜我需要自己被唤醒,重新振作起来。I need a wrecking ball我需要一个落锤。I feel paralyzed like I am frozen in time我感觉已经麻痹,好像迟早会被冻僵,Just wanna close my eyes and make it go away真的只想紧闭双眼,让一切随风而去。When did everything fall apart什么时候开始,一切都崩溃了,When did the nightmares start什么时候开始,噩梦每晚降临,Why is it so hard to find a way想要找到一个出口,却为何如此艰难。To begin again To begin again让一切重新开始吧。But I need a big move但是我需要一次大迁移,I need a sharp knife我需要一把锋利的刀,I need to cut these scars right out of my life我需要立刻把所有的恐惧都切断,把它们扔出我的生活。I need a big move我需要一次大迁移,I need a sharp knife我需要一把锋利的刀,I need to be shaken up tonight今夜我需要自己被唤醒,重新振作起来。I need a wrecking ball我需要一个落锤I wanna wrecking ball 我需要一个落锤Cause I"m a wreck yeah cause I"m a wreck因为我已经破碎了,是的,我已破碎。I need a wrecking ball come and break my walls我需要一个落锤来击碎我的心墙。



begin again taylor swift歌词

i can"t get you out of the sunlight我无法让你远离阳光[00:19.10]i can"t get you out of the rain我无法让你远离雨天[00:22.65]i can"t get you back to that one time我无法让你回到那时[00:26.11]cos you and me are still recovering因为你与我仍在恢复着[00:28.50]so lets just, try to cool it down因此让我们,尝试着平静下来[00:32.93]the fighting, this feeling of flames这抗争,这火焰般的感受[00:35.75]so lets try to slow it down让我们尝试放慢速度[00:39.90]we crash when we race我们在奔跑中破碎[00:45.04][00:45.23]oh this is not the way that it should end这不是结束的方式[00:48.05]it"s the way it should begin它应该是开始的方式[00:49.60]it"s the way it should begin, again再次,开始的方式[00:52.50]no, i never wanna fall apart,不,我不曾想崩溃[00:54.73]never wanna break your heart不曾想伤你的心[00:56.42]never wanna let you break my own不曾想让你伤害我自己[00:59.31]yes, i know we"ve said alot of things是的,我知道我们说了很多事情[01:01.64]that we probably didn"t mean这或许不是我们的本意[01:03.42]but it"s not too late to take them back但是收回那些还不晚[01:06.24]so, before you say you"re gonna go..因此,在你说你要离开之前[01:08.89]i should probably let you know我或许应该让你知道[01:10.44]that i never knew what i had..我从不知我所拥有[01:13.46]i never knew what i had..[01:18.69][01:22.04]see i look for you in the morning看 我在天明时找寻你[01:25.66]cos that"s where my mind always goes因为那儿是我记忆的所在[01:28.86]and i can"t wait to get to the evening我无法等待黑夜的到来[01:32.68]cos that"s when i want you the most因为那是我最需要你的时候

Begin Again的创作背景

《Begin Again》由泰勒本人独立创作,歌曲的音乐制作由泰勒与丹恩·哈夫和内森·查尔曼合作完成。泰勒说这首歌讲述的是当她在经历过一段糟糕的关系最终分手,变得沮丧,并对所有感情都失去了安全感,然后一个又一个月过去,终于鼓起勇气擦去心中的尘埃,重拾信心去再次约会,意识到爱情之火重新点燃的过程 。

