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i don`t give a fuck , god sent me piss the word off是什么意思


英语里一些在愤怒时说的单词,例如:fuck you

go fuck yourselfshut your fucking faceshut your fucking mouthpiss offget the fuck away from meshut the fuck up your ass

do something useful与do something usefully的区别


tictoe fury怎么玩

tictoe fury玩法:典型的三连棋游戏。在有限的棋盘上,通过巧妙的布局,打败你的对手,赢得胜利。该游戏自前年上架以来,首免中,不要错过哦。游戏的画面很精致,音乐比较轻快,给人轻快愉悦的游戏氛围。游戏的棋盘由一个大的九宫格组成,每个格子又分成一个小的九宫格。规则很简单,只要率先保持棋子在小九宫格内无论横竖斜任意方式能三个连成一线,这个小九宫格就属于你了。然后保持三个属于你的小九宫格以任一方式三个连成一线,游戏的胜利就是你的啦。注意运用你的智慧,巧妙布置棋子,打败对手。游戏支持双人对战和网络对战,去寻找你的对手吧。打败的对手越多,你在排行榜上的排名也就越高。

有什么像速度与激情3东京漂移里的那首The Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift的歌


be careful 后面加什么啊到底..

1. [对…]小心的,谨慎的[in, with]He is ~ in his speech [with his words].他发言 [措词] 很小心2a. 小心[注意] (不要…) 的Be ~ not to drop the vase.注意不要把花瓶掉了b. 小心…的,注意…的Be ~ that you don"t drop the vase.注意不要把花瓶掉了c. 小心[…]的,注意[…]的 [about,as to,of]Be ~ (of) what you"re saying.小心你说的话You must be ~ how you hold it.你必须注意拿它的方法d. [对…]慎重的,小心的[in]I shall be ~ (in) deciding what to do.我会慎重决定该做什么e. 小心 […的使用,处理] 的,注意[…]的[with]You should be ~ with that knife.你要小心使用那把小刀f. 注意[…]的,注重[…]的[of, about]He is ~ about his appearance.他很注重自己的外表Be ~ of your health.注意你的健康; 请多保重3 细心的,仔细的,彻底的 <行为、工作等>~ work [a ~ examination]细心的工作[检查]4 (英口语) [对于金钱] 吝啬的,小气的[with]She is ~ with her money.她用钱总是精打细算

be careful with什么意思?

一、 be careful of …注意,小心.后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.二、be careful with… 小心…… 后接名词或动名词嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词.也可以说“Be careful (not) to do...”或“Be careful that you don"t...”[实例].1. Be careful with the wet paint.小心,油漆未干.2. Be careful that you don"t catch a cold. Put on more clothes before you go out.小心别感冒了.出门之前多穿点衣服.3. Be careful not to spill the milk.小心别把牛奶溅出来了.

请问be careful about/of/with的区别


. Be careful! It’s very hot. 中文翻译


Be careful 与 careful 的区别


be careful后面的句型用ing,为什么?

be careful,当be 是系动词,careful形容词做表语时,后面的动词要是动名词形式,就是ing形式,不是进行时。

be careful改成否定句

be careful改成否定句是not be careful否定句是表示否定的句子。必须有否定词,古代汉语中否定词可以是副词"不"、"弗"、"毋"、"勿"、"未"、"否"、"非",可以是动词如"无"。

Be careful为什么前面要加be?


be careful 后面加什么啊到底..


be careful后动词跟什么形式


Be careful为什么前面要加be?

be careful 是固定搭配“ 当心,小心” careful 是形容词,前用be 构成:系表结构

小心是be carefully还是be careful

be careful 因为Be是一个系词,系词后面可以跟careful (形容词),而不可以跟carefully(因为carefully是副词) 另补充:主+系+表 主+谓+宾

be careful加什么介词


You are careful怎么改成祈使句

Be careful

be careful with和be careful of的区别

be careful with和be careful of的区别是含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。1、含义不同be careful with表示做某事时很小心或仔细的意思。be careful of表示当心、留意等意思。2、用法不同be careful with的用法:with后接名词或动名词。be careful of的用法:后接名词、动名词或从句。3、侧重点不同be careful with强调的是做事情要认真,强调对...认真,细心,小心(比较褒义)。be careful of强调的是注意、小心。

