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uptown funk是什么风格的歌。今年是不是有望获得格莱美。。

风格嘛,就是Funk、R&B和流行混杂 那么棒的一首歌 得过全英音乐奖 在好几国的榜单上都是第一 在美国billboard榜单上打败taylor swift做了好几周冠军 这实力绝对妥妥的 不拿格莱美才奇怪了呢

Uptown Funk谐音


What the hell和What the fuck有什么区别

卧槽? what the fuck?什么鬼? what the hell?

如何评价迪玛希在歌手演唱的《uptown funk》

个人作为一个locker,超级喜欢火星哥的uptown funk和24k magic,所以很期待这次dimash会怎么演绎这首火星哥的经典曲目。燃鹅,听过之后略显尴尬,不做“改编歌本来就要打破原有风格”这种争论,打破原有风格也有打的好的和打的一般的对吧。。。第一就是楼上说的,这首歌mars的原唱会让我不由自主的动,然而小哥哥的音色让我感觉有些太正经而少些动感。第二就是我个人觉得,这首歌的feel就是一个纨绔子弟,带着金链子,朝路过的美女吹口哨这样一个形象定位。可是小哥哥演绎之后,就感觉好像一个乖宝宝掉进了纨绔子弟的群里,还必须要和他们做到一样的feel,有些生硬。。。答主不做任何纯音乐性讨论,希望有学音乐的大神来分析这次小哥哥的uptown funk。。。另外,建议大家看50届super bowl中场秀,火星哥倾情演绎uptown funk,high翻全场~

uptown funk这首歌是啥时间发布的


uptown funk正常一点的谐音


What the hell和What the fuck有什么区别?

这两个在美剧或电影里很常用,What the fuck一般理解为粗口(有时不一定是fuck的那个意思)。What the hell一般不是粗口,可以翻译为“见鬼了”,“糗大了”,“惨了”等,一般表示不满,抱怨,无奈的情绪。而What the fuck也有这个功能,但是fuck是性行为动词,翻译起来一般较粗。希望可以帮到你,谢谢!

what fuck 还是what the fuck

是后面的一个,原因是这样的:美国口语中,习惯省略句,what the fuck 是 what the fuck are you doing?的简化,另外还有what the fuck are you looking at? what the hell are you doing? who the hell are you?等, 说白了the fuck和the hell 就表修饰的状语,另外还有damn it、the fuck damn bullshit、fuck me、fuck away、fuck off、you motherfucker、fucking damn right等。所以千万不要拿什么”主谓宾“来对待口语,口语根本不可能正式,只要能够表达意思就可以了!我们对欧美文化了解太少了!

uptown funk英文读译音 比如big 读法比个

阿噗烫 放克

what the fuck?这是什么意思?


What the fuck.


专业人士!别给我用翻译器 uptown funk这个到底什么意思?上城放克乐 真心听不懂 还

crazy是疯狂loony是发疯的 区别你自己感受下? loony略带贬义uptown funk这个理解不了。。。

what the fuck


what the fuck 是什么意思

朋友你好,这是英语国家人们经常用来表示抱怨的一句口头用语,你可以姑且理解为“搞什么鬼”,总之就是在遇到不顺心的事情、碰到糟心的人、遇到自己不理解处理不好的麻烦事情之后说这么一句,口头出出小气的。国外的朋友之间在发短信聊天时,一般都用WTF三个大写字母来简写这三个词语。希望对你有帮助 :-)

Uptown Funk 用英语怎么说

音标: [ˌʌpˈtaʊn fʌŋk]如果你不认识音标,又想读的很准的话,因为百度知道不能发语音,所以最好去找个英语发音好的人教你读。如果你不介意读的不准,但是还行的话,我给你中文谐音: 啊普掏嗯 放可重心在 啊 和 放 上面普 轻读,做个嘴型就行掏嗯 要连起来读,而且要读的很快可 轻读(忽略汉字的音调)

Uptown Funk mv里面,是什么类型的舞蹈?


whats the fuck 啥意思? 求解释

相当于 搞什么 !

如何评价Uptown Funk这首歌

  《Uptown Funk》是美国创作型歌手火星哥Bruno Mars助阵英国音乐制作人Mark Ronson的新单曲,该单曲发布后立即引起巨大反响,立即在澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰,爱尔兰,英国和美国等多国的单曲榜上创造杰出的成绩。单曲发布当周就创造了英国249万媒体数据流的纪录!  Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars  This hit That ice cold  那道冰冷的目光袭向我  Michelle Pfeiffer That white gold  女演员米歇尔菲佛 金发白人美女  This one, for them hood girls  这位 对于她们很美  Them good girls  她们是好姑娘  Straight masterpieces  上天的杰作  Styling, while in  然而  Living it up in the city  生活在这个城市  Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent  丢掉圣罗兰的衣服  Got kiss myself I"m so pretty  亲吻一下自己 我很漂亮  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Called a police and a fireman  叫上警察 还有消防员  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我太性感火辣  Make a dragon wanna retire man  我能让怪兽龙下岗  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Say my name you know who I am  说我的名字 你知道我是谁  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Am I bad "bout that money Break it down  我是不是跟金钱对立打倒吧  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Saturday night and we in the spot  周六晚上 我们在夜店出没  Don"t believe me just watch (come on)  不要相信我 看看就好 来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿 嘿 哦  Stop  停  Wait a minute  等一下  Fill my cup put some liquor in it  倒满酒杯  Take a sip, sign a check  喝一口 在支票上签名  Julio! Get the stretch!  胡里奥 再放开点  Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,  奔向好莱坞的哈莱姆区  Jackson, Mississippi  去一下密西西比的杰克逊  If we show up, we gone show out  如果我们出现 我们已经表明  Smoother than a fresh dry skippy  比干瘪的日本女人要顺眼的多  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Called a police and a fireman  叫上警察 还有消防员  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Make a dragon wanna retire man  我能让怪兽龙下岗  I"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Bitch, say my name you know who I am  说我的名字 你知道我是谁  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Am I bad "bout that money  我是不是跟金钱对立  Break it down  打倒吧  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Saturday night and we in the spot  周六晚上 我们在夜店出没  Don"t believe me just watch (come on)  不要相信我 看看就好 来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿嘿 哦  Before we leave  在我们离开之前  I"mma tell yallalil something  我会告诉你一些事  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  I said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  我说上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Come on, dance  来 跳舞吧  Jump on it  跳起来吧  If you sexy than flaunt it  如果你够性感 就展现出来  If you freaky than own it  如果你捉摸不定就不要表现出来  Don"t brag about it, come show me  不要吹嘘 来向我展现  Come on, dance  来 跳舞吧  Jump on it  跳起来吧  If you sexy than flaunt it  如果你够性感 就展现出来  Well it"s Saturday night  周六夜晚  and we in the spot  我们在夜店出现  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  come on  来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿嘿 哦  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来

