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i will be fucked up if you是什么歌


请问:how to be a successful secretary?

WALKER WINTER SALONJanuary 23, 1997SONG OF A SUCCESSFUL SECRETARYYes, I have a system that"s all my own.And it can"t be explained and it can"t be shown.I file by number, I file by letter,I file by ways that are ten times better.I file by subject, I file by date,I file by city, I file by state.I shun the trite, and scorn conventions,My filing system has four dimensions.I regard "In re" at the top of a letterAs something to make it balance better,I pay no attention to underliningAnd seldom get down to the person signing.I"ve got the names of the firm"s officialsNeatly arranged by their middle initials;Customers" letters I"ve filed insteadBy the color and size of their letterhead.I"ve got our catalogue mailing listFiled under "Farley"-- you get the gist?Our financial reports, for my own good reasons,Instead of by months, I"ve arranged by seasons.I"ve put Mrs. Duffy"s damage suitIn a folder entitled "Big Dispute."I"m the indispensable employee,They can"t take a step without me,And it costs them a raise and half-day freeEvery time they attempt to flout me.So they can"t fire me, no matter how cross,No matter how mean and riling!I"m Garbo herself-- I"m the boss"s boss,For I take care of the filing.Elizabeth Ann Christman, Song of A Successful Secretary Saturday Evening Post, 1939 reprinted in Gladys Torson, The Art of Being a Successful Business Girl (New York: New Home Library, 1940)

If you want to fuck with me 翻译


请问careful where you stand是什么意思?谢谢!!!


关于fun 的用法?-Do you enjoy Chinese tea?-Sure.____fun it is to d

B.fun是不可数名词 详细: [fQn] n. 娱乐,玩笑,嬉笑,有趣的人或事物 vi. 开玩笑 adj. 供娱乐用的 fun [fQn] n. (1) 嬉戏;顽皮 The little dog"s full of fun. 这小狗很顽皮. (2) 娱乐;乐趣 Have fun at the party tonight. 今晚的晚会上玩得很开心. There"s no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思. (3) 玩笑 He"s fond of fun. 他喜欢玩笑. 习惯用语 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for fun 当作玩笑;不是认真的 (= for the fun of the thing) "Mr Alexander doesn"t just write for fun; in fact,writing is his bread and butter." "亚历山大从事写作不是为了好玩,事实上写作是他的谋生之道." function [5fQNkF(E)n] n. (1) 职责,职能;功能;作用 The function of a chairman is to lead and control meetings. 主席的职责是引导并控制会议. The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun. 形容词的作用就是修饰名词. (2) 庆祝典礼;重大 *** This hall may be hired for weddings and other functions. 这个大厅可租来举行婚礼或其他 *** . (3) 与其他因素有密切关系的事 (4) 函数 In x=5y,x is a function of y. 在 x=5y 中,x 是 y 的函数. 词性变化 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function vi. 活动;运行;发挥作用 My pen does not function very well. 我的笔书写得不太流利. The old machine won"t function properly if you don"t oil it regularly. 那台旧机器如果不经常加油是不能正常运转的. The machine tool does not function properly. 这台机床有点毛病. 用法词典 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fun 来自中古英语fonne愚蠢,笨拙

fully synthetic是什么意思

fully synthetic 全合成

There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her. One day...

小题1:A小题2:D小题3:B小题4:D 试题分析:小题1:A 细节题根据文章第一行There is a wonderful story about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.说明A正确。小题2:D 细节题根据第二段第2行The young girl carefully released the Butterfly说明D正确。小题3:B 细节题。根据第二段第三行the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy说明B正确。小题4:D 细节题。根据第二段4,5行the good fairy said to the girl,“I will give you any wish you would like.” The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,“I want to be happy.”什么吗D正确。点评:文章通过一个寓言故事告诉我们幸福的真正含义就是对别人有用。集中考查细节题,要求考生在阅读的时候,在文章中做好标志和符号,减少回读的次数,提高阅读的效率和速度。


美丽的英语单词:beautiful,adj.美丽的, 很好的。例句:I fell upon a beautiful passage in one of his articles. 在他的文章中我偶然发现了一篇精美的文章。1. alluringallure可以做动词也可以是名词,表示诱惑;魅力;吸引力。Rewards allure men to brave danger.重赏之下,必有勇夫。alluring的意思是诱人的,迷人的;吸引人的。She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam"s dinner party.她出席萨姆的晚宴时身着一件非常迷人的礼服。2. exquisite这个词可以形容艺术品的精美精致:an exquisite piece of china一件精致的瓷器Look at this exquisite painting.看看这幅精美的油画。也可以形容品位的高雅:She has exquisite taste.她品味高雅。She has an exquisite ear for music.她对音乐有细腻的听觉。3. lovely夸赞别人穿着的时候,可以用到这样的句型:You look lovely in that dress.你穿那条裙子很好看。4. stunningstunning多用于口语,形容极其漂亮迷人的。可以形容景色,当然也形容美丽的女孩子。a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez俯瞰圣特罗佩湾的迷人景色She was a stunning girl. I couldn"t take my eyes off her.她是一个极漂亮的姑娘,我无法把目光从她身上移开。5. magnificentmagnificent形容“特别好”和“惊人的美”,意思是极好的;壮丽的;令人羡慕的。a magnificent view壮丽的景色a magnificent piece of writing杰作6. splendidsplendid和magnificent意思差不多,也表示极佳的,非常好的;华丽的。


