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“family name”“given name”“middle name”“full name”

Family name 家族名,顾名思义,也就是姓氏 也经常说 surname 或是 last namegiven name 直接翻译就是“别人给我的名字”,那么就是你出生时父母给你起的名字middle name 在外国,很多人的名字都长这样,比如:Maria Jessie White,Jessie是middle name, Maria是 first name。很多时候这个名字都是以某一位前辈的名字命名,但没有固定要求 并且 middle name是属于given name 而且一个人还可以有很多middle namefull name就是全名,就是把first name, middle name, family name通通加起来

谁有怒火攻心2高压电中的 "suck my motherfucking dick"的曲子!

Dickheadz - Suck My Dick

bitch! suck my dick and go to hell .i will fuck you call for help!有没有错?英语达人们??

let me fuck your hell

fuck u thunder, u can suck my dick中文什么意思?



就国内而言,AE和combustion用的比较多,fusion、nuke国内的用户群相对较少,如果你是专业做后期的,AE和combustion你选哪个都没多大关系,如果你会用max,并且AE又不是很深入的话,建议还是转型combustion会好点,max和combustion的协作能力真不是一般的强,至少我是这么放弃AE的。 哪种工具都不是重点,重点在于你怎么利用手头的工具做出好的作品。在艺术的道路上,我们要追求的是艺术,而不是技术。

All Is Full Of Love 歌词


function 怎样获取params属性

function 怎样获取params属性JavaScript的函数参数需要几个,由业务逻辑决定。函数的参数是由用户确定,比如需要传入一个用户的姓名和年龄,进行逻辑判断,返回true或者false,这时候就需要两个参数。 当然函数也可以不用设置参数,直接设为void。

英语作文my friend in the future

  my friend in the future- the sea  我们眼中的大海永远是一望无垠、无边无际的,大海喜怒无常,虽然会给我们人类带来许多的海洋资源,但有时也会掀翻船只、毁灭沿海的城镇,给人类带来灾难。可是你可曾想过,在未来的21世纪里,我们人类将会与大海成为好友。人类将迎来科学开发海洋、利用海洋的新时代。  Us in the eyes of the sea is always boundless, boundless, sea moody, although it will bring many marine resources gives us, but sometimes capsized the vessel, the destruction of coastal towns, to the human disaster. But you may have thought that in the next twenty-first Century, we humans will become friends with the sea. Humans will usher in a new era of scientific development of the ocean, the use of the ocean.  未来,我们人类将会致力于开发海洋资源,来解决我们人类将来有可能会遇到的能源危机。一座座海洋石油平台将在未来矗立在海面上汲取大海中的石油,为我们的汽车提供更多的能源。而我们也会用更多的办法开发海洋中的天然气、煤、铁、铜、锡、锰、硫等,给我们提供更多的方便。而未来,随着人口的不断增加,我们开始开发海洋中的美味。我们的餐桌上会出现更多的来自海洋的高蛋白食品,一艘艘渔船将会在海上捕捉更多的美味。未来,人们不仅仅会单纯地捕捞,而是开启“耕海”时代,我们将会制造海底农场和海底牧场,海底农场的海藻将会成为牛羊等牲畜的粮食,而这些海藻拥有的蛋白质远远比陆地上的粮食高得多。我们未来的电可能全会来自海洋,海洋的潮汐发电站和海水温差发电站的建立会给我们带来无穷无尽而又价格低廉的电力。未来我们有了海洋的帮助也有办法阻止水荒的发生,将来淡化海水的成本日渐下跌,我们将使用淡化海水的方式解决一些干旱地区的水荒。未来,我们也许会在海底生活,住在海底的城市里。海底的城市既没有污水污气,又没有雾霾,而且还可以欣赏到美丽的海底景色,与可爱的鱼群成为邻居。谁又不愿去呢?  In the future, we human beings will be devoted to the development of marine resources, to solve the energy crisis that we human beings may encounter in the future. A seat for offshore oil drilling platform will be in the future stands on the sea draw sea oil, provide more energy in our car. And we will also use more methods to develop marine natural gas, coal, iron, copper, tin, manganese, sulfur, etc., to provide us with more convenient. And in the future, as the population continues to increase, we begin to develop the delicious food in the ocean. There will be more high protein food from the ocean on our table, and a fishing boat will catch more delicious food at sea. In the future, people will not only simply fishing, but open the "era of sea farming. We will make undersea farms and sea ranch, seaweed undersea farms will become food for the cattle and other livestock, and these algae have protein far than terrestrial food is much higher. Our future electricity may come from the oceans, the establishment of the ocean"s tidal power stations and the sea water temperature difference power stations will bring us endless and cheap electricity. The future we have the help for the ocean also has a way to stop the water shortage in future desalination costs of seawater gradually fell, we will use the desalination of seawater way to solve water shortage in some dry areas. In the future, we may live in the sea, in the city of the sea. The seabed of the city has no sewage and gas, there is no haze, but also to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the sea, and lovely fish to become neighbors. Who is not willing to go?  总之,未来我们人类科学开发海洋、利用海洋的前景十分美好,海洋会给我们的生活提供更多我们想象不到的便利。  In short, the future of our human scientific development of the ocean, the prospects for the use of the ocean is very good, the ocean will give our lives to provide more convenience we can not imagine.  不过,人类要开发和利用海洋,首先必须得做到保护海洋,珍惜海洋资源,不污染海洋环境,不向海洋乱抛杂物。只有做到这些,我们才能和海洋成为好友,人类才会真正迎来科学利用海洋、开发海洋的新时代!  However, human development and use of the ocean, the first must be done to protect the oceans, cherish the marine resources, do not pollute the marine environment, do not throw debris into the ocean. Only by doing this can we and the ocean become friends, human beings will truly usher in the scientific use of the ocean, the development of the new era of ocean!

八年级下学期英语作文 My future life

八下英语作文范文 1. The life in the future In the future ,there will be computers in each home.They will help us know more about the world ,We will be able to talk online.Kids won`t go to school and study at home on computers .Scientists will make lots of robots.They can help us do some homework .For example,cooking ,cleaning.And I think there will be more cars and pollution.So we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our environment.In a word ,the life in the world will be wonderful. 2.问题 Dear Mary , I have a problem these days ,and I need your help.I"m not getting on well with some of my classmates.I don`t know why.Last Sunday ,one of my classmates had a birhtday party at home .He invited all the classmates except me .I feel worried and I don`t know what to do .Could you tell me what I should do? Bob 3.建议 Dear Bob, I have known your problems.There are a lot of things you could do .Here are some advice for you.From your letter,I know you have different ideas about your classmates. I think you should have a talk with him,because you can understand each other better. Or maybe you could write a letter to him,give him a birhtday gift.He will feel very surprised.I believe you can find a better way. Good luck! 4.成绩单,介绍学习情况: Dear Mum, I finished my end-of year exams last week and got my report card today.I always feel nervous when I got my report card ,but luckily I did Ok this time.My Chinse teacher said I was the best in class,because I had a really hard time with it .But my worst report was from my math teacher.He said I was lazy.And my八 science teacher said I could do better. That`s all for my report card .Best wishes. Tom 5.晚会规定:There will be an English party from 5pm to 9 pm on Friday.you can come to the party with your friends.Here are some rules you muat remember.Don`t bring food and drinks to the party.Don`t leave during the party.You mustn`t wear jeans.If you wear jeans ,we won`t let you in.And please bring your ID card. 6.爱好I like to collect many things,such as nice stones,names of movies,books,toys,photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young,my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I 八下英语作文范文译文: 1.在未来的生活 未来,每个家庭将有电脑.电脑将帮助我们更了解世界,我们就可以在线交谈.孩子们将在家里的电脑上学习而不走到学校去学习.科学家将制造许多机器人.它们可以帮助我们做一些家务.例如,烹饪,打扫卫生.并且我认为会有更多的汽车和污染.因此我们应该种植更多的树木,并找到其他有用的解决方案来保护我们的环境.一句话,在全世界生活都将是美好的. 2.亲爱的玛丽, 这些日子我有一个烦恼,我需要你的帮助.我没有与我的一些同学友好相处.我不知道为什么.上周星期天,我的一个同学在家开生日聚会.他邀请所有除了我以外的同学.我感到焦虑,我不知道该怎么做.你能告诉我什么是我应该做的吗? 鲍勃 3.亲爱的鲍勃, 我知道你的烦恼.你可以做很多事情.以下是一些给你的建议.通过您的来函咨询,我知道你对你的同学有不同的想法.我想你应该和他谈谈,因为这样你们可以更好地相互了解.或者,也许你可以写一封信给他,给他一个生日例外.他会觉得很惊喜.我相信你可以找到一个更好的方法的.祝你好运! 4 亲爱的妈妈, 上周我完成了一年的期末考试,今天我拿到了我的成绩单.我总是在我得到了我的成绩单时感到紧张,但幸运的是我这次做得不错.我的语文老师说我是班上最好的,因为我已经花了很大工夫.但我最糟糕的报告是由我的数学老师给的.他说我懒惰.而我的理科老师说我可以做的更好.这就是我成绩单.致以最好的祝愿. 汤姆 5. 从星期五下午五时至晚上9时将有一个英语聚会.你可以与您的朋友们来这里.聚会有一些规则,你必须记得.不要携带食物和饮料到场.不要在聚会期间离开.不要穿牛仔裤.如果你穿牛仔裤,我们是不会让你进去的.还有请携带您的身份证. 6.我喜欢收集很多东西,比如漂亮的石头,电影,书籍,玩具,著名人物的照片,但我最喜欢收集邮票. 五年来我一直收集邮票.当我还很小的时候,我的叔叔从澳大利亚 邮寄给我一张邮票.我立即喜欢上了它.从那时起我试图收集邮票,并爱上了这件事, have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends,some were collected by myself;some were from foiregn countries,some were Chinese.I like them.Often,I take them out and show them to my friends. 7.向别人提出请求 Dear Mr Smith, I am glad to be your neighborhood.I know your work must be tired,because you got home very late.However, I don`t like sleep too late.Would you mind not make too much noise? Would you mind turning down your TV?Could you please keep quiet.?I am sorry to disturb you.But i think you can understand me,don`t you?Thanks! 8.介绍宠物 Many people like animls.I like dogs best.They are popular pets.Because they are easy to take care of .They are cheaper than rabbits or cats.But they are not quiet enough.I like my dog very much.At night he watches TV on my legs with me When I do my homework,he is always around me.When I have some sad things ,I enjoy talking with him.He`s my best friend. 9.致谦信:Dear Tom, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I"d love to go but I can"t.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming end-of-year exam.I"m very sorry but I can"t go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time. Yours, Jim 现在我有一百多张了.有些是朋友们送给我的,有些是我自己收集的;一些是国外的,有些是中国的.我 很喜欢他们.我常常带他们出去,并把他们展示给我的朋友们看. 7.亲爱的史密斯先生, 我很高兴成为你的邻居.我知道你的工作一定很累,因为你回家很晚.然而我不喜欢太晚睡觉.请不要弄太多噪音,好吗?你介意把你的电视音量调小些吗?能否请你保持安静?我很抱歉打扰你了.但我想你能理解我的,不是吗?谢谢! 8很多人都喜欢动物.我最喜欢狗,他们是很受欢迎宠物.因为他们很容易照顾.它们比兔子或猫便宜.但他们不够安静. 我很喜欢我的狗. 晚上当我做我的功课时他就在我的腿上躺着看电视,他总是围绕着我转.当我有些伤心事时,我喜欢说给他听,他是我最好的朋友. 9.致谦信:.亲爱的汤姆, 非常感谢您邀请我参加你的生日聚会.我很想去,但我不能.我的父母都出差了.他们个才会回来.现在我要照看我的奶奶,因为她生病卧床休息.并且我还需要为我的期末考试而学习.我"非常抱歉,但我不能去你的聚会,谢谢你邀请了我.希望你们愉快. 你的,吉姆

