barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 17:20:35


1. 用作动词,注意以下用法:


We bargained with her about [over] the price. 我们同她讨价还价。

She bargained with the storekeeper for a blanket. 她为买一块毛毯与店主讨价还价。

表示“提出…的条件”或“要求得到…”,是及物动词,其后接 that-从句。如:

He bargained that he should not have to workon Sunday. 他提出条件说他星期天不上班。


用于 bargain for [on],意为“预料”、“料到”。如:

We didn"tbargain for so many people coming to tea. 我们没有料到会有这么多人来参加茶会。

The cost was much more than he hadbargained for [on]. 费用大大超过他的预料。

2. 用作名词,注意以下用法:


It is a real bargain. 真是便宜货。

I bought the paiting at a bargain. 我买这幅画很廉价。

Hemade a bargain with his wife, "You cook and I"ll wash up". 他与妻子说定“你烧饭,我洗餐具”。

He soon found that he hadmade a bad bargain. 很快他就发现他做的是一笔不合算的生意。



That"s [It"s] a bargain. 就这么说定了 。

make [strike] a bargain 达成协议,作成交易



2023-01-03 21:53:132


bargain["bɑ:gin] 释义:n. 交易, 便宜货, 契约 He made a satisfactory bargain with them. 他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。 n. 便宜货 If you promote our goods, we will give you a good discount as our part of the bargain. 若你方经销我们的货物,我方愿给予你相当大的优惠作为回报。 She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她有辨别便宜货的能力。 n. 契约 There never was a better bargain driver. 再没有比这更美好的契约。 They sealed their bargain by shaking hands. 他们握手表示确认交易契约。 v. 讨价还价, 议价, (谈价钱后)卖
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n.交易,合同交易;协议A bargain"s a bargain. 达成的协议决不可撕毁。He made a bargain with his wife "You take care of the children and I"ll cook." 他跟妻子讲条件"你看好孩子,我做饭。"廉价买到的东西This jacket is a real bargain at such a low price. 这件夹克衫这么便宜,真划得来。It"s a real bargain.(非正式) 真便宜。词性变化vi.(常与with, for连用)讲价;谈条件If you bargain with them they might reduce the price. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。She bargained with the trader till he sold her the fruit cheaply. 她和卖水果的人讨价还价,直到他把水果便宜地卖给了她。常用词组bargain for准备;预料I had not bargained for rain, and I got wet. 我没料到要下雨,所以淋湿了。依靠;信赖bargain on依靠;信赖习惯用语a bad bargain 吃亏的生意A bargain is a bargain. [谚]买卖一言为定; 达成的协议不可撕毁。a good bargain 赚钱的生意; 便宜货close a bargain 成交; 达成协议conclude a bargain 成交; 达成协议make a bargain 成交; 达成协议seal a bargain 成交; 达成协议settle a bargain 成交; 达成协议strike a bargain 成交; 达成协议drive a bargain 讲价; 讲条件; 争取成交drive a hard bargain (在某事上)极力讨价还价; 坚持苛刻的条件drive a hard bargain over sth. (在某事上)极力讨价还价; 坚持苛刻的条件Dutch bargain 酒席上议定的生意; 单方面有利的交易hard bargain 吃亏的买卖; 条件苛刻、没有让步的协议have the best of the bargain 获得最大的好处into the bargain 外加; 另外; 而且(在议定的条件外再加上)in the bargain 外加; 另外; 而且(在议定的条件外再加上)make the best of a bad bargain 对于恶运或逆境泰然处之; 善处逆境, 随遇而安more than one bargained for [口]出乎某人意料之外(包括好的方面和坏的方面)off one"s bargain 废除协议, 解约 不受协议的约束with one"s bargain 废除协议, 解约 不受协议的约束sell sb. a bargain [废]愚弄某人Smithfieid bargain 欺诈的交易; 买卖婚姻That"s a bargain. [口]就这么决定了! 一言为定!wet a bargain [口]用请吃饭等方式招揽或促成交易; 喝酒庆祝达成交易wet bargain 双方喝酒成交的生意bargain and sale 卖田文契 动产的让渡bargain away 廉价出售;牺牲; 贱卖; 抛售bargain for [俗]预料; 期待 讨价还价; 想把...便宜地弄到手bargain on 期望; 信赖
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砍价: to bargain;Chop price;Bargainirg;cut down
2023-01-03 21:53:486


1、bargain with sb 同某人讲价还价bargain for sth 为某东西讨价还价bargain with sb for sth 因为某东西同某人讨价还价bargain over the price 就价格问题磋商2、bargain for 确实有如下意思: 预料到;估计到;考虑到 We did not bargain for all this trouble. 我们没料到会有这些麻烦。 The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for... 这项政策带来的影响是政府始料未及的。3、打折可用discount 折扣,减价,特价sth is on discount 某东西正在打折出售get a 20 per cent discount 享受百分之二十的折扣,就是打八折。
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bargain(with sb) (about/over/for sth) (与某人)讨价还价; 洽谈成交条件; 谈判。 例子:Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain. 千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee. 商人与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商洽. The unions bargained (with management) for a shorter working week. 工会为缩短工作周而(与资方)讨价还价.
2023-01-03 21:54:166

walk by 和 bargain 什么意思

walk by 走过bargain 讨价还价
2023-01-03 21:54:384

希望懂英语和法律的帮忙翻译和解释一下 谢谢。

问题补充:Consideration=Bargained for exchange.问题补充:Consideration = Bargained 为交换。Detriment- doing something not legally required.损害-做没有法律上所需的东西。Refrain from act legally permitted不要从法律上允许的行为Adequacy(equality)of consideration not required.充分性 (平等) 审议不是必需。Preexisting duty rule: an act that fulfills a preexisting duty cannot be consideration for a new contract.预先存在的税规则: 一种履行先前存在的义务的行为不能考虑为一个新的合同。past act- consideration for a new contract过去的法案审议新合同debt settlement agreements债务和解协议promises enforceable without consideration: to pay debt barred by statute of limitations.不考虑可强制执行的承诺: 支付债务由限制法规禁止。Detrimental reliance.有害的依赖。Example: pledge to charity.示例: 承诺捐给慈善机构。
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2023-01-03 21:55:092


1. broke2. sets 3. evidence 4. ancient 5. Judging6. trapped7. reward8. saw9. bargained10. deserved
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bargainAn agreement between parties fixing obligations that each promises to carry out.协定:党派间确定责任的协定,任何一方都许诺履行An agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or services:买卖合约:规定了出售或交换商品或服务之条件的合约:finally reached a bargain with the antique dealer over the lamp.最后和这古董商签订了关于这个灯的买卖合约Property acquired or services rendered as a result of such an agreement.兑现合约:因这样的合约而获得的财产或服务Something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer.廉价货:以对买者有利的价格出售货物v.(动词)bar.gained,, bar.gainsv.intr.(不及物动词)To negotiate the terms of an agreement, as to sell or exchange.谈判:商谈关于售卖和交换等合同的条款To engage in collective bargaining.进行集中谈判To arrive at an agreement.达成协议及物动词)To exchange; trade:交换;做生意:bargained my watch for a meal.用我的表换了一顿饭hagglev.(动词)hag.gled, hag.gling, hag.glesv.intr.(不及物动词)To bargain, as over the price of something; dicker:讨价还价:就某物的价格讨价还价;议价:“He preferred to be overcharged than to haggle”(W. Somerset Maugham)“他宁愿挨宰也不愿讨价还价”( W.萨默塞特·莫姆)To argue in an attempt to come to terms.争论不休:为达成协议而进行争论及物动词)To cut (something) in a crude, unskillful manner; hack.乱砍:以一种拙劣、不熟练的方式切割(某物);乱劈Archaic To harass or worry by wrangling.【古语】 使…因争论而烦恼或疲惫n.(名词)An instance of bargaining or arguing.讨价还价,争论不休
2023-01-03 21:55:413