Begin Again / 我好像爱上你了,无可救药

星期三的下午,因为工作需要,去了一家影咖体验。随意打开的一部片子,却让我一整个下午都变成了迷妹。《Begin Again》,中文译名叫《再次出发之纽约遇见你》,由导演约翰·卡尼主导,《加勒比海盗》女主角凯拉·奈特莉,《复仇者联盟》绿巨人马克·鲁法诺以及当红乐队Maroon5主唱亚当·李维主演,可谓是星光熠熠,强强联手。 01 片名中的再次出发,另一个含义就是重新开始,而在港版片名中就直接译为《一切从音乐再开始》。而影片一开始,女主角格雷塔仅用吉他伴奏的清唱,缓缓而来的节奏,立刻就吸引了我。英伦风格的民谣,像是一种浅吟低唱,却又可以直击你内心最柔软的地方。《A step you can"t take back》,也是这一首歌,吸引了剧中那个失意许久的音乐人,丹。 来自英国的天才创作女孩格雷塔,不顾一切跟着被星探挖掘的男朋友戴夫来到了美国。生活最初很美好,戴夫的前途很光明,可直到有一天,他出差回来的时候,给格雷塔听了他的一首新歌,情不自禁流下眼泪的她直接甩了他一巴掌。五年,足够你了解一个人,了解到当他唱出一首不一样的歌,你便可以知道他变了心。戴夫爱上了一个只认识一个月的女人米娅,忍受不了背叛的格雷塔拎着自己的行李离开了他的家。 02 如果格雷塔的伤心只是因为失恋了,那么另一个在曾经在音乐上颇有造诣的男主角,丹,就像是一个彻彻底底的失败者。工作上过于陈旧的思想将要被劝退,因为前妻偷吃而离婚却又对她念念不忘,还有一个正处于叛逆期的女儿,对他各种不屑和看不起。整日浑浑噩噩只知道喝酒虚度。这样窝囊的生活,大概没有一个男人可以容忍自己。 而在打算自杀的那个夜晚,丹在酒吧喝酒时,意外听到了同样伤感的格雷塔的歌,感觉到生活中的一切似乎又充满了希望。把自己的境况都告诉格雷塔,穿上好久不换的西装,带着格雷塔去见曾经的搭档,想要签约这个有天赋的女孩。只是,他们再次被拒绝。 但是,那又怎么样?生活从来都不会阻挡一个有梦想的人。更何况,我们是一群有梦想的人。我还清晰地记得当他们被无情地赶出音乐工作时在街边的露天咖啡桌上说的那番话:去他妈的我们不做Demo了,直接做专辑,每首歌我们都在不同的地方录,录遍整个纽约城,录上一整个夏天,就当是给这座美丽又疯狂的纽约城的礼物。比如在下东区的桥洞底下,在帝国大厦的楼顶,在中央公园的湖里划船,在唐人街,神圣约翰大教堂,在地铁里,在哈林区,哪里都可以。 03 是啊,有梦想,何必在意这些外界的条件。大概生活,真的不会亏待那些勇敢并且为之努力的人。由最初的只有丹和格雷塔两人的小团队,因为拥有同一个梦想,而吸引了来自各个领域热爱音乐的小提琴男生,大提琴姐姐,弹钢琴的小学音乐老师,来路边踢球的孩子……纷纷都加入了他们。甚至,故事的最后,就连一直和丹不快的前妻和女儿,也加入了他们。 戴夫的回心转意,在听到格雷塔给他唱的那首歌之后,《Like a fool》,那一刻的戴夫才明白,原来自己那么深爱格雷塔。只是这一次,格雷塔,没有再像一个傻瓜那样的去爱他,即便是在八百人的舞台上,戴夫竭尽全力演唱了两人的定情歌《lost star》,她还是哭完之后,转身离开了这个曾经深爱了五年的男人。影片的结尾,专辑做成功了。只是,对金钱毫不在意的格雷塔只用了一美元一张的售价,就在网络上直接出售了。一天十万张,立刻横扫各大专辑销售网站,格雷塔真的做到了。她说,音乐对于她的意义,就是使最平淡无奇的场景突然间就充满了意义,让种种腐朽顷刻间就化为神奇。 为了实现梦想而努力拼搏,这个主题在电影行业并不算新颖,而这部影片的成功,也和其中的这些高质量插曲不无关系。例如影片的主题歌《lost star》,一共出现了三次。格雷塔的清唱,给人一种舒服和清新的感觉,第二次在戴夫的新专辑中重新编曲的热门版,却被格雷塔骂做迪厅口水歌,而最感人的一次,就是在八百人面前的戴夫的豪华压轴版。无论哪一个版本,那一首歌,都证明了整个制作组对于歌曲的精心选择。 我好像爱上你了,无可救药。是插曲中的一句歌词,而我,想对影片的女主角格雷塔说,我真的爱上你了,无可救药。明明不是那种惊艳的美,却以一种独特的气质吸引着我,我迷醉于你慵懒而又清澈的歌声,敬佩你勇敢地离开一个曾经犯过错的男人,毫不犹豫,更羡慕你,执着追求梦想的勇气,而又不为了金钱折腰的率性。 如果可以,我也想爱上为了梦想勇敢前进的自己,无可救药。

Begin Again 歌词

歌曲名:Begin Again歌手:Taylor Swift专辑:Red (Deluxe Version)Begin AgainTaylor Swift★Your soft COUNTRY -珂珂sheery lyrics-Take a deep breath in the mirror,he didn"t like it when I wore high heels but I do.Turn the lock and put my headphones on,he always said he didn"t get this song but I do. I do.Walked in expecting you"d be latebut you got here early and you stand and wait I walk to you.You pulled my chair out and helped me in,and you don"t know how nice that is but I do.And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.He said he never met one girlwho had as many James Taylor records as you but I do.We tell stories and you don"t know whyyou"re coming off a little shy but I do.And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.And we walk down the block to my car and I almost brought him up.But you start to talk about the moviesthat your family watches every single Christmasand I will talk about that for the first time.What"s past is past.Cause you throw your head back laughing like a little kid.I think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never did.I"ve been spending the last eight monthsthinking all love ever does is break, and burn, and end.But on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin againBut on a Wednesday, in a cafe...I watched it begin again.


