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英语disperse throughout with your finger怎么翻译?

with your fibnger tip with使用,your你的,finger手指,tip尖端,末端。用你的指尖。希望回答能够帮助到你。



单元测试如何Mock final类

在Mockito的旧版本中,是无法mock被final修饰的类或者方法的。强行mock会报如下错误: 在新版本中Mockito可以通过追加配置的方式实现final类的mock,实现如下: 在src/test/resources下追加文件:

Mock Final方法和类

有时候写了一个final的类,但是又需要进行单元测试。直接使用Mockito一直报错,要怎么做呢? 在Mockito 2.1.0的时候,提供了Mock final的类和方法,在2.1.0的版本时,Mock Final是可选的特性,需要进行配置。有两种方式: 方式一: 1 在test的resources目录下,创建mockito-extensions目录 2 在mockito-extensions目录下,创建org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker文件。 3 在org.mockito.plugins.MockMaker文件中加上一行 mock-maker-inline 方式二: 直接引入mockito-inline的maven依赖 1 新建一个final的类和方法 2 使用Mockito进行Mock 3 查看效果 4 配置支持Final的类和方法 5 再次查看效果 对于Final的类,Mockito只能操作JDK9以下的版本,如果想要支持Java 9以上的版本,还需要手动配置 Byte Buddy Java agent jar 。使用 -javaagent 关于如何模拟Final的Class和method实现细节在 InlineByteBuddyMockMaker 类中,感兴趣的可以看一下。 主要说明了如何使用Mockito Mock Final的类和方法。 参考:


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vi finder hjem歌词翻译

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home. 如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家 If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home. 如果你跟了一颗错的星星而行 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home. 如果明亮的光线使你双眼再也看不见 我的爱能把你带回家 If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home. 如果你的烦恼阻碍你迈大步走 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home. 如果你觉得羞愧 我的爱会把你带回家 If its only you to blame, my love will get you home. 如果只有你应被责怪 我的爱会把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 Re:If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 ...

求vi finder hjem的歌词翻译

If you wander off too far, my love will get you home. 如果你流浪 走得太远 我的爱能把你带回家 If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home. 如果你跟了一颗错的星星而行 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home. 如果明亮的光线使你双眼再也看不见 我的爱能把你带回家 If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home. 如果你的烦恼阻碍你迈大步走 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home. 如果你觉得羞愧 我的爱会把你带回家 If its only you to blame, my love will get you home. 如果只有你应被责怪 我的爱会把你带回家 If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 Re:If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, 如果你发现自己迷失了 正感到孤单 get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. 请你回过神来想想我 因为我的爱会把你带回家 Boy, my love will get you home. 男孩 我的爱能把你带回家 ...

我想问一下"Keep you hair across."同"Keep you finger across."


crossing my fingers是什么意思


cross my fingers.是什么意思


first fingers什么意思



一、finger读音:英 ["fu026au014bɡu0259(r)]美 ["fu026au014bɡu0259r]    二、意思是:指,手指(大拇指以外的手指),指部;指针指状物;一指之宽,一指粗的深度,一中指之长套手指部分;狭长物三、词汇搭配:have a finger in the pie 参与某事;hurt one"s finger 弄伤手指ink one"s fingers 用墨水弄脏手指;keep one"s fingers crossed 祝福四、例句:She fingered the rich silk.她抚摸着华丽的丝绒。

知道一句歌词I will keep my fingers crossed for you,May God give you happiness。想知道歌名字,谢谢