有谁看过一篇名叫more than I bargained for的英语短文吗

不知道是不是一下这篇,希望对你有帮助。In response to my husband"s craving for ice cream at Chase Field, I used my mobile phone to search for an ice cream place along the light rail line on the way home. I found the Pink Spot, and pursuaded Andy to get off the train with me at the Thomas Road station so we could try it. I seemed to remember driving by it on Thomas and thinking it looked interesting.It turned out to be more than I bargained for. Not a chain store, Pink Spot is a unique coffee house / ice cream parlor with live entertainment and employees who are interested in the arts. I got to talking with the young woman in the Wicked t-shirt about the musical. Then I got to talking with the guy in the Sesame Street t-shirt about the books of Gregory Maguire, including not only the two I"ve read (Wicked and Son of a Witch), but also Mirror, Mirror, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and A Lion Among Men.Perhaps one could take such cultural exchanges for granted, but I daresay I wouldn"t have gotten this rich cultural experience if I"d gone to Dairy Queen or even Baskin Robbins. In fact, I don"t even think I would have talked about the musical or these books if I"d gone to a Häagen Dazs. It reminded me of the value of unique restaurants and businesses. I believe that small, non-chain businesses are a vital part of a cultural diverse and rich community.
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I believed I could __36__ tough subjects and really learn something. 36 A. take B. discuss C. cover D. get 此题考察上课讲过一百多遍的连续动作。后面一个动作是learn,学到东西之前得干什么?当然是上课了……于是B、D两个选项讨论和获得直接浮云。也许有人会在C选项上流连忘返,但是咱上课强调过二选一的时候挑最熟悉的吧。take和cover哪个熟?一目了然。 I was extremely interested in the ideas he __37__ in class. 37 A. sought B. presented C. exchanged D. obtained 看见A选项我那叫一个激动啊……2006年全国I卷第一句话第十个单词就是sought,当时特别强调了是seek的过去式或过去分词,还记得不?C选项是咱们在2005年北京卷讲“我们互相接吻”那句话的时候提到的,提醒大家注意英语写作用物体作主语,还记得不?此题考查成分相关,老师怎么着想法?当然是提出了,B选项在讲2001年全国卷的prehistoric的时候曾经当作记忆pre-前缀的例子特别提过,名词礼物动词提出,还记得不? When I took the first exam, I was __38__ to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper, __39__ English was my best subject. 38 A. shocked B. worried C. scared D. anxious 39 A. but B. so C. for D. or 另外一个强调了一百多遍的感情色彩终于出现啦。由C+的成绩判断作者这里一定是负态度,而四个选项全是负态度……于是成分相关,我看到成绩不好的时候的心理感受是什么?A选项在2005年北京卷和2004年全国II卷中全部出现过且课上全部讲过,甚至在2000年全国卷最后父亲脸色的变化那道题中讲pale为什么不对的时候也讲过,再不认识说不过去啦!B选项和D选项提过的次数更多,多到我自己都嫌烦,一个体现身份差异一个与wait相关,这里哪个都没有,直接废掉。至于C选项惊恐万状,一笑了之。注意,咱们强调过无数次的考点paper又出现了,今次是试卷的意思…… 39题是文章中唯一一道连词题,而这几个连词也太没技术含量了吧……根据上下文逻辑B和D选项直接排除。A选项也许会糊弄一拨学生,但是只要把“虽然……但是……”都加上,一目了然。but后面是重要信息讲听力的时候强调了n遍,这句话作者是想强调我英语学的好么?当然不是,作者想强调的是自己看到答案的心理落差。至于逗号加for表“因为”替换because的写作手法和“因为、所以”两个连词在选项中一起出现时要注意等玩意儿咱们课上提过多少次,我自己都懒的想了,自己回忆一下吧,1998年全国卷37题。 I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained __40__. 40 A. unchanged B. unpleasant C. unfriendly D. unmoved remain这个动词在讲1996年全国卷第31题时特别强调过,果然考了……至于这几个选项,咱们来分析一下吧:B和C两个选项一个不愉快一个不友好,是不是一回事应不应该同义必同错你们自己说。剩下A和D两个选项,高亮老师和陶大白老师强调过一万回“change是不能选的”,你们只要听了,答案D选项“不为所动”就出来了。也许有人会问,下面不是有change的明确提示吗?好,老师保持不改变,但问题是老师本来就不会变。那是什么不改变?当然是成绩,所以应该是my score remained unchanged。 I decided to try harder, although I didn"t know what that __41__ because school had always been easy for me. 41 A. reflected B. meant C. improved D. affected 凭良心说话,这道题算是难题,meant这个词虽然曾经在讲1999年全国卷35题时提过,但是没有特别强调其“意味着”的用法,因为……太基本了。其实继续把握不熟悉的不选这一原则把A和D选项排除,剩下B和C两个选项应该不难选出正确答案。不过错就错了,反正我们又不追求全对…… Again, I __42__ with Professor Jayne. 42 A. quarreled B. reasoned C. bargained D. chatted C和D是完全不靠谱选项,看了就应该排除。这次我又没考好,我可能去和老师讨价还价或闲聊么?A选项非常具有迷惑性,出题者居心险恶,但是陶大白老师在课上特别讲过argue、quarrel、fight、struggle和conflict的区别。看没看见40题前面的arguments?记不记得我在讲2006年全国I卷第一段倒数第二个单词quarrelsome时说过quarrel是负态度?学生能对老师做不好的事么?答案B选项通过排除法选出。 Again, he listened patiently but wouldn"t change his __43__. 43 A. attitude B. mind C. plan D. view 这选项中的词除了mind以外还真没怎么讲过,可是这都是赤裸裸的初中词汇吧……也许有人选A选项,但是“避免受到中文思维的影响”这句话陶大白老师在五一冲刺班上说过四遍。“老师不改变他的态度”听起来挺舒服。但是联想一下后面我终于得了好成绩,照这么说老师的态度变好了,难道老师原来的态度是坏的么?发现中英文思维的差异了没?改变的是想法mind,而不是态度,老师对我严格要求的态度是自始至终没变的。此外,mind这个词我们在讲1998年全国卷第27题时曾经特别作为扩展知识提到过。最后,attitude和view这俩词能不能算作同义必同错,陶大白老师还在琢磨。 One more test before the final exam. One more __44__ to improve my grade. 44 A. choice B. step C. chance D. measure A、C、D三个选项在讲1996年全国卷的时候全部分析过,这96年完形果然是神一般的存在啊,不枉陶大白老师一篇文章讲仨小时。只要是机会chance或opportunity必然和某个动作有直接关系,这话还记得不?measure是衡量测量计算的意思,96年完形第二个单词,还记得不?而根据两句话的句式结构,我们要选择一个能和test对应的词,名词找重复还记得不?于是排除A和B选项。高亮老师曾经指出,选择choose和choice永远不对,这话陶大白老师没敢和你们说,看来还是高亮老师最高。一起喊:高亮老师万岁! So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time, __45__ the meaning of the word "thorough". 45 A. memorized B. considered C. accepted D. learned 用成分相关来解决,非常简单的一道题。作者是真的记住了thorough这个词的含义么?作者是在仔细考虑这个词的含义么?作者是接受了这个词的含义么?答案当然是D选项,一个在完形填空里见过百八十回的词。 But my __46__ did no good and everything __47__ as before. 46 A. ambition B. confidence C. effort D. method 47 A. stayed B. went C. worked D. changed 46题C选项effort前一句话里面刚刚出现过,原词重复啥都别说了……A选项和D选项分别在2006年北京卷的42题和53题中讲过,至于B选项,2005年北京卷40题confident和sure同义必同错时讲的,自己回忆一下。 47题……也算个难题吧。D选项请喊一声新东方万岁,即可排除,changed和unchanged到此为止全军覆没,命题组的人也不知道在想些什么。至于A、B、C三个选项,按照陶大白老师的选择最熟悉的选项的方法,胡蒙乱猜也该选B选项,直接命中。另外请回顾2002年全国卷的这句话:“When anything went wrong with my car...” No matter what __48__ I got, it wouldn"t cancel three C-pluses. 48 A. grade B. answer C. lesson D. comment 这题看的我快笑出声来了……^O^首先是A、B、C三个选项都是96年完形曾经精讲过的:A选项与mark同义都表示成绩,B选项讲question、problem、difficulty和trouble的时候提过有问才有答,C选项教训或课程则从来就没怎么对过,都没忘吧……至于D选项,还记不记得讲2005年北京卷时分辨过以下这堆玩意儿:comment、commend、command、content、consent和common? I might as well kiss the __49__ goodbye. 49 A. scholarship B. course D. subject A选项原词重复在开头和结尾各一次,不枉陶大白老师在讲解高三上学期西城区期末考试那个过圣诞节、德国口音的老太太带着她孙子的文章时曾经特别嘱咐“即使最后很长一段没有空也不要轻易放过”。B选项和D选项同义必同错,C选项则和文章的时间概念不相符。第一年怎么会出现学位问题呢?而且学位没有了能kiss goodbye么?记叙文六要素中“时间”排在第一个,你们看的时候想了没有? The night before the final, I even __50__ myself to a movie. 50 A. helped B.favored C. treated D. relaxed 是不是想到了讲1997年全国卷的时候咱们提到的“help oneself to sth”?光看搭配不想意思就贸然选择,一定会错。陶大白老师又没说过help永远对……那是自助的意思,看电影能和吃自助餐一样么?B选项在1997年第40题里讲过,D选项则是在2006年北京卷的51题中提过。至于C选项,请客的意思听力课上就搞定了。 The next day I decided for once I"d have __51__ with a test. 51 A. fun B. luck C. problems D. tricks 根据我们反复强调过的作者写作态度的判断,C和D两个选项可以排除,因为前面的movie是正态度。至于B选项,还记不记得陶大白老师说过“高考不是考运气考人品的”?而且在1998年全国卷第44题和2004年全国II卷第46题中,lucky和luck全都是错的啊…… I hurried into Professor Jayne"s office. He __52__ to be expecting me. 52 A. happened B. proved C. pretended D. seemed A和B两个选项分别在1997年全国卷41题和2002年全国卷53题中排除过。判断连续动作,我赶紧去找老师,老师碰巧正在等我,这是人话吗?老师证明正在等我,这是人话吗?C选项老师假装在等我,这是老师该干的事吗?答案D选项,要靠胡蒙乱猜找最熟悉的词的方法,一样搞定。 "If I gave you the As you __53__, you wouldn"t continue to work as hard." 53 A. valued B. imagined C. expected D. welcomed D选项没讲过,太弱。A选项给大家区分过value、valuable和valueless还记得不?至于B和C两个选项,imagine后面要加虚假内容,作者想要的A的成绩是不是虚假的?expect这个词咱们见得可不少了,随便举几个:2000年“I put my head in, expecting the worst...”、2006年全国I卷37题、2005年北京卷49题…… I stared at him __54__ that his analysis and strategy were correct. 54 A. remembering B. guessing C. supposing D. realizing 还是96年完形,让陶大白老师说什么好呢……咱们区分过know、know of、recognize、remember、realize、notice和understand,这里直接出现了俩。guess永远不对,高亮老师真伟大。至于suppose,2002年全国卷“suppose my auto repairman”和2005年北京卷52题都讲过,特别是2005年北京卷第52题,和这道题有三个选项是一模一样的,连答案都同样是realize,命题组脑子又进水了…… I had worked my head __55__, as I had never done before. 55 A. out B. over C. on D. off 唯一的一道介词题,也是唯一的一道真正的难题。对于off的把握不强就一定会错。可是错就错了呗,前面的题把握好一样是高分。而且特别强调过的2006年全国I卷41题那个最难的介词,也是off……
2023-01-03 21:56:001