【from】介词prep.1. 从...起,始于eg:She is singing from morning to night.她从早唱到晚。2. 从;由eg:He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years.他十五年里从办公室勤杂员升到总经理。3. 离(开)eg:Our school is two miles from the station.我们学校离车站两英里。4. 从...来;出自eg:He comes from Shanghai.他来自上海。5. (表示去除、免掉、阻止、剥夺等)eg:The pill will relieve you from pain.这药丸将使你免受痛苦。6. (表示区别、比较)eg:He is old enough to know right from wrong.他已长大,能够辨别是非了。7. (表示原料)由eg:Flour is made from wheat.面粉由小麦制成。8. 因为,由于;出于eg:He wasn"t ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.他没病,躺在床上是因懒惰之故。eg:He is trembling from fear.他吓得发抖。1. 起点城市[中英文对照]乘飞机旅行常用词汇之机票篇 ...起点城市 from2. 从,来自,以来1000多个个计算机相关的简单词汇(最基本...18. from prep. 从,来自,以来3. 从…来;离开across from【true & really】real表示“真的……”“真实的”“名符其实的”,指的是事实上存在,不是想象的或虚构的。 eg. I"m learning to skate on real ice . 我在真正的冰上学滑冰。 true“真正的,真的”,表示的是和事实及事实情况相符的,而不是编造的。 eg. The news is true . 这个消息是真的。 He told me a true story . 他给我讲了一个真实的故事。 realy是real的副词,truly是true的副词,区别同上,另外truth是名词,表示真理。【pretty & beautiful】1、用于人:“a pretty girl or woman is good-looking in a fairly ordinary way and has a nice face. Beautiful is a stronger word, used to describe someone who is unusually attractive and has perfect good looks”“pretty”指的一个女孩子是平常(不惊艳)的好看,就是看起来很舒服;“beautiful"是一个语义很强的词,一般用于指一个女孩非比寻常的好看,美。2、用于景色:”a pretty place, building, or object is attractive, especially in a delicate way, but not really beautiful or impressive“同样的,”pretty“比”beautiful“语义要弱。【不看音标只看单词】推荐:http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=wc1oLQEO29brjnjRGu2KMpG4FEyDRFiHcgBxfkxQKNoh4u1pa7jQmDlXPXjY_st7YknVJrKSXvJmqEcX4oNLUjLQvcreQFz3q0SoyaN8xY_ 这里面有归类

求助 《fucking perfcet》 歌词是什么意思

Made a wrong turn,Once or twice误入歧途,有过几次Dug my way out,Blood and fire逃出生路,满是鲜血恶火Bad decisions,That"s alright做了些烂决定,那也无妨Welcome to my silly life欢迎来到我的傻子人生.Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood受虐-错置-误解Miss “no way it"s all good”"不可能没问题"小姐It didn"t slow me down这种种都无法阻止我Mistaken,Always second guessing,Underestimated错误-总是马後炮-低估Look, I"m still around…看吧,我还不是在这?Pretty, pretty please Don"t you ever, ever feel美人,美人,请你千万、千万不要,Like you"re less than Fuckin" perfect觉得你不够去他妈的完美Pretty, pretty please,If you ever, ever feel美人,美人,如果你曾经、曾经觉得,Like you"re nothing,You"re fuckin" perfect to me你什麼都不是,你他妈的很完美,对我而言You"re so mean When you talk About yourself当你谈到自己的时候你真是刻薄You are wrong但你错了Change the voices In your head把脑中的想法换掉吧Make them like you Instead让它们喜欢你自己So complicated如此复杂Look how big you"ll make it看看你的能耐到哪Filled with so much hatred满是仇恨Such a tired game真是一场令人疲惫的游戏It"s enough够了!I"ve done all i can think of我已经尽己所能Chased down all my demons驱逐所有心魔see you do the same你也该如此Pretty, pretty please Don"t you ever, ever feel美人,美人,请你千万、千万不要,Like your less than Fuckin" perfect觉得你不够去他妈的完美Pretty, pretty please,If you ever, ever feel美人,美人,如果你曾经、曾经觉得,Like your nothing,You"re fuckin" perfect to me你什麼都不是,你他妈的很完美,对我而言The world stares while i swallow the fear整个世界冷眼盯著我吞下恐惧The only thing i should be drinking is an ice cold beer但我唯一该喝(吞)的东西是罐冰啤酒So cool in lying and I tried tried如此习於说谎又不断尝试But we try too hard, it"s a waste of my time但我们拼过头了,这只是浪费人生Done looking for the critics, cuz they"re everywhere不用管那些批评非议,因为到处都是批评非议They don"t like my genes, they don"t get my hair他们不喜欢我这类人,他们搞不懂我的发型We change ourselves and we do it all the time我们永远都在(为别人)改变自己原本的模样Why do we do that?为什麼我们要这样做?Why do I do that?为什麼我要这样做?Why do I do that?为什麼我要这样做?Pretty, pretty please Don"t you ever, ever feel美人,美人,请你千万、千万不要,Like your less than Fuckin" perfect觉得你不够去他妈的完美Pretty, pretty please,If you ever, ever feel美人,美人,如果你曾经、曾经觉得,Like you"re nothing,You"re fuckin" perfect to me你什麼都不是,你他妈的很完美,对我而言Andy Huang 於 1/11/2012 07:58:00 下午在网上找到的,希望喜欢:)



the confusing pursuit of beauty的翻译

导语:翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。以下是我收集整理的关于the confusing pursuit of beauty的翻译,欢迎大家分享。  1、增译法:根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。  2、减译法:原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意, 或者在译文中是不言 扩展资料   导语:翻译是在准确(信)、通顺(达)、优美(雅)的基础上,把一种语言信息转变成另一种语言信息的行为。以下是我收集整理的关于the confusing pursuit of beauty的翻译,欢迎大家分享。   1、增译法:根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。   2、减译法:原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意, 或者在译文中是不言而喻的;减译法是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反而累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词, 并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。   3、英译汉时词类转换的"核心:根据需要将具有动作性的名词转换为汉语的动词,或者将可表示概念的动词转换为汉语名词。汉译英时则反其道而行之。

the confusing pursuit of beauty如何翻译?