TV Makes The Superstar——Modern TalkingYou"ll take your chance, to be the oneAnd anything a possible, if you are strong, oh yeahSometimes you"re up, sometimes you"re downBut you feel it in you heart, you can"t go wrongYou are so nervous, just every single dayHere a voice from heaven, you"ll find your way, ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youDon"t be so sad, you"re not the oneThere"s another chance for you, keep holing on, oh yeahJust take your time and you will seeYou can win it if you want, oh just like meYou need something to live for, every single dayu200dI"ll keep my fingers crossedu200d, you"ll find your way, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks it TV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youOne - Two - Three - Four - TV makes it, TV even breaks it - ohTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar where ever you are, oh yeahTV makes it, TV even breaks itTV makes the superstar, sometimes it"s so hardTV makes a star, makes a superstar, shows you crazy lifeTV takes you hight and takes you low, will your hope survive?TV makes a star, a superstar and it makes your dream come trueTV makes you laugh and makes you cry, do it just for youTV makes it, TV even breaks it

sofina苏菲娜隔离霜日版和台版区别 适合年龄

sofina苏菲娜隔离霜产品近年来在国内也开始混的风声水起,国内用户好评度也一再提升,但是对于sofina苏菲娜的台版与日版区别却一直不大明白 ,同时适合哪些年龄段也并不大清楚,下面我们就一起看看sofina苏菲娜隔离霜日版和台版区别在哪里。苏菲娜隔离霜日台版区别 日版更像润肤,遮瑕效果几乎没有,日版控油很棒 ,台版遮瑕很好, 很自然 ,前期补水要做好否则会有点干 ,油皮真爱。台版有轻微润色,日版无润色。日版质地清爽。。其实台版感觉就是日版在湾湾一个低端,但大家都说效果差不多,我准备入一个台版,现在台湾sofina打折8.5折。 台湾版属于开价,所以价格比较美好。日版无润色作用,纯粹妆前。台版适应中国人需要,有润色作用,类似隔离。我买的台版,经常懒懒的直接涂完就扑点腮红 散粉就出门,有提气色,控油不错,当然我坐标广州估计夏天还是hold不住,重点不会暗沉,推荐。 若硬要说二者的差别,首先就是价格上,Ange的售价可爱亲民许多。另外Ange号称专为台湾市场所开发,对於潮湿闷热的台湾气候特别下了功夫,而会买Ange产品的多是年轻女性(年轻肌肤易出油状况)居多,整个品牌产品线几乎一面倒都是强调控油,所以Ange旗下两支隔离,控油的那支一直都卖得比保湿那支来得好。 相较之下Primavista从一开始就是针对日本国内市场所推出的,在控油与保湿上相对是均衡,并无特别偏向某一边。 花王Sofina的策略其实蛮明显的,就是拿台湾市场练兵,未来东协经济一旦成熟,花王随时可以把Ange拉出去打东协市场。 SOFINA两个版本的隔离对比左边专柜版,右边开架版,可以看出专柜版的液体偏黄,略稠,开架版的液体偏粉,略稀 两款控油都非常好,专柜版的持久度高一些(据说专柜版10小时控油,开架版的8小时)但是只有SPF20,开架版的有SPF25

I will cross my fingers是什么含义


cross my fingers是什么意思

cross one"s fingers或keep one"s fingers crossed。Cross one"s fingers. 即把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状。十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross one"s fingers有‘祝福"、‘祈求好运"的意思,例如:I am crossing my fingers that nothing untoward will happen to him.(我祈求不幸的事不会降临他身上)。Keep your fingers crossed for him. 即‘为他祝福吧"


没有什么区别,功效都一样 ,只不过产地是他们的区别

cross your fingers 是什么意思

cross your fingers交叉手指祈祷好运

let finger cross是什么意思

snowsnowy 对啦!

Let's keep our fingers crossed

"Keep Fingers Crossed" 系一句西方谚语/俗语或一种民间嘅迷信文化 系有"Good Luck" 嘅意思. 手势系将中指叠过食指上面. 例句: "I wonder the project we submitted to the teacher will get an A-grade" "Let"s keep our fingers crossed." meltmagazine/15_2002/page4 图片参考:thm-a01.yimg/nimage/830437209a233404 fingers crossed me good luck so it me wish you good luck or wish yourself luck 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! ]Let"s keep our fingers crossed] me: Let"s wait and hope for good oute. *KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED -- From "Random House Dictionary of Popular Proverbs and Sayings" by Gregory Y. Titelman: "Hope for success. The saying derives from the superstition that bad luck may be averted by making the sign of the cross. Originated in the 1920s." 参考: Random House Dictionary