草莓”英语:strawberry读法:英 [ˈstrɔ:bəri]   美 [ˈstrɔ:beri]  词汇搭配:strawberry mark (草莓状)红色胎记strawberry blonde 略带红色的金色alpine strawberry 高山草莓,多年生草莓wild strawberry 泡草莓strawberry tongue 草莓舌strawberry clover 草莓三叶草,草莓车轴例句:She bargained with the strawberry pedlar. 她跟卖草莓的小贩讲价。扩展资料水果英文:1、pear英 [peə(r)]   美 [per]  n.梨树;梨(树)例句:This pear tastes a bit sour. 这梨带点酸味。2、mulberry英 [ˈmʌlbəri]   美 [ˈmʌlberi]  n.桑树;桑葚;桑园例句:European mulberry having dark foliage and fruit. 欧洲种的桑树,叶子和果实是黑色的。3、watermelon英 [ˈwɔ:təmelən]   美 [ˈwɔ:tərmelən]  n.西瓜例句:This watermelon is really sweet! 这西瓜好甜哪!4、cherry英 [ˈtʃeri]   美 [ˈtʃɛri]  n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;例句:I want a cherry! 我想要一个樱桃!5、peach英 [pi:tʃ]   美 [pitʃ]  n.桃子;桃红色;极好的人(或物)adj.桃红色的;粉红色的例句:Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。
2023-01-03 21:56:065


对价(consideration)是一方为换取另一方做某事的承诺而向另一方支付的金钱代价或得到该种承诺的承诺。 对价:指当事人一方在获得某种利益时,必须给付对方相应的代价。举例说明:咱俩合资建房,你说只要你把那块地买下来我就修房子,于是我买了那块地。对于你而言我买下那块地就是对你的承诺(修房子)的承诺。a bargained for exchange就相当于一种契约交换(交易),在这个例子中咱俩就是bargained for exchange。如果我买了地你却不修房子了,那么对我造成的损失就可以根据对价求偿
2023-01-03 21:56:351

that"s more than I bargained for 这个句子是否是省略了what,但what应该是不能省略的啊,求分析句子结构

是省略了whatthat"s more than what I bargained for what 可以省略
2023-01-03 21:56:412

翻译以下短语并完成句子。1. bargain with sb. about overfor sth. ____2. make a bargain with sb.____3

1. (和某人就某事)讨价还价2. 和某人达成协议3. 真便宜4. bargained with  5. made a bargain  6. a bargain
2023-01-03 21:56:481

帮忙 英文翻译

2023-01-03 21:56:534

英语的bargain with sb. 的sb是什么,about sth.的sth. 是什么

bargain 是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语。bargain with sb/about sth.(与某人争吵/讨价还价/与某人就某事争吵/讨价还价)是英文里不及物动词与介词的固定搭配用法。sb.= somebodysth.=something
2023-01-03 21:57:1111

以A HARD BARGAIN为题 写段讨价还价的英语对话

2023-01-03 21:57:492


Monday MonTuesday TueWednesday WedThursday ThuFriday FriSaturday SatSunday Sun
2023-01-03 21:57:576