What the fuck是什么意思?


我是歌手2015巅峰会收官周笔畅抖腿神曲《Uptown Funk》现场MV歌词

2015年1月,美国达拉斯市一名高中教师和学生一起在 校园 里演绎了《Uptown Funk》。得克萨斯州的一名戏剧艺术高中男教师和学生一路跳舞穿过 校园 ,嗨翻全校。最初他独自开场,他所到校园之处,都有学生加入一起共舞。相关视频被传上网后广受欢迎,已有17万次点击量。YouTube网友 评论 “你们跳得太赞了,我也跃跃欲试想加入你们一起舞蹈”。 Uptown Funk歌词翻译 演唱:Mark Ronson (ft. Bruno Mars) This hit, that ice cold 这首歌 酷到骨子里 Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold Michelle Pfeiffer 真是个白美妞 This one for them hood girls 这首歌 献给街头上混的辣妹 Them good girls straight masterpieces 也献给城里的淑女 她们都是天赐的杰作 Stylin", whilen, livin" it up in the city 哥时尚帅气 享受人生 潇洒人生放荡不羁 Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent 脚踏Chucks 衣着圣罗兰 Got kiss myself, I"m so pretty 不得不给自己一个吻 谁叫人家那么帅气 I"m too hot (hot damn) 哥实在是太火辣了(绝对的) Called a police and a fireman 赶紧报警叫来消防员给我降温 I"m too hot (hot damn) 哥实在是太风骚了(必须的) Make a dragon wanna retire man 连喷火龙都要甘拜下风 I"m too hot (hot damn) 哥实在是太牛逼了(妥妥的) Say my name you know who I am 你知道哥的大名 请大声说出来 I"m too hot (hot damn) 哥实在是太碉堡了(干巴爹) Am I bad "bout that money, break it down 哥的团队富得流油 换个节奏 Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Saturday night and we in the spot Don"t believe me just watch (come on) Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Hey, hey, hey, oh! ) [page] Stop Wait a minute Fill my cup put some liquor in it Take a sip, sign a check Julio! Get the stretch! Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, Mississippi If we show up, we gone show out Smoother than a fresh dry skippy I"m too hot (hot damn) Called a police and a fireman I"m too hot (hot damn) Make a dragon wanna retire man I"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn) Bitch, say my name you know who I am I"m too hot (hot damn) Am I bad "bout that money Break it down Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo) Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you Saturday night and we in the spot Don"t believe me just watch (come on) Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Hey, hey, hey, oh! Before we leave I"mma tell yallalil something Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up I said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Come on, dance Jump on it If you sexy than flaunt it If you freaky than own it Don"t brag about it, come show me Come on, dance Jump on it If you sexy than flaunt it Well it"s Saturday night and we in the spot Don"t believe me just watch come on Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Don"t believe me just watch Hey, hey, hey, oh! Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!) Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!) Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!) Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!) Uptown Funk you up

《Uptown Funk》的歌词是什么?谁有中文翻译

Uptown Funk上城放克乐This hit这鼓点,这酷爽That ice cold Michelle PfeifferThat white gold金发白肤美妞This one, for them hood girls就这帮 帽衫女孩Them good girls个个正点Straight masterpieces简直尤物Styling, while in够潮 有型Living it up in the city在这城市纵情享乐Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent穿上帆布鞋 跨个名牌包Got kiss myself I"m so pretty都快爱上我自己 就这么帅气I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Called a police and a fireman快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Make a dragon wanna retire man暴脾气都被我的帅熄火I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Say my name you know who I am高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Am I bad "bout that money哥就是前途无量Break it down打断一下Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Saturday night and we in the spot周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch (come on)不信我 就走着瞧 好戏开始Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Stop停Wait a minute等一下Fill my cup put some liquor in it斟满我的酒杯Take a sip, sign a check抿一口 在支票上签个名Julio! Get the stretch!放开了玩Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,Jackson, Mississippi直奔好莱坞 哈林区 杰克逊If we show up, we gone show out我们一旦亮相 就要秀个漂亮Smoother than a fresh dry skippy堪比日本艺妓I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Called a police and a fireman快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Make a dragon wanna retire man暴脾气都被我的帅熄火I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Say my name you know who I am高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Am I bad "bout that money哥就是前途无量Break it down打断一下Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Saturday night and we in the spot周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch (come on)不信我 就走着瞧 好戏开始Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Before we leave在我们离开之前I"mma tell yallalil something我会告诉你一些事情Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你I said Uptown Funk you up,我说 上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Come on, dance来吧 自由舞动Jump on it跳起来If you sexy than flaunt it如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来If you freaky than own it你要是个丑货 就乖乖认怂Don"t brag about it,别自夸 come show me尽管秀给我看Come on, dance跳起来Jump on it跳起来If you sexy than flaunt it如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来Well it"s Saturday night周六晚and we in the spot我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧come on来吧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你come on来吧Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你

what the fuck是什么意思?

what the fuck are you doing你他妈在干嘛?