"看一部值得你每年重新欣赏的电影。" 《BEGIN AGAIN》译名《歌曲改变人生》或者《再次出发之纽约遇见你》,在伤心欲绝的时候,遇见你,重新开始,才遇到真正的自己。100多分钟播放过程,总有几个情节与画面,让我心有感触。男主角丹的女儿——维奥莱特在女主角格蕾塔邀请下,不管以前别人都说她弹吉他很糟糕的事实,敢于尝试拿起电吉他加入他们的乐队弹奏,起初很胆怯,慢慢地找到感觉,渐渐地融入他们。胆怯——尝试——突破——喜悦,这些维奥莱特逐渐经历了,从而得到成长。我们做很多事情是不是也像这样呢?在不擅长的事情,很害怕出糗,很担心被别人笑话,这种心理很正常,身边很多人都这样。可我们为什么要和大多数一样呢?为什么不能像维奥莱特那样,勇于尝试,尝试益于成长的事情?舞台表演?学习手绘?课堂回答问题?不尝试,又怎么知道结果呢?格蕾塔得知已成名且背叛她的前男友获得了音乐奖后,她与他共同制作音乐已五年了,仍无法忘却他们彼此的经历,她还深爱着他,于是,她决定拨通电话,现场录了一首歌曲留言给他,一首关于她此时的心情、留恋他们感情的歌曲。 “We finally find this. Then you"re gone. 我们刚发觉彼此的爱,而你却默默地选择离开”。 表达感情的方式很多,言语也好,行为也好,表情包也罢,她用一首歌曲作为留言来表达对他的爱,那一刻,我的心融化了,就如融化的巧克力,甜蜜丝滑中又有苦涩。因为她的歌声,她的歌词,都是她默默的心声。“我只想做我喜欢的音乐,不管别人喜不喜欢。”——格蕾塔失去男朋友的格蕾塔和失去工作的丹都贫困潦倒,他们想制作一张专辑,没有音乐工作室,没有隔音设备,选择不走寻常路,选择在纽约各具特色的地点,现场录制歌曲。专辑很棒,他们最后也没有选择唱片公司发行。 在他们的概念里,录制歌曲不一定在隔音室内,发行也不一定要和唱片公司签约;他们即使身处音乐产品化的纽约,也不随大众,做自己喜欢的音乐,在网上以低价分享给喜欢音乐的人。丹的女儿——维奥莱特正处于青少年叛逆期,穿着火辣,学校几乎没有人和她玩,父母也为此苦恼不堪。格蕾塔的出现,使她改变,告诉她做最真实的自己,追求自己喜欢的人,尝试加入他们的乐队。歌曲不仅改变了格蕾塔和丹的人生,制作专辑过程,也影响了身边的人,改变了他们的人生。 格蕾塔和丹能构想出街上录制专辑,除了经济环境所局限,他们还知道音乐无处不在,融合周围生活环境的声音是真实而独特的。音乐在世界无所不在,知识在生活无处不在; 与其说,我们缺乏发现美的眼睛;不如说,缺乏审美能力和学习能力。 用音乐作为教育载体,用歌曲改变人生,《放牛班的春天》和《音乐之声》这两部音乐电影都让人得以启发,值得推荐。同样的场景,相同的电影,一样的书本,不同的角度,以开放的心胸与视野学习。愿你我,对生活,对世界,多一点好奇,多一份心,多一些感受,去欣赏身边触动你的事物。“ 看一部值得你每年重复欣赏的电影。” “看一本值得你每年重新阅读的好书。”

Taylor Swift Begin Again 歌词 翻译

Took a deep breath in the mirrorHe didn"t like it when I wore high heels but I doTurn the lock and put my headphones onHe always said he didn"t get this song but I doI do深呼吸一口气,看着镜子里的自己他不喜欢我穿着高跟鞋的模样,但我喜欢把自己锁在房间,戴上耳机他总说不懂我听的这歌的个中滋味,但我懂我懂Walked in expecting you"d be lateBut you got here early and you stand and waitI walk to youYou pull my chair out and help me inAnd you don"t know how nice that is but I do.推开门时以为你会迟到但却发现你早已站着等我我走向你你帮我把椅子拉出来好让我坐下你不知道这微小的举动有多美好,但我知道And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinkingAll love ever does is break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底消失但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生You say you meet met one girl who had as many James Taylor records as youBut I doWe tell stories and you don"t know why I"m coming off a little shy but I Do你说你从没见过一个女生像我一样有那么多James Taylor的作品,但这就是我我们诉说彼此的故事,你不知道为什么我会有些害羞,但我知道And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinking, All love ever does is break and burn and end.But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底终结但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生And we walk down the block to my car And I almost brought him up But you start to talk about the moviesThat your family watches every single ChristmasAnd I won"t talk about that For the first time, what"s past is past我们走过街区,走到我的车旁我差点无法抑制地将他提起但你却开始提起那些你们家庭每个圣诞节都会看的电影我决定不再提起他这是第一次让我感觉到,就让回忆永远活在过去吧And you throw your head back laughing like a little kidI think it"s strange that you think I"m funny cause he never didI"ve been spending the last 8 months thinkingAll love ever does is break and burn and endBut on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again你把头扬起,像孩子一样笑了起来我很奇怪,你居然觉得我是个有趣的人,因为他从不觉得过去的八个月我都在想爱情是不是只有破碎、燃尽、彻底终结但在一个礼拜三的下午的咖啡馆内,我却看到爱的重生歌词和翻译都是taylor Swift吧 飞___灵的,不是我的

《begin again》是一部怎样的电影?