bob dylan的歌曲歌词

没翻译Blowing In The Wind How many roads must a man walk downBefore they call him a manHow many seas must a white dove sailBefore she sleeps in the sandHow many times must the cannon balls flyBefore they"re forever bannedThe answer, my friend, is blowing in the windThe answer is blowing in the windHow many years must a mountain existBefore it is washed to the seaHow many years can some people existBefore they"re allowed to be freeHow many times can a man turn his headAnd pretend that he just doesn"t seeThe answer, my friend, is blowing in the windThe answer is blowing in the windHow many times must a man look upBefore he can see the skyHow many ears must one man haveBefore he can hear people cryHow many deaths will it take"Till he knows that too many people have diedThe answer, my friend, is blowing in the windThe answer is blowing in the windYou Belong To Me You Belong To Me / Bob Dylon(From Natural Born Killers Soundtrack)See the pyramids along the NileWatch the sunrise on a tropic isleJust remember, darling, all the whileYou belong to meSee the marketplace in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember "til you"re home againYou belong to meI"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome tooFly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember "til you"re home againYou belong to meforever young May God bless and keep you always,May your wishes all come true,May you always do for othersAnd let others do for you.May you build a ladder to the starsAnd climb on every rung,May you stay forever young,Forever young, forever young,May you stay forever young.May you grow up to be righteous,May you grow up to be true,May you always know the truthAnd see the lights surrounding you.May you always be courageous,Stand upright and be strong,May you stay forever young,Forever young, forever young,May you stay forever young.May your hands always be busy,May your feet always be swift,May you have a strong foundationWhen the winds of changes shift.May your heart always be joyful,May your song always be sung,May you stay forever young,Forever young, forever young,May you stay forever young.down in the flood 歌手:bob dylan 专辑:the basement tapes by Bob DylanCrash on the levee, mama,Water"s gonna overflow,Swamp"s gonna rise,No boat"s gonna row.Now, you can train on downTo Williams Point,You can bust your feet,You can rock this joint.But oh mama, ain"t you gonna miss your best friend now?You"re gonna have to find yourselfAnother best friend, somehow.Now, don"t you try an" move me,You"re just gonna lose.There"s a crash on the leveeAnd, mama, you"ve been refused.Well, it"s sugar for sugarAnd salt for salt,If you go down in the flood,It"s gonna be your own fault.Oh mama, ain"t you gonna miss your best friend now?You"re gonna have to find yourselfAnother best friend, somehow.Well, that high tide"s risin",Mama, don"t you let me down.Pack up your suitcase,Mama, don"t you make a sound.Now, it"s king for king,Queen for queen,It"s gonna be the meanest floodThat anybody"s seen.Oh mama, ain"t you gonna miss your best friend now?Yes, you"re gonna have to find yourselfAnother best friend, somehow.visions of johanna 歌手:bob dylan 专辑:no direction home: the soundtrack (the bootleg series vol. 7) by Bob DylanAin"t it just like the night to play tricks when you"re tryin" to be so quiet?We sit here stranded, though we"re all doin" our best to deny itAnd Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin" you to defy itLights flicker from the opposite loftIn this room the heat pipes just coughThe country music station plays softBut there"s nothing, really nothing to turn offJust Louise and her lover so entwinedAnd these visions of Johanna that conquer my mindIn the empty lot where the ladies play blindman"s bluff with the key chainAnd the all-night girls they whisper of escapades out on the "D" trainWe can hear the night watchman click his flashlightAsk himself if it"s him or them that"s really insaneLouise, she"s all right, she"s just nearShe"s delicate and seems like the mirrorBut she just makes it all too concise and too clearThat Johanna"s not hereThe ghost of "lectricity howls in the bones of her faceWhere these visions of Johanna have now taken my placeNow, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriouslyHe brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerouslyAnd when bringing her name upHe speaks of a farewell kiss to meHe"s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and allMuttering small talk at the wall while I"m in the hallHow can I explain?Oh, it"s so hard to get onAnd these visions of Johanna, they kept me up past the dawnInside the museums, Infinity goes up on trialVoices echo this is what salvation must be like after a whileBut Mona Lisa musta had the highway bluesYou can tell by the way she smilesSee the primitive wallflower freezeWhen the jelly-faced women all sneezeHear the one with the mustache say, "JeezeI can"t find my knees"Oh, jewels and binoculars hang from the head of the muleBut these visions of Johanna, they make it all seem so cruelThe peddler now speaks to the countess who"s pretending to care for himSayin", "Name me someone that"s not a parasite and I"ll go out and say a prayer for him"But like Louise always says"Ya can"t look at much, can ya man?"As she, herself, prepares for himAnd Madonna, she still has not showedWe see this empty cage now corrodeWhere her cape of the stage once had flowedThe fiddler, he now steps to the roadHe writes ev"rything"s been returned which was owedOn the back of the fish truck that loadsWhile my conscience explodesThe harmonicas play the skeleton keys and the rainAnd these visions of Johanna are now all that remainballad of a thin man 歌手:bob dylan 专辑:no direction home: the soundtrack (the bootleg series vol. 7) by Bob DylanYou walk into the roomWith your pencil in your handYou see somebody nakedAnd you say, "Who is that man?"You try so hardBut you don"t understandJust what you"ll sayWhen you get homeBecause something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?You raise up your headAnd you ask, "Is this where it is?"And somebody points to you and says"It"s his"And you say, "What"s mine?"And somebody else says, "Where what is?"And you say, "Oh my GodAm I here all alone?"Because something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it is Do you, Mister Jones?You hand in your ticketAnd you go watch the geekWho immediately walks up to youWhen he hears you speakAnd says, "How does it feelTo be such a freak?"And you say, "Impossible"As he hands you a boneBecause something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?You have many contactsAmong the lumberjacksTo get you factsWhen someone attacks your imaginationBut nobody has any respectAnyway they already expect youTo just give a checkTo tax-deductible charity organizationsYou"ve been with the professorsAnd they"ve all liked your looksWith great lawyers you haveDiscussed lepers and crooksYou"ve been through all ofF. Scott Fitzgerald"s booksYou"re very well readIt"s well knownBecause something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?Well, the sword swallower, he comes up to youAnd then he kneelsHe crosses himselfAnd then he clicks his high heelsAnd without further noticeHe asks you how it feelsAnd he says, "Here is your throat backThanks for the loan"Because something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?Now you see this one-eyed midgetShouting the word "NOW"And you say, "For what reason?"And he says, "How?"And you say, "What does this mean?"And he screams back, "You"re a cowGive me some milkOr else go home"Because something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?Well, you walk into the roomLike a camel and then you frownYou put your eyes in your pocketAnd your nose on the groundThere ought to be a lawAgainst you comin" aroundYou should be madeTo wear earphonesBecause something is happening hereBut you don"t know what it isDo you, Mister Jones?moonlight 歌手:bob dylan 专辑:love and theft Seasons they are turning and my sad heart is yearningI hear again the songbird weep below his toneWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneThe dusky light the day is losingOrchards, poppies, black eyed SusanThe earth and sky that melts with flesh and boneWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneThe air is thick and heavy all along the leveeWhere the geese into the countryside have flownWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneWell, I"m preaching peace and harmonyThe blessings of tranquilityYet I know when the time is right to strikeI take you "cross the river, dearYou no need to linger hereI know the kinds of things you likeThe clouds are turning crimson, the leaves fall from the limbs andThe branches cast their shadows over stoneWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneThe boulevards of cypress trees, the masquerade of birds and beesThe petals blinking white, the wind has blownWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneThe trailing moss in mystico, the purple blossom soft as snowMy tears keep flowing to the seaDoctor, lawyer, indian chief, it takes a thief to catch a thiefFor whom does the bell toll for, love?It tolls for you and meOld pulses running through my palm, the sharp hills are rising fromYellow fields with twisted oaks that growWon"t you meet me out in the moonlight aloneshelter from the storm 歌手:dylan bob 专辑:blood on the tracks by Bob Dylan"Twas in another lifetime, one of toil and bloodWhen blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mudI came in from the wilderness, a creature void of form."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."And if I pass this way again, you can rest assuredI"ll always do my best for her, on that I give my wordIn a world of steel-eyed death, and men who are fighting to be warm."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."Not a word was spoke between us, there was little risk involvedEverything up to that point had been left unresolved.Try imagining a place where it"s always safe and warm.Dylan Bob"Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."I was burned out from exhaustion, buried in the hail,Poisoned in the bushes an" blown out on the trail,Hunted like a crocodile, ravaged in the corn. "Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."Suddenly I turned around and she was standin" thereWith silver bracelets on her wrists and flowers in her hair.She walked up to me so gracefully and took my crown of thorns."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."Now there"s a wall between us, somethin" there"s been lostI took too much for granted, got my signals crossed.Just to think that it all began on a long-forgotten morn."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."Well, the deputy walks on hard nails and the preacher rides a mountBut nothing really matters much, it"s doom alone that countsAnd the one-eyed undertaker, he blows a futile horn."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."I"ve heard newborn babies wailin" like a mournin" doveAnd old men with broken teeth stranded without love.Do I understand your question, man, is it hopeless and forlorn?"Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."In a little hilltop village, they gambled for my clothesI bargained for salvation an" they gave me a lethal dose.I offered up my innocence and got repaid with scorn."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."Well, I"m livin" in a foreign country but I"m bound to cross the lineBeauty walks a razor"s edge, someday I"ll make it mine.If I could only turn back the clock to when God and her were born."Come in," she said,"I"ll give you shelter from the storm."I Want You The eagle wants a canyon And a place where he can re
2023-01-03 21:58:321

They"ve just ______ a new house in the country at a great sum of money

2023-01-03 21:58:384


get paid就是“获得薪水”的意思!这个没错。但是paid也是pay的过去时,这个也没错。而pays是pay的一般现在时第三人称单数的变形。请注意这句话的开头,看到了吗?是“didn"t”,所以是过去时。get paid说明是已经得到了,肯定是过去时。
2023-01-03 21:59:056


站在村子的入口,我们导游开始给我们介绍Cuan Di Xia的历史。当我听到他的话的时候,我突然觉得不可思议。五分钟前,我们讨价还价的时候,他还带着浓重的地方口音,现在他却说着一口播音员一样水准的普通话,还非常有职业气质。
2023-01-03 21:59:263


英[ˈhʌntə(r)]。hunter造句:1、The hunter trapped by a pack of wolves laid about with a heavy stick.猎人被一群狼困住,他挥舞着一根很重的棍子向四面八方乱打。2、This flashy hunter can dive and return with a fish in two seconds.这个耀眼的捕猎者可以在两秒钟内冲进水里又带着一条鱼返回来。3、The hunter is running after a deer.那猎人正在追赶一只鹿。4、Hunter have an interest in prowl around a flea market.亨特对逛跳蚤市场很感兴趣。5、Leslie:I name you Prince Terrien, giant troll hunter extraordinaire, PT for short.我给你起名叫特雷尔王子,非凡的巨怪猎手,简称PT。6、A whole morning of Mrs Hunter was more than he had bargained for.他原来没有想到亨特太太呆一整个上午会叫人如此受不了。7、The dog who bited the hunter to death in woods was killed.在树林里咬死猎人的狗是被打死的。
2023-01-03 21:59:361