张咪的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:张咪专辑:Beautifultitle: (Drop Dead) Beautifulartist: Britney Spearsalbum: Femme Fatalereleased on March 29th 2011OhDiamond, diamondShinin", shinin"Ooh boy, you so fineGotta be the finest thingThat I"ve seen in my lifeI will pay whateverJust to get a better viewAnd yeah, your body looks so sickI think I caught the fluLook at you, look at youBe my sweetie, be my honey tonightLook at you, look at youBe my sweetie, be my honey tonight"Cause, you"re beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop-drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)You"re some kind of fineBoy, you know, you"re beautifulI know you heard it beforeBoy, you know, you broke the moldNobody even comes closeNobody even comes closeYou"re some kind of fineYou must be b-I-GBecause, you got me hypnotizedWhoever said that beauty"s on the inside is a liar"Cause, what I"m looking at right nowWould make a big girl crySo fasten up your seatbeltIt"s gon" be a bumpy rideLook at you, look at youBe my sweetie, be my honey tonightLook at you, look at youBe my sweetie, be my honey tonight"Cause, you"re beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop-drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)You"re some kind of fineBoy, you know, you"re beautifulI know you heard it beforeBoy, you know, you broke the moldNobody even comes closeNobody even comes closeYou"re some kind of fineOhI think I like youSabiBoy, boy, look at youI wanna get, get, get next to youGot me kinda hot, but I ain"t sweatin" youSteam me like like a pot full of vegetablesBoy, boy, look at meI know you wanna touch, but it ain"t for freeI don"t need your money, I just want your DBoy, come over here with your sexy ass"Cause, you"re beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop-drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)Beautiful(Drop dead)You"re some kind of fineB-boy, you know, you"re beautifulI know you heard it beforeB-boy, you know, you broke the moldNobody even comes closeNobody even comes closeYou"re some kind of fineOh

请帮忙写一篇关于The future of Chinese的英语作文

China is the fastest growing aviation market in the world thanks to the expansion of its air freight and air passenger industries. With air freight growth volumes predicted to drop off this year, how will the country significance in the aviation market be affected? The growth of China air freight industry has led to a surge in the Asian cargo business over the last few years. This is reflected in the fact that air freight from Asia to Dallas Fort Worth airport (which is the leader in Asian cargo in the eastern and southern U.S) increased by 42% in 2004. However, it is expected that China air freight volume growth will ease off this year. This will happen as the market returns to a more stable expansion pace after the post SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) rebound in 2004 and 5. In 2004 and 2005, China air freight volume increased by 25% and 20% respectively. Passenger traffic also grew at this time; by 33% in 2004 and by 20% in 2005. This was as a result of people taking to the skies following the outbreak of SARS in the region. Although the growth rate of China air freight business is expected to ease off this year, it will not halt altogether. According to freight industry experts, air freight cargo volumes are anticipated to rise by 10% in 2006. If it does so, China air freight volume will be 3.36 million tons. Similarly, air passenger numbers are also likely to increase. China aviation regulator estimates that air passenger number swill increase by 15%. This will mean that 159 million people will travel by air out of China in 2006. The continued growth of China air freight and air passenger volumes is relevant to the country as it is the fastest growing aviation market in the world today. As a result China is an important battleground between Boeing and Airbus. Boeing has entered into discussions with China to supply the country with 150 jets. Whilst Airbus has signed a deal with China to supply 150 A320 jets to it. As a result China role in the global aviation market is likely to remain very significant despite a slight slow down in its air freight industry growth rate. GBS Freight provides the following services:Air Freight.Freight Forwarding UK.


先是LRC格式,接下来是带中英文大意的。LRC你可以用千千静音编辑歌词来重新整理。 [ti:Fuck You][ar:Lily Allen][al:It"s Not Me, It"s You][by:LK歌词组kevinboul][00:-2.00]Lily Allen - Fuck You[00:-1.00][00:00.00]Lyrics by LK歌词组 Pop分队 Kevin Boul[00:08.00][00:08.18]Look inside[00:10.06]Look inside[00:11.02]Your tiny mind[00:12.50]Then look a bit harder[00:14.53]Cos we"re so uninspired[00:16.72]So sick and tired[00:19.17]Of all The hatred you harbour[00:22.22][00:22.99]So you say[00:24.82]It"s not okay to be gay[00:26.71]Well I think You"re just evil[00:29.84]You"re just some racist[00:31.72]Who can"t tie my laces[00:34.12]You"re point of view is medevil[00:37.15][00:39.78]Fuck you, (fuck you)[00:41.38]Fuck you very very much[00:46.10]Cos we hate what you do[00:47.74]And we hate your whole crew[00:49.83]So please don"t stay in touch[00:53.49][00:54.51]Fuck you, (fuck you)[00:56.15]Fuck you very very much[01:00.83]Cos your words don"t translate[01:02.69]And it"s getting quite late[01:04.35]So please don"t stay in touch[01:08.58][01:09.48]Do you get[01:10.93]Do you get A little kick out[01:13.42]Of being small minded[01:15.63]You want to be like your father[01:17.65]His approval your after[01:20.09]Well that"s not how You"ll find it[01:23.07][01:24.21]Do you[01:25.51]Do you really enjoy[01:27.62]Living a life that"s so hateful[01:30.21]Cos there"s a hole where your soul[01:32.10]Should be you"re losing control of it[01:34.89]And it"s really distasteful[01:40.20][01:40.67]Fuck you, (fuck you)[01:42.29]Fuck you very very much[01:46.98]Cos we hate what you do[01:48.66]And we hate your whole crew[01:50.71]So please don"t stay in touch[01:54.84][01:55.43]Fuck you[01:57.10]Fuck you very very much[02:01.71]Cos your words don"t translate[02:03.56]And it"s getting quite late[02:05.22]So please don"t stay in touch[02:09.52][02:10.25]Fuck you[02:14.03]Fuck you[02:17.21]Fuck you[02:23.65][02:25.00]You say[02:26.76]You think we need to go to war[02:29.26]Well you"re already in one[02:31.30]Cos it"s people like you[02:33.18]That need to get slew[02:35.83]No one wants your opinion[02:41.06][02:41.43]Fuck you, (fuck you)[02:43.25]Fuck you very very much[02:47.80]Cos we hate what you do[02:49.62]And we hate your whole crew[02:51.64]So please don"t stay in touch[02:55.73][02:56.36]Fuck you, (fuck you)[02:57.94]Fuck you very very much[03:02.68]Cos your words don"t translate[03:04.48]And it"s getting quite late[03:06.23]So please don"t stay in touch [03:10.47][03:11.46]Fuck you[03:14.89]Fuck you[03:18.53]Fuck you[03:22.41][03:23.55]Lrc by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics Group[03:35.55]Look inside看看Look inside Your tiny mind看看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心另人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour 全是罪恨So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil然而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已经过时Fuck you, (***** you)去你的Fuck you very very much真的是去你妈的Cos we hate what you do因为我讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同夥So please don"t stay in touch所以别再联系了Fuck you, (***** you)去你的Fuck you very very much真的是去你妈的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘思想里走出来吗You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样it"s approval your after那就是你做的为了得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了 Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这种充满仇恨的人生吗Cos there"s a hole where your soul should be因为应该有属於你灵魂的地方You"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那真的很不妙Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的You say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已经在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为像你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解救No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的Fuck you去你的

fuck you 歌词翻译

Look inside, look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder 往里看,透视你的小小脑袋,再接近点看 Cause were so uninspired, 原来你的脑袋空空 so s!ck and t!red, of all the hatred you har/bour 我感到恶心,厌倦了你的怨恨 So you say its not OK to be gay, 接着你说你不想做GAY well I think youre just evil 我只能认为你是个混蛋 Youre just some rac!st, who cant tie my laces 你只是个连帮我绑鞋带都不配的种族主义者 Your point of view is medieval 你的观点都已过时 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 Do you get, do you get a little kick out of being small-minded? 你能,你能不那么眼光狭小麽 You want to be like your father, 你想要像你爸 its approval youre after 很明显你还差很远 Well thats not how you find it 但你不这么认为 Do you, do you really enjoy living a life thats so hatefu1? 你,你真的享受活得那么令人讨厌麽 Cause theres a hole where your sou1 should be 你应该挖个洞钻进去 Youre losing control a bit 你有点失控了 And its really distastefu1 真的很讨厌 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you, f**k you, f**k you 日你 日你 日你 F**k you, f**k you, f**k you 日你 日你 日你 F**k you 日你 You say you think we need to go to war 你说你认为我们应该大干一场 Well youre already in one 实际你已经在干了 Cause its people like you 像你这种 That need to get s1ew 脑子不会转弯的人 No one wants your opinion 没人会鸟你的 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause we hate what you do and we hate your whole crew 因为我们讨厌你的所为,讨厌你的一切 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you (f**k you) 日你 F**k you very very much 狂日你 Cause your words dont translate and its getting quite late 因为你的话不知所谓且反应迟钝 So please dont stay in touch 所以请滚远点 F**k you 日* F**k you 操* F**k you 扑* F**k you .... F**k you F**k you

lily allen有首歌叫fuck you英文歌词外带中文翻译谁知道?

应该是fuck you very much吧Look inside, look inside your tiny mind Then look a bit harder Cos we"re so uninspired So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbour So you say, it"s not okay to be gay Well I think you"re just evil You"re just some racist Who can"t tie my laces You"re point of view is medevilFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don"t stay in touchFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos your words don"t translate And it"s getting quite late So please don"t stay in touchDo you get, do you get A little kick out of being small minded You want to be like your father His approval your after Well that"s not how you"ll find it Do you, do you really enjoy Living a life that"s so hateful Cos there"s a hole where your soul should be You"re losing control of it And it"s really distastefulFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don"t stay in touchFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos your words don"t translate And it"s getting quite late So please don"t stay in touchLook inside, look inside your tiny mind Then look a bit harder Cos we"re so uninspired So sick and tired of all the hatred you harbourFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don"t stay in touchFuck you, fuck you very very much Cos your words don"t translate And it"s getting quite late So please don"t stay in touch

Scream this fucking life什么意思

常见的用法有scream for life,也就是喊救命、求生的意思。如果是scream for the fucking life.就是快TMD喊救命。 fucking 这里做形容词,比较文雅的可以翻译成tmd。当然根据各地区口头语不同,翻译成别的也可以,就是一个带点脏字的口头语。但你文中scream this life,应该为这生活而尖叫吧,加上fucking的意思应该就是为这TMD生活而尖叫。欢迎采纳。

partial function是什么意思

partial function英 [u02c8pɑ:u0283u0259l u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n]美 [u02c8pɑru0283u0259l u02c8fu028cu014bku0283u0259n]部分函数;部分功能1. Finally, the paper includes the development and demo of partial function.x09最后, 进行了系统部分功能的开发,以及系统部分功能的演示.2. Revised the partial function of software.x09修改了软件的部分功能.希望对你有所帮助 还望采纳~~



Be beautiful for life谁知道这是什么意思?