轻松温暖不落俗《begin again》(中译《再次出发之纽约遇见你》)本片是2013年爱尔兰导演约翰·卡尼编剧并执导的音乐浪漫剧情电影,Keira Knightley、Mark Ruffalo和Adam Levine主演。影片讲述了女主角格雷塔跟男友来到美国纽约市,以帮助他寻找更好的事业机会。然而男友很快与别的女子有染,导致格雷塔愤然与其分手。失意的她在迷茫时偶遇了同样彷徨的音乐制作人穆里根,两人于是决定一起合作并重新开始一段感情。剧情很简单,甚至在一些人眼中可能会有些俗套,但导演对剧情的处理十分巧妙,许多小细节直戳人心。男女主召集一群人组成乐队在纽约的大街小巷演奏演唱录制专辑,那种自由追逐梦想抛下一切的感觉真的太美好了结尾部分尤其精彩,女主没有选择开始新的恋情,而是抛下一切,与过去挥手不在留恋。伴随着《lost star》,kk姐在纽约的夜色中迎着风骑着脚踏车,一切都那么新,一切都那么美,最美好的结局了。影片的每一首配乐都很好听,值得整张碟的循环以及,kk姐穿a字裤真的太好看了!!

begin again什么意思

begin again重新开始双语例句 But the folks in this room know that the talking will soon begin again.但在这个会议室的小伙子们知道,很快人们又要开始谈论它

求Colbie Caillat---begin again 歌词的中文翻译

[ti:Begin Again][ar:Colbie Caillat][al:Breakthrough][00:00.00]Colbie Caillat - Begin Again重新开始[00:10.00][00:15.81]i can"t get you out of the sunlight我无法让你远离阳光[00:19.10]i can"t get you out of the rain我无法让你远离雨天[00:22.65]i can"t get you back to that one time我无法让你回到那时[00:26.11]cos you and me are still recovering因为你与我仍在恢复着[00:28.50]so lets just, try to cool it down因此让我们,尝试着平静下来[00:32.93]the fighting, this feeling of flames这抗争,这火焰般的感受[00:35.75]so lets try to slow it down让我们尝试放慢速度[00:39.90]we crash when we race我们在奔跑中破碎[00:45.04][00:45.23]oh this is not the way that it should end这不是结束的方式[00:48.05]it"s the way it should begin它应该是开始的方式[00:49.60]it"s the way it should begin, again再次,开始的方式[00:52.50]no, i never wanna fall apart,不,我不曾想崩溃[00:54.73]never wanna break your heart不曾想伤你的心[00:56.42]never wanna let you break my own不曾想让你伤害我自己[00:59.31]yes, i know we"ve said alot of things是的,我知道我们说了很多事情[01:01.64]that we probably didn"t mean这或许不是我们的本意[01:03.42]but it"s not too late to take them back但是收回那些还不晚[01:06.24]so, before you say you"re gonna go..因此,在你说你要离开之前[01:08.89]i should probably let you know我或许应该让你知道[01:10.44]that i never knew what i had..我从不知我所拥有[01:13.46]i never knew what i had..[01:18.69][01:22.04]see i look for you in the morning看 我在天明时找寻你[01:25.66]cos that"s where my mind always goes因为那儿是我记忆的所在[01:28.86]and i can"t wait to get to the evening我无法等待黑夜的到来[01:32.68]cos that"s when i want you the most因为那是我最需要你的时候[01:36.29][01:35.33]so lets try to cool it down (重复)[01:39.54]the fighting, this feeling of flames[01:42.45]so lets try to slow it down[01:46.44]we crash when we race[01:50.76][01:51.78]oh this is not the way that it should end[01:54.34]it"s the way it should begin[01:56.14]it"s the way it should begin, again[01:59.11]no, i never wanna fall apart,[02:01.27]never wanna break your heart[02:03.07]never wanna let you break my own[02:05.94]yes, i know we"ve said alot of things[02:08.36]that we probably didn"t mean[02:10.11]but it"s not too late to take them back[02:12.90]so, before you say you"re gonna go..[02:15.30]i should probably let you know[02:17.04]that i never knew what i had..[02:20.86]i never knew what i had..[02:25.44][02:27.14]but i know it now..但是现在我知道了[02:32.19]i wish i would"ve known before我希望自己早些知道[02:34.91]how good we were..我们曾多么幸福[02:41.35]or is it too late to come back还是,回头已太晚[02:46.17]or is it"s really over,还是真的结束了[02:49.72]if it"s really over..是否真的结束了……[02:54.04][02:54.66]but this is not the way that it should end(重复)[02:57.39]it"s the way it should begin[02:58.98]it"s the way it should begin, again[03:01.87]no, i never wanna fall apart,[03:04.12]never wanna break your heart[03:05.85]never wanna let you break my own[03:08.69]yes, i know we"ve said alot of things[03:11.11]that we probably didn"t mean[03:12.85]but it"s not too late to take them back[03:15.65]so, before you say you"re gonna go..[03:18.12]i should probably let you know[03:19.76]that i never knew what i had..[03:23.77]i never knew what i had..[03:27.40]i never knew what i had..[03:31.25]i never knew what i had..[03:34.62]i never knew what i had..[03:39.82]

