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bargain["bɑ:gin] 释义:n. 交易, 便宜货, 契约 He made a satisfactory bargain with them. 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。 n. 便宜货 If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain. 若你方经销我们的货物,我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报。 She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她有辨别便宜货的能力。 n. 契约 There never was a better bargain driver. 再没有比这更美好的契约。 They sealed their bargain by shaking hands. 他们握手表示确认交易契约。 v. 讨价还价, 议价, (谈价钱后)卖


n.交易,合同交易;协议A bargain"s a bargain. 达成的协议决不可撕毁。He made a bargain with his wife "You take care of the children and I"ll cook." 他跟妻子讲条件"你看好孩子,我做饭。"廉价买到的东西This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。It"s a real bargain.(非正式) 真便宜。词性变化vi.(常与with, for连用)讲价;谈条件If you bargain with them they might reduce the price. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。She bargained with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply. 她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。常用词组bargain for准备;预料I had not bargained for rain, and I got wet. 我没料到要下雨,所以淋湿了。依靠;信赖bargain on依靠;信赖习惯用语a bad bargain 吃亏的生意A bargain is a bargain. [谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。a good bargain 赚钱的生意; 便宜货close a bargain 成交; 达成协议conclude a bargain 成交; 达成协议make a bargain 成交; 达成协议seal a bargain 成交; 达成协议settle a bargain 成交; 达成协议strike a bargain 成交; 达成协议drive a bargain 讲价; 讲条件; 争取成交drive a hard bargain (在某事上)极力讨价还价; 坚持苛刻的条件drive a hard bargain over sth. (在某事上)极力讨价还价; 坚持苛刻的条件Dutch bargain 酒席上议定的生意; 单方面有利的交易hard bargain 吃亏的买卖; 条件苛刻、没有让步的协议have the best of the bargain 获得最大的好处into the bargain 外加; 另外; 而且(在议定的条件外再加上)in the bargain 外加; 另外; 而且(在议定的条件外再加上)make the best of a bad bargain 对于恶运或逆境泰然处之; 善处逆境, 随遇而安more than one bargained for [口]出乎某人意料之外(包括好的方面和坏的方面)off one"s bargain 废除协议, 解约 不受协议的约束with one"s bargain 废除协议, 解约 不受协议的约束sell sb. a bargain [废]愚弄某人Smithfieid bargain 欺诈的交易; 买卖婚姻That"s a bargain. [口]就这么决定了! 一言为定!wet a bargain [口]用请吃饭等方式招揽或促成交易; 喝酒庆祝达成交易wet bargain 双方喝酒成交的生意bargain and sale 卖田文契 动产的让渡bargain away 廉价出售;牺牲; 贱卖; 抛售bargain for [俗]预料; 期待 讨价还价; 想把...便宜地弄到手bargain on 期望; 信赖




bargain用法及搭配如下1. 用作动词,注意以下用法:表示“讨价还价”时,通常为不及物动词,注意所搭用的介词。如:We bargained with her about [over] the price. 我们同她讨价还价。She bargained with the storekeeper for a blanket. 她为买一块毛毯与店主讨价还价。表示“提出…的条件”或“要求得到…”,是及物动词,其后接 that-从句。如:He bargained that he should not have to workon Sunday. 他提出条件说他星期天不上班。用于 bargain for [on],意为“预料”、“料到”。如:We didn"tbargain for so many people coming to tea. 我们没有料到会有这么多人来参加茶会。The cost was much more than he hadbargained for [on]. 费用大大超过他的预料。2. 用作名词,注意以下用法:无论是表示经过讨价还价后成交的商品或便宜货,还是表示交易或买卖契约等,都是可数名词。如:It is a real bargain. 真是便宜货。I bought the paiting at a bargain. 我买这幅画很廉价。Hemade a bargain with his wife, "You cook and I"ll wash up". 他与妻子说定“你烧饭,我洗餐具”。He soon found that he hadmade a bad bargain. 很快他就发现他做的是一笔不合算的生意。其它有用表达。如:That"s [It"s] a bargain. 就这么说定了 。make [strike] a bargain 达成协议,作成交易