关于be careful 的英语小短文

中文:知识的跨越,思想的跨越,面对这惊涛骇浪的挫折,我有时甚至有了退缩的念头。因为高中生活不像电影里演的那么轻松,有不像小说里描述的那么自在,更不像朋友间茶余饭后的闲谈那么放纵,也许正是因为有了这道校园警钟的敲响,才唤醒了沉睡中的我们,才打破了风平浪静的我们。在这个“小社会”里,我们懂得公平竞争,学会努力,知道拼搏。 几个月的高中生活,有泪也有欢笑,他更告诉我,不单只会有接受挑战的勇气,更要学会挑战别人,超越生命的极限。抱着对未来的憧憬,我们来到这儿,虽然曾经走惯了柏油马路,让我们放松了对“石子”的警惕,便匆匆踏上了这艰辛的人生旅途;习惯了被人监督着,似乎也遗忘了要学会“自觉”‘也许正是有了他们的阻拦,才让我们活得更精彩,过得更充实。 面对失败,我们从容不迫,不论努力的结果如何,已经不再重要,重要的是,我们还将继续努力,不用再等到明天,此刻就拿起手中那支蠢蠢欲动的笔,为自己绘制宏伟蓝图吧!今天已经接近尾声,可明天并不遥远,路是要自己去走的,别人只是我们生命中的一个过客罢了。尽管荆棘缠身,尽管我们会感觉到疲惫,但是只要我们不放弃、不认输,就一定会有“柳岸花明又一村”的一天。 明天就在笔下,为那处属于自己的蓝天勇敢地去闯、去拼吧!英文: Knowledge across ideas across, facing the tempestuous waves of frustration, and sometimes I even thought of retreat. Because high school life isn"t like in the movies acted so easy, there does not look like in the novel described so comfortable, more than a friend Gossip Gossip so indulgent, perhaps it is because of this campus alarm sounded, only to wake up the sleeping in the US, only to break the wind flat calm we. In the "small society", we understand the fair competition, learn to know, hard work.A few months of high school life, tears of joy, he told me that would not only have the courage to accept the challenge, must learn to challenge others, life beyond the limit. Holding the vision for the future, we came here, although once used to walk on asphalt road, let us relax vigilance on the "pebble" hastily set foot on the hard journey of life; used to be supervised, seems to have forgotten to learn to consciously "perhaps it is their stop, just let us live a more exciting, had a more substantial.In the face of failure, we are unhurried, regardless of the result of efforts, is no longer important, important is, we will also continue to work hard, no longer wait until tomorrow, at the moment to pick up the hands of the ready pen, draw a blueprint for themselves.! Today is nearing completion, but tomorrow is not far away, the way is to go, others just a passer-by in our life. Although bramble ridden, although we will feel tired, but as long as we do not give up, do not throw in the towel, will "Willowbank Hua Ming another village".Tomorrow is my pen, for the blue sky of their own courage to go into Qupin!(不确定,大概是这样)

be careful问题

Be careful about what you say。Please be careful with the strangers when you are at the groceries store.

be careful和be carefully的区别是什么?

be careful和be carefully的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、后接词不同。一、意思不同1.be careful:小心,当心,注意。2.be carefully:小心点。二、用法不同1.be careful:基本意思是“仔细的”“小心的”,含有靠认真实践来避免错误的意味。careful和about连用,通常后接指物的名词、动名词或从句。2.be carefully:作表语时,其后也可跟动词不定式、that/wh-从句。可接从句。接从句时。三、后接词不同1.be careful:是固定搭配,后面要加的话,需加介词。2.be carefully:不是固定搭配,后面需加动词。

be careful with后面加什么

Be careful with sth 当心,注意某事;小心处理某事.其后接名词,动名词和名词性词组. 例如,be careful with the wet paint 小心油漆未干 be careful + with 是一个介词词组,介词后接什么,大家就很清楚了.从语法上讲,除了to既可以作介词,又在不定式后作连词时可以接动词原形,介词词组后都是接名词性质的词或词组. 希望可以帮到你.