《HP祭司》 作者:大榕树 《(HP同人)Charlina 》作者:暮光月晓 《[HP]独角兽》作者:沉默Time 《HP伪装下的真实》作者:璨若晨曦 《HP 养只救世主》 作者:禾荷 《HP黑魔王的守护》作者:浮生醉月 《HP同人之格林童话》VIP 作者:关心则乱 《[HP]醉叹痴狂 何处寻欢》VIP 作者:深腐九重 《HP出来混的总要还》VIP 作者:萧小笑 《教授不帅》HP 斯内普×洛哈特 作者:翼雨柒殿 《HP教授小女成长史》作者:长毛兔 《HP同人之午后》 VIP 作者:三个圈 《HP之记忆迷宫》VIP 作者:葬剑 《(HP同人)偷偷住进你家里》 作者:白色的小诺 《[HP]异世法师》 作者:沉睡药师 《S.S.[HP同人]》 VIP 作者:人闲猫无事 《[HP]颠覆-命中注定》 作者:蒙面大侠 《[HP]无法送走的爱 》作者:巴黎橘子 《HP乌托邦之两个一起》 作者:Syna ========已经连载完结的文============ 《(HP)意料之外》VIP 作者:范醒 《(hp同人)等价交换》 VIP 作者:兜兜里有糖果 《{HP}爱有天意》 VIP 作者:尘嘲 《HP穿越我是珀西》 VIP ss/pw 作者:恋上深沉的味道 《(HP)幸福》 VIP 作者:哭泣的瓶子 《HP之迷失》 HP/SS 作者:葬剑 《自由意志》《HP生命与灵魂》《[HP同人]作为魔药材料的幸福生活》《布莱克家的“哑炮”》《这该死的蛇男》《教授,咱双宿双栖》《[HP同人]牙医家的小女巫》《我是教授》《教授不帅》《崩坏的教授》《HP教授小女成长史》《斯内普的狗血生活(HP)》《小天狼星的琐碎生活》《[HP同人]银绿色的温暖》《(HP)幸福》 《转世女巫之遨游HP(原名:女皇遨游之HP)》《[HP]白狐》《(HP同人)狐狸变成猫》HP同人——西尔维亚家的小公主与混血王子 《(HP)意料之外》《【HP同人】遇见我的混血王子》《HP同人之格林童话》HP致你一束纯白 华年(HP同人) 《[HP]你眼里的温柔(教授与猫)》《斯莱特林院长与中国女孩》 《安妮的魔法日记》HP《佩妮的情事(不缺字》[HP同人]《一只黑猫从眼前经过》《HP同人之我叫黛西》《(HP同人)木棉》《黑暗中的舞者》《HP之对望的眸》《玩骨头的死神》《HP感知世界》《教授,请签收[HP]》《HP生命与灵魂》《狮子与别扭论》《气压爱情》《V大要出嫁》《(HP同人)彼此的唯一》《[HP]静谧星空》《庙里有个小和尚》《月亮的守护》《[HP]爱有天意 》《hp之秋张》《边缘地带》《师生关系(HP)》《乱弹琴之另一条路》[HP]怎样的世界 《HP我的魔王,我的妻》《爱上死神(HP+死神)当snape遇见死神》《HP同人-麻瓜》《[HP]给教授的爱情圈套》《HP乌托邦之两个一起》HP颠倒的世界 《HP穿肠毒药番外~教授的穿越 (全)》《在你身边的祝福》《与你为伴(HP 同人)》《(HP同人)等待花开》(HP)魔药的诱惑 《夜一样黑》纠缠[HP同人] HP-不要大意君 当梅林也穿越的时候 《[HP]霍格沃茨女王》《夜骐(HP同人)》《穿越我是珀西》《仓鼠遭遇蛇》《我想让你幸福》《天堂来信》《非典型性穿越HP》作者:夜霾飞灵[HP]和教授在一起的日子 《阿尔.林的低调生活》作者:我是未语[HP同人]看不见蝴蝶振翅的方向 HP世界的War songs HP同人之清莲 《哈利他叔》佩妮的回归 穿越成莉莉《爱 西弗勒斯》(hp)西弗勒斯,看招 《穿去给马尔福当爹》
2023-01-03 22:00:282


bargain 英[ˈbɑ:gən] 美[ˈbɑ:rgən] n. 交易; 契约,协定; 特价商品; 便宜货; vt. 做交易; vi. 讨价还价; 达成协议; [例句]At this price the wine is a bargain.这种葡萄酒卖这个价真是很便宜。[其他] 第三人称单数:bargains 复数:bargains 现在分词:bargaining过去式:bargained 过去分词:bargained
2023-01-03 22:00:481


2023-01-03 22:00:531


2023-01-03 22:01:011


bargain 英[ˈbɑ:gən] 美[ˈbɑ:rgən] n. 交易; 契约,协定; 特价商品; 便宜货; vt. 做交易; vi. 讨价还价; 达成协议; [例句]At this price the wine is a bargain这种葡萄酒卖这个价真是很便宜。[其他] 第三人称单数:bargains 复数:bargains 现在分词:bargaining过去式:bargained 过去分词:bargained
2023-01-03 22:01:072

bargain 有哪些意思?

n. 交易, 买卖协定, 特价商品 vt. 讲价, 交易 vi. 讲价, 交易
2023-01-03 22:01:152


bargainKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 协议[(+with)][+that]2. 买卖,交易Clement made a satisfactory bargain with him.克莱门特和他作了一次满意的交易。3. 特价商品,便宜货These toys are a real bargain at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜,真划得来。4. (修饰另一名词)廉价vi.1. 讨价还价[(+with/over/about)]She bargained with the fishmonger over the price.她与鱼贩讲价钱。2. 达成协议They bargained on a two-year term.他们讲定以两年为期。3. (常与否定词连用)预料,指望[(+for/on)]vt.1. 讨价还价后卖掉2. 经谈判后使得[O]They finally bargained out the obstacles to an agreement.他们通过谈判终于排除了达成协议的障碍。3. 提出...条件[+that]The trade union bargained that its members should have another week"s holiday.工会提出其会员增加一周假日的要求。4. 保证[+that]I bargain that the job will be done in three days.我保证这一工作在三天内完成。deal1KK: []DJ: []vt.1. 发(纸牌)[(+to/out)][O1]2. 分配,分给[(+to/out)]The Red Cross dealt out food to hungry villagers.红十字会把食品分发给饥饿的村民。3. 予以(打击)[O1]He dealt Jim a blow on the ear.他打了吉姆一记耳光。vi.1. (纸牌戏)发牌It"s his turn to deal.该他发牌。2. 经营;交易[(+in/with)]This store deals in silk.这业昃��砍瘛?/span>3. 论及;讨论[(+with/in)]4. 处理,对付;对待[(+with)]n.1. 交易[C]It was probably the best business deal I ever did.那也许是我曾经做过的最好的一笔生意。2. 数量,大量[S][(+of)]He had given this question a great deal of thought.他对这个问题做过许多思考。3. 待遇[S]4. 发(纸)牌[C]5. 【美】政策[the S]deal2KK: []DJ: []n.1. 松木,枞木[U]
2023-01-03 22:01:241

bargin 造句

2023-01-03 22:01:293

请问consideration is defined as a bargained-for exchange这个句子中,为什么bargain后面要+ed?

2023-01-03 22:01:402


bargained for exchange达成协议
2023-01-03 22:01:493

英语的bargain with sb. 的sb是什么,about sth.的sth. 是什么

1、bargain with sb 同某人讲价还价bargain for sth 为某东西讨价还价bargain with sb for sth 因为某东西同某人讨价还价bargain over the price 就价格问题磋商2、bargain for 确实有如下意思: 预料到;估计到;考虑到 We did not bargain for all this trouble. 我们没料到会有这些麻烦。 The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for... 这项政策带来的影响是政府始料未及的。3、打折可用discount 折扣,减价,特价sth is on discount 某东西正在打折出售get a 20 per cent discount 享受百分之二十的折扣,就是打八折。
2023-01-03 22:02:041

希望懂英语和法律的帮忙翻译和解释一下 谢谢。

问题补充:Consideration=Bargained for exchange.问题补充:Consideration = Bargained 为交换。Detriment- doing something not legally required.损害-做没有法律上所需的东西。Refrain from act legally permitted不要从法律上允许的行为Adequacy(equality)of consideration not required.充分性 (平等) 审议不是必需。Preexisting duty rule: an act that fulfills a preexisting duty cannot be consideration for a new contract.预先存在的税规则: 一种履行先前存在的义务的行为不能考虑为一个新的合同。past act- consideration for a new contract过去的法案审议新合同debt settlement agreements债务和解协议promises enforceable without consideration: to pay debt barred by statute of limitations.不考虑可强制执行的承诺: 支付债务由限制法规禁止。Detrimental reliance.有害的依赖。Example: pledge to charity.示例: 承诺捐给慈善机构。
2023-01-03 22:02:104


Nothing can interrupt him when he is working.( /His accent betrays he is a foreigner./We have already waited him for two hours when he finally came.The headmaster conferred the best students with honorary titles剩下的俺不会了
2023-01-03 22:02:264