“ uptown funk”什么意思?

“ uptown funk”的意思是“住宅区的恐慌”。《Uptown Funk》是美国创作型歌手布鲁诺·马尔斯、英国音乐制作人马克·容森配合说唱的一首歌曲。原文:This hitThat ice coldMichelle PfeifferThat white goldThis one, for them hood girlsThem good girlsStraight masterpiecesStylin", while inLivin" it up in the cityGot Chucks on with Saint LaurentGot kiss myself I"m so prettyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn)Say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!StopWait a minuteFill my cup put some liquor in itTake a sip, sign a checkJulio! Get the stretch!Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, MississippiIf we show up, we gon" show outSmoother than a fresh dry skippyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)Bitch, say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Before we leaveImma tell y"all a lil" somethingUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upI said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy than flaunt itIf you freaky than own itDon"t brag about it, come show meCome on, danceJump on itIf you sexy then flaunt itWell it"s Saturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you upUptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)Uptown Funk you up译文这鼓点,这酷爽米歇尔·法伊弗金发白肤美妞就这帮 帽衫女孩个个正点简直尤物够潮 有型在这城市纵情享乐穿上帆布鞋 跨个名牌包都快爱上我自己 就这么帅气哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)暴脾气都被我的帅熄火哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)哥就是前途无量打断一下女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场不信我 就走着瞧 好戏开始不信我 就走着瞧不信我 就走着瞧不信我 就走着瞧不信我 就走着瞧不信我 就走着瞧嘿 嘿 嘿 哦停等一下斟满我的酒杯抿一口 在支票上签个名胡里奥 放开了玩直奔好莱坞 哈林区 密西西比 杰克逊我们一旦亮相 就要秀个漂亮比Skippy花生酱还要滑溜哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)暴脾气都被我的帅熄火哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)哥就是前途无量打断一下女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场不信我 就走着瞧嘿 嘿 嘿 哦在我们离开之前我会告诉你一些事情来吧 自由舞动跳起来如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来你要是个丑货 就乖乖认怂别自夸尽管秀给我看跳起来跳起来如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来周六晚我们将嗨翻现场不信我 就走着瞧来吧不信我 就走着瞧嘿 嘿 嘿 哦

uptown funk怎么读音

uptown funk 的读音uptown 的音标:英 [ˌʌpˈtaʊn] 美 [ˈʌpˌtaʊn] funk 的音标:英 [fʌŋk] 美 [fʌŋk, fuŋk]

uptown funk是 什么意思

《Uptown Funk》是美国创作型歌手布鲁诺·马尔斯、英国音乐制作人马克·罗森配合说唱的一首歌曲,歌曲由马克·罗森、布鲁诺·马尔斯、杰夫·巴斯科尔、菲利普·劳伦斯、尼可拉斯·威廉姆斯、戴文·吉拉斯比、鲁道夫·泰勒、朗尼·西蒙斯和The Gap Band共同创作。这首歌被收录在马克·荣森的专辑《Uptown Special》里,于2014年1月13日由RCA唱片发行。Uptown Funk you up在这里译为:上城放克乐嗨翻你。

what the fuck


what the fuck 还是what a fuck?

what the fuck

what the fuck? 翻译中文什么意思?

什么鬼东西 什么情况



what the fuck 什么意思


what the fuck是什么意思

the fuck是个副词,加强语气,就相当于TMD,比如What are you doing是你在干什么,What the fuck are you doing就是你TM在干什么呢



what‘s the fuck 还是what the fuck


what the fuck什么意思





表示愤怒 怎么回事/去tm的

what the fuck是什么意思

就是疑问“卧槽?”表达一种不敢相信 或者不满 都可以

what the fuck 是啥意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . 他妈的 什么他妈的 到底在短语what is the fuck 些什么 ; 他妈的是什么what is the fuck that 靠的是什么 ; 什么是他妈的 ; 些什么what is the fuck day 什么是靠天 ; 什么是他妈的一天

what the fuck是什么意思


what the fuck是什么意思??