求《斗鱼》插曲《Breathe Again》歌词

If I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe againAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the way things used to beAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the love that you make to meAnd I can"t get you outta my headHow in the world will I beginTo let you walk right out my lifeAnd blow my heart awayAnd I can"t stop carin" aboutAbout the apple of my eyeAnd I can"t stop doin" withoutWithout the center of my lifeAnd I can"t get you outta my headAnd I know I can"t pretendThat I won"t die if you decideYou won"t see me againIf I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe againAnd I can"t stop thinkin" aboutAbout the way my life would beNo I can"t stop thinkin" aboutHow could your love be leavin" meAnd I can"t get you outta my mindGod knows how hard I triedAnd if you walk right out my lifeGod knows I"d surely dieAnd I can"t stop doin" withoutWithout the rythm of my heartNo I can"t stop doin" withoutFor I would surely fall apartAnd I can"t get you outta my mindCause I know I can"t deny itAnd I would die if you decideYou won"t see me againIf I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you now and thenWill I never make love to you once againPlease understand if love endsThen I promise you, I promise youThat, that I shall never breathe againBreathe againBreathe againThat I shall never breathe againBreathe again

One loses by pride and gains by modesty.是什么意思啊?谢谢啦


it is against a unseen enemy 什么意思?

你好,很高兴为你解答:它是对付一个看不见的敌人的词汇释义against反对; 与…相反; 逆; 违反; 对…不利; 紧靠; 倚; 碰; 撞unseen看不见的; 无形的; 前所未见的; 未被发现的; 即席翻译; 即席翻译的文章enemy敌人; 仇人; 反对者; 敌国; 敌军; 敌兵; 危害物; 大敌


这组词都有“获得”,“得到”的意思。 obtain比动词 get 正式,多指需通过较大努力后才能获得。 1) We wish to obtain first-hand information about the case which we are going tolook into. 我们希望获得我们要去调查的案例第一手资料。 2) In order to obtain larger market share, wehave to reduce the price of the products. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们必须降低这些产品的价格。 3)Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process willtake? 能否告诉我获得学生签证我需要做些什么,还有就是这个过程需要多久? secure指较有把握获得某事或某物,或指需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东 西。 可接双宾语。 1) To succeed in that business, it is imperative to secure a good location in the downtownarea. 要使这项业商务成功的话必须在市区中心找到一个好的地理位置。 2)He managed to secure a loan from the bank to purchase a house in the downtown. 他设法从银行得到一笔贷款在市中心买了一栋房子。 3) Can you secure me two good seats for the concerts? 你能为我搞到音乐会的两个好座位吗? 4)He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 acquire书面语用词,多用于通过不断努力日积月累地渐渐获得智力、知识、技术、能 力, 权利等表示抽象概念的东西,有时也可以通过努力获得某物。 1) It is sometimes possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a largevocabulary even without the help of a teacher. 有时学生即使没有老师的帮助也可掌握英语语法和获得大量词汇。 2) The knowledge we have acquired from the textbooks may not be geared to the needs of thepractical work. 我们从课本获得的知识可能不符合实际工作的需要。 3)We"ll strive to acquire more share of the market by developing new produtcts. 我们将通过开发新产品努力获得更多的市场份额。 4) Our company aims to prived professional executive Search Service to our client, and helpour customers to acquire excellent talents. 本公司旨在为客户提供专业人才搜索服务,帮助客户获得优秀的人才 gain普通用词,用法与 acquire 相似,常接抽象名词作其宾语,但不如 acquire 正式。 gain可接双宾语,相当于 win、earn 的用法。 1) I am new in the job but I am already gaining some experience. 虽然这项工作我是新手,但我已经在获得一些经验。 2)Don"t go back to your old eating habits, or you"ll gain all that weight again. 别又恢复以前的饮食习惯,不然你又会变成跟以前一样胖。 3)It is imperative for a graduate to learn from the beginning to gain some practical skills. 对于一个毕业生来说,从头学开始学习获得一些实际技能很重要。 4) His accomplishments have gained / won / earn him a reputation as a brilliant expert in thesubject. 他在这门学科取得的成就使他赢得杰出专家的声誉。 reap本意是“收割”庄稼,可引申出“收获”,即“获得”的意思。 1) During past technological revolutions few of the companies that pioneered the changeproved to be good long-term investments, though some reaped the financial rewards. 在过去的科技革新中,没有几家率先进行技术革新公司证明是理想的长期投资者,尽管它 们中有一些获得了经济回报。 2) Cultivating a wide circle of friends may reap a handsome payback in their careers. 拥有一个广泛的朋友圈可在事业上获得一个丰厚的回报。 derive也有“获得”的意思,常用结构是:derive …… from (从……获 得)。 1) We can derive pleasure, companionship experience and instruction from good reading. 我们从读好书中获得乐趣、友谊、经历和教诲 2) She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection. 她从中钱币收藏中获得很大的满足。 3) One cannot derives all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates in itsperformance. 一个人如果不参与到音乐的演出之中就不会享受音乐可能带来的全部乐趣。