be careful和be carefully的区别?

be careful和be carefully的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、后接词不同。一、意思不同1.be careful:小心,当心,注意。2.be carefully:小心点。二、用法不同1.be careful:基本意思是“仔细的”“小心的”,含有靠认真实践来避免错误的意味。careful和about连用,通常后接指物的名词、动名词或从句。2.be carefully:作表语时,其后也可跟动词不定式、that/wh-从句。可接从句。接从句时。三、后接词不同1.be careful:是固定搭配,后面要加的话,需加介词。2.be carefully:不是固定搭配,后面需加动词。


其实也没多大的区别 平时可以互换be careful of=be careful about 小心 对什么谨慎 注意 表示注意自己健康等的方面 注意做到什么be careful with=be careful in 嘱咐别人小心做事 是要注意别让某东西毁坏 或者让某物或某事伤害到自己 但是Be careful of强调对...认真,细心,小心(比较褒义)be careful of …注意,小心.后接名词,动名词或从句.Please be careful of your spelling.Be careful of what they have said.be careful with…小心……嘱咐别人小心做事, 我们可以用上“Be careful with...”,“with”后接名词或动名词.也可以说“Be careful (not) to do...”或“Be careful that you don"t...”.Be careful with the wet paint.小心,油漆未干.

Be careful为什么前面要加be?

be careful 是固定搭配“ 当心,小心” careful 是形容词,前用be 构成:系表结构

Be careful怎么读

be careful英 [bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful] 美 [bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l] n. 注意;当心,小心

be careful是什么意思


be careful of 是什么意思


be careful of和be careful with有何区别

be careful of sth.be careful with sb.

be careful问题 如果后面跟东西,介词用什么? 举例说明.

很多啊:(认真看) (/口) 后接介词 of 或 about, 表示“当心”、“留意”等.如: Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 当心那条狗,它有时候咬人. You must be careful of [about] your pronunciation. 你要注意你的发音. 注:be careful 后一般不接介词 for.如: 我希望你要多注意身体.正:I hope you"ll be more careful of[about] your health. 误:I hope you"ll be more careful for your health. 2. 后接介词 with(其后多接名词)或 in(其后多接动名词),表示做某事时很小心或仔细.如: He"s careful with [=in doing] his work. 他工作很仔细. Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵,小心点. Be careful in dealing with such people. 和这种人打交道要小心. 3. 后接不定式.如: Be careful not to drop it. 小心不要把它掉了. You must be careful to avoid being caught. 你必须小心,不要被抓住. 比较: He"s careful to read every sentence. 他注意读(即不漏读)每一个句子. He"s careful in reading every sentence. 他读每个句子都很仔细. 4. 后接从句.如: Be careful how you hold it. 小心拿好. Do be careful what you say. 说话一定要小心. Be careful that you don"t hurt her feelings(=Be careful not to hurt her feelings). 当心别伤害她的感情. 注:后接 what 从句时,可用介词 of, about 等,但通常省略,但是若是接 that, how, when, where 等引导的从句,则一般不用介词;另外,从句谓语若指将来,通常要用一般现在时代替将来时( 见上例).

be careful和be carefully的区别是什么?

be careful和be carefully的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、后接词不同。一、意思不同1.be careful:小心,当心,注意。2.be carefully:小心点。二、用法不同1.be careful:基本意思是“仔细的”“小心的”,含有靠认真实践来避免错误的意味。careful和about连用,通常后接指物的名词、动名词或从句。2.be carefully:作表语时,其后也可跟动词不定式、that/wh-从句。可接从句。接从句时。三、后接词不同1.be careful:是固定搭配,后面要加的话,需加介词。2.be carefully:不是固定搭配,后面需加动词。