英文歌词:you are beautiful just the way you are

Moon & Stars by Brian K Baker

求一首英文歌,里面好像带有beautiful girl这个词




Careful What You Wish For 歌词

歌曲名:Careful What You Wish For歌手:Glasvegas专辑:A Snowflake Fell (And It Felt Like A Kiss)Eminem - Careful What You Wish ForSo this is it, this is what I"ve wished forJust isn"t how I invisioned it, fame to the point of imprisonmentI just thought the shit"da be differentBut something changed the minute that I got a whiff of itI started to inhale it, smell it, started sniffing itAnd it became my cocaine, I just couldn"t quitI just wanted a little bit, then it turned me to monsterI became a hypocrite, concert after concertI was raking in the dough, rolling in greenHad the game hemmed up, like a sewing machineBut I was losing my freedom, there was nowhere for meTo not go and be seen, and just go and be meAnd there was no inbetween, you either loved it or hatedEvery CD, critics gave it a three, then threeyears later, they go back and rerate itAnd called The Slim Shady LP the greatestThe Marshall Mathers was a classicThe Eminem Show was fantasticBut Encore just didn"t have the caliber to match itI guess enough time just ain"t passed yetA couple more years, that shit"ll be IllmaticAnd 8 years later I"m still at itDivorced, remarried, a felon, a father, sleeping pill addictAnd this is real talk, I feel like the Incredible HulkMy back has been broken, I can still walkSo be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I got a letter from a fan that said, he"s been praying for meEveryday and for some reason it"s been weighing on my mind heavyCause I don"t read every letter I getBut something told me to go ahead and open itBut, why would someone pray for you when they dont know youYou didn"t pray for me when I was localAnd as I lay these vocals, I think of all the shit I had to go throughJust to get to where I"m at, I"ve already told youAt least, a thousand times in these rhymesI appreciate the prayer, but I"ve already got god on my sideand its been one hell of a ride, hasnt it?Just watching it, from an opposite"s stand pointMan, boy it"s got to look, nutsAnd thats the only word I can think of right nowOn how to describe this shitThis is like a vibe you get it, go ahead and vibe to itJust watch what you wish for, cause I got the shit!So be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!I said be careful what you wish forCause you just might get itAnd if you get it, then you just might not knowWhat to do with it cause it might just come back on you 10 fold!http://music.baidu.com/song/8899397

no fucking excuse, just go


Just go fuck your self 是什么意思?

这个脏话,干@ 你自己去吧!(“‘太阳"本。人”的意思!)

找一首英文的RAP,有句歌词是fuck you什么,you make me sick


歌词里有how a beautiful in my life是什么歌急急急!!!

歌曲名:A Beautiful Life歌手:The Chuck Wagon Gang专辑:Country: The American Tradition12.A Beautiful Life (La Bella Vita)vocal : lindsay lohanGod won"t talk to meI guess she"s pretty busy latelyI like to believeShe"s listeningI"m starting to feelAll of my bruises imagined all realI"ll get through each dayDip through the bad onesTo get to the good onesWho"s keeping score anywayAnd this is my beautiful lifeOnly things sudden is everything changesLows and the highsAnd almost goodbyesAs odd as it gets like which still is amazingTo be aliveIt"s a beautiful lifeI talk in my sleepThat"s the one place I know no one can hear meI tell my self thingsWalk in the shadows, there"s always tomorrowAnd I"m right where I want to beAnd this is my beautiful lifeOnly things sudden is everything changesLows and the highsAnd almost goodbyesAs odd as it gets like which still is amazingTo be aliveOh it hurts while it happened I wanna feel everythingHow can u know till you tryAnd this is my beautiful lifeMy beautiful lifeOnly things sudden is everything changesLows and the highsAnd almost goodbyesAs odd as it gets like no which still is amazingTo be aliveIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful life

i will show the life how its beautiful

中文意思是:我将展示它美丽的生活也可以读作:I will show its beautiful lifewill英 [wu026al] 美 [wu026al] n.愿意;意志(力);[法]遗嘱vt.决心要;将(财产等)遗赠某人;用意志力驱使(某事发生)vi.愿意, 希望, 想要aux.将,将会;会,要第三人称单数: wills 复数: wills 现在分词: willing 过去式: willed 过去分词: willedshow英 [u0283u0259u028a] 美 [u0283ou028a] vt.& vi.表现出;给…看;显露出;上演vt.表明;说明;指示;演示n.显示;表演;展览;外观vi.被人看见,显现,显而易见第三人称单数: shows 现在分词: showing 过去式: showed 过去分词: shown showedlife英 [lau026af] 美 [lau026af] n.生活,生计;生命,性命;一生,寿命;人生,尘世复数: livesbeautiful英 [u02c8bju:tu026afl] 美 [u02c8bjutu0259fu0259l] adj.美丽的,美好的;极好的比较级: more beautiful 最高级: most beautiful

求丁可beautiful life MP3

丁可 beautiful life MP3已经上传附件,请及时下载记得选一下满意回答,消息

高潮部分是i i its my life its my beautiful life是什么歌

Traveling Light-Joel Hanson&Sara GrovesWell I was doubling over the load on my shoulders曾经我的肩膀背负太多 Was a weight I carried with me everyday我每天背负着很重的压力 Crossing miles of frustrations and rivers a raging走过挫折的道路,穿过伤痛的河流Picking up stones I found along the way不断俯拾路旁的卵石I staggered and I stumbled down我摇摇晃晃坎坷前行 Pathways of trouble烦恼与困难的路 I was hauling those souvenirs of misery我扔掉了痛苦的纪念品 And with each step taken my back was breaking每一步都感觉后背要被压垮 "Til I found the One who took it all from me直到我遇到了一个把我所有负担卸下来的人 Down by the riverside漫步在河畔 (Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔 I laid my burdens down我终于卸下来我的负担 Now I"m traveling light现在我轻装前行 My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃 (I found my freedom now)现在我找到了我的自由 I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由 And I"m traveling light我轻装前行 Through the darkest alleys and loneliest valleys穿过黑暗的小路跟孤单的山谷 I was dragging those heavy chains of doubt and fear我抛开了疑惑跟恐惧的枷锁 Then with the one word spoken the locks were broken可现在一句简单的话 锁链已打开Now He"s leading me to places现在他正在带领我去那个地方 Where there are no tears那个没有眼泪的地方 Down by the riverside漫步在河畔 (Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔 I laid my burdens down我终于卸下了我的负担 Now I"m traveling light现在我正轻装前行 My spirit lifted high我的精神朝气蓬勃 (I found my freedom now)我找到了我的自由 I found my freedom now我找到了我的自由 And I"m traveling light现在我正轻装前行 I laid my burdens down by the riverside在河畔漫步 I freedom now And I"m traveling light我卸下了我的负担 Down by the riverside I laid my burdens down现在我轻装前行 Now I"m traveling light My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃 I found my freedom now我找到了我的自由 And I"m traveling light我轻轻装前行 Down by the riverside漫步在河畔 (Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔 I laid my burdens down我卸下了我的负担 Now I"m traveling light我轻装前行 My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃 (I found my freedom now)现在我找到了我的自由 I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由 And I"m traveling light我轻装前行Down by the riverside漫步在河畔 (Down by the riverside)漫步在河畔 I laid my burdens down,我卸下了我的负担 Now I"m traveling light现在我轻装前行 My spirit lifted high我朝气蓬勃 (I found my freedom now)现在我找到了我的自由 I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由 And I"m traveling light我轻装前行traveling light traveling light轻装上阵 轻装前行 I found my freedom now现在我找到了我的自由 traveling light traveling light轻装前行 轻装前行