Drake的《Uptown》 歌词

《Uptown》演唱:Drake&Lil Wayne&Bun B 所属专辑:《The Motto》发行时间:2013-02-04歌词:Uh" hardly home but always reppin" You hardly on and always second" When I"m awake you always restin" And when they call you the answer you will hardly question" I" I"m doin classic shit in all my sessions" Other nigga"s situations they are all depressin" That"s why I never follow y"all suggestions" I just always did my own thing" Now I run the game" you stupid muddasuckas I see all this money through my ohio state buck eyes" Shippin goin good" but good can turn to better" Cause you the type to lose her" and I"m about to get her It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell your friends that I"m on (x6) Best believe I understand It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell my city I"m on (x6) You can run an tell my city it"s on Yeah" wrong way down the one way" Women don"t get saved round me even on a sunday" Damn where I get it from" these niggas always wonder who" Then they meet my pop and tell "I"m ""Drake is just a younger you""" And shawty wanna party so don"t let yo girl up out the house Or there"ll be shots on TMZ" of me givin her mouth-to-mouth" Now she"s famous and the paparazzi starts to shoot her" I drop two black cars I named "em Malcom X an Martin Luther I don"t ever play but I"m in the game lady" They just loose to love" those are tennis games lady" Have you countin money goin dufflebag-crazy" Sippin on Pink Floyd an puffin Wayne Brady" Damn" who"s line is it anyways" I"m in the daze" you been amazed" Y"all seem to be stuck on that beginner stage" I"m on fire yup I"ve been a blaze" I got dough to blow" but I wanna blow it right" You look nice" and yo frame" makes me wanna bowl a strike Well alright" guess I might" know what fuck it yes I will" I am more than what you bargained for and nothin less than real Put it to you right It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell your friends that I"m on (x6) Best believe I understand It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell my city I"m on (x6) You can run an tell my city it"s on Bun B King of the Trill also one of the dopest" Whether the streets or on the mic" I"m dope and yes I"m focused" The gangsta recognize me for my locc ness no joke it"s" Time to shake these haters off like the skin of a Locus" Or maybe like a python that"s the type a shit I"m on" I wrote this on my iPhone so let me drop this ibomb" I palm The game like it"s a spalding ball and take flight From the free-throw line and slam it down like I"m the great mike" Bun an Wayne an Drake in here man this gon be a great night" Look at all these posers bite our swagger like a great white" Try to cross me over I just fake left then I break right" Stupid animal tricks like David Letterman"s Late Night" This that major moment you"ve been waitin on for too long" The best that ever did it an doin it on a new song" UGK an Young Money too strong Down in the green like a crouton" so what the fuck is you on? It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell your friends that I"m on (x6) Best believe I understand It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell my city I"m on (x6) You can run an tell my city it"s on I am the leather jacket" black glasses" all american bad boy I own the swagger supermarket an you" you just a bag boy Cause I got that swag boy" the swag you neva had boy Hate an I will leave ya chest the color of my flag boy Suuwuup bitch" I do this shit" I"ll erase you like I drew you bitch An I keep that toaster you can come an be my strudel biiiitch I"m so uptown" an mothafucker if you ain"t do go uptown" yeah And now I"m on that rock-shit But why they let me in I"m a start shootin at a mosh pit" haha Fuck is you talkin bout" weezy in ya mouth now Weezy whatchu talkin bout It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell your friends that I"m on (x6) Best believe I understand It"s okay (x6) You can run an tell my city I"m on (x6) You can run an tell my city it"s on
2023-01-03 22:02:402


bargain及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.讨价还价; 商谈,商讨条件 In some shops you have to bargain.在一些商店中买东西要讲价。及物动词 vt.1.提出条件; 要求得到 We bargained a new wage increase.我们达成了增加工资的新协议。名词 n.1.协议, 交易2.特价商品,减价品,便宜货
2023-01-03 22:02:483


2023-01-03 22:02:592


2023-01-03 22:03:083

Little Boots的《Meddle》 歌词

歌曲名:Meddle歌手:Little Boots专辑:HandsLittle Boots - MeddleI remember all the things she did beforeI remember all the times she criedI remember all the things you promised herAnd no one heardI remember all the times you liedDon"t meddle with her heartMeddle with her mindMeddle with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesSo don"t go messing with her heartOr messing with her mindOr messing with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesShe still remembers like it"s yesterdayShe still remembers you so wellShe still remembers all the things you swore forevermoreShe still remembers but you won"t tellCoz she"s a mixed up girl in a mixed up worldAnd you know she don"t mean any harmSo please understand if you take her handAnd get much more than you bargained forDon"t meddle with her heartMeddle with her mindMeddle with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesSo don"t go messing with her heartOr messing with her mindOr messing with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesDon"t meddle with her heartMeddle with her mindMeddle with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesSo don"t go messing with her heartOr messing with her mindOr messing with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesDon"t meddle with her heartMeddle with her mindMeddle with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hidesSo don"t go messing with her heartOr messing with her mindOr messing with the things that are insideYou don"t know what you"ll findYou don"t know what she hides
2023-01-03 22:03:201


词:Rapper"s Delight i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie, say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat now what you hear is not a test--i"m rappin to the beat and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet see i am wonder mike and i like to say hello to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow but first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie let"s rock, you dont stop rock the riddle that will make your body rock well so far youve heard my voice but i brought two friends along and next on the mike is my man hank come on, hank, sing that song check it out, i"m the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-a and the rest is f-l-y ya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mix and these reasons i"ll tell ya why ya see i"m six foot one and i"m tons of fun and i dress to a t ya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress so viciously i got bodyguards, i got two big cars that definitely aint the wack i got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillac so after school, i take a dip in the pool which really is on the wall i got a color tv so i can see the knicks play basketball hear me talkin bout checkbooks, credit cards more money than a sucker could ever spend but i wouldnt give a sucker or a bum from the rucker not a dime til i made it again everybody go, hotel motel holiday inn say if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friend master g, my mellow its on you so what you gonna do well it"s on n on n on on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn i said m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double e i said i go by the unforgettable name of the man they call the master gee well, my name is known all over the world by all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls i"m goin down in history as the baddest rapper there could ever be now i"m feelin the highs and ya feelin the lows the beat starts gettin into your toes ya start poppin ya fingers and stompin your feet and movin your body while youre sittin in your seat and the damn ya start doin the freak i said dmn, right outta your seat then ya throw your hands high in the air ya rockin to the rhythm, shake your derriere ya rockin to the beat without a care with the sureshot m.c.s for the affair now, im not as tall as the rest of the gang but i rap to the beat just the same i dot a little face and a pair of brown eyes all im here to do ladies is hypnotize singin on n n on n on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn singin on n n on n on on n on like a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie pop da pop pop ya dont dare stop come alive yall gimme what ya got i guess by now you can take a hunch and find that i am the baby of the bunch "but that"s okay i still keep in stride cause all i"m here to do is just wiggle your behind singin on n n on n on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn singin on n n on n on on n on rock rock yall throw it on the floor im gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya there im gonna move you outta this atmosphere cause im one of a kind and ill shock your mind ill put t-n-t in your behind i said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get on the floor a-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya got cause im guaranteed to make you rock i said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for? i said hip hop the hippie to the hippie the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang the boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat skiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie doo and guess what america we love you cause ya rocked and a rolled with so much soul you could rock till you"re a hundred and one years old i dont mean to brag i dont mean to boast but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast rock it up baby bubbah baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang da boogie to the beat beat, its so unique come on everybody and dance to the beat a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop rock it rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang the boogie to the boogie da beat i said i cant wait til the end of the week when im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat and attempt to raise your body heat just blow your mind so that you cant speak and do a thing bout a rock and shuffle your feet and let it change up to a dance called the freak and when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beat rest a little while so ya dont get weak i know a man named hank he has more rhymes than a serious bank so come on hank sing that song to the rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bong well, im imp the dimp the ladies pimp the women fight for my delight but im the grandmaster with the three mcs that shock the house for the young ladies and when you come inside, into the front you do the freak, spank, and do the bump and when the sucker mcs try to prove a point we"re treacherous trio, we"re the serious joint a from sun to sun and fro5Jday to day i sit down and write a brand new rhyme because they say that miracles never cease i"ve created a devastating masterpiece i"m gonna rock the mike til you cant resist everybody, i say it goes like this well i was comin home late one dark afternoon a reporter stopped me for a intervi+7 she said she"s heard stories and she"s heard fables that i"m vicious on the mike and the turntable this young reporter i did adore so i rocked some vicious rhymes like i never did before she said damn fly guy im in love with you the casanova legend must have been true i said by the way baby what"s your name said i go by the name of lois lane and you could be my boyfiend you surely can just let me quit my boyfriend called superman i said he"s a fairy i do suppoose flyin through the air in pantyhose he may be very sexy or even cute but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit i said you need a man who"s got finesse and his whole name across his chest he may be able to fly all through the night but can he rock a party til the early light he cant satisfy you with his little worm but i can bust you out with my super sperm i go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , do it an i"m here an i"m there i"m big bang hank, im everywhere just throw your hands up in the air and party hardy like you just dont care let"s do it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stop go hotel motel what you gonna do today(say what) im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spank drive off in a def oj everybody go hotel motel holiday inn you say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friend i say skip, dive, what can i say i cant fit em all inside my oj so i just take half and bust them out i give the rest to master gee so he could shock the house it was twelve o"clock one friday night i was rockin to the beat and feelin all right everybody was dancin on the floor doin all the things they never did before and then this fly fly girl with a sexy lean she came into the bar, she came into the scene she traveled deeper inside the room all the fellas checked out her white sasoons she came up to the table, looked into my eyes then she turned around and shook her behind so i said to myself, its time for me to release my vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece and now people in the house this is just for you a little rap to make you boogaloo now the group ya hear is called phase two and let me tell ya somethin we"re a helluva crew once a week we"re on the street just to cut in the jams and look at your feet for you to party ya got to have the movies so we"ll get right down and make ya rock now the system"s on and the girls are there ya definitely have a rockin affair but let me tell ya somethin there"s still one fact and to have a party ya got to have a rap so when the party"s over you"re makin it home and tryin to sleep before the break of dawn and while ya sleepin ya start to dream and thinkin how ya danced on the disco scene my name appears in your mind yeah, a name you know that was right on time it was phase two just a doin a do rockin ya down cause ya know we could to the rhythm of the beat that makes ya freak come alive girls get on your feet to the rhythm of the beat to the beat the beat to the double beat beat that it makes ya freak to the rhythm of the beat that says ya go on on n on into the break of dawn now i got a man comin on right now he"s guaranteed to throw down he goes by the name of wonder mike come on wonder mike do what ya like i say a can of beer that"s sweeter than honey like a millionaire that has no money like a rainy day that is not wet like a gamblin fiend that does not bet like dracula with out his fangs like the boogie to the boogie without the b oogie bang like collard greens that dont taste good like a tree that"s not made out of wood like goin up and not comin down is just like the beat without the sound no sound to the beat beat, ya do the freak everybody just rock and dance to the beat have you ever went over a friends house to eat and the food just aint no good i mean the macaroni"s soggy the peas are mushed and the chicken tastes like wood so you try to play it off like you think you can by sayin that youre full and then your friend says momma he"s just being polite he aint finished uh uh that"s bull so your heart starts pumpin and you think of a lie and you say that you already ate and your friend says man there"s plenty of food so you pile some more on your plate while the stinky foods steamin your mind starts to dreamin of the moment that it"s time to leave and then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottin into something that looks like cheese oh so you say that"s it i got to leave this place i dont care what these people think im just sittin here makin myself nauseous with this ugly food that stinks so you bust out the door while its still closed still sick from the food you ate and then you run to the store for quick relief from a bottle of kaopectate and then you call your friend two weeks later to see how he has been and he says i understand about the food baby bubbah but we"re still friends with a hip hop the hippie to the hippie the hip hip a hop a you dont stop the rockin to the bang bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat i say hank can ya rock can ya rock to the rhythm that just dont stop can ya hip me to the shoobie doo i said come on make the make the people move i go to the halls and then ring the bell because i am the man with the clientele and if ya ask me why i rock so well a big bang, i got clientele and from the time i was only six years old i never forgot what i was told it was the best advice that i ever had it came from my wise dear old dad he said sit down punk i wanna talk to you and dont say a word until im through now there"s a time to laugh a time to cry a time to live and a time to die a time to break and a time to chill to act civilized or act real ill but whatever ya do in your lifetime ya never let a mc steal your rhyme so from six to six til this very day ill always remember what he had to say so when the sucker mcs try to chump my style i let them know that i"m versatile i got style finesse and a little black book that"s filled with rhymes and i know you wanna look but the thing that separates you from me and that"s called originality because my rhymes are on from what you heard i didnt even bite and not a go word and i say a little more later on tonight so the suker mcs can bite all night a tick a tock yall a beat beat yall a lets rock yall ya dont stop ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what) ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin drive off in a def oj everybody go hotel motel holiday inn ya say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friends a like that yall to the beat yall beat beat yall ya dont stop a master gee my mellow its on you so whatcha gonna do well like johnny carson on the late show a like frankie croker in stereo well like the barkay"s singin holy ghost the sounds to throw down they"re played the most its like my man captain sky whose name he earned with his super sperm we rock and we dont stop get off yall im here to give you whatcha got to the beat that it makes you freak and come alive girl get on your feet a like a perry mason without a case like f
2023-01-03 22:03:263