英文发音:[biu02c8keu0259fl]中文释义:小心;当心;注意例句:Becareful!Don"tgetyourclotheswet. 小心点,别湿了衣裳。相关短语:1、beverycarefulwith对…细心2、tobemorecareful要格外小心3、Beawfulcareful请特别小心扩展资料becarefu的近义词:takecare英文发音:[teu026akker] 中文释义:当心;留心;注意;小心例句:Don"tworryyourselfaboutme,Icantakecareofmyself 你别担心我,我能照顾好自己。相关短语:1、takeextremecare格外留神2、takepropercareof适当注意3、takespecialcare特别注意4、takenicecareof好好照看

be creful 和 be carefully的区别和用法?

be careful 是正确的用法,后面是错误的用法。

be careful是什么意思

be careful 例如我说要开车出门,你就可以用be carefulbe careful[英][bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful][美][bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l]n.注意; 当心,小心; 1.France"s mainstream parties should be careful. 法国的主流政党对此应该小心。2.Be careful of what province/ state you live in. 注意你所住的省/州的名字。3.But perhaps those who throw this phrase about should be careful what they wish for. 但那些胡乱引用这句话的人,应当留心它的后果。 Be careful是小心的意思:) 你好,您回答的问题我要解决,请浏览一遍,如有疑问请回覆,如果满意 请点击(采纳为满意答案)按钮,希望我的答案对你有所帮助。^_^

be careful是什么意思

be careful 英[bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful] 美[bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l] n. 注意;当心,小心 [例句]France "s mainstream parties should be careful.法国的主流政党对此应该小心。

be careful是什么意思

注意 小心 请采纳,,谢谢

be careful是什么意思


be careful怎么读

be careful[英][bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful] [美][bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l] 生词本简明释义n.注意;当心,小心以下结果由 金山词霸 提供网络释义1. 小心 注意。2. 当心,小心3. 小心/注意。4. 注意!5. 注意,留意

be careful 歌词求翻译,求终极翻译


英语口语中类似be careful和be safe这种表达,是什么用法,望高手解答!谢谢

其实就是be动词加形容词构成系表结构。例如:I am careful about you.The desk is safe.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

用be careful造句

We"ll be careful next time.我们下次会当心。

be careful的同义词

be careful的同义词 释义1:小心 be attentive to,be cautious 同义词辨析 be attentive to 当心 指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。 be cautious 小心 着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。 be careful 当心,小心 侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。

英语 be careful 和 do be careful有什么区别




be careful的中文是什么?



be carefuln.注意; 当心,小心

关于be careful的用法,望指导。

becareful可以跟不定式和从句becarefultodosth becareful 加名词性从句其他跟介词的用法是介词本身的用法 除了 becarefulwith和becarefulfor以外还有becarefulindoing ,becarefulaboutsth, becarefulofsth

be careful和careful有什么区别?


Be careful 英语折使句是什么?

要点如下:1.祈求、命令、建议的句子,就是祈使句。2.祈使句是动词开头的句子,没有主语。祈使句的肯定有两种情况:(1)be动词+形容词,比如Be careful! (当心!)(2)其他动词开头的句子,比如Let&27;s go!(走吧!)...

Be Careful.这句话的语法意义?be为什么是不定式

be careful的意思是仔细一点

be careful with后面加什么

Be careful with sth 当心,注意某事;小心处理某事.其后接名词,动名词和名词性词组. 例如,be careful with the wet paint 小心油漆未干 be careful + with 是一个介词词组,介词后接什么,大家就很清楚了.从语法上讲,除了to既可以作介词,又在不定式后作连词时可以接动词原形,介词词组后都是接名词性质的词或词组. 希望可以帮到你.

be careful of和be careful with有何区别?