All That Matters (The Beautiful Life) 歌词

歌曲名:All That Matters (The Beautiful Life)歌手:Ke$ha专辑:Warrior (Deluxe Version)All That Matters (The Beautiful Life)Ke$haHey, uh huhHey, yuh huhHey, it"s Ke$haLet"s do itThe lights are off, it"s time to playGot work to do but that can waitI wanna let go, letting everyone knowBeen spending too much energyI wanna get high, just wanna get highWith everyone else hereBaby, all that matters is the beautiful lifeYeah, is the beautiful life, yeah, is the beautiful lifeBaby, all that matters is the beautiful lifeYeah, is the beautiful life, yeah, is the beautiful lifeBaby, all that matters is the beautiful lifeYeah, is the beautiful life, yeah, is the beautiful lifeBaby, all that matters is the beautiful lifeYeah, is the beautiful life, yeah, is the beautiful lifeWe"re made of stars, we"re up in spaceNow in the dark, come kiss my faceWe"re swimming in gold, we"re swimming in goldYeah, this just got sick before my eyesWe"ll stay up here ‘till the end of timeI feel so alive, I"m losing my mindLike everyone else hereIt"s raining gold, been up all nightThere"s no excuses, we kiss the skyDon"t wanna come down, don"t wanna come downIs anyone out there?Baby, all that mattersLight ‘em up, oh yeahLight ‘em uphttp://music.baidu.com/song/31635601

有一首歌,男声唱的,歌词最后好像是what a beautiful life然后life还拖了很

是Beautiful Now?

请问谁有 Es wird fur ewig sein这首德文歌曲的Adoro版的歌词。




曾经听到一首英语歌曲,很动听的,但只记得一句,It is a beautiful life 请赐教!


鬼怪插曲歌词beautiful love


You have got every right to a beautiful life什么意思


请问在哪里可以看到美剧 The Beautiful Life ?



歌词应为“Its a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-oh”,出自Ace of Base演唱的《Beautiful Life》。歌名:Beautiful Life演唱:Ace of Base词曲:Jonas Berggren, John Ballard制作:Jonas Berggren, Denniz Pop, Max Martin所属专辑:The Bridge发行时间:1995-10-30(Europe),1995-11-07(North America)发行公司:Mega音乐风格:Eurodance, techno中英歌词:You can do what you want你想做什么都可以Just seize the day抓紧时间时间What youre doing tomorrows你明天想要做什么Gonna come your way就去做吧Dont you ever consider giving up你是不是考虑过想要放弃You will find...oh-oh你会发现...噢噢噢Its a beautiful life oh oh-oh-oh生命是如此美丽Its a beautiful life oh oh-oh-oh

my beautiful life 初音未来 歌词 要罗马音或音译

Beautiful Lifeyi yu duen mu ji wei yo ji man bu yin nia go,ku nio du ma na yi u to la go.yi ye ha gi hin due da gon ma ha ji ma.ku nio ho xi na son xi su jiu qia .wop se e don"t wanna live by no one else"s design.ha du lu sa la kan na ki pu me yi yu,ai ko yin ni pa lo no ya. woo o,no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye (ha!)jiu go no xi no lu no mo sa lang hei(sa lang hei)se sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. ha lu jio gi lang mu go du wa ji ya na do,no ha ge la miang la mo dun qio wa,ci gio hanjia so nen pi yo ha ji ye na nio,ne ga ka jia jiu wa ha nen go si.no ya don"t wannna live my life anyother way.jia gun go ta na ha na ma ta nen ni yin nen,no wan na du lv wan mio kio yin sei. no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye.jiu go no xi no lu lo mu sa lang hei,si sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. ni qia nen mo si,hua ha na do ye pun go hua jia a bi so,ha ji ya la da mio da lu nen na.mo yi ku mo si bi.na ye ge nu gu bo da a len ga wo (yeh yeh woo) no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye.jiu go no xi no lu lo mu sa lang hei,si sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. I love my beautiful ordinary life with you.



以My past beautiful life为题,写一篇英语作文


life在运用时是否可数,是what a beautiful life,还是没有a?