begin again什么意思

begin again重新开始拼音双语对照1Mr.Thiaw says La Nina conditions might begin again by the end of this year.Wassila Thiaw表示,今年年末,拉尼娜现象可能会再次开始。2Once the legal battle was over, the licence application had to begin again.一旦官司结束后,牌照申请就得重新开始。

fight for/against/with的各词汇意思


fight with与 fight against区别


求left boy的time and again歌词

[Verse 1]AnnotateThey tell me what my name is, Left Boy, that"s rightThis girl thinks I"m famous, I"m infamous for the nightEvery joy"s a way as much as take yours tooPlease don"t be upset with me, that I used youLike, baby, what"s your name? - HazelI can only tell you what you already knowYou can be my girl for the rest of the nightBut I"ma be a stranger for the rest of your lifeCause[Hook]x2Itu2019s just a little bit of partying andIt is just cocaine, I had some percocetsTime and again[Verse 2]I"m burning purple bridges, fucking random bitchesI got doctors taking care of my daily fitnessGimme what I need, I know you got itCrush some adderall, I"ve had it all, it"s hard to stop itThe screen is so much bigger than an IMAXIt"s all going by in a time-lapseI thought I know it all, can"t get my facts straightShe"s asking me to stop but I can"t wait[Hook]x2

offset和offset against的区别


If I Were a Boy Again英语作文

如果我再次成为一个男孩If I were a boy again, I would pay more attention to my studies and take advantage of every opportunity to learn something new. As a child, I was easily distracted and often put off my homework until the last minute. But looking back, I realize that education is one of the most important gifts we can give ourselves.If I were a boy again, I would also value my friendships more. As a child, I sometimes took my friends for granted and didn"t always treat them with the respect and kindness they deserved. I would make more of an effort to listen to them, understand them, and be there for them when they needed me.If I were a boy again, I would also take better care of my health. As a child, I didn"t always eat well or exercise regularly, and I didn"t realize how important it was to take care of my body. I would make more of an effort to eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and engage in regular physical activity.If I were a boy again, I would also cherish my family more. As a child, I sometimes took my parents and siblings for granted, not realizing how much they loved and supported me. I would show my gratitude and love more openly, and spend more quality time with them.Overall, if I were a boy again, I would try to live each day to the fullest, appreciating the people and experiences around me, and striving to be the best version of myself that I can be.


表达了作者对保罗·沃克的不舍之情。seeyouonceagain的背景是为了纪念保罗·沃克的。在《速度与激情》系列电影的主力演员保罗·沃克意外去世后,电影制作方希望通过制作一首歌曲以纪念和缅怀保罗,表达了作者对保罗·沃克的不舍之情。歌曲名《SeeYouOnceAgain》,由WouterHamel演唱,收录于《Nobody"s Tune》专辑中,《SeeYouOnceAgain》下载。

once again, once and again, again and again的区别








歌词see. you . onceagain . mylove

这首歌都不知道呀。Westlife - My LoveAn empty street,an empty house,a hole inside my heartI"m all alone and the roomsare getting smallerI wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they areThe days we had,the songs we sang togetherOh yeahAnd oh my love,I"m holding on foreverReaching for a love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to seeyou once again,my loveOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place I love the mostWhere the fields are green to seeyou once againMy loveI try to read,I go to work,I"m laughing with my friendsBut I can"t stop tokeep myself from thinkingOh noI wonder how,I wonder why,I wonder where they areThe days we had,the songswe sang togetherOh yeahAnd oh my love,I"m holding on foreverReaching for a love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blueto see you once again,my loveOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place I love the mostWhere the fields are greento see you once againTo hold you in my armsTo promise you my loveTo tell you from the heartYou"re all I"m thinking ofI"m reaching for a lovethat seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blueto see you once again,my loveOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place I love the mostWhere the fields are greento see you once again,my loveSay a little prayerDreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blueto see you once againOver seas and coast to coastTo find a place I love the mostWhere the fields are greento see you once againMy love