keep my fingers crossed是什么意思

keep my fingers crossed 就是左手握右手,十指交叉。为成功祈祷,也可以用做为某人祝福。 I WILL KEEP MY FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU。 我会为你祝福的

keep my fingers crossed是什么意思

keep my fingers crossed 让我的手指交叉

keep fingers crossed是什么意思

keep fingers crossed交叉手指; 乞求某事成功双语例句1. Let"s just keep our fingers crossed that he is not too bad. 让我们祝愿祷告,希望他不是太坏就好.来自《简明英汉词典》2. Good luck! We"ll keep our fingers crossed for you. 祝你好运! 我们将为你祈祷.如有疑问,请追问!

cross your fingers 是什么意思

cross one"s fingers或keep one"s fingers crossed。Cross one"s fingers. 即把中指放在食指上,作有点像十字架的交叉状。十字架在西方代表上帝,所以cross one"s fingers有‘祝福"、‘祈求好运"的意思,例如:I am crossing my fingers that nothing untoward will happen to him.(我祈求不幸的事不会降临他身上)。Keep your fingers crossed for him. 即‘为他祝福吧"

keep your fingers crossed的另外意思

意思是 为他祝福吧

cross fingers什么意思

cross our fingers 的意思是“我们祝福(某人)”。这是英语中一个常用的祝福表达方式,也作 keep our fingers crossed。在不同的语境中也可表达“祝走运”、“祝成功”、“祝顺利”等等。Crossed fingers(语言表达为 to cross one"s fingers)最早是带有宗教意味的一个手势:将中指与食指交叉,食指在前中指在后,所表达的意思是 May God bless。16世纪时,英国人中间开始流传用这个手势来阻止邪恶的出现以保护自己。后来在别人打喷嚏、咳嗽时也用这个手势,意思是“上帝保佑”、“百病不侵”。现在,这个手势和语言形式延用到上述祝福性的表达。其它原始的语义也仍在使用。

老外如果cross finger 代表什么意思

魂牵梦萦说的对在《楚门的世界》里 楚门发现结婚照里面妻子cross finger,对他世界的真实性感到更加怀疑和诧异

cross finger是什么意思?


keep my fingers crossed是什么意思


Fingers crossed for good luck 是什么意思?


什么意思:keep your fingers crossed


fingers crossed that this will come through 是什么意思????

fingers crossed(表示 上帝保佑之类的意思)整句: 期望this(上句话的的事)能变好(直翻就是 过来).

fingers crossed回答

fingers 是复数,最少2只以上. 这句话的翻译: 1、十指紧扣! 2、让我们保持手指紧扣.

fingers crossed什么意思

fingers crossedn.乞求好运网络祈愿








plist文件用记事本打开方法如下: 打开系统记事本程序: 输入System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe") 用记事本程序打开一个txt文件: 例如在D盘的【abc.txt】文件,传入文件的路径参数即可,如下: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe", "D:\a.txt");

用所给词的正确形式填空。 The work is too hard ( ) finish.

The work is too hard tu finish.



we find cats endlessly fascinating,请问3个问题:1. fascinate为什么要用ing形式?