full monty实体店在哪

full monty没有实体店。Full Monty是上海孚芒电子商务有限公司旗下专注于男装服饰品牌,总部位于上海。服装,是衣服鞋装饰品等的总称,多指衣服。在国家标准中对服装的定义为:缝制,穿于人体起保护和装饰作用的产品,又称衣服。服装在人类社会发展的早期就已出现,当时古人将一些材料做成粗陋的“衣服”,穿在身上。人类最初的衣服多用兽皮,而裹身的最早“织物”是用麻和草等纤维制成。对社会来说,服装已经是遮体、装饰的生活必需品,不仅仅为穿,还是一个身份、一种生活态度、一个展示个人魅力的表现。功能服装能保护人体,维持人体的热平衡,以适应气候变化的影响。服装在穿着中要使人有舒适感,影响舒适的因素主要是用料中纤维性质、美容规格、坯布组织结构、厚度以及缝制技术等。最开始出现的服装主要以遮羞为目的,经过时间的发展转向了功能性(实用性)继而更注重服装的美观性,满足人们精神上美的享受。影响美观性的主要因素是纺织品的质地、色彩、花纹图案、坯布组织、形态保持性、悬垂性、弹性、防皱性、服装款式等。


fullmonty没有实体店。Full Monty是上海孚芒电子商务有限公司旗下专注于男装服饰品牌,总部位于上海。品牌产品:Full Monty的产品线覆盖西装、POLO衫、衬衫、西裤、休闲裤、皮鞋、男士配件等大类。品牌介绍FULL MONTY是专注于男士正装的新兴互联网男装品牌,追求时尚但不张扬的服装风格。FULL MONTY虽然主打西装,但近年也加入了流行时尚元素,通过简约的设计和精湛的裁剪,让FULL MONTY品牌名声大噪。FULL MONTY多种多样的时尚单品,帮助搭配出帅气的时尚造型,尤其在工作场合中,塑造正式而又不失休闲时尚的造型。我们从全球渠道采购上乘面料,以时尚简约的设计和定制的版型来服务消费者,带来性价比更高的产品。


三种匹配类型MATCH FULL, MATCH PARTIAL, MATCH SIMPLE(缺省)。MATCH FULL 不允许一个多字段外键的字段为 NULL ,除非所有外键字段都为 NULL 。MATCH SIMPLE 允许某些外键字段为 NULL 而外键的其它部分不是 NULL 。MATCH PARTIAL 目前尚未实现。


shameful 英 ["u0283eu026amfu028al; -f(u0259)l] 美 ["u0283emfl] adj. 可耻的;不体面的;不道德的;猥亵的[ 比较级 more shameful 最高级 most shameful ]1.They played a shameful [despicable] role in this farce. 他们在这场闹剧中扮演了可耻[鄙]的角色。2.Such shameful behaviour will certainly derogate from his fame (or reputation). 这种可耻的行为必将毁坏他的声望。

love actually 中where the fuck is fucking my coat 什么意思,谢谢

“the fuck”和“fucking”都是骂人的脏字(英文dirty word),在这里用以加强语气,可以译作“妈的”之类的粗话。“where the fuck is fucking my coat”可以简化为“where is my coat”,即“我的大衣在哪”,加上语气词“the fuck”和“fucking”可以加强急躁或生气的语气,译作“我他妈的大衣放他妈哪了”。

请问in future跟from now on什么区别?

in future 从今以后; 今后from now on 从现在开始


Womanizer - Britney SpearsSuperstar, where you from? How"s it going?I know you got a clue what youre doingYou can play brand new to all the other chicks out hereBut I know what you are, what you are, babyLook at you gettin" more than just a re-upBaby, you got all the puppets with their strings upFakin" like a good one but I call "em like I see "emI know what you are, what you are, babyWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, youre a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizeruff08Womanizeruff09Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You got me goin"uff08You!uff09You"re oh so charmin"uff08You!uff09But I can"t do ituff08You!uff09You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You say I"m crazyuff08You!uff09I got your crazyuff08You!uff09You"re nothing but auff08You!uff09WomanizerDaddy-O, you got the swagger of a championToo bad for you, you just can"t find the right companionI guess when you have one too many, makes it hard, it could be easyWho you are, that"s just who you are, babyLollipop, must mistake me you"re the suckerTo think that I would be a victim not anotherSay it, play it how you want itBut no way I"m never gonna fall for you, never you, babyWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, youre a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizeruff08Womanizeruff09Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You got me goin"uff08You!uff09You"re oh so charmin"uff08You!uff09But I can"t do ituff08You!uff09You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You say I"m crazyuff08You!uff09I got your crazyuff08You!uff09You"re nothing but auff08You!uff09WomanizerMaybe if we both lived in a different world, yeahuff08Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizeruff09It would be all good and maybe I could be your girlBut I can"t, "cause we don"t, you!Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, youre a womanizer babyYou, you-you are, you, you-you areWomanizer, womanizer, womanizeruff08Womanizeruff09Boy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You got me goin"uff08You!uff09You"re oh so charmin"uff08You!uff09But I can"t do ituff08You!uff09You womanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areuff08You!uff09You say I"m crazyuff08You!uff09I got your crazyuff08You!uff09You"re nothing but auff08You!uff09WomanizerBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areBoy don"t try to frontI-I know just-just what you are are-areWomanizer, woman-womanizer, you"re a womanizerOh, womanizer, oh, youre a womanizer baby

有一首英文歌叫戴蒙,不知道怎么拼。歌词好像有:you are beautifui......是一个女的唱的!


布拉格广场:a a fu shou 是什么意思?

贴吧一个人的解释—— moderato: 中速 andantino:小行板 fortissimo: ff, 比forte还要大声,强 至于portmento,不知道,没听过 百度上的一个答案—— 啊 啊 扶手 废话 对不起 所以 所以 所以 中速地 急速地 溜走 嘹亮地有点晕……据说这段话是意大利语

wafula造句 wafulaの例文 "wafula"是什麼意思

Wafula said the couple were held after his staff contacted the popce. Wafula grew up with five sisters and three brothers. Congolese vulcanologist Dieudonne Wafula said, referring to the town across the border in Rwanda. Wafula said the man was of mixed race and the woman was a white and blond. Dunstan Nsubuga is the Chairman of Uganda Hockey Association and Phipp Wafula is the General Secretary. Two lava flows were heading north and south, said Dieudonne Wafula , a vulcanologist based in Goma. Phipp Wafula Oguttu, the MP for Bukop Central to serve in the remaining period of the term. Wafula said Kalhammer was white and blond; the man appeared to be of North African or Mediterranean origin. They produced powerful narrators and actors pke Isaac Mwaura, Augustine Oluoch, John Paul Wafula and Jimmy Wanjala. Once he came to the conclusion that Nyiragongo would not hold its lava much longer, Wafula sounded the alarm. It"s difficult to see wafula in a sentence. 用 wafula 造句挺难的 Wafula said most experts bepeve that a volcano such as Nyiragongo will erupt when the lava inside reaches a certain level. Volcano expert Durieux praised Wafula , who had predicted the eruption in an e-mail o days before it happened. The man and woman were the only ones who attempted to leave the hotel shortly after the attack, Wafula said. Wafula said the man appeared to be of North African or Mediterranean origin, while Kalhammer was a white and blond. The man and Kalhammer were the only ones who attempted to leave the hotel shortly after the attack, Wafula said. Kalhammer and the man were the only ones who attempted to leave the hotel shortly after the attack, Wafula said. "Nyiragongo is taking a *** all rest, " said Dieudonne Wafula , Goma"s one and only volcanologist. Wafula said he did not know the man"s nationapty because the o checked in using Kalhammer"s name and passport. Mount Nyamulagira erupted Thursday night, and o lava flows were heading north and south, said Dieudonne Wafula , a vulcanologist based in Goma. The man"s identity and nationapty was not known because the o checked in using Kalhammer"s name and passport, Wafula said. Their first chance of the game came early in the 3rd minute, but Noah Wafula put his shot wide after bining well with Wanga. Wafula is also the Member of Parpament ( MP ) for Bukhoop County Central, a constituency in Bugiri District, Eastern Region of Uganda. Durieux, who is the leader of the Group for the Study of Active Volcanoes, based in Lyons, France, singled out Wafula for praise. Wafula , 48, who studied physics in graduate school but has spent decades as a volcano watcher, repes on a mix of science and intuition. Gaining automatic entry to the Wazee wa Kazi, thanks to goals from Mike Baraza, Allan Wanga, Noah Wafula , Oscar Kadenge and Peter Opiyo. But Wafula said his inspections of the crater had shown that although that level had not been reached, Nyiragongo was still poised on the brink of eruption. "This created a *** all panic in town " among residents who pved through Nyiragongo"s deadly and destructive eruption in January, Wafula said. Two lava flows from the volcano were heading north and south, said Dieudonne Wafula , a vulcanologist based in Goma, which is southwest of the volcano. Dieudonne Wafula , who predicted the eruption of Nyiragongo several days before Jan . 17, di *** issed as " baseless " reports that Mount Nyamulagira had erupted. This includes Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission for Somapa ( SRCC ) Ambassador Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra and deputy ( SRCC ) Honourable Wafula Wamunyinyi. It"s difficult to see wafula in a sentence. 用 wafula 造句挺难的 Wafula said customary law, which is recognized in the Kenyan constitution, supersedes statutory law " only when it is not repugnant to justice and morapty ." Wafula said Kandie told him he wanted the girls circumcised because he feared they might be returned home after marriage when their new hu *** ands discovered they had not undergone the ritual. Mount Nyamulagira erupted Thursday night and o lava flows were heading north and south, said Dieudonne Wafula , a vulcanologist based in Goma, which is southwest of the volcano. Its members were : James Wasilwa, Aziz Yazdi, Elamu Muswahip, Taherih Ala"i, Festas Mulkalama, Bonaventure Wafula , Jupus Makanda, Frank Mnkoyani, and Christopher Musambai. The men _ identified by popce as Peter Wafula , Richard Kayago, Epas Sikuku, and John Kiragu, Wa Thiong"o"s nephew _ were held without bail pending trial. As observed by some poptical mentators, including Wafula Oguttu, Museveni had previously stated that he considered the idea of cpnging to office for " 15 or more " years ill-advised. Wafula was hailed Monday for his predictions but he said that he wished the warnings he had trumpeted at scientific conferences and meetings with authorities and even in newspaper mentaries had helped avert the disaster. Dieudonne Wafula , a Congolese volcanologist who has been studying Nyiragongo for 15 years, said volcano should now stop erupting for a few years, but earth tremors may intensify over the forthing days. At least o of the 12 were using American passports and gave addresses in Florida, said Ben Wafula , the manager of the hotel in which they were staying when popce picked them up. Dieudonne Wafula , a Congolese volcanologist who has been studying the Nyiragongo for 15 years, said Nyirangongo should now stop erupting for a few years, but earth tremors may intensify over the forthing days. At least one of the 12 was using an American passport and gave an address in Florida, said Ben Wafula , the manager of the hotel in which they were staying when popce picked them up. Dieudonne Wafula , a lone Congolese volcanologist who pves in this remote area of Central Africa, and another volcano expert hired by the United Nations said that the volcano did not appear on the verge of erupting again. Ken Wafula , the executive director of the Center for Human Rights and Democracy, which took the case to court, said in a telephone interview that Ochenja based his rupng on the premise that female circumcision constitutes assault. After the clash beeen the fans, Noah Wafula was named Man of the Match and Player of the Tournament in addition to receiving a winner"s medal, and won a GOtv decoder as part of the award. Subsequent children may be named after maternal grandparents, after significant events, such as weather, seasons, etc . The name Wafula , for example, is given to a boy born during the rainy season ( ifula ). It was during the second half where Leopards sealed their victory, after Were won the ball in the midfield to find Wafula , who blasted the ball into the top of the and cemented their place in the final. Wafula had predicted the eruptions of Mount Nyiragongo months before it erupted in a fury last week, forcing the entire town to flee, and he had tried in vain to warn the world that the volcano was ready to blow. Ben Wafula , general manager of Le Soleil Beach Club, said the couple, who appeared to be in their 20s, checked in on Tuesday and tried to check out about o hours after the bombing of the Paradise resort hotel. Dieudonne Wafula , a Congolese vulcanologist who has studied Nyiragongo for 15 years, said the volcano 12 miles ( 20 kilometers ) north of Goma should not erupt for a few years, but that tremors could intensify in the ing days. Dieudonne Wafula , a Congolese volcanologist who has been studying the Nyiragongo for 15 years, said the volcano 20 kilometers ( 12 miles ) north of Goma should now stop erupting for a few years, but earth tremors may intensify over the forthing days. It"s difficult to see wafula in a sentence. 用 wafula 造句挺难的

future generations是什么意思

future generations子孙后代;下辈;

什么是Full-Frame和 unibody,汽车里面的

Full-Frame 联结构架 Full car 整车 kit car 组装车(买来散件,自己组装) 模型也会用到的词

英语作文“a good habit,a successful life” 内容:第一,良好的学习习惯(及


Good habits and a successful life.