一、句字翻译:翻译:the confusing pursuit of beauty 可以翻译为“追求美丽的困惑”。含义解释:the confusing pursuit of beauty表示人们在追求美丽时所面临的困惑和疑惑。它指的是人们对于美的定义和标准的不确定和迷惑,以及为了符合社会对美的期望而付出的努力和矛盾。二、语法详解:语法详解:the confusing pursuit of beauty是一个由冠词the、形容词confusing、名词pursuit和介词of构成的名词短语。其中,冠词the用来表示特定的追求美丽的情境;形容词confusing表示“困惑的”、“令人迷惑的”的意思,用来描述追求美丽时的情境;名词pursuit表示“追求”、“追逐”的意思,用来表示人们对美丽的追求;介词of连接pursuit和beauty,表示追求美丽的对象是“美丽”。三、具体用法举例:具体用法举例:例如,我们可以说“当代女性在追求美丽时经常会遇到迷惑和困惑”,用英语表达为“contemporary women often encounter the confusing pursuit of beauty while pursuing beauty”。在这个例子中,“contemporary women”是主语,表示当代女性,谓语动词“often encounter”表示经常遇到,而短语“the confusing pursuit of beauty”则用来描述女性在追求美丽时所经历的困惑和迷惑。总之,“the confusing pursuit of beauty”是一个常用的名词短语,用来表示人们在追求美丽时所面临的困惑和疑惑。它的用法非常灵活,可以用来描述不同性别、不同年龄、不同文化背景的人们在追求美丽时所遇到的困惑和挑战。对于学习英语的人来说,熟练掌握这个短语的用法,可以有效提高英语表达能力,使自己的语言更加准确、生动、具体和富有表现力。四、使用环境与用法扩展下面我将进一步扩展“the confusing pursuit of beauty”的具体用法,并给出例子。1. 在社交媒体上,许多人为了追求美丽而经常会遇到困惑和疑虑。例如,他们可能会感到自己的外貌不够好看,需要通过化妆品、整容手术等方式来改善自己的形象。然而,在这样的追求美丽的过程中,他们也会经常面临着社交媒体带来的焦虑和压力,无法确定自己是否足够美丽。因此,我们可以说“Many people on social media encounter the confusing pursuit of beauty while trying to enhance their appearance”,意为“许多人在社交媒体上,为了提升自己的外貌而遇到了追求美丽的困惑。”2. 在现代社会中,许多人为了追求美丽而不断地尝试各种产品和方法,例如,减肥、美容、健身等。然而,他们也会面临着身体健康、精神压力等问题,不确定自己是否应该继续追求美丽。因此,我们可以说“Many people encounter the confusing pursuit of beauty while trying to improve their physical appearance”,意为“许多人在尝试改善自己的身体外貌时,遇到了追求美丽的困惑。”3. 在某些文化中,美丽的标准和定义可能与其他文化不同,因此,人们在追求美丽时也会经常遇到困惑和疑虑。例如,某些亚洲国家的人们认为白皙的皮肤是美丽的标志,而在其他国家,健康的肤色可能更受欢迎。因此,我们可以说“People in different cultures encounter the confusing pursuit of beauty due to different beauty standards”,意为“由于不同的美丽标准,不同文化中的人们在追求美丽时也会遇到困惑。”4. 在某些场合中,人们可能会为了追求美丽而改变自己的形象,但这种改变也会带来一些负面的影响和影响。例如,某些人可能会因为追求完美的外貌而出现身体上的问题,例如,饮食失调、厌食症等。因此,我们可以说“People encounter the confusing pursuit of beauty when the pursuit of beauty leads to negative consequences”,意为“当追求美丽导致负面后果时,人们就会遇到追求美丽的困惑。”

the confusing pursuit of beauty课文翻译是什么?