Capital Gain是什么意思?

capital gain [会计] 资本利得双语例句 1.If the fund sells securities that have increased in price, the fund has a capital gain. 如果基金抛售了价格上升的证券,则基金得到了资本增益。2.Yet bonuses - in the form of hard cash and shares - were paid out on the basis of this nebulous capital gain. 然而以硬钱和股票存在的红包呢,则可以把这些让人一头雾水的资本收益给派发完。

Capital Gain是什么意思?

当bond到期时没有capital gain,提前卖回时,capital gain 为卖价与par value的差值

earnings return profits gains benefits 都什么区别?

earnings:the net income or profit of a business.incomemoney inprofit1 margin 新加坡人把它翻译成"赚头",很贴切2.return. for a period of trading, the surplus of net assets at the end of a period over the net assets at the start of that period, adjusted where relevant for amounts of capital injected or withdrawn by the proprietors. gains benefits they are not jargons.gains means increase, benefits are the merits/advantages when doing benefits-costs analysisturnoversthe total sales figure of an organisation for a stated period, where trade discounts, VAT/GST,excise duty are excluded

How joyful he was to meet his brother again!句子结构

解释如下How joyful he was to meet his brother again!句子结构选A首先to meet his brother again去除不影响句子主要意思,故为状语。去除CD然后AB只有A了

辛普森大电影中 Bart做鬼脸唱的“Lisa got a boyfriend that she never see again”,出自哪里

candy -Robbie Williams

obatain gain acquire 这三个词的区别


求解gain attain obtain acquire的区别啊谢谢

gain. v.指通过较大努力获得某种利益或好处;亦可指军事上的武力夺取等attain v.指经过不懈的努力获得未曾预料到的结果;也可指达到某一目标obtain v.表示通过努力得到长久以来所希望得到的东西或达到目的acquire v.多指经过努力逐步获得才能、知识、习惯等,也可用于对财物等的获得,该词强调"一经获得就会长期持有"的含义obtain表示通过努力得到长久以来所希望得到的东西或达到目的 gain付出较大努力或通过竞争得到有价值的东西attain强调雄心和理想的驱动,侧重达成事先并无把握的目标


1、【get】常在日常用语中使用。get可以代替 acquire, obtain 和 gain 表达类似含义。get一般多指:得到,并且是没有太多付出精力。举例:Get a job.(找到工作)2、【Gain】gain更强调获得的过程付出较大努力。gain还可以用于表示强行占取。举例:To gain a promotion.(获得晋升)3、【Obtain】obtain 是 get 的同义词,不过更加正式。obtain也有表达过程需要付出努力的,但是没有gain程度深。obtain通常还用来表示获得的是一种能力。举例:obtain resources.(获取资源)4、【Acquire】acquire强调获取的过程是缓慢的、连续的,必须通过一段时间的努力才能获得。acquire常常和knowledge, skill 等搭配。cquire 一在商业上还有收购的意思。举例:acquire knowledge(获取知识)参考资料:百度百科-get参考资料:百度百科-gain参考资料:百度百科-obtain参考资料:有道词典-obtain参考资料:有道词典-acquire