前半句是 主谓宾+宾补 结构。fascinating是形容词,做cats的宾补。意思是:迷人的,可爱的。


(1) Friends - Elton John I hope the day will be a lighter highway For friends are found on every road Can you ever think of any better way For the lost and weary travellers to go Making friends for the world to see Let the people know you got what you need With a friend at hand you will see the light If your friends are there then everything"s all right It seems to me a crime that we should age These fragile times should never slip us by A time you never can or shall erase As friends together watch their childhood fly (2) Friends to Go - Paul McCartney I"ve been waitin on the other side for your friends to leave So I don"t have to hide I prefer they didnt know So I"ve been waiting on the other side for your friends to go I"ve been sliding down a slippery slope I"ve been climbing Up a slowly burning rope but the flame is getting low I"ve been waitin" on the other side for your friends to go You never need to worry about me I"ll be fine on my own Someone else can worry about me I"ve spent alot of time on my own I"ve spent alot of time on my own I"ve been waitin till the danger past I don"t know How long the storm is gonna to last if we"re gonna carry on I"ll been waiting on the other side till your friends are gone So tell me what I wanna know I"ll be waiting on the other side for your friends to go [Solo] Someone else can worry about me I"ve spent alot of time on my own I"ve spent alot of time on my own Taken from OldieLyrics I"ve been waiting on the other side For your friends to leave so I don"t have to hide I prefer they didnt know So I"ve been waiting on the other side for your friends to go I"ve been waiting on the other side (3) Friends Will Be Friends - Queen Another red letter day So the pound has dropped and the children are creating The other half ran away Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber Got a pain in the chest Doctors on strike what you need is a rest. It"s not easy love but you"ve got friends you can trust Friends will be friends When you"re in need of love they give you care and attention Friends will be friends When you"re through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end. Now it"s a beautiful day The postman delivered a letter from your lover Only a phone call away You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number As a matter of fact You"re getting used to life without him in your way. It"s so easy now cos you got friends you can trust Friends will be friends When you"re in need of love they give you care and attention Friends will be friends When you"re through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end. It"s so easy now cos you got friends you can trust Friends will be friends When you"re in need of love they give you care and attention Friends will be friends When you"re through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand cos friends will be friends right till the end. Friends will be friends When you"re in need of love they give you care and attention Friends will be friends When you"re through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand cos right till the end - Friends will be friends. 参考: absolutelyrics/ Today To- day while the blossoms still cling to the vine I"ll taste your strawberries and I"ll drink your sweet wine A million tomorrow shall all pass away ere I fet all the joy that is mine today I"ll be a dandy and I"ll be a rover You"ll know who I am by the song that I sing I"ll feast at your table and I"ll sleep in your clover Who cares what tomorrow shall bring I can"t be contented with yesterday"s glory I can"t live on promises winter to spring Today is my moment and right now is my story I"ll laugh and I"ll cry and I"ll sing SHINING FRIENDS *A little faith Brightens a rainy day  Life is difficult you can"t go away  Don"t hide yourselves in the corner  You have my place to stay  Sorrow is gonna say goodbye  Opens up You"ll see the happy sunshine  Keep going on with your dream  Chasing tomorrow"s sunrise  The spirit can never die  Sun will shine my friend  Won"t let you cry my dear  Seeing you shed a tear  Make my world disappear  You"ll never be alone in darkness  See my *** ile my friend  We are with you holding hands  You have got to believe  You are my destiny  We"ve meant to be your friends  That"s what a friend should be* REPEAT*

Finally和till the end之间的区别?

finally一般单独使用till the end经常与of搭配,后面接名词,也可单独使用。

We will keep going.We will finish what we started的中文意思是什么?

我们将继续前进,我们将完成我们已经开始的工作。奥巴马演讲里有类似的句子。句子结构We 主语willkeep谓语动词 going动名词补语 We主语 willfinish 谓语动词 whatwestarted宾语从句

When I Find 歌词

歌曲名:When I Find 歌手:Frederic Lorian专辑:Winter SPA, Vol. 2When I need yaWhen I need loveI just close my love and Im with youYoure only a heartbeat awayWhen I need youI just close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give youIts only a heart beat awayWhen I need loveI hold out my hands and I touch loveI never knew there was so much loveKeeping me warm night and dayMiles and miles of empty space in between usA telephone cant take the place of your smileBut you know I wont be traveling foreverIts cold out, but hold out and do like I doWhen I need youI just close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give you babeIts only a heartbeat awayIts not easy when the road is your driverHoney, thats a heavy load that we bearBut you know I wont be traveling a lifetimeIts cold out but hold out and do like I doWhen I need loveI hold out my hands and I touch loveI never knew there was so much loveKeeping me warm night and dayWhen I need youJust close my eyes and Im with youAnd all that I so want to give you