be careful of和be careful with的区别只有一点就是表示的意思不同:1、后接介词of表示“当心”、“留意”等。如:Be careful of the dog, it sometimes bites people. 当心那条狗,它有时候咬人。2、后接介词with,表示做某事时很小心或仔细。如:He"s careful with his work. 他工作很仔细。扩展资料:一、单词用法adj. (形容词)1、careful的基本意思是“仔细的”“小心的”,含有靠认真实践来避免错误的意味。2、careful和about连用,通常后接指物的名词、动名词或从句。3、careful用作表语时,其后也可跟动词不定式、that/wh-从句。4、careful和of连用,通常后接指人或事物的名词,也可接从句。接从句时,of常省略。二、词义辨析careful,cautious,attentive,prudent这些形容词均含有“小心的,谨慎的”之意。1、careful侧重做事谨慎、留心,特别注意一些细节地方。2、cautious着重考虑事情的后果,谨慎留意,防止出差错。3、attentive指认真地注意地倾听别人的意见,留心别人的需要等。4、prudent指遇事审慎,思考计划周密,不贸然行事。

be careful是什么意思

be careful小心be careful[英][bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful][美][bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l]n.注意; 当心,小心; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.France"s mainstream parties should be careful. 法国的主流政党对此应该小心。

Be careful 的同义句

look outtake care

Hello~ 朋友,我想问你一个英语知识题! be careful with和be careful about到底有什么区别啊?

I was careful with Tom because he liedI was careful about the bike because it had been broken


be careful 可以跟不定式 和从句 be careful to do sth be careful 加名词性从句其他跟介词 的用法 是介词本身的用法 除了 be careful with 和 be careful for以外还有 be careful in doing ,be careful about sth, be careful of sth 并没有be careful doing的用法

be careful加名词的话,名词前面要加什么介词?


be careful 中充当什么成份?BE后只能跟形容词吗?

还有be to do sth

be careful问题 如果后面跟东西,介词用什么? 举例说明.

很多啊:(认真看) (/口) 后接介词 of 或 about, 表示“当心”、“留意”等.如: Be careful of the dog; it sometimes bites people. 当心那条狗,它有时候咬人. You must be careful of [about] your pronunciation. 你要注意你的发音. 注:be careful 后一般不接介词 for.如: 我希望你要多注意身体.正:I hope you"ll be more careful of[about] your health. 误:I hope you"ll be more careful for your health. 2. 后接介词 with(其后多接名词)或 in(其后多接动名词),表示做某事时很小心或仔细.如: He"s careful with [=in doing] his work. 他工作很仔细. Be careful with the vase; it is valuable. 这花瓶很贵,小心点. Be careful in dealing with such people. 和这种人打交道要小心. 3. 后接不定式.如: Be careful not to drop it. 小心不要把它掉了. You must be careful to avoid being caught. 你必须小心,不要被抓住. 比较: He"s careful to read every sentence. 他注意读(即不漏读)每一个句子. He"s careful in reading every sentence. 他读每个句子都很仔细. 4. 后接从句.如: Be careful how you hold it. 小心拿好. Do be careful what you say. 说话一定要小心. Be careful that you don"t hurt her feelings(=Be careful not to hurt her feelings). 当心别伤害她的感情. 注:后接 what 从句时,可用介词 of, about 等,但通常省略,但是若是接 that, how, when, where 等引导的从句,则一般不用介词;另外,从句谓语若指将来,通常要用一般现在时代替将来时( 见上例).

be careful是什么意思


be careful是什么意思


Be Careful.这句话的语法意义?be为什么是不定式?