求pink fucking perfect 的lrc歌词~~~~~~~~~

[00:00.00]Made a wrong turn[00:03.81]Once or twice[00:06.60]Dug my way out[00:09.32]Blood and fire[00:11.82]Bad decisions[00:13.66]That"s alright[00:16.74]Welcome to my silly life[00:22.23]Mistreated this place[00:24.66]Misunderstood[00:26.26]Miss No way it"s all good[00:28.71]It didnt slow me down.[00:32.46]Mistaking[00:34.36]Always second guessing[00:37.10]Underestimating[00:39.87]Look I"m still around[00:43.34]Pretty, pretty please[00:45.68]Dont you ever, ever feel[00:48.33]Like you"re less than[00:50.31]Fucking perfect[00:54.24]Pretty, pretty please[00:56.20]If you ever, ever feel[00:58.66]Like you"re nothing[01:01.41]You"re fucking perfect to me[01:06.42]You"re so mean[01:09.16]When you talk[01:11.67]About yourself, you were wrong[01:17.04]Change the voices in your head[01:22.34]Make them like you instead[01:27.19]So complicated[01:29.29]Look how we all make it[01:31.84]Filled with so much hatred[01:34.44]Such a tired game[01:37.95]It"s enough[01:39.25]I"ve done all I can think of[01:42.26]Chased down all my demons[01:44.79]I"ve seen you do the same[01:47.38]Oh[01:48.93]Pretty, pretty please[01:50.87]Don"t you ever, ever feel[01:53.32]Like you"re less than[01:56.08]Fucking perfect[01:58.73]Pretty, pretty please[02:01.54]If you ever, ever feel[02:03.94]Like you"re nothing[02:06.50]You"re fucking perfect to me[02:10.04]The whole worlds scared[02:10.96]So I swallow the fear[02:12.08]The only thing I should be drinking[02:13.75]Is an ice cold beer[02:14.86]So cool in line[02:15.90]And we try, try, try[02:17.30]But we try too hard[02:18.66]And it"s a waste of my time[02:19.90]Done looking for the critics[02:21.33]Cause they"re everywhere[02:22.49]They don"t like my jeans[02:23.72]They don"t get my hair[02:25.03]Exchange ourselves[02:26.34]And we do it all the time[02:27.72]Why do we do that?[02:29.14]Why do I do that?[02:30.65]Why do I do that?[02:32.30]Yeeeeaaaahhh[02:38.15]Oooooooh[02:40.84]Oh baby pretty please[02:42.86]Pretty, pretty please[02:45.57]Don"t you ever feel[02:48.14]Like you"re less than[02:51.00]Fucking perfect[02:53.94]Pretty, pretty please[02:55.98]If you ever, ever feel[02:58.62]Like you"re nothing[03:01.31]You"re fucking perfect to me[03:09.14]You"re perfect, you"re perfect[03:14.72]Pretty, pretty please[03:17.02]If you ever, ever feel[03:19.61]Like you"re nothing[03:22.46]You"re fucking perfect to m

歌词里有what the fuck 不就黑色 然后就叭叭叭叭叭叭叭叭叭叭叭 是什么歌?

是不是The Fox?前两年很火的一首歌!

what the fuck?成语


what the fuck are you doing?是什么意思?

你他 马在干啥?

What the fuck !是什么歌


有一首女生唱的英文歌 其中有一句是 what the fuck 唱了两句又来一句oh my

Loca people Sak Noel

歌词里有get funk 的歌名

This hitThat ice coldMichelle PfeifferThat white goldThis one, for them hood girlsThem good girlsStraight masterpiecesStylin", while inLivin" it up in the cityGot Chucks on with Saint LaurentGot kiss myself I"m so prettyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn)Say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchHey, hey, hey, oh!StopWait a minuteFill my cup put some liquor in itTake a sip, sign a checkJulio! Get the stretch!Ride to Harlem, Hollywood, Jackson, MississippiIf we show up, we gon" show outSmoother than a fresh dry skippyI"m too hot (hot damn)Called a police and a firemanI"m too hot (hot damn)Make a dragon wanna retire manI"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)Bitch, say my name you know who I amI"m too hot (hot damn)Am I bad "bout that moneyBreak it downGirls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to you‘Cause Uptown Funk gon" give it to youSaturday night and we in the spotDon"t believe me just watch (come on)Don"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watchDon"t believe me just watch

what fuck ? 是什么意思?


求uptown funk百度云


what the fuck are you ?什么意思


有人对你说what the fuck该怎么回他

fuck you two(too)

What the fucking ... 这话话该怎么用.

这是骂人的= =,就是CNM,所以最好还是别用了

What is the fuck 是什么意思?


what fuck 这句话是错的吗? 应该是what the fuck 吗?

what a fuck 什么一个他妈的

what the fuck bite me!_知道什么意思吗!


what the fuck man是什么意思

the fuck 是injection, 它是表语气的一种方式,可以插入句子的任何地方。去掉the fuck,据说就成了what"s man? 这就不对了!并不是说这个男人是什么!这里应该是省略了一个it。还有断句的问题。what"s the fuck (it/that) .... man!大家翻译的差不多啦,可以翻译成!操!你在干嘛呢!操!这是什么!操!什么东西!用于表示不满, 和惊讶!

为什么uptown funk的歌手是白人,但mv里却是黑人唱的


What the fucking 这话话该怎么用

这句话没什么不文明.通常情况下用来强调你对正在发生的事的愤怒,不解,不耐烦等消极情绪.不过是what the fuck.而不是fucking.例如:what the fuck are you talking about?你(他妈的)究竟在说什么?what the fuck is going on?到底怎么回事.fuck有时候可以和hell互换.不过fuck带着一点脏字,更能真挚的表达你的愤怒.what the hell are you doing?你到底在干什么?fucking是一个形容词或者副词.例如:shut up your fucking dirty mouth.闭上你他妈的臭嘴.your ignorance keeps me waiting fucking two hours.

what da fuck和What the fuck有什么区别

没有区别 只是the的发音和da相似 字幕组就这样翻译了


u300aTold You Sou300b—— Christopheru300aAll About Itu300b—— Ed Sheeran Hoodie Allenu300aWhere Is The Loveu300b—— Justin Timberlake Black Eyed Peasu300aStressed Outu300b—— Twenty One Pilotsu300aA Million Livesu300b—— Jake Miller