这组词都有“获得”,“得到”的意思。 obtain比动词 get 正式,多指需通过较大努力后才能获得。 1) We wish to obtain first-hand information about the case which we are going tolook into. 我们希望获得我们要去调查的案例第一手资料。 2) In order to obtain larger market share, wehave to reduce the price of the products. 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们必须降低这些产品的价格。 3)Could you tell me what I have to do to obtain a student visa and how long the process willtake? 能否告诉我获得学生签证我需要做些什么,还有就是这个过程需要多久? secure指较有把握获得某事或某物,或指需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东 西。 可接双宾语。 1) To succeed in that business, it is imperative to secure a good location in the downtownarea. 要使这项业商务成功的话必须在市区中心找到一个好的地理位置。 2)He managed to secure a loan from the bank to purchase a house in the downtown. 他设法从银行得到一笔贷款在市中心买了一栋房子。 3) Can you secure me two good seats for the concerts? 你能为我搞到音乐会的两个好座位吗? 4)He wasdisappointedby hisfailureto secure thetopjobwith thebank. 他因没能得到银行的高层工作而失望。 acquire书面语用词,多用于通过不断努力日积月累地渐渐获得智力、知识、技术、能 力, 权利等表示抽象概念的东西,有时也可以通过努力获得某物。 1) It is sometimes possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a largevocabulary even without the help of a teacher. 有时学生即使没有老师的帮助也可掌握英语语法和获得大量词汇。 2) The knowledge we have acquired from the textbooks may not be geared to the needs of thepractical work. 我们从课本获得的知识可能不符合实际工作的需要。 3)We"ll strive to acquire more share of the market by developing new produtcts. 我们将通过开发新产品努力获得更多的市场份额。 4) Our company aims to prived professional executive Search Service to our client, and helpour customers to acquire excellent talents. 本公司旨在为客户提供专业人才搜索服务,帮助客户获得优秀的人才 gain普通用词,用法与 acquire 相似,常接抽象名词作其宾语,但不如 acquire 正式。 gain可接双宾语,相当于 win、earn 的用法。 1) I am new in the job but I am already gaining some experience. 虽然这项工作我是新手,但我已经在获得一些经验。 2)Don"t go back to your old eating habits, or you"ll gain all that weight again. 别又恢复以前的饮食习惯,不然你又会变成跟以前一样胖。 3)It is imperative for a graduate to learn from the beginning to gain some practical skills. 对于一个毕业生来说,从头学开始学习获得一些实际技能很重要。 4) His accomplishments have gained / won / earn him a reputation as a brilliant expert in thesubject. 他在这门学科取得的成就使他赢得杰出专家的声誉。 reap本意是“收割”庄稼,可引申出“收获”,即“获得”的意思。 1) During past technological revolutions few of the companies that pioneered the changeproved to be good long-term investments, though some reaped the financial rewards. 在过去的科技革新中,没有几家率先进行技术革新公司证明是理想的长期投资者,尽管它 们中有一些获得了经济回报。 2) Cultivating a wide circle of friends may reap a handsome payback in their careers. 拥有一个广泛的朋友圈可在事业上获得一个丰厚的回报。 derive也有“获得”的意思,常用结构是:derive …… from (从……获 得)。 1) We can derive pleasure, companionship experience and instruction from good reading. 我们从读好书中获得乐趣、友谊、经历和教诲 2) She derives great satisfaction from her coin collection. 她从中钱币收藏中获得很大的满足。 3) One cannot derives all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates in itsperformance. 一个人如果不参与到音乐的演出之中就不会享受音乐可能带来的全部乐趣。

get ,obtain,acquire,gain这四个有什么区别?



gain acquire win 和earn的区别

acquire, gain, win, earn, 这些动词均含“获得、取得、得到”之意。acquire强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。gain侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。win主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。earn侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。

get, gain, obtain, attain, acquire,作”得到”意思时有何不同?



acquire,obtain,gain,get这些动词均含“获得、取得、得到”之意。acquire → 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。obtain → 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。gain → 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。get → 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。

get ,obtain,acquire,gain这四个有什么区别?