金娜英once again的歌词中文

Jesus Christ I think upon Your sacrifice我想在你的牺牲耶稣基督You became nothing你变成了什么Poured out to death倒死Many times I"ve wondered at your gift of life很多次我想知道在你的生命的礼物I"m in that place once again我在那个地方再次I"m in that place once again我在那个地方再次And once again I look upon the cross where You died我又一次看着你死在十字架上I"m humbled by Your mercy and I"m broken inside我对你的怜悯,谦卑和我打破内Once again I thank You我再次感谢你Once again I pour out my life我又一次把我的生活Now You are exhalted to the highest place现在你散发到最高的地方King of the Heavens where one day I"ll bow天上的王,有一天我会低头But for now I"ll marvel at Your saving grace但现在我会惊讶你的恩典I"m full of praise once again我再一次充满赞美Oh I"m full of praise once again哦,我再一次充满赞美And once again I look upon the cross where You died我又一次看着你死在十字架上I"m humbled by Your mercy and I"m broken inside我对你的怜悯,谦卑和我打破内Once again I thank You我再次感谢你Once again I pour out my life我又一次把我的生活And once again I look upon the cross where You died我又一次看着你死在十字架上I"m humbled by Your mercy and I"m broken inside我对你的怜悯,谦卑和我打破内Once again I thank You我再次感谢你Once again I pour out my life我又一次把我的生活Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你交朋友Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你交朋友Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你交朋友Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross谢谢你的十字架Thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你交朋友Thank you thank you thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你谢谢你谢谢你交朋友Thank you thank you thank you for the cross my friend谢谢你谢谢你谢谢你交朋友

once again和once more的区别?

Once again 和 once more 都有重新做一次的意思,但在用法上有细微的区别。Once again意味着重新做某件事情,通常指在之前尝试过一次或多次,而现在再次尝试。例如:I failed my driving test, so I need to take it once again(我考驾照失败了,所以我需要再次考试)。Once more意味着重复做某事,通常指在之前只尝试了一次。例如:Can you please say that once more?(你能再说一遍吗?)因此,once again和 once more的区别在于前者强调重新尝试,而后者强调重复尝试。


again的读音是:英[?"ɡen]。again的读音是:英[?"ɡen]。again的详尽释义是adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍。again的例句是用作副词(adv.)Try again.再试试。一、详尽释义点此查看again的详细内容adv.(副词)再一次,又一次再,又再说此外,再者,另外,而且另一方面重回恢复原状,复原重新返回原处增加,多其次请再说一遍加一倍二、词典解释1.又一次;再一次You useagain to indicate that something happens a second time, or after it has already happened before.e.g. He kissed heragain...他再一次吻了她。e.g. Again there was a short silence...接着又是一阵短暂的沉寂。2.还原;复原You useagain to indicate that something is now in a particular state or place that it used to be in.e.g. He opened his attaché-case, removed a folder, then closed itagain...他打开公文包,拿出一个文件夹后又把它合上了。e.g. I started to feel good about myselfagain.我又开始感觉良好了。3.(表示与前一话题相似)同样You can useagain when you want to point out that there is a similarity between the subject that you are talking about now and a previous subject.e.g. Again the pregnancy was very similar to my previous two...同样,这次怀孕和我前两次的情形非常相似。e.g. With the new artists, you see a more dynamic stage show than you used to see. Andagain, that"s probably part of the progress of technology.有了这些新艺术家,你看到的舞台剧会比你以前看的更富有活力。同样,那也可能是科技进步的一部分。4.(用于对比或语气的削弱)不过,然而You can useagain in expressions such asbut again ,then again, andthere again when you want to introduce a remark which contrasts with or weakens something that you have just said.again的解释e.g. It"s easier to take a taxi. But thenagain you can"t always get one...打出租车要容易些,但也并不总是能打到的。e.g. They may, but thereagain they may not.他们可能会,但也可能不会。5.(用于问题后)请再说一遍You can addagain to the end of your question when you are asking someone to tell you something that you have forgotten or that they have already told you.e.g. Sorry, what"s your nameagain?对不起,再问一次,你叫什么名字?6.还,另,再(多一半等)You useagain in expressions such ashalf as much again when you are indicating how much greater one amount is than another amount that you have just mentioned or are about to mention.e.g. A similar wine from France would cost you half as muchagain.法国类似的一种葡萄酒的价格比这高一半。e.g. Sherry is half as strongagain as table wine.雪利酒比佐餐酒酒劲强一半。7.再三;反复You can useagain and again ortime and again to emphasize that something happens many times.e.g. He would go over his workagain andagain until he felt he had it right...他会反复检查自己的工作直到他认为正确为止。e.g. Time andagain political parties have failed to tackle this issue.各个政党处理这个问题时都屡屡失败。8. now andagain -> see nowonceagain -> see once三、网络解释1. again是什么意思1. 再次:拷贝(Copy)选取的图形或文字到剪贴板 [Ctrl]+[C] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到当前文档 [Ctrl]+[V] 将粘贴到容器中的物体分离出来 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[X] 将剪贴板的内容粘贴到所选物体内部 [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[V] 再次(aGain)变形 [Ctrl]四、例句Try again.再试试。Say that again, please.请再说一遍。I am longing to see my friend Jack again.我渴望再见到我的朋友杰克。I am sorry-she"s out. Can you ring again later?对不起-她出去了。你过些时候再打电话来好吗?You"ll never get the money back again.那笔钱你再也弄不回来了。He has spoken down again after slightly pausing.他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。After ten years in prison, he was a free man again.他坐了十年监狱,又成了自由人。He sucked in air, then went under the water again.他深深吸了一口气又潜到水里。五、常用短语用作副词(adv.)again and again〈英〉再三地,反复地 time and againas...again (as)(比…)大一倍,(比…)多一倍,年纪(比…)大一倍 in addition one timeback again回到原地 back to the original placebe (oneself) well again(身体或精神)恢复到原来的(正常)状态 back to the original positioncome again再说一遍 pardonever and again不时地 occasionallynow and again不时地 occasionallyonce again再次 another timeover again再一次,重新,重复 once againthen again而且,其次,还有 any more another timetime and again〈美〉=〈英〉again and again六、经典引文They have moved us back again to where we were before.出自:S. Hill七、词义辨析adv.(副词)again, another这两个词都可译成“另一个”。其区别是:当表示数量时,多用another; 当表示动作时,多用again。again, repeatedly这两个词都可表示“反复地”“ 再三地”。其区别在于:again多用于口语; 而repeatedly则是书面语。again的相关临近词against、aga、again crime、again to verify、again and again、again capsulorhexis、Again it gnaws my heart、again for several months、again manufacture project、Again plants the technique点此查看更多关于again的详细信息