A good habit,a successful life A habit is something that you do often or regularly almost without thinking,especially something that is hard to stop doing. Good habits of learning,such as previewing what you will study,listening to teachers attentively in class,completing given assignments by yourself and reviewing what youu2019ve learned in time,will help you acquire more knowledge and improve your skills.Meanwhile,good habits of living will make you develop soundly,both physically and mentally.Therefore you must attach importance to healthy food,constant exercise,reasonable schedules and eyesight protection. Good habits contribute to our success.Once a good habit is formed,it will give us power to control ourselves.While we are making efforts to form good habits,we should try to kick bad habits.Though bad habits are hard to get rid of,yet we all know where there is a will,there is a way.If we insist on behaving ourselves properly,we are sure to remove them. Do remember good habits will give us a successful life.

gas diffusion layer是什么意思

gas diffusion layer气体扩散层layer[英][u02c8leu026au0259(r)][美][u02c8ler]n.层,层次; 膜; [植]压条; 放置者,计划者; vt.把…分层堆放; 借助压条法; 生根繁殖; 将(头发)剪成不同层次; vi.形成或分成层次; [植]通过压条法而生根; 第三人称单数:layers过去分词:layered复数:layers现在进行时:layering过去式:layered以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Several thin layers are warmer than one heavy layer. 几层薄薄的衣服比只穿厚厚的一层要暖和。

急求一首歌,是RB风格的慢歌,男生唱的。其中一句是oh,baby baby...........so beautiful


behavioral simulation和post-synthesis functional simulation有什么区别

synthesis是综合啊,就是把程序和你选的芯片综合起来,看对不对 simulation是仿真,对你的程序进行数字波形仿真

I believe I can go to Sanqing in the future是宾语从句吗?

是的主句:I believe+宾语从句:I can go to Sanqing in the future.解析:主语:I +谓语动词:believe+宾语从句(I can...)

have fun还是have a good time?有什么区别呢?


have a good time 与have fun的区别?

"Have a good time"和"have fun"的意思非常相似,都表示祝愿对方玩得愉快。但是,"have a good time"通常用于正式场合,比如商务会议、婚礼等,而"have fun"则更加随意,通常用于朋友之间的聚会、娱乐活动等场合。此外,"have a good time"可能会被解释为"过得愉快",而"have fun"则更强调"玩得开心"。

fuck the word什么意思


求love is colourful blind这首歌的歌词

是color,不是colorfulLove Is Color Blind——Sarah ConnorYeah What"s up? It"s TQ and Sarah again Haha Right back at ya Love is colour blind That"s right This time we"ve got a serious situation And we"re trying to do our best to help But we need your help You know what I"m saying Love is colour blind So come on It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind Verse 1: I remember when I was a child and couldn"t understand People having fun Discriminating all the different ones Mama just used to say When you grow up, you"ll maybe find a way To make these people see That everything I do comes back to me Bridge: You gotta live your live We"re all the same, no one"s to blame They gotta live their lives Just play the game and let love reign Chorus: It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is color-blind TQ: I remeber as a young boy I watched my neighbourhood go up in flames I saw the whole thing thru tears of pain And the situation"s rackin" my brain I wish I could fly away and never come back again We need some love y"all We need some real deal help from above y"all I mean the kids are watchin" And I just can"t see it stoppin", I don"t understand I mean we all bleed the same blood, man! Bridge: You gotta live your life Better than our fathers did Let"s make some love, baby, have some kids They gotta live their lives And I don"t care what color they are, or u are, or we are It"s all love, baby! Chorus: It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow, if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is color-blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is color-blind C-Part: You could have been my mother You could have been my brother What if you were my sister If you were my father? You could have been my fella You could habe been my teacher What if you were my friend? Would be so nice to meet ya You could have been my mother You could have been my brother What if you were my sister If you were my father? I could have been your fella You could habe been my teacher What if you were my friend? Would be so nice to meet ya Verse 2: Take it out to the world Tell every boy and every little girl Be proud of yourself Cause you"re as good as anybody else Put away your prejudice Open your mind, don"t need a stick to this Try to make this earth A better place without a racial curse TQ: Yeah, it"s time for some changes nana na nana nana So come on put your hands up nana na nana nana Come on, put your hands up nana na nana nana Come on, put your hands up nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind nana na nana nana It don"t matter y"all, staying colour blind, yeah It don"t matter if you"re black White or yellow if you"re brown or red Let"s get down to that Love is colour blind You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is colour blind Black or white Yellow or red Let"s get down to, down to that You"re my brother, you"re my sister You"re my brother, you"re my friend All that matters in the very end Is to understand Love is colour blind Colour blind, yeah


我可以他妈的你所有的时间双语对照例句:1.How could you not say a word all this time? 你怎么这次一句话都不说了?

KinKi Kids的《Futari》 歌词

歌曲名:Futari歌手:KinKi Kids专辑:I Album -Id-ひらひらと舞(ま)い散(ち)った色(いろ)鲜(あざ)やかな想(おも)いあの顷(ころ)の日々(ひび)は 帰(かえ)らない 戻(もど)らない新(あたら)しい季节(きせつ)は 仆(ぼく)を 通(とお)り过(す)ぎていく目(め)を闭(と)じれば今(いま)も 変(か)わらない 君(きみ)がいるのに逢(あ)いたい逢(あ)えない 想(おも)いだけ残(のこ)して零れ落ち(こぼれおち)る涙(なみだ)は 行(い)く 场所(ばしょ)もあてもないどこへ向(む)かうかなんて 今(いま)はわかりやしない伤(きず)付(つ)け合(あ)う为(ため)じゃなく 二人(ふたり)ですごした日々(ひび)はやがて花(はな)を咲(さ)かすだろう 仆(ぼく)を导(みちび)いてくれるゆらゆらと彷徨(さまよ)って 抑(おさ)えきれない想(おも)いあの顷(ころ)の笑颜(えがお)は いつまでも 焼(や)き付(つ)いて想(おも)い出(で)は褪(あ)せない 时间(じかん)だけがすぎていく现実(げんじつ)はそうだね 変(か)わってく 君(きみ)がいるのに逢(あ)いたい 逢(あ)えない 想(おも)いだけ残(のこ)して伤(きず)ついたその羽根(はね)を 愈(いや)せるのは仆(ぼく)じゃない优(やさ)しく见(み)つめる先(さき)に 何(なに)が映(うつ)っている伪(いつわ)りなんて无(な)かった 二人(ふたり)ですごした日々(ひび)はどんな花(はな)を咲(さ)かせるの? 君(きみ)を导(みちび)いただろうか?ひらひらと舞い(まい)散った(ちった)色(いろ)鲜やか(あざやか)な想い(おもい)あの顷(ころ)の日々(ひび)は 帰(かえ)らない 戻(もど)らない零れ落ち(こぼれおち)る涙(なみだ)は 行(い)く 场所(ばしょ)もあてもないどこへ向(む)かうかなんて 今(いま)はわかりやしない伤(きず)付(つ)け合(あ)う为(ため)じゃなく 二人(ふたり)ですごした日々(ひび)はやがて花(はな)を咲(さ)かすだろう 仆(ぼく)を导(みちび)いて想(おも)い出(で)は记忆(きおく)になり 変(か)われる时(とき)が来(く)るだろう大切(たいせつ)に育(そだ)てるんだ 残(のこ)された花(はな)をどんなに辛(つら)くたって 二人(ふたり)ですごした日々(ひび)が仆(ぼく)を支(ささ)えてる 明日(あす)が辉(かがや)くようにhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55848073

nake and funny是什么节目

你好!nake and funny耐克和有趣的

furuno c站发报怎么抄送


有一首歌 欧美的 歌词总是重复 beautiful girl 曲调很慢 很懒散 是个男人演唱的 谁知道是什么


how are you doing?uff1fuff1f

how are you doing? 和how are you?都是见面时的问候语,意思是“你好吗?”,但它们的用法有点不同1. how are you doing? 用于较熟悉的人之间,含有“你过得怎样?你的生活怎样?”的意思。答语用: I"m doing great. Just so so. 等; 美国人较常用。2. how are you?“你好吗?”说话的人相互认识.。答语用:I"m fine,thank you.And you? 英国人较常用。如果是初次见面一般用“How do you do ?"

how beautiful the Summer Palace is.为什么用形容

因为,the summer palace 是个名词,需要形容词来做定于修饰,所以呢,不可以用副词。漂亮“的”颐和园,而不是漂亮“地”颐和园

Last year we visited the Summer Palace,___is one of the most beautiful places in Beijing.

你好!这里应该选 B非限定性定语从句希望能够帮到你!

英语翻译这是谷歌翻译的 I can not see my future.How to promise you a fut?

Oh,future,thee lies not in me.How could I promise thou one?,5,Where is my future? I can not know , but to your future?,2,i am lost in the world ,i can"t find my direction.how can i promise you a good future/prospect?,2,I am confused about my future. How could I promise you a future? 我对我的未来尚且迷惑,又如何承诺你的未来?,2,How to promise you a future for my hope is indistinct.,2,I "m confused about my future and not to mention give you mitment about future.,2,I cannot see my future. So how can I promise to give you a future.,2,我的未来尚迷蒙不知所以,如何预见你的。,1,I fail to see where my future is. How can I promise you a future,1,I fail to see my future, so how can I promise yours? / I fail to see my future; how can i promise yours? 我不能肯定这是100%对的,不过我觉得应该是这样。 ^__^ Oh,future,thee lies not in me.How could I promise thou ...,1,Confused with my own future,how can I promise you a shining tomorrow? 望采纳··,1,I am wandering far away from my future.How can I promise one for you?,0,How could I promise you a future when I don"t even know where"s mine?,0,How can i promise you anything when i cann"t even ensure my own future ?It looks so dim.,0,英语翻译 这是谷歌翻译的 I can not see my future.How to promise you a future 我想要有点韵味的,翻译的好的话有加分