get ,obtain,acquire,gain的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、get:收到,接到,获得,得到,(卖某物)挣得。2、obtain:(尤指经努力)获得,赢得,存在,流行,沿袭。3、acquire:(通过努力、能力、行为表现)获得,购得,获得,得到。4、gain:获得,赢得,博得,取得,(从?中)受益,获益。二、用法不同1、get:get是英语中使用最广泛的动词之一,可表示“得到某物”“到达某地”“处于某状态”,还可表示“记住”“抓住”“打击”“击中”“杀死”“使受伤”“感染上(疾病)”“难住”“吃”“准备(饭)”“注意到”等多种意思。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,还可用作系动词。2、obtain:obtain用作及物动词可接简单宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。3、acquire:acquire是及物动词,其宾语多为抽象名词,如用实物则显得做作,acquire也可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。acquire是瞬间动词,其现在完成时的肯定式不可与表示延续时间的状语搭配。4、gain:gain可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。gain作“获得”解时也可接双宾语。gain用作不及物动词时后接介词in表示“在某方面有所增长”,后接介词on或upon表示“接近,胜过或赶上”。三、侧重点不同1、get:指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。2、obtain:着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。3、acquire:强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物。4、gain:指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。

While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外


While one storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn.翻译。另外

after another blasted huge drifts up是时间状语,【up】是副词,是起来,向上的意思。句意是:在另一个该死的大的水流之后,海上起了暴风雨,暴风雨冲击着房子和粮仓。against是介词,对抗的意思。

The lady walked around the shops,_____an eye out for bargains. A.keep B.kept C.keeping keep


It"s dangerous to shop bargains one doesn"t need 这篇英语作文如何写?

Many people like to buy the bargains because it is much cheaper than before, but if you don"t really need it ,do you think of that it is a terrible waste of money ? So,i want to warn broad customer,in sale busy season, want to hold to rational consumption, goods compares 3, do not want credulous conduct propaganda, do not pursue cheap, have an insatiable desire for low.


Kite is taking her___tour of the shops in search of barga.选A

visit our store.nowhere else_____such good bargains.

you do find 肯定语气 ,倒装就是 do you find

There is ________ increase of 20% in food prices, but the sandwiches in our shop are bargain at only


what do you think about the bargain house? there"s some real _____in the sales


bargains n more 什么意思


快速翻译一句吧:Hunt for bargains when booking flights and you might be able to save eno...


The lady walked around the shops ,keeping an eye out for bargains,为什么要用keeping?


以A HARD BARGAIN为题 写段讨价还价的英语对话


pick up bargains的汉语意思


on bargains什么意思

on bargains在讨价还价例句:1.And Penney remains a "promotional" chain, reliant on bargains.



Some bargains!是什么意思?


no bargain和no bargaining哪个对


选择题:We finally ___ an agreement after a lot of hard bargaining.

选D这就是固定搭配,reach an agreement,达成协议。我们在多次讨价还价之后终于达成了协议。A:到达(某地)B:决定C:观察

nash bargaining 和 stackelberg 博弈有什么关系


At issue was a plan to cut government subsidies and union bargaining rights at rural airport

你说对了,这里的At issue是主语,但真正的主语被省去了,这个句子完成的结构应该是The thing at issue was a plan to ........这样说你可能就明白了,这是一个标准的主+系+表结构+宾补(不定式做宾语补足语),翻译过来就是,正在讨论的是一个计划,什么计划呢,to 后面的句子就是解释这个计划的,所以这个句子的主语就是The thing at issue.....

no bargain和 no bargaining区别

no bargain 是对的,不还价,名词词组no bargaining 是错的

principled bargaining是什么意思


bargaining skill是什么意思

bargaining skill谈判技巧双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 讨价还价的技巧

He"s good at bargaining. 他善于讨价还价.

be good at doing sth 是正确的。下面的句子错误。


作为讨价还价筹码的保护论The protection-as-a-bargaining-chip argument 另一种支持贸易限制的观点涉及讨价还价的策略。许多决策者声称支持自由贸易,但同时认为,当与自己的贸易伙伴讨价还价时,贸易限制可能还是有用的。他们声称,贸易限制威胁有助于消除外国政府业已实施的贸易限制。例如,Isoland国可以威胁说,除非Neighborland国取消它的小麦关税,否则就要对钢铁征收关税。如果Neighborland国对这种威胁的反应是取消了其关税,其结果可能是更自由的贸易。 这种讨价还价策略的问题是,威胁可能不起作用。如果威胁没起作用,该国就会面临一个两难选择。它可以实施其威胁并实行贸易限制,这就会减少它自己的经济福利。或者它也可以收回自己的威胁,这又会使它在国际事务中失去威信。面对这种选择,该国也许会希望要是一开始就不做出这种威胁就好了。例如:美国政府可以威胁对法国葡萄酒进行进口限制,除非法国政府取消对美国牛肉的配额。假如法国政府拒绝,那美国政府将只有两个坏的可能性:A)限制法国葡萄酒的进口,而这将减少美国的经济福利B)不限制法国葡萄酒的进口,而这将会减小美国政府的威信