FingerprintsVoted most likely to end up on the back ok a milk box drinkLooks like I""m letting them downCause seven, seventy-five isn""t worthand hour of my hard work and timeWhen you cant afford half the shit they advertiseOhh I""m worth more then they askmore then the two-tag generation full of regretOhh I won""t settle no, ohh I can""t settleI wanna break the mold,I wanna break the stereotypeFist in the air I""m not going down with out a fightEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprints on youRepresenting you and meDon""t you wanna go down in history?Rather then end up begging on the streetsTrading under table favors for a place to sleepCause I""m worth more then thisso stop writing prescriptions for my RitalinI can""t focus my attentionI wanna break the mold,I wanna break the stereotypeFist in the air I""m not going down with out a fightEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsDon""t give upDon""t give inBecause your arms on the rockOhh I""m not innocent, innocent, innocent, innocentEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meEffortless and I""m sitting on the sidelines watchingIt pass my by I""m leaving you my legacyI gotta make my markI gotta run it hardI want you to remember meCause I""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprintsI""m leaving my fingerprints, in the end赞成票最有可能最终在后面OK了喝牛奶盒看起来像I""m让他们失望原因七,七五没有微软的价值我的努力和时间的工作和时间当你不能负担一半的狗屎他们做广告哦I""m更值钱然后他们问超过两标记一代充满遗憾哦我不会觉得一丝不解决,呜呜呜我不能收我想打破模具,我要打破刻板印象拳头在空中我不是去打倒了战斗轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我I""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹I""m离开你我的指纹代表你和我难道你要载入史册?而不是最终在街头乞讨下表贸易有利于为一个睡觉的地方更值钱的原因I""m那么这所以,别再为我写处方利他林我不能集中注意力我想打破模具,我要打破刻板印象拳头在空中我不是去打倒了战斗轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我I""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹不要放弃不要让步因为你的手臂在岩石上哦我不是无辜的,天真,天真,无辜轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我轻松和I""m坐在场边观看它经过I""m我离开你我的遗产我得做我的商标我得走了难我要你记得我留下我的指纹原因I""mI""m留下我的指纹I""m留下我的指纹,最后

VBA求问这段代码的意思mrow1 = Range("A:A").Find(TextBox1.Value).Row


英国Financial Times如何免费

.....这是份报纸啊= =楼主,.你是不是误会了什么啊??

请问沈阳可以订购Financial Times(英国)吗?价格是多少?多长时间来一期?谢谢!

太原街北头的外文书店 你打114查一下他的办公电话 问一下 那要是没有 你就死了心吧 祝你好运

i like sweet coffee with a choco muffin time是什么意思


Kiks,Yoghurt,Hazelnuts,Cornflakes,fine milk chocolate,praline,分别什么意思。

哈哈 楼主肯定买了一堆 ritter sport 巧克力

Eamon的《finally》 歌词

歌曲名:finally歌手:Eamon专辑:i don"t want you backWake up and I"m feelin right, hop outta bed and I grab a bite, break up a fatty and roll itTight, thinkin what I"m gonna do tonightKnew that she was feelin me, and I was feelin her like xtasy, next thing you know she wasNext to me, by the morning time shes sexin meSee finally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been smokinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been fuckinCheck the mailbox and I got my check, sit back relax as I sip my Becks think about all the shit ICan getsSo I spend and spend til I think I"m setHit the club and I"m feelin nice, let me get the bottles and the ice, when I come through youKnow staten types, everyone I brought gets laid tonightFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been livinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been drinkinAnd so the day has come just as quick the day goes by I still know I gotta try leave theBullshit far behind, even if that feelins lost, I"ll make sure that it was found on myGrounds, I"ll be crowned, ain"t goin downFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been fuckinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been livinEverytime you see me I"ll be smilin, with my boys on staten island, phillys and lots aChicks, we havin fun tonightEverytime you see me I"ll be smilin, with my boys on staten island, phillys and lots a licks,We fucked up feelin rightFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been smokinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been drinkinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been fuckinFinally I can say everything today is gone my wayNo problems, no hassles I been livinSmokin, drinkin, livin, laughin, fuckin, buggin, lovin, singin, spendin, chillin