asian kung-fu generation的成员简介

后藤正文 (ごとう まさふみ / Gotou Masafumi.1976年12月2日-)担任该团的主唱及吉他部分。并担任作词、作曲的工作。昵称:ゴッチ(Gotch)。前Skeletons成员。静冈县岛田市人。关东学院大学经济学系毕业。2007年9月22日出版的“日刊Sports”报导后藤氏已婚的消息。喜欢的乐团有:绿洲乐队(Oasis)、Weezer、eastern youth、NUMBER GIRL等等。作品“N.G.S”一曲的意思即是“NUMBER GIRL SYNDROME”。在失学中,于空闲时弹奏吉他,那是他踏上音乐这条路的开端。在3位兄弟姐妹中他是长子,有着棒球非常厉害的弟弟和他相差10岁的妹妹。喜欢的食物是拉面和Hormone类的烧肉(这里指烤肉) 另外,他也公开表示自己是达到“这里究竟是什么地方呢?”般喜欢吃烤肉的程度。讨厌的食物是鱼子(不过北海道出产的鱼子就十分喜欢)、干烧虾仁、咕咾肉。去旅游时不忘会去吃当地的拉面。 中学.高中加入于棒球社,多次写过关于棒球的歌词。擅长打保龄球。是个遵行言出必行信念的人。 一旦说出口的事情,尽管需要周遭的协助,也一定努力去实现。从27岁生日后为了戒菸而音域变得很高,自“君系ファイブエム”以后的乐曲,他特有的喊叫声几乎是不可能听到。喊叫歌曲逐渐稀少乐曲泛围变广了,为此珍惜的歌迷也很多。大学毕业后的上班族时期,曾当过业务及web设计人员的经验,能流畅敲打键盘。他的爱用个人电脑为iBook。自称“网路之子”。在2004年的巡回演唱中买了GBA,第一次玩的游戏为“DERBY STALLION”。先前常使用的吉他是目前已经停产的Gibson Marauder,现因觉得出力不足,而主要使用Gibson Les Paul Secial Double Cutway 。于PV(即MV)里的演奏场面依然见他继续使用“Marauder”,看来他对该吉他仍有所留恋。于最近的Live里主要使用Gibson Les Paul Special吉他(黄色、红色)或 Jr (红色主要是降半音时使用,其他譬如于“アフターダーク”的Live上曾用过Jr的John Lennon Model吉他)而偶尔也会使用Les Paul standard 这支吉他。出道时曾使用Roland JC-160(现在已停产),使用装配了P-90的吉他之后,便以Fender Twin ReVibe及Fender Vibro King去演奏。近日买入了一支价值100万日元的吉他。担任New Order的专辑 “WAITING FOR THE SIRENS" CALL”里“Krafty”的日语作词曾在PIA(日本大型发售门票网页)中有连载专栏。内容是每次在决定好和五十音配合好的主题,后藤便会在Rock(音乐上)及关于个人的话题上讨论。连载完了后1年便会集合起来,以对谈形式出书,发表“Gotch语录 GOTCH GO ROCK”(ISBN 4835616138)官网的日记亦是由他亲自撰写,里面记述每天录音的记叙和杂感等、连开会时的模样也钜细靡遗地记录下来(主流艺人居然如此将每日的记录向外发表实在极为罕见)。2003年7月,曾撰文反对CD以“Copy ControlCD”(CCCD)的形式发行,来表达不满。曾有一个时期(自2004年10月22日开始)日记是用接龙(用上一句字尾接下一句字头)方式当标题。佩戴着STARCK的眼镜,以眼镜作为他的标记(价值6万日元)。在歌词本等被绘画的团员的插画、剪影里面,后藤也是佩戴着眼镜的。在私人场合以外极少取下眼镜。自称“一摘下眼镜就有男人味”,配戴眼镜的原因是“摘下眼镜的我太英俊,不想单靠外貌来吸引歌迷”。除了在2005年举行的Rock In Japan Fes中,在表演的时候因意外而令眼镜的镜片松脱之外,就只有在“绘画教室”的PV里的一瞬间看到他的真面目。自称是“全日本能够把吉他弹片抛到最远的男子”。其本人也在Tour2006 “count4my8beat”的新潟表演中那样说后,以弯腰的姿态向观众抛出了数枚弹片。此外,在Tour醉Cup 2006-2007“The Start of a new season”的札幌表演中也做了同样的事情。自称是“全日本投出被人击出最远安打的球的男人”所拥有的棒球知识和棒球专门书籍一样详细而自负。喜欢的球队是中日龙而且是立浪和义的忠实Fans。也热爱相扑,尤其注目于横纲白鹏关。喜多建介(きた けんすけ / Kita Kensuke.1977年1月24日-)团长。担任该团的吉他及合声部分。参与“ブルートレイン ”(Blue Train)的作曲,另“嘘とワンダーランド”(谎言与wonderland)一曲是由喜多独自作曲并担任主唱。昵称:キタケン、建ちゃん、ケンスイ、喜多建设等等。“喜多建设”指的是喜多酒醉时的状态。神奈川县横滨市人。关东学院大学经济学系毕业。曾有一段时期,制作商业用冷藏库推销的广告曲。喜欢的乐团有:Manic Street Preachers、Supergrass、Radiohead、XTC等等。爱用的吉他是Gibson Les Paul STANDARD 。拥有约5支。最近买了Fender出品的Telecaster,为专辑进行录音之类的时候曾用了数次。至于使用Les Paul的起因,是喜多认为以独立身份出道时的奥田民生,当时弹奏该款吉他的模样很帅。现时使用的吉他仍以Gibson的Les Paul Standard为主。用扩音器时爱用Bogner的Ecstasy。虽然正式演唱会时未用过,但有时也会用Stratocaster的。实际上“アフターダーク”(After Dark)录音时使用Stratocaster,但演唱会时用的是ES-335。大学时期于重要的考试时刻曾为了借传呼机而缺席考试,结果只有他一人留班一年。4兄弟之中排行第3。喜欢的食物为烧肉,而讨厌的食物是奈良腌菜。喝酒的习惯十分恶劣,饮了酒一醉就随处睡,试过有团员去叫醒他,结果反而勃然大怒,故以后(当他醉倒了)他们也不再叫他起身。以往就试过曾在国营16号高速公路沉睡不起,结果被团员弃下不管。另外,当AKG出席Oasis的庆功宴时,亦只有喜多一个人烂醉如泥,结果与Oasis团员缘悭一面。乐团刚组成的时期几乎都在烂醉的情况下参与练习。后藤于访问里回应这时的情况时表示:“绝非夸张,(喜多的情况)真是到了差无可差的地步”。曾经试过和山田贵洋一起往售卖美味洋酒的店子时,居然将酒当水般牛饮至呕吐大作。男扮女装时的名字为“眉果”。声音被指与SPITZ乐团的草野正宗相似。由于声底较高故经常负责和声的高音部份。另外,说话的声线亦曾被指和草野正宗相似。在“崩坏アンプリファー”(崩坏音箱)之前已经开始记录编曲。这是因为以前没有使用自己的扩音器而用来记下配谱及和弦的。最近除了巡演等的Set List之外已没有记下其他事情。以前,曾经将对Oasis的Live作出的批评投稿到“Rocking on” (日本音乐杂志)而被刊登。是在乐团里称霸的迟到大王。后藤说:他从来也没有改善的眉目,曾经因为迟到而赶不上飞机。电台“SCHOOL OF LOCK!”内的角落及“アジカン LOCKS!”内摆有一只“喜多枕さん”的公仔。主要使用的吉他,名称是“生稻1号”。山田贵洋(やまだ たかひろ / Yamada Takahiro.1977年8月19日 -)担任该团贝斯手及合声。有时会参与作曲。昵称:山ちゃん、山さん。静冈县富士宫市人。关东学院大学文学院毕业。喜欢的乐团有:The Beatles、绿洲乐队(Oasis)、The Smashing Pumpkins、宠物店男孩 (Pet Shop Boys)。爱用的贝斯:Fender "62 JAZZ BASS及Fender Precision Bass 。生产商不详Jazz Bass(在“遥か彼方(遥远的彼方)”、“君という花(以你为名的花)”的PV内使用过,因会湿水所以只会在PV内使用。莫非是Dark Blue系?)Fender Jazz Bass 62s(出道前便已经使用,在PV内也很活跃Lake Placid Blue)Fender Jazz Bass 62s(详情不详,在演唱会中使用。在右下边贴有梵文的贴纸。SUNBURST)Fender Jazz Base 70s(在“Rewrite”的PV中使用过。制造年份不详。SUNBURST)Fender Precision Bass 59s Custom Shop制(原本是主要使用的,现在则是候补品(不知怎样说,总之不是主要使用,算是后备吧?)2 SUNBURST)Fender Precision Bass 59s Custom Shop制(和上面那支都曾是候补品,但现在会在演唱会中使用)Fender Precision Bass 59s(在“或る街の群青”PV中使用过,制造年份不详,在演唱会中是候补品。SUNBURST)Fender Precision Bass 60s Master Build制(根据Dennis Ganilka所制作,Dark Lake Placid Blue)Fender American DX Precession Bass(与STRAIGHTENER之日向同样地作为候补品使用,Cherrysunburst)喜欢的食物是咖喱饭,而讨厌的是酸的食物。由山田负责和声部分,后藤负责本曲部分,以这种方法创作的作品(例如“サイレン”(Siren)等)特别被高度评价。在“ループ&ループ”(Loop & Loop )PV开头出现的“涩山贵光”实为山田本人。在现场演唱会山田会一天喝2公升左右的“山田特制饮品”。身怀书道6段的本事。盛载精品用的袋子也曾使用他亲自写的文字。和团员外出用膳常会于点菜后忘了自己曾点过了什么,离去的时候他也总是最迟起身的那个人。名字被自己或他人误读作“田中”的情况都时有发生。不能用手指弹奏。也有名为“やもだ 尚志”(Yamoda Hisashi)的另一个身份,Yamoda并不是一个日本姓氏,只是姓氏山田(Yamada)的误音。以前山田主要使用Fender的Jass Bass,不过因为被团员指出Bass的声音很难听得出来,所以现在主要使用比Jass Bass的声音较大的Precision Bass。另外,山田虽然习惯将Bridge (弦柱、弦马,即把Bass弦下端扣实的部份)套住来使用,不过这只不过是因为用弹片来弹奏的时候,侧面会碰到Bridge,会擦伤(手)皮所至。如果问他“全曲最可听的部份是?”必定会答“全部”。每当接受杂志或宣传采访,需要拍照时,每次都做同一个表情。(本人说“因为给我拍照的技术不好”)。据说喜欢吃炒饭多过吃拉面。但是,最爱的是ペヤング炒面。(有传说中最好吃的炒面之称)若问他喜欢吃妈妈煮的菜还是ペヤング炒面? 据说他曾答:“由妈妈弄的 ペヤング炒面”。在母校静冈县立富士高校第50届的文化祭“富岳祭”,面向在校生的Video Letter上演出。是AKG里最搞笑的人。某次在名为Space Shower Chart Shiyo的娱乐节目中装扮成鱼头人,与男扮女装的喜多一起主持节目。伊地知洁(いぢち きよし / Idichi Kiyoshi.1977年9月25日 -)担任鼓手。昵称除洁之外还有キヨシ、キヨポン、伊地知乃亲方(亲方解首领的意思)、ピーカン先生、伊地知胜等等。神奈川县鎌仓市人。关东学院大学理学院毕业。是一个基督教徒。大学时代加入AKG之前组成过名为CARAMELMAN的乐团,虽然曾经同时兼顾AKG和CARAMELMAN,不过于2003年退出CARAMELMAN。(曾是CARAMELMAN的主宰人)该团中唯一喜欢重金属音乐的团员,而且并不受到团员的理解。另外,跟其他团员比较,他跟英伦摇滚比较疏离。Bass Drum上ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION的血书,正是出自他的手笔。(顺带一提,后藤很讨厌血书。) 。喜欢的乐手有:Brian Setzer。喜欢的乐团有:Hi-STANDARD、HUSKING BEE等等。爱用的爵士鼓的厂牌是Pearl,该乐器制造公司有推出上面印有伊地知签名以及ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION 字样的model鼓棒。在“ラストシーン”(Last Scene )里抱着吉他尽情地弹奏的他,负责Noise Guitar的部份。在“月光”中弹奏钢琴。据后藤说,他很容易忘记曲谱,却拥有很高的技术,这可能是由于以前担任过步操管乐队- Marching Band的缘故。喜欢的食物是寿司,没有特别讨厌的食物。在录音时,是最喜欢叫最贵便当的团员。中学时已参加过国家级的步操管乐队,担任敲击乐手(Percussion),但不能融入队员当中,1年半后退会。持有1级小型船只驾驶牌照。和Ash对谈时一度成为话题,一次Tim(Vo,G)突然说“其实你呀,真是重金属男啊!”。彩排时可以完全听不到别人说话,很多时只有他一个人说未听过要弹那一首曲。据闻这是团员口中‘AKG中的极品"呢!使用的鼓全都是Pearl制的,现在爱用的是Refernce。而铙钹(cymbal)则全部使用Sabian制的,现在的是Vault Crash,AA-MetalX ride,AA chinese,AA splash,而所爱用的是HHX Manhattan jazz ride。