What the fuck

uptown funk为什么这么火

好听嘛 加上音乐本身是欢快型的 反正我挺喜欢这首歌的

uptown funk you up什么意思


uptown funk歌词 请哪位大神能把这歌中文注解 我想学啊 但是读了太快 学不好啊


歌词里有what the fuck say 那首歌叫什么

是 what does fox say吧 歌名 狐狸叫

哪部电影里有uptown funk


uptown funk歌词 请哪位大神能把这歌中文注解 我想学啊 但是读了太快 学不好啊

Uptown Funk 中文歌词:This hit, That ice cold 这鼓点,这酷爽Michelle Pfeiffer 米歇尔·法伊弗That white gold 金发白肤美妞This one, for them hood girls 就这帮,帽衫女孩Them good girls 个个正点Straight masterpieces 简直尤物Styling, while in 够潮有型Living it up in the city 在这城市纵情享乐Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent 穿上帆布鞋,跨个名牌包Got kiss myself I"m so pretty 都快爱上我自己,就这么帅气I"m too hot (too hot) 我实在太火(太火)

uptown funk you up 是什么意思

uptown funk you upuptown 英[u02ccu028cpu02c8tau028an] 美[u02c8u028cpu02cctau028an] adv. 在住宅区; 在非商业区; adj. 住宅区的; n. 住宅区; 远离商业区的市区; [网络] 上城区; 非商业区; 居住区; [其他] 形近词: uptorn

uptown funk 什么意思


uptown funk中文歌词?

歌词:Spending all your money on me, and spending time on me [x2] She"s got me spending…(ooh) *sighs* What you gon" do with all that junk, all that junk inside your trunk? My hump my hump, my hump my hump my hump. I"mma get-get-get-get you drunk, get you love drunk off my hump. My hump my hump my hump. My lovely little lumps. I drive these brothers crazy; I do it on the day Look, they treat me really nicely; they buy me all these ices: Check it out… Dolce and Gabbana, Fendi and Nedonna. “Seven jeans”, "True Religion", I say no but they keep giving Caring, they be sharing all their money, got me wearing fly Brother I ain"t asking, they say they love my ass and We can keep on dating, I keep on demonstrating my love. So I keep on taking, and no I ain"t taking, Spending all your money on me, and spending time on me [x2] She"s got me spending…(ooh) My love my love my love. You love my lady lumps. My hump my hump my hump. My humps, they got you… On, on me, on me. What you gon" do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk? What you gon" do with all that ass, all that ass inside them jeans? I"mma get-get-get-get you drunk, get you love drunk off my hump. Cuz of my hump, my hump my hump my hump, I"mma make-make-make-make you scream, make you scream make you scream! Check it out… My hump my hump my hump, my lovely lady lumps. I met a girl down at the disco, she said: “Hey, hey-hey yeh let"s go. I could be your baby; you could be my honey, let"s spend time, not money” and: “Mix your milk with my cocoa, puh - milky, milky cocoa, mix your milk with my cocoa, huh - milky, milky right…” They always standing next to me, always dancing next to me. They say I"m really sexy. Them boys, they wanna sex me, You can look but you can"t touch it, if you touch it I"mma start some drama, you don"t want no drama. Trying to feel my hump, hump, looking at my lump, lump, So don"t pull on my hand boy, you ain"t my man boy I"m just trying to dance boy, and move my hump, my hump, Nono drama, nononono drama. My hump my hump my hump, my lovely lady lumps, My lovely lady lumps, my lovely lady lumps, My hump my hump my hump, my hump my hump my hump, She"s got me spending…(ooh) In the back and in the front, my loving got you… On, on me, on me. Spending all your money on me, and spending time on me [x2] What you gon" do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk? What you gon" do with all that ass, all that ass inside them jeans? I"mma get-get-get-get you drunk, get you love drunk off my hump. I"mma make-make-make-make you scream, make you scream make you scream! What you gon" do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk? What you gon" do with all that breast, all that breast inside that shirt? I"mma get-get-get-get you drunk, get you love drunk off this hump. I"mma make-make-make-make you work, make you work-work, make you work. On, on me, on me. 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 让你迷上我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我可爱的小双峰 看过来 我另这些小子疯狂 我每天都会 他们对我很好 他们买给我一堆东西 Dolce and Gabbana Dolce and Gabbana (D&G牌子) Fendi and then Donna Fendi 还有 Donna (牌子) 他们跟我分享就是关心我 他们的钱让我穿的一身名牌 每次我问起 他们都说他们喜欢看我穿 Se7en Jeans Se7en Jeans (牌子) 的* 他们真的为我疯狂 我说不 但他们一直给 所以我一直拿 还有我没有死会 我们可以继续交往 我现在继续示范 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 我的爱 我知道你爱我女性的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰吸引著你 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 让你迷上我的双峰 你要拿那些*干麻 在你牛仔裤里的* 我要让让让让你尖叫 让你尖叫 让你尖叫 因为我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我可爱的女性的双峰 看过来 我在舞池遇到了一个女孩 他说..嘿嘿嘿..我们走吧 我可以是你的宝贝..你可以当我的甜心 我们一起杀时间不是钱 把你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起 奶味的可可 你的牛奶跟我的可可混在一起 牛奶牛奶 是的 他们说我很性感 那些男孩麼都想干我 他们永远都站在我身边 永远都在我身边跳舞 试著抚摸我的双峰 双峰 看著我的双峰 双峰 你可以看但你不能摸 你如果摸了 我就会开始生气 你不想要我生气 不不要我生气 不不不不要我生气 所以不要 拉著我的手 你不是我的男人 我只是想要跳舞 还有动我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我的双峰 我可爱的女性双峰 我可爱的女性双峰 我可爱的女性双峰 前面跟后面 你被我的爱迷住 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 让你迷上我的双峰 你要拿那些*干麻 在你牛仔裤里的* 我要让让让让你尖叫 让你尖叫 让你尖叫 你要拿那些垃圾干麻 那些在那皮箱里的垃圾 我要把你灌灌灌灌醉 让你迷上我的双峰 你要拿那些胸部干麻 那些在你上衣里的胸部 我要让让让让你工作 让你工作 工作 让你工作 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上 它让我为他花钱 喔~把你的钱都花在我身上...把你的时间都花在我身上