mul(1+2,3-4,5)宏展开,即1+2-(3-4*5)显然值为 20

The Muffin Man歌词

have you seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man have you seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man yes we"ve seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.have you seen the post man the post man,the post man have you seen the post man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man yes we"ve seen the post man who lives in drury lane.

The Muffin Man (Toddler Toons Music Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man (Toddler Toons Music Album Version)歌手:Thingamakid专辑:Toddler Toons MusicHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Jazz For Kids: Sing, Clap, Wiggle, And ShakeHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Kidzup Production Inc&Kidzup Children"s Music专辑:The Top 30 Toddler SongsHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Twins专辑:Singing In The Twins WonderlandHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.

The Muffin Man 歌词

歌曲名:The Muffin Man歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Miss Ella"S PlayhouseHave you seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManHave you seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Manthe Muffin Man,the Muffin ManYes we"ve seen the Muffin ManWho lives in Drury Lane.Have you seen the post manthe post man,the post manHave you seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.Yes we"ve seen the post manthe post man,the post manYes we"ve seen the post manWho lives in Drury Lane.

muffin man中英文歌词

在他们谎言的沙漠里 我们不会再相信他们了 我们不会误入歧途 我们不以为耻 从这下来吧我的朋友有一个机会,我知道,充满了雨水 洗净你隐藏的眼泪 恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 你不再需要隐藏它了你可以放心感受 我不必告诉你你是谁 你是一个明星,一个明星 我的朋友快下来,我知道这就是生活,我们得不得不去经历 洗净你隐藏的眼泪 恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 洗净你隐藏的眼泪恐惧将会逐渐消退 你应该尝试,你应该尝试 用任何你可以做到的方法改变它 韵率像松饼人一样你应该尝试,你应该尝试 每当我看到你的脸 你用愚蠢的眼神看着我 所有人稍安毋躁 不要相信他们说什么 每个人今晚都在 所以,你应该尝试</p>

英文儿歌《The Muffin Man》歌词

  Have you seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Have you seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Have you seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Yes we"ve seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Have you seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man   Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Have you seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Have you seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Yes we"ve seen the post man   the post man,the post man   Yes we"ve seen the post man   Who lives in Drury Lane.   Who lives in Drury Lane. 英文儿歌《The Muffin Man》歌词


The Muffin Man 是英美国家一首经典童谣,歌词简单,曲调欢快。陈奕迅的Muffin Man里的歌词“Rhyme it like the Muffin Man”,这句话直译的话是指:就像给The Muffin Man谱曲作词一样简单,歌里的意思指只要勇于面对和尝试,击败心中的恐惧其实就像给儿歌谱曲作词一样简单。


 Muffin Man   词:Adrian Fu   曲:Adrian Fu   Paging all my people who are hurt   寻呼所有受伤的人   In the desert of their lies   在沙漠中的谎言   We won"t take this from them anymore   我们不会再与他们重蹈覆辙   We"re not astray   我们不会误入歧途   We"re not ashamed   我们不羞愧   Come on down my friend from here   来吧我的朋友在这里   There"s a chance, I know, of rain   有机会的话,我知道,雨   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   You don"t need to hide it anymore   你不需要躲藏了   It"s OK, you can feel   好吧,你可以感受到   I don"t have to tell you who you are   我不会告诉你你是谁   You"re a star, you"re a star   你是一个明星,你是一个明星   Come on down my friend, I know   来吧我的朋友,我知道   This is life, and we"ve got to go   这就是生活,我们得走了   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Wash those tears you have inside   洗那些你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   韵像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Every time I see your face   每次我看到你的脸   You look at me with foolish eyes   你看我的眼睛   Everybody hold your horses   每个人都握住你的马匹   Don"t believe in what they say   不相信他们所说的   Everyone is here tonight   每个人今晚在这里   So you should try   所以你应该尝试