full-disclosure principle是什么意思

full-disclosure principle 充分揭示原则;完全披露原则

英语 Full disclosure与to be honest的区别

充分披露 老实说


fashion、时尚beautiful、美丽的enjoy、喜欢leisure、 悠闲life生活


有首英文歌男的唱的,有一句是哦哦什么beautiful,求这首歌 what makes you beautiful 一首英文歌女的唱的 里面大概有一句是 hello 哦哦哦、 搞不清楚呀 希望采纳 跳舞机有首英文歌 中间有句是哦哦哦 (女生)唱的 好抽象啊。。 一首dj英文歌曲有一句是哦唔噢不是哦勒勒哦拉拉是个男的唱的 一首dj英文歌曲有一句.是在 *** 的时候.哦唔噢.不是哦勒勒哦拉拉.是个男的唱的答对有重分 我推荐你听的好听歌曲:爱情转移 给我一首歌的时间 擦肩而过 红豆 离歌 等一分钟 秋天不回来 ...................... 求一首英文歌,男的唱的,有一句歌词是everybody needs a lie。这首歌感觉挺嗨的 根据歌词找歌曲是非常难的,中文歌稍稍好点,尤其是英文歌。我试过了百度和必应两个搜寻引擎,并通过外国比较知名的歌词搜歌名的网站来搜,都找不到你这首歌叫什么。有可能你听错了单词,也有可能是这首知名度不高所以难搜。对这首歌,只能表示遗憾了,但我可以给你推荐一款歌曲识别软体,以便于你下次再听到好听的歌曲时可以当即找出它的歌名。 在这里,强烈推荐你使用Sound Hound(中文名叫“猎曲奇兵”),歌曲识别率超高,只要你的音乐源不是太模糊,在音乐播放的时候,点选识别,3到5秒就能识别出正在播放的歌曲名。最神奇的,它能根据你哼的调子识别出曲名。如果你还记得你要找的这首歌的一段旋律,只要你不是五音不全,直接哼给它或唱给它就能识别出来。 有首英文歌,男的唱的,卖力百里赛 哦哦哦哦 Johnny - Craig David It"s another day at school 又是在学校的一天 And he"s just walking out the door 他正走出门口 Got his rucksack on his back 背着他的帆布背包 And his feet dragging on the floor 拖着脚步缓缓往前走 Always late for when he"s questioned 经常迟到当被问起 He can"t think of what to say 却想不出搪塞的理由 Hides the bruises from the teachers 掩饰著身上老师留下的淤痕 Hoping that they go away 希望他们能散走 Even though his mom and dad 即使他的父母 They both got problems of their own 他们本身都有一定的问题 Caught a catch at 22 进退两难之际 But he"d still rather be at home 他依然宁愿选择呆在家里 Cries himself to sleep and prays 在泪眼朦胧中入睡祈祷著 When he wakes up things might have changed 当他醒来时一切会改变 But everything"s still the same 但奇迹并未出现 But didn"t you say 可是你不是说了 You always said that I should speak up hmm 你经常说我要大声说出来 嗯 But it seems like all the things 但看起来像是 You said to me before meant nothing at all 你以前跟我说过的话都毫无意义 Because 因为 I keep telling you that Johnny"s hitting me 我一直告诉你强尼打我 That"s why I"m late for school 这就是我迟到的原因 (But you never listen) 但你从来不听 Instead you always seem to end up blaming me 取而代之的是你经常责备我仅仅因为 For things I didn"t do 那些我并没有做过的事情 (For what it"s worth) 这有什么意义 I didn"t even want to tell you anything 我甚至不想再告诉你们任何事情 In case it made things worse 以致情况坏得更加严重 (Just so you know) 如你所知的那样 Everytime I say that Johnny"s hitting me 每当我说强尼打我的时候 Hey mom and dad it hurts 爸爸妈妈 这很痛 Every day keeps on repeating 日子依旧如故 Like the record on replay 就像倒放的录影带 Slowly getting off the bus 慢慢下公车 With Johnny waiting at the gates 和强尼一起在门口等待 Like a friend who will *** ile 强你像个朋友般微笑 And wave at him or calling out his name 叫着他名字招手让他来到跟前 Put his arm around his neck 把手臂搭在他肩膀上 Whisper now give me all your change! 轻声说 交出你的零用钱 To afraid to make a scene 太害怕强尼以致不敢跟他争吵 Or plea with him to letting go 或者祈求强尼让他走 He just takes whatever"s ing 他只能承受将要来的一切 Feels the pain with every blow 忍受着每次打击带来的痛楚 Tries in vain to make himself be heard 徒劳地尝试倾诉 As soon as he gets home 一旦他回到家的时候 But everything"s still the same 但一切依旧如故 But didn"t you say 可是你不是说了 You always said that I should speak up hmm 你经常说我要大声说出来 嗯 But it seems like all the things 但看起来这一切 You said to me before meant nothing at all 你说过的那些都毫无意义 Because 因为 I keep telling you that Johnny"s hitting me 我一直告诉你强尼打我 That"s why I"m late for school 这就是我迟到的原因 (But you never listen) 但你从来不听 Instead you always seem to end up blaming me 取而代之的是你经常责备我仅仅因为 For things I didn"t do 那些我并没有做过的事情 (For what it"s worth) 这有什么意义 I didn"t even want to tell you anything 我甚至不想再告诉你们任何事情 In case it made things worse 以致情况坏得更加严重 (Just so you know) 如你所知的那样 Everytime I say that Johnny"s hitting me 每当我说强尼打我的时候 Hey mom and dad it hurts 爸爸妈妈 这很痛 You always said that I should speak up hmm 你总是说我要大声地说出来 恩 And to never be afraid to e 而且不要害怕交流 And tell you if I needed to talk 想说什么就说 (If I needed to talk yeh) 如果我需要倾诉 Well I don"t know the meaning of love hmm 我都不明白爱有什么意义了 "Cos it seems like all the things you said to me 因为似乎以前你们告诉我的一切 Before meant nothing at all 意味着毫无意义 Because 因为 I keep telling you that Johnny"s hitting me 我一直告诉你强尼打我 That"s why I"m late for school 这就是我迟到的原因 (But you never listen) 但你从来不听 Instead you always seem to end up blaming me 取而代之的是你经常责备我仅仅因为 For things I didn"t do 那些我并没有做过的事情 (For what it"s worth) 这有什么意义 I didn"t even want to tell you anything 我甚至不想再告诉你们任何事情 In case it made things worse 以致情况坏得更加严重 (Just so you know) 如你所知的那样 Everytime I say that Johnny"s hitting me 每当我说强尼打我的时候 Hey mom and dad it hurts 爸爸妈妈 这很痛 I keep telling you that Johnny"s hitting me 我一直告诉你强尼打我 That"s why I"m late for school 这就是我迟到的原因 (But you never listen) 但你从来不听 Instead you always seem to end up blaming me 取而代之的是你经常责备我仅仅因为 For things I didn"t do 那些我并没有做过的事情 (For what it"s worth) 这有什么意义 I didn"t even want to tell you anything 我甚至不想再告诉你们任何事情 In case it made things worse 以致情况坏得更加严重 (Just so you know) 如你所知的那样 Everytime I say that Johnny"s hitting me 每当我说强尼打我的时候 Hey mom and dad it hurts 爸爸妈妈 这很痛 I keep telling you that Johnny"s hitting me 我一直告诉你强尼打我 That"s why I"m late for school 这就是我迟到的原因 (But you never listen) 但你从来不听 Instead you always seem to end up blaming me 取而代之的是你经常责备我仅仅因为 For things I didn"t do 那些我并没有做过的事情 (For what it"s worth) 这有什么意义 I didn"t even want to tell you anything 我甚至不想再告诉你们任何事情 In case it made things worse 以致情况坏得更加严重 歌曲开头是哦哦哦哦~哦哦哦哦,是首英文歌,女的唱的,不是贾斯丁比伯,这首歌是什么? Superwoman [Radio Edit] 播放 歌手:Alicia Keys 语言:英语 所属专辑:Running Hits 发行时间 有一首英文歌 LOL视讯集锦里经常出现的 英文歌 男的唱的 有一段是哦哦哦哦哦 Tutto Uguale 播放 歌手:Federica Camba 语言:义大利语 所属专辑:Magari Oppure No 发行时间 一首英文歌,歌词是哦哦哦哦耶耶,阿爸傻鼎得哦哦。男的唱的。 Moves Like Jagger-Maroon 5 Oh, yeah Oh, yeah Oh! Oh! Just shoot for the stars 射下星星 If it feels right 如果这样感觉不错 And aim for my heart 然后摘取我心 If you feel like 如果你愿意 And take me away and make it OK 你带我离开因你让这一切变美好 I swear I"ll behave 我发誓我会安分守己 You wanted control 你曾想要控制 So we waited 所以我们等待 I put on a show 我总是在演出 Now I make it 但现在赤诚相待 You say I"m a kid 你说我是一个孩子 My ego is big 自尊又好胜 I don"t give a shit 但我不在乎了 And it goes like this 所以就这样吧 Take me by the tongue 抚慰我吧 And I"ll know you 让我更了解你 Kiss me "til you"re drunk 吻我吧,直到你也沉醉其中 And I"ll show you 我让你见识见识 All the moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I don"t need to try to control you 而我不需要试着去控制你 Look into my eyes and I"ll own you 看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你 With them moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 Maybe it"s hard 是的,也许这很困难 When you feel like you"re broken and scarred 当你觉得你受到了伤害 Nothing feels right 但是你会感觉好起来的 But when you"re with me 当你和我在一起 I"ll make you believe 我会让你坚信 That I"ve got the key 我有钥匙 Oh Oh! So get in the car 我们进车里去吧 We can ride it 今天你可以开 Wherever you want 无论你想要去哪里 Get inside it 交由你决定 And you want to steer 如果你想要掌舵 But I"m shifting gears 我就立刻换你 I"ll take it from here (Oh! Yeah yeah!) 从现在就开始 (Oh! Yeah yeah!) And it goes like this (Uh) 所以就这样吧 (Uh) Take me by the tongue 抚慰我吧 And I"ll know you (Uh) 让我更了解你 (Uh) Kiss me "til you"re drunk 吻我吧直到你也沉醉其中 And I"ll show you 我要让你见识见识 All the moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I don"t need to try to control you (Oh, yeah) 而我不需要试着去控制你(Oh, yeah) Look into my eyes and I"ll own you 看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你 With them moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger (Yeah yeah) 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 You wanna know how to make me *** ile 你想要知道如何逗我笑? Take control, own me just for the night 这个夜晚你来掌控大局 And if I share my secret 你要保守秘密 You"re gonna have to keep it 和你分享的秘密 Nobody else can see this 没有人可以知道 So watch and learn 所以为什么不呢? I won"t show you ice 我不会告诉你俩次 Head to toe, oooh baby rub me right 从头到尾,原原本本 But if I share my secret 我要说给你听 You"re gonna have to keep it 你要保守和你分享的秘密 Nobody else can see this (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!) 没有人可以知道 (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!) And it goes like this 所以就这样吧 Take me by the tongue (Take me by the tongue) 抚慰我吧 And I"ll know you 让我更了解你 Kiss me "til you"re drunk 吻我吧直到你也沉醉其中 And I"ll show you (Yeah yeah yeah!) 我要让你见识见识 All the moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 (Oh, yeah) (Oh, yeah) I don"t need to try to control you 而我不需要试着去控制你 Look into my eyes and I"ll own you 看着我的眼睛吧,当我抱着你 With them moves like Jagger 所有的动作像贾格尔 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动 I"ve got the moves like Jagger 我有像贾格尔移动

有没有enjoy life fully这样的说法啊

没有那样说的 缺乏感情 不太和语境Enjoy life well

Enjoy life to Its fullest什么意思


i am so fuckin" love you 什么意思..?