最佳答案: have to 相当于情态助词 ,“不得不”的意思。经常会和must比较,跟must用法相同。

be careful怎么读

避 开而fao

be careful什么意思

be careful[英][bi: u02c8ku025bu0259ful][美][bi u02c8ku025brfu0259l]n.注意; 当心,小心; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But you have to be careful because you don"t want to lie about that. " 但必须小心,因为你肯定不想让顾客觉得你在撒谎。



be careful是什么意思


Funky People [Maw Mix] (Album) 歌词

歌曲名:Funky People [Maw Mix] (Album)歌手:Funky People专辑:For The Love Of House Volume 1Funky people青春鸟王词 : 马念先 曲 : 糯米团 编曲 : 糯米团with the funky soul.Living in the disco.Though your heart and soul.We"ll let you knowP-funk never too old. James brown fish bone.even beastie boys. villege people. Players in ohio.Zapp and roger, do the hustle. grand funk rail roadWith the funky soul.Living in the disco.Though your heart and soul.We"ll let you know kool and the gang.Kc and sunshine band. Rick james ring by bell.Average white band family affairs. Chic is fucking great.Larry graham watch soul train. Herbie is a man.Imagine all the people dancing on the rainbow.So you can feel the joy let the goodtime roll.You never did before.http://music.baidu.com/song/8506289

Fuck The World 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck The World歌手:The Bates专辑:What A Beautiful NoiseFuck. Fuck this shit.Fuck givin it to me.If I only could I"d set the world on fireIf I only could I"d set the world on fireIf I only could I"d set the world on fireSya fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireFuck em all! (Fuck em all!)Fuck you, fuck me, fuck usFuck Tom, fuck Mary, fuck GusFuck DariusFuck the west coast, and fuck everybody on the eastEat shit and die, or fuck off at leastFuck pre-schoolers, fuck rumorsKings and Queens and gold jewelersFuck wine coolersFuck chickens, fuck ducksEverybody in your crew sucks, punk mother fucksFuck critics, fuck your reviewEven if you like me, fuck youFuck your mom, fuck your mom"s mommaFuck the Beastie Boys and the Dali LlamaFuck the rain forest, fuck a Forrest GumpYou probably like it in the rumpFuck a shoe pump, fuck the real deal and fuck all the fakesFuck all fifty two states! Oooo, and fuck youIf I only could I"d set the world on fireSya fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireFuck em all! (Fuck em all!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireSya fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireFuck em all! (Fuck em all!)Fuck Oprah, fuck opera, fuck a soap operaFuck a pop locker and a cock blockerFuck your girlfriend, I probably did her alreadyFuck Kyle and his brother Tom Petty, Jump SteadyMy homie, fuck him, what are you gonna do?(Fuck that bitch, fuck you!) Yeah well fuck you tooDon"t bother tryin to analyze these rhymesIn this song I say fuck ninety three timesFuck the president, fuck your welfareFuck your government and fuck Fred BearFuck Nugent, like anybody gives a fuckYou like to hunt a lot, so fuckin what?!Fuck disco, Count of Monte CriscoFuck Cisco, and Jack and Jerry BriscoAnd fuck everyone who went down with the Titanic, in a panicI"m like fuck you, AHHHHH!!!!If I only could I"d set the world on fireSya fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireFuck em all! (Fuck em all!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireSya fuck the world! (Fuck the world!)If I only could I"d set the world on fireFuck em all! (Fuck em all!)Fuck Celine Dion and fuck Dionne WarwickYou both make me sick, suck my dickFuck the Berlin Wall, both sides of itAnd fuck Lyle Lovett, whoever the fuck that isFuck everybody in the hemisphereFuck them across the world, and fuck them right hereYou know the guy that operates the Rouge River draw bridge inDelray on Jefferson? FUCK HIM!Fuck your idea, fuck your gonnorehaFuck your diarrhea, Rocky MaiviaFuck your wife, your homie did, he"s fuckin youFuck the police and the 5-0 tooFuck Spin, Rolling Stone, and fuck VibeFuck everybody insideWhoever"s on the cover, fuck his motherFuck your little brother"s homie from around the wayAnd fuck Violent J!http://music.baidu.com/song/3476104

futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?


futaba遥控器的end point代表什么意思?