如何看待 uptown funk这首歌

  《Uptown Funk》是美国创作型歌手火星哥Bruno Mars助阵英国音乐制作人Mark Ronson的新单曲,该单曲发布后立即引起巨大反响,立即在澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰,爱尔兰,英国和美国等多国的单曲榜上创造杰出的成绩。单曲发布当周就创造了英国249万媒体数据流的纪录!  Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars  This hit That ice cold  那道冰冷的目光袭向我  Michelle Pfeiffer That white gold  女演员米歇尔菲佛 金发白人美女  This one, for them hood girls  这位 对于她们很美  Them good girls  她们是好姑娘  Straight masterpieces  上天的杰作  Styling, while in  然而  Living it up in the city  生活在这个城市  Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent  丢掉圣罗兰的衣服  Got kiss myself I"m so pretty  亲吻一下自己 我很漂亮  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Called a police and a fireman  叫上警察 还有消防员  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我太性感火辣  Make a dragon wanna retire man  我能让怪兽龙下岗  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Say my name you know who I am  说我的名字 你知道我是谁  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Am I bad "bout that money Break it down  我是不是跟金钱对立打倒吧  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Saturday night and we in the spot  周六晚上 我们在夜店出没  Don"t believe me just watch (come on)  不要相信我 看看就好 来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿 嘿 哦  Stop  停  Wait a minute  等一下  Fill my cup put some liquor in it  倒满酒杯  Take a sip, sign a check  喝一口 在支票上签名  Julio! Get the stretch!  胡里奥 再放开点  Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,  奔向好莱坞的哈莱姆区  Jackson, Mississippi  去一下密西西比的杰克逊  If we show up, we gone show out  如果我们出现 我们已经表明  Smoother than a fresh dry skippy  比干瘪的日本女人要顺眼的多  I"m too hot (hot damn)  我够性感火辣  Called a police and a fireman  叫上警察 还有消防员  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Make a dragon wanna retire man  我能让怪兽龙下岗  I"m too hot (hot damn) (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Bitch, say my name you know who I am  说我的名字 你知道我是谁  I"m too hot (hot damn)  因为我够性感火辣  Am I bad "bout that money  我是不是跟金钱对立  Break it down  打倒吧  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)  女孩们 你们的赞歌袭来 呼  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you  因为这上城会让你朋克起来  Saturday night and we in the spot  周六晚上 我们在夜店出没  Don"t believe me just watch (come on)  不要相信我 看看就好 来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿嘿 哦  Before we leave  在我们离开之前  I"mma tell yallalil something  我会告诉你一些事  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  I said Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  我说上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up, Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来 上城会让你朋克起来  Come on, dance  来 跳舞吧  Jump on it  跳起来吧  If you sexy than flaunt it  如果你够性感 就展现出来  If you freaky than own it  如果你捉摸不定就不要表现出来  Don"t brag about it, come show me  不要吹嘘 来向我展现  Come on, dance  来 跳舞吧  Jump on it  跳起来吧  If you sexy than flaunt it  如果你够性感 就展现出来  Well it"s Saturday night  周六夜晚  and we in the spot  我们在夜店出现  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  come on  来吧  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Don"t believe me just watch  不要相信我 看看就好  Hey, hey, hey, oh!  嘿嘿嘿 哦  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up,  上城会让你朋克起来  Uptown Funk you up (say whaa?!)  上城会让你朋克起来 说什么  Uptown Funk you up  上城会让你朋克起来

抖音有一首电音的歌词是what the fuck fuck …

按照题主的形容 应该是英文歌曲 《狐狸叫》(The Fox)