collective bargaining是什么意思


after much bargaining,much在这里什么意思啊


bargaining power是什么意思

bargaining power [释义] 讨价还价的能力; 全部释义>>[例句]That calculation gives china enormous bargaining power.这种推断让中国有了巨大的议价能力。

bargaining power是什么意思

bargaining powern.(谈判中一方的)讨价还价的能力议价能力;谈判能力;谈判力例句1.This, in turn, has increased the bargaining power of workers across southern China.这反过来也增强了华南劳工的谈判力。2.The person with the resource thus has bargaining power over the other.资源与人因而具有比其他的议价能力。3.Stable allocation of bargaining power.谈判力的稳定分配。4.lacked the bargaining power for negotiations behind closed doors.在闭门谈判中缺乏议价能力。   5.The bargaining power suppliers of inputs can use.原料供应商能运用的交涉力量


你的这个是关于企业供应链方面的。This article considers the outsourcing choice of a downstream firm with its own upstream这篇文章是关于下游企业针对其上游企业(供应商)的外包选择。A BARGAINING PERSPECTIVE ON STRATEGICOUTSOURCING AND SUPPLY COMPETITION针对策略外包和供应竞争的议价观点(远景)

collective bargaining是什么意思

collective bargaining词典结果collective bargaining劳资双方就工资等问题谈判;

翻译1.After a heated bargaining they agreed onthe price for the car.


collective-bargaining agreement是什么意思

collective-bargaining agreement集体谈判协议双语对照例句:1.So the owners of the national basketball association ( nba) locked out theirplayers after the two sides failed to reach a new collective-bargainingagreement. 因此,当劳资双方未达成一个新的共同商讨的协议时,美国篮球职业联赛(nba)的所有者们将球员赶出了联盟。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!


many-people-have-experienced-bargaining很多人都经历过讨价还价1.Most people have experienced the dreaded ice cream headache at some point. 大多数人都曾有过吃冰淇淋引起可怕头疼的经历。2.I find that almost all successful people have experienced significant failures in life or in their work, but they have learned from their failures. 我发现几乎所有的成功人士都是在生活或工作生经受了重大失败后才获得成功,因为他们在失败中汲取教训。3.Most people have experienced the feeling, after a taxing mental work-out, that they cannot be bothered to make any more decisions. 多数人都有过这样的感受,在经历了繁重的脑力劳动而精疲力竭之后,不愿受到打扰再做任何决议。

distributive bargaining是什么意思


bargaining chip造句

作为讨价还价筹码的保护论The protection-as-a-bargaining-chip argument另一种支持贸易限制的观点涉及讨价还价的策略。许多决策者声称支持自由贸易,但同时认为,当与自己的贸易伙伴讨价还价时,贸易限制可能还是有用的。他们声称,贸易限制威胁有助于消除外国政府业已实施的贸易限制。例如,Isoland国可以威胁说,除非Neighborland国取消它的小麦关税,否则就要对钢铁征收关税。如果Neighborland国对这种威胁的反应是取消了其关税,其结果可能是更自由的贸易。这种讨价还价策略的问题是,威胁可能不起作用。如果威胁没起作用,该国就会面临一个两难选择。它可以实施其威胁并实行贸易限制,这就会减少它自己的经济福利。或者它也可以收回自己的威胁,这又会使它在国际事务中失去威信。面对这种选择,该国也许会希望要是一开始就不做出这种威胁就好了。例如:美国政府可以威胁对法国葡萄酒进行进口限制,除非法国政府取消对美国牛肉的配额。假如法国政府拒绝,那美国政府将只有两个坏的可能性:A)限制法国葡萄酒的进口,而这将减少美国的经济福利B)不限制法国葡萄酒的进口,而这将会减小美国政府的威信

bargaining impasse是什么意思?