设计师保罗伦纳1924年至1926年首次创建Futura字体,他认为现代的字体应该表达的现代模式,避免产生任何非必要的元素Futura成功催生了新的几何无衬线字体,如卡贝尔和世纪哥特式特点是用清脆、干净的形式反映效率和卤莽的外观。 Futura代表现代主义设计。这款字体当年是先锋字体,而在现在是精益求精的代名词,有着深厚的文化积累和底蕴。(宜家前年将Futura字体换掉,就引起大众批评)

根据句意填入单词的正确形式 I am ( ),but she is ( )than me.(beautiful)


为什么you are as beautiful as i am 不能换成me

he is as tall as i am 后面省略了am as是连词后面是句子 如果跟me不成了介词了 第二个问题没看懂

Life magazine chose Oprah____the wife of the president as “America’s Most Powerful woman”.

【答案】:B本题考查介词用法辨析。题目意为:“《生活》杂志选择奥普拉,而不是总统夫人作为全美最具影响力的女性。”固定搭配choose A over B 选择…而舍弃…。  

找歌,前面开头是男的笑声后面说一句fuck you, 貌似就叫fuck you什么的吧,

"又见fuck you" 没找到MP3连接地址 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/_SDTZ78M5gk/ 土豆的连接地址

找一首英文DJ歌曲,才开始是男人哈哈笑,然后是fuck you


[VOA英译汉-双语][32-1]Franklin D. Roosevelt: Powerful 富兰克林·罗斯福:强大

VOA Learning English presents America"s Presidents. 美国之音慢速英语介绍美国总统栏目。 Today we are talking about Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was related to an earlier president with same last name, Theodore Roosevelt. Many Americans call Franklin Roosevelt by the first letter of each word in his full name: FDR. 今天,我们谈论的是富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福。他与之前的总统 西奥多·罗斯福 有着相同的姓。大多数美国人称富兰克林·罗斯福全名的英文缩写:FDR。 When FDR took office, the United States was in a severe economic depression. The previous president, Herbert Hoover , had tried to improve the economy, but his efforts had failed. 罗斯福就任总统时,美国正处于严重的经济萧条当中。前任总统 赫伯特·胡佛 尝试过去改善经济,但失败了。 FDR defeated Hoover in the election of 1932. He won, in part, by promising what he called a “new deal” for Americans. 罗斯福在1932年大选中击败了胡佛。从某种程度上来讲,他赢得大选是因为他承诺美国民众实施他所谓的“新政”。 Voters did not know what FDR"s “new deal” meant exactly, but many liked his message of hope. 选民其实并不完全理解罗斯福的“新政”,但许多人喜欢他所传达的希望。 Voters also did not know how much FDR would change the country. He remained in office for 12 years – the longest of any U.S. president – and led the country through the Great Depression and most of World War II. 选民也不知道罗斯福将会改变这个国家多少。罗斯福连任了12年总统,是所有美国总统当中任期最长的,并且带领美国度过了大萧条和二战的大部分时间。 Along the way, he changed the way government affected Americans" lives, and the job of the U.S. president. 一路走来,他改变了美国政府影响人民生活的方式,以及美国总统的工作方式。 Franklin Roosevelt was born on a large estate [1] in New York, about 140 kilometers outside New York City. He was the only child of wealthy parents. 富兰克林·罗斯福出生于纽约市以外约140公里处的一个大庄园里。他是这个富裕家庭里唯一的孩子。 His mother and father made sure he had an excellent education. As a young man he attended a private high school, and then Harvard College in Massachusetts. He also studied law at Columbia University in New York. 父母保证了罗斯福接受了良好的教育。青年时期,他上了一所私立高校,后来进入了位于马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学。他还在纽约州的哥伦比亚大学学习了法律。 Young FDR was not an excellent student, however. He was interested in many things outside the classroom, including politics and girls. 然而,罗斯福年轻的时候并不是一位优秀的学生。他对很多课外的事情感兴趣,比如政治和女孩。 Two of FDR"s interests came together in a young woman named Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, who went by the name Eleanor. She was the niece [2] of a politician FDR greatly respected: President Theodore Roosevelt. 罗斯福对一位名叫安娜·埃莉诺·罗斯福的年轻女子产生了浓厚兴趣,人们通常叫她埃莉诺。她是罗斯福非常敬仰的一位政治家西奥多·罗斯福总统的侄女。 On the day when Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were married, Theodore Roosevelt attended the ceremony. In fact, he walked with his niece in front of the guests to her future husband. 富兰克林和埃莉诺·罗斯福大婚当日,西奥多·罗斯福参加了婚礼。事实上,是他挽着侄女在众多客人面前走向未来丈夫的。 Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt went on to have six children, although one died as a baby. 富兰克林和埃莉诺·罗斯福共有六个孩子,其中一个早夭。 While Eleanor Roosevelt raised the children, Franklin Roosevelt directed his attention to politics. 埃莉诺·罗斯福抚养孩子的时候,富兰克林·罗斯福的注意力都扑在了政治上。 He left a job in a law office to serve in the New York state senate. In time, he was offered a job in the federal government as an assistant secretary of the Navy. 他辞去了律师事务所的工作,担任了纽约州的参议员。后来,他被联邦政府任命为海军助理部长。 FDR enjoyed the job, but he continued seeking other political positions. He tried unsuccessfully for a seat in the U.S. Senate, but did get nominated by the Democratic Party to be its vice presidential candidate in 1920. 罗斯福很喜欢这份工作,但仍继续寻求其他政治地位。他竞选了美国参议员席位,但失败了。不过,他于1920年被提名为民主党的副总统候选人。 Although he and his partner lost the race, FDR seemed like he was in a good position for major political success. 尽管他和他的竞选搭档失败了,但罗斯福似乎正处于一个重大政治胜利的绝佳位置。 But then something unexpected happened. 然而意外却发生了。 When he was 39 years old, FDR suffered major health problems . One day he started to feel a pain in his back. The following day his legs grew tired. Then his skin became sensitive. 罗斯福39岁的时候,遭遇了重大的健康问题。有一天,他开始感到背部疼痛;然后第二天,双腿感到疲劳;再然后,皮肤变得敏感。 By the end of the week, both his legs were paralyzed [3] . He could not move from the waist down. He remained paralyzed for the rest of his life. 那周结束的时候,他的双腿已经瘫痪,腰部以下都无法动弹。他的余生都处于瘫痪状态。 The next years were difficult for the Roosevelts. Eleanor and the children helped care for FDR. And he worked hard to recover some of his strength and physical abilities , especially by exercising. 接下来的几年对罗斯福一家来说很艰难。埃莉诺和孩子们帮忙照顾罗斯福,他自己也努力去恢复力量和 体能 ,尤其是运动。 While he remained hopeful about his condition, FDR worried about his political career. He did not think the public would accept a leader who could not even walk by himself. So he took several measures. 然而,罗斯福仍然对自己的状况感到乐观,他担忧的是他的政治生涯。他觉得民众不会接受一位甚至不能行走的领导人。所以,他采取了若干措施。 He created a small wheelchair that would not get too much attention. It was made from a dining room chair, with wheels instead of legs. 他制造了一个不会引起太多注意的小型轮椅。该轮椅是从餐厅的椅子改造而来的,只是把椅子的腿改成了轮子。 He refused to let photographers take pictures of him being carried or struggling to move, and he found a way to appear as if he were walking. He used a cane or the arm of a partner to balance, and then he swung [4] his hips to make his legs move forward. 他拒绝被拍到努力挣扎移动的样子,并找到了一种让他看起来好像在行走的方式。他通过手杖或同伴的手臂来保持平衡,然后摆动臀部使腿向前移动。 Using this method, FDR “walked” to the stage [5] at the 1924 Democratic National Convention. He used the event to nominate the governor of New York for president. 通过这种方式,罗斯福“走上”了1924年民主党全国代表大会的舞台,他利用这次大会提名了纽约州州长为总统。 That man"s bid did not succeed. But FDR showed himself to still be an able politician. 尽管这次提名没有成功,但罗斯福展示了他仍是一位有能力的政治家。 Four years later, FDR himself was elected governor of New York. He held the position in the early years of the country"s economic crisis. 四年后,罗斯福当选为纽约州州长。此时,正值国家经济危机的头几年。 In 1932, FDR was a candidate for president. He took the unusual step of appearing in person at the Democratic convention to accept his party"s nomination. 罗斯福于1932年成为总统候选人。他采取了不同寻常的方式 亲自 出现在民主党大会上接受党的提名。 His campaign was such a success that the Democrats took not only the White House, but majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. 他的竞选如此成功,以致于民主党不仅赢得了白宫,而且获得了美国参议院和众议院的多数席位。 The strength of the Democratic Party in Congress would help FDR become one of the most powerful presidents the country had ever seen. 民主党在国会的强大实力将帮助罗斯福成为美国有史以来最有权力的总统之一。 Next week we will continue our story of FDR and his presidency. 下周我们将继续罗斯福和他总统任期的故事。 https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/americas-presidents-franklin-roosevelt/4046663.html

plenty of和plentiful有什么区别?

plenty 及 plentiful 的区别如下:①词性不同plenty 是名词,表「许多」。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"。②用法不同plenty 是名词,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词plenty of friends / books / pens / students...许多朋友∕书∕笔∕学生……plenty of work / money / information / water...不少工作∕钱∕信息∕水……例句:I"m sorry, but I can"t go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.很抱歉,这个周末我不能跟你一块健行了。我有许多工作要做。例句:Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.每当戴维需要帮助时,他都有很多朋友向他伸出援手。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"",有下列用法:John"s friends are plentiful.= John has plentiful friends.= John has plenty of friends.约翰有很多朋友。例句:Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.保罗有很丰富的时装设计经验。扩展资料plenty具体用法及注意事项①plenty指某物(特别是生存所需物品)已经足够了,即充裕,大量,富庶间或含有过量或感谢的意味,通常是用在好的方面,且只能用于肯定句中。②plenty可指复数的事物,也可指单数的事物,其前可加不定冠词a,也可不加。③plenty常用于plenty of短语,表示充足的,相当多的,通常只用于肯定句,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。plenty of作主语时,谓语动词要跟of后名词的数一致。④in plenty意为“大量的,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。⑤plenty通常用在好的方面,所以一般认为plenty of troubles(许多麻烦); plenty of difficulties(许多困难)等是不合英语习惯的。但近年来plenty of errors, plenty of trouble等说法似乎逐渐多了起来。⑥plenty用作副词时是非正式用法,意思是相当地,充分地,多用来修饰形容词,且其后可跟enough搭配使用。

the functions of british Parliament?in your own words!