请问大侠again和once again的区别




Up Against the Wall 歌词

歌曲名:Up Against the Wall 歌手:The Tom Robinson Band 专辑:The Anthology (1977 - 1979) You know we don"t care at all let me see you up,up against the wall I was just doin" my thing Hanging out at the spot You know the place we go The music"s john blaze hot And everybody was feeling the DJ (the DJ) Smoke cleared and I saw a beautiful lady The lights went low and the disco ball came down She walked up to me slow and you know what happens now The girl was fine and she knew she had a game What more do I have to say? She took my hand We never said a word at all She started grinding Shorty had me up against the wall Ask me about tomorrow You know that I don"t care at all I just got caught up when She had me up against the wall You know we don"t care at all Just get caught up when you"re up against the wall We don"t,we don"t care at all (you know we don"t care at all) (let me see you up,up,up against the wall) It"s almost 2 o"clock It"s time to make my move The after hours spot Is where I"m going to Cause I gotta have some more Looking for somebody to hit the dance floor And lucky for me I see a fine young lady"s eying me The lights are low and our friends were all around I walked up to her slow and you know what happens now She turned around and she worked in the worst way What more,do I have to say? Mirror mirror on the wall Who"s the cutest one you saw? She"s underneath the disco ball, the disco ball,the disco ball Standing next to strobe lights Dancin" hot,looking tight The freak show do e out at night, out at night,night,night,night.. What more do I have to say? I just got caught up when you had me up against the wall We don"t,we don"t care at all You just get caught up when you"re up against the wall We don"t,we don"t care at all You know we don"t care at all Let me see you up,up against the wall

I can make it through the rain . I can stand up once again on my own .什么意思


I can make it throught the rain, I can stand up once again on my own!!是什么

不懂LZ问什么。。。你是想问这是什么歌么??是Mariah Carey的《Through the rain》when you get caught in the rainwith no where to runWhen you"re distraught and in painWith anyone When you keep crying out to be savedBut nobody comes and you feel so far awayThat you just can"t find you way homeYou can get there aloneIt"s okey what you say isI can make it throught the rainI can stand once again on my ownAnd i know that I"m stronge enough to mendAnd every time I feel afraidI hold tighter to my faithAnd i live one more dayAnd i make it throuth the rainAnd if you keep falling dowm Don"t you dare give inYou will arise safe and soundSo keep pressing on steadfastlyAnd you"ll find what you need to prevailWhat you say is I can make it through the rain I can stand up once again on my ownAnd i know that"s I"m stronge enough to mendAnd when the rain blowsAnd shadows grow close don"t be afraidThere"s nothing you can"t fareAnd should they tell youYou"ll never pull throughDon"t hesitatestand tall and sayI can make it throught the rainyes you can make it through the rain