《Uptown Funk》的歌词是什么?谁有中文翻译

Uptown Funk上城放克乐This hit这鼓点,这酷爽That ice cold Michelle Pfeiffer米歇尔·法伊弗 That white gold金发白肤美妞This one, for them hood girls就这帮 帽衫女孩Them good girls个个正点Straight masterpieces简直尤物Styling, while in够潮 有型Living it up in the city在这城市纵情享乐Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent穿上帆布鞋 跨个名牌包Got kiss myself I"m so pretty都快爱上我自己 就这么帅气I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Called a police and a fireman快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Make a dragon wanna retire man暴脾气都被我的帅熄火I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Say my name you know who I am高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Am I bad "bout that money哥就是前途无量Break it down打断一下Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Saturday night and we in the spot周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch (come on)不信我 就走着瞧 好戏开始Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Stop停Wait a minute等一下Fill my cup put some liquor in it斟满我的酒杯Take a sip, sign a check抿一口 在支票上签个名Julio! Get the stretch!胡里奥 放开了玩Ride to Harlem, Hollywood,Jackson, Mississippi直奔好莱坞 哈林区 密西西比 杰克逊If we show up, we gone show out我们一旦亮相 就要秀个漂亮Smoother than a fresh dry skippy堪比日本艺妓I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Called a police and a fireman快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Make a dragon wanna retire man暴脾气都被我的帅熄火I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Say my name you know who I am高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁I"m too hot (hot damn)哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣)Am I bad "bout that money哥就是前途无量Break it down打断一下Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Girls hit your hallelujah (whuoo)女孩们 快献上溢美之词 (喔)Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Cause Uptown Funk gone give it to you因为这上城放克乐 就是献给你们的Saturday night and we in the spot周六晚 我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch (come on)不信我 就走着瞧 好戏开始Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Before we leave在我们离开之前I"mma tell yallalil something我会告诉你一些事情Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你I said Uptown Funk you up,我说 上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Come on, dance来吧 自由舞动Jump on it跳起来If you sexy than flaunt it如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来If you freaky than own it你要是个丑货 就乖乖认怂Don"t brag about it,别自夸 come show me尽管秀给我看Come on, dance跳起来Jump on it跳起来If you sexy than flaunt it如果你够性感 就大胆秀出来Well it"s Saturday night周六晚and we in the spot我们将嗨翻现场Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧come on来吧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Don"t believe me just watch不信我 就走着瞧Hey, hey, hey, oh!嘿 嘿 嘿 哦Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你come on来吧Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up,上城放克乐嗨翻你Uptown Funk you up (say whaa!)上城放克乐嗨翻你 (叫哇)Uptown Funk you up上城放克乐嗨翻你

Uptown Funk 这首歌名是什么意思?有没有什么特殊含义?本人认为是up down fuck

推荐你先听uptown girl

uptown funk什么意思

Uptown Funk 是一首歌的名字是Mark Ronson新专辑的发行的首支单曲

《Uptown Funk》的歌词是什么?谁有中文翻译

Mark Ronson/Bruno Mars的单曲《Uptown Funk》: This hit,这鼓点,That ice cold,这酷爽,Michelle Pfeiffer,米歇尔·法伊弗,That white gold,金发白肤美妞,This one, for them hood girls,就这帮 帽衫女孩,Them good girls,个个正点,Straight masterpieces,简直尤物,Stylin", while in,够潮 有型,Livin" it up in the city,在这城市纵情享乐,Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent,穿上帆布鞋 跨个名牌包,Gotta kiss myself I"m so pretty,都快爱上我自己 就这么帅气,I"m too hot (hot damn),哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣),Called a police and a fireman,快叫上警察消防员 来给我降降温,I"m too hot (hot damn),哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣),Make a dragon wanna retire man,暴脾气都被我的帅熄火,I"m too hot (hot damn),哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣),Say my name you know who I am,高呼我的名字 你知道我是谁,I"m too hot (hot damn),哥就是这么性感 (这么火辣),Am I bad "bout that money,哥就是前途无量,



uptown funk是什么风格?

uptown funk是funk乐风格。《Uptown Funk》将布鲁诺·马尔斯的骚气开发到极致,整首只能用一个字来形容,那就是“浪”!从歌词编曲,到编舞MV,甚至是火星哥的唱腔,里里外外透着一股逗比兼牛逼哄哄的“浪”。《Uptown Funk》充满“击勾”技巧的贝斯弹奏,以及丰富的合成器效果,与众多上世纪80年代早期的Funk/R&B经典金曲遥相呼应。许多歌迷觅到了《Call Me》的吉他、Cameo乐队的号角、Time乐队的键盘、《Party Train》的鼓点,《Uptown Funk》弥漫着复古气。《Uptown Funk》简介:《Uptown Funk》是美国创作型歌手布鲁诺·马尔斯、英国音乐制作人马克·容森配合说唱的一首歌曲,由马克·容森、布鲁诺·马尔斯、杰夫·巴斯科尔、菲利普·劳伦斯、尼可拉斯·威廉姆斯、戴文·吉拉斯比、鲁道夫·泰勒、朗尼·西蒙斯和The Gap Band共同创作。这首歌被收录于马克·容森的专辑《Uptown Special》中,于2014年1月13日由RCA唱片发行。《Uptown Funk》是布鲁诺·马尔斯在公告牌百强单曲榜冠军时间最长的单曲。(连续14周,历史第二)此歌曲拿下了澳大利亚,加拿大,新西兰,爱尔兰,英国等二十多国的单曲榜的冠军。《Uptown Funk》发布当周就创造了英国249万媒体数据流的纪录。该首歌在2015年全年的总销量为1258.8千万,是当年全球销量最高的歌曲。

what the fuck this什么意思


what fuck什么意思?

中间少个 the ,这是骂人的脏话,上百度搜就有

一首男生唱的英文歌中间好像有一句uptime fuck you up 然后中间有吹一下口

Uptown Funk- Bruno Mars望采纳

求一些律动感比较强的歌,像new thang, GDFR, uptown funk 之类的

bikini body,听到副歌部分,你会发现跟new thang特别像



What the Fuck 歌词


什么?火星哥 Uptown Funk 竟是抄袭


what the fuck 是什么意思?


uptownfunk mv里面有一个戴眼镜 下巴留胡子的黑大叔,火星哥好多mv里都出现过,这是谁啊(最左边那个)

叫Philip Lawrence求采纳

uptown funk you up 是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:uptown funk you up小区的恐惧你希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

谁有类似马尔斯的uptown funk这样欢快的英文歌,就是要节奏欢快不慢的这种

类似的……抖腿神曲booty musicThe Other Sidebeggin immortalsI Want You BackI Need To KnowSun Goes DownCenturiesFreaks嗨起来,树上的朋友,山下的朋友,请举起你们的双手,让我看到你们好吗?动刺大刺,动刺大刺,AV8D,上面的朋友和我一起,万,吐,死瑞,佛,康忙卑鄙,赖次够。

Michelle Pfeiffer是谁为什么两首歌uptown funk,riptide都提到她?