外贸英语中的 offer and counter offer和bargaining是一回事吗

offer 是发盘或者报盘的意思,是外贸业务的一个环节,是对Enquiry(询价)的答复。它是交易的一方(通常是卖方)向对方提出某种交易条件(包括货名、数量、规模、价格、交货期等),并愿意按此条件成 交。counter offer是还盘或者还价盘的意思,就是对卖家的offer进行还价的回复盘。

many people have experienced bargaining ,and the


外贸英语中的 offer and counter offer和bargaining是一回事吗

offer 是发盘或者报盘的意思,是外贸业务的一个环节,是对Enquiry(询价)的答复。它是交易的一方(通常是卖方)向对方提出某种交易条件(包括货名、数量、规模、价格、交货期等),并愿意按此条件成 交。 counter offer是还盘或者还价盘的意思,就是对卖家的offer进行还价的回复盘。

collective bargaining是什么意思

集体谈判双语对照词典结果:collective bargaining劳资双方就工资等问题谈判; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

bargaining skills什么意思

英文:bargaining skills中文:谈判技巧很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

具体说说什麼是bargaining power of consumer and supplier?


bargaining power是什么意思

bargaining powern.(谈判中一方的)讨价还价的能力议价能力;谈判能力;谈判力例句1.This, in turn, has increased the bargaining power of workers across southern China.这反过来也增强了华南劳工的谈判力。2.The person with the resource thus has bargaining power over the other.资源与人因而具有比其他的议价能力。3.Stable allocation of bargaining power.谈判力的稳定分配。4.lacked the bargaining power for negotiations behind closed doors.在闭门谈判中缺乏议价能力。5.The bargaining power suppliers of inputs can use.原料供应商能运用的交涉力量

plea bargaining是什么意思

plea bargainingn.经法庭批准; v.坦白从宽( plea bargain的现在分词 ); 用于法律文件中,指“法官同意因被告主动坦白而从轻发落。”; (刑事案件中的)庭外和解;

bargaining power是什么意思

bargaining power讨价还价的能力; 希望采纳哦!

bargaining for good什么意思

有没有背景呢?单看for good 有永久地,意思如果是bargaining for good price 那就是讨价还价bargaining for goods 也是讲价希望对你有帮助哦~

07年12月英语六级阅读Our nation"s core bargain with the middle class is disintegrating!



bargaining音节划分:bar▪gain英 [ˈbɑ:gənɪŋ]美 [ˈbɑ:rgənɪŋ]n.议价;讨价;商讨;商谈v.讨价还价,商谈( bargain的现在分词 );提出条件,要求得到谈判;协商;交涉1. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining.                                                那意味着几个月的激烈谈判开始了。来自柯林斯例句2. The result might inject more sense into future bargaining.                                                其结果可能为未来的谈判注入更多的理性。

i don"t do bargainning 为什么不用i don"t do bargain?

bargain的词性和意思如下:n. 减价品;便宜货;协议;交易 ; v. (与某人就某事)讨价还价,商讨条件 do,后面需要跟一个名词。而这个句子的意思是,我不讨价还价,那么只能用动名词来代替。

英语几个词语的区别~ bargain exchange trade这三个词有什么区别?

bargain是讨价还价,exchange是交易,trade 是大宗贸易

翻译以下短语并完成句子。1. bargain with sb. about overfor sth. ____2. make a bargain with sb.____3

1. (和某人就某事)讨价还价2. 和某人达成协议3. 真便宜4. bargained with  5. made a bargain  6. a bargain

妈妈在买菜时和别人讨价还价(bargain) 考试是个脑力劳动(mental) 每个人都应该有自己

正确答案Mom always bargains with other people when she is shopping for vegetables. 妈妈在买菜时和别人讨价还价。Taking tests is a meantal work. 考试是个脑力劳动Everyone should have his own motto. 每个人都应该有自己的座右铭He participated in the competition for glory. 他为了荣誉参加比赛有疑问欢迎追问满意请采纳 :)

Look in the mirror and say,“You"re no bargain.”这句话怎么翻译比较好呢


It is a real bargain 是什么意思???跪求


bargain basement是什么意思


you should know where to bargain 是宾语从句吗?

是宾语从句,where 名词性从句做宾语。
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