Revenue,Gain 和 Income 的区别

Revenue:通过销售商品、提供服务等主营活动取得的收入,毛收入、总收入,位于收入报表的顶端。Gain:外围活动产生的结果,比如销售旧的运输卡车而获得gain。Gain是收到的、超出账面价值的部分。比如一家公司因卖掉卡车而收到24000块,卡车的账面价值是4000块,则gain是20000块。Income:revenue 减去费用之后的收入,算是净收入 bottom line,位于收入报表的末端。


income n. 收入,收益 其搭配动词一般有: ①get/have get/have a disposable income 获得一笔可支配的收入 ②lower/reduce lower/reduce the income 降低收入 ③raise/augment/increase/gain raise/augment/increase/gain the income 提高收入 ④distribute distribute the income 分配收入


Sales(营销)是 Income(现金收入), Gain(所得), Earning(工作所得), 和 Profit(利润) 的基本前提。没有 sales 就不可能有后面的五项内容。 Sales 决定 Income。卖得越多,income 就越多。在大多数情况下,income 并不等于 gain。income 只是收入的总称。刨去税务、成本之后才是 gain。Earning 是工作所得,即卖东西所付出的劳动产生的价值。这个价值包括所有的 income、gain 和 后面的 profit。profit 则是刨除所有费用和支出成本后的纯获利。Sales泛指用商品和服务来交换金钱。常见的销售行为都是会有sale。sale的`基本意思是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量,即“销售额,销售量”。也可指某商品以低于其原有价格水平的价格出售,即“廉售,贱卖”,还可指某商品的“销路,市场需求”。Income 是个人所挣得的收入,来源比sale更广泛。假如你是个体户,你的Sale 中要减去 Cost of Good 来算Gross profit. Income 则要根据Gross Profit 来计算,比如要扣除各种expenses之类。Income 形式很多,基本靠你自己的时间成本或者资源挣出来的都可以算。Gain 在一般正常sale中不会出现,只有在dispose your assets or securities or stocks or bonds,etc的时候需要recognize。需要注意一下recognize 和 realized gain的区别。gain 和 income 比较重要的区别是gain一般是不需要被tax的。profit比较好解释,它就是指公司的利润嘛。不过要注意它区分的是gross profit。公司雇员或者正常上班族并不涉及到profit,只有income。拓展资料学习英语的意义1.英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界的广播节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。国际上的资料绝大部分是用英语发表的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言,它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。2.总而言之,在国际政治、军事、经济、科技、文化、贸易、交通运输等领域,英语是一个重要的交际工具。随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化,科技术的不断进步,国际地位的不断提高,迫切需要造就一大批精通外语的专门人才。

Rise Against的《Savior》 歌词

歌曲名:Savior歌手:Rise Against专辑:Appeal To ReasonRise Against - Saviorit kills me not to know this but I"ve all but just forgottenwhat the color of her eyes were and her scars or how she got themas the telling signs of age rain down a single tear is droppingthrough the valleys of an aging face that this world has forgottenthere is no reconciliation that will put me in my placeand there is no time like the present to drink these draining secondsbut seldom do these words ring true when I"m constantly failing youlike walls that we just can"t break through until we disappearso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still havebut the day pressed on like crushing weightsfor no man does it ever waitlike memories of dying daysthat deafen us like hurricanesbathed in flames we held the branduncurled the fingers in your handpressed into the flesh like sandnow do you understand?so tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat" s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveone thousand miles awaythere"s nothing left to saybut so much left that I don"t knowwe never had a choicethis world is too much noiseit takes me underit takes me under once againI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, noso tell me nowif this ain"t love then how do we get out?because I don"t knowthat"s when she said I don"t hate you boyI just want to save you while there"s still something left to savethat"s when I told her I love you girlbut I"m not the answer to the questions that you still haveI don"t hate youI don"t hate you, no

e我的魅族MINIMP4开机显示No Resource! Please Upgrade again


翻译句子:benchmark against...


Break My Heart Again 歌词

歌曲名:Break My Heart Again歌手:montgomery gentry专辑:My TownHow many Mrs. Rights have I had to wrongEvery one that"s come alongAnd how many finish linesHave I had in sight and never crossedEvery one I ever sawWhen it looks like I might winI go and break my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againWhy do I think I canWhen I know I won"tI always end up aloneWhy would a lonely manHold love in his hands and let it goWell I don"t knowAll I know is in the endI go and break my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againThings aren"t good unless they"re badAnd I ain"t happy "til I"m sadWhen I see the good life closing inI go and break my heartBreak my heart againAnd I break my heart againAnd I break my heart againAnd I break my heart again

The suggestion he put forward was adopted with 16 votes _____ and 15 against it.

答案A 试题分析:短语辨析。A支持,赞成;B回应;C纪念…;D关于;句意:他在会议上提出的建议有16票支持,15票反对。故A正确。 考点:考查短语辨析。 点评:本题的短语都是与介词In连用的,要在上下文语境中加以辨析,在平时加强识记。 查看原帖>>

against the law和against the laws哪个对

against the law和against the laws哪个对语法上两个都没有错误。用laws还是law要根据语境判断。用laws还是law要根据语境判断。

一首歌的歌词是hello why are you call me again,是什么歌

phone call from the moon


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