The Good Old Days 歌词

歌曲名:The Good Old Days歌手:Eels专辑:Shootenanny!"The Good Old Days"I know i"m not too much of a bargainAnd you know that"s not what you bargained forAs the hours turn into daysPretty soon lost in the hazeIt"s up to you and meAnd who"s to sayThese could be the good old daysI like waking up after a bad dreamMakes it feel like life ain"t badLittle kids go out to playThey"re just happy it"s another dayIt"s up to you and meAnd who"s to sayThese could be the good old daysI guess i could be a quiet heroNo one knows the good i"ve doneYou"re not sureWell that"s okay"cause i amAnd i"m not afraidIt"s up to you and meAnd who"s to sayThese could be the good old days
2023-01-03 22:03:371


When Shaun decides to take the day off and have some fun, he gets a little more action than he bargained for. A mix up with the Farmer, a caravan and a very steep hill lead them all to the Big City and it"s up to Shaun and the flock to return everyone safely to the green grass of home.
2023-01-03 22:03:461

Josh Kelley的《Amazing》 歌词

歌曲名:Amazing歌手:Josh Kelley专辑:Almost HonestLL Cool J - Amazin"(feat. Kandice Love)C"mon, and you don"t stop (here go another one)Uhh, uhh, and you don"t stop (here go another one)Uhh, uhh, and you don"t stop (here go another one)(Feel me baby, it"s on)Uhh, I was launched off the block, straight to the topTo yachts with helicopters, I"m so hotPaparazzi, blinded by the rocksMy limousine roll up, the whole world shocked causeyou steppin out with an entrepeneurI copped you more than what you bargained forRoll the red carpet, enjoy the profitsFirst, let"s make love in the walk-in closetDaddy just made a nine digit depositBelieve me sweetie, it"s not luck it"s logicI"m the captain of my destinyUsed to dream of the things I was blessed to seeThe jewels and the papers, sports cars and suchThere"s nothing in the world LL can"t touchYou stood by my side and pushed me so muchThat"s why you got them 10 karats, you know what?It"s so amazing, amazing, amazingLife"s given my baby, my baby, my babyMaybe some day you"ll feel, how I feel, it"s crazyTo see my baby.. is so amazing Sing it babyI"ve got riches wall to wallUp the stairs and, down the hall ofall the things that we have doneYou got more ideas for us tolive our lives.. and explore..There is no topping you, you"re untoppableIt"s so amazing, your love, to meIt"s so amazing, amazing, to meIt"s so amazing, your love, to meIt"s so amazing, amazing, to meIt"s alright..Sometimes you work late at night (I know baby)(I miss you too)Just as long, as you don"t defy my loveThen it"s on (I promise you baby)(I"ll always love you)Uh, uh, slide out to Venice, my game"s in orderWould chip in to vent, but the city"s on waterSearchlights and fireworks bling the skyA vowel on the end of everything we buyYellow ice in both ears, I loosen up the tieI"m lovin this lifestyle, baby I can"t lieIt feels so good it make a grown man cryCause I made it out the hood and a lot of my crew diedI guess I had determinationAnd baby girl kept me in the congregationNow it"s private jets and deep conversationHundred G"s a month to show appreciationAll eyes on us, the cameras flashIn God We Trust, I don"t love this cashBut you was definitely - by my side when my world collapsedNow I"m, rich for life and I"m payin you backIt"s so amazing, amazing, amazingIt"s so amazingIt"s so amazingIt"s so amazingThis is like this for life babyThis gon" always be like thisGod is my witnessHold you tight for the rest of my lifeYknahmsayin?There"s nothing I won"t do for you babyI"m your man, I"m your manOur love is amazing, yeah
2023-01-03 22:03:521

led zeppelin的dazed and confused歌词翻译

2023-01-03 22:03:572

寻寻寻 Saddle Bum Rappers Delight 这个歌的歌词啊???