muffin man歌词

have you seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man have you seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the muffin man the muffin man,the muffin man yes we"ve seen the muffin man who lives in drury lane.have you seen the post man the post man,the post man have you seen the post man who lives in drury lane.yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man yes we"ve seen the post man who lives in drury lane.

陈奕迅Muffin man歌词翻译

Paging all my people who are hurt   寻呼所有受伤的人   In the desert of their lies   在沙漠中的谎言   We won"t take this from them anymore   我们不会再与他们重蹈覆辙   We"re not astray   我们不会误入歧途   We"re not ashamed   我们不羞愧   Come on down my friend from here   来吧我的朋友在这里   There"s a chance, I know, of rain   有机会的话,我知道,雨   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试  You don"t need to hide it anymore   你不需要躲藏了   It"s OK, you can feel   好吧,你可以感受到   I don"t have to tell you who you are   我不会告诉你你是谁   You"re a star, you"re a star   你是一个明星,你是一个明星   Come on down my friend, I know   来吧我的朋友,我知道   This is life, and we"ve got to go   这就是生活,我们得走了   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Wash those tears you have inside   抹下你的眼泪   It"s a fear, it will subside   这是一个恐惧,它就会消失   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Change it any way you can   你可以改变它的一切方式   Rhyme it like the Muffin Man   就像松饼人   You should try, you should try   你应该试试,你应该试试   Every time I see your face   每次我看到你的脸   You look at me with foolish eyes   你看我的眼睛   Everybody hold your horses   每个人都握住你的马匹(不要急,慢慢来)   Don"t believe in what they say   不相信他们所说的   Everyone is here tonight   每个人今晚在这里   So you should try   所以你应该尝试

Before Monica made an honest man out of him ,he used to be my muffin!make out of怎么解释?

make an honest man out of sb.和sb.订婚

求陈奕迅muffin man中文版歌词 谁有啊?

Paging all my people who are hurtIn the desert of their liesWe won"t take this from them anymoreWe"re not astrayWe"re not ashamedCome on down my friend from hereThere"s a chance, I know, of rainWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryYou don"t need to hide it anymoreIt"s OK, you can feelI don"t have to tell you who you areYou"re a star, you"re a starCome on down my friend, I knowThis is life, and we"ve got to goWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryEvery time I see your faceYou look at me with foolish eyesEverybody hold your horsesDon"t believe in what they sayEveryone is here tonightSo you should try

求陈奕迅新歌 Muffin Man的英文歌词和中文意思对照 全部!

呼叫那些受伤的人 在他们的谎言沙漠我们不会再重蹈覆辙 我们不是迷路了 我们并不感到羞愧我的朋友从这里失败 这是一个机会 我知道 雨洗刷了你内心的泪水它是一种恐惧 它将会逐渐减退 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你可以以任何方式改变它 押韵以后 就像松饼人 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你不必隐藏它 情况很好 你可以感觉得到 你是一颗星星 你是一颗星星来吧我的朋友 我知道 这就是生活我们一定会洗去你内心的泪水 它是一种恐惧 它将会逐渐减退 你应该试一试 你应该试一试你可以以任何方式改变它 押韵以后 就像松饼人次看到你的脸 你愚昧的眼睛看着我 每个人都认为你愚笨 他们说什么不要相信 今晚每个人都在 你应该试一试

muffin man的故事背景

Have you seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the post man the post man,the post man Have you seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man Yes we"ve seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Have you seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man the Muffin Man,the Muffin Man Yes we"ve seen the Muffin Man Who lives in Drury Lane. Have you seen the post man the post man,the post man Have you seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. Yes we"ve seen the post man the post man,the post man Yes we"ve seen the post man Who lives in Drury Lane. OverOh, do you know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, do you know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane? Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, yes, I know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. Oh, two of us know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Oh, two of us know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. A few of us know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, A few of us know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane. Now we all know the muffin man, The muffin man, the muffin man, Now we all know the muffin man, Who lives in Drury Lane.