plenty of及plentiful有什么区别

plenty 及 plentiful 的区别如下:①词性不同plenty 是名词,表「许多」。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"。②用法不同plenty 是名词,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词plenty of friends / books / pens / students...许多朋友∕书∕笔∕学生……plenty of work / money / information / water...不少工作∕钱∕信息∕水……例句:I"m sorry, but I can"t go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.很抱歉,这个周末我不能跟你一块健行了。我有许多工作要做。例句:Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.每当戴维需要帮助时,他都有很多朋友向他伸出援手。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"",有下列用法:John"s friends are plentiful.= John has plentiful friends.= John has plenty of friends.约翰有很多朋友。例句:Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.保罗有很丰富的时装设计经验。扩展资料plenty具体用法及注意事项①plenty指某物(特别是生存所需物品)已经足够了,即充裕,大量,富庶间或含有过量或感谢的意味,通常是用在好的方面,且只能用于肯定句中。②plenty可指复数的事物,也可指单数的事物,其前可加不定冠词a,也可不加。③plenty常用于plenty of短语,表示充足的,相当多的,通常只用于肯定句,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。plenty of作主语时,谓语动词要跟of后名词的数一致。④in plenty意为“大量的,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。⑤plenty通常用在好的方面,所以一般认为plenty of troubles(许多麻烦); plenty of difficulties(许多困难)等是不合英语习惯的。但近年来plenty of errors, plenty of trouble等说法似乎逐渐多了起来。⑥plenty用作副词时是非正式用法,意思是相当地,充分地,多用来修饰形容词,且其后可跟enough搭配使用。


plenty 及 plentiful 的区别如下:①词性不同plenty 是名词,表「许多」。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"。②用法不同plenty 是名词,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词plenty of friends / books / pens / students...许多朋友∕书∕笔∕学生……plenty of work / money / information / water...不少工作∕钱∕信息∕水……例句:I"m sorry, but I can"t go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.很抱歉,这个周末我不能跟你一块健行了。我有许多工作要做。例句:Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.每当戴维需要帮助时,他都有很多朋友向他伸出援手。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"",有下列用法:John"s friends are plentiful.= John has plentiful friends.= John has plenty of friends.约翰有很多朋友。例句:Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.保罗有很丰富的时装设计经验。扩展资料plenty具体用法及注意事项①plenty指某物(特别是生存所需物品)已经足够了,即充裕,大量,富庶间或含有过量或感谢的意味,通常是用在好的方面,且只能用于肯定句中。②plenty可指复数的事物,也可指单数的事物,其前可加不定冠词a,也可不加。③plenty常用于plenty of短语,表示充足的,相当多的,通常只用于肯定句,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。plenty of作主语时,谓语动词要跟of后名词的数一致。④in plenty意为“大量的,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。⑤plenty通常用在好的方面,所以一般认为plenty of troubles(许多麻烦); plenty of difficulties(许多困难)等是不合英语习惯的。但近年来plenty of errors, plenty of trouble等说法似乎逐渐多了起来。⑥plenty用作副词时是非正式用法,意思是相当地,充分地,多用来修饰形容词,且其后可跟enough搭配使用。


full 为形容词,常用句型为be full of ,意思是:装满,强调状态。No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there"s always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.不管你生活在哪里,你有多少岁,总有新东西要学习,毕竟,生活总是充满惊喜。plenty 名词 充裕;富裕形容词 足够的;很多的副词 很多;大量;十分;非常固定搭配plenty of sth 大量;众多;充足 用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,用法同a lot of / lots of.例如:I need plenty of time to finish reading the book .我需要很多时间来读完这本书.


1、词性不同。plenty有三种词性,分别为名词、形容词和副词;plentiful仅有一种词性为形容词。2、用法不同。plenty当用作名词时,只能用于肯定句中,同时该词前面可加也可不加不定冠词a。用作副词时是非正式用法;plentiful一般当定语使用或者用作表语。3、词意不同。plenty做名词时为丰富、足够等意思;做形容词是丰富的、充足的意思;做副词时常用语口语表示很、非常等意思。plentiful表达的意思是丰富、富裕的意思,不用作口语。扩展资料:一、plentiful用法例句:1、用作定语:The camp has a plentiful supply of food.(营地食物供应充分)。2、用作表语:Fruit is plentiful this year.(今年水果很多)。二、plenty用法例句:1、用作名词:I have had a plenty, thank you.(我已吃了不少了,谢谢)。2、用作副词:I"m plenty hungry, you guys.(大伙听着,我非常饿)。三、plenty常见错误:1、他交了许多朋友。He has got plenty friends.(错误);He has got plenty of friends.(正确)。2、我们没多少事要做。We don"t have plenty to do.(错误);We don"t have much to do.(正确),该单词一般不用于否定句,参考资料来源:百度百科-PLENTY参考资料来源:百度百科-plentiful


plenty 及 plentiful 的区别如下:①词性不同plenty 是名词,表「许多」。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"。②用法不同plenty 是名词,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词plenty of friends / books / pens / students...许多朋友∕书∕笔∕学生……plenty of work / money / information / water...不少工作∕钱∕信息∕水……例句:I"m sorry, but I can"t go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.很抱歉,这个周末我不能跟你一块健行了。我有许多工作要做。例句:Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.每当戴维需要帮助时,他都有很多朋友向他伸出援手。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"",有下列用法:John"s friends are plentiful.= John has plentiful friends.= John has plenty of friends.约翰有很多朋友。例句:Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.保罗有很丰富的时装设计经验。扩展资料plenty具体用法及注意事项①plenty指某物(特别是生存所需物品)已经足够了,即充裕,大量,富庶间或含有过量或感谢的意味,通常是用在好的方面,且只能用于肯定句中。②plenty可指复数的事物,也可指单数的事物,其前可加不定冠词a,也可不加。③plenty常用于plenty of短语,表示充足的,相当多的,通常只用于肯定句,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。plenty of作主语时,谓语动词要跟of后名词的数一致。④in plenty意为“大量的,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。⑤plenty通常用在好的方面,所以一般认为plenty of troubles(许多麻烦); plenty of difficulties(许多困难)等是不合英语习惯的。但近年来plenty of errors, plenty of trouble等说法似乎逐渐多了起来。⑥plenty用作副词时是非正式用法,意思是相当地,充分地,多用来修饰形容词,且其后可跟enough搭配使用。


1、词性不同。plenty有三种词性,分别为名词、形容词和副词;plentiful仅有一种词性为形容词。2、用法不同。plenty当用作名词时,只能用于肯定句中,同时该词前面可加也可不加不定冠词a。用作副词时是非正式用法;plentiful一般当定语使用或者用作表语。3、词意不同。plenty做名词时为丰富、足够等意思;做形容词是丰富的、充足的意思;做副词时常用语口语表示很、非常等意思。plentiful表达的意思是丰富、富裕的意思,不用作口语。扩展资料:一、plentiful用法例句:1、用作定语:The camp has a plentiful supply of food.(营地食物供应充分)。2、用作表语:Fruit is plentiful this year.(今年水果很多)。二、plenty用法例句:1、用作名词:I have had a plenty, thank you.(我已吃了不少了,谢谢)。2、用作副词:I"m plenty hungry, you guys.(大伙听着,我非常饿)。三、plenty常见错误:1、他交了许多朋友。He has got plenty friends.(错误);He has got plenty of friends.(正确)。2、我们没多少事要做。We don"t have plenty to do.(错误);We don"t have much to do.(正确),该单词一般不用于否定句,参考资料来源:百度百科-PLENTY参考资料来源:百度百科-plentiful


plenty 及 plentiful 的区别如下:①词性不同plenty 是名词,表「许多」。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"。②用法不同plenty 是名词,必须与介词 of 并用,形成下列固定用法:plenty of + 复数名词∕不可数名词plenty of friends / books / pens / students...许多朋友∕书∕笔∕学生……plenty of work / money / information / water...不少工作∕钱∕信息∕水……例句:I"m sorry, but I can"t go hiking with you this weekend. I haveplenty of work to do.很抱歉,这个周末我不能跟你一块健行了。我有许多工作要做。例句:Whenever David needs help, he has plenty of friends to offer him a hand.每当戴维需要帮助时,他都有很多朋友向他伸出援手。plentiful 是形容词,表 ""大量的"" 或 ""充分的"",有下列用法:John"s friends are plentiful.= John has plentiful friends.= John has plenty of friends.约翰有很多朋友。例句:Paul has plentiful experience in fashion design.保罗有很丰富的时装设计经验。扩展资料plenty具体用法及注意事项①plenty指某物(特别是生存所需物品)已经足够了,即充裕,大量,富庶间或含有过量或感谢的意味,通常是用在好的方面,且只能用于肯定句中。②plenty可指复数的事物,也可指单数的事物,其前可加不定冠词a,也可不加。③plenty常用于plenty of短语,表示充足的,相当多的,通常只用于肯定句,其后可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。plenty of作主语时,谓语动词要跟of后名词的数一致。④in plenty意为“大量的,在句中可作表语、定语或状语。⑤plenty通常用在好的方面,所以一般认为plenty of troubles(许多麻烦); plenty of difficulties(许多困难)等是不合英语习惯的。但近年来plenty of errors, plenty of trouble等说法似乎逐渐多了起来。⑥plenty用作副词时是非正式用法,意思是相当地,充分地,多用来修饰形容词,且其后可跟enough搭配使用。


1、词性不同。plenty有三种词性,分别为名词、形容词和副词;plentiful仅有一种词性为形容词。2、用法不同。plenty当用作名词时,只能用于肯定句中,同时该词前面可加也可不加不定冠词a。用作副词时是非正式用法;plentiful一般当定语使用或者用作表语。3、词意不同。plenty做名词时为丰富、足够等意思;做形容词是丰富的、充足的意思;做副词时常用语口语表示很、非常等意思。plentiful表达的意思是丰富、富裕的意思,不用作口语。扩展资料:一、plentiful用法例句:1、用作定语:The camp has a plentiful supply of food.(营地食物供应充分)。2、用作表语:Fruit is plentiful this year.(今年水果很多)。二、plenty用法例句:1、用作名词:I have had a plenty, thank you.(我已吃了不少了,谢谢)。2、用作副词:I"m plenty hungry, you guys.(大伙听着,我非常饿)。三、plenty常见错误:1、他交了许多朋友。He has got plenty friends.(错误);He has got plenty of friends.(正确)。2、我们没多少事要做。We don"t have plenty to do.(错误);We don"t have much to do.(正确),该单词一般不用于否定句,参考资料来源:百度百科-PLENTY参考资料来源:百度百科-plentiful

further education isofficially… 开头的高中英语阅读理解

进修是正式。。。 further education is officially

有首英文歌开头是“its a beautiful night”中文翻译是“这是个美丽的夜晚”

题目叫《marry you》演唱者 Bruno Mars 这是歌词:It"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youWell I know this little chapel on the boulevardwe can gono one will knowOh,come on girlWho cares if we"re trashedgot a pocket full of cash we can blowshots of patronand it"s on girlDon"t say no no no no nojust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahand we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m ready"Cause it"s a beautiful nightWe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby,i think i wanna marry youI"ll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like ooohSo whatcha wanna do?Let"s just run girl.If we wake up and you wanna break up that"s cool.No, I won"t blame you;It was fun girl.Don"t say no no no no noJust say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahAnd we"ll go go go go goIf you"re ready,like i"m readycause It"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry youohJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyJust say i dotell me right now babytell me right now baby,babyohIt"s a beautiful nightwe"re looking for something dumb to doHey baby i think i wanna marry youIs it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juiceWho cares baby, i think i wanna marry you


One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius (circa 551-479 BC). He sometimes went by the names Kong Zi though he was born - Kong Qiu - styled Zhong Ni. He was born in the village of Zou in the country of Lu. This chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human"s behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government. In other words, it"s about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully. Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C., and he was born in the state of Lu. His original name was K"ung Ch"iu. His father, commander of a district in Lu, died three years after Confucius was born, leaving the family in poverty; but Confucius nevertheless received a fine education. He was married at the age of 19 and had one son and two daughters. He worked as a keeper of a market. Then he was a farm worker who took care of parks and farm animals. When he was 20, he worked for the governor of his district.

机器人总动员beautiful destruction歌词

Beautiful destructionMy favourite enemyA sweet seductionYou take everythingYour deceptionA distant memoryYour reflectionConsumed all of meAll of meAll of meBeautiful destructionMy favourite enemyA sweet seductionYou take everythingYour deceptionA distant memoryYour reflectionConsumed all of meAll of meAll of meTake meBreak meI can"t leaveTake meBreak meI can"t leave
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