VB语言中Declare Function outpot Lib…………

Declare Function outpot Lib "c:zzfmydll" Alias "OUTDATA" (ByVal addr1%, ByVal odata%) As Integer我就以这一个讲一下吧!这个是引用dll的声明方法Declare 声明 ,关键字function :是一个函数outpot :是你调用时用的名字,可以自己定义Lib 关键字 ,后面是dll文件的路径 ,查找方法是 ,如果是绝对路径,直接查找,如果只有文件名 查找顺序为:程序所在目录-->系统目标/window ----> system --> system32Alias 关键字 后面 OUTDATA,为dll内存放的名字,不能改后面 addr1 odata 就是两个参数 ,按值传递 integer 型 返回类型 integer 呵呵 应该能明白吧!

阅读理解答案 lt was abeautiful morning that summer day.

这是一个美丽的早晨,夏季的一天,我的一切,我巧妙地包装我的一大堆东西,需要放进我的小绿车,然后开车到劳伦斯维尔附近.今天是我将进入大学的第一天。我看了看回我最后一次新房子,知道生活将不会同过去一样,从家里搬走牵涉到很多一大步的收益和损失的。 抵达大学当天,我了解已经失去了很多东西。首先,我失去了我的父母;指导下我把所有我最后的生命。那舒适和家人的支持不会有像以前一样多。例如,当我生病了我的妈妈煮给我一些热汤和照顾。现在,我将不得不为自己照顾。另外,我从小就离开了我最亲密的一些朋友。他们中许多人选择去不同的大学。这是很难与朋友保持联系谁是遥远的。我会想念那夜晚所有的女孩子们聚在一起,谈论他们的生活正在发生的事。在最后,我发现我失去了我的家乡。我曾住在附近的大商场和一些电影院。在这里大学我觉得好像我在乡下。我找不到这些任何大的商店在劳伦斯维尔。也许,随着时间的推移,我会开始喜欢移动。 现在,我在大学数个星期了,我发现这是一个不那么糟糕,因为我认为这将是我已经获得了来自乔治亚州各地的新朋友,谁知道,也许他们成为我最亲密的一些朋友。我们大家都一起上课,去到相同的当事地方。第二,我已经能够变得更加独立。例如,我曾经需要人陪在身边,无论我去了那,但在这里我和我周围的环境感到很舒服,我有时想自己在这里走走。最后,我学会了更多的为自己的行为负责。我知道功课总是第一个开始,我的社交生活必须等待,直到我所有的功课完成后。

they are laving lots of fun啥意思?

They are having a lot of fun.他们正玩得很开心。现在进行时态,have的现在分词是having固定用法 have fun玩得开心


unforgettable 英 [u02ccu028cnfu0259u02c8getu0259bl] 美 [u02ccu028cnfu0259ru02c8getu0259bl] adj. 难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的; 全部释义>> [例句]Who forgets the unforgettable?谁能忘记无法忘记的人?更多例句>> unforgetful难忘

unforgetful存在么 我记得是unforgettable才对丫

unforgetful 是存在的,意思是难忘的 unforgettable 意思是难忘的;铭刻肺腑的 两个词都存在,而且是近义词,同义词.



有一首伦巴舞曲,是英文女声,里面有一句好像是i know was beautiful,是什么歌曲?

Carly Rae Jepsen - BeautifulHello, I know it"s been a whileI wonder where you are, and if you think of meSometimes, cause you"re always on my mindYou know I had it rough, trying to forget you butThe more that I look around, the more I realizeYou"re all i"m looking forWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, I could say them now, yeahJust friends, the beginning or the endHow do we make senseWhen we"re on our ownIt"s like you"re the other half of meI feel incomplete, I should have knownNothing in the world compares to the feelings that we shareIt"s so not fairWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meYou try to take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, it"s not you, blame it all on meI was running from myselfCause I couldn"t tell how deep that weWe were gonna beI was scared, it"s destiny, but it hurts like hellHope it"s not too late, just a twist of fateWhat makes you so beautiful, is you don"t know how beautiful you are to meYou"re not trying to be perfectNobody"s perfect, but you are, to meIt"s how you take my breath awayFeel the words that I don"t sayI wish somehow, I could say them nowOh, oh, I could say them now, mmm


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