一般来说,life解释为生活时是不可数,也就没有a 但是当它前面加上修饰词后就要加上a a beautiful life a happy life 同样的还有rain本来是不可数的但是要说 a heavy rain 等等

My Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:My Beautiful Life歌手:Parking Lot Pimp专辑:Welcome To Our FrequencyFerras -- My Beautiful LifeBY Larry Cheng & Kevin BoulIt"s a beautiful lifeWhat does it mean to youIt"s a beautiful lifeThen i awake upWonder where my clothes areTry to find some more starsAnd i"m stuck with the same old thingThat i always dreamI light a cigaretteAnd it"s not rightWhere"s my ashtrayWhere the hell did i put my coffeeI can"t find anythingOne thing goes wrongAnd then anotherIt"s a beautiful lifeThank you motherAnd i"ve got nothing to loseIt"s the same gameIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeWhen i"m up in the airWhen i"m down on the floorI can use a sharper knifeIs there anything elseIs there anything moreThis is my beautiful lifeAnd the poetry"s crushing meThis is my beautiful lifeI put my clothes onTo the ground near meDoes anyone knowHas anyone found meI guess i"ll just have to waitUntil the next lifeHang around for the next laughI"m part of somethingThe bigger part of nothingAnd i"m debatingDo i even like meAnd everybody"s trying so hardTo be so coolBut you know what"s coolNot tryingWhen i"m up in the airWhen i"m down on the floorI can use a sharper knifeIs there anything elseIs there anything moreThis is my beautiful lifeAnd the poetry"s crushing meThis is my beautiful lifeI"m crawling acrossAnd i can"t get outWill it wash me awayThe currents pulling me downI was looking for loveBut it"s never aroundCome on help me outOne more timeAnd i was hopingSomeone would need meIt"s a beautiful lifeEverything"s brokenJust as it should beBut it"s beautiful to meWhen i"m up in the airWhen i"m down on the floorI can use a sharper knifeIs there anything elseIs there anything moreThis is my beautiful lifeAnd the poetry"s crushing meThis is my beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeThis lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s mineMy beautiful lifeSuch a beautiful lifeYour lifeIt"s a beautiful lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2828454


beautiful的读音:英 [u02c8bjuu02d0tu026afl],美 [u02c8bjuu02d0tu026afl] 。beautiful,英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“美丽的,出色的,迷人的”。短语搭配:Beautiful Life 美丽人生 。Beautiful World 美丽世界 。beautiful love 美丽的爱情。Beautiful Soul 美丽心灵。Beautiful Widgets 漂亮天气。Beautiful Morning 美好的清晨。例句:I like this park because it is so beautiful.我喜欢这个公园,因为它是如此的美丽。A beautiful etching of a bird.一帧漂亮的鸟儿的蚀刻画。Now we are seeing a more beautiful Hangzhou.现在我们看到杭州变得更美丽了。I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. It is a famous beauty spot.我住在一个由美丽的树林环绕的古老小镇上。这是一个著名的风景胜地。I think the rent of this beautiful house must be three times as much as the other one.我觉得这间漂亮房子的房租一定是另一间的三倍。

开头韩国男声歌is beautiful life,beautiful day,求歌名.

鬼怪的ost beautiful 金日辉的。网易云上有。



Union j-beautiful life歌词中文翻译

[George]She see"s the world through TV screens, 她透过电视萤幕看著世界上的其他角落All of her friends in magazines, 她所有的朋友都出现在杂志里But everyday she lives a broken dream, 但每一天她都活在破碎的梦想里Yeah making her own reality. 耶 创造出她自己的小小世界There"s lots of make up on her face, 她的脸上涂满了化妆品To cover up an empty space, 只为了遮盖住她空虚的脸庞But there"s a lot behind those big blue eyes, 但在那大大的湛蓝双眼後面还有很多东西She just don"t realize. 她只是不明白而已[Josh]Everybody"s gone and lost their minds, 每个人都会有迷失自我的时候It"s just the days we live in most of the time. 这只是我们大部份时候的生活[All]Get up out the dark, 从黑暗中甦醒Open up your eyes, 张开你的双眼You"ll discover there"s a world outside. 你会发现外面的世界很辽阔To fix a broken heart, 想要修补一颗破碎的心You have to try, 你必须要去尝试Pick it up, pick it up. 振作起来 打起精神It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life, beautiful life, 这是个美丽的人生 美好人生 美好人生It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life. 这是个美丽的人生 美好人生[Josh]He got his fortune on a plate, 他很轻易的坐拥许多财富But all that money won"t change fate. 但有再多的钱也无法改变命运He"s got six zero"s but no one to share it with, 他有几百万的财产 却没人能和他分享No friends, no girl, no one in the world. 没有朋友 没有女友 孤零零的独自一人[Jaymi]Everybody"s gone and lost their minds, 每个人都会有迷失自我的时候It"s just the days we live in most of the time yeah,这只是我们大部份时候的生活 耶[All]Get up out the dark, (get up out the dark)从黑暗中甦醒 (从黑暗中甦醒)Open up your eyes, 张开你的双眼You"ll discover there"s a world outside. 你会发现外面的世界很辽阔To fix a broken heart, 想要修补一颗破碎的心You have to try, 你必须要去尝试Pick it up, pick it up. 振作起来 打起精神It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life, beautiful life, 这是个美丽的人生 美好人生 美好人生It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life. 这是个美丽的人生 美好人生[Jaymi]We"re not so different, you and I你和我 我们其实没那麼不同 Because everybody"s got a place to hide, 因为每个人都会有个能让自己逃开一切的地方It"s just the days we live in, ooo most of the time. 这只是我们大部份时候的生活 呜~ 总是如此[All]Get up out the dark (get up out the dark), 从黑暗中甦醒 (从黑暗中甦醒)Open up your eyes, 张开你的双眼You"ll discover there"s a world outside. (there"s a world outside)你会发现外面的世界很辽阔 (外面的世界很辽阔)To fix a broken heart, (fix a broken heart)想要修补一颗破碎的心(修补一颗破碎的心)You have to try, 你必须要去尝试Pick it up, pick it up.振作起来 打起精神It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life, beautiful life, 这是个美丽的人生 美好人生 美好人生It"s a beautiful life, beautiful life.这是个美丽的人生 美好人生 Beautiful life, beautiful life.美丽人生 美丽人生