muffin man什么意思


Muffin Man(英) 歌词

歌曲名:Muffin Man(英)歌手:陈奕迅专辑:?Muffin Man(英)词:Adrian Fu 曲:Adrian FuPaging all my people who are hurtIn the desert of their liesWe won"t take this from them anymoreWe"re not astrayWe"re not ashamedCome on down my friend from hereThere"s a chance, I know, of rainWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryYou don"t need to hide it anymoreIt"s OK, you can feelI don"t have to tell you who you areYou"re a star, you"re a starCome on down my friend, I knowThis is life, and we"ve got to goWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryWash those tears you have insideIt"s a fear, it will subsideYou should try, you should tryChange it any way you canRhyme it like the Muffin ManYou should try, you should tryEvery time I see your faceYou look at me with foolish eyesEverybody hold your horsesDon"t believe in what they sayEveryone is here tonightSo you should try那些让你死去活来的女孩词:黄伟文 曲:Adrian Fu看你气冲冲的走进来对着吧台 发着呆我就知道你的心情坏不用猜 为了女孩这夜幸好有我在教你早一点看开那些让你徘徊在水深火热的恋爱You Should TryYou Should Try那些让你浮沉在死去活来的女孩You Should TryYou Should Try你会有段时间难释怀我明白 我明白可是这是套餐分不开虽悲哀 也精彩下面这句话厉害请你好好记下来那些让你徘徊在水深火热的恋爱You Should TryYou Should Try那些让你浮沉在死去活来的女孩You Should TryYou Should Try如果一点点失败让你未来更可爱You Should TryYou Should Try多少恋爱的天才也是这样练出来You Should TryYou Should Try没有经历错的爱情歌怎样写出来没有碰过些狠女孩心酸怎样唱出来不想生命太空白You Should Try

Muffin Man是什么含义?


儿歌do you know the muffin man什么意思


在国外,“the muffin man”有什么特殊含义吗?

“the muffin man”:是指那些很“软”的比如黄油等,特殊含义是:指像那些很容易被别人欺负的人。“the muffin man”解释:muffin英u02c8mu028cfu026an美u02c8mu028cfu026ann.玛芬,涂牛油趁热吃的英格兰松饼。黄油Butter是用牛奶加工出来的,把新鲜牛奶加以搅拌之后上层的浓稠状物体滤去部分水分之后的产物。主要用作调味品,营养丰富但含脂量很高,所以不要过分食用。 公元前5世纪,中国的匈奴人就已经因为以牧业为主,奶制品各种制作技术成熟并传播国内外。外国人称为黄油,就是中国人称为奶油的奶中炼制食用油品。匈奴人是世界上最早加工食用黄油的民族。软,跟硬相对,原意物体内部的组织疏松,受外力作用后,容易改变形状,如柔软。也引申为柔和,软弱,能力差、质量差,容易被感动或动摇的意思。如柔风,欺软怕硬,货色弱,耳朵软。欧洲西部濒大西洋地区和附近岛屿,包括英国、爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、法国和摩纳哥。中欧指波罗的海以南、阿尔卑斯山脉以北的欧洲中部地区。包括波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、德国、奥地利、瑞士、列支敦士登。

陈奕迅新歌muffin man什么意思


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discover强调新的、重大的、科学上的发现,指发现原来就有而一直没被发现;find 多指一般的、平时的发现,可以理解为指找,寻找的过程,并不强调发现 . find 和 found 的区别:find 找到,发现-- found (过去式), found(过去分词);found 建造,创立 -- founded(过去式), founded(过去分词) 这样可以了吗?
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