词:Rapper"s Delighti said a hip hopthe hippie the hippieto the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie, say up jumped the boogieto the rhythm of the boogie, the beatnow what you hear is not a test--i"m rappin to the beatand me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feetsee i am wonder mike and i like to say helloto the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellowbut first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogiesay up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogielet"s rock, you dont stoprock the riddle that will make your body rockwell so far youve heard my voice but i brought two friends along and next on the mike is my man hankcome on, hank, sing that songcheck it out, i"m the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-aand the rest is f-l-yya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mixand these reasons i"ll tell ya whyya see i"m six foot one and i"m tons of funand i dress to a tya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress so viciouslyi got bodyguards, i got two big carsthat definitely aint the wacki got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillacso after school, i take a dip in the pool which really is on the wall i got a color tv so i can seethe knicks play basketballhear me talkin bout checkbooks, credit cardsmore money than a sucker could ever spendbut i wouldnt give a sucker or a bum from the ruckernot a dime til i made it againeverybody go, hotel motel holiday innsay if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friendmaster g, my mellowits on you so what you gonna dowell it"s on n on n on on n onthe beat dont stop until the break of dawn i said m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double ei said i go by the unforgettable nameof the man they call the master geewell, my name is known all over the worldby all the foxy ladies and the pretty girlsi"m goin down in historyas the baddest rapper there could ever benow i"m feelin the highs and ya feelin the lowsthe beat starts gettin into your toesya start poppin ya fingers and stompin your feetand movin your body while youre sittin in your seatand the damn ya start doin the freaki said dmn, right outta your seatthen ya throw your hands high in the airya rockin to the rhythm, shake your derriereya rockin to the beat without a carewith the sureshot m.c.s for the affairnow, im not as tall as the rest of the gangbut i rap to the beat just the samei dot a little face and a pair of brown eyesall im here to do ladies is hypnotizesingin on n n on n on n onthe beat dont stop until the break of dawnsingin on n n on n on on n onlike a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbiepop da pop pop ya dont dare stopcome alive yall gimme what ya goti guess by now you can take a hunchand find that i am the baby of the bunch"but that"s okay i still keep in stridecause all i"m here to do is just wiggle your behindsingin on n n on n on n onthe beat dont stop until the break of dawnsingin on n n on n on on n onrock rock yall throw it on the floorim gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya thereim gonna move you outta this atmospherecause im one of a kind and ill shock your mindill put t-n-t in your behindi said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get on the floora-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya gotcause im guaranteed to make you rocki said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for?i said hip hop the hippie to the hippie the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock itto the bang bang the boogie say up jumped the boogieto the rhythm of the boogie the beatskiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie dooand guess what america we love you cause ya rocked and a rolled with so much soulyou could rock till you"re a hundred and one years old i dont mean to brag i dont mean to boastbut we like hot butter on our breakfast toastrock it up baby bubbahbaby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang da boogieto the beat beat, its so uniquecome on everybody and dance to the beata hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop rock it rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bangthe boogie to the boogie da beati said i cant wait til the end of the weekwhen im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat and attempt to raise your body heatjust blow your mind so that you cant speakand do a thing bout a rock and shuffle your feetand let it change up to a dance called the freakand when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beatrest a little while so ya dont get weaki know a man named hank he has more rhymes than a serious bankso come on hank sing that songto the rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bongwell, im imp the dimp the ladies pimpthe women fight for my delightbut im the grandmaster with the three mcsthat shock the house for the young ladiesand when you come inside, into the frontyou do the freak, spank, and do the bumpand when the sucker mcs try to prove a point we"re treacherous trio, we"re the serious jointa from sun to sun and fro5Jday to dayi sit down and write a brand new rhymebecause they say that miracles never ceasei"ve created a devastating masterpiecei"m gonna rock the mike til you cant resisteverybody, i say it goes like thiswell i was comin home late one dark afternoona reporter stopped me for a intervi+7she said she"s heard stories and she"s heard fablesthat i"m vicious on the mike and the turntablethis young reporter i did adoreso i rocked some vicious rhymes like i never did beforeshe said damn fly guy im in love with youthe casanova legend must have been truei said by the way baby what"s your namesaid i go by the name of lois laneand you could be my boyfiend you surely canjust let me quit my boyfriend called supermani said he"s a fairy i do suppooseflyin through the air in pantyhosehe may be very sexy or even cutebut he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suiti said you need a man who"s got finesseand his whole name across his chesthe may be able to fly all through the nightbut can he rock a party til the early lighthe cant satisfy you with his little wormbut i can bust you out with my super spermi go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , do itan i"m here an i"m there i"m big bang hank, im everywherejust throw your hands up in the airand party hardy like you just dont carelet"s do it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stopgo hotel motel what you gonna do today(say what)im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spank drive off in a def ojeverybody go hotel motel holiday innyou say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friendi say skip, dive, what can i sayi cant fit em all inside my ojso i just take half and bust them outi give the rest to master gee so he could shock the houseit was twelve o"clock one friday nighti was rockin to the beat and feelin all right everybody was dancin on the floordoin all the things they never did beforeand then this fly fly girl with a sexy leanshe came into the bar, she came into the sceneshe traveled deeper inside the roomall the fellas checked out her white sasoonsshe came up to the table, looked into my eyesthen she turned around and shook her behindso i said to myself, its time for me to releasemy vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece and now people in the house this is just for youa little rap to make you boogaloonow the group ya hear is called phase twoand let me tell ya somethin we"re a helluva crewonce a week we"re on the streetjust to cut in the jams and look at your feetfor you to party ya got to have the moviesso we"ll get right down and make ya rocknow the system"s on and the girls are thereya definitely have a rockin affairbut let me tell ya somethin there"s still one factand to have a party ya got to have a rapso when the party"s over you"re makin it homeand tryin to sleep before the break of dawnand while ya sleepin ya start to dreamand thinkin how ya danced on the disco scenemy name appears in your mindyeah, a name you know that was right on timeit was phase two just a doin a dorockin ya down cause ya know we couldto the rhythm of the beat that makes ya freakcome alive girls get on your feetto the rhythm of the beat to the beat the beatto the double beat beat that it makes ya freakto the rhythm of the beat that says ya go onon n on into the break of dawnnow i got a man comin on right nowhe"s guaranteed to throw downhe goes by the name of wonder mikecome on wonder mike do what ya likei say a can of beer that"s sweeter than honeylike a millionaire that has no moneylike a rainy day that is not wetlike a gamblin fiend that does not betlike dracula with out his fangslike the boogie to the boogie without the b oogie banglike collard greens that dont taste goodlike a tree that"s not made out of woodlike goin up and not comin downis just like the beat without the sound no soundto the beat beat, ya do the freakeverybody just rock and dance to the beathave you ever went over a friends house to eatand the food just aint no goodi mean the macaroni"s soggy the peas are mushedand the chicken tastes like woodso you try to play it off like you think you canby sayin that youre fulland then your friend says momma he"s just being politehe aint finished uh uh that"s bullso your heart starts pumpin and you think of a lieand you say that you already ateand your friend says man there"s plenty of foodso you pile some more on your platewhile the stinky foods steamin your mind starts to dreaminof the moment that it"s time to leaveand then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottininto something that looks like cheeseoh so you say that"s it i got to leave this placei dont care what these people thinkim just sittin here makin myself nauseouswith this ugly food that stinksso you bust out the door while its still closedstill sick from the food you ateand then you run to the store for quick relieffrom a bottle of kaopectateand then you call your friend two weeks laterto see how he has beenand he says i understand about the foodbaby bubbah but we"re still friendswith a hip hop the hippie to the hippiethe hip hip a hop a you dont stop the rockinto the bang bang boogiesay up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beati say hank can ya rock can ya rock to the rhythm that just dont stopcan ya hip me to the shoobie dooi said come on make the make the people movei go to the halls and then ring the bellbecause i am the man with the clienteleand if ya ask me why i rock so wella big bang, i got clienteleand from the time i was only six years oldi never forgot what i was toldit was the best advice that i ever hadit came from my wise dear old dadhe said sit down punk i wanna talk to youand dont say a word until im throughnow there"s a time to laugh a time to crya time to live and a time to diea time to break and a time to chillto act civilized or act real illbut whatever ya do in your lifetimeya never let a mc steal your rhymeso from six to six til this very dayill always remember what he had to sayso when the sucker mcs try to chump my stylei let them know that i"m versatilei got style finesse and a little black bookthat"s filled with rhymes and i know you wanna lookbut the thing that separates you from meand that"s called originalitybecause my rhymes are on from what you heardi didnt even bite and not a go wordand i say a little more later on tonightso the suker mcs can bite all nighta tick a tock yall a beat beat yalla lets rock yall ya dont stopya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what)ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankindrive off in a def ojeverybody go hotel motel holiday innya say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friendsa like that yall to the beat yallbeat beat yall ya dont stopa master gee my mellowits on you so whatcha gonna dowell like johnny carson on the late showa like frankie croker in stereowell like the barkay"s singin holy ghostthe sounds to throw down they"re played the most its like my man captain skywhose name he earned with his super spermwe rock and we dont stopget off yall im here to give you whatcha gotto the beat that it makes you freakand come alive girl get on your feeta like a perry mason without a caselike farrah fawcett without her face like the barkays on the mikelike gettin right down for you tonightlike movin your body so ya dont know howright to the rhythm and throw down like comin alive to the master geethe brother who rocks so viciously
2023-01-03 22:04:061