Beautiful Life 中文歌词 求高手翻译

我的生活如此美好 我的爱情如此纯真 我遇见了心中的天使 对此我深信不疑 在寂静的地下轨,她朝我微笑 身边有另一个男人跟随 我不会因此失魂 因为我暗自下了决心 你是如此美丽,你是如此美丽 你如此美丽,无人可以否认 你的脸庞在人群中突显 我全然不知如何是好 也许我永远都不能跟你在一起 当我们擦肩而过 我的双眼完全被她吸引 她能从我表情看出 我有多么的兴奋 也许这是我们唯一的邂逅 但这一刻会成为我们的永远 你是如此美丽,你是如此美丽 你如此美丽,无人可以否认 你的脸庞在人群中突显 我全然不知如何是好 也许我永远都不能跟你在一起 你是如此美丽,你是如此美丽 你如此美丽,无人可以否认 一定会有位脸带笑容的天使 我会一直在她身边 但还是接受现实吧 我永远都不会跟你在一起

求mc梦 - beautiful life韩文歌词

韩文: Beautiful Life : : :Don"t wanna live by no one else"s design : : All: :I love my beautiful ordinary life :with you : : (no) :Don"t wanna live my life any other way : : All: :I love my beautiful ordinary life :with you : : : (yeah yeah) All: I love my beautiful ordinary life :with you 拼音 : yi yu duen mu ji wei yo ji man bu yin nia go,ku nio du ma na yi u to la go. yi ye ha gi hin due da gon ma ha ji ma.ku nio ho xi na son xi su jiu qia . wop se e don"t wanna live by no one else"s design. ha du lu sa la kan na ki pu me yi yu,ai ko yin ni pa lo no ya. woo o,no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye (ha!)jiu go no xi no lu no mo sa lang hei(sa lang hei)se sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. ha lu jio gi lang mu go du wa ji ya na do,no ha ge la miang la mo dun qio wa, ci gio hanjia so nen pi yo ha ji ye na nio,ne ga ka jia jiu wa ha nen go si.no ya don"t wannna live my life anyother way. jia gun go ta na ha na ma ta nen ni yin nen,no wan na du lv wan mio kio yin sei. no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye.jiu go no xi no lu lo mu sa lang hei,si sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. ni qia nen mo si,hua ha na do ye pun go hua jia a bi so,ha ji ya la da mio da lu nen na. mo yi ku mo si bi.na ye ge nu gu bo da a len ga wo (yeh yeh woo) no wa yo won ni ha gi lu so mang ye.jiu go no xi no lu lo mu sa lang hei,si sang bo du ming bo kua.pi gio wa su op so no.no lan kumen qio dei en nia.I love my beautiful ordinary life with you. I love my beautiful ordinary life with you.


sobeautifullife什么歌?答案如下,sobeautifullife歌曲名称是《open your eyes》

朋友们,谁能帮我写一篇120字的英语作文,题目是《The beautiful life》,

As the saying goes that life is a journey,a journey of the unknown.Some plain the adversity of living,while others praise the wonder of experience.As far as I am concerned,life is beautiful,not only for its enjoyment,but especially for the twists and turns. Life is beautiful because it enables us to grow up.As a student,from primary school to university,I learned a lot and became mature.School life is designed for us to receive knowledge,while in fact,it can do far more than that.Life here is important for us to bee civilized and to develop humanistic value.Apart from learning knowledge,we entertain ourselves,making friends,playing games,and brodening our horizons. Life is beautiful because it is uncertain what is to e.The future may be grant,but at the same time,it may be bleak.What determines here is to what extend we work and how hard we prepare ourselves.Young as we may be,we have an expectation for the future.In the process of fighting for the realization of our dreams,we are savoring the beauty of life. Life is beautiful,let us do something wonderful for future memories.

Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Life歌手:Ace Of Base专辑:The BridgeYou can do what you wantJust seize the dayWhat you"re doing tomorrow"sGonna come your wayDon"t you ever consider giving upYou will find...oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be here beside youAnd stay until the break of dawnTake a walk in the park when you feel downThere"s so many things thereThat"s gonna lift you upSee the nature in bloom a laughing childSuch a dream...oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be here beside youAnd stay until the break of dawnYou"re looking for somewhere to belongYou"re standing all aloneFor someone to guide you on your wayNow and forever...It"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be anybodyWe"re living in different waysIt"s a beautiful lifeI"m gonna take you to the place I"ve never been beforeOh, yeahIt"s a beautiful lifeI"m gonna take you in my arms and fly away with you tonightOh, yeah, alrightIt"s a beautiful lifeYeah, alrightIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/1264380

Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Life歌手:Ace Of Base专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of Ace Of BaseYou can do what you wantJust seize the dayWhat you"re doing tomorrow"sGonna come your wayDon"t you ever consider giving upYou will find...oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be here beside youAnd stay until the break of dawnTake a walk in the park when you feel downThere"s so many things thereThat"s gonna lift you upSee the nature in bloom a laughing childSuch a dream...oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be here beside youAnd stay until the break of dawnYou"re looking for somewhere to belongYou"re standing all aloneFor someone to guide you on your wayNow and forever...It"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh oh-oh-ohIt"s a beautiful life oh whoa-oh-ohI just wanna be anybodyWe"re living in different waysIt"s a beautiful lifeI"m gonna take you to the place I"ve never been beforeOh, yeahIt"s a beautiful lifeI"m gonna take you in my arms and fly away with you tonightOh, yeah, alrightIt"s a beautiful lifeYeah, alrightIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifeIt"s a beautiful lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/5554410

Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Life歌手:James Morrison专辑:538 Hitzone 62 CD1James Morrison - Beautiful LifeI was born with tears in my eyesLike everybody else I knowKicking and screamingAnd all I could see was a light in a world so coldNo-one to hold you, feels so lonelyLeft out on your ownBut we were born with tears in our eyesAnd that's how we learned the strength to fightIt's a beautiful lifeWell, you won't always see it that wayWhen you're deep in a holeWith nowhere to goAnd you can't see it change(It's a beautiful life)Cause it's just out of sightIt's a beautiful lifeYou're scared, got the fear every daySounds like everybody else I knowTakes a hole in the groundOr the sky falling downBefore we can let it showIf you're just like meYou're trying to believeThat it's all gonna work out fineWe can live with the doubtWe're trying to do withoutMaybe we don't have to fightIt's a beautiful lifeWell, you won't always see it that wayWhen you're deep in a hole with nowhere to goAnd you can't see it change(It's a beautiful life)Cause it's just out of sightIt's a beautiful lifeI tried so hard to keep hanging onWell maybe you should just let it goLet the hope in your heart break the fallCome on now sing with meIt's a beautiful lifeWell, you won't always see it that wayWhen you're deep in a hole with nowhere to goAnd you can't see it change(It's a beautiful life)Cause it's just out of sightIt's a beautiful life(It's a beautiful life)Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20928839

Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Life歌手:charlotte martin专辑:On Your ShoreCharlotte Martin - Beautiful Life猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你You can"t judge the love by the loverThe sky by it"s thunderThe road with no signYou can"t make the snow fall in summerOr make him not want herNot leave it behindMaybe you"ll stay in touchyears down the roadAnd hope that he"s still in your mindThe sun may come up and go down againI"ll still swear it"s a beautiful lifeMaybe we"ll meet up in denverTalk about weatherTalk of old timesI know every word that we saidWas what we both meantWell we meant it at the timePromise me that you"ll bestanding up straightChasing rivers, and shadows, and timeThe sun may come up and go down againAnd I"ll still swear it"s a beautiful lifeTime flies, time criesOh time flies, time criesSo swim to the end of the riverUntil there"s no shiverLeft in your spineLive like there won"t be tomorrowSee through your sorrowSee through your own eyesTry to remember these days down the road andTry to remember this timeThe sun may come up and go down againI"ll still swear it"s a beautiful lifeThe sun may come upThe sun may go downThe sun may come upThe sun may go downOh the sun may come upThe sun may go downI"ll still swear it"s a beautiful life2009.05.14 3猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你http://music.baidu.com/song/16092388

Beautiful Life 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful Life歌手:Doc Walker专辑:Beautiful LifeDoc Walker - Beautiful LifeThis old houseIt"s covered in dustThis old houseHas seen better daysThis old carHas turned from red into rustThis old CarDreams of the old highwayThis old riverIt still twists and turnsThis old riverUsed run untamedThis old townWhile it heart still burnsThis old townIt still runs through my veinsIt"s been a beautiful lifeOh I"ve been a long for one hell of a rideEven though I may be fallen apartIt"s been a beautiful lifeThese old shoesThey"ve walked for miles and milesThese old shoesThey"ve walked through life unafraidThis old guitarI got it when I was a childThis old guitarWhile it still has something to sayIt"s been a beautiful lifeOh I"ve been a long for one hell of a rideEven though I may be fallen apartIt"s been a beautiful lifeOh these eyesThey"ve seen laughter and tearsOh these eyesThey still see something newThis old heartIt"s still got a few more yearsThis old heartWill always love youIt"s been a beautiful lifeOh I"ve been a long for one hell of a rideEven though I may be fallen apartIt"s been a beautiful lifeIt"s been a beautiful lifeOh I"ve been a long for one hell of a rideEven though I may be fallen apartIt"s been a beautiful lifeSuch a Beautiful lifeLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/2161105

求宫野真守的beautiful life歌词的中文翻译!!!!!!

Beautiful Life 作词: 宫野真守作曲: 中村仁编曲: 中村仁天空蔚蓝一片却变得悲伤花儿盛开正艳却变得哀伤从何时开始有这样的想法 为什么呢如今我身在何处 今我将去往何处用这些只言片语问自己叹息着 通向天际的尽头在这个广阔的世界 甚至不知明日会如何 生存的意义是为了和谁一起欢笑即使如此 即使如此便心满意足了从心底一起欢笑 只是这样不去救赎孤独的心 徒增一次又一次的后悔即使如此我也继续前行“呐 如今你也在欢笑吗?”在这个广阔的世界 甚至无法忘记泪水但却前行但是在这条路的尽头一定会有幸福在等待直到亲手紧握这份幸福 直到这一天讴歌这份爱吧滑落的泪水 在心中不断回响高唱着的节奏呼唤我名字的声音 花开的时节“好想你”啊 无助的我什么都做不到 矗立在此处为了守护你 把这份心声传递给你即使如此 即使如此便心满意足了只要有你在此 只要这样便足矣这就是我的美丽人生在这个广阔的世界 天空蔚蓝一片 我们是如此渺小但是渺小的我们紧连双手共同迈向明天活在当下 仅此而已It is a beautiful life

beautiful life什么意思

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