我也是刚发现这两首歌都提到Michelle Pfeiffer然后在网上搜了一下。她是美国著名的演员,之前演过很多电影,而且因为她的美貌和身材这么多年来一直身居好莱坞一线女星的位置。这也是为什么这两首提到她的原因,以她来指代漂亮有气质的女孩。

what‘s the fuck 还是what the fuck


what the fuck 是什么意思


有没有和《Uptown Funk》曲风类似的歌曲?

东北里面就是玩 哈哈

uptown funk的歌曲节目串词该怎么写?


what the fuck (live)歌词翻译中文

歌词"What We Live For" 我们活着为了什么?I drive a beat-up car, a caravan, the color blue 我开着一辆蓝色敞篷老爷车Reminds me of your eyes and all the places we"ve been to让我想起了你的眼睛,和我们已经去过的所有的地方We"re tethered to the leather, searching for a better view我们曾拴着皮革,在寻找一个更好的视野It"s interstellar when it"s me and you那是只有你和我的星际We"re taking off我们正在起飞This is what I live for我们活着为了什么?Baby, you"re my open road宝贝你是我敞开的公路You can take me anywhere the wind blows你可以带我去任何一个有风吹的地方Right into the great unknown准确进入一个很大而又不知名的地方We can throw our hands up out the window在那我们可以把手放在窗外This is what we live for这就是我们为什么而活。We look up at the stars, a perfect night to dream with you我们抬头看天上的星星,一个完美的晚上和你一起做梦。Got 90s retro on the radio, our favorite tune选了我们最喜欢90年代复古风的电台。I put the pedal to the metal just to laugh with you我把油门踩到底只是为了和你一起欢笑It"s interstellar when it"s just us two那是只有你和我的星际

What the fucking 这话话该怎么用


uptown funk中文谐音


what fuck是什么意思?

应该是 What the fuck意思是: 到底刚才发生了什么;他妈的是什么;这他妈的到底类似脏话,有时相当于 他妈的,或者我靠 之类的。。

抖腿神曲是什么 《Uptown Funk》为什么这么火有什么评

uptown 毕竟是火星哥的新歌 火星哥也有一段时间没出新专了,另外MV里面他的新舞蹈也很有意思,亮点在MV

you are beautiful是哪首歌的歌词?

一汽大众新宝来广告歌曲Youarebeautiful-JamesBlunt  中英文歌词:  Youarebeautiful-JamesBlunt  Mylifeisbrilliant.我的人生缤纷灿烂  Mylifeisbrilliant.我的人生缤纷灿烂  Myloveispure.我的爱如此纯真  Isawanangel.因为我见过天使  OfthatImsure.对此,我深信不疑  Shesmiledatmeonthesubway.她在地下铁上对着我微笑  Shewaswithanotherman.虽然身边伴着另一个男人  ButIwontlosenosleeponthat,但我可不会为此辗转难眠  CauseIvegotaplan.因为我已有心理准备  You"rebeautiful.Yourebeautiful.你就是这么美你就是这么美  You"rebeautiful,itstrue.你就是这么的美这是千真万确  Isawyourfaceinacrowdedplace,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  AndIdontknowwhattodo,这令我不知所措  CauseIllneverbewithyou.因为我和你永远无法相依  Yeah,shecaughtmyeye,是啊,我视线被她占据  Aswewalkedonby.在我们擦身而过的瞬间  ShecouldseefrommyfacethatIwas,她应该可以从我的神情看出  FuckingHigh(FlyingHigh)  AndIdontthinkthatIllseeheragain,我想,我将再也见不到她  Butwesharedamomentthatwilllasttilltheend.但我们共享了永恒的片刻  You"rebeautiful.Yourebeautiful.你就是这么美你就是这么美  You"rebeautiful,itstrue.你就是这么的美这是千真万确  Isawyourfaceinacrowdedplace,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸  AndIdontknowwhattodo,这令我不知所措  CauseIllneverbewithyou..因为我和你永远无法相依  You"rebeautiful.Yourebeautiful.你就是这么美你就是这么美  You"rebeautiful,itstrue.你就是这么的美这是千真万确  Theremustbeanangelwithasmileonherface,我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使  WhenshethoughtupthatIshouldbewithyou.当她也想到我们应该在一起时  Butitstimetofacethetruth,但该是面对事实的时候了  Iwillneverbewithyou.我和你永远无法相依

what fuck是什么意思?

"what fuck" 是一种比较粗俗的表达,通常表示愤怒、惊讶、不屑等强烈的情感。它的语境通常是在遇到让人惊讶或者不愉快的事情时,或者是对某些事情的否定和质疑时。例如,在一场比赛中,一名选手一直表现糟糕,最后意外获胜,观众可能会用 "what the fuck" 来表达他们的惊讶和不可思议。又如,在一场辩论中,一方说出一些无稽之谈,对手可能会用 "what the fuck are you talking about" 来质疑对方的观点和逻辑。

uptown funk 是哪个电影


有人对你说what the fuck该怎么回他


what is the fuck?


到底是What a fuck,What fuck还是What the fuck?

正常都是说 WTF, 也就是 What the fuck,B站上都是用这个


what the fuck have you done?the fuck 作为插入语,用法和do you think差不多what do you think have you done?
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